The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 13, 1905, Image 6

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luiWll: CABS FOR
,Bigf Crowd Coming From Colo
radotfc. Capital to-Attend
0th Exposition..-
From Frozen Iowa a Large Party
Is Coming to Coast Next;
; Month.. .. -i;--
, '. As th glamour I1 the 8C Lout x-
position fade, unprecedented Interest In
' : tha Lewie and Clark fair is 'manifested
; by newspaper and railroad - througb-
our thtrcoumry. Tha Portlandeom-
'sterol!, club' daily mall contains many
: Interesting letter, on tha subject, 'The
Denver Lettercsrrler band advises tha
club that It azpects t come In a special
"train of three carsaTl loaded with Den-
ver visitor to the falr.l Charles S. Fee,
'. paaaengar traffic manager ef the'Soutb-
. -rn Pacific, la printing- a large advertise
' ment for the fair- In several hundred
eastern newspapers with, which the com
'psny-haa advertising contracts. Many
rltbrarle in-the-'eaBt and middle
are writing for information and printed
' matter.- .-,-.., '
- A. & . Thompson of Waterloo, Iowa.
whoso letterhead aays he "commis
sioner of "Immigration for Oregon, bjr
i appointment of ; Governor Coamberlaln,
- - writes: -.-' ----- -r -,-.
- "With thermometer registering II de-
greea below aero, as we have had It this
winter, no song was ever sweeter to me
than 'Know ye the land of the cedar and
, vine, where the flowers ever bloom, the
. j beams aver shiner If nothing Interferes
.with present- arrangement I expect to
leave Waterloo on March with a special
' carload of people bound for Portland and
- -other towns in Oregon and Washington."
..... . P.' P. Fodrea, advertising agent, of
-the Chicago Burlington m Qulncy rall-
"There Is do question that tha expo-
sltlon will be a success as far as the
. attendance from this eastern country
l concerned. . Even though- the ezposK
. tlon has not been widely 'exploited In
" this sectloiv there Is a surprisingly large
number of inquiries about tt we are
working now on -ar folder- deeerlptlva -of
, the exposition and the Paclfio north
- west which we expect to have out with-
in the next few weeks. This folder
will be distributed by the tens ef thou
sands all over the middle west, and to
some extent In the - east. Whenever
occasion - for - co-operation presents : It
self., please do not ties! tats to Jet us
i hear from you." . ' . :t.
', . Ernest Brosa, ao long a resident off,.
Portland, bat now editor of the Indian-
apolls Morning Star, forwards several
marked oopiee of the Star, in which
" the. Lewi and Clark exposition Is given
.... a prominent place, and also a carbon
, copy of a letter he had written to J.
Frank Kanly, governor of Indiana.. In
which hs aaka favorable consideration
for an appropriation? for Indiana's rep-
resentaiion, -. .,. .
(Joaroal Special Service.) i .
Rom; FehrH.-The smallest republic
in tha world, whose territory In the
. '.world covers an area about the sise of
Central 7- paiew--rorVaae- Just
Snubbed the United States. It la the
little republic of Ban - Marino. Italy.
, whose -regents recently "diad under con
sideration tha treaty of extradition,
' submitted by Secretary Hay. i -....
; ' - After many weeka of. - serious eon
.. eidaratton the regents decided to unanl--moualy.
refuse their signature' to tha
document on tha plea that their country
-could not enter into direct negotiations
.with a country which ' preserved too
many institutions of tha. middle ares.
ilawa and ..cuatoma, among them the
I Ofiat AO Stomach Sufferers a Full Dol-
lar'a Worth of my Remedy '
" ' . . ' Frtsto Try . ,
y- I eae afters' te effer fall eollit'e worth fre
-secerns suns u m oreinsry resMdr. Ordinary
: rewMles trest synptoast. My renedy treats
' essse isat vreuuee trie aymptoBM. Srsis-
toai swat be kept up tareTU
, wn . in. essst w mere. Mr tteatmeet Bay
i. inwr. rm s. u mi removed is- estate.
- for that Is always tas rae ef trouble.
-' Btowark Uonbln is sot really a slekseaa, but
iS syaipinat. It Is a symptom that a ei-rlals aet
, ,f aer.ea Is alllnc. Sot tbt .okiatary aerrna
: that enable yea te walk and talk ssS set but
. the anui static atoaiaHi aerras sear wblck yeur
Blsd ha. so control. '' -,
. . I hare as roem.aere te (ipllls how tbeaa
tender, tlsr aerrea control and operate the
.otoauro. iwy worry sreasa uem dime and
Vauaes isdlteellna. llow mlauae wears them eat
.sod cause!a. How seslert msy brine
kidney, heart, sad 'other troubles through
sympathy. I hare not room to eiplaln how
r these nerees suy be reached and strenstheuetl
s. sad,- Yltallaad sod swde well by s reoMNiy I
. ynent Ihlrty years la parfeetlns sow known by
lmiSa-lau srerywhw as Ir. Hooop's Bealvratlre.
: ,1 bare sot roaei ha siplaln bow this remedy, by
j roln- the eanse, pnta a -eartain end to 'la-
dlteathin, belrhlnc. boartburn, Inaonata, ser.
. ewataese, vdrspsuola. All of theae tblnn are
. tally sxplalned Is tbs book t wUl send Sea
whoa yos write. - .
' . Is mar rhss a anllltoa komes my remedy Is
P""""- - - nrmi vuiium iTVHOieS BOC OBPe.
repeatedly orer and orer ayals. Vet yoa
nay atot bare heard of It or hearlaa. may hare
. delsyeC or eoabted. go I aiaha that offer to
. 7. a nirnnser. tsai eeerr poaathle exrsee for
' dooht My be remoreet Mone me no money
; make mo no promlaei-take So rl.k. Simply
. write sad sek. If yoa ba est tried my reojt
.Jdy. I will send yoa aa order sa year drntflet
for a' fall dollar Wtle not a sample, but the
Wolar ataadard bottle b keeps eunetantly oa
.hi ebslT. The dracrait wUl reoulr. ne con
y dltrnaa, II will my order aa cheerfully
sa taouik yosr dollar laid hsfors blat. Us wiu
- amyti-aa- mm- 4 -
Will yoa aeeept this opportnnlty to tram St
Bty eipenae abeiilntely, bow to be rid forerer of
all forsm of slSBucb troulile to be rid not only
.of rb tmurO. hst of the yrrr eases which
produced Itl - JTxMe today.-. L"
Tat a tn seder for Bonk I sa tyepepaia.
e fnu .fen., botUe foe Hook oa the Heart,
mmx . aMra IT. Honk a oa the Itifaoi
, ;-. Xheop, tv.x Ai"T Hook t, Womea.
. . Maetlae, Wlsf . HatS Bonk tor Me.
. Ucb book yoa "Waat. Book ,oa BheamsUfa.
- MUd esse ar often 'enroeCV htrle bottle.
. rr sals st forty tboueaad drag stores.
Llar, Gila Monster,. Rascal, His
Names- for Hermann
and BurnawY,.'...
, ... V
Seeks to' Defend His. Rogue
River- Monopoly, - But Makes
Votes for Burns' Measyrew
"i. I .., 1- 1
(Pro at a Journal Staff Cortsspeadsatl
Salem. Or.. Feb. 11. "Foolish liar
X3Ua monster,, ra seals,'' ar a few of
the epithets applied to Itepreaentatlves
Hermann . and Burna of Coos by R. IX
Humar tha'klnar of Home rlvmV In
printed communication to tha members
of the legislature which he caused to be
distributed this morning. -
Burns Introduced a bill to do away
with .tha fishing, monopoly on Rogue
river that has' been enjoyed by Hume
for. tha last six years. ; The bill passed
the housev despite Hume's vigorous lob
bylng" to defeat It ' In tha senate Kuma
waa more successful and secured an ad
verse committee report. The bill was
then indefinitely Dostnoned last Friday.
Hermann lumped Into )hV fight to- aid
Burna, and the bill was reintroduced. In
tha house tha earns day. It now has a
fair prospect of. becoming law,. for the
senate, is now disposed to regard U mora
xavoraoiy, i. ...
Hume's Circular denounced Burns and
Hermann as his "enemies,' and says tha
"reason for the enmity of Mr. Schiller
Bs-Hermenn ran .ha understood when It
la known that X dared to allow my name
to go before tha convention as a candi
date for Joint senator, which place Mr.
Schiller B. Hermann wanted and - waa
fully convinced that anything tha Her.
mann family wanted must be thelra.
Hence,' to his bitter disappointment, Mr.
Coke gov the plum, and now, in retalla
lion, na, lixe a uua monster, onaeavors
to spit his poisonous froth on me. , I de
clare Robert Burns to be a- sneaking,
cowardly rascal, unfit to associate with
honorable gentlemen, and the Hermann
family I leave to the care of an outraged
government - r.- .-
Hume said these ""rascals? engaged In
a conspiracy to. blackmail him. and con
eludes: "Had I the floor of the house. I
would quickly squelch such mental and
moral plgmlea."
Hume s circular seems to be having
the effect of making .votes Tor Burns
bH1.1 i w -n-v i. - j. "
OrMolses Sharply Beavy Allow
aaoe Fo State rrtapar. .
(rtom a Jmraal Staff OoCTesposdeat)
-Salem. Or., Feb. II. In the committee
of the whole, Kay in the chair, tha house
considered ' the ways ' and meana com
mlttee appropriation bill for the salaries
of state officials and tha maintenance of
departments. Several Items called forth
strong ; criticism from. Smith . of
Josephine, who declared . that tha ex
penditures were extravagant. Kay en
deavored to . aeoure an additional ap
propriation of -11,000 to make needed
alterations to the floor '.of the capital.
but could not get a single vote, besides
his own, . Considerable objection 'waa
made to tha appropriation of ft.000 for
the state printer, but It waa finally al
lowed. The bill passed. The main ap
propriation bill la yetlo come.' , ,
President W.: W. Stelwer. .lof 5 the
Butts Creek land. Lumber Tt tdveatook
company, gave bonds this morning In
tha office of tha clerk of tha .United
Stateer district- eourv for, 14,000. He
Is also arranging for the bonds " for
other ofllcers Of the company.and sev
eral of them will probably be filed Inf
tbe next two or thre days. Mr. Ueney
said that he would be content with
Mr. Stelwer a one of the sureties. -
The Indictments returned - against
Earl Benson, M sal ay brothers. Hans and
Fred Wad til. and other Sweet - Home
men, -Who were charged with threaten
ing a government witness, waa con
sidered briefly by fne court thla morn
lng. r ' ' .,'
rHstrlct Attorney Heney aaked that
the indlotmenta against Hans and Fred
Wsdtli be dismissed, and that the re-i
matnder of the defendanta ,be permit
ted to- go on their own. recognisances,
which wsa done- Before they departed,
Mr. Heney gave the Sweet Home men
a severe lecture. Informing them that
If 1rer heard of their threatening" An
drew NIcholls again, or being involved
In any manner Interfering with the
government witnesses, he would. have
the entire list prosecuted vigorously...
. The bond of Prank J. Van Winkle
was reduced, from -14.000, , the usual
amount: given by aocueed 'In the gov
arnment cases, to 11,000. on A show
ing made by the defendant-before Judge
Bellinger. No don Dt waa reu -or tne
wanted to answer the charge.
' : fieorasl BptHal BeTTloe.)
. New-Tork. " Feb. II. Plans - for tha
celebration of tha three hundredth an
niversary of the discovery of the Hud
son river to be held In the summer of
1000 are to be-discussed at a meeting
of a prominent clttaena' committee of
old New -York societies at tha residence
of Robert B. Roosevelt In this city -next
Wednesday. Tha proposed exhibition Is
to be held at Yerplancfc park: facing1 the
Hudson river, le, Westchester counts
Roosevelt,- whet is sn uncle of the presi
dent,, and other descendants of the old
Dutch famlllea, expreas tha hone that
the celebration will be hn'o-xponRltm that
UWIH rival that held at Chicago, Parte
and St. Louli
Alreadyi'Brrvat eom
Lpany ha secured options oil (0 scree
ar Verplanck park.' If the proposed
exhibition become , reality. It WllV be
out It and maintained by a private com
pany' with the Indorsement of New Tork
oclotle. .; ..( i . , '
nr a nkr.
Mrs. 3. JX Thompson, til East Tam-
htll atreet. waa arrested thia afternoon
upon complaint, of EL R. Fortney. Thay
live In the aame flat and he alleges that
Mrs. Thompaon assaulted hi 11-year-old
daughter, Bee. It la also - alleged by
Irortney that lira. Thompaon assaulted
another woman with a hammer.-
rnrnmAXi or tzotxm.
The funeral of Rudolph Janaen, who
waa killed la- the street car wreck a
week ago. will take place tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clock at . rinley's .un
dertaking parlors. Interment will be I
..... . ...L : . . ' "I"
fJeariy - Fifteen Thouiand pol-
lare-Lowest Flgurw-forrWhicrr
. 'Cdntradtore Will Do Work,-
From A" Over East Come Ek:
- pressions That Show Fair;
' Is' Well Advertised. -
Bids for the oonstructlon of the New
Tork stats building were opened at fair
headquarter at noon today, -with, tha
following results: ''"v.'- -'- '
Ooldls Bros.. Mt,?0; Bennett Con.
structlon company, flt.ttv; Btewart
Wlnalow. 111.226; P. E. Donavant . at
Co.. 17,S0K; Burrell Construction com
pany, 116.720; J A. Lynda, 115.709,-and
Robert Wakefield, $14,82. The laet
named la the lowest bidder,-and .while
no action will be takes until word-ts re
ceived from New York In ana war to
list of tha bids wired sine- this aft.
e moon. It Is reasonably certain that
Wakefield will get the. contract, v ' '
'Connecticut will be represented- on a
Urge scale at the, Lewis and' Clark
exposition. - Director of Exhibits H. K.
Dosch.. aftsr working ror several months
through lnflneotUl -residents of that
State, received a letter from Hartford,
tha capital city, this morning. In which
It is stated that a bill- providing lor
a sum of money adequate -to a surpass
ing exhibit has been Introduced in the
legislature and will doubtless meet with
approval,. If 1 not expected that Con
necticut will have a atate pauaingrw
the author of the letter Inquire If the
stste can compete for award In vari
ous fields, no matter In what building
or building their exhibit may be. made.
But that a larre Quantity of the ma-
Lchtnery and' other manufactured - prod
lucts for which the state la famous, wUl
Lbe on display is a aettled fact.
Colonel Doech regards his information
from tha far eastern state as one of
tha very beat examplee of the thorough
manner In which the fair 1 advertised.
It la ror opinion that more, peopl
- - - . w . a.,
position," said ha, "than had heard of
the Bt. - Louis fair -on ths ay 01 jtg
opening. - Every day aomethlng happen
to confirm this opinion. Even Indian
ldlne- on. reservations rar removea
from thia territory write to roe asking
for position a Interpreter, ta, in
case we should hold any Indian con-1
Hawaii -Will not exnioit. oecreiarj
Reed ha yaoeived-a letter-from Oov.
M n are M HmmaI.i Ian anImABsllArlarin
the invitation to participate, -but plead.
mar laic tuwHir .udmum wiiuiuv,,
not such as to Justify any expenditure
..hihttirai nrnnaaar at . thia time.
Th governor win, However, appoint a
spedlal .commissioner .to represent the
Island at the fair.
Tho construction of tne tower or xne
government's main building has about
reached the ' point where It la ready
for the Installation- of tha big chime
being mad-, by , the B. W. Van -Dusen
eomoany -of Cincinnati. The firm has
written that the ehlme will
soon and Director 'of Work Huber ha
asked the government architect to in
struct Contractor J. E. Bennett - to
strengthen the tower so aa to Insure
tha absolute aafety of a weight of five
ton:-th exposition corporation win
reimburse tha contractor for the extra
work: - ' -' '
Director Huber ha placed two pieces
of statuary palf of bufralO-on-M
hlbltlon in the sunken gardens, and they
are attracting nfuch attention from vis
itors at the grounds, xna nrwaet are
after Remington,
M" E. Brtss. and C C Mogue, clerks I
of th legislative committee which Is
to report on the expenditure for tha
St. Louis and Portland fatra to date,
are hard at work In the state commle
slon's office and expect to complete the
report by Wednesday for presentation
to th leglslatur. . . . . ,
Men Sentenced for; Iniquitous
Crime Escape .Without Hin--drarice
Every Day.
: Subpoenas were laaued from the mu
nicipal court thin morning for the ap
pearance of Officers Hulm and Fred
Mallett, who have charge of tha pris
oners on the city rockplle. .-They will
bo forced to explain why every man
who Kaa been sentenced by Judge Hogue
for living off the eamlnga of fallen
women haa escaped within one or two
da ys aftsr aentence.
The -aubpoeuaa were issued as th re
sult of the escape of James Darwin,
who was aentenced last week to. alx
months" Imprisonment In the city Jail,
lie escaped on the cond day of hla
term. . ' ' '-.
"We might aa well abolish the court"
Mid Assistant City Attorney FlUgefald
In explaining to th court th escape.
"Every one convicted for that offense
escape In a day er two.' The officers
must be brought Into- court and these
frequent escapes muat be explained.
Borne one I responsible, and we must
find out who It Is. It may not be the
two ofjOoera in Question they .may be-
acting- aceerdlwg to orders
One I -guilty, and It make thl court I
aomethlng of a lok.-
Judge Hogue declared that a rigid
investigation would at once be Insti
Orandeet dtsolar of fm keenerr eve
seen Portland at 'the corner of Third
and' Alder elreeta.- On eahlbltloa from
In the morning tin at night.
Lee Sing waa convicted this morning
f having opium In hla place ef busi
ness In th shortest criminal trial that
baa -been heard recently In the circuit
court The fase waa called before Judge
Fraser at 19 0'ciecr and the Jury went
put In about half an hour. A few mln-
rtea later they returned a verdict of
Mil 1 JtroneedV
The public le aroiieed to a knowledae
ef the curative merit of that great
medicinal tonic, Kiectrlo Bitter, f.r
sick stomach, liver ei-r kidneys. Mark
H. Walters, of iU HI aart ve., Colum
bus, o., wrltea: "For several months I
waa given up to die. 1 had fever and
hgue. my nerve were -wrecked: I could
nt sleep, and my stomach was so weak
from useless dor tore dress that ' could
not eat.
Kleetrlo Bitters
r-w,n aim nrainnios in ua.
I obtained relief and
In a short time
I . entirely cur4
Guaranteed at Red
.'roes Phrma,f.
How the Piers Piano Clubs
Make Possible Large Saving
in Price, further Particulars
While tha co-Ofrratlve plans clubs ar
I growing rapidly say by day, the peopie
uuisme una city ao not seem to com pro-
Now; lefus take this plarr-tjp--thor
ougniy one mora, first ox all. it la nut
new. It la not even new to the piano
business. Tha Ellara Plana houaa itself.
In several of Ita stores, brought about a
savins to tha Dlano-buvera of thousands
of dollars In the piano clubs of 1H02 and
103. But never heretofore waa It un
dertaken on so large a acale, and with J
pracucauy tne entire sellers line oi
pianos. Including the costliest of Chlck
erlngs juid KUnbaUs. . and also the
Weber. -
Co-operation I nothing more nor lea
than the strongest business principle in
operation today, and as such It cannot
be put into force too often. It. would
apply to shoos,- groceries -or books lust
aa well aa to pianos.) If yon bought a
hundred pair of shoe or if a hundred
of you gave an order for one pair of
shoes each, through aome purchasing
agent, you would get them cheaper than
you do where each of you buy sep
arately. - ---. --
.That Is Ml" there 1 To Our coopera
tive Piano club sale. But In proportion
as the price of a piano la greater than
the price of a pair of shoes, ao in Just
.ann prupuruim la tne co-operative
vlng on a planoi that much greater than
wuuiu. um in co-operative saving upon
pair or two of shoes. .
. The average piano la SO time as cost-
ly as the averaae
pair of aboes,- and
Itlnsr is te tlmaa un
the co-operative savins
great. We have, figured that a aavlng
of from 176 to f 160 on the average piano
rnnuw uaj m co-operative purcnase
of 1.000 pianos; and w absolutely guar
antee that. we will make you the sav
ing or at least i; on any piano vou
may choose. We give you JO makes of
famous .pianos td choose from, and Vi
offer- the smallest .of deposits and the
sanies. i cerme on your purchase.
inra or puying one or tne club A
pianos at f 1.25 a week, at a savins, too.
of at least fill on-a regular new and
warrants! f
130 Dianol
is ths road to wealth," and
muslu I the road to happlaes and cul
ture. So that If you desire both happi
ness - and wealth you will not fall to
give this plan your personal Investing.
tlon. Call at or write to Elier Plane
nouse, soi waanington etreet, - corner
Park, Portland, Or. Large stores also
flan Francisco, Stockton and Oakland.
Cal. Bpokan and Seattle, Wash.; BU
ma trtwiiion. latna '
William -Addison: Who Charges
Deputy Sheriff With Robbing
.. Him, Locked Up.
STtel"4 Be'n Clven Star and Au
thority By Sheriff Word
:I i Only Last Friday,
-Ullam Addison, who claims to have
been waylaid and robbed Saturday night
by Deputy Sheriff IV JB. Dodaon of .Wap-
complaining witness, Podson ha been
released. , The case was continued this
morning until tomorrow. t
t"".' -T-ir," Ltl
lntBPe,ting developmenta before tha case
, concluded. He declaree that ha will
bmv abaolutely no dlfflculty in estab
lishing th Innocence of bis client. Dod
aon has an excellent reputation and has
many friends who claim that his ar
rest was either tha result of mistaken
identity or Jobbery on the part of n
emlesof t.he sheriff's office. ' ' ,
Dodson waa appointed last Friday to
serve .a a special deputy at Warrendale.
on Columbia lough. Podson had twice
asked for -an appointment,, stating that
many tough characters passed through
deslrabls to have someone there author.
isea v nun arresta wnen putragea
war committed. - He owns- a store in
partnership with hi mother at Dodaon,
mil from warrendale, and their
property 1 said to be worth 120.000.
Dodaon has been a deputy aherlff for
more than It yeara and served under
Penumbra. Kelly. George C Bears, Wll
llan Frasler and W. A. Storey. - Ha rep
resented to Sheriff -Word that his store
had been broken open recently and made
a strong plea for the appointment , as
deputy, which tha aherlff .granted. .
. .M.MMHMMaM '
Complaint of Thomas Kay Dif
fers From . Defense of : ;
. , - H. J. - Shane.' -:...",
Thomas Kay, claims that he bought
from Hessta-J. Shan too horses, that he
expected to receive ahlmala of the fa
mum Altamdnt family, aleo Clydeedale
and Morgan, but that he received only
cayue.v Hence he asks th circuit
court to order Shane to repay him 11.100,
The case was on trial thia afternoon be
fore Jddg Bear.
Kay bought the horses on April t.
lot, and agreed to pay fl.OOO for them
and part of tha money was paid-aad
Kay, with a band of horsemen. v4,tut
to tha Bakeoven country in Wasco coun
ty to inspect - the animal. He atate
lat when hr saw t!
they war worth only ti apiece.
Shane anawera that th contract wher-
under the aal waa mad did Toot tl-
uiat me oreea 01 tne norsee and that It
called for the delivery of only about 100
rasnmoal had tWjjroUo the aaowJ
Laxative Imar Qnlolne prevents ps en mania
and smb. au Tor iti. mil naae
ana j
leak far
the slsutar of . Vtr. Unm. Mr,
Dr. B. E.
Tk ismtlf la
sxitlat that re
lieve all pain la
dental operation.
na l:g
' ; vr
69-71-73 ThL-d Ctrcct; CcUvcba
This grand Seven Dollar and Fifty Cents Sale of high quality, taUor-inade, all-wool arid worsted
Suits acts as a town crier to gather the crowds of people at Portland's greatest clothing store,
where the people always find the largest and best variety of dependable 'and fine goods at prices
that behoove every thrifty man to watch this store's doings. There is a sale now in progress, that
for high character of merchandise and phenomenally low prices wiQ stand out boldly for years
as. one of the greatest value-giving sales ever made by The Chicago, the acknowledged leader
pof all coast clothiers. .
An Army of Suits
S7.1SO Will buy bvercoau that sold up . to
$lg. '!:;''-::..''-r-l-;r:T 7 ::
9.50 Will buy overcoats arid
. . . sold up to $20. r
:.f 1.. - - ;
-v Wt-rV
J I . mm mm sa
'and aB-wool Sootoh and
harlot, ca1merea, , ,
tfrnl fozaa-fimnf o pa;
top atylss. a aow lot
Tarlety, thai ar worth
to 9m. Til csaoawo'
. f of argla. ' , '
Had He a Right to . Police San
Domingo Without Sen- ;
ate's Consent? A : . '
Hs Wants toKnow By What
Authority We Collect Cus
toms of Toy Republic,
I - - - (Jearasl "pedal Berviee.) -
Washington, Feb. II. Bacon of
Georgia, who 1 a member of the com
mittee., on foreign relations, presented
In the aenate today a resolution direct
ing that the committee investigate all
the facts oormeoted with th agreement
entered into. June I, 1901 between th
United Btatea and Baa - Domingo sub
mitting to arbitration, th elaim of th
Ban Domingo Improvmnt company of
New Tork, - which la to ' determine
whether, under such agreement, the
United Statee bad authority to take pos
session of th custom housee of the
republlo without submitting th matter
to the aenate. . Th resolution waa re
ferred to tha committee on foreign om-i-
mlaaiona. . ''-...,-..',..
Xeelarca Beperts ef Dialeyalty U Vmtmm
. - - . State Wnf onadad,
.'. ' (Jearasl B serial crvlce.l .'
San' Juan. Porto Rico.. Feb. IS. Tha
house of delegatea haa adopted a reso
lution protesting against the - false ac
counts -published In th United State
charging Porto Rlc with hostility to
American people. . - f ..
-, ' . .... . v- -
(Special DUpateh t Th Jesrual.) -SeatU.
Feb. 1J. Kan Tu WeL
grand president of tha Chine Reform
association, left-today for Portland, A
delegation of prominent Portland China
men csme to thia city yesterday after
noon to escort th exiled reform leader.
He make th announoement that he will
remain there probably two months. Ills
m n:z i:zvz o?niz clcc:;
Comprising every style, color and pattern that the most;
exacting taste could demand. . . : f
For $18 tweed, $18 cheviot suits, $18 homespun suits,' light,
dark or medium colors and patterns. ' ' .
For $16 cassimere suits, $16 cheviot suits; $16 tweed suits.'
For $15 worsted suits, $15 cassimert suits. .
For $15 cheviot and tweed suits, $15 homespun suits, ''t'L'L
For $15 fancy worsted suits,' $15 clay worsted suits . Q
For $13JK) serge suits, $13.50 fancy worsted suits. ; ' ."-r. '
For $13.50 cheviot, tweed and homespuns. ' ' . Y
For $12 clays, serges, cheviotsrtweedsrtricotrtongsrbaskerr
worsieas ana unnnunca
This hrrar of sait 1 not display of old has-been. Tflemember,
very suit I of the latest and newest approved mid - winter fashion
tailored and trimmed In a most faultless way, "Suits that wilt adJT
fame to our great establishment ult that will make new customer
rand hold them. ..... - .,-',.:;-,.,.
... .VMy..,W-.r. w La. V-aT-aW-A-
911 JSO WiH
that sold up ta
cravenettes that
" - s-
914.50 Will
j that sold up
WiU Give Yoal
Choice tt
.aaT - ""
I J Y V ITlr
High Candle
OMfw i90s
Ft Natural
r Arttfkul
Mcximuni v
' Mtflat;'"
11.50 each
' . CompUte
t r
waunsak. juga caadl sewer4
waati. . .
Cold Medal the highest honorwardetl
to Welibach at the St Louli Exposition,
Genuine '
He-TfTOngsat J W trtact7 0e.
;'.. He. est Melol.l
Ne. Cap
We. Lee
r . Beware ol Worthleu Imitations I
NOTICE t " If.yeof dealer eannet tvvfir the - LAatk
' GEHU1N Wlbseh LisW aad
Maatls la their erajiaal ajd boas. a which ia tha " Fa
wsueaoai aaa tae oaieia el
; pretectlea seal set 4miu
aireet te the
endeaiag isic.
Walsbseh ractorr. Oleaeeetaf N. I.,
aad geedewUl be Metres by prepaid
r, Catilntav Wehbach Goods
r;'i" and - all
Odi cr. J Fina
' ..!.'
1 000 Strong
nwieruis. ' ;.,-
buy overcoats and cravenettes
buy overcoats and cravenettes
to $30. -'.:-;-M':, ' V-c
: A Loog Uae of
T Over ICC0 r;-r
S JU th ! IasHn
eastoaa aaaored pasteraa,
faaltia U . tyla, tmake
aad maUrlal. SS wwolds
wy moM f any
pal la tha lotSS M aad
M U th tmrulmt vmla of
k moat of theasv Th OsTD
OAOO foe banrala.
Power Lights
KfMUbiaTw SbM-
r a o i' . -
-,i....;i. v.,
. :. : '
'; .'... ll.SSeach f
W.uUeh j wnm f
f - eaodl power saaatle. -i,
Uteasrve Wlrtsk,......... HawaaS
fossa Welskacli.. ....."..Ji. " eJ08l.
Flfti and Yamhllfstreets,
IM. .. ar vi r .
'; - :
i v.
- - - bhwuc . a rice .vu.
health la aot good, . ,-
'iw jt..4