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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVzW.'Q, FEBRUARY i, i;:3, v. TIMERS DEFEAT DALLAS COLLEGE Second Teams Play a Hotly Coin :, tested - Came of - Basketball - Which Is Won by-Locals. - ASSOCIATION TEAMS WITH TWO VICTORIES '! 3 ;', Y. M.: C; A. .Indoor Basebal Team Is Returned Winner in -i 7;""' Contest With Ringlers. : Assuredly the fate were kind to the .'JZ t.M..C jboyi iaai ylthl .'. when Ihex ROCVniMl -W1IU MVWlr BUHIHI ttMii. Kirst U Tigers defeated the Dallas ' collect second basket-bell team by core of It to JO, followed by a decided """"" victory Of " the association Indoor, base . ball team over that of Stingier, the core being It to 1. " "" . :.i ', :. Tb Tiger had Mrd task laid out for them, but went Into the work with . will. Hasten .. scoring the .. first, goal. Julias then entered Into the came with ," all the iet and confidence of numerous ' . vintortes, and .though every point was , severely contested: succeeded In , run nlng up a score of. ll'to by -the end -. of the first half. In the second half the' indomitable ' tenacity of the Tigers began to tell and the score to creep up closer and closer until a couple of mlnutoe .before, time - was called H stood 19 to IS in.If.syor' of. j Dallas. Then Pugh came to. the front and" tossed" goal that lied the . score and thus .it . remained . until the end of the half. In the pfay-o which fullowed the bail was passed to Moor. Moore to Masters, -who tried for goal but was too closely, guarded.- Then .- Pugh vxa& -10.: the., front "again, leaped Into the air and caught the ball On the rebound and with a quick turn tossed, it . Into the basket, scoring the .two points necessary to -win the gam' ' - --Mastersend-Pugh -scored .the most points for the Tigers. ; Pugh playing. -a better game last night than ever before. Craven. Lanner and Arnold did - the work for - Dallas, Craven, however, scoring the most- points for their team. ...'... This crack, team of Juniors have mad a.- splendid record during tlie present season. They have loat only two games tbis season, to !orvallls and the Mult . nomah teams. They -have defeated Sa lem on two occasions, Alblna ones and last evening they added to their laurels y defeating" the crack-team from. Dal las college. The final score was 11 to ' 2 in favot -of the Tigers. .The lineup Dallas Tigers. termer v. . ....Forward. ...... . Maaters Craver ' ... . ..'.Forward. . . .". . . Moore "Arnold ... .....Center.,... ".V.... Pugh Morton ..... ..Ouard... ...... Harrison Sevlnton .'. . .Gnard. . ,Merrltt.' Butler. Grime.. .Subs.'. .'..'. . J. Scnwsrts . Officials Berendrlck, - Freeman and . ; Holman. : : ,:.'.,;,.v, The Sagoo Baseball CHuns. " 7 " The Indoor baseball which was played between-the T. M. a A. and' Ringlers Athletic club teams followed the banket-ball-game, and. resulted .in a 'victory or, -f.the association . lada Northrup. ;the Ringlers pitcher. was . wild, snaking ' it J. imcUt.tor .hl catcher to holdJb,jde livery, which was reaponaible for "a number of the T. M C, A."s runs. . On ; the other hand. Jackson and Barrell, the association' battery, worked well to- - gether and were steady at eitOeali times. . "Keg" 4 Barrell distinguished himself - by making It of. the 21 putouts scored by his teafnt his work in -all ierartieM being on apar with that. of his battery - partner. Hunter.- Tiling and jauilepon distinguished themselves at the bat. The score follows: , .. -. - - ' : .'. :L I T. M. C. A. ' 1 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. r BsrTeH. ...... . .: 1 It ; Jackson, p. .......... I 10 Push. 1. a. .......... 4 1 C. Morrow, r. a. . , . ... .' S J ; ' Thing, lb. . ....... ... .2 sl Jamieaon, . b. . ...... . 4 11 Harrison. L f- ....... i 0 6 0 W. Morrow, lb. s . . . . J 1 1 - 1 Austin, r, x. '.i. t -,1 X "fr vr Totals.. 12 IS T 2 ,t.t .:. ; RINQLER8. - , -'- : - V AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Fhofkley. 1. ..4 tit 0 nanin. l x. t. ....... , i I 'Hunter, lb. ........... 4 2i'"2 .0 " -It. Newell, lb. 4 i 1 Vinson, e. 41 1 17 . 3 4 - R Newell. Ib'vrmr-l- v - 0 1 WodaegeJ r. t 2 1 . 1 Ringler.Jr f. ...... 1 . ' 8 . 0 . j. Northrup, p. ........ 1 . 0 1 1 oUli .?t.;;.,..i.Ul-J. ,2,1.4 ; . SCORE 'BT. .INNINGS. " . ' j-v 1.4 14 T y. M -C-.Artn iwi-rrt 1 -t l-e-e-l-:2 15 Hits .'.v.i 2 2 2.e e e 7 ,B4nlers-. Ul.OXt 12 ,0 . 11 Hits . i ........... X 111 1.2 1 S SUMMARY.- - - , v " , Bum Kin balls Off Jackson. I:, oft Northrup.. 7. , Struck out By Jackson, 16: by Northrup. 14. Two-base hits Hunter; Jaonteson. Left on bases Y. M C. A..M; Ringlers 7. Balk Jackson. Vmplres-f-Osrdner and Babbitt. -. . 4 csaoAoo avto now., jfcecMut special garvtee.) ' . 'Chlcaae. Feb. 4. The .fourth annual , show ef Oie Chicago Automobile associa tion opens In the Coliseum tonight with very available loot of space tn,4be big; - rfhlb!Ho-hall occupied The'' eliow. , which will continue through next' week, giromises'to be as notable In every re speet s the recent New York ezhlbl- tlon. Nearly 200 firms are Represented and It different mskes-'vf mdchlnes are displayed. - The hotels are fUled with ....Visitors from 'all parts of the west Snd the auto dealers are anticipating a rush "" of orders ' While all types of -self-pro pel Ung ejura are 7 represented the ex-' titbit of commercial vehicles is especially notable. ! , ; ; ' '. t ' ' ' " -' soaox siairs -wmc ssattu. . - t . H. C '-Skel" Roach.-the big pltehr , Who twirled 'for Portland last season, has signed to pitch for Seattle during ".the coming season. Roaeh-4s a clever slab artlU and-Ross Hall has added a . very good man to his staff. .. ' ' ' ' " " " ' wAsazvoTos to axsnaxT. (Special rsspatra to The Jnarnal.) -Illllsboro, OT4 Feb. 4. The Washing ton county Lewis and Clark club ap . peered before the county court here Thursday, with a petition asking for an appropriation foe the -purpose of prepar ing a cosnty exhibit at the Lewis and CUrk falf. The court took the matter under advisement vnlfl yesterday, when an appropriation of 11.190 was made to promote Washington bounty's exhibit at the fair, t , , ; ' . , . - , . i- ii a fi Hsllag Sisappeasaaee. - - J. D Runyen. of Htittevttle, O laid the wnllar dlnapriearsnce of his pain ful symptoms of I ndi sent Ion -and bilious- to lr. Klint's New Life Pills. - He says: "They ere a perfect remedy, for diaalness. emir -stomach, headache, rnn iiatln. etc." Guaranteed at Red I'ton HbsmMcr. Sixth end Oek streets. t the way to the poat office. : Price 10. -1- BASKETBAtL GAMES PLAYED AT ALB1NA Brigade Boys Defeat Y. Mf CA. But Lost to Oregon City t Last Evening. 7i- t-. - ; " - ' V , , ' w-.i.' . - Two lively basketball games were wit nessed by a large audience at the Al blna brigade hall,- corner T Beech - and Kerby streets last night. The drat game wss between the Bri gade second team and the -Y. M. C. - A. track team. The game was lively from the start snd both teams displayed some clever team work. When time was called the score stood 17 to It in favor of the Brigade boys. " The-' Href game, which "was -between the "Brigade' first tesm and the Oregon City -.T....M. C. A. Intermediates, was rather a one-sided contest. The Brigade was handicapped .from almost the start- owing to Forward Hof man Injuring his ..wrist s Jew . nSlnuten aftef the whistle blew.. In the second half ha also Injured his ankle. , There belgg no substitute Hofman gamely fin ished the battle. Montag and Gates did the beet i work for the Brigade, while Tel ford and Getting - displayed the t best work for Oregon City. At the fin lab. the score .stood. 2d .to JO ;,wlUi -Oregon, City the victor. - v. . !--... In two weeks -the Brigade boysf go to Oregon r City, 'where they hope to. re gain their lost laurels. 4 y ..-.The lineup's tfor both games were as follows:' : - - - : - 'Alblna, B."B, " Pos. , Oregon City. Hofman, . ,.F. "i"...-,. ...Telford Gates :, . : P. j . .". ... , . k ; Wilson Montag ...... .; . .C. . . . . . . ,k, . netting Keej - .4 ... ... .0 ....... j,, . v Bernler Armstrong i. . . . . . :Q. .f.a. . . . . . Park .Brigade 2d team. rj . Y.M. a A. Farrell, , . v . .".-F. . t;.;sralth Springer P. Jones Undine ...... ..-.i .C: .. ... . OUsan Phillips .....O. Ooolee James , v. .-. isv.-.0: .-. ii-i'iiV.-i-"Bnic SEATTLEAMATEURSil TO VISIT PORTLAKD Crack Wrestler and' Boxer of Sound t City ;-Are:- Matched With Local Clubmen. The date for the amateur boxing and wristiinr tournament between the Seat tle Athletic club and the Multnomah Amateur Athletlo club, has been set for February 24. - The contests will take place under the auspices of the local club In this city, and arrangements are almost completed for the event All that remains to be done. Is to select contest ants for' the: preliminaries and. settling i- few other minor, details. In the wrestling match,. Alex De France, the crack -wrestler of the Multnomah club. Is-scheduled to meet David Miller of the Seattle Athletlo blub, in a catch-as. catch-can bout at 134 pounds. This will be for the championship -of the north went for amateurs of that weight, --. The amateur lightweight - champion ship boxing match has been arranged or. the same evening, and . the" princi pals will be Edgsr Frank the crack boxer' of the Multnomah club, and Edward Bert lieu of . the Seattle .Athletlo club. Tills msAFh will decide the lightweight cham pionship of the northwext , ' . JOCKEY PULLS MOUNT , AND IS SUSPENDED (Journal Special Barrlee.) . Los Angeles, Feb. 4. Jockey Kent was Indefinitely ' suspended yesterday for pulling Loretta M. whn-she was leading tne xieid into the stretch, which allowed Schoolmate and Kehallan to beat her out, uentie Marry, at do to x. captured the last race.- summary Four Furlongs Dr. Hollis won. Loyal Btront second, I la third; time. 6:S0. Seven furlongs Robador won. Skeptlo second, Henry Acn third; time. 1:17." One mile end (0 yards Schoolmates won, Kehallan second, Loretta M. third; time, l:4. One mile Anlrsd won, Exnpo second. Great Mogul third; tlrnel: 44. ' O - Six' furlongs West Brookfleld won. AseUna second Bportsman .third;. time. 1:14 One mile Gentle Harry won. Palmist second, Miss May Bowdlsh third; time, l:44y- T : t At Xmeryvine. Ban Francisco, Feb.-4. Results at Em eryville yesterday Seven furlongs The Ledean won. Mr. Dlngl second, Bob Palmer third; time, Futurity - conme-Oreenoc woisflDr. Sherman second, waterspout third time. oeven xurionga aiaxiress won, fisy Ball second. Foxy Grandpa' third; time. One ' mile and : one-sixteenth Briers won,- Modicum second. Whoa BUI third; time. i:iz., . Five .and one. Ml f furlongs Belle Reed won, Piatt second. Whoa Bill third; time. 1:13, r, Seven- furlongs,- handicap lahlana srmi-MalOT-Tenny second, Venator-thlrdr lime, . - LADIES "TEAMS WILL . ' ; . PLAY. AT RINGLERS - r. 4 -- :...'. The ladles! basketball team of 'Ring let's physical culture school sre sched uled to meet the Vancouver girls' tesm n a return match, to be played at- HI B fr ier's gynsslum next Thursday evening. The- Rlngler team went to Vancouver laat week, where ' they defeated, that team in ay holtly contested game bjr the krfbre'of 10 t t. '-: , The Vancouver girls -are anxious' to tUr'n the tables on the local team, and confidently expect. to defeat the Port- mnu givis' coming -game. . -.The Wneup of the teams is ss follows! " Ringlers, Position, . Vancouver. Ella Breimer...vvFv;. Grace De Armon Kate - Brereton, . . Flo Gordon.. ... . : Nellie Bogges; .- .Grace Pompe .Helen Sch warts . i .Mary Kinney .a.. , . ' - (Joarnal gpeclal ' " - Baltimore, Feb. 4. Young Peter Jack, son of Baltimore, holder of the middle, welter and heavyweight championships of England, declared -yesterday that .he Intended to quit the game In March and take up farming out west In company with Professor Burns, who first brought Jackson to life es A pugilist, ' THS latter has written Jackson letters to come out to Loa Angeles, where Burtts has accu mulated enough money to buy a fsrm about 10 miles from Los Angeles. - If Is - said - that Jackson has- another object la view.- It is. to get married, eut out the fighting game and settle down, . . t ' . ... ATixano axxzBXTXOsT. r e The Peerless Athletic club will give an athjlp exhibition at the club rnoms. 110 Alder st re t. this evening. Boxing, dumb bell exercises and club swinging are among the features of the program. ' -. ',. ... -;-.---..---''.-..-,., "-. i ' - ' ' .',' RK1G RECORD f; - , v . ' MIKE DOfJOVAf Unique Career of the Man Who Is 7 Now lngaged in instructing ;.v..v. President Roosevelt. - SECURED CORBETT FOR . 7 BOUT: WITH SULUVAN Procured the Necessary Backing for. Californian to Meet the- , : Worlds Champion . Prof. Mike Donovan, who enjoys the tioftSf -of belng'The' Boxing eacheK of President Roosevelt, and who has just returned to New York City, after a. visit to the White- House, was in a manner responsible for Jim - Corbett becoming the champion pulllst of tli -world, It was DVnovan' who secured backing for Corbett to. fight Sullivan -af, NewJ'Or- J. ... . . - . .. J - tL. -hlu...u' . ivniim kiiu iiicn tmu viiv incHuif v. seeing .Corbett come home with. 146,000, which was the winner's share in i that memorable fight ' - v ,' -n h Prof. Donovan Is most remarkable man."', said .Mike . Conley, . the 'Ithaca Olant,' " to an eastern newspaper corre spondent the other night "It was 'ha Who gave me my first lesson in boxing. snd although I have not . seen him for over 10 years I have never forgotten the kindnesses -he.. showed, me In my early career. Me Is not. only a competent boxer, but Is conscientious about iiis work and you can bet that the president knew what he was about ' when he selected 'Mike t spar With htm. Donovan has been boxing Instructor at ths Mew York Athletlo club ever since 186 and how he came te get that position Is an in teresting story. Just about the time the New York Athletlo club - made knowtti.4hat-.the -organisation , would ap point a boxing Instructor Walter Wat. son arrived In this country from Eng. land, with the reputation of being ar-verj cleyer boxer. Donovan was. a candidate for the New York Athletlo club posi tion' and so 'was Watson. Considerable reeling was maniientea or in menus of the two men, and as a result a ring contest wss -arranged and the English man had to lower his colors to. Mike, who"was..then a.-slosljlng good middle weight -That's how Donovan got the Job. and he has held "K down with credit ever since. 'After"berng-defeated by "Donovan, Watson went to the 'Psclflo coast where bewae-engaged as Instrntftor at the famous Olympic- Athletlo club. Which turned out some great fighters in days gone oy. it was rror. wti son who put Jim Corbett out of him. It seems strange, but it is nevertheless true, -that .Donovan secured the back-) lng for-the pupil or the man- he had whipped rand- sat in Corbett's corner when the latter won over Sullivan. An. other peculiar angle to the story Is that .Corbett afterward took -'Watson's- Job as - physical culture instructor at I the Olympic dub. Watson started a saloon en the Psclflo coast and is still In Frisco and I think a member of the Olympic club. - . "Mike Donovan, wasbora-in-what 1s n(n; the c!tyof Chicago. His; brother Jerry was one of the most sought sfter trien In the days of bare-knuckle fights. In those days the man who' had the beat second generally came out On top In the milling. Jerry Is-still alive and lives In New York state. H4 and Mike-- used to -work, tm .tlre-Erle canal together. ' They . are bontcorkers by trade- 1 Mike Dnnovflrt fought-arOund 8t-"Louis before-going east and won a number : of battles. ! I believe; how. ever,: that his eontest with Watson wss the only one that he ever engaged In un. der.the modern Marquis of Queensberry rules.''. ' : LOCAL BOWLING TEAM UIEETS ASTORIA TODAY '" 8om line bowling wm dont on. th Pnrtljnr1 atlletvoi oiVAnlnsT In th dou " v -r . viiV IICIU ACJ luvt t, siuu) N vviivg v w see ble tournament Taylor and Kruse worrWy the expenses of the contestants. It 1 - , 11 - J tl . .1 I - . ... .. . .... . .. flrst prise and Ball and Hoffman second, McManamy and Galllard finished ' third. Capen and Kneyae fourth and McMen- omy-and-Lamond fifth. Taylor and Kueyse were doped to win and they de served to, . for they rolled very steady, but Ball snd Hoffman would have beaten them out but for a little hard luck in the last. game. ; Taylor and Kruee had the high game,42. Kfnfte Aad- the- hlgk single game, 135. andr Hoffman' had high average, 1(5 l-S. . i xne . foruanoo, romposea or i ay tor, Kruse, Capen, Galllard and McManamy, will bowl -the-All-B tar team from As toria today at ths Portland alleys. The game will start about I p. m. The scores of last night's doubles were: -. . .:.. ... -y , . GAMES "f. (1) 2) (3) 14) 5) 4ai 1BJ . id, . g.a ib? Capen . Kneyse . 20 184 10 ISO 1S ISO .141 JO I 140 16J Totals .374 186 310 XSOI 314 (1) :.-)-'); 44) (5) ..214 184 165 ?:4 ' 171 -.-10J2 lT18f HI McManamy . Galllard -.-rVv Totals . .3(4 . 40( 313 40( 333 1 ') (3) 4-(5 Taylor j 1(3 14J '194 r 213 . 188 Kruse . "..1J 20t 235 163 182 Total '-.... 380 "873 423. 371 (3) (4) 170 '172 370. ,(2) 204 (5) 20S 200 Ball . ....... Uoffmafc ..k 212 ' 213 151 ... ,j Totals ...j 340 414 403 325 -417 i t2 t8) 4) fS McMenomy' Lamond . .167 . 1 74 ' ISO 170 101 .146 151: 173,. 1(8 1 134 - Totals ; ;S2S 325 - 373 -"348 ' 35J ;. SXATIH0 CKAMTIOirSKIP. ' - J - ''x (Jonrial 'gperlal iervlce.) Montreal, Que., Feb. . 4. A number of the fastest skaters of theTrnTetr States and Canada are taking part In the speed skating' championships of the Can adian .. Skating association, ' whch . be-gsn-auspieiously today-la the on t real Amateur Athletlo association rink. The program ' consists of tine following events: Two hundred snir twenty yards, half mile, one mile, three mUee and five mllee; 220 yard hurdle-race, one -half mile backward, and a half -mile Junior championship for boys under, 12 years old and a mile race for boy sounder .14 years. . .-rtj AZJ3A3nr UI SZ7XAT OKXMAWA; - (Joarsal Smelal Harvtre. - Albany, Or., Feb. 4 The Alsany girls' basketball team defeated the Chemawa Indian girls' team by thefdeclslve. score of 34 to 0 in the game' played at Albany last evening. The lineup: -. Albany. . ..Position. ' - Chemawa. Elsie Francis..". ...F... 'Irene Campbell Flo Nulling. . ... ...F. ... . .Lott.Wooda Rose Flcklln 1 .. .v.C. . , .Frances 'Iedue Gertrude Biisaard. .O.".'. .'.lionise Murray Wilda BUrr.... .. .G-... Jsabel McKay .r..r j- And Tlllte Louvergnler. Officials Poland of Chemawa ind Marks Mt Albany. ...,'. . ; ' . - x A :' - - ' ' - - i ' ' ' '-" 5 - .-' ' ' ' " ATHLETES MEET AT NEW YORK TONIGHT . - .. 1 , i , . ,v.,. : Irish Athletic Association Holds - a carnival of Sport at Mad ison Square Garden.' r (Journal Special SsrVlee.) - New- Yorkr reb. t-Lovera of athletics will have a chance to wltnees the cream of the athletlo -world la competition. In Madison Square garden-tonight when-) the Oreater New York Irish Athletlo as sociation . will - bold Its annual athletic carnival "of. sports. The association- -is probably the largest and best equipped amateur ' atmetio vub in the country. There Is hardly a member of It but Is personally Interested In sports,, and they hold among them not less ; than 27 championships.- .-"- ' .: Among the events to be contested to night are a 300-yard handicap run, a 000 yard nqvlce racei e, JOQ-y ard handicap run ' and a mller and a half handicap race,. Theh there will be running high lump, handicap; an 880-ard relay race for schoolboys; a a-mlle handicap, relay race for four men teams; throwing the 64- pound weight from a stand; putting the 28-pound shot; the 10-mlle- run for .the Amateur Athletic union championship; a 1-mlle Intercollegiate relay race : from scratch, and a game of old Gaelic foot ball .- -, - X ;'r,-.-r. Probably the', most (Interest centers In the W-mlle championship,, the winner of which will receive a diamond-studded gold medal donated by . John D., Crlm mine. . All the best distance runners In the, amateur ranks, - Including Champion Joyce and K. P. Carr.iwtll start In the race for this prise. The carnival wut ne open 'to all registered athletes, whether members of athlettdiciubs' tn nott- .Tne entry list is the largest In the history of Indoor - meets la themetropoU And unless all signs go astray several new records will be established. . - STIVER IS;CH0SEN tTO MANAGE 'VARSITY (SeeeUl DiapatekteZXhe Heereal.lP X'hlyerslty of Oregon. Eugene, Feb, t. Today the athletlo council .held a meeting and elected Fred stiver, a mem ber jf the ltbo class to manage the football team next year,' and W. L Whit. telsey,-1901. manager of the track team for the coming season. - Both men are popular-In college and fully capable of handling the-work entrusted to them. Stiver is a .prominent debater and has played a sub position on the varsity teani for a season. He Is wett likeej-Dy students - and : faculty- and Ills election meets with general approval. At pros- tent -he-is managing the -Junior annual. the annual publication of' that - class. His home is in Jefferson, Or, - Stiver is a member of the tiigma nu fraternity.' .' J i W. L. Whlttelsey graduated in 'l tot; butra turned to the-unlverelty. again-to instruct In the department of economics. He Is one of the most popular men among the younger members of the fac ulty snd has always ,showed great In terest in student affairs.. Being at the university for so long gives htm a wide experience that will be of value to him. He is a member of the Kappa bigma fra ternity. Active training amopg jLths track men will commence at once un der the direction of Captain Perkins,, and Coach Ha ward will arrive about , the flrst of April to handle the learn.. lThe prospects are that a good team.' will te turned out, burmoFt or its strength win have to be developed from new material. which Is an unknown quantity. The meets that are to be contested are with the University of Wsshrngton, Corval lis,. Paclflo, Willamette and with Cal Ifornla,- if a team is sent nortn. ' ' ' miTi to rrpxo - -. -; (Journal Special Sarvlee.) Washington Agricultural College, Pull man, , Feb. - 4.' President "Enoch A. Bryan of the college has sent put In. vltatlons to all the high schools of eastern- Washington to -Join in a Held day meet at tne college -between May 1 and 15. . The invitation is -for each ef the four-year high schools of eastern Washington to sen three delegates to me neia any niei Kim uiq wiia win also agreed that should the schools desire to enter a relay team the college will pay the expense of four from each aehAAl Onlv lion - flri . nunlle of the high 'schools will be included, and the college preparatory class, will not enter the contests. , The schools will not be limited to three or four contestants, but may Send more at their own expense. The visitors 'will be the guests- of the preparatory .department' of the college. and reduced railroad ana notel rates will bei. assured. : Although . no acceptanoes have been- received there Is no doubt but what the; Invitations will be generally accepted and a . good meet' will be held. . J.-. i ii i i in . , .-. . , ainurs ; auurszOAy tobat. - i. . , (JonraaT Special BetTfeeTT-' ' , 11 San Francisco, 'Feb. 4. It Is not at all likely, fhat -there -will be more than dosen starters 4 in an to line, up for the word In the great Burns handicap, which Is to be run at Oakland this af- temo6n. -.' i , ; ThDly Mir. CTatrde-4mj -Elliott are the' popular -choices for this event nd they' will -be rated as favorite-at post .time. The start will be - repre sented In the following Horses that will face the barrleri - y , t , Claudes (W. Daly). Elliott (Alvarle). Barrack-(Bell). Gateway LacBrtde), W. R. Condon (Anderson). Hooligan- (Foun tain),' Rockaway .'(Knapp); Pasadena (Fuller), Hontton (Davlstjr Bombardier (Minder), -lloratlua (Michaels), Dalvay (Walah). AZ3 FACE I5?lIl!i!f Sf.'V ."?si. 5-. saedletted, foe ylrnple.. black he da, redaeas. rtutiri i.f reSsi ?rt Jrt:,',iS,B-"iv'ri rrLC' B. r"" ek hair! Large OOe. katttae st leading srsgglsts' wocoAmo. ox.ABKa oq reartk - m washiagtem I . v i .-. v -. - - ..- .. .-. ... ; -. ..... f . " ' ' , - . ; .. - . r 1 1 " ' ' i t, 1 I ' - - - - u. - (4 .---v -' --L- ' f -1. ... ii.. ' T HE; mo$t elebrjrt 7haa got tbbe & necessity In all rnodern. well-conttmcted housesTof today,'- and : uch residence always rant from $5 to 2Q more thafi those without them, . Fox A McCee Hot Air Furnaces oeen cnoten in tnousanat or i riQsv Turnacos bdsoiuisij naY no suponor ana wnon oougni irom US ypu are. not only - . buying the best, but are Saving money. . You save money because we sell them cheaper ;than those firms who rely on furnace profits alone for a livelihood. '-X 'V'i':,. " VVe also call your attention to our heating stoves. Ifhere arsr none better; than Cole'sl Hot Blast -Stoves- and 'Air Tight Wood Stoves. We likewise sell the renowned Universal m -Stoves and Ranges, the finest Odd Fellows Temple 4 !S' Boston Painless Dentists MlVs IIOsUUSOsT ItlllT. ' Known- - the -nsrorld over, are tne oni dentists In - Portlan havlna- - thla - world- renowned p a 1 a 1 e as syatetn -r for doing dental work. Our up - to - date system saves - us time and ?ou money. This Is he '.secret why . we give the beat- work for the loweet prices, All work raaramieed for 10 yaars. SILVER FILLINGS . OOLD FILUNQU ... . . . 1 8. AND 314 GOLD CROWNS'. FULL SET TEETH T,wii We have a aneclallst In charge of etch aepartmerrc Beat - artiflnial teeth makers, best - crown and bridge I work- men ana gold nuers in tne woria. ; , osowv AJn Bmrsan womx A noZAXiTT. : -;' Ws are " first- In point- of - perfection and durability of -work in the dental DUSiness oi f-oriiano, i ( Ye Olde Wed and Reliable PAINLESS DENTISTS :: tim mobjusosT Opp. Xaler rrmak and 0?4 reatoOoe. -Hours -4:14 a. m. to.-, n. " Munday. I:S0 a. m. to ll:t p. m Be sare y om are la the MsMtylssw. . PYR0GRAPIIY ' Our class in all applications ef ' the art convenes each Tuesday and Thurs day afternoon from 1 to 4 o'olook. - , MULTNOMAH INSTITUTE! , .,:'.'. M Sizta Street, . ; :j Phone Red lit I. ' Portland. .Ot BREAKFAST 00D 1 P. n i B "H-TH F'H Vli . n (SI M ...... BOO .....lUt BOSTON mm. WITH f'WANF ADS" ynth'iftM: insrted in f : Trie 'Journal a two-pound packago t ' Grano Breakfast Food (enough for. SO ,, people) .will 'be given FREE." ' Journal ' ."Want" Ads. quickly run errand, furnish y help, sell your property, rent the. vacant'.; rooms,. secure positions nd other' things ; j' too nurnerouB to mention. Want" Ada.: ' will be, received week days until noon for ; that day' issue.- But if for Sunday pre- aent them by 10 o'clock Saturday, night REMEMBER Till; With. Grano you can make Grano'-Mush, Grano Pudding, Grano Muffins and Grano ,":.'. V. Griddle Cakes . " . ".uprrf -vi--' . t v ' - , . . , r ... ..- - -. ' ;V have'eainedjenyiable reputationafor theUetTiciency. and have cases irj preference to competing productions of, their Wnd In the HARDWARE CUTLERY TINWAkB FIRST AND ALDER ; j Hotel :and Restaurs - -We manufacture Hotel Ranges,'' both Poruble and to sel'ln bMck. 4 feet to 1 feet, or longer. Carry in stock copper and. re-tsnned hotel cooking utensils: -alse-the-Asjietbyst. Imperial, Colonial and Opaline .Enameled wares. The lars mi tiuiMtuu iui so ue otrm raostf xaxji oeA. LsfllHV 11 HOMES Are a possibility where an abundance of pure paint la used. , No disease genus -can lurk, and live where there's fresh paint In plenty, and its appearance Itself prompts tne nousewire and housemaid - 10 more rrequent cleaning. For guaran teed ffradea of paints of all' Colors, In all ties, come- r-send te-.v'. P quan Fisher, Thorseri & Co; COB rmOsTT AJTO HOBBtSOB STB. .U -.(. Grano is made from RATE wheat . and yet ' does common to wheat products, it requires. very lit -.tie cooking, and ia non-irritating to the moat deli-! cte stomach.; Children eat it in preference to' any other mush, which of , itself i a test 'of .its .. palatability.!- Manufactured only, by c Acme . ! i. . s ,' . V'. ...vjt. '.....' . , . ' ' . '.-.."-:',''-',... furnaces. ' V : . , - world. v'Tirt" ... fc-4 j! Tclephdtae Main l3Si. facino coasi. We" respectfully, solicit Take'sfKCkw to im k trrtef. v- ET th habit of us ins; wood for , T tuei. x ou save money by do-. ;; jnf ao. The kind of wood wo ell is easily - kindled and (ivea full - neat vaiue. iry ua witn an order. BANFIELD-VEYSEY FUEL CO. - ' -5-, Phone Main 353 80 Third St ) perfectly cleansed hard white - : notf have the . pasty taste Mills Co.