The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 09, 1905, Image 13

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    . ; ' , - - -. v .. . - . -..?UZ jb:
:rcc;? daily jotltrnai; Portland, tiiursdayevenino. February . lscx
"- V -'OUT K0TICI8. . " I O.TI VOTIOKaV ' '! -r CIT MOT-. ' - ;.
-;"-' . t-; w-
.Notlc bmbr'ilnn that the Council of
f" "7 or rortumj, tlrrgou, at a meeting
Id aw tha lat day of February, do
tiered tlR aaaeeament by ordlnauea No. 14.431,
L aiFrovinnt of East Thirty-eighth
Itreet, from the ana lb 11m of Baa lin road
i u. Buria une ot .mat leuibtll atreet. la
Ibe minifp nei,eldl r. ..-.I I .. - v;.. ta -'
X Z!Et a. I" OI 101 and Parcel I lalia
Oliarsntee A Trust rLinr IllM: W .7.
- ila..i,!;r,,t Truat CV.ajp.ny. $8-0o;
- Ji' 'l 'Title Unarantee Tniat Company,
' $.T0;.Tot 11. Title Uuarantee Truat Com-
-K.W7HSaLi Isti ierante AJJuat
Tmnx. $73.10. BUH'K 80, lot S.T'ltlo
. Ouarautee.A Trnet Company. $04.96; lot t,
Title Guarantee A Truat Company, $T19;
i 1 Ti JKJS Oaarante Trust Company. $6 so;
.'. A Tltu ("wrantee Truat Company.
HIS: lot 11. Title, fli.arantaa, A IWll Pom-
pan, (16.90: lot 10. Til la Guarantee Tniat
, Cempeuy. $M.0. BLOCK 86. let 8. Title
fluaraetae Truat Company . $97.94: lot 8,
v. Warrantee . Truat Company. 110-1: lot
-' f. Title Oitarantee Treat Company. $11.80;
- $ 11 Title Guarantee A Truat Company,, mt it, ntle Unarantee Truat com
Pny, $11.86; lot JO. Title Guarantee Truat
Company. (S4.1.. B1-0CK 7. lot Title
niiBpanraet M- r...A . mam. mm tA
:"" pnnur ana peculiarly pencntea.
vh.a" oa follow,-via:, 7 . .-.
, VMIH l-WDIT10N to Portland,
-v.. Oregon BLOCK as, lot , Till .Guarantee
" . ft Tra,t t'WpaMr. fUXJTuJot 8, Title
h -f Jlllj Uuarantee A Truat -Company. T.: lot
j. ine itnaranToe ei Truat lompanj. eoeai
Irrf IX Tltl (IniMnfu A Tniat OaaDlBT.
2B; lot Ir. Title Uiiarnotae A Truat Coa
, pany. lot 10, Title Uuarentoe A Truat
I Company, a.l, BLOCK TO, lot f. Title
Title Uuarantee A Truat Comtuiny. tO.BT: lot
J. Title Guarantee A Truat Company. .!;
lot 13, Title Guarantee A Truat 'Company.
I3.W; lot li, Tula Guarantee & Truat Oom
. pany; lot 10, Title Guarantee A Truat
- - ..- hradHLOCK K kt 1. Vuinla I. Irln.
oompany Mil.
. . tlle.Mi lot 1. Tanle I. lorln."l11.l: lot
Herman Bnrtae Eatate. Hrlre ef,;
BLOCK It lot 1, Mary O'teary. Mi.lS: lot
iaoBO! lot f. C. T. Bowen. 110.M. BLOCK
. . tot f. Mary r. Hurley, 10.6: lot . Mary
r. . Purler. l!in.M; lot i. - AmN Rohaon.
tU.T: lot T. Afnee Robeoa, ami. BLOCK
, -V 4. ;kt a, Jeaale . Jtobeon. S1.44i lot X OA
' . r.. nootr.. n.ui: lot B. waiter w. weoater,
, H.t4: lot t. Walter W. Webater. ffttt.m.
i BtlCK 0. let 1, I en Bnrlea. 98.M; lot 1.
f ' . Herman Berlea. 18 OS; nmllTldetl U lot B,
- Manhattan Beal Eat ate Company. 1144: en
. dlTldad H lot T. Manhattan Beal Eitate
- i Company.- .1.efl: nndlrided Vt bit a, C.
finatay Tlnery. i.U; andlrMed U lot T,
' ' C. Ouata Ttngry, $!U1.4Ti total. ll.7.oX
"--'4 atatamont of aforeahld aaaeaaroent fcaa
neea entered la the Docket of Olty Uana
- 'end fa now due and narable at the office of
. the City Treaeurer, In lawful money -of the
,' i'UTea eiatea,. ana ir nor, patu wiinm av
dare from the date of thin notice eurb nro-
- . eeettlnaa will, be taken for the rollertldn of
ina eame aa are pronaea ny ine cnarttr el
the' Cty of Portland. , ... . . .... .
'' - The ahere aaaeaeniaiiHrlll beer Intereat 10
tfaja a flee the tint punllratloa ef thla notice.
la ' - - THW. V. UtVLIS. '
r ' - tha Cite of PortlaaA.
Portland, Oreaoe, r'eeroary t, MM. tf - j- '
norons- DUKOTZarnix or hates
;i',.,.,.,v, ,v , - mm,
':' Vntlee le hereby flren that at the meatlne
t'tha Cotincll of the City ef Portland, Oregon.
.' . krld on the let day of February,. 1006, tha
; Jullowlui rteolutloa waa adotted:;
: Beaotrad. That the Council or tire City of
' fortune, Oreeon, rleema It expedient and pur
- Toaaa to imurore Bharer atreet from the weal
' , lne ef MlaAaalpnl aeenue to the eaat line of
Marylaad areaue. In the (olloln( manner, to-
;. '''trltr "ct - t
Ktret By tradln the etreet fall arldtb with
full tntereecttono down to the eub-frada aa
,lea by the City Eualneer. - .
, Heeond By eonearaetlnf eldewelka la aeeord-
- a nee Uh the city Knglneer'a plana, aeclftoa
" . tlona and eatlma tea. .
j.. Third By conatrnotlne? wooden curb la ae
" , cordanee with the City BncLneef' plana, apecl
tloattona and eatlmetea.
- fourth Hy larlua eroaawalka la accordinge
..with the City Cnlner'a plane, apedflcatlona
h ! .' , and eetlmatee.
, Klflhy eeoatructlnc alone and box (uttere
! ' .. 'In accordance wltb the City Blnoer a plana,
' apedflcatlona and eetlmatee. -:
' " ' flstb By brlnytne the aurface of the atreet
&I1 width with full tntereac tlona to the eetab
bed erade with gravel,' .
Bald lmproeeaent to be nude la aecordanoe
; wllh the charter and ordinance of the City of
Portlanil and" the" Diana. Deelf1eeMonu and eatl'
mate of the City Engineer, filed In the office
adltqc of the -City of Portland oa the
mtn day el January, - lvntH tnooraeo; city
T Knglneer'a 4lane and- paclficatlona far the Im
. . proTcment of BhaTer- atreet from the went line
of Miaataetntit aeenne to the eeat line of Mary
lead arena, and the eetlmatee of the work to
. . e done aad the probable total coet thereof."
The coat of aald lmproTeaaent to be aaaeeaed
aa proTlded by the city charter upon the prop
ZX erty epedally and peculiarly benefited thereby
. 'aad which la hereby 'declared to be all the lota,
- - parte thereat aad narcabi of land lying between
a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the
orth Una of Shaver atreet and Une 100
.. feet aouth of and .parallel with tbe aouth line
'of Roarer atreet and between the waat line of
7 Mlaeiealppi avenue aad tha at Una tat. Maty
'. L land avenue.
. 1 The Engineer' eatlmate trfJUie probable toUl
met for the Improvement of aald Shaver
atreet la M.318.00. "
The above Imororement anaii ae eiaaara aa a
T- - gravel Improvement and aball be maintained hr
, .the elty for a period of row year, provided,
. however, that tbe ownera or a majority 01 tne
- 'property benefited by aald Improvement or any
portion thereof aball not neUtlon for n new or
different Improvement before tbe eaplxattoe .of
. ; ; ouch period.' . '
.. Thejilana, apedflcatlona and eatlmatea of the
' , City Enaioeer for the Improvement: of aald
', " . (barer atreet are hereby adopted.
...'. Reaolved. That the Auditor of the City of
Pnrtland be and he la hereby directed to give
notice ef the priinoeed Improvement of aald
' ' atreet aa provided by the city charter.
Remenarrancee anlnat the above Improvement
may be filed ta writing with the nnderalgned
A-,w erttUn SO day from the dau M the flrat pan
. llcatloa of tbla notice.
By order at ta Coonct v ' " '"' .
' '-;-. TU08. C.-MTUH, J
- . v- v- Andltor at tha Cltv of Ptland. -
Portland. Oreeoa. Data at flrat publication,
le-'- February 4, 1000. . , r
" .. TEL ATEBUE. . , .-.
- ' Notice la hereby given that at the meeting
r.f the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon,
held en tbe lat day of February, louft, the tot-
- low tog Trunin -tow wae adopted 1 r -
- Beaolred. That the Council of the City of
Portland, Oregon,' deem It expedient to eetab
llah the grade on Buehtel avenue at a potnt
int himffrxt-1 ino) feet north of I he nurth
line of Eaat Pine atreet and at a point one
hundred and fifty (ISO) feet aouth of the aonth
line of Kaat Pine atreet, and deem It expedient
ten change the grade on Buehtel avenue at Ita
Intereectton with Kaat Pine atreet knd that It
la the Intention ef aald City Council to ae
tanllah the grade at aald point one hundred
- tir feet north of the north line ef Kaat pine
etreet at one hundred and aeventy-one and
. eleht tent ha 171.ft feet almv the bee of rlty
1 era dee. and that If la the intention of the City
, Council to- eatahllah the grade at aald point
' one hundred fifty (ISO) feet aouth of the
eonrh line ef Beat Pine atreet at on hnndred
' tlfty-nine and fourteen hnndredtha (1A0.14)
feet a bore the heae ef city grade, and that
l -T'lt la the Intention of the City Council to
. change the grade at the Interaecthm of Eaat
, line atreet and Buehtel avenue from one
, hundred aevraty and eight tent ha (170.) feet
j..flkaanbnve the baae ef city gradee to one hundred
aeventy-one and- five fen tha (1T1.B) feat above
? -the baae of city gradee. ' - k.
Reaolved. That the Auditor f the City of
.- Portland be- and be I hereby directed to give
. " notice of the proponed change of grade f aald
' atreet. aa provided br tbe rherter.
Retnomrtrance aaalnat tha above change of
' grade mav be filed In writing with1 the under-r-i
aleoed wlfhto dare from ih date e U
flrat nnhllcatlon of thi notice, - .a..
.By order ef the Conne). ' ' , .
if - '-'" Aaditnt of the Cltv ef Portlaad.
fertland. Oreeon.. Date ef flrat. publloatlaa,
fehruarir 4. 1006. . , .
. i Notice la hereby given that at tbe meeting
wi low tminrii or in r I ruataauw, utr,w, I
held on the t let day of a'ebruary, JXV Ue4
Heenlved, That the llonncli of the City at
. Pertlaiid, Oeceon,--eleeen It- expedient and pur
poaea t improve tbe weet belt of Kaat Tblrty
, aecond (treat front tbe center line ef Beet
Morrlaon atreet to a point 1M feet north ef
the north line of Eaat Morrlaon atreet. In the
following manner, te-wlti
Flrat By grading the atreet to the proper
frad aa ahowa by .the . atake aet by . tbe
Ity Engineer, ; 1 -
L a.- Heeond By laying eraaawtlka. " " .
Third By eouatrnctlng wooden aldewalka
-With wooden verba. "
'". Bald laiprovemeot to-be made In arcurdance
.--with tn charter and erdlnancea of the City
ef Portland, and tbe plana, auevlfleaflona and
eatlmatea ef the City tinglnier. filed In the
office of the Audita of the City of Portland,
i re the nth day, of January, IIKV). Indoraed:
' ''City Bnglneev'a plane and eneel float lone fit
.the Impr-rrement of the wt halt of Beat
-Thlrty-aeennd atreet from the center line of
' Karl Mnvrtana atreet to a point 1110 feet north
ef the north line of Eaat Morrlaon atreet, and
the eatlmatea ef the work to be don and the
w probable total enat thereof. "
. The enat ef aald improvement te be aaaeeaed
-it provided by the city ebarter a one (he pcov-
erty epedally and peculiarly benefited thereby
and which la hereby declared to he nil the
Inta. parta taerenr ana parceie or lane, lying
. Let m. ike weet Ilea ef Eaat Thirty
y eel unn
itrert and Una luO; feet went thereof aad
parallel therewith, and between, the aorth.llna
of Kaat Mordaoa atreet and at a llnd UW feat
north thereof and parallel, therewith.
. Tbe Knglneer'a eatlmate ef tbe probable total
mat for the Improvement of aald went half of
Eaat Tblrty-aerond atreet la (123.00.
The plana, apeclfleatlou and eatlmate ef the
City Engineer for the Improvement of aald weat
half of Kaat Thlrty-eecood. atreet ate hereby
adopted. '
Beaolred. That the Auditor of the City of
Portland be and he n beraby directed to give
notice . of tbe propoeed Improvement of' aald
atreet aa provided by the city charter.
, Remonatrancee agalnat tha above improvement
may be filed lav writ tag with the nnderalgned
within SO dare from the data of lb flrat pun
Urattoa of thla notice. . . ,...
By order of the Conndl. r -
a,,..,.- THD8. fi, -eeETLINi '-
. Auditor of the City of Pnrtland. '
Portland. Oregon, - Date- of flrat publlcattoa,
February -Xr-t. : rr
of aviiM
Notice ta' hereby rltea that at tha meeting
ef the Council f the City of Portland, Ore
gon, held on the lat day of February, IVXKI,
the fallowing reaolutlon wae adopted:
Reeoleed, That the Conoril of the.. City of
Portland; Oregon, deema It expetllent and
purpuae te - Improw Guild atreet from the
north line ef Thurmaa atreet fa the eeel
Une ef Vaughn atrt In tha followlug ana
er. ta-wltt . . . ' ..,
rirat Br - grading The atreet full Width
to the oub-grad ae ln by . the City Kor
glneer. i ' ' -
Beeopd By ennatrnetlng artlllclal atone alde
walka In ccordane with the City Englaeer'l
plane, apertOeatlonn and eatlmate.
Third By' bringing the ' aurface ef - the
atreet full width to U aatabllabad grade with
macadam. ' .
aid lmneoeement ta .be made la aecordanre
Lwlth the ebarter and ordlnaucea of the City ef
remand ana ine ptana, apecipration ana
estimate of the City Engineer Bled In the
office of the Auditor ef -the City of Portland
en the )th -day ef January,. luo. IndoraeC.
"City Baglaeer'a plana and epedftcatlona tor
the improvement of Guild- atreet . from tha
north line of Thurmaa atreet 1 to tbe aouth
Hue of Vaughn atreet,, and tile eetlmatee of
the. work to be don nod tha probable total
1 inarenr." j
ae eoai or aaia improvement za oa aaaeaaia
nrovlded br ,th city charter unon the nron-
erry apeciany ana peculiarly nenemea tnnren)
and wblch. le hereby declared to be all the
lota, -pan thereof and percale of land lying
between a Una 100. feet went of and paralWl
with the waet Une ef Guild atreet end a line
100 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat
line of Guild tret and between the north line
of Thurmaa atreet and tha aouth Una ol
Vanfhn atreet.
aba Enclueer'a eatlmate of .. tbe nrebabl
total coat for the ImpruTtmeot ef aald Guild
atreet la gl.pao.uo. . . j--
The above Improvemeat la to be elaaaed aa
macadam Imaroremcut and ahall be main
tained by the dtyifor a period ef Ire year,
provided that tbe owner ot a majority , or
roe property neavarea ny aaia tmnrorcment, .or
any portion thereof, aball not petition tor -a
sew or . ainerent improvement wore u ex,,
nlratlon of aneh oariiid. . . . . '
Tbe j'aoa. apecittcatlona. and eatlmetea ef tha
City Engineer - fox . tha .lmprovetneut . of. aald
C2nl1d atreet are hereby edootad.
Beaolred, That the Aaditor of the City of
Portland be and he la hereby directed te give
notice of the , DroDoaed lmnrovement of aald
atreet aa provided By cnariex.
Hcmonatrancea agamat toe anove improvement
may be flled In writing with the nnderalgned
within B0 day from the date . of 4he-drat
puniicatma ex tma n"c. -
. By order of tbe Council. '. 1 A '
' ' AudRttr nf tM Clt of Portland.' r
Portland, Oregon; Date of flrat public Uo a,
February 4. 1006. - , -
. XC0VS ITBEET. ' ' .'. 'VA. ",
"Notice I hereby elron. that etrtho meeting
or tne council or xn criy-Tr reruana, laregou,
neia en tbe lat day ol reoruary, iwuo, u
following raeolutlon -wae adopted: ,
Reaolved, That the Council of th- City of
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient- and pur.
pose to Improve Twenty-eeoood atreet from
the north line of- Waahinaton atreet to tbe
south line of . Jobnaoa atreet. by bringing -the
roeaway mil wmu wttn run iniereeciione to
cruahed rock acreanlng, and by conetrucUng
wooden eraawalk alx feet ta width. --
Bald Improvement to be made la accordance
with tbe charter and ordinance of the City of
Portland and the plana, epecMcatlone and eatl
matea of the City Engineer filed In tbe office
of the Auditor of the City of -Portland on
the 24th day or January, louo. indoraed: "City
Eaglneer'a plana and a pec I tic tlona for the Im
provement, -or Twenty-eecona atreei.. rrom tne
north line of Waahlnaton atreet to the aonth
line of Jobnaoir- atreet and th eetlmatee ef
tbe work to b 0on aad th probable . .total
coet thereof. - S.-
The coat of aald Imnrovament to be mode
aa provided i by th city charter! upon tbe
properxy -epeciaiiyir arnu peculiarly oenrnteu
thereby and which ia hereby declared to be all
tbe lota, parta thereof and puree la ef land
lying between a line 100 feet weet of end
para llel with the weet Une of ' Twenty-aeeond
atreet and a,lin100 feet eaat of and parallel
with the eaat Una of Twentv-eecnnd atreet
ana-betw m-aorta una or waaaingt
atreet ana tne eoatn une ox nnnoa atreet.
The - Engineer' eatlmate - of the probable
total -.-eoat for . the Improvement- of - said
Twenty aarond etreet la gl. 400.00. -
xn voore imnrovemenc nun ciaaeeo a a
macadam Improvement and ahall be malnfalned
by the dty for a period of three year,- provided
that the ownera of a majority of the property
benefited by aald Improvement or anyDorte-
thereoi, ahallnot petition for a new or different
Improvement before .. the. expiration of such
The nlana. asedScatinue ' and earlmatea of
tn f-ity r-ngineer xor tne improvement ot aaiu
Tweatr-eeeond atreet are hereby adopted.
. Resolved, That the Auditor of the city of
roriiana no ana ae ia nereny oireciea vi give
notice ' of tbe proposed Improvement of said
street aa neovlitt he .tha ettv charter.
. BeaHnabncee - agalbat tbe a tore improve
ment may tie n ice in-writing wita tn unaer-
aigned within 20 day from th dat ot th
Brat publication 01 tni notlc., - - ; r
By order ef tha Coundl. i - ' " ' -. "r
" Auditor of th City ot Portland.
Portland, Oregon. Data of flrat publication,
- February 4, 1006.'' ; .... ,
I beraby given that at the xneetlrar
of the Council of th City of Portland, Or,
gon, held oa tbe lat day ot February, WUfL
the following reaolutlon wa adopted: 1
Keeoivea, max xoe council or tne city or
PM-ilandr Oregon, deema It exnedlent and
purnoaee to ebencw tha grade of the Inter
aectloa ef the eaat curb line ef Union avenue
with th north curb line of Eaat Clay atreet
rrom (O.30 feet ta 08.00 feet above the heae
of eltv aradee.
jtenoivaa-jna r ine auauee . ei tne t'lty T
Portland be and he .la hereby directed to elve
notice ef the proposed change of grade at aald
atreet ae presided by the charter. ..
Remonatrancee agalnat tbe above change of
ead- mar be died In writing with the under.
aigned within 20 daya from th data of tha Brat
ntihiicetlon of thla notice.
- By order of th Council: .V ,
Auditor nf th Cltv of Portland.
Portland Oregon. ' Data of flrat publication
rehruary 4. luyo.
Notice la hereby given that the Conedi o
the rltr of Portland. Orexoa." at a meet ine
-held on tbe lat day of February. 1306. declared
tbe aaeeaameni oy eminence xio. i,4:. for
tha conatroctloo ef eewer" trrMiaueaota ave
nne from' the aonth line of preaustt atreet to
the- aewcr la ahaver atreet. In the manner
Covlded by ordinance No. 14.280, upon eech
t, part ef tot and . parcel ef land which are
epeclally and - peculiarly benefited, te be aa
followa, da:' .
Ml LTNOM Alt BLOCK 0, tot 1, Charlra Bar-
tram, lot n. iraraev ri. atones, air.iat
- Anderson. tlT.IB? tot 0, Emma A. Reed.
jlt.16. BliOCK ir lot 1. M. E. Thomtieon.
""-$17.16;. tot 3. M. R. Thompaon. $17.1A tot
;. M, R. Thompaon. $17.16;, tot 7. M. R.
' . Thomoeon. fiT-ln;' tot 0, M. ' R. Thomnaon.
e-817.16; tot. !; M. K. Thorn noun. $17.10: tot
13. M.tSr-Tnoaapaon, f lT.IO: tot 16, M. H.
Thomnaon. $17.16.1 BLOCK 17, tot 1, Jiiatlne
' fried lander. $17.16; tot 8. Emma Rlgga,
$17.16: lot 3, John Berkatrom, $17.16; tot 7.
Omr U Hraly, . $17.18; tot . Han Koch.
$17.16; tot II. Amelia Haberland. $17.16;
t tot 13, M. F.rlckanr,, $17,.t6t tot 16, John Oar
diner, $17.16. KUVCK 4. tot 1 jr. B. Bcott.
f.76: tot 4. Rena Carao, $24,361 tot 0,
Janw Bortho-lck. $24.86; tot Hr- Peter V.
Btewart. $24.86: lot 10, William B. Crerar.
." $34.6; tot 13. Chrletlan F. Wlehnsch, (24.86.
BLOCK . tot 1, Andrew H. Oleev. r-'
tot 4. Cathedne A. Glear. $24.85; tot ,
1. R. MeAulley. Wl lot 3. J. B. Mo
Auuey, ajs.imi mt J", namuei r. Know.
24.86; tot 1. navra R. roat, (24.86;. north
$120; aouth t of lot14. C. V. Pronrt;
or tot 14. Mat new patton Estate. Heirs nf.
$12.46; tot 1ft. John J. KUffer.- $24.86.
BLOCK 10, tot 2. George W. Hate. $34.(6;
. tut 4, Nellie, Cain. Button, $24.86;. tot a,
Annie Nekton. $14.86; tot 8. Anal -Neladn,
84.88; lot IO. School. Platrtct No. , $24.8.1;
tot 13. ftonoril Matrlct No. 1. foiaa.
pcheol TMatrlct No. I. $21.86; tot 11, grbeel
IMatrvt k 1, lotau
A atetement of aforesaid aaaeeament baa
been entered In the Docket of Clly Urne
and la now due and Payable at tbe offlee nf
the city Treeaurer. In lawful money of 'the
ptatee, ana 11 nox nei witnia : 80..
tm tne nets or mia notice ao.h neo.
eeedlnga- will be taken for the collect to ef
the earn aa ate provided by. the charter of
tbe City ef Portland .. ,
The annve eeaeaatnenr win near intereat in
day after the flrat publication of this notice.
I nam. I'. ievi,ii.
Aftttor f the ntf ef Portia a J,
, Portland, Orrgea. February (, 180$..
tutnnm torn tutuorxUiMt or oob-
. Iin BTBEXT. ,
Nbtlce la hereby given that the Conndl of
tlut City ef Portlend, Oregon, at a meeting
held on the lat day of February, U0O, declare
no. i.
I.4K4, fot
the tmpreveuieBt ef Crbett etreet, front the
aoothweeterly Hue of Mood atreet to the north
Una of beymour avenue, In the manner pro
vided by ordinance No, 13.03, upon each. lot.
part - ef lot . and parcel at - land which are
epeclally and peculiarly bcMflted, to b a fol
kiwa, via:
ADDITIOM to the City f Portland BLOCK
40, lot , L n. Parker. S1,14; lot 4. E. H,
Parker, ftlB.OZ. BLOCK 41. ea T8 feet
of toil. Laura E. aad John I. Lenta, 10f.H7;
weat 17 feet of lot 1. W. and U. Bcott,
tM.Ot; lot J, T. H. - Smith. 1110.02: tot t,
Lewla M. Parrlth. I147.N4; lot i. Mr.
-Amay -Duport. gtop. t. - B LOCK- . 1o t,
John N. Matach. kw.T4: tot t, Joha N.
Matach, II4T.BB: lot , Frank Potlvbe. MT.i
tot 4. Joaeph Pollvka. 17n 25. BLOCK 43,
lot 1, A. G. Hammond, $170.67; tot S, A.
0. Hammond, 6l4a.22;tot I, IHadanna and
Julia L. Hammond, aoO.OA; tot t. Diadanna
and Jalla L. Hammond. M.3. - BLOCK 44,
. tot - L John Bpitauiberg er, tl).32i lot 2,
John Bpltxenherger,, li2.7S; lot .8. John
. M. Braaer, m.Mr tot 4 : Catherln F.
Tharkelaen. $11.01.
CAHI THEKS' AUDITION to tha ty ef Port
land, ea laid out by the Booth Portland
Beal Xatate aaeodatlon BLOCK 106, eaat 100
; feet of lot t, Oregon Railroad A Havlga.
tlon Company. $140.04: hit 4. Oregon Kali.
r road A Navigation Company, $101.66. BLOCK
116, tot 1. The Northern Countlea Inveat
men! : Trnat, Ltd.,' $40.01: lot , Tha North.
. era Countla Inreatruant Truat, Ltd., $32.43;
;lt a. Ellaabeth A. Thomaa, $3.08; let 4.
Ellaabeth A. Thomaa. $3.M. , BLOCK 120,
tot 1. Jullua H. Beyer. J.M; tot 2, Ida
- M. , Beyer, (3.0$; lot 3, George B. and Min
nie I lt.,M... It n. 1 - - A A . I 1 1
, - m.imi-i'w, ' i r. aaervna
t ehaw, $a.Ja. BUICK 194. lot . 1. , Adeline
. M. Wood. $8.38: lot 1. Adeline U. Wood,
I? ! : tot 8 Nancy IV Atklneoa lata to,
Heir, of. $70.A; lot 4. Naiwy Bi Atkln.
aon. neiaie. Heir or, $111.46. BLOCK J4S,
. tot .1,-Oregon Ballroad A . Navigation Cum-
. pany, (10tl.4i lot 3. Oregon Railroad A
.navigation company,, aao.73.. BIXM'K 1EZ
; ao'jh feet of tot 3, Arthur K. McBreen,
, 37.70 aouth to feet ef tot Aruiur K.
McBreen. $0.04, 80rtk Jo fi of tot 3,
Bayer, $1.41; abnth 38 feet of
-BortI!L 17 of tot (,. Jooeph C. Bayer,
- $24.39: onth 13 feat of lot S Peta. Itnh.
yo-au-a, eii.wi; tot , reter Hobklrk. $63.00.
. pvt".r ins. 101 1, The Home, $04.00; lot
1 Th. Home, $44.30; tot. 8. Tha -Home.
'$10.13: lot 4. Th Unane-. til In. KlIU ll
108, lott. Preatoa W. Gllltte, $2J,10
T Jot "t" William H. Churchhlll, tot
ri ."annua a., aurgan.; kit 4. as.
Mnda E. Morgan, $44.78. BLOCK 17J, tot
,1. Bamncl E. Wrenu, $4.80; tot 1 L F.
Caae $3.00. aouth U of tot 3. Anna A,
, Brlcb, 8I0.BT; north H of tot 8, Anna A.
Brlrh. $10.50; lot 4. Anna A. Brlch. $26.04.
BLOCK -184 lot 1, f'reaton W. Gillette,
370. 77 r lot S- IVeatun W lll1ata BIIO.19!
all ef lot lying eaat of a Una 100 feet
waax -or-and - parallel with the weat line
of Oorbett ' atreet, Preaton W. - Gillette.
J&li':" Freetoa W. Gillette, $ao8.00.
160 fret of Jot 1, eaat of Oregon A Call.
; fornla Railroad Company'a right of way,
- Martin Winch. $314.62; aonth 60 feet of
north 100 feet of lot I. eaat of Oregon A
California Railroad Company'a right of way,
Klmer B. Colwell. $8.66; aonth 30 feet' ef
lot 1. eaat of Oregon A California Ballroad
u Company'a- right of way. Mary A. Clarke,
$.10.22: north 16 feet of' aobdlvlalon E of
lot 2. Mary A.- CUrke, $18.08: aouth 46 feet
of aubdlvlelon of lot 2, Roae A. Young,; . aiiotuviaion v or lot g. Kate v.
Montgomery. 3,11. or; aubdlvlalon C of lot 9,
C. Joraenaen. 820.03: auhdlvtatoar
B of
lot 9, J. a. Bever. $76.04; eaat 100 feet -of
aubdlvlalon A of lot 1. J. H. Beyer, $06 41.
aii ox irregoa canrornla Railroad Com
pany'a right of way. lying aait of Una
lno feet weat of and narallel with tha weat
fnrTf--Corbett: ltreef and between aUne
x.s reel norm or and parallel with tha
north line of Bancroft avenue and a line 230
feet eoutb-of and parallel with tha South
Una ef Lowell avenne, Oregon A California
Railroad Company. $d.01. BLOCK 6.- eaat
100 feet of nbdlvllon A of. lot 1, Richard
C. Prince,.. 812L03: eaat 100 feet of subdl
vtalea B ef lot 1. Richard O. Prince. $ll3.86:
varat 1I0 feet nf mbiUvtulon. C 8f-lot 1,
John - M. Bhregley, $67.84: eaat 100 feef
of anbdldelon D of -tot 1. C. W. Lelck.
$38,641 eaat 100 feet -of aubdlvlalon B of
tot 1. John Ponnerherg, $23.64: east 100
feet of enbdlviaton f of tot 1, Anna Louie
Blegee.: $23.86; eaat 100 feet of eubdlvlaloa
A of tot 2. L. 19. Finn, $23.88; eaat 100 feet
of aubdlvlalon B of tor 1 Ann Finn. $23.66;
eaat 100 feet at aubdlvlalon 0 of lot 2,
Portland Trnat -Company nf-Oregon.' 333.84:
eaat . 100 feet of aiihdlrlalnn I) of tot i
I I'ertland -Troat
eaat ion reet
- hV Muchatelp
. divldon F of lot 2. B.
SLOCK 4, eaat loo feet i
t 1, Mary E, Marshall.
Muehateln. (120.oS.
of eiindlrtalon Q of
llu u.
feet of eaat ioo feet of aubdlvlalon IV of
lot 1. Mary E. Marahall. "$24.02: south S
fact of eaat 100 feet of aubdlvlalon D of
tot 1, William . Kelly, $100.07; enat 100
1 eci or euowvmion a 01 lot 1, j. at. jenxei
and la. Maadeellle. $110.10;. eaat 100 feet
of anbdldairut-p-trfr-tnt--1; Frank Bcnwan
bachv. 8j.63t et 00 feet of aubdlvlalon
"O of lot 1, Cranrllle C.! Buff. $58.13; aaat
' 00- feet nf eubdlvlaloa H of lot 1, Granville
Burt, $01. 3; weat 10 feet of eaat loo
feet Of aobdlvlalon H of lot I. M.' Everest,
$0.77: weat 10 fact of eeat 100 feet of rub:
dlvlalnn G of lot k M.. Everest. $0.08: eeat
ioo reet 01 mt Hen neiune. a4.-M.T7
ADDITION to tfis City, of Port bind BLOCK
" T. Thomas E. Edward. (406.40; all of block
B lylitg between two llnea raapectlrely . 40
feet and 100 feet eaat of and parallel with
the eaat line of Corbett street. A. P. Bmlth,
(56.TB. BLOCK B, weat 40 feet of north 03
. -feet-f block 8, Hannah Caahen. $2.12.62;
waet 40 feet of aonth 8 feet ef block B.
O. M. Hey wood. $07.18. BLOCK 83, tot 8,
- The German Ravlnga A Loan Society, $S6.B6;
all -of tot 1 lying weat ot a line lno fact
eaat of and parallel with the eaat line ot
- Corbett -atreet. the German Savin as A Lean
Hoelety, (20.40; lot T. George W. Gordon.
r8.08; all of the north 61.126 feet of tot
lying west of a line 100 fact east -of
I: Lend parallel with the eaaL llne-of-Corhatt
atreet. tne uerman navinga at ixian nocietv.
$16.65; tot 0, Hebsstlan Plymalr. I104JI1; all
of tot 3 lying seat ef a line 100 feet eaat
ef aad parallel with the. eaat line of Cor
"bett atreet, Frahk F. flilham. 2 48: all of
the aoath reet or lot z lying weat or a line
100 fret eaat nf and- parallel with the eaat
t,a, irr-t raiev
fne of Corbett
lyrr: lot 6, o.
I- lot , Hei
Corbett atreet, Frank r. tiiiham.
W. Gordon, g 47.21. BMK'K
Herman Heltkemner. ' 81O4.0O:
that aart of tot 6. block 8L In Caruthera'
Addition to. Caruthera' Addition to th C'UV
of Portland, conveyed by J. Q. Heltkemner
to Herman Heltkemner. recorded In book
823, page 18, Record f 7ieed,""Multnomah
County, iiregon. uerman itririemncr. :.ia;
mrt nf mock 87. CarnrherW Addition nr
I irr
. carntbere' Addition to the City of Portland,
eacept mat par, cm -vj w, rir,v
kempor to Herman Heltkemner, reetirded In
' book 321. page 18, Record of
. Deeda, Multnomah County. Oregon. J. O.
: Halt kemneTr (1 2.64. BLOCK 80, let 10. May
D. Ingklla. $111.02; tot 8, Corlnn B. Wood.
' $10.64; north H of tot 11. Gnat. J. and Carea
Olaen. $31.31; aouth W of tot 11. Gnat. J.
and Caroline Cartoon, $31 toll tot 12. Ella C.
Sabln,' 812.00. BLOCK 104. eaat 60 feet of
lot 0, Ibex lend Company.' $52.16: all of
" lot ldng 'west of line 100 feet eaat of
and parallel witlt rne eaat line or, corbett
latret, Ibetrtgnd Company, $10.44r aat 60
feet of tot $. Ibex Lead Company, (03.07:
-'all of lot 4 lying weat of a line 100- feet
,caet nf and parallel with the eeat line of
, .Orbert atreet. Ibex lend Company,- (3.11;
' all. except eaat M feet, of tot . F. 6.
irwalrb.' (88.44; afl. xcept east 60 feet, of
tot 6, F. 0.Waleh. (172.18. - BLOCK ltd.
, tot 8, Bridget and John D. Kennedy Katate,
Helra of. $40.01: lot T. Mary A, Bulltvant.
J .11. 43; lot O. Margaret C. Falling, S:t2.43;
ot 6. Margaret C. Falling. $06.21. BLOCK
125". tot 8. Cora B. and Lillian A. Da Linn.
- $.14.70:-tot T. H.. F. and Flora C. Greanerb.
' M 2S: aonth 14 nf tot 0. Alice K Bowen. tot . Charlee Hoaghton,.
31.62; " lot O, trregon -sinrtgage tan.
pany. $3-20. aWK T.13 tot . 8.
. Alcxifflder Pattullo. (8.20; tot
T. Alexander 8. .Pattullo. $3.03: tot 0. George
HtnwelL $3.03: tot 3, George Stowell, $3.20.
" BIH'K 144, west i ot tot 8. Abram Mlley,
- $2 67; weat H ef tot T. . Ignore 8. Gregory,
$2 67;. eaat 14 ef tot T. Bdl A. ; Wrinkle.
$1.47; eaat t? of lot 8, Badin A. 'wrinkle;
, $1.47. BUN'K 163. tot T-, Frank -and Mary
. tiackenev. (7.08: tot 3. Oscar and Lucy
L, Shattneka. (SO.UO tot " 8, Oacar and Ijicy
Phattnck. stw..iu. rir rt 102. mi e. rMtpnia
Pntton, (M OO; tot'T. Bonhts- gntton. $14.38:
tot 0-. Jacob Kamm. $34.4r- lot 6, . Jacob
Ttimm. $01.81. BLOCK too. - tot . " Port
land Tniat Company of Oregon, $4.73: lot
T. PcstUnd Trnat Company of Oregon, 34.4S;
tot 0. David 8. Stearna. $4. 40; tot 6, I rid
8. Stearna. $4 72. BUK'K 176, tot 8. Jama
eil Kdlth Gammons. 876 03: lot T. Jame
. and Jdltb. .Gammon, $M 24; tot ..Jame
i and Tcdlth Gammnne. $4 38; tot 8. Jamea
and T!'
and Edith Gammona. $u8.O0. BLOCK Inn.
tot 8, Frank and Mary llaekeney. (7 77;
: . a. b u..- tl .nk aice aa.
tot K Frnk and M.rV Hacke,'. $130 X
116 reel. ox ant 1, in, i nura niarea rineiiry
" A Gurnlee Company. $171.80; aouth 33 feet
.of north inn feet of tot 1, Thomaa McNamee,
tHOvi aorth'104 feet of aonth In feet of
t L A. Gertrude tad JalU K. Markf. 8116.08;
nouth 60 feet of lot 1. Jame and Katie
E. I'ew-reon. $M 80; north 60 feet of weat
" 100 feet f tot 2, Mr. E. Wdereehett, $12.00;
north 60 feet of soeth 100 feet of weat 1"0
(t ef tot 3. Id R. Stake. $08.00; eoutb
60 feet ' Of weat 100 feet ef tot 3, Loier
M. Foster. (142 (: kit of n parcel of lead
: lying weat f a line loo feet eaat ef and
parallel with the eaat line of Corbett atreet
and between th aonth line nf Lowell avese
.- extanded easterly la It present course and a
line 160 feet north of and parallel with th
north line of Bancroft avrnue. Clly ef Port
la ad, $.33. BLOCK i weat 100 feet of
OTT aTOtlbl
lot 4, Reboot IHetrlct No. I. $.W.T; weat 100
feet of lot 8, Portland Truat Company of Ore
gon. 81MM.42. BLOCK 8, '.weet 1U feet of
eebdlvtalua A of tot 4. Eva W. - Burtch,
l4.10: waet !' foot ef aubdlvlalon B of
t . Eva W. Butch. $121.00; weat 1 feet
or vncxllrlalon C or lot 4, J una a. b unco.
874.3H: waat 1U0 feet of (ubUlvlalon t ol
lot 4. Thara J. Dolaon, INS 10: weat 100 feet
. ef aubdlvlalon E ef tot 4, Julia I'llrlch, $71.60;
Weat 100 feet of aubdlvlalua F of tot 4. Julia
l llriih. $77.82; arrbdlrl.loo 1 ef lot 3. Buaaa
v. Butler, fiUT.TTr'eubaivieioa a 01 aua a,
. Max Alataek. 870 l : aubdlvlalon 8 of tot 8,
Loulae Kruttner. 8HO.07; aubdlvlelon 4 of tot
... ,- , . n i . .I.JI-1.1 a m.9 1a B
. Joecph LrUrh,-$w.8x: aubdlvlalon t of tot
3. Joeeph Urbech, $K8.66( rlbt ef . way of
. t-ny ex ououroan aanwi vvuiau, ww.w,
. Total atanaaaa.
A atatemeut of aforeeald aaaaaamenf ha
beea entered Ib the.. POckeL 0t UiUk
and II now due aad payable at the offlce of
tbe Cfty Treaaurar. In lawful money of th
I'nlted Btatea, and If not paid within 80
daye from the date of tbla notice auch pro
ceeding wlU be uken tr the collection of
the eaaie aa are provided by tha cbartec- of
toe, City of Portland.
TB a bora aaaaaaaiaot wltl bear Intereat 10
day after the Srat publication ef thla notice.
. Auditor of tha City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. February 4. 1006.
Notlc n hereby given that the Council of
tha City of rorttaud, oregow,- at a anUng
held 00 the lat day of February, 1006. declared
tha aaaeeament by ordinance No. 14,420, for the
Improvement of Eaat Thlrty-rourta atreet irom
the aouth line ef Baae Line road to the north
Une ef Hawthorne avenue. In tbe meaner pro
vided by. ordlnauea No. 14.008. upon each lot.
part at lot and parcel Of land wrucn are
apeciany and peculiarly neneotea, m oe aa 101-
bi'Vlvuin rfr m i-. .a V .. 1 1 . T.. 1
$44.33; Tot 17, Julia Doyle. $43.07: tot 16.
Trod , M. Branch. $42.66; tot - IS.. Fred
m. nranrn. t.sot lot '. i. rreuoxica aa.
- Branch. 808.86: tot 18. Frederick M. Branch,
$71.77. BLOCK 7, tot 18, ValoU A. flud-
, son, $71.77; tot 17, Guatav and Annie Peter
win. $08.86) tot la, Seymour C. friendly.
$6.06; lot 18, George Buttle, $06,101 .tot 14,
trnaleea of Episcopal fund ot the P. E- church
, of the7 dloraee of Oregon, 18 00: tot 13,
"Samuel , Anderaon. $71.40. BLOCK 10. tot
18. Hoe J. Bmlth, $73.46; lot -17. Boaa J.
Bmlth, $00.13; tot 16, Rosa J. Bmlth, o.2r;
tot 16, J. 8. Moore. $ftfl. 67". tot 14. J. 3.
.Moore, . 360.18: lot 13, J. B. .Moore,
$72.04. BLOCK 17.? lot 18. Boa ton J. i
Penning, $71.46; tot J 7. L W. Durant. 808.67 ;
tot 10. Julia BroWe. 36.70: tot IK" M. A.
Tuckey, $06.83; tot 14, MJnnU "Tarwla
- $08.71: lot 18. Minnie Tarwig, $71.63. BLOCK
22, eaat H lot 1$. F. P. Wood, $62.41: eaat
H lot 17. F. P. Wood,r$60 S4; north 10 1-8
' feet of eaat H lot 1.'fTp. Wood, $28.33;
weat Vt tot 18" A. P. Mead. $20.10;twt H
tot IT, A. P. Mead. $18.01; west I, lot 10,
A. P. Mead, (17 : aouth 14 feet of eaat
H tot Id, A. P. Mead, $20.78; tot 16, Frank
P. Wood. $86.80; tot I4.Frank P. Wood,
$03.27; lot 13, .Frank P. Wood. $73.08. BLOCK
20, tot 18, T, A. Bvena, $72.24-. north 11 feet
tot 17. T. A. Erana. 822.78: aonth 22 1-8 feet
VT lot IT. L." J. Bdwarda, $4.1; lot 1, P. K.
Bklbtiex $00.74; undivided north zs rem
; tot1 16. Toll Thompaon. '43.03; aouth S 1-3
- feet tot 16, K. L. Btewart. $10.70: north H
i tot 14, K. L. Btewart. $:I4.4; aonth H ki
14. Flrat Conareeatlonal church. 834.08: tot
, 13. First - Congregational church, 871.46.
f.K ""5.',
W. Dnrant, $00.26; -tot 15. Kato B. prarett.
e-. ncu-i i- -j. . uvm, r' .-"i
ant. -ina ta. K.iw at w--.
Jon. l; mt , n. v. aixutn ex at., mt
S, H. V. Bmlth at sT7T1.88. BLOCK 4A,
-,tot T, Charles Palran, $70.78: lot 3, James
'January, $6t.20-, .tot 0. Jamae January, $66.46;
lot in. Frank A. Tanachw. $00.07.
- 00. lot 8. Andrew Nelaen. 308. 90; lot T An
drew -Nelson, $71.33. BLOCK 68, tot 18,
t'hrfatlan Kretaer- tTI.40- lot 17. ChrlatlaB
- Kretaer, $08.671 to-l. Robert- Inckheed,; lot i, xtooerx xxicaneau, oo.sii weat
: 13 tot 13, D. L. Nlehole, $23.00; weat 14
tot 14. P. L. Nichols. (22.73; east 2 3 tot 14,
' r larel L Sumner. 846.64; aar 3-3 tot 13.
Flavel L. Bumner. $48.40. BLOCK 60, lot
20. Herman F. Beyer. 871.62; tot 10, Bergman-
F. Beyer, $08,711 lot 18, Herman F.
Bever. 300.26: lot 17-. C. Iv Kilmer. 842.06:
4-north-63.4-feet tot 14 Anna ' 3chIV (fl ail
north 63.4 feet lot 10, Anne nenmix, an.axr
north (8.4 feet tot 10, , Anue Ochmlt, $66.46;
south 60 .feet lot 14, Florence C. Webster,
(5.43; (outh SO feet' lot 15. Florence C. Web
ster. $816; sonra 60 fat lot 10, Florence C,
-Webater. $81.67. ,
BtNNVBIDK BLOCK ts-let 8. Bunnvalde Land
A Improvement Company. $44.76; lot 6. gun-.
, nratda la nft A lmnrovement Comoany. 343.06:
ITh't V Btinnyaide Land A Improvement Com
pany,; Mix e, onnnraiae laBQ or im
,4. Maggie rAe-Jlataka. $00.87: .tot 8. lira. D
lan Mitcneii, oo.: ma . m. uxunia.
(cw.nn; lot l. eamuri Anderson, srz.o.
BLOCK 9. tot . Wm. Hackle, 872.04: tot 6.
Wm. Mackle. lot , win. Hacaie.
(06.26 ,tot 8, Wm. Mackle,- 300.79; lot t
, Vm. tfackle. $80. CO: tot 1. Wm, Mackle,
I XT'idt. BLOCK 18. lot d. Cha. S. Durham.
.L.313.1; lot -nV- Jeaala-H. Harrington. $00.274
lot , Jessie it. rtarringiou, aonji: lot .
Loulaa R. Iiownlng. $00.37: tot 2. Ellxabrth
I m. AWIl. r"-.-w, a, ' V " 1 1 H
r-$71.77.. BLOCK 21. tot 0, Margaret DarUng.
(73.10; lot n, margaret uarung,-sna.zr; lot
4- H. C. Hardman. $00.37: tot 3, . c.
Hardmaa. $00.90: tot 3. Henry H, fltanh,
$fl0CW: tot J. Henry -H. fltouh, $74.23.
MIKjK mt a. lea Ailianee ! rqat lew-
. panyr Ltd., $71.77; tot 6, Frank Hunter mi J. . I. Ar ano.eo; kii a.
Alfred J. Pirker and Simon England. $06.TO;
- tot 3, Alfred J. Parker and 81 men England.
(08.67: tot 1. Alfred J. Parker A Simon
England. (71.40., mCK 37. tot 0. Phillip
j. m. mam pel a.; tor o, jaargareTta
Schleffev, (OH.T1; tot c William and Ellaa
.. heth CorOfit . (00 10: lot 3 A. T. Fink.
866.26; lot 2. Frieda Lnndbald. (08.T1; lot
1, rrieoa lnnonaia, rtLArt & so, lot
0. Rarbera Kufflee, $71.04; tot 8, Barbara
K n frier, $08.67; tot 4. Freeda Lundtaihl.
$06.70Mot .8. Freeosr lnndbald.-$06.20; north
IV, tot 2. Freeda Lundbald. $34.36; aonth 44
k,t 2. Nori L. Binxlev. (34.77: .tot 1. Nora
L. Blngley, (72.00. BIICK 63. west V, tot
0. Sarah J. Wetxler. $62.04 ; west 14 ot 6.
naran 4. vtetsier. xo.on; eaat y io o.. j.
D. Coleman, trustee. $18.60; neat U tot 0,
1. T. Coleman. (20.04: tot 4. Maxxl ft. Ham-
U llton. $88.30; tot 3. L. L, Carry. $07.93: tot
g. 1 1. f;arry.; lot i. ta, ia, 't.-urry,
$72.04. BLOCK 64, tot '7, Wm. M. Howea.
$71.40; lot 0. Wm. M. Howea, $08.67; tot .1.
Wm. - IT. Howes, $06.70; tot 4. Wm. M.
T Howes, (42.06: tot 3. Geocre Ncheereo, $11.08;
tot 2. George Bchearen. $10.0:1: tot 1, George
, Bohearea. $106.86; total, $8,071.11.
A atatement of aforesaid aaaeaenient haa been
entered -la the. Docket of ClIV Uette and la
?iw due and payable at the office of the City
reaaurer la lawful money ef the I'nlted Statea.
and It not paid wttbin 30 daya from the date
of ttilr n"TTc4 lttch -inaredliia will ha taken
ror tne collection ox tne eama aa are provioc
bv the charter ot the Cltr nf Portland. .
The above aaaeeament will bear Intereat 10
daya after lb flrat publlcattoa of thla notice,
Andltnr of the (Ity of Pnrtland.
Portland, Oregon. February 8, 1006.
Nolle I hereby given that th Council of
tbe Cltv or Portland, nregon. r a meeting nei
on the lat day of February. 1006, declared tha
aaaeaament by ordinance No. 44.480, for the
Improvement of Russell atreet, '-from the weet
line or usntennein avenue in Aimna to tne
weat lln of William avenue. In. the manner
Covlded by ordinance No, 13.084. upon each
t, part of tot and parcel ef land which are
apeelally and peculiarly benefited, to be
iniicwa, via:
ALRINA BLOCK" 41, eaat t4 tot IT, Chrlattna
K. Blrrell. eaat u tot 18. Chdatlna
K. Blrrell, $73.62: weat W tot 17. William
llourk. $52 67: weat X4 tot 18, William Douck.
$52 08. . BIN'K 88. tot I. J. 8. Brownewrll,
$Mt2.72; M I. L I. rjmwnewelL $104.00;
tot IT.. Edmund Hall Eatate. Heir of.
$112.02: lot. 18, Edronnd Hall Ertatr. Helra
of. $412.71. BLOCK 35. Weat H tot TTFIrat
Norweain-naleh M. E. Cbnrch. $200.86;
went "4 tot 2. First Nnrweglaa-Dantoh M. (.
Church. $04.74: eaat H tot X -Michael Bin.
$56.76; eaat 14 tot 1. Michael Slna. $190.63;
-tot 17." Nlcnolaa C. Mergea.' $716 47: tot 18.
Nlchelaa O. Mergea. $412.20.- RUM'K 30. tot
1. School Dlatrlct No. 1. $410.27: h t
School Dlatrlct No. 1. $116.10; lot 17. School
IHetrlct No. 1, $.19.73; lot 18, School Tnatriet
No. I, $10 64.
BVAttS AUDITION to the Town ef AIMna
BlICK 4. eaat T2.$ feet tot - 1:1, Dudley
(470.44: eaat 72 3 feet tot 14. IHidley
rvaiav (138 80; eaat 72 3 feet lot 15, Dudley
Fvane. ( .22.
- west H tot a. Hiram C. Pattee. $170.48;
west H lot 6, Hiram C. Paltee. $31.03, eaat
H tot 6, The Alliance Trnat Company. Llm-
' Ited. $31.04: eaat H bit 8. 7k Alliance Trnat
Company, Limited. $104.15: aouth $0 feet
tot L 1. M. Plttenger. 812.76; aonth IOO feet
. tot 7. I nlon Trnat A Inveetment company,
. $142.33; aonth 100 feet tot 3. Colon "Truer A
investment tompeav. mt ll. Mary
" 'ItZ'iS M,&!r.,1'! .,
'""., ".T": j2 $r 'l09. Vl
AaaodaHon. $300 03. ST4KK 4. undivided
H weat (0 feet tot 8. W. F. Matiockand
Boyer Baker. $103 60; nndldded H west 60
feet tot 8. W. Fr Mat took aad Borer Baker,
1o 17; nndlvlded H weat 6o feet lot 8. The
Flrat National Bank, (ina 50: andlrlded H
weet (O feet tot 6. The First National Bank.
$:w IT; eeat 40 fact tot a, Edward R. . and
licit B. Pitcher. William J. . aad. Ella U
JamM, (160.62: east 40 feet tot $. Edward R
aad Delia K Pitcher, William J. and Ella 1.
Jacnha, $48 (8 ; tot 4,' George R. Scofflne
Eatate. Hdr ef, $22 on; ontk 100 feet tot
T. Jullua Kraemrr. $18207; weat K 6 feet
aouth Hrt feet tot 8, Jiillaa Kraemer. $30 04;
eaat 30 feet aouth ion feet tot - 8, Gnat.
Holme. $100(1: tot T. G. W. Bete, (loll;
tot 1 d H. Hill Eatate, Heirs- of $58.61
lot 8, C H. Hlil Kaute. Helra of, t Hl
"right of way. Portland Consolidated Kttlway
touipany. $3,240.7. Tetsl. $0,741.40.
A ststeatent. of aforesaid aeaesament ha
beea entered la . th Docket -.of City Liana
and to now due and payable at the ofnee of
tbe City Treaeurer, In lawful mosey f th
Called Statea, and If not paid within 80
day from the dale of tbla'nutlr, eUi-b pro
ceeding will be taken fur the collection of
tha aaaie aa are prorlded by tha charter of
the City ef Pedland. .
Tbe above aaaeaament will bear Intereat 10
4ay after tbe flrat publlcattoa. ot thla nottca-i.
v,. thos. c dkvlinTi
0 . Auditor of th (Ity of PortlaadV.
Port I lad. Uregon, February (.. fc .
- .'. ' . U00KO TBZZT. " " . ". 4
. Nellc to -hereby given What tha Conndl of
!h?,V1,I. nf-JPotlanda.Ofrgoa. at .. meeting
held on tha let 'daya ot Febraery, IO06. da
"tared th aaaeaemeat by ordinance No.1 14.434,
for 4he Improvement, of Second atreet, from th
renter Una of Arthur street to the north line
ef Wood atreet. In th manner provided by
ordlnauea No, 13,082. a pen each lot, part
of let aad parcel of land wblch are specially
and - peculiarly heaeflud. to - be aa followaV
ADDITION. to the City of Port
land BLOCnL. $4, aerth H - eaat - 100
"feet tot 1. Charles F. Hoerker. $87.00;
: eoutb U eaat 100 feet tot 1. Katie. F. Babe-
; nelch, I87.S0; eaat 100 fart tot 3. Katie F.
Rabenelch. $160.04: east NO feet tot $.
John F. Caplee, $00.79) eaat 100 feet let 4.
John F. Caplee. $00.70. BLOCK 06, eaat 100
feet tot 1, Addle B. Murray, $02.06; eaat 100
feet lot 3. Addle B. Murray, (58.80; at 100
feet tot 3. Frank H. Graa, 3100.67; eaat 100
feet lot 4. Orlando P.. 8. Plummer. $102.48.
BLOCK 60. seat 100 feet lot 1, C, B. Smith,
.872.41; eaat 1 no feet, tot 2. C. K. Smith,
$00.87;- eaat 100 feet tot- 8. C E,' Smith,
y$oi74f i1?L4tBl,,lali
A parcel ef land lying between tha north Una
f Wooda atreet and a line 30O feet aouth of
arid parallel with the aouth Mne of Hooker
.Attaet, aad betwaeVtbe weet Hue of 'Bceood
. atreet and a line ioo fear weat thereof and
' parallel therewith, C. E. Smith, $313.23.
BLOCK -60. weat H lot 8. Fannl B. Died
,rU h. (115.08; west W let T, Fannie a Died
rich.: $113.46; west 47 f eeat -44- lot- 8.
Louis .Cohn. (50.0; weet 47 feet eaat H tot
7. Ixwla Cohn, $40.76: weat ioo feet tot 0,
Edward J. Hart. 303.81! weat 100 feet lot 6.
L--Joha CorkUh. $81.17, BLOCK 68. . waet 02
reel lot a. immanuel Raptlat Church, (74, 71
; weat 63 feet tot T, Immanuel Baptlat Church,
. $70.20; weat- 88 feet of eaat 44.6 feet tot 8,
Suat C. Peat Estate. -Helra of, (0 It: weet
38 feet of eaat 44.8 feet tot T, Susie C. Post
Eatsta, Helra of. $6.71: weat. IOO feet tot ,
.' Mary Akara. (1 1100) Waal oo teat tot 8.
Philip and Julia R. lewton. $123.27, BIX1CK
67. weat 60 fret tot 8. Nannie M. Taylor,
$83.06: west 60 feet lot T Nannie E. lay.
lor. $78.02; waat 60 feet of eaat 6d feet
tot 8. Abble O. June. $23.60 : weat 60 feet
of eaat 60 feet tot T. Abbl O. Jane,
$28.80; weat 100 feet lot 0. Jame L.
Johnaton, $168 62: weat 100 feet lot 6, Jam
U Johnaton. (177.38. '
A parcel of land lying between tha aooth
line of Porter atreet end a Una 100 feet
- aouth- there from -and rpara Bet therewith and
between tha eaat line of Second atreet
and a line loo feet' eaat therefrom aad
rtarallel therewith, Wlnfteld T. Stephana,
A parcel ef land lying between the north
line of Wonda atreet and a line 100 fact
north therefrom and parallel therewith and
Iin of Second atreet and
I . 11 o ioo rr- .eaat tAerervanl M Mr.
, - .. . - - . . -
aiiei marewitn. J est pa Simon, and. Cyrva
A. Dolph, $100.86. ... .
i Total. $3.200.8T. " .
"A atatement of aforeeald aaaeeament ha
been entered la th-. Docket ef City Lien
and la now due and payable at tbe office of
the City . Treaaarer, In lawful money of the
United Statea, and If not paid within So
daya .from th dau of thla notice Sac pre.
reeding will be -taken for. tbe coJlcctloix.of
the aam aa are provided. by lb charter of
to City of Portland. . - v
The above aaaeaament "will bear Intereat 10
day aftef th flrat publication of thlr notice.
' -. Auditor t the Cltr of Portland.
- "--a -t i .i
. , ,.-.-.-' ll""'.J.JrT
Portland, Uregon, February 8, J 006
?'-,iLf wautxAi.aiJi.JVBa-
'Notlc I hereby given-that the Council of
the City of Portland, Oregon, at a 'meeting
held on the lat day of February. 1006. declared
tha. aaaeaament by ordinance No. 14.433;- for
th Improvement of Jobnaoa atreet, from tbe
weat lln of Twenty-fourth atreet to tbe east
line of Tweoty-flfth atreet In the manner pro
vided by ordinance No. 14,040, upon each tot,
part of lot and parcel of land which are ape
dally and peculiarly benefited, to be aa followa,
Matthew- Brdr. 610.86: " tot ' S."Mattbew
Brady, $1.64; tot 6. Annie P.-Broaa, $10.44;
e- t. a t a - , r. aire-, rrr..,-. o t-J t -
it e a p. . , v. Ntnin, 1 e. tfwia
r m inn -tsamea H aa,4 Teavaai in Bar ana ll
Ererell F. Pa I awe, - $17.10: tot 18, Ella
Stenbena, $25.8.); lot 17., Tbemaa Steiihena,
$4.81; tot 18, Thomaa 8fhpbene. $30.20. -A
parcel of land lying between tha weat Une
of Twentyfuurth atreet and a lln ioo feet
weat thererrom and parallel -therewith anu
"1 bet ween" the " sou th U ne ol Job naon " street
I -and a line. ion feet eoutb tnecenf and parallel
I - therewith, Frederick A. Krtbsr- $14.0T. -1
A parcel or- tana lying netween two line
reapectlrely loo ierCand 210 feet weat from
t and parallel wllh, tha waat una of Twenty-
fourth atreet and between tbe aoam una of
I Johnson atreet and a lln 100 feet aonth
there froiaa nd Daraiial thaeewlth, lenal W,
Crowley, 623.66.
A Parcel of land lying between two Una
respectively 210 feet' and 200 feet west from
' and parallel with the weat tins ef Twenty
fourth Itreet aad between the aouth' Une of
. Jo neon atreet and a Una 100 feet aonth
therefrom and parallel therewith, H. A.
Sargent. $10.89. . - - -'
A parcel of land lying between a lln 2hO
feet weat of and narallel with th weat lln
of Twenty-fonrth atreet and tbe eaat tine
. or Cornell road aa ahowa by Lewie A VryOea'a
map of Portland and vicinity, 184, and be-
tween the aouth line of Jobnaoa atreet and
a line loo feet aonth therefrom and parallel
therewith, - The King Estate. Helra of,
8131.00. Total. (32140.-. '
" A atatement ot afiaresald aaeeeamebt naa
been entered In. th Docket of City Uen and
Is now- due and payable at the of 6oe-of the
(Ity Treeaurer, In lawful money of the l ulled
Statea and If not paid within 30 daya from th
date of thla notice each - proceed I nxa will le
takes for the collection of the same as art
nrovlded by th charter of lb City of Portland,
The above aaaeeament will bear Intereat 10
day after th (rat publication of this notice.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
-.Portland, Oregon. February 8. 1906.
Notice la hereby given that tha Council of
the City' of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting
held on tbe lat . day t. February, 1006. de
clared the aaaeaament by ordinance- No. 14,442.
for the Improve tneut ot Bryant atreetr from
the eaat line of Wabash avenue to the vrvat
lln ot Delaware avenue. In Ihe wanner provided
by ordinance No, 14.1.17, uiwn earh tot, part
of tot and parcel of land which are apeelally aad
peculiarly beneflted, 10 be aa followa, via: .
AKUOlt LOiHts BLOCK 13, lot I. Beth L.
.Pot-r. Iruttw. $18 80; tot 2, cth L. Pope,
. True tee, $210; aouth 18 1-3 feet of lot 8.
Beth L. 1'opc, Trustee. $1,00; aouth 10 141
feet of lot 10. A. Lamport,- $2.94; tot 17. A.
Lampert, $6,181: lot IH. A. I Lampert, $42.76.
BLOCK 14. tot 1, Ralph Feeucy, $47.94; tot
2. Ralph Keeoey. .$0-46; aouth lot 1-3 feet ef
tot 3. Ralph Keeney. (3.21; aouth 10 1-8 feet
of tot 10, security Saving A Truat Company,
(1.06; tot 17. Security Barings A Truat Coxa
- pany, $3.31; lot 18, Sorority Sadnga A Truat
Company. 323.49. BLMK 16, lot 1, atoruriif Truat Company, $26.36; lot 2,
Security savlnga A Truat Company, $3.40;
' aouth 10 1-8 feet of tot 3. Security Saving
A Trturr Comoany. 81.73: aouth 1 la feet
of tot 10. J. U. Oeborae, $3.16; tot 17, J. U:
tMhnrne, $4.32; tot 18. J. B. Otborne, $:3.61.
BLOCK ltL lot 1. Earl C. Broosugh, $40.06-
tot U, BarlC. Bronaugh. $6.28; aouth 10.1-g;
feet nf hit 8, Earl C. Bronaugh, $2.04; aouth
10 1-8 feet ef tot 10, Earl C. Hrooaagh. $2.0: !
- tot 17. Karl -C. Bronaugh.' $6.37; tot 18. Karl 1
C bronaugh. $34.62. BLOCK. IT,, tot - 1, -
"Jennie W. Uounell. $41.00; . lot 2, Earl C. i
Urooaugh, $7.03; aouth 10 1-3 feet of lot 8, .
Karl c. Bronaugh, (3.94.', ,
BCKMAUE TRAC'I BLOCK 18. tot 13. Thomaa
L. I.ltot, L'l.lrl; tot 14. Thomaa L. Eltot.
(.I6rtot ll, 'Jbomaa L. Kllot, $7.36; lot
12, Tbemaa L KIM, $23.00.. BlAMaat-16.
- tot 13. rhomaaJ.. Eltott-fltaX I tot 14.
- Thomaa X. tllot, (6.72; tot II, Tbomaa L.
Kllt. (4.18; h( It Thomaa L. Eltot, (15.0.1,
BIAK'H Iue tot 13, Tbomaa L. Eliot, (.I0.1M;
lot 14. Tb, maa-L. kllot, s.o7; tot 11, Tbomaa
I..- Hkit. (13.80; tot li Thomaa Ll Eliot,
! 48.18. BLOCK T. tot 18, Tbomaa L. Kllot,
42.40; k't 14, Thomaa U Kllot. (lo.2: tot
I, Taomaa L. Eliot, (7.00: tot li Tbomaa X.
Kllot. (29.KI. BLOCK 3, to 13, Thotna
I. Kllot, (a-l.M; tot 14, Thomaa L. Bitot,
ftJ.M: tot 11, Ihomaa U KltoU $0.31; tot
, 12. liwinea L. Eilot. (2.23.'
ARBOR I.ODGI4 MLOcK 13. tot It, Mary M.
Mock. (22.47: tot 10. Marr'M. Mock. (3.(4;
tot 9. Mary M. Mock. Kl.jf; tot 14, Mary M.
- Mock. $8. IT; tot-13. Mary M. Mock. (8.611;
' tot 13, Mary M. Mock, 143 78. BLOCK II.
-tot 13. Miry C. Basil. (40.16; tot It. Mary
C. Suell, (O.of; tot 10. A. Harmaa. (6.42,
tot 16, North Peri Be Lumber Company, $11,
Mt It North ParlOc Lumber Com pa ay,
rV92; tot 13. North Padfle Lumbw Couipany,
a(l.48. BLOCK Hi. tot 13, Earl C. Bronaugh,
'346.92: tot 11. Earl C. Bronaugh, $6.30: , lot
in. Karl C. Hmnangh. $a.Ux; lot 13, hi. K.
Hendrl. k. $4 Hu; tot 14. M. B. Hrndrlck,
u .; tot Is. M. B. Hendrlrki $34 S3. BIAH:K
9. tot 13. Haiti L. Sweet Woaftsll, $40.02;
tot It. Hsttle L. Sweet Weatell. $8.10: tot
. lo, Hattle L Sweet Vioatell. $0.04; to 16,
E. B. Gardne $6.8r tot 14. First Preaby--tedaa
(hareb. $7.81: tot 13. Flrat Preebv
, terla I hurvb. $20.O. BLOCK (. lot IX
Jeaule W. Dot.nelL $38.14; tot 11, Jeaala
, W. DoeaelL $11.31; tot 10, Jeanle W. ttoaV
nall. $8.w.
, of tot 34, Sarah J. Burrage, (; undivided
44 of tot It. Sarah J. Burrage. $3.10: uu.ll-
- vioea- ex lot Z4, wiiium ll. murage,;
unuirutaa a ot uh au, vtimaa ii
S3 lb;
undlrldt-d U uf lit 1
William H.
Burrage. t:l.iyr nndlvlded u ef lot 1. Wlllla
- 11 Burrage,- $13.07: undivided 14 of tot 2.
Sarah J. burrage, $3.40: nndlvlded H of tot
- 1. Sarah J. Burrage. (18.07. BLOCK 14. tot
. 24. Sarah J. and William H. Burrage, (23.47 ;
tot 33. Sarah J. and Wllltam R. 'Burrage,
(142; lot X Sarah J. and William H. Bur-
. rag. (4,64: tot 1. Sarah J. and William H,
. Burrage, (16.10. BLOCK-lt. undivided H of
tot 24, Sarah J. Burrage. -I4. 70. andlvlded
l of tot 23. Sarah J. Burrage, $3.30: undi
vided , H of tot 24, William M. Burrage,
' . (14.70) undivided V, ot lot 23, William H.
UurmgA. u ae- dlTlilad 4Va3 tot 2.' u--tnia
H. Burrage, &.; andlvTded of tot 1.
William 11. Burrag,. (22.43; nndlvlded V of
lot 2, aarah J. Burrag. (6.(0: undldded
of tot 1, Sarah J. Burrage. (22.43. BLOCK
0. tot 24, Sarah J. and VVllllan. H. Burrage.
(30 87; tot 23. Sarsti J. and William H.
..Burrage, (0.74: tot 3. Sarah J. and William.
- H. Burrage, $0.90; tot 1, Sarah J. and Wll-
- Ham H. Hiu-rare. $20,70. BLOCK 8. lot 24,
W. Q.s Kilting worth, . $18.36; tot 23. W. G.
Ktlltngaworth. $0.03: tot X W. G, Kllllngs-
- worth, to. 44; tot 1. W. 0. KUUngaworth,
$J,13, Total. $1,444.42. - -A
atatement - ef - aforaaald eaaeaamaat ihaa
beea entered In tbe Docket of City Uana and
le now due and payable at the efflee of the
City TraurerL tn lawful neoney of th United
State aad if not paid within.. 30 daye from
tha data of thla notlc auch proceeding will
be taken for the collection of tbe eame aa are
prodded by the charter of the City ef Portland.
Tha above aaaeaemeat will bear Interest 10
daya after the flrat publication ef tbla notice.
....... 4BaltBf"-f tn. clt,V of Portland.
Portland. -Oregon, February 8, 1906. -
,.'.r ATENvTE, '. ".'.. - . ,' '
Notlc la hereby given that the aaaeaament
made by ordinance No. 14,301, entitled: "An
ordinance adoutlne the reoort of. tho view era
In the matter ef the proposed opening, .laying
out and eatabllahlnx - of Eaat- Salmon etreet
froaa the seat line pf loa1
to1- the weat line oi
to. west Ue Pf at,birty-igatn itreet
the weat line of block a .11 .and
13. Nannyatda addition. making . aa aa
aeaament ef the beneflta- and da ma see set
forth In aald report," approved January ,
1006.- haa been entered aaalnat tbe : as vera 1
owner ef and persona Interested In the land
hernln described ae being severally liable there
for, in the Docket at City Lien, which said
aaaeeament are made due and nerable at the
offlc of th City Tmaurcr. In Called State
oi ana eilver coin, ana unieee paia nerore
February 20, 1906. the aam. will become delln
uent and auch nrnceedlngs will be taken for
the collection ot the same aa are provided by
tbe ebarter of tbe dry at Pnrtland, aald aaaeaa"
menta being aa follows, to-wtt:
GOOD'S ADDITION lot 8, Jobs flood. $40;
tot 9, John Good, lot IO. Joha uoea,
340.00: tot 11. .John Good. (40.00:- tot 12.
pjohtt Good. $40.00; lot IS. John Good. $40.00;
lot ia, ona uooa, esu.w; iox to. onn uoou.
340 no . ' ' - -
- Huld. Stelnleln. $0.oo; let 3, Edith p. Gil
bert, $6.00: tot 8. - Ellsa B. Gilbert. $0.00;
tot 4. Burbery Wesrwlck, $0.00; tot 6. Louisa
- A. McGregor, $0.00; lot 0. A. H. Brrymau
'and John Sommervllle. $0.00; tot 7. A. H.
Breymaa and John Sommervllle. $0.0". BLOCK
lVlut 1, Katherlne A. Martin, $0.00: eeat
17.14 feet ef tot 0, Katharine A. Martin,
$2.06; weat 26.12 feet of tot 9. Mary J.
Klgliy. $3.36; tot 10, Mary J. Rigby, $0.fa;
lot 11, Ellaabeth B. Burnbam, (O.oo; tot 1
- William A. Maekeusle, $0.00; tot IS. W. W.
Miner and Nettle J. Mlnar. $0 OO: tot 14.
W. W. Miner and-Nettle J. Ulnar, (
- BLOCK 13,- let- I, - Breyman Bro. $4Jt5;
tot 2, Bret-man Brof.. $4.75; tot 3. Brryman
Brtnw, $4.75; hi CM, Olssrc, $4.76: tot 6.
' Breyman Broe.. $4.73: tot 0, B. H. Bowman,
t $4.76: tot 7. B. U. Bowman,-$4.76.-BLOCK
I 14-.- tot 8t- George, Ar- Lr- V Inter and-Beetha,
''-Winter, $4.75; let 9, Lillian 11. Dundee
' Katate, Helra of, $4 73; lot 10. Ultlaa H.
-Dundee Eatate, -Heir of. $4.75; tot 11.
George A; Reave. $4.76: tot 12, George A,
iteevea, 4.7o; lot ia, i lar a. uu-aaon, ax.Ts:
tot- 14, Clara 1L . Dick eon, $4.75. BLOCK
jpi. ajt-1. A. ri. nreymaa ann soanrinommer.
- vllle. $4.40f tot J, A. II. Breyman and John
a 4
Xnnitlll, $4.40, BLOChU 10, tot 3, H. A,
miner, (4.40; tot 4. Evahgellna S
ft. to. loiai, atos.iii.
TH0S. C. DtVLIrf.'
- Andltnr' of the City f Portland.
February 9. 10iW.
l!w Only,
Missouri Rivier
The Chrcago-Portland Special, the
moot luxurious tram ia uie woriu,
Drawine-room 8ieDincar$.dininr
car, buffrt smoking arid library car
(barber and bath). Less than tfjree
dayf Portland to Chicago.
tn Chicago are operated dally 'da th
Oregon K, K. 6t a. Lo., L. r. K. K. and
Chicago 8t North-Wnterh Ky. to Chicago
Irom Portland and points In Qreg oa aM
Eaatera Vkaahlngton.
. Daily txcurtlon In fuftman toorlxt
leenlngcarx Irom Portland througb
to Chicago without change. -
(L R. hlTCnig. A.0. 8A8KSB. "
area t art. ras. caaax, t,eaeraj Agec
-. V:rW-.H..-
- e. A N.-W. fcyt
art Market street. m Tklrt etreet.
aa pa next
exoca. Cat.- PoBTbanOaOaa.
.I MtrlArlDW
atx I . Caa Bi afar,
lara. I dla'kr(a,ln8sa
4 II IrrttatUiea or nl
of maeeae membraaaa.
jTMEteOSCMBKalC. (enter
ratniaas, as aet ssxnxt-
PTCH I N (at nm tivM moi vr mtA mmm i torn tul
rhta fiirrJL, m wh mm aViirv, - or roatiapuaiD
ed ky fr. "eal-
J itOTJa
tsadSieeji t. i
A. t 9 aJ
11 -
1 agian,
1 asaiai wy xaaumgx.
r ant I plain wrapvayr,
by nrW. ceal4. lag
l $1.00. or 3 hot Ilea 32.73.
at - Circular real n rensa
,,( 0P,Gp7I
Throngh pntlmaa atandard and towtat aliaa -tng
car dally to Omaha. Cblcara, Bpakasei
tourtat sleeping care dairy t Kaeaae Cllf 1
throagh Pnllmaa tourtat eleeeitng ear (pet ran
ally enadasted) weekly to Chlcaak. BeettohaB
chair ear leasts free) to tha Band dally.
: Ardv
Far tb Eaat ti Boat
. . Ingtoa.
9:18 a. a.
Dally. .
Dally. -
For Eaatarn Waahlna
ton. Walla Walla. Lew-!
la too. Coenr d'Aleae
and . final MrUaa
O lJa. xa.
( a. ak
Dully. -
Far tb Eaat vt Baat-
- - - -- tux ton. '
8:18 p. m.
Dally. .
:l$a. . ;.;
Dally,. .-
Oelnmbto Elver plviatoa.
points, conneetlng with
atmr. for Ilwaoa aad
ex. Saaday
About .
8:00 s. xs-
horth Beach, atr
lea. Saaday.
saturuay .
J00 p. at.
aaio. Aan-et.
" Tamknl B leer atente.
City aad Tamhlll bUvar
ax. Saaday
S:t pv sx
Dally. -
polnta, atr. Buth ead
at 000c. Asa st. ock,
(Water permitting:!
' ' Bnahe Blver Kent.
: (-40. aa.
ex. 8a t --
8:00 a. at.
so way pmata
Spokane and Lewiatoa.
sx. Pride.
TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washing's. xta '
' (I F II I ?
A. X. CRAIO. General 'Paaaangar Agsut.' '
train, tor Salem, Baa I
ourg. AaniaM, 1
mentOL Oxden. 8a
tomA-ftM a. , "
dace. Stock to, Lea Aa-
Kea, ei raao, near or.
. a aad th Kaat.
Moratng craixt
a8:80 a. ax.
1 -
AngeL Sllveftea.
Bmwnsdlle, 1 1 1 1 a i.
6ald. WeadUag gad
Alban neaaan
4:00. aa.
aecta at Waadburs with
Tr8 a. m.
Corvallla paanangar.,..,
II B -60 p. aa .
! 8:25 T. aa ' '
114:60 p.m. I Sbaddaa paaangr
aDallr. JIDally. except Sunday.
ir.""" aai Taaxalll
riepot Foot of Jeffaian 8trt. -IVeXcr
Portland dally for Oaweg T 80 a. m ,
12:60, 2:08. 8:2ft. 8:20. 0 fd; T:45. 10-.JO p. aj.
Dally (exceot 8unday ). :30, 8:80. 8:36. 10:33
4, W.t-tar, i:wi
xtatnrstne from
arvtv Portland Aatlr
86. 8H8. T:36.-8:o.,-
o C" a an., . -.-. w .
11:10 p. m. Daily (except Sandayt
D. BL Pally (except Sandayt 0:73. 7:. ,
9:80. 10:20. 11:46 a. m.. Eatoent Mssdsy, 28:38.
p. ra. Sunday eniy. yotavt a. aa.
Iarea rrom aam depot for Datla and later ..
mediate polnta dally (except Sunday) 4.-00 p. m.
Ardv Portland 10:80 a. m. - .
--The Inderandenee-Monmoath Ifotnr-. Una
secrete flatly to Montsontb ana A true, e
Beettng with Monthern PadO sompaay'e tra
Flret-elae fare from Portland t fcilmilt -and
Ban Fram'leeo (26. hev-tba (8r aacead-elau''
fafw $18.-aeeondlaaa berth $2.80. - "
Ticket to Paatern point and rnropa, la
C,ta XXoeolailBi aaal Anaerarla:
City Ticket OfOc corner Third and
fegfen e,t. Phone Main TU. .,
r... BTIHOKB, vr. t-t'WAV
Tleae Agsot, Oew, . A
Pneat Bonnd Limited,
for Taeome, Seattle
Olympla. BoatB - Bead
and Cray 'a Harbor
point. ,
North Ota TJmlted.
for- Tacoeaa. Seattle.
Butte. St. Paul. Mla
neapolla. Chicago, Mew
York. Boaton and palate
Kaat and Bentbeaa.
. Twin-City tier aai. far
Tacoeaa, Seattle. 8re
kane. Helena, St. Pa I.
Mlnneanolla Chlcee.
Kw Verk.Boaton end.
all polnta Kaat aa
Porat Sound a ITaaaaa
aty-St. Lenta- Special,
for Taacma. Seattle.
Snohane. Knife. BtlUna.
Deaver. Omaha. Kanaa
City. St. Loo la and all
points East aad Seat-
All train dalr ax eeat an South
brans. A. P. CHABLTOH.
Aaalstaat Osneral Psaaeaxer Aam
226 Morrlaon at., ear. Third. Port lead.
As!orla"& ColumWa -River
Railroad Co.
For Maygsra. Kalnlsr.
Clatakaal. Waetport,
Clifton. Aateda, War-;
renton. Flavsl. Raai
mood. Fort - Stevens,
bearnart para, Svsaioe,
Astoria aad Beaater.
1 Express dally.Tl
AstorU. Exprnae.
8:40 p. av
' ". ..-', . .1... J. Ol MA TO.
0. P. and P. An Aatorla, Or.
C A. rrtrWAftT. Comarsrelal Agsat, 848 Aid
at. . Pkeo Main 90S.
Tleka Offica is Tklrd St.
eeaxa. TlnaStntt nntCal '
ariaV TralFtaB Dally . asaV
FASt ;TIMl3 ;
Daylight trip through tim Caeca da
and Rocky mountains, ror fult psrl.c
ultra, rata, foldora, tw call an ar ad ,
dr M. OXOaHrOwt, Ottw TtaMl Aft
1081 Third Btvoe. yogtUaat.
Pgee utriD in or.EG:::
I ( ia th richest pain, fruh and moth aardal k
! theworU. Thauainai ef wrejat'lans - (
teat af arieetion. Deed "t f-n
Oreeo. I .Tt TT '
laAV" aoUT4 la
. i Ardvea. .
Departs.. Arrives. ; '
$:39.aa, $:$., -
$KMb.b. T a. ta.:..'
Ul4BaK rm ..
8J0.r, 1M,m.
::.-'. ..
-. 1