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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1905)
10, 180$. I, - V - - ... .- . . .-' .. - OAIIDADlu-l Meatus Makes Possible by Law ; Which Court Hed Invalid tr:n orr t:j . daily1 -jqunNAU rcrrrLAiiD., pridAy '. evening. February COMMISSION LAW NOW 1 , IN JOINT COMMITTEE 1 T.-Vf-W" .1 Local Option Bill to Ce Klsd .v Arniy pf Clerks c for vv. Le'tfslators.' ' JoaruIMbI Sanlm ' r.O'ynjJ. Wash.. Feb. II The merge! t o1". allowing on corporation to own ,. etock In another corporation, I now be ; - for th bouse, having passed the aeuet ; . laat weak. The bill was Introduced by - Senator Christian ( , Teeoma. and U evidently Intended to allow Uia merg , ... ins tt the great railroad system In thia ; etit .. While friends of tka measure .,. ,, ,'stat that It tolntanded to apply t log. ., : glng eoropaniea, sawmill operator and '.. ; other almllar Industries, tha opponanta of th maaaura sold that it covers tha : . caea 01 tbe vraat railway companies, , ' Risking possible by law what tha oourta r.etdaa illegal laat year. The blU will ;.imaiy paaa..-:-. ,,.;-. nowwlsslrs am. '"Th railroad eoraraiaslon kill laft tha ... hinds of tha aub-eommtttee today and V : tttrnsd ovsr to tha Joint coinmlttae . tar consideration. Tha inattar will aot ' b taken np before tha house until aexc , ; --week. Tha bill ia greatly modlfled from those Introduced, at .the Srst of tha aeaaion, losing - It. --raatl feature ... Tha Joint rata question will not be . touched by tha commission except upon .,11- complaint - The rata .. making power whleh it was contemplated giving tha ' tpmmlseion', bains; denied It' - -; ' The bill provides for an expendltur ' : . naaoe of tha oommlaalon. Tha oommls- --atoners being paid $$,400 apiece and tht -ciena irora i.juo to f 3,000.' i v Coventor Mead baa Issued a proeUma ' i tlon calling an election la tha thirteenth . senatorial oistrict, composed of Chelati and Kittitas, to seleet a successor to .. .Benetor J. as Sharp, deceased. . , taoai pytioa am. About a doaen friends of tha local , opllou idea of handling the liquor traf- tic are la the city endeavoring to aacilra u tha passage - of - the local option taw, which has been presented in both house and senate. . The bill provides the uiual ;.. mn.iner of regulating tha establishment - of saloons, and la almple and sjUalaa tory to the lobby. But the committee , on niorahi liaa about determined to reo- ,l ommeml the. bill for Indefinite post poneraent ,Thle simply means tha death -tr the measure. Tha strong support for the bill comes - . rrorq, the lof(Klna centers. . where It Is said men nearly starve their families j. to death and conditions beooma, almost . ..barbaric Nearly every little town in ; : -the togging belt haa a lobbyist her . to t ..urge the enactment of the law.- ., ..r ro ttaam Wardaa. "' .. The sportsmen of Seattle are her in fnme urging tha passage of the- Potta . game warden bill, which provldea for tba protection of large gam In ' the :.C.-- monntana of tha state. Jncldentally 4t t provides fos the appoint men t-ot a game warden, a plaoe now held in eonjunotlon LLWlthiihe position of flh- commissioner. , and generally held to be of little force at beat The sportsmen say, the-Inten tion la to preserve the elk, and deer of . the cascades, and to protect an the game intereats of ' western Waahitig - totrespeeiany. It i eianndthat wah- . ton destrtiction is practiced- by. hesrv . ' less hunters, and tha lawoia intended to . atop tha. practice. On tone trip, to the :f-x, mountains. Ht la claimed that a party : .of tb lobbyists found the carcasses of avm Allr with th. iMth nrl , hjtnia 1 - mlsstnc within a day's hunting ground. -- Fish Commissioner Kershaw la .mkkr . )ng strenuous opposition to, tha enact , ment or tn iaw. . ; f.ifz- Tba Waahlngton senate la a body of law-makers of unusual charoterr - Each T senator haa Just ene employ and a one third Interest in another. There are tout. 42 members, while the employee' payroll ahowe men drawing salaries. Thia la said to be the largest number or supernumeraries ever auowea oy tne senate, and In tha face of the Xaot the , wagea of over a dostfn have Juat been raised. The chief clerk- waa paid it 'per day on the start; now. he draws 7.iV, while other clerks draw as high aa II under the new' schedule. The house- baa- dona well In tha matter of clerks and employes,, but" it haa not reached. the limit, set by the senate. - BECAUSE HE WON'T TALK " : HFIS DECLARED INSANE ) wVJA.-' nj-i. 1 --.j. - (gptclal Dlspateh te The Jearaet) . , Seattle. Wiih, Feb. . For SI hours a stranger, found wandering about In th vicinity of Renton, haa remained In the county. Jail without speaking. Yes terday afternoon ha waa arraigned be fore an Insanity oommlasloh. and, under the name, bf John Doe, - sent te the . aaylum..w He hears everything said to him and VJItkczt Cost. r 8na tft-day for a 78c. sat of Bsclaai gVealthv TetsaeB FatBB, . Uave clear, healthy scalp, bagntlfui rosy skin, luxuriant hair. ' baadruff. Falling Hair and all disease tT sen Id. skin snd blood ore dns to cerms. .lAnd akUhealtav Troataaeat Is the only afa, quick, vpermanent, economical euro. its mania, we win give 1 lv raiH tna nrat bm or ski free 1th f ratsaj If you Will use It ! J To prove oeoiuiei; gklnkMlIk TrMtanl Annulate at HARP1NA fiOXP medicated, deodoris ing, germicidal, fragrant: beet for bata. 11 L nurserr. scalp, hair and for baby. I k7nhbatH. OINTM KNT Jnfeilible I Oerm-klller and Skin Healer. For ail rkln aorenesa. A sovaralan remediT 'Ilea, Softens, sootbea and haale , elKINHSALTH TAPLKTS-Vegetable, chncolate-eoated. Destroy all disease mi- id Tiuuse the biooa. never tried klahewltal C robes, purify and vitalise the blood. IF vou have never tried gbxl TiwetiMst send usrthla coupon snd we wlli mall you an order on your druggtat for a full also set, aad wlxl pay tb drug gist urslve for It - It's a VBBB rift to prtrve the tronder ful powers of sktafcealth Trestaseat as a skin, sealo and -blood cleanssr. a complexion, hand and hair beautlller. t - - Cut Out Tt!a Ccopcx Mil est the bleaks sad stall te tbe PaBe tUr Specialties Cb., Kewark, Mew Jeney, , Uf. XeMM Is. ;.,.n Bit am tried fklakeelth Tnatmxn, bat M wiu mma m 1 tree & W1U see n. resell , - - , , 1 . 1 ' ' ...... tt Olre fall mm tat iMmc TMs eer suy sot espea a fits. - ... . - f I ,. J: : AilJZr S- HAL.K rft33EU . I 1 1 - U , LI 1 1 1 . M. VII IMI-M. X Lf Ni. Ml ' I t : ; Wi 69:71,-73 Third Street Bete Oak and Pine "j 4'Jyty 'JrMlyrS'" 'fJbmSVL" twatiiifafiire'r ai.Ua rmy n '''liay es" ""' uiuiTSTs ' -& .tifit take a loss, having decided to retire from business. The orders " V """ - r- iafc Close to a sftot cash buyer the cntir e lot at a price that erould Insure -Hr jJik it '((f((fp(l.illfi..vjnY " ', ; vN' ' its sale at once. - The Chicago secured the stock at less than actual coat of pro i ' VtK f "f SCt Wl 800 snitav-at a price that ; .:';.:;- V"5i .-vr ;; -. r- doea not half tell the quality. - . . ... '. t Seven Dollars and a Half HALF PAST SEVEN SEVEN AND A HALF Comprising every style, color ard pattern' that the most - exacting taste couia oemsna. 77 - ff-r....;....v'1--- For $18 tweed, $18 cheviot suits, $18 homespun suits, light, i dark or medium colors and. patterns.-1"1-! For $18 cassimere suits, $18 cheviot' suits,. $18 tweed surts. For $15 worsted suits, $18 cassimere suits.' v ' For $15 cheviot and tweed suits, $15 homespun suits. For $15 fancy worsted suits, $15 clay worsted suits. ...,'" - For $13.00 serge suits, $13.00 fancy worsted suits. -' For $13.00 cheviot, tweed and homespuns. ' For $12 clays, serges, cheviots, tweeds, tricot, longs,' basket i-i worsteds and unfinished materials. Tala arrav of suits s not aTdlsDlav of every auit la of the latest and-newet approved mid old has-beens. Remember, winter fashion. tailored and trimmed In a most - faultless way. 7 Suits that will add customers feme to our great sstabllshment suits that will Biake new T and hold them. s ; .'i :Trl--r. '- ' v- r:. -v :. -KNEE' l;-- at I 1 f . -. - m, HALF ' PAST- TWO-TWO AND A HALF PMSSSUISME We have selected 300 or more Brownies' plaited reefer. : NorfoBT and "double breasted styles.They come rta"D ; sizes, but not all sizes in every line. - We are going to close them out at a rea) bargain! -.:y:i-:'-rr . Will take choice of any of them, - Suits that sold at tk $4.50, $5 and' $6. ' Sekct the one" that fits and suits you best at $2.50. CThe CHICAXipibr bargains. - .vltj .Mr--. Men's Odd lVestaO ::-:-' a ::Will take choke of 800 light and dark color odd kSl Vests that sell regular at $1.25 and $1.50. rC?V run from 35 to 42 bust. Sizes Ar. or More styles Not overall shape'eut out with a buzz saw and sewed with, string, but real tailor-made, form-fitting and peg: top styles ; hand-tailored, sewed: with best quality ,. pure 3Uk, made from J select standard wool and worsted materials. -From-such makers as the HangwelLsnUrand Bros, we have taken about 1,800 pairS.This does not mean 1J00, itTneans 1.800. JThafs srgwarinafijr to Tauraooux, our ine. vojeago ia xne greatest siore in two siaiea ana ooea oig tmngs ana wiu aiviae tnem into tnree lots at tne-iouowmg prices:; s .. . .. , v , ; It f AM S 1-k i r iJa.i i t i r ill 81.65 Lot.wiU I - worth up to$2.50 Will take chotee of 'hundreds of all-wool or mion vfXjri tedsrirt all colors, worth up to $3.50. This t is mostly:oddr and smalttots from broken suits. Sizes to 42 waist The .CHICAGO for bafi I 1 ml M ay aV J I Hi -v My Will give you choke - of. 500 elegartt- worsteds - and ..all-wool Scotches and cheviots, cassimeres, etc., regular form-fitting er peg; top styles. A most select variety. that ire Worth up to $450. 'The CHICAGO for bargains. MEN'S mm I - i I ;rX, tf aayT lit forbargains. r -jp-'r-i ? ' " " ;.'.'"'...';''-.' A-Ibrlg line of cer 1,000 pairs In . all;the very .latest custom laUor ; patterns, faultless in style, make and materialsT $5 would be very reasonable or any pajr.irrthe lotr $5.50 and $8 is the regular value of most of them.' The .CHICAGO Special sales will be in order all during February. As fast asjots get broken they will be .T;r;rr.";", .;.;;.;-... r .; ;;-.v cioseo out at once."., contain all "kinds of I 'shoes light .and me- 82.65 Lot will contain Bluchers and Bat, and kangaroo patent calf, vici, box calf,' etc, up to $3.00 value. Goqdyear welt, . - 87.50 Will buy overcoats that sold up to ; $15. -. .. A..,- ' .; " L 80.50 Will buy overcoats and cravenettes that I -J.- sold op te $20.- .. 811.50 Will buy overcoats and cravenettes; : that HP,Jto-;t5!ioil 814.50 Will buv overcoats and cravenettes -that sold up to $30. f -v". r :! j r..... tTm ..... . .... . . .... .-i. i m does what he -is told, but nothing will Induce htm to apeak. - . , Apparently he la a logger. Just Be fore he waa picked up he had been sing ing a love aong. When Informed he was undgr arrest he ceased -to speak., CAPTAIN REMISS IN : ' HOLDING FIRE DRILLS ISperUl Dlasateh . a The Joamai ) SeattK ; Waalu, ,- .Feb. . ld.-rUnlted Stataa Marina Inspectors- Whitney, and Turner have suspended for SO days tit licence of Cap t. D. B. Jackson of the ateamer Dlx because ef his failure, dur ing the month of January, to hold Art drills. ss provided by th marina laws. An inspection of all tbe smaller craft of tha acnind la being made along these lines and the announcement la - made that all masters will be treated -alike where their, gatlt can b proven. v-; BR1DGMAN RELEASED 1 ' -. ON APPEAL AND BOND (Kpeelsr tMepateh as Helena MpnC Feb.. Tb Jearnal.) . " : 1A M RrM. man, iormer ageni xor. tno neianap in. dlan reservation, who waa sentenced to -three years In the penitentiary by Judge Hunt, in the United Btatea court upon conviction of tha charge of - making falsa reports to th government; has taken an appeal to the circuit court at San Tranclsco, and haa bosw releaaed en 116.000 bond, algaed by W.' O. Con rad, and W. a. Frary or ureal rails.. . (Special Dlspateb ts The Joeraej.)' ' i Seattle. Wash., Feb. 10. Nina and a half" daya from Fairbanks to Valdes. over the snow and Ice, la a new record made by Arthur McKear and 'Vow" Miller, who arrived at tha latter place January 1 I, according to advlcea re ceived here today. Tha men muahed In that time 104 mile. They report the trail la In good condition. ... -. r . oxrsaTJtajr AST omsTom. (Jaarsal apeeUI Strict.) ; Bridgeport,- Conn.. Feb. .. 10. -Tha Bridgeport Board of Trade haa com pleted arrangements .on an elaborate ecal for tta annual - banquet tonight The list of speakers I headed by Con- kgressmen Cushman of Wesbtngtoa.and BOYS- PRESS GIRLS VERf CLOSELY HERE Vltaf Statistics Show Slxty-Six . J Lads antt, Seventy Lassies" . Born -r In January, . PNEUMONIA CARRIED , TT OFF SEVENTEEN VICTIMS Health Conditions Good, and No Cases of Serious Contagious -.Character Reported. '''. - Ther were It birth In this city isst month, of which were, male and TO: female. . . Seventeen deaths from pneumonia la a startling feature or the monthly re port ot.Xr....Hv Rt Blersdorf. city health omcer. ' -r. No smallpox ease have been reported ; ' M0NT- BA9X AV. ." Tolu-FIr DOES NOT HELP '' v ; ,TOUR COTJQH. -WE MAKE AND OX7AR ' - ANTED IT; v.'- 50c Wo o d.ard, Clarke 6V Ca In this city tor ever seven months, and tha health authorities are hopeful that this disease will not make Its appear ance this . year. - They consider them selves very fortunate, aa Butte, Helena, Seattle and ' Tacama have more than their share of cases., v "There were 114 death In January, 1 who ware ef persons ever to. years, IS between TO and (0, 14 between a 0 and 70, It between. 10 and 40. 'r- v There were eight deaths from 'pulmonary- tiiberculoaU, - seven from ty phoid, fever, twe from septicemia,-one from diphtheria, eeven from external violence,' two of which resulted from Mrsngulatlon, and -ns each from gun shot wounds severing coratld artery, fracture of akulU asphyxiation by gas, and- ateoholism." -y - Of contagious diseases reported ther were It esses of diphtheria, ' six of meaales, seven of chicken pox, nine of typhoid fever and II of scarlet favor1. .. RAILWAY MEN OF - -v ALL NATIONS COMING (Jearaal B pedal lervlee.) . " IVaahtnaton. Feb. 10. Practically all the - arrangement o Jor. .the meeting of th international Jtall way congress, which 1 to ba held In thle city next May, have been completed The aeeelon will be held In th New Willard hotel and they Will last 10 days," lbs headquarters) of tha International con gress la la Brussels. A.- DaBoia, th prsMBiriathSThUler of railways ef Belgium, - .. - ; ; . This Is expected to be the largest meeting tha association has ever held. It ia understood that tba number ef foreign' delegates will be ever too and perhapa as large aa 400i Every two yeara the aeeoctation holds a meeting. but thia will be th Srst gathering -in America. After th meeting there ar tb be two tours. On will be. over th Penn sylvania railroad from this etty to Al toona. where a day will be anent In tha company's shops. Then Pittsburg will im. visited.-'Wher aa inspection of the Weatinghouss eleotrlo. plant aa wall aa seme ef tha other large Industrial eatab- llshmente will be ansde., From Pittsburg Sv run will be made to Cleveland; then to Aehtabula, and, from there to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Then th party will be divided, some taking tha Jrand Trunk to MontraaLand then going to Boston. Tba reat of tha party will go ever tbe New Tork Central te Schenectady, where th plants of th Qehsral Electric, com- WITH WMm ADS! THIS TIME ITS OtiE OF WOODARD, CLARKE ft Ct.8 PPP.PA WATTOMR . FAMOUS "WOODLARK .... i . . 3tOOTHSOAiE Thit tooth iCleanaer is on of the very finest manufactured. . It ia baud en Scientific formulae. tkillflllIjLpreparei andjdeti(ried to replac e jbeacnrt "f preparationa of unknown rnmpnaitinns. . Formula of woodlark Listerated Tooth Soap:. Craeta . Prep. Intern cucaiyptal. Formalin Thymal in combination with glycerine, pare olive oil, soap and agreeable aromatic. ... V; 7 It la a tooth soap Indorsed by the dental profession and on which never fail to accompiiah - hi purpose prevent decay-of-the teetbuIt keepajthem white and pearlyand ia thoroughly an- " septic ' ' --. - - - . - s i,. 'I Thia offer la mad aimply to still mora widely introduce the wonderful results accomplished ' by useful 'want' ada." An enumeration ef their many' daily duties and performance would entail 'ffet space. Yov know how it la when ycu want to rent a. room or house, when yotl want to boy , something unusual, when you've lost some thing why, you immediately look at the "want tda.", . . Thousand of people read them every day you can talk to them at tha rata of - :i . TVVENTY-ONE WORDS FIFTEEN CENTS ' T9th Somp Only With Cathipant JtdtQall? rSund$Juri: pany and tha American Locomotive works will be Inspected, The ether trip will take In Pittsburg. Cincinnati, St. laral. Chicago, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. In addition to tha shops on tha Srst tour. r A number of the forelyn railroad efflctala will s1 snie Uma M i-eatvioi tU rijsx. . "Wlsh of rrmevL snd r v e rr r t r- "," e-v ; t