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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1905)
Tin: onzccu DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAJiD, SATURDAY EVENING,. FEBRUARY , 1805. " NEW COMMANDERS OF SALVATION . . 1 . 4. AH Women : Cove I ARHY TALK OF; WORK TO BE DONE ywaatm Oread. .. .D Paehaaaa IM rvKtl - s .. r...Bwi LremM ' ..........."Over Mae-ar tails' - Lyric. ..i ."A tkarnl LUr' . t.rand ........ ll,iUVJllu, Vaedeeltle .,..., ..,. ,....., .. - .eUTWI ..' beaer , V.aoertile Property owners en Eat Davis itml, . - nprtMnttd y Attorney S. Bennett . ntei... a strong -protest y tee-day Against opening that thoroughfar- be 4 ,- tween East Twenty-seventh and East , Twenty-elghtt streets.- They ssy tbs ,T , coat of viewers' expense and surveying "T"""" csalvv that tha city enslneer ha - not .proporly platted tha property af fected and that no benefit will b d : rlvd from opening tha street that dl- tanoe, aa they will still have to go t . best Burnalda (treat, aa thay do now, la t -order- to reaoh tha buetneaa part of the , , ' " city. Tha matter wUl bo taken up at tater aate. -v r Y '- 'H. X Slrard aika the circuit court to leauo a writ of mandamus to ooaop! N, W. Rountre to deliver to him the books . . . : and property of the International Menu featuring Y Mining eoenpany, - which eonalata of the exclusive right to make . - the Rex nut lock In the United States, Great Britain and Canada, and deed to four lota In Holladay'a addition. Hirard says tie was duly elected at regular meeting- In ' Washington, D. on January 10, ltvl, as treasurer of the : i. : company, .and that Rountree refuse to .-, deliver, to. hint tha book, and property, "- ' "All we aak Is comparison." What other firm wiu do this? Wa make any suit In . the house to order for fat; any panta v 17.10, and w know no other firm In . Portland gives such values aa we do. i Compare samples and see for yourself. ,i " Wo will be arlad to show our stock and " .- workmanship, and not urge yea to bay. . . - Pay leaa and dreas better, by having us -make your clothe. . Uniqu- Tailoring - - vo., it wasningtoa street, now seventh. I A district convention of the Degree of Honor was organised at a meeting . yesterday er members ox the order from " Portland. Astoria and Oregon City. .Tha . "r" - district takes In Multnomah, Clackamas, Clatsop and Columbia counties. Sarah Pastabend -of -Astoria president and Harait Thompson was elected seoretary. . Interesting ceremonies were bald both ..... afternoon and evening. j ; . . A.' B. Coon."!. B. 'Batchelor and B. . Miller were indicted yeaterday by i the - aisinct attorney ror Burning the build ing of another. They were Indicted by : the grand Jury, but tba oourt attained a- demurrer , on the V ground that It charged the defendants with burning ., tha dwelling of another, whereas on of tnem lived In the bouse to whtob they " set fire. ,-, . i ,, "Dollar Bill" St, Clair has signed an .-'.-agreement henceforth to conduct a re .r , ; speetablo place and to close tha career .' of the -LltUe Paris boos" as a dla- reputable resort He promised Sheriff Word In writing that ha would not - ' again break the law- and . will plead gulltyan4 pay whatever Jlne the court imposes. . v . . ..... The mission belnr conducted at - St. ; Lawrence church Will close tomorrow. Masse will be at :. 1, and solemn -.-high masr at 10:80. At 7:10 Rev. P. J.Mulconery will preach the flnai mission crrnon ana impart tne papa - i J Steamer I "Homer" sella from Couch atreet ' dock, for Coo bay and Eureka Haturday,Tebraary 11, 1 p. m. Rates, Coos bay Jt.00 cabin; IJ.00 seoond) elass. Kureka. cabin 17.10; seoond class St. 90. F. P, Baumgartner; agent. Malar 111. - The new steamer TjenUas- sail di rect for San - Francisco from Couch street dock Tnesdsy, February II, at I P. m. Cabin - lit. Off, second $8.00. Meal and berth Included. F.. P. Banm gartner,, agent,- Main MU ,r - B. 'St S. Cough and Croup Syrup, reo onunended by physlclane- The--tn oat - useful domeetlo remedy for all colds, Roughs, croup, bronchitis and pneumonia, v For sal by Knight Drug company, - ' Steamer F. A.' Kllbura for Ban Fran claoo, calling at Coos Bay and Eureka, . sails from Oak , street dock Tuesday, February 14, p. m. Tel Main !. Valentine," social and dance given by the Calldonlsna Saturday evening, Feb ruary 11. at Drew hall, 1(1 Seoond and Morrison. . -m.-., -; , The Journal, dally tlo aTnonth. dally .and Sunday tto a month; delivered any, where in Oregon City. . ' . ; ii. .. ' Grand prise masquerade ball, 'Arlon hall. February 14, given by Astra' Circle, The Journal, daily 4So a month,' dally and Sunday (So a month; delivered any wner in Vancouver. , ; Free dispensary tor worthy poor, Tuea, xnura, gau 1 p. m, tn. vinoent Hosp. Dr. Amos, surgeon, Dekum bullulng. .; - - ' ' - ' - -i . I . . Ask your grocer for Golden Cheddar.' . KAXjnvr nuoxix. N. K. Wast, a merchant of Ia Grand. is in the eJtv. . - -. J. R. Blackaby, the Ontario, 6r cattle man, 1 at th Imperial. Attorney 8. B. Houston Is In from Hills bo ro. : W. F, Matlock of Pendleton la visit ing Portland on business. R. D. Hume, the salmon king,' Is-here from Salem. ..... .. EL J. Coyl. western passenger 'agent of -the Canadian Paclflo, Is her from Vancouver, B. C C. R. Ray of Medford is a guest at the Partial. ft-l, . .. . - - TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN 'V - ARRESTED AT TACOMA -. Frank James, who was recently sen tenced by Judg Fraser to flre years In - the penitentiary and Who 'escaped Im , prisonment on parole on condition that ha ship on a vessel bound for South Africa, was arrested in Taooma yeetar- - day at th request of th Portland po lio. James deserted and eeeaped to Ta . coma.. ,' Th police of that city war Instructed to arreet him, After he was apprehended - Lon Bow Identified him a th man who held him up aad robbed him Tuesday night i , . . . James will bo brought back t Port. land and thaa sent to Salem to cpra- - mence hi flve-year eeatenca ,'!:,' Fat i Folks. V- ' h -- I hav reduced my weight II pounds, bust nine Inches, waist, eight fnche and hlpa.nln Inchee In a ohort time by a j guaranteed, harmleee remedy without exercise er stsrving. I want to tell you all about It. Encloa atamp an) ad- . dress. Mrs. Charlotte jToodwardt Ore gon City, Or. , -4 , . .- ..... . .. Early In Spring Another Steamer Rurjf Iff Connection With V . the Alliance.- r; : - -! OREGON WILLTAKE.THE , -r-77T:PLACS OF COSTA RICA Homer iry the Future to Ply Be v; tween San Francisco and'' ;;r; V'; Gray's Harbor.:, i , ' r After making one more round Xrlp,"th steamer Humer will be placed in com mission Detween -Bart- -Franclkc and uray-a Harbor. , Th Alliance will-go baca to ner' old route between Portland and Eureka and way porta Th Homer sails tonight and la expected to reach her on th return trip a week from to day. : . '. i- .: " ' " Early In the spring .the California u re run Bieamanip company will operate anotnar steamer on the coast run in con paction with the Alliance. It 1 th In tention to put on fast vessel and give tne publio a better servic than ever be fore In the history' of the coastwise trade. ' When this addition is mad It Is probable that tha new eteamer will go a far south a San Franclaoo. A particu lar effort will be made to look after the passenger-traffic. As th Homer baa been completing th round trip in about seven, days, the two steamers In commis sion will afford almost a semi-weekly service, . .... The alliance has been at San Fran cisco for repairs. -. When she goes off th drydockT which will be in a few daya. aha will be In as food shape at ah waa when, first launched. - ' ;. . The Costa Rica, under charter to the Ban Franclsca & Portland flteamshlo company, la also eri her lest trip for the line now operating her. When - she reacbe th Bay City th eteamer Ore gon, well known in the -waters, will take bar plac.( cy-.- - NOTICE TO MARINERS. Ughthods Zaspeotor Sends Out Xafor- ; auvtloa fov Benefit of CoasWrs. . . Captain tk C. Heflner, - Itghthous In spector for this district, has issued th following notice to mariners: - ' Coos bay entrance. North spit jetty buoy No..-, a black, second-class can. heretofore reported adrift, waa replaced February . .. . ,- North Spit buoy No. 1H. a black sec ond-class can, was established February . In tt feel of water, to. mark the southeasterly extremity - of - th North Spit end the turn In th channel to Em pire The buoy should be given a berth ef at least 71 feet. Government wharf. south end. N. - E. rCooa bay lasida range front light, BSB. H E. Guano rock. W. by B. y equina bay entrance, soutn end ox reef buoy No. 1', a black firat-claaa can. found missing February I, was replaced the same day. . : ":'- Columbia river,, south sld of Middle- Ground buoy No. I, a black flrst-clasa can, found missing February-1, was re placed the same day, . ' - ' nrst-olaaavHun, was discontinued Feb- Willamette river. Coon island- channel buoy . No. $. a red flrst-clasa spar, re ported adrift February 1, will b. re placed as. soon aa practicable. , smaa.narDor ana approacnes, Simpson rock ibuoy JJa laibiack sccond-claas can, '"reported out of position January 17,. will be replaced aa soon as prac ticable. ,i .. ; ,-, ., i ,.. FEW WHEAT CHARTERS' Tory rw Bagagea-nt Sav Bee Mad for CanrtaaT Seasoa's Tleld. v T. B. McRath of th Arm of Qirvln A Eyre returned , yeaterday , from a busi ness trip to Sari Francisco.. As no ships have been . chartered tber to take out next season's crop he states that th situation in th bay city I a remarka ble one. New crop wheat In California Is usually ready fer-tb market by th Utter part of June.' Mr. T McRath aarta that In past years - exporters usually had i chartered a big fleet of carrier long before this data, "Neither th - owner nor th ax- porters apneas-anxious, for eora son, -t -close deel thle y. Kvldently they cannot decide upon what rat should be established. Of lata wMtay ships hav left In ballast and tonnage down that way I not so plenU- rui as a snort time ago.- Not many vessels are on th an route list, as owner are hesitating about dispatching their snips in this .direction. V MAY-PASS COOS BAY. On of th Crew of Boanok Says Wat? ' X Too Shallow fcf aTotw . According- to Joseph- Llddy, a Sailor on th steamer Roanoke, tha owners of th vessel hav decided not to make any further calls st Coos Bay, a there I not enough water In the harbor to float ner. . ...v. . . .... . "On thle laat trip th craft was aground for ady and a night," aald Mr. Ilddy, "and th sailora-wera work ing all of that time were trying to get her - lnt- deep water. Finally w jot disgusted and all quit. Soma went to San Francisco and others came to Port land.". .- : ' ; ' . ', MARINE NOTES.. Astoria, Feb. 11. Arrived st 7:10" a. m. steanier Asuncion, from San Fran clsca Arrived at T and left up at 11 a, m schooner Jphn F. Miller, , from - San Francisco. -.y -- - t -., , Arrived down at ttSO a. m., rrenoh bark Eugenia Fautrel and ateamer Coat RlCa, , : r , - ) Left Op at 10 a. m., steamer Asuncion. Arrived at-10a0 a. m eteemer F. A. Kllburiv from San Francisco and coast ports; ---r --r--- -- - - , , San - Francisco, Feb. v It Sailed, schooner Oceania Vance, --for Portland. Sailed at 11 :S9 a. tn.,' steamer Co lumbia, for Portland. - - Scllly, Feb. 10. Passed, BrttUh ship Sskasont, from Portland,' for Falmouth, . Astoria, Feb. lt.- balled at l:lt p, m., schooner John A. Campbell, for . Baa Francisco. . - . ,-. . Point Reyes, Feb. 1. - Passed at I p. nv. ateamer Roseerans, from Portland. Astoria. Feb. 11-CondlUon of tha bar at a. m., smooth; wind, east: weather, .clear. . WXAT BSlVaVTB CJtXTOOT When the gasoline schooner Chetc left tort January for Rogu river with e-smalt cargo Of general freight . her owner ssld she would bs back In about four weeks. Rut a month has passed, and 1b Chetco Is still at her southern terminus, - The local agent says she is 0x100 on south side :j of Glitan street,' be-jj ; ? i tween Sixth and 8ev- - ; : ' nth. Easy terme. ' ' 7 Street improved. Ce ment sidewalk. " td-'TV - -cavated tor cellar. ' Apply to B. M. LOMBARD .' , 914 Chamber of Commerce being fitted with aoeommodatlons "for passengers, which acooQnU for th de lay." ., j .-.(' c:'i i' - i The principal, object In plactng .the Chetco on this rout was for. th pur pose of carrying frosn salmon to Port land. The venture was wholly an ex periment, but those backing- th-propo- Itlon were aura It would prove a great sucoess. They believe so yet, and Stat tba schooner will b here soon.- - UP COAST TRADE. V ; Use' of ;S-ocjnr Stay. B Pot tx B- tsua Ala Cly aad ataam.- Staemer oce rated . bv the ' Paalna Coast Steamship company will very probably ply between Seattle and Port land during tba Xwls and Clark fair. Coming down the coast It Js thought a cargo of eoel, could be secured every week, but -on the return- trips it Is feared traffic would be light. Big quan tities -of flour and wheat have been shipped from Portland to th - sound during -th past season, but this- busi ness has mostly been handled by th Northern Pacific Railroad company. With a line of steamers plying north it Is believed that th. freight rates would considerably loweiv-and that a bis portion- of th shlpmsnts Would k by way of th water rout. v r- ALONGTHE WATERFRONT. J '"German , bark Ellbek. t.22J tons net register, has been chartered to toad gen eral cargo at Hamburg for Portland. - -Schooner Oceania Vane, at San Fran cisco, has been engaared- to proceed to Portland and load lumbar for a Cali fornia port. i . v"-- . Steamer . ladlia will load lumber at I the Inman-Poulsen mill for th Bay City..;'. ..- . MAJOR H'DOSEIL TO COMMAND GUARD Will Be One of the Most Import -wtotVExpositioi Officials: Mafne rhsriea-Jg. Mclkwrtlformar count"-treasurer, will oommaod the Lewis and Clark exposition guard, which Mj. Charles E. McDofteQ. Is to oonslst of perhaps two companies of the Oregon National guard. At the time President Goode requested Adjutant-General Flnser to oonslder the appointment of a guard from th mil ltia, he suggested. Major McDonell to command and direct the' system of pro tection st the greundsv Th adjutant, general will aet favorably upon this sug- gtstion when the proper time comes, and tha major will be. in his capacity of com mander, one of the most Important offi cials of th fair. . - v . - : rr v." Special .Cars;'" For the benefit Of the" patrons of th Eleotrlcal ' Workers' ball tonight- cars will leave th corner of Wsshlngton and Tenth-street at 12: for the following points: . . Wood lawn via Burnatde bride and Union avenue; Willamette Heights via Sixteenth and Thurmen streets: alsn cars will leave th corner of Tenth and Morrison street at th Sams time for South Portland via Third atreet, and Mt Tabor via Morrison and East Morrison streets. .. A .' ...." w " The woman's Foreign" Missionary so elety of the Methodist Episcopal church ill observe Tueeday afternoon as a time orprarer. Service will be held at Grace M. Ei. church,, cornef of Taylnr and Twelfth streets, at o'clock. Mrs. Mm E. Wire of Eugene. Or., president of the Columbia river branch of this so ciety, will preside, v Bishops Thoburn and Moor win adores tn meeting. soon TCKat 'toi, onr. MorDlT. ixsanaax u, i;ta,a.i. . ClassM WlU betia Latta, CheaustrTPhysleal Oeecrapky, AUrbra. Gesmetrr. Trlfoaeawtrr as Blstery Basts a, Bsgllsb and AaerirvaW PortUsd Aesdtar Rail, a bearding sail for girls, neslvae e ttailud aeabw, la well ap- potated ea saOtr eseelieat ears. Aa tlesMmtsrr Brboel reeelw We ssd rlrb St til Tiara "4 Its ta tor the Amamr. A irhMl smnlbna. at a smcWats amsttalT tsars, rails foe pupils tt tbe prlstar frsoee, if I eeeuva. - . ...... rr cetafcHPie. . I v; FOlTtATO ACABEwT. -- - ; Cslrteeatk sad girrtiiss . J, , r -i t . .. - . .: - : " ('. - y . . , ; . ). . '- -t ,. i' i;' .j ., . . r Commissioner end Mrs. Geoff Tea, as people say, th . Salvation Army la good for our own classbut everybody l In our 'class." . Commissioner Users - Kilby leaned back tn hi chair, and smiled benignly as ha said this. - ; .. . W reach every one. That Is why we seek quarters in tha worst parta of town. That la why, when tha Masona of Boise City, abandoned their old hall bscauso the district bad become ser undesirable, wa war only 'too glad to take the place. It la men and women who are weakened and are found In the districts that we wish tha most to reach." " t And you are led to believe that h can do H' when yo oote hie sincerity. his . unbounded enthusiasm. . and b's wbalesoma praotlcailty. - " . "And now w are pack In America, tba great land of th free and liberty- loving people, andftt is a good place to be. You feel it in-tbe air when- yon com. But I can say that In my travels over five continents during th paat IS years X hav been in th four best coun tries tn th world,. Great Britain. South Africa. Australia an 'America are great fields for our work. "In Australia and Africa especially I And th -readiness to accept a man for his-goodness, regard-: lea of his class or denomination. They aak only that h be good. That spirit is beginning to prevail more and mora In America," . ...- Commissioner and Mrs. Kllby hare bad vast experience in the army work, and, as. the) commissioner says, they are justified in speaking of. It . with au thority. M I rather a large man, with e ' keeiv ' ateady gas, wholly wrapt up in hie work. Mrs. Kllby's snergles are mostly directed towar the rescue work for women. - She haa a quiet manner and speaks- very quietly of her work, tell ing how ehe was first Interested in the army through' amused curiosity which led her to th meetlnge to aee what they did. Tho work was strong at that time about her home in North England, ' Then a girl, ahe Joined the ranke. and h beers an officer for over t years. Mr. Kllby found his Interest through the little paper, "War Cry," distributed at tits home ' In Long KUn, Dei by shire. The combination of the military and religious-elements- attractedr htncnTke appeal to' the poor, the- working clans and those outside ' the - paler-of the church seemed to him of practical and momenjtous worth. At one of the first CHURCH rs prices '"'- - " rSBSBTTZSltJI, First i Btnlcs tomorrow t 10 SO a. m. snd T:30 p. m. Tbs 'pastor. ev.' Mar r. Bill. r D.. will Drasek morn Ins aad realoc. la US evenluc tbere WlU be s patrtatle Service la dHBSMnoratlM ef Llacoln'a birthday, sev eral t tba Grand Ann seen will be nreeeat asd special seats will be t arrea tar tbem. . inui. Itts.t 1 unrailJl in. rum mitwwvm, Sev. A. 1. Montfomrrr, eastor. 10:30 a. m., "Preabrterlaa liar for Atl-t(.Ux Leagae"; T:SO p St., "The Cnpopelar Cbrtot." ('lTirr Corner- Elerratb and Clay streets: Her. w. B. ailbert. pastor.-10 JO s. as., "Tbs Oraat oet1oa" T:00 p. St.. "Tse Hlfbest Ideal ef Duty.'' ' Choir bias Mashes,; Mrs. Reno Hutrhiasoa, alto; Mr. joaes, tssor( Mr. Street, liarilune. ytt Ousilwrland Ceraer Twelfth aad Kast Tarlar atrseu; a. - iruoa uea. panor, 10:ao a. n., preachlns eervtees; 13 a., Buaday sebooli 3:90 p. m.. Junior KnWTor: :M p. SL. Senior Kndesmr: 1:80 a at., special musical jerTtie J tus chetfl short HIS tij nsitoros preseat sutas of the local epUoa galea Fledmtmt Oorser Clrrelasd areaae Sad Jar. ran atreett Ker. 1, Myron iioossr, sasur. 11 a. m., Kvrll Methods"! 7:30 p. ., "Ufa ralluree--Hmwa" lo e. in., gondar echool. Charles Vosper, superintendent, spenai Mr. vies at i p. ea. for orgaalsaUea ef church, eon darted br Dr. BolA . . Marehsll Ktreet doner North BeTeateenth and Munhall streeU: .T. Charles W. Hare. nulr. Hund.T echool.' 10 a. SI.: Y. P. H. C fc. prsrer meet'inc. : p. n.; 11 s. to., "Why We Won't (live UP tne Bible." le toe even. Inn ninmi D. D. Moore. D. D.. ef the M. B. rhnreb. will spesk. All are Invited t hear Bl'hop Moore. . , Mtapab Jeroeje S. McOlade, eastor. 14:80 s. at., "The Hound et a Ootng to the Tops ef tk. iinth-r Tpmo." ' lliri nrlll he a naered coarart at t:30 p. B). rourtn rirsi ana isn i m. i., jno Clellsnd. pastor. 10:JO s. s. "A Prarer for Rerinus." KrenlBS servtee led br Chrlntlas Rneeavor eeciety. au ere eoroiauy wriiae to attend. . - Mim Mne-usi tenra nna weinier nil eeui Rev. Uenry M.rcotte. ptne. - Is the nnrnlnc llev. 1. H. Wilson will preach. la the erealns the pastor will sire the eernod lecture Is the series -uow it uot w miuh oiura. .- OOVSmiOATIOgAX. "..--' ' ytret fark and Madlaoa atreeut Rev-S.' ttnmm Tt n Ba.tor. O:30 a. m.. serSMm br Kev. a.-M.-rreriaad or Matiie, -cnterias mie ,.M - m kf PM.1.MI "Tkn. Shalt Net fellow a Mnltltade to Ue gvU"t 13:13 p. St.. Sunder aeaoeiH:ev m., i. P. S. C K. . t bolr Mrs. ten Bloeh-Baoer, Mrs. W. A. "K Boshoos, W. H. Borer. W. A. Montgomery; Imf. W, H. rVirw, coT director; Mine Innor ritber. Plurrlat chapel Heenae atrsec, sear uncvin. i:m a. m., Banday school MuaieeiDDt ATesne joi If Issleerpnt - sve , C. M. Bmytbe, n., J. H. Upbeat, nee ssd Kremont street: Rev. ...foe. HunAar eehool. 10 e. St .aperlatendent; 11 e. at.. "Bible Inspiration' t T:W p. R.. aeraena e "The rrorlcleatlal ln, or Liaoola'e BlrU"! .CarlsUaa Eadearer, 3:30 p. at. gtisaji Sast ' gin stunt, sti't.t north , and Hanale street t Rer. Charles B. rheee, paetor. IOtSO e. St.. serrlee with err. ntnni giiniuy school, is at; t nrisuaa anaenrar, 0:W. Breulas service emitted. HiieT.I4e Owner Rest Taylof ' and Beat Tbirty-fooHh etreets! Bev, J. J..atase, eaeu. 10:30 a. aa., ''The vv of the Chorea aad tiod s see ennoren s eernn ve tn... siwh." st 11 a. si.; 7: p. ., ' the wells ef Serration" : itnnony eenooi, a. n., g. 0. Pier, ennertntendeat; CansUaS Basearef eerrlee at 3:30 p. si. t . .t Hlshl.nd corner 1 1 ssi vn nna aaes niitn Street north: Bev. A. M. Kooswoec. pastor. Soed.y acaooi. it a. am. prearnms. i v n.. aermAn nr the Dsster. enerln 3 a. nnjeet. - rrr. pntin nneit Not"i erettins eemee, i:ao p. an., ins vie aad the- !Sw." Seats free, au welcean. , St. Dartd'a Cast Twelfth anil Belmont street! Her. Oeorse B. Van Wstert, D. D., rector. - -Sasdsy school, : . m. I moraine, pre rrr, 11 a, m.t evening prarer, T:30 p. av I anrrh erf Oar Sartnr -Keedafoch. Puoday ehoal, 3:34 p. m. rreniag praier aad err- its p. at. Mark a Corner nineteenth and Onlniby llev. I. m. R Slatneeei. rector. . llolr sHannloKr g a. St.: holy rpnunnnton asd eer- Sinn, 11 a. Kt. i ereelnc prtTer end TieO K Bb ssaday school. 19 S. 3a, Kilby of the Salvation Amy. ; meetings . he attended II of the most degraded character, of the town, who had again and - again been pronouncea beyond redemption, were brought to re form, slid this decided him. - ' Tlie territory off Commissioner Kllby reaches from Chicago west. Including tha .lalanda. - The eastern) line Is from Chlcaro to Mew Orleans, and he is deputy - commissioner to Commander Booth. . -v - He came from Africa i Just before Christmas, and Immediately entered his new field. Ha Instituted th free break fast for half -fed school Children after the sgltation'ln New Tork. and hopes for greet results there. In St. Louis he helped; establish a horn for uncared for. orphans, and an eating place' for starving men during the cold season. -o" Mot Know the Tmpttloa. r JrW cannot presume to criticise these wretches In many cases for their crime, for we do not know what their tempta tion Is.- W cannot know what th pangs of hunger will drlv a man to when he Is frosea and out of work." In many' of th cities Commander Kllby has brought about the distribu tion of coal and provision a. In Kansas City tbs capacity of the workrngmen's hotel was doubled and in Boise City and Salt Lake City men's Institutions were eUbllsbd.----v".';"-- ; : "Now I have arrived In Portland. I do not know just what our work must be. for we have not had time to look over the field, but where there is need we will endeavor to be of service. I do not expect to find th conditions of Absolute starvation and destitution of the larger cities. - Today w hop to go out to th Woman's Refuge bom and by Monday to the men's institution which they hav her." Tonight there will be an ex-BoiIdrs council n hall No. 1. on Davis street. where it IS expected there will be some 300 old workers and members. Tomor row morning at 11 o'clock there will be a holiness meeting In ball. No. 4, on First street. - At o'clock snd S o'clock Sun day Commander Kllby writ conduct pub lic service, at the Marquam. which lie results. Moiiday at 10:30 Velock and t-.gfr-oVlock tto will hold private Mtoere' council, and-tii theevenlng -ay- -public meeting at Taylor' street - Methodist church. Tuesday Mr. and- Mrs. Kllby leave Tor San Francisco "Sf .' 'AodrewTEPehrnsoU i Ioha71)awoa In eharae. .Holy communion. 3 P. Good HhepherdHellwood atreet end aaeee. Tor arenue, Alblnai Bev. John Daweoo, rector. Sunday school, lu a. m. mornlufl prayer and aeriDoB, 11 a. sxT raliif prayer aad eer mo e, T;30 p.-.m.J - S v - All Salunf 43 North Twenty oVeoed atreet; Rev. Robert Hops, psstor.- BerTlces at 11 a. SL and Ts p. ai. - -- "St. John's Memorial gellweod; Bar. W. B, Powell In eharfe. .Sunday school, 11 . av 33,1 renins aerrlce aad aermna,- 3 :5 p. m. - - Chaprl-of the- Traaef byaratloa 3U i Bttrh street. Bear Oak; Be. W. R. Powell, chaplain. Service end sermon, 11 a. m. Buaday school, 8:43 a. am. bu Paul's Woedmere; Bev. W. B. PvweU la charge. Bar vice snd. ersoa,-eV p. sm. -. - BAWtgT. -, " - ' -- " The White" Temple Corner Twelfth aad Tay lor etreets; Rev. J. Whtteomb Broucher. D. 1 pastor. "One Accord'' prayer aseetuis, 10:13 a. m. 10-50 a. m., ''Ambassadors for Christ"; Bible school,: 13:10, music by orcheetrs sod cborus, claaere for all: 7:30 p. m., "Cllmblns the uolden Btalrs.' The OUphent ahttwe WlU sins at both mornlns and erealns eenltee, aa this la their .laat day at the White Temple. Baptism at the opening- ef the evening eerrlee. Central Woodmen ef the World building. East Blsth snd Kast Alder streets: WUllea B. Randall, minister. 1U:-Q s. sm.. 'The Out- p. m-i "The Churcbee snd 6reat lee ..."-' Prof. W. V. Werechkul, maslcal director; Miss BnU Hhogrea, organist. . .. beuouel nV renth and Bast - Aakeny etreets; Rtsnton C. lpbam. pastor. 10 JO a "A Happy Ufa"; Bible achooi at noon: Tseng; People's anion st :30; 7:30 p. B., "The ki prrlence of Bellgloa." - Baptism will be ad ministered at tha clone of the eerrlee. The mu'le of the day will be ander tha directive of Miss M. Chambers; J. r. Bam ford, ergaaUt. aTBTHOSIST. Trinity flomer Ksst Teeth -end flrant itreets, Rev. Harold Obsrs. pastor. Merrlrs with ser. awn. 11 s. nt.( sddreea by t. F. Caplea, 1:KO p.. Bm, suhleet, "Lincoln"! Bunday school, lv a, a.) Epwnrth j league, 3:00 p. m. Taylor Ktreet Dr. Knurls Burgetta Short, t-.HO a. m., eUsses: 10:30 s. m., ."Tbs ideal life"! 12:13 p. tn., Sunday school: 3:e p. ov, Kpworth k'Sa-aerT:30 p. sm., "Robbing io4." - ' Kpwortb Twenty-third ' aad trvtng etreets; Henry T. Atkinson, pseter. Buaday eehool, 10 s. m. eerTlces, 11 a. m., with aermoa by Dr. waiter; Kpworta league, e:au p by tha put or at T:3u p. as. oa '". Th Wi srerlng lMerlole." CentenerT Comer Bast Pins ' Snd Ninth streeU: William H. Hepne, pastor. 10:S0 a. m., "Measnrelesa power"; 7:30 p. m..' "The Man Who Was Hired by an K.rthqu.kt"; special Lincoln program la the Sunday erbool st 12:16; Rnworth kregne derntleasl et 6:13 p. m. mora lag class, .ao a. as. . v' camiBTiAFr " '' glrst Corasr Psrk snd ColoaiMa streets;' . S. Mackley, pastor. Bee. N. K. . Berry will preach at 10:30 a. m. lee pastor lli preaek at 7:30 p. m. an "That Other . Mao." Illus trated by blackboard . diagram.; Bible echool at 13:13 p. m.; Carlatiaa Endearor at 3.3 p. m. .- Rodney - Areene Orner Redaey avenue end gnott atreet; Alhyn Eava, mlnlatar. 11 e. m., "(hrUtlatl AtUlbutea"; t i a. m., - Sunday school; :M p. m., Chrlatlau KndeaTer; 7 :J0 p. m., "The Scheme ef Redemption." Central Onrner Kelt Salmon end. Twaartetm tier is, i. y. Ohorailey, paator. Preaching, 10:) s. m.l gsndey scImdI, 13 m. Junior Ca de, tot, 3:30 p. m.l T. P. S. C. B., 3:30 p. m.; prsachlng. 7:4.1 p. m. E. C Bandernea, dees ef Eugene Divinity school, will occupy the palpi t amorslng sad evening. - TJaTIXD IVAB0X1CAI Reennd Kerby sad Psrgo streets: Bev.' j. Bewereom, neetor. II s, m., "Power and Will. insneea ' 1 :wj Bundey School. B). m. - - t. a., seek Firetr'; 10 a, a.; Iv. L V, L, :4fi it. Johns C. X. McVlcker, pa tor. Rev, n. h. Irstt. the presiding elder, wltl eeesey tbs pulpit, Saturday, 7 0 p. m., snd Sunday. 11 s. m. and 7:30 p. m. tbs communion sentcs will be h ennnerttn with the Sunday morning serrlee; Snndey scbeol, 10 a. av; senior E. ll c B.. e ta i. a Mlealoo Buth bait ' Be Tier street, hetwer Twenty-first snd Trresty second streets; H. J. Ilolsapfel, paetor. Sunday school, I N s. m. Oermen preaching. 10 0 a. m.; Engllah preach, big. 7.30 p. a-, sabjsct. "Why Do Me Driakl" : llTTKXBAJf. -Bt. Jameet- EngU.h Corner Weet P.rh snd Jelfersoej strseU; J. A. leas, pastor. Sarrlera at II a. a., rnnducted by the paetor. - There will be no rvenlng eer.lce. as the pastof- will enpply Ihe pulpit st. Vancenrer. Wsea. At tk rkM ef the store Laf serrlc tber Hi ha aa bspertaat maiiimg aad all -ta sswes te Il-rom the"simplest rural v throne. It swaya tho world. V V (FLUID FACE POWDER) i Vli THEV IDEAL COMPLEXION CREATOR. ' - SOLD EVERYWHERE. . to Buaday echool et et 10 s. a. The -N'orweeimn Synod Orser Beat Tenth and flrent etreeta: Bev. O. Hesoee, peal nagoen, peetor. Bervloea at 11 , am. and 7:30 a. a.; Sunday school, t:30 ,; a. -; ttr' tT. " ' ' ZTANOEZXCAX. AgaoOIAnOVi ' f " Ptrst Engllab Corner But glitb aad Market streets; Rev. O. W. Phwerpaatv - Worship and aermoa, 11 a. a. aad 8 p. m j Sunday i.bool, 10 a. m.jJenlor aUtanca, p. a.! VMUwkU IrtLlon'rJ 5t. "rtiher,, pas tne. Oah Orore, 71 a. a. Milwaukee, p. av; sua day school, g p. m. T. P. A T p. a. rtrat uermaa Comer Tenth aad Clay etreato; Theodore Schauw, paator. . Bennoe aad wor ship, 10-48 a. m. aad T:M s, s. Bandar school. SO s. a.; T. P, A., f p. a. Rer. . Shupp wiu efflcUte st aerrlcee Banday. -r- uaTrra "BlTHmiJr, far OHmiiTr" Plrss Comer Easti Fifteen th - snd Morrlana Ireele; IL C. Shaffer, pastor. Bunday achooi, 10 a. a.; preaching, 11 a. a. and 7:M p. .sm.; Christ Is a Endearorjf:30p. a. Bpsetal, aosle by male Qusrtei.- " . Portsmouth At Artisan's ball Bunday echool. Ir-ao p. tn., Mrs. T. B. Coon, superin tendent, Bev. B. -E. Kmsrlch. leader ef song; rsnnoa st 4:30 p. m. by Bev, H. 0. Bhsffer, ubject, "Psith Versus Works," or "The Atti tude of the Church Toward th Balooe." , .'V'.7"J CHBIBTIAll . gOlEBTlBTB. - " " ytret ScDttleh 'Bits ratbedrsl. hlorrlssa and le streets. Berrlcee st tl e. m. sad S p. m. subject. "Mind"; Baadsy. school et elese of aorslng aervleea. . Beeood Auditorium building. Third, between Taylor and Salmon arrests. Bosdsy servlees 11 a. a. end 8 s. m., subject. "Mlod" Bunds school, 11 s. a.. In the reading rooms; Wed assdsy meeting, 3 s. a." tr;- . ;-.r-;j.;,. First Tamhm aad BeventB etreeta; Dr. O. a Crssssy, pastor. 11 e. hm,, serrlee with ser mon on "The Attitsde of Liberal Cbrlettsns or L'nl tartans. Toward Bdesee snd Other Forme tartans .Towara scieaee ana umtr ror me II elon"; Sunday echool, 13:30 p. m. 7 Judge A F. ore re apeaks on "Conipera Methods et Criminal Law la Clrlllsed of Hell &re"-M: ' : rr ' T. at. a A. :.' Audltorlnm, 17 Fourth- street Meeting ef tbs Monday club for msa addreeeed by B. B. J. McAUtoter, leader of the hieal optloa fight at Salem, on "A Fight for the Right"! aoele by ladies' also elub end Coulter s Free to asa of all ages. ,. - - If. Z. CHTJBOK. SOU lav. Urst 171 Ve Second street. Forester's hall; K.M. Mowrr, paetor. 11 a. am.. "chrtBt tba ronndaUesr ef Mod era ClvillasUoa"t 7:30 p. am,. "Christ va. Infidelity": Sunday ecaooi, mKpwosta-1sTierg:3fr yr m. J,X'. TOTTNO WOMIB'g CHRISTIAN AB30OIATIQN. eilth snd Osk streets Veener servlcw, 3:48 fec Bole, Mlse k sleatine ritesera wiu speee. .oo- Tbe Work at tea raopie msuiuw. - .lo, Mrs. Lla MlUcr. 3"" L..'3sllM0riAAjrB07JB. VHIeimlet BewnaKfr-r corner Beeoed aad Morrlas street. Berrlcee st 3:30 p. m. e The First ftplrttnsl society ArtUan' hall Ablagtoa building. Third street, near Washing ton. Mra. Lole F. Prior will lecture; Children's Progressive lyceum, 13:30 p. a., ssd St 7:43 a. a. Mr. Lole F. Prior. . m The ChrlsUsa snd Mlalonary allUnea win bold Its regular meeting la tha Oermssr Re formed rhurch. Tenth sad Btark etreeta, -) Bunday at 2:30 p. m.' ' ' r . " Cliurcn or JesnS I nrisi or borar var oeinee AHaky building, ball 400, corner Third d4 Morrlsoa etreeta. Servlcee et 11:30 a, a. aad 7:30 p a. The feople'r hrlstlaB anion Free religion society! F. Ev Coulter, leader and teacher, at ira sceoua .tree l. m uuiy mu. . tiA i. ie"i 11IB n. m.. classes la life problems: T:43'p. a., concert by Unto orchee tra, F. .. McCurdy, director; S:18 . "Thought ah aa Expression of Fore. Thompson Automatic Window Agents wanted to sell exclus ive rifirfats in territory or to sell this screen W. J. COOK At Hup 'HaidwaiX.Xompanr. Second and Morrison atreeta, Portland. Or. Thle talk about saving from 1100 to 3300 on a piano, and the expense some dealers Incur to advising th publio of 1L Yon Cn Buy Your Piano From U Less , ' All Unnecessary Expenses . , .... ... 'j Beside having th largest assortment of high-grade pianos la the elty to select from, we challenge comparison of price quality of goods considered and invite the cloee Inspection of th purchasing public 25cPcirUp CetM rtm 34 r l r" " Think It Over .. . Soule Bros. Piano Co. rr aad m hsUirrUoa Bt, JOor. W. rark. SENATES maiden to the. queen on the . ' The Beauty Secret is th -1 AJBTf! R. BALLAKD, I ism i sed Msasger. Fourteenth sad Wsahlngtoa ta " TOMIOKT AT 3:11 0'CIOOK LAST gt- -' Y0IMAJICX OF -.- 4-. .. : TOMOBB0W. tUITOAT hfATINEB ASH ALL KBIT WKBX. . ; . ' - , Prices 10r - IBe, - Me. bbHbssi 13c. 2Sc. 85c, fine, srenlngs. - DowaHowa bos oftloe 837 Morrison, .phone 110. FMPIRFTheatre 3EOROB 7' BAKTH Wsaager.-" rdar seat by Fbeoe slUalll. CnrUln rtses-Mstlnees. 3:1(1: evenings. 3:13. , tmr prtcee MatlBeee, joe. joe. aac. " Euslns, 16c, 36c, 30c, 60c :''V WSKFOBsfAJriBrJ010flHTk BewUad A Clifford's big eeeal sredeetls, -' "orn wten taim.'' -'." . BtarttaaT tbaadav Katiao. Toxommgw An au miz wnt -f. - - ropetar matlsee gatnday,' , .-.' ,f " usoogur blast rxasnm : L.OUISB EDOAR BRANDT-BAIIME Aad exesllent Bapportlag eompaay. Ib-Clyde Fitch's beautiful play, ' 4 Lovers' Lane 19 SEATS NOW gEUTNO. HARQDAM ?2i!?BB reS?! hfoaday, Tueeday, Wednesday Mghts Fvbrearg - ' . J. 1. 10. Th Veteran Aerer, " ' . X. BTODOABT. ' " TbgetBer with Kuebea Fax aad aa ecnst company in ' ii i at a BOsTaTZB BBUJas UTaTBI.e' - Frtcea Piruuet. 31.80: sareust circle, tt.. Itslceny. 7Be snd BOe... fJsileryr 303 snd See. Boxes aneV log, 310. Beata bow selling. GRAND- stATnrzrAKD rvximro - .- ADBUBSIOW IV DESTSa TAUC OF THS xowv. - Danny Mann Co. "htAlTDT KAWTOrr aad " f OTHER QREAT ACTS o STAR THEATRE , rertlaed'a Fi1i1onbla Ttndevlll TheatJe. WAEDrASTEK A 00. f - XSOIBTOV EDOEBTOV. : OABOOWMIB SISTEBB, ' ? ' -. DAISY VESNOK. XDIBOS S rmOJICTOBCOFg. - - Bhnw 3:30 to 4:80, 7:30 to 10:30 p. m, Admlaloa 10 cents.. Bsserved boa U 3dc BAKER THEATRIL TsUrd ft-4 TamhIII N. Rsatlnt tt rVwd. UmH : - , MjmTM9 71H'l"'Mlr1 rirvfima in ' agOUxIl mMm BABY AJrDEBVtXJJ. - - - THE ALLANS. ,.- ;- HTtAJID at OEAITT. ' CHAELOTTX BEAMS, ! ' JACK sTABBIb w DAVB mXIAaTB, 1 JE38TTF WAT30V. 7. W. WOOD, THE BIOOBAFU, Admlaelea 10 eeata. ' Ferformaatse a 3.3. 7:S0 and S p. BV. THE LYRICITHEA TRE t .. Bswath asd Alder BtroetS. i' Thalght, Tomorrc Afternne aad Bight leag b PrroraaBee . i H LVKfO STtH'K OOMPAJfT. f la the laughable farce-comedy, "THE cnccnriJL ua ..... a-acfalttes ketwesa : aets.' '' FertsrmsBces st 8:30. 7 . aa 33 a, au Usasl price ef edaawea. 10 esataV JIU-JITSU kxTtrajr rFOAdtrorr. Ooaaral Kil snd Jv"e- ' Tree t , I j a meilerful ltle ef t eu BXeOLAA B Wi. eX Cutlei I t, . Al'ier Pr.t ttnedny eeeeltig, r-nruarp . Adalalea la and fc re.... A at hell .pea lif I tr J cr:j ... COLUMBDA' TflilEATKE 7 VAMP ' i.