The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 10, 1905, Image 6

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-.J -
Crants Pass and Sumpter Fitting
Up Permanent Headquarters
Miners May Take Up Question of
Permanent Statej Exhibit-
T7'':: .''''"After' Fain -
. i 7iThn ' riui)U Pfifca' Miimra' .association
- ': . in rapidly etitflppliig a permanent exhibit
ronm with via trojn Ui onttrn tiiKinci
T','Wfutry.'"S'VM-iiT volumes of "the CnHed
- Hute . geujugicar-ajiirvey puMtctitlona
'it' been hi the fxhlblt room.
' iu.1 the purpose, of tb muriaKc"ment
v .'", , to ilur this" feature by putting in a
good eixod library;'
. At-eiurnplw the .ruliier are alfo put
V"tf ' permanent exhibit. . At tha
-Bin-ling licM early .. in the Week, jrotn
sjiittee : ww apltolnted t7 l"0 after
v .'" Tli'BiTirtIptf;'i-)mWo-'tnWrirIn
.vjjc'a.-Contribution of money were made
ami nrrntigeme-nts were complete, xor
iiiipcJoe the. ynotn.. ' ,
' - . Ore exhlblis are becoming more gen-
' welkin Oregon than, for years.- Formerly
tti rich, specimens of private "Indlvlrtu-
.uls wer about all. that could be. Been.
..'tlM. exhibit t the .Union . deiiot. of
f ;tbla city; "and at .the Chamber of Com
unerc. rooms. IS fconstantly being en.
larged. '. Mine owners seem to appre-
relate the value of having representative
" ft-oUection of ore where visitors may
. --.view them, and the general movement
. wo, doubt will result In la great state
5"i""riTbtt la a short time, possibly at the
close at the Lewis, and Clark, eaposl--tlon.--
U (. - i ,
. ' fSpecla, rlttteb t The Journal.)
, . ' Oiyropia, Wash., Feb. 10. There la
J W prospect that the mine taxation bill
dritroduced v the representative from
: JFrrry county will Vecome.e lam ThUL
moiiuct prtlVMloa lur. twain mesic
'. ' Jmenta on the net value of or In sight
dR mttaeii. which niost operators regard
lmcrsct(-L.'l'troe taxes could be
. ttillccted'timler'tht law, anrue the mln
- ,2ns: men the assessor would have to be
- mn expert emtmeer, er have In his em
Jrloy ,enlneerlPK talent capable of e
', ininlnic and reporting on every mini
" Bsosed.'"-Tba-coat and time involved
. , -would ba prohibitive, and. It seems amis
' crfnln that the. bill , has never beeu
--.Jeven serious consideration,' ,
MfieUl DUpstra te The JovmsM '
TtnBSland. BT:ai, Feb. 10. Blnee the
-board jft. directors "of tha Le Koi an
loum-eti reappointment, of A. J. McMU
covery of hlghar krade ore en the 1.300
levil 1ms been pertrapsthe ninst stimu
lating Influence This. wi(n the 'more
satutfaetury saving enVcted in mllllnit,
and better practice, finally SMtabllshed at
the smelter, combine to give iJi Uat
an encouraging wppol. The . camp gen
era 1 It Is p) ore hopeful.' A finl.Na :
hS WenrtkHng excellent work. The
War Kagle and Cenfee Ktar.Mnder the
fni w maimgenienl, are showing up bel
ter. The extensive Improvements DO'
Ing made on four or Jive proiwrtles will
inerense their 4onnge materially. -Tbi
year will doubt be one of ihetet
for substantUil, permanent . results
known to the. ItowVlnnd 'district.
(Snei-lal lH.iM.trh t.Tke louiVal.) '
Council Hluffii. in., Feb. 10."-Sinre it
was a. ini.iiHivaleJ at the. snnual meeting
of -the l'.irtbin.r Uuld Mining, companv'
thst Jffmes tV Hums, president, did not
nave rintrti of a mJ(M Ity of lie stotik
there rha, beAn much speculation; ar to
tho fuLur potlcy. or the company. .ir.
MurfiM lii the seixiritte report nuhmltted
of operations jritli'lKed the present mHB-
aRembnt, charging It with economic mis
takes.- However, thtg hsa not redeemed
the former munsger for his at
tlia. -time of the .great Cripple Creek
KtrllW's. .when he. was charged with lend
Ing the tre;ntndoua.i influuiu!0..of .. t.hc
PurtUmd mine, to the aid and comfort of
the strijcers. . - i
The profits for; 1904 were tn't. 8l.-
0n0.,'-"r-- itrly 100,000 . less' than - for
linTeArempnisntTw,lrTrocWited dur
ing the year .was in excess of 1R.0OO
feet, bringing' thq total development- Of
tha Portland up to SI - mlles,i. Up until
June the milling coats In the great plant
Jf . the Company "had - been "reduced' to
1.26. but after the mill superintendent
of the new regime entered .this was
materially . reduced, ... .
(Bneelal PUpstea to The Jounul.) '
Ban Frnciseo,rTa., Feb, 10. Ex-
port!THon..of copper to the orient ..con
tinues at an enormous paoe. Little
dauljt remains In the minds of mining
men tssit the extraordinary demand is
largely from Japan, Blthoimh the neav
lest alrtpmenta jire made to HotigJCting.
Japan Imports a large- quantity direct.
1ml 'tha unprecedented .atrlpments-: to
Hong Kong aud other parta of China.
ahlch' have - 1ne!reasea - ten-fold - since.
the Russo-Jsnanese warrbesan. satlsfv
observant ones that Jupart Is receiving a
larra pTiTtmn--Tf thn tso, perhaps m
Vome. roanufaotured foftn. The effect
has Bern to reduce the. visible supply
ln'Amci lca greatly and ' stimulate the
market, The year lS -Is expected to
see 'copper.cllmb alKv 14 cents for a
permanent ' position. ' " '
jrnpeitles of t He company, and plan
jor-thej present year have been outlined.
n..,u.., "Jment. connects the properties with .Uu
smelter Jn such a way that the ore may
be delivered li iut M H is -needed.J
To The Stomach
Tears dtrwn the little Telegraph Lines
"that Operate andcontrol the -Digestive
Processes. . ".:'
.How To Repair-These Tcle
. . graph Lines. " -: '
. , Will pisaly Oi AnjStnio SuffMj a Tull
:. Dollar's Wortk of My Xemedy
(' ' :- rree- te-yry, ;
" "" " ' '. "'
...I.- - ii tWtpOKit lift referthoe-i-ao 4urlty.
. t. . "iere i feitliitif tA rUk -botfaitiic tm tlttoer
w t ivr. Any twiiuicli Miifrn-r Mln ihm
sinr kii'iw sir tvMifily nmj karr a full dollar'
- y -V(rth fre. If in.-rlr rlfn ami aaa.
... "1 wilbutly -snake this Uhersl Wfr beesiue. Ilr.
tluMifr K-.t.'atirA U tint an ia-.lliiary atojui-ta
3 liwMly. It irtr-nwt-. -intle'.!, -treat tttp Mi.ikiii.-Ii
. ' ?'"ir. "truiea t It Uu- iiiram tiiat
... 7 ftnlroi ana ?Hfre lite loWtt-Ji. fne BfirvrirA
. ..'..., 4bat r tint sBd brrak tlynn ana . I Al
, tcuui4l. '.r l.'iijh Ttutililw la reslljr
- . -wily ' uimjq tli'Te . la NtrlcMlt n.-rvv
11-onble luMhl... TLutl 1 lijr .tliuti-y al-iiii.ilt n
Ml. Tbt why. uiy mneuy ano-w.H. ihit b
. w .' ' '' I run lf..rj U nut, tbla vtU-r.-
' Vet k ivt laiwml.TtruNi um whi'S 1 aay
, -'.liryea '' 1 not watt lh" wrtri yw
. Vwriijr 'Hiitik. abinu. I ntfan th- antuuiatU'
'-v 'etmHarti ncTTfTi m-r wlih-tt " y.ttir lutlifl h.i n.t
'v..-. 'wttr'.l. i bw? ta.t th K.ace h-r;- 4o txplahi to
, ymi b.iS' tti imra f.titr.l tlte or bow
' Ah.-v vit Im. Tli!lv.".i Hiid rf-iiifl'."ff.' Wha oti
.. "tp I will afii.l iiu n bk whUii will Biak
fir lAunt- cb'Kr. ''Mat till inat-h U i-rtam
. ' I!I'S iwtvm. .-Kftw all forsa .f t.touia.-k
j. . "tf'Uhle--iii!fl.i'wt.i'.i, lM:a'tkiei; - heHrllMirti. In-
. jnHUt.-lu-- will fill. IH.1M.' HlllnmtK. tllily nprti1
. -waltr.nt Mill t... th:tl. N' nlhr ri'liMtrly than
( : I'f. K(.' i:mturaiin even rUuii j.i reach
; th 'titfpaa.
.VVr mm tli.- titnojArk tiorti'O- M'ort-jr. f.r.1
" - labia, MvnLalicinHtl liralnivM thlr tluy BIrt
:. -c l laia Uon the f.k-fniia llu.- .. Ithotit
hlctl tb.' alulita.-h kuM imi itutr. arlf vwiilrtl than
v. ,? . rk' will rt It. Irr.-iiular
'- , Hit will .h. II- Oy.n'uliliK wilt 4k It Waal
' itxtloM VIII do h. iut Ik .-ffr'H w I be aalui-
" T' ITln'.ll iHil'ir.-.
-, v... f -i-No atuj . iv mTin tweame imfatretl
I Jffu.w a y Jv rrtiuiM th.-ir atreiiKllr tu
T r, ihpr riKif. It la a r-nno.Ir lil.U m.ti
.- ..jMrty mt mr lite l t-rfn:t a. minrtlv
,tu. b i imht VTt.mii In iu..r tliaii jlf!T
--M-aitt-iimagiwiii'iirfii t m - v Mijnir-T.:irn..iiJ
.- , lv.""f-ua Ut, ataa..a ll.-rt-.iatlti-v J.
. . If y.a lta- -at'.Ktit. tt tiirf:t.hi mihI hat ti.Trl-
"I'rl,'l nr reuieJ.r, ni"r-l n ami tti. I will
. , seiKt ail ..til.T ..d -.,,r .lr.tii.l.i whl.ti It.--,,
'' fll a.vj'i glnr n h- w.hi i. .-..-pi ii
4 -lr lln a tH iiaittl jtial fr.nn ln ahgv. a.aian.l
re aliatl Iwttht of my vrftf tlptl..u, t., lr mil
' . awud the hill tn mv. Thai t.ff- r It. Aiaiie only .
eiiuirer wifiy remeut. lb'i Jutr int
,. --. J'- the iteaujrtifite. alt. t;uaf llt.K tiyl.kiKf.
t ."it(l.. art' W t--tft.jill.-fa 1.0 ' I "(iitr.iH-ltl a. It
v ' i "I1" awl frank ami rtrlr' It .r Knt.
. , .,. Vm, ef uiy limit !- iH,r An that I "bk
Orrfi h dt. la t rttt -writ totUjr.
V .'- t .1 - -.
.--.Pne a fte" ee 'or lt-tok I an I'r'iitia.
". fait 4lar H,.tl- -n-mk tit., ll.-.rt. -
Ttwi, ns-t : ntttfr-! i itU'fc.U m Hi, .Uim-t.
It fbtwi.. K.l b '.!. t. l.( VVi.iuvn. '' "
t(uHt.-. wis. Hlnlf l ..1 .'. !, V ..
.-Wht.-k tttatfc jtarft e'ai't. ftt'-tt "tt ru C!n-timailm.
f XIW1 fiMfn ititwl l,v a h-11...
t.nKt at lofty- tu.tuu.i il,1) nn-.
1 , - -
. . (Special. PUpatefc to Tha Jourusl.)
Grants Pass. -Or- Feb; 10. While
tbSF has been no reoent develupmen-t
ltnportanoe at Takllma Indicating 'the
time . when the' smelter ts to blow In
sgauv cltlxens of Oranta Faaa have ax
su ranee that early spring will find the
plant operating. The management has
continued .' development ' work ' quite
steadily on the-Queen 'of-ronse, Cow-J
boy. and the L.yttle The drifts from
thAJleeMaXxroaa-ulsrhajta-"ben ripened
In good ore, placing It in. position for
eaay-etopljig. T-he. winter' work will
undoubtedly pew amripienireervea tnr
-;. f WttX. BOW ZV BOOK. 7'.-..'
" (Special Diapstet te Tba Jcmraal.-p-'
Davenport, Wilk, Feb. 10. The msn-
agementor the Turk Mining company
gives "aesurancirfhnt fSTe l mpro'ved mln
eral smelter, erected on that property
to be blown In again soon. . Since the
company Increased . its capital stock
and put a heavier fund In the treasury.
the scope of operations has broadened.
The management believes the smelting
plsnt being testetfrttt ultimately prove
satisfactory, and -will giva It full oppor
tunity by, replacing whatever part is
defective. - The company lias mines
capable of producing smelting ore. and
iintends to-make this or some other fur
nace a success.- ...
.. - -. ... .'- ' - T-"--.".-..--
tieetal I'lfpatrb t The Journal.)
Grants Pass, Or., Feb, 10. MiTllug st
the,. JUcky" Queen," ln me Joe district.
Is titjlayed totr-rotidltion of .the roads.'
Ore luts' hauled by wagons from
tha.' tunnels to the milt,, and retsent
weather has Ifeft thibtghway In bud con
dition. The mumtgt ineut will Inrprove the
riiadu emffit'tently for constant hauling
after' work -Is commenced In earnent.
The mill has been in readiness for a
ihhort time, the tests given proving it
to bai aajxcellent plant,, - .
- . .Special IHaati'h to ' Ttfe Journal )
JK)iUa Cjeek. Or.J Feb. !(. The Tel
low Jewel mining property, near this
place, which' has been examined recently
by prominent inlying men. will work a
1h ihii' force throughout the season of
"LTlie stioa-ing for the 'depth at
tnlnetf is excoett tonally good, n ml nt
tlriubt is felt by the tifnn'ii.iir Twin
have 'sufficient' backing' to develop the
VJlo w- Jv wl--tMug hi y, -i-
- nospzer is tormio,
iHurrlal IHauatrho Ttie Journal.)
Baker City. Or., VVb.-4..-.The Mat
titon Mining company1-Is still shipping
to the Ktnnptiir smelter.. This young
property- of the Pocahontas dlxtrict.
which l in charge of A. W. Butler. Is
n ported to have an exceptionally firte
IhxIv nf or in the lower level recently
established.-" The rork will It shipped sa
rapidly an it is broken (Ipvtn in the
BCErfEm nr cxakoe, "
,i(tn.-rlal liiaparrh tn The JosniaJ.)
Bk.-r" Ctty. r- Feb. IDt Hltwo-the
lippnlntment of. John Vei t-as receiver fur
the ltlcon Aheia)iave been no devel
opments of ; imjiorttri-e In its nffalra.
The move seems toTel pm suant t tht?
plan liiuugurnted recently, whrehy
forecloKiire is to lie preaaei1!, leavlne;
the' Stockholders lh.1 rppi.tlimity trt -redeem
"or make othev prnvlMlnn for ll'iul
tbilltm o-the ludelitetlness,. - - - - -
'iKm-ilsl tM.pat.-h tt TheTotlthHt)
Hltlrn-n,"(tr!,. Feb. 10. Aasunt RohmI.
nf lleaveittMr. aind I-ew)s Tullot k. of the
nu place, had their preliminary hesr
iniy bt'Tortt-the juntlce here yesterday.
Auaiiit Koyi'l Is proprietor, of 'he snlnnn
that was, tillered and damaged by Mrs.
Mcn& a few weeks ago. olh Rossi and
lw TulI'M'k were chsrgeil with si'li
tng snd- glvltig llnnnr It the. mirror son
of kLrs. , ItnilM. T trey " Were exelt placed
tinrler. ni iMtnilt. to sptiesr boforo the
circuit vouii lu iUfuk r---
fxm mom et.
)rt '
't- .' . ... i .", w
"I 1
Is now" In Its" height of glory. No sale held In the city has ever been
so. successful. We wefe crowded all day" last Saturday-jet lt be so
-todayr-rWc regretwe were unableo-wailnTiihlaslrSatardayrbut'haver
an extra iorce of salesmen for this Saturday, so there'll be ho waits. -The T
entire stocK, consisting of $30,000 WORTH , OF MEN'S AND B0YSV
CLOTHING sacrificed at r
All previous prices quoted .by. any house on the coast. : Ve will save all
buyers of Clothing and Furnishing Goods money who buy here Saturday.
No shoddy or shopworn gobds-every article jiew and strictly up-to-date.
li'.'A dollar jr. value here for your hard earned dollar. ; . .- .'; '7 -; :';.. v '.H';.
: MEN'S .
We Are' Showing a 'Complete Line
, - .of Air New Things In
k M a. e .
Another lot, large variety, '''.
worth 13.00; choice;. ........ OSC .
II nut f K mA J RA 4 -
... vi. t (V a., M w m't t auto
go at tills sale for ,.,....1.35
A better lot thst we' did Tiejl-for
. $3.00, 13.(0 and 14 00eMu luiujt
t them and you take choice -
Another lot of $4.00,' 14. BO ' and .
$5.00 Pant nil go your : .
choice . for ;. ............. . 92.0S
You cart huy a. free cltolce of an
' extra fine line of Fants. correct
... chevkvts and worsteds, all hand
laui'iou garmenis, worm
' 1. ' an T, now.-vt-fW,f 3.45
V Overalls 5at Cost 7A;
A large line f Overalls and Jack
- ets. with or without bibs, .striped
; and plain, all union made," , ' ,
wurth 75o a, garment; now...40
tnrozawxAja. not.'
wfcAm, sto. 7"i; '
Tou'll never regret '.vlshlng the
Red Front during our Introductory
Sale If you have any. Idea of buying
In this line, for our, price are cut
to less than half the original prices
aKeav by"Competlturs-
Derby ' Ribbed : I'nderwear, too
aiuas'our trlce. gar--
7'ment; .V....'.2SfJ
"Ex.trai Fleece-Lined L'nder-
. wear, ex"tra tailored, value -- -l.0
; our : prica .j. Aj! ,'. . . 45 7
Golf, Madras and Percale Shirts,
. any also wanted, values, fl.00;
; our price., , 35f
; An Extra Good Golf Shirt, any
. , sise, value T6ci wur , price. ..29f'
Black fiatln Shirt, welt tailored,
.double stitched and a perfect At-
r. tinjUfoirV-vahies sj andr3J
76c;,tsjr pi fee : r-t'.".Trl ."35f) -
Men's Working Shirts: best material."
a snap at tfcL.during this
sale, alljlsea ..294
The best lie Merino and Oray""" v
and- -Fancy -Sox for . ; ge "
A large .lthei,of,.75a value, la.
Sweaters that wa will sell -
for only ... ,35T.
r-A-strloUy aU wd $1 Sweater;-
Red Front, - all color and 1 -
, les, for enlVj, 1,65
A ' large aasortnent - of 25c values
. In good, serviceable Suspend- -
ers for ................... .18)
imported Web Buapetiders, the klnrr
, .you can't break and will last
y"''!!!!t'-y?'riB Jred, of thVriy -
yTues7j5cJiejg..i-. . .. .. . . .3Se-
. All styles of the best grade Neck- '
wear.,.tlia .-kind you pay I to and
0c for at clearance sale; ' r-
hre,... ................. .15
"Hundreds of useful tnmgs tn
Men' and Boy' Furnishing- ell
the latest style and highest qual
ity, while tho price are t a loss
To the public as the Red Front.
We have a large line of good, warm 7
7 Gloves, worth 15c, that wa-will
sell while they last at, . J"";
pair ... .j,. . v. . 18,-
We also cariry a line rtf-Youths"
and Hoys' "Shirts : art 'Vhderwear ,
that .we are seling at a very small .
price.-- ': '.. . ' , . .
Hundreds of styles to select from in hand-Tailored, sweir-fashloned j;arments---Karrnents that
See them for your own conviction. , . '.
are only equaled by the tailor-made eoes.
Choice of 48 ' ! If f ereal styles or afedlnm or WtaUr
Weight Overcoats, short, or moderately long garment
that sold at clearance aale for 110.00 and $11.00. We
defy competition and could only do so fj C AC
by losing money,' but It's our Way bf ad- 3 J.r J
vartislng and ta reduce enlarge tock. . ... .
rorty different etyle iaVtU and Winter mand-IaUored
Overcoats. The latest fashioned, and the very best
linings. These- garments 1 wesr and -retaltr-thehr-ahape
llko gartnartts that wilt cost you elsewhere 115.00. $14.00
nd 111. 00. but as a way off Introducfns; otrr-uew jiamo,
the "Red Front.", we sell them at ectuai cost. Kvery
purchase eanbd returned If not
jfactory you money back without
quihltlingC. , . j i .t. . . . . ;. . . . . . .
-Tour fnll choice of 00 different styles of the Tory beet
hand-tailored, mnioa made garment to be seen In the
city, In all the new materials, some silk lined, In fall
and ..winter, weight. ,. (We have CraveneUesatthls
price, too.) These garment are unequaled and we glva
a , positive guarantee of satlsfactloawlth every enO
sold : or money readily -returned. See v r vy a.
..them. Our only exctisefor the price I OlVnrVJ
. I . T... ,
IV ill. 1 ul u. n vtll mTK . va .,,.,.,.,,,,.,,.
Your fall ehotoe of S half koadred dlffereat pattern
la AU-Wool Scotch Butte, hand-tailored, serge lined, aelf
jeuinlng shape. Tou can't buy- them .elsewhere In
the city under $10.00 to lltoo at - the t MfT
L'great 'Clearance sale-prices now -in ; - 0ae7taT
pjwtgreaa i ...... . ..engaj-i
Xand-TaUored Sort, a seleotioa from ftS dlff ret tyle-
a&4 patteamssutts that ypu pay at ctearsnre sates from
flo.oo, $1.00 anI $18.00 for. r these are to be had In
.fweeda and cashmeres, in mixed and staid colors. No
equal to these garments, and bur future a as
reputation ts squarely-behind 3 tyj
them ... ..... . . . . . . .s , , . . , . , , . . , . . . . . masmlSBsm
Choice of over ye dlffereat patterns aad tyle are Viere
to select from; at t'hls price, -.NoriTs Ingle old tyl gar-,
ment In the lot. Suits that -tun. clearance sale-competitors
sre selling Tor $1$.50, $20.0d and $2M'-r Thoy are
hand-tailored from Imported, tweeds and cashmeres, aha
very' best quality of goods, fashlondcH the latesC made',
by union Workmen. Actually je sre selli s Q f
Jng thes7 garment at ciBtr-Jnat toad- a!lvJaOj
.lav f.1111 Hunt
- - ' - - . , , - - . ... a t T -
VsaiLLakJ : . fw-a C Xex " Vk- i1
1 ana OOy5 OUIl and VV
I - l- 4 .. ' -.
Well tsfllored and fashioned to auIJ the most . fastidious youth, while the boys suits are the
Kind the mother likes they wear and look well. ' ' 717
lbiiths'Suits Ov'reoats
Oholoe of BS aUYereat style of mew all day worsted,
ekertetw aad faney ssiked: aaatarlals. Nof a, suit here
is worth less than $I0.fl0. and that what you'd pay . at
so-called clearance sales. ' Wa lose nfoney, but what's
that If we- get yput trade in the. future fj fC Of
and your confidence. Remember, the Red w JeO-J
Frorjt, Overcoat at same price .,,..";..., '
Cholo of aa styles of Suits U eisys. serves s4kjUTtol41La0(Suit5n4v
best hand-tailored, swell styles all materials lm
-ported; single and double breasted. Overcoata Sams
price to match.) : Bvery suit is the essence of style,
fashioned the latest. Ws make alteration. W can
afford, to lose - on -these if we i get the
young man's confidence and his trade In
tne future... ........ , . s . . . . . , . . . ...
Boys' Suits and OvVcoats
-All $2,00 Suits. . ,., . j'. ,5J
AH $2.50 Suits . Vrr-i .-V ZtT.i 91.25
ah $3uso Suits.T;r.;rrr:;n7r;v.st9i.75
AH $4.50 Suits..V;....v...r...... ,92.25
All $5,(Kr. Suits and Overcoats...,...-. 92.50
AH $7.00 Suits and Overcoats. . . . , . . ;
AH $8.00 Suits- and 0crc6ats . . ... . . , .
. Bettcrgrade if you wish to nay more. Ve
are long on Children's Clothing.. 7 7 ;; :
raZOSS OTfT But the Quality' and
, Style Remain A.,Nd. 1.7 .
- ' ' -' '. " -
srramT OTowst . aAyg axol:
7-,:. fTTXJJ....: --t: , -
- - W er losing on Hals. snrt while '
'we have irome that you can buy for
less than $1, w carry .'the best $3
; Hat In the market- : . ' . ,-- . ' 'j
Now, durlna;-4Ms ' sals, 'any Red
Front $3.00 Hat 1 your - -. -
7r: for , .tii.u.. ..... . ; . . -SI. 50 .
. All "contract $S Hat during' '
vthlwa only ;$2.T5
1 We have another lot of style that
7 , were sold for $3.68 and $3.00;
you can pick your choice '" -i.or,.,.r..i.....:r.-,$l.25--,
Still another- quality, all new shape.
7. end etyle; you -ran hv ---r -;
choice for . ...".TS;.,. , .90t'
A -few odd 'line and broken sixes, ;
if we can fit you and please ' ' .
- you, your chohJe forr only. . . .45 ,
Don't. SfevaJngXTTalTveTTOOkr
the Red Front 43 Hat for 11.50, a
- Hat snap you'll not get- again soon. ;
Suit Cases :
Leather .Suit Cases, a' full line at
less than half of the actual -oat of
the manufacturing of the article. .
Our Stocks, Embrscea fcve'ry. M'ant'ef
'. ''- 'Boy. . .
extra -quality of .Black'
lateen Shirt . . , ,
A goo
Negligee Shirt, value
' .'
iod quality of Flannel
Chderwaar for ....... f .
. 1 f
A - lc. grade -"Black- Double-Knce
ST Btocklng; Just" the Ihtnt "
f.Sh...-v.v "'.. --vTMV
A, better . " grade Black . Stocking,
double knee, value 20c and , ' ' ..,
ttg. now....:...',-,-, ,.10
A flrstrass Percale or Flannel "
:Walst. worUi 40c; how. , . ,i9-
A" good Sweater, value 75c, V
' ror-- -fff
"A 'M.80 value n Worsted, Sweat
ers, assorted 'colors, for 7
-ony 77. . .. . .. .. . .. ...... ,70c
Many-ot her-ert Icles., rrtjfwct.7thrrr
entire Stock Is .placed ki your In
spection at-htf price, and in many
intttarices Icbs. Seeing Is believing.
Coma and see. The cost to yod .is:'
, onlyjs, few minutes of your time.-
Orders as fast during this ,
ale as possible, guaran
teeing every article pur
chased just as repreienteil
here in this ad, or money
l ; I A I . ' 1 1 I I
-. . .." ...... 1 -
v Clothirig
and Furnishing's- ;
. We advertised bar stock
of Tobacco would be in
'March i. That wss
wrong; It's " here now.
Every well known brand,
.which we sell at cost
prices. No profit asked
here, at s our way of. get
ting acquainted-- f - if
-14- 11 cl- ...Tit - 3arrTrT3t jDrrrrr-r-r- -ar r
Jwenty-Three ; Applications for
County Certificates and '.
Four :f of "State."
(Aie.-ial pared to TBe1 Journal.) -
Corvallls, Feb. 10. Today the'teachJ
ers examinaUons that -have- been In
progress au the court home are to close.
There were 23 applicants for : county
certificates slid four for state papers:
The latter are Ml Maud Mattley, Mrs.
Nellie Tiiniilaon. Miss Fleming and Mis
Marvel. -i.The work of exsmining hss
been dfthe by Prof. N. Tartar. Prof. O. V7
ttterf Phltcrmsth, snd Professor Den-
man, of Corvallls. . "
Preparations are under, .way for a
teachers. Institufer to-be held in Cor
vttls a wetk from next Saturday. Prof.
T. A, Hsyei and 8. A. Richardson, of Albany.-
will assist in the-.wn.rk.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. L. Kline have departed
for Pun,, I-"ranclsco for a stay of in
definite lentjth. , ""'
Prof, and JW-'s,, K. C. May wood en-ti-ilaliit-il
at whlut Tuesday evening In
honor of Mint' Wlnntfretl Miller -of
fUKen. Tlie first prise wss taken by
Ml Mabel Vlthiomh, anil the con by Profesnor 8haw. The icca
jtlun . was enjoyed.
The ladles' Cffe club Is give a
'dilnclng party in- Firemen's hall Muniltiy
ti t-nliiic . . ... c. l. . .
lwia Mottenljergof the firm of llol
IcnheTg : ( ndy !' exfitcted home to
'ulght from a 1 rii. to Iowa.
John Mills, of Rnlitm. was a vlaltnr
Tn Curvullle litis weiik.
(Stf.l te Ibe I-rarsaJ.) .".
1 Ifrmi'le. f.'ch. 10. - are" "six
stltn-mt-n hn trisr In m arande be
fora the circuit cmtrt. which is In ses
slon h"ra. for- keeping their plsees of
btmire sa wra-un-Suniy,.- in the' cleo
--'1 ' ' '" - "' - "' ' I-.--."-'
... '.'" ' ; "'""" ; ' J '" "' ' ' 'i '"" "' ' J '''''''
, 7 ... ' - I - i 7" ''-v ,,';. 2-" '- ; 7, 7'
- V. .
; ., .,, jnore than were you to pay cash, and aMessthan elsewhere. j,' L , ;
The Portland Loan: O
MARX CSV BLOCHProprietors . - 74 THIRD TREETi Near Oak
tlnn here Inst September gambling wss
closed In the city and the opening of
moons on Sunday prohibited. . . . '
. - -, 1. i .
tvo man ran cure eonsumnlinn.
Dr. ikkI'i Nor-
ran prevent It, though.
way ..fine nyrup curcg
biunclilils. sore fhrtmt
orrxoxata c&bctxd.
(Mlierlal lllapatih te lb Journal.)
Tji Orsnde, FVh. ' 10. Office!'' -nave
been elector! ns follows for the. Pips J-
Needlo compa ny.) pesr Snmmervllliv.H
It. ;!., Rl,fecy,-
I'riltiTllM nlllatt
Never fSlls., miles, rrom thls.tllyi
T,a Orsnde-; A."W. IVftvl. Portland; J. T.
Wooden. Summerville: Turner and Sirs.
Oliver. La Orand. This company msnu
factures fibre and oil from pins -needles.
A free eieatrleaat. panorama at the
fornet1 or Third and Alder street, from
. SM-sa, to I. B, A. . ... - hi
Will have no terror '
for you if ycur c6al
bin is filled , wilh -
. STJOK AS WaT(3Itt. V
Why pay money -for the kind That
causes trouble and vexation, when ci
are' certain sure of satisfaction by plac
ing your ordor heret "
Rbck Springs
aa. Darts, rAaiAdsnt, -
S93 B. Morrlsoa DC Ihoae Bast 11ML