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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1905)
..V-. '' f- V . THE? OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND,' " SATURDAY EVENING," FEERUARY 11. ltZZ. FAO RULE CLOSES - CHICfiE OF NATIONS Management Forbid Unauthor y Ized Persona Visiting Goy- emment Building. ; LABOR COMPLAINS OF , U-THEiJEWJlEGyAATJONS ' Must Now Secure . Employment Through the Agencies, and ' ;J Pay Customary Fee. .;; "The Lewis and Clark exposition' effl dels have established a. rule which pro T il bits ail persons except employes from V passing over the Bridge of Nations to . the aovernroent building unless their er rand la business, the nature of which . mast be explained to a proper official, in '. whose discretion Ilea the power to Issues soeckil Deis. 'Slaht-seers nay no longer ,, visit the peninsula, nor may, worklnrmen go there to the office of Contractor J. is. '""Bennett seeking employment ; T. Tka new rule, has gone Into: effect . since, the strike and , threats of strike .' during the past threw weeks, and was deemed necessary by the "admissions de Vartrnent as. a . protection of -the con " tractor against labor agitators, a number of whom were fn the habit of working among 'the - men ana urging protests - 'against their lot." -- -rrrj. . But the rule has an effect upon work , -men; which la causing much dlsaatlafac , tlon. There are but two ways now of obtaining employment on the govern ment peninsula through the down-town employment agencies, .In - whose hands the contractor has placed his orders, and j the other la by meeting the contractor, J. K. Bennett, on the. street. The hard- ship to the workman is the demand of - . the agency of a XX fee for getting him employment. .. Jt Is said by some workmen that with in the past two weeks over 200 men have . been, discharged." This is not Admitted " by " the contractor, r who --asserts that whatever mid-week time checks he 'may have Issued were to Incompetent men. Toe men still complain that from their wages $1 a month Is kept out for a hoe . pltal fund, and declare that It provides - for only the aenrices of a doctor, whereas - under similar arrangement elsewhere medicines and hospital attention are also furnished. , ; , 3 LAST HONORS PAID ' " " TOTHEODORE-WYGANT y":,'" ; ' ' , ; T The funeraj. of Theodore SVygaDt. who died: Thursday at 8r. Vincent's hospital, ' , waa held this afternoon, at I o'clock at the First Unitarian church'. JUv. T. I Klot conducting' the f . sefvtces, '" : The body was taken- to the Crematorium, -where the Masonic grand-lodge officers read, the ritualistic service for the dead. The funeral waa attended by a large number of the older residents of Port ; land, who with Mr. Wygant had-labored . In the earlier days la the development of this city and. state.. Many Masons - of high degree were in attendance.. , . -"Tlie honorary palltxHirers were Col. Johrr McCrmckeni George U Btory. B. G. ' WMtehouse. C, A. Dolph. Oeorge M. - Williams. Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie, P. & - Jrtatoolm and I. W. Pratt, . The active paJJbeaiwra were Charles E. Xadd. . Frank Watson, fT, Bcott Brooke. Oeorg Taylor. J. C Alnsworth, John Lewie. Dr. George T.' Wilson and . Vi. P. Wheelwright. ' , Jj:iSSlQ!LJQARD&,Tp; MEET AT WHITE TEMPLE v The mission boards of the different denominations have chosen Thursday as a da of prayer, for the evangelisation -of the world. All the societies of .the various churches are invited to meet at the White Temple" from i to I o'clock. Women from different denominations will lead each hour. , The; Methodists the first hour, Congregatlonallsts the second noun Presbyterians - third hour, with opportunity for others given each hour. -The pastors of all-the churches are re queued to announce the meeting In their pulpits and invite all women to be pres ent and participate. ', Pastors of the nurries- are requested- to hold a mte-1 aionsry service .Thursday evening : in place- of the usual prayer meeting. . Life, Accident: Liability aiuLtiealth lDsutancc 55th AN N UAL STATEM ENT ,1, i ) - ..J . Insurance Company -. "ARTFORD:CtaM7 y r:; . MOmOaJT O. StruaxnVreaiaea. IH1E tlADIHO IVBTTKAIICZ C0XajrT ' yr-W EVOLAaD, AkO THI LARGEST I ""KX VOkLD WUTim LOT, ACCIOEVT. ' - ' UASTUTT, AJTO BALTK IIIVUIICI. ImmU, Jaa. J, 19M.. 973,696,178.81 Franliua teeaists ia . t 12,868,922.77 Xateraet aad etaer re- . eipts ia ItM v..., 3,062,633.99 ."ITetal teealsta-ia ISM.. - 15,931,B56.T6 . YaraMats te Nley , - heleera la IBM-.... ' 6,971,793.55 Legal liiaw ea ftU- , M . -Im. aa4 aU elaim.- 64,845,752.16 Special mMrre la aaal- -, tiaa to ntni abeve ' .,?'"" ' ; 2,294,788.00 - life laearanea" iaaaad, , ' . . rerivwl aad fald f m , ; , - ' 's o ............. 28,856,967.00 -. life auaraM la fere . Jan.-1, ism ..- 237,304,739.00. AecUaat laeataaee ia . ... (ma Jaa. 1. lM 217,236,164.66 1 OunitM rWla -. miss of Be. " ' - ejairaenenta yf " ' J compaajra Uaa-7; ; ; ' '-' V ; 1 6,555,640.65 Onaraatee raad la . - -. eaeiss f te- r fl BlVa ' " -" ' " -aaata , 8,850,426.65 faid Nicy-Holders Since Organization V f 145,918,246.86 !v - ' Crcil Cains In Business During 1904 to AaseU ........ S S,aMjl.ll - la - gnareatae - rul ew Beqnireeaeata area ia Vcemiaam Ia swaaw'I l,lM,Ma.M wgevftf as 000 . . . . Xaereaee ta Total Zaoeaae. ,. Xaoreaas ia Uf Xaaaraaoa Isswed aad raid for. Xaereaee ta XUX Zsamraaee ia Verea tasreaas to Aaeiaewt Zasar- aaee ia roree...,. , ..... S.S1S.HCM McCarar. & Bates Caaaral Afwata, . rerUaaa, Or, hi. CONFERENCES ON" - CIVIC GOVERNMENT Local Fair Committee Prepare! . Provisional Program for - Great Meeting.. " ' . A provisional program for the Lewis and Clark fair conference en civics has been adopted by the local committee, ana the dates for the conference, ha, ve been nxea, aiao provisionally, tor August it to fl.. The program ia In- two dtv4e4ena the flrat.- gene raj piiblia eohferea occupying three days; the second, forma tion and work of a projected league of northwestern cities. Every city or con siderable town In the Lewis and Clark territory will be invited to send dele gates to thia convention for the purpose of organising a league of cities or an association of municipal officers, such aa have been found useful in promoting goocTclty government in other parts of the country. - The form and details of the Organisa tion will be left to the members, the local committee's wort ending when the conference begins. . Dr. Edgar P. Hill iroe euat armed with letters to the of ficers of the National Municipal league. to members of the City club of New York Cttyr-and to others prominent In civic reform, and it is thought lie will secure the attendance -of a goodly- number of eminent, men at the Portlaud conference, f eatures or tne worx aneaa 01 me league are: Municipal home rule; mu nicipal control of corporatlpna: munici pal ownership; municipal taxation; mu nicipal accounting,, administrative Jaw and'Cthe technical subjects; how to fight 'corruption In cities; social better ment work along the lines of suppres sion of .vice and restricting ' the liquor traffic; municipal Improvements, prac tical and ethical, including streets, sew ers, water and light supply, garbage dis posal, publio plants and buildlrurs.xparka, outdoor art and civic ornamentation. - ALL PAVEMENTS TO '- HAVE EQUAL CHANCE City Council Has Been Asked to Name One Sort of Bitumen In Specifications. - A resolution will be Introduced at the next meeting of the city council which. if passed, will put an end to the monop oly In certain aorta of bituminous street pavements. The street commlttee'seejns inclined to javora resolution to prevent the Insertion of-he name of any pat ented . article in the specifications for street improvement: . Such a step, they argue, would bring about competitive bidding,' which would tend to lessen the price of the pavement. - The dlKcuaslon started yeaterdly- at the meeting of the street committee over the ' proposed improvement of tHolladay avenue with Warrens bitullthlo pave ment of which the Warren Construction company is the sole agent in this part of the country. . Many streets have been improved with this pavement in. Port land the past year.. The name of .the pavement haa been specifically stated In tbe specifications, which has. been a bar to all other contractors., as it haa.- been 1t"""'Mt f" hfn to llvr"'v h' ma- terlaV ..-' :"" ' Many cltliens who handle bituminous st neat pavements, which they say are equally durable and less expensive thaa the Warren bltolllhlc pavement, have repeatedly , urged that the city council should cease discriminating in favor of any .pavement when advertising for the Improvement of streets. - 7 ' . ENJOYABLE MEETING - Portland lodge No. 141, B.-P.' O, R.. gave a social last night - which was largely attended." It was probably the moat Important social event in the his tory of the -order in this city. During the' evening, by a system of drawing numbers, It . women ' lecured charger of the booths for the Elks' county fair, to be given in the Armory in April. A de lightful . musical program waa . rendered by Mrs. Max M. Shlllock, Mrs. Schwab. Miss Ba?ker, Dom Zan and Louis Bruce. The addreaa of welcome- was given by John E. Lathrop, and -the plann-f the Elka --in- building then new -clubhouse were explained by D. Soils jCohen. This program waa renaerea in unigrus -or Pythias' halt whence the guests., went to the Elks' hall, which is 'on the earn floor of the Marauam building, and en joyed a luncfieon. .. . t v Those who drew nnrobers entltllhc them to manage "booths afe;l-Mra R. M.: Thompson, picture machines; Mrs. C. N. Rankin. ' -Holland: ' Miss Olive Brown. Lewis andjClarki Mrs. J. If. Harrington, Elks; Mrs. C K. Bit ton. flowers; Miss Fleckenateln. amokers; Mrs.'L." Q. Sweb- land, flah pond;. MrsJohn. I Jmoot-toWt iini.,in. xj. r. omun, men s rumisn- ings; Mrs. O. A. Winf elder., fancy work; Mrs. Morris Bteelman,- fortune teller: Mrs. John F. Cordray, dolls; Mrs. Nep pach. Japanese;. Mrs. Henry Otffln, candy A Miss Lou Wagner; handker- ehlefs;t Miss Copland,, poatof flee; "Mrs. TK.BJ MurpbyretreihmentsiJXrsCi H. Edmunda Ireland? 1rm. a Rh.nlM lemonade; Mrs." OwenlSweeney. military; Jrs.- Hickman, lottery. .,! NEW ENGLANDERSTO FORM A SOCIAL CLUB For some time there haa been a' de- alre upon the part of a few New Eng enders living in Portland to form a so ciety or club to be known as tha New England club, for sociability among Its members.- and for the entertainment of New England friends who may visit roftiand during the fair. A movement p in mis airoctlon has been made, and 11 is dewired -that-alt-former residents . jt New England Interested In the formation or the club meet at the Portland -fretel on Mondaf evening, February 28, at S:30 o'clock, to1, discuss the matters with a committee of the 'New Hampshire club. a targe attendance Is desired, and those Inutreated who cannot attend will- con fer a favor "by sending their addressee to the scretaryof the New Hampshire oluh, Mrs. M. M. Whltehouse, Sit Alder street, or by phoning Main 8M.. REPUBLICAN CLUBS V REMEMBER LINCOLN . The Republican nd Toting Men's Re publican eluhe the city will -enjoy a Lincoln banquet in the Commercial club rooms at 7:10 o'clock this evening. Pros- 1 t .1 - . - . . .,. Club Will nra.M. ln.ili.ul., Tha t program follows: "The President of the k-Unlted Statas" : (in -silence standlnr): Abraham'Llncoln as a fltateaman." Wal lace McCamant; "Abraham Lincoln as a Man." Dr. Stephen S,. Wise; "Abraham Lincoln as a Lawyer." Judge L R. Web ster; "The Htale of Oregon." Governor Oeorge E. Chamberlain; "The "Oregon Judiciary." chief Justice C E. Wolver ten; -The "Future of the Republic." Judge M. C. Oeora-a: "The Youn. Man In Polltica" HarrisoB' Alien. .- : '- tf .-. - i.v:.i7 TRUE BILL ACAIfiSr FALSE OFFICIALS Congressman, District Attorney State Senator, Surveyor Gen eral and Others Indicted. " ; OF COURSE HERMANN IS ' MQN0JSSENTJ Land , Thieves, Publio - and Pri v ate, Named in Latest Pre-, sentment by Grand Jury. . Two more lndlctmenta were returned yeateruay -afternoon against promlnen men of Oregon by tbe federal grand Jury. several- names are" enumerated on each. The two offenses act forth axe enclosure vi puunu s i in uj mi :xuit ,nffa 4ano, Lumber eV Livestock company, and -the acts of publio offlclals in permitting the same;. ana much, more fraudulent sur veys under the regime of the much-in dicted' Henry Meldrum. t ' - ' ' On the flrat charge all of the offlclals of -tha -company,-President W."W. Stet wer. Manager C B. Zacbary. and Becre tary H. H. Hendricka, four employes of the company, Adelbert C Zachary,' L IX Stratford. C A. Watson, and Clyde E. uiass, . employes - or the company; ex dlatr let attorney John H. HalL ex-aaalst- ant district attorney Edwin Mays, ex- eommlssloner of tbe general land office. Blnger Hermann and Stat Senator F. p. Jdays, attorney for tbe company, have The oncers of the eomnany are not charged with conspiracy, ta defraud the government of publio land, as had been forecasted, aqd aa aeemed probable f som the statements of; some of tha witnesses who had taken up claims and. sold im mediately' to the. company. , Tha scheme outlined In The Journal some time ago, by which a string of claima was taken down John Day, up two tributaries and along a connecting line between tha trib utarlea, -enclosing publio domain for pas turage, is detailed in' tbe presentment' John H. Hall and Edwin Mays are im plicated, because of their official ooai- tiona at tha time -the-complaints were maoe. The first trouble arose in 18U9, when-settlers began sending communica tions to tha district attorney's office. It is stated that after two or three years tha settlers got the district attorney to bring a civil action, which resulted In a compromise, the officers of the company promising to take the fences down. Set tlers complained again, and tha district attorney la charged with again palliating in maar oy listening .to political' in fluence rather than proceedinc to do his duty. . ,'.-.. .... ... . ...... . Congresman Hermann is ' imnllcated through his Incumbency of-the office of commissioner of the general land office, as It Is charged that he failed to per form .his duty when the facta of fencing public domain were presented to him. Tttauient surveys, as charged In the econd4 indictment, are allee-ed to been made on tha same plan as the nu merous other offenses' charged to Mel drum. Others Implicated with i him in the latest-presentment are Oeorge K Waggoner.' former chief clerk of the surveyor-general a office, David W. Kln- nalrd, ex-examiner of aurversTBeniamln F. Mlntoo and Ou stave Klaetsch. sur veyors, and Oeorge Borenaon. Llvv Rtinn and Frank H. DuncaornoUrlesublioJ iina onenae is saia to nave-date in May, 102. The charge la like manV ott brought to the door of tha ex-surveyor- aencrat ana. nis assistanta, and consists In making false certificates of petition, and false entries ' reirardlnr -tha- work alter it-wee enmrrfet ...,,. THE SOUND OF A . VOICE THAT IS STILL George Uvesfey Listens for Ac- counts " of "' Burglar Who Troubled Him for Jewelry ' ,: . If a suspected man speaks' ta O. F Livesley -and - the latter recognises, hla1 voice, which must be'trf a necullstr anal. I ty. there will be trouble. for -hlm. - - Mr. Livesley Is the central figure of the episode at -282V4 Park street aome nights ago, in which a burglar assumed proprietorship of the Livesley -home -and drove the law-abiding tenant from hta fireside, in burglar, at the point 'or a revolver. The robber Twaa ranaacklng me premises wnen livesley went homo. as 'the latter fumbled With the door knob 'the nervy m&i thrust the gun through a window and In. a. somewhat protracted converaatlon convinced Lives-ley-that he did not live there."-Of course tha truth came out later, j The. burglar had been playing tenant in order to make his escape, i... --. Aa It waa dark Imflde, the only pos sible chance of establishing the crimi nal's Identity Is by his voice.' Livesley met a man on the street yesterday whom he -thinks -Is the burglar,-but -he isn't sura enough to cause his arrest. So he Is waiting patiently for the man to ad dress him or even for a chance of over hearing some of hla conversation. I ll know his voice,"-declares Lives- ley, "and If this man's Tiaa that peculiar ring, I'll get h Ira, sure." '. ' Pneumonla and Orlp Follows tha enow. laxative Bromo Quinine prevents pneumonia and trie. Call (or th full aaBM and look far tne signature or a. w. urova. zdc. BOARD OF TRADE WILL . SECURE NEW QUARTERS The Portland -board of traie has de cided to secure a meeting place for Its own .Use. now that the chamber of com merce has leased the room It had oc cupied. v f ,r rr - , A , resolution was -psssed yesterday stronxly Indorsing tire Colwelt bill rel ative to 'changes in the city, charter, and providing a :l-mlll tax for eoustruotlon of bride-ea across large gulchea In the city.- The standing committee on Irri gation waa directed to prepare resolu tions favoring tha reclamation of arid lands in Klamath county, and expressing the favorable sentiment of tha board to ward Irrigation- projects of the national government in Oregon. ' A, list of tradef In Portland la to be prepared "and, the executive committee will institute a campaign for new mem bers. It i is proposed' to build up the board this- year and make it one of the moat powerful factors -In the growth of the city and State. oo ASay Cronoklxl. trrhatian mnd mKmotlvmly iZovw Corzm itHi Corm TZrcxU 10 ' I. 1. . ' f , , . t THE WISE This Advice Will ; Bear Repeating in Portland. Don't chase , shadows. . i Doubtful proof is but a shadow. ITou caqreJxia teitlmony .hf penpls you anowi- . ., - You can investigate local evidence. A. 8. Cummlnas of ,144 Clackamas street, employed by the Inman-Poulsen Lumber Co.. at the foot of Eaat Sher man street, saya: "I had pains In the email of my back, for a good many ears, afoat or the time It waa a dull, eavy ache over tbe kidneys and often at the end of the day I felt fattsrued and used tin. Trouble with the kidney secretions existea also, fassages were too freauent and were accom Danled with pain. My condition was-' growing worse all the time, when I happened to read an linUIVUt Vi Wail AlUOTf riiw and at the -auaaeation -of my twlfe 1 went to the store of the Laua-Davla Daug Company, at Yamhill and Third streets, and got a box. I took the pills aa directed and felt their beneficial ef fects rlaht away. In a ahort time the backache dteappeared and the secretions resumea ineir normal appearance am condition. This ' Is the first winter have passed for a number of years with out wearing a piaster on. my paca, ana e-lve . Doan's Kidney Pills all the us. credit." '".- ; 1 - For .aale by all dealers. Prlca - Bo cent. - Foater-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. X sols agents for tbe United Btatea. Remember -the name DOAN S -end take no aunstltute. EIGHT MEN HELD UP BY MASKED BANDITS . '. ' I i i . ' VI- . Two Needy Highwaymen Round - Up People in Green Tree , ' ; -, Saloon. . , ." .." Eight people In the Green Tree sa loon, -40 Qllaan street,. Including the bartender, were held up and robbed' at o'clock last night by two masked high waymen who entered by the front and departed by 'the rear - door after 'Se curing $18-in money, a check for. $171 and a number of worthless articles., John Keller, tha proprietor, - waa be hind Jhe. bar' and seven -customers were lined up In front -They, were; Richard Leman, Harvey Klnser, Fred Grim, M. Harrington. Joe Segrist, W. Kiyduff and John Maeeh. . - , . -. f They were ordered to atand against the wall and remain- quiet. Tha high waymen explained that they merely wanted money, and that no . violence would be done If their -victims offered no resistance. Each of the bandits wore mask and waa armed.'. No arrests. . ; ' .W aave Tha An SkiaM,, A city mile on valentines. Call and see me . before you buy. v Also .hearts filled with candy. Bam L. Geary, S23 Morrison street. .'-'.'.-; ', , f Orandest display of fme scenery ever seen Portland at. the corner of Third and Alder streets. On exhibition from in tne morning am s at night. - Ft ef erred Stock Canned OootdT Allen "Lewis' Beat Brand. Br. V. 9. raltoa. "tatnropata, ' Ybu iDoii'tv H Pay a Cent;; For-drees, .beeaaae atedtcieee ara ' not md ailolt tared. Mr trestawnt is that ef Katare. MINE ARE NATURE'S CUKES I give as drag at all, hut :- t, I employ 'ae kalfe. I Do Cure .. - : ", : V .... . . The alrk by the moat preaoaaced aeleatlse' metboda tboae coming Into general, practice throacbont tbe enllxbtaned treating sareeufully the .BHWt eifOcBlt et komaa sinicuosa. i hats trmtra rss mow r , sexiovs oaiu , or . mHimtAnw la two weeks at aa expenae of (to. Whan A. H.m.nn ef I'ppor Alhlaa, aa ettploje of Flelachaer, Marer A Co., eaaM to ate he eon Id not He down to sleep nor alt down eat. HB WAS PERFECTLY CUBED IN THHKS WEEKS. I SATS CTTBtD TOKAOK ,TEOTTBLrS That were ' eroDmiieed bopelaas. ' . have perfectly eared. aU a oca dletane aa " Catarrh 'ljJjJ,Jk Bladder troubf T . BreniehtlJs ' Feai-ma . ; , , ( , L t K.llle. " ... JnMmnla ' """" " -1 . - - Mead Nolaaa 'Keemnetlear. 'Nenralda ; Hervouanees Irlenta , Innlgeatlea - ' Lnenmotor Ataxia - -' Ooltre ..... .. ,., 7 Brlaht'a Plata a h - Dlabetas r , Fl.tnla . , .- -i- Bpeeial end Memea Teollltr Llrer Dlaeata Aran Cyautie . , Paerlaals. And have takes eaae ptoeouuied eenaeaiB tins and cured them so that them haa never beea a return and the patient ' Is aeaad and well today, f ..: ' - I CAJT CVXX tOV, TOO, If yo will let an have the rhiara. . ?I0 PAYS FOR SIX TREATMENTS And-BMMt dlfSenlt raaee bare bees she, lately cured la that tha. Zj'wnx tow oitx mi a tiiaii ' - V "... ,' ": . - vi '. Of loa Hear- te It,' I te . DR. fl. J. FlILTOlf aHe a, lewis hie... Ifsrrleaa, aad srtu rheae Kala flUt. ,c ,.( , ; -i mi mm Camerstefs -7 a , i , v - V We want you to look to us for, all you may need lr Tooled WE are THE DIG HARD-. , WARE HOUSE OF THE CITY, consequently we keep oar stock strictly; up-to-date, -bothJn keeping; sJl the new toors as well may need and can sell you Wla cheaper than, at most places. You'll find It to your ' 'advantage to deal here. ' " '!f'-',,;-- ;v :-V"f' '.'??' :- ,V vr " '-.l-l I .. . : We' also! handle the famous Universal Ranges i and Woves.-; MaCeV Fur- , naces and Cole's Hot Blast Heaters. We have our own tin shop. have our own .men, mi bji oraom prompny, una, Deuer sun, our prices r wv. waii tw aviu.iyii; Odd Fei fas Temple v T VOU'RK A WCLCOMI AM WtVl ' "' won.De TO BID voo - -' r- ) , .1 it M E 88 R8. F. W. D ALTE8 rAMi D;COM PAWY; ', ' : " . ' FIRST AND PAK v ; : ANNOUNOI t . i 'THAT TrtlR ESTABLISHMENT -V; FOR THI PRODpCTIOfi -r 'i I :' Or HIGH-CLASS ' v - is open, daily, to: . THE INSPECTION OF BUYERS ' ' OF THAT COMMODITY ' r ' Headquarters" for Elastic Stockings and ! LAUE- ORUQ Q0. ! Third and Yamhin Sts. 'r- IF YOU' ARE.PARTICi i ULAR i; ABOUT YOUR: ' PRINTING THAPS ALL , ' ' THE-rVipRE . REASON , r. WE - SHOULD. DO VlTF :'F0R Y0U.v' -t4'lV-i.VV-.- t - flrtrdpoltteUi- $t 14. mOlvT.ST. Tel Uaiaji j J THIS TIME IT8 ONE OP V'.'. ""v"' v' '- wmmMMEmSMk L . i I . a "V -. mmm WANT T.R ATT 1 ' Thla .tooth deansar ia one - skillfully prepared and designed to replace the acorea of preparations of, unknown compositions Formulae of Woodlark Liaterated Tooth Soap: Craetae ' Prep, listerne; eucalypial, L Formalin . ' Thymal in combination with glycerine, pu re oliye oil. soap and agreeable aromatica. . " ,...' . It ia a tooth soap indorsed by tha dental profession and one which never fails to. accomplish its purposepravent decay of tha teeth. - It keeps them white aad pearly and ia thoroughly an-' .tiaeptic. .. ' ' ; -- - - . ( . , ; .,- : ;..'!' 't ,;.',,... v Thia offer ia made simply to Still mors widely introduce the wonderful- results accomplished 'by useful "want ads." An enumeration o4 their many daily 'duties; and performances would entail great space. You know how it Is when you want to rent room or, house, when you want to buy Something Unusual, when you,Ve lost some thing why, you immedUttly look at the "want ads." v Thousands of people read them every day you can talk to them at the rate of, ; -. , ' ' T7Er4TY-ONE V0HDS FIFTEEN CENTS ToofA SompOnlf ,i - i- ana m m i.:'f ? FlrSt Q . ... .. .. . , , . -- ... ,! IR You Are-Having Trouble Call ahd See Us, . If-Not, Come Anyway. , t V -vrr.'-' oa1ijV.' ts i X -a J ttmy . . - - - '- -'- - -e V - - i FULL, MBA8URI3. T H;.:';';'''' THE PAINT ;PUSHERS.;U.r t:W Phone i Main 1771 V .' ,N. KCor. SecorB and Taytoy Completeness sums up the story, of. our -. paint success. Thekln4-of palnta andj. ' ' varnishes we handle, are the ''satlsfao- " torr sort" that sort only.- THe Knarllsh.'Jw of that Is, that our paints arid varniahea . .'look well.' wear well and prove a aood - , investment 'to -tha1 prudent householder. i Better aet' our prices for - house -safe- 'keeping. - 2y'i - - - Z - - Fisher, Thorsen & Co. - novr ajts vommzsov sts.-. ' w m -y iTL . rccLrAi , WOOD ARD, CLARKE ytt .'; C0.S : preparations.- of the very fineat manufactured. , It With Cath Want JtdiDmlly r mi i ... e ft -aaw-- i&SOfiS are just as low as reputable 1 'A i - - -- . With V . V ; - -i-.ri;-x-ri,-,1'-' ' - - -. - e-- --T-Vrfw -JT 'if" - . V: RIOHT PRICE? mmm . " J - : -" ' ..' ;; ,T ' " J- GET. the habit of uaing wod foei 'rfueL' Yo aavjs money by do-i ' -: uif ao.."-TVe kind of wood wa" "w ; ell ia eaaily kindled-aqd (ivea full - -heat ralue. Try aa with an order. ' BANFIELD-VEYSEY FUEDXO. ; ...V :; ' PhMaln 353 :., 80 Thlri St. ry .ei.Ua izAvii Fytri y: y i FAMOUS "WOODLARIC ' :'".- ia baaed oh scientific formulae..; Sunday Journal .2 (i V V. . :0 i .... . ' '