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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1905)
y'V ry; rr'r":"i'"''s'' "the" biGON d)uly journal, Portland Saturday -EVEMKor February h.niscj. : " , . UNREQUITED LQVE - J FlREn lHIS PISTOL Because ,of Refusal to Marry Him,, Joe Fiorebello Calls at the YShob of Mrs. Amelia Siriannl, and in Presence otT",r ' 'Jir- Witnesses Shootslthe Woman" Dead. ' - TRAGEDY y AROUSES DENIZENS OF JIALIAN ( QUARTER il ;; -lHe' Had .Threatened to Shoot His Victim, and Was, Arrested, But I : t( 'T ; Woman-Like, She Forgave Him, and Spared ; -Z:' - Him to. Be Her, -1 x. X-. I J JTh Murdered Woman, Amelia : Bcaus of pcnlRtent refnnl to mwry lm. Jo. Flora bello. a Italian laborer, hot and Ulld Amelia Slrlanni in her 3ittlandr store mi Z2t First atreet at o'clock laat olcht." ..' t . tie murderer then fledTana Ta etUl at large.' though aoaaea ci policemen and deputy, aherlfa are aearchlnc for htm. - Bandlo aAd bthera. - Bandlo was lalklna ,.f. with the woman -when the aasasala en . ';-tered the etore.- He had ;llfd tn her - ahortJyHifter o'clock, when the gtrl waa " busy;, aa - aba- Ignored - bia-preaenee- he - became, quaxrelaome. but remained only' a few momenta. Two tmira later he re i ., x ' '' "'- .V; - - . v...-, ...,,j.,,.ui,.v . T turned- and fired twice, each shot taking effect. . ' .pi , deed several days ago.- He' gathered to . gather .all hla letters and photographs . ."'and destroyed them -He la said to hare ' : . '' announced hla intentions te several of his companions...., . . . ' He waa deliberate in hit action last ij i -.nlfht. Hla friends declare that he - 'walked the -streets from the time Of his -1 'first rtait until the second faltal call at the tltOe candy shop. - - - , Caaw of Beaplaai fcava. 1 .'. : Tha tragedy waa the reakilt of avlova . t affair. For months Fiorebello. had been a sultop for Amelia Blrlamni'a affeotlona ; ;and had been anumed. He vowed,, it la , aalt that If ha could not win her lore, ' 'It abould nerer be given to another. HEALTH-' No one can tell goodT baking powder from bad merely 'by ihe appearance; j "1 price is some guide, but not an in 1 fallible one; - V ; . yet contain unwholesome, ingredients. : ; There is one safe, sure wayrircr I to follow the recommendations of the D. S. GOVERNMENT ANALYSTS. - THE HIGHEST AUTHORITIES ON HYGIENE ) , THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, , THE BEST HOUSEKEEPERS EVERYWHERE- BAKING ABSOLUTELY PURE Murderer,." yy ' . SlrUnrJ, and Her Llttla Child. j Ha called 'upon her at tha candy atora Thursday right, and renewed hla pro teatatlona otf love, an'd waa -again -re. iected, V They quarreleA but no . one knowa .What Vas said Or-What,iwatha manner of their quarrels Persoris who were-passing at the time' heard angry words. A Salvation Army soldier heard a uorthm of tha conversation, but unable to give' a ; detailed, account of what a aaid. ' - - .' - , ' VThef man" waa recent' arrested on a charger at. assault. -ndlatter)r- on the complaint of the 'wormui. He appeared in tha municipal court io anawar the charge, and. waaj ordered out of the city, as the woman agrees .'to. withdraw- her -iy.PtfMltt H tirhav left the city fbr'a-short time, but returned a few days ago. " During - his absence1 the woman ob tained -a. divorce front Pauf -iiiiiannV a bootblack;" It la believed that Fiorebello learned of the divorce and returned im mediately in order td force the woman to marry him. Ha became desperate at her refusals, - - t Tha dead woman waa It year of age and had two children. She conducted a small cigar and candy store on First street, the cleanest and moat Inviting looking -place In the neighborhood. She was very popular In the Italian colony, and Intense Indignation baa been aroused against her slayer. : , - The murderer ha been employed at POWDER various place In the city aa a laborer. He la generally denounoed among the Italians, many of whom have begun a search for aim. They believe that he will be capturid within a short time, aa ha has no moneV and will pot b able to get far from. thrUyT The body of Mra Slrlanni was re, moved J to- Coronet Frnley- - eeublleh menL Witneaart declare h expired only,, a fw moments after tha -shots were fired. """Bh waa atanding behind tha counter -when the aasaasln entered, and there aha fell without a word. - So far aa the police department is con cerned, tha hunt for the murderer was abandoned laat night. A cursory search Malia Imm mi l.ialv afta tha' crime. and a number of officers 'Investigated." The search was practically completed them """ ; Deputy Sheriff Cordano found in Fiore bello' s -room, corner of Water and Lin coln streets, a house kept by Italians, a box of twenty la-callbr Winchester rlfl cartridges and aeveral Sl-callbre Smith & Wesson pistol cartridges, "the sort used by Fiorebello when he killed tha w omut-rt-r ' Cordano haa secured tha following de scription of the murderer:. He la It yeara Old, I feet l or 1 -inches high, weigh Its pounds, of dark complexion, srrfall Jet black mustache, had a soar easily' noticeable burned - on -tha- right jaw. wore - dark gray trousers and - a black soft hat. He waa acarcely able to spek Kngllsh. Ills bloodshot. BIG INCREASE IN " SCHOOL ATTENDANCE Oyer a Thousand Mpre .Than Were Registered atjSjprinffp. Term 'Last Year. ' there were lt.MI pupil In attendance at the publlo schools of this elty yes terday, according to - the- dally -reporte filed in the office of tha elty superintend ent, or an tncreaae of 1.089 over the at tendancer at tha end or .the first week of the spring term laat year. The attend ance haa been Increasing since the term opened on Monday, and tha number, cf pupils 1 expected to grow. Tha registration at tha high school haa now reached 1,041. Several of the schools on tb east side have become ao crowded that arrangementa will have ta bs made for extra classes. Following are tb attendance In the ehools: ''.' .--'Y " Alnsworth, 111; Atkinson, J; Brook lyn, 1(7; Chapman, tit; Clinton Kelly, 441; Couch, 744; Falling, 4; Fernwood, It; Fulton, 75; Fulton Park, ;- Haw thorn, 110; High, 1.044; Highland, 703; Holladay, 77; Holman, S40; Ladd, teo; Marquam, II; Midway. IS; North Central, Its; Ockley Green. Ill; Peninsula, 107; Portsmouth, 117; Bellwood, 114; Shaver, 161; Bhattuck, 117; Stephens. 110; Sunny, side, 101; Thompson, MliJIVtUlam Aver nue. .751; Woodlawn, 347; East Twenty, eighth, H.ToUt. U.m.iT.i PROSPEROUS YEAR. Aetna Life Haa Made Remarkable - - - . - . Increase in Its Business, . ' r Everybody who- "holda llfA. accident, health, or liability Insurance, or oontem platea protection in these lines, will find much' of Interest In the annual etatement of the Aetna Life, which appear on an. other page. ' ' ' 't': v Unquestionably it Is one of tha great. weakest and strongest Ufa companies In eilel- enee the leading oompany in New long land and tha largest In tha world writ ing insurance' of the kind above named. No poliolea in tha insurance wor)d of to day are more favorable to tha Insured, consistent with eafe buitnees consldera tlona If Jtaid to"pollcy holders during the mil vcar tS.S71.793. KB. and vtnea its of I14I.S1I.I4I.I6. It ha 121,011 policy holder with life Insurance of 1117,104, 7IS.06, and accident, 1217,111.164.11. . Tha company haa grown to' It present greatness and prosperity largely under the guiding hand of President Morgan O. Bulkeley, now United State senator. Since he aasumed control its Income has advanced-from -14,100,000. annually to nearly .116,000,000, and it Insurance In force from 177,000,000 to nearly 140. 006,000.: r- SPECIAL WEEK NIGHT ' ' SERVICES CLOSE I Last night saw tha close of tha special week night aarvicea at the White Tern pie, but the Interest In the meetings has Increased so much that a great day Is expected tomorrow. Dr. Brougher will preach in the morning on "Ambas sador for Christ,'' and In tha, evening on "Climbing the QollM-taire." There a number of baptisms at the evening service. The Oliphant alsters, who have been assisting so much In the meeting with their sweet gospel song, will close their engagement at tha White Temple at that time and will alng-at both morning and evening aervicea. -a These special meetings have been very successful and a great power for good to a large number In this city; Nearly 100. card' have been signed by people, stating their . determination to live a Christian -life, while many other are giving the matter serious consideration. Dr. Brougher'a evening topics have been unique, and many people, attracted .by them, . have become convinced of the truth ha presented' In- a eheraetertrtto bnt ailectivr manner. ; AMITY HAS SERVICES y WITH REV. DR. PALMER " Rev. Ray Palmer, D. D., ha Just re turned from Amity, where he conducted special meetings for on week. ' Thirty five, or forty person professed conver sion. Including prominent business men. On the last day a mid-week service. the church waa. packed. By. a -rising vot the great congregation urged Dr. Palmer to -return In the cummer and conduct a - ramp-meeting. Tomorrow morning Dr. Palmer wl.l begin special meetings with tha First Baptist church of Tacoma. Wash. - PACH MANN'S RECITAL , I - AT THE MARQUAM -- '--'V .( . The recital tonight st tha- Marquam theatre will be one of tha most remark able given In Portland. Da Pachmann bewilder both layman and professional with tha exquisite beauty of hla "ethereal finger etchings," and It la mora like a fairy dream than anything else one can imagine when he plays the "Bird a Prophet" They aay of - him th the east that in his playing of Chopin he gives the Impresstpn vf having had tela pathio communication with the. com poser, for it 1 Ideal in It refinement. , CRACKSMEN SECURE v FORTUNE IN DIAMONDS . ... Jtaraaf Special" Rervlre.) Montreal. Feb. 11. nrglars early this morning blew opWthe eefea In the office of Ives A Lavales, jeweler, and secured 115,000 worth of diamonds. COLDEST SINCE '02 (Continued from Page Ona) day and fell rapidly reaching II below duiin the nlaht. v Prinevllle report a bad storm jester day, the thermometer I below this morn lng.. The wind waa so- terrlfla in Grass Valley yesterday that It blew the win dow glasaea out of tha cab of a Colura bla Southern engine.,:' The Columbia Southern train of four coatthe was com palled to use two englnee to reach her laat night on account of the deep drifts. au watea pisya - tn nouses her , are fro sen., Stage roada are almost Impaa- sable, ' -iBdioatiopa-a ft -warmer weather. ;. i..-. " , .: BLANKEPOF SNOW. 2 Webraaka, Boath Dakota, Fart of Xaa- . aa gad' Central West Safe. , . (Jeaniel Special Beraee.) Lincoln, Neb, Feb. 11 A blanket of snow from 16 to 24 Inches In depth cov er every square inch of Nebraska, South Dakota and part of Xansaa. ., Traffla Is delayed and all railway service Impeded. Tremendous cattle losses are reported In the range country, whera.cattle are unable to get at the grasa owing to the depth or the snow. ; A cold wave la following the bllzsard throughout the central west. Zero tern peraturea are reported' ranging from 0 below In Duluth to 10 below In Chicago. In Omaha the thermometer registers 14 below and at Kansas City It below. ' : ? BU22ARD RACING. - - Oraad Itoade Sxperleaolag Worst Btom ., ". ' of a aaaotk .. :.-'-. ' (Special. DUpatch ,te The Jouraal.t - La Oranda, Or., Feb. 11. 3 rand Ronde Is experiencing very cold weather, a big bllssard' raging yesterday. It is 7 de grees below-aero, the coldest her since 1002. Considerable snow ajrae beetf -falling In tha mountains, which th farmera consider a blessing. ' 'There are a number of cases Of diph theria In La Grande and vicinity, a few of which have proved fatal. Stringent quarantine law are being enforced. nuaimro nDnonern cno bnHiiuco rnurujtu run i i GOVERNMENT LAND LAWS1 (Jearaal Special Service.) v: -Wsshlngton, D. C. Fsb. llf Th pub llo lands commission haa made its re port to th president,' reoommendlng rad ical change In th existing land laws to remedy abusea.- The repeal of the timber act la recommended and the modification of the atone act 'ao as to require a prolonged, and substantial residence on th homestead Instead of th present short period, la Also recom mended. 'La w--ara suggested designed tr"prevent destructive work on graslng lands of the . government, and to pre vent tb frequenr clashes -among ; the different -claaaee of stockmen. ' t It Is recommended that the land laws and their administration be left- In th hand of th. Interior department - PRESIDENT ATTENDS V A LINCOLN DINNER WashlngtnT53Peb.vU- Th -president ih, i.nka Af official -business today in anticipation Of a day's absence from hi ornce nexr jnonuay, wnen n. ia n n n' K. Turk to sbeaJc at tn annual, I4nooln dinner of tha Republi can C1UJV . Altnougn -tne been connected with th Republican plub fer 20 years be ha not, visited. It In a 1 number .fit year. Sine hla' last viit tha club ha .moved into anagn!f loent new home,- and- It js-feported that great preparations are making by the organt latton fnr the recepiluii uf lis inusl dls tlngulshed member. The president plana to be absent from the white house but one day. . Y..- . MISS ALICE ROOSEVELT S'TWENTY-ONE TODAY '"(Jouraal Apodal. Bervire.) " Washington, )i Feb. , 11. Those wTib have a habit of "keeping tab" on per. son prominent in. the public eye will be Interested to learn that Miss Alice Roosevelt la now 21. The oldest daugh ter of the president waa born February 11, 1184. and made her eoclal debut at a cotillon given in the whit house on her lSth birthday. Though tha name of Miaa Roosevelt haa been coupled with those of several eligible bachelor prom inent "In Washington or . New Ifork o clety, aha 1 still, so far aa authoritative Information goes, "heart whole and fan cy freav . - HALF MILLION LOSS IN "y : . , BIG FIRE IN CHICAGO (Jonrnal Special Service. 7 Chicago, Feb.-11. Fir -this morning destroyed th six-story building of th Central Electrio company on Fifth ave nue. The loesee aggregate $400,000. Th explosion of a gas tank caused the fire. After th firemen obtained control the flames spread to adjoining property. The following flrma suffered losses; Singer Sewing ' Machine company; A. Stein, manufacturing guttata; Gage Downs company, corsets; John OUar, erT graverrOper 4 Co., jailors, and Coyne Overall company." , THEATRE FIRE BURNS OUT LILLIAN RUSSELL '(Journal Special Service - '''. ' New York, Feb. 11. While "Lillian Russell's "Lady Teasle". company was rehearsing In the Casino theatre, Broad way and Thirty-ninth street, this after- noon, fire broke out in the eudltorlum, 1 which soon filled the wnpi nouse. oev eral membera of th company were obliged to jump" from the window to escape. "-The fire wu aubdued after a loss of $50,000 by Are and water. ,,Mlss Russell Is compelled, to .close. very.aucceiful seaaoa at tha theatre. CHARNEL HOUSE MEN ; ESCAPE PROSECUTION .. -.i. (owsal Special service.) Peoria.' III., Feb. 11. Judge Greene today allowed a motion to quash. Indict ments against - Thomas J. Noonan, James E. Cummlngs, formerly business manager and stage carpenter of the Iro quois theatre, held on a charge of man slaughter in connection with th Iro quola disaster. ., ' "in1 v' ' NEW CHINESE LOAN IS f NOW OVER SUBSCRIBED . (Jueraal Spwiil Bervlee.i -London, Feb. II. The lists for th new Chinese loan of 15.000.000 opened this morning here, in Hongkong and in Shanghai and tha loan waa aeversl time oversubecrlbed. - ' f of1' fawMMll. CiipYfnieMwary Is Bre Cblal treeble, Uke IWi Cere, .. . FRANCE SENDS ARMY y. .INTO COCHIN CHINA , ' Y:. ', (Journal Speeial antee.) .Y ' . ' ; - Marseilles, Feb. 11. Th government has ordered the rushing of 6,006 troops and supplies to Tonkin, French Cochlq China. - Tha cruiser Latochet Revllle will sail tomorrow with th first detach meat of 100 ertlUerymen. The . re mainder will follow on chartered steam era, The sendlngof the troops is due to th disturbed condition ef the far east. . " :'! Y' NEZPERCES WILL FIX ---SACAJAWEA'S-TRIBE (Special Dlapatch te The Voarsal.) ' Nes Perces, Idaho, Feb. 11. Chief Moees is selecting and training a band Of his tribesmen to represent th Nes Perce Indians at the Lewie and Clark fair next summer. Owe of tha privileges that will be theirs win be th unveiling of ' a etatue of Sacajawea. - It Is not quit certain just what tribe Sacajawea belonged to, but Chief Moses Is pushing Investigation to settle th question. . PERJURED HIMSELF TO? 5 -.LIWIN BIG DAMAGE.SUIT ' ' - 11 (Jearaal Special Service.) -.t " - CJl(cagot Feb, :U, ,Tb jury in , the case of Inga Hansen, charged with per Jury in connection with the damage suit for 150,000 against the Chicago City RallwuV .company, brought In a. Verdlot of guilty this afternoon. ,'' ; - v MONTANA JOURNALIST -v ENDS HIS OWN LIFE ' Y . ' (Journal Bpedal Service.) - ' Y, ' -Helena, MonU Feb.- 11. J. W, Connor, a . well known 'northwestern newspaper man. committed suicide at Kalispell by shooting today. - No- cause for the dead 1 known, although he has been unusu ally morose for several weeke. Y' PRISONER FLOGGED 7 AND STOOD IN PILLORY .--v (losraat Special Service.) " Wilmington, Del., Feb. 11. Warden Mesetv pf the New Castle coilnty work house flpgged several prisoner todayt William Postal, who stole three maok erel, received 10 lashee, Several cul prits 'spent an hour In tha pillory before being flogged. ,; ....-Y .i. v;:- .WAaaa-arorTosr msbxsV''.- !' - w From th Waahlnglon Poet. " Representative Carter1 Glass we the victim Of some clerical blunder yester day by which ha received a frankly worded , letter . nevea. U tended for . hla scrutiny It waa a circular letter In tended for tha chamber of commerce' at Lynchburg, where Mr. Glees resides, and urged that body to. request It mem ber of .congress to support th pending rate-tegulation blH.-. . ..- ' "Owing to, th f acftbat ' most mem bers of congress r'le on passew jr not hopeful of accomplishing much," this letter .ran, that we want at least to make, th effoit.'v'r-' r "Aftr the affront you havs put npon me.".ilr..Ulaaa wrute in reply, "ho-v do you expoct-me tn. be In sympathy with any rqust , voj have to maker He sent this back witli, the. .prlglnal letter. Cte&ttuifrvwMriimiaa'ln a -political way. ; ,He Uold fqaatora . Allison snd CiKkrell about it yesterday In th appropriation committee. r . . " : ; 'ThlMad. -Ackertiik.-go-to school In Chicago," said Mr. Rodanberg'. "Just prior to the decision of th presi dential contest In November the boys at this school -decided to -hold an loo tlon of their own. Young; Banks, on re turning home, told hi sunt regarding it,' "What waa the result of your bal lotr eald she. . .... , Y. -" Roosevelt got 41 and" Parker got 1,' replied tb-boy. 'Johnny Stevenson couldn't spell "Roosevelt" , and ao be voted for Parker.' " . ; '! James,, said Representative "Jim" Qrlfge of Georgia, when he met th Kentucky congressman in ' the Demo crstlo cJoakroorat--yeeterday morning, ' what's tha difference between -Moses and Parker T" "No difference that I can see.", an swered Mr. James, after giving th mat ter careful-consideration, "except," - fie added, his face lighting nPvTthat they're both dead." "Oh, no, that's ndt th answer to this pussle," chuckled the Georgian, '."Ocd burled Moses so deep that th poople couldn't find him."-'. , . "wnr' : . : "Welt, ihm people - burled Parker o deep that God couldn't find him. . That th difference. So long." : ' r: . ; Around Bcnator-eleot Oe"orge 8. NlxOn, of Nevada, center many . Incidents of sentimental interest. II began life, for Instance, aa a telegraph operator.. Twen-' ty-slx years ego he Was handling tha key at a little railroad office at New castle, Cal.. and likewise, selling tltiket and attending. to. th other duties of a station agent,' Later he graduated into more deelrable activity as bookkeeiier and accountant in a bank at Reno. Now he owns not only one bank, but several banka In tha battle-born state. In a small way the senator-elect hs been a newspaper, editor- and owner. Although- a-nativ-ot-Califorhv-e-la now heralded at 45 a a typical No other resident. It Is claimed, ha don so much in diversified Interest to develop , th etate as this Interesting man during his 26- years et progre from telegraph- operator . to, multl-rail-llonalra and United State senator, a V. FaM by the Mont.r- -r It seemed to Mr. Brown that John' on, th carpenter, had taken a ridic ulously long time making tha repairs he had been -hired to do. and he de termined to com to en understanding. !' When he reached the plao that was being repaired he found the carpenter's son, fclone in hi glory. .... , "Look here, my lad," be said, "I should Ilk to know when you expect to finish heref i "Well, air." wss th young man's re ply, Tather's gen to look at another Job.-""If he gets lt,-vf shall finish to day; if ke don't, goodnes only knows, when we ahaU flnlahl"-- . ' ' ta One Choir T Tana. From . tha London Chronicle. Jame Ayree haa completed hie 70th year aa a member of th church choir at Bllsworth. Mr.' Ay re, who la 14 Xara-f age, was In his pise In th cslt-on New 'Year' day. A -feaehlag Story - Is the saving from death of the beby flrl of Geo. A. Eyler, Cumberland. Md. le wrltea: "At the age of 11 months, our little girl waa In declining health, with serious Throat Trouble, and two physicians gav her up. We were 1 most in despair, when we resolved to try Dt. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Coughs Snd folds. Th first bottle gave relief; sftw Isklng fwir bottles she wss cured, snd Is now in perfect health." Never falls to relievo and curs a cotigh or cold. At Red Cross Pharmacy, JMxth and Oak etreeta on tha wsy to The pnetonV. eOe and 11.00 guaranteed. Trial bottle fre. i , ; iaVl'i SAVED WITHIN A.STEP OF THE GRAVE STRANGE , TREATtlfeNT REVIVES Flickering Spark- of Medical Profession iandM By panopathlc profsssor's phsriomenal powers Makes thslame K walk, the) dsi hear; ths blind 7 CQnumpiionf , iooomoi(jr-ataia, , ana oxnar aistases iqng , thought to bs.incufapis. Restores . health and strength to Y hopeless Invalids pronounced y specialists;;. K ri .r-" -1 , ' ' To-all who are ill or afflicted, and v.; Awithbut "New "Tiit, Feb. 4. (8plal Corre! pondence.lMarveloua aa It .may Seem I to those not acquainted' With the facts,-! it nevertheless has been proven beydnd doubt that a certain celebrated scientist ef this city haa a mysterious healing power over disease that succeeds when all other means have failed,' power far beyond -that possessed by tha ordinary physician, .The curea performed by this medical wlsard show that Strang and seemingly supernatural power ever dls ease are' not confined to the yogis and swamls of Jndle and to tha mystlo east An example of this man' peculiar power la given In tha case of a Mr. Annie F. Eppa, who recently oame under bla oar. Her body, cold and .apparently lifeless after a long siege of consumption, given up by physician and a heart-broken husband, thi woman was saved from burial within a step of th grave, when, aa she says herself, ah lay "Like some dead person." ' . Tet this scientific sor cerer .rescued..: her from the.grasp of death and by hie mysterious power, te vlved - tha faintly flickering spark of llf and restored warmth, vitality and health to her oold and wasted body. Bo amaaing to all - was thi remorkabl restoration that Mrs. . Eppa calls U "a miracle equal t those In the Bible." - Considerable 'curloelty haa been, aroused by thi and other equally star tling cures, both . because they ar so wonderful In themaelvea . and also that this worker of wonders proclaims the fact that dlatanc makes, no difference in his poweTvto heaL A rigid lnvestl-. gation of his claim only added abso lute proof that he can our a petirt---thousand mllea away aa easily a those he.decltiies to reveal th central secret of his .power, he-give a' partial- ex.i planation by saying that ha ha discov ered long-eought-law of nature that la aa wonderful In -lta owa way as wire less telegraphy, radium, th X-ray or any of the'other marvels of sclenc. So certain t he of the unfailing workings ofthia hitherto unknown tawJthat he states that there Is no disease, no mat ter what Ha cause or nature, that he may not cure. -And to prove it unvary. lng success he offer hi services and a course of treatment absolutely fre to all who ar,afflleted by any physical ill or ailment. Aatoundlng a 1 thi as sertion of templet mastery of dlseas. there la pleney of evlderic to support It. Not merely oncevjmt Ih many case, he haa culed pkralysls, cancer. locomotor-ataxia, consumption and ' other dis eases pronounced incurable by the med ical profession.. He has made the blind see,, the deaf hear, the lame walk. - He ha r rescued , from the - horrors of straight-Jacket and padded cell and re stored . to mental, and bodily health .a -man condemned to an insane asylum by a number of physicians who said n was hopelessly- and Incurably- Insane. "The man's-brother. P.- A. Lusby, of Le Comptfr, La., In letter fd this scien tist, says: "I can say in honor to yon that you have cured my brother of a very severe case of Insanity after all the physicians in thi community that know him had -pronounced him Incura ble and advised rh to eend him to th insane asylum. I thank God and I also thank you for your kindness. If I had taken th advtc of every doctor end everybody else that advised me in this case your curative power would proba bly hot have been known In this ooun try." The man who la making these at most mlraculou cure I, as -may be Imagined, none ether than that fanvm panopathlst and pathologist, Prof. Wil liam Wallace Hadley, accounts of whose remarkable feat of healing In, th face of seeming impossibilities have appeared In papers throughout th country. Dur ing th interview upon wMch this r-tlcla-4. baedPrbfeof- Hadleyr said,: "Whitr It IS perfectly tru that I heal hundreds of hopeless Invalids who have been- given up to- deathlby doctors snd have made-many cure -that ar called miraculous,' it la a mistake to aay that I am possessed., of any supernatural power.-" I am a human being just like any one els. nd my power la entirely nrvexf-.! 'r.tee matle to famnie and bath establishment Inl th hotL WOMAN'S CLUB ENJOYS , - CHARMING PROGRAM An Interesting program wa given at yesterday afternoon's meeting of the Women's olub. It wa In charg of Mr. Nina Larow. who -Is st th head -f the club department ef elocution. Th opening number wa a dumb-bell drill with anvil chorus; thoee taking part in rluded Mrs. Frank Vanduyn, Mr. C. TL Runyon. Mrs. W. H. Mrkll. Mr. Cart Abendroth, Mr. Jsm F. Daele. Mr. I Llvesley.-Mr. Chr1ea Smith. Mrs D. M. Watson and Mrs. J. D. Young. .A most delightful feature wja the balcony scene from "Romeo and Juliet," with Miss Alice Juston ss Romeo, and Miss F.lla Ehmson a Juliet; tney ra ceived many compliment for their resd tnk An Irish dialect recitation . wa lValXiLi Life and Restores siwHealt paralysis, cancsr. Incurable' by tphysicidns and ' r: ' ;'T'V'. :' V - --?tvs ;,;:y - C sends . course thargs. i i of treatment natural and purely aclentmc. It may be true, ss you say, that other priyslrlan do not posses the secret that I have discovered, but that la my good fortune and not their fault. - Their f aultrif thy nav one.- is in Tot-that-theyd often make a wrong 'dlagnoaia. Cases come to me from all over tha country that have baffled some jf . th best physician and specialists, - where' one doctor haa Bald the trouble was on thing and tha next something erne, until th patient were at loss to know what dlseas they really wee -suffering from. I It any wpnder . to sufferer rail to get well not only treated for th wrong disease, but also -given useless remedies on. th hit or miss plan? But since the discovery ' of ' this law of -nature, I am able to make a correct and earefut diagnosis of each cue that cornea to me. and seeing th cause, apply the power to cure. For instance, read . some of these letters from people whom i have cured." Coptea ' were -made of the following, taken at random from those shown by Professor Hadley. - George Tucker of . Reynold-' vlile, Ky., ' Write: "You must be a miracle worker sent from God to. work , such , marvelous "cure in so short a time. After being told my doctbrs that - X could never work again, after being under their care for It month; and. then given up to die, because they could do nothing for me, your wonderful ' method of treatment has not only put - me on my feet and given tne a new- grlp on life, but I am able, to , work again and support my wife, and children, lilt anyjronderihas I am rejoicing and Diesamg you .jor wnat you jay aone t for met ou unaerstoooi my cat wnen ? no on, els .Old. . tou have , cure m whan doctora and their drugs bad. utterly failed. 8itrei;y; you can. do for ptbere what ypu. nave, qon lor me proving .. youraelf a. friend and blessing to , all mankind." And Mrs. -Annie- Brown- of Hot . Springs. Ark., saya; "I feel aa If I had been deed nd coma t life again. For seven yeara 1 wss a helpleaa invalid paralysedTTT pOlSTeg jhd arm 'and IP nna. KllnA all -h. ' itnotnra. t trlarf failed to cure me. .Many and many a time T would 11 awake all night end cry like a baby, the pain was so terri ble and I was In such despair, my heart ' was almost broken. If you could see m whan X commenced your treatment " yon would not know me now. I do not ' ' look Ilk th same person. X weigh 144 pounds now. and when I began 'youf treatment X weighed only 111. How can, r I thank you enough for curing me In -thin wonderful wayT It seems a miracle--of healing and almost too good to be true. But It 1 true, thankUod," r. . "But how about - those w.Uo cannot .. afford to com to New York to hav yon trt themr" waa asked, ;." "It doe not make a slightest dlf- . fereno. I. cur them in thelf-; own home just as, easily and just aa surely . aa if I went o them or they came' to me. Distance cannot weaken the heal-.. Ing power I have. All that anjr onr wh 1 Iff in any-wayrfrom any cause, haa 1 fld M to wiitome a letter, ad. drefeslng William Wallace. Hadley, M. D.. ofTice 1028T, 701 Madison avenue. New York, telling me the disease they suffer from most , or their principal symptoms, age and sex and I will give -them my services and ' send them a ' course of home treatment absolutely free of charge." "Surely yod do not mean that you give services and treatment free to ny. . n merely for the asking?"-- - -Yes, I mean just that. I am happy to gJv freely of my services whereVer ' they are heeded. And I am especially :' anxious to cur sny poor mortal who ha been told that hie of her rase is in. curabler that there I no hop left on earth, or any one who ha grown wearjrH spending money on drug and doctors Tn a vain search for health. If they will writ to me and aocept my offer,, there ' la not only hope. butn almost abe- lute certainty that they need b sick-no i longer. And-lt-ta-a-blesstng that my '. power makes a letter of just as much good as a personal visit." - Y - u FOBT&AsTt). OMvOS. American Plan . $3 Per Day end Upward BCBASQVABTamS ' FOB TOVaUSM Airs ooaocaacZAXi ninuu. Single" eaOron."odern"TufkU1i H. C BOWERS. Manager, i given by Mrs. R. S. PaSuei- Mrs. La rows read "The Vagabonds," and - Mis Juston recited t'Tenelope panwlck. My Bweet P." "Th' Investigation Commit tee," a charming little play on country llf In y olden time, wa enjoyed by th -olub - member nd - their friends; r those taking part, In . tha play were . dressed a their grandsaothere used to -be, and all acted their parts ,rn a most , delightful manner. - '-',,, 'i . in ii ' m i ii ' i ' -'Ta, what's th brand of Calnf S I'm not positive, Johnny, but t think It' th brand that Jone smokes." te- ' trolt Tribune. - nrnkeinA la,miw.J , . Pet laataat tUflaf RtTSJ Painkiller KM lEo Portland , a. .