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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1905)
-ins onrccn daily jouhnau ; fo::tla:;d,.. Friday evening, fecruary' 10, r ncj. Public Tea Room V : " ..' B3COND' FLOOR." '-' i V UNDER AUSPICES OF PORTLAND T. W. C A, -j MENU FOR'SATURDAT. FEB. 11TH. 'POPULAR PRICES RULE., ,' ' r-r'.-' Tea Coffee Chocolate V . - . Milk in Bottle . ' Bean Soup rv .Hrrmg Sated -, .- r,,'r, v Boston Brown Bread ' ": ! " Pimento Sandwiches . ; ' t Hot Roll -:-".--. r : Bread and Butter ". . !,-' .' Tea Cakes V .,, Use Fleisher's Yjt- For. Knitting and Crocheting. C -skein of - th genuine bears te "Flelsher traO mark ticket. i v Knitting worstea -s , Dresden Saxoiy . V , ,' Shetland Floss ..-4 . r. ....... . Cahrar Tarn , .. Pamela BhetlaeJ -v ' '? Germantown Zephyr . .' - , .Spanish. . .- . . : ' loo Wool - - ' ' , -, : Shetland Zephyr t., ,r " 'Solral Tarn ' s " ' A .full line In the Art Shrfp Second. Floor Annex Salons.' .Last Dayof-Invcntory- V Bargains "; SALE BARGAINS IN wear Store UXlUUAlfl -A Shop- "J Moifonm . . j w "X. aBSBsaiBh II.- mm bh bv m v i mm aBBA ww ' I r ' - u mm .mm v n j .Small Wares .- FIRST ' FLOOR.. J DRESS FASTENERS tE-kJ WORTH IOC FOR c 4iiri I T . .Ball, and socket both lark and small slsea. In black and white, - t dosen J on card; rerular lOo values. . Bp' . ..clal at, tbe.card.,.......,..6 llo DRE8S SHIELDS FOR C White I Ireas Shields, llsht srelght. sis Nor pair . . . , .,. . ; ..... . . ..... ......94 WHALEBONE- CASING WORTH Ji . FOR To Whalebone Caalns In black. : white and colors, t-yard pieces; our . 1(0 values. Special at, the dos..T PEARt, BUTTONS. WORTH tic FOR 17o White Pearl Trlramln But tons, ball shape,' medium slse; our -16o and 17o values. ' . Special at, the dosen 17 HAIRPINS WORTH t FOR o Aluminum Hairpins, '! dosen on ,- earrd. medium slse; regular 7e value. ' Bpeolal atr the card. .......... .4 gTOCKINO " DARNERS . FOR ' Ic Stocking Darners with, patent spring to hold stocking while darning. 8pe vclal Clearance prtoe, eacb.......8 BACK COMBS WORTH lOo FOR 170 : Shell Turnover Back Combs; our lOo vaIoulBpecll at. aach.-vrjlTat POMPADOUR COMBS WORTH 15a KOH He - Shell-color -r Pompadour- w Combs, full curse; our j J5o value. Special at .....V..', ...... ....154 DRUO , SUNDRIES LePage s ; Liquid "Glue, 1 ounce bottle; our. 10c value. - Special at. bottle. ........6 BOX WRITINO PAPER FOR llo - Box Writing Paper, in white, plain or Vuled, envelopes to match; our lOo vafue. Special at. boz....l2 WRITINO 'PAPER -FOR Mo-One-r pound, package Writing Paper, .110 "sheets in blue or gray tints; our ' 0o value. Special at, package. 294 Envelope to matoh paper ' described above; our lie . value. ' Special at ' package ...... '. . . . . 94 Jio WRITINO TABLETS FOR. 7p : Fine smooth finish packet ' slie - Writing Tablets, whit.. ruled; ohr L Ho value. Special at. each. ...74 7o 8PONOE8 FOR 4o Toilet or Face Sponges, . small slats; our. 7c value. 'Special at., each. . 3. ......... .44 40 SPONGES IFOR I FOR ko-rSmall . sis School .Sponges; our; 4c raloe. ' Special at, t for .....&4 Chamois Cleaning Sponsee for win-- dow. glassware, etc, Special at 54 T0IJ.15T!S0AF WORTirKo FOJEC;17o jtne bard-milled Toilet Soap, per ;. fumed with violet or rose odors. 1 cakes in a box; our JSo value.. Spe cial at the box. ....... ....i. 1T4 ICASTILE SOAP WORTH tOc TOR SOo Large sis bars of Imported Italian white Castile Boep; our 60o value. Special at bar... ......304 TALCUM POWDER WORTH 10c FOR 14e VioleV prfumelTlcunr Pow- - der in wooden, boxes; our 10c value. ' Special at box..,.. ...44 SHOE POLISH WORTH J6c tR. 15o ' Liquid Shoe Pollen, waterproof; gives a brilliant shin, without rub-7 , blng; onr ISo value. .' Special at, bottle ...... .;. .'. i. .r. 154 DRBSSINO COMBS WORTH llo FOR 7c Celluloid Dressing Combe. . in amber, shell or white, 7 Inches in length; our llo value.' Special at each ..N.............T4 BARGAIN GEMS AT THE JEWELRY COUNTER. - , Flrt Floor Hlnth Street Annex. ., CUFF XJNK8 WORTH Uc FOR.lOe -Pretty gold plated - and -enameled Cuff Links; our Zocrvalua.' Special at the pair ...104 BEAD NECKLACESWORTH Bc FOR 17o Pearl . and Tufquols Necklaces, graduated slse ,.bade; our tSs-values. Special at ea., 17J LORGNETTE CHAIK8 WORTH 2 So TO 71c FOR tc Black beaded f Lorgnetta ' Chalna, all also beads; 1 values from 5o to 7ee. Speclnl at each ,. ...... ..... , n . . .am BAG TOPS WORTH- JSC TO So FOR ltc Fancy gilt or oxide Purse and Bar Tope; valuee fom-Jo.-to tSor Special at each..., .....194 BROOCH PINS WORTH SSe FOR 17e -Fancy Rhinestone Brooch Pins, assorted styles; Qur lie value. . Spo ols! at-achj-irt , .-rrr.-.-.v i. . ..174 LEATHER - BELTS ; WORTH fl.ll Belts In black, brown and tan, plain or girdle, backs; our value. Special at 694 PHOTO1 . THAMES - WORTH -80c- FOR tic Fancy- leather Pbfto Frames, assorted colors, large else; our too value. -Special at ch.v 294 POCKETBOOKS ' WORTH 11. TO tt.5 FOR 7-to ladles' Combination Pocketbooks In black, brown and tan leathers; our $10 .to $1.85 values. Special at each... ....754 LAST DAT OF THE SPECtAL IN- --. .k. " k. ; ' . Enameled Iron! Beds and - -- Splendid Blankets 'Jf-W-FOURTH FLOOR. T" -IRON BEDS Special sale., small Una of whit enameled, brass trimmed Iron Beds, , full , and . three-quarter slses . r " . . .i . Regular t .50 value, special, 4.0O Regular t 7.60 value,'apeclal, S 4.75 Regular t t.SO value, fpeclal, 5 5. SO Regular 1 10. to value, speclat 6.75 Regular 111. SO value, special, 7.50 ReguTar tU.tO value. SDertsTT 9.00 Regular $10.00 value, special; S10.5O Regular $18.00 value, special, $12.60 FINB WHITE ALT-WOOL BLAN- ; XETB. pur t 4.S0 val., special, pelr, g 3.75 Our I 0.00 val., special, pair, 1 1 ,4.75 Our t 7.00 val., special, pair, 1 1 5.BO Our f ISO vat, special, pair, H 6. SO Our $11.00 val., special, pair, $10.75 VICUNA' BROWN BLANKETS ,' ' ALL-WOOU Our $1.00 value, special, pair,. 54.25 Our $4.(0 value,- special, pair. . $3.15 GRAT - WOOL - BLANKETS: BOTH - PLAIN AND MOTTLED. Onr $S,7I value, special, pair, .$2.50 Our $4100 value, epeclai, pair. .$2.75 Our $4.00 value, special, ptr.i$4.25 J- Three things especially distinguish the Greater Olds, Wortman & King, stores- plenty of light, the utmost personal .safety in shopping, and an ab'undance of 'fresh air. Cheerfulness and good health rank above sales in this establishment. We have-provided in our; fireproof steel building every modern convenience to as-7 7mre'absohitepersonal $afetyrTegardless of expenser or architectural showhuman life is more precious than mercantile profit. " This is a "Paylight Store also, be cause we are satisfied to do all selling In the daytime. - Night storekeeping savors of tJie old "comer pocery"-of ahte-beUum days, where villagers gathered for gossip about their neighbors and spitting tobacco saliva on a much "abused old stove, rather than for. business. The foremost merchants of America discounte nance the antediluvian .custom today.. Wc. are. of .that class.:,We believe that we can serve our patrons to their entire satisfaction during regular business hours, and shall not impose unnecessary hardships upon our employes by keeping openahy evening -after 8 o'clock; merely for our own gain. Therefore we urge our great public to do tomorrow's shopping BEFORE B P, M. A few printed advantages of shopping before the close of INVENTORY SALES, Saturday at 8 p. m. mere examples of thousands' that go unmentioned in the Store News. . ; . . ! : ,t ; .-v; v , , :t .: LAST DAT OF THE ' ; Inventory -Sale Knitwear; WOMEN'S AND " CHILDREN'S UN , DERWEAR AND HOSIERT j STIRR1NQLT REDUCED, vi " : , First Floor Aisles. Children's black cotton Hose, - a Big lot of odd ends, value to lie . pair ..r.. ....... .r 84 Infanta" black' cotton Hose, Imported finished .foot values 40c, slses 4, 4 V4, S;dpalr 144 Bovs' heavy ribbed black cotton Hoee, eamleee, broken -lse. at pair. 144 Boys heavy Ironclad, nose, seamless cotton. SSo values, pair. .,.-,:. 174 Child's - black . cotton Hose, seamless, good weight,! fin ribbed. qualltKl7o. special at . . . . 104 Women's black cotton Hose, seamleee, lc quality, for, pair. ........ .74 Women's black . cotton fleece-lined '.-, Hoss, seamless, SSo quality, -; pair . . . i. ,V. .vltl94 Women's black cotton Hoee. whit foot -and whit aole, 5e value, at - - pair C. . , .-. 224 Women's black heavy weight fleece- lined Hose, with whit sol, value 46a. epecltl, pair ........284 Women's black caahmer Hoee, fine - ribbed. 60c value, for, pair. W..284 Women's fancy Hose, great assortment of shades and sty lea, 160-950 value. ..r... ...... 184 underwear. Women's -long and short sleeve ecru t cotton Vests, $6c values, special. f each .. . .-. . . '.t. . .Ji . . . -154 Women's, silver and whit ootton .Union.JultsJena sleye,yalue 60c, . i or Women'a -ream tinted heavy weight - cotton. Union Suits, long sleeves, 7to quality, special, suit for. ,....584 Women's black wool Tights-and Veets, $ 1.00 and $ 1.60 quality, -each . , . . 604 Woman's atlver gray and white cash . mere ribbed 'Veetsy long sleeves, "' $1.26 quality, each v ......... . 754 Pants to match. $1.26 quality. a..754 Woman's black silk and lis Vests, short sleeves, $1.60 quality,, r- each . . . .694 Tirn,ii ! m m 9 shiwara TTninii'"- ' long sleeves, medium weignt. is.vv valua for ..,$1.89 Children white and gray wool plaited Union Suits, raluojoll.eospeciai, per ault only ... 504 Children's silver gray, cotton union Suits, long sleeves, ; 60C. see, eoo ! values, special, suit ........... 3S4 : -' LAST DAT OF THE8E , Special Values in lhe Inven tory Sale of Silks and Dress ri Stuffs. -v i Fifth St Annex First Floor. LOT- Polka dot foulard and novelty suit Bllke,-goo color assortment special fof, yard. .544 LOT 1 Swell novelty suit Silk,, ail good colors and deslgns-e-spectai for, suit . $94 LOT S Swell novelty suit Silk, all good colors and styles: special for. yard .-... ..r..... -...784 All silk remnants, all lengths and makes, at Half Price" . ;" - COLORED DRESS OOOD8L A GREAT -CLEAN-UP" SALE. ,' ReguUr $1.7$ and $1.60,, 14-Inch neat tailor suiting; specially raaucea. per yard ...694 $3.60 and $1.16 Imported suitings. 64- mchi also -plain and rancy- Kngusn mohair Sicilians; special. . ' -yard $1.49 All colored, cream and black dress mods, remnants: the cream of every desirable wanted fabrlcrand color at EXACTLY HALF PRICK. , "BLACK DRESS GOODS. 1 $1.75 and $1.60, 61-Inch all-wool Pan amas, canvas cloth and sackings: necial. "per yl-rimn trif .;69w $2.60 and $2.26 Imported novelty black fabrics; all good styles) specmr. per yard ..."..,..........$1.39 LA8T DAT OF THD ' INVENTORT SALE. - Specials' In Dainty Neckwear. ;..F0R DRESST WOMEN FOLK. ' FiratrFJloor. . ; ' ifO INSTEAD OF 60o AND 76c FOR . EMBROIDERED COLLARS. Ladles' Embroidery Collars In straight effects, with fancy stole ends.' Styl ish and becoming to almost anyone. Our 600 and 76o value.Speclal at each ..v. ....',.394 $Se AND ISo TURNOVER COLLARS rnu 1 k. ' - . i -, Mercerised ' Linen Tornoviy Collar. embroidered in assorted eoinrs snd deelms very neat Our 26 and XEe s. values. - Special at each. : .. . . .154 TWO FOR 26c TTVFN COLLARS AT g FOR 10c, - Ladles Linen Collars in turnover and standing, effects to be worn with lies or ribbons. Our S .for 26c values. Special at I for 104 LAST DAT OF THF.SR REMARK - . ABLE VALUES IN t ; Dainty Embroideries. ' ' '"' First Floor. '.. A special lot of beautiful trimming embroideries," Including 'Cambric. Nainsooks and Swisses, slightly museed in th flurry of Clearance, widths ranging from 4 to 10 Inches; our regular 26o to 40c values; all in one lot and Included In a clean sweep of the lines, at th yard. ...... 15 Regular 60c and $0e values In on lot at on speclal.bargsln price or. tn yard i...254 Shoppers Mark ; the Inventory Sales .at This Store E veshing Gowns,: Gostunles andUpera W rap Saturday, ends the nicJr.., - , of these magnificent garments '-.- - ; ' '. - ;t :"; ( IN TIE GRAND SALONS; OFDRESSECOND tlORr "Here is Our Inviution-Come and select from our matchless, surpassing stocks of these beaut i-.' -ful creations; choose from the from 540to $Z00 at - r ,r-c Instead 2,: Xl:??? :-'r ."Instead lues $ TXT rx- ir i it in i v va IiesEine: Muslin - . .. .. -jiLadlee'- Gloria - "rufflci and and ribbon trimming; very comfortable tN The Cushion Covers cr made of Art to T5o values, - epeclai sal prlc, irwV . I , KNIT SKIRTS AND OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS -; ; '. x :.-,'' Si ''''''. r-:-"-' SKIRTS FOft 10c. - i "? a'. . Women's Knit WboT Skirts in' assorted colors and fancystrlpes. a very neat and comfortable garment; owr 11.00 . value, . special -sal price, each . .... , .. v , ....... ....rtU. ................... . . ............ ri. ....... . . .50t . OUTINO FLANNEL GOWNS' WORTH tl.SS AND 12.00 FOR $1.10. ,..., Women's Outing Flannel Nightgowns and sleeves with ; embroidery; onr and vi.eo values, special sale price,, eacn ' ...fl.iw . .. i . . FLANNEtf8KIRT8 WORTH 13.05s FOR"-U.00. Womenr-Dqmet i Flannel Skirts, knee- length. 1n brae and piiik.: wlthj t-inch "vsndyks flouncemmmed -With -tor" ; chon lac Insertion and edging r splendid 91.00 value, apecla at, each' ...t i . .$1.00 ' EXTRA HSPBCTAL SALB- PRICES ON WOMEWtf KJJITS KIRTB AND "CROCHET ED.. 8HAWt,S". ." -j ' ' . SKIRTS WORTH 11-71 AND $100 FOR ' Me. ' 4 '. " Women's Knitted .Wool Skirts, of very bear qoallty in plafn colore and fancy striped effects, soft and warm; our regular 11.15 and $2.00 values, special at, each, ... v ....'.,... .. ......... vl. .......... u.rrf . . i -08 ,y . - - - CROCHETED SHAWLS.-.' - ' ' '- '""l:"'.''" : " " - Crocheted Shawls In square and fascinator7 shapes. In colyfrs at. red,, tynk. blue, black, etc.; very-handy to fold over ; the-shoulders -or head-- . -f ' . ' - ' ' - ' ' - 'v ' ' "' ".i ' ur 25e and 40o values; special at. each. . v..... .104 Our 0c and 1100 values; special at, each. ...... .504 .Our too and 7ie values; speclsl at, each. . . . ...25V , , Our $1.2$ and $1.8 values; special at, each. .... .604 ; "SpetS-Seof Odds and Ends of ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS -. Included In thl sal are some very -fine Corsets 'in the-Roysl Worcester snd Bon Ton Models. They are made of the very beet materials. In all colors, pink., blu, drab, black and whit. - Bom are boned with whale bones and others with th best whit metal steels. Thee models ar high and low bust; medium, long and short ( . .hip styles. ' .''.. ' .I . ; " " ' . . . "' - ; ., . ' : '..V jl j- ' rsises li id jo unequaiea values; ..jtu.j., fFffCJl0'Ourregular $1.7$. $J t. $2.10 and, $100 values; special at each .:.. ..v$l.-49- "Our ".. .Our V CArS AND TOQUES FOR THE TOTS CAPS WORTH f 1.00 FOR $SA' V. " . ' ' Infant Capof Whit India r Beng aline Silks, nicely trimmed, with ruche around face; others In plain effects; all are nicely lined. In all else; our regular tl.00 values, special at, each ...'.,054 21 . ' , WOOL fOQUES WORTH -0 FOR lc.' - .Children's Wool Toques, with fancy Persian bordOra, others -of striped syballn in colors or. white, pretty and warm; ur regular 0c value.peclal at. each ....... t ........... .... .354 Close oprxrtune chance4 to save half in the selection ; ' best values ever shown on - the --r , ..----r-.''SASbjs--.Z.:,--.. of $40 pay us .... ,Y. .C .77". ...... 90.00 - "V '. :'iv-. of $250 pay. us.-.v; .;.12SMV"Jr i The Last Great s vv omen Street -This Season :Erid Saturday: Jightr;:: Women's $U to"$22.50 Suitsr; . it. . ...V.';.;.7.;.. ;r ,V,7 J6.49 Women's $25 to $28.50 Suits. . .rr; i . . . .V. ..... ... '. . ... .'. . . . $8.95 Women's $30 to-$38.50 Suits., . .... . . . . ... ?12.95 WomenVLong $3.5a Kimonos. . ; . t ; v. . . v. . : : . . . ; : . . . . . ?138- Women's. $1.25 to $1.75. Dressing Sacques. '"..r,.". OStl Women's .Euclid Shirt and All-Wool : Waists at ONE HAL)? PRICE tOL$8ATt)yE HALFZT" . wiiiiuicii o xuiig jwuaia XAdii-xrii . . The breat" Inventory Sales in the Apparel Salons End Saturday 7 Night.7- ItLDIEW S.7 BILK. FETJICOATB. I.X. . ' . L '-' . -Silk Fettlooats, very best duality, deeo knif nlaltlng, same" with - thre dust ruffle, and famoua elite, adjustable j, HCn " ,"' ' ., aee,e-e . )eet " 7Wl V : ; ' LADIES' GOWNS MALV PRICE. . "V A broken line of todies' Nainsook and Cam brio Gowns, excellent quality, slightly soiled: t regular values to epeclai $1.62 to f3.25 each, lust ONE-HALF . f RICE. ;:;'.' - 0o AND tL00 COR8UT COVKR8. FOR a - . Corset Covers made of, very fin cambric or nainsook, mad with square yoke of hem-'-, stitched tucks and embroidery" edging; some made French style with lac beading and . T ribbon trimmed; our regular 0o and $1.00- values., special at each ... .494, i -4 ' '- IfTSSBS SKIRTS. WORTH Ofio FOR '4 So. . . ... .1 MIssesT 8klrta mad of good duality of muslin, with . deep Spanish hemstitched flounce -. and unoer rurne; our regular etc vaiue. apecuu-aaie- price, eaon. niiTimmeDy-: - -- -1. J n 3.t0 PETTICOATS FOR, S.10r Ladies' Petticoat. made " of .excellent equality of fine cambric, made with .deep flounce with cluster of fine tucks, and two rows of insertion, also edging of deep lac, another style Injthls lot. trimmed with very handsome cluney lace) our .I.S0 .value, special at, each - ; - v . ... .-.j ..,..... t . r ...... . .,... 52.1y - DOMETT AND OUTINO FLANNEL GOWNS AND SKIRTS $1 GOWNS FOR 11.60. -Ladles' Fin Domet Flannel Gowns, of vary best quality, trimmed with--French embroidered-dots and plain, blu and pink flannel; our tS.OO value, special aC?-each. .$1.50 I - IMS GOWNS FOR 11.24. . , .'Ladles' Outing Flannel Oowns of finest quality, fancy striped effects. In extra atses. In . .Mother Hubbard yoke effects, high neck and rolling collars: other styles with low neck for fleshy women; our 11.1 values, THE ART, DEPARTMENT ? t . , . TCUBHION UUVBno WURvH ISO TO 70 FOR Denim and Linen stamped In floral and each ...... ... ... ,', . , , . of very flu quality; either high or recular $1.(0. $4.00. 14. IS and $$00 values; epeclai....... ...... regular $10, $1.00, $7.00, $7.0,, $0.00 of the Annual AT XT AT T? S rX-JL ' A AXTvA-f A, J PRICE - Pacific slope at prices ranging Sale ; of . . Underwear: belte; regular value f5.7, specmrn special at, each ......'...'.$1.25 ISC. conventional designs; our regular S5o .,,vm.... , . . . . ....... 194 low neck,' daintily-trimmed at neok 91. .13 and $$.10; spvclal at, each v.-.- Tailored LAST DAT OF THE ') . ' t Inventory Sale Domestics. .: - . "First Floor. .BEDSPREADS BLIQHTLT'" " MUSSED. - ' , . Regular $1.50 Maraenies, Bedspreads. special, each -$1.75 Regular $3.00 . Mareelllee Bedspreads. special, each . '$2.25 Regular $5.60 Mareelllee Bedspreads. . special, each ..,,,$2.54 Regular $4.00 Mareelllee Bedspreads, special, each ...-.. ...$3.75 All our $$, $7, IS and $ values reduced proportionately, - t- Mnena. napkins, towels, whit goods, etc, slightly mussed. In handling dur ing clearance; also embroidered flan nel and walstlngs - at sensationally low prices. .... - On fourth off on all our cluny'UPe and fanoy. drawn work, scarfs, squares, teaclotha, etc. - - 40o SILK GINGHAMS, JOo." " . Short lengths sink glnghama, regular valu 40c, special, yard ........ 204 Short lengths cheviots-and madras, regular val. 25c, special, yd.. .12 M4 Fancy Skirting Moreens,, values to - $1.2S; special, yard 254 Flannelette, short lengths, regular valu 15c; special, yard ;.."....$a Best percale, -on yard wide, ehort lengths, regular valu 15c, special. - ard Figured aateens. short lengths, regular v value 15c; special, yard ........9 - Remnants" of ' sheeting, -muslin and flannels at big reductions."" - -fjew York Mills, yard wide, unbleached ; muslins, : In lengths from' S to, 20 yards; speetal, yard ....-OH4 Plaid Ginghams, dark colors for chll d.rni" dresses regular" value' It We; epeclai, yard ,.74 Every remnant In this great depart ment will b slaughtered, during the wee..... .r: LAST DAT Or THT INVENTORT - . , BALE OF v.. .. ' ' ' ' . i - . :! Housefurnishings, China and Enameled. Ware. " Third Floor. , '. DINNER SET LINES. , , Closing out' odd pieces of open stock dlnneueX llneskjvagetahl dishes, meat dishes, individual buttere, covered dishes., fruit saucers, all slsea pletee, sugar 1 bowls, oatmeal bowls and pitch ers at HALF PRICE, . .; , . Rar bargains and a grand oppor tunity "for. restaurants, boarding h' usea and families for replenishing for the coming Fslr and Summer use. Hundreds of odd pieces of decorated China plates, ssucers snd creams, fruit saucers, teapots, cracker Jars, olives and a great many useful article at HALF USUAL, PRICEu. HIGH-GRADE- ENAMELED rWARH Closing out two lines, blu and whit lined. ' Teapots, l-quart, great special... 354 Lip Kettles, 4-qt, great special... 284 Hanging Soap, great special ...... 1 94 Not Teakettle, great spelcal. ..984 Enam'l nickel trimmed Teapots. .504 Paring Knives, guaranteed steel. 3 for ...54 Wood Salt Boxes, ale finish 134 Folding Lunch Boxes ,..'...,:.. .,.94 Japan Crumb Pans-. rw-mTrrvriT; -54 Good-alsed Hammer. nlckelplated.l04 11-Inch nickel Towel Bar . .134 Slightly damaged pieces. Granite, Iron and Tinware, at a small fraction of their original prices. Saturday's Footwear Bargains. CLOSE OF THE INVENTORTALE .OF GOOD SHOES "FAIR-WAT" - ' ; ' '. STORE ANNEX. - First Floor Sixth Street.- Grand Shoe Buylng-Savlng Chances '.i - for all th family. . 'WOMEN'S $1.75 BLIPPER8. $' "Women' party Slipper, patent leather - or plain kid, opera or Louis heels, " medium" round toes, hand turned - so!,s, regular value $1.79, special.'' ' pair ,. ...984 WOMEN'S $5.00 AND $00 SHOES - f w FOR $$.4. " Women'a dreee or street Shoes, but ton or lacs, military or .Louis heels. patent . leather or . plain vlcl kid. nvvrj or usnc .ui,. reguisp Biue, -ti and $0: special, pair. .... .$2.48 WOMEN'S $4.0 SHOES. $1.75. Women's patent colt or vlcl kid Shoes. . dull tops, military he!s. medium ' .round to, heavy soles, tip or plain toes; - regular valu $4-00; special, pair .$1.75 BOTS" WINTER SHOES FOR $1.18 . " ' AND IMS. Boys' good Winter Shoes, heavy soles, ' box calf uppers, good broad om ' fortable toM. alsea 11 to 2; regalar $2.00 value: special, pair $1.1$ Slsea tl to H. regular $2.10 value: -special, pair .......... J $1.68 MEN'S $1.50 AND $4.00 SHOES FOR ! $2.7$.". - v Men's ' good Winter or early Spring Shoe, belt box calf. vKI kid wr patent colt vampa, welt oU, beet wirkmanahlp: regular values. $1 " - and $4.00; special, pair .s ... r IN THE' MN'S :. . . . shop. sixth st. annex. . , firstTfloor.' In the Men's Toggery Shop you will find a complete, assortment of men's furnishings and hundreds of bar gains that will-both .surprise and please. MEN'S SWEATERS-7WORTH$1.0' FOR $1.00 A line of men's hooey. .comb Sweaters in eomblnationa-of ' scarlet and emerald - and emerald and pink. A mighty good Sweater. - and . our $.S0 value. Special at. -s each ': a.. .'. . v.'f V.$l,oO MEN'S 7So NIGHT ROBES FOR 46o s Men's Nightgowns, plain or fancy a) trimmed, made by on of -th lead ing manufacturers' of th t'nlted . States to sell at 5c. -Special at. each li ......454 MEN'S i 00 fNDERWEA R FOR Ie , Th wmalndrofonr line ef flat cotton fleece lined underwear; en . ,- of th warmest and most durable garments made; our 80c value. Spe cial at, each..... 294 lie LINEN HANDKERCHIEF8 FOR ISo Men's pure Irish linen Hand kerchiefs, .hemmed; very service sble: mad of Richardson's linen -the best made; our S&o value. Spe ' clal at. each.....i.... .'.154 h-U EN'Ble- SOX FQJt 2Sc Men's plain uiacK uinwn bocks, run fash ... loned on of our . very best sellers . regular J6c value. . Special at, th pair 234 MEN'S -.NEGLIGEE SHIRTS AT t HALF What Is left of our line of men's cashmere Overshlrta, rsng : ing In prlc from '$1.00 to $2.(0. - Special - all- week at Juet HALF -PRICE. ' : BOT8' BROWNIE 8WEATER8 FOR 7Te--Smalt boys' brownie Sweaters. . pure worsted. In whit, navy and ' ' scarlet; regular $1.20 valu. Spe cial' at, each.... ......... '..,..774 GREAT BARGAINS. IN LEATHER GOODS All Leather Goods; such ss Suit Cases. Club Bags. Ox fords. -English kits. High .Oxfords." Cobins, Glad stones, -etc, for this week only at a special discount f 25 per cent off regular selling prUe. Last Day Saturday of the Great v ".. .' ; "Book-Sale. v';.-xv - - SECOND . FLOOR." .- . " Tour last opportunity to select theee and other, volumes at the lalaughter nriees."- After einatnv tim. aw uu ... day . the books . will be removed from mo aiorv, no sai is over ana car pent ers take nOaeeaalon In m,k ,1. Lteratlons .for .th. greater apparel saions. euy oooas Saturday and reap juur anare or oargams, among which are: BOOK8 OFr PROSE AND POETRT . WORTH 25c FOR isa -".1, series of th" world's beet, classic llteratur Hnth in vm-am m.A :Batly-boandV4n-"whitand allver, or ' mritr Dinaings;: eacn. DOOK In- neai doi; our Zfto value. Special Clearance Sal nHn -. o ftOOKS-WORTII lie FOR tc Handy .-iin vuiumw 01 dbi classic liters ture,.iKuod In buckram, cioth; reg ular llo value. Special Clearance v. 1, ......... , ye STANDARD BOOKS WORTH lOo -AND 35b FOR Jlo included In this lot ar the Gilt Top Library of BUndard Fiction: books bound in dark, red- silk cloth.-' A few of Oen. -'.,' Chas. Klnra copyright books and . th- beautiful Medallion 'Edition - of , Standard Authors, All handsomely r bound snd covers ornamented with designs it-colored inks and Medal lion portrait. Mahy of the best works of the world's most famous authors are Included In thee edl "" tlons, and in the Medallion Edition are a-great many of Mary j. . Holmee' beet books. Our 300 and ,15c values. Special Clearance- Sal price, each .' ..194 BOOKS Or POEMS WORTH 75c FOR , 5o Poems of the world's standard Spoeta, bound in padded leather with titl In gold,' each book in neat box. Included In this line ar work of - Hygo, r Emarson, - Poo. Scott, Pop. Proctor,. Burns, ' Goeth. Kests. Wadaworth and many others. Our ' "regular prlc la 75c. Special Clear ance price, each.... ..554 (Oo BOOKS FOR jlc Books for boys, nicely bound, with handsome cover design, painted edges. The series , Includes books by most of th pop ular boys- authors of th day; many " of them being copyrighted. Follow ing la a partial list of authors: CsptT ' Ralnh Rnnohlll Hnr.Mn 11... t. Wlnfleld. Otis, St. George RathboneT ijkmw LAunnoerry, ana many othera. The Jack Harkaway aerlee la slao Included In thla : h - r,. k A. valu. Special Clearance Sale prlre. wi-n zn TOUNO-FOLKS' LIBRARY BOOKS WORTH 0c FOR lc Thes books ', are well bound, with colored cover dealgn and painted edges. The list : of title Includes all of the standard children's classics r as Robinson - CruSoe, AUc In Wonderland. Uncle ( Tnm a. r.hln . m t . m . Jscob Abbott's "historical books. "All proruseiy uuietrated. Th publiah "ers price on these books. Is tOc; our j- reguier pnce-risc. special tlear- ance Sale price, each... .'.194 GREAT CLEARANCE SPECIALS ON , ".'"' . . ni.ijo r-nn ... ' Vlw.lhlw, lutk.. tu.H4 . 11 ... n I . . , - ..w ..w...w Ifvuiiu 1 VIVIIIIIV . I, - " cult! next Bibles, "student's edition, , printed In large, clear ' type, with 12 Illustrations and 12 colored maps; our $145 value. Speclsl Clearance -Sal price." each . rt. . r. . . ; ; . . $34 $1.00 BIBCE8 FOR $1.17 Bibles seme ' as above, but with full leather lin ing;, our $1.00 value. - 8peclal Clear ance Sale price, each, ..Sl.lT $1 50 BIBLES FOR-. . 93c Sunday School Teachers' Bible. lull Divln lty Circuit, flexible Uather blndlnsv printed In larga, clear type, with references, notes, helps to the etudy nf that D I Kl . MnMnlkilM i rt wi , I . , Jeet Index, dictionary of Blhle prop- ' r n-rnr., 11 iiiuwiraiirms rrom scenes In th Holy Land, 11 color! -. maps, etc.: regular $1.5 valu. r-- j rial Clearance prd, each. .....f 1 $1.5 B1UI.E FX 11401'" lar. to tho- t ". I .1 llnlns d d: oiir r r I Clear. rl"