The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 13, 1905, Image 2

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TtJayT'Rooaevelt Regards' Action
lll4 of Senate on Treaties Ques-.
f h" tlon Conclusive. ''T",'
Carnegie and Wayne MacVeagh
-. Consider That Action of "
Senate 1s Proper."
' . T
,. v (journal IpMU 8enrUe.) ,
Washington, FVb. it. In reply , " to
varkme iequirtee te hi department thl
- mornlhg Secretary- Hay mad the follow
ilng statement: .'-V.' . '. ?
- The president regard the matter of
.-.general arbitration treaties concluded, by
the aotion.of th senate lan Saturday,
I, Ha recognised, th right of-the achate to
reject the treaty by either a direct vote
i or Indirectly bjf changes which are In
compatible with Ha aplrlt and purpose.
.He desires, the senut. amendment to
,, make It Impossible for him to present
'there In this altered form to tho conn-
-.-trie with which w htre bm In f-
- jUaHon." ,...'-.-,'
"'V.. . Poeter Disappolated, -'
-Tha president of the-national arbitra
tion conference, John W. Foster, aaya
that he m greatly disappointed at tha re
sult so far attained In the effort to com
mit tha-United States ta arbitration, His
statement la la reference to the action of
tha aeoate In amandine tha arbitration
xreatlej, between the i'nlted States and
V eight Kuropean government. Foster
' jsaya that he baa labored hard to secure
.J tha approval of. tha. treaties by the
ata without amendment. ':,-.-"
. The. difference of views' between tha
' president and the senate upon tha tub-
ci lie regaraa aa most umqrtunat
However, aa tha matter Is now entirely
. In th chief leoutlv' - hands, . Foster
expresses the hope that- the president
will find a way to keep tha United Slates
. In the front rank or tha. countries on
" tb question of International peace. -...
.. .. , i.-j ' OKMfls'i Opiates. M
k .' T1 following telegram from Andrew
- -Carnegie was made publla by Mr. Foster
.- on authority of Mr. carngit .
- ""New York... Feb. tl.-Hon. . John-W.
. 'Voater. AVashlngton.' a C: You can
' truly aay that I am forced to say that
tha senata only did ita duty. - t could not
. hare done otherwise than rota with the
'. majority, though with auch reluctance aa
' - Senator -lyOde. Bpoooer. Cullom , and
Jr'. others expressed. The absentee . from
'T - voting are aa significant , as tb over
' ' i Whelming wet--.-; '
. "I know the president and secretary of
;' tat are lust aa- clear and. honest lu
their convictions aa tha senate la. The
'-'.. senate might adopt a: rule, to give
- specific treatUa submitted instant con.
slderatlon. and then foreign - power;
would not have to wait Surely some
"Thh wk
lNTw waBMfl)4.
Reign supreme for" style,
fit and comfort. . Ia order
to thoroughly , introduce
this high-grade .. Corset
and at once, we are au
thorized to sell a limited!
quantity at strictly
fit and warrant every pair.
Thomson's Corsetsjnever
lose their shape.,,. '
Thomson's Cor sett, worth $1.50; spec! 91.00
. The $2.00 grades go at. . . . . , , ....... . .$1.45
-The $2.50 grades. .. 1..., . , ..Vv..' .$1.75
The $5.00 grades, extra peat. . .7. . . .$3.50
- Andie $3.50 line cut to.T.; ... .$2.50
"""Tie aartta f W
Ber' maat-rroof Oe
' seta kav a world-wta
tepataUoa. It Is a taea
, tmrm Ufa ketwaM n.
: aoa'a gad Warner's Cor-. 'J
MK 'Vsn n ome to .,
a Vacation of wnlch ta
tka beat f tke two the
. asatter aoast be left
- tha wear. Moth are by
th faa of th earth.' V
The Swell Tape Girdles, worth 75c for. . .35
French Empire, all colors, worth $1, for. .45
English Coutille, in pink, bluV and white1,
worth 75c, for. , . ; . . ; ,V.y .35
French Brocade Batiste, white,' blue and
pink, 75c, go at. . .. . . ............. .45t
HOUSEKEEPERS cannot afford to mits our great special sale of Curtains in Swiss,;:
Lace, Bobinet, Table Linens, Blankets, Comforters, Towels, Napkins, Crash, Silkolines, DrK
peries, Pillows, Cushion Tops, Bedspreads, Table Covers. . We are headquarters for. the wide
awake cash buyer, J, ' : , ' ' ;': ''- -.'''
J Corner
Third add
- . v
thing can be" done that will harmonise
tha -two parties anxious to promote the
aa.rne noble end. - vCAkRMisaiG.-r'
. -.: . Wayma BSaoTaagk. . , - . ' . .
Ha also made public tle views on this
subject . of ex-AttorpeyrOeneral Wayne
MacVeagh, aa follows: . v, '
'The language of bur constitution,
(rained by the wisdom of our fathers, la
exceptionally plain and Imperative aa to
the treaty-making power, ' It requires as
a condition precedent to tha making of
any, treaty that ..every ; agreement ; be
tween this country and any foreign
power should be considered a treaty, be-
It should be submitted to tha senate, and
that two thirds of the senator ahall
concur in tha wisdom of maintaining It,
The concurrence makes It 'part of the
eupreane law of the land.'- ... -
It is Inconceivable that; In view of
such provisions, a -president alone can
make any action of his a part of the au
preme'law of the 'land,' If mo, .our 'su
preme law would be subjected to the
caprice of every successor of President
Roosevelt, and tb wise men who framed
the . constitution knew It would be un
safe to entrust the lawmaking power to
any one man. - The language of the su,
preme court on the subject Is very em
phatic, a follows:
'It need hardly be aald that a treaty
cannot .challenge the constitution; or be
held valid If In violation of.' tha 'nature
and fundamental prlnclplea of our gov
ernment" -' ; ,'- i ': :vt
(SyecUl PbtMtrk to To J our sal.)
Lewiston. " Idaho. Feb. . 11. E. H.
Clarke, buyer for the J. Koahland com
pany of Boaton, haa closed contracts for
TOe.090 pounds of -wool ef the Nea
Perce country clip of HOi. The wool
was" contracted at prleea ranging from
II to 11 cents, per pound. Lst year'a
woot clip cold at from II to lift cents.
Aalde from the contracts closed at this
point. MhL-Clarke haa secured 169.004
pounds of wool at Pemeroy and (00,00
pounda t' Dayton. .
boi or voxsoTOro. s .
tBpeckrt TMsDatck t The JeeraaLt.
Whlteblrd. Idaho, Feb.- II. A th re
sult of ptomaine, or analogous poisoning.-
Mr. Alice Wilson, wife of Charles
Wilson, died yesterday.. -The poisoning
was the result of the tie of prepared
beet tea. When aha waa first taken 111
physician were called, but ' nothing
could be dona. Mrs. . Wllaon waa IS
yeara bid, and had been married three
year. Hhe la survived. ty a nusoana
and an ll-motjtha-old babe.
- xxLXJt mnamur at :
' 8peelal DltpaUh t Ta Jooroal.l
; Wardner, Idaho. Feb. II. -A dispatch
received by parties her announces the
death "by suicide of Jess Beauchamp
February t at Reno, Nev. Beauchamp,
who was formerly on the police force ut
this Jtlif and.' was well known her.
wallowed an eighth of an ounce cf
fluid atrvchnlna in the Dresence of hi
children and expired before medical aid
could reach him. Ha was a member of
the Salvation Army and J t I Jhougi
had become deranged over religious mat
terav : :,.' , .
Tha Thcsioa ColdTMifixl Clove-Fitting Corset.
Vrntri Rest-Proof Corset sad MOoe'Un(irmiuIiss
fSn tagVat salort brw ji4 afly Invite ear friend to call ant fvartakg ef U sua
L Qta word for h tbj gtyla aa Mlky r aaeqaaM tmtjk-priem quote -ere tb lowest.
Zmbodx-errerytklag to b deaired la make, finish aad
aaatetlala, Tha garments wUl be eoUt" taring this
epeolal sal far Uthasi et of aaateriala. AU gar
ment are alegiatly trimmed la laoea, emteoldasi,
taoka aa4 tafflM. r -'. -
Children's Drawers, range 23c, 19c, 15c. . . 10,
Ladies Gowns, $1.95. $1.58, $1.49, 95c . ; , :) 47
Corset Covers, 37c, 23c, 17c, 15c .'. : ; . . . .10
Skirts range $1.95, $1.75. $1.29, 69c and49
.Chemise range $1.45, $1.25, 99c, 72c and. .49
AT 5 Ladies' turnover embroidered Collars.
AT 15Ladies' Sleeve Protectors, in black,
white and black and white check.
AT 1 Youwill find our notion stock com
plete in all the little things.."- f ; . '
.AT 35 Ladies'. Flannelette Wrappers, cut
to 65c, 50c, 35c. . ..
Norwegian Whoi Brought Them
-;f From Old Country Breaks.'
;;''''':' Agreement1 "
Probate Court. Sets Settlement
X. 'k Asideand Women . Rw-J.''"
V :vT.:f'openrCase.". :
rT' ;. : 1 't ;-:-'y: .'.V
" ' " " " - " ' ' ' ' '-
' (Jwraal Special ervlc.)v..c.;
. OeCee. Idaho,' Feb. J J. A ca which
truly savor of a fairy-tale will come
up In the superior court of this county
t ' th next, term of court.' Th. caa
Involve - $10.00, which, according to
Mine and Paula Scheel'. lw Norwegian
glrla, belong to them. Two year !go
Ole Bvell, a Norwegian 0 year Old, was
the owner of a, valuable lfO acr ranch.
near thl plae: VIn hi Infirmity nd
loneliness h wrote to th parent of tb
two .Scheele girl in Norway aaylng that
if they would consent he would pay the
expenses of the girls to America and that
upon hla death they should become hi
sole heirs If they would car for him th
remainder of hi life. The Utter wa
tranalated by an English friend t the
Norwegian parents and they consented.
The money waa forthcoming? 'the glrla
came over and for year cared for th
old man. - .- ' .
A year ago Svell died but to, the great
surprise, of the glrla they received only
130 each according to nia win, a reia
tlve. received 11,000 -and th rest of the
estate waa left to charltle In Norway,
Th sisters ralaed objection to thl.
breach of promlne and It waa thought
tha will wwotd be oonteatad However.
the: administrator of the estate, who Bad
written the -fMter td Norway for th
glrla-at ByeH's request denied having
written th epletle. t The girl hawing
been unablt . to read tb letter them
selves, thought perhaps tha -one who
read It wa mla taken and a aettlement
waa arranged for 700. ... ...
Not quite satisfied they wrote to Nor
way-for the letter - and after; om
months It ram and waa found to be
written In tb administrator'' own hand
and algned by O. Bvell.; Th ' adminis
trator's . mind- was suddenly refreshed.
and he admitted writing the letter. Then
it was. that, th probata court waa ap
pealed to and th aettlement waa set
aside and the wky la now clear (or the
girls . to present -their case. In which
they trill, lay claim to the entire estate.
, (Jeoraal Rveelal Bervlre.)
Waalilngton. Feb. 13. Prealdent Hooee-
velt : today nominated - Joseph- Pink-
ham to be asaayer-at Boise City, Idaho.
.t .... -s, . .
"Queen" Undermuslins
Odd Things
AT 5 Silk Chiffon Collar Foundations in
pink, blue, white and bjsck : - ;
AX 5 Ladies Stocking Feet the- usual
price is 10c -r;.: : -.-.-'.- A-
AT 10 Knit Waists for boys and girls! all
sizes, in cream and pure white.; .
. Corner
Third and,
President to frll Series of En-
. gajaments j. and . ; Address ;
'i : ; . Lincoln Day Dinner. L-i
Presidential Party .-of. Five,5 Ar
, 1 J rives at New York 'on f
SpecialjTrain. y ,
;y-'Jeat gpeelal Sarin.) j ;'';V;";
. : Tort; Feb. IS. Freldent-Roose
velt is In New York to flit a aerie pf en-
gagements that will keep him busy tor
three day, x Th -president, with a party
of nye, inoludlng Be oretary Xioeb, reached
.the jcTty thl morning by a special train
from Washington. ' Eitraordlnary police
precaution Wer1 taken to inaur bis
safety by the authorities of Jersey City
aa well aa of New York. He wa met
on arrival at Jersey City by a commit
tee from th Republican dub. which es
corted" him "tp th clubhouse In West
Fortieth street.' where he held a recep
tion of about an bour. A lar'g part of
tb. remainder of the day the prealdent.
spent at the home . of hla - sister, Mrs.
Douglas Robinson, In Madison avetui. .
r Thla evening 1ha-preldent -will be tbe
principal speaker at th Republican
club' Lincoln day dinner at tbe W'al-
dorf-Xstorla; . where tb .entire cond
floor baa been, engaged. - Twelve hundred
cejver will t laid. ' and In tha Aator
gallery 100 women will din.. Senator
Dolllver will follow th president, hi
subject, being "Abraham Lincoln.1 Oeorg
A. Knight of California will apeak on
-The Republican- Party " and es-Aaalat'
ant United Stat Attorney-General
Beck will respond to tb toast, Th
Unity of th Republic"--- -?-,-'
. Following th banquet! of th Republl
can club, a commute from th New
York Pre club will escort th President
from th Waldorf, to tha Hotel Aator,
wher th club' annual' dinner la to b
held, and at which th prealdent will
Xeaaorial . Szreia . a aiggt Soal
1 Shrar XaU la Quaker City. -' -
Uoaraal Special Servlea.) -
-Philadelphia, Feb.-If .--Memorial eaer
clses in honor of Abraham Uncoln wer
held In- Philadelphia today op a aoale
surpassing those of any previous local
celebration of the anniversary of his
birth. School children, colleg students.
civic, social and political organisations
paid trtbut to th American commoner
In recognition of th nlnety-lzth anni
versary of hi birth. All th lg busl-nesa-house
and many private residences
throughout; th city -were appropriately
decorated. In th publla schools a for
mal program ' wa observed, consisting
of -exercise calculated to acquaint the
children with the life and deeds of th
civil war president. - - .v.; ,-.'
7 r LINCOLN day) :
Bank aadlUi Ofdo OIm a Boston
ta Osaerv Blrtkday. :
Boaton. FeD."l. Banks"' "and public
ofllceo war cloaed her today in honor of
Lincoln' ninoty-aUth birthday. Jn -accordance
with Ita custom tha annlver-
aary will be. celebrated by tb Middle
sex club thl evening with 'a- reception
and banquet at the HStel Brunswick.
Among- the speakers will be Governor
Vfter of Rhode Island, th Hon. John I
Griffith of Indiana and Curtla Guild. Jr.
, zoroours tosib.
'tfearaal Special aervlce') " t .r'
Springfield. 111.. Feb. 18. The ninety.
sixth anniversary at Lincoln' birth waa
observed with appropriate exercises to
day at Lincoln' - tomb In ' Oak Ridge
cemetery. Th exercises wer held un
der th auspice of the local posts of th
G. AR. and it alUed organisation.
During th day a large -number of floral
offering wer placed t' about7 tha sar
cophagus.. - . ' ..
'" . onmm to ktbax. , -
. (Junraal gpeelel gervlee.) .
St Paul, Minn., Feb. 11. The Lincoln
club of thl city haa made elaborate
preparation-for--rtrmnual banquet" to
night. Thoa present will Include th
member of the 'legislature and leading
Republican from all part of Minnesota,
Governor Cummin of Iowa will be th
guest of honor and principal speaker.
aosroB us-cox..
- .. (journal gpwial gervtce.) ,
Chicago,. Feb. If. Tb observance of
Lincoln' birthday -was general. Th
board of trad and all department of
th city government wer cloaed today. J
Numerous pumio. exercise r planned
for thl aftrnoon''atfd;enlng.-
Manager - Admits" That Profits
- Are Enormous, But Declares
: Made. Improvements.
Jooml Special Service.).' .' .
Washington Feb. 1. George B." Bob
bins, president 6f the Armour car line,
haa atated that ahoold eongre enaot
legislation which would result In re
ducing .'refrigeration chargea 1 any
great extent the company , will with
draw from business. , - .
. "W are in bualnes to make a fair
profit.' he ald. "In making our charges,
wa eatlmat the expense of handling
th business and add a fair percentage
of " profit. Notwithstanding th nor
mou tim it 1 alleged w have mad
In the business, every dollar pf the net
revenue from th operation of ear aaj
enormous um beside have . been . In-
Ttd to Improve the aervlce. We are
reducing chargea until today we jy
much better service at lea money Itma
ever before. If 'congress should, legis
late so that we are anabl to. earn a
fair return on. tha Investment, w will
b compelled to go out-of business,
'AH th Healing balsamic virtue of th
Norway pine are concentrated in Ir.
Wood's Norvray Pine Syrup, Nature
own remedy for. coughs and cold.
' ,. . I i .
Cold Cans Sor Vkfeat '
lttattT Urnma Qnlnlne, the -orl4 wlife n1
an Mrl rmd.r. r.BMTe ihf as. Oil for
ihr-fnll nasH .i-l Inok tat UM,Blgsati ef
i. W. Orote. I !. '
EsUblishmi r' Charters : Which
I- Subvert Existing Statutes" -T'uirvm
General Menace. ? J. "
Easily Rushed Through Legisla
ture Without Inspection, Be-
"cause Local Measures. .
Balera, Feb.. IJ.-i-To th Editor of Th
.Journal: You bav rendered an lnea
tlmabl service to th people In' calling
attention to the threatening danger
to the Call. gt j,mna..anA MnA mAihrimtv
-and to the efficiency of the local option
law itself by unsuaDected and extraor
dinary ' STl'snts' rtf nnf -iA tnvnl : And
Itle In their charter. 4 . ' - t -' -
It seems almost Impossible to get the
people ye, 'even ' th loader of th
AntUSaloon league to fully compre-
oeno the realty and- certainty or thl
nnKnn..M H. - .Via nl.ln
and thus arouse them to action; I -wait
una.- nememoert - - :
Where U key conflict, the special law
auvvniK iDmia, or eurusaiv in. sr"
ral law ao far a It appllea In thl
tat totwn and cltle ar Incorporated
by special law enacted for their gov
era mend conferring certain power and
duties on' the mayor and common eoun--IL
.Tb charier of tbVclty of Salm
provide: "....- ,
"Th mayor and aldermen shell -comprise-
the common council of said city,
and at any meeting ahall have exclusive
power" -to do many thing.
Among these (Section ft) la: "To
prevent the opening of aaloona on Sun-
davtL" Kntlc thav are not srranted
, -power to "license," Or "to regulate" the
opening oi ssioons on ounaay, dui oniy
"exclulv.jowr" . to:."prvnt'! But
tbl th council did not do. They did
not exercise this exclusive power. The
general law of the tat ' road - It un
lawful. So parties wer arrested for
violating th stat law. But aa tb
legislature, by a special law, had grant-ed-to
the mayor and council of Salem tha
exclusive power to prevent the opening
of saloons on Sunday, "within tb cor
porate limlta of th city, the court held
V. . , th. 'law w.a tint In force In
Balem. In thla particular it had been
i.i.i.. itr (h.u 11mtta -nmmliv1
and utterly abrogated. In other words.
th stat had abdicate, it auinoruy
over thl eubject within, tha city. ' '
. llthnia.h nttr v.,. mmM Inn. .nil aa
loon f rlenda. denounce tblr decUIon of
Judg Galloway aa "rotten, - yet u can
not ba uccafully denied that he had
much, and very high authority, for hi
conclusion., .,'''.:...;.:.' :.' ., , - .
A good- lawyer may yet not t a
nnrin,l hnln-lan. Bo It , 1. Dosslbl
th.t a profound D. IX. may not b a
very profound Jurit, ' .'
By a general law of Mlsaourl, th
bunin. , K.wrl v knuM was made a
felony. A special law (1179). amending
tbe oharter. or Bt. ioui, prunuou. ,
v "The mayor and lty council - ahull
within ,'h. cut. . hv ordi
nance not inconsistent with any law nf
the stat . " " - to reguiaie or sup
press bawdy houses." etc ate. Now
k.. Ik. .nri are onlv- "ahall
IIU.I. . -
have power."' not "exclualv powfcr." ..
?nr-tf eeer er-ine
, i nnnra. nan 17. tha validity
. Atlnnoa Af fit:' Loul DrOVld-
Ing for a license, and a llcen grntd
under It. and aet up aa a, aeiense va
Indictment under th general statut was
adjudicated by the upcem court of
th stat. '' f.i'V'
n. ix tha eaart aavs: . : -
than - arl.aa. whatheH
. A liu " . - - t I
.Li. - -, ,,n..inn n, mil mwKcim
IU1. s.olaw. . m . . , . . ..
permissive' existence under regulation,
must prevail, ana we -" -particular
apeciBed: Intent on th part
. iA.ii...,a Avarralaa a srenariu
Intent Inoompatibl with th . pciflo
I Af trwrd th legUlatur repealed
;.i- -.I .' nAarn- in the St. LOUlS
WW .liw,.-. v . .
cnarter of 1870" granting th counoU
.. , . . ...mnMaa K..J V
pOWr lO -Tegumie r -
bouses." But that did not rvlv th
tat law within St Loui.
..... a vin n Bar. It Missouri
Report. 195. following th former de-
Clalon in tat V. tiara, m w --
Th amendment of March 0. 1174,
w ..ui,4 i,a fnrm.r amendment.
did not . thereby revive thr general
statat In th city of St Loul.
These eases . wer followed by the
upreme court of Colorado: " V
Cunningham va. th -peopl. 1 CoVt-
rdo-156; Huffman . v. th peopl. 8
Colorado, 167.' And In Illinol: Bcnnotf.
v. th people, 80 Illinois rvepuna,
n. . j t-twm i ..m1 mvkhahlv DO
held ound lawa and followed in thl
state. Here 1 tb danger o wnicn.
wish to call etuntlon, pclaiiy oi tne
antl-ealoon fore. - By apeolal law con
ferring charter on-eitie, town and
village. : th legiltur legislate th
tat law out cf tha corporate limit.
Or in othrword. abdicate authority
therein over the matter conferred, on
the common councila. . ;
Not one legislator in 10, even wnen ne
votes for a city, or town charter. has ever
a. tt ia a incai matter it
wuuim - .
g-referred to th local delegation, and
when -they report .favorably, the bal
ance tak It for granted that It all
right" ' ' -.''' ' .
- Mr. Vawter vouched for th proposed
lldf ord charter that paed both houae
.1 r.A ahlch ,a.l tlt tO th OV-
rnor-,-flupiclouathat thr might b
a omthlng jn It that th larger part
of tha legislator did not suspect to b
. , t n th. envernor. sot th
"bill and found thl "llttl Joker." "
"Sec, 1. - xno wiy oouncu uuu
power .to llcen, tax. regulate or pro
hibit barroom, drlnklng-place. billiard
rooms, bowling-allay. danc-houe and
all plac whr- plrltuou,- malt or
Vlnoua liquor are sum vr ai'v iu, ,
i f an s-enfcral law of th
stat on thl ubect enacted by th
legislature or by th people. at large." .
If this bill become a law' tha local
option law, 0 far as Madford la con
oerticd:' i repealed.- An- that would
probably be the case wun any outer
general local option or even a prohlbl-
. I . haraaftaa enacted, althaa bv
the legislature or by the people, unless
tt specifically repealed or amended thl
provision of tht Medford charter. --.
.... a, ..MaA m .hla .muwmmI alt
charter of Medforei may be true of many
or ail Otner cmee a ii iuwiw, v-uarivr
bills are not printed, and if the friends
iu-.l antlnn both within and without
the legislature, are not vigilant to ex
amine ecn cnarter diu. ioy may wase
up som morning to And a legalised
Iamm In avar, tnartl Sail altt. la atflinrl
of the local -option law -passed by the
people. I n ' people wwuia nave re
power to vote tt out except by electing
a council who . would prohibit It by
ordinance. n member, we a yet bav
no municipal ItcoI option, 'in council
tn gram or power, not ins peopia-.
And that if the- decision ar followed
thia an vhmiah tb arrant of
power I only "to prohibit or tuppr"
aaadlai SSoaay Takaa t Tae Vein.
.' : :: rU SM UyT7 to
Special ilSale of Toilet Paper
.Okayed. 00 sheets ta llie rolL
Bssajii'. 7C0 sheets to the rolL Per dozen rolls. .... ;
Purifan, 710 sheets to the rolL Per dozen roljs;
Our Fsir, 1,000 sheets td the roll . Per dozen rolls .. .
Woodlark, j.CCO sheets to the' roll. - Per dozen Tolls.
Satin. 2,000 sheets to the roll. Per dozen rolls. .
Home (package). -' Pes dozen
Olympic (package).- Per down packs.....
DJu (package). Per dozen
i Hosiery C
A strain ot th limb,
, wlllng or varlcoae
'Vein abould b looked
after - immediately ' by
procuring an Klaatio.
Hose, Anklet er Knee
Cap. Many weeks of
suffering are obviated
"by thl simple provision.
" We always hav a oom
, pltt took of aU -.
aise aad styltM.
: Anklet,
SC-a Cap,'
' j.eggiug, seven . ...m.r
- (tartar Bv aoh
pontiffs Rectal
Dilators - Yi
Plies and Constipation' Quickly-" and ;
Permanently Cured by the Use of
Tnag Bllator restore the clr
clation and halth.our tKor --"
plain It. .Call or send .for a-fre
. ..copy. W sail th dilator under a
, ; guarant- to be satisfactory or re
1 fund your mony. n .
Brio, per t...,4.......93.00
';. ; Our free book .eiplaln how th
'dilator will . cur pllea, . conatlpa
- tlon. .dyspepsia. ' ecsema and other
-diseases due to defective elimination
-and poer circulation of th bl
: V'V
1 it - e
I 1-9',
...ti.TB - v
... 91.75 !
, ...Sal.W
Blstritattaf J4t fo tke OeUrae sVABASTS BTfCBOBB B3USB.
' Wrt or eaU tor
and not to Hcene 'or regulate,- yet If
the council :does not act by ordinance
prohibit w would probably hav. free
saloons, because th alat Has ur-
rendered it authority. i
Thus, without amendment ;pf th peo-
pi' local, option law by so much a
th dot of an t, or th cross of a t It
may b rendered absolutely abprtlv.
To remedy thl It 1 probabl each char
ter would hav to.Tb amended -or re
pealed. Let, m again warn our friend,
both In 'and out of the legislative- .
emblyr of -th -Insidious danger to -our
state, that lurkea unsuspected tn t cor
poration charters. . .
, r. '
, (Continud-"Trom Pag On.)
to to fire today. A th result of th
fire which destroyed an apartment build
ing at Webster and Racine avenuea 14
families are homeless. Peter Erlckson,
the janitor, waa fatally burned. ; Thrie
firemen wer killed by falling walla
The loss I f 160,000. -
Bast era Washington aaut Idaho BzprV
Col4 Wa-r.. . . . .
(Jtmraal Special Service.) ' ' .
"Colfax, Wash., Psb. If. Th coldest
weathar known in eastern Washington
and northern Idaho In lx years is be
ing experienced at this time. -Thursday
afternoon tbl antlr (action was
visited by a heavy" snowstorm..-- After
the snow ceased to fall th mercury be
gan to descend and lno than It ha
been steadily, growing colder, with oc
casional high winds: At an early honr
this morning -th thermometer regis
tered If degree below aero, with a
tinging wind, mad It. extremely cold.
The loe crop I good for th flrat time
In avral years, and th Ice cutter and
haulers ar working overtime and Sun
day It lxnot thougnt that tock will
suiter if It gt no coldr. 1 Th wheat
la said to be far enough along not to
be -damaged by th cold. Skating 1
being enjoyed by eor of young end
old people.. -...I: ; ... , .
t .; . -- . - .
ortkwrt Jmff'Sfnnr tZ'-
.. '0Mt cois w ittw. -7T-
'- -'- - -' (Joaraal Special Barries.)
.Kanaa City.' Feb. 1. The vrt
temperature of th season wr re
corded early today in the outhwt
ranging from 14 to II degree below
era Railroad re' all tied p. . Wire
are- prostrated In all direction. Six
Missouri Paclflir- passenger train ar
lost somewhere In ntri or western
Kansas. Th roe is making-Very f -.
fort lo send them relief.
- (Special Diasatch to Tbe iosmaL) -
L Grande, or.. ' " reb. 1 1. t he cold
weather In th Grand Honda during th
last few day I moderating today... It
wef1 14 below ero In La Grand Sun
day and below at North Powder, I&
mile t of hr. ,
j: ooiaO at omsma' .,
.Ay 1 ' . (Jnaraal gp-elal g-rvlr.) .'- T ;
XJroah.t. Neb., Feb. II. Th thermom-
Cirgyg.llMse ! ike Ttl
Dares a CcU tsOBsCeyi Cs$& 2 Cqrs
exip4oas CaUeg tojf aad BUt
Amj SNlti of tb City. -- -. '
Per ilozen rolls
. . . C7
packs . . .'
i i .
.-a.-1-r-.'i". .
W BAv Beoaatly Bnlarg Oatt
: Homeopathic Dept. -;
A Order te Kasdl On laat Zav
; ring Bntae.-
Ageat lo ' ' ,
lOsfaoBATsno -'
Wateh for One '.'- .
Acenit Pellet or' Dilution--
1-0. vtals, ttfrKi-eu prlo IT) -
Arnica Pellet or lillutlon
l-o. vial, reg. !6c; our price 17 ,
Belladonna Pellet or Dilutions - .
' ' 1-oa, viela, reg. 15c; our price XT4 -Chamomllla
Pellots or Dilutlona
1 -os. vials, reg. tSc: our prtc tJ4
J3elmlum Pellet or Dilution
l-o. vials, reg. lie; our price
Nux Vomica Pellet or Dilution s-7
l-o. vial, reg. I5c: our prlo 1T4
Rhu Tex Pellets or Dilutions
1-os. vlals, reg, 25c; our price IT
.. i Tabtotg o Bowd. . -
Ferrum Phoe., regular Doer
Our price ...74
Magnesia PhoC. reg. E0e; ' ' . .
Our prlc .......274 '
Xall Mur., regular -0c; .;
Our price .......... tJ, .....ST)
Slltcla, regular SOc;;. ..... .
Our prlo ,...,.....;v--2T
llomeopathlo La Grippe Cure, .KO
Homeopathic Teething Powder 50 '
Homeopathic Worm Powders. ,.60
T- ?r :
- - sTpxilai . Brloe Tor Thl Wk
' Pure Win es and Liquors
Bo atdilnl r raUy Tf
' -Walker' Canadian Club. qts. 91.05
" pld Cablnt Blond, at.. 65
r Gallon -... ...... ..v.. . ..99.50 '
Muskingum Valley, jU.... .1 11.25
Gallon 1 14.50
California, Brandy, qta, ,..., ll.OO -
Gallon . . . ...... . ....... .93.50
: California Port or Sherry. Qta.254
. . Gallon ... ,.......,.,,..91.00
aJiromia.v,iart. qts.. ...... ,,27?
IHMt t . i miiiiiiiiiiiiiIM-.
Book BUv: ?
Boston Painless Dentists
' , 891V ' KOBBXSOB ' sTTBBBT. '
Known ' th world
Over, are the only
dentists in Portland
t havlna- thla . world-
-.renowned p a 1 n 1 as
system for doing
dental work. Our
tin to date Svstera
a w- saves ua 11 me ana
T.hAV''. f'younoney. -Tlil-r
r 1
he secret - why ' w
v the best work.
for the lowest price. .
in a.M4- r M VA aaf .
SILVER FILLINGS ............. SO
18 AND 810 GOLD CROWNS... . ..S5.00
FULL BET TEJiTH ...... ,r SSXO ,
We have a snarlallat InThars'e of each
1 1 'M .
department- Beat artificial teeth- I
makers, best crown and' bridge work-: .
men and gold fillers in th world. v,f
OBOWsr abto bbzbob boss a a .
We ' are first in point of- perfection
and durability of work InvAba dental
business or Portland. " . " -
JuYe Olde Tried and Reticle:
Opp. XU ft rran and Old Boetofdo.
Hour 1:10 a. m. to I p. m. Sunday,'
1:80 a. m. to 11:1 p. m.
' B gar yon are tn tke right plao. ."
eter registered II degrees below at 1
'clock tbl morning. , Train aervlc
throughout th stat I demoralised."'
Jewaal Hperisl service.)
Da Molnea, la., Feb. IS. Th weath
er register how-4 degree below ro
her tbl morning.' -
. IJeuraal Mcieelal arrlee.) ' .
Janesvllle.- Wla, - Feb. II. Th
mercury Is 84 degree below her thia
morn Itig, : end th coldest weather In
Wisconsin this winter prevail.
(Joaraal g pedal Service.) -
' Columbus. Ohio, Feb, . Sylvester
Bcovel died in a hospital here yesterday
th result of an operation for abscess
of th liver, lie was about 81 year of
age. ncovei waa corresponaent ror a
New-Tork' newspaper during the Span-
lsh-ABirlpn,wr. At ' th raising of
th flag over Santiago he ttrurk Oen
eral .ghafter In the. facte.