The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 16, 1905, Image 5

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, . ... : T-
ioitioktb AMVfssaxn.-
' . Mareaani tiranl,....
(IubMi ,,
'TU4 ......
Mtar ,
" Baker
"Un Caraar P IUmd"
...,..... ."Que Vadla"
..... ..."lowe- Uim"
......,...., ,V.fc.llla
Seeking, bar 40-year-old ton wh Is
Mid f have dartei bar. Mr. Isabella
Woolaey, to years of ago. reached Port
land yesterday and waa taken In charge
by Pol Ire Sergeant Slover. The woman
'la a cripple and destitute. Her son bad
'a lime kiln Bear Holbrook; be waa ar
rested recently on a vagrancy' charge
"whirs In this, -city an k) V-wu an
.Odd Fellow. Ho Is a "fin flend.' Four
weeks ago he left bla home and ha not
returned.. -Recently the neigh bora with
;whom the eld woman lived moved away,
L. J and. aha. started on a search for her
1 wandering boy Of. 6. -i, l..:. f
with which the Paciflo -coaat coal-bunk
era, at the foot of Oulmby street, have
been equipped waa made yesterday after-
. noon. and the machinery gave entlresat
. lxfuctton. It has" a capacity of-200 tons
an hour. --.A bis portion of the coal ban-
died by the company la brought from the
.sound by rail, and a switch laid from the
j main track to the bunkers haa room for
'eight earn., It la estimated that the ma
' chine will perforin the work of 1 1 or 1
'. men. i :.rvr- '-t -.- '
i Trck company No. I of the Bell wood
. volunteer Ore department has been
formed from - members - of former hose
, company No. ' 1. The two companies:
" will be united. to form the TolGnteer Ore
eparfment, and will be quartered .at
Flremeo'a hall.' The of doers elected for
the truck company are: .... Foreman.' M.
'.W. Akeynon; nrst ' assistant - foreman.
IW. C Splckelmler; second -assistant
foreman, w. Burnalde; secretary and
; treasurer,, Martin C. Larion.
Purses, pocketbooks, blllbooks, " wal
'' .'lets and leather novelties -of ' the latest
' land up-to-date styles and varieties-We
buy dlroct-fronr-the .factory in quan
'titles to secure the best dlncountavsnd
. icaa save you money on your purchase.
- beaidesgi vlng - you the selection : from
; one' of the largest assortments of
c leather goods .In the city. Albert Berni,
' 'the druggist. Second and,-Jashington.
""- " Mr. Cliff Child of" Des jlolnee. la. J
.who for so many years we with the
Cbarlea- Kabler Shea company, but re
cently with Boroala and Walkover Shoe
'company of. Omaha. Neb., Is now lo-
- to-tlUs city. wltA-Uta Knlght Shoe
company, corner Fifth and Washington
streets, and would be glad to. meet any
. Jlowa or Nabrseka' frlenda who now re-
wae in 1'ortiaDO
' Dr. Thomas W7 Barrett, one af Portt
'land's . widely known., physician haa
- been seriously"' 111 of pneumonia at his
home' since last Tburaday-and hlaj
... f rfada are - somewhat - alarmed. The
- doctot .waa 111 for two or three daya
: ' before he Anally gave up and went to
' ted. lie Is being attended by Dr. Holt
.Wllaon. . The patient passed a favorable
might, but was . reported this morning
. as a very sick man suu. - .- - - .
f-rf-erde'rghavs been Issued ? for P.- C
Anderson of the local police force .to
appear before the executive board, to
anawer charges of cruelty when, arrest
ing B. li Swaney. Swaney la said to
- have - been drunk, ; and bystanders - say
Anderson threw him . to the sidewalk
with such force as to render him un
oonsclotis tor five minute.
- , Principal John Teuscher of the St.
' Johns school district No. 3. reports the
condition of the school to be very proe-
perous, with a -total enrollment-of 4S,
and an average of II pupils to the room.
- This Is an Increase ot IS per cent over
last year. Probably two.nore rootajs
t -will hava to" be provided net year-
Connectlons "are ' belngmade " at the
ends of the new double track of the
Portland Consolidated railway across
.. Sullivan' gulch at Union avenue, and
, within a few daya the Union avenue
bridge will be open again, when the an
noyance caused by having only a single
track will cease.
Steamer '"Homer" ealls . from Couch
street dock for Coos Bay and EurekaY
Saturday. February It, .at I p. m.
Rites Coos Bay. cabin. $5.00: secomf
claas, IS.00; Eureka, cabin. $7.60; second-class.
15.00. F. P Baumgartned
agent. Main ,
' Professor . Eaton's dancing ' school.
' Classes Monday and Thursday evenings
at Arlon hall. Beginners taken at any
time. Six assistant teachers, .private
lessons dally at hall. " Spectators Invited.
.'Phone West SOU.
' Modern turmoil of life results In
"many nervous -disturbances. Take C
C. C Tonic . C C C Tonio cures ill ef
fects of too strenuous pursuit of busi
ness and pleasure. For sale by Knight
. Drug company. .'- .
The fine new steel steamer" Redondo
anJla direct' for-San Francisco Satur
day, February 18, at p. m. Cabin 1J,
Steerage S; meals and berths included.
C. H. Thompson, agent. III Third street.
' Dr. 'Walter T. Williamson ha"; re
moved temporarily-1-to-ll 7 Mohawk
building. ' Office hours, lo to 12 'a. m.
and 7 to S p.. m. Office Main 7, resi
dence East 177.--. ,: '
- B. aV S Homeopathic Cough and
Croup Syrup. A spec If lo for colds on
the chest' Keep It on hand for emer
gencies. . For sale by Knight Drug Co. ,
' Toung man, - you will And an adver
tisement In the classified columns to
: t J J -J-J
' " Every subject
In the
Holmes Business
College- his
money - seminar value, and the
courses of instruction promote th
highest Interests of. young, men
'"and women, -;.- ' -. v'
auw uomTatAaro.
Touuai srnrwaurxnk -
rmAOTzoAx. omammam.
Rend for
the handsome new
. '
r- o
riOints t j5i:tss ccutct
iu'.'.2$ AS AIDS DE 1 ?
f "kx - Flltchnr i Will', reprssent
- Two Oregon cltliena to- represent the
State at the ceremonies Installing Theo-ore-
Roosevelt as president of the
United Stares will be appointed by (Jen.
Adna R. ChaffeeT gnuid-jnarahalof the
parade. lie Jiaa. naked Governor Cham
berlain to suggest the .names of two men
who will be willing to attends The gov
ernor baa- recommended Mas Fleischner
of Portland, and has written, MJ"-4flelsol-ner
the following letter: ' '
Vl:hav, been requested by Xleut-Oen.
Adna R. Chaffee, grand marshal of the
Inaugural parade. Maj-ek i. ItOfi. to fur-
Max Fleischner.
nlsh hlm with the names -of -two gen'
tlemen to whom he may-tender the ap
pointment, with the understanding "that
they-will find It convenient an4 agree
able to be present on the occasion .named
for services as aides-de-camp. - . .
r "I am ' advised by Adjutant-General
Ftnser. that you will accept such appoint
ment, and tuMe pleasure In- advising you
that on - this suggestion your name haa
been forwarded to General Chaffee for
appointment Of course, tho state of.
Oregon does not assume any. of the ex-
pense of this trip. ". Trusting you may bo
able to attend the: inauguration parade.
I remain, your very- truly,
, .- : "fiwe is r-ii i vrtjB-tf.i.r-
day. that will.'! Interest yon.- -.An an
nouncement Is : made by - the Astor
house, a first-class bachelor's boarding
honee, - beautifully located at' Seventh
and Main streets, three blocks from the
Portland hotel, about Its newly fur
nished, electric and 'gas lighted rooms,
Its porcelain baths and. Jrat-class home
cooking. Rates very , reasonable and
will ,ru main the same next summer as
at present. Here Is a chance for gen
tlemen that are-looking for board and
room In a nice clean peramnent house.
There are a few vacant rooms It will
be well to investigate early.
Adelbert C. ' Zachary and C A. Wat
son.' employes of the Butte Creek Land,
Lumber A Jul veatock.: company, - Wheeler
county, who were indicted at the time
of the general presentment by the gov
ernment' against officers and locators of
the company, are to be arrested on bench
warrants unless they furnish bonds
soon. Bench warrants have been asked
by the district attorney, but have not
yet " been served. President W. W.
Stelwer, who furnished bonds for him
self and 'several officers Indicted. Is In
the city yet and la expected to give the
necessary guaranty for their appear
ance.. ,'
James Harold, a painter, had a nar
row escape from serious1 injury at Third
and Morrison streets this morning. The
awnlug In front of Rosenblatts store
broke and the wooden Support crashed
through-one of the large plate -glass
windows. Harold was looking at - the
window display and the awning In fall
ing passed within a few inches of his
head. Me wss struck by several pieces
of the falling glass but was not In
jured. - The glass destroyed wss valued
at MOO. rK r ' TfJ'-
fTnls afternoon W. R.. Truelock, who
Is accused of the postnfflce robbery at
Heppner, and Charles . Luke, tho Indian
charged with stealing a horse on the
Umatilla reservation, -will be asked to
plead before" Judge 'Bellinger on - the
presentments made by the' federal grand
Jury. . They are In" custody, as they are
unable torsive bonds.
The , heavy wind this "morning " broke
a large - plate glass , window- of cJam'l.
Rosenblatt Co.. the clothiers, at Third
and Morrison streets. In less than an
hour after the glass had .been broken
the pane had been replaced by the Mary
land Casualty company," with whom It
wa. insured. --;". (- '
William Wallace Graham will give a
violin pupils' recital tomorrow evening
at 1:10 o'clock In his studio at 7J Gli
san street-' The recital Is free.
B. ' &. Couth and Croup Syrup. Two
generations- have been brought up on It
As. good now as ever. ..prevents croup.
For sale by Knight Drug Co. " "' -
Woorward's. Dancing- academy, Burk-
hard's hall, Monday and Thursday. Ten
lessons for 15.00. Everest's orchestra, f
ln;the .first Tl days of tag collecting
$161,704 has been-received; against M4,
147 In the same period last year.-..
The' Journal.' dally -45o a month,' dally
and Sunday (to a month; delivered any.
where in Oregon City. :- "'. - vt -
..The Journal, dally 4o a month," daily
and Sunday 5o a month;.,dellvered any
where In Vanoowver. . i - .
8. H. Orubcr, lawyer, 17 Commercial
blk., will give prompt. ' efficient service.
'Ask y our : grocer, for Golden Cheddar.
KAXsTfcY rsmSOsTAX. '
Joseph Baaler of Pendleton .la a guest
at tho Imperial. ,
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Elngate of Tho
Dnlles are In the city.-.-
Ex-Secretary of Stats J. H -Price Is
here from Tacoma fop a brief stay.
J. R. Roland of Jefferson, Or,; it
among tne arrivals at tne imperial.
S. E. Bartmess of Hood River Is a late
arrival at the Perkins hotei. , - -
W. K. Wilson of Burapter is at the
Perkins. . ; , '
Mrs.- H. C Koe of Forest. Orov Is In
town today. -' -...i.-fv.- i .
A. H. Ihnes Is bera.fora Kalama. '
M. Rouen ha um ot Seattle Is tit the
Portland hotel. , .. . . , , , - :
Steam SchbonrN Association
" Joins .With Sailors jn . Coh-
r-:;:.test for Supremacy." "
Owners Wilt Seelr to Have the
; Men . on . Their . Vessels ..
- , ; Do" Dockwork.1
By oomblnlnr Its strength with the
Sailors'.' unlQa tUo.3lam.Schoons aaao-
claflon Is. making pitparatioDs to wage
- war agalnHt.'the . Longshoremen's
union Of the Paciflo coaah It is claimed
that tho sailors have practically ai
to. tho plan, and the fight against the
louaahoremen will '"noon be declared.
Those who are keeping In fouchTWltb the
move say that It will be one of the
biggest labor wars In the Jiiaiory of the
north west. . .' - ' i . ' 1 . r-; ;
For tho past few months'' an un
friendly feeling has existed -between the
sailors and longshoremen.' ' Each has
claimed Jurisdiction over certain sorts
of work in the.-mattar olVloadlng and
la isohargi ri g -veeirTler T-fg ""
believe that they, ought to be tne con
trolling factor In settling all disputes on
this subject, and; the men who go to
sea are equally certain that they ought
to have something to say aooui iu
Taking advantage of the wrangling, the
Steam Schooner ossoclatlon haa decided
that a good' opportunity Is presented to
b- I's vessels loaded and discharged
at lower rates. : ; ' - L'
- The plan on whlj:hthe assocJatlon la
now at work Is to man the craft plying
up and-dowa-the paciflo eaaat with a
sufficient number, of sailors to do the
longshore work necessary at the various
ports. By following this 'course a big
saving could be effected, as the sailors
work. foff 40 a month ana the longshore
men receive CO" cents an hour and higher
rates for overtime. - If the plan proved
suaceaaful the- Jongsbx) re men's union
would be compelled to disband. - .
But the members of the latter or
ganisation are concentrating their forces
for the. contest, and: It Is generally ac
knowledged that they wUl put up-a
game flarht. Home believe they -mM
win. and . emerge ,- from - too contest
stronger than over. , r
bow Water tm tho Harbor Oanseg Mnoa
;. . "'-f.- xnaf to' siatppiar. : ' :,
- Those interested In the welfare ot
Portland say that either the UnlW
States engineers or the owners of water
front property" ought to begin dredging
at once In front of tho dock. Bteamers
grounding" while at tho docks la a matter
of dally occurrence. ....... .. r
- The ortental'llner Nloomedla la hard
agrOUB6ronraVaaadbar at the -Portland
flour mills. It was the - Intention to
move to tho Aiblna dock, but when high
tide came she was aground. Had there
been no - delay the Nloomedla would
have sailed for the orient tomorrow; now
It la hardly possible that she will get
away v before Saturday . or - Sunday, if
then. '. - .
In one way It 'not so much the fault
Of the low water that the steamer got In
her present predicament ' Nearly all of
the freight a the mll waa placed In- ber
art natcnes. wniie sne is a rawing zi
feet aft the forward part of the ship la
standing well up In the water.- But ail
of tho shippers unite - In saying - that
there ought to be dredging In tho harbor
and lots or it. ' ' ; ; -
Oaptala Crowo Suggesig Small Tags
. ' Xave Siages on Smokaataoks.
': Capt A. Crowe .'believes the draw
bridge nuisance could bo obviated to a
great extent if tho owners of the small
tugs and other - mlnaturo craft would
put binges on their smokestack. He
says this plan haa been found to give
the best, of results at other places
lmUarlyfltuated. The captain ex
plains that If the smokestacks could be
dropped back the small vessels could
go under the ' bridges and the draws
would not have to be opened for them.
They tow bock and forth la the harbor
from morning to night and are con
stantly whistling for the draws to bo
opened. , - . .. .
BeUsf Jha St. Tmal WW Oo oa
That the llarrlman IntereSU have
purchased the steamer St Paul Is the
belief of tho local officials of the Sao
Francisco v Portland Steamship com
pany, although .they have . received' no
confirmation of the report from head
quarters.' It is known that the com
pany had an option on her several
weeks ago and It is now said there Is
no doubt that tho, deal has been con
summated. ' ,
The St Paul waa owned by the
Alaaka Commercial company of San
Francisco. While somewhat smaller
than the Columbia, she has better and
greater passenger - accommodations.
Built in 18t, she waa placed tn com-
Seats on SaleTomorrow Morn1
tag at 10 o'clock for the
Mary Adcll Case
(Csder tae dlreettea ef Oee. U Baker.) ...
Monday Evenhsf, February
20, at fl;30 p'Oock '
I Tb' to-lowing arttata will partlripatei
. , Cootralto. -j "'"."-'i
BoprkBO. t .'
KOEAU O. wmnoMXM, -
4 Barttaae. -
-.- aeeosipaBla.,..-,J-.'-
foftoaji nioxs..
te raws.
last t Tm.
........lae eas
' Carriages eaa be
tot 10:10 P, Bfc- V
T7m T?Ae - v.. .
ifcut .
ppposite.tbc cntrance
to Fair Grounds.
' Appiy st;;--'-
mission between her home " port and
piiiuui in jiuwu.' tt
. The local officials of , the coftipanr
say that she will begin plying between
Portland and' San Francisco on May -1.
In connection with the Columbia. . The
charter for tho Oregon : expires on that
tdate, hot If business conditions warrant
It oho will also be kept on the routs.
Moms Makes motuad Trip Between lort-
; land and Bnrak tat rtye Bays. '
All records for the round trip passage
between Portland -and Eureka-and way
ports will blowered with we arrival
tonight of the steamer Homer. She left
here Saturday night and therefore" has
made the run 'down the coast and back
again In the remarkably short time of
five days. . Included In her Itinerary are
all of the porta of consequence on Coos
bay. " s ': , ' ' . - ' .
The best previous, time for covering
the same route was seven days. While
the Homer t not looked upon as a boat
of mora than ordinary speed she keeps
plodding along without, losing any un
necessary . time. The captain manages
to arrive -at .the Coos bay and Eureka
bars when the tides are Juat right, and
consequently- fe-l not delayed; The
Homer la bringing a cargo of shingles
and general freight, and a fujl passenger
list.- " ' - i -;
. Steamer Lurllne haa" resumed dally
trips between. Portland and Vancouver.
Bhe was laid up here on account of
floating lee In the Columbia. : -
- Steamers forced to abandon the upper
Columbia river rim; for a few daya are
being put In fine, shape by their owners.
Big cakes ot Ice are still .floating rn
the upper Columbia and VP steamers
lone and Regulator will not go out on.
their runs, for several days.
With -K nil OOO - tnkt nf lumTnev ttm
steamer Aberdeen will sail tonight for,
San. Francisco. Tho Prentiss of the'
same line- sailed last night for tho Cali
fornia metropolis with 42S.000 feet of
lumber and eight passengers.. .J
,. Steamer . South Bay . has been char
tered to load lumber at Portland for a
California port She la at the Bay City
and will leave for the north" in a day
or two. - ' '
Astoria, Or.. Feb, 1$. Arrived down
at t and sailed at a. nv Steamer
Prentiss, for Ban Francisco,
Arrived down at t and sailed at 10:10
m. Steamer Columbia, for San Fran
cisco. .
Arrived at T.-35 a. m. Steamer Geo,
Loo mis, from San Francisco. '.
Ban Francisco, Feb. If. Sailed at
11:3 0 a. m. Steamer Oregon, for Port-
Sailed last ntght Steamer " Roanoke,
for Portland. and coast ports. : .
Sailed Schooner - Irene, for Portland.
Astoria, Or., Feb. IS. Arrived at 4
and left up at 6:10 p. nv Steamer laqua,
from Ban Francisco.
Arrived Steamer Elmore, frora Tflla-
Astoria, Or- Feb. 1 1. Condltlon-ef the
bar at a, m, Smooth ;wlndeast; J
weather clear, . .r
The Mascot of tho Kamm line Is-on
her old run between Portland .and the
Lewis river. Owing to low -water- she
stops at Caple's landing. ' The steamer
Altona. which wa operated in place
of tho Mascot has been taken "to the
Portland shipyards for a general over
hauling. The Altona belongs to - tho
Oregon City Transportation company,
and It Is understood " that she will
shortly be-placed In 'commission on the
upper Willamette in place -of the Ore-
gona, .. . ,. , .
Superintendent O.' F. WhltehousO has
completed his annual .report of : the
business transacted by the money order
division of the Portland postoiflce. The'
Increase over the previous year is more
than $600,000; the '; total amount of
money . transactions waa $7.$7!,35$.70.
Despite this great Increase tn the total,
tho number of orders issued was not
so great as In 101, which -ia attributed
to the out of the way location of the
postofflco building.-
The money, orders' paid at this office
show an Increase of $S5,16.T - There
were 41.014 domestic orders issued, rep
resenting S4$S.10: the fees were
tl.m.ll; 11.210 r International orders.
$360.9Ew42; fees, $2,10.$4: 24.220 cer-
tlflcates of -deposit tm money order ao
count $;' 220,471 domestic
orders paid, $2,009,101.44; II inter
national orders paid.
A ' free ' electrical , nanorsma at - the
corner of -Third and Aider streets, from
a. m. to p. m. ( .
fosurtlt riaer, ihlngton Blag.
Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturday!
at T:S0 p.
by J. Werk, champion ex-
pert of Portland.
: 25 Cents Per Hour
To the' Editor of The Journal The
effort 'now being made to folat soother
schema of - bonded Indebtedness on the
city of Portland Is being urged by those
having so called -"park sites", for sale.
If la .proposed now to sell some 41
acres of land In the western part of the
city, a small -portion of which la In
cluded ln the fair aitev- at a price, of
tS60,Qt, and In order to appease the
eaat aide people and gain their consent
the sop Is thrown to them'of Including
In the purchase less than 10-acres of
the Hawthorne park at a prloa of ITS,
0U0. To this scheme was added another
to- unload "Council Crest" on tho tax
payers for another $71,000, and now It
is proposed to add A part of tho Irving
ton lands 1 3 aureaat another $100,
000,' making a total of $600,000 for ad
ditional lands for-parks. " These Inter
ested parties are hiring the Marquam
theatre-in -which-to. bold a so-called
mass meeting, at which we are to hav
our pride appealed to and not our com
mon ' Sense, . which 'ought to ' deter us
f rom-sntsrlng into more -debt with. con:.
sequent 'addlttotial taxes.. -' -
- Why should -.wo buy land for park
sites, when -wo"- cannot Improve ' the
many park atte we now own? - There
are many'of tne taxpayers Of -the city
who think" we havo parks enough, es
pecially aa . wo-do'.not- aeem to - have
enough money to' Improve the parka we
have. Jrt- sddltioa u. the City park and ,
Plaaa blocks, why are not the Park
blocks ' Improved, - the park In Alblnu
homestead, the park In Holladay's ad
dition, tho 10-acre tract on peninsula.
7 Macleay -park. Governor's park. Terwll-
llger. park and..-Fulton park I. It la
ridiculous to talk of buying tnorev park
ltea. when , we consider -Utte vast load
of debt that this city is now stagger
ing under. ' -;. - '' : ; . r
Had the gentlemen urging "this scheme
shown some ' business, ssgaclty in pro
curing In advance an option on a , few
acres of the land used for some of the
buildings at tha fair site, before the
sama waa) Improved, at the expense of
.the people, there might have been soms
reason for buying that much." but there
Is no reason or necessity for buying a
lot of. additional lends for parka at .this
time, when we are loaded down to the
guards with debt and high- taxation.-
As a matter of fact this city has been
rked." "watered." ferried." "bridged"
and "Jobbed' t the full limit - The
whole country around Portland la a nat
ural, park, and If any one wants more
parks then the city now baa, let them
take a ride out on any of tho car lines
Into any of the many natural parka
Tha gentlemen urging the ourohaalng
of the grounds suggest) that It Is very
easy to bond the city. Wo are now
bonded for about $7, 000, OOO; occasioning
an' immense "dally charge for lntereat.
Whim it la claimed.. that. tha. amount of
bonds duo for the water system should
be deducted, the fact remains that It Is
the people of this city who pay It-all,
either tn Interest charge or water rates.
After deducting the water bonds we still
have about $4,000,000 of bonded indebt
dnesay with very-little to show for It.
T,b 'L" th0K!!ia.lnt"sn"rT
at Sacramento, CaL,- shows 'the entire
bonded Indebtedness of all tho counties.
Including -San Francisco- county, In the
entire state of California, to ,be only
ij.izu.ovo. , is this not a shameful show
ing for Portland f
fr-The parties who are running thla park
scnemo say that It wculd but slightly In
crease our taxes. Our tax rats now Is 4
per cent, and Is the greatest Incubus
that any city could labor under. No
wonder that outside capital will not
seek Investment In Portland, 7n the face
of such a high tax rate. In the recent
ly published statistics of the leading cit
ies of the United States, alvlna the rate
of taxation of 106 cltlee, only seven have
as nign a rate as Portland. This Is due
largely to the fact that wealthy men and
corporations shirk their fair share of
taxation, and also due to the fact that
owners of wealth In the shape of money.
noteandTnortgagearrtocli and bonds
and merchandise are not paying taxes at
all tn comparison with - those whose
wealth is In real estate. To Illustrate:
r According to tho statement Tof tho sees
retary of state as to the taxable wealth
of the different counties of the state,
MuTlnomah county has not One dollar
of taxable money,- although Lane, county
sdmlts It haa $1$0.000; Linn county,
$151,000; Marion county. $110,000. and
LoAber counties for less sums, but poor
oia Huitnoman county has not one dol
lar, yet the bank statements show that
there la nearly 1 27,000.000 on deposit
m banks here. )Why should not all this
wealth pay ltg. fair share of the tax
burdens? . The lame . excuse offered Is
that "you can't--find -and tax money."
But they do find and .tag money In Ban
Francisco, for the writer knows that tho
Hlbernla Savings bank of Ban Fran-
Uilsco loaned $300,000 at 4 per cent to an
association In thla clt
Francisco assessor assessed that mort
gago and compelled the bank -to pay
tho Ban Francisco rate of $1.41 on that
mortgage; again. Ban Francisco aa
sesses tho franchises of tho big cor
porations, and only recently Instituted
suit for taxes duo on $760,000 aa the
assessed' value Of the W) Fargo
The writer has a long list from the
tax "records, which. Is -interesting . as
showing how the- bulk of the taxes are
shifted on to the real estate owners.
and will cite a , few . examples when
necessary. .
The above statement of facts should
maks It clear to all' why real estate la
lower In price In thla city than any city
of its size and business activity In the
united States, and also accounts for the
tact that real estste Is very slow of sale
In this city. Certain It Is that we
should have, aa proposed In the recent
convention Of assessors, "a tax commis
sion." to regulate and fairly adjust our
tax rate.-- -. - "" """
Every taxpayer In tb Mty should
vote down any proposition to increase
our debt or. taxes. Our aim should bo to
lessen our debt, reduce our tax rate, to
Improve and beautif y-waatlre now have
and to correct and reform our unjust
taxation, so that , rich and poor will all
be on a like and equitable basis.
- -, T- - - CHARL.ES K. HENRI. -'This
letter, written some time ago. In
gome.' unaccountable way waa mislaid
after Its receipt In The Journal omce.
Hence tho delay la 1U publication.
roKTtnrxs i wAXTxaa.
From the London Chronicle.'
In aplte-of t he-enormous Inroads made
i this earth's great store ot wealth.
diamonds, gold. oil. gaa, coal, .Iron and
other materials, recent Investigations
have brought to light the. Interesting
fsct that treasure fields - containing
fabulous wealth still remain lptact.--
Investlgatlons. hava- proved, for In
stance, that huge area of the floor or
tho Pacific are strewn thick- with Im
mense deposits of nodules of pure man
ganese. Invent a practicable, and eco
nomical method of recovering it, and the
Individual who does so will at once be
come rich beyond, tha dreams of avarice.
The most crying need of today is a
substitute of Para rubber. It Is cer
tain to be discovered sooner or later.
Malleable glass was manufactured
and used by tho Romans nearly 1.000
years ago. But the secret has been
lost." - It seems odd that no one In this
sge of mechanical progress haa been
able to rediscover the method of manu
facturing a - tough and unbreakable
glass., Whoever succeeds tn doing so
snd making the discovery economically
useful will reap a great reward. ,
'Real photography In colors Is still an
. ' : - .
lC 'O. , . In which to buy -,- ,--,
tWalkovcrand Sorosis
winter weight shoes
II1I1U11 1 J
- u fli . '
i Timely 'iWantMds' From
Evening's Classified Page
. . . -- '.- -.-i ' ---.r. .' : - -"Toung
man wanted with wheel aa con actor; wages lit week." Ad
is ail anawers to- F. 2, care Journal- This is aa excellent offer; take
advantage : ot It by answering toon. .. ' ..
If you intend to Install a furnace In tha new house you are building, ba
sure and Investigate the famous Boynton warm air furnaces. Bee them at
tho J. C Bayer Furnace company. 260 Second, street, or telephone Main
461. .. For future reference you'll ftqd their ad. under heading "Furnaces'
In tho classified directory, - - . -. . ; i . ; - . .
1 Landlords and landladies) wfll find Tho Journal a source of great assist
ance by using Its classified columns to rent their, vacant houses. . Thai
- classification Houses to Rent prove on a-of tho most Interesting road"
by th public- 1 -: ' : ., .' ." ., , '..- ; .
jTWantod Femsie' to tlUi yotUorf
a " Pf. -7-r r.-': -ff - -
Perhaps this is what yea have been waiting fort "Wleely"-furnished -room;
bath adjoining; private family; board If desired; gentlemen pre
ferred. Inquire at IS North Eighteenth street, near Waahlnston. - Ta"
I eat and dine at tho same place will
For the
Wo have them and In all sixes
cases and prices. If you want El
gin works In any watch we are the -people
to serve you. Tou select
the case and we'll put In Elgin
Prices reasonable, " you'll
-TA Iowa JmwmUe 'Z.
ooen field and offers boundless oppor
tunities for the Inventor.. In smaller
matterawUHV-thO- list of jranta . unsup
plled Is endless. Jewelers, tor Instance,
are still qulto without any safe -method
of fixing pearls on Jewelry, such as
rings, where - the gems ere mounted
without a surrounding setting. r
From tho Washington Star.
An American private soldier who was
with the regulars when' the charged
so gallantly up tho San Juan bill, and
waa struck in the fleshy part of his
left-leg by a Mauser bullet fired' by
a Spanish soldier In -the trenches ahead,
recently, described Jhow It feels to be
hit." . . . ,
.."The sennet Ion produced.' be said,
"was like that which would result from
a stinging and forceful' blow from .a
'rawhide or- whip. . We -were advancing
through a thicket, and I remember my
first impression waa that a bent
sapling had sprung up and struck me
on my calf. I gave a little leap Into
the air and exclaimed' "Jerusalem!" or
something like that but continued to
rush ahead with the boys. In about
three or four minutes I began to eel
sick "and "faint,"" and " upon.-examlnation'
found I was wounded, but. I had f I reel
several shots before I made the dis
covery." Thompson
I Screen
ti . - Agents
PC wanted to
cH sell exclus
ive rights, in
territory or to sell this screen
At Murk Hardware - Company, Second
and Morrison streets, Portland, Or.
if i
53 fcc
ncI Washlntlton
Opp. Perkins Hotel
TP wages offered to right '
r.'.'.'.....- ,-.!--:.--:'..- -cf
prove s, great eonvenienc. -.
. A, H. BlU.agfl, I iiii and laaaagat, i
rovn- mobs- PBRroaaUNgga r .'
Columbia Stock Co. :
Ia Sweklewlea' Imprwlw and scenle ptetare ef -
the DAWN OS" CHBIrri.NrTT.
Soma nader Were. . Bplendora In acute ef- "
i f acta aeTcr baton eqaalad ta fortlaad. - --
omxtax ssats mow.
Bvenlng BOc, Wle. Ste. 1M
MaOnee 2ne, le. 10a..
-Puwiiutws efBee epew sH- day. B3T MorraMw-
Psaae- Mala 110. Breauig at theatre. Mala U
"thx jamx Of ITOIl" , , l
Beeare year seats by
Big susses eatkalastle aadle
Twe Portland ravorltse, - .,
And as'' excelteat sapnertiBg eoajinaay, area
- - aaatlsg the new Clyde ftteb play, .
Lovers' lanilm
Ptlew Mattoeee. 10a. JS, . . ,
ts, a&- x, aiw.
Next week, atartlag Bandar matinee, Braadt
Baaaie eosiaaBy la the Bowarfoi atultary playa
A company of aoldten Bas4 la the prodaetiom.
T. Vaagle. Baa. Mga
I . Faaae afaia ea
- - -- Rngacemeat ef the eminent aetar.
rrlilar olrht Hatwday BaUnee. ree. IT. tt,
"DOlf OAXBAB, SB BAZaUf)" Setarday sight.
UUoi,prle lower door, $1. TSe. Bab
esny, 60". uaiwry, aoe, soc. K Trains B
Lower Door. II. DO, i. nalesny. TSe.
Oauary. 2fre, tfte. Boies and kaav dsV
Beats are sow Mlllng.
Seventh aad Alder Sweets.
Zrery Arternooa aad Brenlng.
la the Sensational MeledraaM,. ..
RoeeialtlM bttweea seta
m at x:W. 7 J aad B:IB a.
Uansl prtee ef adouailaa, 10 eanta.
gTDOVTAa. Ooneay w
- CLEat sTOgg, Cray tot. ,
W1K0ATI. B soUlat.
KTS1 ABO HEATH, Xaveltr tiaialty.
Al4 vuiilk, vtv eaag.
to say ml, loe; 1
Tklrd aad Tamhtll ata - Keating a rtaaa, Mgra
Vvnft VaaderlHe IIohm In America.
' 10 AAOTTA.
babx AairyniB. .
t. W. . WOOD. THA BI01?-
Admlaalaa loe. Perfanaaeas at, T.JB .
aad :1S'. aa. . -i
wo.3S--JcufAL cCwPCrr:3.p
Star Theatro
Tries tsAtaeo. eraary XT, tKX .
Thla eoupon and lo erftitUa holder
one admission when presented at bc.i
office. - . '
' T T"
eotrcsat i
AUls 1 i.1
Oearaa It. Sakeaji
a, Mala IXU
-.1 -
V - '