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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1905)
OnnCCIJ DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 4. ltZS. 1GLEI.1 EL DT LAfiDCf mnmm $5 . f ':. . r ;". " I '" ' - Mitchell's Partner One ' of ' the More Names Certified to : City Heaviest Storm In Years Sweeps itn .1." Witnetset In the Land . - " Fraud Case Today, . Treasurer. Wjio Refuse! to ; --.- Displace Copland. T "if . i - .- - v. '.-. NO SALARY HAS BEEN T ? " Southern California, Caus ' Ing "Great Damage. I BUNCH OF INDICTMENTS , HOUSES CARRIED AWAY ? EXPECTED NEXT WEEK paid For two months BY RACING TORRENTS .? r-. i 111 Ill -.1 si-- Men Against Whom True Bills Were Found Voluntarily Give s'l'-'T' ThemseTverUp.-:-"- r.- ',. .. ... ... ''f Judge A. It Tanner.' law partner , of aeoator afltonell, yi before too federal imna.jury snori lima mis moraine. ,. Other than this thara was no axtarnal -evMence f any animation in tba -work ' ing apartment of tha a overnntent Inves- (tlgators, but Ulstrlot Attorney Heaey ''wm very buay gathering document and r- taking bef or th trlbunat"-othar - svt r, dene.- Stenographer, Rittenhouee vu , asked to: attend' tha aeesion. for' more r than an hour. At . noon tha jury adH - Journed until Monday at la o'clock, whan - the iliial work win ba taken up. i' Roseburg and Swwet Home witnesses ''.'.'were again in attendance thla rooming, but were not-called, t. T. Bridge of i. the Roaeburg land ofllca la In the city, . havttig . been subpoenaed. ' He did not 4 Appear' before tha Jury., tbla morning, Jbut waa Jn consultation witn taa gov- j eminent' officers and will- nrobablv ba - called' Monday. I ft. Bean, an at lor- ' Iney ef Eugene, waa in waiting a ahort time, but waa Informed that Ma presence -.would not be required today. .Thara : werer all (ha external -, indication that the regular routine of work bad been breached again by some argent ease that ; had Juat developed and aa thle baa been the usual precursor of a sensation ob- , warvsrs were, on trie, qui viv. District Attorney- Heaey and tha "7 member a of tba grand 'Jury are. plainly .. . . fatigued. -Tbla la especially true of the former, whoa work baa bean unremlt .. . ling. He la in aore need of the brief reaplts adjournment thla afternoon and : , over Sunday .wUl-glvay---"""-- - ,:, .. t- Th climax next week baa Intense In ". Merest In forecaat Jlght, Further" com- 'tv ' plication of Senator Mitchell la expected. ; but tha nature and extent of chaxgea " -axslnet othera high to- rank excite .""''".greater curiosity, at this tlma. r-Con f gressman Hermann' a relation to tha Blue mountain forest reserve operations, . are. -the' source , of - ceaseless specula r? tlon; Tha-query la often beard' whether Congressman Williamson will ba- In . volvsd in any of tha numerous affalra - -.'' rumored about tha federal building, and .; -' If bo, whatwlit batha-egact ofOr- -ton having but we congressional rep- . . resentativanot under lexHotmant v ln the- raaka of atate aenatora and .j 'other officlala la if ofihd tba subject for . mora apeculatioh. , Tha operatioua of the . Booth-Kaliy dumber company navf ten tha flnaer of auaplcion pointed toward : t, : ita manager.- Senator R. A. Booth. . Both ' the- land, office incumbents at KoacDurg " will be Inveatigated thoroughly. - . : V"? ? indictments wlll probably commence tc pour -h - Monday- whan-Judgwi-Bel-;, tMiger reaumaa tne Defies in ui .ouiirwi : t,ypurir He waa detained a Salem longer . V. jthaBoxDected, and did not, get Jt.o tola --;;roue.,tody. L . . '- Alt -win readtaaa for. tea Jftra- . --4 :,worka -wnegin, atonaaycjana nir ne jary finally' adjourn -ita aauy- wesaions - wia aououcsa d xrausa ;wiu jeveiopmanta. ,j -v . . r :. : - Ok J. Mealey, 'William Mealey and 3. ' A. ThomDsoa are named la tha feurth - Indictment returned recently by the fed eral grand Jury, and for whom benon " iwarranta war Issued. Tliey cm In Ivoluntarlir. surrendering to tha offleera. 'and were' permitted Jo go en their own ..recognisance, after testifying beore the arand lufy yesterday, - As tha Indictment baa not bean filed -,- for publlo Inspect ion. It la apparent that . ethera are named tnerein wm-mw not ivet been apprehended. The natural ln- V ferenc II that they operated the ramaIStriec ana ltmummvmm wcvu fcuw - i Mesjeys and Thompson, MACHINE IS RUSTY. (Ccntlnued f rozxT Page One.) ' atresa were eliminated altogether, "and even with' thee .. change tha machine had found It necessary to -incorporate ith provlsloa that th bill aa amended "v should be submitted te popular vote next -'June. . ' .v The result la a, virtual surrender, with 'Ja laat desperat attempt to secure fa iTverabl eoudltteine, Am amended In-eom .:. mttte the . Jayn but' rnake but. one 'vital change In the' existing law, and . ' that la tha eubatttutlon of precinct for county er district local -option. . . The provlslona of tha original - bill whloh '- virtually made tha local option law In- ' operative In cities and towns hav been ' altmluated. '. .. wbajgaHi 'batweit"tha maelilna and -. the liquor interest waa that tha jayn bill ahould be paaeed by the legislature . and in return, tba liquor Interests abould -'aid tha machine In the coming city elec- tlon- In Portland. ' . ft .ti - exceedingly "doubtful"' whether-- the bin. even aa amended, can pass tha leglalature, but If ' it ahould It would be but a sorry ful A Ailment of. the machine'e undertaking. The llquof latereeU of Portland would . be but little better off than they are now. i The machine'e promises have proved to be nothing but wind and It Impotency ... ... baa bea unmistakably demonstrated. , There are some minor measures In .." ,' whloh the machine la concerned, among them the effort to discredit Governor '- Chamberlaln'a administration through ; the ehargea of mismanagement at the state penitentiary,--but none of them ' give promts of consolation for tha de- feat which art Imminent. 1 Tha aeaslow promise t bring nothing but disaster :'-'. to tha machine and baa been remarkable . for' tha atrong spirit of revolt against machine rule, i i v: f , MACHINERY AGAIN ; ' , - REPAIRED ON BRIDGE 'v.; . , "With a. forcAof machlnlata working , all night at tha Wlllamete Iron works. ' Bupterintodent fVank B. Fields, of tha -Paolfla Construction company. . com plated repairs t machinery broken at ; .; o'clock yesterday afternoon by, 111 handling at Morrison street bride second thna Tha motorman n charge . i, f tha draw apan. thinking the bridge waa. cloalng too swiftly, reversed tha meter Instead of applying the brake. The anock resulting from the tremendous, . reewMnc oi the heavy gaaw span twlatad to place tw large ateet Shafts connecting, the main eg-wheela of the ; turning. gear. Tha accldeat waa tha re ; sult of Inexperience on the part of tha - .motorman. . v ... - .-. L v Mr. fields Immediately arranged for rushing the .manufacture of new abaft. . Ing. and at o'clnrk thla morning the machinery was restored . to working f,, order. The bridge bas worked ' today without a hitch - Official Agrees to .Take CM ' Service Man, if Relieved of -FlnanclaLResponsibtljtyVj City Treasurer J. R.Werleliv la still manifesting a defiant attitude toward the clvll-servlce commlHslon. Today when tha name of Arthur t Wilson. Edmund W. Paget and Charles J. Kruse. successful candidates : who . recently was certified t hlm.Tie refused to make an apptntment. although he emm le sion asaerts vacancy exists in nis .or flee..-; --- . -: .- -. Mr. Werleln -has bean employing J. P. 8.. Copland in his office, against ths wishes of ths commission, as ba failed to paas ths .clvll-servlce examlnatlone for tba position. The nam of Edwin W, ones waa eertlfled to him, but Mr. Wer leln refused to appoint him. - He Stated that Mr. Copland satisfied him, and that bethought he ahould be permitted to select bis own clerks, . lit stated that If the pity would ot hold htm liable for ths honesty of his clerk he would accept the man ths commission certified to him otherwise be would make his own ap pointment . The commission haa refused to allow Copland's salafy to be paid for tW mOIlthB. - 5 1 T T.-;.v?-; Today th commission withdrew, tba natns of Mr. Jones from Mr.-Werleln and eertlfled th tutmee of three men who hav passed the recent examinations. " I will not make an appointment from this , list' said Mr. Werleiir thle after noon. "I am perfectly satisfied witn Mr. Copland. - The commission has held no bl4ay for two months, and I have had to 'dig into my own pocket torJ. aueea I am able to employ him little While longer. If ther consent t alloef-xhe-salary-of Mr:- Copland t'- b paid I migUt Jlaten-t them." As soon a tha nam , or Edwin w. Jones was withdrawn from the city treasurer's -f f lc- It - waa eertlfled t City Auditor Devlin and he immediately notified Mr, Jones to appear at tha audi tor ;Off lc . for, gV-Mr, Jones connected t for several rear bookkeeper and purser for the Kellogg Transportation company. . EDUCATORS WILL Orr dgar P. . Hill Goes East.tq - Secure Co-Operation of 77" Nations Teachers.?- - CONFERENCES TO BE 1 FEATURES OF EXPOSITION , 7 rf.-4aaswWaSBmaBBsMSSsnaanai ; Leaders of Thought Along Civic, Educational and Charitable Unes Will Speak. H At the tnvlUtloo f a committee ap pointed : by th twla and Clar fair ooard to arrang for a aeries oi great ruc tions! eonferenoe In Portland during th exposition, Rev. Dr. Bdgar -P. Hill of th Klrat PreabyUrian church will ge eaal t secure notable speakers and leader la modern thought along line of educational, clvlo and charitable work. Ha will depart In about 19 days, and wilt vlalt Boston, Nsw York, Philadelphia, Chicago and other educational centers. It Is expected that be will be able to se cure 11 or It of th nation's leading edu cator a. t The conferences will - be -of three asaea.- Th educational conference, ta laat a week, will conildtr all educational topic affecUng schools and college, and It la thought th attendance of 1.000 or t.tto of th school teachers" of Oreron, Washington and Idaho can be. aecured. Th conference on civics. will be of two or three days', duration, and men who hav made exhaustlv-atady of munlet- pal problem will be heard. - Th chart ties and corrections conference is well atabllshed national Institution, holding biennial meetlnga at different point in th country. This year it win meet in Portland. - Leader In ctnttflo philan thropy work will ds secured torattend and address these meeting, which will vvntlnue ssverah-dsys. - f" Dr. Hill will be absent from Portland four or flv weeks. -, " FIFTY-LIVES ENDANGERED ' r Y POISON IN TjQFFEE : ?(Amraal SseoUl gervice.)' ' " . Louisville, Ferv-4. The lives' of more than- 10 boarder In th Annonl' apart ment house, at ParklanH. were endan gered this' morning by oion In their coffee.'. -Th fact Abat'th negr chef, Aniony Halayr drank aome of th bev mgeDeroT senaing it to- oe served. bed been "dnotored.". Th chef Is In a serious condition, but It 1 believed that he will recover. Hi accuses a woman domestic. ' ''''... Detective are at work on th case. but a yet they are not prepared to make aa arrest. Dr. Robert Wallace eetd ther Is no question aa t th presr enc ef arsenic. -. v . . FAVORABLE REPORT ON ' ' THE HAY-BOND TREATY (Josraal gpwlal Stfrtet.! '" WaahlngtosX Feb. 4. The senate com mittee on foreign relations today au thorised a favorable repot sn the Hay, Bond reciprocity treaty between the United States and New JFoundland, . ; saxtxq nxM-r 'AMOMomma. . (learaal kpeelal UrtUm.y Port - Louis, Maurltus, Feb. " 4.' The Ruaalaaa Baltic fleet la anchored off tha French island oi Nosaiborn, - on -thai oTthwest coast of Madagascar, to await th division which sailed, front Jlbutlf yeeterday. .. , aTBaVAai TmiKJ Of V4aT0V ' ' - . (fcaraal gKlaI Bervtoa.) ' Paris, Febv 4. A general strike of electricians is expected to be called to morrow as tbs result of a general strike of tha employes ef th Bdison company. The employes will discuss plsns at their meeting mis aiternonn,. . . , , ., BE INVITED TO FAIR RailroaoTBridges Are - Washed ; Out, Traffio Is Tied Up, and R Stock Is Drowned. J - '- (Jeanisl flrxHal Oerrtre.t Ijoa . Angelea, Feb, 4. Friday night's storm was the fiercest In many years. Many small houses on tbs banks 6f tha Lo jtngelca ..river .were swept-, away, The family of Oeorgo Carpenter of Rich canyon -tried td ford th Santa Ana river and were swept down and res cud by Mexicans, v t i- Tne Bant a. re county stations are filled with mud. - Several suburban street ar -lines hav been abandoned. The North Pasadena. M. E. church waa struck by lightning' and .burned down. Mariners report a heavy storm at sea. Largs sections of th Santa Monica and Ocean . Park - pier hav been washed y. Th damage In Los Angeles city is 10.000, In Loa.Angele county 40a- eve more. At San- Dieg for th first time In four years,- both th San Diego and Tia Juana river-as, flowing -atreama and running full width from mountains to sea. Th heavy rainfall continued last night andr this morning. L At San Bernardino a great torrent of water. Is rushing down tha Santa Ana tiver and through, tha Santa Mateo -canyon aa th result of th two days storm. .Much .' fencing and many .out buildings have been destroyed and stock drowned. . Railroad traffio Is at a stand still. Mors washouts are reported this morning, mre priagea ara out on tne Southern Paolfla ' . .....', Th - flood threaten . Mound . City. ;. 1 0 mile- from here. .-.... ,r ,- -J. SAYS INDIANS ARt ENTITLED TO MONEY ' BWssa-MgwMMr -H-'.-' RooseveltWrites Secretary-of ... ..InterioF Relative to School Funds. .r '' "Jeerssl BpeetsI ttrrttm.) "' - . Washlnaton, Feb. 4. Ths president to day sent a letter to the secretary of the Interior giving his views respecting tbs granting of contract for the educa tion of -.Indiana In .denominational schools, and said that Inasmuch as legal authority existed to., grant ths request of th Indians, ther war entitled as a matter of moral right to hav th money! dae them used for ths education of their children at achools of their choice. -Care ahould, however, be taken to se ttrweWto-ra-Trrant.rTh practice will be "continued by- ah de- t unless oongrsss decrees to the contrary or the courts decide thai -the decision of the department of Justin 1 rronsous. - .. -,vi " WASHINGTON JOINS- HANDS WITH OREGON (Continued from Page On. ) estry, f Isherie and gam exhibit at St Louia . Oovsrnor Mead and his party war th guest of Governor Chamberlain and staff at an Informal luncheon at th Commercial club at I o'clock this afternoon.- i ' " ' ? he luncneo- was given in th back room of th Commercial club." Governor Chamberlain sat at one end of th table and Governor Msad at the 'other. The Staff of Governor Chamberlain present was compoaed of General W. is. Flnser, Colonel Gordon Voorheee, Colonel Jam Jacksn, Colonel George W. Maaen and Colonel Cecil Bauer. The party of Gov ernor Mead was composed of Stat Sen ator Carey Stewart, Major A. f. Brown. Btat Representativ WJ U. Hare and Colonel A. G. Cagwln, ' , ; - This evening they will be th guests of Governor Chamberlain at .dinner at th Portland -hotel,- t r- TRAIN WRECKED AND - - : BURNED NEAR MODESTO ', (learasl Special Bervickv - - - ' L Modesto. Cel., Peb. 4 A northbound freight train on the Southern Parlflo wax wf ckdB V mire0u tnor llo; deato at 4 o'clock this morning, result ing In a total loss of It car and thslr content The caus was tha breaking of lan axle due to a not box. - Th wreck raufht flre.e.pA, three nil r.r. went up In flame maki kjng a tremendous bias. ;" Tomsrs saw oxlbsb xostsss Londod Cabl to tha New Tork A marl- New York will be treated to th ua- lisual novelty tjf a third British hostess when - Lady Magherarraorn - marrlea Hug Baring next, March aa th couple hava announced their Intention of spend ing a great part of their time in. New York, where Mr. Baring la already well known; in Walt street Mr. Baring Is only tl. and bis future wife, who- baa not-been very long a widow, I a good many years older. .Her daughter. In fact, will make bar debut- In three years' time. . Lady : Magherar- morns 1 a daughter Df th lata Earl of Shaftesbury, alwaya known aa th "good eart." on account of bis boundless char ities. -Although a very charming woman and a splendid hostess. Lady Magherar morna has not the beauty of her slaters, th Cbubteas of Mar and v Kellla and Lady Maud . Warrndry - . - j When h marrlea . Lady- Maghtrar- morn will take her wn title aa an earl's dsughter. and will ba known aa Lady Evelyn Baring. of From th Port Worth, Record. . . "Smith and Jones see m always to be together." j ; . Yea, sort of a fellow feeling: . they were both disappointed In love and by the same woman." - 'I know - tt; Jones married her and Smith didn't. ., l J Ta Qm Bartsw -. 'Prom lh Baltimore American. " Men am II at the atorles of extraclln- unshlnn from cucumbers or-of navi gating flying IslaadaJ but. In all srlos nrsa. they continue-to lit out vegltlon to discover th aorta pole,' ... 't To ..-.-5,.- J Ask to have "ia rfflwX ;T'-. . ... . j . ::; --..Th'e sole conditions L Orsphophone record. ' r Upon presentttion ,. one Orsphophone by paying $1.00, the actual cost of czpressage and packihf. r - .This is no cheap, toy; reconisTautifulor Irom SO cents-to 86 cents. . ; This is Positively the Best Premium" ever offered. We have put hundreds of these .Grsphoph'ones in the Komefc-TheTTirebsohrtthe. Here's visrsubscription contract " ;, . . T.w:j- -';,T-;rf-v FILL IN I TOTS AX. wva. CO., portlaaa, Or. I ' Il.ntl.nt... r h.,.hk..u eonelderatkiti ef which, and h. whlrh I hereby pay. for a coupon entitling me te the' first-reoord. you are to furnish ma entirely re at the office ef the Columbia Phonograph tlompany. No. 12 Seventh street, one resular 17 Orsphophnn (upon my parte them II for express eharges. from factory, packing, ate.), for say exolasrve as dartag the teres ef this sabsoriptloa. Tt Is agreed fur ther that I am not compelled to purchase any further record e to retain thla Orsphophone durn the term of my subscription; but if at any time aa at my own aaa eocayiete ihi eunecriptios in macnina inea Becomes my oxciusiv 7 1 ' iiarv paper iiais a,.,,i,iii aiitiniiii,iMiiiMAiinsj .. .u. .... -r.:t :- . - . .j ..-, '- 1 - ' . - - - , .T-..- : -i N , Sollelter .-. i '. .. .'. . . . , . '. ,",7.V 7. .. ......... . ... .' .. . . . . ........ . . . . . . '' ' NOTE. Ths Columbia Phonesraph Campany will allsw a sredlt en any larrer Columbia machine to th amount f I at gay tint during th year in esrhange for this Uraphophon at their efllne. No. Ill Seventa atreet. N- B. Prlc of all tutor recyda this o on tract, II sent Heretofore they were I cent each. l.7r '--I' - i This m oumal i ew cuDseriDers I .1 - Solicitor call at ypiir t dbn't dclay liUW are that you jbecome a subscriber - -TlierelGbin - iSoorieyllBcSi, l - , r-- vfy.v;,'.:,;;; :. V orrecord - coupon at the Columbia Phonograph Company, 128 Seventh streeCyoull receive It is marvelously perfect, a mechanical lmasterpieceand is fully . guaranteed. The records to select fron reduced ja prkav - J" : i:-:iJ- ':'.VU '. Children -cUmut i "JOURNAL" CRAPHOPHONt AGREEMENT PORTLAND, OK U u. r I fn, (Va VkA k.l option I oo- purcnas ze aaonionai records keu' Signed . HEAR THE MACHINE PLAY f..t . - r-T ' ; Columbia : Best "I home, or you call at if youvwant a toV THE JOURNAL' , and pay "I m La . at Home RETURN TO US I w - n m .e - Ik. M1w or tne Columbia raonograpn company at prvperty xorever. t -. . .......... r AT THIS OFFICE. 1 1 3 1. 1 v '!;; this office; ..-,(, v- -ft. -r ! . t . .' ti cents for One . v. , w w y w w - vs.; m it. iK. m. M.ta ) -' tbelr abov address. ...... ...... 1