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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1905)
-Li, THE TOSJSCOUDAItY1 JOURNAL, ro;iTLAND. WEDIIZ-UAY, "I. KAffiDWARDS GWEM- - THIRTY DAYS REPRIEVE ---- . !: T-vTf A W 7. : :.v - - . - - ! . .. ' ' li v..., .o,- -Miwn .. -.i ... . - . a bbbi. 1 1 -t3aTa,yhaia,Ts,' M ajTBrT - , r "aayBPeB . : r -' ; v-..- ; 1 9i-.- : ' " ' . , :, l-i- tlUCH DiSCUSSIOPT :OYERrAClTyTHAlB Some Pppoaition to Expending ey on J 14:1 Light Station 4srrlel PUfwtrk Th J .;:.ij4rwreto 3t he -old -ieetr itgut t3uU'toi4tS;fct meeting t&Mhg'MiT trroiBn it was aia to o ahead with "the wbrk a committee ws appointed with full powar to let contract tor the '' r worg.TbnT oommMtee -M yet, has- taken arisen some bppojtltlon to this transform ' nation of th llsht station Into a nrlty i ii halUJlLJi puttorth tbatahouidithel city spend, ITPO or M8 for b is work. th streets of the city would nsve 10 go juplnipwsd. which la highly, assent la I .pa aooount of tba large number of people -who will ' vietr-"V,anoouver"durlng "the Aside from thiarvanco'uVer people in ma, vai general ara In favor e a place to- house tha city government, wm 1 sugni vx . T pens tba roof of tha light autlon could be patched ao that building could ba - i made to bring la a revenue tor tha city. - la case tba council decide to (helve tha resolution to make a city hall out of tha - - building. U may be that this plan will be carried. Out. which-would meet the approval It fa believed, of a majority of tba sltisoaa of tba city., r " : SOU TO ISbmUI Duwatea t The JonraaU ' riVancauye Waiih: r;;18c Word haa been received ; bare that-corporal I Henry Johnson, a son of Jailer George Johnsonv has been transferred from tha isntn inismiyi now si "ri 1m nineteenth Infantry, and will pro ceed to the Philippines with that.Tegl ' ment ' Corporal Johnson baa been, in th laiands before and la anxious to turn, and It Is for this purpose that he j 'applied for a transfer to the Nineteenth infantry.., : ..-:t;:; v -; '..SiJX Wfam'jkjm-himiau. . ?rt : fgnegtal iMapatea m Iwm 'hmnmH--' ' Vancouver. Waah...Feb. IS. Great ln-( Being" la en tha Rantist church .conducted by ' me Rev. M. N. Bledsoe of Portland. Vancouver camp. - Woodmen of. the World. ifiU kold their rerular meeting at Elchenlaub'a this evening. -.-.- , - Judge Rice of Chenalla wlir arrive la " Vancouver tomorrow to preside oyer sevi oral cases In the superior court here.! - County Commissioner Robert Lowe la 111 at the home of tile son-in-law Oscar McBride. In thle city. - V.' . , ' Rev, and Mrs. William E. Randall, of the Central Baptist church of Portland, i visited with Pastor nd Mrs. "Veatpiap of thia olty yeeterday. . ' , Rev a. C Laphsm. of the Congregs tlonal church of East Portland, was la Vancouver yesterday. ' - v . The W. C. T. will told a meeting nor lecture 1 Friday- in - the Christian; ch REKOVAL OF METEOR ' -IS AGAIN RESUMED Cornfrrornite ; Effected t by Pay. "'i ment of Sum of Money for Right of way;: v 8BMlal Diaaateh w Ts JooresL) ' Ooregon City, Feb, II. t The removal of the great meteorite, which was suspend ed a few days ago. when.T. J Gary re- - tttmA 4a Haw I n. mtm miu tm Amn. UHyr-wiHbe resumed today. A -row, 4romls hsa been effected by which Qary has received 1 2 1' by the Oregon ""Iron BteeTcS!npkHy for ths latter's privilege of crossing his land. In addl- TODAY'S D IN QREGOfj CITY .tkn to thla consideration" thecompany released certain equities as to roads and . - roadbeds in Oary's landa which It bad , retained at the time it sold the land. It 1 will be understood that the company lAlMlagorilillTOI To Any Rhmjjic Sufferer 1 aa sa rewvewce wo aerwii; . . . . -. . J Tkare la anrelag to rlakaethlng to pronli km alas t pay. ettber bow or later. Aay Htaea. suy mare a rail eoilar'a worth free te try. I wllllatlr-Bake thia- liberal effrr oeraon I o ttU.JluiJtbeomtlt aawiiBaar ha rellnl spoa ALWAYS krlog tba BtSMSt re lief tkat nMoirtoe eao. YranUKfore I 61s- . Mrared this rrajedy..! at tidied ttn. ntnr of gbeaastlaai. rr kseuastlsBi Jr really -. . . r - Crystallized Poison! yon Ml a. - It la t drlak so brretbe Into your - It la tbe parpnae of tbe blaad te sheer 1 roe Diwa to sptr lA0d tha bid. .aa4 arry off tbti 111 lirl daImv . r. wktHi are the alters, ara eipertrd te eleasae the blood and aead It bark tbraask the ay una rleejt. to sather store yuleoa, wbicb . tr. Ja tura. wtll umlnatr. 1 Hat snejetlBies tbe kldneya fall. - And some tlaea. free) m ath-r tana, tbe blood (vts au fall of petenn that they cannot ibrnrb It all. ' Thla la the start of kheanwttum. Tbe potion : semanlatea sad rrratalllara. The rryatala look like little sraliai td ancar or ef Ina white sasd. The blood rarrla tkroj and th-r Innvaao la slae. TWs. wbea it ran rarry tbeai a loner. . 11 m nasi n west rs a joint oa a boa a or Tbe twins la yea I the San sebe Is ynnr ' sew ob s relay day these ara the ontvard alans , ef the enea erysttia. Aad the twlM4 Urn ha and ttitapvakahle Snsitlsk ef th sufferer who has- allow la synatosai te so iubo4 and anartewled for yeara tha are the erieeares ef ' what KheaaiaUaBi. aeslerted. ran as. ' Kheawatlasi tacledrs buabasar eHaoVa. aa lla. saal 1. fee all these are th Malt f nnotiK rwa is ue owes. rialaly. la Srst tbtst te dn m tn leennv the fpoa. nm uia ia not . . u roBMi. ION mt the poieae amst be stepped, so that V natar awy have a rhaaes to dlftanlT sad ellnl , , nete tbe eryauls whir bee slraady fornwd. mm una m ooojs IMn on Be S I ! 1 a tbe wbele earth for a sperlle for KhoaoitMsa auswHhlag that 1 sr say phyak-iaB rvmim vi aaio ia pfpatiimnf sonM'thlna) that w coaia eeasf aa am aaiy secssioaauy, Mlhl tlaMS cared by, a stacw Is locstKa at the VluaiUs hotel, pkoo Mala 421. tm saaeFriDtlane. comulalota, adrertlae. lanli s4 mw IHBie will se leeslted sad litis allaasad f.) mi 1 i n - PIONEER OF CLARKE ;cowr PASSES 'AWAY James R. Wood, an Otd Resident, Dies oHParatysta-ar-Hio: ttornBlniYancbuyftrj. wUl THepatrs to Tb Journal i Vancouver'. Wash., Feb. !. James R. Wood, an honored resident of thia coun ty for tha past quarter century, died at Ma reeldawoe I a-th laPity -this- -morning tatr:0" O'elock. Dewta reaulted from paralysis with which he had been 'trou bled for a - number of veera. He waa born at Bushvlilw, lad.. June M.llJt.) At the age or , with ma parents, na movea 10 hoc ininna cuaair, where be lived until n lilt Mr. Wood enlisted In the lid Illinois Volun- belng mustered out of the army In HIS. Mr. Wood returned .to his .home and tba next year moved to Gatea . county, ' Neb.. - where be resided until his removal to this county, la tba early 'SOa. .Until two years ago be lived pa hla farm on Lewis river. Blnoe that. time: be. baa lived In Vancoirver. He was . a prominent - member of . the l-l seal Q. A. R. and waa alwaya active In keeping Interest In the veterans of the civil war-all vs. Besides a widow he leaves cue' daughter and six sons, lira. Nettle K. Hlgdon, of Manor, this county, J. M. and U W. Wood of Hood River, Or.,-and W.-at; "WK. F. K. bad O. EL Wood of this city. Two brothers llvjng In -tha east alao survive him. - lhe .funetai -will be heldnrronSne" Baptist - church 'Friday morning at 10 o'clock and tha- body will be laid to pea-iBBrnt Wwereekemeterrr i ST ZsT MBTXJUTB. f8peeW TwpstOl -tsTha Joorstl.) 'Vancouver, Wash.. Feb. -H. Fran Allen, who disappeared tromthla-Clty day before yesterday, waa aeen In Port land yesterday.- On person esaerta to have seen him Boam a train at tna union depot. - but thle Is not poelthre. From h Is it would 'seem that . Allen left this Uy f his ewn, will. Mystery reunds his leate-tahliig, and no reason -Haa 'yet been put forth for hla absence. It ia probable that steps will be taken to nm .the place wnere ne atopped whjlle In 1 Portlands and In case he has left that lty, to trace bint from there.--; ....-.;-. .. - :;:----i7rr- - I49pecia mspaica w 4Bf mvarum., , A Vancouver. Wash.. Feb. 1 l.r-Reports! from the upper river state that the Co lumbia above the cascades Is jammed with lee. Bhould the weather between this city and the-cascades Continue cool, there is yet a possibility that Ice will in terfere with liver traf f lo oa tha middle river. If this lam should break, large blocks of Ice would come down the river. practically tietng pll river boats on this part of the Columbia. ' 'j- (Netlre Tte Or 1.4ns City efsee ef Tbe learaal bb 1 117 eroes ok .m vonu Jones' drf store, paoae bsnlBtloas, eomslalats. ad w items, will be ratal Tad M leeatea at uowsu . Mala TKl. wbert sobsnl varrlaMkMita asd sew I sod praaptly aMaosW to.) heretofore- aold Oary--44Icrea of lot 11. This is the land over which the present owner' objected to having tbe meteorite: pass.'"- '" v ; - ' .' Once the curiosity li on the company's ground it may be. transported thereovet to the rlyer, thence on a barge It will be. floated td Portland and become one of tbe exhibits of the Lewis and Clark falri .' ; . On account of Its great weight and pe cullar shape the removal of the monster meteorite will bo necessarily slow from itx JsentJltioit4o-tbearg ' Cataract Hose company No. 1 met last evening in regular session. Little busi ness Twai transacted. The tompftnTbna-nothin mectsPhjrsbruary H In mmpleta sr. rangemenU.for. the ball to - be given March 1. . ' . " . ' - "' - 1 : r Mr. and Mrs. James Astamann Portland ara visiting friends hers. of VlLWATH for the ravagfS ef BbeamaUssi are . I spent tweaty yeara la ezBerliaentlDS before I felt aatleitrd that I baS a cartels reatedy for tats-dread d1araae-a rsaiedy whteb weold aot Nil tl4U. tWt UM oUOa, Mlt MM Whlck WO14 - - - as. -- 1 erva tLa m saaei arva- Certain Relief Th. secret lay la a weiMlerfal enenlesl I fossd Is Omuif. Wsea I fonnd this rheaUeal l I knew that I eoaM meke a Bhaaaiatle that wools ba nraetloallr eertaln. But i tn- serbra I BMde aa a naoaneaswBt before I waa willing to sat ay name on It taaade BMr Itir S OU) toMsr ad -y -fsltarss wars hot 9r rest. w . Tbla Meiaiss thewlesl Is nut lbs atity tnav. dleat I uaa la Dr. Wkoee'e Rfaj4e wr ant It nude the remedy poarible aaa soaalhle at arhlvrement whtrh, I doaet set, eoaM have I Sue la Bo other war. ' This chemtoal waa very sxpaaalve. The doty. ino, waa Bifn. I a all It east me si.w per pound Bat what la S4.M per pound for s RIAL, remed rnr tha world s BHSt palnral diaeaaav tor a RKAL. rellrf from tbe greatest torture hastes beloga knowt - .. . I don't maa that Dr. tOjoop's ttbeamatle Cure ran tarn bony Joint Into 6ah rln mat M impoanoi. But li will erlT reoU tbe blood the potass mat ranaa pala and awrlllns. and than that la th end of the eats ssd vw.ll Ins tbe end of tbe enffertat tb end nf Rhea matlam. ' That ta why I can afford to make thla liberal offer tkat Is why I rss afford to aprae in n lot r aollar that Rhamatle sn. terers, the world over, may laara of my r. ax-ay. Simply Write Me The offer a) ope to everyone, Try where, who haa not tried air romedy. Bat yoa nmat wtIU UK lor the free aollar sspkac order. I will nrnd yoa aa order ea year ruciiat wklrn be will aerept as gladly as ia, would aecpt a -dollar. II. wlhV Band yoa frsSi hla ahelvea a sunaard wised parkas and nwlll send lb Mil is m. Tbr are a eoadltloss so r enlrement. .XII that I sak yoa to d 1 to wrtt writ, today. I will send yoa my book a Kheamatlsm nealde. It Is fre. ft will k.lp ys ia anderataad yaar eao. , addrsas Ur, aaosp, Bex C T1, Kaciae, VI. aackaga - Oe aal st forty taaw.s4 drag stores. GREAT-CHANGE IN ROAD IMPROVEMENT Tax "of Eac Cbuntyi,eyjeOy County Commissioners and Must Ba Paid in Cash. County, Tdurlng the past year, rlenoed a' irreat chance'ln the mimner p( Improving the county , highways. - frior to 190 the road law pf tba state of Washington was such that the county commissioners of the various-counties of tba state had no control over the 1m PTOTaweHtnTO-e'fctmTiry- this county there were 4J road districts with "a supeftlsor over each one.. .'The road tax was levied direct by "the people U vlns 4s-4hat dtatrlot'-And -waa - worked put by the . fndlvldual property-bolder aid amounted to e-mllla. According to the -new law, which was passed by, the laglalatuxa' of 10 J. and whinn . wsnr mt fun rorco on j 1, It At, the road tax of each county ia levied by the county commissioners, and must not' go over ! millsv . This tax Is payable In cash. Not more than, four dlatiiots were provided for, and the oounty was Tsubsequentlydlvlded -Jhto three. 1 .,...... A road supervisor . was appointed by. the commissioners according to tbe law to carry on tha Work in these districts at their direction. The result of . this arrengemehT"waa that more permanent . road work was carried on during the year 104 than ever befor la the history irTnUTcoun try. It Is also apparent that more work can be done with the same amount of money than under the old law. - Much opposition arose at the time It was put before the people, and at the sauntu sBvetitloaavot--m pcamcat pa ties, from .APru to August, v, resolu tions were ad op-ted demanding the repeal of the new law. Whe submitted to the voters of Clarke xounty in 1101 they voted agalnat Jt to the tone of 1,109 to 104. " After seeing the new law put to the test the feeling against it has died away, and it as" probable, that at the present time a majority of the taxpay ers of the county are In favor of keep ing the Ww in force. ' It ,is. not. expected jwat. tne present figlslstve will malm any TMngT 'ti thla law. but the commissioners awaiting the adjournment of that body before laying out the wore zor tne com ing year. ' ; '". ' ;"" '-' XsTTOTS 0L- J' - , (Spsdat DUpates U The Journal. J Vancouver. Wash., Fab. 16.' A horse belonging to wood dealer In some manner- got' loose yesterday, arternoon back of the Columbia hotel and made things interesting for a few. minutes. Racing out intoJTMrd . street.- he pranced back and -forth, evidently aeugntea at securing bis freedom. Several chil dren near by wera "with difficulty, re moved to . place of safety.- - ' :. After 1 er 30 minutes of this una or play the horse was captured by several hyatanrters, r , . . ' . MANY IMPROVEMENTS IN CLACKAMAS TOWN General Electric Company and . :- -Paper Mills to Do Much r s y Work.- " V ;: (Special Dispatch to The loarssL) Oregon City, Feb. IS. With the ap proach of . spring ; many .Improvements will be begun In the vlciifity of Oregon kClty, and good times are consequently anticipated. 1 The Portland Ovmn Kieotrie company-'' Is now preparing plans in Its office here for the very extensive enlargement of Its planta. Iran he given out-ay ment. ia authorltattvely maderthat - the piana win mass sieocssary a large out lay of money and material. , . The Willamette pulp and' paper mill, which has - already laid the. cement foundation for ita pulp plant, will begin during the 'month of, March to erect an immense structures This ". wjll be -by far the largest puip plant lit the-north' west - ' 1 - ,: j ' This company at tha present time has employed a large' number of men who are engaged, la planting trees on Its holdings along the bank of the Wil lamette south of here. The company owns several thousand acres of land In this county." It plans to set out In trees a new tract' of land each year, and thua secure as nearly aa - possible an un broken supply ' of timber, after . their present reserve Is . exhausted. '' The favorite tree -planted by the company Is the oottonwood. , -"-' -rllany-otfter minor 'improvements are projected, and the outlook for tbe year li fnpmirsftaf. - ) AERIE OF EAGLES TO BE INSTITUTED New Lodge Will Start With Mem bership of Nearly One. -Hundred; Upwtal ispstea te The JoraaLl . ' Oregon City. Feb, 15 The organisa tion here of tho aerie of Kagles who have' lately made application - for a charter, will likely be consummated next Monday evening. W. A. Wood, -one of the prime organlsera of the movement here, has received a letter from the grand worthy aeoretery of-tbe order-In 8L, Loula. In which' acknowledgment ia. made of the requlalte fees for organlsa tlon. ' The letter also) arfys that th charter for the aerie, as well as all hoc-' essary paraphernalia, . haa Jbtmn sent from St Louis. This will probably ar- j rive tomorrow or next day. Tbe grand ! worthy secretary refers Hie members of the prospective lodge to tba Oregon slate organiser. Judge J. H. Hlnkle, of Pendleton, who will be communicated with today. j, , , - Tbe ' new aerie wlUi conalat of about IS charter members, with - proa pact of many new members immediately after organisation. e-. TTAijr.t ' ; tsperttt DWalHI t Th' JoaraaL) . -Oregon Clty. Feo. li. At tha regutat Mating of the Rasters 8 tar lodge last , haa expe- oeiaajiitt after' the- rouUne Woik-oC Unt V. .' . .. 'T', ' 1 .' - f-iJummi SpeFlsI'Serrir, a' J Harrlsburg, Pa.. Feb. I. Th e k latft board jfardons t h Is w uiuiuiuf s 1 si 11 kJVia m tvumiusiiy for 10 days In the Edwards and Oreaon cases. The case of Mrs. fcd wards Is continued and a re- X If-noarlnf Is gran$edii2resojuTbaw . death warrant will be. with- e drawn immediately. - r , . A e xne confession ror ' Mrs. Kd- . wards. In wntch aha aaya that she alone ' wag 'responsible for w the death of her husband. Is the e ewuse for the etctloirof thrboard e pr- paraons si z this time. ; thr;e board having previously refused e to grant a reprteve. . . ' ". Thin is - the eleventh r time that Samuel -Oreaaon has- had the death warrant read to blm to have It . withdrawn . for re- ' hearing. . .' : . ' The couple was arrested and e TTHed "three - years ago for the ' 4 ,murdr of Mrs.. Bd wards' hue... band, a laboring . man. 1 whose body wag found in a well on. the ' Kdwards place,. bis skUUbcgtix.. in witi a -hammer. or. a Vale entertainment waa enjoyed by theuneta bars present, -' Mrs. Emma- Jonas, waa chairman of the entertainment commit. tee, nd excellent taste and discretion was evident In the preparation of the program. Guessing contests was the first order of the evening, and .these were followed by a game of "hearts," la hlch all Sained. Prises were offered for proficiency in each game, and among trie, prise-winners were Mr, c. h. rris. seir and Mrs. Church. Tho party waa exceptionally enjoyable arra appropriate to the occasion. nuroiKom. ' ' " (Speelal Dlspeteh to Tbe looreal.) - Oregon City. . Feb.. la. x-Testerday Ralph H.- Slaughter; claiming to be the heldsr af aui tor-eifroxeuatad-am July 7, 1900. by C. A. Ryan, filed suit In the circuit court against Ryan for an alleged balance due of I M0, with Inter est. It ts also represented that at the time or the execution of tho note a mortgage to seenre the sama ' was exe cuted by the defendant upon 40. acres or real estate, a part of the donation land claim of William Qroshong, in township (, north range 1 east. The foreclosurej)ftbs mortgage la alao asked .J!ln . the.complaJnt. Attorneys Oeurge C Peewnell and C. Bchnabel rep resent tbe plaintiff. - BOOM IS BOaTUS. (Special Dlspateb te Tbe JeeraaL) Oregon City. Feb. II. Henry Allen, who rooms In, a lodging-bouse over the Red Front store, corner of Main and Ninth streets, ' yesterday lost bis over coat,' -watch Mjhajn and a badge of tbe I. Q. O. F. During , Allen's absence some person entered the room, and, after taking possession- of the .goods, left a dirty and ragged coat la the place of the overcoat carried away. No arresta have been made, and there Is no clue to the thief a identity. . . , I ' . Bowuxa oosmtT. L- TjspTJiBp4tiaasE3h Oregon City. Feb. li.- The llneuo for the bowling contest here tomorrow night between the Clerks and Independents will be as follows: Clerks A.. A. Price, H. traper.Cbarles Ooettllng. Howard La tourette. Earl Mc Adam. Charles' Schram. Kd Rockners-Jaelt -Caofleldr -Independ ents U Rucsmith. P. Frye, Char lea Kly, C ' Falrclough, ' William Chapman, ,; T. Johnson, Ted Osmond, C. Jtamsby, :, I - - (ftpeeial tMspstrb te Tbe Joarasl) t)regon"Cttyr Feb.lS. Tbe-Valentlne ball given at the armory last evening proved a very successful,- as well as enjoyable event Very excellent muato was furnlsbed by Turners orchestra, and dancing was continued until the wee morning hournv The attendance . was large, and all visitors were highly ' en tertained. r , ' v rmoxu An xdtob. - (Spselhl OUpatcl Tf T renrnsly nit. v.v. i K -TI. I .von ng at Knapp nan tne Altar society r: of the Catholic church gives a musical and social entertainment. It will- be un der the management of the ladles of the conrre ratio ft. ;ClltlgKaTd,, a yuuHrThgnregianif In the vicinity of - Molalla. yesterday brought to this city the carcass of bear, which be killed last Monday near his home. In the claim of Annie King for tli against the estateof Jullet-Trilllnger Judge Ryan allowed the claimant fit. The claim waa . founded on alleged services rendered' to the deceased aa nurse. ' At torney " O. C T Hayes represented - the clntmant ' -. -' ' a " A. jCnapp has sold the Palace saloon, at the corner of Main and Fifth streets, to A. J. Barber, lately of Kalama. Wash. The - funeral -of the late . Owen , J, Roberts-was- held this afternoon at 1 o'clock In Mtlwaukle. The servlcee were under tbe auspices of the I. O. O. F. Miss Cora Myrtle Ward and Bedford Blmmona'Were married yesterday at the home of the bride's father, near Viola. Rev. P. K. Hammond, of the Oregon City Episcopal church, officiated. Robert Beaty, a prominent cltlsen of thaJBaarrr Prank rnuntrr..made a huiir Tthafi from Salem this morning. Longstreet Vaughn, the well-known Molalla farmer, Was in the city yester day. : '''-.. Miss Minnie wuiard of Salem is the guest Of. Miss Ixrttle tiOvelL PRES1DENFPLEASED WITIf HIS-RECERTION e - 'BaajatBjHMSBasggBasjBMwasiBM Eat'v'Sld-''.of New York Wel- ""comed. Roosevelt With an ;:" -'-'r: Ovation.'. r:I"T t'oeroat Bpedal Barrlr.) . Washington. Feb, IB. Pleased over the reception accorded him by the east alders of New -York, President Roose velt, returned to Washington this morn Ing lo take up the oares of of flee. Mra. Douglas Robinson, the president's sis ter, accompanied the party, to be a truest at the White House tor several days. "..,.; President Roosevelt -Inst night ful- oiiea nm promise to tne Hungarian Re publican club of New York by a visit to "Little Hungary as rrr guest of the eltib and wis welcomed with open arms oy tne toreign resident of the east side. He waa entertained at a banquet bylD club and made a speech upon Americanism and paid a tribute lo the Hungarian. - eltlsens, as good Americans, - v -' - " During th drive through the streets tha president . received an? ovation and th whole east sMe turned out to rlv him a iiolsy reoUnsV' -. -- . -;'.,.' PACKED IN AIR A thowi in the above Jhls sal esuarrj to prevent the-abttievfieaeeabfe-dora-ar substances. "TT t4VVhfte Tcate-aroma noticeable : Accept no other bers" exclusively n Butter, Oheese'and Eggs. 1 HOLD Oil COMPANY '. -. ...I''.-.. , . , , , . Unless He Retires Whole. Jvlan- -agement of Equitable Ufe : Will Co. fv-v:.--'- OBJECT TO FRIVOLITY - - 4 ,QF COMPANYTS OWNER His Reversion to the Luxury , of : the French Kings Offends Business Men.'- rearaariDeelaT Borvlea.! - ' Kew "Tort. Feb. 15. The firht new waging among the' beads of the Equit able Life Assurance society, the great-, est single financial power in the United Btates. exceeds In bitterness any other struggle that hsa ever developed among tha kings of finance in this country. The dcniand made' by Jamea W.-Alexander. president1 of .the society, -that to Ho to . Unit, -If Is not a "little thing." Ifs a deadly tWilIf" Jvill not " get well by itself " if yoa let it alone. ; Wtiskey land quinine and such things brace you up for the time, but iney aon'i cure you. Ask any' intelligent doctor easily. He will say, "Because you are a bit run down.": He means that the force which nature placed ia your body to keep out disease germs -the resistive force is weak ened.' .'The door is open a little way toward disease. ! There is not a gravestone in any cemeterv in the world ... cansed-by consumption or pnemnoaia or any luDg-trouble :.whever which tiid not start with what yon call ;NoU ; X A cold should not be beaterf haclt or drugged over it Fihould be cured, and the general' halth should be ouuc up. " ENGLISH REMEDY - Ms M should be taken at the first yinptorns of cold. t is a tonic for the whole body, a specific tor sudden colds, coughs or; sore throats. It doesn't matter where the cold is or how it 1 got there, we know that Acker's Englleli Rem edy 1 will reach it and cure it It is sold ori a positive guarantee. ' - 1.3 CLT.2 KO PAY. M .you have-coId-Lno : matter how slight it means something.- Take Acker SnffUsh Remedy at cncev: Keep it ia the house. If it does not relive you almost tostantly, we will refund yon the price paid.' . . . ;-. ; . '. ':';;;-. ; -..'..:. i. "Acm'g Egousji Rtarcor saved ror Ufs. A eoeen. sliint'st first! rew constantly worse and I finally bad to free np sjy work in tbe Kalis -Factory at Waldea. I had frequent bleeding spells. Was examined bv local doctors, prominent phyai clans la New York and at a Medical Cot t lege. They ail prononncd my ease aopelets. I began osinc Acnt's EsdUSB Rsmsbt and a few botUaa enred ate. lam today a perfectlv well man.- (Signed) A. tt SIMPSOK Waidea, kTyT" , X Acker', rngllsh Remedy is sold on a posl tive guarantee that the purchase money will be refunded iff case of failure. :. 88c, eoc., and $1.00 per bottle. . - ' SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY,THS CHUG CC"?ATlYa - TIGHT AND. GERM-PROOF CARTONS illustration. The only butter on 'Clover" in cartons reUins all of in fre&h-maide butter. v brand from your dealerr rtelwetflutterjsiMMfart .l'n.:llu In Di.m rM..A..' ...J c . . . . - 4- JamVs H. Hyde, vlce-prealdsnt and own. er of -the - majority of the sapltal stock. ehall eensent to n tiliaim In .ths ruling power, by which 100.000 policy holders of thee company may have a 'voice- in the election of too directors Is only small part of -the struggle. - -r Alexander and his friends In tba com pany demand, and. this la the real crux of .the war,' that Hyde retire from the vice-presidency of the company ' and from active participation tn the manage ment of Ita affairs. ' Hyde baa been served with notice to this effect that unless he retfrea 34 executive heads of the Equitable Life -Assurance society, constituting the, whole active manage ment of the immense corporation -with the exception of Vice-President Hyde and Fourth Vice-President Jstclntyre, wUl give up )hrtr positions with -the company. ' f ' .The motive .which-Impel the extra ordinary step are exceptional.-' Among them is the Strong objection to the frivolous private life said to be led by Hydcl .Another objection Is tbe charge that ne - haa . oy;4ina -Jiunt pi ,,Mmtixres due tha-oai character that are detrimental T tractors, and asked ihat I6S.0110 .be pal iltable companylt 1a alleged I and 'that the 11.000 be held until u Tionl ofa to the Equitable that be has gone Into huge- speculative schemes and allowed himself to be used by promoters of such schemes. The officers' also desire the retire ment of Harrlman nd. JacoHC ; Schlff from- the directorate," Schlff is heading a syndicate backed by Rockefeller to buy the control' of the company.' It is said that a recent, f 100 banquet given whv von catch cold so J ilil&irS X - .' ' "i1 l ; WX. X ' "X. . , ' i - m f . . ' - 'aJ W . the Pacific Coast uslpg the "sweetness and del- ; ; -i ; r v VI':;-'- by Hyde, at rwhlca Madame Bejano -- " danced the an-eaa on a- tatrie, - is the sause of . part ef the trouble. r. t- BRIDGE EXTRAS LEGALE p- - SAYS CITY ATTORNEY- 1 Cny-' Attorney , 1,7 X.' McNary is the opinion- that the contracts for extras otr the Morrlaorj street bridge 'awarded to the PaclOc Construction company are legal and that the city will have to pay -for them. He filed tbe opinion demanded of him by the executive board with the city auditor yeeterday. : . .. . Mr. McNary's. opinion regarding fcia. contracts is the- same as that of Mayor Williams, who contended that because tbe bridge waa constructed under a spe cial ac( of the legislature th letting of contracts did' not .come under the pro-! visions of the city, charter, which states -that bids shall be asked tot on all work and material, costlnc !2 or mora. - At tne last meeting -of the xaot tfvSk pald.- I th: nnai adjustment. Oeorge - H. Howell raised tho question- of legality of the' contracts for the extras on the bridge amounting to . $61,000. and asked that tnermatter be referred to the city ati torney. for an opinion. , ' . -,,.,; ; . . - . 1 WioTanaJ Btnnh ftaiiBall a noils Allen At. Lewis' Best Brand. J ';;:'; :J V V- -. . ?;: - V tXJX J 'frHf Xf;M -X X- a,'.. .. , . . - -. r-.--. 4 :7A 4 r