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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1905)
Ja.rq.i.iu Oread. .I'Bonale Brier Burt" V fc-fe J? (ulumbU., ..... ..t.V. ...... .."Qua Vealer1 LTl fcn:plre....;.,......;.........,.'-Loereteoe'' M'i .tkW 1-xric..,. ...VRio Grande" iVt hakar ,.;...,..,,...,.,, Vaadoelfle 'JnVYle' iP Mar .,.,.-.,. MM,... Vaudeville k.'JIJ f .ToSS-' "Weary, wearv rlnlT" . " , pub, rub, rub! . ? - Headache, backache Hands all broken, too! Ar- Change-thia. kind lady; - v No un be In' blue. . ., r"CU up-tha Union laundry. ' , And have a wagon call; They'll do all your washing ', " Six cent a pound that's all! ' - i .:.-.... 1 : i .. , (All family laundry was bad, Btaxched '' and delivered, ready for ironing, cent - a pound. All flat pieces Ironed without extra charge. . Phone Main .- - -i. "Paul B. ; Thompson, secretary 'of the first district of the Paolflo Coast Asso- clatlbn of Traveling Paaaenger Agents, Is arranging forejiffture of the Ports " land,. Beat tie and Tacoma delegation from this. cliy. Saturday to attend,. the association meeting at Ban Jose. Febru ary 20. It Is expected that delegates 1 will go from Spokane and Boise, and -that-all will meet In Portland and de port together. The- San Jose pros-ram r Includes side trips to Mount Hamilton and LJck observatory.: Loa Gatoa, Santa - Clara, and the old mission there. M. J. Roche of the Denver At Rio Grande. J, . H. O'NeiU of th0. R ft N. and other 'Portland men w)U attend. More- publicity of the objects and The results accompiisnea oy mi Anti-Dsioon Jeasue will be alven. At the monthly '. meetHr-of-he organlsatlnii, , h'elif laat night In the. Fenton building. It was . decided te appoint a committee to elreu lte- literature, setting forth the facts iregarding the organisation.- Various . gg-gestleos for making the fight against the liquor trafflo in Multnomah county , wera mada . nr The moat popular and efficient remedy - for coughs and colds is'Kenyon's -Cough and Cold Cure, sold only at the old re liable drug store. of Albert Be ml. Becond and Washington. -Ay -its healing and ' soothing properties it quickly checks and relieves the cough without derang' tag the system, and Is the proper remr , edy for children and adylts..allke. . . ' 'Dr-Maria D. Eoul will . soeak On "Nervousness In Children" at the meet ." ing tomorrow afternoon of ..the Home Training -association. Mra.; Samuel Con- ' nell will, lead the , discussion' of the questions presented- In ' the bo. Meet' - tng- at 1o'xJloelr-'-fn th.- T.-W;-C.- A -"rooms. Sixth and Oak .streets. - - - -TheTJontaviHa "and the "Central ad It', ditlon boards of trade have decided-to improve v iiisv inmn, wpica tuiii iivm itbnTa villa to WlUtig laue, parallel '"a the rati road tracks. Work-o the Ira ... provement will be hastened, as It , 4s de-J sired to have it finished before summer. ' Mrs. Maud 'Balllngton Booth 'will ad dress the Volunteers of America at the White Temple, at aftrrnoon and evening sessions,' Friday, February .'The evening subject will be -"After Prison .Whatr' ..; , ... . 'fc.'.. . tf. fim 'y ' - The fine new steel steamer Redondo r. hails direct for San Francisco Satur day. -Ft bra err 1. at i p? m. Cabin tit, Steerage M; meals and berths Included. ifl. Hhompongnt?ijhlrdstreej, -r --- . . Vlavt Hygienle Home Treatment-for the permanent cure of all female trou blest.-. Lady physician In charge, con - suits tlon and examination free. Office liours, g. m. to.,8 p. m.; St Mwla bldg. '--''Dtnner served. today (WMnesday) by Idleal Aid society. , First Christian church, from f to $ p. m at church par- ' Ipra, Park and . Columbia streets. En tranco on Columbia. - li cents. . " Steamer Aberdeen sails direct for San Frsnclscn, Thursday -evening, p,'m. Cabin tit. steerage U. Meals and berths Included. CH. Thompson, agent, -It Third strtet.-.- '. B. ' S. Cough ' and ' Croup Syrup Simple add.effectlve. Best children's THedlciue. flueclne for all chest colds and! croup., For sale by Knlghipnig ciki ' The railway employes wlii r gita. benefit ball at Arlon hall Tuesday even ing. February .tl. .The prooeeda will '' go to a widow and three small children. , B. V 8. Cough and Croup "ymn Sure cure for croup and bronchial colds. Keep on hand for emergencies. For sale by Knight Drug Co. . , , t-. t ' ' ; Tn Journal, dally He a month, dally and Sunday t a month; delivered any-' where in Oregon City. , " ..The Journal, dally 4Se a month, dally and Sunday 86o a month; delivered any where In Vancouver. '; ( ! r ' t- . Dr. dhas. W. Barr. dentist, tlT Dekum. .f'Ask you grocer for ,Goldeo Cheddar. SALE OF SEATS MORNING 10 O'CLOCK (lie selar enarert' te ke glvea' 'at tse . Mateeaai Tbestre, MONDAY EVENING, . FEBRUARY 201905 . atr. esrge U Bakrr win prasrst tbe-Barsuag -' ' yeeng Oregas eoetrslte, J . v ; (VOaryAdell MW t aUTtlSt.'-T VZUAM O. XWsTSSAXX, . . ' ' Barltaee, , teoAB m. oovmsxtr, areasisealaU' .-. . ; -i - PaTKOKKSUn - "f U Mia ftrMta railing Mra, l. Wraley Leaa Mra. Vt'altvr . Miirae , Mr. C. It. s. Wood ir. Walter RrrS - Mrs. Rlrbard Kirtlw Mra. Jaaare INUaw Mra. Piwatna C. Mra. Whiter U Bnlae. Case ' - A ft . . . A .W M '-.. II - "" - 's:"-J r-o- '- ' i 'i , ' Better Late Thanc Never- , But better never Uta.'Ybu can be- ' gin to save money In your old age, , , but how much better for yout oe dining years to begin saving arnen- - you are young. Cut out your luxu ries and aocumulate a growing cash surplus by opening an account in this bank. j,- . Interest and eompouad it seml-an-nusily. itw v- w.: ..-. , ' Oregon SavingsBan sixtW'and Morrison sts -'f - -,' ; Portland, Oregon.-" AMATEUR FORGER Has Time Checks of Eastern A v - Western r : Lumber: Com-- ,4,.' pahy Printed;: J,! SIGNS FICTITIOUS NAME : 'TO PAYMENT ORtfER Gains Merchandise' and 1 Small Amount of : Money From ., Firm in Woodbum " By - the early discovery " of a bogus check In Its returns from Woodburn Or., the' Wells, Fargo Co. bank of this city has probably prevented a long list of amateur swindle conceived by a man who slgna his name, a J. B,' Gordon. -The criminal, whoever he may be, Is siTDDOSftd to hav once been In the in. ploy of the Eastern ft Wf eompany. Securiwg one of- that, com pany's blank- time checks, he had Imi tations printed and has evidently started on a country rout to profit by them - The only one which has as yet been returned to the bank forv collection was drawn In favor of J. B. Gordon for tti. It was printed In regular form, with "Eastern at, Western Iumber company. time check, payable to-order on presen tation," In largo type and was signed "C M. Jones, Secretary. ' , Gordon pre sented It at a mercantile establishment in Woodburri in exchange for a few dollar's worth of merchandise and - as the herk appeared genuine the store ac cepted it and gave him the change In coin. The check - then passed through the Wood burn bank and came to Wells, Fargo aV Co., where its spurious char acter was Immediately detected. The secretary of the Arm Is D. F. Campbell, . Jr-, and. the perpetrator of the fraud probably got n is idea ror toe fictitious name of C M. Jones" from W. J. - Jones, -who Is a timekeeper for the oompanf. .The fact that the check was printed Is ample evidence that the defrauder had a Isrge number of them, and he will probably be beard of again. As the amount. Is so small and the swindle so amateurish. It la doubtful tf the American- Bankers' association-' will take up the pursuit of Gordon, but the banking house will- make an effort' to run him down. ' ; : " ' GREAT-CALM FOLLOW TC GRAND JURY STORMS 'Assistant United SUtes District At torney W. W. Banks works In a vast calm at the 'practically deserted office in the federal court building.- 81nce the tide-ef humanity brought by the federal grand Jury receded, routine business ha taken np again,- and minor affairs wni be attended to Immediately.. ' Balnff George Humphreys, who had charge of the Jury during Its long and memorable session, wanders through the corridors ss a- lost man. with nona of the multi tude that beseeched htm for Information near. The halls have a decidedly barren aspect, and the few stragglers drifting through but Intensify the sense of emptl- GREAT INTEREST . r f - IN-THE. Bl& FAIR Samuel Rosenblatt Returns From " .Extended t Eattern Trip and ZZ. Spk EhthugUstically of r the Fair Prpsrli;f7"r Mr. Samuel ' Rosenblatt, .'the .popular clothier.' who has lust returned from an extended . trip through - the - principal cities of the east, said: "You would be surprised at the interest, displayed in our fair. I met people every where who expressed their Intentions of making the trip west this year, not only to see the fair, but to see the whole western -conn try,- which, in nrynsplnlon. Is ' being ' ad vertised In the right manner." - ' Mr. Rosenblatt seemed greatly Im pressed by the large factoriea, which he visited In the interest or his firm. Ha visited New York, Philadelphia. Washington. - Baltimore, " Chicago. St. Louis and others of the larger cities of tba east . "' , .-- ; - -.. ,. . Fred J. Palmer of Jaeksonvtlle. . Or. te at the Imperial hotel. .' Mrs. J. W. Condon . and Mrs. a R. Krier are visitors from The Dalles. W. W, Grtswold, private secretary TO General Manager - Worthlngton - of the Oregon Railroad Ss Navigation com pany. Is at tha Imperial. . v -"- , J. F. Hampton or. Astoria is In the city. ' - - - . w. A. Waller rsme in from elymnla this momlag. on pualnees. r k '... J. W. Bennett, a banker of Marsh- Beld.'is kt te Portland.- J4. - Frank P. Hogan of Spokant is In the city.- - - Mr. and MrSr.F. Ut nark of Spo kane are In town on their way home front California.- . . . . , i. CAREER IS ENDED Assassin of Amelia Sirianni Turns Murderous Weapon ' " . on Himsel?. . . WASCAUCHTXl KRAT V IN A TRAP BY POLICE ln Homje- of -Woman-VVho Re fused to Give Moneys to-T-r T Aid Escape.-- -- r - 1 ;--' .' . . 1 ' ' . .' l With the asms revolver that he 'juaed when' be murdered Amelia; Sirianni last Friday night Joe. Ftorebello sent a bul let through his own brain last night at the residence of Thomas Medle. (8I1 Fifth street. . j; "... ..- -' It -was only after he had discovered that-his' hiding- plaee wascompletelx surrounded -by-police -oftlcarf aud deteur tivea, and that, escape was impossible, that the assassin turned the weapon on himself and became a suicide, -' - The final act of the' Italian's red ca- wr'KcurrtiraWirtly After 1 o'cIOcTTntr i St 1 i ' r' ' Joe Fiorebells. morning. , Through Information volun teered ' by a friendly Italian, Detective Welner learned that tha murderer was In hiding at tha Medio residence. - He hsd taken refuge In- the horn of Mrs. Media, who reported to the police with much circumstantiality of detail had been demanded from her to aid in his escape. She informed" the police that Vltto- Florenello," half brother of the assassin, had made the demand, with veiled threats, and that aha bad re fused. The police warned Vltuj; that If he showed any evidence of a desire to aid the murderer to eacape that he would be locked up aa accessory, on the prom 1se of good behavior. Vltto was allowed to go. . -; ' ' "It Ta now. believed . by the detectives that tha etory of Mra MedKe was un true that, in fact. It was conducted for the purpose of -turning suspicion away from- her nousa' aa the hiding place of the criminal. --- ' ..- - " With Officers Venaole, Seymotir and Jones he quietly atirrounded the place. Seymour and Venable were stationed outside, while- Jones and Welner made an examination of tha premises. ' Then Welner and Jones knocked on the door and pushed their way past the old wo man who responded. She gavesojjlck command In Italian, and all Became denly oulet upstairs...'. . . -.: . In the two rooms on the second floor wbcre the Medlea live Ave Italians were discovered. . They denied vigorously that they were sheltering the -murderer. They bad not seen him, they said," and would da ail In. their power to assist the officers in capturing him. . t :s- t ' The Sscrst Caoset. , .'t . t j. ' -One Italian even volunteered bis serv ices In assisting the officers to search the rooms. When the officers hesitated 1 nrarured a lamn and I ilJsn-SriJtm Tb Jl. tnerrdOsB helnslsted He bade. them follow, and closets were searched. The women were huddled la a corner, The officers continued -the search while the suave , Italian held the light and urged .them on.- Every vlalble closet bad been : opened, even drawers . had been searched, snd rhey were about to aban don the efforts. . . Suddenly, however, Welner seised a bed) through, which they had looked, and. moved It from Ha place. It creaked, end tha Italian who neia the lamp seemed .apprehensive. - He said the officer, was breaking his furniture. Then Welner tugged more vigorously at the bed. and hadalmost removed it from Its place against the wall, t ; There wss a mu fried report, aa 11 a hot had been fired in an adjoining room. With a cry of terror-he Italian droppnd the lamp and leaped tnrougn a wmoow to the street, below. : Shots la the Xark. Officer Seymour, who was stationed there, at once opened lire on the fleeing mai. - He Bred twice, but the belle went wild, and the fugitive escaped. - , I'm shot," said Welner In the dark ness, aa the women wrro ire a neea nua- dled together In the corner began to scream. - Jones assisiea - weiner rrom the room, and . barricaded . the door. Welner. telenhoned f or re-lnforcements; and then discovered thst he had not been shot; his knee-wss sprained. - . Half a dosen police officers under tne commend of Captain Moors came on the patrol wagon and surrounded the place. Seymour was convinced that 'be had wounded the man aa he leaped from tne window and aseleaa- efforts webs mad to And a tr&re of the Seeing man. Then the search of the house wsa re newed.: Captain - Moore. Officer Holson and Detective Welner went again to the room and shoved back the ed which Welner was . removing. ' Then - tha shot was Bred and the light went out. . Xdfa aaa tdgM Wsat Oat, . The bed had been placed against the wall, completely covering from view a secret door, opening Into narrow re cess In tha wall. This door was finally opened, and In the darkness they- foanj Florebello.- dead. The fumea of powder smoke poured Into the room - from the narrow closet.' The body was removed and given In charge of the coroner. Hearing the olhcers and realising mat nape . waa Impossible Florebello placed the revolver against bis ear and fired. The ball came out at tba other side of hi head. Death waa unquestionably in flicted -by himself, according to the cor- hner.t and the expense of an Inquest Is nnacasaary. ,-..., Only his hat and shoes had-been re moved. He hsd been living In the room J evidently, since . the crime was com mitted. Remnants of food, were on the floor. - Detective believe thst he lived in The . closet during the day, and went i ;. '. . JP- A' fc 1 V V aTaT ' I g a 1 I 50x100 on south side . of. Glisan strset, be--Itwtsn Sixth and Sey , enth. ; , Easy terms. .Street Improved. Ce' ." ment sidewalk. Ex CMaJtedlior-fiella.- Apply to r-' B; M.-LOMBARD a '".' f. : ,. . ' , f 514 Chamber of Commerce abroad at night, walking In tha suburbs for exercise. 1 la Ukely that the Medio iamfly-aad r nooiipanta of the two rooms wll, be arrested on the charge of bains' ac oesoriea aiten tne ract.- . on . such - a. charge, according to Deputy District At tprney Haney, they wiU be prosecuted as vlgoroualy ss-principals In -the tragedy. , Detective Hartman and Attorney Fer rera made wbst waa thought to be a thorough search of the place on Satur day, but found na trace of the murderer. They failed to detect" the hidden closet behind tba bed. ' " . FAIR OFFICERS ARE AFTER THE SURPLUS The exposition official are still hops ful that the government's balanca of I30.0VO remaining over rrom the- St. Louis fair will be .turned over to Port land, although the' sundry, civil bill be fore congress ' failed . to authorise the transfer. It is expected that the money will ba finally turned over to the Lewis and Clark . project In the urgent defi ciency Dili. - - Ai D. Charlton, of the Northern Pa elf lc, has returned- from a -California trip. He found tba whole stats talking about tha exposition, and said thst the number of visitors to ths fair from Call- fprnla will be phenomenal. A The Southern Pacific has mad changes' In the routing of. passengers from the east which will permit them to visit . California on the way to the exposition -a -well as after" their visit In Portland. Tba cost of tba concession to the passengers is 111. . - NOISY CELEBRATION - ; CAUSES tflS ARREST Harry Kellogg, a 'bartender at East Sixth and Falling streets,-was arrested this morning by Policeman Croxford on a charge of dlscharglngflrearms In the city limits, t , . ' According to the policeman's story Kelloera Is to b married in. a few dava. and while celebrating the coming happyi event --proceeqea to empty nta revolver in tha aaloon and -shof out the ligbta." The neighbors complained at tha method of celebrating,. and Informed the officer. AT THE THEATRES. r-irr- "Quo Vadia." Kot everralaed aot . pralaed eaosss b) the kweatlfal and aerioss "Quo Vadia"- at the Oohnabta aU this week. ' It la. tiling tba large aoaitonsBi 01 roruaaora DasoacHse Iowa theaae with critical aaalOBeee. It far dolag aoee than bat-it Is sraanUag la a. trsa aed unpreeaive (maaaer the extreaaa dlfaraltlee asil. awful anffarlnga ot- the eerllaat little bead or carlatlaae. It Is gfflag s grand and vivid picture of the dally Uvea ef the ralrra aed patrlciase ef aseieet Baaae thilr fMllsas ana acta aa uwr ant ecgaa -ie aotlce the In ferno of the Dw aed atnaae-ratlaiaa. .-it is a iaaos ,s graao, magsatte eaa. aad a yon will always be glad yea stadias. . Brandt-Baume v Company's . Vogue. 'The great crow da sew sttasdlag the Brandt Bauste Stack eeaipaay's parforsiaBcea st the mptre tbeatre Uts week le tee baeetlfal ' -J Mae- dear oVsMsatnto tba poeeurtty of t6-TJaatog piayarsss tse sear ergasiaafioa. Navar la the aiataiy ef a leral stock eesipeay kas s play baas e well raealved aa has tbto praeaaUUoa e( Claa Vltrh'a "Levant, taae." Tee etory f the play la se tberaaghly daugbt fel and the Btesy eharartars eo well puyrad that this Sea nettcacUea bids fair te oa4o all pmluea vstm.e a Bret -clue stack eosv pasr. . . ! '- "levers' mk - win eaauaaw tarenga the week with a pepalar SMttoee Batarday, te be followed srzt weak by the great BlUtary drasw, "Korthera Ua-bt."- , Stoddart's Laat Appearance. V Toelcbt will be the htet ' epportaalty that rortlaad plargoers will have of heertna that araad old sua. I. H. Stsddart as Iehiaa Oaaipbell. the ebaracter which ha baa ataee-eed la wbtra be will Inngeet bo naaaaabered br the AsMTlcaa pubne. Of an bla-great rolea this is eoodd-e be his beat, bad the stars old Beoteh ahepberd growa positively lovable naoer bla IstarpreuUos. air. atoddart, whs Is sow 81 yeara old. ' la the oldest a line aa the Americas stage. Tbla will ba bis farewell tow. and a will retire from . tha suge at. ake ckiae of It. Ha great power of portnltsre will slways, however. Uve with his bsbm. . ' : , : ""Northern Lights." - Next - week's Mil ! the Bisplre , theatre, rbere the Brasdt-Baaaae eoaipaar . la ptajiBg with, great saeveas. will be Northers Ligbts," b "well-taewB suuury orasn, IBateed or "The ' Cllsihera,'. as grat easwaaod. Tba. aaaageskeat - was dtaapeotated m its efforta e scan the aMBearrlpt of the kit tar play la tlaae for post week, ssd waa eaautaUaa at it ta ehaage the MIL ' ' -,Bij People at jhaStar. 1 Be s.r wlea aaelag fbe wooderfol MDa. tMi la her greet Bro aed aalrrae daore at the tar. The Tarke-Bereert trie feralahes suarh rHaaaat with aerobatte f eata, daactag aad BtnaiM - Aaotber sketrh taasi la that of Mark and Elliott la a playlet r tilted "The Mew kUBHrtar." . , . Granda Carnival of Fan. - There Is a renlax . earalvel ef res at' the Grand theatre tale week. The Mdnauu : are arata bat tbelv net eaeaes a whirlwind ef U ashler; Paanr Mass's - tares ' le - eeaafe-el; Boru sad Lewie sr eeeer bet fBsay) rteaa iit draws plrtarea of rameas steal Wtn- gaU dnea eeeestiie work with booee. aed Ilyde sad treats proaest their bale ef bay. ..... " Seats for Hanford. Seati' are aow eellfng for the aares-eaaeat ef the eaitnewt eetar. farlee B. Hanford. who coomb aa the hlareaaBI Oraad seat grlda? sight sad aatsrdar sutteeo Is the pteffeagee CaeaaV e naanei-' satareay sight Is epeare's tragedy. "Othello." u The Lady of LvttnsV' Xejrt weet tko OnuiBiMa Stork eosmanr a 111 Bi a airaea peoderttoe of laat faatowa i nlar. "T bad? of tyejeo." It will- atari Sunday afe n. The atnry aad klaton of the play are eo well knows that tba aaere annnanmamt that It ta to be given tn tee le alwaes aredaaalMtln pt ten UnlsaaMa Is anfscleat te draw crewded biaaia 5 ,-f- . CHIEF OF THE FAIR l Fife DEPARTMENT B. F, Dowsll's Appointment to ; ; Responsibls - Place if. Gives 7 General Satisfaction. - - . . .- L- - ' WAS CAPTAIN OF TRUCK ; V ONE FOR SOME TIME Fine 1 Apparatus and Good Men ..Should Give Exposition tm : V v tnunity From .Fires,; . ' . Chief David -Cempbell has appointed B. v. Dowell, formerly captain of truck No. .1,' chief of tha fire department lo cated at the Lewis and Clark; -exposition grounds. Nine other memfroeye truck 1 fire-fighting brigade havd 'been as- signed to expoelUon duty and. are now fnthegfQunda. Another eompany to man tha truck, will be appointed within the next few days, . t 'T"'";- " C. O. Hainesv formerly captain of chemical No. 1. 'has been appointed esp- taln ef 1 -the- tewis-and -Clark" engineer fnrnpowy wim.n Harrman Is driver of tha- engine, and William -Waaher angt-neer.i-"Jack'i Lennox, one-of the beat- known drivers In the local fire depart ment, is driver or the new nosecsrt. Prom the long list of tune-tried and fire-tee ted" men Chief Campbell baa se lected the following to act aa bosemen st the wblta city:- Porter Loan Is, L Ward,' M. U Cameron, Cyrus Eaton and furs wmklebeck. The - truck company will ba appointed thm week.' The fair's fire department wllliba as complete , as It la possible to make 1U The apparatus is ths best ta be secured In America, conaVsUng of a metropolitan engine, truck and' a combination hose r Chef f omptieif nag giv" much G Chief B. F. DowfJr-ajPhoto by Davica. time . to selecting horses for. this - f Ira company; he has at laat selected three dapple grays for -the engine, two grays for tha hosa wagon, and three pays rot the' truck. ' '.-' .' : The selection of Dowel I as chief at the exposition grounds has . met with the hearty"' approval .of the fair manage menL the rank' and file of tba fir de nartment,' and cttlsens In. general Ha has been connected with the local- fire department for mere then a dosen years and has been In tha thick of tha smoka and blase . wherever his services were needed. . For several weeka last summer Blddy"-Dowell. as ba Is known among his fellow-firemen--' acted as battalion chief during .the absence of Battalion Chief Tounar. . ' - "1 am glad to be sble to do something ror 'Biddy.'." said Chief Campbell, Is ' a mighty good fireman, steady ss clockwork., and is not ths least- bit at fee ted by riding In a red wagon. - And my selection seems to have met with general approval." - . - . , ' - DAMAGES ASKED FOR -PERMANENT INJURIES a Fifteen thousand dollars' damages are demanded fromrthe Oregon .Water Power at Railway r. company .by Alice powllng 'or - alleged ' Injuries to her spina received ln--an aecldaot on the company's line on. November 4, 10I, at the SeUwood switch. The passenger car in. which the plaintiff was riding ran Into a freight car. causing her such Injuries that, aha never again will be able to perform any work. - The - dam aaes asked are f 10,00- foe the bodily injury and shock to her nervous sys tem' and 11,000 to compensate for ex penses incurred In employing physi cians and vurgeo-ns and to provide for future esepenses. If anyone has clothing, for men or women, -and .Is willing- to, give It away,, the Salvation Army would be glad ta get it for poor ' people -who- are almost naked.' Ring up HoodSUlLJ orcall at Zit Ash street, rooms I and 4. Captain and Mrs. ArenL' " .--' -"i.. Affectlna .stomarh. nasal nasi throat. Tunra or bowels T Wa. are em powered by -as. wins TO -GUARANTEE AM iMOLVTI ctrsm by a careful treatment with 'hie justly . i i onieoraiea Cttirrtl Cc: -'-IciiCcro This carefully prepared remedy la de clared by chemists to be as harmless as sttgasv and yet as immediate a relief for asthma or brooch I tie as cocaine or other ipul, Per , week's teaabmsnt .91 A9 aia Slxta ass Cak. "Ca Ca way H W. O." CATARRH?? I l 1 1 I III .-'.' I i j m a a a umZ 4 s v 1 k-av' 11 11 VnTv Wl - , ff ' ' v " aaaaAa'aaaAaaA m ' . l " WWW mm mW WW KWm fjOSatiirfayight I Our Great' ShoeSalcziWill-En i SOROSIS Hye carryMierfhfi has tiae 5 such a price ss $2.95on as good shoes aa there are in the j: Vt 1J itrwtm onfli m rrturm atanla'rmr- M KA - stiff 9)4 iy . T WUIlUf aw uwu erfc w. v wm.,v rt. wv.wv iwe w"wf ; 3 i-- ... ,' '., ' - the world over? ;.. Jt -r----- yWatrtAds'rF1nd Right) People - 1 e w ennA nltmrm tnuAm IITI yW v& UH M . w J u.r , r . ------ evening la "Good boy wanted for errands and work In printing office." Apply early at Alvln s. to, -iw niro street. .. . lx....:.i . . v. 1.M un an lmlrlna I foe sueh. a hia- "niraishad liuusekeeulna and single rooms by tne weea or roooia with gas. bat and pnone.- - kmu m mk Third street, and see them, j . Whv keen "a'"blundarlng servant when you can procure the services of one dou ble the worth for the same money? You're looking for a cook; a good cook .looking for you. "If you would get her, - try-a Journal "Went ad." Your troubles will vanish. . . z Don't bemoan your fata whan you And it difficult to get a position-- Try harder. Insert a "Situation Wanted" ad In The Journal columns ons time free. Possibly soms one needs a good man to All . ted.. -- v 'A- - ' ; - n-room bouse for-rent nr .aMear Is at desirable slse for a small family. If tt appeals to you call and get particu lars concerning it. ;. ' ' ANOTHER OFFICE -j v :'" Irnpector Examine -All Plans and Specifications and Over - see Buildings. POSITION EXPECTED TO 5 - ; BE SELF-SUSTAINING - Graded Chargfts Will Bs Mada f or Permita for Construction . Portland will havS a'buUding inspector whose- duties wULbet examine the plans and specifications of every build ing to be built In the city and to see that .tha rules laid down In the fire or dinance are obeyed. He will be ap pointed by tbe mayor, and bis compen sation . wUl not . be tees than 1100 a month. An ordinance provldlng'ror this was introduced at the meeting, of the elty council this afternoon. Such action baa been found necessary to enforce tha new building ordinance The duty ef - inspecting the plane and specifications devolved upon the chief of the fire department and assistants, but It was impossible for them to do this work in addition-to their other duties. Work -has been accumulating until the tables in ths fire commissioners' office are pUfd high with plana and specifica tions, Chief Campbell and his assist-ants-.found a few hours ttma yesterday and passed upon II plans and specifica tions. Tha'" permits were issued by the city auditor, most of which are for cot tage on the east side. J no largesi con tract Is for a- house for P. H. Schulder- mann. to be built at Nineteenth and Gli san streets st a coot of $7,000. 1 - In order to make the office or build- Ins Insnactor ' self-supporting: chargeal for permita will be increased py anomer ordinance. . Heretofore- only - $1 - waa charged for a permit, but the new ordi nance nrovldee for a graduated fee, the amount ta be determined by the cost ef the proposed structure. , FotUauildtngs coating less inan ii.ooe a fee b 11 will be charged, between $ 1.000 and IS.0OO a fee ef IJ.'' between $5,000 and $10,000 a fee of $1; between 110.000 and $10,000 a fee of $S and all ever $20,000 a fee oM10. '- !. f Ft as earn of SDaa. .. - From the Chicago Tribune. Kosciusko, having fallen. Freedom emitted her celebrated shriek. -I tost had te do It." she explained. when one ssore behind the scenes. "I had forgotten my lines, the prompter bed lost the place, and I couldn't think of a blessed word to say!. Making a few hasty changes In her toilet, she waited for her next call. , fr..n4wl, a llvoa mvm! ev by having Dr. Thomae Keetr i v the nouae J"at wnea ll in no rm- . h- bursa, cut. eva r COUfsCIL XREATES ; '- - ' t r7. -. SHOES for winter wtight'ahcxa IgnofeI,! -t l Cor. 5th and Wxsh. ! Sts. PeribiJlsttl Ajtxrs eeweaBjBaasaanaahnss COLUMBIA TIIEATRE! r.TBaiLABD, .am. wiax. QTJOVADIS? ..'. MATIN SS 8ATCBDAT. - Columbia Stock Co. la SleBklewIrs' liapieaalve and areatr slrtnae at , tbe DAWN Olf CHRISTIANITY.. -. - v - Boso aodee Nero. Rplendora In aoenle et-l facts sever before-oaaalod In rAvtlaaeV OBOn BBAT8 STOW, nla Btatlnea. .- SAc, IBc. lu Uowntowa oTOea open til day. S27 Morrison, Phono Mala 110. Bveaing at tboatra. Mala IU; Seat week. Itlrbard ManafleM's ' 1 ' UivnillU eaASS IT. T. Vasaia. Baa. Mas.' utAn,yunni THIATBJf . rbaaa Mais 0M . - Kogagenwnt of the eminent setor. - CHARLES B. HANFORD. Prldar night, Satnrdar matinee. Feb. IT, M., '. fVO OAESAB Sx BAZSUli" Batarday algbt. . - MtloT.rlr,o-Lowtr aon,, iA T8e. BaH ronr, OurJUltiallerT, 3br, He. Bvooiog prkea i; Lower sei,- 01.0O, i. Baleoar.hJSr. OOo.!. Gallorf. -Sir. 36c.. Boxes aad logos? $10. - -aeaui are sow aelliag. ,. : p TOHIOpT AT frlH OfXOTK. FARI' s : raarrirtMA.n m h - V M. STOXAaT, ' i' . I . . in :I ' . . 1 - Tars BOVarrM mmm vm. . ' 1 .. Ifoor laat oppurrnntty of eaaiBg:-, ' - " "The Oraod Old Man." PBIfKS Parqoetta. $1.60; parqaetts eircie. $1. Balcooy. T5e and SOe. Cauerf. See aad EMPIRE THEATRE BJbt Sacuie yoar easts - by Phoas Mals, 11T, Big .hoaaoB aatkaataatle aedlesces. TONIGHT AND .-AU, THIS WBEK. POPC, LAB MATIXBB 8ATCBDAY. , xtnr MMAMtt-xx&AM Axrtta y And aa BxeaUeat SnpsArtlng Coatpasy Isf the saw.lyde rttck play, "LOVER'SrtANI!:,r New-Mattseaa, lot, lt, . ' Bvesiass. lac 26r, Sr, OOe , JTBXT WXUV "OBTaTJtBJf UOaTTa," ' QBSAT SPBCTACULAB bUKKOB DAMCBB) attba STAR THEATRE . . ""'11111, TISIA. "' T : ROWXIX AMD IJrEBSOS. - OUVBI sail. BAIST VZBMOV. EOOOM B rBMZOTOBOOR. ContlnwMM Vandevllle, !; te 10 JO a. ski AdsUaatoa . 10 eenta. -- ------- -- THE LYRIC THEATRE t - Bovestk ssd Alder Streets. . - ' Eret-v Afternoon and Evening. . THS'NE'w'-I.VKI0 STOCK rOMPANT , Is tbe Beaaatioeal Metodraata', - ; MCIO QUASDt" npeetaitles between seta. PerforBMneea at 30. T:0o and 0:111 . sw . .Usual prioa of adaUwtoo, 10 eenta. r GRA1ND T cABNiVAl. or yus. SISOWTAa, Oometv Wire Ast, ' - CLEM M'OEI, CewyoalBt. ; r,.-. BOTLE ABO LXWlg. Ooaaadyr .. - SANVT MABX CO., Bow AoW. 1 ' WIBOATE, Bono Boloiat. ' -aCTDS AJtD HEATH, Movalto SaoeJalty. AU BOaTMEB. Hew song. aaABoiaooFs. Atolaalaa to asy aoat. lOe) baa aaato SSe. DAIiER THEATRE: Talrd aad TamblU eta. Keating ar rkea. atare.1 l.w,t Vandevllle Iltmeo In Anverlca, StAHLE, THOMMOV TKIO. w liltOIO O HAST. . . LOBBAOTTA. B0LME8 XOLMTS. . IXATDTK CBOOI. t. W. BTTBTOB. - . , babx VAjrurviixa. . W. WOOD. - TBS BIOuBAjm. Admlaaioa 1IM. , rarforSMnces at 1.30. 1 M and 0:10 s. aa. ' , SLASIBS BBOS. COSCBBT BVBBf YSiSST.--SM-kat BCaNSIDS Autczci:; Mtizrr Scrc:.n Arrcn! ry cr t3 c -!". -.V-