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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1905)
. . i -v .. .. - THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 11, ! 1SC3.' TIME t osTRypimnr- SrAT HREE BRIDGES Railway.. Company', Statistic s the Inconvenience That Suffer by the Open Draw Nuisance. -THOUSANDS OF HOURS A Judge Webster Says There Is i Points to the Citizens'. Demand That Cars Be Allowed to -"; Run Unobstructed at Certain Times of the Day. '., Travel oa the brldlres serosa the WD 'tt - lamette river ' In Portland hea bow f ' : reached a volume of about 4 0,00 people ' dally. Figure .from the best sources where definite knowledge Pit tha que .tkwi - la -obtainable support 'this wit I mat..; Tha actual rewords Of the PoTtr land - Consolidated , Railway.- rompany bow that let) can cross the Morrison street bride dally, and about the aaaie ; ; tombf of car cross th Hurnaki . . bridge and tbe steel bridge. A total of about 1,10 care cross these three '. . bridges each day. and the Madison atreet "TThrldge Is crossed by all O. W.""P.ri -fT.ultf many Yoet-pasaenger nd -vehicle; t Tbe raoorda of tolla acroaa the Morri f son street bridge- shyw that the. Port - land Consolidated company's cars "carry about 1, 000 people daily acroaa mat. bride. Tbe aumbe la approximately ' ---th aame for each of the other bridges. X i.In tbe agrrerate. 1,00 people croaa ' dally on tbe atreet cara, and In addition i to theae, lt.Wt padeatrlana .uae tbe - brtdares daily. -The bulk of thle travel ... 1a durlrig. the-swrawgena-aveatng ' boura. - ' 'Double the number of people travel ' ' la our care between 7 and 1:10 a. m. ..' 1 LZ aad between I V-:t pv- fa. -than .--i-a4il at any -ther time of the day." said Manager F. 1 fuller of tbe Port- " - i;; land Consolidated, -y- - - . - ; -l ' , ' TAwtet U ear txny. Zi From I to 1:1 a. nv, 1 heavily loaded . Btreet cars croea tbe ateel bridge, ; ' croM the Morrison Street bridge and It "V oroaa the Burnslde atreet bridge. In v addition to theae. In tbe evening a large number of extras or tipperaM ' ' . roa tbeee bridges, - to" facilitate the :' j- carrying of people home from their day'i : 1, wtrk. -During these hours the bridges , . 4 often open their draws half a doaan ' ' times or more and each opening requires ' -front t te 1 mtn-atea, the.thne depend . . ;ivJ' tng on the character ef the boat that L . ' -U passing through. " y, ' Access was given t tbe dairy report sheets ef tbe Sispatcher for the Conaell - dated railway. Tbe five-mtnute delays , re toe ooanmen U be noted. The longer delays are frequent and range from t record of January 11 at Morrison street bridge Shows Woodstock car bald np It min utes, a Richmond , oar II minutes! a .- .Woodstock ear 1 minutes, a Richmond J I mlnatee, s Brooklyn- oar 1 mtn i utea, three Mount Tebor cara IS minutes t ' --- ke tHai rkae Is fsV ---- The following day's record - t . the - -t . same bridge shows a Woodstock car bold ""f 'fiP 1 Ihrnutea, a Mount Tabor car I mln. - tites, a Brooklyn car 1 minutes, a Wood-:-. V 'stock oar I minutes, two Mount Tebor and Richmond car Jeid i min -t .-r.. Mrs.: William H, iWheclock . . Daughter of Dr. Morgan Dix, Married January fj. . v . " T-i rsjn xi i Give Some Idea of the, Extent of the People of Portland Daily WEEK LOST AWAITING BOATS Nothfrtg Discouraging in ' Law utes; a Richmond car was caught four tripe' straight, losing 10 minutes eaob trip, and had to switch back without running te the and of the line In order to keep Nrlihln any . eembltnce of. regular schedule turner Mount .xaoor car won held 10 minutes, two upper Alblna rare 11 minutes at the steel bridge, an Irving ton car nine minutes. These cars are all of the largo euburban service type, that are depended upon to run on (regular schedules tO-Accommodate the people who must Yeacb " tbe city on certain hours for work or business appoint ments, and It Is quite Impossible for them to be operated on any schedule time -with "the present drawbridge ays tern.- The dates here given were taken by chance in th record and do not differ materially -fromthe-record of other weexnay. v , U - ' -.l.C .eeple Oat of- orts. " , It Is not alone the people on de lsvsH ears at the draerbrldaea who are Inconvenienced by -tfeess delaya," said Manager Fuller- "At atreei, corners, suburban stations and connecting points all over Portland and eaet Portland are people waiting for belated cara that have been thrown out of time, and when three oars come along in a string f let a long Interval of no cara the. waiting people criticise the atreet car manage ment, and go to their day's work Ill humored and out of sorts. And who can blams themT - The company finds It lra possible to operate on any regular schedules with the constant Interference suffered at the drawspans. I de not be. Ileve In any plan that will really and aerloaaly obstruct - navigation . at the drawbridges. The boats mast operate, and there are times en tbe river when with high wind and strong current It would be' Impoeslble " to handle.. large vsssels and heavy tows held at the araw bridges. . But some method could be de vised, if the rtvermen would co-operate, whereby the travellnr publle - crossing the bridges -during rush hours morning and evening could be relieved from tbe present delays."- . , ' . -,- abUs irjast . -CAT Its Bleat Tbe county court la. making a thorv lough Invatlgatlon of4be law and all preme court decisions and rulings bear ing on the subject of rights or way at drawbrldgea for navigatora, and the gen eral public, and local governments.' and will go t the limit of tbe public's rights In the matter. The question will be taken, up by the oourt with Washington anthoritleai end some reasonable adjust-, ment will be aecured before tbe matter la . diapaMd-aa-----"'- "I have already mad conslderabls In vestigation Into ths question, ahd thus far I find nothing discouraging to th publics side of th case," said Judge . . v.-';" Waa Mis Catherine Morcan Dix, Rector ef Trinity Church, Whe Waa ' v.k .. .' ' : Webster. -I shall tike -lift the matter with the offloiala at Washington. Mow the problem can be worked -out I do not know, but something done that much le certain. Before we take auy extreme measures we Will wait to bear from Washington."- - k "I think th count will show that eas Portland has i the . larger part - of . the city's population," aald Francis I. Mc Kennc - manager of the Portland . Home Building association. 'The larger school population ,1s -on th east aide, ana tblnk that section of the city polls the more votes. .While a large number' of west sld man work In east aide shops and factories. I think It conservative to say that (0 per cent of the men. of aaat Portland, - and .a vast number ef worxing women, go aaiiv to in west sld" 'to worlCand rreturnbine lnll)'e evening. . -. ,.. ... HEINER FORTUNE ' CAUSES HEARTACHES :r- : . ; Charles 'J. Bchnabel. who filed the pe tition, for the 'removal of 1L M. Block aa guardian of Lorents Herman Helner, and for tbe appointment of Fred BlckeL today openly -charged that the appoint ment of Block waa made by fraud. When hs was" asked, In what manner tbe alle gation would ' take official form, be re t erred to the petition and pointed out this language! That at the time said application waa signed, your petitioner aid not ufr derStand its purport, but supposed he was signing papers to bring -some action or suit to recover a supposed sum of money that was due." Tba reference : is to the application signed by Helner' when Block was ap pointed. .. - . - . .'. ! ' shatl meet the . charge - by Mr. Bchnabel souareiy said Mr. Block, "and show-that there -lano-tnith tn ttr' I shall' Insist On the entire question being brought -.out.t before County. Judge Webster. My attorney. H. H. Rlddell. has tbe matter la hand for me." The parties' to tbe controversy then repaired to the county - judge' -court room, and the case waa resumed. After taking some ' testimony the case ' was again continued till .Wednesday.-- BURGLARS PAY VISIT v TO GRESHAM -STORES Burglars robbed tbe general merohan- dlse store' of Shattuok Bros, and the 'sa loon owned by -B, F. Metsger, - In aresham, last night. Thsy eecured six or eight dosen pockst knlvea, two doien rasors, - a half . dosea watches . and a small sum . of money from tba cash registers In the store and saloon." Th burglars first broke into-a black smith shop adjoining the store, wher they secured brace ai.d bits, chisels and a pick, with which they broke th lock Loa the store doors... After thsy bad se cured what booty the deslrsd they took the cash register law the shop, where they broke It opea. Jt la thought they secured about I. They overlooked a II gold piece, which was round this morn ing In th demolished register. They then went to the . saloon and robbed the -cash register, securing IS; they took a quantlt ef liquor and ci gars also. - i ha tracksor.uiapuxg.arg were easily seen this morning, and they were .fol lowed to the railway station, whence It Is supposed they walked down the track. They are thought-to be the same burg lar who opera tea isr Arleta ana inle two weeks 'egat and who stole a large quantity of knlvea from two stores. ALLTHE SENATORS IN tr . ; , THE BOSTON BUDGET The Budget" Beautiful might well have been eeleeted aa tba- title for the Issue of the United States senator number of the Boston Budget, the special United Btatea senator number ef 9t pages and cflver. Its number , la 'in - magastae form, printed on Bne book paper, and contains most handsome portraits of the 0 members of the upper houee of congress. . . - . Besides the -Tictiirea are good bio graphical akatchea of the senators. - Th book review department ef tbe senator number la one of the finest things of the sort printed ltf recent years. Other illustrations, short stones and articles. up a delightful number, William Grant James is sdtter of the Budget MRS ARNOLD WILL - - i WWE A GUAR Dl AN ..,Mrs. Jane Elisabeth Arnold wilt be declared Incapable of attending to her business affairs art account of a stroke ef apoplogy on January II, HOI, de prlvlng bsr of power of speech. O. W. Allen will be appointed guardian when the case is heard by Judge Webster on February 11. Ths -guardian will be named for the' purpose of attending to tbe payment of -taxes, a telegram from hr iilae. Kate Simmons, of Cadis, Ohio, requests c. that - Mr. Allen - be saada guardian, Mrs. Arnold has ne relatlvea In the west, and none nearer than Cadis, where her niece and a brother reside ALMOND TREE BLOOMS -4 IN FEBRUARY'S CHILI Aa almond tree Is la full Meom Inthe yard ef Uuv residence of Mrs. H.'W.Cor. bett, corner of - Yamhill- -and Slth atreetev While such things have been seen frequently In Portland at this sa son ef ths year, yet the tre With Its load of fragrant blossoms attract eon alderabl attention from those who pas by. 7: - Roses-also ar In bloom In different parte of the city, notwithstanding the weather of the paat few weeks has been rather sever for Portland. ' - '-: wax. orasr sasaxosT. " - Bt- Marys church of Alblna will open a mission neat week with services -tending ever two weeks. ' Tomorrow, morning there will be solemn high .mass and a aermon at 10:10. At t d. m. the the mission, for women only. During the week the evening Services wilt be for women only and there will be women ushers. The following week the even. Ing services will be for men only.' Th l:lt a, m., maas and Instructions; l:!0 a. nv, second mass snd Instructions; I p. m., Way of the Cross;" :4I p. m children's mission) 1 a, n, private In struction class; T:te p. roeary, ser mon and benediction. ' ainoi wua rmaAos. ', .' i i - aaHBBBfassaeaea .. - Blshofr- Devld IL Moore, ths new resi dent bishop, will preach at 1:I0 o'clock at Oface M. Pl7, church. In the evening Bishop J. M. Thoburn Will preach. This will be the last opportunity te hear the bishop, aa he leave for tbe east nest Monday. , - , , spBctAXi snrwcaa saarxca. The choir of the First Cumberland Prrabylerian rhurch, torner ef JCast Twelfth and Kast Taylor el reels, will hold a special musical servlrs Sundsy evening st 7:11 o'clock. Other muaii-ai Ulent will assist, and the pebllo is in vited to attend, thla .service. - STRIKE DIS0.W f RAPIDLY INCREASE Bloody : Riots in Poland Con- I cessions In Moscow More j ,Men Out In St. Petersburg WITTE SEARCH DEn1ED . -BYFnCIAl-CIRCUIfAR- Stoessel Takes Blame on Him- . self Skirmishes f m Far-. .7 East Japan Celebrates. ' f (Jooraal gpeclal Servlee.) "' 'i fit Petersburg. Feb. 11. Managers "of the leather factories at ; Warsaw today granted employes a nine-hour day and an increase of Ji per cea In wages. Work will be Resumed In thee faetorisa Monday. It la thought- probable that many other factories will make conces sions and ft general resumption of work will follow In a short time. Butchers are. threatening a, strike and bakers are oonalderlng a -like move. - Workmen In Lessner's, Tlelman's and a number or other St' Petersburg fac tories struck today, demanding an eight hour day. barge numbers of troopa and cavalry-, are patrolling- the ' Vlcorg and Newsky districts-.. It is" reported, that Count Paplena. a member of the council of empire, has been ordered to eoqduot an Investiga tion into th slaughter that occurred on th streets .of Bt Petersburg on Janu ary 11. At Skarsyako, Ruaalan Poland, a col lision occurred between - strikers and troops last night, in which, -14 strikers were killed and ,40 wounded. Other strikers were also shot down at Ostro- wics. ....... . .. .. The number of strikers killed at Loda yesterday was 1. With 111 wounded. These flrurea. -cover "only part -f .the dlaturbanoea, . Two soldiers and one po liceman were aiuea. - Troops continue- to arrive at Sosno- vlce. Tbe troopa dlaperaed a gathsring or strikers this morning. '. Many- were injured with swords and whlpa, but ne deaths have been reported. In a riot yeaterday II' persons, including a high school pupil who was passing, war suiea ana is wounded, seven, or whom died during the night -. A large quant., y of dynamit hat been stolsn from the Kaslmlr mines. presumably by strikers. . A general striae- is - espeetea on-the - Warsaw Vienna railroad, ...... SEARCH DENIED7 eHTenuaeat trtres te Discredit Story ef i ianimsSlns iwliil -Tills Oearasl Special BerTlee.) j St Petersburg. - Feb. 11Tb report that M- Bwllgn, the new Russian mln Ister or th interior, nsa oraerea the house. of M. Witt, president of the coun cil of ministers, searched and all docu ments taken. Is denied In official circu lars Issued today. Wltta's house, waa resorted-, searched on-orders by-' the minister of the Interior by an officer) and a number of -police agents; 'who took complete possession of the building ana nnsacaea every corner of It,; at the conclusion carrying off, a, mass or documents. it is saia tnet tne exsr no longer trusts t it te, zor aaearcn of this " character is never ' carried on wtthont" the 'emperor's - approval ' The. move ahowa that the government Intends to discredit Witts in the eyes of the peo ple, and Indicates that the new minister bcglna-whera the-Jatamlnlster-of the In I tertor. M. De Phelve, left off. TJewspa. eers r not permitted to print tba in formation, -f It 1s reported that a son. Count Leo (Tolstoi, had an interview with the csar yeaterday. In which the latter brought his father draft of a scheme for the neople's aasembly, and the csar told him that hs had been working on a similar plan himself. The story is not credited. STOESSEL TAKES BLAME. Stere ef Port Arthur Says Taat Further FigHttag Meant Vselesa Oaraaga. j (Jearasl Special Serrlee.) ' Aden, Feb. 11. General Stoessel and other o fflcer of th Russian garrison at Port Arthur havs arrived her en root te Ruslsa. . Regarding the chargea made gainst him for ths surrender of Port Arthur Oeneral Stoeaael stated that he himself waa responsible for the aurren der and tbat It was brought about be cause food and araunltlon were exhausted and only needless slaughter would have resulted from a continuation of th de fence. Stoeaael state: -' "In the garrison there ' were ' 10,000 men, oi whom 11,000 war in the hos pitals 'and 4,000 were non-combatants. Of the remaining 1,000, 1,000 -were af Qicted with sourvey. There remained Only 1.000 loaded shell a and 1,000,000 cartridges which were powerless againat the-ll-lnch guns trained on the Ruaalan front. For several months ths troops received 100 grama of horse meat apiece each week and all food waa prepared with machine oil. The sarvison being eahauated and the fleet having been de stroyed 1 conaldared that further pro longation ef the struggle would only re. suit la frightful carnage. ' I prefer a less great nam in military annals than to having 10,000 man's, lives orr-my con science." t . . Other ' officers express violent resent ment againat Admiral Prince Ukhtonaky for his dlaaatroua handling of th fleet, and abov all againat Viceroy Alexleft They stated that "Stoeaael la a brave man but not a genius snd that Kondre tenke was the real soul of ths defense. OBSERVE" N EUTRALITY. - Xaropetxla Orders MSm Troopa te Keep way- rromlba Oblaeee. (Josmal Bpcrlsl BrrTlce.) ' St. Petersburg. Feb. 11 The Man- Churlan official Oasette today publishes an order Issued, by Oetieral Kuropatkln to Jhejrmyjnstrjiet jtig .ihjqidire to atrictly observe CMmii - neutrality. Th scnersl, define the frontier Una as extending from ih. Mongolian border of the River Lothnon, thence to Blmonton, thence to Qavrantsl thence to Vlgnow. On no account must the Chines rail road be cross sd. . THIRTY-THREE KILLED. '. -----, : Official Beport ef 7 Oeafllet . S etwees '. Strikers aae TtesJwj-l' (Jsorssl Bpwlsl arrvles.) ''' txKlt, Feb. ll.-Accordlng to th gpv ernofe reports, ths casualtiea reeulting from th fighting between troope and strikers at, the Ksthrlne Iron works Thursday Were II killed,, le-easnnded. - At least on bloody Clash Involving th loss of 10 4lvea or mora took piece shortly before sundown ytsterday. A rrtob ef strikers attempted to wreck the plant ot Lou la Keyereo, and had already amaahea some of the machinery, when the troops siweared and fired several ; :".' - " ; ., '. Co-operative Piano Buying and Its' Many Benefits Twill colt nothing to investigate and will aurxly aav yoiLmoney. This is bv all odds the greatest saving we have evef chase of a piano and cannot v V send to f our, Portland store, All of our -dubs have: members from but of ; Club MA"ii-Contains 157 pianos - . c- ii aq. Club "BV-Contaihs 232 pfanos, sellihg- regularly "tor." from t275,io (371. Club, members get " v i.....----them for from $186 to $278.: Payments $7.60 down and $1.60 per weekV. 1 T -Club MC"-In all 08 pianos priced regularly at from $350 to To chibmembefs- they go 7" " S 'V " for from $27 "to $338, Payments $1150 down and P per week. ' ; . Y,l,,l.n"l!T.I.Ji. 1RAvf tka mai miI AmiftMn 'iinrlfht' nUiiM ...1.... ej4K ' Ossrt ' Kv Chib MD" Includes .154, of J , Prices, to club members al and up. aymenu to down and $2.50 per week. - . Club "E" Membership 141, costliest grands and uprights in special, styles, all of them regularly - priced at over $550. Average saving on these to club members $147. ', Paymenu ' , $20 to $50"cash"and $3'to'$5 weekly. 'c-k .'v'i.V..-'.;. .;"-'':- Club ?F"?-Ia. alL108 "pianQSJemgt:miscellaneoua; collection 'of odd pianosr manufacturers ' ' . . , samples, discontinued s!04 caulogue styles of . Cmckerings. Webera and Kimballs ; : .also iiumerous instruments. taken m exchange tor new Cmckerings, Kimballs and other of our popular makes, and for the Pianola Piano. Prices $10 down and $1.75 :. weekly. ':. . - . ; : . -"'."-r'.;". ' V-,': .. --;V:-"- y- V'.: ?r.v' 'TV V"i". EiLBRS pidm 7;:z.r--Z 351 Washington, SV.CoTOer;Park'f , ... Large atores also at San Wash,; Boise ' and Lewiston, volleys intd theerowa. The lftiornoiat reporta sUte that 10 were killed and 10 injured, . Several riote are reported from other points, out.unaer ine pravauing eondlUons It is extremely oirneuit io obtain correct information from -tn fac tory districts. - - . " . ' Tbs report is circulated her that th mnaral railway imil nrouingui num- slan Poland which has been talked about for gome time wiU go Into' effect on next I TuesdayTTyoUowlng so rTFOJWWing SO cioeeiy on. tne irtiiih .t mora than 100 strikers on Thursday tn Boanovtce, the shooting of Friday hae created great excitement nre and It is reared -that a general outbreak le imminent. . . , - ' ... - - .. ' LBETTINO ON PEACE. XJoyde Zsemes Pollotoe Against Mnk ef , Wag at FlftF Per Oeat znereas. 1 . Iaurasl Bsecuil Bervlee.l 'v - Londo4a Feb. 1 1 Lloyds today Issued policies egainet the declaration of peace in th far eaet before April 10,. charging 10 guineas per cent as premium. -This Is 10 per cent increase, which is due to IheJMllef .J;;yeJHn f rm th war 1 nearmg me lasi iuti - STUiJuaxB jqut p' (Joarasl gtfecUI Berrtce.) ' . ; flt. Petersburg. Feb. 11-Tbe-studente of .th Technological institute met lasv night and resolved In favor or constitu tional reforma and latopplng the war. They agreed to refuae to attend echool until the requested measures against tbe professors and students, are abolished. . Maxim Gorky has been -sent to Riga to undergo trial. . .. , t . imSOS TOASTB.rO : (Jonrnsl BaevUI aarrle. t. Toklo, Feb. 11. Toklo Is decorated today in, honor of tha annlvereary of the coronation ef the flrat emperor of Japan. The. celebration extends through put the empire. The' emperor ntr talnaA a. rmrty of 100 at luncheon.' Th emperor toastea th powers represented at th luncheon. , . ""'fWj TXOVBASnB ' (Joarasl Bprelal Bervlet-i London, Feb. 11. -Baren ' Hayashl Issues a report received from oyama atltlnr that up to February 10 the Japanese have hurled z.oov eorpsei in tbe direction of Heikoutal. - A hill south of Chang Chla was etr tured by the Japanese Thursday and two companies ef Russians: driven off.-; HUNT ASKS TOR MANY .; MORE PATROLMEN Acknowledging. Cannot Cope With Criminal Element, Pull , Failure on Small. Force. . Chief of Police Hunt has made a de mand on Mayor Williams today for more patrolmen. - He ha acknowledged hie inability te cope with the criminals who havs been conducting a series of daring holdups In this city for the past two months: Jn connection with the many Crimea reported, not an important arrest hlatleteotlvee and patrolmen. Encour aged by the apparent apathy of the po lice th criminals hav become bold tbat they operate openly.' m.. . Chief Hunt's excuee for demanding ad ditional patrolmen la that so many women have been driven on the etreete by the closing 'of tbe. disorderly houaes that he cannot properly control them. He deslree more officer to look after th women and see that they do not accost men on th streeta He wants as many men ss th executive board le able to furnish him. - , Mayor Williams stated this morning that he would take tbe demand ef Chief (unt under consideration; Hs was of the opinion that additional men would b furnished, although he did not know haw th fund to meet th additional expense were to b raised. , . v. . . ' WIXt ATTBsTD OaTVaMIat. t v The membera of the O.' A. R. ar re quested to meat in their hall, eorner of Second and ' Morrison streeta, Sunday evening at T o'clock. The veterans of it to 'II win march In body .to the Flrat Presbyterian church to attend the aervlcee held In honor of Abraham Lin coln's birthday. The sermon will be de livered by Rev; X. P. HUU offered to piano buyers. If you' are ar all fc:terest2iia- thepur-' call ih person, plea ae fill out the attaches inquiry' tlidk, cut out and Catalogues-prices and all jparticukrs yflll te prorr;Iy aupplied.- cutTiiis out and MAii;v0R nin;57 TO US-rIT COTCT YOU NOTHIOl - rr i v-'v-.. r-f Vf - '-v' i v Eilers Plino House, . rV ' . . -H'-hT- i ' 7;' '. '-851 Waahiiston StrfeV. Portland, OrV-frH:;.? . Please send catalogues and all Information about te:4 pnevr piano clubs. ;-V.;"'..V:v -'. i ; ; v !.;.: t '' :. -..,. '.' k": , :ys''.j''',t,-J'' '''.' . . '."' " v ,' - - -i.-Nanie a ,.'' .. ).'-, i-.-V-i-X fMWiseljf i which sell regularly for from t0 to (503j Prices to cllib mem-ii, P,,rnin)i & ilnsm an1 .t fl a wuV f.t..'-i J . . ... the most tostly American upritht Francisco, Stockton and Oakland, Call Spokane and Seattle, Idaho. v-vrt" '. "': '.7 "v;' :t QUIET MEAL LEADS TO FIGDT AND CELL Cattleman Caldwell Disputes the riWarterV Bill; and Has a : : Strenuous' Time. V OVERWHELMS FOUR MEN IN THE RESTAURANT Policeman Qulnton, After Des perate Struggle, Subdues ths Rancher and Locks Him Up s -When E. P. Caldwell, a rich cattleman from Lane county, went Into a restau rant at FourtrTand 8Urk streeta. last night he was hungry. He was aocom panted by a woman. : ' T ' .- - When th meal was concluded. theJ waiter gave him a check for 11.20 Cold well .said it waa too much and Wouldn't pay It In the fracas four em ployes of the place pounded on Cald well lit 'an effort to separata him from tha amount of th bill or hold blm until the arrival of an officer. . . . ' - Patrolman Qulnton - -undertook i"Tno task, of arresting Caldwell, and in the subsequent proceedings the officer and the cattleman rolled about on the floor, while tbe waiters and others in tbe res taurant formed a pleased and Interested group Bf -spectators. - Finally Caldwell was landed In the potto station and oc cupied a cell In the city Jail during th bight. - - , v , . .. In the municipal court this morning he waa repreaented-byvAttorney Wolfe end naked for a continuance ef his ease. -I am II years ef age.- he ld. "and It-la the first time I have ever been ar rested. 1 cannot express my feelings toward' the officer and the people who caueed my arrest." Charges ef using ' abusive - language and - disorderly - conduct - were - made againat him. Tbe eas was continued until Monday when. It is said by the ar. reeting officer, other charges will be made, Caldwell was released on bonds. THREE FIREMEN ARE " ' HURT WHILE ON DUTY " -''.." ' - x ' : I ' Caught under the falling wall of "a burning barn belonging te E. J. Clark at Twenty-first and Lovejoy streets, at 1 o'clock this morning, three, firemen were badly burned. Tbey are 'Captain Boardan .of hose company No. and Hosemen Frank Zellner and Arthur e?ul lam. .All were taken to Good, Samaritan hospital. Zellner Is seriously burned oa the faoe, head and hands and is also pain fully bruised. He Is still confined to the hospital, and will be unable te work again for -two or three - weeks." The wounds of the others were dreesed and they, were taken -frame last night. All war attended by Dr. Herbert W. Cald- It' TaoelTeved the fire wae caused by f trainee smoking in tbs barn, which has not been used for some time. Asalatant Fire Chief Toung left a detail of fire men id keep watch for some time after the blase in order to protect other build ing front sparks; - The bara wss a total loss, . -. - , ' ' -.' ; " FIVE MEN PLOTTED '(Continued from rag One.) ger Hertnann, J, H. Booth, R, A. Downs, Frederick Ai Krlba and tbe large oper ators who have been gathering in vast acres of timber land. Friends of Bridges argue that he hag, not profited by what ever may have bean. done at the. land of fice district, aa bis Position was a miner one, and that ha Is warranted In placing tha blame upon the men -who hav been enjoying th real fruits of the work. , v ' ' Setaetalaf &ta4 tree. Th Sufferer Wow I I'm going te a dentist and hav this tooth nut. ... Christian , Scientlat Touf" toolh doesn't ache, feu only Imagine It do a, . Th SifTrr-Then t il hav the den tist xtrtct my Imagination. :' j v n ,.'. . . , pianos, valuea $425 to' $55ol piirgaxji maa ovass re stay evaso'ST Wbife Riibon Remedy. BT taste, Me eaer. Ar weataa eaa sie H afiees ei euw, wa, esiie eeieea-Wi Whit. KIMwa SMdy 'wIll en1'rrSy"" ' .wwwfl sppetiis Hf fan aicoeono srinK, 0 Wbettasr lbs JistlNit U S ranflrnuxl laebrlatr. A "tippler." Kielsl drisker er drunksrd. leisus Itils fur esy ens te bit as snrwtlia foe ak-n-belle liquors sfler sals Whit KlUbos Komedr. It has nude mtnr tanwiasals of prrsMBvnt eemr snd In addlltns reatures tbe Sletlia to oroal ttealtk. atasdUig tea, aeCTeslsereeslaa Ue will power lad. .eeteraUuatloa te raaist Sadorsed by Members of -a Womaa'a vanauaa Tmperaae muonu Phi 2 ale tans. Hospitals, piergymea si . .. su woraera lor xemperanoe. .. -. Write Dr. W, B. Hrowa. 1S TraUotit Hi., Bna. too. for trial parkas sad Mter of adire fra la plsla sealed aovelope. All letter eonfirten tlal and deatrsred Kon'pi sotwored. Whit KlbboaResMd sold by :aenrslts sverrwb r tslM , sebt bj BMll ln .plals, prl- 1.00. Sold sad reeewaWBded by special sgest i Pertlsud. .. c ' . W0O9Amo, CUSKS Si CO Drurrlsta, - . aaoVaaiagtoaBtseet. , TO 06 REAPPOINTED yVynns'Oofnito London and - Cortsiyou to Be Postmastsr- 1 .jx-'- Oeneral March ,6. ? SENATE TAKES ISSUE OPPOSINQ PRESIDENT -.r-r'.; Roossvslt Informed That Senate ' Opjftses Any Agrtsmsnf Without Jhsir Consent. ; v r ..... (jonraaf gpoetal Srvae.) , .rv v v" Washington, Feb, 11. It ts announced at the White House today that members or the eaoinat nave ail tendered resig nation to take effect March . All will be reappolrned, except Wynne, who will ne appointed consul general at London. Corteiyott will be nominated postmaster general.-.. ., .... ... .. ' The president today gave 'out conies of a letter . written yesterday to Sena tor Cullom, chairman of the senat for- : lgn " relations committee, protecting againat the proposed amendments ef th arbitration treaties pending in tbe sen ate, stating tha If amended, heywlll allow tha tree ties to' die. ; Tbe president holds the amendments necessitate a geperata' treaty whenever aa laaue aroae. which will be a- steo Senator Cullom called at th Whit House end Informed ths president that'. the eenate was unwilling to withdraw amendments and oppoeed any -.special agreements with '.foreign 'countries by th soutlv without th sdvio and consent of the senate. . Th issue 1a now- fairly Joined and ttieutcome. wtll be watched with Interest.- - -.- - -. Aim-BAXrOow BAXJuas. ; The Presbyterian churches of th cltv Will hold service February 1 and 1) bnder the ausptoe of the But Anti-Saloon ' league, -r Tha following ' service nsv pen arrsngea ror tomorrow: i, Motnlt g Wtsimlnsler . Presbyterian, De.iJ. H. Vitson; Third 'Preshvien-in, Ir. O. L. Tuftsi Plrir irrfltetl Presby terlaru B. a J. MAHIstri Mt.' Tabor Preebyterlan, Rv. JJ, A. C.llll. ' Night Marshall Btreet ' Pfrabyterlnn, bishop D. It. Moore, orana Avnue U. P., Dr. O. L, Tuftsi Sell wood Presbyte rian, B. J. McAlllsteri-Fallen Preeby-" tcrlan. Rev. E. A. Child, e , v. , v : , :( ''' ' Ob the VeadevWe Btee. .'v .. Frem the Philadelphia Bulletin?- . Flrat ComedUn I teld plf barber, to . order a new mug for me. . - - .. . Second Comedian- I don't biased you. -1 r r 1