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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1905)
PORTLAND. SATURDAY' EVE.IIIJOT F2DRUARY 11. 1ZZ3. THE OREGON DAILY journal; LAW INVASION. .OE ;. SAN DOMINGO ISLE Arrangements Completed for Sending Troopt to Black Republic ' ; Should 'Acta i of Insurgente Make If Necessary In Order t ' to .Take Charge AM.1Y OFFICERS BELIEVE THAT TROOPS ARE NEEDED Full Text of Agreement or Protocol Drawn . Up Between Repre sentative of the United. .Jningan 'Government , "t ' (Jearaal Special Berrte.) . -. '1 v .Vuhlnit(A reb. n.The reluctant; . admlaslon la now mad that troubls la ' not unexpected In Ban Domingo la taking, , - orer to custom houses at the (our porta .end goea far 'toward explaining the-re- .eut activity of the war department. 'lit baa been apparent foceome dart that 'there waa something beyond the ordl 1 nary routine In tha air at th.pfacea of ; the. general ataft and quertermaater'B department."- It la Intimated now that .'. the friction, at Monte Crlatl yesterday, - when Lieutenant-Commander Lelper of 'the Petrolt landed to take chart of th .' custom, may be th first development of ' a nasty equable. The general eta baa .' had agenta In Ban to Domingo, looking ' over the country, securing map, photo . is rap ha and other data' which might be fneceaaary ahould "lnvaalpn". become neo , eaaary. ; ' r . ' ' Arrangement bar been completed for sending troop to tha .aland, ahould overt acta of the tnaurgenta make auch ' action neoeaaary. . The general t(l baa decided what troop will be aent In cava ; of trouble. Oft) cor of tha quart er me - tar- efflce are busy determining routea . , for transportation of men and ration. t 1 Tha cam pa Ian baa been mapped out lira- ply aa a precautionary meaaura. though - aom of the army offloera believe the -. troooa are needed In the Island. - Th exact test of the agreement atgned -between the United State and Ban Do- .-. .mtngo In full la aa followa: - - -" . - -Whereae th Dominican government in' view of the debta "which burden the . republic,, the Imminent pJva.nd urgent " menaca of Intervention on t the part; of nation whose cttlsena hav claim al- ready established, or to be established, finding Itaelf, aa It doe, unable pcremp- toiily to fulHU It obllgatlona on account - of the condition to which political die- . rturbencee and other cauaea have brought the treasury, the reoult being that theae obllgatlona are falling due without It - . having been poaaible to pay them, or " even the. Interest thereon, desires -to reach an arrangement with all ita cred itor by which the latter ahall obtain a , vufllclent guarantee, and the government Itaelf - succeed In aaaurlng the regular .'. receipt of r revenue auffiolent for th ''payment of ita Internal admlnletratlon and the maintenance of Ita admlnlatra tlv autonomy without any Interruption ' ; by the extgenclea of foreign' creditors or by Internal political dlaturbancea; "And wbereaa th American govern 'menC guaranteeing the complete lnteg- ruy of the' territory of the' Dominican ', , republic, indicate that It la dlepoeed to . r co-ope rat toward- the end above recited; and offera to aid by leading Ita guarantee - to the arrangement that the Dominican .' , government propose to effect with aU ,-itg oredltora; . ,.J - -"Tbo - Dominican government, repre ' sen ted by th aeoretary of etat of foreign relatione, Cltison Juan Fran .fiae: -ftwKlieirraiia -Jthe aecretary of atate of finance and commerce, CItUen . ; Federico Velasqua H., and the Amerl . can government, repreaented by ita oom ; ."miaaloner. Mr. Albert C Dillingham, and Ita minister , real dent, Mr. Thomaa C. ' Dawson, have agreed, and.covenanted aa followa; -."1. -The American government agreea ; , to undertake the adjuatment of all the ' obligation . of the Dominican govern " . roent, foreign aa well aa domestic; th adjuatment of the paymenta and of th ' condition of conflicting and unreason able claim, and th determination of the validity and amount of, appending '.' - (clalma. ' v ,. v- "(a) If, is order to reach auch ad Juatmenta, it ahall b considered neoea ary- to nam one or more commlaalon 'er. the Donjlnloan government ahall be - , repreaented Itfaatd eommlealona. ''3. In order to protect th aald re iappnelbllity th American government ahajf take charge of th custom house i: ADMIT TERRITORIES Senate Amendments Rejected Which Means No Statehood 7 Bill for This Session:: - SEP ATE REFUSES TP ACT 'A ON RAILROAD RATE BILL Elkins Notifies : President - That Upper House Refuses Im- J; mediate Action. . i jflnaraal SaeeUl Berrle.) "A ashlngton, Feb. il.At a conference yeaterday the bouse decided to stand by Its statehood bill and reject the amend ment paased by the senate. All mem bers of th Republican party ar bound to abide by th doclalon which virtually Youfll Know :.r when you t the grip, but yow. wm know nnwu Tiappened-s-tur-oner -doe. 1 ... Voo won't care Y mi will be too ml s lerabl. Hut you "Will b Intenaery ln - Wled la how to get rid of It, jt,w to atop thoa cold china from chasing up and, down the P'"-. th - lnceiuiant pain tn the limb and bars nausea, coughing tit, encasing, dis charge from the ayee and no, mas rular . palna. and that brain racking 'besdache.- - - 1 The beat treatment known for Ihla 'v dreadful affliction t - ; - - V Dr. Miles Nervine Dr. Mile Nervln cures by bulMIri; tip th norvoue ytem and destroying .the germs which poison the blood. If k when first symptoms appear la ,' almost a ure preventive. ; "I auft-ered several weeks with Grip. and nothing I took seemed to benefit ''m-.. - I suffered almnet dath, until I rw Mllea' Keetorattve Nervln. KrtTi thenrt dsy I felt better. It mhevT-t my misery and pain and gave n an eppetlte. and In a few daye I ..d riiHv p-verel.M MRH. H. HAt.U I4 I-ee ft- Jckon, Tenn. . lo.,rv back If Urst IkU falla to (iOUSE, REFUSES TO of Customs,i - ' V ' - . 4...S. States and the San Do- ;. Give Privileged -" :r; receipt, and In order to guarante th regular receipt of the fund required for the faithful ' and exact payment .of the obllgatlona thua liquidated and ac cepted, ahall take charge of the exiatlng cuatotn houeea, and of thoa which may hereafter be created, .naming the em ploye peceasary for their management, the aaid employe being, ao far a th fulfilment of their dutlea and the exer ciae of their rlghte la concerned, con sidered aa Dominicans and therefore subject to tha lawa of the republic. On ita part tha Dominican government snail hav In each of : th cuatom' bouaea a oontrole' for the purpose of making In spection on behalf of It interests. - "(a)- From and" after th dat- In which thla contract Ukea effect the present cuatom house employee shall be considered a acting under Ita pro visions. .' ' I. Out of the revenuea which ahall b collected in all -tha cuatom bouaea of the republic the government of the United 8 late " ahall deliver to th Dominican -coverament . a - Bum - which hall not be leaa than 41 per cant of the total groaa amount collected, for tne purpose of attending to th neeetmltlea of tha administrative burget, thla be ing eatlmated for the flrat year at tha turn of MOO.OOtt. and which the Domini can government ahall recalv In- monthly advance paymenta for tne neeoa or mo nublla aervlce. divided Into four Instal ment In the following manner, equal amount of tM.Tfo on the lat. the tth, the tMh and the lid. If It ahall appear that the total revenuea of the flrat or any subsequent year will be lesa than 12,009.000. the paymenta may be pro portionately decreased, . the Dominican government undertaking to keep Ita ad mlnlatratlv expenditure within th llralta of the Ipdlepenaableneceaaltle Of administration. . , - . .... -. It la agreed that th' extraordi nary expense which may he occasioned In the collection of th cuatoma dutlea ahall be made for the account of the creditor - of the republic . without aa- alanine- to the latter any part thereof. -4.. To the government of the United Statea It fall to pay-out of the S per cent which It detain: - -'a. The employee of all th cuatom houaea. ' .-' : . T. Tha Interest amortisation and hv atallmenta of tho Dominican debt 'or elgn and domestic. In -accordance-with What i hereinbefore provided, accord ing a It shall b fixed and liquidated. '. "ev. The whole aurplua which may. re main, at th 4fnd of each f laeal year ahall be delivered to the Dominican republic.! or ahall be devoted to th payment ox it debt If It ahall ao determine. -, . -. - The' collector - tht-cTlatom. houaea must aend monthly to.'th con- tadurla-genaral and th department-of the treasury statements or the corre sponding Income and outgo, and annu ally a general statement which shall m- brano th ttt-ot whar pa peen lul. mwtA r. f All .wv. a.uv vmv. . : "t. "Any 'reform of th aystetn of du ties and taxes ahall be made I nj -agreement with- the American . governaaent and therefor th present tariff and port dutlea may not be reduced except with Ita consent a long tra the whole of the debt which It guarantees anau not have been completely paid, with the exception of the export dutlea upon national product, which the Dominican government remalna authorised to abol ish or reduce Immediately. : ( "1. The American government t the request of the " Dominican ' republic. ahall grant auch other - assistance aa may be In It power to restore the credit preeerve the orderr Increae the efficiency of -the cIviTTtdmlniatration and advance the material progress and the wel'are of th republic. : : - . Thia agreement ahall ' begin to take effect from and after the lat of February of tho current year. mean that statehood for Oklahoma and New Mexico will not be granted by thla session of congress unlese It be on lines provided by the houee," which contem plate the admission of ArHona and New Mexico aa one atate. .-,- The senate has notified th president through Senator Elklna, chairman of the committee on Interstate commeroe, that the aenate canhot paaa the Eecb Townaend rate bill at thla session. Tha bill today- went to the Interstate com merce commute and 10 ' member of th commute ar opposed to Imme diate action. . Th preaident Insists upon the aenate passing th bill immediately. The appointment of Henry I Wllon of Spokane aa minister -to' Brussels will be opposed by Senators Poster and Ank eny and also Pile. WUaon ra a brother of ex-Senator John I WUaon and la now minister to Chile, where his lecord la very aatls factory. :- v " Tha following, rural - carrlfera hav been appointed to Oregon: Bakef City, route : 1, Fred - A. Cavlneaa carrier, Charles Balrd subaUtute; Eugene, route , Jaraea C Wooley carrier, Henry H. BeUe aubatitute; Mllwaukle. route t, Charles Ballard carrier. Lao Duffy ub atltuta. Irene C. Browneon haa been appointed postmaster . at Waltervllle, Lane county, vice Clarenc Thompeon, resigned. -. , , SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS IN ELKS' TEETH STOLEN v. : - -.. v ' ; ' Ural BeeeUl HtW.) - Lo "Angel.. JTeb. 11. B. B. Pels, a. Chicago jewelry--drummer, haa been robbed iniT Tiirvaluablmptea in this city. Ha atayed at. Van Nuy"a hoteL Thlevea picked th ' lock ,and carried away all the valuables, amount ing to tt.OOO. ' - - - . - Among th article lost la a roll con taining 401 mounted elks' teeth valued at between $10 and 120 each whole!, a diamond brooch, two diamond and pearl cluatef plna 'worth tl.S6: several gold watche of imported pattern, aolld gold photograph frame, ahox of Mexi can filigree work In gold, mora than $19 rash' and a box containing cards, passes and other transportation. Pels haa offered a reward of live for th return of th atuff and another t0 for th capture of the thlevea. Ha be lieves that he was followed her by tw men who seised the first opportunity to commit th robbery. i- - ' ' " "thm life of an Insurance a rent," sighed Premyuma. ru full of wormwood and gall.'? , . . . . ' ' - i ' 'J. hadn't - noticed ., the-worm wood,"! growled the Vktlm.--C4erelund Leader. 1 SOUTH VALES FIRED I , '.:''' ----- By EVANGELIST Unlettered . Blacksmith Rouses People Throughout the w Nation. . A.. .. NOTHING LIKE IT SINCE v JOHN-WESLEREACHEO Whole .Towns : Join Church and 'n Wave of Religious Fervor Is Sweeping Over Country, i ; '.; . . (Joarnal Bpecial Beme.) u : .New Tork. Feb. 11. 8outh Wale 1 aglow .with th moat fervid religious revival for 109 years. Evan Roberta, an uncultured blackamlth, haa etlrrsl the nation to It depth. Th bishop of St David likena him to John Wesley. The London newspapera received her are full of account, of thla marralou revlvaL -i.,,. ''" - ' Roberta la th eon of poor collier. and was apprenticed', 40 a blacksmith. Bo fervent became bis rellgioua goal that his eaves brothera bought bis r- leaae from hi apprntlcablp and on of them -aaalata'.hlm In hla preaching. After a little while 1U Waa made evi dent that ha bad the gift of rellgioua speech and the power of perauaaton. Many ware converted.- Th liquor ahop and evil resorts were closed voluntarily and thoa who kept them cam to- th meetings to ' give testimony or-their faith. Th number of eonverta Increased until at laat all England was attracted to the manifestation, i '.- , Great rellgioua leader went from England to South Walea to etudy Rob erts, - fata method. ' hla peraonallty and hla argument- . They cam away, saying that they : could find no explanation. This waa an experieue through which Moody Dsd many tlma. Kven men like Thurlow Weed confessed that after carefully watching and hearing Moody day after day they were unable to ex plain hla power. .Robert hlmaelf aayg there la no mystery about It He as serta that he almoly recognlaaa that Ood la everywhere, and that -we have only to receive what n la always ready to alve. " - ' On the flrat of thla year the number of eonverta waa estimated at consider ably In excess' of 10.000. , The revival la now spreading rapiflTy to North Walea, moving with irreaiatlbl fore toward the great center of population, where th peasantry of lat hav been: dull. sodden 'N and almost- ot axneiauo tana sncy. ',..... .-'.' i.- - Roberta preach In Welsh aa well Enallah. - Welah la a language pecu liarly adanted to th expreaalon of no ble, emotional Impulses. More than any other laneuac . It la aympathetle with the gift of song, and It la probably due m some measure to th marvelous power of song which tha Welah people poe aesa that his preaching haa been ao ef fective. ; ' v .- ......' ' . Hla oreachlng la entirely unconven tional. At one place he aaked: "Where are you- going tor , Ha waited a mo ment for am anawer. ana men ne nun' self gave It,- In the form of another question: "Are joU-going to Chrlet nfl hla thron or io Chrltt On hla cross T" The eongregatlort numbering soma 1,00", wu wonaeriuuy.aiiacxaT; tM,-HtHon. . '- . '--- OM--whsn Roberta wa-apakfng of tha 'ruelflxfcm th tear cam , to hi eyea,- hla tongue seemed for th moment palaled and ha fell back In hla chair al most exhausted by hie emotion. . A young -woman began alnging in.Welah With a . VOlc of Inflj""" tamlTneaa. and aweetneaa thehyma.legInnlngr',Oh; the Lamb, tha gentle Lamb." and th wool conerefatlon relieved Ita tension by ininina- in th melody' and the words. , Th leining paper of Bouth-Walea 1 convinced that th convert ar already more than 10.000. Some of th other numeratora olacd the figure a little over . 20.000. . In aom of , th , amaller towns almoat -every one of tha inhabi tants heretofore irreligious has been nnnv rtd: and In one town near Swan sea there were 1.100 converslona In two Roberta haa a alngularly rich vole, a certain eloquence, not of rhetoric, but of alnoerlty, which no art can teacn. na probably impreaaea the people who hear him mor by hi alnMrtty than by any other quality, exactly aa th . Wealey and WhltAeld Old a. nunareu ui i; years. ago. -.. . - ' ' ' He doe not preach denominational lam, nor doee h expound theological formulas. He haa a almple measage. am-u-ya annarently with the name al moat mystic power which waa the gift of our own Moodyi; " . BOLD ROBBERY OF: - - r f - . - GAMBUMG f ALACl: (Bpertal tHspstek Th leuaal) Butt. Mont, Feb, 11. Th big gam bling house of King ds Lowery waa robbed of f 1.000 yeaterday In a daring manner by John Robert .j a awamper. now under ' arreat nl1 Fred Smith, a hobo. Robert observed that the combi nation of the safe had not been et and though a number of employee of the house were in the room, he boldly threw open the vault door," picked up eeven bag of coin and with a friend- wandered into the atreet George Smith, a bum Bleeping under, the table, '.obaerved the act, -followed the two men, compelling them to give him half. -When Roberta learned that tha offi cer were after him he weakened and to hla sweetheart askfidwledged the crime. the woman notifying the pollc and he waa apprehended laat night - Roberts waa dressed la th height of fashion whan arrested, hla . awamper clothes being discarded for a plug hat and a smart brown ault Robert "Con fessed everything aa eoon -aa the offi cers had him. and eeeraed to glory In the exploit In hla hurry, he aaia, he had grabbed a sack of dice for money. mlaalng MOO. He - had on hla peraon about j900y ' ..'q.V- ' "-. '- ' A free' 'electrical . panorama at . th corner of Third and Alder at-eeta, frem lB,niaa . , , rora tha Philadelphia Bulletin. . IMordv There are many klnda of woman In the world. Butte Not in our town. Only two klnda there. Nordv And what may they bT L Butts Thoao who have oeen "Paral- far and thoee who hav not. w-iMt la Aro-td. th publlo ia roused to a knowledge of th curative merit of that . great medicinal tonic, Kleotrlc Bitter, for alrk stomach, liver and kldneya. Mary It Walter, of 140 Bt Clarl Ave., Colum bus, O.. wrltear "Kor aeveral months I was given up to Mm. I had fever and ssne my nerves wre wrecked; I rould not s'leen. nd mf stomst h was so week m . . I Atmm' Attmm ff not eatr Koon after beginning to- tak Klet'trln Bitter I obtained rpllef and In .a short time I was entirely cured. 't ilnarantepd at . Red Cross I'harmary, rUxJh end OaH sfreMn, on th way to tit postofnc Prlc SOo. , , . . File: BY PEACE TREATIES "is-. 1- ' ) :.. ' , Breach' Between Administration andeSenate Oyer Arbitra- . uli tfon Agreements. i ULTIMATUM ISSUED TO ---WITHDRAW AMENDMENTS Step Necessary to Save United States Humiliation From f Foreigners by Rejection, v . . . '. Uooraal BpecUl a-rvlea.) . Waahtngton. Feb. 11. A vary Berlous breach has occurred between the admin istration and th aenate .ovr the arbi tration treaties, which the aenate seem determined to amend and kill, ana tne government decided that this la th only atep that It can take honorably. True to hla word President RoovIt will withdraw the taeatlea of Great Britain. Germany, ItalyVrance, Hwltserland and Norway and Sweden from th aenat K that body adopts th amendment mad by the committee on foreign relatione, or any amendment "' ' .i." .Thla decision waa reached nnauy y terday afternoon at a conference at the WhlU House after a cabinet meeting. The confereno was attended 'by the preaident Secretary Hy. Secretary Taft and Attorney-Oeneral Moody. It was felt that the aenate la likely to vote the committee amendmenta and thla atep la necessary to save the United Statea tha humiliation of having other countrle reject Its treatlea, which la certain to happen a eoon as returned by the for eign offlcea with the proposed amend ment. " " ;''. !' '" -i-:. - . ... i ... Th effect of the amendment la to ro- qulr th atate department to draw. tip. negotiate and aend to the senate, a aep arate treaty with each trivial eaa which will b arbitrated. This mean a com plete breakdown of th arbitration prin ciple. ' .... VxofeiTeA Stock Allen . Lewla Beat Brand. Boston Painless Dentists sxy. -V 'Known ; the world u.vr. m mv mi. .' j dentist in Portland having thla world renowned n a 1 n 1 e aa system : for . , doing dental wort our up - to date system eaves ' ua time and you money. Thla, la the- secret -why we Jive tne nest -wora or the lowest prlcea AH work ft-uaraatoed fei 10 yeara, 1TT.VS!R-P'IIAI GOLD FILLINOU ............. .-.fLOO It AND HO GOLD CROWNS..., . FULL SET TEETH .............. We hav a specialist In charge of each (M-tmanL Beat artificial taeth- makara.-bt xrown-and ibr" as' -Work man and gold filler In th J yld. . - CBOWaT AaTS BBZDOaT VoSUC A We are first ' In point of perfection and durability of work In th dental business of Portland. -i .,-; YeOIde Tijed md Rellab!e: PAINLESS DENTISTS i i w-raanna a-paivw-e. On. Mela ft Fraak and Old Postomoe. i Houra :10 a. m.'to ( p. m. Sunday, A a 14tA am w - - , (U tW a - v m anr yon are la the right plaoe. tMMMxMxgxxx)s . al a T-B ... Storm Fronts This Is What You Need for This Weather : BUY ONE I StudebakerOros Co i . , NORTHWEST v - 330-336 lEast MorTsoa St PORTLAND, ORE. w FREE LATJD lfl OHEGO'J I la the ruhnt trua. frag and Mack escnoa at 1 1 .. . th world. TkooMnei it arm f land at arteal I east f hrlgatl-ei. '. Derd 4'mcf from State of .Chee-ei. WHITf TO-OAY. BOOKLET and ! MAP PULE. tWhittn trrintion end PowrrCem- faj, I e-WMcKBmiio,IVtaLQTyia. DUD TEETH BOSTON -- .- - i i ( . '-.' ssBwsaw-' ' ' ' 1 itu?ri 1 Ii AhretaLl2 Pre catfiontif As- to4 the S fcrsis eidlJowls cf Promotes Di"onhecr ful ness and Rest.Contalns netvr OpiihTi(oiTAine norMineraL NotKarcotio. Aperfecl Remedy for CortsHpa non.SourStOuVatDiarrhoca Worms X)onvulsiorts .Fcvtrish arss and Loss or Slzep. , tutunla Signaturt of . ' NEW "YDTIK. 3 KXAGT OfsBY OT WRARM31 ' ' - --"-VJ. -,-,.'. .abZhssaa 1 ' ' a' . .... Patronize HQMI; Industry " f" -:- - - -' '.'i.:...- i :i ' v ':' T ' . , :.,'-t- .'. - i i .' . , , c.i.r....r:. . ' - V ' '". V, " "f " :V- ; --. - - .' ;', i '.. ;f --:i ,r'r- : ' '. ;' , .- ' Headquarters ;,,,-.ifbrv-' Hotejfand JResfauranti Qppds We "manufactur Hotel Range, both 10 feet, or longer. Carry In stock copper reet, or longer, io the Amethys t variety of stc also the Amethyst. Imperial. Colonial est variety or atovea ana ranges, on tne id rang your patrons g. ;7, Iewenber otm non xa wuxm . 1 29 Sv"th St. Near Aldsr 'SS ,--rrzrv; spring ai elastic TRUSSES VV I Comm and Contuit Our Expert. ' U taueoDavla Drurf Co. MANHOOD RESTORED ' This wono-rfal rojdy -jsrsntd t" eitrs all n-T-on dla-sasi, mek e ' Wak M-mirr. nm ef Brain fowrr, HoailaeB. Wakernlnaas. Laat Maobene. " Nlrhtlr ICmlarloM. Ner-mian-se, and dr-lna, laae r ymt la s-iratl-a Or ' a-n ot vitbar sax, -snaad By --r-e-rlkm, .nathnil errark, eialT Be et li,la't, nrloei er atl-ati lasts, wklrh !! to, Inftrsilty, (nn-nmptlnn -r la ' .anlt-., u i ha eerrW-4 to. vaat I-v-k-, (3 a box ar for A br oiall pranala. a.1,1 Ur all erassiais. Ak for It: take aa ntkae. Mssajartarad br He. Tlaaat, r.rta. rrance. l,a 1.tI. Uruf te., distributing sfeBl. Third sad - laaj Btn ttraets, rertlaaa, Or-goa. .',1 .- - -:i - ; - -: ' i -.. ''.-' . ..'..."' on ' V Mi.i .'I'M. Terl-f r- rUiren. Tb (i:J Ycu lluvo Bears tho ".: tone . f J Portable and to set tn brick, 4 feet to and re-tlnned hotel cooking ntensils; and Opaline Enameled waree. The larg racxno coaau, vv reapecuuiiy aoucit & Going Co; -fak Oa to ink a Zrvtsg. y ttstaat St. T -- "a - Vreaeh rerve aad Tl-taUlt-r Plus. mm. lili For Ovor Thirty Years ' vwaeowa)eeM-Bjewveai err. '"i-lla--BaBBBaaajw ' 'r ' ir .- --i'aei I 11 M t I 1114 1 We aell stacks of Wall Patter, as wall i barrela of i-aLOiiK -Wff,lTHir.R. fKUUJT rAiKX. tne aina with a auar , ante in every package.' The paint la . bo auperfor.on b to try It to know It r ' wortn. PORTLAND ' PAINT AND : WALL;PAPER CO, Otatrtbutora, 18 Seeoad Sfc Taleybos., '--,.-,. aUak Mfd ' , t;W ? , V": "' wv-a sit. '..-'i A. A. CHUUCH at C ....! Taylor St . J-' CARSTENS BRO&, . . . . .Montavllla : . J. B. M'IXINAIId. . .MH wuilama ave. v Dr. W Norton DavU. IN : A "WEEK ' W. treat ce-rttlly an private, amw 4" eh-eeJ die-em of bmb; ala. bfcwd. stoe-a-k. --- keart, Vtrr. kidney sad tarost troablee. we . eure 8TPHIU.IS (wttsoat aMreurrV te'stsy eimd forersr, ta BO to SO aa-s. W Mwots BTBICXUBH, wlUrartoperetloa or aaia, U IS dsr. . . ...--.. r- .'.:.-f W atop Ermine, the rwult 4 eelf-sb, -Imnedlaiely. We eaa. rtetoee the aexaal vtaae tt any sua under to by ot local treat mast Becaliar to aa-Mlvea. - . rr We Cure Qonorrboea Ina Woelc v' 'The deetera ot tht lastttat era all T--ral."' '. Kdoatse. . have- Bad nsay yean - xperUD-e. . . - be kaeara la rertlaad far IB -are, have a ratmtatton to analnUls aad will aadar ,.. take- a ease sales certain ear. eaa a ef- ., . . feeted. ' '. - -...,- ;. . We gaaraate to cor ta evely ease we aadar- - -. ' take er charse ao fee. Censlutstloa free.' Lot- ten eooflaBtlsL lastnteties BOOK TOB UBW - It yea esaaot call at offlea, write fat ttsa Msak. Ha treatawat aac-eaifal. j OfBe boars te aad T te a, ' Soadaya aa aollday. 10 -e ll; , . ' ' Tha-'leadiag peelHts to th Kortkwest. . . ; ' . UbUsBd .laa.,ui..A4 Drv Morton Davis &?Co. TB aTey aTetsl.' S. Oer. Tblr eat rise Ita. ..-, POSTLAaTB, OBEOOB. C. QBE WO Th Qit CfTlDBM Doctor , '; - Jacalled be cause his wonderful' euroe are ao weu known throughout the United Statea, and because ao many ., neonle ar thankful oole are thankful to him for Bavins their Uvea from . . -. : i ..-a. . m a n.Tf. t- " i 3 - " H treat any ano -I . OvJafJ all diseases with I 0-ZTrai powerful C h n , I NJO' herba roots. luds. I I barks nd vegetable .i that are entirely un-. -. known to meuioal ,dencln .thl ooun try. and throttle uee ot rSZ , ITT T!7t! Tt ino dlltarent remedle f ., .rT. v. .... ...-u-iin' used in different disease. He guarantee to cur eatarrh, aat-jma. lung troublea. rbsurratlsriv ner vouaneea. atomaeb, liver, Wdney. , f Bale trouble "Uin VTS rE undreda of teatlmonlala. , Charge moderate Call and sea Mm COTnr-.T aTmaT nwu. m i ' Patient out ot th etti 'JJ blank and circular, anelo stamp. . Ad- THE & GEE WO CHINESE - c;:- MEDICINE CO. : : JSI AMer atreet Portland. Or. - Stair way of 881 H Alder atreet leadB to of Be Mention thla paper. . - . , O CPICGG, 'CC7?iZE,TE. ac;cL:jEmACTS Evc3yT7c.7.:n la Baajeaaed and sheald Baew MAJYtL wUrtMia Spray Th as- Vattaal Har. fujrr- Hast Haf Bw-aara It k -J. Sna-lT taa Mt. S-nMts nr, balaaa ala.1 Ulnatrataa fcoos mm waa -a for . knes i mM. timnm i Isra as dlrarti -na ia. MrtlMlu. aa dlarti -na fm J anlu laUM. Mlat-ad. sasassasfi i - - - t f'""If . " - - c::t:::3 ct::? B-a baa : by nnoaa ef kotBee for taetr a. .,lr--i ara lV-ttoln foe ar FlftT Tasra. It - eniiv orn tit gam, aua if a-l paan. aw win. awiaa. mwn at as a, ear-e wlmt esu. aad eas-any rnrarrsfss Twimi i-ri.n nm a ssttle. : v tv v naa ee mumm. X ,v in II ml nonmint. 1 m- .' - -, - ,v ''.'" "