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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1905)
. . . . ., f ' . . 1, -. . ' 1 fHfcJ -OREGpN DAILY ' JOURKALr-PORTLAND,-WED WTSDAY EVfc;aNO." FEBRUARY 15. l::?. f ' J - L. '1 I i i eBBiii i .I p ,i ,1 i j i II It... 'a ' i " -SMgM , I , ., ! -' f .. r t- r. h. . :t 1.,. 1'booc Or. C i t au !" cam all Lfilpa 161. rwwtflc Journal Is ot:A ;fbat for ? A Vcnt WhicK; is Fc M 2H roa'DS REEf-lDER MBS. U H. HART ucceaaftlly treat all ds V eases ; met sod taught. "New Thought' raadiag-room. f'l loarBF bldg. Mala 4173. P... - ' . , ' ' -44- . - ea .JFaJTlAAAV B ANTtU APDrentior.- - Persian Beauty ksra. aow at All Aider st. 8tJo and tae "aw-" A iMtrrfiiTtaw .17 FBICNCH ladW glre bath and Buses trest- . sweat. fast Ftflh st. I bob Mala 510. Bltuatlou win-wi " " " U . CERTS 1-tA UXK- 1. imvin it si troEM ros u Xts. eTathias t i , 1.CII a V tA4 , . ,SW ItfTll '"'tiM fTM. Dslly sr Sunday. : WEEKLY RATE T hMsstlswsflaeladtag Ulr sdey im) u ci.rt pa ta' KOXTKIT XATT?Jsldls- au SaadatT a T CXXTS Um aeath. ' iDTETIimlT8"inH W la Jenraal : j. PUSlaSSS of 80s by 1 e'eleoh weak' daye uU t; 10 e'deek Saturday e-ma-'-lug ta ur clsMlgaattoa. ... -.'4, J. N f, BTESSENOXRt BOYS era" Journal "ul ad." agssts. 6 it 4kwTyr ed. rate 4 J ; wiU to dslirered to. The Jsursal er go witnoal runner i . year call torn er pbeae Wsstsrs Vats. lUia StT. ' 5-ACRE TRACTS Forsale oa installments: $103 down and $15 per ' Convenient to. sti-eet cars. ""A'Cnance'lbr ' home in MdNTAVIttA rc-r rrrthe idirecfion oTlh clty'-z . irowth. - Apply to - "7T " 5 1 4 Chamber of Commerce ' XOTXOE- . .BHKBIFr'M CiUt Kotlrn. Ja kmbr dm tkat " hy rlrtwt M mortf aa om Iba atoaBrv Lis six, mado ar T. K. Tajrlor to Mary Taylnr, fafc4 Drembrr & 19m. and rvorir4 la tb offln o tb I'nltrd HtatMi rol lector of -. tiMHi for Vx diatrTct f WIUamrtM, Port of i rorttaaa. a aaui aai. M um "u c A" Mnrtaca. ano oMHtltlofuf of aal4 mertxare harlna bwi brolma sod tsaro a ajew or v ' K3b.o7. ' hew. tbmfora. Ar vtrtuo f aatoor 1fr t Wt dnlj flm hr said BMrram. I arlll flaw for aaa at pohlle auwtlon and i41 to tho klakaat Mddar far raah. no gatnr- t . dar.' tba ih dar a Fabroarr. 11. at id hoar of :) o'rlork a. av of aald dar. at ' fh foot of ColoaihU atnwt. la the rtty of i. PorUooeV- 'oaaty- of - Mattnomab. atala of ' ttrrmm, aald atraawr Lrtaata, toenber arltta ' all kr apaarcl aad appwtmanrrs. u, Mnriff of Jfaltnoiaah Cmtr. Omroa. ' Patrd at Port la ad, OrrfuB, . rcoraara 14, ; IMS.. - .. THB aaimal nrrtlnff of th atorkholitwa of 41m Mt. Batr Jdlnlmt eaattpaaa-na-tba rtwtliai . i a noaro of dlrtora for tba Miaulac r - and tba tranaarttna of anr ofbar bualaraa pmHer ror-aaht aw-rtoa wll ba bald at tt -jtiim. rorwrr nmrta m uu -oruasa. , oa Marca is, at 4 p. to. , . HE.NRT HAH.f, Prealdcat Portlaad. Feb. 11, 1906. , ?OH raa mora rradllf Bad a Inat- artleta ... t broach Tba Jmu-nal'a rbaalllrd eolaBia that . ' aar otbar war. lBaaa roa'Bad anrtbja. ao koarat aad advartlao far tba owaof aa- fora clalmln aa roar oara. - IrOUX'D Tbraarr , lftOO.Vadrlft. Uokar-ballt boat. Apply to r. TrrrtU, O. B, M. fard. r-' Alblna. T .,.. . 'inrFRTTSSVKJCT aadrr tfcla cJaaalflcattoa - caac uo for XI woros aad a pmalaai frra. Daily ar Baadaf. UK W taatl tba barber trada la Too abort poaatblo tlma at aatall ' oxpaaaa aad -iraaraalpo poaltlona: arrlta for. catalogaa, Molar aratrai coUra, Baa Fraaclaea. BT t fjpiQVRt, of. Jlolmeobiiflnaaa mlbf rooia- maia woo la ttadriac uirfi .abortaaad. . b Mr, . 8 boors.. X. M-JC-JL. . .-- W K N TT. D Boy for rrranda asd work la prtnt ' l ofUrla a. Uawk Coapaar, liH Third at. . HSX w-ABTID-m ALB. ' WAXTKI Woataa to do ararral booorwork. Applr at'74 Raat Ptoo at., ror. Pom tarnib. XXZT ITAXTtD XAil OB rXXAXS. WAKTBO traoaraphr wbo la'anod on Koc llab; aula aalarf rtported, :Appw I, IS; eaaa Jnarnal. - - ' " - ' "BITTATION waatad br Ml 3S Trm old to , loara btaalnoa or trade; raa Blva Bond rrf- ereaeea; tmall aalar v oxpectrd. Addraaa --' 'It 1. care Jowaal ! . WANTED Paattloa aa aaalstaat asialramatar la aitBc. aaaietaal la aaaar fdre or aa euper- t inteadrat la oVreloplBK 'talaa; rrtrroBcra. - B .1, rare iouraaL .v. i TRKM'HMAN. writ adoated. waata to teach : rnra twH4 la prlrata families; mod - refer eaxea..- Addraaa Tro. rare JuoraaL BT rraponstbUi poanc aiaa. bookkeeotait or of ' , n work to be dnno betweea tbe boars of 7 T aad a p. Address R at. rare JoarnaL WKI.L aiperleatad grweip mas wanrs TNwttloa wbera sblllty will roaat. K Z, rare jour-sal. TOtNl Iswrrr, roarnetrat etenosTapher.. wanta "tterkhlp la law of Dro; - D 10. rare' journal. "TA'ANTEIV-Wnrb In bskrrr: 4 months' at perl -roee. Addraaa In li It, ear JoarnaC - POKfTTOK wasted as first-cleaa (ss sad ataam- mter: referearea, Pbone Main 2MTT. nmiriTtOBBABTX-EalAUr- radaad widow, aoaltloa as Work ln " booofkeeper: pood eooki rrferaarea. Wa. Karawad. IHNorta Tktrd at., roooi Id. itimr- waata olal tfiar TT"ral baaaework; raa oo plain cooking: waara IIS per ana lb. la Onlre aud Kaot TMrlr-tbird al. . . BV rmac --woaaaa ateanrapbr, several ,- montba' exasrlear; aauU aalarr, Pboa Mala 14J0, . ' 1 " 1 ii i. i i i i i , WAXTICI Br a competent woaaaa, a altea - ..tloa ss sm safer of a roosaiaa baaae, AppiT NMPrTRNT eaetera ptrt'wlehes psettloa to-do '- , general bnaaework; good wages.. Call at lift tttaataa at. WAHTfl) loo aa Bratlaaa rhanberaitld. - Aaolr at kVajraoad, .Nortk .. Third at; reoaa 4sV. . . -;.- WAKTI'.n-i-ataet ar a middle adr la a aauU faailtrt 1'bona West 2121. W ATItr fiitaatloa, dar work, aa kind af a.. aiaarieoa. rirr.ltlKWrKIt Womaa want Its atanrna at. waablog. tot BAXC OB BEBT. -rrtn jrT rn pai r--a m. mooera. ft mil, tdmlelied or aoromaAbed.. - Inonlra . no peeaiiats, w Mat ileaa at., car, saalj .-- aiaiba,,.. ; - 7it nt orn-; rl Mtt:. raomlos hammrn .11 lr(ti(i W aula a ad frniila balD UAMIENB KMPUIVMBMX OFPICB. . FOB MBN. ' M. Bseoad at : . . Pnaaa Mala 15M. ALPISB lCMTLOrMltST Bt'BEAB Help -4a"tTTiBelawtl. Obi. alsbesl rr.t . uiu taa rirsa a., w Mala 191T. .- - L - PIONCEB EMPLOYMENT CO. lhof oootrar- . torsi asip ires to oaipiorass. sis Hit LP waated and ao prilled, .malt o female, R. O. PRAKB. MH W.ahlngtoa St. CtoP 441. WAJrm TO MXMJ. BOOMS In all parts of tba attp. faratabia. - aiuile MH tlondnoHeb hlfto. , BXPgSlTION, ACCOM M(J0ATT0T"BUBBAC.- ' Cadsr direr tloa of th Lewis aad Clark Fair " .' ; . finrpnratloa. - ... - .. rbaaa Mala tast' TWO ranms wanted oa groaad nonr oa i or roatral for ofdeo -aad elorpluf Cootrarlor. . It . Korib - Bereatb aC tin WABXEJeoAOEBTb. " AfiKNTB - WASTE Ladles" Hold Fast Hat aatrarr: tbe OMly ea operatea rrom maioa tow a of bat: ssmroe with Dartlralara, Sbr: no otampa; pa ar rtllabi.. Moaar Laker, Wordea. lltlT WANfBD Bxperteweed ladp essrsaaar for rlty- and: mral , work; reft raaess rosjoirod. Addreaa H 04, rrr JuirniH. BOMETHINU DOI54 at the ' fRTUABA-ACCJ I0K BOOMB. til First St. . Pboa Mala MM. Bassasi the pap tba highest prlaa la for aaj k'dad af faroitara. ... """ 'i ) v - v ' ' "-' 1 WANTED Mara snrarla aad white araablag; . the eolr- paaallaa oosnrassod air aprajlug ootnt on thj eaast. M. O. Morgaa Cev. ?5 Ullwaukl ft. Fboaa Baat MIT. - WANTED to bay second -hand barber rbalra. all btadSr aap-aawvat tns I to Jour may aw be a bargain. Address 0,'M. W. Wllsoa Co., - No. ti Slith -at. .4- t WANTED T lseet asms saoaey with serrtrea . la a pood baalaeaa: aa propnattloa consid ered anysr hers la at!.. Addreaa L. K. 1, JooraaL r WAftTTtV lleeood hand bnaetbold goooa. tools. . anything roa. don't want: Mgbest prlaa. Proaser. lUk. Pew Mala MM. IT AJ5TBI-Br atnH: aaaa, aad board la private Xamui saod Mala 14ST. SHORT OfcDCB PRIMT1NO BOCBaV-Bpder dj Raaarli. Hi nasi ao ay assinptoa ass, . , Clap 10. . WANTED. Bernad-kaad. aardlaatlaad. ' ob . prlntlog proas; cheap for cash. M., wlbaaa WANTKD Msd to take froeh " Jersey row oa sbsres. - I'DOoe Mala 4 of, call at 11 Labba bids. . '. -, . I- W A NTBD Dirt, fqcBlUiul east side Apply MO 1 I AHW.afrnfhnnr IKK. MrCaba Co. (JNPBR new managenaent large. - aleelp fnr- alsbod boaaekeenlnc room a. atagl or aa salts; sleo aleeplDC rooms; rates reaaoaaMs. . 14d Front, vet, Morrison sad Aider. Telephone VBrd'3n4.-- " THB LINDA TISTAV nicely fnrnlsbad keep log sad alogld, rooms; bath, gi pbone. 147 V4 Fifth, aal hT5 PER WERK Large,' clesa. faralabrd boosrkerplng rooass. laandrp aad bath, ltd 'Sharmaa at., asar Front. -- FCRNIRHED boaeekeeplng aad alngle rooms br -tba week or br oaontk: gas, bdtb aad pbooa. 271Vi Third at, .. - . .. THREE farnlaned booaekreplng rnnraa. rent etei OSLO .sou y" u aiw. . muucv m SIXTH ST. Well fornJebed booaafeaeptag apartprnts; Ugbt froat rooms ,j 10TH THIBD BT. Newly farnlabsd alngle and bonsekarplng.. jo-BiMrrairiBBtzn: books.. IF pod want to board aad room la tba boat house la the eltr caU at th ' ' ' . ASTER HOrSR. ' -' . flotn mottng and ararrthlng fliat-thtsg at , rxeeedlnglp low prices, 231 BeTsoth gf., aar, Uadlaoa. Phooe Mala tSZl. . - . THB GARLAND. 31 Washlnrton at., betwoes IMh aril Hh sts. A permsnent pew snd modern apartment boose. Famished roonw single and ea suite. Furnar, elertrle Ugh Is, phone, large bap windows la earh room. Rates norma L . , UNDER NEW MANAOEMENT-Hotol Rlrhlllrd Enropean plaa; elegant rarnlabrd rooms, s single and en suite: steam beat, hath. Una f .rare snd bar 1 la ronneetlonr' a nice,.' quiet, , bomeUk place; tramienta aolldted. . D. E. BL'BNH. Prop., ELKriA.VTI.Y furnished froat parlor bedroom; a lan other farql shed sad nfWnlabedr-rooma, ' . ... Hlikul K mA I'M IW,0 II . trentk abi Heaeoaable. - - TUB , DEXTER, 14 Twelfth, .farmer .Washing ton, entirely newij rnrpianeq- rooms or iria DEXTER ANNEX, aow ready, f or jaorapaocp. Pbneo Oreoa 4M. - ELEGANT satalda room, steam best, porceUIn . baths. Bnrt-claaa board; two people MO, ttf, aaonth.' Lladsll hotrL Market, bet. Third ead Foartb. ' - - - Oflt, WAHHINUTOM ST. Famished aad aa- M.iarBianra rooms in suitraiana mnate,' win or without housekeeping; Tory reasoaabl. . Pbone Hood -44. - -( MA SOU AM HOrSR. 148H Blxtb at. Rooms ea snlte or slsxle: boasakernlng rooms: gsa stores, bath and elertrle lights;, traaalena FURNISHED roonw and boosekeetilng; doable rooms' suitable for - two or three persona. -H'aH aad see tbem.MH Froat at.-er Ash. 13 IT. with as -of kltrbeirr dining room: gag. - electric light, bath; S block north of stein brldre. gut Kaat IToany at. - , ' ... THE EAHI-E, - ta r ab a rr fm ri;uKi0iiKU. KQQM8, tranhibVt rrrtXlHHRD front room, anltabl for' two r gentlemra or ladles; gsa, bbode. bath. & Fifth. CALIFORNIA Lodgings; brick bldg.t moms far trarrtienta SRo aad Bp. 3H North Third. CRAPERT sad bast locate rooms In Porttaad, fl week ap.- Oilman. Fliat nod Aldor ata. " w ONE large front room. tsjo- smaller dents. 3TIS Mcatgomerr. . Bath and BrWLT faralshei?. sjntet. trsnalsBt Foarrh sL Pbone Red BUS. CLIFTON.' SMH First st.v ear. CetasMa altos (2 M per week and en. - . --at BOOM! sUTO BOAtJX ' BKST raoma, beat board, elaetrle light, gas, a team beat, porcelain baths., st th Undell . hoteL Market at. bet.. Third aad- Fearth. Kareedlngly low rale. - FAST SIXTH BT.v norm, nicely faralshad ami board; ail roareaiences ; price FOR All FARM. FARM. FOB SALE From to to IB" seres. For fnrther psrtientsra addrrm I. W. Dowtp, t arrlaatlU. Or. ,'i . ' jo BAf B-BTIT rXTATX." FOB BALE SI 50 AND fpJ.;''-; V:-- Liits and boaeea oa Portia ad Heights, resched ' br ' tbe new 'looo" e tec trie -Hoe. We hare, a psrtlcMlarir gow net or rjaignta rnperty. - so raa ami simo say purss. a aura noe money to noil. . . PORTLAND TRUST OOMPANT, ' :: ... 1(W Third Strerf. FOIt SALE T eeetlon at Wens tehee, Wash., . aaltsbla for' a beep ranch aad frolt, cheap. Address for particulars, w. ti. uanarawy. FOB At.E--W.a50 - S room boose and let BOxlOM, a Osartoa L. near PiftevaU. - -. PORTLAND TBHBT CO MP A NT, V ll Third Mlreel r - A BABOAIN. fl.SSO TO acres good farming land, part clear, fenced, boas, bsra, frolt, '.' eta., 8 mile froat expoalttoa grounds. D 11, ears Jesrnsl, ....... v. FOR PfiLE-rdl OOO . . '' . ITbolce lot near Talr ' STOBnaa. rRTLAiar-TdtniFp tOhfPAKT, ' 1 1UB Third Btrert. FOR BALK ISO ' acres tratMass timber la PschJc county. wait from tide- water. Addreaa K. Johnson, 12R3 Frank Ua - arfc. sstorla.- V" ' i ' , '' .I " FOR MA LB - n-room colt. re on fall lot. Northrap St., Bear 1 wen vy-I o ira . uiceiy tei i si ev is e oi se, meet walk and all modrra eeareaieaMe, For price and terms see - JORTLAN - TRITBT COMPAKT M Tbir - Street. - . Voir SAT'R-iS acres $326; bottse and fl acres. . S300; easy terms; are agent, first hows south dates rroassng oa O. W. P. shartrle Una, 10c " far. . . ' - ' . GOOD taraatmeBt. earner tof sninoos.wsll toe ted oa ear Hoe, rented for $2tV per month. irtoo tZAOO. -Apyly Jobs Bala, PM Stark at. $3.nnn BI'TS three -S room kaaais. fnrnltnrs, land and water cistern; rented aow for S3T per Btonth. .. J. Lsndlgaa. 1S4 Bbarmaa at. 5S0 g-ROOM" boose gad MxMO-foo lotf barn, - rhtekan bonsa, T bearing fruit tree. la- anJra at tit Bast Ninth St., . Borth. FOR PALS Lot GOilBOv aad S ream bene, ea Tills monk St., bet. - William n4 Tra;sss.- Apply J at nd Ban Rafael sL Hid CASH 1 dbesa aad 6-room booaa. 90 Bilo . atsa eat. Movat Scott car, Stewart , last Maswsll as,- H j.; NFW a-room bomm and lonxlflO-foot 'lot, 670 - P rear net at. ; this to a baaatlfal beam. . Take - Woodlawa ear. v - . A- BABOArtf t-tVeaom. gettage. good rnndltBici: ' high. asd . Fboaa LnWtTOT. ,: healthy. tTSO. TBAveTB-B. d aad T,- rrriiwood.KmUlalrig about so seres, for U,o00. . Apply 4ji3 Twolftb at. . - x (l.RM 6-roem haaae, 60 1 100 lot. with Id-font aller; a AD Jucatloar cbeap. TBI Krrby St., ARHna. FOR BAt.V ao acre, S miles from Tapcoarerr j soo frolt traea, aew house, : 827 RoaelawB are. ' 1 . ' RBAL eatat bars Ins and fin Northrop A Blag, IIP, 811 Commercial blk. ?"L '"Jli"' s J6 ai.fifr.V'0' Set7 1rIW for BCTS A OOOD HOME. iapaira strs. tirandoa. at wonaiaw. xoipu roa, rxbt furbiturx for balb FURNITTRR of S rormK boose, west, side, new sod anelr - fnrntahed. hot and cold water. - gas and electric ltgbt, bot-alr faraacs, rooon extremely large, well arraogea aoase, jsrge attic, oa street car line, bss rery large porch; owner ta compelled to' sell and It will go for SAgs- f sold la next few days; $800 rasa win se tassa . aow a, u Pboa Mala B341. . . ; v t ---. ; FTBNITl'RR of -room boos in rery best lo cation, west aide, new and finely furnished. per re lata bath. Dot aad cold water... -arss. electric light aad forneca. . rooms largat-snd -well arranged, large attic, back yard and porch, f2f worth of apjlt wood' Included; owner romasMed to sell: $sn If taken ln- tnedlatelr; S300 rash and bal. time. Pbone. stain z-n i , .i. 1 -., -FOR RXVT X0VBES. MODERN.- aew, d-room housa oa East Eighth at., . aear Tillamook st. Inquire . Oglesby Toang, Cbambnr of Commerce. HOI'HB rooam. newly papered, S44 Oanten. hela ar., aa ear line. 1J per amnth. . K1CELT fncnlnbed B-room boos for rent. -64S Fifth St., aear IAnceta. Can FOI'R-ROOM HOI'SR for mat. - Mllwaukia -t- Lot lOOallaX : Inqutr 12Z1 11 -ROOM house, nowly faralsbed. Call at 10TH Third St.- Ring bell. -ORlSfT OrTHja-ROOg OFFICB ROOM. Iaqmlrs cigar atore Stog First St. roa aTT fakiib. t FOR REXT Oardea of It seres. 4 blocks from station; gty acre Srat-claH bearerdam, half . of which Is set to asparagus, bal. ooloa load. Darld Pararr, . Bearortoa, Or- FOR RENT lO acres ea street ear line; (V - room bonse, ban ami ontbulldlngs, large and small fruits; all In cultlTailou. .; Lv' E. - Thompson A Co.k S2S Third at. - roa R.IXT ubi uBBisazn Rooita. rnfornhmed rooms; no rhlldreq, StT Wehller, : TOBREBT ROSCXXIABXOUi. FOB RENT A large sample-room or hall, top Boer ' Apply eleratnr msa. Ooodmragh bldg. FOB BALB TfOBSTB AFD OAJtRIAOta. ALLklnds ef asisri tirwat and rehlc!es fnf sale gnd hire at th Hea rmnt Stshlea, 24 North Fifteenth st., aesrWaahincton; 4 acta loggias harness In flrst-clsss eondltloa. cheap; goad 41res-aBd fascks. rnder new management, Wm. . keyaolda, boae Mala 1129. . A St'RREt carriage nf the best make, aa good aa new, raa be bought for a third of what It met new. Jobs Kchoger, 181 Serralh at. - NEW BCOUY aad harness for sale, MS. XT1 tront at.. nor. of JWfersoa. B10TCIJL BXALKat. rOIXMRIA. TRIBL'Nr! AND CREar-pTi Sl'ORTINU ROODS, EXfEBT BEPAIRINQ. F. P. KEE?AV., and THIRD ST. 'BETWEEN TAYUMt- AND BALMON. O P. R LB" ELL. 3S R. BtrRXSIDE. PHONE TNION 1M . BICYCLE SPECIALIST. FTSHIXO TACKLE. AMMCNmOW. BUBTB1SS CHABCIS. BAKOAI,! SbmII cash grocery t. snap If taken la next 10 daya: price 4.Vl; will Inmlee; swaer leaalag rlty. Address X 1. Journal. FOB RAUC-tirala rleratnr. bsahels. R, X. Wllllsman Mpsclty ,ois ' W ells, Or. . FIRST -CLAPS saloon, doing for yewrself. 4" Nnrtk Slalk Ate. ,. . BAKERY for sale: gsod toes tin; s bargsla. Addraaa E, 4,,. Art Journal. , ' ravsxaTtaa ctabcib. '',' ' ' TAFT A LO. - J. . I t-d Ablngtoa Block. . , - . I'bon Mala 15 -wrmalie a SPECIALTY OF ROOMING Hoi NM, and hsro- many of th MOST. Da HIKAHI.B 1-iM'ATIONd that are for asl. tood lorstloas are gulug fsst. Note our mtrtlal scImw- o4 hot - strge- ad gaisR If the don't suit roa. call In. . SB ' ROOMS New ' furniture. ' SUam best, hot and cold water lu all rooms ; gosd- leas; waging Big Blaneg. u.uuu. Si ROOIIS Most rlrgaatly faralsbed apartment . .. . houa la tli city; bow clearing about SAW per naoatb;, reat only. fUS; lea l'aa- bad aow . for ft, too.---.. 91 ROO VIS Sew. BxVm building. Bswly fur- e ,i labcd. swell loca tloa. .rrery luintansi - rr-reni oair gizk, s years less. . pica up for W.BUU. . . 1 ROOMS All extra large. soWartld tnrstloni ill ' Aimlnater and Monuet. carpets; good ' - hard furniture; cheap rent! per seat owner -hs asd -tbe -bouse for ysr...A gltt- eog buy lot z.duo. - - SO ROOMS Beat location' la city for high -class' transient Sr atiadr roe mora: rent " tlliO. rlearlns rood aaoaer JKJW and ' ' during tbe fair you raa make all tb wooay y waat. rnca fo,iaw. 4 v tm " ' m 1 ' r. irTT-ui. . una. m.hbwvw, bosrdinr; alrely furnlahed, doing good baslneaa; real aly jo ns.oxio. II "Kira tiara ' hotel: ha ,v block from Portland path, gaa and rery well furnlahed. ' ' ' For a quirk asl ws bars reduced- lA , . evi- w iihOOM. 'Oood location. srelWuTsisbeJ.' cheap rent, less - Tblavtsr surely a . '. bay at tUUM, riZ? ia ROOMS Very finely faralsbed; swell V cstloat . rery - resaanahl; good Incoaw. ' This is excloslrs. For psnlcumrs roll. ROOMS Farnltor stl good; loratloB ' Tery - .cestral; rent rlghC Prlc 8850. r ' CMBRRT.I.A BToRKV-PoIng aln buirli cheap rent: will sell at taTOtce. Tbla n -a- glltedgedpcoposlti JEWELRY S(TOB t-Bent locattM-oeruihlhg- ton St.; extra cheap rent: a years lease; . will sell all or H Interest or will sell L lease Call far-forthrt psj-tlculars. " WB CAR MAKB TERMS OS-AICT OF THB a nor a 1 ALT. TTTLEB OfARANTBED. TtCTBRS PROTECTED WB WANT 10 ALSO SO TO 40. . TO lS-ROOhf. H0DS1 TAFT A CO. Jt3-S-A- Ablngtoa Block. 10BM Third St, EMPIRB INVESTMENT CO. Room 0 Chamber of too Pboee Mala S33. ALL exnasltlon followers are looking "ro "North ) Sixth 'at. as TUB COM I NO buslneaa atrertl durlug tba fair '"'"Vjr n"mfarT . making bualarda anywhere la tb clty.-caU , a aa, .. . .-'. WB HANDLE CITY " AND COUNTRY REAL ESTATK, ROOMlJItJ HOUBM1. ruASUinu ' WOI'SF.H. RBSTACRANTS. OROCKU1KS. Cl- IUH KTORKSL - CONFECTIONERY SHOPS. SALOONS, la fact, cha wcate-oa right la nny biialnsss " i ' ' '' ' stsMTACRANTS.' A FINE rgVCH AIR RKSTAI RANT. TTTTTTt rgKTTH THB BUST OF FI'KNITI RE. CROCKKRY, ETC.: A PLACR HBRB YOII .... ...arom aww srth'tui s tlkM I V . D foWrf. ONLY HV. WITH -A IKVaK OVBft THB FaUli 0 wiser lAia HiUdhW ,riu iv. b ,,- ssiaaama AY.V 33-ROOM llOTiel- lcatlr Tsrslahad. steam 1 beat, fine location; a good BioBey maker and ' la the best location: price, ngai ana tsaasg.,,. EXCLHIVE. j.-fi -t WE HATH ONR OF TH BBBT CP-TOTN - RESTAURANTS TS- ehsliav doing BIO business; en of tba beat .equipped place la . Portnad; ererytning 1 or u rery ..osst. . th heat of reasons for Bailing. . y ClfiAR STORE Waahlagtea at., good location, g'XMl' rlean atock; will kirolce a boot $800, -flxtorea at 8000; will pay .$160 per emu. 19 ROOMS Rent 830. lea.- fair furniture and .carpets: yoo ran bar this -place for $4o0 . 8200 earn, balance g per momn.,- uitoi , SNAP IN THE CITY FOR A SPEC - EMPIRB INVE8TMRNT CO. EjUTTrlRN POBTtAND "REAL" ektatb coT. .. 2081 Merriaoa at. . ioo eourua a v. . 4 1 -, S3 ROOMS Flfteea furnlahed. comer brick, nod lorstlon. lease. after fair, full bouse ai.Otsj, .... . fi fcl 1 04 ROOaTS On Third at.; good wcsMoa: snap; t erase; rent au. aw. 10 BOOMS Third boot Msdlsoa. rent $2B. . 800. to ROOM- S era th aear Barnslda. .rent toaO If takes at eac. Nice. cImb place. . , - - - . ... ROOMS Oa Second, near Jefferson, rent ISO. . ;" '.' ; ....'"' 'V.."';:.-v ' T ROOMS Oa Bernth gc;-Beaf Oak, jmt $23 $350.. . " ' j j. IS ROOMS Oa Salmoa at., star Fifth, raat FI ROOMS Fine location, brick corner, money maker, leaar, $0. $5,000; bait cash. ,. , .. iw poirull win brick er. $T,6uO; csah, $4,000, Terma gtraa. Forn'ltare for sale, bonaea for', rent In all Me a eitv. lrsa and amall -clgsr stare. restanranta. sslooua, grocery store. Farms aad dty property. , . .y ... . . - RAcTFRN PORTLAND REAL ERTfATB C0 . aBSlh jtorrisoa su limit iwiria ti. $140o-fBta SNAP Corner, BOxlOO. ' doee la. -aar terma. , . t,- -.- --j-. iinnaLsike.-Mndem. flrst-clsss. JO-room. new country hotel snd bar. ground, buildings and farnitur complete to raa; $0,600; $S,6uO Oowa. . - . , ...,,...' " Farm, f fnlies oat; fine tbntit all la ' enitieatlon: A2.100: t-Vio down, balance easy payments,, of change- for alts, property. -J SS WW essb ' pahs pea In pasassalsa af a ralnahle property ckrs In. and aiereaatll hnaluesa, which Is a stesdy moner-mahsr aad will rtand tho elooest lamatlgatmn. All hinds of boa loses cbaocsa and real ra ta te handled. ' . f , , . ot.lek aalea at a fair Price of what r-yna bare and strictly honest dealing If yoa . Room , Desk 8. , ;1. OTTO A CROCKETT. 33-1 Wsshlngtoa s st. Phono Clay ISM. Headonarters for the beat farms near Port'' lend: also bnoaes and lots, rooming baascs. grocery stores. It will pay yoa to call and FOR BALE Clean, ss-te-dete Mark merchan dise, la "lira town: good location. Snc trsile; , need cspltsl and' Instead of selling all wnnld Eefcr partner with M to $, Addreaa 4 Ererett at.- Phono Front SUA FREE LANDS IN OREOON, -r Fertile soil, pare water, dellshtful Ml mate: land nf alfalfa, apple aad closer. Foe fall Information address the Colnmhla Soother Irrigation Co.. 638 Worcester block. Port la ad. $200 FIKSTTLABB cleaning snd dyeing eslsh- llahment; nne intaineas location: atore sad S ronmei rent $30; leaae rears: owner In other baslneaa reason for -selling. Call ti Fourth. WANTED Rustler t tola at In Buaafacturlng - hnalaees: snxne Banner reonlred: ao comnetl- tlo aalarr to right awn. Address D IB. rare Jour sal. - . CAN locate yon on yellow pine fa rial ma east. .rrn tiregnn; in list riaime nrminrnrul east, er Wsshlngtoa. , P. O. Box flu. Piatland. WANT gO Names of persona who want to lesfa reel sstste bnslsjcs; I -can bein yon a. W. Trarer, 233 Wsshlngtoa tt ' roa'i slT-aflSCTT I ABBQgB. BILLIARD AND POOL tablaa fag raat or for Bale ooeasy payments. . jkaMiwi;K-BALaRftatNTntiX0., t- 40 Third at., Portia ad. POOL TABI-B. FOR SALR BruBssrlck-JtaUa wltk eaee sad .,' suad, counters, etc.- . - -' (- .; . Apply M First at. ' - - FANCY Moaler apple. - abogd aad turnips sold by th grower, drtlrered til any- part of - tbe .dty free of charge. JOS Froat St.. our. CohMBbte?--:" i i- WB prlat year earn oa 0 calling cards, proper mas saa styie. sjc; sou uosinc wns, . sijre. SJc: sju nwiew rw, Ashawla, S2B First. Purtlsad. Or. -Vrewass FOR SALR st a hargaha li-Hr P- gssoltns en- CHEAP If sold this week, bread aew Rreanela oarpet 11,8x11. aad aew parlor chair, TOO East Serruth St., aorth. - FOR SALB Secoad-bsad Model press, ta-good - coodltloo; prlata 4a8 Inches. Addreaa R. 18. ; care jouroal, j.. FOR SALE Beack ef Attachable Ball Bearing - Huh (umpsnr atock, cheap, address. Box Ada, VancsaTer, Wiabc - . tan COEDS Soe Ar wood an bank riser -ovt Holbrook for aal or trade. 321 Morrisoa at. Ralatoa. I DOrm-E-SEATED automoWl' cbsapr for cash: will take entailer on In trade. Box 104u. IRON bed and spring. like aw. $, . SOS Fourth at. Pboa Mala 6301. . ctonrrf.mtiT ww See sal at TOO William T1 rxmsbaAL." THB "Matrimonial Beg1eter for February. price J0r, , dcacrlbea , orcr too ;rraisjeas ai Orogon and Wasblngtoa who arek congenlsl lire companions; many " N.haa-aP lilt affilosto part Wr'Kegritrr'' aire full narttratan, sleo mAAwmmm Pnetiand eeccotloo astftora: rourte- ' ous aad honorable treatment, apeedy results and . sbsomto secrecy aasnred. - Interstate Introducing Sodaty, Box 107B. Portland. THE neat ertdenr,TlleF. ., th ; JnnlTraary Legacy, -WTlnes oniy oy uo neiwroja , r.MM .t Nm Torn, -Thomas P. TborBtoa. .general ageat-81T Chamber of Com nacres. - 1'Boaa main ih. t WANT th couslnUncjf a . msrldla asei ladT anon I so to ou years, wun soout ei.ouu r $2,000, BMoey to start a tiaainraa soo bsts good noma attar marrtag. , loqalre D IT, careonrnal. i I1AVLY Tiger t eater ed by Dr. Roberta Nerre Cwbuiaa, on moarus rsusaBi, nsontba. avi asa wwvrw hmi , ? Agents, Woodsr ard. Clara a Clark A Co.. Portland. Or. THE BOOR OF NATTTBR." -Book 'af Ufa." "Mabel Oray," "Starr of a BUT.""NsBar catalogues fire. A. Schmals, 229 Firs, at. RERTAURANT and eoffe boaae opea day aad night. 83 First at. a. ureenmirg. prop. r . wees, ftrea, YOUR prescript! naa are mar arcarately and - ressonably (lied at Eyseel's Pharmacy, . $37 Morrlaoa St.. bet. First sad Soeoad Sta. ... THREE YEARS IW- ARKANSAW" beat an books yea erst daw. ,26c Joaoa" Book Star. Stl Alder at. FAUST A CAMERON Mssnfscturers of fsasoaa Fauet trap, oa that kins salaaal without holding. Factory 180 Union are., seat aide. AATKALT 1ATXH. THB Trinidad Asphslt Taring O. 9f Fortlaad. -- Of See Soo Worcester mb, - WRJJS.- HilT'H Moantsla Roller Birds for sale birds are th very best; tbey ar all good singer: tne price is reaaoaaote. aar. a. M, Frits. 10 Orand are. BXAJTK M sTJUtTTFACmrRERB. . HOWE. DAVIS A K1LHAM. 100-111 Becoad at. Blank book msanfsi tiueis; a grata for Jonas Improved Loos-Leaf ledger; pspor-rullsg, 'bookbinding. BAXD rifSTRTJMIsTTS. OHAS. B. YORK CO.,-I0'i First Repairers, platers; York m Bone and Oct Jure I set rn wests, COAX A3T9 WOOD. rntATWsRM COAL CO.. 441 Hort. car. tsTi Elereath tTooueera ana aunara sx waaasa JuajBand nut. anotle hones roala; tamp 80, nut fS. aatJafaei i. oeurero -witaia l mil ok yarn; etlea guaranteed. Pboa atala S48. WESTERN FEED A F0RL CO.. car. Froat aad Hoyt afreet, dealer la domestic and a team coal, blacksmith eoal. esareosl aad eoks. Pkon Mala 1018. STAR COAL CO Dealer In foreign and do. meatlo cools; w hare the beat Wyoming . cosL ofSca ziz ntsrg. i-noae asia ibis. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dee let la eordweed. Coal and green and dry slahrareod. R. R. . snd Ai . blnp ars., 8 blocks east ef RUPERT FUEL CO. Tb best dry wood ta town. Don't forget to phone Rest 1409. 35S - East Eighth at, v Msdlsoa. - ' a B. VEUN.-Brst-elssa wood and eoal; afar - gg ATblns sts.. neai terry. - pry-amawoea. STEEL BRIDflB FUEL CO.. dealers la coal, cord wood aad dry alab wood. Phono East 434. COLUMBIA Wood , A Coal Yard. Fast. Eighth -. and. Hawthorn. Phone Raat MOT. ORltnON FUEL CO. : all kind of eoal gad weed, 844 Morrlaea. ' Phone Mala 05, - KIRK HOOVER. '81$ Water at, wd d saL - Pboa Mala 4500. hRH'KHON'gt R EST A U R A N T erra nt 'a"1 rooch It a. a. to 13 p., as.; ander aew mansgsmeat. . 0. R. EVANS. . prep. Second aad Buraalde. THB OsCr'ttfs SSS Wsshlngtoa St. Mala Til. Pickett Vurneaug. CHIMB IT 4wXIF. LOOSf'OUT FOR F1RBI -' PRACTIOAL CHIMNEY SWEEP. t ,t u-n . . i . u - - - - , Lasra ardera tt Xrry A Co. hardware star. . . to Tbira st.. Pnsn eiataiaTS CLAIBVOTAaT AST) tAljdtT. V " MADAME JOHNSTON ClalrroTsrt. palmist. . card reader: I giro facts eellabl and I re ports nt on an stfairs af real life. Readlag toe. OS Se rents aL. asar Oak. CTMIBT C0BTXACT0BS. CHA8. H. CARTER A CO., (formerly Carter A F.III; cement contractor, or Taggart. Pboaa East 1875. All work guaraatesd. CAaRIAOt ARB BACK C0 AXTXS. ; THE I'MTED CARRIAOE CO. Carriages. tslly-ho rhrs esd . carry-slla. - INS Blrrrnth at., cur. Morrleoa. 1'bona Mala 233. COMsnSSIOB VXX0RABTB. EVERDINO A FARRELL, pfodne aad emanrts. sios sserensata. to rreat St., I'ortlssd. Or. maia lie. CI0ARS ASTS TOBACCO. ESRF.R041UNST CI0AB CO- , .-.--t D la trios tors or ;- ... . FIRB CJ0ARB. '- Porflsnd. CXOCXIBT AirO OLASrWAXX. WHOLESALS crockery aad sleaswsrs. Pes at. Begem Co., 100 to 100 Flf la. eat. Stark at,, M0XXT TO XX) AST. TUB STAR LOAN CO. M salarlsd miiloy. wara-arasf7 css got a as sens, witaon r neortgai SB- IL..I, ix alnnth Wee fV) 00 Repay to "aa 413.83 or 80. ed er 83.SH las.oow Repay to aa I AOS r it.SO or il.dd lia.00 Kenay to aa $ 4.00 or iioO at fLM - 210 McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN aa reel, aarsooal Bad Cel. lateral security; special attmUoa to chattel wruaircat Bote pougnt. - o. rr, . rnuii :;1g04-SFatOB bldg., 84 Sixth at. " HIOHLY- respeetable plar whtre - sidles aad grata caa borrow meney ea diamond aad Jewewyr Collateral Loa Baak. IdO Waab- lagxoa ex. no Black TI. 80- LOANS and npwarda on all kinds of security er to salaried people oa their note; lowest rstesi no pasttctry, tm.nstay;TlS" Atilngtou . mug. t-non stea 17X0. SEE the Duaa-Lswroaos ,Ct.r esat ostat sad BnanHal aaests: aaonsv to Inaa oa atortgage ' aecuritls at low rates la anma from $jKXr to ; eiw.vuu. lowv rirax at. - MONEY ADYANfED salsrred neoole. tramstsrs. etc., without gecorlty: euer payaieots: hra est buslseaa In 40 principal attlea. Xolmas. 22S AMngtoa bldg. - . ' CHATTEL luaas la amount sanarlng frsm 838 to SS.000; roomlag-bneise s vapeclalty. isea Era Loaa Tragt Co.. Xos Ablagtoa bldg. MONEY TO LOAN In litres or sBatl amoaat en good aecurltyt lowest rataa. - Wllllaa Q, BociSOT Fajllag bldg. r , ' '.- - LOANS at lowest rate no fnrnitars. Btsnoa . any sscniity note porch as sd. Kaatera Loaa else, s oner iocs niag AUlili K Vi TO LAAN on imanred xlU-Drnserty, ii eanje in buii. 350 Aide aC -I - in sums in suit, rsrnsa. wataina m is. MONET TO lillN aa Cla.oaAios coantr tends. B. F. asd F. B. Rllsy. 008 Chamber af Ceav fO !)AN $100 to $2,500 by Charles nirsteJ. mn inira St., room n, - . MONBY t toss S10 at S set- coat property, 2TS Stork at. an , mssrarrsf aurn arrrrrriwwa A. I.' AUTHORS and H. B. WOODk esrpeaters . aad BulldVre: r pairing-and lobbing; aloe end dtflc ftotaraa-wallt. Ship BOB tlsnMa, - Phon Clay 186L BOFF A TT8EN, building and remodeling; store . futures a spodslty. . , SOS First at. - Pbooa Clsy 024. i .r-i' t.. OYxnre auto oxAjnae. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING A DTtlNO . Works; practical kattar la coanectlo; feather boss and plnme clesned aad-curled br aa at' All Fearth. , Pboa CUy T04. CLOTHES cleaned STd priastd It per month. jwqu tailoring vo., l rvasoiugum . ss. B. W. TURNER, peofesslansl dyer snd cleaner, COS Jefferson tv phone Mala SfllA BREBlstJUCiafir-"- XEISTEBS Ladles' Tailoring - College: , pat terns cat t BMsears, AUaky ball em ' bk DBESSMARINO Strictly . UP ta ta; lptuat oesigss. ao day . r ; S0 AJTD HORSE BOSTTf AL. DR. 0. B. BROWN. D. C. M-Dog, Its I. reiaj-lT0, Eaat 25S3, DR. AVI. CARNRY. D. V. B.. . geoo, remored to ISO Qllsa at., bat. earth BABCIHO. MRS. ORANTS aitalt atid r4itldrB class. weecsra Acsoemy. momaoa ax., ear. awe an. XXXCTRICAI. WORKS, PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, coa- trsctora, repairers, electric wiring aad sup- plica. 04 First. eor.-Stark. Phon Mala One. R. H. Tate, mgr. - NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL EN0INBER1NO - Cosasssy, SOO Start at., Porflsod. a K. (or ererythlng la th . alactrlcal .Up. . Pboa tela isss. - -InRABOlAls- PRIVATR FUNDS SAFELY INVESTED. 1 rs- ceire dally S to S application lor farm mane wniea win net tender n to T per rent i paraaaaiiy examine all aad title offered aa eeearlty; 10 years' sx- porrence; oost rerereacesa . - ANDREW L, CHBZRM. Attnrncyf-Taw. - 20-2T Wsstologtoa hliig.. Portlaad. Oregoa. rnnne sum ira, FiiXsTrrrjxx facttoxixs, . 0BE0ON Fornttur MsnufaeturlBg Company. , aasauiscturers s aurmture xor ia trade. FURNITURE ms-isfacrnrine an snectal - L, Rasaaaky' turaltare factory. 870 Froat at. roaxsT risxxyx scrip. FOREST RE8ERVR SCRIP FOR SALB An. anrsstrletsd.-raady for I m medio to asei I It IS IIJOB. . B). B-. M 'W. SX. BUlsr. BOB nam oer or uommerc. ar ( , - aOTELS. HOTBb Pasdstlua. Psadlstnn, Or. F. . Mgr.. , . W. Wait, MOTEL Portland. A marl caa pUai S3, SS per day. HOTEL St. Oeorg. Pendleton; leading hotaL BELVEDBBBf Europosa pUn; 4th aad'AMar ata. HTThtAjr HAIR -ROLLS.- I. J. BOR0, manfr. human hair rolls. 428 X - 0th. Pboa East 2311. Store. 30 Morrisoa st. ' swiTcaxa roa sale.' SWITCHES made, combings bought or made to order. 04 K. Twelfth st. I'bon East lTlO. oaocsaa. T DOlwJwRa 1 aTYBl'vTfL. HsbR aajate factarer and Sommlasloo Brswabanta. Aoaeta aad Oak sta. - , . ALLEN A LEWIS; antnmisslaa and nrwlaes asee. cbsaa. Front gnd Dsrls ata., Uortland. Or. xasraAKca, ISAA Lj. WHITE, Bra issurxao.-' $00 Dtksm Tb JAS. Mcl. WOOD,, employers' liability sod In- ainooai acnoenr surety bonds of all kinds. Phone 4T. 803 M-Ksy bldg. . - B. F. B ARTELS "COMPANY Fire Insert rtcsr I -3f ea Baerloek bldg. Oregoa Pboo Clay Ma. FIRE INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy A C., S3I Bberlock bldg. Phone Mela 1860. LOCKSMITHS. LOCKSMITHS ASS Baal . Borcald. Pbone I'M 154. ' . t-'. f . i ,!- inrsicAL. SELer.PLATIMIl v r IANOS taeniae self-play-lag -plssos nroaoiim nd the beat by Irgdlug -musicians, a la t'eelllaa pleew tnayers. g. i. Wills Masle House. 350 Aider at. , SECOND-HANO mnetcst" tnalramrsim nf II gineis at lowest price, essb or IsstollsM Flebee Marie Co.. 10 Third St. MR. AND MRS. H. A. WFRRFPI. benfv mand. lta, gsltsr las trad ioa. Mils SMS. 173 W. Park. Welty It la -jV" VTJXSXXT. COMB AND BEB CHOICB rosea, trass, Ockley Creea siuesery, - t'slcs JtartTc 0VTX4TTB, BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS asd sssrhss. lea' elo thing; an km amda, h easts dtar Bros aaanafsetursrs, Portland, Or. FIAB0 TITBIRO. UEOUtIB ANDERSON Expert plsa twner and ' r repslrmsn. llsadisaartor Flsbs Musi C. i- PhoHo-Ked -008. fxiss curnxos,? MAKE MQNEYly BSR- PPnsta CXimWCSf " ' Ring np Black 11 aad order a moath's aorrlee, . oerlag erery town lu any- all coast tat; dally messsngW aerrlce; adraaea re. HorU i u all awtrawutU.. PerUaod afSea : 00 Second at. . 1 ? ' . u rLATTJIw, EASTERN PLATI0 CO., - sllrer. eopper, alokel Jewelry, work specialty. S40W Alder Oold, and brass plating, c Pboa Mala SU34. "t" THB ORROON P LATINO WORKS.-401 Wash. ' lagton .st. Pboa SuTS. - Polishing, plating . ' snd Iscqnerlag. . t r . . -i mi iff' 3sr j nmmMM. NEDVIDKCK A WATKINDS, plumbing aad gagj flttiug. 301 Third strort, I'hon atala 3lu, DONNERBER0 A RADEHACHER, plumber 84 Foortb at. Put! pboaaa. FOX A CO.." mnltery plumber. 381 B.rnnd bt. - Mala and Salmoa, Oregoa Pboa Mala S0OL. rAIkTS. Oil AJTO LASS, . F. R. BEACH A CO. Pioneer Pslat Co., aelllsg . the best thlsaw-aaawo -in-pstnta-gnd orl - building msterlarr wtadow-glsa and glsslag a apaclslty.. 138 Fb-st at, lBa Mala isod. BASMGSPEN A CO. Saab aad -loara. m, psrsts, M. sad Tsyhar. "axazue. BCSHONO A CO. Front aad Stark Sta. prist. ' Ing. lithographing, blank hooka aad ofBe - supplies; work does ss tiawi ssost coasplsM aria ting' effete -la- -tb west. Mala. 10 a, - ANDERSON A DCNIWAT COMPANY, .printing, othograpelag, blaak bosks. Pboa atala IT. - SOS Alder St. 1. . r- ,. t aoorniw. TIN RO0FIN0, guttering, repsh-tng sad gsasrai. lobbing. A. LoaH. SIS Jffraoa at. XOPX. ' PORTLAND COBDAOB CO. Oot-ner ' and Northrap ate., Port land. Or. RUBBER ATAJaTB, B . h,iub .n n r rr a . .a ... , v. . aiur irvana aw nw bwmo , - Hsla not ruoocr ramps, ass is, stencils. Bag., gar, trsds checks; sand for cats to go. t SHOWCASES ARB nXTTTXXS. nunvflaw .nL-rary yaaaaipinmi nsnmr, mari -nd"stqr Sxtaree mads to order. The Lathe ' ' Manufacturing -Oa.. . Portlsnd. - ' STOKA0s5 ARB TRAXgTIAV - SAFKS BlsBoa asd farnitar mored. naed ! . ready- tec -shlpelog and-saippeUt. all. work' goarsntsed; large, 8-tory. . nrlck. Srecaei . ' S wsTThoon for storaga. . Offlc First .11. . O. M. OUTER. Pboa Mala 64T. . TsZ a O. PICK nfSce SS First et.. between Stark . - and Oak at.: pboa 80S: plana asd fursltsre I too red: snd packed for shipping; eoaaasdlaa I ii SranVrf. brick warshonss. . Frost . aad t lay ata. - - -. BTORAOR soacm to let lu ear new hulldtag. AT4 Water si. ,. Blgler MlUUg AO BomnsBr. ... .. siav rAnrrnt tv .-Jt EIRNOIBBBL. B10N PAINTER.' KatrsBcs 318 '4 Washington, cor. 1st, ap stall. - PHON a HOOD 1T0S. - . VERMNE. ARMSTR0N0 CO.. Big, scsnl sr tut. Pboa Red OBT. Car. dth aad Osach ata. ATM. 8-INCH thick walla, not fireproof j repair gea.r- - ersiiy; exenangea aares, nargaiBS in thsasj Canton steel eelllng; Dlabold work. Including jails; Inrestlgat. J. R. Dsrls, 00 Third St. a ., . teq a I Hits chatea place of timber Und la aaathnTO Oregoa for ssls cheap, A 6, Jaaiaali TRAVsraa Asm xAtnjas.' 0REOON TRANSFER CO.. 134 North Sixth., Phon Main 00.. RsaTy hanlbaf sad atorsg. I POST SPltCIAL DELITEBT. Na. $00 H Waaa-i Ing toe at. Pboa Msla 082. ( 1 rnrrxwarrEas. JiOdT .TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTXI - .J stsrs strset. , W rant, repair, sell, exchsnge typswrltsra. r All supplies for all machine. . .' - Stcadsrd machine $25 and np to FleO, . --t-Ie yoa wast ataoogrsphae sr typlatl. . . We bare Hat ef good spplleaata. . - I Pboaa Black 3871. ; ..: BLICKENSDERFER typewriters: nrhgt Itsbal mA i retuilrlna. . Rosa A Roaa, 300 Starkest. Fhoae Main 1070, - - T0WZ1V BUTFXT, . CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash, aa, SI per Bsonth, Lawrsac Bros.' Towel SopptF Co.. Foorth snd Conch. Phon 420. - VI0LIJIS. i. A WES CO. rlolln maker and rapalrsri all - work Srst class. Morrisoa. 28 Roaacu bldg. Fourth aad WALLFAPia, MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-lBg st., net. xsmaiii sua lunr, rurtisaa. SAYS LORD TOLD HIM TO BEAT. HIS WIFE (Joaraat Special Seryipe j Indianapolis. Ind., Feb. IS. Rcaoond. . Ins to a riot caU. pollco' officers rushed to the residence of. Rev. E. Is .Color, on Rojnoko street, where " the , avansUt -was found In prayer. The p Ulcere were summoned by nclBhbors, who said that tn reverend sentleman bad attacked Bis wife.' When. the police asked regarding ' tha trouble. C'aler Trnlrl tho Terf inin him to whrp'tild Hfif. srf ho hsd pro- reeded fb do so. unlng a gklllct -4tvjjl;o 7 08 Lrir iiv sx vm aw- tnitt s-r sna ru I $, . , It appeared that he objected' to the manner In which the noon meal was tire. ' pared, sod -In the con t rover yu sad a skillet. Hla mother was present, and ' Caler.uncpremontouBly kicked the chair rrom uwrtcT hep snd tet Tver down on th)"514 floor. When taken to jail Calep said he v guessed that be was mistaken Irv regard to the Lord's command.- . . Reduced Ratea to .Cajifornia. Tho ; Houthertt t aclflo eomDanv had ... placed on sale round trip tickets to Ic Angeles t the rate of $5$. limit days. Thla affords so eieellent oppor- ' tunlty to visit th many beautiful win. tar- resorts' of xouthtro Caitfornts At m" Kjarat oost. ... - .4 i 'fj-... '1 '. ' r- - T ..-