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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1905)
f i 4 4 THE, OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING,-- FEBRUARY 4,i 1SCJ. UNCOVERING THE REAL CONSPIRATORS IN : FAMOUS DODGE-MORSE ; AT THt THEATRESV, ' DIVORCE SCANDAL life , ' " TlrWfF " " ' - tf -iX-Y-h'f! t rv , ,.fr , r, .1 1 !5Uo ,. ., ,-. sm nff Leading flturet la the famon bodg.More dlvorc tingle which has rewltid ta -the ladictopent'cf five promlneiit. New : Yorken. At the left U "h M ?ne William H. , Glhenneiv who ff to Europeto avoid teistif ying. . Jtfl the center beginning at the top are . anown tnariea . Dodge, lint hiuband of Mrs. Moree; Abraham H. Hummel, the lawyer; Charlei W Morae,. the ice king, and firmed Supreme JueticeEdgat,! Foreman. J:', -i ' 'y-- : '.' 'V?'-? ; i:''- .r-w- v, v-.-j ,) : .yf., U Th New Tork gTsnd ' Jury has In dlcUd 'former Suprem , Cour.t Justlo imsw' u.- -urman, Abraitam Humrael, i.'.. 7 ; "Jn"n oiMTfteFBpper began., to attack- the lo iruat,' wbOka stock was much abova nar. hardt. lawyer and member af tha .!- w of How Hummel. Edward J. Bracken and Charles ' K. Dodge - for conspiracy piw vuuvriuiiion oi perjury. - . The proceedings which culminated In these Indictments are only the ground work of the now famous-story whloa cannot yet be told In fulL v The Indicted persons were acting for someone who .was paying them for the part they took, but who. was that . person t-t Who are the real conspirators? Rumor L has It hat they are leading politicians of - Tammany hell. 1 . jT Charles W. Morse, who Is the central - Jgu iw In -the scandal.-fa Hiritinn who organised the Ic trust, by whloh he . accumulated a fortune of. 2.fl0e,e(..--' -ta-formmy-the li-e1 trust Mr7"tOTge ' had Jet In a few of his powerful friends, i Van Wyckv then maTOr' of New Tork Carroll, a loader In Tammany hail,, and many other-Tammany politicians. -t-The "Sweet Lavender" Tomorrow. ' Tonight's' will be' the ht oerforniance o-atoins of uoviety" at the Columbia. It has been considered by -every one, who has seen- U this week, to bo oe or -me strongest and moat Interesting playa over seen on the Columbia stage, - Tomorrow afternoon promea another brilliant, successful opening at the AJo- lumbla. the company starting the week with llneros delightful love comedy. Sweet Lavender." Fay Wallace will make her first appearance with the com pany In the title role, and the other sterling members have strong parts. In eluding Ulsa CounUss i'audiloward oould the new leading man, vh9J1.1l ready immensely popular 1 with the Co- tumeia, ciienieie. i ' v The Grand Tomorrow. ' There will be Continuous-vaudeville I at .the Orand theatre tomorrow at the old-time price of It cents. The man lagemeat takeg delight iq renewing Its I policy which was - so successful. Ths bill by which this event Is marked bv gins Bunoay, and it is the most remark' labia program which has ever been of fered to tb patrons of . the Orand " ri mis are uanny ssann and company In "Mandy Hawkins,": the three Luclfers, Carroll Carlyle and cony pany.. Daly and Shearer, la. a- comedy ketch, ; and a host of other great and I unparalleled attractions. , ,,' . ; . Blanche Batea' arewelL l Tonight Miss Blanche Bates will ap pear In the nnal performance of "The Darling of the od." at the Orand the. at re. No person In Portland should miss the opportunity to see this great play for not again In the feneration will sucn a production be seen In this ooun try. All this -week . Immense throujts of the best people of the, city have visited the Orand and the opinion has been universal that "The Darling of the Oods"hst .1ecn- remarkabloto--vew.- T Edna' Wallace Hopper." Edna Wallace ' Hopper, ' at : the . head of her own company, will begin an eh gagement or two. nights at the Marnuam Grand theatre next Monday and Tues- dsy -nights, appearing In a double bl composed, of 'Arthur Law's comedy sua cess.' "A Country Mouse," snd the our- tain-raiser, "Captain January." The lat ter is a dramatisation of the novel-of the same name, made by Augustus. Bar rett. Beats are now selling. , .... . ' - .... - "Carmen at the Empire: The . Noble stock' company. Which has been meeting with success this week at the. Empire theatre, will give an eUbo rate production of a dramatisation of Blset'a "Carmen." It-was .In this play that " Olga Nethersole made her - great New Tork success. The - Noble - etock. company will close Its engagement to night in this famous play. - 7fr: : "Th, New ! TutorJ " This la the 'bill ottha BlJot gtock company this wef'k and that -popular organisation is making a wonderftibsuc cess -in it. A "crowded 'house at each performance la : th$ " rtiie." Only ar few times more to'kee "The Kkw Tutor." Next week "-TJwrptrThanr-fctf a. ;L.5L6f ."Silver; Slipper r GHURCH 7SER:VrCEST . wt. osnd'sast Twelfth ' aaa ' Belmoot '"""i wr .-a. - water. D. D , rorttJT. noaOiy srboot, B'.ii . m.; holy eeto-J'JJ-n-"ii nH BMnUil organ rental, 7:80 -a. m. ' Krederlf s W. (ioodrlch kaa arransed: Holy nmntnlm feluSe, an- ' . - iMa. Mutia; siimI, pnatlnda, Maralm-Naptlale, (GiUmaar); awa'a nr anlrat holy cnmiounlua aad rrenwua. , Kreaanns PrehiiVt. "Vnlnt-tte." (KoMlulT Hwrwloaal. 1M (afflt;-magiiis,'at. Brewer in 'j"1'' -VT- ' tba Urt.', tHanrteli; offertory, O'fwtuln 4 . D Mlnur,-. U'wvi Ib. Bouwm-Ih (, (Handrl. The H eh aauatbly orsas reeltal will b rlrea after e-enaoag at f:.tu. 'The rollowlair u the nm graw: Offertolre la V Minor, Hatl-te)' ntivneat traaa -n ee,ti tot Krftlsnrieivl oed KorpherA rVDwond street and Vas eauTer arenna. Lpper AIMna: Rrv. Inbw lw "a. ee-tor., Moeday rhoult 10 a. at.: holy mm--nnnloe u4 e-rnwe, H j. wa.i ayenlns Mayer . ar4 awnon. T::tu p. ra.i the Her, W. K. I',.w ' " "l P-"1 -preacher is the erenlns. t- ArX'W-r-BrnuUi: Rv. John laua : Ts eharse.' Arh-raotn aerclre, X mrm .T1V"J1 ' Ch" Nineteenth eireet. "Weat Wa-hloe-tMi auwt; Hn. lir. A.jJk. Mnrrlaoa rertee. Henleea, holy raiammloa. H i. m- 'p s..; HHnday sehonl. II o'elnrk; BMrnuur aer- 13 erlork. Toe naual svmthly aerrVw of mmm 111 b, held la the eewii. mT "'."""a ehool, 2: p, s.; m;r.nt aeraJ;ao rnaprl ef the Tranffitiirarloa-aiath str-et . B-ar k! Be. . R. l'M.U. rha,!!.!.. W ' lce. aertnna and hvly roouaealoa, 11 a. at : ganday 'boel. 1. 44 a. si. . ' St. Jnhaa MeaMrtal Krlrwnwr; ke W h IWell In ehare. Holy enwannbrn, i-.m a" m i eunnar ac-mm. II a. hi.: rtmln aervtr sreaek. . T 46, the Be. Ma baa " V " MtMTTxaLag. :: Caleei fNssi Cierenth Dd Tlar eiMra Rev. W. n. Ollherl, , paarnr.- IB..Vt n ' , Revival:" 7;i p. a.. 'The Oret PhjiMan :: rhnlr, Mlea I.lnrbaa. anprann: Mra. Ren IfnVh Immkv el'l Mr. 4fM-t Mr. Slreet, hart tone: Ml Mararr Iaiherwm, nrcanlat. Mrhll Slr I'lMn, I'. WHre. Snw a - - S ? i eaB S a ( hilled tc the Painkiller ZZZ la eaadad ta prwant eolds ahd Mr. Moras ' quietly begair selling mm swck. nits Tammany friends were assured thasV-everythlng waa aafe. and that Morse would seb them through If' wiey nung on. last the crash came and the stock fell -to almost nothing snd ths Tammany . leaders were badly bitten. Their fury knew no -hounds. To have revenge, dlsgrare. punlshr and If possible ; Impoverish ' the lee . king, these - prominent ootlticlana mnn Howe eV. Hummel, a law. firm with no silly scruples, and' began to attack him through ills new wife.-formr.r1v- Mr Dodge. . - -: -1 --Mrs. Morse,-who was, Miss Clemenee Cowles, .- was married ; to Charles F. Dl!getnBao "Franclscoln 17. r At that time she was -a noted; beauty: tyid i la stni a handsome woman.'- They lived togetner r or js years and finally came to New Tork.-where they separated.. In 1SS5 D6da)arvwent to Atlanta, Oa., and In 1898 Mrs. Dodge sued for and re ceived a decree of divorce. . DoUgs put In no defense, but was represented by a lawyer.. In 1101 Mrs. Dodge married Morse. , .'. . ." , It wss the plan, of Morse's enemies to wreck tils home,' and their rirst- effort was to find Dodge, who waVdlncovered poor and disreputable In the southern cttyr The visions of -I large sums of money he cheerfully swore to -a lying set of papers,' and when all' Was resdy the .conspirators went. Into, court- and demanded that the dlvorco-be set aside en the grounds falsely. sworn to by Dodge. - Mr. . Morae was dumbfounded and Mra.' Morse heartbroketi. !" The- happlneaaot the Ice king was gone. Ills enemies had struck a blow which reached his tenderest spot Mrs. Tonight st 8:1( o'clock th last per formance of John C Fisher's big musi cal -corned y success, "The BUver Biip- per- win . oe given : si toe aisrquam Orand theatre. This . clever company oiened:-thelr1engagr3rnent-: last night to a: big audience wblcbA more, than en Joyed the pleasing performance. ' Advance Sale for -Murphy-. '. The eminent - Irish comedian, Joseph, aaurpny, win do ne attraction at uii Marquam Orartd theatre next Wednes day and Thursday nights, when he will present his famous success, "Kerry Gov;" Friday night. "Bhaun Bhue.'VThe advance sale of . Seats ' will open next Monday morning at IV o clock. COLD ATTCT '. IS FRUSTRATED r r. ' t " -;.. : Puter and Hit Agent Jry to Ob- xain wrtiTicate pf Sale, -to School Land. ; ; CIlEGTEriFBLD f ."w"- fnrMc. palialat and li-e f ilatrmyant. Hparlal J VJ'',T,,V I sll this week: aly full . 1 I t- I I $J palnbtry reaillnsa : V.i'K'f I sad hwd traaee riair ---: V. Ifc J . vii.vant alWhiai. Ma. f - r SPECIAL MEETING OF lUttiM. failure, mar dlnreM. law- tuw arntira. at par a- . ium, Hwnin, wi 1 acp m ftta It. ad vane. LAND'BOARD IS CAUED S7a,teM: " . as 14 raara bafora I"VET,c tr r"r ro to aa llarw Bterer iir " ' '" ' ' . , .m ,w lt T. n-tmmm of n Wtate of Or.- ;Mada and Startling Devel- opmenta Expected. paraooas aZ "S. " f rooms Me laaptloa, . .www vu,n.w t nay witnuut fee of eontradlctlos that I today the wkaS. U -edged king peer et aU in tor profoaaluB Vwi de : he writing whea you vlalt CHEBTKUt'IKLDT No alatas aor take work. I am kera m thirrf - . -i , -.. ; J,tat) with a dealre to help only tboaa wh hon. (8 Dedal Dlaaateh tn T. . - I eailr wlah to betue tk.l iTT. Enjojn, jr reo. . The voidest Piece . :,.7V. fTTl.. T pstfiat and of work In the Umm of an an lSSTJilaaS vuteJ6? t rud , the state of School land In the on to holUiTa what 1 tell them until tn'er ... m . - . t mrm TitnaroaisTn it mnvineaui t v a w v . . . nistory or Oregon waa perpetrated yea lernay oy a. a. JX Puter. the moat nrom fnent factor ImnllcaUd In the cele- ZLTJS'IVX "I" tt 5f: k.... . . - . 1 - r..r. -TKr. rr ion i,.ninnir,nuia rraua ttstr nov 1 i srj ".T.T"" s aw, rnwiv pending In the United States court In ?'?r,."- fTi " 1? JVJ r.,l j ... ' - " anaay. - .iw ii agent. saau it. WUi- ner, a resident of this city. - By means of false applications. -signed 'by mn local parties, procured - through th't agency of -Wagner, ha attempted to ob tain certificates of sale to 3.8(0 acres of si-nooi land in Klamath county. . His scheme waa discovered. however." In time io be frustrated and the matter will come up for thorough Investigation. oerore ins state lend board at the.nsxt regular meeting, one week -from next Tuesday, when soma develobments of a aiaruing nature-are expected. ' t Puter and hla method of doing busi nsa are well known by the members of the state land board as well aa Statu Land Agent Oswald West: and Clerk or the state land board, O. O. Brown. When Puter put In an aDDearanca van. terday morning the suspicions of the two latter officials were aroused, ... Early In the afternoon-the-applications for the purchase of the school land began to arrive and -each applicant was required to make affidavit, before Clerk Brown. - Kack applicant presented a draft for $200, Issued y the Ladd Til ton .bank of thla cfty ' upon a Port end bank,--Nine f:t hem were filed and here. was. to jiave' been ten. but the enth .man. It- Is understood, backed down and drew out.' . " Kakeo Oonfesslosu"" - 1 Bntertainrnent ntthe Star. An act of great merit is being present ed at the Star theatre by the .Ulrdeller family, a quartet pf acrobatlo. perform erst , The Laurels and Belaaeo A Co. are two more notable features, while Nary Morse fled to Europe and MOfse deter mined to be revenged upon hla enemies. H went before the grand Jury and lold all he knewy and suspected. The next dayDodge, was Indicted, for-perjury, and the annulment of the-dlvorce was an nulled..' ,.,' .. ,.,'...,; -' Now the consDtratora bearan' to wnmi Dodge ' was whisked, out of , New YorkfCafV. Daisy Vernon and the-prolec and headed for Mexico, Almost within I aoope ao tneir snare 01 entertaining. reaco in ooraer ne was dragged off 1L. . ' the train and' held la' avail ovir.rfiiinnl Over Nlacrara Falls. fr.m h?w Vnrlr c n-hl. . 1 " -l it month ago. A, riQWcosUy flgM '.rl la'ii'rl' S ' will b!?S ensued. Dods waa aunnlled with ..n.. I arama, "Over Niagara Falls, will be- at .a 1.-- - i.; .., I tha Empire theatre all next week start At la.t ha Vw .fofficeT. go7 him, with the matinee tomorrow H tells he cam to New York and confessed aJ J araphjo -tory with enough exciting beforath. arahd lurv. r , lfaturea runnlngr through It to please The errand lurr h.Vhad th.' rrut-i- and vein of merriment Is Intersperse Morse tangle "undor consideration for a ... - - JT"' monrn; Imring the prooeedlncs Mrs. Oelshenen, whose testfmony was wanted, rioa to Europe. , , ', txs mra or ouiKnrn. day arnool at 10 a. m.; T.-P. ft-CT. prayer mretlns et-:4o p. mu io a. m., "Ta '111' of 'sur:" T:S0 p. m., "hlUHoa Work la " llluatratad by the etaraopticoa. H Mil talntrr Corner Eaat Tenth and Weld Irr; neir-tlHnry ktarenrra,-naatoT. 11 1. m., "Apun-beneVd l-hat I Way Appnwead." At tb STanlm arrvle Ih. pae vHHUw the 'Unit of a aerie t leetunw 00 tb aenwal aublvct. -now We Uot Oor Kiigllah MlbTe." ' r . yimt Cuniberland Corner Twelfth snd Ka'at J streeta ; Kv. K. NelaoS A I lea, paator, :3o a. m., "Hortlaad'a uraat Awakeulsg; li m.. Sunday Kboolj l:9f p., m.. Junior Es--Toff . ,P- prlal Mwi - by ha youns people or tba ehurrh la eelehratioa of the twenty-foartk aaalreriary ef Carlatlaa JEa aearor. - , B Thtrd-Baat - Thlrteentk and ( Ptoe streeta; " A. t. Montgomery, paatoV. 10:30 a. .. DiJ."?. ta l',';"- T:4 VDedos V' Mrraonisr "'''''-it -j:htnirr Corner. . Kat pin and Niath M- ."'PPe,. P"tor. 10:a0 a. m., "Uylng tha Royal Ufe;'' 7:0 p. m., "The Man Wbo Waa Short a SUtur aad Ufa;" Muuday eh4 at ja:lft; Kpworth deTotlonal at 7 -3d 'S." m1''""'' "Tlco, Thursday at I'etrnnMlchlt' arena aad Alberta street Prearhlng at II a. m. hy Bhiboe D. H. Moore, followed be tne dedleetloa of the sew chapel; habbath arbool at 13:16. at which then will kM P-lal - dodlratory aerrlee. with abort d 4rihra hy. promlnmt laymea; , a eborua choir will alt thr.rbwrt all tha serrlee. Tajrlor Rtret Dr. franrls Bursett abort parlor. . :! .., rlaaa; 10:8s a. -m., I'anl- I'alrlotl'ai;" 13:15 p. m , Hundar Kchool: 6 3o p. n.. Kpworth aoj . f;o p. "Brklns, SaTlng." - i i .- - "" oruw Twrirtk sad Taylor streeta; wllbrrt Waril Denlvtoo. paa. :R0. rlaaa nwetlas 1O S0, arrmoo, ' ''Strescth for Ially Nrwda;'- Mnday ,-hol: :S0, Epwnrtk lea awe f T:. 10, aermon, "The rlendMp of Mod." rirat? C'hurrh, Mnath IT1H ftnnd atreet, Fvreater hall; 8. H. Mowre. paator. Befl-ea. It a. an. and T.-TI p. m.: gunday school.. IV t. m.i worth lra(iM, 6:30 p. n. Enworli Twenty-third and Irr street, Rnnday ohool, 10 a. n.;11 a. si., -Th Broth rlHiod of IHrlat;" Kpworth leaf, t.Mt p. m. T:3o, oa "The ProcraatuaiUng Ilaelple.1' covetceATiovAx. - -. rirst Park -and Ma dim tteawt-Hev. E. U Hrniae, I). 1)., pirtnr. 10:00 a. m., Bev. 11. MrWIIw Tenny will praaeh; T:B0 p. Bev. Ovhaa V. Oapp will preerh; 12:1 p. .. Snwlay erhonl: 0:n p. m..- V. P. H. C. .; honv Mrs. htoee Blorh-BaniV, Mr. W. A..T. Hwhons, . W. fl. rlojar. W. A. Moetrnn-rr: Prof. W. u. Rnyw. choir director, Mlaa ! sura Flaher, wsaalat. , lllarla Chapet-Meeend street. Sear t.tneala. Snn-lay vhoot. :.te . m. . ) MlulMlppl Corn.r .Mlaalaalppl arena and rremnnt etreet; Kev. C. M. Bsiytb. paabar. "nrnl.y v-iml. 10 a. mil 1. H. tpham, snnrv lenot: mornlas sere, 11 a. m; evenlns p. : m.; t ariettas Knedsror, S:Jti rinrle-rrnei"ef-Kat Taylor and hat Tr,Mjr Ir-.l.; Ke. t. t. leo. naator. 1:W a. sb., "lb AwakeslSf et.tb Clyirch" and ehndrea'sermoB en "1.1111 Ta LJds," .at 11 e'eloek; evening servle with aermon hy Bev. It. Malvlll Tenney of Han .rranelaeo; Hnmlay ei-hooL 10 s. m., 8. Plr, ' Buprtntendnt; aoerlal (.lirlatlaB KndeaTnr . service la csanec twn with calohratloa of Cbrlatlaa EttdeaTor Wfcrj-afaJJO.. Pi .teMrH-aVWMlh Ulrnlan-Crnf Preaeott - and ' Beat Sl(a atreet north; ltev.. A. M. Bockweod. paator. Monday acbool. 10 a. m.; .11 a. em., " Mw iiri ! junior EDOavor, B p. m. T:0 "wsy. ws a a rrlet,":. ' TherWhlfe Temple Corner TTw"elffh"r'nn4 Taylor streets; Re.-J. -WhltComb Bronsher, I. D paator. tin Aceord" prayer sleeting, 10:10 a. m.i . morning worablp, . 10:00 a. m.: "Otir Bevlval." Th Lord's Hiipper will be ob. served and right hand of feuowahlp eitendrd to a large ainmber et new stembera; Bible acnoni, ia:10 p. m.) anerlal- aerrlce. and all uembera urged to be pre Bent; B. T. P. U. ser vice, 6:2i p. m.; . trader. Mlaae Maedonald aad SaXterwlilte,-: popular evening aervlne, T:l p. m.; Dr. Brpnsbrr'a topic, --. "As Infernal i'iar-rvDo.7'' oerric wui o epiaM wita.bap tlm. Special innate by Tempi quartet and rholr. - The Ollphant slaters will also slag their ewet goapel annsa. . Bethany, del 1 wood r ma tl 11a avenue snd Kaat Klevewth atreet. Bunday acbool at 11 a si. Irearhlngt 13 m. and T:DO p. m. C'eniral Woodmen of the World bntldlns, Kaat Hlitb and- Kaat Alder streeta; William- K. Randall, mlnlater. 40:0 a. m., "An OIaervrr Among the Chorche"; la Blhl arbool; T:l p. m., "tinmaeked"; Pmf. W. Werachknl, Biualcai director; Mlaa Bath tlbogrea, organist. .' ' VBrrxo rvAxaEUCAx. . Reeond Corner farce and Kerhy streetv; Bev. J. Bowereot. iuMtor. 11 a. ra., preaching w in. unwi ofFnri rrair iirawera, - and M OW' -7 1 IO' at lo a., m.i K. L. C K at lJU HnnUay p. m. , , St.' Jobna X. K. McVleker. paator. 11 4.''.', "(rperatlnn of the tiolf Hplrll;" 7:00 p. SI., "One Thing M Kerw;1 HnniUy School, 10 a. -une i-smg ll Ksewy; Hnn bi.; Junior C, i: k. I.. :. t... d:A p. m. Mlaalon Beth ball, oa Barb P. a.; Benior Barler atreet. hetwera and Twentyeroad atreeta;, H, paator. Hundar aehoot at S :i n. m.i ermas prearmsg at Ji):so.a. St.: form- in r iv, l, i. preaeblng st 7:30 p. Twentrflrat llohapfel. B. at 0:30 p. aa.) KogUah en xi in ab aoimcy Flrat Xeoltwh Bite -eat helraL Morrlaos-asd Lowaadale atreeta. rVrrlcra, 11 a. dl. and 0 p. m.i anhjert of aermos. "Soul." Sunday arbool St eloae of naorslnt oeerlet. Hrond Awilllnrlum bnlMlng. Third, hetwren Taylor and Ha I mo. atreeta. . Bunday aervirv. Jl e. m. asd S p.,n.i auhjert, Ho)n1.'' . Hun. dar-whonl. 11 a. -m.. Is th tvaillng 'fooOM, viadnewlay sleeting, t p. m. . " ItTTirBA. at.'Jneea Kngllah-Vlorner Wrl Park and ,,n,mM atresia; d. A. Ijeaa, peti, 'T Pfom thO'BCtorday. Keview." Even in Its modern form, -when oma- menjt has been left almost wholly t to !W.V-tk " something more Vthanla rrorweeian-4., N.t h rmirtMMk 4. b I- M. Mervlg, paator. Hwrleea at 11 's. m. and 0 J. m.; Hundar acbool at V:4S a. r. iw Korwraian nrnoa lorner Eaat Ten love of pretty trifles, .n the pereinis Of -the female members of hla family the man lovea to see the dlalpay of the end unnt airioi.: o h..o. ,w wealth which -la In these days power st Tr sr at.-md it Ti30 p." m.; Banday schoel k" ltwoderrrtaBtg -wilt altowlt in hlnr- ;. ',-.,.-; ,, , self, it is still Indulgent to hla vicarious ;tJ. . . " msiarTAW ' " v ' ; display of It through his women. So fsr n r- tvlil J- r..,' . 'L . as women themselves consciously aid VmSSTtlSi. VlUilS .M .t in this assertion of power so sermon in the evening -on "Th IJaa aad Abua far they may . claim to be acquitted of fiv'J' B'b " nioetrsted by a larg chart the charge, of sheer vanity! Women of - u,"w,D"W, Te families wW have become recently rich Hodsey aTenne Oorrwr Rndrny avenee and tor mo,t to dlP,av their jewelry, and Bnott atreet; Albn Kaaon, mlnlater, ii a. aa- It may be .there is notmo muuh vanity s aa. IT" vlL. ""'iL. """I' sehool, M assertion In It of their claim to virtue Kudenr- s n m W;?. of wealth to be respected and honored. of lit Promlaea," ... .'. ""iThose women -whl , have undisputed claims to distinction sxerclse more dls- T, M. C. ' A.- T-'.-r' I xr.ttrm and thelfphle dlnnlava ra- en lnZZ4?.tJyZl!?.r'?Tih '""y eiab those occasions when-It Is congruous vy'n7,,eoU0rBr,h,e, Vita WknT'ifiJl'- i ? -Ph-"lr their joclal pow.f and In- jrieaa or in uevu;" halt hour concert be I numce.' anui ra ma vno we nave ins Coulter's oreheatra; aolos br Mlaa Kthrl i.rtu. aoprano, and Irr. Wm. U. Campbell, baaa; meeting I tot yonns men only, ao sua under IS or over S3 admitted. - r . 1 ZTAXOXttOAL A8800IATTOV. - Plnit Knallan (i.rjier kaat HiitA sad Market atreeta; ner. o. w: I'lunwr, paator.. Uuarterhr .Mail... .ill ... fc . . . . . I E reaching by Kev, 111 O. . Ilenderaon ot Lenta! outlay arhnol. 10 a. m.; Junior Alllaace. S D. m.i Young 'People's Alllaac,, p. at. 7; . tntlTAJUAB. Flrat-k-YamhH course on. "What Liberal, t'brtatian r llnl irian i.ina i.oBcerniug jeww SIM Humanity close connection between ornament and money -which hag existed ..from tha be' ginning. v . - -.--, ',, vm unntini'i jrman, T. ' j From the London Malt, . Both men and women, when they decide to 'Wrap up," do so by Increasing the number of layers of clothing In front over those on the back of the body, it Is a great mistake. The main "telephone C. t r-ry, pn-ttnr. U a. m. -fv1 with dli XChanff 0f the nr Of ( th body ll?ai in nfj fvpiiio.1 i-uru I1I.UHIVU in wyi nal nai l eg rtH ItB a. vrv), n iaa Vi Imtnasa-ll. ISraTB'-'ws.'trrioTi n,, ntnUneous connec- "f p- ? ' V 'P..! TnM': tlon with the skin of the whole of the - ' ." ' mnvikfAiiaT. - rirat Raat fraeh and Rent Blshlh.- Il l m., ,;-tialTatlu;" Snnday avhool, i p. m, ': . atiaCXLtABZOtfa. I ." The . rirat - Hplrltual Horlety-trtlaana' tlon with the akin of the whole of the back of the trunk and la much more sensitive then that of the skin in front. It behooves us, then, to see that tba back is covered. If not more, at least as much ss the front, especially between the shoulders. In men the thin, back of Alttiear tnea fafalMlaxa rralsl a. ti n atreet. Confrreno es "D TwKaow Thit I th waistcoat U -"the Undertaker's best 2 , '"sjoruir' ll a. m.; thiioren'a pro- friend" In women It Is the space be- uSZZ!-'1- 'T''" "IU " ter of the neck, more especially U thnt Tb People's (hrlatlaa rslow The Vree Re- tyPa ef sTsnflent popularly known as the """T , '',,"r''uVD,t, lK1 Heramd atre n.-r I "pneumonia blouse. and tearber. II a. m.. "Man'B Life:" ia:i p. m. . atudr rlaaee In practical life; reor- sent and Sew rVreenaatt Their Relailenahlp t gaslaatlou p yas peopU ctaum; f p, the IMrlne l ias.". ... " m.. eoncrrt Ijy I n orebeetra. K. B. MrCurdr. I I nlted Rreihren la Chrtet. pint Corner ef i VJii...,:i. . V !P r.moiion. or I near rirrrenin ann aiorriaon atreota: 11. n orri, f , f tirrat Minion o-e Preesviet and l.nkin arentir; Krd t. Maya, , mlnlater. Mlllrmlel Pawn ' Hervlm. , A.- R, kali. ffiairr, paaior.' pnnnnr arhooi at 10 a? m ti. st 1 - "mI a. iLi""" . -TI,. V tJ corner Atori an, I Me, atreeta; ftn p. t","." Aur auiijcci, '1 ae . AbrahamM .Uorenast, lw CtJ aupcrluUsdeat. pren-hlng at Jl S. Bk aad 7::w B. m.i C. Port.month hurrh Af Artifana' hall. Port- moofni k"t. n. r.. r.merH-i, leadrr of KmMlar arhnnl at 3:30 p. at.; Mr. X. H. State Land Agent West rounded uo" one of the applicants, li. C. Randl. and took him before Governor Chamberlain, who: by a aevere cross exatnlnatton, Anally forced a confession out of him to the-effect thet ho- had been Induoed to sign the application by "Wagner, and tnat lie' had received 1:11 11 nis -inter est In-the broperty." . 1 Handle Waa taken Inter the olfloe of the attorney-general, where her made a full statement before W. Van Winkle, a notary public, In the form , of a-depoal- tkxv and. In which he gave the whole plot away In substance as stated above. It then developed that all or the eight other applications had been secured in (hs' skme manner. " The applicants--are David Steel.. H. A. Rmlth. R. Haskell. R. U Pentoti, N. J. Van de Bogart, IL C. Hahdle, FoaterRiIcrarlant and D.- ABmithv-. . - nAAwkAw rti.mKr1a In ..all aA ' m ana. clal meeting of the land board to- oon- Ider what action to take In the matter. It baa been, practically decided by -the board to arant the applications and or der the certificates Issued. If the ap plicants accept the certifloatee they will be arrestsd for perjury, while charges of .conspiracy . to defraud the etate of public, lands, may be entered agalnat Puter and the charge pf gubornation of nerJurv against Warner. II the appll cants refuse te accept ths certificates h. hoard .will declare Athe first pay ment of -the purchase price xorreiteo 1 rnwt rAiwi, tne xina with a guar- ii - .1 ....n. ti csalantee In every nackaae. Tha mini l an"maV i-o prefe? th."'charge. .ul.d fir, U te know lu- against tha parties eoncernea. . . .. . i . VntA AwalkTted. " ; f -1 waVaUposiUon . edT"ti,7iUrt f 4he PORTIlAND PAINT AND board - to noia tno appucanuu. up, -mir- j . -. - . , peered before It. accompanleby Wag- ;. WALL PAPER CO. - j th.r tha eartlflcatea I - . ;- ,,-., - , . t :"::-T-.lllatafkaulsM. taw Smm. at. r ..I. k. i..i,awi if. was unmeaiaieir i - - tacked bv Governor ChamberUIn and! r. '; , . Blaox lere. ,m. oth.r mamhars of the board. Seo-1 .'. VOB IAU MT a,.t. n.u.h.r and Rtate Trees- A. A. "ITTRCH Ct 2C Taylor ftt. .nd -avireW arraigned for Mr"TISN8 BH08.-nn,. ..Montavllla ,:,, .".,-Vr ....mnt to defraud uxj. . ., Williams uil fyamiiaiT avsaea wt ".t- - - - the state or lis scnooi una. . - flovernor Chamberlain became so-otit of patience with the whole ajTalP and so exasperated at tne auaacuy 01 x-uier that lie nracticaliy nrougni ma inter view to a close by the following; state r .: : ' - : "Puter. we are going to pnr a eiop n. thla land fraud business In the atate bf Oregon, as wsll as with tne government, j and we are going to start ngni -nvw. We eell stacks of Wsll Paper, as well as banrela of.i OLOBEJ WEATHER- Telephone, "in - FISHERIES CASHIER IS SHORT IN HIS ACCOUNTS Soul e Bros. Piano Co. era sad art Morrison at. Cor. W. ark. TWEINIIARD'S Cityi Brewery It. might Interest i you, especially If you are consldering-the matter. No two planoaealere use the sam. methods. In selling.'' - Ours is not the only store ln Portland, souther, ,1s. an opportunltyfor- Bpeclal Plaoatch to The foirrmt.y7-- -t crnnpsitsofn W. wlsli;yotr-wiytild' Seattle. Wash., reb.' 4. - Arthur A. I nare eur methods with others, and Ansorge, for more than two years Pat which appeala te you most. Then com-' easnier oi mo r v""-1 pars bur pianos. . Our prices are bound n.,'rr; . .,j .f appeal to you, especially If you con- PInkert6nrneTttv.s-7ivr een put -onj euallty and goodness.-Easy-time- hla trail.- He -left ner. a monvn aro, iimu vitu. after cashing; afeheck far xs,700. and an expert- was at one. placed orr his books. President J. W. uoawin or tne company admits his cashier, la missing and that he la short, but will aay nothing more. i He leaves a young wire and. a montha'-old babe.' When he left- home he gave no Intimation , of ' anything! wrong at the office and Mrs. Ansoragei refuses to-believe mm guilty. r;- Ansorae's father Is a retired capital ist of Michigan , and it is understood he has agreed to make th. amount good as soon aa he la convinced, of hla son's guilt - - ' - - ' - DRUGGISTS ARE BUNKOED BYL3TYLISH WOMAN (Special Dlapateb te The loareeLI Seattle. Wash... Teh. A. Seattle drug. gists sre making the acquaintance of a stylishly-dressed Woman, and the .only I regret of most of them is that she cans but once., .she Is believed to be the same forger Who worked Portland .and Taroma a short time ago... i " At least a dosen druggists have been Induced to csah IS checks, usually pay able to cash. The bolloe have a good description of her and every effort la being mad. to put an end te ner finan cial career. ' Both of One Mlaa. Prom' th. Philadelphia Press, ' "Ijook here, young man." ssld the boy's fatlier. -"I'll expect you to behave bet tor In the future. I don't -want your mother te he worrying about yon ail thai time" - "Neither do I, pa; I wouldn't care If she didn't worry a bit.' fcerfeet aad Most Complete Brewery ta , the Borthwest. ' Bottled Beer a Specialty ' aura v.. ta! . , . OOoe Uth a BaraaUle Streets. PORTLAMX OREGON. - Te Oars a OoU In One 9ey, - Take Ijiiattva Benmo Onlaln Tablets. AM I nruraiaia remnq in SHMM-y it it rail te eur. W. urvvrs algsstuvs es aaeh hex. a. We're probably the busiest print ers m town, but if you -insist; we'll do your Work. 7 ' fJrtrojjdlttan Imi M7 RONT T.' : Tel. Maht i