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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1905)
tiis crcori . daily journal:' Portland. Saturday 'evening. February n, izzs. :1 FAH OVCiiD FLAfIS Already It Hat Ceen Found That ..-.'.L - - . ' . IIM SB ; Administration cquaing it ?::' i Much Too Small. 1 V , PVCPIITIVF nPDIDTUCMT WILL BE REMOVED SOON Spanish Ship Captured Off Cuba , way di oani as rair 9! fv;r- Government Display. ;: '' , Within eight days, if It Is posslbl by : that time to perfect the installation of T!--leetrlo : heating- apparatua, the Lewis and Clark headauarters will be mo red .w to the Administration building at the - ' fair ground. - President Goode, aa wait . aa the haada of department, are anxloua . to make the change.-aa there ara . many InterrupUone i In tha down-town at aotm that- the tranaaotloa of bualneea ? la seriously Interfered with. Th Administration hulldlna.TeOntaIlt ; In If room, waa thought to be large : enough to accommodate an lair execu- tlvea and, tha state commission and gov t. eminent board,! at tha time It waa built. . but the scope of the exposition baa In ert tied ao much, that room' will have .L to-be provided elsewhere for many who were to have desks in the building.' - Editor John T. Flynn of the Midnight 'Sun, at Seattle, has suggested that the . cableahlp -. Burnalde. which waa the ' Spanish merchant 'ship Rita, captured -' ;off -Cube during- tha late war and con--z 'verted into- an army- tranaport,. be ob. talned as a part of .the government's , . exhibit at the fair. -The ahlp la now in .Puget aound and with tha proper legle latlve Influence, Mr. Flynn bellerea the . government obuld. be induced to bold , 'tt here." " - . . - ' ' " '..'; -A- line from O- Bunner. president of the - Ban Francisco volunteer firemen. aUtea that he will bead a party of 80 , veterans from California and auggeata the advisability of a Tlremens day" W : Augual Tha state commission la In eeseton thla afternoon. It la expected that the members vwlll act upon - the apportion ment of exhibit space among the veri oua counties of the state, all but aeven ', of which have applied for gBace..,, -AGED SALEM MAN BADLY INJURED IN RUNAWAY "'"'T:-' (Special Dispatch te The fovaal. 't . .... , Salem,. Feb. 11. A. H. Damon, the . veteran expressman of thla city, nar c . ' rowly escaped death In a runaway accl ; ' dent which occurred en the maln.atreeta here yesterday afternoon, while drlv Ing along: Commercial street a team of - frightened horses came dashing down a '' aide atreet and collided with the express .". wagon at the intersection. The express ' ', "'" wagon waa turned over and smashed into :, kindling wood. - the aged driver .being caught underneath .the wreck and seri oualy cut and bruised.- When emtrleated from the masa f wood. -Iron and. home rI. flesh Mr, Daraffh waa found to be un " conscious and for a time waa believed - t have been fatally injured. H finally . " regained consciousness, ' however, and .r U resting corarnrtaniy. , on '.' right temple he. sustained a deep cat 'several Inches In length which required many-stitches to close. ;, - One of the runaway-horse fall on a broken wheel of the expresa wagon and ;. received an ugly ' wound in the breast. 1 which It la believed - will necessitate nttlllnf the animal. TO SELECT PUPIL TO ATTEND INAUGURATION '-..' :..-. ....... i,-," t: . -' ' , ("seetaL Mspateh te The Joaraal.) -' Roneburg. Or, Feb. 11. On next Mon- ' 'day' a contest will be started by the , director of the achooi district of this place .to pay. the expensea of the moat popular pupil tn the high school to tha - Inauguration or treaiaeni itooeeveit. at Washington. D. C a ' ' Borne time ago President - Roosevelt . Invited a student from each high school In the . United State, the result-being the contest The rare win last about two weeks, eaca vote coating; i centa, v. o-xajui . ropmoT oomTfj onn. Mary Ann' O'llare today auRed forlan order restraining Jaraea : O'Hare from selling or incumbering 14 aorea of land he owna in aectlon U. - township south, range M ast,T- alleging - that "O'Hare, from' Whom 'aae waa divorced last June, had not teomplled with- the order of the court to provide for her support and that of Tier child. . . sr AT SOU WOOD. (f4prtsl DiepatHi te Tke oerasLV . i' Roseburg, Or.. Feb. 11. J. U Baker died at Millwood. It miles west of here. -'L'yeeterday - He waa a pioneer of the '60s. . , At an early ' date he came te Millwood '" and engaged In tha aawmlU . business v - with Wi- B. Clarke. - La grippe caused T: bla death. - - . ' - 'j, WrjTD OXTXD gJ.T'-v ' Z-Z'inpttM Meeetcb. to Tke- tmumtl.i'' .;- Harrington. Waah.t Feb. 11. Jlr. and Mrs. W. Lk Newton when they awoke T -"" mornings found their Infant 'between them cold In" death. It ' ' ' i n 111 with cold, but waa thought , s . better. ;--; , ruu tnovai ia. , ' (iprtl Dlspeteh te Tke Jearasl.) -1 Twin take, Wash.. Feb. 11. Karl ' WhlUker akated through an airhole here - and ' waa ' rescued after sinking (wlce. He waa badly scared, but otherwise un hurt -'. :-w . ... l-'. . c- rrr- ' ' Dalang Poudor . Becaos it Is the best. The use y"t)l ft during the past twenty years hat resulted in millions of satisfied housewives. . 'i i ; 2G C"n::if :t2o. czzb ..i DIES WnlLE'AUDIEr.'CE rSlICUTS FCH AN EF.'COr.E e e ' ' ' (Joersal gpecltl SerTlee.) 4 : "" Redlanda, Cal., ' Feb. 11. While, a' fashionable audience 4 4, . crowded the new Wyatt theatre e 4 to the door. Impatiently waiting . . to hear another song by Mra. J. 4 P. MoElroy, formerly f Fhlla- delphia, aha waa lying - dead in e . her dreaalng , room. - She Was e - found there by her husband..' 4 ' The, occasion ; waa one of the e 4 , most - notable functions In .Red- " d e . ianda society thla aeaaon. being w : the annual vaudeville ' perform- 4 ance of" the" lodge of fclks, : A' , number of singera of ability had " been engaged, among them Mra.- e McElroy. She rang the "Bridge e ; of Stgha-.-early on the program, - - and waa down for another ewng e near the close.' She waa received . with, much enthusiasm and re- " aponded to the enoorea. ' - e . When called for' ' the ' aecond " e. number ' aha - failed to 'respond : d ' and: the audience - became Un- patient.' A search followed, and '.d 4 .. the lady waa found dead. Heart e .'disease waa tha cause. ' , ', . SUNDAY SCHOOL' LESSON i .,0 .U--'iii:i By H. D. Jenklna. IX D. ? " . February 1 J, 105. Topic: The gee ond Miracle In Cana John 4:41-54. " ' Oolden Text The very work that I do, bear witness of me. that the Fathef bath aent me John S:J.,"""rt Responsive reading: - Psalm 1J:1-18. : Zateodaetion.. ' Let ua atudy thla leaaon with refer ence to present-day needs. We cannot explain wholly the philosophy of suffer- ing dul we ougn not be allly to deny it We see by this lesson how sick ness has often In most Important crises of experience led men to Christ. This man had no more doubts about his ion's sickness than be had about the Saviour's power to heal . And on- the other hand, w should not attempt to get spiritual help out of a story If we call in question Ita truth. It la quite futile, to say on accepts-Jesus Christ aa tha grea&w, of the world's great teachers, while deny ing the genuineness of the records whloh weave miracle and .discourse in one aeamless web. Boon say now that they , accept . .Jesus in anite -of the miraclea. But Jesus afflrmeoVaa la the golden text, that the miracles were bis oredentlala, seals placed upon tha firman which he exhibited. , Jeaua. had been at Jerusalem (cb,' 1: 11) attending one -of the great annual feasts. He had spent some time preach ing In the south country , (ch. J: !). On his way to Galilee he had acceded to the Importunities of the Samaritans, spending some days with them (ch. 4: 40). .He then resumed his northward journey toward Galilee accompanied by his dlsclplea. ; - - -:, .; j-,. . ''. asnv- VC- ''j,:v::.J':' ' Verse is. Nasareth was often apoken of as "hla own country." . Naxareth was a : town in "upper" Galilee. "OeJUee proper- of our Lord's day bore some what the relation to Ita past that. the New England of thla toth century does to the .New England of Puritan times. Foreign populations often elbow the old stock out of the "old home,:.: Galilee waa proud of Us history, aa a part of Israel, but the-strict - Jew conaldered tta popu lation mongrel and Its speech barbarous l.tMalt.-xxvi:,..7XIt waa, however. aa is often the case, more liberal and hospitable to new ldeaa than the aec tlon which ' had Its jwots . wholly ,.lnv bedded. In the past. -. ' 7 - "Z. . - Vera 44. Good ' men outlive de tract ore but -they never- escape , them. No American waa ever so beset by the tongue of calumny aa George Waahing- What can. be more- bitter, than envy what "more cruel than envy? The- wise man wno naa - achieved rama and . ac cumulated a fortune never goea back to apend his old age in the home of his childhood. Every- deadbeat m the town will curse his shadow as he peaaea on the street, A friend' waa telling ua of his summer ' In the old home recently. He spent his whole vacation in fixing up the-village common and -repairing the village church- and putting the achooi house In order. And he stepped on the toes of -every stingy and cantankerous tltlsen ' In - the eourae of - bis three months' benevolent work.; and when he left, he said' there waa not a man In town-whdr would apeak to him.- Bo long as Jesus desired to preach In peace he must not go back to. Naaareth. - - : verse 4a. But the cities immediately about the Sea of Galilee "received him." The Galileans would not omit going . to the feast, ' although - not very welcome emong the aouthern families of pure Mood. . The ract that Galileans were rich did hot help matters any. The fact that they, treated, rather Jealously the high claims of the , Judean families made things worse. But go they would, If only out-af spite, - . - , ).-.-. Verse 4. Cans, where- Jeaua. per formed - the t first mlracler and " from which one fo his first . dlsclplea Nathaniel, bad come (John xxl: waa not far from Capernaum. In the old world eeDle do not live, as In America. Jn the land they till. They gather In village for society and protection, ao that cities, -town and villages are not far apart, while the cultivated land Ilea between. Thla man waa-a "Daalllkos; ' that Is, on of royal blood, whoae. eon was sick at Capernaum, For no palace gatea can abut out the common Borrows of oar'common life. .. ' Verse 47. It la significant that thla man did not wait for the Son of God to pasa his way. He dfd not wait for him to visit hia own city. '- He doubtless had had hla fear that Jesus would be so captivated with the life of Jerusalem that they rould never see lilm again in their vicinity. Cana Was 6'ack from the lake and ' upon higher ground. Thla la the reason Jesus waa importuned to come "down." ' The urgent nature of the appeal waa made known. How . much thla man had learned of Jesus already! He does not ask for help Upon the ground that he is a prince of the reigning fam ily, but upon the ground that hla "eon Ilea at the point of death." He knew that hla rank -would make no impression upon Jesus, but his suffering would..- Ver 4i. Cana. waa a town' peculiarly associated . with the miracle-working power of 'Jeaua Doubtless he Was re mindeffTrt it at svery turru He would hear peorle pointing him" out to their visiting friend ae - the one who--hd turned water Into wine. . He doubtless grew weary of It. - But here waa an Im- nortant reouest for another work of power. 1 Nothing waa tnore repugnant to Jeaua than- to "be set np to be stared at. Old thla man really wish a ear or only show t ... . -. Verse 41, The prayer of the distressed father waa put with the-utmost courtesy, tenderness and feeling. "Sir, come down era my child die." He would not attempt to define the measure of hla faith but he would assert- the' absolute character of hla sincerity. He was not trifling In a matter ao serious to htm aa thla i Verse 6j Jeau now pnt to a sublime test the faith ef the. father. He bltls him go beck. alonein confidence that sll I well, it " true that Jesua could eure TiTm; "but It waa moreover true that he did not need, t "come down" to do thla, " Hla pnwer was not soma physlca-l potency which anuat be oommunlcated by contact. . He might In ordinary oasea prefer that as strengthening tha Im pression and rendering the cure leas open to question. But It waa never necessary. In this case' It might be impossible un less tha miracle should be a raising from the dead. Evidently Jesus knew not qniy that the eon waa at the point of death but, f hat his feet - were already "supping o tr-1 Bcinav- -t ,.-, , Verse d. . The change waa so marked and- so radical that the members of hi household start immediately to Inform the father that the young man waa "out of danger;" for that Is the meaning In tended to 1)0 conveyed by the words. "Thy son llveth.". v-v ----- " Verse I.. So complete waa' the con fidence of the father that the word- of Jesua' was true, that he appears to have aoua-httae . rest woica.tje. doubtless greatly needed. We can -Imagine that he had been on the rack for days. He probably beard rumors .of our Lord's coming and then contradictions of those rumors.,' He may have spent eoma time In lookltnr htm up, for the record indl eatea that he bad at first been told only that Jesus had come into Galilee ' but not Into which of Its various towns he had entered. All the time he knew that his son's condition waa growing more critical.-; XV can believe that, he gave up. and went to bed for needed aleep after, being aasured that tha son would come through all right,' Thus It was not until 24 houra later, or thereabouta, that the servants of the nobleman were able to find their master and to deliver their glad message. . It had been an hour paat midday the day before, when the happy change cam over the alck lad, to the unspeakable relief . of all the anxloua watchera i.. .-. - ".- -'-' Verse II. The father was notjooklng for some excuse to shake off hla debt of gratitude. Jeaua bad generously put forth hla Dower In euch a way aa to most relieve the father while moat to hide hla own connection witn xne case. But. the father told It Joyfully every where. He realised that had Jesus wrought miracles . for ' the fame which would accrue to him. he would have kept himself, the father. In torture so much , longer In order that Jeaua could be seen at the house and heard among the amlly and recognised by tha neigh bors as the direct agent in his restora tion. Jesua. did not do this. But the father, royal as he wao, told the story, and Identified himself with this new sect. which- aa-yet had Its chief exponents among fishermen and peaaanis. Verae 84. This, says St, John, was tha second miracle in Galilee. Jesus had been unwelcome in Jerusalem and cast out of Naaareth, but in : Cana be had found friends. -.- n-r .. -. - - Every time we lift a book from the table we perform an act as directly eon trary to tha law-of-gravitation asthe making the sun stand still. Only In the one case we are familiar with tha phe Domenar and so com to regard the In terpoaltldn of our will aa "natural." But within certain limits we can aet taide many of those sequences which we-call "the lawa of nature." "God can aet them all aside, or there Is no validity to our philosophy. It la Just as reasonable for us to ask God for rain aa to aak our child to sprinkle Jhe jplante with the water pot. In either case It Is the in terposition of a personal will which ef fects the' desired result. God can heal In. response to our call In supplication. But he heals only in such eases as are consonant-with all the multitudinous ln terests Involved. TWENTOILLIONS FOR BUILDINGS Baker City Included in the List 7to Be Favorably Reported on xrxS t,y the National House. - ...... . .. . . ... ..-- VWMSiogtea Boreas ef Tb Jooraat) ' - Washington. Feb. ll.The bpus cow mlttee on publie building anjLgrounds baa completed the omnibus public butld Inge 'bill, which will be" reported'to the house Monday. ' It will provide appro priation for erecting building, the pur chase of sites or extension of limit of buildings now In course of construction In 166 cities and towns, and win . carry aggregate appropriation of upwards of 120,000,000. The Items carried by . the bill, have not been made public, but It Is known that those for western states In. elude an appropriation for completing the mint at Denver, extending the coat limit of the building at Colorado Springe, new-building at flherldan, Wyo., new building at Baker City, Or., and an In crease In the coat limit at Tacoma and Spokane. -- : J, :-;,r-.-:i-:. - : rv; COMPLAINT UPHELD : - --v AGAINST THE BANK . , n v-- V -Judge Sears today sustained the com plaint of George H. Williams and other against -Wells, Fargo A Co. in a Case In which, la . involved property-aggregating 1 1.000,000 In valua The complaint waa demurred to and the demurrer aver ruled. Williams and othera In several caaea secured Judgment against the Commercial National, bank for' auma amounting to It0,0,- -end execution Issued, -but -no property was found. Suits were filed against Wells Fargo" Co. and the Commercial bank, alleging that the liquidation of the Commercial bank waa the act-of Wells Fargo at Co. to get possession of the sesets of the Commercial bank, worth 1 1.000,000, and that thereby the Commercial bank be came insolvent, and that the asaets were turned over to Well Fargo at Co., which they themselves valued at $260. 000. y They ow aak. that 4he Judgments In the original suite V be satisfied by Well Fargo A Co. The court holda that the complaint states facts that If proven will enable recovery from Wells Fargo Co. 'Judge Sear also decided that Dr. I M. Davis ahould recover, from the City t Suburban Railway company tl.117.t0. for Injuries be received by the dropping of a live wire-belonging to the company at Third and -Washington atreet. by which -Davis waa burned. , He aued for .rr-''.. ' ' SICK, IS ALMOST SENT '. - , TO INSANE ASYLUM Through the efforts of Mr. and Mra IT. . Kertrtlng. who conduct a restaurant and- rooming-house at 41 North Sixth street, K. M. Clinton waa saved from the dllrous with fever and waa charged With Insanity. by the policeman. , Clinton had apartments at Kerstlng s place and has been 111 for several daya I Aft Monday night he became -aelinou Walter Pike, another roomer, went to as sist him. A police officer was called and Ibe alck- man was removed to the city Jell, where he waa confined for sev eral day. - H wes about to be tried be fore County Judge Webster for insanity when Kerning and hla wife Informed the court of the man's troubles. - Clinton waa promptly released after an examination. . . PEACE TREATY WITH - r ; JAPAN SIGNED TODAY .. ' . 1 - ; ' ' ' (Joarail Special Service.) Washington. Feb. 11. The arbitration treaty with Japan was signed 'at tha state department' this morning by Min ister Takafalra. and Secretary Hay. - - - HAH.IIArj FUuCHASES ' PACIFIC COAST tOr.frANY e e U " (Jeeraal SpeeUI servtes.) ' e e . New York, Feb. -11. Friends - 4 4 of the Paclrto Coast company 4 4 say the eommon stock has only 4 e paused a brief . while and will e 4- shortly - resume - Its upward 4 e ' course , well above par. , The e figure they set Is 110 and a ' e further rise-4a predicted, not lnj4 . earnlng-s only, whloh warrant 4 - dividends, but In certain "plans 4 4 which the Harrlman interests d 4 ara understood to have In regard 4k 4k to ' the .northwest. " Harrlman 4 ' and associate have steadily ab- 4 aorbed the bulk of offerings for 4 weeks and tha fact is supposed . 4 ; to have a bearing" on the re- 4 4 adjustment of railway relations 4 4 that Wall street generally be- 4 e , lleves Is dependent on the 'L 4k 4 termination of the Northern B- 4 4 euritlee - litigation. The Paclfla e 4 Coast - company haa valuable 4 e termlnala at Seattla and ft 4k 4 might be that these properties, 4 4k have an important bearing on 4 the dormant project of extend-. 4 4 , Ing the St, Paul railway t the . 4 : Faolflo. ' ' . v 4 ' 4 e 4 4 e 4 e 4 e TANNER CONFESSES (Continued front Page Ona) partmenU. He also said that before coming to Fortland h was summoned before tha grand. Jury of tha District of Columbia, when the following conversa tion took place: . "February I of this year I waa sub poenaed before the district grand Jury at Waahington. D. C. I went to Mitchell after receiving the subpoena and. told hint Of it and asked -him what It waa about Mitchell presumed that It was to Inquire lrtto the firm's business. : "He told me that Judge Tanner had been before the grand Jury In Portland and had testified that all the fees re ceived from the departments went to Tanner. I knew at the. time that this was not the agreement.'- He then told me that be had a conversation with Judge Tanner In December, and. that they had agreed that any means waa Justifiable to defeat the aaaaulta being made upon Mitchell." , Judge Tanner's son 'then went on' the wttnesaatand. f "- v . . WEBER WANTED TO CALL ON GIRLS AFTER MURDER (Joornat Special Berrle.) Auburn. Cal., Feb. 1 1. Henry Carr, the San Francisco second-hand dealer, who sol A the pistol .to Adolpb Weber, was . cross-examined,' at this, morning's session of tha murder trial... The wit ness demonstrated by the weapon Itself his meant' Of Identification. Tha barrel waa ahaky and portions of' tb. nickel plate were wonj-aff. V ' " A tthalnoongdjournmentfa. Adrian Wllla, the schoolmate of Weber,. was on the BtanC Wills took the defendant to hla home the. night at the fire. - His shoes and stocklnga were wet and were changed at -Wills' homaw-During the ev en Ing. the defendant repctedly aug ceated -that they go up to- the -barn where the pistol -waa founds Wills-also stated that at the defendant's sugges tion they and Lincoln Marrow had. ice cream, and that the -defendant wanted to go- and call on aome young laoies. AH - this nappened. within ew hours after the -.murder. - . i , . .- ' - CARNEGIE SUBPOENAED IN CHADWICK TRIAL -Jeamal Rpeclsl Servtes,) Cleveland. Ohio, Feb. 11. Andrew Carnegie waa served with subpoenas today to appear in the trial of Mra Chadwlck at Cleveland March t. . The paper were served at his Fifth avenue residence In New York. The Carnegie family Is contemplating; a trip. South, which may have to be iostpouW.- ' WMaCTlTB TOTBVAJOnrr. (Rpeelal Dispatch te The Jeuraal.) -'' Oregon City, Or., Feb, 11. rlt has been domonatrated beyond question that the firemen's tournament to be given here In July will be a great success. Solicitations for aubacrlptlona have met witn success In every quarter, and half of the sum "or. Iginally estimated as necessary to the suoceas of the venture haa been raised. Enqulrlee relative to the tournament are oemlng from marry sources end. the at tendance will evidently be Isrger than was ever anticipated. The general com mittee consists of the following: J. W. Cola Frank Maginnis and W. If, How ell, alt prominent firemen.'-'- Reduced Rates to California. -r Tha Southern Pacific company has Disced on sale round trip ticket" t Loa Angele at the rata of til. limit 0 daya This affords an excellent oppor tunity to vlalt the many beautiful win ter resorts of southern California at a moderate coat. 1 BRISK CLIPPINGS 1 rrom Today's ClassiTied Pages tA A A h A tAA AAAA ' Good boy wanted1 To collect and de liver papers: good wages: must be cloee In. j Apply Dunham Printing company, 44 H First atreet., Get there this even ing soon as possible. Want board and room close In on east aide with 'phone and private" bathT If ao call at 171 .East Seventh, corner Yamhill. "I.,."' . ; ; : . ' ... Wra fain' nf 1S41U Macadam mirme rmitrf lika ffklaln awlnar to 4iL .ad mmwu satisfaction guaranteed. Have you some work? - " r- Aa a premium with all cash "want ads" toda there will be given a box ef Woodard A Clarke'a famous , "Wood- lark'-' llsteratcd tooth soap, free. . Don't forget. ' It's with either larae or email ads.- The rata remember.- ia"tt words for II cents' for one time. t For the benefit ef those who desire to Insert "want ads" In Sunday's Journal, the office will be open until 10 o'clock tonight. Think a minute, see If you don't want to fill your vacant rooma oc sell vOm ef your property ; the rate Is In reach of all It's "tl word for It cents." If 1t" moving- time- with you, look under heeding - "For Rent Houses. " You'll find Just what you've been looking for, In price and location. . The Sunday Journal's classified pageer composed of hundreds ef "want ads." are a feature looked forward to by many.' See that -your - advertisement appear ameng them,.' You may rest aa- sureo ii win receive in attention vi m aultitude, r -r-5- r- - Arewishimg mace installed by wherson " nf!S RATHER UNSEASONABLE TO HAVE ANY CHANGE AUDE H ? NOW ANY OLD FURNACE IS BETTER THAN NONE AT ALL BUT FROM THE PRESENT; INDICATIONS WE SHALL BE - " SWAMPED f IN THE SPRINQ WITH " CHANGE ORDERS fa Y V O T : H-r O t HEATINQ7VENTIITINQ?AND'DRYINQ'E 47 First Street Jf- Ts -V'- - rs - ' i - -"I m " - AGAINST TRUST Kansas Legislature Investigating : Reports of Standard Oil , L Bribery. INVESTICATINQ LOBBIES i 1 OF ALL CORPORATIONS Railroads ;. Compelled to Show Stubs of Pass Books Lob byists Leave Town. ; ' iitJearaal Speelal SerrUe.) . Topeka, Kan.; Feb. 11. The majority of legislators have gone home to talk with constituents about the pending oil lealslatlon. The boodle investigation committee haa announced' that It will lenr tta inqulrlea to all eorporaUona havlna lobby here, as weU as the Standard Oil compear. Several lobby tats left town last nightL' The houae yesterday appointed a com mittee of flv to Investigate tb charges of alleged boodllng made by anewspaper that the Standard Oil people were using money ' ta-prevent-tha-paasagaln- the houae of the bill recently passed by the senate for the aatabllahmant ota state oil rflnery. , '. ;- . . Railroad attorneys will be brought be fore the committee and compelled to ex. hlblt their pasa booM and atuba i Previous to ths appointment of tha In vestigating committee the aupporters of the . measure,, which provide for -the erection in the state or an oil reiinery won-ar-v jetory t or-thelr- blllrw hen- they secured -It referenoe to h" committee of the whola , The measure already had passed the sonata and -the vote today referrlria- It to this committee Indicates It Is believed that It has enough sup porters to Insure Its passage oy tne house, v Speaker Btubbs sought to have it referred to the judiciary committee, from where. Us friends assert. It would never have come to light again In this session, - Tk aiananl ml naonl state that their credit Is beiitg injured by the agita tion In Kansas, and that tney are unaDie to secure loans necessary to carry out contemplated work. , , ' WASHINGTON COUNTY : "r " EXAMINATION ENDS ' " (Special Dispatch te The Journal.)- unuhnm nr. Vb. 11. The Wash ington county teachers' examination for state -and county certificates began In tha court "house herw -Wednesday and Ainsl iiuhv. TMchar who wrote for county certificate were: - Lydla Btaehr, Agnes Relllng.. - Marguarue l empieion, Lena Bhorb, Lena Holcomb. Ruth Luce, inM t.tiA IT!11. Pwhln Vdnnta Pschln. DOODLING "Mra. Rena Benuet Angle Harrington, 'a 1 n,'innifr Rrookwsll. Anna Newman. Rini4. Vmv. A lira Far Aamea Delsman. Orace Robinson, Lena Johnson, Mar guerite Asbahr, Maggie Brady. Gertrude Robinson. Nettle White, Marguerite Bateman. Clara Lund. Mlsa L. F. Bpragg, Frank Fletcher Lestef Moo berry, Kara Dixon, Albert Hatch, Leslie Kester, Emerson Baker, Paul Baker. W. H. Bear, Ernest Webb, Edwin Shot well. T. P. Kendall and H. C. Todd. Thoee who wir .t .1 Av.fndiatlnnB "were! " A I. Thomas and Miss Alma Bowman. The examining - board consisted of Superintendent-f. C. Case and Mlsa Lucy Humphreys or this city ana rro fessor Marsh of Forest Orov. BANK ROBBERS RETURN TO SCENE OF CRIME '-'(Special Wspateh' to Th Jeonial.)"". Albany, Or.. Feb. 11. The Lebanon bank robbers are reported to have "re turned to the neighborhood of that place within the past fw days and several person near that town allege to have seen them. ' It Is supposed that the "men had not carried away their booty, but had burled tt near the town, and their return Is believed to have bean for . the purpose of carrying away the money a S bTbbi m e fca as !, t fr eSfc . fcs ljfc W COIVI1 xruiii crisj ran hi m hw 1 1 " vv i iu saw them describe th men as did the railroad men who. saw them on. the track near Lebanon On th evening pre ceding th robbery. , P. M. Scrogaio, the Lebanon banker. aald last evening- that Monday be would resume business, when a new safe ar rived. Dr. B.E. : WRIGHT Tkeeelealf I Seatlwt that re lieves all pain In dental op ratio aa tw aea. Petweeri . "-There is- ncv case -on re cord of a cold resulting in Pneumonia or other seri ous lung: trouble, after; had been taken. It stops the cough and heals the lungs and pre vents serious results from a cold. . ; Do not take chances on a cold wearing avyay or experiment with some un? known preparation , that costs you the same as Foley's Honey and Tar. ; " Remember the name and get the genuine J : . A Smrt toIJ far Tkm Ucstii. Th followins; letter from A. J. Kos batrm, xt Bateavill. Ind., tella Its own story: "I suffered for threw months with a severe cold., - A druggist prepared a. eome mealclne, ana a physician pre scribed (or ma, yet I did not improve). jotna medicine, and a physician pre sen bad for ma, yet I did not improve. I than tried Foley's Honey sad; Tar. sad eight doees cared me." . . Three gbee 25c, 50c, $1.00. Th 50 cent sis contains twe and one-half times as much as the small sis and th $1.00 bottle almost six times SCL0 AID EECSwEO If - San Devi prof eemaaay i . ; Clarke Si Oo. ' Weoaars, Raven ' Nut Cdei delivered, at per to& v.. .-9S.TS Raven Lump CoaL delivered, at per ton 96.50 Ronton Lump Coal, delivered, at per ton .ST.OO Australian Coal, delivered, at per ton 97.50 Carbon KOI CoaL delivered, at per toa 'ST.50 Rock Springs Coal; delivered, at per ton .....98.50 Screened Coal Full Wlghta VULCAN COAL CO. BURNSIDK STREIT. PYROGRAPHY (Snv elaaa In all asollcatlona ef the art convenes each Tuesday and Thura ey afternoon from I t 4 e'eloek. - . 4t:ilTK0:.IAIl IMSTITUTE- Phone Red 171. Pert land. Or. Mine Surveying. Railroad Work, trrtfja tlon. Reclaiming of Wat Landa, City , V UU . . 1 . - K '. , . DAVID LORiriG v Chi! Lr"zzztzl Izmyzr .J" y Fl-bllO. Steer' ' ' "rrri, C Company. Pine and Ash . : '-ji- Will have-no terror ': for you if your coal - V bin - is' .'3 filled with .' : GOOD CLEATi Ifmtry Blasts GOAL Why, pay money for the kind that causal trouble and vexation, when." ymi-- ara certain aura of aatlafaotloa by plao-! -JPaljrour order harat ... ' i ' Rock Springs Cdal'Cov;- . c m. BATia, : tMKatornaea I riw Edison's Rotary cTVlimeograph a ts. Adapted to printing of circular let ter. Every copy aa plain aa orig inal typewriting, fipeed O copies erate It. -. Send . for catalogue and ' : . . ; Kilham Stationery . ' Tr- Printing Company S4S Waaamgtoa St, Vortlaaa. Or. Uodaks! - 7 i -,-.. Grephophonea I We aarry a full line of Which ' t ' ' - ' ' and U. . k i'