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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1905)
; t t::j c: zz:: daily jsuz::al; tostlahd, xaturdav evening. February 11. iscs. - -! T ""e- l W 1111. UUlCd ft V aw m iMfmiim V m a ' AAV'Aw oBauBBBami -. worus to tk lia, , --r it n'.wotM fob u tthik May rrvATie wattxd iwim eitoe .saI Faaal. h-iassad a - tut free. Daily bdef,jm. wyekit hat pth nwWH.; .,- b 4y issue) M tew.! Be leaai nom.T bj" btoiut n imur' )mj Tl CaWTI tr U peg anu. ' IVTT husii TItXT1tTf in ha to Iml mm nut Be 1 t'flMl 1 F IMMU a'eleek eai M (Mux elaaa, a eating, A. & . loiiiitn fniMl "weal ad." agents, fir , . them your ad. at ram and tt wtU W UlnW w Ikt taiM f. " t without luurr seal to yen. Vn 2" Wagtora VaUm, How Times B roa J to onnwlf ' ':.k "if i juat bad a utti rdr twMf r ' ' Anil ahi Km mm T Baring la a good al f habit, ta k aor kot It la a ajr habit to acqalr. And It ta b aafnt proTtalon tkat Mb 'Ha iirMt nvn maxt uC .CAPITAL, $300,000) . f. - Pay t par cant totrt as aayrng aeeoaata - r- aad lasoaa IntorcM-kaarlag crtUlcta f dV - poalt that par f"B I l 4 aw fat latcnat, . aod eaa bi drawa at any tlm Jbf glrlog a ,1 -Writ tvdajr' for ur kMkaf - PCXTUN0 TEUST CCTaPANTOF CSECON ty. V: . .;vr;lCt Third BtrMt, BBNi. I. TOMSK. vr.-nrsivsriv.-n-r.-r PraaUmt b ru iui a,.,m,, ie-iTawaat ua rtuui,,,,,,,,,,.,. ,.Bcrurx 0. UOLTaA. ...... ...taaHtaBt SicraUry ABAROAIN Cornr, 60k71. .J-torr brick; renta for o par montu 11,009 nt. aar mraat tnani. ; Owner? 4 Knott atract ; HOTICX. -v kotics op kHBRtrra in a Wu . court z u lUlt of Uragoa lur Multnomah roanty. t, U Alkan. pUlutl. ra. Uanry J. MarbanvK. dafaant. Br t&tue of a xardtloa, )odgtBat rdr . and dr laaued out of .. th ' abov . to m dirortad and dated tk lat day of , reoruary. ISO, Bpoa. a jndgBent radrd - - aad BteNd I Mid coort oa th tdlk day --. 01 January, lwue, la lam of B. 1. Alkaa, . plaintiff, and acalnat Uearr J. LUrbauih. 'i defandaat. for th a ef $160.00 and th , ' coata of aad apoa thla writ, eommandlng bm to naka.aala of to Mlowlag dMorlbad real properly altnato la MiUtooauk eouaty, Ora- , , (on. to-wit: j- Ik aodlTldod on half tatartat t and to a parcel ef land la aertlon 1,- tnwaaklp . . 1 mtk f raag. 1 eaat'et WUIaaetto aa - - rldlan, being part ef donattoa land elalra . ef Beldoa Mnrray aad Ulantka Murray, kla t(a, boaaded.and deaerlbed a folkr . -T- from M atnne BMonmeat at the Intaraeetioa of th "oounty ko da sa 'aatd ainrray claim , , whlrb la 40 chain aoetk and dO- chain at , ot tk aortheaat corner of aald Mnrray ckuar; V '.tbepc aoutb 30 ehala to a, post U th TTrt t county road: thaoo vest SU chalna to tk beatnnliiff corner; - thence north T ' . 'ckalna, 2$ link to M potnti thance eaai ( chalna, kS link to a pulat;7uenc aoutk f Chain. M link to a point t thence went . chalna, kS link to place of beginning, eon- vainmg acrea. aare ana exccpi o niocB : or q-atow land Bay kara et hereto fore narourtated by tk city of Portland, fna oft tha aculh end at the tract for atraat ; purpeir la the laying oat and eaubHahlngl uhi Hnwn .ok . ryaat tiarTWom crK. Now therefor by elrtn of said axacntloa. Jndg went, order and deere aad la compliance - -; with the cemmanda of aald writ. I will en Monday, the lilh day ef March. IkOB, at 10 ,t a enci , a. m., a ina rroai ooor ox to oennty coerlhouae la Portland. Maltaamah ' county, , Oregon. aaU at public a action (aub - tort to redemption), to the kighaat bidder for 1 raab la hand, all the right, title aad interact ' which the within named defendant had oa lat d9 of Pabruary, 1800, tha dab) at Judg BMot. or aloe that data had la and to th a bore deaerlbed property or any part thereof, u , -t- to aatlafy aald cuUon, tvdgment order and decree, tnteraat. ota aad accruing coat. - m WObD - .." ' Mertff f kfnltnoBah'tJoaaty, Oregoa.- , Tttcd.thl ktk day f ,rrbruarylwS Tlrat laau Pabrnarr 11, 18U6. , . --.-.- lUat taeoe March 11. 1BI. ..'...'.a. B. C1TB0N. Attorney for Plaintiff. r MI1XBHS. . NOTIC NoUc 1 hereby grre that I will offer for gal at puhlle anctlon, at th Court Bona' door In finaaw. Clarke ownty, atat of Waahlngtoo, oa . oauima, - ina wia nay oa veoTuary. ivuo, V-.'.-".at 10 o'clock . a., th property known a the Rldeefleld Orlit Mill, belne e xa hnrr.1 . 'Boiler Plour Mill, altuate la Bldye field. Clark oonnty. Waehlngtoa, fully equipped and la :.-good Mo. 1 conditio.' Th Bill t located rm- mea lately aajacent to the H. P. R. B. and ea th bank of Lake rleer. and trananarbtrJaa '" fadlltl, both hy rail and rirer. are nneur- Kaae. ana uetter toeatlOB could b touad r email mm than thla. Term of aala, eaak f kphroeed curlty ao4 aale la mad subject to eoslnnatlea by court. ,.- Por . further particular ddrea ae at ay . addreob below, or ay ttnray, Ia&ald McMae . tor, Vancouver, Waaklngtoa, : Dated tola Mtk day of January. 1006.. "i. J ':" K. C, HAUU ' ' " ' ' ' - O fdUa of P. K. Abrama. ' KOTfCB OP PINAIa SXTaXCkHINT. la th - ooonty court of th ctate ef Oregon, for th ounty ef Mnltnomab. Is th matter of th . oatat of Mary B. Palm, deceased. Notice la h era by given that I. L. White, administrator with th will annexed of the (Mat of Mary 5 r B. Paige, deeeeaed, baa lied ta th eoanty V court of tk atat of Oragoo. to th oauoty or niartaomaa, ni nnu account aad report , a uch admlalatrater, aad aald court kaa ky order duly nude and entered herein an. : pointed Tueeday. the 14lk day of kfaatas 190S, ' at tk hour of : o'clock a. a., at the tomliuw of aald court In th city of Port land, . oouaty of Multnomah aad atat -of . Oregon, a tk tlm aad pair fur bearing . objection to aald aeceunt aad for tk eet tlemeat ef th aaae. . . y. Dated tkkt 3tk day at January, lr. I. U WH1TB, Adrrrtnfatrator With tk Will Annexed a? tk . CetaU ef Mary B. Paige, Deceased. POOR MAN AWAKES TO V -k FIND FORTUNE WAITING ' s: (Jou real tpecU torTic.) " ! Oakland, CaL, Feb. U.-e-Aftef chaalnp; him for aeveral inontbd tip and down , th coast, fortvn haa at last cAuarbt up with Or a Ktoatorr poJnter 1n thla elty, and wham h wok pMUrttap poor matt, last tilgbt ha waa In rc1pt of a toloarram that, gy him tha InfortBatlon, - ,. that ha la ona of four halra to an aatato , worth ll.ood.oot. Bocausa of fraquant ' moelna- about, latalp tha admlnlatrator . . of Mb fathra aatata baa boon unabla . to find htm. until tha aid of bta union .... . waa InrokadUx -- - - -. .;' 1. A. KJaatar. tha fathaf. diad adraral Trt ago, afur hla aon can west with v hla wlfa. ' s . Klater 1a now' twtittnf a lattar from ' horn bafora aUrtin aeat. Ua ia a mam V bar af tha Painters' anion. Whan all . 'thr afforta to trace him fallad, an t appeal waa mad ta tha nnlou of thla city, wbara ha llrod aoma tlfna ago. By thla means ho waa found. ' A Vaamata4 oatw to FUaa. - Itching, ktlnd. beaadlag or protrudleg pile, feur druggiat will refund aaauey If pas Olat ' ant tali to para pau la to Id days, Ms. , i r "T avb nm XOU eau Mr res-i'ly 1d4 a Vart article thro- t . Journal UbM mim um Bay way, la sua ra tad eaythui, ( koneet- and iIwIim fur Ik OWenf -far eieJalag ae your m. U'" T Bet ef plaaa 1114 epsdftcetlrme. hetwee Tnlrd end flak awl Yamhill waiting room. Krioay evealeg. marks Mr. M. Issua. K. K. hectares, architect; reward, aWtwaito 270 Oak SC . . FOUND February 4. ibos, adrift, clinker-built boat. Apply to F. Tyrrell, 0. B. N. yard. - AlWna. . . BOCTCK. TUB animal meeting ( Ik stocktolder al tk ML Baker Mlulag eompaay for Mi election ( a board ef director tor to ensuing year and to trensactloo of any other business proper it ald imUac will be bald at It office, corner Foartb and Oak ata.. fartlaad, -as alarckv iaVt a. ou --, raHlaao. tr. 11. IMS. mOKlALV' 1 PBOPOBAXa. OtSea Plammlac .' Qurtar. auatar, Portland, Ontoa, January 10. IWwA. -Saalad Droucaa la. ta triollcat. will b rmlrH kara uottl 11 U. rtbmary IS, IMS. " for foniliklM lumbar for oatr(laa of tw . ataraoooaa at fort William McKla- ley, kaanlU. - P. I. rurtkar lafariaatlaa turaUUad at thla afle. Valta kuu-a r - atT tha . right to rajcet ar acnpt any - or all blda, ar any part lharaof. EoTlop r coaulnlof . prapaaal aold- b nark ad: . "Proooatla for Lambac . for Storab. Port WHUaB IfcKluIrr," and addraaMd to Jta M. Bakar, Captain, Qpartarpiaatar. U. h A., blatniralaa Quartaritaatar. PROPOSAL OMoe IHi burling tguartarmaator, ' Portland. Oregon. January '-IU, IBUd. . lealed proposal. In - triplicate, will ke re ' cat red kere unUl It M Pekruary II. 1800. s fog furalahtng lumber la oona traction of . Poet Eichance building at Fort William . McKtnley. Manila, P. I.', Pnxther Informa-J-tlen furaiaked at thla ofnc. United Htate reeerees lb right to reject or accept any ' or aU kid,' ar aay part thereof. Envelope containing propoael should ke marked , "'Propoaals ( Lumbar for Post. Bschang Building, Tort William McKlnley. aad d draaeed to J aaae M. Baker, Captala Quarter. ' Buster. V. O. A. Uisbursla Quartormaatar, ADTBBTIIBMClfTB - cost lag foe (1 ward d . a premium free. Dally ar Buaday. WANTED BeUabU mas manage branch office largo nMBUfaeturer. Salary a tart $1,800 year ' ana extra oommiauon. van aae gooa rei. orene aad ft.OOu cask, capital secure. Ex peHeace aaoeeeaaary. . Ad drees hunt Tug Chamber ef Coaaeroa, Detroit, Mich, i-j-- roUNO MAN with fslr koala ability, wll Hug to work to prepare for good government poalt Ion; entrance salary psoo to tMOO per . annum to gradual preaistloB; permanent.' Call .. to 11 a. nu. Edgar B. Buan, Ud ChaBmhor - ox vocnmarna , . rr. . WANTED Beoponslblo bub to manage ea of . tee and distributing depot for large naaa. factoring eoBderns aalary (ISO per Booth snd , oooinilaalona. Applicant must nay good raf . ereooae aad 1.0uOi capital eecura. Addrosa, Bupt. $n West Twelfth at., Chicago. MEN Wo teach th barber trad la toe hart- cat possible tlm at small expene sna : guaraatea positions; write for catalogue. ' Molar Sretem . eoUege, Baa PrancUoo, 0O0D hoy wasted Te colleet and- deliver pa per; good wages; geost live close In. Apply bunks muting ve eoB emt CIROlrLARI ed , eample distributor wsated every wherw'r no caavaaslng; good pay. Co- ; operative Adv. Co., n. . A GOOD, nvrassn with small capital to la- . vai in Soodnougl vat In good paying kuslassa. Apply lid :n. - mi WAvnD-irxAix, LA DIBS Earn 20 per kandred writing abort tetters, nena stsmpea envelope roc parncv Ura. Ideal Mfg. Co.... Caasopolla. - Mick. 6IRL for general housework; good wages for rlght person; aauU family. Call mornlog T0 Kearoey at. - - '' BTTBATfOBB WABTETt Milt. .' YOUNO eaaters tnaa wsata Inaid work) want .. to aoesd winter months her I ha fair du. . cat! 00. Addrea 1'oter R. Tha lea. Grand ;oaurai aoiei. a.aira auo uusaa. TOUNO WAN sge tt desire posltloa sa por ter, dlehwuher-er anything In -that Una at - - mm jkjt v. ir t... -f c wwr. ewffri ie mini am m ..ww. TOCNQ married Baa w la bee poaltloa oa planer man. or engineer or any kind of Indoor . worn. Address 14 u. 0, jouraai. - YOUNO man wants something to do aftarneona ENOINKEB with -IS years' xparteBe wants situsuon; nr. Lotus, u cense, .evaorosa A. u, ' .. Gevena koaeo. . . . - - TAir)R& ltuatlea wanted aa eoatmaker la eitner town or oeunuy. Aoureea a m. 1, car louraaL - rrvATioh-k wavtet texaxx. BELfABLB womaa-wants work by the day - In. lodgintr kouaas or prlvato bomee. Address . B H I, car JoarnsL .. . . WANTED situation, by competent widow, worxing Bouaweepari reierenoea. ui mi rlaeo. at., room 41. EBPLOTbTXBT " A?0XBC JOHN ANDERSON acsndlnavtaa-AaMrleaB Ea. ployaent Of tee; reel eetate; rooming hohseg ..and builnees chance oar specialty. 270 Bura- sioa t... rneue stals bubs. PA0IPI0 Coast Beat Eetata Eapmyaeat Agency; all klads f mal and female help . Kuruaose. - a aieiw nv a'uoaw men 101,, HANSEN'! EMPLOTMBBT OPPICB. . - . POB MEN. nhr 1. Sooond at. . ... Phoa Kala Ufa. ALPINB EMPLOYMENT BHREAO Help fur . Braked free. Call 153 Plrst St., ay phoa ' Main IplT.. . . . .. . . , PIONEER EMPLOTMENT CO. labor eeatrao- torsi kelp free to empldyers. tig Morruoa. HELP wanked and applied, sal or renal. B. 0 DRAKE. XBH Wsshlngton at. Clay dot. f WAJfTEDTO BXtrS. BOOMS la alt parts of th dty, fsTsiahad. Apply t20 Ooodneogh fcldg. . BZPOSITI0M ACCOMMODATION BtTBBAO. Csder tlrectioa ef the Lewfcj aad Clark rote .,.- . j,. ... ,t corporation. : T7" Phes Mala aasa. WABTED-AOENTh. AGENTS . WANTrTD lAdle Hold-Past Bat crows of bat; sample with particulars. 2Sc j - so stampa: wa are re liable. Mooes Lttker. W or den, lit WANTED Experienced ladr ,,clty aad'-rural work; reforeaoea Address H , care Jrmrnal. reoulred. WANTfJ MlnXJAlXAJfkOUB. , ; .,- BOHBTHlNa DOIa . r -,. - at th -Jr PORTLAND ACCTIOW ROOIM. til Plrst st, Phoa Mala odBS. - iney pay rn aigneat prlee xog aay gwa;og rural WANTED More spraying and wsrtevaentngl th only gesollsa. comproaeed sir spraying utnt a the onert. M. O. Morgan, h Ce. tii MllwsukU it Phon East tail. WANTED to key aai und-band karhev rritlrs. all . kinds: sny amount from 1 to loo; tbey Bust be a bargain. Addrosa 0. M.'.W. Wllaoa Co., Now Tt Sisth at. - - . WANTED To Invest arm money with oarili ea la good buslsess; any propoalUoB onloV ered anywhere la atat. Adores U' K. X, WANTED aecnod hand hrmaeheld goods, seem, anything ye deu'l west; I highest price. Praeesr. tog Pswrth. I'kooe Msto AW1. TO DOO fA NCI kg Dogs hewrded at Orertnu rare sen new wnito romoraaiaa dog at (tad. Phone Bostt fee 2. 7 . SHORT ORDER PRINTINO HOCBB Byder atnenvii. iiiwn son wsaaiagHni IA rUB Clay MhtaV . . . WANTED Plain Sewing of sll kinds: eatrefae- tiew usrsnteea, . Mrs. Csla,. luogft Maca dam at. ' - WA STT.O- aeceed hand. aelsed. oh printing press; cheep for .hotel. . - . . t-..',. M., Gllaaa rom p-rp rrrr-'xxrtBtv Booxs. TUB Jrk M "OMAN. autaeotk and Jeffer eve, eiegaeoy fxruished eultee, furnace heat, act and eout water, la kltckoaa aad alaaalng auwrtaneate. Phun kill TUB I.IMBA VIST A. alcale enralahed kaestng and etle reoa ketk. gaa aad 'ptHHM. aT Pirth. Bear eurUoac. -. . 1.TS PC WKK irge. cleae, farsiahed . nouee keeping raoass, laaadry aad balk.- led fcaermaa t-V near Prent. Til R SB furaiaked housekeeping roeBM. re at I oaia ana pooa. vnioa 27a, aaur PTJBN1MHEO konaekeeplag and singl rooaaa; kath aad phone; good location, two BeTentb. THRKB furnished housekeeping room for rest, lia per month, laqulr st SB3 Johneoa St. .. h BIXTITW. Well furnished koueakeeplng aparimsnis; ugnc irons room. - 10T THIRD at Newly furoiebed 1 and kouaekeeplag. single FOB arXWT-JTTBBIIBrD BOOKhV . TUB UABLA.ND 21 Wsahlngtoa at.. kwtwsM Nlaetsentb and Twentieth an., furnleked . spartments, alngl. a sulw; sunatoat. hrlgkt- eet rooolng kouao la Portland 1 large hay ' windows In sll rooaa; erary room ae outalde - one; aew building. Just computed; new fur. nleblnga; lg rooaa; furnao beat, eloetrt llghia, hot and cold water, free kath aad phone; rate nominal. IP you want to beard aad roe la tk seat . souse tB tkw city eallkt the . , ABTBBBOl'RB. Hob conking and Try thing flrsVclaaa at sxeeedtBsiy low price. 251 kVrMatk St., or. Madlaon. Phoo Mala 63111. , THB GARLAND -831 Washington st.. between Mn and fXk , ate. A permanent saw aad Bwdera apartment . kou.'. Purniabed rooms single aad ea salts. rurnsee, electrte lights, phone, large bay Window b'ach room. Bates normal. - tWDKB NBW MANAGEMENT Hotel Rlchllleu '. Europesa plsa; slsgsnt furnleked rooms. -. single sad oa suits; (team heat, bath. So ' cafe aad bar la connection ; a sic, futot, ' bomsllks place; traaeleat solicited. , . - D. B. BUBh'S. Prop, - THBEB " furnished - roc a. J cosnected wtth kltchea: gss rang; first Boor; othsr rooms : " seves ekjck sf fair grounda. - 810 North Qulmbjf snd Twenty eacond lia. THB DEXTER, ltd Twelfth, earner Waahlng tnn. entirely newly furulahed rooaa ef TUB , DEXTER ANNEX Bow ready for ccupacy. ' Pkon Groea . BLEOANT outside renaxs, steaa host, porealals baths, nrst-clsas board) tw people 10. Sea, fM month. LtsdeU kotsl. Market, ket, i Third and Poorth. ' .. MAROfJAM BOC8B. leBM Sixth suite or Blngwi keusekosplng ssoas; gaa atovoa. bsth snd slectrle lights; trsnslsnts aollcttod. . " LARGE alcove, also' stds room, neatly fur . niabed.. flrat-claoe koma cooking; reeeoaabl price; phone, both aad gas. 03 Clay su . THB BARLB, ' . - M 20 1U THnU.' COB. TATTiOB. - ' PVJBNISHED BOOMS. TRANSIENT, f. CALIFORNIA Lodging: brick nldg.t for traaslsht 2&c and sp. ogtA North Third. CHEAPEST asd best located rooms la Portia sd, - $1 week up. Gllaaa. Phat aad Alder ata. FCRN1SHED rooaa with or without board) alas housekeeping rooms. Phono East tied. ONhr large treat room,- two smaller for ts - uentab ass saoaraTOBBsry. - sui an HBWLT KWralshsd, ontet, Peortk tr PkMW Red I CUFTON. tMtt Plrst St.. oor. Ooluabla Salt ft ZS per week end BP. BOOKS AUTS B0 ABB.' BEST rooma, beat board. Vsetrt light, gaa. ateem haat, porealala hath, at tha Ltadell betel. Market at- bel- Third aad Peevth. Exceedingly low .rat.' NICE room with board for two young men, 1b Drive ta rsBiir.i sou per Bostni ucbt. bom. pnew. oatn. ix tjotumois. - BOARD aad room, does in. east lde: phone nd beta; private. 17 East Tin. ear. ismnill eermtarrOTsU. POB BBWT-e- - No. M E Btfc. ......IISM 18.00 rvV Vial nidaTnPF.l, S rTeVUIW aa. No. 435 B. Alder, S rooaa So. 00 : No. T E. lgth. rooms .1 Sn.oo no. HI K. oak, T rooaa ............ 3D.0Q No. S7 B. tTth (rurnlahadV rooms... 30.00 corner , aiaaison iu L zzav rooms woflwe. " errs a . r in mi ti-h WELLS CO. Bd GRAND AVE, S-ROOM Vma. SM Overtoa St., git. Inqtrrr as. u naroio. et za st. rooaa Vt eat lis. HOUHB, 141 Cook .. sear Mtwtastppl av. laqulr at H. golah aimer. Tt Third at. HOFSB 4 raoou, aewly psperod, ed Gastew- - oeia av.. oo car una, gig par menta. U-BOOM kaseo. newly furnlahad. Coll at lOTM Third at. Ring sell. BOTJEB POB BEET PDEBirUBl TOB BAJJI BOOMSV-Oa west aids for BA8: ewrr heat location. Kmencaa rirogersge 40.. w a aulas tea Biug., a our is anu waaDiagxoa. 1 . t BOOMS ea west aide; arw roTnltuT,feM. . Amrlca Broker ag Co.. fourth aad Waake, Ington. , e 'V - 1 .1 BOB SAXX OK BERT. POB BENT OR SALE A 'ew, modern, o-nea . cottage, fumlebed or nnfornlahed. Tmrnlro on premises, inet East Gllaea St., cor. Twanty- Blntb. . ; . - - - J I n9n .yo lirT'. 1 GROCEBl tore at sLiteenth Vnd Norrhrupt "g llvfng rooaa above a tore; largo base meet, ' stab Is aad vregoa ebed. For terms Inqulra William Sweeney. Ml North Fifteenth at. POB BENT OPPICB BOOM. : OFFICE BOOM. , Inquire dgtr store IdOU '. First St. -. ' FOB BEET UBf UBB1SHZ9 BOOkTS. rnfnrnlshed - rooms; bo children. 4T Weidler. fOB BIWr-kTIECTlLajrEOTJB. POB' BBNT A la rye sample room or ksO, tap Soar Apply elevator ana Ovrdneugh hldg. ' POB tAtt-smCEIXABXOTrS. FOR RALE 00 pair fi'lden. silver. Lady Am. herst snd Jsprnes pbeesuta. Imported An. gort cats, parrots, alnglng and fancy Wrd. Portland Bird Co t Third 1st Jl IIUli ..' at.,. .North. . BILLIARD AND POOL tablee to rest a tar sis sa saay psyaMot. THE BRUNSWICK-BALES COLLENDEB CfX, A9 Third t4 PortUsd. PANCT Moaler apples, esbbsg . sad turnips sola ny in growsr, oeuvereo 10 sny pari or the city fro f charge. - sot Front at., cor. WB print your name a w calling cards, proper las sua sryi. xoe; xno nosinee ceras. si. Brown Scbasts. E2 Plrsu Portland. Or. NEW nprlgbt pianos. A0 aad 1175. former pne gzou: erg ana aa. (ornaar price sw; muse eelL S41H Flret, oor. Mala. Booth If. . MEW T-B.-P. marina gssnlln eagtns, . groo; trt.-r., 1111; a-n.-r., siui; ii-ur., gwa. Corner, Proa aad navler. - , POB SALE eecount of death. It good cow ana- rout. Appiy to, s. c sisrsa, juo uu saa m. - a POMERANIAN Spits puppies for sale at Rainier Kennela, Psalaaular suttos. PhoM.aVett 1 foe. . . CHEAP At sxprass hnetsees with llcenoei halt eeeb dew, rest iMtsllaeata. 00 B. Cbach St. DOt'RLB-SlRATED sstemnhlre cheap for eoehl will tske smaller one In trade. Bog 1040. IRON bed nd spring, like new. 14. in Fourth at. Pbsae Mala StOL - GOOD family ow for pal it TM WllUsas av. BUlliriJtS CBAB0ES. (1400 BIO SNAP Comer, 10x100, anas tnrma. . . Monet -maker Seders, flrat-claas ' tl-room. . aew reantry hotel sad bsr. ground, buildings snd fur altars compWl to ran). HH); go, 600 ooeu. . - f- - - ' Purm. mile eat; fin oollj a hoot an In cultlvatloai (2,100;. Iftou Wa, balance asy psyuMUU, ar chaag lor city property. 1 tfl.OnO cash put yoa In poaarealou ef a - valuable ronrt close In. and mercantile bustuees, whh-h I a eteady meaev-maksr and -will stand the eloeest Investigation. All ktnda of kaslneaa chance aad real tat aaadled. . Fee auirk aale at a fair prlea of what r you kavs snd strictly booeet dealing If you - waa to Buy .CALA. AT M4, Bona . , IMS S. Bl'ftlNRKS CHANOES - .' . HnUmllrf lleer ktialnenn VB vstlee tear.' Grocery kuelnses wiik good trade ta vaflay t town 1 fine scbeola, churches, etc.) oo account 01 engage ar riiaats ror neaim win son. General marrhaadlae sterol the leading bust nee In a growing oounty seat lows Is east ; era Oregon; might tag aoma good volley property In aaeaang. . -tbbQ will bey a alee paying baalssa tor a womstu rhnlc roc Men. , . awmlllTaU la flct-elaas running order, snd doing a good bualneea. In county aeat .town ta WUIaaetto volley 1 a aaae at SAOOg. Grocery ' huelnees. nice aad clean atock. wall located, guodi trsds. but must sell st aamnes. UENhXl BAKER, SIT. AMngtoa bldg. FOB SAIB ' 1 ; "-'.?-. i' - Anything ye wie to Boy. . Newspaper - with good proapeeti. hotel, restaurant, rooming Bouses, groceries, cos fee 1 1 oner lea, salooaa and aumeroua Other 'w'nat'ar ye latorostod 'tat ?"7 ' ".""" Glv Be call. . AMERICAN BROKERAOB CO.. tT Wsahiogtou kldg.. Poorth and Waihrogtoa. FREE LANDS IB OREGON. Fertile soil, pur water, - dolls htful etiaaete: land of alfalfa, apples aad clover. For full information address the Columbia Sou there Irrigation Co.. Worosatsf block. Port lend. CLOSB IN Well Iocs ted Z3-room, Snely far nlahed rooming aouss, unta large ysra; ugnt. well srrssged leosss, ssndente rest ssd less sver tekri pert ' down. (1.S00. City Business Cbaho Agency, ttt First st. WANTED Lady sr geatlcaaa with money to - invest la aeeFvoayta ausiaeaa is roruano, Thla la a our Investment gad big profit. ' Don't anevrir unleea you atosa bos luces.. Ad " dree 11. 63, JouraaL - " - WANTED Names of persona wk want-to Mara real aetata- bualneea: I can kelp- yot sueesed. B. W. Trevor, SSI Wsshiagtoa st, BAROAINI Small cash grocery; snap If taken , la next 10 days; price (4&O1 will Invoice; owner leaving dty. Addrea A I, journal. CAN Ineats yoa on yellew pine t clslms seat- - ra Oregon; IS fin clslms farming land eaat- ra waan ington. - r. box jeu. roruaaa. WELL farntshed, T-rnoa h full all tha tlmst low rant;. nJOO. toot ssy payments; sacs tioa: pays wall. SOt Madlaoa. WALL paper aad paint a tore; long time In ,,buslneao sad wsll ostabltshed; good chance to got -into suBinene. ta OA car sournai. . POB SALE CHEAP BesUursnt with long laass. in nn location; a snap tr rsgsar at once. in ejuiro ok owner,- aut jesuiaoa. ... POB 8ALB Umbrella store, centrally located SI Third st, net, Pino and Aah. Call, at acor; goon rsssoa xur ssuug. - STOCK aad flxtweav srscerr eality; now stock. Apply S. P, d. car af journal. - 1 SALOON tor aale cheap If sold at sons; doing -gooa wsaiBoss. vmu af norm auxin ox. POB SALE Cheep, good restaurant with bass. taowir si a rirsv at. tor lorm. $1,000 OB LESS to losn on dty reel stst. veattM a Hormaaa, ina nttn. ,. . BOB laiytTIt ESTATE. AD FEBTTSEM BNTS aeder - thla . elaae! flea tioa . sooi too tor u vroros ana a premium free. Welly or Buaday. A BIG SNAP New 6-room houae, all eomplcto: - urge fruit tree. S6S0 cash. Ksw S-raotn- amlera cottage, kath. toilet, wood finer walls, 11 lea; urgs lot; must aeu; gl.UDU, ' Dart ceab. balaaco glO nor mouth. Two aew a-room cotugos, patent toilet, hot and cold water, 1,100 each, 100 down, aad am per moouu ... t: Tfle S-room ttorjsoT tatduau and-ftn per miisHh. A modem d-ronrn npttsge. SSOO; B-rooa, flOO. LOTS Corner lots, gloO;, H block and block; eaar teems. , - Bos owner. Jo Nsak. In whltd hone at Naak- Tiu atatlos, on Mt.1 twott car tta.-- ATVTRNTION. CAPITALISTtV-BIz fuM lot. elooe In. on promlnest- thoroughfare, sultsbly " located t for apartment' flats, larg hotel, rooming" booses with store, factories or T warehouse; will Sell cheap; make na offer. " City Buatn Chance Agency, 33H Ptrat st. WB don't Claim to b headnuartee for awv. thing la town, bat don't bur or sell till yoa .- consult us; It will pay yoa.,-- Awrt Beel Kateta. Co.. gig UoodnoagB. POB 8ALB New S-reetB cottage la Sannyside for aale cheap; worth. 3.8001 will sail for si.uoo; gTW aown. pat., fia per atoatn. cau - up; psooe bask 100. FOR SALE if sections at Wees tehee. Wank.. . aultable for- been raack and fruit, cheap. Address for perUcalars, W. Cv UattersWy, Cincinnati, Ohio. FOR BALE S acrea. S32B: hooso end S seres. Sfldo: saay terasi aea a sent, first hone eouth -'Oetea srooelng ea O., W. P. sleerrle lino, lOe xsra. . . GOOD InvostBMnt. let and well Use. 1 Price 2.&no. Apply John Hals. t34 Stark at. d ACRES near Lents: oar Una. fruits, berries. rhlckea ysrd, nice, new, modern, np-to-dat . cottage, Honki Baker, kit Aotngtoa tuag. tt elA - SfTTVm " . S t.nM- - - IhmHm isna bm water rwera; renieo bow ror so; per montn. . lAnaigsa. is nnerrosn ax. it sun a room bane. 60x100 lot. with lO-fant a iter 1 a nna losnijcmi cnoap. . iui Aoroy at.. Alblna. , . . FOR SALE lot tAxlBO and B-roora houae, on Tills nook St.. bet. Williams and Rodasy - aves. Apply at SOB Sea Rafael st. FOR BALK Oosrter block oa Ha acock street at a nargaia. direct rrom owner. Aaarees Mrs. M. U Baadt.. Boavegtoa.- Ore. - - $61 CASH 1 acre aa S-raoa .hoooe. to mis fires out. Mount Boott car. oiewan s, last houss Maxwell v. H. . Koch. FOR anan la furnished r Bnfurtdabed near fair grounds sea our iiac Alert Meal Estate Co.. IIS Goodnougb. NEW o-room beneo and lOOrlort-foot lot, BT0 rreacoii ac ; ua ia a neaaurui some, xass Wood la wa car. , FOR SALE B rasa bob with 1 acre ground. a &kcss rrom car unai gi.wo. Asarseo a 1, care Journal. BEAL estate bargains and Tiro 'rnauranee. Nortrfrup A King,' roosas 210 aad HI. Com mercial bit. . " .' FOR SALE 30 B alls from Vancouver ; ano rruK trees. szr suaeiawa B-ROOM hoooe for ssle or refit, cheap. - Inquire at as mast nforneoo-at., ac I or fee noass. 1EBT PAlIrt. FOR RENT Gsrdea of II acres, - bkiek from atation: o, acre arst-cisa pea verdant, bair of which la t to aapsrague. baL eukiu land. Ha rid Purser.- Reavertnrt Or. TO P-XCBAEBnV- BXCHANOK Fro ssbsrhan home, g lots, a- reea bouee, Bora, gsraeu. lews, etc., eest side.- What hove you got to trade! -Going sway. Addrosa P. OS, Journal. WILL trade ton sen aretrte land sear Klamath . Falle ror dty ata. ASdraas A 1. sare JoaraaL TO TRADE Shar ta larg atock farm t trad mr some in or wear city. Apply u T, journal. ASPXALT PATIBS. THB Trinidad AsnbsH Paving C. at Peruana. Offlce aad Woreeetor klk. ANIM At "TRAPS. FAI'ST CAMERON htomifstarera ef famou reuat trap, one that tins sal mal without koiolaa. 1 Mtory UaV L'aloa at ot alda, PERSONAL. THE beat sceloeTrr Toltry. the "Annlverssry , legacy," wrlttea only if the Preferred Ae - clueot Insuranc - CoBpanr of-. Maw Fork. Thomas- P. Thornton, general agent, till rbaniber of Commerce. . I'hono Mala TS4. I MANLY rigor restored by Dr. Ktoberts Nerve -. Global. One eaootb'e- trestmeat. ;- g BMoths, tB; aeat ocurely led by malL Agsata, Woods id. Clarke A Co.. kortlead. Or. -h T1IB "MsUimoBlsI Beglstsr" for pebrusry, - prlc luc, describe many residents of Port Isnd Who eeek marriage. Interstate .Intro , during Society. Beg UT. Portland. . U - "THB BOOK OF NATTJEB," "Book of Ufa." .."Mabel Gray.'1 'Story ef a Slave." "Nans;" catalogue free. A. Schasls, 229 First sc. REHTAUBANT and cot fee honee open day and Blghl. S24 First st. S. Greenburg. prop. - Furnish labor, help, day or week, fro. TOUR ' proecelnrlon ar asor accurate I y shd j. rsasansbly tiled at Eyssel'B Pharmacy. Morrlsea St.. hot. First sad Second sts. INDIAN GIRL.' half Mended, pretty; educated. very weauoy, vante to marry a goo vail men. , Currss, 1243 Wshsah, Chicago. "THKSt TEARS IN ARKANSAW" beam aU keoka ye aver aaw, . Xe. Jvsos' Book Store, " Alder t. . , : ,- HIGH-CLASS detective work Is or out ef elty; reeeonaoie rates. - m is. esre seurnei. FOB SALE FARM. h. TWO CHEAP PABMS ; , 40 acres, part cuitivstod. 4-reera Bouse, kara, eon outbuildings, orchard, running water; venient to voiuuiMa nrer ; a cneap t7Th. . - place. .1 SO acre good lasd, all fenced, SS acre eultl- vsiea, gooa nouns, nra ana orcnara, 1 S wagons, 1 keck. 1 mower, 1 hay 1 hsrrows. 1 cultivator. S slows, all tsaai, rake. Basil .. tools, 10 bead cattle; J4 alia te log., Prlc for II. IzSiO. U--,'.-HBNKLB A BAKER.-' ' ' ilT Ablngtea bldg. FARM RARUAIN , ST-ecss farm, 100 seres bettor land. tOO . aero Cultivated. B-rooa Bouee la goo oroer. . full atone bsaement. gpleadld barn TSxhS ' feet. stons fouudatloa, ruatlo and painted, good fence, err hard, running water, good ehnols-and churches: one of tha beat farms - la the valley 1 tor isfslk aala,. bow ealy gad T -1 HRNKT.B BAKER."1-' T 317 Ablngtea bldg. ' .- SPLENDID FARM dO-acr. bra. B0 acre cleared, miane seeoea s nee a own, s -year-old heifers t heifer Calvee, 1 bull, t horsoe, wigaa and hsrness, beiggy knd her aees. Do Io Vol separator, all farm Imple ment; only 2,(rvu, : a or sais oy . r. amiora, KCUW. WBSB.,- .......,.:.''. ... . . FARMS FOR BALE From SO to. 10 acres. For further particular , saareas a, w. twwty, Cnrrlnavllla. Or. GOOD homos, 1 to 10 tens, for sals oa aasy - terms sy J. r. nurord, lum, wssn. - BIRDS. HART'S Mountain Roller Birds tor as 1st, tl birds Sr th very best; they -ar all 1 cood singers; tha price la reasonable. Mrs. B, M. Frlta, SO- Grand sva. BAND IBnTBUansiTB. CHAS. B. YORK A CO., I04V First Repairers, pis tors; York Son and DeGure tnatrumsnta. BIOTCLE DEALERS. COLUMBIA, TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT. SPORTING GOODS. EXPERT REPAIRING. P. P. KEENAN. 90S THIRD ST. ' BETWEEN TAYLOR AND. SALMON; ' O . P. BUSH ELL. I ISS B. BBBNSIDB. PHONB TJNIOB SB4V BICYCLE SPECIALIST. FISHTNO TACK LB. AMMUNITIOrf. BTJUTK BOOK sfAXTFArrnrBZBB. HOWE. DAVIS A KILHAM. 10B-111 Blank book nanufadurers; s gents for Jonas . Improved Loos Leaf ledgers; paper-ruling. Boosnioaing. . CHIMB ET SWEEP. LOOK OUT FOB FIRE! PRACTICAL CHIMNEY SWEEP, D. D. WOOD. Re, phone . Beott J Lve rder at Avery d.oUo. hardware star. at tbuo St., psou mala isia. CLAIBYOTAET AND PALhTIST. MADAMS JOHNSTON CUlrveysnt, pslmkrt, enrd reader: 1 rive facte iwllabla Bad la. portant an siLsffatr of real lit. Beedlags tie. ag BoveatB su, neer uag. - CXjEXET CONTRA CTOXS. J08EPH"WlXIJAM80rT7-ontrsctoreetlmat gives B u siaos or conersc. neasBong werg asa sswsrsge. t aim usissy sires 1. CHAS. H. CABTEB CO., (formerly Carter A ElDi cement contractors. 674 Tsggart. Paoa East 18TO-. A 11 work guaranteed. CAJTB. BBICKSON'B RESTAURANT Merchaat's Bock 11 a. B. to 13 o. B.I ander new manage aaent. 0. B. EVANS, prop. Socood and Burnalda. THB OPPICaV-etat Wsahlngtoa gt - T71. Pickett t) Vtgnaaux. M0EZY TO L0AB. THB BTAR LOAN CO. ' Asv aalarlsd smolova. waia aarnor. ens est -w,gos aoie.- wiiaouK nssrigsgw . . Month. H Month. Week, tflO.OO Repay, to as (1S.S3 or td.6 sr BS St i2B OO Repay to a I B.8 or IS. SB or 11.61 ilS.00 bapay to ua COO or $3.00 r SLW . 310 Mcnay Bldg. - MONEY TO LOAN oa reel, oersenaf aad cel. - lateral eecuaM-; special attention t chattel mortgages) 1 note nougnt. u. n. rsusi, SO- Fontea bldg., 64 Sixth at. HIGHLY raepeetsnl plar where Isdlea aad gents can borrow money on diamonds snd Jewelry. Collateral Lsaa Bank, tot Wash Ingtea at. Phone Black Tl. . SEE the Dunn-Lrenco Co., real estate aad auaacisi sasnts; mosey t una oa morrgag aecurltlc nt low ralra la. gaau trot SSW to 110.000. MH First at. - MONEY ADVANCED aalarlsd people, tee Beaters. sic., witaoat security ; saay payments; isrg st buelsesa In 4 principal dtlea. Talmas. 33 AMngtoa bldg. .. ' . " CHATTEL loans Is aavouat. ranging from tH 10 bo.isju; roomiBg-noBsos s specisiiy. new Bra Loss Trust . Co.. 90S AMngtoa bid. MONEY TO LOAN ow Improved or Unimproved city property, ' etims to eoiu umu, nn ktna Co.. 360 Alder at. MONEY TO LOAN tn fctrg 0 small amounts a goon security i lowest rate. , wuiuua u. Bert. SOT Falling kldg. LOANS at lowest rate oa faraltar. pisses; aay sscuruy notes purmsasa. . Aescsrn saaa office. 44 Sherlock kldg. . , MONEY TO LOAN es Clatamea rmraty tsnda. m. r. aa r. m, guisy, worn t-nsmner g uax PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. S AND S nor mt.-, Wa. Dsaholat, E2gj railing bldg. MONBY to loan glOOOO at I par last dty renpeery. sis rjrsra ST. i m nnweMaaeammwnnnwsse ' CROCKERY ABB OLAMWAXB. WHOLR8ALB crockery and glassware. Plait, tiege le a) uo., 100 ta io nttn. ear. atara t AEPIETXXS AND BTJTXBXKS. , A. J. AUTHORS and R. B. WOOD, es reenter -aaei - ewmoevsf rspsieing seej -yormtngr sror ud offlce gi tores built. Shop au Coluaha. Phoao CUy 1S6L HOFP-a) TYSEN, building and remodeling; stor airarej a apaainiiy. . awe a ires ss. g-aoaa CUy 034. OMMIISIOB BaBCSLaJTTB. BVERDING A PARRELL. aroduce aad ion mar ma am, iu iroai eva ratBM, us. Phone Mela IT. DYTTJO ART) CTJtABTBOX PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING A DYEING Works; aradlcal barter la eoaaectloai feather boas and plome c leased aad curled by aa as pert, til Fourth. Phone Clay TO. CLOTH F.B cleaned and pi ' aad tl per Boatk. uaiqus isiioring ue., st f nsaaiagtoa a. H. W. TT-RNKR. prefeealoual dyer and ray serrersns St. rnone Mal avis. DAECIKQ. MRS. GRANT'S adult aad ehivtrea's Waswra A sad ay, Morrisoa sL. aor. COAX ABB WOOkV ORRAT WESTERN COAL CO.. 41 Heyt. oar. KleveatnrTsoecers sou aunsrs ai waanea fnap and nut Bootless Aoase eoals; lump tl aut to, delivered wlthla 1 Mle of yards aetUfacttoa guaranteed. Phoao Mala ke. iai lump so. irasi WESTERN FEED pOEL CO.. cor. Frost Bed Mer-l etreet,-alars -oBBaaiie sa even a caeU blackamlth Ooalt snarooal aad asa. Phono Mala 101. 4 ' . I ' STAR COAL CO Dealer In foreiga and do . rueatlo nab; ws hsv the best Wyoming coal. Of Be Z33 Stark.- Phono Mala ldln. ALBINA PCEL CO. Deeler la cordwoed. ossl sad green aad dry elabweod.- R. B, and At . btna ave- S blocks osst of ferry.- . RUPERT Ft'EL CO. The beat dry wood t town. Don't forgot to phone But 1M-, SU East Eighth St.. oor. Msdlsoa. ' 0. B. TEIJN. flrst-clasa wood and !:! ofBc tt Alblna sv., near terry. Dry subwood. STEEL BRIDGB PtrEL CO..- dealer la- eoel. asrd wood aad dry alab wood. Phoa Bsst 424. COLUMBIA Weed Coal Yard. Bsst Klghtk Bad Hawthorao. . Phono, Eaat IQgT. OBEOON FUEL CO. sQ kind af oel gad wood. - 644 Morrison. Phone Mala go.. . KIRK HOOVER. StS Water St.. wood sad eosL Phone Msfa 468 ' ! OXOAJtl ABTJ T01 E8BEBO-GUN8T CIGAB CCw-e t -T Dwtrlbutor f - , , - .... F1NB CIGARS. ' 4 - - .. . - Portlsad. Oregon. BEXSSBLUTJB6). KEISTER'S Ladles Tailoring Oelloget pat. 4arns cat to BMSSOra. AUihy kail 400. SM - Morrleoa SC , MRS. McKIRBEN, srtlatl dros and cloak. Basing, aoi sturrisoa ax. DRESSMAKING Strictly , Bp designs. 4M Clay .- to datsi Mtaat :: POO ABT K0BSB MOtPTIAX. y'i PR. C. B. BROWN; D. V. S.. D. O. M. Peg horse hospital, SOS Wash. Phone Clay lilt -R,' Esst 3538, - - DR. 8. J. CARNEY, D. V. B, vsterlnary gooa, removed t BBS OUsaa St.. bet. F01 ' and Fifth ata. YXEOTKICAX, WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Oompany. WS BUrk St., Portlsad. 0. K. for - everything igjT- the dsctrtcal lln. . Phoao Mala ISM. - ' . F1BAECIAL. i PRIVATE FUNDS SAFELY INVESTED. 4 re ceive aaiiy s te a applications ror term loans which will net lender 6 to T nor cent per snnuaxv' I personally exsmlne sll lands and titles offered aa security; 10 Jr'. x- "nartence: heat vwfeeencea. ANDREW'L. CHEZEM. AttorMAt-Lw-. t8-2T Wsahlngtoa bldg.. - Portland, Oregoa. r-Bone Main lvnu. - FURB1TDRB FACTORIES. OREGON Furnlturs Manufacturing Corapaay . Msnuf scturers of turaltara tor th trad. i: Poruaaa. or. ... . -. ... '. v .. -- PUBNTTUBB msrrafactnrlng and special orders. L. Bnysnsky'a furniture factory. gTO Front as. F0XX1T BZSXRVB' BCBIP. FOREST BESERVB SCRIP FOR BALE An proved, aarestrlcted, ready for Immediate ass; , loweor price, B P. ) F. B. Blwy, aot VBmor or uofnmevrs. SXOCXBS. WADHAMB A CO., wholeaaU grocers, msssv fssturers aad cosimlmloa merchants. Fourth ana uea sts. . ALLEN 4k LEWIS, commlaeioa and ptodoea a ensnto. Front and Da via sts,, Portlsad. HOTELS. HOTEL PsddMtoa. Fvadutoa, Or. F. W. Walto, aagx. - i - HOTEL Portland, Assert caa plan; It, IS par day, HOTEL Bt. George, Pendleton; landing hotel. BBLVEDEBB; BaroposB plsa; 4th and Alder ets. HTMAV MATB BOLLS. J. . BOBO, msnfr. haawa hair rolls. 4tg tth. Phono Esst 33 11. Store. SS Morrlaoa I -SWTTOBIi FOB BAXB.- SW1TCHM Brade, combings bought or mads to oroer, w xwsirtn at. raoa Blast mo. sUtBXrsv- ISAAC In WHITE, Br S00 Dskua JAS. Mr I. WOOD. mpkoTers' liability and ta. dlvidaal accident wrety boada af all klada. t-nons ei. gug H!Kay aiug. B- F. B ARTELS COMPANY Fire Insurance. 44 Sherlock bids. Oregon Psoas Clay 636. FIRB INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy C 331 Bnerioea oiag. rnona maia inoo. - i ' LOOXBkTTTHS. --rr- --rr"f LOCKSMITHS 8S East Burssido. Phoa ' Uoloa 164. " MUSICAL. SELF-PLAYING PIANOS Cedlls Self-play . lag plsnoa pronounced tbs beet by leading musicisns; sjbo uscinsa puns ptsysra. A. u, Wills Mado Hons. SS0 Alder St. LE1SONS Boo; piano, organ, guitar.'- Banjo, ; mandolin; violin; Instruments for aala. kirn. ata run, in lirat-. ear- Main, studio 12. SECOND-HAND aasleal- lustre merits of aU . kinds at lowest prices, cosh or laataUauoata. ' Fisher Mast Co., 1M Third St. MR. AND MRS. H. A. WRRBER. bsnj-t. Btoitdo.. in, guitar inatractloB. Mala gins. IT w. Park, MAGNETIC BXALIES. MRS. U H. HART succeesfolly treat all diss - bses; jBetkod - taught. ''Nsw Thought" reading-room. Bit Twrv bid. Mala 41TS. sTURSIRY. COMB AND SER CHOICB roaea. trwas, te., Oakley Greoa Nareerr! Ualoa 1321. . U. car. OVZEALLB. BOM OP THB BOAD OVERALLS ssd aaerhaa- lea' clothing; anion made. Neastadtar Bros msnursctursrs. t-ortlsn. or. piaxo Tmrnro. OEOROB ANDERBONU-EXnort piano tuner pad repair mas. Mea4quartera Jlaner Musi Co. Phon Red Mt. - PRESgT CLTPPIB0S. MAKB MONEY! USB PBESS rLIPPINOBI Blag ap Black 11 aad order a awath's service, covering every town la aay or all esat Mites: dally weoSSngsr swrvlce: advaac re ports oa all eon tract work. Portland far 10 Second st. PLATTJia. EASTEBN PLATINq.rO.. 481 AlderGold. aiirer, eopoer and arssa piatisg- Poiia. ng, lacuiierlng aad oaldlilng af mete la. Work called for and delivered. Jewelry work specialty. Pkeaa Main 3334. THB OREGON PLATING WORKS. 41 Wash ington st. rooaa sol, ruusaug, Bitiug wd IscQoering. - - PLTTaTBIEJ. NEOVIDECK AWATKINDS, plumbing aad gas iiiuag, aot xBira nreas. rnuao aaaia eivo. DONNESBSRG A RADEMACBER. MBltary piaaoera S4 roarra st. rota FOX 4k CO., saalrnry plsakira, ttl Second bet. aaia aaa aaimaa. uregoa t-son mam xwui. FArhf,oiT. auro slabs. P. B. BEACH A CO. Pioneer Paint Cow serlles th best thing asde In pa lets Sad general building asterisk-! window -g leas sd ung a spndslty. US First St. phaao k e 1. . BASMtTSWRN CO. Jofcners, Be --, a.l, Benf. as aa oeors. aicasa aa iweA BUS HONG CO Frset 1 lag. Urbograoblng, hni h. aaopHea; work dene oa time; prMUag ofneo U the arose. - 1 4NDERSON D0NIWAT COMPAh. ' iiiaograpciag.. blank bOSAs, - tasa . Su Aider et. - y c - -r - Boomtw TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and gas, robbing. J. Loan, tit Jefferson . 1 B0PE. PORTLAND COBDAOB CO. Onraer FiiBlaa .J sou nesrnrna. ata , rsrtaad. or. BVBBEB STAMPS. P. O. STAMP WOBKS. Be Aider at., aheao Mala 110; robber etnas, eeela. osenrlka. baaw. gaga, trade cheeks; eend for ostslogu. SH0W0ASES AYD FIXTTrBES. SHOWCASES of every desertpttoaj bask, bee sad store Sxtarea made to order, Ths LaU BT0RA0E AVD TBABIFEB. SAFES, ptaooe asd furniture - aovsd. gaekod ready -foe ohlpplng ssd shtpnedi alt war' guaranteed; Urge. S-tary. brick. Sr ptoot Wsrebouae for storage. OfScs US First a. C M. OL8EN. Pken Mala B4T. - C O. PICK, offlc kg Fliut st , between Stertl , a oas are. 1 psoas on; pienos aad rnmlmre moved aad narked for shipping; eoaamothono - re-proof. rlrk wsrehoni. ..... Fro gad Clay ata. ' - .. ' , STORAGE specs to let fa "ear aaw hoi ldln. are water as.-axfiar Milling A rBOBBilmiiiA osspsny. "KOkT rAXBTOIO. ' I. P. EIRNOIERELv SIGN WAIMTgn. Bntraac 31IH . aahlnrton. roc. lat, p atakng, - - PHONE HOOD ITU. - VERLINB. ARMSTRONG CO.. Sign. 1 Uet, Phono Red BUT. Cor. 4th aad Coaoh ata. SAFES. nm H in ics wails, not nreprsort rope Ire gen erally; exchanged safes, bargains la theeei . Canton ateel celling: Dlebold work. Inctudlaa lalla; tavestlgste. J. B. Pavts. nrl Third at. " n - m rami, yiera wn aanii'aa mn m wesw aor snie runup, a e iliui imi - TBABtTIB ABTJ HATJLTJIS. ' " OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 1S4 North Sixth. Phone Main SO. . Haavy kaallog snd storage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. Bo. 300 Ingtea St. Phoa Mala 3. ? I PI WRITERS. YOST TYPEWRITER HEAOQUABTEBS ; sou atsra Btresx. W reat, repair, all, oxenang lypsailustta All Buppltsa tor all machines. Staadsrd aachlnea t26 snd ap to glob, ' . ': So you want a steaographsr or typist I ., r.: W have Uet af good applloaata. -- - - ." Phoa Black 3871. - BLIOKENSDERFEB typewriters; aupplla and repairing, kooe Boas. 366 Stark at. Pboaa Mala 1ST0. TOWEL lUPTLT. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, asaa, 11 psr aaonth. Lawrence Bro.' Towel Supply Co., Fourth and Coach. Phoo 42. TXOtZBB. J. A. WE SCO. vlollu maker and repairer; all work nrat cUas. as BuaaeU bldg, Poorth aa ' Morrison. - WALLPAPER. MORGAN .WALLPAPER CO.'., .164-18 St.. bet. YamhIU aad Tar lor. Portlsad. anHAHCUxT DOBnXtD TBTTBT COhTPANT OF ORIGOB. r -- Ns.- 1 TKIRS BT, The Qldast Trust Compear la. Oragaa. ' - CAPITAL. geOO.000. Ws eondact general hanklag ftnsluaee. We receive savings deposits. - Wa Issue Ua eer-. tlnoatea aad terUBcatea of deposit payable anon 10 days' csIL 80 day call ar aodsrs - call, with Interest st 114, l4 aad 4 per cent per annua, reapecttvely. Call ar ad for our noog 01 j-u.vaxaATiwai B EM. I. t'OHEN. ;'.'.;; . . .-. . . .", Preoldentr a. L. riTTUL'K ...Tlce-rrealoest kVLEH PAGET. , ....twareinry I. O. OOLTRA Assistant BecreUry L0MD0B BAB FRABOTSCO BABX. ' 1 ' 1 . : , IJMITEJ.. .. j. . .. CVsBikir af Commsree Bslldtng, TUrd aad ' Stark Strsets. , Head Offlc. S3 Old Broad Brreet. Thla kank traasacta a general bsnklne nasi. Bees, Bskes loans, discounts . hills and Issue letter of credit s valla hie for travelers aad for ths parchsse of asorchsndlso la sny dty of th world. Deals la foreign and domestic sxchaagew Interest paid on all time deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. MERCHANTS' RATIONAL BANK. , PORTLAND, OBXdOH. J. FBANK WATSON.... R. L. DCRHAM ,.........VIce-preelont B. W. HOTT ..CssWer GEORGE W HOTT.. Amlstewt Csshior- Trsnaacts a Oaatial Banking Baslnea. -Drafta aad Letters of Credit leaned AvailabM to All Parts of the World. - Conocttoaa Specialty-. Gold Dust Bought ' SX0TBITT SAVTB6S TRUST OOnTPAXY, tot Korrleeu St., Trertlaad. Or. . . Traasacta a Gsaaral Banking Ttnalssaa SAVTBGS DEPARTMEBT. Intereat Allowed en Time and Saving DepoaltAt . Acts as Trastee for Xststes. Drafts aad Letters ef Credit available la ATI Psrta at tha World. 0. P. ADAMS , .Presides f L. A. LEWIS. .....nar-... First Vlee-Presldeng ' A. L. sS.f.'JI Socood Vice-President B. O. JLBITS.....i.. BserstarF u SITED BTATTB NATT0BAL BATTK, OP PORTLAND. 0RFO0B. ' " M0XTHWX8T COB. THIRD ABS 0AX STS. xreaaacta a aarai Banting main lis. 1 DRAFTS ISSUED. ArslUbls la All cities of the United State ' , and Europe. Hoag Kong and Manila. fWT-LTCTlOBt MADE OH FAVOBARIF TTlwej Prssldest ;'. ,.J. C. AlNSWOKTt Vice-President.............. W. R. A Yen Csahler.... .......... V.......R. W. SCHMErni Aasletaat Cashier...... A. M. WkUGaf FIRST HATT0BAL BANK ,r i . OP PORTLAND. 0RES0B. , Deslgnatod Uepository sad klnaaelal tglat at - ihV United SUtaa. . .. Preddent A. f. brrrra Cashier , ). W. NEWKIniC . Aaeletaot Caahler .....W. C. AtVORIS Second Aalatont Csahler. ... .R. P. STEVBNM I ........ n PmJII ImimS 1M akU I W .. I and tha Eastern States. - mrht Fx change and Teleeranhle-" TVaee sold oa Bsw York, Boston. -Chlcese, Bt. -Louis. at. psut. onsiM. Han rrssdaeo . esa ana. . prlnVlpsI points In the Northwest. .. Sight sud time kills draws In mm re salt ' m Lsodna. . Paris. Berlin, Fraakfort-ea-tbee Main, Hong ' Kong. Yokohama. Copenhares. Chrlatlanla. Stockholm. St. -Feterehorg, ktflS- r, Enrich, llcuolnlu. Cwlleotlona Made an FnveeaVIe Tra. LABS Bt TUTOR. BABXEBS. - , (Esrekliaked la U. Tranaaot Seaeral Basking Bsslassa, Collect Ions asde ot all Del ata ea faeemhte terms. Letters of credit keened svallah's ls Europe snd all nolnta .In the Called gisteo. -Sight Exchsnr snd Telegrspklc Trsuarera old ea New York. Wssklnrtoa. Chios sa St, Louis, wnrar omsna. mi rrsacas en Montane aad Britlsk CotumMa. Exchange sold oa London, Parts. Ror 11a. Frankfort, Bong Kong, Xokehsaa. Maall and Honolulu. M )BBIS BROS. CBRISTINBEV. UlVk. Flrs Btreet, PortlsA. O-, . Off Bflt-Fdr Tnv as TJ4etaal aai auirea Writ a ObU. -, - MORTOAGU LOAIV3 . O Portland Real Estate at Lewewt pssas, - Title Ins-red. Atotract Fnralakoi, . . IIILK UAABTkA TRUsf Le. , . ViAtolw Zr' " - tASt, ,. - . "New," whlsprrwd t.. a.oplr r".t, i ah Jumped Into hla arms, "Low a wa dlapoo ot th ladJrrT" . O must blda it omwbe' ' ' garden," replied heir r- ''"i I v your father dooaa't f-. ' - bar to ua It to f t 1 .1 1 -. J