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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1905)
r THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAI lPOnTLANI.FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY' 10, : t - K Entered a ttts poatofnV of Portlaad. Or., - for traaafmrtatloa liraugh the SiU as McaoO- eiaea RiatleS, , l , . ' Bar paper.' t cent; 77 to SO pa. S-caatss i ... Hdlrorlal Room....,.,, JJ!" 5 Btnlirr Oitlc........ .......... 'M1" ,oy '' roBEioy ADvxiTisnio i?iiHTATnri. , Vrceland-BengnnitB Special Advertising 0. Naeaau Mtnt, New i'orkl Tribune Bulld- . . ., cbtengo. "; 7.r"":".'j ; Terma hy Curler. - - ' The flaliy Jour Ml, with Bands. 1 yesr.,.T.S0 lb ally Jot-real, i re.r. The Itally Journal, with HuudaJ. stoats. J IJ -T"'rhe Ially Journal, S inoiitb....- .1. . . """ .The lially Journal, wits Sunday.. S aaonth. l.W t (Tti Unfix Journal, I month. ' The ltnily Jonroal. with Sunday. 1 month.. . The Irtlly. per week. ; aellvared, Sunday . ; r Mclud4 -15 ' ; The bally, per Nt, delivered. Suaday . - excepted . ...... . ' '"" ' ' Tanas-y '"j.-" The' Pally Journal, .with Sunday,' r,r., J- ' The bally Journal ' 1 year......... -. ..Th Iiallr Journal, with Sunday, nontha, 1.7ft The Hal ly Journal, Sejontsa.. -' Thai Dally Igurul, wltk ISuiHlay, Bjootfca. t.W : flallr Juuul. i month l.w ' ThA .ll Ifv laiima I vtk Hunrfav. 1 BMUltk . . .W ; Tha IMII Jonraal, 1 uoath...... .., ' , iTha Mnuday Journal, 1 jrar......,j,.- ., lh BuikUj Journal. monrt.. ..... l-o" '. . Tta aait.WMklr JnanuU. , Ybe Hrwl-Wwlilr Journal, I tv 12 pa uh Luha 4 Hi... v.i.i ffntl markat ra ; Iiirl, 1 yvar.........'.,..i....-.4i.$1.80 ' Vum1ltaiva.ahoakl ke nadw W. draft, twatal Bvtra. .pma rdwjind nmall aoMHinU rt optaUl In 1 Wig-cut yjg"jjopKaX. ' . - Portland, orfgnw.. rWBU THB JOUEHaX atT BS . Tho Journal ran ba found oa aala at tha fol , Jowliia; nlara: ? ; 1MMNR, IDAHO IWr Book ntnr. "3 J'lHi'Af! Poatofnca Stmt coinpany, JT8 Dnar. DK.NVKK. tKI.O Kendrlrk , Book Stationary Hiiuaiiy. I2 8arntrth atreeti , J. Blacky . Hlitmilh and ("urlia airrota. -. - - (KANSAS CIXV Van Noy Nrwi eompnny. ' ' tum ANOKLKaWR. f. Oardiw. Sfi Houth Klirlna; atrot; OllTCf Ualura, , Sifi Hontk " 8rlnf atrrrt.-v m S N KAtHLl8 J Kawiaawfhr-MataMh Third. :. . . XKW VOHK- riTT Prrntano'a, tdlos aquara. "MiliKX )rlm Nrara ronqtany, ,;- ((IMAHAMlllard Hotrl Nrwa aland Mrfoatb I Htatln-v mninany. 1.1iJ .Karnwm atrr-t. -"8AI.T 1,AK I'lTV Kmyon llorH Ncwa aland! Bamma Bmi., Wfat IVwnd arrr(. aoatfe. KT. LOI'IM Hilllp Rordrf, 61d Loniat atrrct. HAS t'RANCWCO W. K. Ardln. falaea Hotrt , 'ra atahd; Uolilamlth Rni., 2itU Buttar . atrort; IWW, I'ltta, )(xJ Market atrwt. " KltiKANE, WAMII. John W: Graham ' to. ' TAI'O.M A. WAHU. Cratral Kt eompany, 1121 Pacln aTnnr. . - - ,. l - , WEATHy EP0T. ' A old n are of oomldwabia atrrnth HatL nad Ita arpmraim In Brltlak Oolnnibla and Bold - -raa warulmra for aero trjapnratnrai hara txva , jaaued tor all aactlona la Ihla dlatrtrt aaat of tha taaradV Dwunulua: tha tBrratara arlll also fall aboat 1ft drarara In woatara Urccoa and trnlm WaahluirtoB, ranalns -aalnlmuaa . ti-nprratsraa botwrro 2l and 3b degrcta Bator day mornlnk la that auction. -. Llcht anotr fcaa orViirrad" la aaalfra tron. iraurn 'Waafaljiirton and ' Idaha. ' and. liaht rala T ptaa fallen la extreme aorthm-eatam California, uaataru ureoa and .wnalcra Wanhlnatou. Know '" 1 talllnc thta nvnli in tbo middle Atlantic 'vand New Kiitfland atatea, aud alvnaT tha .eaat , alnpo of tha Bocky aioantalna aa far aautk aa Cuturadu. , -. i . .'- .' Weddltir Card. W.-O. Bmlth ft Co., Waah taftoa kid., cor. fourth and Waaklafta ata, 'vi-vi;( ;: 1 ' . . ,-: .; ; rETEItSOX-rehruary f, to Mr. 'and Mra, Anrnat fereraon, iiv urant a tree t; a daughter. I , OKev. ihu i intir r i a, reel. aon. . JBIMU.N January 2. to Mr. and Mra. Edward rilmon. 2&5 Kaat Tventr-thlrd street: a aon. BH-Mrelauary. . i Mr. aad Mra. Ourief jtmm,. iienericsa areirue: a eaurnter. -fAVIS February 6, to Mr. and lr. Virgil Darla. Ml Lake street; a daughter. MnKRlHON KetxWr B- o Mr. and Mrs. Ira Morrlaon, StM Twenty -(ourta arraat, aurtb: a daughter.1 ' - TV'ITTE rebreary 2. to- Mr. and Mrs. William A Wlttle. im CaatRtark street; a son. : SWANK rafaruary T. 'to Mr. and Mrs. W. I. . Smank, d latE3fvenUiitraet, north; -77. copAoiotri; BtstiRS. :BCRXElr-rbrnary t, Walter Barnett. sont'h--, weat earner Twelftti sad flay atrxta; sear- ' BOYre Febrnary Franeea Boyd. Iwki aver - an and Mllwaukle street; scarlet ferer. - - r i 9UTH8, BOttt febeniry S, Jaawa Boyd, aged 6S years. Hand Baaiarltaa hoaultal; eaua eryalpvlaa. ' Burial at Ureeawood cemetery.,--TiAM)liB--felirBary a. Wolf fender, aged M yeara. 2s Herenth atrart; eauaa, dlaeaaa of . arUrias., Burial at Baa t ram taco, Cal. rrMnatortbai on Oregon City ear line, near r aVllwood; noderar-edentiae, eump!ta. Charaaa A dolt. 13S; children, tS. Vialtors 8 a. aa. a a p. aa. Portland Craautkia aaaodatloe- I'ertiand. Urcgoa- ' The Id ward Bolmaa Undertaking eompany, 'funeral director aad nbalaxra. t2 Thlra etraac fboae bOT. , J. 1. Flnley A Bon. funeral director and e"hehaera. corner Third and Madlann arreata, ftnoa f ounaty oorooer. Telepbuoa Mala . faaeeat -wrwthe and cat flowera a specialty ,lat Boa ty ttr.eaacuaa. - Twanty-aacund aad , 1Kaa Atorrlaaa. up. catary. . ;V :.:i ':tai, WATK TaUHBIXBS. n. Bobblmi' t H. C. Wllaee. lot 4. '' block ei. v.oodatsiJ,..... $ j ,, asmca-s MHai nWyBli; D J . M.. UerQ. V M li, block S, Arleta Park,. No. S.. - Arleta Laind -comnanr to (i. I. t i-lwvn 100 lots lu and IK block A ArlaU fark . . . No. s ; , M Bherift to T. U. Smith, lota 23, 34 and 21, block 4, Colombia Heights - k . E. Hnchanae and wife t J. Q. Houa- ., .. ton. lota 1-10. inrluaire. block T7. Inl-" , T-r.Hr fark! waat H lot 11. block TT. ' Mm-b'a .aildliloa to I'nH-er.lty fark'...' ISjf at. W. Lambert to E. a. Httlby lota B - - and 10, block 4, Point VIw7.T 200 Jiiha T. Hnrtnsw end wife to H. Lewis, - , -is Incmalra. . block 4. Praiw dal addlttoa , , - s:J. Peterson and wife to r. Boad!' BSalOO fwli kit 6. Mark (.32. JaBMa Sheriff to F.I Bchm-. r, 23 a .-re aectiona i, .1 and 8, tokaablii 1 aath, ruura 3 -'" ' ,....".. .;. . T-. , . . . rr.-. ......... . Earl c. Bronauch and wlf r. K . , HoeneL lota 4-, lin-luaira, black 23. Arkor Ln,l: Title tinaraute A Truaf company to W. r. H. King, lot I a. -North HI. John..... TrtPt B.-hmeer and wife tn j,r u. 400 2T8 10 1.0T4 - kla, liM Mm beainuBis snntnraat rare " i!e't-"t? aatoaVMitlaJaelBr-l ane Tttla. tiuaranieo A Treat eompany to I.. ; M. Bice lot , wear 6 feet Cat . few - r 21. Hrt add tlim to . addition-- i...:.:.7r , Harmony lortte Ke. KM, I. ." O ".k""ii ' iJt- '"". lot 2, block 17. Nietk Alblna TBO 2U0 i.DMui i- . a iw win ill II, t. WW. bur. ba B-au. .Iaul. block' iii" r... r tract ; ., . Charlr Kobn Sltd w!f to C. U HnV. ' llelfhu addltloa , anon Jan o. Botkln tn O. P, Botkln."bVti -e. Isclualr., Verdant .... .. ., J. Arleta Laad romnany to A. Marae. lot " ' So, block . Arleta Park So. a7;..k?!-" ,t Oct roue tnauranea and aba tract to teal wtate from tba Tltl Onaranta A Traat aoaa. paay, Cham bar of Coannoraa bslldlag. , . lt ' '.v' ?'roanre miim. i v-'- yoOT rhmry W, Jobs root. dwelUnf. r..t , Klihtnenlh atreet betweea Tagaart tod Ella worth atraeta; enat. touo. bHfiT rebraary 10, John loot, dwelling, klahteeark atraet between Tacgart and Klls w.rtk atreera; coat, ataio, fARXAIIAS A BK KRhv-rebrear 10. f.rna. baa Becker. lor aid fata, eoraer Holladay a.eane and Marsla atreet; coat. 3 MKltsriN lehruarr 10, Aante Anderaoa, . dwelllaa. 'lKnoak betwaea Kaal Nine-t-enih and Kaat Tweaty-drat treet; coat. -2 4'rt. - , . To H' KI RsWrVbeeary 1. . I. Wheebw" dwelling, corner ElgbteaatB and lalaoa .. eireeia, roat, -j0O. ; TELEfllOI I'IRES , Treasurer Eaton of the Pacific "7 States Company Talks on IC vi Corporation Planjo'. ; ; MUCH WORK WILL BE DONE HERE THIS YEAR BenevesfrSh6TirTimCdnver isation Between Portland and - Gotham Wilf Be Possible. , , Accordlni to a atatement mad by Free) W. Eaton, aecretary and treaaurer of tha Pacific Btatea Telepliona 6t Taltv (raph company, thera ' will ba a large lncrwiaedf Hhaerrrauhacableif "a nd wlrea of thld"Company In, Portland thla present year. Tha work already tcgua and eatl. niatea liow made .for , further. .. .work amount to about $50.00 for under ground wlrelaylng to b dona thta year,'' aaid Mr. Eaton. 'The underground aya tern la much' mora aatlafactary : to the company aa well aa to the public and we are putting all wirea underground aa: faat aa. practicable.;- In r?a Ttn' claco we have adopted a ' blork ayatom that-la proving very aatlsxactory, "In that city the business, blocks have alleys running through .them, and this give acoeaa to the rear of all lota. The telephone wlrea are brought In' a cable underground ' into the alley to a point near the middle of the block, and there apace la aecured on private ground for erecting: a pole, -tip which the wlrea are brought and distributed to the buildings In the block. In thla manner erection of; po'ea In . front ' of buatnearlou ""la avoided, and the wires are run Into the rear of jNitldinga Instead of Into jthe fronta." Thovompny , lias purchased ground arid completed plana for erection thla year.Jat-.8an Francisco of a alx-etory fireproof building, to be occupied by Ita main operating plant. Involving an ex penditure of I L58v.TflO-lTba.-preent office building of the company, where the plant la now -located, will be de voted entirely to the general oftlcea and administration departments. . There la agrowlhg - leslre'. on the part of farmera and small vlllagea' '' to have ' telephone connections," continued Mr.' Eaton. ' '.'For a. small aum of money they are ttble"to' construct rural llnea connecting them "with . neigh bora and with.. the nearest trading point, where thejr mayseeure the market quotations and transact.' other bualnesa.. These llnea are. educators. In the sense that they show a farmer the Value of good telephone llnea- and a connection with an established long-distance system... In a short time conversation will be car ried on between New York and Port land; when the use of the Pupln coll la perfected. Thla coll is simple device. By Inserting It In a trunk line of tele phone' at distances ' Indicated - by-the carrying- "power of the voice, the force of 'the voice is regained and the sound Is thrown oh over the wire to the next sound limit, and there taken up by .the coll. 'and' again thrown : forward. The coll has rot -yet been put Into use- on the Pacific coaat." aT. eUnnH .t..laU.U 41.a. i . He visited the grounds, and wae much surprised at the progress made. The IZ' lf WV''Tilesdayffhtft Bpcncer Is bac t VAt-Msw-: trWrnaKtll1Aiurs BflBV .!. T- . T " " . -- - vorite among-thestrueturea now up, California people will,' he' says, attend In great numbers. ' . - "The most serious problem Portland' itt confronted with," he said, "la hotel and restaurant accommodations. It seems 4o me Impossible that this city will be-able tu rrrrTimmrwIate thagpaotMef or to feed them properly; . without far greater hoteI fTficUltles than are now here. - When I arrived in the city a few days ago parties who came on the aame, train went to three hotels before they could secure rooms." . .-. ' When asked to venture an estimate of the'number of people he thought might represent an average of the traveling public dally in tb(j.c!ty during the fair season, he said trwottld certainly be not less , than 6.000, and might ba many mole. lie waa unable to understand how the city could shelter and feed an extra population of MOO, regardless of the great number of furnished-rooms pre pared for the visitors.. ' , SENATE TO POSTPONE, " RAILROAD RATE BILL (Jonraal Bpedal Brrrlee.) : . . Washington, Feb.. 10. The : senate Is planning to postpone action upon the Kach-Townsend bill until next Jail, The Idea being that the committee on Inter state commerce shall . altjlurliig the summer to investigate railroad rate leg islation. This course wlll'probably re sult in the calling of aa extra session by the president. ' . A committee of the chamber of com merce from Spokane, consisting of Wil liam H. Acuff and V. B. Wright, was In troduced to the president yesterday by Representative Jones and presented res olutlons Indorsing: his attitude on the freight rate question and, explained to him the discriminations practiced against Spokane by the rallroada. SENATE TRIES SWAYNE - IMPEACHMENT CHARGES . (Journal Special Beetle.) "Washington." Feb. 10. Federal Judge Charles 8waynaof Florida, made his first appearance In the senate, which will act as B court of Impeach sief o try th charges against him. The fitted hour of trial are from 3 o'clock to S O'clock. The galleries are crowded. ' Judge Palmer preoented the-rase-for tliej. huiie of .representatives-- lie read the declaration of the Florida legisla ture? charging Hwayne with being ignor ant and corrupt, and declared the col lection by 8waynof 1 10 sv-dn-r f or eir penses ridiculous and for a Judge, con temptible. . V 4 KIBBEY IS APPOINTl GOVERNOR OF ARIZONA , ;v -: .- . (Journal Rpecial Berrlee.) . -Waahlngton. Feb. 10. The president today aent the following nominations to tbe "senate: To be governor of Art sona, Joseph H. K I obey of Arizona; to be-recetver of publio moneys, A. C. Mc Laughlin, st Marysvllle, Cal.; to be -associate Justice of the supreme court of Arizona, Kugene A. Tucker of Nebraaka. STRIKERS SHOT- DOWN - IN STREETS OF LODZ .... . . f ! (Joamal Bpedal- Berricar - london, Feb. X9. The St. I'etershtirg correspond .-nt -of the- Kxcbknge Tele Brapli rcpona that In a-collision be tween strikers and soldier St Lavls to day, 11 ware filled and 100 wounded. DAY BUTTS-Jtt AGAIN WITH USUAL RESULT Detective Insults Railroad Man . and, of Course, Gets Another . -r-y (j0fjd Thrashing. HABIT OF LICKING JOE' .. l& BECOMING GENERAL D6"wllevoIver7BunflVas Jaken f-rpm Him, as Was His Room, - at Portland Hotel. ' - " City IJetectlve. Joe- Day added con alderably to tils fast-growing reputation as a peace officer last night hy taking a severe beating at the tints of LeUTtid The fracas) occurred about dinner time in the lobby of tha Portland hotel, and before- It waa over Iy pulled hla re. volver, which of course, - was taken from him. - ; : ; , ; Day's latest "assault with dire ccfn se quences to himself seems to" have been the least provoked bf. all his boomerang Attacks.- Iceland Mullen, a ralirdad u perlntendent,' bearing letters- from, no lesser official than former ' President Kagan of the Railroad Presidents' So ciety of America, pirae to Portland some weeks ago- on private business. -After remaining at the hotel -for ' at- tints he located elsewhere In town, but his busi ness brought him Into conforence fre quently with M. J. Kinney, who -is reuldont of the Portland. Day got It Into his bead asms time ago that Mn. Cullen waa criminal; at least, that he had no visible means of support, and mudo up his mind .to ar rest ' tha visitor for vagrancy." In i spirit, of public aefVlce he 'Communi cated a warping to Mr. Kinney against his "crooked" friend Cullen.;. Mr. Klu- nev.reeelved the wame with India-nation. f informing Day In person that he had lawyers to look after his affairs, and required no advice from city hirelings. Mr. - Ktnhey told MrCullenof-Day's interent l hlmrad from that hour the Intended victim ol the detective s absurd conclusion refused to reoognlxe the off!" cer.- These- wevelopmenta piqued - the latter considerably, and It : needed, only tne perusal oi me journal aeoouat or his downfall on Tuesday night at the hands of the hotel mall clerk to bring Day's- temper to a whlta heat. : He had Just finished reading The Jour nal laat evening and had the paper crumpled In his hand- when he began -aa altercation with Cullen. Some any he was merely cursing the latter,-which might be excused as an odd habit, while other bystanders claim the officer was trying to make an . arrast -In either event he" lucklessly struck the railroad man In the face with the paper. Homething .then happened. About the largest flat that Joe ever saw shot out like a bullet. The second blow was no leas speedy. With a charactertatlo oath. Day drew his revolver, but by this time porters and - guests had surrounded the pair and someoneIdentity unknown disarmed the minion- of the law. The management ordered -Day to quit the hotel for all. time, and the incident ended with the cHy officer packing his "duds. After which he went down the street and got another pistol, which he wore to work this morning. . .' . 1 . li; fuller, l. a a oen. ttinnlcort Jfrcm various sources, as was Oliver Spencer, the mall clerk who clubbed the detective his poet, as usual, while Day hat found a new boarding place. .; . Later H was " said 'by "a friend of Day's late this afternoon that the de tective was the victim. of a Joke that somebody told him he had heard that Cullen waanot-honest, Whatever he TryTsnteveTegaMln the railroad man's Integrity, Day knowa that he has the speediest and heaviest hand- In Port- land,:--: IDENTIFIES WEBER AS v " i MAN VVHO BOUGHT GUN --' . (Upecial rHaparch toTh Journal.) Auburu Cal., Feb. 10. Tha star wit ness at this morning's session Of the Weber-murder, trial. In fact, probably tha most important " twltness of the whole trial, was. Henry Carr of San Francisco, the owner of a second-hand store.,-The witness was showrr a pistol which he 'positively ldentlfled'as the one he sold Weber In July or AuguatH of .laat year. He said that ha loaded the weapon for the defendant placing Ave cartridges -inr the weapon and doing up Ave others in manllla paper, which he handed the defendant. " r - Upon being asked, whether l.e , recog nized the man to whom he sold 'the pistol and cartridges, Carr pointed to the defendant,' who was sitting Just back of his counsel, having crouched almost out of sight -. -. " " .-' ".-'",.'' ,,. '" ARRESTED ON CHARGE - OF DUCKING AGED MAN ' (Special" Dlapatck to Tba Journal.) ' ' Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Feb. 10. The officers are - confident - they have' five tnen who were Implicated In tha ducking of an aged man named Frakes In Iake Coeur d'Alene some days ago. There is-much Btfeelinjr against Frakes on account of his tattling everything to the government officials when the people try to steal government timber. The men arrested are Daniel and Will lam Bollch,, L. A. Cardwell, Andrew and William Btanson. All are charged with -attempted, .murder, ALL SALOONS CLOSED IN HOOD RIVER TODAY , ..- - v -.: "' ' " ("pectal Plapatch t The Journal.) "Hood Rlyer, Or., Feb. 10. Hopd River is a dry town. For the first tlmf in six years the saloons were all cloned thla morning, and the' owners notified of a $S0 fine for each violation -of the local option closing onloT. The city council also loses Its casaainat Pouts, . and i'"1 '""" .The matter, though, Is appealed to the su preme court MAT ' KAYS nISMSB. . - " (Special tHapatck to The Journal.) Wallace, Ida.. Feb. 10. W. Sallusberry is thought to have perished In a snow storm white carrying supplies from the village . of Borax to the Bullion mine, 10 miles above here. He left camp. In the morning and had not been heard of laat. night. . The courtHy Is rough and wild and a" heavy snow , Is falling. ATTEMPTS TO DU XZal "&. " " (Special Mapatch to Tba lonrnaLt -r--Wallace, Idaho. Feb. 10. Mrs. Will Ferguson, the wife of a gambler and employed In a aaloqh her as a piano player, attempted to commit suicide yeaterday by taking to ant Ins cf mor phine. Her life wag saved by the aid of a stomach pump. SCKC3L IH DAYTIEJE, .... ; ' THEATRE AT. NIGHT Elmer White's 4 Sons Swore. He jas)Cnjel Because He En-.. ,i V ' forced This Prosjram. WIFE GETS DIVORCE FOR INHUMAN TREATMENT Scefl-Shiftertprderertd"Give Up His Children, and Receives ' Lecture From Judge. -. Judge Frazer loday ordered the- two sons of Elmer E. White to be taken from thelr-'father and given into the custody of their mother. Minnie L. White, who was granted a divorce decree al the forenoon aeaalon of court. . ; v , " They are aged and 11 years, and. according to the avidjiBce in the oaa-i, have been subjected to Inhuman treat ment The allegation is that "White has compelled the lads to Attend school In the daytime, and then go to a vaude ville theatre In the afternoon and work until midnight aa ushers, and that ha had been exceedingly cruel toward the boys as well. as toward their mother, - Judge Frazer u order directs that the boys shall not be permitted again , to work at the theatre, and calls on . the officials to report to the court any acts of White' that Indicate, that he proposes to make trouble opposing; the execution of -the order. --"---.?" --- ; - -t-.-v,-.. The story. Aold In-court la one of un natural treatment by a father who has compelled his youthful sons to work 'con stantly, not even allowing them a por tion of -their-time -on Sundays. The boys testified that they' often went to sleep while on duty. ,Whlte Is aaid to bt a. scene shifter. ;"2; . --r---- Annie K. Mahon was granted a divorce from J. T.-Mahon on the allegation of cruel and Inhuman treatment Mahon is charged, with being an opium fiend and with Jeatlng his wife to force her to pay hfrh nuinev. " ' - '-" Otherdlvorcea gl ven-arej -- Roaetta Carter from A. C. Carter and Esther L. Adler from Isaac I Adler,-- - CHURCH AND STATE - ARE NOW SEPARATED --. - - ....... i , . . ., rench Chamber of Deputies Ap proves of - Measure - of : . New- Cabinet. ? ' ; (Joaraal Special Serrlce.) ; Paris, Feb. 10. Tho chamber of den- tlei -today voted tne order approving the separating of church and- state. The text of the new measure makes the separation of church and state defi nite and conclusive, but emits a number of details of the Combes bill- which' had aroused antagonism. The essential points of the new measure are: , . . First abolition of the-concordat where by tbe relations of theT Church and state were established' 4 - :- ' Second, termination of all government aid; and. subsidies -to "religious sects -or functionaries. - . ".' '. Third, formation of church societies into civil corporations amenable to the sameT jawi sa other corporations. The bin comprises zj articles ana tne text of article 1 follows:- ; The state, henceforth neither reeog- ises nor contributes to any religious denomination, i public establishments of religion nowexUrtln are -suppressed. All religious; budgets and appropriations government s departments or com munes are suppressed. "The exercise of religion Is hereafter free, under -the sole restriction that exercise must accordi with tbe public order." The. article abolishing the concordat says. . - ,, 'All laws and orders relative, to the public organisation of recognition of a religious denomination are abrogated, particularly the law ratifying the con vention made between the pope and the French -government 7--" . . ;, -It la nnected' that the' new .bill will be adopted In the chamber of deputies after the - income tax and) other meas ures, upon which Premier Rouvler de mands early action, have been adopted. However, there Is a strong pressure by the Combes element for a speedy hearing,-and this -may-lead to a determina tion to take up and debate the bill with out awaiting action on other measure. It Is expected -that the bill wUI be discussed and ' voted on before the end of July, -. ..v THIRTY ARE KILLED . IN -MEXICAN WRECK (Journal Special Berrlee.) ; ' ',; Laredo, Tex., " Feb. 10. The Mexlco . Louis express, on the National rail way Of Mexico, which left here yester day, collided with a "freight at Carne ros, Mexico, today.:- Thirty were killed and 17 Injured. . . ...... .1' trBTTTOaUC , A---' warrant for the - arrest of .'A. Sprlngerr member of the. Oregon na tional guard,, was iBsued this morning chsrging him with keeping a-suit of uni form while he was oft duty In violation of the orders of his superior.. . wajtts unmi FAXD. Louise Mackey has asked the circuit court to order William C." Mackey to pay her s:so to be used as current expenses. and to pay court and attorney's fees in divorce case she has instituted. - True Merit v.; ;'.-.-; - The , only substantial success of . any mercantile establishment No house can grow and keep growing; without . aome mark of superiority over' competitors. The publlcwlll always ,stlckajfl!vjn. . fakir, or soap-bubble 'merciiant - True merit and energy have .been the step plngwAiones to. success of the Chicago. he big clothing; store, 09-71-7I Third street At no time, or under' any clr ctmstance, does that store allow busi ness to be dull.. The elegant high qual ity olothlng handled by that firm 1s too well known to need any comment A sale of suits, overcoats and , pants la now In progresa, offering the bestpp. portunlty In fine goods that haa oc curred this winter. Many winters will pass before tha public will have an opportunity to secure such grand goods at so- low a price again.. - Reduced Rates t California . The Southern Pacific company has placed on saje round ' trip tickets to Los Angelea at tbe rate of tit. limit to daya. This affords an excellent oppor tunity to visit the many beautiful win ter resorts of southern California at a moderate coat ' TO STOLATE ! V0aK ON ROADS Business Men of Salem to Qf(er - Prizes . for Permanent i f Improvements. . DIVORCED AFTER MANY ' YEARS OF MARRIED LIFE Governor" H6H0r4""Requisition -:Macleay Citizens Discuss ' Telephone Question. - ; 1 1 ' (Special Dlapatcb to' Tba Journal Salem. Feb. 10. An effort Is' beln made to raise a purse 'of $1,000 among the business men of Bulem to be -offered In prizes to the seven road, districts ad Joining the city limits for the greatest amount of permanent Improvement on the highways leading Into the clt u n plan is meeting- with much-favor among the business men end all so far ap proached by the canvassing committee have aubacribed Uljerally.., -. . i , ' .In' the event the puree la raised, the Marlon county court of fere' to add. (80 and besides furnish a gravel screen am pav tha exnensea of Ha operation. The, plank la to offer seven prizes. ranging from $700 to $100. and in order to secure any one of tbe prizes the Toad district - must ' perform. - labor to an amount of which -the prize win equal per cent Thla ' would Insure at-leaat tlO.000 worth of improvements to the highways leading Into Salem besides the expenditure of the proportionate amount coming to the districts from the special tax levy of 1 mills, made upon the 1104 assessment roll. ,- -, Qraata Dlvoroe Decree. -Circuit Judge Galloway 'has granted A decree legally separating Mrs, Martha A. Baseyfrom W. W. Basey, upon tne Brounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment Mr and -Mr- Basey became " husband and wife on January I, the cere mony being performebata-a'eik county. After-Uvlng-logether formor than SO years they mutually agreed to separate, the father taking a minor boy and the mother a minor Blrl. , Recently, now- ever. .trouble arose and the wife, ac cusing her husband - of having; treated her cruelly, sued for a divorce. -. ( ' Xonora' BeqntsltloB, , ';.. ; ''"' Governor Chamberlain yesterday hon ored the requisition papers of Governor John A Johnson of MinViesota for, the extradition of - Henrys Hake, - who Is wanted for larceny and la under arrest at Portland,"! Deputy Sheriff Arthur I Jones of Hennepin county, Minnesota, is authorised to return the prlaoner,to tne scene oi nts tnma, .. . , ' '.'.-.1 WsjrtBfepaaBtloa. ' i;' Mrs Nancy Reeves commenced dl- vnrM . ,wwMwiaiiro aarntnftt ... Ariraham Reeves in the circuit court here yesterv Bay afternoon. -alleging cruel and Inhu man treatment "on the partof' the de fendant and willful desertion In May, 1000. She""-stsb desire to- assume her maiden name, Nancy Nelson. They-were married ' In Portland -on - September 8, 188S. Mass Meetinc. A mass meeting . Is being held In the Macleay district a -few miles east of Salem, this- afternoon for - tne purpose of d'C"'"g 'hp romtter of jtandlna; a telephone' system throughout that sec tion. There Is no other territory in Marion county- so great - lt xtent as that which surrounds aiaoieay witnout telephone service. A private eompany Is to be organised, which will secure the franchise and - construct, the llnv af ter whlcn tne raciric iaies 'leiepnone at Telegraph company will put In the phonos arid give- eentral eonftoottow with its main llnea IB tniB-citr Oaaa Bet for Trial. The following; cases have been set for hearing by the supreme court on Feb- ruary II: Harry Bandys et. at. ' vs. George H. Williams et al : James W. Welch vs. Mi J. Kinney. PASTOR THINKS HIS . WORK IS IN THIS CITY i: Ret-. Andrew J." Montgomery, of the ThlrS "Presbyterian church;" will "not "ac cept the call to Bethany Preabyterlan churchrbf -Grant's Pass. 7 He announced thts to hM parishioners at prayer meet ing last nlghC and tfie announcement was received with a great demonstra tion of reeling. Mr. Montgomery gives as his main reason fur refusing thai call the fact that he has been with hie present church so short a time that his work haa but Just begun. Having been here only two years, he would be cut ting short his pastorate at a critical point. - The superior educational advan tages for his children has -their weight also. ; ' ' ' l-.J.. .1.- jThr;ftelA at" Grant's Pass Is" larger ana farther reacningr-nominating . ine southern Oregon preabytery1. but Mr. Montgomery thinks there is work for him here. The church la rejoicing .over his decision...-;. ,. y DE PACHMANN CALLED ZT . GREATEST PIANIST . --:"'-. ;.. . , -"The - De - Pachmann - - concert at the Marquam Grand tomorrow night prom- laes to be one of the greatest muatcal treats of the year. - I - contend that Pachmanh la the greatest living pianist? said Symonda, one .0 tithe most famous of art and musical orltloa. "because he can play some things better than any other 'pian ist can play anything. Pachmann is the Verlatne 6f pianists.-Other players have mastered the xrlano, Pachmann ab sorbs' Its soul, and lt Is only when, he touches It that It realljt speak in its own- voice. ehoplri wrote for the piano with a more perfect sense -of his In' ntrument than any other composer, and Pachmann plays ' fhojttn with an " In fallible sense of what Chopin meant to express In his music", , - "TOO1 lATf. TO CIAS EI.ROAXT "' . .-, Xew Bwdeen.' room honae, Jrtth furnace; s err. lot 42i 100; aaat aloe. Thla la a real snap at aa.eoo. 1 .- A bnslnesa corner lot wttl a TO-room loda-. Ins hooe; richt.ln tbo renter of Portland wholeaaU) dlatrtrt; thla la a food Investment for annta aa and will not laat long. Jrles $14,00-- "- " ; UNO aV CO.. IM'i roortb st nwae Be M3. - V . BABOAIXM . . .. 1 In . rooming houaeai JO rsom4. farnttar all f BeW. S7ni(. 3S hmm, eloae to tbe snloa depot $1.I00. A aw.ll me. htlck, right In lbs heart of tne city, fonnn. . . And many other at a na reals. I.IND A tv.. 1M'4 Toortb ir Pnoa Bed J390. V-' 'Jourital "Rates -kCBDEB AWT OLASSITIOATIOaT aaaapt , "Situatloa WanUd" Mala or Fanuala, , , $ C,JITS FiJtJJKt. Oouatlag t words to tbe llae, iiih it ti wotDi roa t$ ; CAB I A jfetUag lest, ilTTJATIOnT WABTED a4Trtlma altbar Mais ar famala, Inaartad eae tiaae frae. . Daily ar SusAay. fKHT BATB .Tlaaaetlaea (tsaraitsa; aaa Sunday laaua) t GENTS par llae MOltTHI-T BATC rinoladlnf aU BaaAay . . laauaaj 7i 0BTB par Una, r swata, A PTZBTISZBTIHTS aauat be la Jatnraal 1 bnalaaaa aflloa .lr I e'eleok - waak Aaya and by IS a'oloek Saturday evaae ' lag to sseur alaaai4oatt. .. ' A; D. T." bTESBEWOZB - BOTS are Joaraal "waat aa." aaanta. dive tnam year a4, at fc ratae aaa r-1 ,. wiu no auvrao a 1U ouraat ar. . -.; toa without furthar awat to yea. Has . joarsall box or pnona Waatora Tniua, 0. F. McbAlX. C. U, SMITH, . Room 303- - No. 84 Sixth Street Bay and Bell Alt Kinds ef nualnesa fhaneea. 1 If - him a roomlna honae. clear' atand. aalnon. coofactloncry ar nay kind of buatnraa to aell, with u-, wa will ol iail.k reaulta. Bt. I Mi la Brokefax Vowpaair, room am, 84 Rlxth t. " 1 ' ' I., main tboroushfar froai depot to poet office: U.I. - 11 . 1 W . . Ul . I I, newly rurolahed. fall at sood imyliis roonicra. cheap reut, (ood Prl.-e St. lawla Broanrase C o., room w. M Willi ai. b'or Bale Bootblack and cisar stand on Third at. : 1-year lea, rent two month." rent paid; a barsaln. Price f,i Mu Louia. Brokor age to., room Ana. K4 Hlith- at. - "or Bales funfecttonery. frnlt and Hgar atand; rest leae to November 1. Itlre t.nio. Ht. Louis brokerase to., room 30a,. W aixta su For Kale On Bhraalde- at., ronfeetlnarry. fruit. tidMicco and cigars, notions, bakery sonde, new ataud and soda fountain; S llvlug rooma In rear- rent 110: nreaent owner baa mad a fortune- In thla place: an except Iowa 1 uatnii i -tuafty. Price !.. - Ht. louia Brokoraga l-o.. room ana, Bum at. for Kal.i Shooting- gallery. nicely aoulnned. oa Sixth at.: it-year leaae. nrl 2-year leaae, orlvllege of S more; 1 rent 3n. Price 17.10. tft, Uoula Brokerage fu I room .HH. 84 Hlvtn at. Kor. Kent Bootblack and cigar atand;' rent HT per month. St. Loo la Brokerase Vo., room 83 M-Klith st. . .. J" , row wa w i"i J inmim v. - emu I ea ... W e can eavw yon moner. St. LouU I Brokerage Co., room mil. S4 Sixth at. 5ACRE TRACTS Tor sale on installaients- $10(4io'wnTand $15 peri ' rnoathJ 7 Vv.i h 7 VI Convenient to street cars. ( the direction of 4b? dty-a ' f 1 . a.t . A lav- -t ' B. M. LOMBARD 5 1$ Chamber of Commerce Rel Wealth i r Consists noC la t ettln z 1 i but In kseplng. : A good way to keep money Is to deposit with "TEX OLDEST TBTJST COMPABT IW . .. - OKEOOV." ; (CAPITAU $300,000). we loan Intereat-bearlng eertlScatea of de-1 boait that- nay from 3 to 4 tier cent Inter- eat, and can be draws at any time by giving ceriaia numocr or nar. wiica. nu Dar ncuiara are coniainea in our oooa ot ... -r.:-r - LTSTatATIOIfS, Which w will be glaa to send rou7 inland Trust Company of Oregon - . , J0 Third Street. bexj. i. coriES,,... ...,..,.; ...i-.. President .Vtee-Prpsldent L. PITTOCK.,.,.,, LKE PAGET. ........ Secretary O. QOLTKA AaaiatasTr famiiti I -' A BARGAIN Corner. 0x73. J-atory brick: rents for I o por monin xn.tuiv net, sere Invest- I ment. Owner, SO Knott street, I LOST ABD VOTrjfD, TOtT ran mors- readily And a loat " article through Tbe Journal's elaaalfwd enlomna than ssy other jrsy la case. yaa. Sod any thing. I be Ron eat- ana advertise Tor the ewaer be- I ynr claiming a roar own. rot'!l February 4," 1WW. adrift., ellnkcr-nnllt 5t;louisDroM(o. MONTAVILLA boat. Apply to rTjrraU. OJt, ABare.iI!"'.", '"eirt may adjndge This anm-i Alblng. ' . " 1'"'" "erved npns taii by pnlillcstton by ordcrP-- LOST Small pointer dog.' liver and white. Ketnrn to i.i Mcctianht at. steward. 0XICK." ' SIIRHIFF'S SALK Notice I hereby gives -rlrtnu.of g murlgige nn.Uie Iteamrr Llaale." mad by T. K. Tarlia- to cl.n.lle C. laiwrence, dated Fewnurr. 34. 1003. and recorded In tho office of tbe l iilted Slatea cnlli-ctor af cuatnma for tbo district at Wil lamette, port of Portland, on aaid date, la liber "B' at page ins of Mortgage Kecnrila, snd by virtue of snthnrlty tt nt duly given by aaid amrtgaree, I will rvpoaa or aale at pnblle anctloa and aell to the highest owner nw ca.n oa namruayi Tne litn (lav of Febntary, 100ft, at tha hour of 4 o'clock p.' ea.-ef sard day, at tbe-ront of folnmhla atreet. la tba city of Portland. Oregun. aaid at earner "Lltale.'' together wltb ail her li pArel and jppitrteaaa lat ted at Portland, Uregoa, Februarr 1. .1003, 1 . T. M. WORD. Sheriff af MaUaewiah County, Oregoe. AStikl TTI'T HOTIII Botlce r hereby given that oa tbe 2Atb day of January, lltm. K. V. Oeer of Portland. Oregow, waa dnlv adlnnlcated bankmpt: and that the i f Irat tn-etlng of bia creditors wilt be held at room au Chamber of Commerce building. Portland. Oregon, on the Mta day of March. inoA. at IO o'clock a. m.. at which time th aaid creditor mny attend, prove . their claim, appoint a trustee, eiamlne the bankrupt and tranaact n.-h other bneloeoa aa may properly eoaa before anch meeting. .. Itated Portbind, i orecon. February J., r.nn. . ALEX SWfcfck. Befarea' la Bankruptcy. lit, m'i'm HI jfBOPOsts.; FOB BTOTIOZ. lupanvKiicvr BONnfl hakarrcay, Orvcoo. Jiotlca la boraby slTva . that w. B. Iaiveua, auditor and clerk- of ' Baker1 t'lty, Orvcon, will recelT aaalod bids " ' tiutil tha boar J IJto e'clock' p. at. of lion-, day,, tua Both day ef Krhruarr, 1V00, at tha ofo.-a of tba said auditor aud ch-rli. fir tba, aal, at'uot 1M thaa Par Value and T accrued JfUurrat,. of improreuaut bonds ut tn city ut Baker Clt, situate lu Baker eountr. at at f Oreaua. aa tha aaaie ahull -be , autburlaed la ba laaitad for tba whole or auy part of ii.-tH), Bald bonds will be laaued in oVnoiuluatloua of out aiura than : Sr buudrad (500) dollar each, to b dated ' January 1. liatf, iia,.i.L..b- ... H ... data, bearing lutereat at the rain of six IU ' """. payanta aaml-annoallj-. lnUrest au principal payable la United Htala ctmiii iu vrnca or tbe city treaaurw, . irfw Orgou; uroTlded, that aaid . Baker flty reacrrea th. right to take up ' f."4 ,oc", O"".' bouda spun tba payawnt of cto tba data of tba payment at any eml-aunul . pmw . after ; ona yar fruui data of aai-h huoJa.- - : . Bald bouaa ar laaued nndrr tba authority r ef an act of tbe b-stalatura tf tha atata t,t Orraon. pauou "euruary la. lw;i, ua m-4 In tho of Ac Vf tho aecraUry of atata tebni ary 22, lsW, entitled: "An act to nrorlda ' for tue-laauanva of bouda for tba Improve- ' aient of atresia and th laying of sewer In Incorporated eitlea, . and. for th pay went of tba coat of aucb Improvements and laylne of aewm by luatallnwrt' a amandvU br an act af tha U-alaiatore-Mf rt,tt .... Oreson aunrored b.bruary at. Jttol. tit led: 1 An act to amend aectluaa l a .4 2 a a and T of aa-act tltled---An act to pro, Ida ... for the laauauca, of bonds-(or tba Improve ment of atroet aud lajlug of aewera lu In. . corpora ted cities and for the pariuent of tno euat or atu-a ImnroremeuU and laying ' of sewer by luatallmenu.' " and th pn" y ceeda thereof to bm used fur tba payment in 1, part, for tha Improvement of atrecti or nm- , ,coat ruction or awera aa tbe aaid Improve- ' menla aball be completed; tbat each bid shall be accompanied by a eertlSed check pay. I.I. , to tba auditor and clerk of aaid Baker flty; ' , or hla ordV In th sum of Ave hundred IVkwi A. lara, aa avideovo at tb food faith of each ' blotter, and In caaa the prraoa or peraona, company vr eosipaulea. corporation or corpora tioiia to whom aaid bond are awarded aball ' ''T' 01 retime to pay Info the hiuds ef tbe treasurer of aaid Baker flty 1 l!'. Pr.-bae prlca named In aaid accepted bid or bida o or baton) thirty daya from tha " data of the acceptance of the bid or bid. vtlia, amiMiut of thu certified check, so depoaltmt ' aa a tore Id aball b forfeited to aaid Baker. tlty and aball be treated as llquld.tou Umagea for tbe fntlnr of tbe aaid pvraoa ' or jat'raona to ptir'cbaaa tha- said bond and - shall ba accepted by said Baker J'lly aa com plcte aatlafactloo for any and all damages . ; aad Injuries auatalncd ty reaaon of nncb fail ure, neglect or refusal, said Baker file rraerrrs Ui right to rejw;t,:any vr all ' ,- Sltta. - - . .- - j - c Blda abonld be addressed to- XT. H. tAfeaa. - I ele'b. Baker' 1ty, Oregon, and 1 .."" J ' r jmproremeut Bouda," , I ,t ... J", mo council. 1 - . .: ""tt'o. "i . . ... - aiayor. Anctitor bad Clerk of Baker City ,'orcgoa. Baker City. Ore sou. rebruary . lui." PROPOSALS KOH lupfffivrurvi'.-wn.n. -1 - Baker ity.: Oregon. Notice U hereby alven . i'.t ' IfV . '. sndltor sod clerk of --,i Baker City. Oregon, will recelv sealed bid 1 - antll tba bour of T:iW e'clock p. pa. of Monday, . tha iota day of February, lBufc at tb ufBe0 -... " of th said auditor and clerk, for tha Mle. . t" 'r" "" par. vaiue ane accrued lu 'rret' of tmproTcmant boada of tba city of . Baker City, altuate la Baker county, atate f of Oregon, as tba nam shall ba .anlhorlaed ' ' zErTS r'z .'."V hul prt : s. , - - ...y...... Kfmiyi uonoa will eaf i-raauea In denomination vf not ua-o thaa Sr bun- 'Wi aniiara earn, to ba dated Jnly r - - -t i-' " 1 tbi inun UN 1 e, bcarlug Inleteat at the Vite of g (0,pi - cent per auiinm. payable aeail-annually, ht . tereat oa prliu-lple payable In I'nlted Btatea (old coin at tbo ofOc of the city treasurer, f . ..'?M' J1' "resoni provided, that aaid . Baker City reserve th right to take, up and ' - M ew. HB.MI uia payment or the face value thereof with accrued tntere.. . . . ,. . . , y JlJil.?!"', tt saymeat at any seml-gnaaal emipoa period at or altar oua - oar ,vw . dat of aucb bond. - . Bald bonds ar laaued fender the .authority of an act of th legislature of the etalv of . Oregon pa awed February Id, 1(ujb, ami filed la - 1 if." ?L"S" ot '' aecreUty of atato Fehruarv ....... W,- 1M, entitled: "As act to provide for !" ..the laauaajc boa i la rr the Improvement ' of streets and the laying of sewera In lit corporated clt lea, and for be paynmrt of the coat of such Improveraente and biyliig of u Sewers by iustallmenta." a amended hr ' -aa act of the Icgl.latitr of tha atato -of is.--regon approved February SN, vol, entitled?' "Aa act to emend aectiona 1, X. 3, 4. &, S aad T of an act entitled: ,'An act to provide . . for tha laauanca of bond for rha Imnrovrmeot ofatreeta anl lavluar of newer lu t a clllca and t.w th. i.g.-,,! ( j rJW( . anew improremeara and laying of newer by Inetallinent,' " and tiie" nrot-eeda- thereof Xo -'be used fur tbe narment In wart f ... im. .-.provement ot at reel or renatrucltoa of aewvr aa iai aaiu improvemenul anail pa cotpplcuhli ' that each bid ahall b accompanled'ty a i t certified check payable-, to Hie auditor and clerk of aaid Baker -flty. or hla order, in the aum of eight baadred (100) dollars, -aa. ' evidence ef tbe sod faith of aach hl.l.te. ii in cae th prrrcw or person, eompany -r or eompaideg." corporation "or cornoratloiu t.. ' " " I whom., aaid, bonds are awarded ahall fall.-' ncgieci or reiuae io pay lulu the band of vne ireaaoivr ot aain aaaer tlty tha par- ' -chase price puwed In aaid. accenicd bid or 1 , blda on or U-f.-re thirty daya from : tha date of the acceptance of tue bid or Mika. '4ha atnonnt of tha certified check so depestted - - .iwimiii " m-ieiieu co naia tfaser ri I'ltv anil -Kail R J .. 11. ... -... .1 , tl-1- sgee for th failure of .the aaid - prraoa nrl lieraona to purcbaae tba aaid booda and ahall l"- be accented by aaid Baker City aa romulete aatlafactloa fiar any and all damage and Injur lea sustained by reaaon of a neb failure, neglect or refusal. Bald Baker City reserve tbe right to reject any or alt bid. Bius enonta oe odreea to W. B Leven, auditor and clerk. Baker Clt. Omm . ..ii - " I "marked: - "Blda .for lmm-ovement, - ' -!Bla" -for 'fprovemeat Boada." By order of tha conncil. cmncit. .V. A. JOHNS. Auditor and Clerk ef Baker city, Oregoa. Baker City. Oregon, February 3. gu6. . , y MILLERS,'. KOTICB Notice la hereby r I veal that I will offer for sal at public auction, st - tha Court flown door In Vancouver. , Clarke county, atate of Washington, eal . Samrrtiy; the lata day of . aalwaara. IBofl. , t 10 . o'clock a. m., tha property known a tha Rtdscfleld Grist lllli. helna- a !l here..! "oner aiour aiiit. aimate is . jHagencm. Clarke ennntr, Waahlngton, fully equipped and Ini goon M. i eonaitwB. me mill la locelcd Im mediately adjacent to tha K. P. B. B. and onl tho bank; of Lake river, and traneporlattoa '' facllitiea, Iwlb by rail and river, are unaur- "T paaaed. and no better location could be touad for small mill than thla , . . .. Terina of aale. curb or approved security snd Ml la made -aubject to confirmation by court. ' ' Por further artlculira addreaa rm at my" addrew below, or ray aMonrey, IfoDald atcltaa- tor. Vancouver. Waehlnatao listed this Wtb day of January. 195. r- -. , ...N. C. HALL.' Guardian ef D. K. Abrama. IN THE ClRCl'IT COCRT OF THE STATB OF OUEOON. ron MlnyrNnwin r-nf-vrv aonu f. mil. piaintirr, ra. -a. M f laments aad P. II. Marlay, defeadanta, k .. ) To K. B. Clemanto aad P7 IT. Maria v. above named defendanta: lax tha aame of the State of Oregon: . Voe are harebr reaulred to . and anawer tbe complaint filed agatnat yaa la f above entitled court and canae, on or before V. '"' .' or renrnary, units ana ir yon o answer or pper tberela th plaintiff for In tho romnlalnt. which Is that a mortaaaal w,,, eii i. i ne court iuv' toe roller prayeat rxrraieq ana tn-iiverefi ny h. k. laws and at. K. iMfttm to tbe plaintiff herein on tha follow ing erooertr. to-wit: All of hlocka aevan. eight ant- nine. In Kieahtlor, tn MuHnomab SSr ci-ILi .13 ..'t "j sold to par the ma of U.OOH.07. and that vow iL.', " ; ; I', E Y.t .-j .!!;rrr be barred and force loaed of all right, title, and Interest Is aaid property, and for snch other relief at th court may adjndge. Th anm-i ef tbe Hon. M. f. George. Jtidae of the ihm.' entitled court, which order la dated December X2, liaid, and th dat of tbe f Irat publication of thla summona la the 23d day of Iterember, 1 1804, and the laat publication la tba Uth day f February, 1BO&. , rnnAtk m it i.r.iirw. Attorney for Plalatlff,'- -TBOTObaXI.' PROPOSALS. Offlca niaburalns Qaarter. maater, Portland, Oregoa, January lit. iimkv. " Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will b -received her until 11 If. Fein-nary 1.1. 10tir, for furniablng lumber for cnneiructlon eft twe storeoou st Fort William McKin ley, Manila, P. I. Further Information furnished at thla office. Halted States re serve the . right to reject nr accept sny " : or all Mi, or any part thereat. Knvelopea containing propoaala ahould be marked: "Propna.ta fs- Lumber . tar ' rort William Mckinley." and sddreaaed in Jeaae . M... Baker, Captain Qnartermaafaav-. V. S. A.. Ill.buralns. Qnartermaate. ' . PROPOSALS OfSce Mebtrratng Qo.rterma.lrr. ' wu.n.i. -i".eiii. eanuary jo Jffclo -Scaled propoaala. In triplicate, will be re- ' . celved here until 13 M Fehruarv 13. IBOA, for fnrtilahlng lumber for conjirrartton of poaf Rirbanae building at Fort William : . McKlnler' Manila. P. I. Further inform.. tk fiirnlahed at thla oftW. I nlted Statea ""cree th rfght to reject o accept any or all Mile, or any part thereof. Knvetopc containing nmpoeb , ahnnld be marked 'T?!?""-'" '"""ber for Pot kichange Bnlldlng. Fort 'William Mi-Klnlcr," and J. -dreaaed to Jcwaa M. Bakee. ant. In foartr. .1 maalcr, L. IL A., likurilns (fuartcraiaati;.' of ' 'J 1