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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1905)
. . . : ; -. . ' ' - . . 1 gop evening, y$ . - The Circulation of The Sunday Journal : 11 ..Yesterday Was 15, '-' '-The Weather. - -r Tonight and Tuesday, fair; mini mum temperaturo tonight, (bout 2t .1 .degrees; easterly winds. r ' ' -- 1 .. ... - . . - "'""I - s I 1 sf VOL. III. NO. 235. PORTLAND, OREGON, MONDAY ' EVENING., FEBRUARY 13, 1905 FOURTEEN- PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. G Conspiracy Would Have Netted Blue Hoimta tion s, and Scrip on -Worthless Acreage Means ; by Which to Secure Great Wealth Senator . John H. Mitchell,- Congreaa- man Binger Hermann,, Congressman John - Newton wnuiamson State -'; Senator "Franklin plercs Mays, 'WV, Jones and -' Oeorge, Sorenson were this afternoon ln .'jdioted br Ui federal grand Jury for con spiring to defraud the government and state In connection with the creation of the Blue mountain and Strawberry rajK? -"forest reserve. - Che true bills will be returned to the ' court this afternoon. ::i.Thls charge has been investigated at r Intervals during ther long-term of . tUe ' present grand . Jury, many .'witnesses " having been introduced to tell of tUo modus , operandi and " t,h' prospective -profits of thoe Charged -with the. -eon- piracy. But the most Important testr . . - rr mony -eWew wis that I " Ormsby. the purveyor. The arovernment found evidence sstlaH tying the proseciitlng off leers that the accuneu naa put in escrow the deed to two suctions at land, which was to take effect after the reserve had been creat ed amt th plaa outlined were- fulf Ht?drk urmsoy aw- tne surveying, sciectea and mapped the land to be taken, and , is said ta.. have ben general outside . men. , The' government investigators es tlmate tfcat there was about 180.000 acre of bcliTk)! land available, within . the bounds of the withdrawal. -- By getting the "tip" from washing ' ton as to the time when this withdrawal rwaa to be-made, the men' Inside were . enabled to make application for' pur chaa of this land, paying only SB cents down. : This selection would give them the right to. perfect title by paying to . the state' 11.23 anacre-and when thin ', title had been secured, -the owners had ' the right to ak the . government for i scrip, pursuant to- th custom that had ' prevailed In an other reserve wlth 5 draws Is. V . :, .- ,; y,; - where the Troflts tay. "' j.' " -i Scrip was selling then' at front IS . i to $5.60 an acre, giving a profit to the men engaged in this entrprue of from $3.75 to- $4.25 an aero. With the special knowledge of land possoHMed by . the men charred with this conspiracy, by means of whjch they might be able to get timber land worth rrom sza to iu an aero mrouEu iaa mvuium i ine aggregate prnnia in sucn a ii'iiriiio rwould run from $l,000,00Oto $4,000,009, or even more. '- -' ttatalla of the conspiracy are charged In the Indictment, Informing the ao- cused of the time and place when they ', did the deeds alleged to constitute an . offense. This Is corroborated by the evi dence received by the trovernment, ami which has been arranged for theN hear ing that la to be given the accused at the April term of the United States district court. - . Two new names have been added to the indictment charging John H.- Hall and other local, men with a coBsplraeitXaia..n trvta nrut viiw.nraiM.nt at nHt to obstruct Justice. They are John Gr- duno. . deuutv - sheriff " under Sheriff Thomas Word, and John Northrup of The Dalles, the hotel man, "who was-e the Borenson trial Jury recently. The names- against which presentment was made are John IL Hall. Jtarry L. Reese, A. J. Cayler,. Henry Vf. Ford. John Cor da no. J. II. M4tohnll:and John Northrup. -- Indlctmenta were 'returned In all of these cases at o'clock this afternoon, .when the grand Jury filed Into the court room and announced their flnul action at the close of a. most 4ventful session. . The Indictment furnishes little addi tional Information to that -already pos sessed by the government and of which witnesses have spoken. Details of tne conspiracy are set forth, by wliIcTiTVls shown that Maria Ware was being nsod as the trap for the district attorney. The dates when she was visited by men sup- -posedMo be lathe conspiracy are given, and ihe name of others approached In . like manner. -" - -. - The Including of tha name of John Northrup '-throws an Interesting light upon the trial of - Oeorge Borenson, which occurred the latter part of Janu ary, and in whloh Northrup was one of the two men who fought the other It to non-agreement and dismissal. At the .time of this trial. it waa alleged that Northrup had no intimate association with Borenson or others suspected by . the government In. the land fraud esses. - Since then th government hss been In- ' vestlgatlng blrn, and the officers allege Uint they .have found evulrnre showing -tbat-Norttirup. knew all., and tha fact tfiat he has been Indicted with some -ef- Sorenson's friends lnrllrates Ihat ha : will later be accused by the government with being- a party to a big scheme. Hall's tiMlctment did not oaua much nf a sensation. The forecast. of this In dictment when District Attorney Man ning wascalld to the stand Ihe other day left the public ready to bear of a Them Many , r 1 7 sweeping charge. In which the ex-federal district attorney should be included.. : Tha grand Jury . will ; adjourn this afternoon .to. reconvene about ApU 1. .z lecislaturV blushes. . Its Masts to Tot Oonsdsmoa $s; Kttefeeil Wotr asgTsHed. (rrop-1 Journal "Kfaf f Correspondent. 8a J em, :, Feb. . , 13. The -. Republican members, of .the .legislature are In a serious quandary over': Saturday 'a de velopments fa the government's proceed Ings against Senator , . Mitchell. .' The situation U matte sxtreraely ambarraa Ing bccBQse -of the-resolutions adopted Ibr hoth houana lMt-weelc- declaitng i V..1I-. ..... ,l...ll . , per's cOttfesslon is - now - - regarded - as '-"IContlnued on Page Eight) BATTblNG Hyde, Whose 51 ,o66 of Stock iPlEQUlrfABi-El of Money Arrayed, Against President Alexander, and Most of the Other Officers of the Organization. ; y- . . ..... - (Jnarsal Special Service. $.--.'-., , New - York, Feb. II. Rumors of In-' ternatlonal disputes Involving prominent Interests in the Equitable Life Assur ance society have crystallised In a state ment to. the effect that an effort is be ing made to change the policy of .the control of the society. The Equitable Assurance ' society, though ostensibly a mutual organization, really Is a atock company, of which the estate of the Int. f fntirv R Tf V1 1 1 . fnimA. .nn. t irilln at m. r.nt The capital stork Is $10000. - Accord ing to Its report for the year ending December $1. 1904. the total assets of the equitable were $41$,ftBl,020.7t, and the total liabilities $33I.16.751.52. That these, millions of axseta, among the largeet of any corporation In the world, should be controlled by $51,000 of stork, is believed by the banking in terests of Walt street and by the trus tees of the association to place an enor mous burden on a very small capital. In the differences .that have arisen the corporation is practically divided among Itself. One t Action Is hmttAmA hv .Umn, Nmh another faction, at the head of which James A. Alexander, the presl -dent. Is backed by most of the ether officers of the society and practically all of the superintendents and agents. An interesting feature of tha fact that tl per cent of the stock Is held by lldye, his mother and sister. Which controls the vast Interests of the? Kqultable. they are held In trust and "that President ' Tt 1 conceded Iri official quarters, since The Journal's publication of facta and supreme court' decisions -bearing on th drawbrldg abuse, that no 'known federal inhibition exists to prevent th closing of tha drawbridges an hour morning and evening to accommodate the publto. ' , A week of 1 days will be taken by the county commissioners In which to make their position-on th matter cer tain. ' Action will then be taken. . The drawbrldgea will b closed at the busy hours. - The times of closing "will prob ably be MS to 1:14 a. m. and t:30 to :10 p.m. The court order, when issued, will apply to ail four bridges alike.' ' Another. X'nited States supreme court decision bas been found, applying directly to the- Portland drawbridge acroaa th Willamette river, and sweep ing th last prop from under the present one-sided system Of bridge operation. It established the Jurisdiction over these bridges to b within the county court of Multnomah county, and specifically denies thst the federal government ex ercises pollc power over th Willamette river. , The opinion ht written by Justice 'Bradley. It wss rendered ou an appeal BRIDGES WILL thai Ai,: ;. ,-... j.-r sss . ,-r,zz ,u -.,-7-- , v 1 "'ZiJh ;Crwri;in jjCor trve' BaoHisUfe; :. J. - OVER Controls Company's Half Billion Alexander Is ne of - the trusteea of the estate of tha late Henry B. Hyde. New York is still ringing with de scriptions of the lavish magnificence of a ball given by 'James H. Hyde for his niece. Miss Anna Ripley. The- guests wore the costumes of the time of Louis XV and the function surpassed in mag nlflcence the most brilliant fetes pt the voluptlous "welt beloved" monarch. More than a billion dollars was represented- In tha fortune f -th -msta and hundreds. of. thousands of dollars worthr of gema were worn by- the women " present. It far eclipsed In SDlendor : tha . famous "Bradley-Martin ball. - Tha ball room at Sherry's was especially arranged aa an exact reproduction of Loula - XV s fa mous grand salon of Versalllea. - At the end of th room waa a temoo lary stage on which Madam Rejane and her company of French players enter tained Mr: Hyde'a guests immediately preceding supper. She appeared In a play never before seen in this country, and th scenery ' for which had been brought from Parla especially for this VVV..IWI. - . rmTCK comajtt taixs. v " ' - - . -r-.- ' Journl Special Servlra.) Parts.-Feb. U.Th announcement of the failure of th Ooutovoso Weaving company of Loire waa mad this morn ing. - Th liabilities are nearly 4.000.000 franc Th failure -has caused wide spread Injury to small Investors.' LIFE BE CLOSED FOR CONVENIENCE arising out of a suit for' injunction to restrain the building of the original Morrison Street bridge. ; In, IS" I the Oregon" legislature passed an act au thorising construction of a bridge across th Wniamett at Morrison street, the drawspan to be 10S feet The Willam ette Iron Bridge company ,ln 1SS0 began th construction of th bridge, and had erected several piers, when Hatch at Liownsdale, who Were Intereated In boats snd docks on the river front, applied to Judge Deady, of the federal court for the district of Oregon, for an Injunction to prevent construction of the bridge, on the ground that It would be an obstruc tion to navigation, that the piers would arrest floating lc and timbers and that the drawspan proposed waa of Insuffi cient slse. Th caseT waa fought through th fed eral court and a permanent Injunction was finally., granted, by Judge Deady.. who ordered that the piers be removed. The bridge company appented -to-- the irnlted Statea court, but did not bring the case to trial, and the matter rested several years.. When. In 13 the-city f- Chicago carried a similar ran to the I'nlted States supreme court and was upheld by a ' unanimous decision, , 1 f " J,- pi j - - ' , t ' . y ; ' J ; . ,y ; -James H. Hyde. .; ASK NEW TRIAL FOR: . MRS. EDWARDS' LOVER ' . (Jonroat Special Serrics ) . . Philadelphia, Feb. 1J. The attorneys representing Mrs. Kate Edwards, who murdered her-t husband, today tiled -with the supreme court a petition asking for a new trial for Samuel Oreason, th wo man's negro lover, and ailesed accom plice. : '. .. '. '. ( : j ,J the Portland Iron Bridge company took rreah courage, and renewed Us effort for 'construction of Morrison ""street bridge. It had in the Interval filed a bill of review In the court of Judgs Deady. and its bill had been dismissed. It- now -Went to. the supreme eourt of the United Statea wlthan appeal on tta bllf-of review, and there won a victory so far-reaching in Its results that todsy this decision Is said to sweep away every argrrment that has been -advanced by those opposed to closing tho draws at certain hours."1 . : -Justin Bradley held substantially that while the power of congress to- pass a law regulating,, navigation- In any par ticular Instance In Oregon waters waa unquestioned, congress never had passed surh a law, and until It did there was no common law f th United Statea which prohibits physical' obstructions In th Willamette river, and that the legis lature of Oregon had- the Mine power to erect bridges, dams. etc. . that the orig inal atatoa had. lie said tne Ssaiimpr lion or argument that Jh rnlted State government assumed pollre power aver the river by reason of expenditure of government appropriations for river or harbor improvements, waa not well lake. , ... , V. SGHOOLtBOARD FALLEN ASLEEP With High School So Crowded That Pupils Must Find Quarters in Other Buijdings,'and With Authority to Erect New V T-y Structure, Boardof Education Has No Specifications. a, ,,... ... ,., . . , i , ,,, , , , . IAUhougt Portland will be In great neee-or additional high aonool facilities next fall the members of the city board of. education appear to ba indifferent to th situation. They bay taken no steps to build the, proposed new high school on -the. east side, although authorised by the taxpayers at their annual meet ing' to float $100,000 bonds to meet the cost. - T-' . -.. ' ' ..- -, ' - Tbera are now 1,050 students In the high school, and it Is Impossible to ac commodate them in the building. - Two classes have been - transferred to the Ladd school, where they will remain this term. The . only rooms available on the west side are these two rooms, two In th Atkinson- and one In the Davis school, and next fall , it -Is ex pected that-these will b occupied by classes In elementary work, which will leave no place where tha overflow from th high school may be .accommodated. Indifferent to the, situation, the mem bers 1 of . the board have not seen the necessity of hastening the building of the new high school. They, have not even come to adeclslon regarding-He location. It was the oonaensus of opin ion of th taxpayer at -tha annual meet ing that -the east side- high school should be located on theblock adjoin ing the Hawthorne school. Members .of th school board, especially II. Witten berg, are opposed to having it placed there, aa he desires tha vacant-block left as a playground for tha pupils In th Hawthorne school. He hss ex pressed himself aa determined not to He declared that congress eould,-Tf TFsaw fit,: assume Such power by itatu tory enactment, but that it had not don so, and . that . the power of th state of Oregon was. plenary. ' While tt was true that acts had been passed by con gress . authorising construction of bridges scross the Willamette river. In eluding on at Salem,, one by the county nf Multnomah, and on, by th. Oregon Railroad Navigation company', these act wereHpeclal In their character, and did, not Involve assumption by congress Of gaaeral police power over the river. Francis J. Heney, United Statea dis trict attorney, will depart tomorrow for Washington, armed with an offirlal -letter from County Judge Webster and with data furnished by The Journal showing volume fit brldg traffic, snd will con sult the attorney-general with a view to advising the county commissioners an to th best method of procedure In closing the -drawbridge mtimtng and evening for the accommodation of the general public, aa Is done- In Chicago, Cleveland. Philadelphia and other cities. . One of the Bun-aide brldrtendera said today to County Jndge Webster: . "A pilot who formerly served In Michi gan and Illinois was St the Bumslde street bridge yesterday, and said that lu TEN DIE Chicago Feels Nip of 22 Below Other Towns. C Much" Colder. " : ATLANTia COAST MEXT"" WILL.FEEL THE FROST Portland Meantime- Is -Getting Ready to Shed Overcoats v; and Is EnjoylTig a Day '..r. of Sunshine. i .' (Jonrnal Special Service.) '" Chicago, Feb. 1$.-The mercury at 22 degrees- below aero: on the street level this morning has brought death and sur ferlng to many persona In Chicago. . Ten persons were frosen or injured as a re sult of the cold waver- John Oondon, a street laborer, and Andrew McCarthy, a Janitor, will die. A acore or nres this morning caused losses summing up-ttfcj- 000. each adding to the suffering. This la the lowest temperature experienced.; her for six years. Duluth reports Z below. St. Paul It. Kansas City 20, and St. uouis II below. The Atlantic coast, which Ja now en- Joying spring like weather, according te tha walhz..buraau.- by tonights wlU Jm In the grip-of aero weather which U rapidly spreading iostward.'iT T The . -fire department was called out '(Continued on Page Two.) allow the new 1rgh"jnotjlWns;to oe piatjea mere. n ,. .. Plans and specifications have not been prepared by the supervising architect; and It may be some time before they,are ready. Th school board has hot In structed htm to hasten with this work. am- has given him other plans and specifications to draw, In criticising the action of the board a man Interested in school affairs said today:' . -f-. , , , "I. realise that it takes time to . get siich a proposition started, but the board could a-et evcrythlnx In readiness and when the- bonds are Issued sll that would be necessary would be to 4et the contracts.-: ,T...- . -'. ' : There are now nbout 1.0B0 students In the high school, and next fall there will be ISO or 200 more-enmlled.. ami we will have no place to -accomraddate them. If the board would hasten this matter, the new high school could be mad ready for occupancy by Septem-ber."- SZKBAJUHOr BAMAa frtJIT. (Special Dlptrs te The Journal.) - -La Grande. Feb. 11. The circuit rnnri in session at La Grande has before It today a -ease wherein Mynard brings alt against the Oregon Railway & Navigation company for several 1 thou sand dollars for Injuries. Ills claim which Issued a- mandate for a retryLJ OF PUBLIC hi -opinion th problem of the bridge that when he was working as a pilot In Michigan, a rule- was Inrorced-that Im posed, a flneof $30 on any boat that whistled for "a draw whan it wnn more than a aperlfled distance away from the bridge. This pilot said that, wer such a rule adopted here. It would be the moat agreeable settlement of, Ihe vexatious question, In th event It wer Irapoewl bl to secure authority for cloning the draws during the busy hours morning and evening. "Often we hear -the 'signal 'for th Purnstde brldg to open for a boat that has Just left th Madlsnn bridge, snd that has yet to pass the MoYrtson street draw.- We understand that th law r quires us to swing the draw at the In stant we hear the signal for our bridge, no matter .how far away th boat may b. Th Inmher-droughera are th. most troublesome; however, for they- whistle for the draw sometimes when they ar se far away that they require IS or 20 minutes, or evrn half an hour, to ranch our hrtdgu. : - - "The brldg men would be glad to ht. relieved from an Interpretation of law that mnken us the instruments whereby th public la Inconvenienced." - wmm 1 . t iwsgaagawassiwa. i I I '.. GRAND JURY MAD RIOT iiliEii Peasants Kill Many Jews and Wound 300 More or j less! POLICE STAND-QUIET. : AND WATCH BUTCHERY, Girl, Horribly Put to Death By the v Maddened -. Rioters- ; Strikers QuieterThrough-u t; out RussiaMany .Work, " 1 juvrnai epenai Berrice. . f Berlin. Feb. 1. News has reached here that an antl-Bemtt riot occurred ' a't ,Iomel,'-Russla.'.'Mor'" than 1.000 "" drunken peasants ' attacked . 200 Jews flogging and maltreating them.. ' They mutilated and horribly murdered a Jew-'" Ish girl of 17.- " .-';-.'-. v'V" . . "Ttia. gaiill assniti 1 Aft Tsasi assl Ait ail ssln . X ttrS mwB WUUIlrJItMl JXVW mvww jriouffty" and 200- slightly besides killing several. The synagogue wss demolished.,.. The pollc were passive witnesses to ha Vint . . '.'... '- NAVAL BATTUE NEAR-1 Japaaase Jflset Theevglit to Xav Con 4 la TH With Husslsji o.aadroB. : ," "" (Jnaraal Special ftrrrlea. Toklo, Feb. ,13.-Important newe has)' been received today . by the admiralty v office.. Juat what the nature of it Is has net baan mada puMlej and -there hay been " considerable speculation concerning Its', nature. It is not believed there hss been -any collision between the Japanese and Russian fleets In th Indian ocean, but it im vviieva mat ins inuunrav kiubuivii of observation has eorae In touch with . the Russians and that an attack on 'Ad-' ' ... mlra) Rojeatvenaky la likely to be model - aS'.souu aa tne DSiuesoip sqnaaron under Admiral Kamlraura Joins the ad- ll'l .K . 1 ft.... auMa4 m ' tha-westward or the Russians to the east la a matter of conjecture. The general staff baa again taken tip, ' thf questlonof Investtgatlnr Vladlvos: tok. The situation in Mukden la re garded as entirely satisfactory andi Field Marshal Oyama la -ald now ta -have all the men he requires to carry out bis plan of campaign. - ' : r"" There ar 250.000 troops In Japan, eonslstlng largely of reserves who have I served their terms on tho active list, who can be debarked aa rapidly, as trans- . ports can be found for thrm. ' .Th un derstanding now Is that these men will be landed on the northern coast of Ko-'" rea. and sent toward the. east in aa f fort to cut ., th Russian lines between . -Vladivostok and Harbin and to take a' position where they can b used lth against the Russian fortress or to at I tack General Kuropatkln'a line -of. com- munlcation between Mukden and Harbin. 'i ney will oe landed at uensan and Poaxt alet ,Bay and Nlngula will be-tb first objective,. .'". .-..'.' STRIKERS QUIET. Za Many Towns atea Bator to "Wot-, ' ' (Journal gpedal Service.) ' I St. Petersburg. Feb. lS.The strtkal situation continue to. bo quiet. Th' putiiori works will resume , work to-i morrow. v - s , . , At Ixtdx. Poland.- all Is quiet, som of the workmen having returned to work this morning.!.'."""",': .. .i . v At (Warsaw 144 persons -harr -been burled who lost thefr lives In the recent ' flchttna. Mors thanXOO wnnnrUwl sfTirin the hoapHala At Batoom the-strike ended, with the exception of . some dock laborers All workmen who struck two .weeks ago re turned to work this" morning. It is officially announced - that Oen ernl Grtppenberg win return from the' front and be succeeded in commend of iccond Mimchurlan srmy by Uen. oral Oilderlng. - - , . ... . ' tJoormal Special Servles.t -Constantinople, Feb. U. The-'aulten, fearing an anti-Russian demonstration, has asked that the steamer Australian. ' conveying General Slorasel and hi staff bark to Russia from Port Arthur, pro ceed through the Boephorus without" stopping. - JArAjtxn ixnusnira, . (Jmiraal Special Servlte.) Teklo. Feb. It. A dispatch from the, front States that a force of Japanee surrounded a Russian cavalry detach ment yenterday, 1n Dirt Ing casualties of I dead ami II wounded,. vabbos za tzirra. - IXoarnal Spe.1.1 Sarrtr V Toklo. Feb. 15 Bound f"f T Vostok with a Yig i-arse f 1 and slilpliiilldtng i il'i. I. tti ' steamer lrr'S nil (. , 1 vif I rrklay. f-r.