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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1905)
TROTTING TO SADDLE : WILL BE REVIVED Cleveland Z Club : Will f Introduce Old Fashioned .-1 : ;,; style.;":.; . t -at. MOST HEALTHFUL- BRANCH OF THE SPORT "Twenty ; Members of Centle . J men's Driving Club Pledge , ; J : TlTemselves to'Partlcipatf: , (Joonwl lpclal Bcrrlc.) ClereUnd. O.. Feb. H.TrotMntr to paddle promle to bo an interMtlnf ." "(aaturo of. ttfo - amateur driving dub '-' thta aummtr. Tha two moat Important mmbra of the OanUeman'a : Diivlnf club of thla-'clty, H. K. Devereaux and . 0. K. O. BllUn. have faltan ao deeply , . In love1 with trottlns to the eaddle that thla branch of the sport will be a feature Tof matinee racing at Cleveland next aum- ''. mer. . . - .... At a recent meeting of the club tbeae aet forth healthful and pleasurable advantage of riding trotteVa ao atrongly " that It Is reported .'that 20 members pledged themselves to secure fast trot ; .. tera to bo used In aaddle race. These y horses will be turned over to the club - and will bo trained and kept In Condi tion for racing. - - Saddle racea wUI have a place on each - matinee program, and auch member as desire to race In them will draw for - , horses, the drawing to be confined to the COMMISSION BILC5 i LOCKED JS SAFE Olympi "- ' ' a" ' a . asast a a Legislature i axing Lawmaking In a Leisurely .' . 'V'V?-' Fashion. ! "'""V-.. S. . ' . ''T '." (Special Plapatebite The Jovial") ' OlymplaT Waalu Feb. 1L The rail road commission bill Is again laid out for a few days. It has been- slow - In production, - and It : is said that thtl stenographer had hardly finished It yes tLterday when the legislature adjourned, Then- It was locked in thaattorney-gen-TMany erel'a safe, and It Is now earely-.con-rmlmA ihmrm. . .When the members left Mho city for the Sunday recess the bill was laid aside,: and may be ready -for BellghtrmUs- mgraa. Oeollag to Nevdro'sMerpicide - IM OBXCfZBAai' c?oitSG-i : aedy that BHlU WUI Sa It XarsMS VO A MAN'S VI7C ft I the ay ef east wires t seteh asd Sara the faallr'e weertag psart, bat wkea Ue astwal overlB ea hnbbr' crews wear tbnwrk it bnt tkes Ue atltch. was SMtectaa, Wnrr wife steel I "seals Uapeeur" a the laatlr, seeaaae tnttonsLt). I-1 ICt, TV M t'JXKZl Ct,, test I. lreN. Kick-, far SMtpio - i t y - imja1! paiivi neon. . U5 Si SO hor?es purchased for the aaddle rac ing. 'There in no. doubt but. that tMs movement on the part of the Cleveland arnateura ' wtll o-muctno .make saddle trotting, popular .In an amateur sense, but' It will probably not have much ef fect In. the professional field. ' , -a-;. CALCULATE AT FJFTY TO ONE UPSET THE TALENT iearssl Special Sorvlee.) -ifeKj San Francisco, Feb. 11. Calculate at odda of 19 to 1 snowed the talent under yesterday at Oakland. ... In a red hot drive he- beat Alone ; by a neck Tt was ' a field day for the pikers. Adirondack and Dr. Sherman each-at the Juicy odd of It to , 1 finishing, to-front The track war TaimiesuUs! " eix furlongs The" Volt won, ;' Dundreary,- second, : Maxetta third; time, - '.v!... . : '- ; ' Five and a half - furlongs Calculate won. Alone second. Harvester . II third; time, 1:1014.. : ' " ,- I Five t furlongs Adirondack won. Tan o Shanter ' second, Bath Heaclt thisd ; time, 1:03.' . .' ' Mile and a Sixteenth Expedient Won, Mr. Dingle second, play Ball third; time, 1:MK. ', . : .---:,. ': ' ' Seven furlongs Dr. ' Sherman - won?' Hlpponax second. 'Kollow Me third; time, 1:0.. . ....,. ,; ,-. ' '. One mile Scherse wonrWhoa- Bill second. Northwest third; time, 1:43. '; Basalts at AaeoV ; ,. - tjot Angeles, Feb. 11. Testerdsy s re sults on a.faat track: . ' Four furlongs Wee OlrJ: won. Silver Sue aecond, , Sandstorm- third; time, C:44H.. - ' j ; i 'One mile -Fustlsn won." Pantque" sec ond. Ralph Toung third; time, 1:41. Slauson eovrse-Rublana won, Mart Oentry - second. SWeet '. "Kitty - Bellslr third; time, 1:19ft. Six furlongs Cigar Lighter won. Mar 4 Iniradwtlon by Tuesday. It will hardly be heard of sooner. v . . t- : The legislature Is taking ths matter of law-making easily, and the 'future seems to Indicate nothing strenuous un til the very close of the session.' ''The senate and house adjourned yesterday until Monday af ternonsc and at, that time the senate will likely hold memo rial services for Senator Sharp, who died Thursday evening. . The grind will be gin Tuesday, v 1 ' " . j t The session is more than half , ever, yet the business of the legislators has not been rushed at any time. There are hundred of bill eeiwly cached In the hands of committees and many of them will there sleep the sleep .of the right eous. ..Many of them should do that for the good of'the state. There - seems ' to be: a disposition (against making a largs number of laws. of the senators especially are op- poeed to piling useless -laws upon 'the statute books of the state, and it may be Jnat the' record f the legislature will be nnuaual in this respect. seals. IteAsas; atly. -km ths Baadrs smts" COIM&U GONE III.' Save It Tee Lets fee sTarslslli. essdreff I a easUflmM Sleseas. h tafecUaa. thea in wsahs er SMthi sssanff apsnr. follow, h Itcklnf acals Sa4 falltag kalr. Newet' Berstsme kill the gersi asa-esiae every stage ef tkle Slaeeee eaeeet ehsnle seMaess, Marvsteas rwalu Saliew it see. . aa esesiatte hair - - w - - LV.ILY JOUniTAL, 17 7 Vr;. r tinis second, Frlncesi Tltantla third; time. 1:1JH. . ' - ' Mile and-an eighth Helgerson won. Position-second Ooidiir: Ltghflhird; time, 1:4. , " ., r One - mile Montana peeress won, Patsy Brown second. Great Mogul third; time.. 1:41. -. " . i'v.. ,.- . NOTES OF SPORT." At 'Willamette university gymnasium the girls' basket-ball team defeated the Lebanon girls. 15 to . ' - - Dallas defeated the Agrle baJket-ball team at .Dallas. Or, last night. - dgar MTbasarua has 'had - Marengo ahlpped back from 8an Francisco, where he had been aent to receive a course of schooling xlverthe' obstacles. He will probably make It lnterestlngf or- the hurdle cup contesla'nts in the spring. -Manager Harris of the San .Francisco baseball club has signed Poe Nealon, the bush-leaguer, at a fat salary. Nealon will decorate first base. . The amateur billiard championship of the United States was won by Charles F. Conklin of Chicago last night when he. defeated W,. li.Blgourney of San .Franclsoo, the flnat score standing 309 to 381. " - The T. M. C A. Tigers wfll meet the second. Multnomah team In a basket ball game tonight on the club .floor. In the event of the Multnomaha winning It witT decide the championship, as. they have already one game to their credit Grant -cott - has purchased a- good brace of Yorkshire terriers In the east. He has Sold 'all his Chows to New York parties and will hereafter, confine hi operations to Japs,' Bostons and York shire. ;. -Y;.,. ' -J ' . -;-"rz r t 1 SaXCABO WIU BACsl. : ' (Jourasl Bpeelsl gervlce.) "' -Toklo, Feb. ll.Tbe mikado Is about to establtsh an. imperial etud. whence he-will breed thoroughbreds solely. His - - - . . ... , U . TTnl tmA States buying stalllona and brood mares on his behalf. The Toklo derby is there SELLS A THOUSAND S- -; HORSES TO JAPANESE ' ' 7V ' SSBBBSBBWSStsSSSaSBBSSSBB (Special Dispatch to The Joornal) , Seattle, Wash., Feb. IL aohn B. Guy ton of Missouri, who' Is now. in the city, has signed a contract with the Japanese government to ' deliver 1,600 heaJ of horses for use In the army. ' ' He is going over the city With I. A. Nadeau, general agent of the Northern Pacific, looking for quarters to care for the animals, after they arrive here. He expects they will, have to be kept in Beattle aaveral day before loading them 6n'the boat for ahlpment to ,the orient lie aaya the entire shipment will arrive within the next 30 days. : ";;; dboxjuui AuaazABoa. : v : (Rpeclal Dfspatch te The JosrnaL) -; Colfax,. Wash.. Feb. 11. flVllllam B. Wallia aneV.WIlllam II. Brabyn, both re siding at Pullman, last week took out naturalisation papera. Wallia came to this .country from England - with his parents In 1349 and msds declaration "trf Intention la Wisconsin, Oct obex SL 1343. He has resided In Washington 13 years. Brabxn.who is aluaan EngllahmaiLby birth, cam to the United States In lt. and Has resided In thl.tatafoi th last 19 years..':: , . FOB &A OBOSSB. - c z (Upeclal DUsatch teThe Journal ) ' La Croassy Wash.; Feb.- 11. W. F. Conyard has completed arrangements for the etartlng of a weekly newapaper for La Crose and vicinity. Publication will be begun In about a month or lx weeka ",.--.' ' Mtf VUXS WOstAJT BXBS. t "K (gperlal IMspatra t The Joarsal.) Post Falls. Ida, Fob. 11. Mrs. Achaah Jane Dart a pioneer of this section, died at her home here yesterday, sged 71 year. . She ,w a native of New York, but when a child mVved to Wis consin with her parent. In 1M1 she. With her husband and children, came Xfit ' , ( . . . - v, -: POr.TLAlID. SATURDAY FORT- ..iOtrrrlfht, IMS.' by W. . Hearst.) A.. . . t cr I '.- . varXOOIlISU 1AU . -VwriUvUl9l I flu Att.l H. May Have '. Had the Knockout Punch All Right, But .When He Came to Land It on -Abe, Abe ; Wasn'trThere. . ' I'-, ,U;,";-':V'; V -r-V ; ; '', ' : ; -, ;?; v ,'T. r;-' ";':': i'; ' r .1 "- JVoT ' KOlUUb. fore only a thing of the near future. It is any odds that they will have the ItotaUsalor.?., They, generally manag get hold at once of what, la really best for them. ' 'mxxx, UTIXJ. i Uoarsal Bpeclal Rerrlee.1 - London. Feb. 11. Charlea W. Blel, known aa "Yank Bill." tbe young Amer ican who is walking around the world for a wager, made an appearance at, the Mansion house this week. ' . "1 have walked 4.600 miles already," he auletly remarked. started from Cape Town and . tra mped by - wajr-of Bloomfonteln, Pretoria and ' Johannes burg to Delagoa bay, whenos I ahlpped to England. I walked through England, Scotland and Wales. - s. 5TI havr awggerror ,oorponnd-wltii a' club tw New York to do 37.000 miles In six years,, and I mean to do It. - I have been eight months -At It" m. A. A-'uroooa ! " (Jearasf Speelsl sertlee.) j. ji V Boston. Feb. 11. Some big events are on the card for the sixteenth annual in door open handicap meet to be given by the Boston Athletic association In Me chanics' building tonight. Besides the many intercollegiate team races, whiob will Include Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Cornell. Dartmouth, Amherst Pennsyl vania, William, Brown, Tlfts and sev eral other colleges, there will, also be relay races between several high- school teams. The special events" arei ' Invi tation I-mil ; run, scratch invitation 40-yard daah. scratch, and New. England Intercollegiate open team race, cham pionship. - ". .. -,-. arrUXTAJr MMOAS. f r- - (Jourast Special Strvlee.- Baltimore, Feb. 11. After submitting to a desperate gruelling for 10 round the pongs was thrown up from Kid Broad's corner last night. Sullivan was a winner all the way. and'h iiever let Spokane and-immediately took up the homestead on which Mra.Dart died. (Special Dlapateb te Tne JearaaL) Connell, Wasb Feb. 11. An organ isation of 14 farmers ; In and around Connell has formed a stockbreeders' club and has purchased an Imported Shire stallion at a cost of 93.000, With the purpose of improving the. stock In this section. . . . Mors Tham Be Ordered. From the Boston" Transcript '. . Diner I say, wsttar, there's a chicken in this egg. Hello, what -are vi doinsT - "" ' Walter Changing your, check, sir. OKIcken Is 10 cents. ;not;medicine . Babies don't need medi- dne" older children very rarely, c Better, nourishment will generally set them right Scott's Emulsion is the right kind of nourishment and the kind that will do them the most good. ; Scotfs'EnruIsion contains "nothing that chfl dren should ;not have and everything that they should - Wel aaa Ve a aaatsk free. SCOTT BOWSE, aae read Stmt, Kr Verb, EVEKK.'O. ESRUARY 11. BASEBALL GOSSIP WARMED UP'BY THE OFFICE STOVE RACING IN THE SUNNY SOUTH GUESSES ON FIGHTERS AND CHAT" OF OTHERS WHO -AMUSE THE , ATHLETIC lil.. t ni.dtf.. CkAiita ' CsCowoa j 'ill 111 IIIO AWVUnipaujlUK ribiuiv ,7iiun9-47viuv; vi ui in ilie nvbuuiaiij iiiji iviuiv uuuna vaav; ye e,wa. r eejr ( TAm'mv Mufnfiv In Thlr Drpnt Ftnttt : t Phlfnrfelnhtfl. Murnhv - ft! up- on the Washingtonlan from the first tap'of ths gong. - 1 -.-. . ..., . ,-. . v. - -f.. rAjrur is oPTUtisxio. ; ' , (Journal Special ferric.) . Spokane, Wash., Feb. 11. Matt SUM leywbo will manage the. Spokane team ol. the Pacific. National league hers this year, has arrived In the. City. In regard to. the outlook for. the season, the man ager of the Indiana said: "Spokane will have one of the. beat teams for several years. - I have a good many playera lnr sight I think that I have one of ths beat infields of sny city on the coast':: I do not .intend to- give the names of the player out. until af fairs ar settled with.tia national board. If I did might cause' unnecessary trouble that I-wish to avoid." 1 - . (Journal Bpedal aarrtce.) " Boston, Feb, 11. Although Thomas W. Lawaon does not keep-up s racing branch . In connection with his Dream wold farm, he will be represented on.4be turf next season by a trio of promising S-year-olds, which be has sent to Jkraea Brady at Savannah. Ga., to train. One Is by Prodigal. 39, dam Emily, 3:11. by Prince Regent 3:13 H; another Is by Ponce de Leon. 3:13, dam Prelacy, dam of Prelateas, l:ltU, by Lord Russell, and the third Is by Dare Devil. 3:00, dam Welcome Home, by Mllronl, son of Guy Wilkes, second dam Lady Wilton, 3:11H. by Wilton. r-j- i- Xi - - " ' 11 ...'-.--t , - BTO IVI1 OXjT31 BXTJf. Owing to the cold spell. It was decided this morning to postpone the regular run of the Portland Hunt club ontll the 3!d Inst, when the next race for the flcbo gren cup will take place. ' rOBBBS ABB OOBB BBAW. !-..'r'" ' '".-" tJoarsal Special Berries.)1 . Albion.. Mich.. Feb. 11. aarenca Forbes of Chicago and Harry Cobb of Buffalo fought 10 rounds to a draw last night before the Albion Athletlo asso ciation. The house was packed.- AT THE THEATRES. ;. "Qno Vadis." .. ' - Teolgkt will be the last epporhnlty to see Plnere'"Sweet La Tender'! at the Columbia theatre. It has draws large Booses all week, and a store eellfhtniUy smnlng play ass 1 eost hoes seea la Portland- .',; - The seesle erfeet bt"Qe Tadls, epea tor a week' fro luuanrew afteraooa at the Columbia, are among the 'World' wonders Is stage creatloa.- On ef the suet tart ling aad reaUstla Is the faU and etrectloei ef ancWnt Rosas, and tb dreadful sceses ef Berstcstloa tlalted ea the earliest .follower ef th Cnrls- tUa rellgloa. Seats srd sow ea sale. . ' m ' ' "Don CdetrH and "Othello." So' play has seea a greater trhiatph 'for It erlalasl authors aad a soare ef greater dla- esmgesMBt for wosM-be adapters tha "Dos Caesar De Bsiaa,-which Charles B. Haaford effscs aa hi sew prodactloa st th Manroam Orssd'theatre next rrlday Bight and aatsroay latlaee. . Batordar Bight Shakespeare' "Othel to" wUI be tW lID. " ' " - imm vaeaar vm ommmm mm iim vhiwouo la rreseh was a eollaboratlfln asd so wa. th tramlatlos lflto gnxllia. . ymnemns attamptt bsts sees ude, bosm ef thesi aslte recent, to tmprov esthBT pky,-iar whtrfe sosm of Amer ica avast eminent actors. Including Mr. Booth, hae delighted te appear. . Mobs has unlied the Slav aa It first stood. Mr. Hanford with awear la the tltlo roto-nnd Mhw Marie Drof nah will hare One eppnrtasiUee la the part of Marltan tor the talents which hae woe to many admirers. The adrasee sale ef seats will epea aest Wednesday war Bins; at 10 o'clock.. . 1 '.. . . Murphy's Last Appearance. Joseeh Maroar. the, Irish eomedlis. eksed hlsi loeal ensaaemeat bat evening by preaest. Ing the tr-reer-ald Infant -Shaea Bhne." the second piece la which he SMSe a aeccaes. "Sbaaa ana ' la not ns geea play as Kerrr dow." nee hi it aa well salted te Mnr- phfe psrsoearltj, aa the peblle gave him te enderstnnd when both were yoang ssd the sctar tried to eheire "Kerry ow" la faeor ef the ether. Bet thv behmg te th name echaek sad Marohr rnrnUbed Both . ef thess with snc of their ineh.wtt, tor be has the neUee telent. fmena Bhna" drew a tale aee and the eatkeslaaa) was eatlaas, Bealdea the aassa. 'IZZ3.. ,, j,. i mm. - BACk 0v SMITH-RETIRES (PR07.1 PE1SY Famous - FuJIback i Decides to Leave tha ". Crld- ; " k Iron. ADVERSE CRITICISIvl w -AS TO HIS STANDING He Will. Hereafter Coach the V University of .Ten-:i "i nessee. ." (Joornal Special garrlce.) "Philadelphia, Fob.-11. A. -U Smith; the f uUbaok'of ths Cntverslty of Penn sylvania eleven, will not return to col leg next fall, but will coach the Uni versity of Tennessee. Smith .has .here tofore been In the light of publlo criti cism and he knows Its feeling. In 101 and 1902 he played at Stat college. About- the middle of the 103 season he entered Pennsylvania and played on the Pennsylvania scrub the remainder of the tear. Ths majority of the members of the athletlo committee , voted him eli gible at Pennsylvania r In .103, and against, bis own wishes and the wishes of several of the members of that com mittee - hs ' was played. . Harvard pro tested him, but he waa played, and after the gamet'eommlttee made a first thorough- investigation of Just when hs entered Pennsylvania, and. finding he came under the ban of the one-year residence- rule, declared him Ineligible for the - remainder -.-of -r the season. dlaB hlmaelf. Mary Fermler a Katta wS high aoaors tee a r harming linpemiaaHoa, .; - "The . Bonnie Brief Bush."'"-'1 ' Manager " Helllg ' snoaaees that he has e enred ."The-BeenU. Briar Bsah," with 1. H. Stoddart as Laehlaa Campbell, - next Monday, Taesday and Wednesday night, st the,Mar aaa Orand tbeetre. This Is the fbarta year el this, esceUent. drnmattaatloa .of laa Mc lren'a atory sad' Ue laat la which Mr. Stod dart will be aoea aa the eM Bcotea -shepherd. Mr. Btaddart baa esdeared hMneeir nrthe amny whe have neea him aa the term, bigoted Laeh laa Campbell, and hie retirement trem the role 1 will mm m mif 01. irit w, u. nppwuii eompsny. headed hp the drell comedian. Reuben gas, and aa adeoaate eeenle entramement br d. geets are now selling. ....... 4 ' ' -. Bears; at . the; Sur. : latareatlng s well aa edoeatloaal la the act ef Kobertt'e trained bears at the Btar theatre this work. - One does sot realise tost- these clumsy aslmsls have any brains satires baa seea them perform. . Another feamre act hi the dancing of the Cerdowate slaters. Others en- the program are sMgertoa sad gdaeetoo, aalcrcle pertermert Pa lay Vernoa aad the'pra jectoeeope. . MMMMMMB , ....... , ; ' The Orand'a Success. , ' The Grand theatre always has e crowd asd asceaede becanne It sreeents nothing bet hlsa class attract tons. The bill thla week eoat more la Mlary than that ef sny honsa ea the enaat and with Danny Mnaa and company la "Mandy Hawkins" aa the lea dins too rare It m a spknv did nradowttoa. The Brasram tar next week will be positively the best ever offered Is JO-eat hoase ea the Pari fie esest. - Praise Deserved. VV" . Btsg fill mt tor Bernard and Scenic Artwt Prank have dose tbeer beet work ef the seaaos tor the "(tie Tadis" peudaeilo tkhi aemlng wvek. Oroet pre. lea m eartalnly das thaee two far the remits ebtataed. beta from a eeenle standpoint aad geasral stage etTect- , feod i tie. Aarway. From Ufa "Doctor, isn't there anything I can do for this seasickness?" "Why.. yestry farming." i , i -Qj , : ; t jl Vt en -it X A. I . 1 ':: Dmmh . Wfsrnr ilu' .... ivaavua vvij raw t . ..- tttaT-TOMHSrSMT . 71 (V-,1- t thai fimmc - Smith has plliyed footbaU four two at State collage and two -at Penn sylvania. But by a Pennsylvania rula be is eligible another year.; l The rule judges athletlo eligibility -onr tha basla of . scholaatlo standing when ' a man, comes from another institution. Smith's two years' r college work at Stat tJ only equivalent to one at-Pannaylvanla.' and by the rule his' athletlo work only counts on year. -Br the rule be Is 11--glble. but . he fears the rule will not stay the- criticism. , which he does not covet and hence be has decided to stop entirely while "his records are clear. This Is an exceedingly wis decision, for h Mil whli-h nmvlrfM that run eamra at a college shall represent ewly one st a university Is about as absurd as could weU be imagined. J. ..' '' - 'it. .- t O ii I i . Albany. N. Y, Feb. 11. In all" prob ability Miss Ella Qulnland is the only Ik. tT.l4.J tDaa.A ul.ia anke. ewn a ball club. The death of William J, Outnlaad . her reoeotly. left Us sister In possession of th rrsnenia -of th New York stats lesgne club at Albany. She- at one sent xor rresiaenc jrarreii. and after a conference it was determined that Miss Qulnlan will head th .team until' she ean dlspoe of th franchise to good advantage. The sale wlty carry with It a two-year -leas of Chad wick Park. ' ' " S3IMH1 Mndrm S-room houss. Colonial . style, wiin largei iiiu . ment and cement walks; small payment down, balance monthly. $100 . .4 -room , house In Bellwood, con-. venieni o cars, nnsa- ' 1 1W Tiiolce"- corner lots In Nortb. ... . irvington. . . -s. -, , WHAI 1 .FV.nM McKaV T'i9. , ' i Our students are glwars In demand. '.You have heard the , ! old saring, "It takes a lire fish " t swjim tip stream; anj1 Head one r can float ' dowm." . The moral Is plain. It takes a school :. of real '. merit to actuallr pre pare Hs pupils for business and ' ' get positions for its graduates. -Send for catalogue. ; ; dehhUe-Uailier Duifhess; C6ll?fje PORTLAND OREGON. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. - evp - 'u'l - f t Ml l'r ' " II