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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1905)
v .! . -r: -' - ' - - ' : DAILY JOURNAL' PORTLAND, .''FRIDAY - EVENING FEBRUARY ; 10.- 1905. --.- iTIIS OKZCON r ST TOViJ TOPICS TOBIOHT'S AMVtZMfSTt. Marqnam Urand,,. - Vollllilhla i.. ... . , , ......... "Hhaun Rbue" "XwM Laeuder" .ui.irn.. ...,,....,... ..."Over MI(ara ralla" l.rrio. . -x Cheerful IJar" brand , , Vmadevlll Hakt . ......' ...VtUdfTlth Hl r .......... ...rt.v..... ..Vuileill- t Preparation ar being; made for tba - removal of County Assessor B. D. Blg , ler to he elty hall, wher ha will oc- cupy th room recently vacate! by tn -V - tal. company, on the tipper : floor. t County.. Treaaurer- Lewi la to HZ. tho rooraa now uaed by the aaaeaaor. The ro'yna will be refitted and mad more comfortable. Tha county aavea tio month by the change. No charge Will '.be made by the city for the aaaeaaor'a . ""grooms, the official winning to havehim mere j n oraer to nave the recoraa con- venlent. The, treaaurer! a quarter now .' coat the ;ounty $40 a mouth. , ft. seventeen Additional trial Juror w,ere urawn yesterday ty Deputy uierk. n . O. Smith aad AL R. Johnson to serve . . on and after February 17; KUward EV- erett. Insurance agent; M. - Vrateeg, V . -manufacturer E. W.-. Row, druggist; Oeorge A. Jaooba, druggist; j. Jaluhel, :,- capitalist;.; JJ ' w. Blngletary." stationer O. Uobbl, avcretary Past Co.; Charlea i Olaen, laborer; F. It. Neale, laborer; ;--'-Jinm N. " Acheaon.", manager; Thomas .. . M'jnroe. real estate dealer; Qeorge W, V Carpenter, capltallat; 14. Steele, brick layer; H. If. NewhalL banker; -jrs A. K. Bpugle, merchant r U. M. Straus, ahoe- maker; Adam Yoat, teamster. -, . -. Dick Ferris, the Minneapolis theatrical . : manager, la said to hv fbrmed a com blnatlun to lease or construct theatre ".' In seven cities, of which Portland Is one. The others are Bt, Paul, Kansas City, Dea Moines. Seattle. Winnipeg and Minneapolis. The plan propoaod la to establish stock companies In the thea-l trea and at the. end of each three or -four weeks-have tha companies-' change places, tliua preventing the likelihood of .patroue -arwinn"weary of the , same . faces. Kerr la has made a fortune or two out of cheap stock companies In h own city.- . "' ..: , . , ""The sum of 111,600 is to bo given to the Good Bamaiitan hoapltal by Mrs. C.t II. Lewis and Hiss alary If. Couch, If '"that amount be necessary to Install, a - modern surgery department In that In stitution. , They have made, the dona- - tlon In honor of their parents, Capt. ami t- Mrs. John IL Couch, , It will b located - in the third story of tha Marshall afreet side of the new wing, and will be oon- - atructed according to the latest Ideas " o the scientists. ... " - ? the Illinois society will hold an la tereHtlns; seaalon tomorrow evening at ' the K. of P. ball, on tha.elghth floor of :tho Mnrquam bulldftig (not this even. ing. ua 1ms been Vrroneously announced , and a largo attendance of members Is re - yupntcd, A cordial Invitation is extended ' ' by PrvMldent W. T. Vaughn to all state .i'Hliio4mmdi - hrt fraternal ,, speec'lics, a mualcal entettulnment, and refreshments will be features of the u - tertuinment. . ' " Efforts are being .made to enforce the ' law closing the saloons In Milwaukle. A ,-lljfcnae lias been tsaued f or v salooiv and - the cooncil haa been besetged to order the owner, to close on Sundays. The reform movement may also go .so far as to Include all buHln-shouses.' Rev. V, TKheT James H. Reed and J. W. Urasley beaded a deputation of cltiseuavj :wtiO-i culled oiitba.--coucll- -a-a--at tneellng andpelltloned that the law be enforced, . .'. ;.' . Those Interested in the preservation " -of he local option law, an attempt to amehd which la now being made in the legislature, are invited t attend a ieeUus; to MLjol4i- the Tf. M. C. A. , this evening, under . the auspice" " of , Multnomah prohibition alliance. - E.B.J .. McAllister, attorney- of the Antl-Baloon league, who i thoroughly familiar with ' -the situation, will address, tha gather- " .". Sumner post No. 11 and Women's Re . lief corps j4o. 2, a. A. R., will meet in -the ball on Union avenue tomorrow night to obaerve L-lncoIn a birthday.. An in ' terestihs.program . has been prepared. The principal speaker, will b L-W. My- - --era. one of the founders of the Reoubli can party, and an anti-slavery edlWr for . many years before tha wart--" . Other speakers will be Col. D. BBush, J. V. ; Brock am Jt-li-Pntt. , Tho Home Training asaoclation at.fta meeting yesterday listened to a paper by,Mrrw. W. Payne from Hnry Clay . Trumbull "Hint on Child Training." Tha point, emphasised was the Import "' ance of .teaching 'a child right from wrong and the discretion . , which th - mother should exercise In punishment, The association Is arranging for a rally at the end of this month. .r - -. . . . ' Annie llachtmarf has' asked the clr ' cult court-to require. J. Rosencranta, from whom she waa recently - divorced, ,-ta hoW cause why he should not sup '.' port their minor - daughter, whom he -kept for two week at St. Helen' hall. , " After paying tuition for that time he re fused to furnish more money, -and the 'iii .-daughter wt nt to her mother. - The caae . will be beard on February 16. , ' Jaracs Howard, who was sentenced to one year In the county jail on a chsrge or larceny, gave a nctiuoua,nam When arrested. Hi nam I James Black well, '-' under which he served a term In' the ' Walla. Walla penitentiary. He wa sent . op from Xing county. ... . :.. . : -., Steamer "Homer" sails from Couch 'Vtreet dock . for- Coo bay and Eureka Saturday, February 11. ft p. m: Rates, Coos bay $5.00 cabin; $1.00 second class. . - Kureks. cabin IT.IO; second class" $5.00. . j F, P. Bkumgartner, agent. Maui S61. - .-.Tha new steamer "Prentiss" all'dl rect - for. San -Franclaoo from Couch atreet dock Monday, February IS, at 3 p. m. Cabin 411.00, - second - SS.00. . '. . Meals and berth Inoludod. F. P. Baum gartner, agent. ' Main ' Ml. '. 'B. 8. Cough and Croup Syrup The ' . great children's remedy. In use over 60, . years.- , Alwaya reliable. . Bronchial trouble. For sale by Knight Drug Co. B. 8. Cough and Croup Syrup The most useful family medicine. Keep It on hand for emergencies. Colds. coughr croup. For sal by .Knight Drug Co. ' " We clean ano pres your clothe and , shin your shoe for $1.00 par month. Unique tailoring Co 14T Washington. Main 114. . , vaientin social ami oanca given ny '-the Calldonlan Saturday evening. Feb- 1 ruary n. at Urew han, 141. Second and ; Morrison, - ' - ; j ' Ask your grocer for bolden Cheddar. V ' r , i Cures croup. ore throat, piilmonarv - troubles Monarch over pain of every 1 aotU Drr Thomas Erlectrlo Oil. j, .. r. .,.,. , . ) . - x. A. Cameron cam lnfrom Spokane ' 1 this morning. . '- FRISDTEfl SA1L0HS Nicomedia's Crew Fear) Evil Threatens Because of Visit ' of Ill-Ornened Birds.': 'J1 . . -..'w..V W FOUR SEA EAGLES SH0TJ ' JjAMO CAPTURED, BUT DIE Oriental Liner Arrives With Cefw v eral Cargo After Plowing . . ; Way Through Ice. 'X The steamship Klcomedla, which ar rived last night after a passage of 18 days from Yokohama, had rough weather during tha voyage. - Blinding snow storms, accompanied-by-arhlgn westerly wind, continued almost without abate ment until .the Columbia river was sighted. As the blow - waa . mostly In her favor It did not Interfere with the time of the -steamer. - ,4 . , .When in mldocea-n a cold..avsvo was eipeiienced, ' tba tharmometef feUW to degrees below aero, and. thick .crust of lco formed near' the wate line. Tbp spray which covered the cTeck : became froaen, making walking difficult, v. ,- 'A rough . voyage, la expected on the return trip,' because tokens of Ul-Iiiok were vigntea oil the Aleutian" tsianasi Perched upon each of the four maats waa a monster, owl, which sat theirs a tun oay. anu nignc. wnen aaraness rose over the sea, . they looked . down on the drew with curious guse, and -efforts to drive them-away resulted In failure. This la held- by the aatlora to be an omen of evil. .. In the same water on the outward trip from Portland four sea caarlea took refuse oh - the masts. The rarncnter caughjl one, which screamed and clawed. oui it was auoavea ana pui in a craic On the deck. - One was shot by Captain Wagner, and. 'fell through a ventilator. Tha otbera .-were wounded and were made prisoners. Three day later - alt of them died. - . .- Tile .Nlcomedla' ha new second off I- cer, Kdward i'arts, who-"ucceeaBd O, Prick at Hongkong. He waa formerly on the Qermxn steamship Governor Jaeschke, a - Hamburg-American liner, plying between' Shanghai and Tslugtsu. The... cargo of over 4.600 tons oonttlsts of 1.000 tons of lute, a shipment of gunnies, too tabs Of camphor,- 4,000 rolls of matting, too tons of provisions, ftOO tons or rice and ton of Chinese mer- chandlae. . -- . .... - COASTERS' BAD LUCK. : Xoaaoka aa4 P. A. Kllbarm' Oo AgroTiad V-' -. oa Oooa Bay Bar. . ' Officers of the steamer I lomer, . which arrived thla morning from Kureka and way portM, report the -Roanoke had j very' trying experlenco at Cooitt-Bay oil. 11 - UVWU . IHa VVHI. 131117. WQItl aground three times,-and was still fast ou a aund tmnk. when they sailed for Portland on" Wednesday. '-.,. It Is aatd the sailors deserted, a few of, them coming to Portland on the-Homer and the balance going to San Fran, claco. But the Roanoke must liave suc ceeded In picking tip otherBeamejo-far she arrived at the Bay City this morning at a o'clock. The-Homer rrpresonta- tlve' aay that the Roanoke i too-large a craft to go Into JUchahoal water a Coos Bay.- They say-tho channel Is not mom than ZOO foot Wide In-place,, and a skillful, hand la needed at the helm to guMa a ship. . :' From the same source It la learned that the F. A. Kllburn got off her course while crossing the Coos Bay bar. and went aground on the north spit. A heavy 4 fog overhung the har, and the Homer waited on the outside until It lifted. The Kllburn had to lie there lO'boura until the tide floated her. She will not reach Portland, on the return trip until tomorrow night, a day behind her ached-, ule time. : .. ,The Homer mad an unusually quick passage,' completing- the round rip Voy age in seven day Sho brought a caijuo of general merchandise and 41 passen gers. ' She will sail for Eureka and Quo nay tomorrow mgnv. " ... OFF- FOR ENGLAND. :,,., z , ...... Quick Dispatch Olvern tha Bogwal ra , tral, Whioh eft Toavafw ; . - With 110,045' bushels of wheat, valued at $a.43. the French bark Eugenie Fautrei left this morning, bound for Queenstdwn or Falmouth for orders, and the cargo waa exported "jy - Balfour, Uuthrle & Co. .-- . The Eugenie Fautrei has been given quicker dispatch than any other grain vessel here"-this season. She arrived. from., Hamburg one month ago today with 1.040 ton of content. Before It was discharged the vessel- wa char tered to carry grain to the United King- dom. Loading . waa completed yester day, and she. cleared In the afternoon. On board Is a prisoner. Plot-re Berfm, who deserted shortly after tha bark ar rived. - A few days later he wa .cap, tured and lodged In the county jail. Handcuffed and guarded a bv. United Statea marshals, he waa escorted to the Fautrei yesterday afternoon and locked In the forecastle, wuar he will be kept In Irons until the craft puts to sea. . Bertln refused to. work while In port. but .believing that he wo not entitled to liearty meal a long aa he did' not' work, he would eat nothing but crusta of bread. ' He adhered to thla policy aa long as he remalueeV on the craft. SECURE ANOTHER STEAMER. Tha St. pan! to S Placed oa tha Port- ' land-Sam' ' Praaxrlaoo ins, . r " Another steamer, the 8t.''Pflul,, ha been chartered -by- tho San-Fraatcisoo Portland Steamahtp company to place on the run between this port and the California, metropolis. The additional craft will be operated In connection with the Columbia and Oregon. . It la de clared by a reliable authority that tho company ha secured an option on the steamer and Will undoubtedly buy her,. Tha St. Paul belong to the Alaska Cnmmerclnl company of San Franolsca She waa built at th latter cltv in arid la modern throughout. During the greater part of her career ahe has been In aerrlc on tha Alaaka run. She Is of 1,440 groan register tons, 2 SO feet . L J UC0X9 Ttkat WHX 0Pt MOMDAT, rtlluilx U, :W A. M. . . Claaaea will betia Latin. OheaiUtrr. Phyateal Oeoarapky. AtseOra. nenmetrr. Trlsnanatetrr aad Hlatory ttVoBMa, KnUak aad AOMTtraal. PnrtUad Aradany Halt, a hoarding hall tnt clrla, rrple a HailUMl aaaiber. la well ap pointed and aaoVr eieelleat ear. Aa Elementary ar and (Irk at ail fmn and sta larm tr tka Aradvmjr. A ai-hool amnlbna. at a amterate nontblr rtoars. rails for paplte of tb ertmary grades, it M dentred. For ; ratatngne. -. addreaa - ' : rOaTtAKD ACADEMT. , Tklftaeatk aad JUrrtaaa.- . - . 7 ' long, I 34.1 feet across the beam and It.S feci Idcpth of bold. It la said that she will carry a greater number of pas sengers than the Columbia. . - yVANT DOCK EXTENDED. : Pea Bxpreseed That Property Aloaf . Waterfront Kay Become Yataelesa. Shipper believe that the government ought to grant the owner of the Couch atreet dock, the Portland X3s dock and the Willamette Iron at Steel worka dock permission to 'extend the structures out to the harbor line. Unless such per mission Is granted It la declared that the dock, property-named will become valueless. - None but the-very llghteat. draft vessel ..can. land-, thera- without going aground, the average depth of wa ter not being more than & feet deep.. u placgaJtaiUaot.-meiiaura. mnrn than J. feet. . , , . . . ... .. ., If relief is not granted by the govern ment there 1 strong talk of abandoning the property, which ought tab tho site of the most busy dock In the port. .By extending the dock out to the harbor Una a sufficient depth -of water to .ac commodate the largest craft could 'be secured. The declaration waa made this morning by a well-known exporter that if tha Willamette iron at Steel worka ta not allowed to extend ita dock out to the harbor' line the plant of the concern will be moved to some other mora fa vorable locality. . - ' Had. It not. been . for the protest made bythi-towboa-meo -It -ia-aatd to be vry probabre that the dock would have been moved . Out to. the. sum point ).n the stream as't occupied by other wa terfront . property. .. Tha towboat mejt claimed that Jf the dock la question were extended a proposed It would make 'it difficult . to uk log raft through that stretch, of water: Others assert that it would have no effect upon the business one' way or "the other, and declare that the. towboat men want to monoiHiliae 4ho river, . ,' ' . If the dock were -extended -further out Into the stream many Of tho deep water ships would discharge their car goes there. - As it la none of them tan get any way near the dock without going aground, ',"'. I ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Captain Bpicer , of ,r the:. American schooner Ariel, arriving yesterday from Honolulu, Teport .the voyage unevent-fuLTIila-la theNcaptalnV first vlatt to tho Columbia river. The vessel la at St. Johns, and will- begin -receiving- lum ber for Ban Kranclsco thla afternoon. F. 'P. Bahmaartner. local acent fer the California tc Oregon Coast Steamship company, saya me aneamer Aiiwnc win bo ready to resume her run between Portland and Eureka and way porta on February- IT. Ultrlr being - orerhanled at San Francisco. - Owing to her ateerlng gear beeoming disarranged, the steamer Republic ar rived in port six hour lata yesterday afternoon - from --.-Willamette alougb point. , -... . "" The ateamer Northland cleared ror San, Pedro yesterday- afternoon - with 850.000 feet of lumber. ' CaDtains Kdwarda and Fuller Inspected the steamer. Enterprfs today.-. Tomor row they will examine into' the sea worthiness of the American schooner Mabel Uale and "Ariel. , MARINE NOTES. -tULstorbv-Feb.- 10. Arrived tdpwi at 9:80a. m., ateamer Northland. Arrived at S:40 a. H... steamer Prentiss,-from Kaa Francisco and coast ports. , ', i : : i 1 1 . . Hart Franrliuvi. ' Feh. ' lt. Arrived at 4t30 'm. m.,. toamerPesp''tgh. from Aaf torla. Arrived at t a- m.tfamec-Roanoke, from Portland and coast porta. Hilled at i last night,- steamer Aber deen, for Portland. - a Aatorla, . Feb. 9. Sailed at 4 p. m.. barkentin. John Pawner, for Tslntau. Arrived at 4 and left up at 4t30 p. m.. steamer Homer, from Coo Bay and Eu reka, a ' . - . . 'a. ,-10. Condition of-tha bar at t a. m.. smooth; wind- northeast; weather., cloudy Astoria, Feb. 10. Steamer Prentiss left up. at noon. DETERMINED MOTHERS ; ROUSE HUNT TO ACTION At the TturlKtent-demand of 60 mothers Who--called upon .him yesterday. Chief Hunt ha issued Order that Kssl Wat- kins, 861H Stark street, must vacate the premises, - and - that-the property must no longer be used for Immoral purposes. The woman and th Inmate of her, resort have-not yet obeyed -tho chief order. Convinced- that-tho repeated state ments of the chief thfit he had driven thewomen, front..! business, section of the city were worthless, 60 deter mined mother called opon him at head quarter yesterday. They said that their sons and everyone who- visited the li brary were compelled to nee tha place, which Is directly across tho street from the library. Repeated complaints have been made to. the police about' th placa and In numerable promise -have been 'made. However, no action ha ever been taken. The woman declares that ah will vacate immediately. " . ,v INTERESTING TOPICS OF, ELOQUENT SPEAKERS Rev. Dr. Thomaa I Eliot, minister emeritus of the First Unitarian church, will speak thl evening on "Tlv Relig ious and Moral Force OfMspan." Or. Saturday morning Dr. Stephen S. . Wise will give a talk oa 'the Z3d FsaJm. On Sundny at 11:10 o'clock an address will be delivered to tha pupil of the reJIgou school of Beth Israel by If. IC Norttirup, who will speak on Abraham Lincoln. l- ' . The- regular meeting- of the class for the study-of Apocryphal literature will be held Wedneadayot- J:S0 o'clock at the Belllng-Hlrsch- bulldmr.i A paper I to be preaented on the 'AVlidom of Sol omon." - - ' Th fOurtTrof"tTiSiTnel(na;linder the ansplce of the People s Forum will be -hold '"Rtindny- at 780 o'clock- at the Neighliorbood house' of the Council of Jewish Women. The. speaker of tho evening will be Dr. Wood Hutchinson. The .aubjoct -of" his . address - will - bo Th Warfare on Tubereuloals.' A mu sical number in being arranged and free and open discussion will follow th ad dress, v. KAxmvT PsmaosAiv. I B. Oeer of Wlllsrd is at tb Impe ril :- B. Burglnde of Colfax, Wash-. a guest at tho Imperlnl. B. M. Scroggln of Lebanon, Or., a In the city. - - - t- W. A. Winn of Eugene I at th .Par kin hotel. Frank Williams 1 a guest of th Per kins from Ashland. -B. N. Butler of Medford la In th city on bunlnen. , George Ia Rose, the well-known desler In hope. H here from Salem, accompanied by his wlfeand family. H. C leoftsrtatmrTrlvate secretary to Senator Mltrh'IC arrived from Washing ton,- IJL ('.. this -morning, and -Is nt the Portland.. -. '-r- mm 45.68 acres between Tillamook and Hajsey n and East - 32d and . ;.East 38th Sts. '; Suit- able for platting Easy- terms. - -Apply to B. M. LOMBARD -; . 514 Chamber of Commerce JUST A FEW BURGLARS WORKED LAST NIGHT - ; ' - ' , " '- r'X-"" ; Criminals Take . a Half-Holiday, 2 Much to the - Relief of - -Hunt's Sleuths. Chief Hufff band of porch-climbers took a half holiday last night.- After a contliruoua performance for two weeks without a single night' rest', they per formed, at only fejr residence and buslnesa houses. . . . ' " They attempted to enter th residence of H H. Cohen, 486 Falling street, but tha alert - householder beard their stealthy tread,-and after them he went WlthAsVJamp and revolver. They ran away, and Mr. Cohen retired.. AfteV a few moment of peaceful alumber. Mr. Cohen was- again aroused by, the bur glars. ;- . . ., Hevarose, anied himself with the same deadly lamp and revolver,' and again went forth Jn sourchof-tha burglars, who once more fled. - - - .. -.. - - Burglars entered '"the" room of T. Boyle at tho Plasa hotel last ailithT and stole a suit of yclothing'and other ar ticle.- -.... - .-' - ,.. " - ' At the Grotto saloon. Third and Tarn hill streets, they attempted to rob the cash register, but were unsuccessful. They entered - the apartments - off Ulysses S. Howland,..S43 Delay street. ami secured a suit of clothing and other articles.' ' " , E. B; King's - room In the Ankeny house,. Se;enxU-andAnkuy at reel,,-was visited and the burglars secured re volver and come Jewelry, . - , ;- MAKING MORE ROOM -r-: FOR GOOD EXHIBITS Iri accordance with their recent de dslon to make room for f urtherrexnrblt the fair officials -eaterday awarded to li. A. I.ynds a contract for the cunatruo tlon of two winga on the Machinery, Jactr4ymr--Transportation' building, each to bo 100 by 100 feet- Tha contract price 'is I9.J42. .. The other bidder. Stew, art & Winslow, made a bid of only $2 more IM44. - " Z ' -It became evident to" Director of-"Ex hibits lxsch some time ago that from the number of good exhlbita he waa re fusing on account of the shortage of spao th OKpoaHion1 would-; a-jffer. H e made an appeal, quietly to the executive comrolttaa.. and the contract let yester day afternoon la the result All -the space ln the wings haj been taken, and the exhibit department will be forced to continue the proceaa of rejecting dis play, "v ' Th Inland Registered Stock Breeder decided .at their annual conventlon-at Pullman, WaU., ' to make" a display of thoroUarhbred stock from Washlngtoh at tm lair, oeiween Beptemoer l a and zs, The state will bo naked to assist In de fraying the cost of shipping. r-r-r- The Illinois slat Senate has, ex pected, passed, tho bill appropriating J25.000 Tor representation at the fatr. Citisen of Yakima valley have asked tho county court for 15,000 to display the wonderful- agricultural product of that aectlon. - l" - HUNT'S FRIENDS PLEAD FOR WILLARD'S RELEASE . : ! . J ' . ,. .-. .e ' Effort of the friends of Chief Hunt to secure the release of Willard Hill, who yesterday pleaded guilty to living off the earnings of a fallen woman, have been futile. Hill Is a brother-in-law of Phil lips, manager of the Paris house. - PbU lios Is a friend-of t'lilef Hunt. Hill waa arrested yesterday, pleaded giiilty to the charge, and sentence wss suspended. ' In th municipal court this morning a lawyer appeared for him and desired to withdraw th plea of guilty. All yesterday afternoon and this morn ing police- officer and detective be sieged Assitnnt City Attorney Pitsirarald and Deputy District Attorney Haney, In terceding for clemency, -They refused to listen to the pleadings. , .Tho motion to withdraw th plea of Kullty wan taken under advisement by RUNAWAY GIRL; FOUND BY OUT-OF-TOWN OFFICER ... . i 1 1 . Deputy Constable Jamea Pollock from 1. Center. Wash., l.iat night succeeded In finding Carrie Barr. a 14-year-old Xlrl. who- taaaway-from -homo-with Harry Artresn, an alleged pugilist. A detachment of Chief ..Hunt's "flvlna? squadron" failed to"'loca th girl after a search of three days, and she finally submitted to arrest voluntarily. .. Th girl declare that she aaw the detective froqtaently a they rlnlted tho numerous saloon and variety theatre in -scsreh of her, end sy she made 'no effort to conneal herself.- She will be returned to her parents. rxAjrniT s TOMORROW (Saturday) NIGHT - - At I:1S -'.'; Direction Lois Steers, Wynn Com an. cTVlarquam Grand ' n THEATRE' -TOrrn.o,-ir.5o,ir oo"s'nJ n'ar Derachmann CEMTDRY PLAHT : 'DEFIES PRECEDENT California Sends to i Fair One That Blooms Very Early , , : and Often.: "J:'X..'S. MANY STATES HAVE . jJ,: 1 DISPLAYS ON GROUND Cars Runbtpdsiflon andAre Unloaded at the Doors of f ; : - tihe Buildings. In' -the -past month-- tho : Iew-.and Clark exposition haa received thousand of tona of exhibit to be ahown the tens of thousand of atrankerav who will visit tho Ruse City next summer. -A small army of men la at work unloading "the cars of exhlbita and Install ing tbSWares In tho various buildings to which, they have been assigned 'Several month ago President. Good succeeded in getting the terminal com pany to run a .spur-' into th grounds. Thi enable tho- car loaded with ex hibit to be hauled .right to the door of : the fair . building, thua saving- a vast amount or money that would have to be paid out for team If th goods had been nnloaded at the railroad yards. Nearly 40. carload of exhibits, have been conveyed to the various building in which they will bo shown during th summer. Beside these there are sev eral carload of. exhibits 'at tho' railroad yards waiting to be hauled to the expo sition grounds. Nearly a doaen carload of statuary have arrived from St. Louis. California, Massachusetts, Montana, Idaho, Washington and Missouri have al ready forwarded a portion of their -exhibits; at th railroad yard are five car containing a part of Alaska'' ex hibit; three car are from Missouri. A part of th Oregon exhibit-tthr-Bt.-luis fair in ready for th Lewi and Clark veximsltlon. -"Numerous . manufac turing companies have- their displays In the building awaiting 7-arpcntrs to erect- th needed booths- for exhibition purposes. Among these.-ooncern are: American School of . Correspondent', American Klectrlcal company. Chamber Metal work of Michigan, Hummel Wine company of Chicago; Helns Pickle worka of Pittsburg-, Mellln Food company, the-l HtudetMker-oompnnyv. Underwood Type writer company and the T'rrlversal Cash Register. company. .. ,m - - L This morning a carload of exhibit from th Singer Sewing .Machine com pany waa- unloaded at the grounds, along with a car of Idaho minerals, a car from the American Woolen mill, of Massa chusetts, jind threear from Ml1 soun. - Of the three carloads already received from California, one contained mineral, ono fruit and .the-other a part of the educational display. - M'IssoiirIhas al ready- errr B'earr'tralnV 'ehlefly " cOrn"; the corn. Is packed In barrels, and each ear la -carefully wrapped In paper. t Two cars of-the Alaska exhibit are said1 to be filled with totem poles and Indian canoea.- Montana has forwarded a part of her mineral exhibit.- . i " - : Of the California, fruit, fully. SS per cent waa roxen coming over the Rocky mountain f rem St. -Lioum; The' fruit wa put through a re-proces system by C. I,. Wilson, after It arrival, in the T.TBf-ral Art building.. Ono of the freaks of the CaJlforjila exhibit is a ptant 7 feet high and elpht inches in diameter at It bae; tho plant ia said to be only five month old; It i an offshoot from a century plant that bore flowers 12 yearn after the slip wa started. Instead of waiting for Ita 100th anniversary.. MurphyJn "Shann Rhue." -1, - Joaeph Murphy's portrayal of lMttj rinim van . -In - hla antertalnlnc ' play, "Bbaun Khue." which he will preaent at the atarqaaK (rand theatre tonlxHt, 1 an arttatle rreattoa and one that this aranttUahed eomedlan haa built op llttla by 4tTl to the-point of per fect symmetry. It haa-two radically con traatlax aapeets. ene of than Larry, th ether Rhana Khiw, who- i -trry la elf var diasuiae. The trauafurmatlon Is complete and admir able, 'Both ehararter nr rather both aides to one character) are. highly dlrertlna. and Mr, Uurphy takea adranuge of every hint that ta offered to lllnminata th mirth 'that la 'In herent ta them. ' - - The play, la a vivid atory of Irlah land trouble!, and whila the altoationa are pathetic and somewhat aenaatinnal, yet they are eon aiatent and true IrUh loyalty jtoounda la avery act. t- - "The Bonnie Brier Bush.-: The dramatisation of Ian Madjircn a ' ex. ittilatter aroup of Scotch storlaa, "Tba Boenie Hrler Bnah," eoaiea to th Marquani Tirana Matiday. Tuesday and Wednesday ntxbts. Aa la kuowa to many,- tba principal theme of tha atory la tha strug-fl of th old highland altephwrd, Jjarhlan . -.Campbell, between fala naturally warm and loflnx Ullannsltlon and bla aenae of rllaka duty. j. H. HUiddart, aa Lachlan CampOell. Interprete thla exartln roka In a manner that leares sothiiut to b desired. Reube Fax, la tha rbaracter of the Drumtorbty pnatman, Arrfalliald McKIt trick, furnlahea much of tb comedy, In which tbia play- la proline. Beat ara now selling. . Don't MUs the Grand. "Mandy tlawklna," which baa made aucb 'a hit at Iba Urand tbia week, la a real play wltb aperlal arenery and - effect a and IHutuy Mana and Wt Halnea bars jumped Into Im medlate-rpnimlarlty. But toe bill la lull to oversowing with otber good things. Tba Lncl fera. from the Hn Pram-lace Orpheum; Carroll -erlr A Co. In -."Tha Uttbwt Oirl;" Decly Khean, In tb beat blnck-rac act aver aeon In tb hnoae, and other arta make np a bill that baa never -been isurpaaaed bere. and that wnnld aattafv anvbodr oa aartb. n matter bow critical,--- i-t.-. 1 --V-1-.. Notable Dramatic Feat ' it Is a notable' fact that the nendnrtloa at tha Kniplro theatre by tho Brandt -Han me mm nanr nvka the flrat ierfrmance. by a new eompany nf -Ctjrd1 fttcb-Tbirr and" ft can further bo said Knout rear or contradict loo that this snxtuctlon t "l.oTer' Lane" In the original Vi. A. Brady prar ihat appeared in New York and eniyed a whole year a ran. and la the .moat eiuenalre play evt produced lu 4wt la tul at ponnlar nrtcva. - Heat a are now aelUn vt- the Kmtrir tneatr nr ortK-e ami Iba naMn4 baa sawn aii, to cnaranten larne crowda all at week. . A Cheerful Liar. ,j ' The little farcw-eomedr. "Jk fbeerful- Liar." at the I.yrte la one nf toe moat attractive fea. tore of the theatre of fort land this week. The J.rrto Stock company haa etroved popular from the atari end that Ha efforte ara meet In with th aneeeao they aaertt ta evident from tha largo aadienee present ht tba au ti nea and renin performance. - Young Comedienne af Baker. ' . .At the Baker theatre thla week on nf tha area teat attraction la Baby Vemlervllle. .the rlerer elngcr and dancer, whe b known aa the yonngeat comedienne o me anm-lean atage. Althgb very email aae la aneeeaaful entxr tatsrr and her act bt applauded. Amng the other festnrea oa the hill ar Hyland tlraiit. the aitiwn, imva witiiama ant Mlaa narlott Ilea, wkn la a vary rlarer Imneraoaalor. Over the Fall. " faataaed 4w--- barrel, wblch .1 imahrd. nft Into the making water of blagara, the leading ATEmtRESf5" ! ' ".".";?. - ... .5t!V . Walk -Over and Sorosis Shoes : ' ---',.:---:''',- . . ' It's a good opportunity to I vat a! big saving.-.-- Ali hewr fashionable styles, in splendidl .; J J ,: ''.,-'v, 'winter weights. " "." - ' . - v' I KNIGHT'S PERKINS-HOTEL I J-THR RnflTSrTOP-TH AT" WANTS VOTIW TW A TIT? W f - - - - - - - M M M M M M M M M 'IflfflfTf ALL PRICES I THIR1AND ALDEITI Great Things at Little Prices: ; WJr Friday's, Want Ad News sjaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A A A A aVaVir Want a houe of "Biajhf room and lot $0x100 on Tillamook; atreet?" - In case you do Inquire at SO Ban Rafael atreet and r. owner, between William ani Rodney avenue. - s Well- eetahllahed bualnes " for ale. It' Wall paper and paint store. Some young- man with knowledge of thl busl nesa can readily atap in ber and do a flourishing- business. j- . 'Can you afford to pay rent and have vacant rooma in the house T If you were asked this question by a friend you would most empharttcalLy say no! Why not then nil them with a Journal "Want adf lion't watt foe-tomorrow to All your vacancies tomorrow never comes. The rate, II word for IS cent, or In bther word, I irnea. ,." vWant thl position? "Oirl for geVieral housework, (rood wage for right per son; small fxmily. Call In the morning." The place. 7 0 Kearney street. If yon ar a capable worker apply at once. Exchanging property i an everyday occurrence. , In thl evening's paper you will find an ad under ."To Exchange." that says, Tq.Jrade share in large stock farm for horn in or near, city." See hlaaddrasa. - If you've -some money to Invent read sda under headlii'r''liilrefrn-'hanren'' thl evening-. Heveral 'snaps'" among 'em. Money maker . wlthrthLJdoubt" luft out.- . " a. aroma a of "irrer Niagara Falla' eompany daabea orer torrenta . nf . tb .Xamona Niagara falls l be aared befta-e ahe reaches the raptdn by the keeo.' Thla reallatle aeeno will bo enacted at thn-a more perftcmaneen at the- Km fir theatre. The ma! matin will - be given tomorrow. ... , . . . "Qua -adiB' aeXolumbia. Bnnday after noon the -'maaieeatory of Roma at- the beglnniH of the t'krlatlan era. "Ju Vall." tWhlthrr Uit Tnor wHI opea at the t'olitmtila f..r a week'a rttn. So tmn-b baa already been written and aalrl a Snot tbhivand other powerful rellgloua produrtlona lately that there remains little to add. The magnlAcent vcenery. large cat and every detail f enatnme ana enact win net iierreeiea as in f.ommoia a prod ad ton next week. , - . rr . , , Sweet Lavender." . "Sweet lArennVr' baa hem a nnaanal sue eesa all thla -week at the (alumina, drawing crowded honae and ileUahtlii rncnim with Ita rar ibarm and beauty. The matinee to morrow nlll a try act the regular narked and tomarrow nlgbt will thaw the week. U , BLABIBB f no. . cojireitT fiiir. kiqiit. tJw alJaNjiPB. "' jr ' " - " ' - ' IT- : . j; I PortknuTs Greatest Book Store ' ar I ,. X , '. :...'... . " I oalentlncs I a . 1 11 iii td Ezdutrvo Dtign. I -ft I ' Al l '- DDir.PQ ;::! X t : - -r 1 . . - i:.J-lHE.---:',''"i; I K. GILL CO. I - .-. ... - -t '. Booksellers and ;.; ; - 2Sutioner - : 1 1 1 " -, -t i"- r;w:; " It c Von Frirfrinato t I vi j ; i vi iuiiuiv ; For every man and -woman in thecffyon Portland that - Knight's h; having a" great ' '. : '. sale of '.. ---v--,Z W -t . .mrr--r,r r; g .--T'it'.rr r - 7- -irr- -ft? - tLJ. ' TT TT T.-' J " ... ' buy the best Shoes on' earth t - - - WW- -VVw.a MARQCAM Tb&& " Toolfbt at :W o'clock, last performance ' Tha Eminent Irtab Oametttaa. ' JOSEPH MURPHY- "IKAtTaT BXVaV ' .... Hear . Mr., Morptay Blag. Price, fl. TSe, 60c. (Be. 9Bev ' If iDnniu esAvs r, I. Vasal, Mm. atgn PkWltaia M mta,iiin IMiAI Monday, Toeaday, Wednesday. Klgbt Febraarf. .,-.... .in. 14. is. ' ' i Tha Veteran Aetee. --i- -k- -.- -M. RTODDJiBT, -Tegather with Bueben Pax and aa excellent eomuanr In iomrra Bm iim. . Prlcaa .Parquet,- Sl.BO; paninct elrele, f 1. Balcony, Toe and' Wc. Raluiry, 23e and 80c. r Boxe aad lae, - tlu. Saata now aellrng. COLUMBIA THEATRE . A. H. Ballard, La ante and Manager. " - Poorteaatb aad Waahlmjtoa ata. " ; . Tonight, - Tomorrow1 MaUne and Sight. Tha Baperb Columbia Block Company, ta Plnero'g clever eaawdy of torn. Sweets LfSivender ' . a--ftaw JoTk 'Lyceam Theatre tucceaa. , Downtnwn borTlnrara, -82T Morrlaop: pea-l"-'' day; pbone Mala 110. Kranlng at " ' Ueatre;. Mala..ll..... :.'."' - Prlcea, lBe. 33c, ISe, OOe; matinee, 10c. 15c, Sc. " - aTawt VtO, "Qno TaaMs." FM PI BF Theatre GKOEOB i. BAKEB, Manager. ' Order aeau . by phone Mala 11T. Curtain rlaca Matinee. t:lS: erenlnga.. 8:15. , Onr prlcea Matinees, lOc, inc. Sc. Keening, 15c, 'fixs. 80c, 60c. TBKEB MORB TIMKB TONIGHT. TOMOR. - .. BOW MATlXEB ASD MUIIX., , Rowland A Clifford's big. scenic prods etloa, "Over Niagara Falls". Starting Sunday Matinee An aXt 1T1XT wzzx. ' Popular Matinee Saturday, xnrcoxjr kamt nxsnrn ' " , BRANDT BAUME -Aad excellent otipportlDg company, I Clyde rttrk'e beautiful play "Lovers' Lane" -HBAT8- KOW RF.LLI.Vfl. GRAND uimt abd mrao ADatfSglOB It OZVTt. TALK 01 THB TOWB.- Danny Mann Co. Ia "MABBT HAVXTJIB" aad ' f 9 OTHER QREAT ACTS-ljT: STAR, THEATRE Portland'a r"ahlonable Xam1evfMe Theatre. ' BOBEBTI'B TBAIMEO BIAB8. WARD LEITEB CO. . - XO0EBT0B EDwEBTOM. - JEMaTIX OBAT. eV-.CABDOVBIB ilSTTBS.- . Jl DAIiT VEBBOW. idiiob a rBOJECToacort... Bhnww-t:a t; 4:5H, r:.K- to o.-:ld m. ' A dna lea km 10 eenta. Reaerred boa a,-at 2Tk'. BAKER THEATRE Third aad Yamhill era. Keating i- rkmd. Mgra. Largeat Van.terllle Ibaiae In America. BABT ABDERVrU.f. ----. ' V ' TBI ALLAN. . r . I , " WTXABO A OkABT. . ' ' t ' CHABLOTTX SEANE. JACK KABaiB. - VY" Dave WILLI AMI. JIMtiF Tt WAISOW. J. W. WOOD. THB B10OBAPK, Adintaab to eeata, refformancaa at I. At, t:30 and p. m. . THE LYRIC THE A TRE Sevratb aad Alder Street. Every Afternoon and Krralog' Trig vr.w l.TBir gTrn-K tvtvpAxr, la tha lauakakla faeca tardy, "THE CMCCCf tL IIA BpeetaHlea between acta Prformaneea at i n, and :ts p. u. l anal prlca -f admaudon. I eenta. jiu-jiTir BtTVBB EBAOEMT. General Ml aad B"fl Jmimw e wonderful rhMlon -r ; 1IV0LEB S PHTaMCAL C t pirn AMur Monday erea'-Nf . r - . Almlaakm aaJ it . at hall epraa 1 -.Tr i -