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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1905)
THE " OnnCCII DAly JOUKTfAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 10 1SC5. liili 7 nn n 9 lire' II 11 mm mm mm -it 5 V - - .11.- . . ..'..,ai.,llli.J' The night's throngs' surge toward The Hub. Portland has a wakened ,to the realization that Jn Its 'midst there is going on THE GREATEST of clothing ,'Thi rat aitrtiWL f i . . - - . , " . ' ' . . r - sale' is now in its third week with daily increasing crowds. ' All eyes aretiirned on The Hub Portland's greatest value-giving clothing store. To make this the most modern of. cloth- try. ing stores, and to enlarge it n order to accoAimbdate the great Lewis and Clark fair crowds - S$ it has been necessary'to rid the ! store of $100,000 worth of men's clothing, shoes, hats, furnish-' ' gsv ings etcThis is '. an . unparalleled .opportunity td save, from- 50 to 75 per cent of your cloth- f '(.'''..-'.''. ..... ; , .. ; . . . . -; ; bills.-1 Portland surely has never- known the like of this great. sale.' Come now come " today-come soon.- There's stiH, vast arrayof GOODS,, but they'are going fast J- i I 1 Corner Third and Burnside: Streets L THE HUB AS IT WILL APPEAR "WHEN REMODELED MAILr- ORDERS FILLED WITH AS MUCH CARE AS -IF-YOU-YOURSELF WERE ERE TO"SELECr"YOURFURCHASES. Store"OpenEvehingsw -THAT ALL1 MAT HAVE A CHANCE TO PURCHASE G0OTSiiDURING: vv ...v.-,.. THIS GREAT SALE." . ' - - -' ' V- - , " ALTERATION PRICES ON HATS - v ' ' th leading branda ef th bat known makes that iell from $1.60 to $5.00. Thfr ity1 f f tha very beat, ?h Sacrlftc Prices w quta ara not bint at their real Value. v Ten eztrai hat salesmen will be on hand for this great for all of out odd and sample lines of $l.r.O and S2.00 Hats. . 95 for your choice of $08 sample Hats worth 9X6 nd $3.00 whoM- sale ";;--. ':.' fl.45 for choice of all" our $3.00. $4.00 and $5.00 Soft or Stiff. Hats, la Punlap, Knox and louman shapes. These are mostly sample Hats and are the rery cream of bur Hat Stock. 3)2.45 for your choice of any $S.0O of ;0.00 Hat In -our house. This hat Hen), alone should brlnf every hat buyer in Portland to us for his new - bat. 1 v.'.' ; ; , " Thte "ale of our. Hat Stock Is an op portunity that has never been equaled on the Pacific coast in this century, SHIRTS We, have more Shirts than K all the stores combined show, and our Al teration Prices will be' a follows; 25V For yoifr eholce-f BOO sample Shirts, aome slightly" soiled; values UP to $3.00rr-Sff-sr4..; .... .. i', 8&4-Pbr,' yont choice of 100 doaen , Mount Hood Shirts, refular 75c vale, : - Alteration Prices on $1.S0 and $2,00 tres Shirts will ''-T tjs 85y $169 snd $1.00 Dr?ss Shirts will, . be ...... vi i t ..... , .6S ' The Alteration Price otv all $X00 and $I.fe0T"Ngtlee-' Shrti i' ; will 'be .85 $1.21 and $1.00 Nell Shirts 'will be .63t 90e and 71c Nftl-e Shirts wUl - be ............. i ... i ....... .45 eooajid (So Nealliiee Shirts will be. .,r..v.i.v.3S The Alteration Pries on.'sll $1 iu and $2.00 Working- Shirts wilt be . i, . ........ 4 .... .QH $1.60 and $1.74 WorV'.ng Shirts will be .....,TB $1,211 and $1.00. Working Shirts -r W 111 t ij A ........ i .......... 65 $ 'SjOe-amf Jli Working Uhlrlr will" ' -r bo ..45 tlo and J9jj Working Bhlrta will A SPHCIAL SATURDAY OFFERING 25c ON DOLLAR ; "" ' In our open windows we. will place on sals Sarnrday $S,0U0 worth of Suits, Over coats, Hats,. Overalls, etc., slightly damaged by the buay carpenters and painters. v Alteration Prices on Suprfeme' "slaugliter of our'lmmense-stock of Suits, thousands of 'era to choose . " :y;x 7 -rTfbnir ancevery'one up-td-date. .. X7rrr-'"''4 tttti ' wlwmm gc . 1 i- .' s -y : icr-he-fine9t-i it Had For All-tVpol or Worsted Suits. In sack or frock styles, light or dark colors. ..that we formerly soldi at $10,00 to $13.60. : . r - - -r - - For your unlimited cholte ef over 000 - Suits, in single' and doubie-brwasted -rai button frock, black and unfinished Prlivc lbrta, to.--some full silk and lined IhroughOutTThe largest tttaplay of styles you ever saw. Not a BuW in the tot but what the former price was $30.00 to $30.00. $4.75 $10,00' to $13. $12.75 ALTERATION PRICES ON " $12.75 For your unlimited choice, or. too of the, very newest, styles in Friestleys. Cravenettes and New Cut Belt Back Coats, handsomely tailored, trimmed-. with the best of silk and satin lin ings, others Italian clothe some worsted .snd' serge linings. Posltlvolyjthe finest lot of Coars shown in Portland, this season. AH are In at this wonderfully low price, your choice $13.74 For Tailor-Made Suits, hand-tall- ;' ored throughout, .In pure wool M&Sf i:0 I ; , tan, drab, slate, steel grays,; also .- I' ' Ipes.. plaids - and mUtures; , tb . WSW ,-fcA"7 rons-of-gults, hundreds oCatylesfe Aap, In -every sIM- and shape, , for all '. fjjtf W&VftV W'iiVl ( builds of men from 30 to 14 bust' frSfl"- t-tfi&t&&S I "T reaaawrs; tshaortet iwatarlala. Jiwriiymeit.laJUi. rg'ii$i iVCV I ored: the very choicest -Of good Suits thatn -v;t; .viS, f I formerly sold at tl.C0, $1$.00 and. $20.00. , :. Sl .; ' , ...... -M V . -i-K A .: -yr -1. ;; - -t $6.75 blue, brown checks, str former prlc anTsi'tm $875 I Two thousand Overcoats of every tvle known to the taiU)rini..iHiierseu'iad e7Tiow"DeTniaTrphTered at prjceslhat will clean them v 'I out quick. $4.75 -$1.$3 lot "While they last all the $8.80 to $10.00 Overcoats, in gray, black v and blue will go in this great. Overcoats by ths carload light ' colors, 'medium colors and dark -Colors, in box styles. Raglans. S. belt barks, In all lengths. Cravenettes. etc.; In ' fact. 'all Coats which we formerly sold from $13.60 to. $10.00 are. In 'this great $0.7 , lot. v- FOfTilIk." satin or double warp' serge lined, imported materials. In Cravenettes. Raarana. Koulevard Box Coats, SJ-lnoh Belt Back Coats snd Rua. slan Greatcoats. Not one in the lot but what., the former prlc was $11.00 to $23.S0.U-Ail these fine Coats In thia magnificent assort- ment at- $g.7t. -1 . . . "47 Alteration Prices on PANTS AH the stores of Portjand, combined could Hot possibly show-as nian'y -styles of jL'ants as ine iiud, anu we nave put trre knite to Uiem and cut prices to the eryqtiickr---Fants at less than the eost of $ewitt. 1 ' KIP? For your cITolce of $00 pairs of pants, worsted ahdcasslmeres,. stripes, checks and tlall; verypalr worth from $1.35 to $00. .; - k 74c a from $1 98c $1.45 For your choice of BOO pairs of very fine sample Pants,. worth. up to $3.(0. For your choice of 300 pairs nf- Tallor-Made -Pants, - in blacks, blue and grays; fine tweeds. cheviots Slid, serges, made up in the same styles aa our Famous Hub $3.00 Pants ara made. If you heed Pants, better see thernV--" $2.45 Waakunk Ml The greater where. $3.45 For your choice of 100 -pa Ira of ths very finest Engllxh worsteds, Bedford cords. Readlna- hairlines. Waakunk Mills, double" twisted worsteds, etc. The greatest" Pants" value e vet offered any where. ,- ; if . ,.- . Gives you pick and choice of 1, ZOO pal "a of fine Rngllsh tweed Bannockburn . cheviots,., silk-ami wool worsteds, in pin dot effects and nest stripes; every pair is an actual $1.00, $0.00 and $10.00 value. Kvery pair hand-tailored through-' out and guaranteed to fit and, ""give, .perfect aatOTTacuon. . , 1 ALTERATION PRICES ON Suit Cases We just received a half carload of f Price on all. tifr- A ly-n1 $3.00 Suitcases will be.. $4.00 Suit Casas will be $ 00 Sult.Casea will be $(.00 Suit Cates wilt be,.... $7.30 Suit Ctses will be t.4 . . - 1.1 45 75 45 2.95 . .. ... SJI.4 4 $10.00 SulpCases will be. ......S4.T5 AltevaUoa Vrleea ea all Boys', Toathr.and OhUdrea'a Suits wlU be aaetiy Half prioe. Umbrellas : By the. carload of manufacture, on all. 10c I'mhrtllas. 5 Ha I'mhreilas lie i'mhreilas $1.S0 t'mhrellas $3.00 ItmbreiiHs $3.60 fmbrellaa $1.00 l'.mbrellas J $ "OiCmbrcl lum- at leas than the coat Alteration -Prices will be..., 25 will be 3iv will be ,. 45 will, be..,.,,,.., TS will 4ie.u. 9f will he a in will h7tt.l,.' will ha S2r45 Underwear Men's Winter Undrwar In an end leas assortment of weights, weaves and colors. - Tbey hava got moving or ders they must go. ; , The Alteration Price on all ' It.WWtnter frWierwear-wHi rB5 $1.40 AVInter Underwear will be.. 754 $1.75 Winter Underwear will be. .85 I.oo Winter t'ndcrwear will b, ,95a $2.50 Winter Underwear will tM. $1.15 $3.00 Winter Underwear will . . f . i i :' J-e. . . . -1.2S Qyeralls;r 45f. with or without bib. every pair ror.per ' riveted, double .sewed with - flat filled sen ma. ami every pair " worth. (Jc and $1.00. Made with S to , 7 pockets, and guaranteed to wear. ' Taka as many as you want. None to dealers. .. ' ' '' Garters., JTor 60 dosen,' regular 35c values. Blankets and Comforter will" go- at exactly HAt.K PHIt'K "tinrtng our great Al teralloti St1i;.- ,- ' ; Neckwear . , ' I -14 $2.50 NECKWEAR " 25 Cents The Alteration Price on every Tie In The Huh In puff a. tecka, four-ln-hands, Aacota and bowa. In 60c.-T9c, - $1:60. $ 00 and $;.50 values ' - tw-rtv;-.-i--.T7,-.T.-iT,. ,25 Suspe 19 for your choice of 100. Uncle Saiti . and President ' Suapenders, an ac knowledged too value everywhere on .: earth..,.. . .... ...w, "-T - 23e for "your choice of. 100 doien PlonfeT-tOcr Suspenders," In can tab' " roller and leather ends; and endless assortment of webs and colorings; la the faiwnia Herfules-and Ftr ' and Police brands are in this great lot at 33c. : ' ," , our 74c, $1.00 and 31.60 grades of silk and silk and lisle webs in every conceivable style of Suspender known. "SPECIAL 00 dosen regular tie grades of Sus penders, truly a great bargain, for 11 Gloves - Buy right and save half. 25 for 60o Gloves, all kinds. ' .. 45 for 73c and ll.O-Aabeatoa. Soal akin and Reindeer Gloves, and'. all other kinds. . . t . . 6S tor Snranac. Horse, -lHg br Buck . skin $1.60 Gloves. . , . : , , 95 for our Regular $Jta kinds, in hliick cordVan. aaleaina. ne, Tht greatest voioeg ever Differed. ,.'.. Sweaters . tS4X IWI1TIU, S1.00. They. ,hae got to go. . Alteration Prices on alt ' i $ 00 Sweaters will be. ...... ..$2.48 $ Sweaters wfflr be I.';. $1 .90 $3.00 Sweaters will he. . !il.4S $2.50 Sweaters will be. .... 1.85 -Handkerchiefs toe Linen liandkerehlefs. ....... .2) 1 3 e Linen " Handkerchief s. . . , . , . 4a) ISo Mnen Handkerchiefs. . . .8 l-3 36a Linen Handkerchiefs.. ;i2 l-2 35c Linen Handkerchiefs... ...,.19 10c Linen Handkerchiefs. ...... 24) Silk Handkerchiefs , 4 251 -Take- vour choice of all our 4i)C Tic and $1.00 Bilk Handker chiefs. - . , " Cardigan Jackets -All $1 40 and $3 Cardigan Jackets. for ........,...,;.e...v...i.1.50 All $5.00 Cardigan iaokets. for. f 2.50 Toor unlimited choice of any Cardigan " Jai-ke1:. If) mir hc4iaa worth up to '$7.&0, for 7." .'i '.".".". -.'.". . C3.C3 fhr good Shoes at popular prices tor Portland, and we will positively stfc rlflce our entire $16,000 stock of Shoes at the smallest prices ever, known. 95w-Foll the odd" or small Tore of $3.00. $3.00 and $4.00 Bhoo Some ' we have only' cJne or tvo pair of a I kind,, but 'th values ,ato, there. $1.48 Fot all our' regular $3.!IS. $3.60 and $3.76 Shoes. Not a pair but what is fully worth'' that, and . .the bait on earth at, those price, f 1.95 For all of our finest. $3.60 Phoye: every . ralr Goodycsr-. welt ; and warranted full stock calf aud corona volt. . . ..., ,,.,-.., ,f 295 Patent leAthtV. pa'ent enamel. patent vici, dox. cair;. veiour. kangaroo.- calf and genuine colt skin. In 60 styles of toes and luata. Uiif entire stock of $6.00 and $4.00 Shoes are In thla lot. ' V , . $3.4S For your unllmiti-rriolre of all the extra fine $.i0, $7 00 and ., $7.60. Shoe In the Correct Shapes; ' the .most select stocks of leathers known to -shoemakers are- tn thts lot; every pair hand-sewed. The finest Shoes in the land at $3.43. ' Our great Shoe stock contains all and every kind of Boot or Shoe to be found in the largest and best, shoe stock of ' any Chicago-or New York house.' There ara too many styles and kinds r mention them all m this ad. but you'll find .luat what you want at HALF PRICE .OR LESS. . f ; ...Hosiery-: .r.;..V. V. . lBC Cotton Hosot ........ i . 30c Cotton llooa...." I Jo Cotton Hose. V. . ....... $5o Cotton Hwt. , . . 'i . . . . . C0o Cotton Hose. .. . . . , i ... ...l-a) .-...s) , 1 19 This tucludvs' the famous Wayne Knit ane-tluBftpeftnU. In fanor em broklerad and blsck. with whlta fret and double heel and toe. The greateat nn - grandest , asaortwent of hosiery shown anywhore. at the moat, tempting prices, ever known. H Wool Hose 0c Heavy Wool Ho ;") 3ic Extra Heavy Merino... '. J5o .Hcayy Natural'' and .v' i Wiiven 1 1 i I Or Wonf nn I 4U-