crzz.j daily jout.:ial. fohtlaiid, . Wednesday evening. February i iscj. I will see that t.:o;;ey IS F20PERLY USfcD r" Chamber of Commerce Appoints ' c a rr . - YT. B. W.ICOX to Guard Co-v ' ; : l l..U:. !.. 1- j ' ' ' lumbia River Funds. VT Tt wiln i.- i i .v. n.i Montr Moni. hi. a" ZltSLSJ'Sf S !r?L '. the. trust ( 4.he chamber of ootn tnero. to- desi- with "" tha rjutlrl of - - - ' egre-.. vw. xrjr "Jrr'f.1'" mone5r pnM ror dirferent purpoaea at -tha mouth of tha Columbia, river, and secure tha beat -pTfateT W.?uK?LnfZt$!:? priaioa, . Jia- Will leava aoorv for Waab .Melon for oonaultatlon wltk tha proper fnclala on tha aubject. - . . i The tntatea. at a meetln. rratrrdar weelvi a propoaai by A. H. Kerr of una w rvaanama 4a Karr to eataD nan a regular vaekly mrket day for Portlapd. on which tranaportatlon com- panics abould make the loweat poaalbte Xara and merchanta ahould make apeclal j aaie prices, and Induce . eountry mer chanta and ethera to come to Portland to trade. The truateae Indorsed the -TjrOlert Kilt .Jnnlliu, 19 . until after tha do., rrf th. Iwl. an Clark ialiv. It waa-votad-to isorrtlnue w vn voromeroiai ciuo. j-, fl Kcmoval of' the chamber's offices, to the Chamber of Commerce) bulldlnr next . week wui be followed bv a. hmi.nii. ; . " which speakers fro out.lda Ttt. -. state will be Beard.Tha chamber, la " planning to appoint a. standing .commit- i. tJ,, mM.j-iJrrii-i'i.n" 1 77"t tq be know a. the clvlo Jmproyrto''feV ljnent committee. wblchwUl 1 eoaalder I SmS!, z7 m"m " wr matters . affecting the City's publlol . works, i and give aid and ' comfort to -immiIi hii .ntovementi ifor better government - "T7t Th lowneTere -lec;te4l to mem. derly, iVH. Adams A- O. Long, Walter y.C. VL Preacott. Ml. Lewis, Goodman Bros.' Shoe company, D. L. - Butler Co., Crescent Paper company, Bannochbun, M.nufacturip, company. Z ; ; --Kverybody a liable to,. Itching piles. Hicn and poor, old and young terrlblo .j the torture thev suffer. viuy one euro ; ' cure. Doan'a Ointment safe; cen't fait-- Absolutela ' Prefaired Btook Caaaad dooda. Allan Lewis' Best Brand. CITT" V OTION, - rioroKB panoman or aataa Ntle te arrrbr arn at at hr nirwrlnf . , ef tha Omiacll ( th City of Portland. Oregon, k-M on tb. lat day of rebrnary, JM(, th followlrqT reaolntloa waa adnpted; Portland, Oreann, di naS It eipedlent and per-1 raw-ir ivjiauv Boarvr mm noca u wfii line ot Mlaaiaalppt aeenae to- th eaet Use tM Maryland arcane, la the following ma oner, to-1 Wit:- 1 llrat By (radius the street full width with an uiMraectiona oown ,ta -ue-aww-fraua .aa 'gtr-s by the City Kuflueer. ' i. Meeond By conatrwtlng aldawalk la aeeord- a no with the' city Kngiaeer's plana, apadtlca- . tlona and eatlmatea. pr Third By aonatiilliif aundas alb Is a . mruaooa wua ma t;ny ajogineer a nwna, ayaci-1 flea tl.Hu' and eatlmatea. . I rawi. aayiiif riuaaeja tan in ai.Mwuaneef ltb. tb City klnaiaaar'a pUu. apaclflcatluaaj and eatlmatea. !' ' fifth Br asnntractlna Itona and nor mttera! .. ; .: In aeeordaaoB with the City Euguwer'a plan-, ' . Biwruioiumn ana muDina, I ' Hlxth Hv hrlnvlna , h. .nrfu. n ha atraat I mJa width with full tntoraacttoaaiA tha BaUh-t llahed grade , with gravek- T . - Bald Improvement -t b aaadV In aetordaac I - with the charter and ordinance of tba Clly ot ma tea of the City Bngineer, filed In tha off Ire I held oa the Ut day f renrnary, 1W06, tba fol of the Auditor of the tltr t Portland oa tba I lowing, reeetatlon waa adopted: ' - . Sltb day of "January, lvl, Indoraed: "City I r.naineer a pian and rerl neat tone tor toe im-1 muiemonr Of Mhanratrea tna tha Veat tlna I ef. allaalaalnnl areaoa a I ha aaaa Una af fclarr.t land err duo, and tba eatlmatea af tb work oa none una tna nrooania total eoat Toe cent ef aald InilaaTeaieat ta ha t prorldcd hy tba Hty nbartea apea tba erty aperiaiiy and peculiarly benefited thereby hereby deaUred ta be all tha lota. aad paraata of land lying between ana waacn ia ararta tharai.r ' . a Una lOB faee north af aad naraUal With thai ' . north Una af Shaver tract aad a Una WO I t Shaver tract aad a Una lo I and parallel with tb aouth line ret and betwaea the weat line af pens aad the eaat Una of Mary- ( feet errata of an of Bbaver .treat allaalaalnnl lauaa " land avaaoe. .' Tba Knslneer's eatlmate ef the prebabl total .'eaat for the Imurorcment of aald aba Tar I atreet 1 $3,318.00. ' - The above Improvement abatl be elaeeed aa a grarel Improvement and aha 1 1 ba maintained by - the city for a period ot four rearer nrertded. however, that the owner ot a majority of the!nnarea eeventy ana eight tenth UT0.8 feet, twiner v kaawartieA K. .u ta.oan.aiaal aa aaa I above tb bee of city sradea to ana hundred portion tbereaf aha 11 not petition for a new. or different Improvement before tba xplratloa ef such period. t i Th-rrlan. epeciricatloo and eatlmatea of the nty Engtueef for the Improvement of aald I --Bhaver atreet Sra herebr adopted, , ' I Kea, need. That the Auditor or the city ot r wtlaud b aad be la bereby directed ta give ' tWtlaaal , notice ef the proponed improvement of . aald , aireet aa pronaeo ny tne city eaarter. Reaaonatranrea asafnat tba above ImpravemeBt may be filed la writing with the anderalfned .V within to day from tae date ef tba flrat pub. ,llratloa ef .tbla notice. . By ardor of tba CewneL '.r ---f ' THOB. 0, MtUTt,- - t j1 . Auditor ef the City et Portland. Portland, Ore (roo. Data ot flrat publication, t ; renrnary 4, 1006. , . - . . .PBOPOMD IMPmbTIJIEaTT Of HUH- X0()B1 STXXXT. Notlc- la herebr hives that at the aaeetlarl f the CeunHl of the City ef Portland, Oregon, .. th. . ........ Ifton I following reaolntloa map adopted: Remind. That the Council of the City ef Portland Oraooa deem It expedient and pur- pnaea to Improve Twenty arcand atreet from the north Una ef Waahlngton atrt to the .south-. Una of. Job neon atreet. by bringing Ah roadway full width with full Intereectlsaa t aalahllabrd grade with croaked rock and ernahed rock eereealngA and by eooetructUig I wooden eroaawalk alx feet In width. I -Ald Imprweeanent ta ha mad la acanrdanee I wwn tne charter and eroiaaneee ot tae tity act nuniicniion oa inia aouoe. ' Portland and the plana, apectflcatlona and eatl-1. Br ordeC cl JhA-CnnndlL .. . malea 6f th CH Engineer Bled In the bfBcof THOB. 0. DEVLIN, ef the .Auditor of the Cllv of Portland on I " Auditor of th City ot Portland . the 24th day of January. 10U5. Indoraed: "City , engineer a Plana ana pecincauon tor tne in-1 ' nrnrr ment . of Twenty aaeand .atreet - from the I CK"- JetaW,rV5 .3 StiSteTof, . north line ef Waehlagtea atreet to the aonth I tne worn re o oone saa. tae pronapie satal i h S ccit of .Id hnrnvement U b. made ea provided by the etty charter upon the " prooerty apadally and peculiarly benefited i thereby and which la hereby teetered to be all the lotaj tarta thereof and parcela or land lying between a line 100 feet weat at and parallel with tha weet line af Twenty-aecond : ntreet and a line too fact eaat af and narallel - With the eaat line of - Twenty-aecond etreet I and between the north Una ef Waahtngtoa etreet and th aonth Una" ot Job neon atreet. 1 The v .j.t,le total r . " - : - - . - - r . . I coat for the I m rvpaww1 aa ox aaiar Twenty arcand atreet la 11 aflll OA. The above tmnenrrement I. to ba elaeeed aa a macadam Itnnrorement nnd shall be maintained ny tne city tor a period ef tnrea year, provKiea that -tb anuria af a majority of the property beneSted be aald Imnrovemant aa aae aoetlnn thereof, ahall not petition for a new or different wnpeonma.t befers th aiplratloa ef eaca .. . ' period, 1 , ... ... - ... i , J,...L.Tb -plana, apecHretlona and eatlmatea of , the Clly Engineer for the Imnrnnment of aald 1 . Tweatyeeeond atreet are hereby adopted. "BQ,T Tt"x the Aeditor of tke city af "riiaao no ana na ta hereny airectew es- give notice af the pmnoaad Imprevement ef aald atreet aa provided by th city charter. Ramoaatranera agalnat th atmv ImpToVe- morn may aa niea In writing wita toe nnoer signed within 80 day-from tke dale et tb rai poniioatioB af this notice. By order-et la Cenncll. - -'--" . . . - THOg. !. DfTttN. . ' Andltor of Ue City ef Portland. " PrjH, -pngon. Data at flrat publlcatloa. rraaary a, wia proposed ntrkOTEMEirT or WEST tULP ' . . Or EAST TKIRTT-UOOVD TlXXT. -. Kotlc la bereby gine that t the aneetlag af the Ceuaell of the City of Port laud. Oregon, held on the lat Say of lehrnary, 1005, tba , , wimwiBf roaniurion waa a on p tee: Reeolrrd. That the CouucU of tba City af Portland, d, Oregon, deeme It eipedlent and per-1 pane to Improve th waat half af Beat Thirty- eeeond atreet fmea tb center line Of Eaat Morrteen atreet ta a pernt 150 feet Berth of the north He at Raet Marrtaoa atreet. In the fl lowing aaanner. to-wtt; rtret By grading th street ta the nroear Frade e ehowa by tb atakea act by the I ItV Elielnee. I K-oond By hying ercaawelka. ' I ' ormairnciiiig woneea r sioewaiaa I Bald Improvement be made la aroordanre I With the charter aad erdluaocef ef the Utf oitt HOTIOU. lir., m ' eBeary. lwe). Inoureed: !. "iaw plane Baa BparlflcatlouA I z,r,ri from tb. Eaat MorrUoa Hntl ts point SA'Su.ri W orooakL. tutal mat the,' at half ef bat center HQ of IFtil Cent wak rrlaoa atreet. end ba duaie and tha nrohab total rat thereof."' . jim coet or aaio. improvement ta ha- Iminl I part or lot and parrel of land which are provided by Iba city charter upon tba prop-1 eperls lly and peculiarly beBrllted.' to ba a fol er apecially and peculiarly benefited tbarrbr I Iowa, Via: . IM Which, la hereby declared to ba all tba a vena t -t r-ir s aa-- wtwjb II IStg Ol g.Bs0l i niriTfJCC I erren snd S" Hue feet weet , tWent' and I P?."-' hewlb. betwa the aurth 11 aa " .H.f.'iir.Vi'.r ,w 1 She KuglneeH eetluiate ( tba probable toUl J"Ht aald weat kstf of ZtW'r" "tra f tbi fity Enlnar tr tha Improraiuaot of aald weal halt t Kaat Thirty aeomd atraat aaa barby S: . ' - " - aJttSTt ! .: iw o( tbi pp i,? ,7 5.13 I "T" aa pwvnoao nr ma city raartar. ttraat aa prvrldad by tha rlty rbartar. lUawaatraaera atalnat tba a bora ImproTaaaant Way be ftlad la wrltlnc with tha aadaralsnad within .dara from tha 'data of tba flrat pub- tkatloa of thla not Ira. . " . ,sr eraa tae ootrneu. v..-. - l Aadltor af tha City of Portland ' - Portland, Orrcnn. Data Of flrat pabucatloa. I rabruary . 1906. i . 0OOB . OtTSOTKIfXIlT ow , . anrLli - IBXirT. -1 - , HoMca la hmby alTtn that at Ua nwctlnf I I fop, bald oa tba lat day Frtmary. I tar- folkiwloareaolutloa waa adoptod: I ?J,1' '"I 0,o;!, Cttf, f iy'T"JSJ... .""T"'" ru ,l:ro, .hT' I llo of Vauaha au-a la tba- fniknrtna m. BreandBy rmrractlna; artlflrlat atone alda-l I w'" ?2laH WJ,BJ.".U' - I plana, apariacatlona and aatloatra. 1 Thlrd-By brind th. , anrfaea thai j atraot full width to te frada, WIU if.VittLJ Jt" JVfc'S Vul LV aatimatra of tba City Chdnaar ty-d in tba ", JP Auditor of tha city fat Portland .-''A! a1.Ta,."lL,!,", tnT" I Una af Tiugba atrcct . and tba aatlmatea of I m wora o am oooo-oafla tea sranabia total 1 coat tharaof." I Tba coat of aald Impraramrnt ta ba aaaraatd aa proTiaoe or ane-etty enarter anon tb prop. ort aivvnaur aaq pvcuuariy nrnrniaa tnarehl and which la aareby declared to b all tb nia, ari Tnrraor ana sareria or land lylnf uta flr SSf jilt.!? ln'i?. J" t Z Z ' , , , " ainiiii, noaao j e, a. Una of OnlM Street and between the north Una I or TtiHou, atvaat . ui tha Man, . I yaagna erreec. - - i The; snginr-a aannata et rne probaM I total' coat fori ibe lajproyraiant af aald Unild I atroot I. fl.Mo.OO. I Tb a bar lapnrr I Baaadani ImproTaa aow.uu. - , . lmproTaaot la ta b-lelaaad aa a proTannt ana ahull ba aaala- I ulned by tha city fur a period of tre y elded that tb owner of a majority tha i henafltad h aald tmnrowamanr I nay portion tnereor, anan ant prtttloa for a I new -different IntproraaMnt before -the ex- nlratloa of aorh period. The Diana, aoerlncatloi facatloo and natlaaataa af tha I City Influent for the lniraTamaiik-of aald yuua airaot ara aereoy aoopted.-. . Reaoleed, That, tha Auditor -of the City et Portland be aad be ht bereby directed to give notion af the prupoard I Imnrovemant ot aald street aa provided by tb city charter, Bamaualrautaa asatoat the sbbt MpeWflMbT mar na niea IB writtuf Wlin tbe nnaerslgned wlthla SO daya from tba dau ef tha Srat pnancaoon at ant aotiee, . By . acder.-of th Coonolt. t . , - THOS. C. DtTt.fw. ' Aadltor of tba CHr at Portland PortlanA Orefon. Bate e ant publlcatloa. oruary . laoo. 2t01r0lt& CHAJIdt Of SkASK Of BVCH- , TTLASMUB. ... . , ' " 'TT V ' . Notice la bereby given that at th meetlnc i Belvd. That, tba Council af the City ef rwnaoa, unra, uerma n axpaaieni Uak tb srad on Borbtal avanua ai one-, hundrad 1 1001 feet Berth of the north hundred and fifty Sin of Eaat Pin mmm -wi aaaai , rial airan -na II point -One lit 50) feet aouth ot the aonth met. and deem It einadlent ."aaj:.::i ta ahaase tb srad a Bucbtel avenue it-Hi I toiiraaatlea with -Aaat Pine atreet and that It I the Intention of .aald City Council 'to aa. jfahllab the grade-at aald point ase hundred (10UI feet aorth of the north line of Beat Plna street- at aae BmMrwi ana aeveaty-on and eight tenths (1T1.) feet above the baae of dt 1 radea and that It la tna Intention of th City I Coanell 'to eatahllah the grade at raald point "tract at aae hmdred and aevaaty-one and one bombed fifty f 150) feet South ot the aonth Una. of Eaat Pine afreet, at one hundred tlrty-aln ana fourteen hundredth OfiO.14) feet above tba baae of city grade, and that "la th Intention of the City Council to rbaage tha grade at the latereectton of Eaat Pine atreet and Berhtel avenue from one .aeventyate and flv tentha (171.5) feet above the baae of rtty , radee., , Resolved. - That tha Auditor ef the City of Portland be and ba ta -hereby directed to give aorice or tnepropoaea cnanae ot fraoe ox aald uwprovioaa nr Ue caarter. -a. "T" l".","t1."' r m"" "ian at 7 T JL 2lt with the under- Ityned wlihln SO dav from tb data Of tba nraa nwnticniioa oi TDiB notio. - . , . -. By order ef the CnnncL j 9 , .. . . THOB. C. PEVLI,- Andltor of the fitr of fVirtlanA Portland. Orerna. Date of flrat public tlos, Pebraary , 1006. V . ,.-.-,- 0 POSED CHAV0S OP BASS -or east! olat nun at moi mmjt.' Netlcs la herebr given that at the meeting ef the Ooaacll af tba City of Portland neZ pea, neia en ue in ear ox February, moa Raaolrad. That the Council af the rite at I Mia w in, rnmm .M.n.M wsa l')II.U , , mac Portland, Oregon.- deem , It expedient and t ,nni.aea t ehanaa tha aeaae'. .1 ... - a-. I eectlon ef tha eaat curb Una rt Union annua with the aorth curb line of Eaet Clay atreet from SA20 faat to 6A0O faat abeve tba- bfa of city gradea. . Reeolved, That tba Andltor of the City ef Port la ad be and be If berths directed to- glee notice eat the prepoaed change of grade. f aald atreet a provided by the charter. Rrmonatrancra agalnat the above change af gredr- may be Sled In writing with the ander- signed within 20 daya from the dau ef tb Brat Portland Oregon. Data of (rat pubUcataoa renrnary , idw, AMIW1DET P0S SEWTA lmrwI,oTA - . r Jtvsaus, iberrty jrlvea that the Council of " rVJIfllTi VaJt-li fr.4 .T.'Iymrnt hr aiding? Tn.19?l fX1"? t .-2. ,- Z,J..- '' 7TiTth tlZ Z lHjliT?' '"J "" 11 ' L"'" " w, JIT ,, L v. ia IL. Ve manlier provided, bf ordinance No. I4.2HB. upon., each ."? " .?!! . which ere WTZ"' pecu""y eeoeatad, to be aa C IiTvnIIiiittJVTr A we a r., . I Ml I TNOM Fl BLOCK 5. lat 1, Ctiarle Bar- - Cera. U.T9- lat rtaeaev W U a, a ,a. t:T .'r eV. ... V.''"1 lot A Jaba C. Tbomaa, flT.lS: lot i, nogaa Anderaon. 817 15; Ut 0. Emma A. Reed. 81T.I5. 'HWK W 1. M. K. ThompZn tlT.161 rat A M. B. Thompaoo. $17.15; lot 5. M. B. Thomnaon. n t. m. Thnmtamn. i? R., Thompson. (17.161. nf 11, M. E. Ttmmpeon. (17.15; lot ao ' i u.ri(,auii.; aoi lo, aa I Thonipaoa. $17.16. BLOCK IT, lot IJnatlne nrnianuer,; at a. Emma Rlaga, 1T.16I tot 5. John Berkefrotn $IT.1SJ kit T Amy L Healy. $1T.13; lot 0. Han Kock $17.15; lot It. Amelia Haberland. (1T.I6 aw la, at. nraxvai, aii.i: K)( jt ttna. Annl NrUvwl. $24.85: bit S. Annla N.laon (04.B5: lot 10,, School platrtrt No. 1. $,; ini ii. er-nwni watcm no, i,; apt 14. - Bchnol Dlatrlrt Be. I, (24.85; he) 16. Bcbool Dtdrlet No, 3, 624. so, Total. 86O2.B0. A.alatement of aforeeaM aaaaaameat kaa beea entered la the Docket af cuy Uena and ka saw da aad parable at the afnV of the City Tnaearer. la lawful money f tne t'nlted Butea, - and If not paid wrthra BO dara from toe data ef this notice enrb prn- mdlna will b taken for th ealleetloa ar the aaj aa are provided by tb charter of I ,k. al mkf bwrlUaa I The abeve 'aaaeaament wttl bear Inlereet WI aaya after tpa.aret punnentmn er thia notice. I Andltnr ef tha city ef Portland. .Portland, Orrfuo, rWatry i, 10U6. . nevaw IX mi a-l-aT (Aran III 1 1 lal IK T.A a-a I fMA5ofA Chitetl wilS-a." seTSI' Trnt Compeny of Oregon-. $4.73: lot f.4,- "S 11 Yl J- ? ..;V . T Portland Truat Compear of Oregon, $4 40: waK Atwti a"?iI.,H- aTUv 'il -' lot A David B. Btearae. M.40; lot A David af Vcioller $24 M m .fc,1 ' A Btea rr $4. 72. Bi-rfrfS . M A Jate mt'Jt iS' J . od Edith (lamtnon. 76 ; Tot fTjame Jt?' li i?'rJ.?a n iJlT aoi . ""Tj and Edith G.mmona. IiM.24i lot A Jaaaea ' ia b.ll P.V..'.1 """J" sad Edith Oaminona., loestij lot 8. Jamea all In- .iJi. li lc u li n."' and Edl'h Gammona. slal.nA BIAKK ltd. i t2 1A iL. 1 s:u- !T"Jl' n, mnk and Mary Hack.ney, $T0.n: liiii ia hi A Oeora. W Hi tot .' rik and Mary Hackeney. fun 4"; rt. il!iiia rVa njrt-r'e l a: rr""k mn Um,r "erkeimy. $iau.62. 'lot.A Nelll CalBBnttoa, $24.86; lot A IKtaTI.AND HOMkPTBAD BLOCK 1. north CITY II OTI Oil. I " nance ia. uerooy gives mit tin Council sf I my OI ruriiauu, IrTrgou, at a aaeetlBa "H on tb let oar c rebruary. 1U06, declared 1 '" eeeaainent py ordinance No. 14,424, fur I the lluoaovamant of 1'ah.ii .MrMi ..- I eouthkreterly line of Hood etreet la I ha north t line of Seymour avenue. In the n.-...... . I HW by ordinance No. 18.066, npoa rack Vt. I CABI'THERB AnniTtnH-vr, .inliTiiraa- iV!?. --.rWMlUK 40, lot . B, rL barker. J81.1: lot A. K. U. ' r"l JOS.92. UH 41, Hit t frat " Wli taura K. and John I. lanta. IOT.Ti '. tt of lot 1. W. and at. Bcott, r . ! T- ib. Iiie.oa; tot a, rw.u rrl"h- : lot i atra. Deport, 1U0.S1. BLOCK 43, lot J, t'h.a'-..M,e' "T4: lot I.7lohn N. f1? : lot 8, ank PollU.14T.Be; lot d.-joaaph Pollaka. I1T0.2S. BLOCK 43. lot l,. A., tl Hammond,. ITu.OTi lot V A. . Hammond. 14d.Mrint t, Dladanna and Julia U IlaainMind. (00. SS; lot 4. IMadanna nd Julia L. Hammond, fug.!. BLOCK 44. I"' '- J'a Bpllaonbrrarr. , SB.Sa; lot I 8pltnalrrr, f.T6: lot S, J oh a U. Brauar, 3 b,t .. Catberlne t. Therkalaan. 11V Ul . . .. i . C J CAKL'XHKBa' AUDITION ta tha nty of Part. .' land, aa laid ant h tha ttnh :piu,j Baal Bauta aaaorlallon BLOCK 108, at 1UO ; lot S, Orrjoa Railroad a Na1r tloo Comnany. f 1411 4; lot 4. Dragon Ball--el'tlea Company, 1181.66. BLOCK , 115, lot 1. Tha Northern Couatlra Inroat : Troat. Ltd., 4o.ui; lot J. Tha North ore Countlra loraatment Trnat, Ltd., K1S.4S; "tfS "'""beth A. Thnmaa, '3.(B; lot 4, Bllaabath - A. Tboaj.a. ti.M. BLOCK 128, bjt l. Jntllia H, Bcyar. 3 M; Sot S. Ida - U. Beyea. tS.3; lot , 8, rora . and Mia, nla Llrtnmton. M.Mi tor a wk. . u. Hmw' i .Us. BLOCK 134. . lot 1. Adallna .0J; , lot . Nancy B. Atklnaon Eatata, - Hrlra of, 7.e; lot 4. Nancy B. Atkln- - f" Halra of. llllar). BLOCK 146. ' V.' lot J, Orm Railroad Narlfatlon Com Da nr. tau.Tlt. nuM'K IKS. forth frt of lot i, Arthur B., f7.T: aovth ) foat of lot t. 1 Artuur . Mrwaan. fn.B4i aorth 30 fort of lot t, Bayer, (1.41; aouth feat It , forth T fart of lot . Jowph 0. Bayar, ?I1i..0,"" 13 f f lot i Patar Hob-tVJ".?"- tl,tor Hobhlrlr, BLOCK ISO. lot 1. Tba Homo BM.ejt lat - a.a . "o. '; t ji. The noma, ' !i?1Bt .kK. '.Th. Honw, I23.1P, RLOck ; 1W, rot : 1 Praatoa W, Ulltette. f2a.10i , lot J, William H. ChurohbllL Sift.lA: lot f McllnbJ K. Vtoryia. ia,8. lot a. Ma- J. Darnnel K. Wrana, 14.20; lot 1 J. W. lr!!j' USE .or,b Ml ot lot A Anna A. . S.1..-'?' .lot 1 A"B Brick, 25.64. filiK . ,Mi rraatoe W. , Olllatta, i Vu VJ J5 w.ouicttaw. iiie.ut 1' Jf tot lylns at of a Una 100 feat ""J, I'"" d paraUel-wttb-tbo-woa-lIn of Corbett atrort. Praalna W . 1 r Tr lot . mtm W. Olllatta, tUS.M. IhO ft f lot 1, eaat of Qresoa 'aU- owu aaiwae iwrniiauya right or war, "rtln Wloob. $.H4.fcl: aonth 60 fort it f!J "? l". M Oregoa California Railroad Comoany'e rfcbt of way. Hlmjr B. Colw.ll. f.&6: armtb 30 feet ef - lot 1, aaatof Or(on California- Billroad l2JCf "ht of Mara A. Clark. W-p: aorth IS feet of enbdirlaloa f ". i.Ml outh 4 feet of aubdirtalon of mlT f, Hnae . Young. IBASfti aubdlrlaloa D ef lot 2, Kate B. . MoDtjromarr, l,UT; aulnllvkilon C of lot t. : . C. Jonrenaan, aubdlvlaloa B ef W t'; H B"r' e7.4; eaat 100 feet af auhdlTtalon A af lot J. H. Beyer. $85.41. All ef Oregoa Jj California Railroad Com "ttK rin w,f ly'n eaat of a Una TOO feet woat of and parallel with tba wcet line ef Cawbett street and betwaea a line e" mmn ot una parallel with the north line ef Bancroft nvenne and a line :to ia aonin. or ann parallal arm, tha aoth ltn Of LoWallawaniia. OMma A I II Railroad Company. fd.Ol. BLOCK 8. eaat 100 foot of auMlrlalon V ofjot JL Richard 0.Trlnca. 1121.03: eaat 100 feet of anbrtl- Tinoa..B or lot i. Bimard c. Prince, floa.lfl: eaat loo fret of aubdlrlaloa O at lot 1. Job a M. Bhrealev. S.17.B4' aaat inn eaat ef aabdlrlalon 1- of lot 1, 0. W, Lelck. Mi eaat ino. feet of anhdlvlalon B of M: eaat tnrr n-yv tjt aaiwirajion ef . -lot 1, Anna Laulaa Blegea. $23.86; eaat 100 feet of aubdlrlaloa A of lot I VV Una. 123.1(3: eaat inn feet of aubdlrlalo. B ot lot X Ana Finn. (2S.M; eaat JOU feet of aubdlrlaloa 0 of lot t, Portland Traat Comnanr of- Oreaoa. ejci ka eaat 100 feet ef aandlThrtoo- D of lot-1. 5 J 11,. I Portland Treat Com pan of Omron. $M.08; it Z!lTtZmt. ,oft f"" "f eubdlvlalon B of Vt t. "tha' Mlj'1!!:"!.-!!. (IW T 100 tyt ,,f wIk dlTlalnn f af lot 1 a. klnehatala. B19A lui , K t Mary i Marihlll tl wtlhv a I P.. 'L.r''. ,:..-f"11'11'. - gi - 'UW - feet.. f.ibdlrum BV feet af eaat I w' wtma L . " iU, t 1, Mary K. Marahall. $24.62: aonth I rOO feet of aubdlvlaloa D of lltam J ''Kellr Sinn or- aaat inn r--. k DDuiTwwn m or ioi a, 4. k, aenaei and H. Mandevtlle, $110.10; eaat 100 feet pt aubdlvlaloa P of lot I, Prank llchwara back. $81.63: eaat 80 feet ef aubdlvlaloa w or lot 1, uranrine r. Raff. IBS, 13; eaat 0d jraat of aubdlrlalou H of lot 1. Oraavlll Ruff. $61. BS: weat 10 fact af eaat 100 ' rect 01 auoairiaioa H or lot 1, M. Evereet, . $0.TT; weat 10 feet ef eaat 100 feet ot ana dlTlalnn 0 of lot 1. M. Evereet. $0.68: eaat niu reei 01 lor .a, nea Helllns. ftW.TT, CARCTHERS' ADDITION TO CARDTHERB1 ADDITION-to the City of Portland BLOCK T. Thoaaaa E. Edwarda. S465.40: all of block B lying between two line, reapectlvely 40 rrei ana iuv 1 err eaai at ana parallel with ' tha aaat Una oC CmK.,, - - a D a, .1. : (56.T0. BLOCK-g, weat 40 feet ot north 03 ieei or block n. Hannah taahen, - f2n2.62; -- waat 40 feet ef aouth 46 feat of block 8. O, M. Heywortd. $07.18., BLOCK 82. lot B, Tk. IWataa fiUln Vhh. U 1.- fi( nt. , all of lot 1 hying woat of a line 100 feci eaat of and parallel with the eaat line ef Corhett etreet. the Oerniaa BarUra A Lnaa . society, vxu.eii: lot 7. trenrse w. Oerdoa, $08.08; aU ef- tha aorth 51.125 feet ef lot - 2 lying weat ef a Una 100 fart eaat af - and parallel with the eeat line ef Corhett atreet. the German Sarin re A Loan Boetetv. a $15.64; lot 6. Bebeallaa I'lymale. $104.61) all of lot S lying weat of a line 100 feet eaat of and -parallel with the eaat line of Cor bett atreet. Krnnk K. (lllham, $2.4; all af th aonth 2 feet of lot 1 lying weat of a Una 100 feet eaat of and para 1 1 al with the eaet line af Corbet t atreet, rranh Y. Ollhare $0.87; tot $. O. W. Gordon. S14T.2L BLOCK ant , Hermaa Heltkemper. $104.00; - that nap of lot htnar Bl In CmlktM' that nart of lot 5. block Bl. In Caruthere1 Addition to Carntbere' Addition to tha Cite ot Portia ad, conveyed, by J. O. Heltkemper ro - Hermaa - tteitaemper. racni aaa nr 822, page 18, Record of Deed. Multnomah ' (.oantr, Oregooi- Herman Haltheaiper. $3.13: all - at-Moek Bl. Cawitkara' Addltloa Carntbere' Addition to th City ef Portland. . except that part coo re red by J, G. Halt . hamper to Hermaa Heltkemper, recorded In book - 323. page 18. Record -of Iieeda, Multnomah county, flregoa, Jr' 0 ' Heltkemper, f 12.5. HLOCK BO. lot M. May J.. lugalla. .(lU,02r,let 0. Corlune. L-WoaaC sis.aa; norm or nt la. uuat, l. and cares Oleaa. .ll..u; aouth H or M 11, ouat. J, . aad Caroline Cartoon. 831. Sit lot 12. Ella Babln, (12.60. BLOCK 104. eeat 50 feet ef . lot A Ibex Land Company, $52.15- all ef lot S lying weat af a line inn feet eaat of and parallel with the eeat Una of Corbett atreet. Ibex Land Company, $10.44; eaat 50 . feat or lot s. Inez Lane uomnany, Bo3.67: all of lot' 4 Irlnr weat of a line loo feet eaat of and parallel with the' eaat Une of for net t atreet. inex lane impeny,; -an, except eaet -no net. r t s, r. o. : Wales, $88.44; all. except eaat 50. feat, of lot 5, r. 0. Wakrb. $172.16. BLOCK 116, lot 8. -Brldret and John I. Keanedv Eatate, lletr of, $40.01: lot T, Mary A. Bulllvant. - ttnm . . 1 . a II....... 1 1 K- 1 ,1 a .... ... - a r- rw,.ia, Va wi lot A Margaret 0. Ealllni 128. lot 8. Cora B. and L 1.14.76; lot T. H. P. and (28 23; aotftb H of lot . il.Bli north W of tet 8. $1 52? lot 8, Oregon lot A Margaret i. railing, suo.xb BLOCK 2B, lot n, twa b. ana uiiiaa a. lie una. eiora u. ureepara, A A lie L. Bo waa. I Dane tioaghten. Morteaee tym pany. bmh k 185 net A . aiexanaev a. r-aiuiim,; ' lot T. Alexander B. Patrollo. $6.03; lot 6. Cenre iBtowell, $A03; lot A George Btowell, $3.26. BLOCK 144, weet H of lot 8. Abram Ml ley. ea oi , $2.87; S 67; weat 4 ef lot T. Ignore 8. Oregory, eaat u kh 7, saats jt, wrinkle, eaat it of lot A badle A. Wrinkle, BLOCK 153, lot T. frank and Mary llMflhenav 17 Im' lot naaae- and I nea Bhattnrk, ks.08j " lot 6. Oecar .and Lacy poan.A lis raet or ant 1, ine i nueo atatea naeiity A Gaarantee Compeny. $171.00; aouth 35 feet of north 150 feet of lot, I, Tbomaa MrNaaae, (3.001 aorth 104 feet of aouth 154 feet af lot 1, A. Gertrade and Julia B. Mack. (113.08; aonth 50 feet of lot 1. Jaaiee aad Katie R. Petevnnn. (Sd.50 1 nortb $6 feat of weat 105 feet f lot a. Mr. E. Welpreabett (Ufa. north 80 feef af eeotb mo feet of weet lol . feat of lot A Ida R. Btakee, S03.00I aentk - Bo feet ef weat 100 feet -of lot A Lonia M. reeter. (I4AA3: all of a parcel ef teed lying weat ef a line 10 fret eaat af and parallel with th eaat Una of Onrbett atreet and betwaea the enath Une af Lowell anane extended eeaterly In Itr eeant conrea and a line 156 feet north ot nnd parallel with tha north Una of Rancrort avenue, nty af Porte AUrUV A. B, weat ItM OITT BOTlCka. lot 4. Brheol Dlktrtet Na. I. SS7.T waat 100 ffak af lot , fartland Truat Uoiuuaay of Ora , w. te.4t. BLOCK a. Waat IMW faat of auiNiirialoa A at, lot 4. Kra W. Burtck. wrat,lJ0 foot of aubdlrlaloa B of t 4. Bra W. Burti-k, tlat.0i waat luf Irwt , of aabdlrUlaa C of lot 4, Julia A., Ullrich. T4.ab; waat 1U0 faat of autiulrlalon 0 of "lot 4. flia-a 1. Uolaoa, fflUu; waat 100 frat ot aubdlrlaloa B vf kt 4, Julia Cllrtch, ITl.Ml; waat 10U fnt of aubdlrlaloa kf lot 4, JuUa 1 Ullrich. 177.82: anbulrlalon 1 ot lot I. kuaaa t. nut wr.; auudiruioa X at lot . Max Alatork. 7U HI : aulallrlalo. 1 of lot A Laulaa Kruttaar, ao.Tj aahdlrlaloa 4 at lot A Jobs UUr. ioiai aabdlrlalon t ol tot I. - Joarok tJrlMoh.-w.Kai auudlrlalaa of tot . oaapb llrharb, AHMUi rllht af way ot i iir sunuroaa aauway maipaay,. aoju.aa. Tutai. iiaa,a. . A atatrmrut ,ut aforaaald aaaaaamant jbaa barn antarrd la tba lurkrt ot City - Uaaa and' la now dua a ad aayabla at tba efnoa of too City Traaaurrr. In lawful aaouay uf tba Col tad Stataa, and 'It not paid within ) uaya rrou ina oata ot till nolle auin pro raadlnc will bo la km ft tba eollectlon of tba aame aa ara prurldrd by, tha cbar.tar ot lb City of Portlaad. J Tba aba aaaaaaawut fill War Intaraat 10 aaya a net tba art publication af tin aotloa, i, . TH08. C. PKVLIN. Auditor of tba City af Portland. ' Portland, Orason, rabruary i, 1VU6. AfSXSaMUIT rOB MPkOVEMMT 01 XAfT ' f THJlTT-yOWETH ITBSIT. - Kotlr la brraby given that the Council af tue nty of rertiaaa, in-egoa, at a meeting held on th lat day of rabruary, IDOS. declared tha aaaeaameut by ardlnaac No. 14.4W, for th tmpreeament ef Beat Thirty-fourth etreet from tb smith: line ef Baa LIS road to the north line ef Hawthorn arena, in the manner pro vided by ordinance No. lt.ood. npea each lot. part of tot1 and parcel of land which, are apecial ly an4 peculiarly beoclltrd,. Jo be L. 'LS'i SLNNYBiDB BLOCK t. lot' IS, Julia Tloyla. . AU; lot IT. Julie Doyle, MS.0T; lot 14. Kred M. Branch. fta.Do; lot IS.. Fred - M. .Braacb, 0S BS; lot - 14. rrederlck At. Branch, fl.M; lot 18, rrederlrlr M. Branch, 171.77. BLOCK 7. lot 18. Vakla A-. Hud- , aoa, 171.77) lot 17, Ouatav and Annie Peter- eon. aoa.cDi.lof is. Seymour V. rrienaiy, foD.OS; lot 15, Oeorge Buttle, (9.70; lot 14, truateea of Bptaconal fund ot th P. X. chafeb .i . i . s at. ,. . . . ) oa w aaa iaa va ' 'ic,ua, fw,.w, aa . Bamuel Aodereon. 171.40. . .BLOCK 10. tut IJ. Hoea J, smith,; jot it. bo i. 7iu.ltL. fu9,I3; lot id, Roaa Htnlth,, 106.25; t l&Ti - JR MuoreT . 57; lot it J. . . Moore,"-; lot la, J., a.. Moore. (72.04. BLOCK 17. lot !, Boa ton J. Da Penning, 71.4d: lot IT, L. W. intrant, S6S.57: lot lo, Julia Brawn, M0.70: lot 13, M. A. Tuckay, ioo.Se: wt 14. Minnie V arena;. $.71: lot IS. Mlnnla Varwlg. 71.4. BLOCK 13, east lot is. r. P. Wood, tSi.41: eaat H lot 17. r. P. Wood, $50 .94; north IS l- ' feet of eaat H lot IS. rT P. Wood, $2S.S:i; ' weat V lot 14. A. P. Maad, $20.11): waat lot 17, A. PrVead. $1.1; waat V, lot IS. A.' P. Mead, $17.(10; aouth 14 feet af eaat - H lot IS, A. P. Maad, $20.TSr Vt 15. Prank V. Weed, $S.8e; lot 14. tttnk P. Wood, InS.rT; lot 13. rranh P. Wood. fTt.n". BLOCK . w. lot IS, X. A. Bvana. (71.34; aorth 11 feat lot 17. T. A. Kvaaa, $23.78; aouth 22 1-3 feet lot IT, L. J. Edward. $46.01; lot IS, P. B. annua, arm jt: nnnivinaa ta nnria ti re kt IS. Toll Thompeoit, 4k. U3: aouth S 14 , feet lot 16, K. L. Btawart... SliTS; nortb H lot 1-t. K. L. Btawart. $84.49; aouth H lot 14, .flrat Congregational charcb, $34.08; lot 15. Sirat Coufregatlonal church. (71.46. BLOCK gft, lot 18. rrederlck 0. Die, $13.62; lot 17. rriderlrk a Dlra., $80.13; Jot 16, L. W. Dnraat. $66.25: lot It-.- kata CT Bverett. (as.12; M 14. H. T. Smith et aL. $.. Vrt IS. H. V. Bmltb et ai.. $71.88.- BLOCK 45. lot 7, Charlea Palran, $70.73; lot a, Jamee aanaarr, fo.a,, mr a, aavsva ianuarr, a,', - tot 10. rranh A. Tartar her, (on OT. BNNYBinB SECOND ADDITION BLOCK . lot ft. Andrew NeJaon, ft; lot T, -Aa- . drew Nelaoa. $71.03. . BLOCK 58, . lot IS. rChrtetlaa Kretner, $71.46, lot 17, ChriaUaa Krataer. $oo.B7: lot la. Robert Lockheed. J 66.12; lot 1$. Robert Lockheed. $66.87; weat -S lot It. D. L. Nlebola. $33.60; weat 1-8 lor ta, u.-ia nunoia. sxlts: aaat x-s mt j. suniiiei r' su.e eeet sa tot iii, P latel L'tumarr. $48.40. BLOCK 50. 90. Herman K. Beyer. $71.62; lot 19. Her- f man f. rJerer. eon Tit lot 1A Hermaa P. I Beyer, (66.851 -lot IT. C la Kllncer, $4165 .north 53.4 foe Tot 14. Anne Brbmlt. 85.611 north A3.4 faet'Wrt 15 Anne hVhmlt, $8.42; north-e.1.4 feet lot 16, Anne Brbmlt, SftA.46; - nenth 60 faat lot' 14, rtorenee C. Webater, annth nn feef lot 15, rierena C. Wab ater, $8.15: aouth 60 feat lot 16, rioranc C Wehater. 831.67. i - BUN N YHI DK BLOCK 1. bit . Bonhyatda Land A Improvement Company, $44.74; lot 5. Bun ayalda Iaind A Improvemest Compeny, $42.65; lot 4. Bunnyalde Land A Improvement Com pany. $42.23; lot 8, Bunnyalde land A lra- pravaiu ut inpaDj, arao.n.,, a a a, -iirrn a. tJolden.' $68.71: lot -' 1. Jama D. Wharton, n. lot n. M.HI. A. Ilataaa. 71.77: 4. Mart tot 6. Macale A. OaUka. $60.27: -lot aerie A. Getaka. 806.371- lot A lira. Ue. -. tann miiciwii,.- Hie - a. - a. .- iTtmta, ' 8W.85: lot 1. Bamael Anderaon. ; 872.04. -5-BLOOK- 0, 14 A Wmr-Wackier f7a,04i-et-v. - waw-aUNw, iw.u; am e, rvm. juartle if6.2Bt lot a. Wm. Maekle. oe 7B1 lot - Wm. Meck'.e. $6.C0; lot 1. Wm. Mackka, $72.61. BLOCK 18. lot S. lnaa. a. Durham. $7110: lot 6. Jaaala H. Harrington. $00.17 lot 4. Jeaale n. HarHnrton. 866.37: lot A - Loalaa R. Downing. $66.37: lot 3, Ell aa both M. Kara, ann no- lot i. jceeps A. fettlt. ni.77. - nuu si. tot e. Marsnrec faruna. I. $73,101 lot 5, Margaret Darling. $40.27; lot a. n. v. naroman, Mn.ti, arc o. n. t;. Hardman, (06.90; lot 2. Henry. H. Btanb, SOU 06: lot 1. Henry H. - Staah. $74.23. block on., lot s. to Aiuano Truat onm neay. Ltd., $71,771 lot A Frank Hnnter .2T; lot 1. T. A. Evans, $65.05; kt S. Alfred J. Parker and Simon Enaland. 86B.T0 lot 1. Alfred J. Parker lead Blmoa Enaland.' fOS.ST: .lot J.-Alfred J. Parker A Blmou EnglandJ 8TL4A RliOCK 87, wt A Phillip J. M. Blamneld. $71.16; lot S. Margaretta i acnieffer. -aHw.ii; nt a, wnuam ana icuee heth Comfort. . 866 0. lot 8. A. T. rink. (66.25;- lot I. Krleda Lendbald. (6B.T1; lot . I. rrieda Lendbald, $72.04. BLOt'K 46, lot A Barbara Kuffler. $71.04; lot A Barbara KnlTlor, (6S.6T; lot 4. Pieeda Landbald. (5.T0; lot A Kreeo. landbald. Mf.aoi north H lot A rreean Lamdnaia. s4.o; aouth V, lot A Nora L. Blagley. $3A77 lot 1. Nora L. Blngley, (72.00. BIM'K S3, weet Hot A naran t. wetxter. ataw; weet j, wt a. Sarah J. Wetalcr.-AliO 56: east H kst 6, J. D. Coleman, true tea. 81A66: eaat 14 lot A J.' D. Coleman. (20 04: lot 4. Maaale fl. Ham ilton, 866.80 -t ,aW Jt. Curry. (6T.03; lot i. a. iwry, f w. i.t , m j . i. a, i orrj, 571.04. I T1.46; kX I'm. H. BLOCK 54. lot T. Wm. M. Howe Vat A Wax, M. Howe. $68.67: lot S, I. Howe. S65.T0: kit 4. Wm. M. Howe. $41.65: lot A George Bcbearen. 1 11.06: lot A George Behearen. $16.63; lot I, Oeorf ecnearen. aioo.flo; ioi a i. .vii.i. A etatrmant af aforaaald aaaeaament baa been entered la the Docket ef City Lien and I now doe And parable at the otace of tba city Treaaurer la lawful money of the United Btnte. and If not Mid within 80 dava from th date af thte awtte each -praceedlnaa will be faken nr law coiietriaov o tna aaiav- aa ara prvvAucu by tha charter ef the City of Portland. . Tha abon aaaeaament will bear 4ntreet 10 day after the, are t publlcatloa of thin notice, r - (..,,,. . tirrt tar Auditor of the City af Portland. - e'er tee. ASSESSMENT FOR IMriOTEhtXhT Of XTJ8- SELL STRUT. Notice la herehv elvea that tha Council ef ine cur at rertiana. tirexon. t a meeTina neia oa the lat day of Pebruary. 1005, declared-the aaaeaament ay eminence na. ja.aai, tor tne improvement or Huaerll etreet, from the Weat line of Gantennela avenue In Allrlna t tb weat line af William avenue. In tba- manner sroviaea ny orainaajc no. iA0a. apna ea,n lot, part af lot and parcel of land which are aperiaiiy ana peculiarly nc arnica, to na followa. via: - ' ALBINA BLOCK 41,- eaat H kit IT, Ch rial Ina n. nirren,; eaai.n mi in. i nrianua Ki Rlrrrll. (T2.52; wt lot 17, William TMnfk, $52 07; weat H lot 7, William Ihwck. 8.2.08. hUOCK 86, tot 1. J. 8. Brewnewell. $.Vi2.T2; lot 2. J. 8. TJirmnewalL- $164.80; 1 . , P J .. , , 1 . tt V . . . . 1 . . $lIJlt2'ot 18. Rdmnnd Hall Eatate, Helra of. (412 71. BLOCK 38, weet H lot 1. Plret norwegian-nanlan M. B. Church. - fznf.BS; weat mt a, rirst Norwegua-IHinlah M. E. Church. $64.74; eaat Vi lot a. Michael Bin. fU.T6; eaat H lot 1. Michael Bine. $10i).A3; t 17. Nlcbolae a Merae. 1115 47: lot IA Nlrholae Q, Mergea. (41A2A BI.OCK SO, lot 1. Bcbool Dlatrlrt No. 1. $410.27; hi 1 Bcbeol Dtatrlct No. 1. 8116.10: lot 17. Bcbool iiainci no. i. a-ie. to, roi ao, ncnooi utairict na. l. kvom. EVANS ADDITIO! to tb Towh ef AfSlne buock 4. eaat Tlx reet lot is. loaniey Evan. (476.44; eeat Tl 8 feet lot 14. Dndley Evana. 8136 66; faat T2.8 feet lot 16, Dndley Evane. $20.22. RAILROAD SHOP ADDITI0N-BL0CK 8. weat H lot A Hiram C. Pattee, $170.46; waat u lot 8, Hiram C Pattee. All S3, eaat H lot A, Th Alliance Trust Company. Lim ited. 831.04: eeat W lot 6. Tha Alliance Trnat Compeny, Limited. $164.13; aouth 86 feet lot 4. J. M. Pltteager. $11. 76r aonth 13 feet M T t'nloA Trust A Investment Cemnany. $14188: aont nnth too feet lot B, I'nloe Truat A Inveataaent Compear. $161.83; kit 11. Mary Ilenhel. $il.08: lot 10, Oddfellow' Hall Aaao- elatlnn. ig.7n: kit 8. Odd rellew' Hall Aeaodatloa. Ams 0A BIOCK 4. undivided H weat 60 feet lot A W. T. Matlock and Bnyar Baker. (108.50; anoivtded V$ weat, 60 feet kit 6. W. r.' Matlock and Beyer Baker. (TO. 17; nodi tided treat to fact lot A The rirat National Bank. $103.60: undivided - H weet 60 feet lot B. The flrat National Bank. J in IT; eaat n feet mt A Edward R. and telln E. Ptteher. William J. aad Kite I. . Jacoha. $150.62; eaet. 40 feet let $. Edward E. ana oeua a. I'ttrner, William . and KHa la, Jaec4uv.A48.lS; lot 4. George R. A -of fine Rateta. Heir, of, (12 AO; enath 100 feet kit T. JaUn K reamer. (lea.oT; weet 16.8 fret aonth 100 feet lot A Julius Kraemer, (36 04; eaat 30 feet south 100 feet, lot 8, Onat. Holmes, (106.(1: lot T. G. W. Rate. (11.71; Bwe 0 tm g AI ft 1 1 - a a trna a it Baa . ; " V. SA. S1IIB kTSairax. r jviraa fg tp. ii-l. turv , , wt 8, C. TL Hill Eaute, Heirs st, $33.03 car vortcxS. v A ----- - .. . right af way. PortUnd Consolidated RailwaI W. DonnelL (11.311 kit 10, Jenala W, Duo Cowpauy. $3.14A7A Total. (0.741.40. f f J nell. pi . 00. it- - . - j A atatement of aforeaatd aaaaaamaat hka been rntered la the Docket of city Llene and la now due and payable at the 'of Sea of the City Traaaurrr. la lawful Sioucy ot the United .State, and If not paid .wlthla all daya from tb date of tbla notice aui-h pro ceedlnga will ba taken ' for tb collection of th aaut aa are provided by Iba charter of the City ot - Portland. . , . Tha above aaaraauieut will bear Intereat 10 eay attar is Oral publlcatloa of Ihi notice, THOB. C. UiCVLIN. ' Auditor ef the City of Portland. - PortlindV Oragoa, rabruary (V 10OA. AASrBBkUCRI - TOR ntPIEhtZPT Ot " 8X00)10 STREET, Xetfrsitf bereby gtnn that-the Council of ine ot rortiand. Oregon, at B meeting hld en ibe lat dart1 of rVbrnary, 10U6.. de clared the aaaeaament by ordinance No. 14.434, for the Improvement ef Becond atreet, from th center line of Arthur atreet to the north Una oi wooo atreet. in the manner proridee by erdtnaace No. 1S.06S. upon each lot, part f lot and pa roe of tend which are aperiaiiy aaa peculiarly . nenenteov to sa .se follows, tlai. .-. . - --- ,-i CARrTHRRB ADDITION TO CARUTHEB8 . ADDITION toy Ue City f fort, tend BLOCK 64. north i& .1 east ' 100 aouth H eaat 100 feet kit 1, Katie P. Rabe- ; aeicn,; eaat low raet ut A Katie r. . Raheaetch.: (160.04: eaat 100 pert kit A ' John . Caolc. 800.70: eaat 1O0 faat lot 4. i John P. Caplen. (60.70. BLOCK 65. eeat 100 feet lot 1, Addle B. Murray, $rilajt aaat loo reei aoi z.'niie a. Murray, i.M.oo; raal liai feet tot A rrank H. Grau, $100.87) eaat lot) . on an a. uriiwin r. a. nummer, aiux.en. BLOCK 66, eaat 1(10 fact lot 1, C R. Bmlth, , $72.41; eaat 100 feat lot A 0. R. Bmlth, f6.87; eaet 100. feet kit's, 0. B. Bmlth, $61 T4f tuWI!rJpfe AC ,l.Bmlm, ' A parcel of tend lying between tb north Una of Wood atreet and a Una 100 teal aouth of aad parallel with tb aouth line af Hooker -atreet, end between the weet Hue of Second I atreet and a line 100 feet weat tbereaf aad Sarauei loerewiia, V. . emits, SJie.KS. LOCK 6a. weet H lot 8. rannte R. Died- ncn, no. an; weat t iqi j, rinui E. Died rich. $113.40: weat 47 feet eeat Vk lot A Louie Cobn. $50. nor weat 47 feet eaat Vt bit T. Loula Cobn. $40.75: went-100 feet lot A Edward J. Hart. KW.31; weet 100 feet kit 6. Jnba Corklah. $I.!T, BMK'K I weat 62 Jot AV Immannel Bantlat Caarok. 174 Ta: weat1 68 feat lot T. Immaanel Baptlat Churvh, (70.(0; weet SAfeet of eaat 44 $ feet lot A Buala C. Poet lhtate. Hrlra of. $6.10; weat 38 feet of eeat 44.6 feet let T.- Buale C. Poet Katata, Helra of. $5 71; waat 100 feat lot A Mary Akera. 8112.00: weet TOO raat lot 6. PhlUp and Julia- B. lawton. (123.27. TtlXKK 87. weet 60 feat lot A Nannie E. Taylor. 83.06: weat SO feet lot T, Na.nle R. Tay lor, $78.01: weat 60 feet af eaat 64 fart lot 8. Abble O. June, $2.&0: waat 60 feet of eaat 58 feet Ioi 7. Ahhla O. laaa (25.001 weat 100 feet Vrt -S, Jamea L. joauanm. um.i: weat iw lee l lot s, Jamea la, Johnaton. 8I7T.8B. A -parcel r land lytBg betw IHne af Porter atreet aad a -j aouth therefroaa anil parallel I between the eaat line or 'and in line loo fart anal I a parcel er land ITTBg nctweeer trie sua lb line' inn. feet therewith and Beennd atreet tbehafmis " aftA nartillel therewith. . Wlafield . T. ai.nhe. -116130. ' .- A parcel of land lying between tb north line of Wood a atreet and a Una 100 feet aorth therefrom and parallel therewith and between tha eeat Una af Second atreet aad S line 10Q ft eaat the re from and par allel therewith. Joseph Blmoa sad Cyrna A. Dolph. (160.86.' . . Total. AI 200.37. i, . f-A autement of afuieeald aaaaaameM kaa beea entered ta the - Docket - af city Urn and la now due and payable at the efSca of tb City Treeurer. -In lawful nanaev -of the Catted Btatee, . and If not (aid within 30 are frraa tb data of thl notlc ucb pro- ceedlnge will be take for the collection of tha aame aa are provided by the charter of the Clly of. Portland. ' . The above aaaeaament will bear Intereat 10 dafe after thl Brat pnhMraltoa af Ihtr enttrw, 'inun. t, ijevu.v T-rtla.d o-L I-S J . P tHegiwi, teUuary t, Auditor ef the City ef Portland. AS8EASXXBT I0R MPROVrjIXBT OP JOlUf- r . . .i-.-. ... SOS ITSXXT. Notice ta' herehy riven that tha Council of tha City of Portland. - Oregon, at a meeting held on tb lat day of Pabruary 1006, frorUreo the aaaeaament by ordinance Na. 14.4:13. fur the Imnronmenf of Jobnaen atreet. from the waat line of Twenty-fourth atreet to th aaut una or iwenry-nttn atreet in the manner pro vided by ordinance Na. 14.040, upon each lot. part ef lot and parcel ef lead which are ape riaiiy and peculiarly bencflted, to be a follow. KINO'B BECOND ADDITtON-BtOChT A. Tof A' .'Matthew Brady. (10.85; - kit 8. Matthew Brady,-' XI. 54; lot B. Annie P. Broen,.f 18.44: - lot 8. ' J. A. Martin. 817 03' rot , Jeaale " M. and Jamea R, McOacken. (14.04; lot 12. airii e . . riiwir.., e-aaa a.i, eiin ' I . Btepnans. faj.iw:, lot IT. Thomus BtepbenA wt in. -momae Hfenaeaa. a.iM m. " A fiarrel of tend lying between the weat line -or xwenty-ronrta atreet ana a una ltw tret weat therefrom and. parallel therewith ana between the south Una of Jobnann atreet ' and a Una 100 feet eoath tnereof and parallel tbcrewltb, rrederlck A. Krlba, (14.07. A parcel of land lying hetweea two I lee reapectlvely 100 feet and 210 feet Wcet from .nd parallel with tke weal tin of Twenty- fourth atreet and between the eeura Une of Joanaoa atreet and a Una 100 feet aouth there rrom and parallel therewith, Dennis W. Crowley. $2.1.85. . . A parcel efMaad lying between -two llaee reapeetiniy sio raet aua xao reet weet fros '. ana parallel with the weat line of Twentr "'fourth atreet and between the aouth Una ef Johnann atreet and a Una loo feet eoath tnereiram ana parallel therewith, H. A. - Rargent. S10.BB.- A parcel of lend lying between ' k Tin SbO 1 feet weet ef and narallel with tha weat Una 'Of Twenty-fourth atreet and the eaat line ef Cornell road an. ehown by Lnrla A Hrydeas map of Portland end, vltdimrT-lltM.-'ind be- . .-. . i. .niiu tiiiv amiiaaa ,ti i , a a no line 100 feet seuth therefrom snd parallel therewith, Tbs King "--la. Heirs f. - (131.66. ToUl. (321 5a "mT-."I A tatmeat of eforeaald aaaeaament haa beea entered In th Docket ef City Liens and la now due and payable at the ofSce of the City Treaenrer, la lawful money of tb United State aad If sot paid within 80 daya from the sate oi uia not in auca proceeding will be taken ror tn collection of th aame aa are provided by the charter ef tb City af Portia ad. Th above aaaeaament will bear Intereat 10 daya after the Bret publlcatloa of tbla notice. -BBVIJN.- AaiMtor of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregoa. Pebraary A 1005. AMxssxiirr ros npROTixxn or ret . AWT STXXXT. ... Notice la bereby given that lb Caoarll of the' Litr of Portland. Oreenn. at a meatlne held on tb lat day of lvoruary, 10U6,. de clared the aaaaaameat by ovdl nance No. 14.442, for tba Improvement of Bryant atreet, from the eaat line of W a baae avenue to the weat Una of Delaware avanua. I. tha i ' by ordinance No, 14.LI7, apoa each kit. part of lot and parcel of land wkkh are apaclally and pecnltarly beneated, to be aa folkiwa, via: - AKHOK UilMlar HMICK 1A t 1, BetO b Pope. Trnetee, $18.06; lot 2, Beth L. Pope, - Trustee, $2.16: smith 16.1-8 feet ef kit A Beth L. Potie. Truatee, tl.OB: auulh 16 1-3 . feet of kit 16, A. La ni pert, $2.0; lot 17, A Lamport, $6.00; lot la. A. Lampert, $1X75. HUH K 14, lot 1. Ralph eency. $47.04; lot ' A Rah reeney, $6.45; eoath 16 1-3 feet ef ' kit A Ralph reeney, $3.21; south 16 1-8 feat . of tut 16. security Hatlngi A Trust Goal pear, (1.65; kit 17, Security Barings A Treat Com pany, $3.31; kit IA Becnrtty Bar lege A Trnat Company, $23.40. BLOCK 16, lot 1, Beeunty 1 A Traat Company, $23.36; lot A Becurity Bavlnse A Trnat Coiaimny, $3.m; aouth 16 i -3 feet ef kit A Becurity Bavlng ' A Truat Company, $1.73; south 16 1-3 tret - of kit IA J. B. Oaborua, $2.16; lot IT. J.- B. ' Oa borne, $4.32 lot IA J. B. Oeborne, (XS.5I. I - 11 .ml. , .1 .. . . , ar.i tt tl . .. k a , av.n lu. in a, mmn a.. Rnaaa,., f."', kit A Karl C. Rronaugb. $5.20; aoutb 16 1-8 feet of lot B, Earl C. Hronaugh, $A64; aonth t6 1-3 feet of kit IA Earl C. Bmaaugb. $A6; . kit 17, Karl C Rrotiaugb, $5.87: hit IA Karl C. ' Bronauf h. $34.52. -.BLOCK IT, lot 1. Jennie W, Donneu. $41.60: lot A Karl V. Brotaaugb. $7.03; aouth 16 1-8 feat ef kit A ' Karl C. Brouanah. 1.1.116. Bl KKA0B TKAt'f RLOCK 18. lat 13. Tbomaa L. KUot. $24.04: kit 14. Tbomaa L. Eliot, 06.88; kit 11. Tbomaa L. Kllot. $7 35; lot 12. Tbomaa L. Kllot- X'iHOX. RLtM.'k- 1.1 - lot -13, Tbomaa L. Elkit. $10.47 ; lot 14, 1 noraaa u Allot, $5.72: kis ii. Thomas L. Elkd. (4.1S; lot IA Tbomaa L. kllot, $15.06. BLfM K lo, lot IA Thomee L. KUot, ILM.7S; kH 14. Tbrma L. Kllot, (AOT; kit 11, Ibmaaa I.. Kllot. SIA36; lut 12. Thutnaa L a, I hit. ?M.7A BLOC. T. lot 1.1, Tbomaa L. tllol. 42. tu; lot 14, Tbomaa I, kllot. (Io.82,lot I, Inoniaa L Xllot. $?.: lot li ThoiBaaT,. KUot. $20.02. BMK.K 2, lot 13. Tbomea L. Kllot. (21.68; kt 14. Thorn L. KUot, o.AI: let II, Tbomaa L. KUot, (0.(1; M 12. Tbomaa L. Eliot. $2.23. ' ABHOR l.oix.B BLAk;K IA Vet It, Mary M- Moch. $22 47; k-t UK Mary M. Mock. SA64; kit 0, Mary M. Morfc, $2.37 lot 14. Mary M. Mock. $6.17; lot IA Mary M. Mock. $A5u;' kit IA Mtrr ki. Mock. 841 TA 1UICK 11. -kit, li, Mary CJteelV -A4U.15; tat 11, Mary a., aueii, an.oi ; a,i o, a. aiarm.n, an. ax; fct IA North l.clfw Lumker Compeny. $4.87; lot 14. Nertb Padae- Lumber (oniuanr. North Parltla Lumbee- toaipaay, I I'K lu, lot 11 Earl C. ltronaufb, 1 Earl C. Hrooattfh. $18: kit I BronauaA SA02: kit li U. K. itenarica, sa.wi; lot ia, m. . a. Hendrlrk, SASii: h,t 13, M. S. Meodrlck, (S4.8A BliOCK 0. k-t 11 Hattla L. Bweet Woaull. (40.62; I M 11, Hattla U Bweet Woaull. $AI6 lot i in, tuna u. eweer noaaaii,; hit ia R. B, Oarttnee, $A82; let IA r'lret preeby. tertan t bnerb. (7 81: lot TA Plrat Praabr. terlaa Church, (20.SA BLOCK -A. -lot I A deaaie W. - vounen, fJB,i4; mt ,1, OITT S0TICI8. BLRBAUK TRACT BUITK 7. undivided M oi at, naran j. antra ffe,; snaivt'a H of lot 23, Barak J. Uurraga, $3.1u: aadl- - vtoed H at lot 24, William H. Barrage, (li.0 , uudlrlded H of lot 23. William II Burrafe, .i in; undivided II of lot l7 William 11. ' Burrage, ta.40,- undletdad H ef let R H Ullaat H burrage, flatrT: uudlTlded is of kit A Barah J., Bums. $3.40; undlTldad of bit i ' 1. Sarah J. Burrafe. $13.67. BIXX'K 14. kit ; 24. Barah J. and William 1L Burrafe, $23.47; kt 23, turab J. and Wllllanr H. Burrafet $6.42; bit a, Barab Ji and William H. Bur rage. $4.54; kit 1. Sarah J. aad William IL -Burrage, f 13 lo. BLtN'K 11. nndlvtdrd ' 4 of tut 14. Barah J. Burrage, $14.70; 'undivided V of lot 23. Barah J. burrafe, (3.36; aodl vfdedrH of lot 24, William H Burrafe. - 814 70; undivided H ef let 2:1. WllUam 1L Burrage. $3.56: undivided H of lot A William H. Horraga, $6.aU; andlrlded Va of lot 1. ' William II. Burrage. $22.4M nndfrlded V, of kit 2, Barab J. Burrage. $5.86; undivided U of lot 1 Barah J. Burrage. $2X4.1. BLOCK 6. lot 84. Barak J. and William II. BurragH. $.16.87; lot A3.. Barak J. and William H. : Burrage, $0.74; lot A Barak J. aad William ' H. Ilurrate. $600; hit 1, Barah J. and Wll- - Ham H. Tuirrare. $39.70. BLOCK A 'kit 24, W. G. KUIIogan-orth. $1135; lot 23. W. U. Kuiingawortu, lot A w. u. aiiuafa worth, - $o.44; lot I, W. 0. Kllllngawuclb, $A4i 'i)tat.-1.44.2: - A Btetenient of aforeaald aaaeaament - haa baea entered In tb Docket of City Lieu and la now due aad payahla at the offfoa of tb City Treaaurer, In lawful money ot tba United Bute and If not paid within 90 daia jroru th date ef this notice -ajurk proceedlnfa will be take for the collection of the, aame a ar provided by the charter of tba City of Portland. The above aeeeeeownt will peer Intereat 10 day after tb' Brat puhllcatios of thl notice, i- THOB. C. DEVLIN. . ".''' Auditor of the City of PortlanA .' Portland. Orefon. feliriiery A IMXV ASSXSSMXSr P0S IXPROTEXXPT OX SAST .--THIRTT XIOHTH STSXXT. Notice-' bereby- given that' the' Oosscir of the Citr -of Portland - Oreaoa. at s meettn held on the lat day af rebruary. 19t. de. dared the aaaeaament by ordinance No. 14.431, fur the Improvement . af . Keat Thlrty-elghtk atreet, from the south line of Baae Line road to tha nortb line of Eaat Yamhill atreet. In the manner provided bv ordlnamw No. 14.222. upon each lot, part of lot and parcel of land which are apecially and peculiarly, nrDcBted, o n. .a rotiowa, via: . ll'NNKBIUB THIRD ADDITION to Portland. Oregon BLOCK 62. kit 9. -Title Guarantee 'A Truat Company, $111 IT; lot A Title Onarnnte A Treat Company. $1107; lot 7. -Tltla Guarantee A Trust. Company. $AAS; , kit IX Title Guarantee A Truat Company, AAT0: M tU Title Guarantee A Trnet Com pany, $8.46: lot 10. Title Guarantee A Trnat - Company. (TA10. BLOCK 63. lot 0. Title ; Ouaranle A. Truat Company. $04.06; lot A Tltla Guarantee A Truat Company, $7.10; -lot I. Title Guarantee A Traat Vonpene. $ABO bit 12, Title Outran tee A Trnat Company, $1116: ant 11. Title Unaeantaa A Truat Com- Peaer-AIASOt lot lO, Title-tJaaraate A Trust xompany. BIXH'K 6A lot s, iiti Guarantee A Trnat Company.. $BT 04: kit, B. Title Guarantee A Treat Comnany, (lS.Mli lot T. Tltte TinaTanteanarrnmplBy. (ILto;. kit 12. Tllla Guarantee A Truat Company. "(8.06; lot 11, Title Guarantee A Trnat iW paey.'$U.3ft: lot 10. Title Guarantee A Treat Comnanr. $64.16. BIX'K 6T. kit Title (iiiarante A Truat Company, (65.SU: kit A' Title Guarantee A Treat Company. $7.2 ; kit T. Title Guarantee A Trust Compear, $5. At; lot IX Tltl Ouaraufe A Trust Compeny, 82.80; kit 11, Title Querent A Trnat Com pany. (4.39: lot 10. Title Guarantee A Trnat Coniiy. $63.12. BleCK ToZkit 8. Title fliiarantre A Trnat Oompany.TOT.ia: kit A T1tr Guarantee A Truat -Company. $9.57 r M T. .Tltla Guarantee A Traat Compear. $6.30; kt IX Title Guarantee A Truat Company. Aletl; kit II. Tltl Guarantee A Trust Com pany. AVIS: lot 10,, Title Guarantee A Trust Comnanr. ST1.49. BARTSCH PARK ADDITION to -Eaat Port- la no hum'k ,1. lot 1. rannla I. luring. laASili kit A r a ante I. lawrne-.-Slt.llr tot B. Hermaa Bories Eatate. Hrlra of. $0.01; kit T. Herman Borle P.atate. Heirs of. (st.Bn. BLOCK-A lot 1, Mere O'Leary. $66. lot kit X Mary O lary. $6.03; lot S. C. T. Bowen. 836.001. Jot U C. T. Bowen. $110.84. BLOt'K A (it i. Mary P. Hurler. $100.60; lot X Mary P. Hurley, $30.36; kit 8, Agnes Robaon. $14. TH; lot 7. Arues Rohaos, BK6.1A ' BLOCK A-t l.,Jrle. AV Rrtbaon. $61.44; lot X-J, E. Bcott. $K01: lot A Walter W. Webater, (1.44: kit T. Walter W. Webater. $50.81. RIX1CK 5. kf '1. Ion Bnrles. $00.06; lot Herman Borie. Sa na: undivided 14 lot A Manhattan Real Katate Company. $144: nn- nirinea $ mt t, Mannanen aeai r-atata Company. $35.46t undivided Ij.w t f. -Ouatav Ttnary. (1.44! undlvlderT 14, lot f . :Xa. Ooetav -TtasTV. SnS.tTl total. $1.07102., " A atatement of aforeaald aaaaaamant kaa sees entered In the Docket of City Mena and 1 now due and payable at the oface of the City. Treaanxfr.lii lawful money of the T'nlted State, . anjifwot paid wlthlo 80 day frees th date of thl notice auoh :j-proT ceedinge will ba, taken for the eollectlon ,ef the earns aa are provided ny tae chart ec -of Cllt nf Portland. -. - . The above aaaeaament will bear Interest 10 daya after the Brat nuhiication of this notice. w.,a r v.wv, w I ri, v. arr.r t.i a, Andltor ef the; City af Portland. -Portland, Oregon, rebruary A 1908. IJw Only Double-Track : RsHwsy bctwecs tiw Missouri River The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxurious train in tuc wotio, DrAwine-rootri sleeDinp can. dining car. buffet smoking arid library car (barber and bath). Less than turse days rortiand to cuicago. - - - ThroughTrains to Chlcsgo srs operated daily vis the Oesgaa K. R. NaT. Co., V P. R. R. snd Cbicsgo 4 North-Weatern Ry. to Cbicsgo irom rortiana ana points ia uregoa aaa Eaxtera waxblnglon. . Dally excurxlons In Pntlmin ronrlet -sleeping csrs from Portland througb to Chlcaro wilbosl change. . bV R. RITCNMt. a, G. BARX8R. Gael Aft. Pac, Cleat, Geaaral Agent. C. AN.-W. By. C.AN.W. ky. eif Market Street, ' Id Tk lid Street, Saa fSAntiaco, Cb i ryatLAaa, osa AUs XXALHS VlAVi3aXNtrT0N Chicairo SAttXOAD TIT. G oUreilSiciFic 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY - Tbrsngh Pnltmaa ataadard and laurtat aVaea." ' na care dally te Oaaak. Oik-era, Bpukanet ' tonrlat aweving care dalle ta Banana Clte through Pallmaa vsarlat aleeolng ear limn - -. ally aesdactadl weekly te Ch Sevan AeeUalaS i ehaheesrs (aeate (real ta the Bast dally. - UNIUPI DEPOT, ' Lee tea. . Arrleee. ' , CBKAGO-POrVTLAND i-,- ' "- ' 'i ' PRCIAi. . Sk, 8:IS , SW : fiasa!1' "' D"' ' " SPOKANB PLTEN. : ". . J tot Eaateen WaakUa- j. ' -tow. Walla Watte. Lew- drtJ A sa. Sirst a. , - latiin, Coeo - d'AIene Dally,. - Dally. . -', snd ' - Great Kertbers . , - ' , ' ? noluts. . ' . . f-.' .:, ATLANTIC EXPRRBB. ..ta a. - e.t. . " . tea the East We Ba V " - thMrtoa. -TT Patty. Dllav.wa v. ) "belsmblsver llrvwies. ' .!''" S-oR ASTORIA ssd way 8:00 p. a. 1 1 ' , ,. polnta. eoaoectlnc with Dally. Abent 1 r ' atmr. for Hwaca and ex. auaday :u Am. North Besrha atr. Baa- Betnrday as. Banday. ' . sale. Aeb-et. deck. 0:fK a. ra. ' Tamhjl. Elver aaat. - . .- ': , OR DAYTON. Oreo . ,- . ')','': City aad Yamhill Ulrer TSa.8V :0 B.. Points, atra. Both ssd Crlly. Dally. Modoc. A ah -at. dock. ax. Sunday ex. Sunday. " ' (Water sermlttlng.l ) ,v ' ' - Snake River Route. . i '. FOR LEWISTON. Id.. I f .,. 1 I About - and way polnta from r.iTv (:f (..'' RlPsrU. Wm tlBri. 2't Dally. - v ""I'fjf-jsdjjrwtetos. s. Prldee. TICKET OrriCE.. Third and Waahleartan. Tela. . l nhans Mate) T1X-' - ---- . . - C. W Btinokr, City Ticket Ageat. : A. Jj. CRAIG. General Paaaengar Agent. . ' EAST;-;---SOUTH VNION DEPOT. OVERLAND EXPB tealaar fa Balem. a ears. . Ashland. Saera menta, Ogdea. Sea rree eteea, Stack baa. Lea Ae- '$:$ a. at. T 'JB A BV. geiea, SI raae. New Or leans ana tea Beat. Morales irala i fc-,J-e.'l -.- '- t f - sects et Woodburn ally - except Saadayi wlth trala for ML 8:80 A I 8.-00 p. R. ; segei, ,sivtrta Browssvlltei 8 p r t a g 6-Id. WesdUng sad sarron. - Albaay pai 4:06 p. SA necta at Woodburn with Mt A.eel aad lllrer- 15:19 a aw toa aseei. -Camilla seeaeagec,;", ghaeidaa peaaenger.,. 7-Srl . at, IHesaa-aa.' 118 46 a. at e S:2S a. an Dally. IIDally. eieept Sunday. Partial 'ftewege gaeurbaa Servtee and TassbBI . - - - Drviskaa. Depot Feet af J.fferaon Street, tjave Portland dally for Oewes f an a. a.t -11 50. 1:05. 8:25. 5:80. 8:25; 1:45. 10:10 la Daily imn Sunday V. 8:80, S:BA 8:8A 16:x4? a.- fs. A:00, 11 JO p. s. Ssaday asly 0:08 a , . I' Arrives. Retnrntng rrem trrweeo, a-rrTT PertTanA fln - - 8:80 a. s.l J:5B. 8:06. 4:86. 8:18. TOT S at. 11:18 a. at, Dally (escept BnsdsyV S A T:1, 0:00. in to. 11:45 a. ra. Except afeuday, 18:2$ I a. aa. Bandar enlv. 10 Tin a. Bl. mediate petnte dally fexeept Sunday) 4.00 p. sa. " Arrlvev -Portland 10:10 . a. The Jndependence-Monnvititb "-. Mote TJae peratea dally to Monroonth nd AlrHe.-en. 0eetlng with Bonrbern- Pacts aemssay'e track at Dallaa-and Inoepewdaca. rtrat-! fare Torn Portland Is Ba era meet and Ban prandaes $10, bertha $8; sucead-slsas fare $18. eecend-claaa berth $1 50. ., , Ticket to f!aatem parlrrtu and -Piitapey-ala fa a. a. China. Honolulu and Auetralla. City Ticket Offlea comet Third aad Week. Ineron atreeta. Phasa Main T1A C. W. BTTNGPR, W. B. COMAP, .rry Trcseu sgevrc. TIME CARD TRAINS PO RTIarANDr PSION D1POT. Depart. Attivva, Peg at, Sound UmlteA for Taeotna. -Seattle 8:88 A sv 4:49 A av. Olysinla. South Base ead ( Gray' . Bukar paints. North CoeaC Limited. for Tacoma. Brattle Batta. St. Patu, Mia sea poll a. Chlcaro. New lark, Boatns and points $.00 Asa. f:0Oa.Te, Eaat snd Bootbeaat. Twlnltv Kioraaa. I Taeawa, Seattle, Saw kaa. Helena. St. Ptul. Mlnaeapella . Chiang. New Terh. Boetos aad all BotntS East Sad 11:4$ p. ka. tMkA Senthaaat. Paget Boand . Kanaaal city-dt. Louis Bpectal. I for Taerma. Jeattla.i SpokanA Butts, Billing. I Denver. Omaha. Kanaaal TM$A City. St. Louuf sad all polats Eaat ssd Sooth-1 eaat - I Tlrtlr " oatlf-.rccDt -s " branch. - A. D. CHARLTOR. Aaslatant 6aeral Paaaaayac AfaA KS Morrlaon at., ear. Third. Portland Or. Astoria Columbia" - River. Railroad Co. La Tv. PNION DEPOT. Arrives. 8:08 s. sa. for Mayars, Ratsler, Dally. Daily. , ClaUkanle. Waetport, U;10 A 8a, Clifton. Astoris. War- - ; rentes, I'laveL Ria- - ' apond. ' Port .glevena. ,'. -. ., Gearharl Park. Sea viae. - . Astoria snd Beeatare. . . . bpssss dally.' - ' - T :n0 A XX . a... n . , , ;;ulsturla Stptaea, . - ' 1. aa, MATO. S. kndP.X. A a tor la, Or. C. A. RTXWAB Commercial Agent,' (48 Aides St. Phone Mats tarn rM Ticket OfBew aSS Third SA Phoas SSS eiesh TrctrtssoontlriakritaAl eA aaAV -lVamlnaB Dally JSr FAST TIME to spokaJto. sr. PAtrta, coLirra, a....,.., . . n e.,, . . flA a l-fe . jaLan MrU LIS, V nn aa'rvr aaavae . v - - ALX, POINTS EAST, fkavllaht trtn thraatiarh the CsseadB Bad Rocky pnountalns. for full partie ' tilsra, rslsA folders, eta, call oa r ed r" st. Btoirsosr. ctty ikH Aft ' teg Third BtrewA lo'a4L PHEE WD c 1 htajklnapan,l.tklt th srerkt. Tkea r "a efatr east af krW'. ' ' '' ' ' Orrfoa. V.. . . X 1 - . ' . MAi-rr..5. r ' " '1 r 1