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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1905)
e,. r-1 Portlind's - Ingest and ?rn Foremost Store v mi i in i . 1 1 ill , III ".. X f X I X X X I I I I I I ri llllll-.rillJt 'MM I ml I I M M 11 I 1 I 11 ' ' THE QUALITY SHOP WdJ&W (ISil UUUALUUUr-J'&UllUAl i h iieed rVp most pfoiiouhc i sirable -ds ai chances. fto save. ; PubliG Auspices PortUod Y. W, C Ar v - MENU ipti'rz'r Coffee, -A Chocolate--r Milt Served in Bottlestii; Pea S6Up . , LuLslei Stint :r. Hot Rolls rrt7tT;S T' Boston Brown Bread -7 Ham Sandwiches V Tea Cakes .. " THI9 -VnSEK TS 'Tffla! TOOOEBr! Sixth Street Annex First 1or. Alt ourSUfTBoiarrtncolored Shirt fcmrdteM of make, ; at half price .urtns thla w.lrw .tj-v.: Our t.B Tall speelai at. each... 75 Our tl.0-Tl.r apeclal at, each.'.50 r fEirs FjjvjmKL xroLP bhrt8.T Onlr a smalt how Jaft at halt . '-'price, er .-. pur ItlB rat.; pedal at. meh.3 Our I1.T5 aL: vpeeUl at, each...88 -.; ENGLISH SQUARES. '"f AH new oolorlnsa and pattern only r, few left. : : " Our f 1.00 TaL; apeclal. to cloae them out, at. each n).it50 t, MEN'S WIIITB GOLF SHIRT8.1 With tucked and hematltobed boaomi, v thl" eeaaon'a atyle. One of ur'heat $1.80 yaluejCipecial . thla week at, each t ;..!. 92 f r ' 'MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS. 1 , Made ef ood qualitrateen. To close them out befar Inventory! .pecUl. each, at Jut HLF PRICE. -V "-HAVrLAND . CHIWA. ; ' We are closing out I two separate ltaes -of Decorated Havtlafld China: open ?stock patterns. You may buy either, entire sets or. separate pieces sA ONE . FOURTH- OFF - the - regular price.' . v.v L.;.i.. OO-slece"' Dinner " Seta. 1 . our $11.7$ value; special closing ont.prlceVli "the set. ....,........... ..Mr 104-plece Dinner Sets,', our", $4$'.7$ Value; special closing' out pnee,f . ! ?the .seti ..". a84.SO. llt-pleoal Dinnec; SeUU Odr $U.M - value; apeeial closing out price, : the set .ii...:.....W...$4T.55 'i HANDSOME CHAMBER .SETS, r -Wn re ckHtlng out a Una of' Chamber Bets at a reduction" of from oqe '. fourth to - one third -off regulkr sellings-price.'!: Anticipate , your. -wants in this Hne-newr t Sets from f 3.50 15.00 r s stoves and ranges:", Our famous Quick Meal Steel Ranges - won flret prise at 8t Loula '.World's Exposition. Is , strictly. t down-to-date Itf every respect- Js' a quick baker, burns less fuel than . moss ranges and la as near perfec tion as a range can Re. Guaran teed for 10 years. - Price ; ' " .from, up... .......S29.TS ' We carry ft complete line ef Oaso line and Blue Ylame Coal OU Stoves. - SMALL ' STOVES " 0o 'juHHZ UtV BLUE FLAME OIU STOVES- V - - PRICED I $.00 AND IT. .LlJI Coal OU Heating Staves, best quality,-very convenient or heating bed rooms or bath rooms on short notice. Prices .reasonable , N ' . Ovena for Oasollne'or Coal Oil ' ; Stoves at. ii.S9 . -4. V(AKD( TTPWARD&) . BLACK' SATIN. STOVE POLISH. , No dirt -no dust; gives attesting shining black; price, the trnf .2Ba Bargains .. - -y. -.v;-- U-i' l . lf , ? ,T!H ii - r - r - yi s . r. ' r jp -a. . - i . . - i r ' ....... 1 1 ' .. The more jrou buy . ; WONrERFl?tBARaAINS-f -r :t r-r PAINTY 111 ' ': Undermuslinsand 7' 'Garments ZJ. Special Prices T lto X)R GOWNS WORTH $1.80. V Ladlea' Nliht Qowna, made of good quality mualia, naigaook or cambric. " and tiimiped prettily wIUi embroid- r ery and laee, email alaea only In the v lot, our regular l,t valuer apectal T at. each " .y. ......... ..... ,'.89o ""MISSE8''"tM0 SKIRTS rOR'lIc;"; A fine line of Muslin UnJeMllrla for - mUwi, trimmed' with torhon lace - edting and lnaertton, excellent value Ilatll-OPVjaplalateaeh. . . -6941 CHILDREN'S OOWNS WORTH Tic r-r.;. I,! ;'' FOR ffO. ) V.vv, A broken Una ' of Children's Nirht Gowns, made of good, mualln. alsea for children from t to IS years old, -our i4o value; special at, each X9f Outing Flaraiel Sldrta and )Gowns ... ;. f 7o INSTEAD OF $1.40 FOR OUTING FLANNEL SKIRTS. -' Women's Outfng . Flannel Skirts, of .teat -quaUty r with v deep Spanish " flounce , and French embroidered . dots.,. sptend'l4 $1.40 value; special .at. ' each - , . .T. -.T . . ZZm'i .-. 9T0 ON-r tV FOR GOWNS WORTH $1.7 Women' Outing Flannel Gowna of - good qua my. mad Mother Hubbard . style and trimmed with braid around. collar and cuffs, bur , $1.75 jralue special at. each .,.....,.-984) Black Sateen Petticoats " : r at V Bargain Price; j '' ' ' ' Second Floor, "i. . 11.50 AND $$.75 SKIRTS FOR $2.11. Blaok Sateen 8kirts, made.'of very fine silk - f inleh - aateen. . trimmed with butterfly ruffles i and knife ' V pleating, has also prolectlon dust ruffle, splendid values at 11.50 and T $1.75; speclU at. eact ......$2.19 Values That Interest Prud- ntxiouSekeepers" L on thirdfloor:,"; We : rv haven't finlahed store-cleentnsv here- yet, won't until- you've started your annual spring housO renovating: " good . uhJice now to anticipate .your needs a' bit and save. The beet chance ever. CHINXJCITCHEN' FUR- NI8HING8 AND HARD WARE Crockery Store, Third Floor. ; A GOOD LINE OF BATHROOM' 7 : 7 ; " ; : FIXIl'BES.1-" 4-'!'!. Robe" HookieaoK .... . i . . : .' . . . 12V (AND UPWARDS.). - , Hanging Soapa, each ...... .45t . w (AND UPWARDS.)- Paper H'oldere, each ........ ...104 ; i (AND UPWARDS.) . -Tuwel Bars, each -r - ' . ... mlBt) -(AND UPWARDS.) . .... Tumbler Holder, each . 504 (AND UPWARDS.) . AIko many other ,convenentpathv room articles wnicn we o not men tion for lack Of Space. "': - , WRINGERS. ;: ;t-' ,' C'S A good Una of guaranteed WringersT A householdTieceaslty-Ouarantaed- . for two years;, special at, " each .....i. .$225 Iron Frame Wringers, these ere not guaranteed Special AtTeacBr.'pXJtS N r" HARDWARE SPECIALS. Hatchets St. each . v. .254 -j, (AND, UPWARDS.) -Hammers at each. .J54 (AND UPWARDS.) Axes at ch........ ...504 y,: (AND UPWARDS.), . , Monkey Wrenches at' each . . '.& ' (AND UPWARDB.., ;: Clothes JUne Pulley at, "each.. 104 : (AND .UPWARDS,) -Screw 'Drivers at each. ....54 (AND UPWARDS,)' J. ( r Hand Saws at each .404 v (AND UPWARDS.). Clothes Lines at. each.... ..... 104 r-MAND UPWARDS.) r--, . T '. GARDENING TOQLS-. ' Garden Trowels at each. ........44 ' (AND UPWARDS.) ,r Gardea Rakes at. each... .......254 1 ; (AND- UPWARDS.) . Garden Hoes at," each... .,.. 254 , (AND. UPWARDS.) Gardea Spades at earh. ...... .504 -. :!t ' ( AND VPWARDS.) t Crr! r TLY JOUT.?IAL iiow the more money you will have in Eln-Portlarid'stargest4Fdrerri The Fashion Genter of the Western Women's $25.00 " Splendidly-tailored in. finest Avorkm anshifiv in handsome, mixed serges -cheviotsrhomespuaf and smart rnannish mixed tweedish materials and t a color range embracing plain blacks, , blues, "browns and fashionable .. mixtures, plain tailored or in newest trimming effects, the best regular alnesverfed4nlthetvi6rlIrom!$2.'5 to $28j0. 'Your " choice Monday and week,' until closed,-for. . . ' , .... , V?V ': " Grand- Galons-? -JSecoridJnoor: 7feta each, Fancy fitting I " lit ivy iflB mm New; Spring Showings of Colored !iSiSliMi6re We are more than ever pleased this season with the splendid silk Showing on expose here."" No new style orroake ruts been overlooked. iTheraarkets of France, Japan. China, and our own Amer TJcTavebeerr looked through more caxefiilly-than, ever for silks are favoritocfabnes this season. New Mousseline. TaffeUs at, per-yard : r; . v;r.v.f 1.00, 81.25, 810 New-JChHfonJTaffeU; at , - 7 - - per yard . . . . . ,7.' ifl.00r81.25r 81.50 New Peaii de Qygne at, ..l " VBnc -' t MiL 4,nm9V?. pl9!."Hrv'm per yard, . . ... ...... . . . .?x.w ana fi-6 1 : nw f!hameleon Chiffon Taffeta 1 per yard..... rtt'.v. fl.OO, 8125, 81-50 New Mousseline Faile at, ""7 QNper yard .. . . . . . . . . 81.2S and 81.50 Two Grand Specials for Our Introduction ; New Spring IGoods 42-isch Imported-French Voile, crisp, wiry finish. In cream;black and altthe new-street-, colors ; ouf grand vafueiat $1 per yard." , - Special introductory price, yard.....: 79e ; 54-inch All Wool Tailor Suitings, in illumi- . - nated neat stripes and checks, all color com "brnationS in the assortment ;, our grand $1.50 ' '"per yard value,. Special introductory " , ' 7 price, per r'yard ......... ..'.:..... . 809 PO-TI "D. 'WCbNSSDAy to $28.50 Tailored SMART- NEW- 'I Covert. Jackets," made in tight fitting style, with stitched strap seams of-same-material-7-taffeta$ilk : Jined leg cf mutton sleeves, with turni riary tTiffs- an4 str'aix irimmingLJroml3hQuMer. - .? handsome,ewn41ish-rmenls? ELEGANT, NEW i -7 Stunning Suitsmade of covert cloth ;the coat, 27 inches in length, tight 4 fittinerr with-iancy -stitched. seams, leg o'mutton sleeves and- inlaid taf--. collar skirts made walking lengitj-ts from ........ f ; . ,; . , .- .... t . . . . Wonderful Values in Women'sTlahasome Cashmere" 7 ftOUSE Dressy and Warm, "Com' Dressing-Sacques and Utility WALKING -CASHMERE HOUSE WRAPPERS Cashmeje House Wrappers,-in red", black and navy made in tight . sty lcwith , .belt, accordtorupleatcd collar , and cuffs, and trimmed - witlrfancybraids.'' EiettV, stvlish and $7.5arvalue7iSpgc?a1 at, -each . 7 r. w$l DRESSING SACQUES FOR. 49c. Comfortable Dressing Sacques, in black, or black and' cwhttej effects; good $1 value. , . . .; 7.- Special at, each . . ... . . . . . . .7 tT . . ,T7T749o? WALKING SKIRTS WORTH FROM $6.50 TO $8.50 FOR $3.98. V Styiisn vvaiKing sKins, maae-ei cneviois, serges ana novelty -goods 1 colors, blue, black, gray , and fancy mixtures j. skirts "that are -worth from $6.50 to -$.50Special ateach-w..wvWT, 83.98- yard ftA n4 -fti 2!5 t--W urJioghaoLSacking-gcnuine, at, at. per yard at, !- EVENIN0.7 FEBRUARY 15. quickens her; jjaccsTayingTckDm' in her wakcL for; your purse months later. rnentions.- Garment World Street Suits; $8,95 COATS. SUITS: iq pleated effects. These suits, , ; . . .'. . . . . ; . ... . . . f!8 to 82S SKIRTS WORTH $70 FOR $188. comfortable; our regular- . ...... . .' 84.98 with Persian fiture blue strioe New Bond Taffeta at, per; yard . . . . '. . .81.00 Z New Bond Suitings at perT.ykrdTJhvTr. f 125 --New Rajah ybngee, genuine, at, per - - . . M . , . ;815- .............. . 82.00 New-EmbTtdeTedPcaigeeJryard".8125-; New Plain Imported Pongee, all widths and . prices, new Suit Silk in every -ntw color and ; 'design, v;.--;--;--t . , ' per yard. .. .85S 81, 8125, 81.75; $2 : Two Grand Extra Specials For Our -Grand -Opening of New : .Kew Suiting Silk, in full assortment of "good 7 colors, neat stripe and checks, also neat fancy weaves; regular $5c value. -, , r Special V, . ,'..Q7f New Suiting Silks,- splendid .wearing quality, all new styles and colors; regular $1 . ' V valns," Soecial. pcs,vard...:.....i....70 -1SC5. v Portland's Largest THE ANNEX' SALONS SECOND FLOOR. MUinery-Taluesi That Attract. " lt5a tAND :$1S0- READT-TO-WEAR - HATS X)K S h ' . ., . . Ready-to-Wear Hats; la fancy shapes, turban and sailor I - styles, . tastily trimmed . with . breasts, wings, orna ment, etc., our fl.(0 and 0S.60 values: special at each .............. ..494 $5.00 TO-11.04 TRIMMED HATS FOR . - - Orfly a few ef them left, handsomely trimmed shapes, splendid for fS.OO ami 10.00 values; special aU this week at each ..... fl.08 AMAZON PLUMES FOR SO CENTS. Amason Plumes, IS Inches long, slso tips, three- in a . bunch, our regular S1.2S value; special this week st 394 FANCT BUCltLES WORTH T5 CENTS : , ; FOR 14 CENTS. . .. " 7 Fancy Budktea, In Rhinestone. Cut Steel and Jet .effects, for millinery or ribbon belts, our -15c, value; special at each .244 NET WORTH 11 CENTS FOR CTS. Mollnes Net in fancy shades, ourregu ia l& value: special at. the yar4. .64 : Women's" Beautiful v .7 Spring .Hosiery at50cahd$l;00.: --INTEI SEE THE MAGNIFICENT WINDOW tISPLAYi?FIFTH STREET. r-r The new spring display 0 pass every former showing In scope and Vange: Magnificent an dainty .products of the expert skill Of the Chemnits folk In far-away Saxony-- -Fine Lisle In gauss and-segular Jlght weighta Irt delicate, fancy striped deslcns. - beautifully - embroidered lac boots that look fragile as cob webs but are -strong and nail or wear. . The all-lace and lace . em- brelde red -effects, dainty tem ' broldered boots. Grenadiers snd other psttems. bewltchlngly fetch . Ing. AU the beautiful colorings ara embraced that Queen Fashion favors for her devotees. Every whim and caprice of the Style; , Ooddesa Is here. Emeralds, violets, . onions, mandarins, morocco. Dres den blue, a wonderful .assortment of tans, whites, blscks. etc. and -the prices are so reasonable. Take Pep at the lines ? marked 504 ! fl.OO SEB.-THBSB IN THE WINDOW " SHOW1NO. . Extra Special Hosiery 7--Values-r Women's Black Cottott,.Hoe, doable . sole, spliced heel, 26c value, part- ..... . . ....... .': T4 Womm's Black v Cottn - Hose, with - embroidered boots. 50c value, , ' " pair .7 n . , . 294 Women's Black Wool Hose. . seamless, flbbed lop,.J5Lvslue, pair.... 184 Children's Black Worsted Hoss. fine 'ribbed, value to J 6c, pair. 7.. ,.184 Children's Blsck Worsted Hose, good. heavy weight splendid ie- value,. . elses t, f ft and 10 only; special, pair ... .,.2S4 Child's Blsck- Cotton Hoee, . finished -. foot medium weight to value, all . a lies, pair , r-174 Children's Black Cotton Hose, values at pair -..84, 104 124 - Remarkable Bargains in ' . Knit Underwear ' ,'V WOMEN'S AND 'CHILDREN'S. ' Worasn a Long-8leT Vests, medium weight 0c value. : . . .. .254 Women's Cream-Tinted -Ctrttos Union BuitS. 760 - value . . . ,sa Women's Black- Wool Tights. 11.00 value for. pair v ............ .S04 Women's Oood Weight Jersey-Ribbed Cotton Vests and Pants, I to value, for. earh 1 '4 Childress Orar Cotton Unlea f 6c value, for ............... A 1 " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Foremost; Store H;' QUAUTYLSHOP; Complete Bosiness .KaatioiLFrcelJ: An lCS. Scholarship .Given Absolutely Free, Including text rkiFbyOldsr; :Wortniair4fc King by popularvote. ' A,vote with every 25c purchase. The person ravmg the highestrotc at 6 p. m. of Saturday, April S3, will, be awarded. th. scholar-. shipTlFor obvious reasons NO VOTES WILL BE COUNT ED FOR EMPLOYESOE THIS HOUSE. , 7: ". Result of Vote at 4 10 "a. ? m, Ralph Holman JLadd . and v Tilton's bank. . . ;1.823 Charles Ross ........ ....370 E. C Molin, Meier & Frank' ' company . . . ;.t .7 . . . ; . .". 321 Mae Hughes, Knight's Shoe company , , . t.. ".V. .266 Charles Pen dexter, Rich d- , gar store . . 223 RaymondSjmth 1 : . Ice company-. . . :"J7' Janet Qark,Meier & Frank. 7 "company . . . ; . .7. .". . . V . .2 1 Isabella "McCurry, ;Llpman, . ; ." V Wolfe "company. '. : i.-i' 13' f Iron v wcrks,- ii77l ti 1 1 raufayloiTirand- Shogren , .... v . . . .... ' 3 -TotatVotes 2,019-- 4 Shoes Sturdy and Slish SIXTH STREET ANNEX FIRST , FLOOR ON THE "FAIR- WAY. .- SPLENDID B'AROAINS iK-PLKNTT SAMPLES. " r'OMEJTBJ.BO STR6ETSHOES-t5.S Women's Patent Cott Hlah-Cnt Laee Shoes, narrow round' plain toes, high military tieel, close turn, medium solet dull kid "top, regular value 0J.9S: spe cial, pair .Tr. . vvtv rr; . . .-.82.63 WOMEN'S 11.50 DRESS SHOES IMJ. Women's Smart Drees- Shoes. In Vict kid. .patent tip. medium round toes, flexible light sole, medium heel, regu lar ll.SS value; special, pair. . .$2.63 MEN'S - 11. B0 DRESS SHOES tl-00. Men's New Spring Style Laee Shoes, patent colt, Bluoher-eut, medium heavy sole, neat half-round toes, dull "Calf top, nv Ions Ry- good dress shoe, regular value tl.SO; special." pr. 82.68 MEN'S tl.SO STREET SHOES Men's Box Calf Street Shoea. double aoles! Blucher cut high-' laces, full round toe. foot-form last 'plumb heavy- uppers, regular value $1.10: -apeeial, -pair -..-fc. ,v, . . . , , ..22.62 : Toilet Articles 7 arid Small Wares AT SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICKS. . FIRST FLOOR AISLES. TANCY LAf? PAPER DOILIES. - . . ; IN WHITfAND COLORS. For tee cream, salada." lunches, ete.t - prices, the dosen, 104, 154. 19 tt 204. - . - TALLY" CARDS IN FANCT DE- : ft- SIGNS -",-. , -fwCall OCCASIONS. .' :. J'ancx7Dlflnet--Carda1 Uca Cards. mit. . Ih. HIM.K ItirlM. Bneu tfiray juock miiwri,Tirn --to 4c valueat special st each.104 SheU Side Combs, small, light weight - our llo value; special at the pair -....'.-.-..,.... 104 Fancy Belt Buckle Sets in gilt or I oxide, piece, our I to value; ape- " clal at set ...104 Bsck Combs, shell color. ne smooth . .finish, our lee Vstoe; special at - - each . . .- ........ . .234 Hat Brushes with black bristles and - curved handle, out Its values pe , ' clal at ea-H ................ ..104 'Wire Hair Brushes, line small wire set In rubber, our lio value; epeeil at. each ' Beat English "Tooth fcrushee, er - value; special at' ech. ...... Writing. Iaper In Boxes,- I In red, green end br l OSc value; special it, ' ' Writing I kper', t ne t -assorted col r f , rU I t t ' s I ' ' - 1