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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1905)
11.- TODAY'S -Cooler VVdather I Cad for Fruit and Pro duce, Butl'a dreit Jh!p for Prici In Egs. Butter,, UvetisccC and Poultry. .'i ,THE- OSEGON DAILY JOURNAL.. rOHTLAND. SATUr-IAV vL . .1 MARKETS 1, ,t. f . - -r ; rrr ''" Bsteeed st the postofflce of fortUnd, Or., , I" Vaasperutioa tlx " oa Bseoad ' iIm aatter. For a 8, 18 to 18- rwu ret eiagie cnpies age paper. 1 cent: jit la SO V seaiej . 44 taee. 3 cut. FdTterlul 'Rnoma.... ....... - j.-' in wl not Oiaca.aa. 1 , rOUIOV ADVSBTISIBO SBOTWATiTS. , - VM.laaa-Brnf.mlo Boerls! AdwrtUInc Agency, i - lou Aieeaas etreot, Jew Vert; Tribune Build- t ' lag, laicsgo.. rV'u,,,. sr.v - ctrsscKimov satzsv! ' ..' v . hw flan-lar. 5 Pally Journal, wltb SoBday, 1 yer .-. -tj. B u A. a a manthe. 8 IB '. '. i aw liif -jui hi, , . - e art T , Tke bally Journal, moolba ...... .... .'. To. r,iy Journal, with Sunday. S awulna. Flail JAtirnal. B Mentha. .'.-....-. A-aO arta ll.lle JmimiI with hundar. 1 Bontb.. .89 i i I. Tbe Dally, per nt, delivered, Sunday tacluded .'-vVi-l'-rJ' IB -,- Tee Ually. per nit, Qaljrerea, nunuuy , . n,M4 ....... ..a.... .'-,'..;. i .. .- aw. V IfaQ. 1 .18 "Th tailr Journal, with tutV. t -I K ;T1ia Dally Jearoel, 1 year .LV i'Ja -'.The Daily Journal, with Sunday. njeathe. 3 TB "- .The Dally Journal. 6 nBetbe...T.a..a...,a, -J The Dally Journal, with bandar, njontbs. l-0 j The Pally Join oal, months. .....'' ? v Tha Daily Journal, with Sunday. .1 saeatb.. , TTb laUlr Jonrnal. 1 souUi.....taaa,Va.' ".ntl -"-The auaitae Jmirul -l ,Hr. ..,.. XU . ' Tha Snniiar Journal. 6 atootoa. 1-00 STTOrtiirifc" aai.Wa-kly Jamraal , ' ' - V-', Tba JlBi.Wrakly Joarnal. t PM"' J . . 1 1 1 4 A.U aiirhiii. - v 1 raar i $1.60 llmltUoca abould ba nada bf dratu. poatai ' awtaa. alsraaa aMan '-aal. aaall amonaU arc 'J P. O. Box PortUnd. OD-a-on- jTtX TXX JOUUAL HAT B rOgOT. Tba JWrnal caa,ba tueial as aala at tba tot- nwln nlacva: ' ' . . POIRB. IDAHO TUmr Boo atora. ' ' CHICAGO Poa tallica Nam eompaajr, 1W Daar- PEN VCR, t'OLnal Boak 8Ut!oar mmvar, r in flaataBtk aixacUJ Puck, Rlxtarath and C"rlta atraata. , KANSAS CITV Vaa Hay Naara aowpaoy. Log ANCELES-rH r. Oardnar. St Baatt . Kprlna attwt; Ollrat aV. UalaM, ax BoaU WlKOuSl-ltV JT." Karaiiahfa, '60 Oofttk ThW. . ivriu rnaar rrnrr aM,tnv'r TTmlom acmara. 4UDBN--oa;ka Nawa aanpajiy. ' - . r: UU AHA Aliuara HOW CTawa avaoui HtafliuMw mmninv l.ioa rarnnni atraat. ALT LAk Cixr Kcnioo Hotel Mawa atand; Barrawa Broa.. 43 Waat ureoaa atrrai. cMraia.- "T. LOCIH Phllla Roadt.! law-at atnwt. nat auawt. ral'ca Hotel AM KRANCldCO W. Kkrilng, Nawa aUnd; Oolnamltli Hroa.. u sunar atraat: rrrd W. Pitta, ln Markat atraat. , . POKANX, WAHB- Joha W. Orahaoi Oa. TA(X)MA, WA8U. Oadtral Vawa oompany, 1121 Padua annua. - . -t-.. nnrtBAi boticx.- t'DUNALD-rilB Nalam. ranrnaiy , 1906, . Kllaakath K. MrUonaid. atotkar of Vtra. Ellaa H. Barchsa, aad 72 yaara. ruoaral aaralcaa l Hole;'! ThapaL Monday, Fabmary IS, -: at 3 p. a. Frlauda InTttad. : Intarakrat at Lona Vlr canatary. ;--v',-r'-vnaTmuMM,:.-' Taa aaM waao natarday la Brlttah OohmbU .baa adraacaal aonfkwafd. and cauaad aaiw tnv aaratiiraa caBaraUy la thla-fUatrlrt aaat of tba Caaaade axmatalaa,- aad-a wrap of from da-a-roaa to 1 dacraaa In weatara Oracoa and waatara Waahlnirtoa, wklck raaaltad la mini mum laatparatoraa la that aaetloa raa(1n( from M decraca to M dafroaa abora aero. Tba aoow paaradloc tba atorm waa Ufbt, and R baa how eaaaad la all aoctlooa la tbla dutrlot. Hlab winda axy-arrad yaatarday and laat nlibt la tba . Wlllaawtta aalley aad tba aonpd country; tba followlag maxim aw aalocltlaa balna racordad: . Tacoma. 43 mUra, nortkl Port Craaoant, 40 ' milea Dortbakit; Portland, SO milaa, aortkaaat, nr1 attvtkaiu,. -Sfl nllM. Bnrthaast- Oold WMttmr alas prmlla In all tba aortbara atataa aaat f tba Boeky aaountalna. , Raow baa fallan la Naaada. uottbara Artauoa, lolorado, anntbanr' Ida bo, 'Wyoailna, Kanaaa, Kabraaka, Ulutfirl Iowa, ktliiniiania aad tba Dakataa. . loa Indira Uoaa ara for . fair and eooUaaad cold waatker la tola dlatrlct darlaf tba aaat a boara. ... i .. , 1 Waddln Car da, a?, a. firk a Oa.. Waak - tortoa bld., cor. P north and WnMaataa. au. , BXBTHB. tTAHti Tabmary T. to klrrand Mra. Alaiandar Haht,-Eaat glbtk atraaU-aorth. a ana. - ' CRASO Fabrnary ft, to Mr; aad. Mra. Bdward tTanc. dttlf Uraad araoua, a aoa. BilNCl.Ea Tahrnar 4. Is Mr. 'and Mra. Mai. roaa M. , lllualrr, 44 Baat Twaaty-toartaJ atreat, a ,aon. " -v, ' . fiAWKfSn Jsnniry 33. to Mr. aad Mra. A. J. Hawklna.- ana Eut Morrlane atnet. a am. BHOOKK Fabmary ft. to Mr. 'and Vfra. Jofaa Bnwka, PorUand Halcbta, daui'btaa. HEATHS, ..'" BUBDfJICH -Fahraary; a, WlllUa Oaadlach. aaatl an aaara. at-Rt. Vlncaat'a baaoltal! .' ; aaaa, aryalprlaa. . Burial at Laaa Fir eaa ' ' HAMACRA Fabraarr 3. T"raklchl' Baaaaora. mwA U mn. at Br. Vlnoant'a boaoltal: i ranaa, tnbrrcalar parltunltla. Burial at laaa Fir camatery. wrarwiru fclipiia, a 41 f Hai1,aia i Wl l,a yL a aad aft yaara, TUT ftmltb atraat i awaaa, kliart rnaaaaa. uanai at urainara a eamiary. ' . j ' WVwANT Fabroary ft, Tbaodora Wycaat aad . . T3 yrara. at Bt. Vlncanfa boapltal: cauaa, . . - appandlcttla. Cramatorliim. t-- 'EVAJtB Fabraary ft. Varaaratta Jaaa BrkBa. 1 acad OS yaara. Baat Thlrty-flrat aad Oanart .' 'atraota; raaaa. broafblila. Burlai at JLoaa v- Fir acatalary. - -. . (.... .. ..... . Craautortaai aa Oraya City ear Baa. aaat Ball wood; modara. aalaotifia. eomplate. Ckargaa ' ... .j, AOulia. a;ia; rnnaran, aao viaiwra a a. aa. . ta p. - at. Paatlaad . l'artlaxd. Oragan. j. .Craaaitloa irtatloa. Tka Edward Bolama Uadartakiac cow '54 faaaral dlractora aad amcalmara. sag , atraaCJ'looa , - T..r- ' 1. T. FlaWy "on, faaarar 'director and amhalaiara, coraar Tklrd aad Madlaoa atraata. Of boa at cxmaLy eoraaar. lalapbona Mala ft. - . Faaaral -raatfa aad eat ftowara a apailalty t Boaa Clti. Oraaaboaaa. Twaaty lataad aad baat Motrlaoa, app. aamatary. Clark Braa. for .lowara. ' 3M btorrbna atraat. BXAt ESTATE TEAVBFEBB, Waltar J. HalfM at aL to C Fraaaka , lot t block 4, Arbtta Park Jfo. K A. Borajuhit and wUa ta H. Bor anlat at aX, lot "it." . Inkaa Halfhta Babi-a La ta t. A. Uadlay. lot 11, block TO. ball wood . n. O. Trior and wlfa to' E. Da mm. 41 80 in aaraa Etra Jainaon, D. U 0 4.300 .'V Katbrya a. Tart aad kaaband to P. Vic . Claakay. lot U, blork 18, Uacola Park ' Aaaca ....t ; , 1.300 ' E. C Browa to K. J. Jt.laon. waat H lot ft. 4. block 4. Kanwurtby'a add ,.. 1.1 00 Clara a. Bacon to m. 11. Pratt, lot . C blort T. McMJUcn'a add ' Buan C. A. of D. of Oraroa to A. Bark- kardt. lot 48, aaetloa 2, Mt. Calrary - . aaMtary , - Aadraw Andaraaa to J. F. yi llaoa. lotf IS, ". black SUCantral Alblna . Oraakaa Ctaaaa Ufa. Cn. to 3. F. Boh. , crta, parral bad I amaa Powell, It. U C. i. W. T Morraa and wlfa Vf A . " FT Flai I and wlfa, aartbaaat . lot 4. block 17, lma Tit tnaatalary ' Park Iaad Co. ta A. Hoffman at al 3,00 1 180 lot 33, block 73, ielrrratty Park....' JT8 ' - PT. T - AaaaU ta H. E. Itodaoa, aoatb . ti anatbaaat H. aaetloa 88. tow oa tale 3 ' - ' nortb. . ran A aaat - R. p., Darla aad wlfa to F. Braoav. lota . 4, block Vft. Wondatock 10 '. Ti. iivnpa waa im a v Powara. lota ft, la. block 4. Lenta.... 1JS - t. ,E. Bwtt aad wlfa to T. A. Batbay. fWd, lot 8. bleak 8, WIUamaHa 1 Clara B. Ooff laaa aad buabaad to W. D. ri'ww,, mi i,, , a, Bama..., , Abora Harold to A. L. Pattcraoa. lot ft, 'biack ft. Maala Park- W. I avbaraat to F. T. Walla, tat ft. black 8. Lincoln Park add....,...,.." , Henry B. Wolff and wlfa ta B. C. Frloca," lot S. Llttla Iloaiaa Ke. 3 Dalaabaratt A auad , Anna B. tf. Baraart and bnabaad ,1a W. W, Uwrafa aad. brlfa. lot 8, black 1. uraan'a add , ' , aa flat Paar Inanraaaa aad abatraeta ta aatata from tba Tltla Onaraatao A Traat , pa ay, Cbaaar af Ctaairn bmlldloa. H. Powara. lot 11, Blnct 4. Lanta ... Z25 3S0 ; J aTrojnfB mmm. . .. ". Jorrv'ftOll FabraarV 10. Janv-a Joftnaon. bara. i- F.,t -atark. batwaaa Faat3Baad aad Eaat ' TMrd atraaaar aoat, 87 MaUBX akraAry 10, bUtrAww Mrpky, aa STOREHOUSE OF WEST COLD-BOUND Weather Conditions Unfavorable v for Business Along the Pro-; wIUC8 Ffhanga.V EGG MARKET STIFFENS ON SMALLER RECEIPTS Poultry '; In. Good Shaper With j Everything Cleaned Up at Top Quotations. Fraat Btraet, Fab. 11. Tha principal fra tara af tka Portland . wbalaaala BarkatB ta day ara: . . . , Produca markata ara cald-bcaaa. ' - . -tiraclay potatora la luland Eaiplra. ' Onion market In rood aba do. . -Oohl waatbar harp art -toaa.,--i 3fefcr- t-hlckaa marktt la claaocd Bp.. a ai racaipts arc ainau.., Pradaaa IfarkaU ara Oald-Bouad. Front atraat, tba' storchoaaa of .tba Pacific nortb waat waa atora-baaad today, Tba cold wait bar kept awrybody oa tba luaa bmt1o( ptodai! liiat fuald" aaattr ba.-fraapa Tba ao tato bnyara wara aapeclaUy careful wltb tbelr atocka and antll a vary, lata boar laat alsbt auabar of awa aad taama war kaat baallr aaaacad la moTloa atocka from tka docka and otbar axpoaad placaa to warabaoaea , wbara tUay aouid not ba affactad by ta waaUar.. , ' ; Taa la Erra la Hal pad. . Tba cbanjta ta waatbaf, aaadltl a - aaaaad a aoddea atoppaia af art racaipta la tbla mat ka and today's arrtaala war ' compa rati rely amalL . Tbla eaaaad tba market to atlffea In price aad tbeT "urlntad ftauraa are nominal. Ererywbara la tba country wltb tha noaalbla ezceptloa of tba California markata, aaaa wara qaoted Tory, ttra and kick yaatarday and tha cold knap baa new extended Into that rectoa ra wm prooawy affect tiva markat Talnea. - Oraaley Patatoaa la Xalaad Saair. ' ' Colorado notatoaa kaaa'aow InaaiUa tha ft. land amptre. Adrlcae aaaalaad tadaw be taeal Jobbera from Spokane ear that tba markat there baa large aappUaa of Oroeley potatoes and that It leoka aa If valoea ware doing ta placaa la that territory. - Adrlcea from Heattle tbla moral oa tall tha aame atar. Tha naiirornia llaaa- which left ant lalt nteht took oat SLTO0- aacaa i ma Bar city. . Tbla la a email care for thla time of the yaar and will not greatly affect condltiona there. Dealers hare are atlll baying fancy stock aat In the ceuatry around 75e and bOe par hundred peanda, cona try points. . Local trading tn potatoes to light Oalea Markat la wood Shape. . The aaloa market la But tba rwmrae af tha one la poUtoa. Calorade ateeka do not aad cannot eompet with the aaaa from this ter ritory. ' Some ahlppera from that atata have already found that to be a fact muck to their loaa... Local Taluee ara balnf bald Try tlrm wltb the beat stocks selling around 83.TB par kandrad pounds. Laat Bight's steaaer t taa Fraaclec took est 804 sacks. - . Chlokaa BUrkat Olaaaal.Tra. ' A fear eoopa of chickens ansgad 1o com th. ,t,ra k, old area before antoaded from the exoreaa waroaa. A few ahlomaata mt wild Kh-. were reealaed. ' Demand waa goad at aachanted Taluea. aof the poultry altuatloa Tbomaa Par. taU of Eaardlng A k arraU eayat As va pre- ine maraat tua week waa a good one. .uB.arket.-haa beaa abort af all sorta. : Wa ara aorry. to aay that tha chickens that bare been coming forward baa beaa aa a elaaa rary rough- great, nany ataga sad old rooatera among them. The damand" baa- boaa aood. aowerer, aad all bare beaa sold. Dncke are la demand and aetea are atrady. . Turkaya ara atlll firm.. Wa look! for a seod markat for good - (ooda tba eamlag weak. If atock '.poor and acranr. Dae It as and feed It. for AlL-wllL ba -wanted bar slater at fine ftrtceaW II will aooa b time to aet bona, aad wa adaler poultry handlere to gat eft lota of early eraHere for whea the fair eleltore ar here wa will waat atore- thaa wa will ba able to rat In fact wa look for a graar 'd. maad" Ami, an poultryTao "prepafa liTsatUfy Tbll Hat betie aad fill Incubators as aooa aa ran can. and rabw all that ran can. for all will ba wanted et fine price. Waate aa poor atock now get-it m food eondtttoa ara shipping." risk Baoatpta Ara , Vary BmalL ' Bacatpta af fraah flak from local points wars vary aaall today. Oa tba Colombia It la toe cold for tba flahermea to venture eat aad enp. piles ara vary abort and tha markat la eeela reeocttnr to the aala af froaaa atock. Thara are practically bo emett In market... ,' ' Today'a ruling wbolaaal prlcaa, as rrrlaad, art as failowsi ' - . ) - t-: wrala, Flaar aad . ' WHEAT Onb and red. SSc : : klBeetewL ftltl ft-j aalley, 78c. BARLEY Feed. l-Abft43ZS.0O 108. . S3S.TI 024.00: brewing, 123.00, , .. . CO EN Whole, (26.00 per tea; cracked, 337.00 per toa. ; . . BTB 11.88 per cwt. . -OAT Producara price 5s. 1 White. ITr.BOi gray. 28.0ni 2T.O0. FLOrB Baatara- Oregon . Patents. St.ftfr: etralghta. 88 Tj -aalley. 8410: graham. a, 84 0(11 ina. 84 481 rye. one. 8S.00; balaata.TS. MIIAJSTltrFS Braa. 8100 par tonPmld dllnra. A23.00; shorts, eouoUy, -823.00; chop, 118.00. 1 HAY Producers' prlca TlaaotbT.'- Wlllamarta Taller, faacy. 314.00010.00: ordinary, 18.0n 14.00: eaatara th-efon,-818 OriM 10.00; mixed, li3.0o 13.00! - cloaer, - 811 0iffl 12.00; grain. ill.013.00i cheat. fU.O0tlZ0O. V ' Batter, Eggs sad Poultry. Bl'TTKB FAT Sweet. 81c: astir. Sfte.- BUTTER City- creamer, best. 83He grada, TTHct eatatda faacy, 80a; arJ. nary, X7c; California. S630c; atora, 12 1F(1GS No. 1 Creak Oracoa. STaSSct eaat arm. 34e2n. - ihuwb-ew run cream, twin. loo; Touna America,. lV4e; eaaUra,-. ISQlftUe; Cheddar. lc. . " . . POULTBT Cbletans. ml red. lZHa nar lb; heal. 13Hjl8c par lb; rooatera, aid, lie Per Iht-youne-.. J24lSUe par lb: broflara. ITHe par lb; fryera. IAc per lb: dncke, 88.004 ln.uv par ooa; gaeee, ewvc par in; raraeya, IT a 18c oar lb: dressed. 30r224e nor lb. . ' WILD OAK K Teal. 81TB:..wldaaan. 3300; I a..ti..a - aa MA. ... .k. , ., . .c . Km T l-f Saps, Veal Bad Kids, HOPS Coutrarte IPOS. ldaxlBri 1A04 can" IT w ft 38a far choice; S4Q2B14 for prtmea and maoinma. . . i AOUL Oentrarta land clip. 13018c; vallar. cnarae ta medlunv, 16)17e ftna, iJOlfto; aast- arn Oregon. 18c. . .. HOHAIK Waw, BMC. , HEEPSKI!(S Sheering. 10130e: abort won! SnttAOr; medium wool, SOOSOc; long wool, ftOetfiAl.Oft each. TALLOW Prima, par lb. dSBci Ba. 1 and graaaa. faSUc. ' -. ... i ni i iijt unit-c per mi saying price. HIDES Dry bide. No. 1. Id I ha aad an. lKQlBHc par 0: dry kip. No. 1, 8 to 18 lba. 13c: drr calf. No.' 1.- under' 8 lba. lfle: dra aaltad bulla and etaga, 1-8 leaa than dry lint; Baited hldaa. ateere, aonnd, 80 lba or eer, 34c; 60 to 80 lbs. Be: under 60 lba and cowa. Taj aV; ataga aad bulla. Bound. 6c; kip. 18 to 80 lba. 8Hc; Bound. 10 ta 14 Ibe Pet calf, aoand. aadar 10 lba, ftc; greea (anaelted) 1 par lb leea: culls. 1e per lb leaa: horse hldaa. aaltad. eack, ftt.ZSi.TB; dry each. 81.0041. 80; colt hldea, each, 2S&60c; gnat aklna. cammea, each, loAUc; Angora, with wool oa, each. rralU sad Tacataalea. u POrATOES Beat Oregoa. ftonil.80; buy a. T6O80c: eeroad grade. 80c par eack! bur lng price, TSe; aWaata, beat, 9l.4nttl.60; crated, 81.6Ail.fl&; aaw California. 8Vt(3e per lb. ONOSS 43.602.T6; buyara' prices, seaatrr, 32 1Sf2 : aarllc. ftdjioe per lb. PREHH FBLITS Anolae. extra fane. 81.60 - fkacy Oregoa. 81.00 -per - boa; r i H.1-" i , 1 : i , i a . looa building, enrasr trough ; aad . Taylor nDrMAft--re1)rary 10, " t. Beasi ra, dwsUlBg. Cllatoa aad , Eaat Twaaty aaroad, ran I aoa efraeta: coat. 8r.3nn. PETERHOM A HaVAl Fabraarp 10. Palarana Keel, dwelling, eoraar Ibaraiaa Bad Bajck ' atraata: cnet. 11.600. COE Febrnarr 10. H. O. Caa. repair ba d wan ing. Beat Strteaeta, betweaa bast stark aad Ea.t Oak atraata; aoat, 8SO. -CI'TTIKft Fanraara Kl Owrea Cnttlna. cnt- Ua. Eaat Couch, betweaa East Twenty -tblrd ead Eaat Twanty-toarth erraalai aoat. 33.000. WILHKI.M Pearaar lO. Mra. M. A. Wllbelm. atora building, corner Thtrtaeath aad lealne BtraHa; coat. a, WKRrilEIifES rabruary 10. Juttnft Waat, blmar. raaldaawa. Urlng. between Twenty a. first aad Iwnt-eap4 straaU; cast, 33,000. SATURDAY PRICES - IN WHEAT MARKET d Chicago ........... , rXw York ....:..'., l.KHb d -'flan FYTiclsct. ...j,.... 1-aTH a. dj .MUwauke ',t,,,aUiJ: st. Louia 1.14H d Ksaaaa. Cltr. l.4 : .. . . . Per cental. cheap era dee, ' TSe naa boas aL fl.2 K6ai2.S " bar boat", aaodllnaa. 81.50 par Mx; tanarlaaa, 41. 10 par ooa; a-ap oranaaa, 80t4c par boa; bananas, ae par inj lamona. aholca. A1.28 aar box: faacy. 83.T8 par boa: llmaa, Meilcaa, 8Sc par lia):. plna- piaa, eraaaaniaa, aaatara, iu.w pw 1. m v.iMinra. fr , a M . .... i .m. I . v art, e. a aob . wuipv. a..w y frota, -81.00 par aank: beau, (t.33 par eack; Oracoa radmbaa. I par dna; cabbat. Oraaua. 11.75 cwt: California, 81201 lettuce, bothouaa. $1 30a 1.75 crate; graaB prppara. T? per lb; chill peppere. ISc rar lbl calerj. Ma4c per V'; lomatoea. California, 33.08; paranlpa. T8 031.26; erg plant. U'W per in; atring neane. 12c; eaultAoarer. 81 2Btl.TR crate: butter beana 8c; pumpklua. lc par lb; horsaradlah. TS8e per loi aproota, Tc; artichoke.. 25 per doa; paaa. 10c per lb; canuabara, CalUoTnlft . pot- nooaa, ai.TD ooa. Dtt'Ev r BU ITS Apple era r lb: anrlcota. ft4i:ic per 1 raporaled, TO lb; aacka, la nar lb a: n.,i aaaiaa uer lb: naara. per lb; prunee. Kalian. . S4Hc per . lb; Wench, 8HWe per lb; California black. ftrati par lb; Callforala wklte. per lb; plume, pitted, par lb; dates, goldes, par lb; tarda, 3160 par lft-lb box. . Brtinarlas. Bats, Eta.' ' y ' RfOAR Bark- baa la Cube. 88.30: powdered. 88. 1R) fruit granulated, 88.08: dry granulated. M.0B; beet granulated. - 88.8ft;- extra- O, 88.80; goldea C. 80. 48) bbla, lOe; H bbla, SSe: boxea, hoc adaanea oa eack ba.le, laaa 33 cwt for caah. IB daya; toapla, ItOloc par p. . ntrrr,i laavl'ioc.. . COFFEE Package braada. 31S.SS. -SALT Ftna Belee. 3a. 8a. 4a. 6. 10a. SUM; table, dab-jb 80a, 311.00; IKGe, 810.TB; Im. ported UTorpoot, 8a, 117.00; 100a. 313 bo; h-yjm him. ..m a Vv.1. w Ha Ba ina. 4,5kt5.o0: 'bulk, 820 lba, $4. Ou 96-00; sacks. a, wa sac. : '. . . SALT Coaraa Half aronnd, loOe, par ' ten. ft.60t 80a. ear ton. 37 00 mh romp to. 816.60 per toa; 60-lb rock, 88.80; lOOs, 8S.SB. laaa than car (Abora prices apply to Bales of lota. Car lots at apodal prices . aubloct ta Suctnetlooa.! t . ... OBA1M BAG. Talcettor 8B.TSao par ion, Teel.'U- 1-8 1. . Al. Km. aBaw- awh S Bar aaA4ay Sail apajljaBaj, -. 8, Bi a-.-. apt a New Orleana. bead. eVaatSc: Adjax. SVkc; Crania. 4c BEAKS Small whlta,' 4c: Urge white, 8H; pink, 8H;, bayou, (fee; Llmaa, 5c; Mexican reda, 6c. - KDTS Paanata. TUci lamboa. BMa per ; taw. BatlOa naa Ibr aoaatad. : aocoaauta. SSaftOc per doa: walnuta, 14i9Uo par lb; pine enta. 10Q13Haier lb'; hickory auta. 10c par lb; rneauute, eaarera. 10010c par 101 avaau nuua, 16c per lb; Alberta, wa io ..par lb; fanfW pecaas, t4Q16 par lb: alawada, 13315c par lb. . . Valats, Casl Oils, Et. - BOPE Pure VI an I la. lie: standard, 13ie: BUal. lokr; Iatla brand Slaal. ftaC. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral (aaaa. 31 par gal; water white, Iroa bbla, KV,9 par gal; wooden, 17 par gal; beadllfht, 170-deg. eaaea 33e per gal; Iroa bbla, 18U per ,gaL LINHEED OIL Pure raw la bbla, 6c per gal, laaa 81e ner rail renulne kettle bet loo. ' eaaea 63e per gal, bbla 68c, per gal; ground cake, ear lota 328.00 par toa, laaa tbaa car lota 380.00 per ton. . 0A80LINB ft6-deg. cases S3e par gaL.. Iroa bbla 26e per gal; atora, eaaea Bafts pa gaL iron rime is per gal. - BEKZINR 3-daa. CSSaB 3M Per MU XtoB bbla. 8Ue par gaL . . TURPENTTN8 In eaaea. Ke per aL wooden bbla. 81o par cat Iroa bbla. T0 pes gaL 10-lb caaa mra aac per BR I. ' WHITE LEAD Toa lots. T14 lb: B00-B lota. T.a Jaa lhr laaa lota Be Bar lb. WISH ri AILS Present baa at 3Z.BO. .-f - Maata.Tlih and ProTlslaoa. ' FRESH MEATS Front street Beef, steera, WBHe : ar Ibxpork. block T, pea lb; packara. uHOTe per lb: bulla, 3H per lb: eowa. . 8ff3Ha par - lb: muttaa. wetbere and tambe. .(aTc; awaa.; 436oi aval, extra, ftc par lb: ordinary. 3Se per lb. . . ' -HAMS. BACON. iBTfT. Portland pack f local) bama, 10 to 14 lbej 12e per lb; 14 to 18 lba. 124,0 per lb; 18 to 90 Ua. 1.i4e par lb; cottage. picnic," 8e err, lb; regular abort deare, va smoked. P14C per lb; emoked, 100 per lb; clear backs, nnarooked, ftc par - lb; smoked, Ke par In; Union butts, 10 to 18 lba, aritmoked. 8e per lb; amok ad, o par lb; clear bellies, OB Smoked, lie par lb: smoked. 12c per lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. 10 lie .per Bk- Ba. 1flln par Ihj 60.1b tins lOltc pezlbi Team aandorad. 10a. OSaO- nar lbl 6a. ftWo Per lb: tuna -"Tie par id; o"C. otc per in. CANNED SALMON Columbia rlrer 1-lb talla. 81. 8B;. S-lb talla, 32.nO; faacy I -lb Sata, 62.00; U-lb fancy Bats. l.2o: fsncy l ib ovale. 32 70: Alaaka ulla. pink, 3B,30c; red, I1.B0; BomlBsI Ba. tall, 2O0. FISH Rock Rock end. Tc Per lb: flounders. Be per Pa: halibut. Stte nar lbl crana, i.zo per ooa; atrlpad baaaH 10a12e per lb; catfl.h, Te par id; aaimon, uiumoia rirer, cnineoc, iaac; ataelbeada, ftc per lb; froaaa allTeralde. Tc par lb barring Be per lb: eolee, dc per lb; ab limps. 10c per lb: ahad. draaaed. per lb; parch Be par lb; ahad roe, r- Pr lb; ahad. 6e par lb; black cod, n par lb; Colombia rtaar amelt. Be par lb; allrar amelt, 8c per- lb; lubatera. 12ct freeb maekarcL Sc per lb; craarBab, 20a per doa;. Sounders, Be paf lb; atnraeon; Tc per lb. . OYSTEBS Sboalwater bar,, per gaL . I3.2S; par aack. 34 00 net; Olympla,, per aack. 88.28. - CLAMS Hard obeli, par box,' 12.00; raaor elama, 82.00 per box. . ; WEATHER IS A HELP - :' . TO THE HOG MARKET -'. i .''"" "" "T"- ' ' Portland ' Cnloa Stockyards, Febfll. The tone In the hog markat la aery active the cooler weather being a great factor la keeping prlcaa up. Tha rattle markat ta allrhtly bat lea with aa ahaneae la Y.luee. Sheen son- tlno dalL Tba rscelpu today.. ,00 bogs-and- 3UT aheap. -"- . . Today's offletel ruling llraatock prlcaa: w Hose Beet eeatara Oregon, 8A. 7666. 00; Tight blockers snd China fata, S4.T6dJ6.60; steekers Bad feedara, 34,B0eX4..TB. . - - Cattle i Baat -eaatara Oregon steera,- 84,00; light aad medium a terra, 88.60; cowa, 83.00; medium cowa, 82.80; old and light cowa, 33.00: atorkrrs and feedara, 83.0083.26; balls, 81.80 (JZ.oo. Khee'p Best faaerrftheep, 34-60; awes, 34.00 ; ; . OKI0A0O HOPS KTOBXB. -. Chleaea. Fab!. li.LlTaatoek reealnta: Iioga. Cattle. Sheep. Omaha ...4.600 I.OOO 2.6X) Chicago ...,...,..10.000 ane looo Kanaaa City ; 8.000 200 8O0 lloga opened 6 higher with T.00O left orar. Recelpta a year ago wara T.00O. Price good. 34.ftoQ0.0B; roagh, 34.68f34.S0; light. fl.OO 04.00. . ' I. , a Cattle Steady. .' . .. . , , . . . Shaap Susdy. ' . . y : OOrTEE AJTP COTTOB CLOSES. - - Hew Tork. rabV 11. This waa a holiday oa both tba coffee and cot toa market, today. Monday, la Llncoln'a birthday aad all axebaneea will ba closed la tbla country. a , . ; ttW T0BK SmTOCABT. " i Kew Tork, Feb. 11. Jr. Joaea A Co. eayfc The London atock market la rather steady for Americana. IndlcatWma point to a etmog mar ket, ,aU railroad earn In ra sjw aery taTorahla wltb' proapecu la all lines of trade bright. Thera seems to be a eery good demand for the Atchlsna enneertlble bende. Klg hty-tw roada for iWeenber ahow an aTerage net In crease of 13.38 par cent. The bank! loot ta Ibe aub-treaaary aloe Friday 83,821. 000. Thirty-flaw reads roe the foui lb week of Jan nary show aa BTerage groea of 8 81 par cent. Twalrs. InduatrUkt advanced 1.01 per cent, '', ! V ' Damaad Btarlbay. ' -- New ' York.. Feb, 11. Demand 486. T6; 60 aar,, 408. aterltiig, tOBTLAJrO BABE STATaattirf. Clearings ............ ..38n,T01.M ..... 87.633.83 Baiaa Chloas Orala Oar Lata. v ' . Cklcago, tab.' ll."-Oral, ear kttai " - , Cars, (era do. Eat. 1804. Wheat ,,,,. ft - 86 IT Cora ...... .....,....3-2 - . . 22t- - w Oata -.., 38 30 ' leg. ... Wheat cars today: Mtnaaenolla 164. Point 23. tear ago: MlBaeepoUs 887, polulk 110. 1 "- ... - ' . Llaerpool BraU BUrkat. , LlTorpanl, Feb. 11. Cloaa: Wheat, Marra, Ta BlkdTM up; May. 8a nd, fed op; July, as 1 11. tig pp. Cotb March, As Il,a. d kp; Mar. d 2d,,i4 SB.. V : . t , . . ERRATIC FEELIfi'lj Ifl STOCK MARKET Steel and Iron Stocks and Some v-w Few Speculators Hold COLORADO FUEL MAKES r A VERY SHARP SPURT i Tennessee . Coal 7 Strong: for Awhile But Loses Later-' , Close Is Irregular, ; BtOC 1X)SSES.' Amatgaautrd .38 IHuaar - si v. ..... .12 .38 ,28 . .38 -jib r mo iter com.,,, .or w Brook. T.'f..... Smelter, pref .. ,.1TM l!rat St. Paul ...... .aaii Erie -eora da flrat Max. Can. -s';. 111. Central ... ,k6 Loula A.-aah,. .60 -. Mlaaourl Pac.., AT PsnnsylTSBla .. '.Iii Ont A Waat.... Preea 8leel eea ,8TH .SB .28 un ...... ,io Bepubllc Stoat. . do pref .... Rock Island aoa .12'4 Mo. Pac. ...... .871 Ht. L it. W.'at .124 so. By. :.2B . da aret Teas. Coal .... . ,87Sa Texas Pee....: .12 laalaer peer ... .30 Steel bref ' . ..TTTfiT I wia. . Central... ,124 Waatara L'nloa: .12 Pi abash caa .. da pref JA I- STOCK ADVANCES. Atchlsn pref. .8 M I do pref ' .80 ; Canadian' Pac. 8 .29 a . ah, - - r Colorado Fual., 1.00 CoL bouthara ., .12 Katr mm .STta MaBbattaa .... .21 N. Y. Centra!.. .29 Norfolk A W.. .87 Vk Pad fie Mall... 1.T8 . Steal Car araX. . .SB - V. P. pref.... .87 H Ueadlag com.,. .13V Bobber 'cob. 1.13ValLaatbar ; i .37 iPnrnlahad by Orarback, Starr A Cooks Co.) New Tork, Tab. 11. Deck flroa, aa;: Tks atock markat las beaa vary arratia today with lba Iron aad atael stocks snd soma epectaltlea strong, bnt with the railroads qulef bod haary. Colorado Fuel made a abarp apart Bad the Tenneeae Coal A Iroa waSatrotig at times, although It closed at a loaa. . The samt waa true of tha Cnltad St a toe Steel atocka la which there waa beary Bailing at 83 and PS respect leely. Of the ralla, talon Pacific St. Paul. etc.. wer oulte bearr. To closing wss Irreg ular. .--.'.,..--. Todays sfflcUl stock market. f Esournigs. Anaconda Mln Co Amalgamated Cop. Co. .. Atchison, con..,,,,.... AtcBlson, prer Amer Car A Fouodry, o. Amor Car A Foundry, p. Amer Sugar, com...... American Smalt, com.. Americas Smalt, pref.. B. A O. com B. A O.jn-ef Brook. Banld Transit. . 148 It Hi Can. Pac, com........ Chi. A Ort Waat, com.. CbL, Mil. A BL Paul.. Chi. A N'orthweat, com.. Chi.' Term. Hallway... Cheaapeeka A. Ohio CoL Cot Fuel A Iron, com.. Southern, com CoLvSo. aae. pfd..,...J ioi. oo. xirai uiu...... iSnie"li82 Delaware A Hudaoa. DaL. .Lack. A Weat.w.. DA B..O,t com.,,...., 1. A R. O., pfd ...V.." Krla. eommon -.-......a. Krta,- aeennd p(d . . . .' Erla, first pfd ibtS 1ST 131H 174 2244 llllnoia jCentral ....... tawlBTllla A Waabrllla Metropolitan Trac. Co. Manhattan Elorated -.. , Mexi- Central Hallway. Mina Ht. r. nta. M. Minn., St. P. A St. U. Mlaoorl Paclfle ...... M., K. A Tj com M., K. A Ti. pfd...-,. New York Central Norftuk;-A-Weaoanx. North' American' ...... N. Y., Ont. A West.... Pennaylranla Railway .. People O., L. A C. Co. Preea. Steel Car, com.. Preea. Steal Car. pfd.. Pac. Mall' Steamship Oa. Reading, com Beading aacond pfd... Reading, flrat pfd .... Rap. Iroa A SteeL com. Itop. Iron A Steel, pfd.. Rock Island, com....... Rock leland. ntd lua 107 108 hlH Southern Ry., com.... I 841 341 84 noutnara rty., pia..... KoBthare Pactfla 8 Kc U AS. F 3d pfd. 72 A B. T., 1st pfd. It, L 8 B. W., com.. Kt. La'. W., pfd.. m . n .i . is 63 86 Tana. tJosi iron..... ToL. St. la A W.. com Tol., St. Ia A W., pfd 1 1 nioa ran no, com. .... I'alea Paelfle, pfd...... V, 8. Leetbar, com. ... V. S. Leather, pfd...... It. S. Rubber, oooi..'... IT. 8. Rubber, pfd...... 17. 8. Steel Co., com... U. B. Stael C.. pfd.... Wheel. A Lk. Erie, 3d. 1224i HL'8SAf'i8 104 Wla. Central, - com.,,., A wis. laatrni, pra ... Western Union Tel a Union Tl.,.. S3 i, common .aaa... i-nac".:::-:? fd .....a.....,. 3844 Wabash, wanasD, America do pfd Total aakas for the day. 646.000 sbarss. 1AB" raAJCISOO MJaTDia BT0CX3. , - Saa Fraaclaes, Feb. llv Official mining aua. tatlons ckialng: , , -i , . . - Bid. I L. .. , Bld. Bullloa 8 .28 !a rare ...I .40 Batcher ....... .18 JpotoalV.. .13 (on. CaL Va... 3.18 Cnloa Cos. . 64 Yellow Jacket M pphlr ......... 1.28 Caledonia ..... .68 Mexican - 3.1S Cob. Marcur. . . . - .38 Eicbeouar a-..., ,B4 11a 1 noreroag 1.0ft '.- !v TONOPAH STOCKS. Btd. Adams '.-.-. $ .16 Colombia Mt. .. .40 Golden Anchor. .Ml Gold Field ..a M Mohawk , .1 Jim Bailer .... .68 aumb tm .68 Jumbo Eitan... .84 McKatnara ,.,.".66 Bay O'Brtaa ... .08 Bid.. Kendall ....... .88 Montana ........ 32.M . Red Top 33 Rescue ........ .10 Ssndstara ...... .00 Belmont ' ....... .S3 Neaads .11a Gold Moon. .... .18 . North Star .... '.44 Midway ........ .7; - . 'BAB rBABCIBOO LOCAL WtOOM. . aa FrSBdscs, Fan. 11. Local stacks. closing: - . . SldV Aak. 89 Spring "Yalley .Water M San Pranclaeo Osa A Electric...... M . 84 Mutual Elactrlc ., vl. 13 Pacific Lighting .....,.?....... fat "6ft Olant Pow.ler ...64 ' M HawaUaa. Sugar .811 S3 Honnkaa Barer ....... ...... xi BUgar ................... in , ... in Sugar IT 17 Sugar ..... ....... 8T 8 In ear ...,,aa.. ....,,., 87 37 Makawell t Ikrmmaa Bnaar Paauhaa Sugar 38 Alaaka l'tcaera- . . ti;, aa . .... Paekti. SiAtea.Telapboaa ...10 .v.. BEW T0BX BABX MXtKUt. s Tfsw York. Fab. 11. Bask stotSBaant: ..... v. - a, 1 - - Ir'sie), Raaarrea 8 Reaerves, laaa V. S 8.8M.0A0 Ioans 14.0lft.300 Specie ,i ..,.... ............a., ,aa 4,743.600 Lacala 3,604 BOO Keooalra ..........a..,.. B.ftM.onO ClrculaUoa . ..120,400 , .' '. ' " . ', , . - , eiaersaas. . , . ' j ' . " ' " ' B03T0B O0PPEB ITOOU . - V Bostna, Feb 11 Olttctal copper clssiagi Bid. - nid I A4t pntaiati S 6T8 fMaa, ......,.$ 1300 Allooa 1ft TB Old Dora. .... pi. BO Arcadlaa . 1.28 Atlantic .... 16.2B t'alnaset .... 80 00 Copper Br,, oft 00 Taiy Waat... 15 80 Pom. Coal... 66.60 Centennial 18 28 klakawk aaa.. 33.00 Phoenix 1 .VI Uulnry ...... 107 00 Mhaanea ..... 44 7- Trinity ...... 10. TO 4.13 11. TB victoria Winona ..;. U. 3. MUlng.. 34.00 -4 SliG.1T lilTEBEST in VuEAT HEAVY Present , Ton- In Chicago Too ; Strong for Market In Its " Present butlnestai-ii. P0SITI0N OF SHORTS . , ' LOOKS VERY DANGEROUS Hard to Buy Supplies Unless an : Advance In Prices Is Offered ' -Good Quality Scarce. TxtV WHEAT MA BEET. .' Ope Cloa Cloaa ' CalB hnt. Bat. n Frl. . Mat. Mar.,,.., July., Beplamaer ??; "ir?i Ilk .00 . IFwrnlaked hrOrerback. Starr A Cooke Cs.) Chicago. Feb. 11 Loaaa A Bryka aayl Is wheat a liberal decline la oar domaetlo rlatbla la expected, Minneapolis Block decUaad 2. 000 boabela for lba week. - All cask markata re dull aad lowar, with rar little goes wneai a evidence, tub tw nouaaya coming oaiure baalnaaa raanmaa wen undauntedly B restriction to trad today, bat all through tba aeaaloa tba market akowed.. a tightening np with wheat hard to bur except al-adaaaclss) prlcaa. If whaat will advene fractionally oa tha vary moderate boaleeaa now being' transacted, .wharf would happen If soma, urgent oamnno aaoaaa develop aud And tba market bars of afferlng. To us the dullness at thla time looks dsngey ous. The -temper of tha trad a su naariao and seems to us to be growing Bans eo each day. Tha action of the market to a, hardly warraata taia reeling, xne tone w smai, It eleerlr ahawn na everaold eoadltloa. Oun. sldortng all the factora which go to make prices, we feel the short laUreetLta la ft daa garouB BoalUva. 1 -v,...,, -7 . ... Oara SUoag ta Cloa. 1b eora the markat showed a farther 1m- provemeat today with -tha atreagtb malaUlned right to the close. Tba better feeling aoted k day or two ag atlll continue aad there la a alight broadening out af the trad. The ac tion cr the markat eontlnaaa strong aad sisraa to hold out naors proailee sack day. . . - . Improvejaeat la Bsfaalsd, Is' as ts the asarkat reflected the liapraramsat la tba eora pit. A- aaaderats decreaae la rlalbU ta upected. w are ansbls to see any ckaag. " -; .lMkars BtiU .Akaaat. ta arwvtalana It kas beaa noticeable that whea bogs coma to tba markat la volume, tka pack. ina1 a la meat extend aeiptng sauna I km smaller recelpta they ara eery quiet ara Bailing aom at times, but an alsa. 1TheT are not doing aack nt present. v - ', ' ' Today' official markata: - rr-ta- . whbat. Opsa. Y High. 'aarar. Cloaa- Mar..... l'lH I l.lT '-'$ 1.16 I L16B July..... l.o l.oi 1001 - -oia Bept...A J . . i - .-4- Ra ft)aee r a a . a a a a m- ' ' -sb y . .. .d6t4 - -8 Z 8H " .46 t Mar Olyaa., Bapi tab. S....aa. a...... '. May r. -Eft ' July MP May..... 138f Jula..... 12.07 ; 13 3 r 18.00 "IaABB. FsbT May., aft i Aftu' T.OT Jnly..i. TJ04 T.OT ' T.0B 'la'im.'Jt. HUB! lUSBt . ' - . ...... - a.iuiv 6.88 v- -6.8TB - May. .... BT AST a. t.00 LJuly. 1. 00 . T.l (.0. T.00 f BERG BOUGHT WHEAT IN 'FRISCO MARKET BitriJeratoruTchaesarge Lots" of May for Parties ; VVho Will Hoid.n (Furnlahad by Ovartjeck, Starr A Oaoka Co.) Baa FraBClaco, Feb.' 11. Uutton A Co. earl aeaeral salllnaT BMrrament la wheat Bat In ly la Ibe week, causing a depreciation of 31 per toa before aufflclent baying ordera were found to stop tbe downward tendeney. Tba depraaaloa started without any particular rea son. Receipts ar amall sad ar gradually growing leea. Millers' demands continue good. Very little demand for export. It U a wall knows fact that Barg e buying af May . wheat for tbe past SO Oara baa bean far strong partlea who have abowa a Inclination to throw over aay af the holdings st the decline. If theca lertdings caa ba bald together It wm b bard to figure where tbe stuff I coming from for eon tracts, ft tba aquae aa asst. soma. It Bust ft la May. . Barley ehsred tha weakaeaa of wheat, -the reuse being practically tbe aame. Thar are big boidlnga af May barley by good people. The good rains ever tha auta hare stimulated abort Bailing. Any dry weather with anfavor abla winds would BO doabt cans aa upward tendency. ''. . , -... . Today-a sffldal gtaln msrkst : ", ., -.. ,,4 -: ''Opan." High. -t.- May . . . . . B.1.4T -81. 4T 1.4T Mar. 1.1TB ...... DiaiBlCT arrm ". aara jMnuLry, Shlpmeata sad Claaiaaoaft. : .' Clilcss, re, llrtmary receipt; ,'- - , . Today. , Tear ag, . -ea . .. r , , bush. ..- hush. Wheat Blft.000 . .68.000 Com 608.000 V. ftlft.OUO Shlpawats were: f " Wheat ...a- 316.000 TWO.fiOO Com ..8M,0rJ " 747,000 Total clearance: Wheat and flow, 84,000 ba; oara. 604.000 hn; oats. 1.300 ba. , ,, aa. a a 1 1 i TarwXAJm. BacnJUEATSOaT aVOT. Ftom tbft ' February surlset MakaiJna. Tha pssaags of th Newlanda reclama tion Act opened - th war tor natlonaJ Irrigation, and br fonolns a stsblft basis for sll rutur lnif ktlon work, will ra ils tha Irrigation erafrcag of further effort ftjons tills line. And aio makft posalblft th purely scteBtlflo dsvalop rnents dtaeugsed - at - th oongres just passed. This set provides that th pro ceeds from tb Bale of publlo lands shall constitute a reclamation fund for th construction of Irrigation works In th 1! state and thro -territories of tbft west. When tbft works which are planned, or ar under construction tinder the provisions of this Act are completed, upward of a, million, sores of land will b legally subdivided and placed In the possession of settlers. The works are built without profit to th sorernment, lund ar -to bav paid -f or-b jith land owners in 10 annual tnstalUnsnta, tbu raaklnr tha runa a worams capital which can be re-spamded an lndsflnlte number of times for Irrigation purpose. Upward of 1 2 7.000. 80S ftr now araiiabl under th rafclamatlon act. To th re clamation service of th United Stat gsolorleal survey 1 sn true tad th nor mous task of eipendinf this monsy Is jurveyB snd Saa.rnlnatlona and tn th construction of tmsation systems, corns SI0 highly, trslnsd snd sxprtanoal sn glneera srd now engaged on this work of locating reaervoir ftltss, snd ' many ef th srsat problems rf location said construction har bn decided upon. , ' ":'. V Oar Oold ta Oma XHif. ' 1 Tafts Larstlv Broa QnUls TaHata., All ah-aewlsts rafnad the ftaeaey if It fails ts cure. B, W. Oretes signature 0 eaeh boa.. 38. sarrwg aTtoeX Oaa Broda. ". , aU1b leftwir Beat farssd. ,. . , isoli '.80 :"'' .so .20 A J mama ruaa. r-1--'-- - . 1I.T0H 1188 . 2-8T lAftB -f .1A0OB , .., ' ',r! -j' 6.80 L J..- 6-ftBA 7.07 A T.1BN HERE'S THE CHAKCS C? A ;'J r" VOU CAN BUV-A FINE LOT 50x100 For $150 a Lot . . - ,.' -, ... .. ' $10 down And ti A month ' North Irvlngton is the place for the man of mod erate means. Jt is only 10 mlruites' tide and 3 minutes' WatQc from tjio busirveta part of the city. ' North Irvington is high," dry, healthy ; and well dttlned. City water piped to every house in North Irvington. ;,. v -.- ' - , ' " Our North Irvington office Is at SSdV. Union ave J. , nue north. Phone East 133. H. O. Kemp in charge. THE- .5.4 TITLE ijOARAriTEB TRUST CO.V '6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or, - REAL ESTATE lJSAULl BY.". V". The Title Guarantee iiTrustOtoiiS Paradls Bprlnr lot sffT bous 4 rooms, hard finish, ibV X1M 91000 B, Ittn. nr K. Lincoln- fttijat. . box (S. 111.) 84 Ana nsvr nouss 01 rvamm. 81200 Peninsula Bltloii,100Tl twt, ftiid eot tag of i room a, bath, basement And good barn. .-(A. S0S.- -,-: -- T,.a a a,-w i KOvioa fast and flrftt- class housft 7 rooms rants lift a month. (A. 30.) , aiwkA 'a Sonnyald EV 17th, na' U. . TjTlOT. lot and aaat cottage of ft rooms: trms 1600 oasb, balsnc on tlm. (8. 313.1 . - S18SO . v - . B.Tsylor nd B: Ittb St., eorrisr lot snd cotug S roorsft. .hotft-nd oold tr bath, gmm And slectrlo llAht, ', (B. 31A j u,-:--' ? SS.500' : Cor."Mav,n st and MlaaUftlppl AVamus. 100x100 feet sn house 1 of - roma ewer in Ana awwnia aup.' . . Stephen's Add.' FL tth.tot ISxloo fftB wo houses, , well built, brick. , founda tion, rented for a month. . P. . , ...aoA;" :''.':-" ' . S1UW ."V ssa-tAA s.ah.AS A- TBI Ma) BsT . kT'lnafd 3BTla1 Fa. IVUX1VV X8JBWT, A". aGd. Wia ' vTla. -T 36U.JllSrtoie4T v - - af.450 ' ' - SOzlOO feet on E. ITtb, bet. . fin snd a Alii block to B. Ankny car Ittvs. (K. P. 342.) , t. .. -trr.- tfSOOO . New housed rooms, bath, full Jhwrnftrrt Attractlv bom, lot 80x109 tejt, snd house T rooms, modern In all respects, full basement, brick foundation, eleH.rlc Ughta, speaking tubes, rood brn, B, E. Portland, closs to ear Un. (B. P. ) 'i . 94250 gchuyier St. bet 18th snd loth stA.-iot (0x100 feet and modern bous rooms, furnao and grat. tH, v k --' a, -:-f-MMnMAOtU Arwaaanwmsnaa r-'-r-f--t j (i. f nTXBS UBUaaaTB. The .Title Guarantee & TrukCo. f S And T OltanlrsY of 5-ACRETRACTS For sale on installments $100 down and $15 perl '.month.''-1- ' ... a"'- . ; ConTCOient to street cSrs. -r A chance for home in; the direction of the city's growth. "Apply to a :..::A.:. B; M. LOMBARD ? S14 Qiamber of Commerce r- j ; .. , . '. " ' -' '' tsens c.r.s fch files arrasaa-,EB TWA aTAntoh BlsTll isHkal sWAtsasllarBl aTaaTeal SanssnaBa I wtHallS Vim fWaatb mm WSU mm milt, AWl-aiSJ WW raarauwi Libs at Aruaaieta oraanl hyatXL lTaaUaafre,Wrllei baaaanaus your pa. saesaw su, a-aiiaaa , a-aj lyOftTaiajd, S10P3UJIB as 00 (Xstsbllahad int.) . ,t A3TD stock 4V Oromad XTiotm. 0SBTBBB OP MONTAVILLA OVERBECIC CTARR Cz CX)OKE CO. v ' . Mrnbari Chicago Board of Trade. ' " , v trBAXsT, aBOPaTXOBaV OOTT03T, STOCKS A3TB BOaTIMB, t- . t . ist Third Btraet McKay Building. PorUand. Otv f ' ITS BO A BTBIOTasT CBacrJbSXOB BOBlsTBSS. ,1 i CAntinntra Markets by Private Wlr. Quirk Service, REFEBENCKSlAdd A . r XUtOB. kSAABTS, AAd UBltftA SUtftS MSUODAl BftBk f PortlASd, '".,':'' I ' Fest in ERNPAR MEXT TO THE CAltf OaV aVT. SCOTT LINE u& 7- Good School rt--Good WaterMains Laid r - Good Society ll n . life l UU Sold on $3 or $5 MONTHLY PAYMENTS j iGEXTOMTHEGkOV Sycamore Real Estate Company' Z '30Sft Morrison Stroot - -' S 1100---d-room'n.olerTi'Jhoba A C Bt . Johns; easy terms of payment S1400 One-ialf block at at Johns First ' Addition 1100 down, bsianc . ssy payments. . A-room' Colonial cottage, polished floors, fireplace, bath; with 13 acres of Land, on ear Una; lovs- I 1 W-a a.. 1 ak...a.aa. I A 7 Ut7IIlC , ktUllft) I U flU U I UAU VJt SW As room -trroderrr-hoo BTT Iarrabea street with earns ta. shades, eto.; nice ground; on of th most BVibaiiUally-bullt a, nomas in Portland; a, rare bar- "' gsln. ; - .. - . SltOO A 6-roonf mMeriv horn, nsw, st ; , tnabeil, on Mt ScoU oar line, on' ..8vsy tarms. ,;.x... V-J. Lots in ARCHER PLACE . v;;,;i-and. ANABEL-'it::'- tlSS And up st It Tr month, - Ton won't t make a mistake If you buy tn thesa ad ditlons At present prices. . PACIFIC LAND INVESTMENT CO. i i lena Saasrw'BTT, aoost T.rrTz" A COTTAGE IN. For $10 down snd 110 pr month. Choice lots 1100, ft down n4. It a month. Elec tric ears, -Jo fsrs.' j'V- 'jr -; ,';: . :I4fawanr.'OaT''ra .1 GEO.Wft BROWN '. sos TMxzxma aUaoa,' - PhOBS afAtm SUB. . , ,, -,- A. F. SWENSSON & CO, E20XERS Svooms 11 sad IB, SSS WMhlmrtom Bt ' " Houses snd lots. In sit parts of tb city. . Monsy - to loan on olty real Ba tata. Collections In United States snd.. Europe. Bpecial attention to collection of inhsrltancss snd settling ef eatatas In European countrlsa. Scott 8711. i For Sale and Exchange, Parma, acreage, city property, timber land a, business locations, homestsad rw- . linqulahmnta.- ,- MAXWELL & BURQ ' B31 aVblnrtom Bldf 3orill4d, Oft. , v - .-Pkefthft OlftPiTS. .-: cn. gu:::i's IMPROVED LIVER FILLS ONbV ONIfOK A DOSI OUSSMSAPAOHl by removing lorn cum in biliousi IOU8I IMS. by AidlDfr dletestlon 0L1A yllSiloaAlolaa ' tUT FILL CM EARTH OtS VT ALL OB0MI8TS,OBTBrATlO3r BACBirr or rsjcs. aa.. psa box PIMO MAMS FOIir RBI BAaJPLI BOX D.B4BABK0CO, PrllLAOttFHlA, rsU.s.8. EVELYN .. J.. . m -.'-ll ..-..". .... - I -