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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1905)
U Va (I VwB-Jv. . for Wsnsportstioa through the SMlls M sseend- .....class matter. . Poetags for single contest Tot aa t. It to 12 , Hi paper, 1 cent; It to BO pages, Sestaj - 44 !, StS. ;;... T . i Editorial Room HK ..W a , -4- 'I ' aaa "Soaiacss Office roano ASTxxnaua sxrmnsyxAxm. . Yrreland-Bengemle Special Adrertl-lns Agency, .. 10 Jliwa .trect, hey TrUwK"U log. Cbleego, . VMauraow lint :---,"r. 7 Cturior. Tbs The niir journal nt Sunday. r"'-! 52 Dally Journal, 1 year....... S"? Dally Journal, with Bnndxy, Btonths. B.TS The ;:Tbe ball Jwul, month. The Dallr JournaL wlta Bund Dully Journal, wit Basday, Sooth- The Dully Journal, I asentba.. unity jooraaj. a aanuw..... . - Th-Iatlr Journal, with Sunday, 1 ssaath.. . annually, per jjawiauTi rBU.--."-e-r J! '"TTlfc Dalljr. -nea'wiert.Vilejlveiiii 'JU?"-'f ,," 1"" term.' "by ' iialCj Tha Dally Journal, wlta Sunday,' 1 K,iHI ' yesr.'..tT.?o . . B.ow , aw imiif eoau-aai, . Fmr .......-- t-- i Tha Dally Journal, with Bundlj, f otk. I TS : Ta llallr Journal, wntaa...w. i : Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1 nth , jTha Dally Jownal, S montha ? , Tha Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1 n0 Th Dally Journal. I nwatb. .-J" Tha Sunday journal, t V. . J-JJV ''Iha Sunday Journal, Botb.....v ' Tha Saai-WaaUr Jaanul. '- 'Tka Mawil.Ural MmaL h IS . raru laaua, lUuutmtau, full nrhrt r " port. 1 yanr. ........... ....''" , . uaUtaaaan nhould b miada hy draftt. J" -ua. riprxaa ardrra and a null amount, art waBUbto In 1 and 1-eant 'J,5,B,Sli. V p. O. Bo IM. Portland. Orrou. ' ' I Tfcr-Jouri naf ana ba.tousd oa aala . VlnaT Blnantr :- I , VHICa.00 PaanataonJNawa 1 nay, JT1 V -hKfjafCM tS company,, til Barantaoum wani t rtMitrnth and Curlla trwta. - KANSAM riTV Van Nor Nrwu enainamy- tOS AKGBt.ES P. .Oardnur, if rc'AMlf. 2. KaMk.-'M Boats Third. " ' KKW V6WC CITT BnwtnM'V Cnlou- nqaar. .U1 IBM . - - imiimm --OI.AHA MiUard Hotal itfawartaad: Waata Stationary company. 10S Pu" atraat. uai v t .vm . i-- r MMB Unirf Nowa ataud Barrow Broa.. 43 Wrat Brroud atra Santa. BT. yll IK r-tlllip MTOI, iiw " . BAN rttA.NCISCO W, . AMIu. " K.w tii-. ftolihmlth Rroa.. 30 Buttav ' ' itrertt Vnd WtttnJOfla- hUrhrt ttewrU dil-ii(k..wiui . w flpahaal AV-tJO. , tkVOUk. WAHH. Cantral Vawn osmpaayllZl raeiau aranaa, PfnjPgf Avonov axm TOKOaao J. T. Wltoou. ISO rirat" atrV Jit B. . Ban OI lauonrUMUW pariwww.. iwtiA iw4lat Joaaaa. 31 1 flrat tret. Haw r Tarniaainn i dtitbio , rrnliVr-nro. On A.iwl. anrtlonrer, . .Mr,. MBMar Hu.. ai w Irveta. at It a. at. Sale of furoltare, rarprt. atom. : Genre' Raker Co.. awttnueera. IT --nzXATKXJt-UrOKI ' Pair weather dtp rail In all naetloao went, of . Ike allaaUaloul rlrer.- Ita--onowis thai . 'mIu im nut middle Atlantic aad Kaw Ear ? land autre. The erdd weather la Ibo eouthera ale tea baa . aaoderatrd alldbtly. - It la Biueh - wanner In tbeailndm-AllaJilla and wew-twr - land dlatrfou and alao la aontbera California, . irfau-arj ltah The temneratnro baa fal ' lea In eaetrra Jewrdn, Kanaaa.. Mlanourt, Ne braaka, Iowa. llllnola.'-Wlaoornila aadmu- aeuota. and aero weather exteoda aa tar noutn aorta reel Be autaa oontlnao t amw1aiodo- "tJip -riwIIVHrtlotie- if f r -f air -weartler In thla dtwtrtrt tmrltbt and- Tbaraday Witt ahywlf fWaf v. tempera tuna. - - -" - ., "'triddtnV Cnrdn. J" . Mtt CoWaab. lattoa bwW ..u nrtb annV WanMafbaa Ma. tTuV . Vtr!fT Pebruary . Vr. and ' Mra. ui vtweeet AST tlert atreet: -aorhter, VKRM-eiRaV Trbniary 1. -to Mr. and Jtr. Jullui 8. Vrrnwtrra. T Kaaraey: trnot; CAfUEI-Pabraary . to Mr. '"and Mr. John V U. CararU at oaav nonpltal: a uaafbtar. uiwitb hbun 13. Oesmw ' A. Manrnr, ' . aaed oi yeafa.-at Inamn-raalaaa enmauBya -- mute; -ranee, hanrt awaaa. - aariat- nixrehruarr'll Haata Hit, iaed 1 yearn. 1S Kargo atreet; enune, anemia. ail a Lona - LAKK bruary""i, Jamra BUke. ard ITS , yeera, A25 Market atroetrenueo. Beart hv -aaaoc . unui. """lr''- i CretBatannm on wiea"" -ir y aw, - lallwood; aMdara. .Kotlft. onmnleta. CnanMa . i. ehiliiMtB. IO. - Tlattaea a. aa. db p. m Portland UnmtJtosnaoiaon1 1 - fortlaad,. OtHiu ... ',9m tdward Bel man i;odertkln TOawnany, fBaeral dlraetara aad moniawra. s zairi .strtak Tboaa 0t. -r : . .j "l. . " Plnley Ron. funeral dlrectara aad rmhalawrar-enraer Third and Madmen aarwra. OfSot at oouaty eoroaat. Tamnuumo auia w. piaorat wrantba and tmt goworn a Qewalaiq St Koao City Oreeuaouaa. Twenty aaaoad and Caat Jnorrtaaa, opa. nanwejery. : &XAJ. XaTXTK - TAM1UT. - 'A,' JoblU t at. to . Wliaon, lot I. mow . stork sia. y Jobs O. temp ta A.-Wllaoa. uadlrloVd 1.1 aek .U. aartbenat "u H aorttweat-H oertloni IV towaeblp . raootb, raae 1 eaat, aad other prov- orty . .. - v '.vt 5i!7fc " "i" '." . O. Cbamhara and wife t,M. Krneft. t , aaatb 14 hit I. I and biora o. ,aun-. . dtTleion Blrerrww oddtt-oa Oeorae B. Porro and wife e H. liaher, eaat rraeuenai to loeh ,SuinrnBa addltloa .......... ; T. TruehuM) aad huaband t J. H. Nan k .Id, blot.. 33, Treuveat Plaf r-rpr.r(.r,i.ii...... Adelbert Dart la and ..'! i Burtla. let I. Work T. Kentlwurtb .... , Ema P. Traelaaa and I bauband .to J. H. - , Naeh. fct 10, blorb 4. Maab r Pirn r- HTlTrrla. "sad wife to M. W. ReUly. let 1 bkwk S, niaabetb IrrUf ad- BeMlba'Aaand'wVf ta' .' UelaV! led II. bbe-b 4. Mhrlani '' Maiinomah irarr jrymnon fU Richard.-Booth ft lot 23, blorr C, '' Maltnomab eemotery--'A. U. Eeller and wlfa to It. B. Gander" , ana. lot . b(orb . Mnttoomab ...... ' Adeline Peeraoa to A. K. Pearaoa. ZV, -1 aerea aeettoo at, tewaehlp 1 Berth, v ' huh 1 eaat .4 .........'... . T 00 SOS 1M .500 ' tenia Klrrhoft and wife to R. , V 1. 1,..,, aami laa healnnlmT eolith- ' went ear net aoTeranrent lot 1, toWUj ) " ahlp 1 north, rantu leaaa ............ .' , ' Palk. lot' I. black 4. teeter addition, MM K. A. Baker and wife a V. O. JUnns- forth, lota 11-14. Inrlnelre. T7-J0. In- !' eluelre, bloeh 17, OoHeae Plare r r AlBOwartb Narlooal bank ta J. P. Bon. '; ' 1. at in t.L. In. IJmmIb Park 1. ...... Ho , Klla C. Babla te C A. lainderholBi. free- - lloaal block 17, Bharleeh'a addHVeo ..rW) eetatt from tbo Title Wairaatee Trunt pa ay, Cbaatbee of Comameea bulldle. mum mim v.-J ' KftOXER Pebruary 14. K. Oroner. rotUf. - Klrhy between Staatso aad Morris atrartp . ' ,. at - . . KI8SBU-ebrnary 14. t'G. C. ICIaaal. dwellln - j elou areouo betwoaa- auatoa aad Marri V atrreia: eon. eouu. , . . . . i ivikii cv rabn.rr 14 A. A. LladaleT. tr. Main between fhlrty-dftb and thirty ante wxrrviei, e.,""'. .... a Met'AKJt rebruarr 14. Mm. MeCana. dweltlnl, rnrnor Rt Tenth and Baal Eleeeath atroem immf - St OHO. - VKlyTH Pebruary , 14, Mrs. M. Tebjatb, - dwelllns. Pirteentb between TUaiavoaa . .'k.ana atVeetO OaOt. 1 1 W. noSilKS Pehruory 14. roter Heraea, dweinnf. taurl. between Twenty-nlntb had Thirtieth .tree., re-", " . . an.v. - f I. -T. J. peandea. dwet- . i a T rt and V . jt. J. V Is I '1 , ,r -.. -aw-" -r THE CIIANCE'OF ,r.t:K mi riN r?uv , Vni WWrB a.., L . . ,. , tr r-T-T ' ' J" 1 '' "",r i.. . ' I . - SOxlOOiFeefrln IMIIii.i',iHlvN Si6rtiit11r.ninjjw' th ' mAJ-rt maim.. It ta f w f) -up w "n hnr wr v m. . 20 minutes' walk fronithj ,bslnea-pajrt-Mh y4citye NortlrirVfhgton high; dry,, healthy and well r ; drained. Ch water pipJd to evejjejejfn North Irvinston. jU' Our: North irvington office is at 823 Union Ave- fnue north vn Casi JSPj .TITLE; GUAR ANTElv &-TRUST CO;,- 6. and 7 Chamber jifComm? .v. una- hwAi iImi that the ralaa uf tha rtrll arrrlea oaimlaatou of Portland, Oroa, barn born amanuad to taka rftort . rrbruary ShV-4Soa. -Uop4a amy- be- obtalnadTtt--tBa BLAIN , Commbwinaeea. Pebruary 1ft. lttOft. Dafed Portland Oregon." Novel ; Method Adopted tolCetl egWation8ef6reaw-M ejatialyinjia. EACH COUNTY APEOINTS r7MEMBlR OF. COMMITTEE Fully Half of Money Spent on ? Road Work In the Part -r; Haa Beetr Wasted.' -K' ' (BneUl DBnatcb to TWoafnaXT "TZ lJiJllyimp--.- Wa.thwjpiabr-Te.--A BOTel war of fettlnr Derora -tna legisiaiuru new road law Baa been siryca uptm iy number of lawmaJtorg. ano ma scheme Is beliuT tried here, i A- ooBatnlU toe. const. tins of on man from aaxh county 1 tba utste,- hsa bsssj tismed - road tmnunlttea. to have chares of road etialaalOB-aVd--sw,lnwror4-Uae body sucb. laarlalatio- as mar ba deemed otxpadloet. Tha commltUa will bunt a sub-eommlttea or seven to orait a B-n-arahTPB lAwrWpeAnn"ihrtuBt taw nivd Introduclna a new scheme In build' Ine -tborouthfaraa. Tha bit commit ted will aelect tb aub-commlttee some time this Wees, and tha work or arait. In the new law will ba taken up. a aremt deal of controversy has been trululaad in At ' this session 'over .'tha read laws now applied la tnia state.-bdo many ef tha lawmakers am favorani ta rataJnlna It Still bath parties At tha .tats convention declare for its repeal and tha letlslature will undouDtocuy kill It before the sea. Ion closes. Sena tor Boone of Whitman suBtested. the schema of havink -every -county repre sented ea A roadway committee and tbs plan met with teneral favor-r'Tr It is ACKnowisacsa oy every one nsru that ill creel problem before thar peo ple of the ptst Boa roaas. ana any tI.i which wUl brink sbotrt permtnent Improvement ft rnir eoet -rm oo -uaiiea with deitabt JLt-Js. maintained that Wily half of tha money spent on road work baa-been wanted 1nth peat. The Hill noer balnar considered will have to da with nermanent road making 'and win be enacted with the intention - or making th thoroughfares of -the slat In th nest few years equal to those of many of th older, and richer -state. TAMMANY CRAFT GETS MURPHY BIG CONTRACTS Eleven Million in Work Civeri tb Chleftaln'arotherfa - (Jeara.1 Rpeetal Bervtre.1 . New -Torav Fb. 16. In eorirpetltlon with - th -svn principal contracting firms of this city,, tha New Tork Con trading Trucking oompanT, of which John .C-Murphy, brother of Charlea F. Aiurphy. tb Tammany leader, I presl dent, ba landed A lt.0OO.90O -contract for rlx tracks from No w. Ha -err to Nw Bochell.A." J.T Cassat, secretary, who recently entered th New Haven directory,- Is baltaved to b th power that turned th scales in favor of th Mar phy company. . He guv th company tl.090.00t contract for th eacavatlon of tha-sit of th Pennsylvania station. Those on the Inside hsv expected for a month past that tb Murphy company would gt th contract. After bo cap tured th Pennsylvania contract, though naM - tw frame Ansae, aortnoset - iteatin end market .treat. l enet. gl.r. Bui mm Mrurr 14. Dell M. China. dwelHn. - Miller aeeeue setweeA P.ntV Thlre-eath -aad Keet rifteeu atrw-TB met,,. MO BbUUs February 14, . Morrill. dw1 Una. Tweuty-foarfb netweea . Daels U-aaatt at at. 1 net. tl.Siai. BHtjLDBRMAKN Pebruary 14. P. H. BbnMee. maaa. eotuge. corner Mae teen th aad Ullaas atreetai eaat. 7,sn. ' ... ..ata.,. 1. VT 1 at,. .a. Awelllaa. Eaat Twewty-tret he I wet a tmrtb sad Cew.ll atreeta; mi. gt.Bnn e-nnhi . a'atw-r.r 14. Mrs. Mare IT. Thorn.. . e-Mlllna. Lerrebee between tlolladaj gad Iheamao street.; aoah, 41,00. firm n at n rrTnr in . -. . rrr: HCWl.uAl.LAl. 15 JASIIIIWSIED , "'' ' " earn 'V 1 '" r"7C"J A LIFETIME! a fimp tOT3 A bl fnmnm, m-w . )racj for the man of nlv" 40 minutes' ride andT t .:: Sbn Snvfstigatihgf iB3rForA raltaw4 Burin-sMdi - ' strictly moderiK new, 7 -- room I , noune: regular iiiup pwawi ww i nor lot - ,. I aaatV 2fU-ftcr0 place,- fronting- on Wit-f IametlTlVrrlltmirM)ve4r4 1 comfortable bttl'MlnBST 1.000 ai-1 . pla treea. cnoioa variety wmwr applea; J00 pear trees; 260 cherry tree", plenty-- ather varieties - bear I no; truit ana nuie; acnu In utrawberrles: 3 acres In black- berries and Loran berrlea. This - is ; a, dead sure money-msker, sure to yield from- 11.000 to l.- BOO clr lrofit peraiiaum; Would fxcnxnn ior wmnamr .ny rvai- ' deiM.iwoPwr4ft-oeai tlOXlO -20-acre place on electric car line; 1S mile- out; nlc. Rrovaof 41m- - berr ItVint water, bis sprlnars. 9 BO-For' n.ce "home ; on WtocJ aveniiej three full loU-4-IOQn. j . Cottage, furnished. . I 45010 acres, half mil electric cars,. - toward Oretihsm. never fall to I I I "a ,.,,nn..a.ta L X LAWRENCE C0. l's FOR SALE BARGAIN THI March lstli; . . -. . . . . . . . BBB-acre uairy inaimii urai.wiui "X heat varietle. bearlna .Dnlo treea: .LlO -al a..a. aaaM.ll ill t - ran,,t KLr.LXa".;; yaw ?.h:.t 100 acres easy to clear for plowing, balance timber and pasture; all first- class JKll-auniiarrpa -or vraterr Rooa u...- ka m anal nlh.t farm knlMintl ' "..r- "I:' j - -aa? - one mile to railroad sUWort and school- cent, - Prlee- I4.2DO. Farm and city property. M AXWELL & BURG . SIB tngiaa BldATa lHwtlaad. Or. A COTTAGE IN For tlO down nnd $10 perTnonth.:Cholt. lots II 0CV down na f J a moniev- juteo tria enra T So fare. i tno cars, oo isr. , , . ..; AUR Of TSB 10ia.'-:f- bos rtaiXanro ma. FhOS IBAlB BlBw. - UaTS Belt .lift, lit Well Pseaer. SS WS1I Ks barrels Of GLOBE WhlATpETl - PKOOl fAIVtne aina wim n in- laeeuiiir-ra-aTw - . w -tr---p 1 " antee In vry package. Tha paint Is say ot Pebruary. loot, and ebjeetlone 4o the h" - VT." "now 1U -e.-iSSA P0RTI-AN D. PAINT AN D NnWALU PAPER CO. ... DurbrlbntoTa, IBB Baooad Bt, . Telephone, ,,. UM BT9. i : v. -.,---.--;-. rOSa BiU BT ' A. A. rHTTRCH C . . . S Taylor Bt CAR8TEN8 BROS, i . . . . . v. .Montavlll J B. MDONAL.D...fc4H Willlame ave. r ,hV Th.1 nTS Hsven Jfrtb ' wsn ranked t them enough of politloal Job ta render the! Temmnny concern eitremeiy aangerout. Evervthlnrf the Murphy cornpany hss anna aft- H has got through powerful and mvsteiiou Influence. - ... , . ' WkAt saw MBt.1:- . r.nm the f alBdoB. Oolnlon. t Mrs. CsudleNow. you U corns horn eieaieht from ih. dufc. desr. " ,.Mr. Caddie Ts. desrrToo mssn 1U emma home.- ' . . Uaa r-a,t.lla Mai . I mean You'll OOBt " " CCTT VOTXOkb. Notice fts hereby firen tbat at ina meetins Of I the Council of the. tity of Portland, pru oa. beld oa tha let day of Pebruary, Wud.. the ftillowluc reaalutian adopted',. - Reaalrod. ; That -the iXMIurll . oi tn i iny o; Portland,, ftreou. deem It expedient and Wtb -Uauad AMtrmaa atreet , ao-.u Una r ,Vuln.(ln't U.UI joikywiua man- 7 .. Plret Fir eradlnit . the atreet ' tull wldtt to tbo sub-trade as flrea by the . City En gineer. . . M mueaa nj ronBtruiriina inuiriai w wutkn- in a-c6rdeDre with the ly luuglneer'a plana, sporiaoatkina and eatlmotee. - ,- -' Third By brlBglns tn eurfneo et Iba atroet-jau width to (a oatabUebed grade wit macadam. e Raid Imnrwrement to be made la aecordaara with tbo charter and urdlnoneea of the City of Portland sad the pinna, epeeldrattoaa and eetlaiatea of the City Knglneer tied Id the often of tbo Auditor of the City of Portland aa tha feltr. rfa at JeUUarV. 1906. tlldorer'. Ssty Engineer a plaas aad apeeUlcaUooa for the JjaprureaMrnt ot wuu .um a-lk. Uaa. al JTaima etTOet tl th aOaUl Una of Vgagba atreet and tha eeUmetee of the wora to po ooas ubu hi r""" J- X ee ijooc om aniu iw.u.uwni w . mttih the weet Una of Ootid atreet aad a laa feat eaat ad and paralkL with. th,-.t. Mna of Guild atreet aad between the north Uh of Thoraiaa atreet aad tbo south . Uue of TTb"ES?noVr. aaMmat. 'of tba 'iwobnbli total eo.4 fur th-liP4axiTs-tnofMldulld atreet la Bl,90.00. . The abore lmproeaMat I. ta be claaaed aa a gtaeadam Improrement and ahn -be mall Ulned by the city tor a period of l-o year.. peaetded that tha ownqr. of majority ot tha property bene 11 ted by aald ImproTement pf any inTtkiu thereof, aban pot. peatloa for "S now or different lmnroragooBt baton tba Tbalbfnn,oKitloaa and aaHmatag if tba City Etigloeer for tba Impro-emoat ot said Guild .treat are beroby adopted. , -. .. Reaol-ea. That the Auditor -of the City of Pert land be and bo Is hereby directed, ta fire aotteo of the prupoaad Umpaaetment-TCf Bald Street aa peoelded by the city charter Reaoaatraacea agalnet the abora Improrement amy bo filed la writing with tba underalgned within to days from tbe-datn of th orat aubllo.tloa.jif uiieBotiee. VBy - oauof of tba Council.. " ' Aadltt of tha City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. Data at Brat publication. Pebruary '4. ISOo. OOKPLXTIOaT '"AatB AOCXFTABCa! OP HI PROTXICZXT r Of XABT XOKBUrOB "WetJne.-aaJhe.eiii alien tnatTnarIcB Warner. City ' BaglBoer. : has tied In the oroco of tbo aoderalguod notice that M. W. aj ennteaetae rne tha lmnrovement ot ebbc mom bob atreet, under tbo are-talons of ordinance No. 14.IES3, ba. completed aald atreet, from the yZSZLfiS rT"' M4 -apua-, .m be considered by the -t,uttn Board at 4 o'clock, oa the irta day ot Pebruary, 1006. t and objection to tha atrepienee of aald atreet. ut mux part tberoet. atay Our ofncazuttbf nndcraltuod fc any time prior tb-t-Mo-,. .1 " . s r. By THOS, . tV DEJLItt. -Auditor t the City of Portland. Portbtnd. -Oregoo.- Pebruary ikt06. OOMPUTlOaf AJTD ACCETTABCE OF XX' pROTntzjrp or oobbztt itbzet. a, -., a. k.Ka W.lllat rtr- Baalneer. baa Med la ' tbo etfl-l or trie Bouoraagoea notice ui.i uvu. m nuw srd : tlomeuuy, -eontrnctoe fee the 4mpromeat of Coettt .treet. under he, .?!t",!?nL! -rdtnaoe. 1X W. h;?i!t " d,UTTi Crom the ctt "!,?l"JrLm tkl o't'uaUe.t'Tn.'of -gt atrcrt. .- ; 8ild .ceeptanea will be eonalderad by the Kxacutlr. Board at 4 olo'k the--1Ttb 4mj . of rbnmrrr-lrb& obirctlmw . to ihe fti-wruiicfr of Bsld iiwt. w juiy prt, tjwwof. warn j mm bihi in w hiitj wi vim V". !T-:W imnrnr. board. - r I , ' i iudltOT OTTb CT"f Tof 0-. m, rebraarr It 1B05. iudiior oTTb Cltyaf TonlsaC7l PBOPOBID CHA0."0r' ORAM- 6 AB ' CLAT BTBXT AT 1TBIOB ATUnrE. Notice la hereby glrea that at the meeting of tba CoubcU of tbo City of Portland, Ore- T.,a .aa 1at ... of- V-hen.reT' 10(18. Beoolred, That the Council of tbe City ef Portland. Oregon, deem, it erpeaient inq i ta en.nea ine a-raoe or ine inter- I ioctlouof tl eaat curb line of Unlou arenue 1 eeriKj w. , a-... -. . I With l Wa-TU nil r from- .wtmi-uBUH,. I Beooleed. That the Auditor' of the CHy of I portlaad be sad ba ta hereby directed to glee i notice of the propoaeo ennnge or rum ti aata I .a t a. na.,tlriad hr the riaaTter. I : T. .eafBat tbe a bo re chance sf I irrnd? may be Biea in wnng wiu ma nnoer- aubUoatloa-at thla oollce. By order ef the Council: thob.'C. DBTirir. -T-Atfanr the CltV Of Portland: Portlaad Oregon. Data of flnt publlcutloa rebrsary , !. - ; OOITrXXTIOK - AUD , ACCEPT AICE or IM- ixornaarr or potbth btbxzx. , Katae m hereby si van that Char lee Wanner, Cite - Enclneer. ba. Bled In tbe office of tbe underalgned notice that J. W. Sweeney. foe the 1 ntDtOT aOefl t of PoUrtb street, under tbe prnrialona of ordinance No. 14.1.1a. has coaapleted aald atreet from the south line of Hooker street to Toe north Use of Wood, atreet. .. utaiaT- keeawaneu wULJm eonsHefeoT by eh' Ct..ttt. Board t- 4 o'clock, on tbe lTth a. . rehraere. in06. Bad obieetmn. -to- the ' tl JtJXitSU t say time prior thereto. - THE EXKCtrPITR BOARD. i v ..... a. -.ana r. iiKVt.iv k a(..a a tha r4te ef IVwt 1. I . Portland. tAegoa. February , 1906. STRZZT. ---r - - Katiaa h-t.hv arlveB that ChsrleB Wanner. nt taieiaeer. baa tied la the office of the underslgBed notice that J. K. O'nefl. roe Ift. iniOTOteHaeOt VI eaa.1 Vt BH Inston atreet, under the prorbrton. of ordinance No. 14.221. ba. roenpleled 'held atreet from tba center Use of Kaat Thirty-fourth street tka .-,1 lie. ef KaBtelde Third additloB. 8ald acceptance will be eonnldered . by .the K.aaatlee Roerd ' at 4 o clock, en the I.tB a. . at Bahraare. 100a. and obleetlons to the aeceptanre of aald atreet. or any part thereof. - a.. . a ik. At mm . 'aadl A taak aa aaaBaaaeaeal awaaaUt may he nieu in ine ein-v an ..wa- et BSy lime per in-rio. a,-.--. lam a A rA rut. By THOB. C. DEVLIH. ', Auditor of the City M Portlasd. 'Portland. Oragma, Pebruary 11. 1BOS. I rmvrwtTTIOg . AJTD ACCXTTABCl Or XX rBOTnXart or zast thiatt-iou axh BTxaxr. .. . Nertee la hereby sires that Charlea Wanner, n. n-elneee. hi. lied In the office r of the undVralrnea noTlee tbsr 3. R."TrrTeH, aaat-a-tae u lh. .mncoecmont of Beat Thirty' f-exetlh-atraut, nnrtar the proTiaiena pi orrun.nre No. 14 OUM. baa completed eald atreet from the south line of Bane Line roe a tee center line of Beat Alder atreet aaa rrnen xne mat 1... -a aaa T.ap at ft to the aopth hne l.t n.han. aweene. ' 1 Sold arcentanre wilt be ennaidered by the " y-r-a.ra itriiTiTB board.' By THOS. C. DBVLIN. Auditor ef the Cfty of Po-tlesd. Pnettasd. Oeegos. rebrnary 11. WOB. . I... I I I . Auction Sale -By J. T.WILSON rm -iea,a-e.Bui-Bw.a , At Salesworas, 180 Rrst Street .Tomorrow jit 2 P. M. rv.mnrlalne Lerlleu' TIlor-made Bulls. I rvavenette. Tourist Conn. Bklrte. Jack- 1 eto l isters snd Wrappers; slno .Soma I aa u u. aaB 'lntaaa ta Tklai Im A 1-k-m Men'a Hulta snd Ovoeroata. This Is the J. M. Acheson A Co. stm-k, which we sr Instructed to nose nut st puouc auction w.verv iirmcnt Is flrst-claea. Thin salt sffords the public an opportunity of the year to dress In styU st sn sjtonlnhlnif low flsurfc Avsll ydornelf of this op- nnrtimlt v. T Bale each day st 1 P. m. un 111 atrwk Isviosed. Intending purchst. era ran Inspeet snd select garments I .ha .....ann nt I I TrrwUaBOW-AuoUonedrV ' .TV l.i.lai- aaalial thaakt I Uh ttae nt 11KB. laUoneU: "tity v ZJ ShhUf."t S.aU T tbilKna.--plan. and" apeclflc.Uona. tor tbo I-. bHa.-a.rt. .tbera-f MmVjrUUWMlt? .h' VTZL'ZS H oTiurr- orrr boticm. - n .aBheaana lah-anhaaiaa. i lis 0 Eororea xipBOTiantBtoir-, tHATzm Hotloa U hereby gtren that at tbo meeting I et tbo Council ot the Uty of PorMMiJJregou, UUa. the held d the let- day or renroary, i ,,: .... .Aeia.' llo Vuia-Ilia ,""''""- -:, ..J . . I IWtd, Or" deemalt expedient and pur. Maes t?1mrW Mharw atreeTfrou. the weet thMTbf Tm-.l-atptif reHflr ay -tbo-aaarUBa nt l a T. I k. Ar.ll..wlne to-I T" - T rnnt Br grading- Mm atreet fnU wltlta-wltili roll iftereeetlona (iflwn t ttia uD grua as I I eiren kn-tbe City TSualneer. . ; I eondrry "goootUnV'BluVwalks 1. aceerd- aneo with the t'lty Kloaar'a pinna, apecUlca- aaoaia. eiMl eeiiamateBE t 1 ' " VThird Br conatruetlBB Voodra turb : IS 44- L...a Ua aM..u.tna ear da nee with the City Engineer A, apec fawthiaa ana ranmnian.. b-uurtb lw Uvlne eroaawalka la amordane t with the City iuslueer'a ptaM. and eaUmetea. , .. . air, it Maeni.nn. atnne ana mi araiwere in arrordanea with tha City a1seor,o apeeinratloua and eatunatea. , ulith-He helnelee Ike eurfaeo Of tba, atreet full wldtb with full InterneettoB 1 tba tatab- lUlied. grade with grareL accordance Rata I V. Wltb the charteu end nrdlnaneea of the City or PeetlaBd and the plana. aiMcifirattona nod eau- maiaa of the Cite Kuelnree. (tied In tbo office Va ,UW , bind arenue. and tbe eaMmaten or tha wora w Br nana ana, ua pri-.-i- imn - T.. ml At mm in imiwur,m,n, u. aa aa proTtded by tba eity chartw biot tteprop- erty.pecl.llr and peculiarly benefited thereby I Snd wntcb la'berel.yTalBred to bo all the lota, parts thereof and parcel, of land lylnd between part, thereof and parcel, of lasd lying S Una 100 feet north of and-, parallel II . . ataaa. a mA a ameeUal With the I aad a Una 100 feet south of and parallel witn mo eonieuu of Kb aver atreet and between the want lino of Utaalealppl arums nod the. ggat lias of Mary lana aeenae. nr tha lari fni At tna 1'iit ai orflkelitabTrintaltta Helra of, 4.T5l JoT 1ST ffl"- -ins eniineer a eanmate enat for the ImnroTaxsaat arreer 1e ea.3iB.uu. . - . . . . IV. ..w... haanaal .hell H elaOaM XX B grarel Improrement and shall bo maintained br I tka alia ta a na-lntfl nt fllllt ...1. ttrOt(V0. I Bowrrer. tnat tne aw nura oa a na.Tii.r ptupeety beoeftted by Mid ImproTement or spy portion thereof aa.ll sot petition for s new or dlfferent lmproTemest before tha-axalraUon of auch period. " ,' - j The nlana. aoeelfleettoua sad eetlaiatea pf tbe i lty Eugiurec ror ine 8b tit atreet ar-bebj'"idpbrdf Beoolred, That the Aunitnr or ine Portland ba and ba la hereby directed to gl" notice of tbo proposed Improrement of Bald alaaat aa twa.lrfaal he the eltT Charter. Renmnatrance. Bgnfnat tbe abm.lmproT-mBt may be filed In wrttleg wtta ina unoer-igweu within BO days from tb. date ot tbs flrat pub. llcaUon or, tma notice, t- ' T1. or. et. mo .vouwotf. , , . -r THUS. C. Ur Jjin, . Aaatltaa al the Pitt of PortlBBO. Portlaad, Oregon. . Data of flrat pubUcaOon, I Pebruary 4, UMB. . : . PBOPOBID XMnOTatZWt ' Of TWBJI.r. I ttoom BTai-aw. ' '- Notice la hereby siren that at tba meeting of the Council of tbe City ft PortUad, Oregon. I held on tbo. let day of Pebruary, ltOB. a 1 faJLnwHTie reanlutlou was adopted I .r - I Benolred. - That the Council of tta "W"' IVwtaaada-tWBiandeeara It e.pedteut aad Por-1 poae. to impror. Tweoty-aecoud ..treat trorn I the aorth Hue et Wahlngtuu. street to the! aoutb line lot Johnnoa treet, or onuaiue roadway fall width wlU full Intoraeetloua to eetabllidiedr grade with croahed . JbJ1."! cru.hed r- arreealtig., aad br conatrucung woooea rrc.w.i.. at.-ie-. a wiu.-a . tiZiA t:. . ha ua. In- aeeordanee wim "T '""Vj "', ' "." . iarti Iwtl.Ml.Ml the aDeelflcatlons Snd ewtl matee of the CHy Bnglaeer nuea in ino ouice the Audi toe ot the wy or- j-ort.aoo en tbo 24tt day of J.naaryr4uur1ndoraed: huot inooreeu ; ' viv v..,,....a-a .n.iittareneBB xor 1 nrnvaBMat at TweBtv-eecond otroet from - the north line of Waehtugtoa atreet to the south I mAr ... filed a arrltlnf with tha ander llna Of Johoana atreet snd. tha ootlmatoa of wff, M a.T, from Jhs, d.t. of tbs tbe Work to be Sun. ana ine prooeoi. voie. eoet 'thereof. "j- " -V-r-cTarr ajnaa tm at .a lal Imuaa I ul- at- aaWla: - " il prgrldod- by " tbe city charter spun the nmhertr aneclally snd peculiarly benefited IhaLh. ... .hiah t. declared to be all tbe lota, parte thereof" ana. parcel, of land lying between, a line 100 feet weet of -aod parallel with tha weat line of Twetity-wicood atreet ana a line iw i-ri .w r1"1' with t euat Hue of Twenty .aacond. ..treet aad' between the north ltne ot waaniugu-i . ..a taa aalh Ha a InhnaOU BtCeet. The Engineers eetlmate ot me propaoie total eeet for the lmnrovement ot said Twenty eecoud atreet la f 1.400.00. -tno aeore inpretaa-ii a w w - macadam Improvement and shall be maintalaed by the city tor a period of three yeera, provided that the owner, ef a motor It r ef the property benefited by aald Improrement or any portion thereof, .mil not PQUHou lor a-new or mi Immurement before . tbe expiration of . Th. .1... anaa-ISa.lana end ftatlnUlte. ef be City Knglneer for the ImproveaOent of aald T..nt, ..rnurf aleeaf- eee herehr adonted. -Keaolred, r.hat lae -nattor-oT -tm- t li-m i Portland he and Be I. nerenr uirecieu 10 notice of the propdaed- Improveaient ef aald ataaat a. a-Xalnad h4- th Htt Charter. Iteainnatrancee egainer ine bootu .ewtrt ment mar he. filed In writing with tbs uader- elened within - 30 ?d..e-Trom - tbe-data ef th. I tret puhllcauop ox tnia nouca. , . - ny oroer et. ine vouncii. T . ..' THOS. 11- DETLIrf. ia iT Anditiw. ef the CUT Of Portland, Pwtland.-. Oregon. , Bat, .t.-flrat- puliUcalloa. I rebruary ntopoan) jaTPROvTniyTT or wxrr halt Or ULtTiTatTT.KW BTBJvATlV Notice 1 hereby streu that at the meeting of tbe- Council of the City of Portlaad. Oregon. held on the let day , ot eoruury, uejo, we tol leering reenlutiou. was adoptea Keaolted, That the Council of th CTty of Portland. Oregon, deetns It expedient and pur-1 pones t. Improve me weac a.u ex Ban niri r . . ,t., . rma tha ewnter Una ef Bant Morrvaon atreet to S polot 150 feet north. of I tbe- sortb line of Eaat aVornaan siruei, in tae followlag manaer. to-ent: Flrat By al .-itr Eneineer. .1. mna nt Hiymg tiuanaaiaa. Third By cooetroeling aadewalta with weodea curba. Paid Improvemont to be made Is Sceevdenee with the charter aud ordinances of the City of Portlaad snd tbe plans, asoelflcatlo-a' and . . . a. nt " -'- - riaag 111 the tifrtre of the Auditor ot tbe City of Portland on tbe aoth day of January, 16ns, laoVireed: city Engineer a plana ano apecincauona iw the Impneeiuent of tbe weet halt i of Baat Thirty -eecond atrWfritm tbe renter lias of Caet MorrleoB atreet to a point IM feet sorth of tbe north llne-ed Kaat Morrison .treet. and the eattmatea of the work to ba dose asd the probable total t thereof." . Th. eaat at -aid inoreeemeat to be imnnas as pmvlded by tbe city charter upon the, prop- my pari .11 in. fNiiuiiarir ,.-,,,- " ' -" and which la hereby decbired o be all the kite. part, thereof and parrels lot land tying between the weet line of East Thirty aacond street asd a line 100 feet west thereof aad met for tbe Impmrem-nt ef Bald weet hU of, Ba.t Thirty -second atreet ta tl2L00. . Tka niaaa .rMM-irlc.ttmai and eetlmate. ef The City Knglneer f,J tbe Impcovement ef aald weetr half of Eaat Tblrty-eecosd street are ' berebr 1 adopted. - - -a - HeaoiTed, Tnat. the Adoitor or mi no Portlaad be and he le hereby diluted- to glee notice ot tbe ropoaed Improvement el aata street Be provided by-the elty charter, r Kettmnstraneeu againet id. aoore uniat--" may be filed In wrltltflr- wlta the uBoecignea within su oere rrom toe uate e. vav .., r-- Ucatlue of thla notice. - ...... - TPy O'ucr et tbe ejeUL.--l- . tho. c. DRTTijr. ; ; A editor ef the City of Portlaad. ' Portland.- Or-r-n. Date ef flrat pabttcatlaa. Pebruary 4. ISOo. - ' .. eoanmsif-abb aoozptamcb PBOTEKIBT OP I AST TKIRTT-ZI0KTB ' BTBnTj. - '-;' rtm Kotlce la liereby glrea that Charlea WaJraer., City EBglneer. baa Bled In the i-'llce . tka aavAaralewed notice that J. R. 0'Mell. esntractnr tor the Improvement of East Thtrty- elghlh .treet. aooer- rne proti-., n. miemrt No. H.taa. baa com pie ted. aald Street, from th renter line of t Waablngton atreet te the center line of 1 Belmont street. Held aceeptanee will be eonalderad by .the Pxeeutrre Board St 4 o clock, on the 11th dey ef Pebruary. ISOO. and objectwuiw ta the sc-eptance of east street, or 'say pen raereo Buy be tied In tbe of flee of tbe under. Igaed at snr tlBxe prior thereto. "J-. -TlB EXF.I'ITITR BOARD. - , By TIIOB. C. DKVI.IB. taditor ef the City "of Portthad. - Portland, ftresus. rebruary 11. 190B. parallel therewith, and between tse Bonn line of Eaat MisTlaou atreet and at s line 160, feet north thereof and peralml therewith. - .Tha Vnalaaae-a aatlmala At the aWobable toT.1 C0MTLET1OB AWD ACCEPTABCI OP IM- raovxMiiiT or je-utdP trRxxr. Botlce'la hereby tires that Cburlea Waanee, flty Boglneer. bee . tied Is I be trnee of tbe andereigaed notice that B. J. IVbuhr. enn tractor for tha lmpe-ea-ut ef . Jaaeop atreet, under the proetaloaa ef erdlnence No. 14 2nl. baa enmnleted aald atreet from the cVu fr line et Mieeisalppl areas, te tbe era tor Una of Albloa arenue. - ; - Bald aceeptanee Will be emarl Steed by The Rieeullre Deard at 4 o'eax. ee. tbe 11th use of Pebruary. ISO, and ebleeiteee to the acceptance ef aald atreet. er any part thereof, may be Sled In the efflce et the Bed erst gaud Bt BBV time peter thereto. ' at ssy time r y-, BfAn. : e , - Br THOS. C. PKVMrf. . Andtter of the city of Port lasd. -'a-srtlasd. Oreges, Ivhruary ii. 1904. - -u- :-v;-.;.-. .-i-; . '"' cm Jioncia. tMFMHiafT rex niuinoi .or - lr- tALMOV tTB.1T. notiee n 'noreny giara tnat ina at do hr erdlnanra Ku. 14.111. eatltled: "AB ordlnnnee adupUns the report of the rtewere in we maimr oi ine prttpueeu eFii,.eji" the matter of tbo neniweed ouen! ,.lH.kl. a. kaa k. ateeO froai the weet Use ; of Bat XMrty-jbjbib atreet t. -the, weat line of ... blorka .11 , and it PumiOaK.-igdlllen. m.kli.g : an Beeami - ot of ttlrt BcnentB'""BBW Ifc.k, U. wil. .n. j.noer 14. "haa been eatered agalnet the orrerel ewnefB or ano npraona iniereaien n for. I. the Docket of Ity U.n. which -Id a-ruamenta are made '', Hrb. ' tbo ofneo of'tbe XHty Tteaaurei.- m tMlea atatea r-ld aud allrer oln. and unle paid bf"ra orrein orurriDea aa aeu.geeTer.iir u. February . J1A. the" nama will become Hn- quenl ana eaca unicaeainga win no the euiieetleu oc.ine aaate aa are prvn the charter-t the City of PortUad. a. Id W".'.' ''JWV- .ine aame ae arw w.runl ' CiUUD'S ' ADDIT10! lot 8, JofiapftdjT k.t O. iten flood. HtLtlO lot-H. i'dinOmel. I 4l.if bit II, John Ckwd. Lto.ou -Joy- "iffo. cbju dally to Omaha. fhlear Haokaeetw John Oood.'ftO.OO; lot It, Johi i.Oood. 40.Su, I .Lrepinf rare dally to Aaaaaa CUyi i - lot It. Juba. tiood. B40.00aJotJ.5i Joba Good, I gat. Oil . . . . 1 SUNNYSinB ADDIT1pNBLfCK - .M l 1 Hulda Htelnlelu. t.0: lot t. Edith P. Oil-1 berl. M.00; lot t. Kllaa K. Gilbert. .: kti A Iwheee WMtwU-h. gA.OO: lot ft. toulea anil John 8ommerrllle. eS I: bit T. 4- B Kami, end John Rommerrllle. 16.00. BIOCK 31. lot S. Katurrlne A. Martin, tu.00r eaet j 1T.I4 feet or kpt a, aataerina a.arnn. t2.S6: weft S8.7S feet of lot s. Mary J. '' a.. ik. ..a an u.rj jueur. eu.ief: lot 1L aaiaabeth E. Burnham. .(; lot 11, Willi. m A. Mackenala. S0.00: lot 13. my. V,. Ulnar gad Nettle J. . Mlnar. M.OOi 1 l4 - W. W. Miner an4 Nettle 4. Mlnar, JJ 0O. BlOGlk -13, lot,l. Breymaa BreaM.To; Lit t RtetBiee BHU tsroa. ae. io; u . e. wr.. Broa.. t4.f: lot 4. M. Ulaaw, t4.78 lot a. .Breymaa Bros.. H-70: lot d. B. H. Bowman. pi.Ta; Ot T. B. IX., aa. iu. jr, a. 'i w a. rianree. A. L. Winters and Ikrtha 0 . aniu . puiw.imjhh ; anvuLe, onre w.. r.'.f"1 iiaorgo A. itearen, ae. io i ere -r.- aci.?irB. Dlchaon.t4.TB. -.BLOCK 9n it 1. A. n Brerman and John aomtner- rllle. f4. 40; lot a. A. H. Breymaa and Jobs Sommerrllle. te-40, .-BLOCK 10. lot 8, H. A. Bltner, $440; lot 4. ErangrUne B. Shaw. td.4a. Tut-V- B48S.1S. -, V ' " - THOK. C. DBTttK, rl .. . lh. 1-4, a a. Una I La aa. AWIiva y-- . y- " - - PKOPOtXl) CBLAKOB 0T 6BADE 0tUtm , Tart. IIUIIL , , Watia. te atveK that at the moetltnr Of the Oouaetl of the City of Portland, Oregon, held oa tbe let day of rebruarr, 1905, the Utl- Lanna aMMl.HM UTaaV-OdoDted: KeaoTred.' that the Council of tbo City of Ba.ii.aj1 neawr'deeeui It eruedlent Ueh tha gr.oe on vuenuu ureuue a. u one hundred (100). feet north of the north lino of Eaat Pino atreet and St Spolat one hundred ana fifty (180) feet youth of tbe south lino of mast nan aireec, enu ,.1.,, loteraectioa with Bast Pliio atreet and that Ik. latMkllaal at Bet. Cite taWUCU CO tabllafe tha grrndo -at aald point one i hundred ttOO) foot aorta or-toe aorta uno o ae- rioe 'f. . hnndred and eerenty-ofce at4 1,1 fantha (lTI.St feet abore tbo baa. of rlty aa ... that- It im the lataMtloa of tba City Council to eetehlle tha grade at aald point ifTkf.-Aaai flft. flMl 'feet -Booth- of - the t. llna trEaat Hnar street at ona, hnndred 5jllt,', fourteen hundredth. J.14 . . the Uao of Wy fradea. aa that (t,'w7 Intention rms City -Council to change tbo grade at the -Utereeetlon of Beat 1 pn atreet and Baehtel a-eauo from one 1 huodred acresry hod elf Dt teniae tiu.r ieer I nunuxeu -r"-' -, ' 'a , I aeTenty-oae ana nro xenuae tJia-e) - aw al I..-. a alt neenrred, That the Auditor of the. City .of rorthtna ne .no no ij ntrmj " , aetlre ef the a propoaea cuauge e. awn. J, . ,.aainan lit the charter. Benaonatranca axaine. m.' rw . -aj-atlow-tnr tbla ootloo. - . . By order of tbe Oonoel. efiioa. CI PkVLIM. . leatltoe ef the fitr of PortV Pcartland. Oregoa. Date of flnt pubUcatloa, Ferim.rT e. -. .. 1!w Only , Double-Track t Eallwijr betweei the - Missouri River The Chicago-Portland S pedal, th most luxunout train hr the world. Dnwirig-room Bleeping cars, tuning car. buffet amoking aria library car (barber and bath). ,Leaa than tUr day Portland to Chicago. - " . - lliroughTrains to Cbkara are operated dally vis tbs Oregon K. R. A Nat. Co, t P. . R. sad Chicago at North-Weatem Ry. tCblcage Iron Portlaad and points a Oregoa and Eastern Waahmgton. Dally amcsraloDg In Pnnmss toartst aleejplng care from Portland tfaroagh - So Liuce ago without cbange. B.B.SITCH1B, a.0. SAKKBK. , f tea 1 mi. ree. lata, . ...uteaii a. CAV.-W.Br. C.AlTVTlte. art Market Street, Ban pbaikisco, Cau ret Thirl Street roan-urn, Ona. BAaLTIMORXi 4V OHIO R. R- ' Ali, TRAINJI VIAVVikSStllJtyrON City Brewery :' " : Zdsrrseni and Bfoet Ceuaplet . . Brawary ta , taa SOatkwtwt.- Bottled Beer o Spcd-alty 1 - " - Oaio iJth aad sufe- r- rcr.TiaAND. II II.' 1 S -v.-' 2 II Beat jBtanraea--- aaaaaaaaaaaaaa -a . . j y 1 , 'c i -f'"?"?Aa ".Trr" -- A Al an. W Tt..tlm.. .I,.,,J ai tmi.iat alaaa. ,hroo ,i,aa tonrlat abiepinc oara (pemen- .11. a . ... . aa..). M i,,.M .. Ualkalna imra laeata free) -to tbo Eaat dally. S I. VNION DEPOT. Learee. Arrltee, ClUCA-HRflaAiD r - ' BPItCIAia, Por tba Eaat rlnjont . lug tun. 1:11 lb. I:B B. fek fOally.- Dally. - PPOKANB PLTBR-Por- Kaetern W..blng ton. Walla Walla. Low: ""F'i"'', :15 p. m. Dally. - .i-a.x let, in. Coear d'Aleae and , ereat. ; Northern rBSUt. point.. - ATLANTIC- KXPRKM. fill a. I nally. 1 for tba Baat ela rinat Daily. - Ington Calami. in tirer Dfrlalon. POB ASTORIA aad way 8:on a. sx.1 Jabout. Bolote. eoanectlna with uaiiy-'i ex. nuai atmr. for - and an n t.wau.r .. . , ' I ..AS 1 i Vrrpai a . . aaa V.ahlll Diaaf T '1:n p. av Dally.: ex. Basday. -aotaahvatmra. Buth. andewul'- Mo, Inc. A h -at. dockable-. Boed.y t Water permltllns-l Baaka Blear BeuU. P0 iaE-nTO!. Ida.. About 8 :00 p. SVT Dally. 5 40. Dally. ana way poiats from Uloarla. Waab.. aura. Spokane and Lewlatou. ex. Ba tarda leS, rYlday. ,-: TICKET OPPICE- Third and phone Main Tl 2. , 'BTINGER. Otr Tick.; Aaeen. A. la, CBAICL Geoeral Paaaenger Agent. I 1 H a anM Wa-SI UB aa'to! AatTot.' noirr ".loipo pS'ni. V -: ' TamhlirBlrer atouto. I - lEAST -wee SSdjl fof f'ABBI"S -vt ,. cby SOUTH . TJKIOM-DEPOT. Arrir OTBBlaAHD EXPBEBBj tralna for 8a htm. Boee- barg. Aahlasd. Baers mento, Ogden. tuts trn- I M.a. . clacoV Btocktoa,- Jaa en gelea, Kl PBB0v--e-r mu Bad taa Mil. alnralne train I eta : at ' . Woodbnrn dally except Besday with, train for ML AneeL 811 VtfrtOS. t AO. swl. naswaaeille, -A rl a e-l field, WBdllaA-u; BBtroa, Albany paaaenger eoa wta at .woodburu with Hpvai. 10:10 s. m Mt. Angel ana Blirur ton local. CorrallU peaeiaytr. Bberldau paauenrr. T: a. at. 40 p. m- TiSLUaai Oaoaga BaVurhaa tet-nee sad TsMiB Depot footjit Jefferson street. - . , Leave Portland dally for Os-eje W l J . 12:80, :, T:4. 10:1 Dally '4es-eM HnivdeK l: tM. M X irm.;V4:o3; U:a0 p. St.. Baaday oaly. t Returning from Oswegol srrlre iortland dally 11.10 p. m. Dally (except Bowduyl t:aT O.M. 10 to, 11:46 s. m. . gioepr atougaj, aa ' 7 CB ata. aw. auatr "1 . M- III. a flei from l.iier'uwpfor-I mediate polnia dally (axeapt Sunday) 4.00 p. as. Arrlv. Portland 10: a. B.- . . vtv7 u.a.akaa-llalBlt MotOT LiaO opectea d.lly no hteoauatta an4 Alrlle. aeu- poctlns elm nwum. 'v,a. e -e at Dallas und 'sdepasdence. wi. ,. ,i.a . fa-a Crnm Portland SB f 00. TO asd Bas anrtwe ta. berth. 15 ; sacsat claas - faro tin. seeooa-emus oerane e-- Tickets toaxateru points snd. Suisse, sis ... t. Chha alanaLuha an AUatrBIIB. mmnrA r-i - - - n.i. ..a 1. 117 J ir.-fc via " " ' r ' Ington Btreeia. ri.i.po.aiB.w . .a. ,CV W. frTTNCBR. E. COMA!. ' Oen. Paaa. Agent. City Tieaet Agwax. TIME CARD OF TRAINS . Portland CKIOM ItahPOT. Dmpmttmj Uudted. Tor Taeoms, gesttla. Olyaipla. rVxth Bend sad Oray'a . Bsrbor POlBtS. fegrth Ooaat UmltedJ for Tseoma, Seattle Butte. Bt. - PsnL. Min t:s.J 4:B tkABa, neapolis.- faleago. New to-u Tork, Bostoa and setatsf naat ano aouraeaai. Tola-CItT Bsareas. for Taeoma. Seattle, -po-kane, Helena, 8t. Paul. htla-eupoWe J CliKeae, lIp.nJ New York. Boston and! all "points - Eaat . ad : Puset Bound Kanaa. Clty-Bt. Lout. Special, tor Taoetna. Seat tie, Bnokane. Butte Bllllnau. Deueee. Omaha, Kanaaa! City. Bt. Louiatand .III t:J0 a. ah rm.Mm,, ptrinW East aad awrth east. - '""r' All tralaa dally eieest ea Bewrh braacb. A. IV fWARLTO-:. Aexl.taat Oaaeial raaeogar AgeaL Zafi Morrlosa u. ear. TMru, rennioa. Or. Astoria Str Columbia ii R ive r-Rai I ioad XoT Lraeea.- CWIOM DEP0..T ' Ant van. ' S:ft0a.m. 1 lor Maiuiia, luinltr, tttls as. Dally. n.tekaale. Westport, Dally. . niftna, Artnrla. War- . j.-.- - rrsbin, 41. tel. Ham- " ' . - mend. Pure Bte-eea. v - . . - Oeerkart Part, teeaide, - ' . yjia.;-. . Astasia and Bcnabora. . . . Voop... . V Brra dally. V .., ..SAMBfla B.peeaa., . - J. 0. MA TO, :V. '"-.vr. asd P. A.. Astoria. Orr' rC. t. mtWART, OemmeeeUI Agent, Beg Alder . t'Beae am eaa ricks OflU xat Tktrd in. a- .Tngs4ot!rtrttI : e-n Jb , rttvlnat DflUty, PAOT TIME - TO BPOKANn BT. PAVI Dt;tTTa ALL I-vxNTd ika... S. DayllirM trip threw fe f '1 tnd fhOcay saoun T V -a, rats. ... a t . n. x nr - V-