The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 15, 1905, Image 2

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    Is V.
iMMr ae. ."T ' ,. ' ' ... . . .' .
: ' Resolution Adopted Many Years Ago Brought Forward to Show
v'lJhat Either Superintendent or first Warden and His Fm-1-
v " fl Must Reside nt the Penitentiary., ' '
Aged Mrs, Janney of Baker County Weeps When Question of Her
7' Son! Who is ai PrlsoneTT Ts B rought Up Chairman Bailey : "
-;vind Holmes Apologize But
..'V-j.-:. (fraai I Iwul Staff Carrcpwaat.)
Balem. Or.t 11. With an Impact
- S t; 'the . force of ' whlclu waa such - aa to
7't:;r-iiaitBnlm an- inVolntttary eidamatton
of surprise, a Joint, resolution Adopted
" '' by. the Ipgisiatlve assembly February
IS,,1I8, Jurt li year ago today, Waa
',. 'swung .on ! H. ' McMahan last - night
' . : during the InTesttgatloa of the charges
'of mitlfeasancV In office he has preferred
' against. Bupt. C. WrJamea of the Oregon
, state penitentiary. ,
: The rolutlon require that either the
superintendent, or the. first warden and
. V his family must, realde at the penlten
.'tlary.. Taken Im connection with the
, -.! testimony of peorge Pownlng and X. H.
OUbert, former superintendents of the
; V 1 institution, ther'. resolution completely
dlspoaea of the-vtrongeat of tile charge
' brought against' the suporlstendenC'
Durlng the .bearing before the Joint
. leommlttee.U wei further demonstrated
that aa the governor hae the power to
. . pardon or commote the sentences of
. prlsonersrhe must needs have thelesaef
- power , of granting them' doubled time
-.Xwndera. certalrt. conditions, z Lo.Jfa.cU the
.legislature Itself by special act author'
jlsea - him to do so when prisoner are
called onto do road"ork. The Taw al-
, lows the governor great- latitude as re-
igtrda rules and discipline and permit
' ting periods of time to be cut off sen
. tences for good behavior.' That the fact
kaa bevn .reuognised a.. Jeng time was
shown by the practice at the penlten
- tlary under the administration of Oov
' ' ernor Irt .and Oovernor Qeer. The
facta .dispose of another of McMAhan
" ' : '.charaea. -r; r ' -"r-'r"' -"'
'" Thomas King. formr-tfef engineer
'-111 the plumbing department at the
. prison, waa the first-witness. ' He' tea'
-tilled regarding the, wnrnout condition
of the heating plant. -The Intention of
McMahan waa to. show . that the better
ment fund should liave been used for
. ; repairing thia plant.- As King wa dls
.'..': charged two months after James took
the position of superintendent hi tes-
"', . tlmony had no Important bearing on the
" ' .case at lasue. v r.
. , fJam Sea Blmlla' Oomplalata. ;
3. AwSllyeu, a, guard, in reply to
--query as whether some of the guards
; ' have not at time complained of the
food, he answsred: "Oh, yes;, you can
, near similar complaint at a notei.
- McMahan refused to ooeetlon the wit
nesA further, saying U "waa 'plainly Jto
be seen that he- waa afraid to talk, Te
- cause "he, might lose his Job."
; With a -bread grln'Bllyeu said" a "Job
at f SO month didn't have ao much
fascination f of Mm" that he would pej.
' Jure himself fee retain--It. r
The third witness was Warden PMnH
, - H. Curila. The Una of questioning 1n-
"Xdlcated- a desire on the part of Me-
""matron," has not" attended properly to
: her datles: bat has left 'Others to take
. female convicts out; for f reetifalr and
exercise, when they , were taken out at
air It waa testified that Mlaa James
took h women 'ot for exercla every
day that It 'had -not rained,' except on
; few 'occasions when Mrs. i James or Mrs.
Curt fa, had relieved her of the duty.
. Thl waa when.ahw-HV--or'icarhjd
wy Xrom the prisonvby an Imperative
. duty.' , .
; ' McSUbln keked tf frankle Woolrldge
luid been jkea out with .the.utther
- . wflfrten and waa answered in the nega
-tb. He endeevored to show by; his
mifiiea that she had been ill-t rested on
'accouh -ef Jier color,, but stopped ahort
; ";. of a question which would elicit the real
reason for ! her close. oonflnement. At-
' ' torney Ifblmes afterward drew forth the
. not dealred to leave the building and as
.- - she hsd beeti at' the penitentiary only a
short time the attendant did not-'knpw
, " whe.ther It would be af to .take her
t .out or not"' ' JT
- J - Asalstant Warden J. 8.- 8mlUi cor-
" " -Toborated Warden Curtla" testimony,
. I McMahan endeavored to coitvey 'the
. "impression that prisoners from Baker
.eounlyr ' where th superintendent for-
merjy. nved, are favored a 'truatiee.
Warden-Curtla aald only pn prionert"'S0prhrtndent Jamea ignoredMcMa-J
: r from Baker county 1 at present a
TrUaTyrMannte Howard", the-warden
'said, was made a. "trusty" by requeat
(of Bam White,' district ; attorney or
' . Baker county, and .former chairman of
the Democratic state central committee.
J Where nothing in the conduct of the
:''risoner creaiea an uniaroraoie lmpres
union, Curtis added, the recommendstldn
p of prosecuting officer were usually
favorably considered.
," Mrs. Janny. the mother of Mannle
mowamL-leatlfled that-liJiadonce
'made Mis James a present of a pair
.of portiere coating 1(0. Mr. Jamea and
this family have been friends of Mrs.
Janny and her family for If, years, and
.' ;.'.' that he knew hi father and mother
rweTl: The curtains were returned two
months after 4hey had been given Miss
James, by advice of. her father, wio
-'-.-isaid. ho thought, the gift might excite
rinfavorable comment McMahan tfled
3-io snow thlt action had been taken after
..... ''the had sent a protest to Oovernor ChaaW
;.irlfn because of the conduct
or - nert
," .'I'Hiiliemitiry
uui wss iiiiuiineu tnst tie r
nmm muuiKii,ATOwrnr. wun-m "p-ttrn
.-had. been told otherwise by the super
itnlendent, corroboratedJhatatemeiit
! , laade ,by Mr. James. ' . 4 -:
'. 'I Inquiry relative to a nugget 'Vplh.
which MicMahan accuses Warden Curtis
.-wnf 1 receiving aa a, gift from Mr, JannjV
-. showed that tha pin belonged to her
i - son, who ashed her t aend It to blm.
A. Warden Curtis wss being ques--tloned
concerning Mannle Howards her
. ioo; Chairman Bailey ofJh rommltee.
Made some reference to "cattle runt-
V Hog." fr which, the boy wsa sent to
ih penitentiary. He did not know atf
, 1.1mm imi- "r.. anny, wno was
-UMttlng opposite him, was ; Howard's
1. 1 , . Bfu t Asologls. '
" IflcMahan's : queatloa caused
i Jany ta break down. , She wept bit
.'teriy. . oeciaring tbat bar boy I not a
. .rrlmlBsl end that "hundreds of peoplfftles.'-and allowed them ' outsid th
-roMld teetly that he could be Intrusted
wHh any amount of nniey ' She men
t"ii:ionea the iererene tn "rattle rustling."
' . Chairman Bailey promptly apologised
-.for bl remark, .explaining that ha waa
,ki aware of Mr. Janny being Howard'
.. . 1 mother when be referred to the subject
; Attorney Holme expressed ht - sorrow
'Jmhwus of the mental strata which Mra.
(Janny had endured and said he wa
triad he did, not have to apologia for
"' Mmmnlrig tier a witrieea.
-. " am sorry, too, but neither hav- I
McMahan Refuses To.' : v
any apology to make," angrily remarked
McMahan.- "--r '' ., . v ' 1
"Well, you ought to apologise to thia
poor -womatu"'"declared Holme. , , .
In concluding per testimony Mrs.
Janny aald Governor Oeer promised
that at the expiration of hi term h
would pardon her son. - He did not do
ao, ahe aald, explaining that too many
others were on the list ahead of him,
but, had recommended , htm for double
time to Warden Jamea. i
' - Superintendent Jamea , wa 'Called to
the wltnea stand. He .was aaked, by
McMabgn If he had not permitted At
torney Bam Whit to ae and talk wltl)
convict without guard being present
,"Not that I am aware, of," waa -the
anawer. - "However, wa . often extend
tourteale la attorney that we 'do not
to other." . . . , . . .
"Weil; I -remember - that tto- never
extended any auch courtesy to me."
ponded McMahan. . "Every- time 'I
talked with a convict a guard or some
official had t overhear th convert
tlon." ' T x ' ' ' ' ' -
"Wasn't charge brought against your I
on, who wa then acting aa guard, that
he had. gone Jo sTeep on dutyft' -naked
MCMatian. ; . ' .
ine aoperinienaeni lamniN sucn tot
be three. He explained thl incident
by saying that on guard declared young
Jamea had alept on duty, while another
was positive "Wis -eutement wa errone
ous. The guard -making the charge
M-banS- SS. TUJ8"1 Creating Tax Commisiqn
Investigation by th-warden satisfied
action to be taken, and he so reported. -Queationa
relative to Ed McPhersoii.
Hhs former warden, brought out that Tie
ad been discharged for drunkenneaa and
disorderly conduct The-superintendent
aald Mcpherson had become intoxicated
at the penitentiary, but an hi earnest
plea waa "given another chance." Dis
covering .that he bad got drunk at Salem
and engaged in a saloon brawl with Al
Snyder, th superintendent continued, he
bad decided to discharge McPheraon.
He said other reason had caused hire
to discharge the warden, on being that
they Jangled over the policy to b pur
sued. M,cPheron was represented as an
advocate of flogging, to- which th wit-
ties: said he waa opposed. - There had
been no flogging sine. .McPheraon wa
diacharged, and tb discipline among th
convict had been far better -than for
raerly.. . ,"
"I there a guard at tha uenltentlarv
namea -jacar w niter' ssaea m
, . ... . . -T 1 . Z '
Receiving an rflmKtplshi
'Jn,i rfrV.ht0lin so it miit still
.1 m mli- . i. . . . , ,
Z.eM.4k.T kTJ..Tm i fc.7h.- ifX:
... ..... T--- " .
fnereon Drought before tn committee
and to, question him.'
.v1. .l.u. . ....
ment 'after th , attorney bad flnlhd
Questioning him. the auoerlntendent ex-
plained why McMahan-, brought V th
chargea agalnat him. It wa th amglOrlainauyr. tb Bill provided thaMthe
atory a already printed in Th journal. thrM cptamlaaloner ahould he appointed
lie said be did not learn thacuuard I r . -asuvernur, ana, ub xjuy,-- evi
Fouta, who waa diacharged for 'attack- dently asaumlng that thl provision
lng another guard nained Sheehan. waa a McMahan -mntU after he bad
been discharged, it was Tor thl reason
he-said, and hi ajibeequent refusal to
relnaute Pout tin hi position, that Mc-
Mahan told-him: "I am not a aultter,
and I never intend to become reconciled
until you d return Pouts to his position
a-guard.-iTner are eome thtnga not
Juat tight In the way the penitentiary la
being run, and if you do not return Mm
I will take Mn action." - -
McMahan leaned forward and said to
the witness; - --. . , '
'It make ho dlfferno what my mo-1
iiv may bw wnemer you are oreaaing
th law or not remain th aarae. But
want to aak you on question: what
do yoa think' of m now as a quitter?'
Do you think I am a qultterr
Senator. Rand aald that such questions i
were out of place and consumed ttme-un-j
ncari7. --i-,- ', . '., ": - c
Maataban Ignored. -J
halt's niigefjt inn .
Asked by-McMahan If olhera at the
penitentiary had not got drunk, th au-
petintendent aald they had. The gravity
of th offense dictated his action. He
aiway took aucn action was nis best
judgment told mm should d rouowea 1
1 never let outsiders interfere In uch
muf ier-.- no mram, ofwause n wyutu i
Keep axsirs in m. cunimni lurmuii.
on crosa-examinutlon by Attorney
Ualmea it waa learned that McMahan, In
hla effort to cause Mr. Jams trouble.
had brought two charge g
court, and had preferred charge befor
th last county grand jury. Both court
charge were thrown out on demurrer
by the circuit court., while the grand
Jurymen, after going to the penitentiary
and making -an - Investigation, had
brought in a report favorable to the su
perintendent and mad certain recom-
menoation ror improvement wnicn no
Former Superintendent Gilbert test!
- .r - - ' - i,. ..... ..,, ..
t.r-r-v,. ..-t.Aj r-
i,i i ... .. . i,, t,n-, - -
warden and hi wife lived at th prison
and got their food from th commissary
department. He used the prison horse
and carriage whan he found It neces
sary, and also in attending to hla own
personal business - ,
Former Superintendent Downing lived
nar the penitentiary in hla own house,
he testified, and for that reason did not
find -it necessary to use the prison cot
tare. His first warden, with his family,
lived at the penitentiary and used food
tahm from tha commissary deiartmant
Mr. Downing aald h had driven (nl own
horse, ttached ta a prison buggy, both
on official and personal business. Both
of -the former superintendent said they
(.had a nart of their laundry work done by
Mrs.tthe convicts. Mr. Downing voluntarily
asserted that at one time h had four
life-term convict employed "true
nrlaon walla.
Chairman Bailey directed that a sub
poena Issue for McPheraon. If 1 prob
able that another session wilt be held
tonight. , " ,
T.' A Bad Badge. -: - -"
Prom th Wahlngton Post.
Miss Helen Gould I to make an effort
to stop tattooing tn the I'nlted States
navy.-flhe aeea no ree son. r evidently,
why 'anrf honest aalloir should" be" ntude
t look Ilk, a politician. '
aw w,. .. i , - --VI
Woman . must ' not
chew - rum
Vhn- tettfyirig In
court.. : 'c.- ' - . " '
Thii Important "rutins' .' was
made jf ; Judg-e-'lIoB-ua-: thla
morning. Mra. Anna. 'hrltuin
aon waa on the atand and waa
working her Jawa for , otbr;
- then .conversational purposes.
e ' ."Tska that' gum out e yeur
e""mouttt; -an we rm nnnderstaml-- w-
' yu more easily," said Aastatant "'?
e City Attorney Fltsgerald.
e 'Yes, remove It. and don't
ever chpw-gum ln 'this court," '"
ordeeed Judge Hogiie. 'That la
:-oner of . tlieTv-:nulagnceathar'w ;
don't tolerate down here. Pcr '-
J - Jurjr goea- agmet tmes when we t
-can t . get evidence ' enough to 4
- convict, and -contempt oooaalon-4
4j ally get, away, but gum-chew e
e lng, - "aJiarchy, . bomb-throwing,' 4
4 murder, and the use of the
e . terms lady and gentleman . are d
among the things that will not e
bo tolerated." - V-J"-T"T'
. 'The woman wa arrested -for
d disorderly conduct.. Her daugh-' 4
Jter, I ( year jt ge. wa-iree :
e terday ordered by tha court to
iTJZt, J?Z2XK: . -I
f Tla"'-r.brfnr 0f0c,f" "" t
d present thia morning. She
' sert, was sent to Vancouver to
e avoid : appearing. - She will be
4 taken- into custody and will
likely be given In care of the
e Boy and Qlrla' Aid aoclety,
B. L Eddy Of TillamOOk.Chasinglltca&a were about to secure control of
...i ... . ii ..t. --r. I the polio boardV- Th-ounollaldU
an Unborn Job tmhe
Public Service."
.DDI ICC tnn ni rir
r--,' airt-r urr rvieTijK"'nc nl election. He accused blm of
NOT YET EXISTING f drawing It a day under appointment f
- by Which He HODOS tOBen-T
fit Not Yet Passed.
' iVffMH 7na...l Bte " - k
Balem. Or.. Keb. lit B. L. Eddy o
Tillamook, whose ambition to re-enter
Dubllo Hi nil FflSiivail savera! man
rebuffa within th paat year, 1 striving
one more to get into office. This time!
nowever. judge. ddy doe not seek to
reach the goal br th difficult path af
popular auffrag. but by th easier mean
u& iiiiwiiniHDi. r-
Anticipating th
pasaage of th bill
now before the legislature for the erea-"
tloa. of a tax oommiaaloa. Judge-Eddy
hss entered th Held a aa active, though
secret, candidate for appointment a on
of th commissioners.' if the old proverb
a to th early bird hold good. Tills
mook'B ex-renreaentatlva should reallu
bis ambition for he la. so early that the I had spoken againai in Koaeourg cnar
worm he want Jto gobble la not yet tar bill, a local inaaaure. and used hi
allva. Tha bill tisa nntr vt umi th.
I run tlie'-aautatlet V-of tha ..vvnor.
scrutiny. It-Is apparent therefore that!
junn luinr nil noz neen mininrin in nis
Pursuit of th Job whle he craves. .
I' -PU l.llI lJ.--.-i .l.
The Dill provides tor board r three
commissioner wno nau prepare a tax
I ode for the stat of Oregon, to be sub-
lttd Co ih nxt legUlatur. - Pot thl
nrlc they ara to recelv $1,000 each.
n provlaion I mad for clorlcat aid.
would remain unchanged, wrote to om
of'hhj friend In the legislature aak-
mg taea vo v use neir innuenc wiu
Oovemof Chamberlain in hi behalf,
It 1 considered certain, however, that
the senate will amend the bill so aa to
place the appointment of the commis-
sioner In th hand of th governor,
tha. aecrataxy -of atate-and - tha-atat
treasurer.. Thia change 1. likely to be
disastrous ta Judge Eddy' hope. He
ha aroused many enmities in' hi own
oarlrwnMn7ithe"HDt two year and
whea hla candidacy become known-it
wilt bring forth soms vehement ODDoat-
Ition From Republican politician.
JVobbylata Appear Befor natu
JMMt;-f -JS1T Oorporat
(From a Journal Staff Ceneepoadeat.) iv
Salem. Feb. 1J. -Bonnemann'e bill
fa tha taxatlen-of telegraph,- telephone
1 rid Pullman sleeping - car- com pan lea
will' encounter, strong opposition in th
senate.'.. , ., .-'-. - "
Judge G. H." Carey, Wallace. McCam-
nt and 3. 'H. Thatcher cam p from
Portund yesterday to appear before
th, Mnaie committee on asaeaament
.,, taxation. In tha interest of cornora-
tlon affected by th blU
1 -
. (HpeclaV Dlspatrh to The journal. 1
Seattle. Wah., Feb. IV Seattle's city
hall la swarming with rata and any one
who will guarantee a remedy for the evil
can get a good Job while It lht.-"-The
situation Is truly serious. When
the, vaults were opened thia morning,
on the cement floor wa piled th debris
of severs 1 Important vouchers, which It
will require soms expense and trouble
to duplicate. - An cxaanaaatfon "of th !
hundred, nf hoses n thews!1 easesj
UOTnujJWU 111. ii.iniiiiTO viuuianm
and other'bff tela document have either
been wholly or-py ruined nd will
hava ta ha renlaced. - I
Its . very cftca tcaalred.
though rcscrtUy inherited.
Iidhyci8tfoul tir.lnor ;
water, tre cnu;j iu czzzzi !
It b callsd "tS tea fear
tubercle' tni where It
ellowed to rcrr.rh tubcrctj
lotis cr ccnartien h
pretty tan to tcroc.
tlesovc) " evdyT tKci c4 1
tcrctaa, Get Hood't.
rorlnimiialili W
for Bowk on SarofekL No. I.
C. L Hp Co, LowaO, llgst.
TiOTfl1). i ' ftlinTFD
Republican. Senate Passes With
.One Vote to Spare Measure
- Vetoed by Governor. . ;J
sensation! al char6es"T
Mayor - and Officers i Charged
With Forcing Corrupt. Coaii- ,
tion taVioiate Laws.
' v'1.:..-': -"---y-r- .
v -' Or Vauk &. JParktaa.
-alem. Or., Feb. 15. With one vote to
eparej the Be)uWlcanB inf he - senate
thl morning passed the Aatorl charter
bill over- the Governor veto bjr a vote
of - 8 to S.---T Previous to th - roll call
on It final paasag Tuttle, . Rand ' and
BrowneU- made atrong-appeaia- to party
prejudice, and Secretary'of State Dun
bar, la alleged to have thrown himself
Into the fight at the" laat trilnute, turn
ing th trembling balance' In' favor of
th paaaaga-.M th bill over the veto.
The majority of the vote are aald to
have- been personally - pledged - Tuttl
for a 'month past. :
- 'Sensational' charge were made
agalnat tha mayor and city council -of
Aatorla by Tuttle. . He declared they had
formed a corrupt coalition to control the
nolle and fir departments," and were
violating tb lawa of th city; had re
fused to appoint anybody to fill tb v
canclea on th police commission, none
of which, were filled now. In order to re
tain control of th police force.
At on time," h aald. "th nepuD-
w did It would reduce alarlea to ta a
morith. o nobody wodld enter tb, serv-
I ice of th. dprtmt.T . . .- . .
I H added that thi mayor had been
elected on a Republican ticket, but had
never been anything but a Democrat
th city council aa auperviaor ox con
struction of 4b city ball.
. Pierce told of petition he had re
ceived not to vot for th passage of th
bill, and mad a plea agalnat. voting On
party llnea. He said that a majority of
th petitioners war Republicans, and
concluded With the declaration that th
legislature had no right to change the
charter of any 1 city without tha pro-
posed changea flrat. being acted on by
I the people. Miller pok on, th same
I tinea.
- Rand appealed to party prejudice In
aaktng the aupport of TutUe bill
Pierce (aid B regraitea mat panisan
politic were Injected. - Rand offered
I to withdraw his remarks if a single
Democrat. would Bay that he intended
voting for th pasaage of th bill over
that h. Pierce, had voted in favor of
ii: rAst-ir
Coshow dclArd Rand and Brownell,
avUav aA annnnrtaMl TuttliV In bin flrht.
to be jncon.i.tent. Both M'HMIN
I own irtumtntl in tha case of th As-
torla charter bULr" ... ' V
Ha wanted to know if ntgonira to
the Roseburg bill was not due to the
i neDuoucaiw- svnauiH iiiiu, xmuwiM
to th senate. jaroWfihir endeavored to
( exousa-ma -apparenv, intw.i.iam;, - uj
asserting that . Booth, who represented
Dougls. as welt as Lane and Josephine
counties, had oppoaoc? amenoing tn
Roseburg charter. "- " '. :
Three Republicans, Bowerman, Wheal
don and Nottingham! voted "-wtUi th
Democrat to auatain the veto. Sev
eral members of th Multnomah ma
chine rushed to Tuttle desk and
warmly ahook band when th result
of th vot waa announced. 7
(Coatlnued from Pag One.) '
man of th senator for many year; In
fact, wa taken from th rank of plain
atenograpbera and given a lucrative,
pleasant, promlatng poeltlon. H waa
supposed, to be th most devoted of all
tb senator's adherent.-' HI disaffec
tion ha grant Ignlfloanc, or la xpliea
bl only on th ground of aom shrewd
trap on th part of tb government offi
cial. , ' ' -
Ther la a report that A aecret aervlc
agent traveled a good portion of th dis
tance with Robartaon an route to -thia
city, It la known-locally that General
Agent W. J. Burn went up to The
Dalle to meet him. but had been, mla-
Informed as to th train, and Robertnon
arrived her whjl Mr. Burn awaited
blm there. r
', , Takam Walla Mm apt. .
Another ganerally believed report 1
that Robertson wss spotted en th train
from ths time that he left Washington,
th letter taken near Chicago and either
copied or reproduced facsimile, and then
returned to hie bunk, while he slept,
which Information wa brought horn to
him with such fore that ha yielded.
One of th latest conjectures la that
Robertson Is lo 'bfwardrjbjrTCtv-
Ing a government pooltlon for hi work.
and th fact that h departed yesterday
morning - in ne - company of jaessrs.
Heney, Burn and Psgln f taken as
Robartaon wa also heard to ' atat
while her that Senator Mitchell had
not always "done th right thing" by
htm. leaving th Inference that he felt
no obligation to conceal facts snowing
th senator"- guilt.
The secret service agent did not re-
vekl Uftmis t)t nnsii aoia in mis eon
nectlon. snii there nrer manr uneoulr
tlons as to how th on man auppoasd
to be closest ta th senator waa induced
to turn against him. - , .
The ((emperatur I rising and th cold
weather la over. . By many th prevail
ing condition -ar considered Ideal. At
I o'clock tbla morning it waa" to de
grees above aero. hnd tonight the offi
cial forecaster say th mercury will
stand st 16 sbov. - . .....
A glano at th record kept In the
local weather bureau show . that the
preaent month bear but little re-
semblance to the February of 1904, when
there were but twe day when It failed
to rain, while so far thl month ther
hav been 11 bright, aunahlny day. On
th other four day 7 ther war only
trace of rain. But February, 1001, wa
vary similar to the present month, hav
ing 21 clear day to It credit -
: --.4 i
Canadian Money; ' Taken at
:' rri.-",'''. r'. ''
'ii -::-'r y
i'- , . . ;:-r': - -
. v Ut '.r,.:, "..,,;!:
i .... " -v-; . -::.'
' BAZAAR , .
. Toilet . Pzm- Szie:
'. ' , "i., '..- .-...': ". '', . ' ' ' ':" ' ;'' ' - . if -iff --.T- ! ' ' , ' f T'"X
' r.j;-' i ' ii i i ; ii ' 1 1-' -
.: vrr-'T-r,: -TTZ-J ".'.ivr.' Doite'hT:'''."Case.''"'
NERO. ......,. 29t ' 92.37
Lour fair. ' e3v 94.05
WOODLARK .V. . .... . . ; 8T ' 90.53
. ,MT. HOOD..;.,;..;.... SSeV,; 96.03-
ORIENT . ... . . . . . . ...91.33 9.87
satin . .'..r.-..v:'.. 91.33 9107 t
PERFECTION , .91.83 -913.37--GASTLETON
i . . ..... ,91.87 913.87 ;
M:ikAlaar-Vi.a-i Iff a Ira in
NlChOlaS Ignorant Of ATtairt HI
His Own Country Is Posted c
by William.
.;:;;is on-in.indian. seas
tMb, ReCO VC Funds tO Con
tinue Struggle in Poland .
Jap Factory Burns, i "-Jj.
-v ' (Joaraat fpsrlal Sertlee.)
Tterlln Vh 1 K 1 la rennrtadt from a
hlfrrr source that Kroperor will lam ha
revealed the truth regarding bloody
Sunday and the political situation tn
Russia to tha caaiv Learning that- the
csar wa ignorant of. current eventa
In hi own' empire, the kaleer collected
a reliable account of Russian event
from foreign newspapera and sent them
by speelal courier to tb osar. He also
wrote the emperor warning him of the
danger of remaining ignorant or condi
tion In Russia offering 1 to, assist him
In thl reaard. t -
Th csar replied, thanking th kaiser
for -th valuable Information.
- Thar ara persistent rumor that Em
peror William 1 arranging to visit Italy
this spring to discuss a Joint mediation
in th far east -with King Victor JCmn
ueL It I further stated that th Ital
ian government baa ascertained that
Russia la not averse to listening .to of-
PoUaa. Workma MrtVmsly ' BapplUd
. : I Witt atoaey for xavl&g Bap eases.
; ' (Joaraal Bpedal Semes.)
St. Petersburg, Feb. 18. Th strike
situation throughout Poland Is regarded
a more unsatisfactory than, last week.
Tha larg factories remain closed, and
It ha been discovered that men who
are not at work ar receiving fund from
some - mysterious source to support
themaelvea. . In moat of tha small fac
tor-lea workmen hav returned. ut the
agitation now being earned on. is con
ducted along well-defined line..-
. Th employee of th Putiloff iron
work have returned, to work, th atrlk
being caned off bp- th calling of a joint
commission to consider the grievance
BasaorM sT aval Wigagesaaat la Which
" ..'BwlW-aM Df eaMd. t .'.
- tJooroal- Special lrrln.. y
Toklo, Feb. is. Considerable damage
was don by fire at the Atauta faotory
near Nogo yesterday. It 1 believed the
fir was incendiary. An Investigation 1
now In progress... - . t
.Rumors sre afloat that ther ha been
a battle at a wtth th Russians,' m
which th latter mat disaster. A report
from Admiral Togo, who hss-gone to th
InStaa ocean Id meet t&a'Baltlo HeeVH
hortly expected. '
: Th new torpedo-destroyer Aruske Fu
bukU constructed In Japan. . Jjas been
placed In commission. , - - '
(Special :IHspstrh to Ta Joeraal.t --'
Victoria, B. C, Feb. 15. Karl Fits William.-the
English nobleman who has
shown such wonderful interest ln'tht
search, for the Cocoa Island treasure,
I about to At out another expedition.
It I reported her thst CapL' Fred
fyackett of tnla city baa been cabled for
by Fltxwllllam to take command of the
new expedition.- Haokett will not con
firm the reporf that ha has been aaked
to proceed at once to England, but In
timate friends -of his say lt.Js cor
rect. ' - - -.'"..
mckett wm have the expedition fitted
out with cost, to himself and Fltswtl
Ham. - who ' ha only Juat returned to
England from leadihg an unsuccessful
expedition In search of th treasurea,
will accompany him. Itackett kaa plana
and map that ar supposed to show
th exact location of th treasures. Thl
information was atvan film man vaara
go by d maft supposed to know ail about
It and wba4iaa alnc died, ' J
? . -..Am . '"' ' . '.
Face - Value. Free Delivery .to
tons Called lor 'and Delivered
- REMARKABLY LOWUPRICES. I' -t i rl T : ' 'V;-'
v: - f A -'' '" - J-''" ' , :. 'i : -x :,v v '., . ..i' i.-', -
v ; V"' . . r M-X 1M -'i-rr
''' .:.' -' : ; ,' .-.! .'i-t'-. .:&..: K ;,.i-!t,u;;:v,.-,
v or -: . :
.jr-oii; . . ,
'rrSI,,"' r-
; 43
ffJl-U .Mk,... . , , v.
HOME .....
KLONDIKE i.'..;....-;,1 87;
- aseptic! vi. . . . ...... vr9i.23 1
-PERIWINKLE -iv;vi ?1.27 ;
pondaext;::. ;i.05
I . " . JI i . ..---." - - -, r ..." . , ', -
Thomas ' B. - Neuhaussen Takes
Charge, and Will Continue
" Land Fraud Investigations.
His Long and Varied Experiences
- Makes Him Peculiarly VftU
' uable to Government ;:
I Thoma R, Neuhaussen. who ha been
on of th principal worker with Dis
trict Attorney FranoU J. Heney In tha
isna-rraua and allied proeecutiona, la
now In charge of all government special
agenta.ana secret-service men In Oregon,
ana win in tne - interim of th grand
Jury's adjournment ' continue the. many
inquine tnat were Ja prograa. Mr.
Neuhaussen worked up the Roseburg
case, and I aald In Informed circle .to
have been th man who won x-Recetver
J. T. Bridge ovsr to a. full atatement
Ha attll haa immedlatecharge of the
Roseburg land of floe, which ha will
tain until tha president fills ths vacancy
cauaea - oy tn removal of off feera
Those familiar with developments of th
paat wsek believe ther I not even a re
mot prospect of either Bridge or Booth
going into th lend offloe again a reg
ister or receiver. ;' l
Mr. Neuhaussen doe not Indicate th
nature or extent of the investigations.!
is prosecuting, it 1 currently believed
that several ImportknTTChargeaa r being
nirea. . . : ' . i .
With J.vT. Bridge telling th govern,
ment of all detail in connection with
that office, no doubt la felt that an im
mense quantity of material la bad for in
quiry. Soma of th moat voracious tlm
ber and land operators of th northwest
centered about that place, and companies
or individuals holding .from 80,000 to
aoo.000 acres of valuabl timber land In
tha Roseburg district ar aald not to be
infrequent, How this vaat wealth wa
facquliad will probably interest the gov
ernment lor some time.
-Oregon's new master of th secret,
ervio force is a man of wide experi
ence. His" career covers' a period (n th
diplomatic aervlc. a a newspaper writer
and correspondent, rxt In various othr
positions. An ar ot' rennement - ana
courtesy, wtth accomplishments Jn th
fin art, hav mingled with th ability
to probe and manage human nature ta a
way exceedingly rare In th government
service. - v.m- .,, ,..-.
Zaterlor Seyartawat Asks Quttoaa m.
' gardlag aTamb a Olaisas rued. -:
(Special Dispatch i"' The Jeoroal.) . f
Baker City. Or.. Feb. 16. Two month
ago a demand wa mad by th Interior
department at Washington- upon County
Clerk'- Combs of, Baker -county, for an
Itemised and verified liet of every filing
that had been mad on claim In thia
CarsA S CoM IVw. vC 1-., twsa
P Yon Are Hawing Trooble
Call and See Us. UUtiir.CoiM'Anjm'JX :
I c s
Phone lltin 1771 ; ,N,.S,. Cor. Second and Teyjrr
Any Part of the City, Prescript
Promptly," ( -;'Tr:-vC f":
" Dozen, a Case,'
.-tit ,((.(-
53 ;
92.07 1
93.40 '
- 98.80
.V... , 85e
Coston Painless Dentists
rV-; e)!, aMBBXSOir RIIST, ,-'.v'
Known '"tha-i world
over, . ar ' the- ealy -dentists
in . PortUnJ
having thl world
renowned painless
system : for doing
dental- work. Our
up - to data system
savea ti,. tune ., and
the gecre
lv the best wnrk
for the Iqft price) r
aUl work saraaf for 10 paarg. ' '
SILVER FILLINGS ,'....,,,.,.'. BOO
1 . -.-'...1 a V :
FULL SET TEETH ..............
W have a specialist In charge of each
department. Beet artificial . teeth
makers, best crown and- bridge work
men and gold fillers In th world. , j :
: caoiraT awb srausea womx A
r.-;.- ,,.-) raoxAX-rr. . . . .
- W are1 flrat In nnlnt of -Mrfaetlnn
and- durability of .work In the dental
businea of Portland. , .,: ..,
Ye Olde Tried tad Relliile C
Opf. atal Sj rraak and Old lotoa9b.
xtntiraA-XA a n. i. a W - a..a.
:80 m. to irt r m7 r " ,
Ba sut yom-ar b tkaita plaa.
county under th timber and stona aet,.
and alnc then thoee acquainted) twith
th incident hav been apepulatlng aa to
any move that might follow h connec-
uon. wun land fraud matters, j
- Nothing -official has coma trt''
face, but today It wa learned that ae
cret aervlce representatives hava been'
beralouletly Investigating all transac- .
tlonsMswhJch hav - been taken - befor '
the savers! United States eommiaainn.
ara, particularly those at Sumpter. -
Attorney Charles H. Chsnoe 1 th
commissioner at that place, and for sev
eral days be haa been in Portland, and
her It is asserted that It was for h-i
purpose cr explaining o in rederal au
thorrtlea some of the flltngs which were
made through hla offloe. ,
h year 1C, -IT flltnis wet
mad in Baker county, a csrtifled to tho
department by .th cqunty clerk.,., , .
; " V. 1--U The ZJaxlkoy. ' ,; ".; '-'
From , th Philadelphia Public Ledger.
What, sort 'Of a fellow is ha any
wayT" r. -' v. " . v. . , , ..
"H's a . Llaslboy." . .V. . (
r- Wbat'a hatr'.- :ii'"V--;V
"A I.lsxlboy la a man who can go
to -a Saturday matinee without . feeling .
out of placa there." , j- v . . . , ',, , .
los. 25c
! aV. eCX
With .
'-.V .r,' ; I
-, t.