The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 15, 1905, Image 3

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ish and Exclusive
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SJUVHI Remain Idle Until Damages
Caused by Recent Fire
- ; Ar Repaired.4''?' ,7
In J)ispJayIor Sprinj1.905.
' ' ' - ' r
. , - -.. . 1
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. . i
Albany's Executive Vetoes Meat-
urt Placing Recorder on
- Flat Salary. -v
literary 5 Society : of College :to
: f - Hold Annual Banquet at'.
- '; -i'l.l ;vRevere''Hoel;-';--4---
' (Sporial pupatch. to The; InmL)
AJbany. Or, Feb.. II. At last night's
. tessfon of tbe city ceunctlHhe ordlnanoe
passed a few weeks' ago placing ' the
., -city recorder .on a, flat salary of tit per
' month, was Lre turned by. the -mayor with
. hts eto- Tha- reason iUue v his dlaan-
- proval was the fact that an officer un
' der tha fee system did better .work,', and
that while under- the , fee system.-the
; recorder .received , a little .more, than he
would 0 a flat salary, htn compensation
was not too large. Another -.objection
noo did not provide
now eol
lected for licenses, and . that under tae
new ordinance those' fees would not be
collected at all. The council sustained
the veto, then Immediately considered a
new ordinance providing 'for the same
salary, for tha recorder, and providing
for tha collection of aJK.fees and their
payment .Into-tha city, treasury r .
A nwssber'Of farmers appeared before
' the council and asked for the light to
, run farmers' telephone lines Jnto the city
r a . . i T.uL.
pmy connect icrm jriiu tuoi. ui mm dwvi
' ness houses.' The' matter waa discussed
at length and was finally- referred to a
committee for investigation.
' The Senate, one of. the llerary so
cieties of the . Albany college,: will on
February 84, hold Its fifth ' annual ban
quet at the Hotel Revere in tnis city,
- Dre at Lebanon yesterday afternoon
' endangered the resldenoe of W. C. Peter
- son.' It caught- in . the. roof and. the
' - house waa saved only by the herolo work
r of the firemen, ' -
iij. IMetrtcn sionisena. wno was auiea in
a railroad sod dent at Kalama last
was at one time a resident in this
city ana naa many xnenos nere mougn
Ttene of his rela,tlves resided In, this
-iute.-Hls body was last night brought
to. this city and , the. funeral was held)
r --thlsi morning. A large nuraoer of his
friends followed tire- remains to tneir
lst resting place. . He was i years old.
: - 7or lofants and Caildrea. V,7
Tki KL-.J Yea Ean Afojs Z:zzl
" BaWsths
VTfT ' Qur SpcxialvThis .Week . Consists. ofa Line of - New
Mw J' -Spring Covert-Topcoats
'"""; x ; . These jgaTnents , are . in the Jatest style ,
v ' A , broad shoulder, deep.lapel and very nobby. '
I SamM Rosenblatt S Co.
' ' " ' m- 1 fassjsnjsjanaa IsnlnnnnMasnfaannlnl
Last . Semester ; Opens . With
Bright Outlook for the Clos-
.ing of .Year.
New Impetus Given tq Work by
Vsit of Coast Secretary '
: '.V, ' of Association, v.,"
'r. (Spodaf Dhipatck to The JoenuL) : ' -'Monmouth,
Or, Feb,- 15. The lasf
semester . of the school year 'has opened
at the Oregon Stale normal.'; Nearly 40
new : students' have arrived and others
ara expected. i j-
Tte college Toung Women's Christian
Association- held Its annual election
with tha following results: President.
Rena Fir; ' vice-president. Ila Dale;
secretary, --' . Viola Qwynn; i treasurer;
Cathrlne Campbell.3 . . " ". :
Mttis McCorkle, coast secretary of the
I T-
the college, association and given it a
new impetus which promises :to resuR
In the best work 'being done this year
Chat the normal school has ever known.
atlas Fir, the -new president, is an en-
thusUstio -and popular young-'--woman
well fitted to be the leader at this work.
Her home is at Newport, Or, and she is
a fresh
, A Bible study rally will be held at the
association - headquarters next. Sunday
afternoon at . t o'clock. Mrs. . Hahoney.
Wife of tha professor of science in the
normal school, will be , the principal
Rev. O. K. Baker of San Francisco,
editor of tha Psclflo Christian, Is giving
a aeries of . lectures at the Christian
church here, Some of his subejete are;
"The Life and History of Luther." -The
Life and History of Calvin." -The Life
and History of Wesley and "The His
tory of the Disciples of Christ"
Theodore Hef fly and family of Indi
ana are visiting at the home of tha
former's' brother. lT. O. Heffly f this
city.; Mr. HeffTy Is In search of a large
dairy farm and In case ha finds what
he desires wtll remain in .Oregon. . .
The large warehouse which' is being
erected by Bridwell A Craven on Main
street---1w nearlng completion. Much
more butldrhg than urraal is being done
and carpenters are finding plenty to do.
Rev. Arthur S. Allen, who has been.
absent for' several weeks filling tha va
cancimtde Jyhejreslgnatlon of the
pastor of the Baptist church ofOregon
City, has returned to Monmouth.
"! ' Amerloaa Fostal Sarslea. '
Toe Vnlted States has 71.600 post-
offices and (00,000 miles - of postal
routes, with a yearly travel over them
amounting to 800,0,00. 000 miles a year.
The service costs over (1B0.00O.000 a year.
The receipts now almost equal tha ex
penditures, and have doubled In the last
1 years. '' ": j-v. '
Well - Known - Eugene - Business
Man Expires of Lingering ;
nvaik iivwwrai a
': . (pkU1 Dtopetcb te Tbe JoaruL)
.Kugene, Or., Feb. li. The 4-stamp
quarts mill at tha Lucky Boy" mine., in
the Blue river dlatriot. has been dosed
down and wll( remain' closed for several
weeks on account of tha fire which oc
curred at tha plant Sunday, and which
cams' near destroying tha whole plant.
I j Particulars of tha. fire, whlch-are-not
complete, nave just arnvea in. Eugene.
It appears that tha thermometer at the
mines at the time of the blase registered
severs degrees below sero, and efforts
were being made to keep tha piues and
machinery Jroni belag fro sen, when in
soma manner tiro broke out la the an
gina-room and' rapidly spread to other
near-by buildings. .
. By herolo efforts on tha part of the
employes -tha flames were extinguished,
but not before great damage waa dona,
probably amounting, to- $2.(04.
Louis Zimmerman, president of tha
Lucky Boy Mining company, who was at
tha mines at the time of tha fire, left
Immediately, for Portland to make ar-rangementa-to
replace the - machinery
and fixtures that were ruined by tha
blase. , Tha - loss is covered by Insur
anca. .": ' enaa fofTllvoToa," .
- B. F. Russell, a welt-known-Lana coun
ty farmer, yesterday began suit against
Ora. Russell for divorce and tha custody
of their minor daughter. Lois. Russell
alleges that his wife, since their marri
age, in February. Iei, has treated mm
la a cruel and Inhuman manner. In that
at various times she called him vile and
Indecent names. They have peen separ
ated slnee June 1, 10. ;., , .-;
' Xotel Changes Sands. - -
Tha Hotel Gross, a popular stopplng
nlace of this city, has changed hands
once ' more. -Mrs. Mary B. Cowan of
Fresno, Cal., purchasing - the furniture
and business- from Lester Toaler,. who
purchased it about two months ago from
T. D'Condon. . -r , ,.,;.:-
-Death of a IT. Xenllna.
' C W. Henllne, a well-known business
man of Eugene, died at his homo yester
day afternoon from., heart ..trouble.. , He
waa born In Marlon county. Oregon, 12
years ago, and has lived in this state
continuously since. He leaves a widow
and four children. The body was. taken
to Btayton today f or lntermeni. ;
Jfaw mural Bout. r'-'Ji
The first offlelal trio aver rural mitt
KS l.whlClt"Ws fecently established
by tha poatoffloe department to run out
of Busena. was made today. The rout.
looVers U miles and accommodatea 10
famUlea., 1. . . , ...
- (Special Dwpetch The fceraal.)
, Spokane. Wash.. Feb. IB. An a result
of -sevoraT communications . between
Mayor; Boyd, and Andrew Carnegie. in
which the mayor urged an Increased
appropriation for Spokane's publlo li
brary, word has been received .that Mr.
Carnegie will increase his donation from
S7S.006 t tt.000, provided the" council
guarantoaa a, correspondingly Increased
matntonahca fund. - ' '" ...
- Tha matter of an Increased 'mainte
nance fund baa already been taken care
of.. Tha-levy now made for library pur
poses Is sufficient to produce a revenue
of $12,000 for tha. present fiscal year,
instesd of M.C00, as required by the
terms of tha donation. ., . ,
I f - liM KHrviwwj
1 C Reno. Nev Feb. li. After
of Al Llndermanv charged with tha
murder of a man on a train a year ago.
last night returned a verdict of murder
in the first degree.. ;
. Linderman'a three accomplices are
now under sentence of death.- . ,,.
Golds Zad to
fiatlm Itrnm Onlnto. th erM wide Cold
a ad (irts msAr rasMwe Ibe-eanw. oll fnr
ke fall aaaM asd took tor eigsatare oC .K. W
(iroT. 25c.
excellent-andeffective at
W. and - styles;tin -ctkeepiri
-iustial-standard T. , . . i 7
Student Body at - Whitrxwm ' to
DetermineWho Is the "Eas- .
- j. st Professor.' -
Faculty to Give Students holiday
and Usual Party on Wash- t
ington's Birthday., .
' (Bjieglil BUHieUh i Tee Jwisel.)
. Whitman CoUegeTWslfa. : Walla, Feb.
II. One Of the-' most unique contests
ever held In this college will be con
ducted by the Junior class next Friday.
Such. -questions 's who Is tbe most
beautiful girl Id college, who Is tha most
conceited fellow, and who la to -eas
iest professor" -will be decided by - the
suffrages of tha stiidenr body. Each
one of the 400 students has one vote on
each, question. ' The homeliest man, the
"chief flunker" and the "chief poler.
or the student who grinds all tha time,
will . be voted for, and the names of the
winners will be- printed in the annual
which tha lunlors sre getting up."
The Juniors themselves are- ineligible
by their own edict -'-. . -
The new Whitman, college gySmaslura
will be ready for general use soon, al
though tha swimming vtank and heating
aDOaratua.wUl probably not be installed
ihls'Vinter on account of lack of funds
to complete the building. .
Tha basketball team has been prac
ticing for several days, but the formal
opening . has- not yet taken place. . It
has not-- been decided'. Just, what - this
will be. but it now seems likely thst
the sophomore class, who had the first
bid In. will open the building wlthnan
"at home' to the other classes or the
colleca and academy. - -
The faculty recently decided to
a half holiday on Washington's birthday
and to give the usual party to the -stu-
dfinUJn.thecolIege chapel Inj the aven-
ln. . Thla year Instesd or a eoionli
party this will take the form of a mas
querade, in which each person will rep
resent soma historical or fictional char
acter. , . ..- '
'" (Sperial Diipatrh te Tbe JosrsaL) ,
Pullman, Wash, Feb.. IS. The second
annual military ball given by tha cadet
battalion of the Washington Agricul
tural college Is announced for February
13 In the college armory. This is with
out doubt the largest and most brilliant
social event of the college year, and Is
anticipated with much pleasure. ' Guests
attend-from over all the Inland empire
end nothing is spared to make tha occa
sion memorable on. .The list or pa
tronesses is long and Includes msny
prominent women from all parts of ea lit
em Washington.' Tha executive com
mlttee of this yeafs affair- cons lts of
Capt. K. R. Chrisman, capt. 1. M. Bimp-
sorc-Cant. O. , L, Larson, Capt T. K.
Hunter and Lieut. C C, Qee of tha ataf f ;
W. O. Harrison, faculty; John Miller,
senior; Nicholas Sheridan. Junior: Lieut.
A- T. Swintton, freshmen; Warren T.
Bhepant senior prep.; Charles li. Deana,
Junior prep.: J. R. Oood, bend.
Tha chairmen of the special oommit-
tees are: W. O. Harrison, invitations;
CapteJn McCallle, reiresbments; W. O.
Hsrrlson, finances; W- u."- Harrison,
floor; J. H.. Good, musks.
' (ftseeta! DtosStoa to .IV. -oersel.)
Dallas. Or.. Feb. 15. Mra. Beulah
Rises, who lived on the old Rlggs farm
at Crowley btitlon In Polk county, died
yesterdsy of old age, 8 he crossed -the
plains with her husband .and four chil
dren in IMS. '
They have lived on the one farm
since moving to Oregon. There were
eight children In tha family, four bora
sftert their removal to Oregon. -Ave of
whom, are now Irving, in April, 1!0.
MrsYRlggs would hare been . I years
old. Thomas J. Rlggs, her husband.
died February. 7, 1(7), a little more
than J J years ago. ' - -
The funeral services were held 'this
afternoon at the farm, and tha body laid
away In the farm cemetery.
All of her sons . were present end
msny of her grandchildren. One of her
sons. Oeth Rlggs,-hi Folk county com
mlssloner. , ..
--. Knergy all gone?- Headache . Stom
ach out of order? Pimply a case of tor
pid liver. Burdock Blood Bitters will
make a. new man or woman of ou, -
? A showing of handsome
- which ; embody all .: thLt:
' (BpoeUl Pnpeteh to Tbe'Jooraat) . ":
Moscow, Ids,, Feb. li. A hrea days'
session ora scnooi for farmers, is an-1
nounced for Thursday, Friday and Baui
urday of this week at tbe i'nlveraity of
Idaho. A number of --well known arjd
authoritative speakers hays been en
gaged for' tha occasion. - C. L. Smith,
editor of the Inland Farmer, will read
a paper and lead - the discussion on
"Building Up a Dairy Herd." A. 8.
Huan will discus dairying In' the Pa
louse country. Prof. L. F. Henderson.
member of the university faculty, will
lecture on ."The Growing of Tender
Frults-f -Dr. 'C. N.' Little 1U spesk of
rock roads 'in Latah county. Prof. O.
A. Crosswalte, a teacher at .the univer
sity experiment station, will lecture on
com growing In ; Idaho as - a summer
fallow. - ...
. Prof.-It T. French, president of the
. - - m - i . a i- ii, , J. t
T1" jgy f 7 ttall!lfflf4nr ' T?V ' " '' " : ''r:. ijssaai A '
1 ' -I f V I fi;iuiifrfBfrinH UftrAWJM ... - - w.r w, J. WJl "V I 7
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' ' :' - . .; N"-V .-iLiV-"!-
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agrlcuhural department of th .univer
sity, will speak on "Silos snd Forage
Crops." - Prof. L. Br Judson'a topic will
be "Planting of"" an Apple Orchard."
while "Apple Growing" will be the sub
ject of an address by J. H. Torney.
( Jon null gpMlal Bervlce.V -Norfolk.
Va.. Feb. la. Miss Anna
Fltshugh - Lee. daughter or Qen.,and
Mrs. Fltshugh Lee, and grand-niece of
Gen. . R- K- Lee, was married today' to
Lieut Lewis Brown, Jr., of tbe Seventh
Afe youtisfied with your in-,
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Laue-Davis Drurj Co.
Vnlted States ' cavalry.'' The ' matrlage
was eel eh rated Ul St. Paul's Episcopal
church, -The bridal-party -had as maid,
of honoT Miss Virginia Lee. younger -sinter
-of the, bride, and - the bevy of
bridesmaids- Included ' ' yonng -. society
women of Washington. Richmond and"!
Norfolk. Bishop . A.; M.Tt Randolph of- ;
flci.teo, assfsted by the Rev.. Beverly O.
Tucker. After the ceremony a large re
ception, was held at-the home of Gen
eral -Lee.- ... ,-TV - -, ,
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Allen A Lewis Best Brand. -
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