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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1905)
: THE- OSEGON - DAILY-' TOUX!IIAU. ' PO liTLAI J D. WE DN EC D A Y v E VZ I II" 3, PESRUAEY 15. i: ? - - - 1 r : . ' : - 7 JQTTOPNES$ Engineer Say That Many of ths "Run Thir raft Under th f 3S6"feecau8rpf an Unyielding Salfiahneaa ' ", vl: z' jjjj iii'a : ; Some CommandershQW Respect for People's Rights Juum ' k.. lwC.l'an ruin k rendeiLAreConstant Offenders, v ;. t It i sa,ld by . drawbridge engineer . ...that much of - the public- Inconvenience the rrtlardldrewbrldgrs--haa bea .,atarl byhe stubbornness and selflah. ' ' . n-s of- a certain claaa of livermen. who have, refused to concede an Inch'to the ; , J people. 7, ManTTcaptalns : runningboat -ii'hat at ordinary eta (a of water would Tg'o'mvlarjihe bridge. with many feet to :rpar, .hav poretsBAlyxruaed-t-run -1, ' MnAnti sail tiaTir'f nmrrlli'il -"LJ to open every..tlm they pass. '.' . . "There would be but llttlej trouble --i.,ifor the publlcJt-H-Ttefnen were aa treasonable' aa are Captain llackett of the wteamer Faloma, .Captain' Campbell . 'of the ateamer Queers and a fw-otherst ,11 might .nam,".-said an engineer who ' '..:Jhtm been many yeara on' theiPortland '. drawbrWgeV;aX!MtainTffacltetttow i4-rorth Plamond ' Sand Co in Dan y. The .' Paioma at the" present stag of water .' j ha only alx lochea to spar- between """'1th top of Br stack and the bridge, but .',.' h I prefer to run under the ... bridge , 1 rather than Inconvenience the-publle by '-Licaualng the draw to be opened.' Captain . ? Campbell may usually be depended -upon ' 'not to cause needless delay of the pub Ito- by wklsJMng-for-tha draw, to open '.before it la time. But..inanyrlvrma ft. noisoraonbie." ... ,:,-..... ''.: Drawbridge engineers do not ask nor expect a steamboat man to run inder a bridge with ,only an Inch tor two of margin between it and his smokes lack L itop, but they say . there la 'no . reason rhy smaller boats having aeverar reel WaOTkr.jiljpuld compel the bridges to ' openroaJMr-ttneecK-"day'.'': They-My -such a policy la purely a stubborn one. . t ' "Now. there's Cap lain Uranam of - the ' steamer-Irftona.. said one bridge engt :. -neer. -The eona' Is a small packet owned 'by the Lewis Transportation .' 'company. At the present stage -of -water isbA-ouM-rnirunder this bridge with fully 10 leet ta spare aoova ner suck. tftiinW Piptaln refuses to run under, and whlaHes. forwth draw every-time .he wants' to pass. He make from four to six trips every. day through -this t7ridge. W.e .sent -h'lm word 'aeverai tlmra, and told him he could run under -run .f.ty, nrt yskea him to try n. ' He sent back ;the answer, -r o b t-wtth them; I have th right. of way.' The nejit 'tlmeirtanwhrongh- we eailed ' to hlmi and asked him again to run . under Wile bridge.. He gave us, thajboraa 1laugh.,',J' ,. -.-.'--I The Leona was frosamp. in the toe on lewls-Hver yesterday, and the bridge did not-resound wttb . the captain's . "horse laughter." An echo might have been heard from the bridge. - i '; . ,"r-fall t understand - a maneuver CWKT0OHEDI SERIOUS -TROUBLE rThe-Tmealinger orv-a U'-VCar Not Pleased With Transfer RuJesr - - "This transfer system,' said the con ! 'due tor, a coupl of minutes after th ; ' angry ' passenger : had stepped off , the " 'car; ''this transfer. System '11 get soroe ibody In a. heap o' serious trouble some Twdsjr.T.ItlwIU thm.V -r ". v: The passenger had got on the ."IT ear at' Kllllngsworth avenue, whenbe Y t t ri jiir iiwrsTa m lainr decent cigar on th back platform all - 'the way to Tillamook street. ; ; " . .Th car stopped there, and a woman. ' with two children got on; she paid one 'far and asked for three transfers to ."Washington street. , The look that ac - vrompaaied th one, transfer would have Z. 1.1'rosen th mercury; It merely caused , her to snuff contemptuously. , mrTanted three 'transfers." Mid " th r---' h " Jyi (Y- " WIT.H f ..JuiTsoi TTTTF A rvfmi ft -sA W TJS I PTlC C LEA t 5 1 N 6 CE AUTI FXtUQj d THIS TIME IPS ONE OF -'"- - . ? Thig tootk-laaer U one LISTER ATED TOOTH SOAP skillfully prepared snd designed to replace the scores of preparations of unknoWn compositions. Formulae of Woodlsrk Listersted Tooth Soap: Crsetae Prep, listern eucalyRtal, F6rtnlhr Thymal in combination with glycerine, pure olive oil. soap snd agreeable aromatic. It is a tooth soap indorsed by the dental profession and one which never fails to accomplish its purpose prevent decay of the teeth.'' It keeps them white and pearly and is thoroughly an tiMPtic.' r:xL;.,.- ; . . ' '- -. " - -V ' ' , This offer Is made simply to still more widely introduce the wonderful results accomplished ' by useful "went ads." An enumeration of their many daily duties and performances would entail reat space.'-.You gjiow how H is when yon want to rent a room or house, when you want to buy something unusual, when you've lost something why, you immediately look st the "want ads." . Thousands of people read them every day yon can talk to them at the rate of - y - .'-..;' .x. . TVENTY-ONE WORDS FIITEPN "CENTS Easily. Structures Refus-d to Dd fWfiar nn.Pnrt'e Drflcr";, made by the'tlamond""Tow1hg -company's towboaO yesterday." aald'Hen' Jlayderi. One of "the ,Burnaldetfet bridge engl neera.--.; "Captain 8hort,rta' command -of this boaV-hid hrr with-a barge In tow. lying- Juat . belowXlbla Wldge.t'onwthe west .aide of the 'river."' He wanted to putlha bargain Jtnev other shore. idli-i recti y opposite. :.- Instead px pusning n across - th river, M wblaUtwt. Xnr 3 ha draw. went through on the west, turned arpund' made ' the '-draw 'open again. pasaedbackHhrough . the JVest side, and landed' his T.tow". dlrectlyj: opposite the place he-started from. : I , '.. -; , - Burhalde street-'bridge;, draw, opened ll.?70 times; ln.36S days 'last 'year;the stepU'btidge opened 17,0 times; Mqrrl sori treetbriager; opened' 00tlme,; Uadlsoa : street brTage "ToJ ene4 -tlSfi? Umi.5UijJi Ljl; "',..J, - rThig yearrt-will; be ; nanyylsies worse for travel over-thelb ridges," paid Engfheer HaTTJ-tattmn, "for there will be many excursion (boats running In addition to the rtgulasj traffic. Extra excursion boats wilt run up th Wtllnm eUe, th Columbia, and ttf the exposition grounds, arid probably 4l0f them will have landings between I! Barnaul and Miullsoa-street bridges. J). If the. people get a chance to'groe over the Burnalde or Morrison street or s teel ' brtdges. Jae t summer they will b lft jjtck.', Bkoald Xav aTew.Job. ' It Is said th dredge (tender Fort of Portland causes many needless openings of the drawbridges. ' ' - - "She paaaes through Wtth great fre quency she has -caused tba openihgl of I tl draw. iJHaany-as-l t;tlme In ona day,'' said on of th Burnalde bridge englneera. "ff her captain had any re gard for the roiivenlenoe of th publlo he would land atr AInsworth dock when bringing an officer In, Ho could better Bffnrd to-iake: n carf np. town than- to hold'up the public by sanding the tender through all the drawbrldgea. This boat IwJU not-vett Tun under the bridge. sJ though ah lias fully -four feet t spar above her stacks on the J present stag of water. WeUlephoned, jtotheofflc and' explained the. altuatloivraadasked themigtvwu her height. sndT w would place a. iarga. white mark on the I litr cyimaer ;at me a raw, wun tn tettr"P" on It. in suea a position that her. capUlrrtalght always know when he could, nut underpin bridge with safety. We suppoeedl that - this boat, a publlo ownership craft, as it were, would be glad-of a hno4oa void In conveniencing the public when It could be avoided Juat aa well aa not. The answer we got was that- the captain of the boat knew when he wanted, a drawbridge, h mtumed to the slat- form: "that's the"- , ' - "Conductor, let me" began the paax senger, as If be - had suddenly remem bered Something.': , "' i "No, sir; It's to late,"- , ' , - " "But I - 'T -J' T- ' T 'an'tTelpIt ' Toa iniow-Jhii-Tttl as well as I do." ." ' f - ; ' j ... "Here, I tell you .' '. , "You don't hav to4tell me anything. Tell . It to the company. ., There's . th rule, and I'm going to keep It," , UUl X V got 10B..VJ; Well. you won t get It her. Klck to th company." - i. . . "I. want to get off." howled the pas senger; and as the mr wtiupped with a Jerk at Weldler street, th angry man told the" conductor-that. he waafan ass,' tnd 'that a discarded wad of chewing gum had more sens than he had. and that- if h (tba passenger) weren't in a hurry to get to Work on Ban Rafael agar) would kick th thatch from the roof ot him (the conductor). -!-w " ' And as the car'movd-oa. " th con ductor said -the' transfer system would get , somebody Into a, heap. o. serious trouble fem day. , . : N A free electrical 1 panorama at the corner of Third and Aldar street, from I a. m. to i p, m. " , . WOODARD. CLARKE ft ' CO.'S PREPARATIONS.- of th trerr fihwit manufactured. It Captains VYho -Could - 1 i . . . ia rMTKf MEATS ; SC03E PWfPAL Object ' Vigorously : . to ' , Queer Methods of Relieving Over v flowlniClasses PUPILS TRANSFERRED-? TOHTDISTANTrSCHOOL Williams Avenue Scholars. Who Live Near, Sent tojShtwer, r ar rfom "fiomes There Is great indignation among par. enta.of children attending th "Williams VBrmfr school over- the transfer of a claaa ; from the- intermedTate "gTdea-t th Shaver: school. TA meeting was held Monday nlahi-an memhera at the schools board,' Superintendent Rlgier and frlnclpalr J., T. -.Gregg", of tne -Williams avenu school were , severely cenaurea. Parents claim-Ahattth -.principal and. bis. teachera-hav used -verr poor.Judg ment in, selecting the. pupll .who have bprn mTtofTrA thn rrrirH ed condition of the Intermediate classes. Superintendent Kiler proposed '.taking 26 or .JO.dudUs who resided nearest the Bhaver school and tranfer-nem to a vacant 'room ln'.th -Bhaver'schoOL' ' Instead of .following, out Mr.ilUaws plana.) Principal, Gregg and hi teachers are accused by the parents or tmnefer- ;rlng,seversJVpupllarwho. hav. to pass tn WHitamsavenu anuww m thrhvr-i-ThinklnmhlB an. Injustice th tadignatlotf meetly was-. CBlteo.-f?7-, .Ittwaa suggestedUo. passstrong reso lutions Censoring th .-one .responsible for th transfer, but calmer council controlled, the . meeting .and somewhajt naclfled the moat Indignant, ' A petition la jkw a balna-..circulated asking for A more reasonable adjustment .-of. thei classea so that'puplla will hav to go" no further to attend the Shaver thanu they would th wuiiama avenu aonooi. will also asK tn scpoot hnrd to prnylilt aiU'Mmfl room lor th pupils. Sunerlntcndent Rigler stated -yester day that he would look Into the diffi culty, nd t. that it was properly oH, lusted. He stated that It was absolutely I pi necessary to transfer a claaato th Shacscnooirptn-hhad Instruct-. ed tho teachers to send pupils 7-rho would b least Inconvenienced by the change. "This ecbool is very much crowded. said be, "and I do not see how th con gestion can be relieved until wejbulld our proposed . school In th HoUlday Park, addition nest summer?' WARM PRAISE FOR -1 MISS, MARY.AOELLXASE Ml Mary-AdeIl"TCsie, whuee beautU ful eontralto vole -4a to be heard In the nonular concert at ' th Slarauam next Monday', February JO, received the following Just tribute . from . - Gardner Bartlatu tbe- well known New York in structor,, who heard her sing 1st recital: r "Although young in her art, MlsaJ -.-- ,. i, In finauiil.4 being a most conscientious student. ..I believe the future holds unreserved re sults for her." .. Miss Case will be assisted by Rose mary Gloss Whitney, whose superb so prano will b heard for th drat time in this city,' and Jtflllard O. Lownsdale, Oregon's greatest baritone. Th con oert la being patronised by well known society leaders, andxhere la every in dication that it will be th most inter esting, all 'round musical event of the season. The .demand for. aaata- wUl' be heavy on Friday morning, wheo-tne si opeiis. '!". DAY OF PRAYER FOR : .MISSIONS IN CHURCHE Th women of all the churcheg tn the city ar invited to observe th day of prayer for missions at the Whit Tem ple . tomorrow afternoon from 1 to 6 O'clock. ' '. - . - .;:' Th first hour will b given "io prob lems of evangelising . our immigrants, led by Mrs. James Maokensl.of Grmc M. R. church. Th second hour will be,f!!"L Anr""., reiurneo mis. oo-ry. Congregational '' church. Mrs. H. - N. Scott of Calvary Presbyterian, will con duct tbe third hour with' auggeatlong for prayer for Ui various exigencies in th. kingdom and the alignment of all the force for th world's conqu rfrid Stock Oaand ood. Allan Lewis' Beat Brand. FAMOUS "WOODLARK" ia based on scientific formulae. U1 LARGE SAVINGS POSSIBLE . ssBBsesawaasattBssLi Co-Operctive - Piano - Caying Mckes Owning a fine Piano Possible for All. While the co-operative piano club are growing rapidly day Dy day, tn peopi outaide. this city do not aeem to com prehend the power of- thla. co-operative .TTimn, s snores or inquiries seem w at I test,- ?lan po of all, nsa-hlronc more--Fire it-Is not new. It la not even -new to In pi ano business. The KUera Piano Hous Itself, ia several of ita stores, brought about a saving to the piano-buyers of thousands of dollars ln4h piano- oluba of l01 and- lei.- But never heretofore was it undertaken on so larg a scale and with oractlcallr th entire . Kllers line of planoa, including th costliest of Chinkerlngs and Kimball, Webere. - Co-operation is nothing more nor leas than the strongest buaina. prlaelpl in operation today, and aa such. -It -oan not b-Ttrt -rnto-orc too often. It would apply to alioaa, groceries or books, -just aa well as to piano. If you bought a hundred Pairs of ahoea or if a hundred of you gav an order' for on pair of shoe acb, througb--T!!m. purchasing agent, you wouui get mem cneaper tnan you do where, each ot you buys sepa- - n't' Thal ia all there la to oar eo -operative Piano Club Sale.-r But In proportion as the prlr Jof a piano is greater than the prinjr a pair or anoasrso in juei mat a oroDortlon Is th co-operative aav- nr on a piano tnai mucn greater man would be th co-operatlv saving upon a pair tor two of shoes. i...' u The averaa-a olano is ninety times) aa - .v.. . -.. I. -w. tn co-operativ aa vinsM-nmexy iimea as great. We hav figured that a aaving of from 175 to-$16 on th average piano eaa l madsroir-a-co-operative purchaa of 1.000 piano; and we absolutely guar antee tnai we win max you in aaving of at leant I7B on any piano you may choose.. We give yon thirty makes of famoua planoa to choose rrom, and w offer the amalleat of depoalta and th aslest of terras on your purchase. ' I IKLI.L M i i ,ir - Ik. S-U..U. 1.11 1 11 1 II M VI i T IIIO r v& iin ,uv n- planoa at IJ-Wa week, at a saving, too, of at leasT till on a re gu Ur-na w--a nd warranted S00 planoT . -. . "Kcinomv la the road to wealth, and mualo la th road to happiness and cul ture. Ho that If you desire both harnt- ness and wealth you will not fail to wive this plan your personal Inventlgatl Call at or write to Ellers Piano House, &i Washington street, corner rark, Portland. Or.- tatrge stores also Kan Francisco, Stockton and Oakland, Cal.: Spokane and BeUe,Wtth ; Hols and LiewtBtonv Idaha " OUT Tail OUT AI9 hTaTT TO VM, - rr oom tov loanre. Ellers Piano House, 151 Washington j:. atreeicor. -arKroniarja. or.t Pleas send catalogues and all in formation about th new piano clubs. - - . . ... ' x. ... - -, . ' " .'-. . . . ' Nam ,. ............. ....... 'Address v ,m . GREAT. SPECTACLES, I . r TO APPEAR 0II5RAIL Entertainers HereSeekjng Con cessionsorAmusement of , tho Fair Visitor. ;; , ? GATES 0PfrTONICHT ' .x OR SKATERS' BENEFIT j--1 On Pythian Day Great Crowds From Many State. Will Throng the Grounds. Ed-M.- "Bay llsa,. president of large eastsrn firm wbicK bas been represented by big concessions t all American ex positions, is in th city arranging for th - reproduction n th - Trail of th spectacle, "A Trtp to the Land of th Midnight Sun.' which ia similar to th North Pol show that attracted much attenUonjaJLStJ oany also had "The Maglo Whirl Pool and th habv Ineuhator. at Ht l,u According to - the president, th Mid night 8un spectacle, will b elaborately preseniea in tms city. - Another concessionaire of no little note is O as ton Akoun. who' Is " expecjtsdUby uireciar- warit 'tomorrow-. - Apu win .nav a ricnest oriental : concas- hsion on the grounds..: His brother. Fernand, nas made tentatlv atrance- ments for the construction of a tempi ox minn, JLJargarwd OT"Skalera enjoyed th rare sport on Oulld's lake yesterday and today. ' Th fair officials will keep th gates open until I o'clock to accommo- dat th expected timing. -It is virtually settled that the pas senger agents of th JIarrlman lines will bold - their next- transcontinental meeting in Portland this summer. Gen eral Passenger Agent A. L Craig of tb O. R- 4- N. Co. baa bnen advised to tbia eueci B7 uenwrai r-asaenger Agent IS. It, Lomu or tn union Pacine. - Immediately following th announce ment of tb governor that Hawaii la too poor to- make an official exhibit. Colonel Uosch nas received tetter fronv-reor aentatlv merchants of Honolulu Stat ing that they, want' room for a display of an hlatorleaf'naTure. 8pac'wlU be granted" . ;..'..". The, call Is Issued for all natlv New Torkers at meet at f o'clock tomor row night at room SIS Worcester block. for th purpos bf forming e New York society. 1 October 10 has been designated' aa Pythian day at th fair. On that date all members of th Knights) of Pythias In Oregon, ar expected to be on the grounds, and they will receive fellow lodge members from all parts of the country,. California Is to sand a horde of Pythian on that occasion. If all goes well, according to CoL Thomas- A Ner- ney of Ban Francisco. ; Th colonel la here to look over tn ground and report at th next meeting of th California brtgad on tb advisability of th trip. His report will doubtless be favorable. Th officials, at th request -of Mr. Rarab A. Kvana, hav designated July a Bacajawea and Bed Men' day., Th ceremonies Incidental to th unveiling of'th statu .will take plae on that data, - - - -' ;- . Mr. Moses and Ma. Isaacs ar rival tailors whose. bus wiesa premises ar op poalt each other in th same street On morning they were standing at their respective ooors pushing -trad and ex changing pleasantries. "Oo .In. you great booby, called out Isaacs: "they might as welt stick a donkey outside a you." "I did put on outaid last week." retorted Moae. "and when people nassed they said to It liotrf mniim. Mr, laaaca; t sew you. bav moved from across tb way.' ". "; -..'..,: ' " ' "tr'"' '''y'x '''' i'" '' T ' "'' ;" ""- ."ri If-'f.-v .""-w.7t'.'." ' '-riyv. ; -t. . :;'.' ? -V. rr ' J- ' r -;"!. . . - .;' ' f ' A , -a -fw-f V"' ' 7' " ''-""" " T r. , Ail. 1 r1 !'7 r- " " V"--'. ' ' ' ' ' ' -.'. FINE SITE FOR EASf SIDE niGD SCHOOL Taxpayers Are in Favor of Build- . ing on Large Lot Adjoining . 1 the Hawthorne. OBJECTION HEARD FR0Mr ONE OF THE DIRECTORS Bond Issue Election to Be Held Saturday at Board of Edu. - cation Offices, Portland's new high school will b to cated on the vacant lot ad)olnlngthel iiawtnom ncnooi, at EaJir Thirteenth and Eaat Washington streets, on the east side, ' according to . th resolution passed at tbe annual meeting of tbf Ui. payers. -, . . - n. . ;t Director 1L ' Wittenberg waa nractl- eanylone un tliTTOard in bis conten tion that tb school should be located Slsewher. H said it should not be built In such close . proximity to- th Grammar school, as would W the means bf bringing too many children to gether. He declared h would never consent to having th schools stand side by side, and favored th purchase of an other block of land aa a school sit. Other members of th board said th sit choaea was an ideal plac for th school, .as it was cntrally located. - -To aequlr another tract of land would coat a large sum. and cause the bonded Indebtedness of the district to become larger than was Intended. r- The matter has not com before the board for final aettlemnt, but -when It wtta Rarlaa Smb. klBhraltk totnt Mt ss Bltlahealtb Tablet. A post, tlv aad spwf car for Kiy ItcklBC. barBlsg, nr. eiraiD(. erast, pupir ssl aiatrny UabU BsslUj mkirn ta4 psr. rlrk. l4 Moo. Ifd oeslstsnf rSna,ta,3Ara41rtiVd.iai. arstlri Sklheltb (clnt.l. lts t kill prat, ! tb skis, sc Skltakeatt Tablets, a.-(n tn nasi hvmnr ff-nu AU aMMmlits'. Mar am Soas fs h Cmailaia. fnr 4sipla. klarklists. rrdmss, reaaeis, ekif.' Ins. ebspsing, mik henas. NslkLac trill giv uck ? rare. 8A. S calm, oS. ' IVrxl Be. nnrtar fnr Free Baaaplce aad soekieta ta Pttru aX CO.. Mewark, M. J- ,-! ...'. -. IvaaaiagWm. msssr .'M-n- -tssssbsssbss "i " , tSjsgegaBeaBe-aBggM i i, w msssBssss-s-Bssr, 4' ;. . ' THIRD AND OAK -fS Cbniplcieliines ."jS-"Ji-J"-f2.l MEN'S: SUITS w :.' - i,', ( , ' i ' ' . - POPULARPRICES rWHElTYOU SEE,IT IN OUR OiliLKIDaJBOUgmi Will find everything In tb tin of tools h requires in this atabllsh -ment rotary blowers. - sledgea, platers, punches, hammers and -all the rsL He will find our orlcea Hustaboutght. h"- blrnf-'"thr udge. - Agents for McCaffrey's niea aan rasps. -: . ddeaTKt faction of th taxpayars will b sustained. ; Taxpayers , ar urging th school board to hasten tb work on tb pro posed building. Th directors bar been Indifferent to th situation. : And bav been, planning - to have th building ready for occupancy in September, lo,, but - the taxpayers ar demanding that It be ready for students by, next Sep tember. - .j ..' f : 't i. ...j -Supervising Architect -ThomaaJonea is at work on the plan and spociAcations, and says he will b ready to submit latm tn in rM iT ,1ii"r''ii"ii tiwfii as it is ready to advertise for. bids. PROGRAM FOR THE . . - ''ALL DAY INSTITUTE rTha-'.W. C .T. V. wUI hold aa all -day instltut at. th Sunnyside headquarters Friday, afternoon. ' There will be a bS- kct Juncheon between sessions at noon. Following is th program: 10 a. nv song' service, scripture and prayer by Rev. John J. Btaub; greetings, '"Why Ar We HerT"- Mrs. Whiteside, eounty president; 10:45, or- ganisauon or insutut, Mr a, Addlton. leader of Institutes; 11, "Travelers' Aid Work.", Mr,rDalglisht 11:11. vpy. c. T. 11 traveling and loan libraries. Mrs. Ingllsh; "Our Weapons and How to Use Them;" free parliament; .11:10,. parlia mentary drill; li, noontide prayer, Mrs. Berkley; basket luncheon; 1:S o, m devotional, Rev. T. B. Ford; song,. Mrs. Fullllov; , "Echoes From th National Convention,'' Mrs. peak; t:l I. mothers' meeting, Mrs.. Hornung; :. Th Worklngman and th Day of Rest" Mrs. Fulton; ., "Headquarters and Fair Work. Mr. 'Wbltesldes; I: to, question boa; 4. reception to public school teach ers; address, lir Hard: 8. Sunnysld UT.U march, directed by Mrs. Walker; 7:45. sons. "America: devotional. Rev. John Smith; solo. Mrs. Simon; mem orial' address.' Mr. M. flleetb: chorus. U Ul address. Mrs. U . F. H. Addlton. stat president: "Dust.", th Misses Sharer; address. Miss Qotarhall; tollectlon; , tempera ore doxology; bepe dJctlOn," Jlerj -6rV f---- s j AveryJlCo T" r'-t-': :fsr-r.: AD. Edison'srRotary cTVIimcograph no. n. -Adapted to printing of circular let' . tors. Every copy as plain aa Orlg - inal typewriting. Speed 4 copies ' per minute. . An bfftc boy can op erate it. Send for oatalogu and price list. . .. ;, ! 'v Kilham Stationery Sl ; f SM WMaxngVrm, St. rostlaad. Ot.' FREE LAND IN OSEGO; 1 a tka ridwat snio, trait tn RJt sictio ia - tbtworU. TUMauidtofarretoflaoaatsctosl ' cost of h-riftioa. Dee dwect from Sorts ot -Oregon. WRITI TO-OAtBQQKXET aad -MAP FB.ES. Dmrnrtet lrrirooa sail Power Cn Birjr,io-ll-llMclUyBuiklinj,lrtisn0 . " zznczi ZKZ? a baas e by Xlmoas of Motam for thslr anlidrsa wbll Trothlna for ova rirtv Tan. h soouh b ehild. softaa th rams, alters ill pels. aareawiDd oUo. and Is a bs raBMor ibr (UarrtKB. - - vwrsTTiva enrrs a Bottlk. TWO SNAPS Beat Them If You Can - For bnyers who want th best to b had for a little less than , regular pric. ' t, - -. "ATieary winter weight Net tleton water-proof Corona ... colt, regular $6.50, for We have also other water proof Shoes in other styles and lasts, $6.50 values for A 25 per cent discount on !-' most everything ln stork ascept Ing our celebrated II ahnra. W are agent for Nettletoa's high grad footwear. -. . v . ... - . Men's Shoes Exclusiyely. VANDUYH & WALTON -- -, ; Fort Fltws . 4 : 270 WASHINGTON ST. ' -- --- Bet. Third snd Fourth . Zr , . . . v . $5:25: .-: - ! . v . - . .. . .... t.- . 85x15; i ; It u A -4