The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 04, 1905, Image 5

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- ' , 'if- - - I- -f
But Yertg-She, ' Joy, and Long
T-i Bamboo ; Are JUnionfined,
T 1 -'
m .....-., 4M ninr nuppvr
....."Tho Darllof of the Uode"
.....JL...7..."liotha at Hsrlatv"
amure ... iMMu'ni lxn
. Bijoa ."loo
Sad boaoe'
New Tut.1
t' H. R. Dunlw.y. as attorns. Isst oven
Marquaa Grand ...... .."Tbe Silver Slipper"
," . t ' ln filed a petition la the circuit qourt
. to have the resssessmsnt of Albina eve
nuo from page to Rim street reviewed,
Ha alleges test tha work m defective,
' ; and that tha assessment was 1400 a lot.
. notwithstanding tha lota la that local
V V I'T ara worth not mora than -that aum,
-' -and In aoma lnatanoea ara 'worth laaa
than tha amount of tha aaaaaamant.
JBBJea W. Applsgate and as- others ara
-r-tha- remonstrants. Tha improvement in
u-. Qutloj, WM made a year ago. Numer-
v oua suits of Ilka charaotar have been
' instituted. Mr. Dunlway asserted, when
, ' h filed tha papers, that tha naw street
' la not so good a highway aa waa the
--rv-old. and that tha manner v In which tha
:; buainaaa waa handled waa an outrage.
- County Clark Fields ahowa In his Jan
liarr roDOrt that tha recelnta ef Ma of.
-'flea for that month were l5.Ttl.8T and
that-tha expenses were' leaV'
In net profit of IS. Compared
'--with former years, this la a remarkable
'. snowing, the largo exoaaa of receipts
- over azpanaea' being due to many flnea
; collected from tha gamblers, who had
- baan arrested by . Sheriff Word. .The
volume of business In January waa
larger than in any previous month in the
-: history of tha county. In January. 1961
-" the county clerk's office was e net ex
pense of ll.m.Jt; la los, a profit of -was shown; In' l0t," a profit of
USo.61, and In 1901, tt.Itl.ll.
" The Commireiat club of St. Johns has
appointed A. 8. Ponglaa, u. B. Chlpman.
Henry Blaknar, J. F. Raller and C VI.
. 'Harr a commit tea to . determine .the
:- legal status of the James Johns estate,
part of which was. boquaathad for Uae
.- - ma school grounds In the heart or Bt.
. .Johns.. A' controversy has been carried
- on for 10 years, lorn people- holding
" that the property belonged to tha town,
and others that It could not be held for
, such purposes. , Ths value of the prop
erty Involved fs llt.OOO, which. If ad
1udlctad as belonging to the town, will
-.. be material aaslstanco in building the
- proposed achool house. ; .r..
--With completion -of, repairs to sn old
brldga aoroaa Sullivan's giofch on Union
' avenue tha Portland Conaolldatad Ballr
way oompany will bo enabled to operate
a double track there, considerably Im
proving the street car service. The
Incraaae of population . la- east side
suburbs Is' constantly . callhigor mere
-"tripper" &re to accommodate the peo-1
pie during rush hours. The cars during
these hours ara crowded, and tha aisles
filled with' people. Four tripper" cars
have been added to' Bunnysido service,
nl annth., ttt WiwIImii: " ' -
M. . M. Bloch, guardian of .Lorents
j-' Herman Reiner,-the tt-year-old miner,
has filed a statement with, the county
v ; court showing that he has in his pos-
.;' session $1,109 . belonging to his ward
i IJOO of which was In tha custody ol
' Krad Blckel, who drew It - from-, the
r: Canadian Bank of- Commerce " before
, Bloch - waa - appointed - guardian, and
1.000 in the bank to the credit of .the
guardianship account. -
Ttts-Canadian'soclety -Wlir havs-lts
first big meeting next Tuesday evening
In tha parlors of the Glendora. hotel.
reception committee consisting of Mrs.
K. A. Thamarr. Mrs. B. B. Bradley, Mrs.
J. A. Martin -and Mra. A. J. Baer baa
been appointed to arrange for a musical
and' literary program- They will meet
this. afternoon to complete their plana
The society baa about lto members.
-' Detectlva- Hawley yesterday located
Iulsa Wagner, a. 15-year-old girl, who
la aald to have been kidnaped by Mrs.
Idlsman and the woman's daughter, who
Ksestos at 4J East Sixth street. - The
-jtlrl ken house for her father and eared
for her little brothers and sisters until
. ahe was taken away by the-wonten. She
was given Into the custody ex the Boys
E. II. Moorhousa has -entered ' suit
agalnat John T. Stoneroad to enjoin him
"from conducting a painting business.. It
is alleged that Stoneroad waa a partner
In tha K. If. Moorhousa company, . that
Moorhousa bought bis. interest and that
Stoneroad agreed not to engage In tha
same Una of business for 10 years.-The
claim Is mads that Stoneroad has taken
; up 'his--vocation again. : -, ; ' ;-r .;," .
. - Edwin ' Stone, lata manager of. the
i. Corvallla A Jfaatorn' railroad.- wharrwae
murdered by an uifknown assailant In
his room, will be buried tomorrow at
Albany, where ha resided, A special car
will ba attached to the Southern Pacific
j-sgular train. leaylng-Tcrtland at-:tO
a. m, to aooommodata Portland friends
who dealra to attend his funeral. . ;
' Chester Wood of Bunnysida was badly
cut and bruised about the head aa the
result of a runaway accident -at-East
Eighth' street 1 snd Hawthorns avenue
:. yeaurdsy. HJ horse bscams frightened
- and began to run. Tha driver lost con
trol of the animal, and on turning a
corner was thrown, and alighted on his
- head.. .----p------:s
Eleorrolysls caused tha water main on
Third between Everett and Flanders
streets to fuat away, and yesterday
morning ' It broke, flooding sevsraT
. blocks. Basetnsnts- were flooded before
tha water oompany succeeded In shotting
off the flow. The repairs will be Xln-
Ished today-.j-
At tha First Presbyterian church te
- morrow Rev. B. F. Allan Will preach
morning and evening. Dr. Bill left this
-' sfternoon for Monmouth to, deliver the
, baccalaureate sermon before tha gradu
gating clasg, taking ths pises oft Dr.
h i House of the Congregational church,
' Who W .111.'.: J
-, Suit was begun bt Edward Bradbury
agalnat Samuel Masurovaky. No. I
r-. North Third streets-On - January tS,
ltOI. in ths hearing of others, so- ths
oomplalnt , alleges, Mazurovsky accused
Bradbury of being a thief, and the latter
now asks tha eourt to award him 1 1,100
, 'damages, .r .L ,r, .... ; ...
The i Ollphant slaters will again have
. charge of ths vesper service at the -T.
W. C A. today. Sunday, February S,
a at t:4l p. m. AU women are Invited to
v come and eody a helpful hour of song,
-. praise and prayer.. --- - -,r
A Urge chart Will be used to tllnstrats
. Bar, E. S. Munkley's sermon on "The Use
' and Abuse of the Bible." at the First
'Christian church,-corner Park and Co
. lumbia streets, tomorrow evening. ( -
; - An inventory In the estate of Charles
Franeen haa been filed ahewlng S,tlt.(t
worth of property, of which the realty
la lot S, block 10. Doschers Second ad
; dltlon to Portland, worth tt.000.
it. It Worrell has ' started a ' mag
kdoa under the auspices of ths board f
' ; , '.:. :
. - - -
, 7 i-i, i " f ) - :
! . .' . , .
,' - ' ! ..' it.! , .,
, . , I
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.... . , '. .!-' - -1 -i r-
. . .,'
- ..J . ,
" t " : :' Count Arthur Wilson
Count Arthur Wilson; one of tha best
known ' Swedish citizens or the Paoino
northwest died laat night in this city,
after a few days tllnesa - He epent
Thursday at his: Insurance office In the
Sherlock ulldlng, - attending-- to busk
ness. - On leaving ho aald to his clerk:
If I am not. here tomorrqwmornlng,
you'll know I'm aick."
t Within -It hours he was dead -at his
apartments In the, Lewie building. His
Illness up to the last-hour Is said to
hare been nothing mors serious than a
severe cold, but be - refused- to - .rest
quietly In bed, -and his nervousness ag
gravated Sn organlo heart disease, which
reaulted fatally.---- i-' . r-
count Wilson' was 4 vlos consul - for
Sweden and -Norway, and was attached
to the " consulate" at - San- Francisco.
trade, and the flrat Issue waa sent out
yesterday. It is call - the Portland
Board -of Trade Journal and J. D. Lee
is editor. The InltUl number Is filled
principally with ' qeports of proceedings
of recent ennual .meetings held by the
board of trade,- the Commercial club and
tho Manufacturers' association. There
are number of timely Illustrations of
ths fair and Portland scenery, a page on
mmes-smi-mlnrng. an article by Frank
L, Merrick descriptive of the exposition
and a -showing of Bt..- Johns", manufao
turlng enterprises. r.- V..-.' .-,:-,J-f .
Portland. Or.. Feb. i:-r-To My Monthly
Members: I am sorry Indeed to in
form you that owing- -to the fact that
have been conducting the business
or cleaning and' pressing of . clothes
for you. In connection with others, at a
considerable personal Idas 4 myself, and
being desirous that you should have the
advantage of tliat-asreement that your
clothes should continue to- ba properly!
taJtenv care or at the agreed "price of one
foliar (tl.00) per month, I have secured
he Unique Tailoring -company to as-
mA all ...nnn.lhll It l.a In- th. mat!,.
KThls firm-haa tha beet equipment on the
Paclflo coast .for- carrying on' that line
of business. I ,canr-cheerfully recomr
mend the Unique Tailoring company, of
47 Washington street, this-city, as an
upright, straightforward snd . capable
titm. - Trusting that you will give them
your patronase, and thanking ypnr - for
your many favors to me, I remain, yours
very truiy, r asoiou -xauora, . .
Fred E. Harlow, Jr., the little son of
Mr. and Mrs. F.- 8.- Harlow.-died:-j8mi-4
sry au ai-rnuvnix, Aria. - oivnru raonini
ago Mr. and Mrs. Harlow went to Art-
sons for tha benefit of Mr. Harlow s
health. They had lived In this city for
many .years,- and the little son whose
death was recently jreportsd was bora
In Portland. "At tho time of his death
Fred Harlow. Jr, waa Itt years of age.
Fire destroyed th home of J. F. Freefe
on tho Base Line road-Thuroday-nlghM
with -the entire contents. The building
was 1H stories In height, and tho fire Is
said to have been caused by a defective
flue. The loss Is estimated at 11,000,
with sbOotst maurtno t : :
The Portland Elks' lodge has appointed
a committee of 10 to attend the funeral
of Edwin Stone .at Albany tomorrow.
Deceaeed was at one time a member of
tha Portland lodge, Aid at the time of
his death was -exalted ruler-of "Albany
lodge. ; .
Dr.' Brougher'a topics at tha White
Temple: . Sunday, morning, "Our ' Re
vival." Lord's supper observed. - Forty
new -members to bo welcomed. Night,
'An - Infernal Liar WhoT - Baptism.
Tha Ollphant sisters sing. 8. Cough and" Croup Syrup, rec
ommended by physicians. . Tho most
usefnr- domestic remedy for all colds.
coughs, croup, bronchitis and pneumonia.
For sale by Jtnight Drug company.
Hotel ' Pendleton, at Pendleton, has
changed hands, and Is now under new
management, rf W. -waits, formerly
with Baiter -A Hamilton of San Fran-
Cisco, Is mansger.
yree dispensary for worthy poor. Tuea.
Thura, flat-4 1 p. m. St. Vincents Hoe p.
School books nought and gold. Jones'
book store, Itl Alder street -
Dr. Amos,, surgeon, Dskua building.
Ask your grocer for Oolden Cheddar.
- Bares Klmgelf rroaMo. -
' From tho Chicago Journal. -Does
your janitor attempt to show
his authorttyr 7'
No,'' answered Mr. ; Flatts. "He
didn't have to show his authority. " I
tsrted in by giving htm to understand
that 1 fully recognised It wlthout-any
argument." -. .' .
": Only- AltaaattT. -- -
. - From tha Chicago News.- .- '
f can't ' take, this," ssld tho ' ktraet
ost conductor, as he looked St the
plugged dime. - .
in sorry." r Wined the passenger.
"but that's all 1'va got If you don't
want It give. It to tha company." ,
Photograph by Aunc
Telegrams ara being exchanged with the
consul . there, and cablegrams with a
sister In Sweden, to settle upon the de
tails of the funeral, which will not be
held before next Tuesday or Wednes
day. . .....-'.': - .......
THoi-was a' nattvo' "of Stockholm, wes
I about C4 yaaxa-Old and had no. relatives
In - America. . About 13 years ago ho
came . to . the United States and , soon
afterward settled In Portland. His ex
ceptional talents .St once mads a place
for him In tha best business and social
circles. Hs became a suocsssful fire
Insurance agent, and represented a num
ber Of . leading companies, - Ho wss a--member
of the Arlington club, where he
resided until recently. He was -a m'emr
bar of the Scottish Rite Mesons and of
the Swedish Llnnea society,
Barmaids and - Vaudeville Ac
rtreeses Must Not Appear in
U , Saloons Tonight. -vr-t
Says Anti-Dive prdinanceiWill
R PntnrraH fnr a Varur
briQrt Time Only. :-
-Women will ba driven from saloons
and dance -halls of - the north end to
night, according to-Chief Hunt. An or
aer to that eRect has been Issued and
me -cniez announces - that the new ar
rangement will become effective tonight
Beginning then women will no longer
sell liquors In saloons in Portland, snd
Indeed,- wil not be sllowed . to frequent
such places., '"" -.-J.
' cuef Hunt decUres that he nai re-
aCisVlns jrottv nforclngph) 3tw nntli
authorised to do so by Mayor Williams.
Now th he has reoelved such instruc
tions, he says, ha will rigidly enforce
the ordinances prohibiting women from
"rustling" in saloons, -v
.Ilia. announced yesterday, that-the "re
form idea" would not ba of long dura
tion, i. "-. : . s -. . .. .v.
It won't be lonif before thar are
backv'Vaald ths chief "We wm drive
them out - of the . saloons and - concert
halls now and they will seek quarters In
all party of the city.' Then there will be
a big howl and theyl-wiU gradually be
permuted to go dsck - into- the north
end." - --- .- .
Chief Hunt declared two weeks aao
that he had -ordered the women from
tha places from which hs now orders
them -He haa made no effort to carry
out his order., .v. ;
Saloonkeepers. In tho north .end do not
lake the order seriously, but say they
will liar lew- and await further develop
ments. It Is said f hat the women, will
bo kept In the background for a few
days and then they will gradually drift
back to their old business. - . . '
John F. Watte, an attorney? was eject
ed from the county DaU yesterday after
noon, where ho had gone- to ' interview
some prlaonsrs who ara . his clients.
While In the corridor of the Jalt ha' told
Frank Guglielmo, the young 'Italian who
in under sentence for the murder of
Freda Gararlo, that the suprems court
had affirmed tha iudement of the dr.
cult court, whlod. meant that Ougllelmo
muat bang. The Jailer has feared for
many" months that " Ougllelmo would
commit suicide, snd careful watch haa
been mads , to prevent him taking his
Ufa. ... " :
Inasmuch as no .word had been re
ceived from Salem concerning tha Inten
tion or tno supreme court in tne prem
ises, ana because Jailer Grafton was
anxious to-keep Ougllelmo calm, the
Jailer was much Incsnsed and caused
Watts to make hasty salt:
Ougllelmo'e esse Is before the supreme
Court on appesl from -the sentence Im
posed by the circuit court, which wss
that he must hang In August, 1904, stay
of xecutlon.,havlng been granted when
the sppeaf wss taken. Speaking of the
matter. Jailer Grafton said: .'-.- '
"Attorneys who com to tha county
Jail are not expected to go among the
prisoners promiscuously and talk to
them when they havs no legal business
to transact, . Any lawysr has'accenk to
bis clients, snd ws grant them all. the
courtesies necesssry to protect the rights
or tno prisonera But as to prisoners in
general, lawyers, like all other persons,
must observe the rules of tho Jail." .
Ctovarnment 1 Notifies' Couhcil
: That WiHamett Morrison,,
Stratt It Too Shallow.
Car Rails to Ba Torn Up and
Savior Street Made Fine -r;;
- Driveway -- -
The United "States ' government,
through United States District Attdrney
Francis J, Ileney, has notified tha ex
ecutive board that tho
alras the city to dredge a tl-foot channel
at tho Morriaon .street bridge, as speci
fied in tha contract before tha bridge
was built This specification was agreed
upon because tha bridge ! drawbridge,
and unices the channel is kept clear sedi
ment will deposit near the piers and soon
interfere with navigation,
B)nca tha bridge has neared) completion
no effort haa been made to deepen the
channel., Considerable dredging . has
been dona between, the bridges at Mor
rison and Madison streets, but It Is ssld
that this Is not sufficient. Msjor Lang
fltt United States engineer, baa directed
Me. Ileney to notify tha city executive
board -that the .channel must bo deep
ened. ;
When the correspondence between Mr.'
Ileney and City Attorney L. A. McKary
waa read at the exec&tlve board meet
ing yeaterday Mayor Williams remarked-:
"I do not think the United States en
gines ra have any business to Interfere In
this matter." ..-r- .
The correspondence' "was referred to
the special Morrison street bridge com-:
mlttee.- :'.. - --;-'.
- The Paclfio . Construction company,
contractors -for the- Morrison, street
bridge, asked for 168,000 of ths ISM00
due. . City Auditor-Devlin informed the
board- that there was only tOe.700 avail
able In thS trldge fund. . The matter waa
referred to the Special bridge committee.
Tha sum of 00 extra eharges for ex
cavating In rock for- the Hamilton ave
nue sewer came up for discussion, snd
it was the opinion that ss no provision
had been made In the specification for
extra excavation,1 It should not ba al
lowed. The city engineer and city attor
ney win look Into -the qtieatloiu ' 1 '
The Alblna ferryboat, Lionel RWeb.
ter, waa reported ready to be turned bver
to the county.- " -
The street railroad on Savior street
lesdlng to tha-falr grounds will be torn
up and made into a good drtvewayrrThe
Portland Conaolldatad Railway, company
will ba allowed to replace the track after
ths exposition Closes; " . . . .
Walter W. Riggs and Alber Over-
mart of Weiser ! Found
Dead in Bed. .
' Walter W. Riggs and Albert Over;
of. Weleer. Idaho, were found dead year
Ltcrday afternoon fh'n' room at the eik
ton hotel. Sixth and Davis streets. Death
in both eases wss due to ssphyxlatlon.
They reached Portland Sunday and
engaged a room together at the' Elk-
ton. From tho Investigation of Deputy
Coroner Arthur L. Flnley it Is believed
that Overmen .left the gaa. Jet on-when
ho retired Thursdsy night" V 'L!.'
- The- fumes attracted the attention of
tha chambermaid and landlord, who on
forcing tho door, found tks men dead.
Relatives In the Idaho city have no
tified Coroner-Flnley to ssnd ths bodies
to Weleer, SJid they will bo shipped to
day. KlgKa and overman were . young,
and prominent In their home city. The
former waa In tha harness business, and
cams-to-Portlsnd to purchase-a stock
of gooda Overman was In his employ.
Agltatlonr- srmong - sclenttfio men - of
Oregon for a state, academy of science
will oulmlnate thla evenipg in the form
ing of an orgamzatlon. at a meeting to
be held In tho rooms of ths John Bur
roughs club, on .ths top flooroflhs
olty hall .building. The Paclflo north
west has no recognised body- of, men
whose sols project Is material sclsntlflo
research. It .Is ssld Oregon offers a
rich field for Investigation,, evidences
of which ara seen at the city hall
museum;'- It Is proposed to establish a
library - and a complete record of the
results of sclentif lo research In the
state. r- , ' T
Among those Interested In the move
ment 1 are:' President William N.
Ferrin, Pacific university, Forsst Grove;
Charles E. Bradley, professor of chem
istry at Paclflo university; Professor E.
P. Sheldon, ths state - botanist and
forestry expert; Martin W. Gorman:
Albert K. Sweetaer. biologist of the
University of Oregon; George E. CoghlU.
chair of biology at Paclfio university:
Jamea A Lyman, of Portland academy;
Frank Drake, L. L. Hawkins,' Thomas
Howell, Jamea II. Flske. ' mineralogist;
Thomas Condon and Professor James It
Hyde, of the state university; Professor
Joseph Marsh, - natural - science, - and
Henry E. Hatch, asssyer.
William and 1L C Harris, sons' of Ir-
vln Harris, tha aged resident of Orient,
who recently epent a few days' In ths
county poor farm before ha waa found
by his children, have prepared a state
ment explaining that they did not know
their father bed applied to the authori
ties for aid. Tha elder Harris, they as-sert-
Is childish and often leaves the
homes of- b's. sons without wsrnlng.
They neve Men wilting to ears for
hint at their Vomea, or at any place he
might select, snd aa soon as they found
that ho hsd made a sworn statement to
the county board of relief, they took
him away and provided for him.
It appears from "the statement that
tho father had an Idea that, having paid
taxes In this county for- a number of
yesrs, hs was entitled to support at
public expenaa and therefore asked te
be admitted to the poor house, lie had
voluntarily divided his property between
his sons snd looked to them for sup
port, which they profess "to- Be willing
to siva Their affidavit is on file with
Dudley - E vana- of - tha county relief
boand setting forth .the fsots and re
moving sll - doubt ss to their future
Intentlona Thea facta are vouched for
also Jn a signed statement by P. IL
Koork. a neighbor, who have lived sear
them for tnany year a. ' .
and Festivities Proceed.,
Second : Street Denizens ; pay
Debts and Each Shakes" ;
Hands" With Himself. '
. Chinatown awoke with a headache thla
morning. It was slmost - loon before
Second street showed signs of life, and
then -"kow-towing" Celestials - spnesred
emllingly and exchanging-Joyous New
Tesr's greetings.
But the mahogany taste remelped only
a short time. As soon as they left their
densely-tenanted -sleeping apartments
the Mongolians hsstsned to appease ths
demon that possaseed their vltaM and to
allay the fierce throbbing of their yel
low foreheads. tlnto tho grog-shop they
Journeyed. Many sucked lovingly at the
long bamboo snd Jabbered queer words
of. endearment for faithful "yeng-ehe."
Others looked upon the stuff that is red
and 'forgot the Internal demons and ths
burning thirst. - - - --.i-.. u, ;
They emerged 'from -the gin-shops
smiling, happy, elated. Wishing Joy and
content .to tha spirits of the .ancestors
of friend snd snemy. They shook hands
with themselves", murmuring "Oung-oe-fa-toy,"
which, being interpreted, means
"Hsppy New Tear to you. may tho bones
of your sncestors rest content." Shak
ing hsnds with themselves Is a toksn of
honor and respect, juet as removing the
hat-is" a token of courtesy among the
occldentala . - ,
After Its visit to the gin-shop and a
whiff at tho long ' bamboo Chinatown
was soon ready tor another day of cele
bration. ' Business houses are clossd,
and will remain so until five days paaa.
Ths feasting, however, will eontlnua for
JO days. i ' - - :.'.',
" Every denizen of ths oriental quarter
Is attired In new-made finery In honor
of the new year. All debts havo been
paid, calls of - honor .are being made.
Tiny cards are used In calling, each
bearing - the ' slgnaturs of ths guest.
Ths guest gives a card to the host and
fo the hostess. If the hoot Is ' blessed
with ajilave. Red. cards are used be
cause the color signifies good win and
good wishes. - - . -p. . - - . -
AH last night, firecrackers rattled Tike
musketry in long lines. ' Tha wild music
of Invisible , bands floated" from ; the
galleries that project Over Second street.
Incense ross from every altar, and punk
sticks burned before every Joss. -
Evary tong will celebrate Individually
on tha New Tear's festivities.- Feasting
and, merriment will hold sway until all
tho wooden gods have bean appeased.
Their blessings ara Invoked for success
on undertakings that may ba begun dur
ing -the year. The wooden thing- an
nounces his wilt through tha mouth of
a' yellow priest.- who pronounces ths
final decree m solemn, tones. - . .
'.Visitors - are - welcomo- in : Chinatown
during tha ' celebration, provided they
conduct themselves properly Polios of
ficers hsve - been instructed to arrest
sny one who molests tho orientals dur
ing their ceremonies.
Reduced Rates to California.
The Southern Paclflo company 'lias
placed. - on ssls round trip tlcksts to
Los Angeles at the rata of 16 5, limit 90
days. This affords an excellent.- oppor
tunity to visit ths many beautiful win
ter resorts of southern California at a
moaerate-oost-:. i
- ' Fief erred Stock Canned Oooda.
Allen Lewis' Beat Brand.
The Dexter furnished rooms seem
to please, as can ba testified by the
opening- of ths Dexter Annex at - l!t
Twelfth street, which Is now ready for
occupancy. - If yon should desire entirely
new furnished rooms see theae, or tele
phone Oreent itt. . ,..-
X.tshdlgan " at 4' Sherman 'Street
off era for. 13.000 - "three elght-ropm
houses; ground; -furniture and wster
system. ; Rents amounting to IS7 a
month." A good investment, don't you
Wanted: . "Furniture of 10 . to 10
rooms- at reasonabls figures from owner,
either boarding or rooming.- ' .Address
all answers to
F. N. JV cars Journal
Quick, too.
Tes there's no mistake) WanteoV
A gentle watch dog; muet be a bull, and
the uglier the better." Address answsrs
to D. O, O., Journsl.
"ForL-".; ssle ' In the "Miscellaneous"
column. . "Chotco! & C B. Leghorns, In
lots of ' five or more, f 1 each, 411
Nehgfetn avenue. Sellwood." "Cook stove
and gas stove, cheap : If - taken at once,
S54 Marshall street." Also quite a num
ber of other, bargains that will appeal
tO 01U : -
Furnlshed rooms with all modern con
veniences at the Earle, 01H third
street, - corner of Taylor street; trail
stents solicited : - .
Tea, there ara some good deals to be
had lit today's "Real Eatate" columns. 1
Remember "Want Ads." will ba re
ceived until 10 o'clock tonight for Sun
day's Issue. : As a premium a. two
pound package of Orano. -the breakfast
food, will be given entirely free with
eash - ads. from ths smallest . to the
largest.. ...'
7.1'"- (Formerly Cordraya) f
' ' . 1 l
Fasarirxu rsMomxAjrcB "
- TOnaxT TonaxT. .
Blanche Bates
.... . r-. ;w '
Th DtUas of e Ccii"
George Jabour, Portland's Showman, Secures Three Concessions
... v , .ivp iisj bsni
Now that the Lewis and Clark cen
tennial exposition at Portland la an as
sured, success from every viewpoint. It
Is Interesting to Know something about
the amusement festures that visitors
will see when, they "hit ths Trail," that
guides them over Guild's lake via ths
Bridge of Nations, to Government Is
land.': There will bo many rare attrac
tions ' representing an., expenditure, of
prlncelyffortunes. . , - : ."- ;- '
One of the .chief concesalonelres In
this - babel jf wonders la Mr. Oeorge
Jabour, whosa popular sobriquet Is '"Bar
num of tha Carnival." He Is the-vrlnee
of showmen and haa .given three tre
mendously successful talis in thla city.
Hs hss recently coma from St. Louis,
where ha wss Identified with the world's
greatest and grandest exposition. - Mr.
Jabour has thousands of- friends upon
this coast and In the middle west, who
will bo vsstly pleased to know that he
hss Just signed a contract for three, of
tha biggest. attractions on "Ths. Trail."
He Is determined to earn the title of
"Animal King" and with that laudable
ambition In view, will-aasembla a con
greaa.of trained. wild animals that shall
sclipso anything of the kind ever at
tempted 'On this continent. His lDuro
pean agents are contracting with a num
ber of world-renowned trainers for- the
most startling , and- sensational acts
known In tho animal kingdom.
Mr. Jabour Is backed by" unlimited!
capital ana no purposes xo erect a struc
ture for his animal show that- will. In
many, rea pacts, -excel, tha old-time clr-
heart. Brute gladiators wl$ eon teat, in
a friendly way ana snow civilisation an
Intelligence worthy of a nlgher order of
animal Ufa - The feature of the 00 n
gress will ba a massive steel arena In
tho center of tho building. -There Will
bs IX--mammoth dens .containing lions.
A. B. Ballard, taasas and aUsagsr. .
Toalght at-:l e'clnrt.-laat pertnrsuscs . ef
voioa a laaMua wana,
Oas ef the seasaa's ebotraat effarlets. Dos't
Silas K. autUM Tomorrow.
Pria that serar rbaose: Brenlas. 60e. SSe.
ZSr. lie. staMMe, e. IBs. lOe.
Oewntawa boa efftre all dar. S3T Morrtona
at.; Pboca Mala UU. Krealag at UeaUa;
Mala Sll. -
Mett week, atartlng SnMaj Biattne, Wnero'a
esarmlng love toaMdx, "IVUI UTHDU.'
Monday and Taewlar tilrtif". rK and T, 190S,
rssvA WAWACS xorrsja, .
,' In the Knell.h rnme4r Pna,.
: "A oouitot xqjjmm,-
preded by
Pi lets Lawea, finor. 1 1. AO. SI. 00. BalemV.
(1.00, T5c, AOe. tiallarj, SSe aad Me. hoirt
aa4 iDgai. S10 0O,
HARQUAM Sil?; w- l&KJKf
Toalfht at 0:10 aVlnek, laat performance ef
, the big Musical Coneey laeeeaa,
r -- Beared another big hit last alftit.
vening ptiee Itrmr gear, tl JO, 1. . flaS-S
nnr, 1 1. T9-. 30a, waiwry, ot aae sdo Soxee
and iosaa. 010.
- i imDELLI yAMIlT 4 ' '
" ' TRI tAVkgXU. '
. -xoiaovs yaoncTOfloors. .
Admlaalaa. 10 epata. kMrvid bos aeata.
a ats. gbewe te f:90 s -!:
t- sv . . . , .- . . . '
' "- - "" : '
Tklrd aad T.Bihrll ata. geatlsf A rtnaa. Mgra
Largett Vaoderllle Hoeee ia tawHS.
. Milt. YT-rTA, , ,
SAgT klil t.
. - asp i -ita.
' LTt-t -B k 'Itat
'. . w. ' r. .
-a vte'--
T' T fJ it t t ' i i I i "f'a'a ' ' ' '" ' '
"'. .
. . - Th Aniriial King, Georg Jabour, Concessionaire.- 7.. :
....,, ....,., , .ii ,.'
auu viwn. ran. t u
tigers, pards. gorillas, tn on a tar bears,
scale, wild Siberian - Mastiffs, sabres,
giraffes, hippopotami and elephants.
These dens will be connected by tun- '
nels made of steel bars. - Each and every
animal shsll ba an actor and give an in
ter eating hourly exhibition and perform.-,.,
anoe. . ' "'':.'...'' .f i-.,-.-..
Mr. Jabour has also, secured th "psy
Pares", concession, a veritable palace, of
mirth. A coterie of beautiful burlesque
'artists and "atatueaque queens of Terp
sichore have been speclal.y engaged for ',
thla temple of galetx.Xb.elr costumes,
are-new- snd the. moat beautiful crea
tions of. the Psrtslan : modiste's art.
They are 'a dream of feminine fvell
ness and the rlcheet over Imported from
tha center of f asbionr-"Oay Parse" will -cover
a large aria and-be rich In basasrs
and other . attractions tempting to - the "
-liberal purse. - - -- - s". v - -
Probably the moat popular resort upon ,
the exposition grounds will be Mr. Ja
bour's third concession, the French Csfe,
modeled after tha Cafe de la Palx of
Paris. It will be elaborately fitted up
and tricked out in most gorgeous style.
Evory delloaoy -known to tho gastrono- ,
mer : will ba - served a la - mode. Bon
vtvants will And tho oulalne delectable,
a famous chefs from absosd have been
secured to cater. Tho Royal Vienna
orchestra will strike tho wild notes that
shall make sweet strains , of celestial ,
melody throughout the French cafe- so (
soon to become an historical incident of -thla
celebration of tho centennial -an -nlversary
of Lewis and Clark's explor
ing expedition ta tho wst ,coast.
If those Intrepid , path finders -could .
only" pierce the j veil -of ternejntght'
about them and look back today at a .
realisation of their dream of futurity'
and see what 1s being dona her In their
honor they would undoubtedly deem It
tha apotheosis of plenty.
FMPI5F 1 THFATCF - oonre s. Taker.
vsja issas sjajaaw aj s
. rkoss Mala 111 for leets.
' rrlcaa an anttsaes. lee, lSa,
Nights, Uc. SSe, SBe, SOe. ,
TAatrkt at g:lg e'eloea. fafewell
of the Xoble stock eompasy ta a epleadlg ara- .
tootioe of
Oreateat Imaatiaa, . --;--.'"
Aatoasdlng - tlactrlcal effects. AH taaeial
Bpeaary, Iante aaloet aomjianjr . . . -.. x ,
Vaudeville. Sunday Feb. 5th
. , cosmxtous- TO 11 p. St. '
-W- PAintr VAnr co.
stkk icoiriBi a
7 a iBAscia davis a co, -
CtAKKK a Ttxrix, . -
- . DALY triZAH.
.'MB, AXf BOSNCB. ,'
sest 10 casta ' . rlrate Boxes (8
- lth and AMar eta: - - ,
Trmlaht and Tnawaiw. laat aottuiaiasfe ef '
The Bloa Stnrh Coopanr. sader the awaaaa.
. mm of A. R.vTbriw. ar. amtlns the
.rfaree-ennMMir tn three arte, antlilad
- Pn-fnretaneoa at JrOO. f :., S a Sh ' '
asaiiaaiaa te say pari er ia
i.'Bovoatli sag AJaVe Snxt. .
Toalsht aad THHnaw, laat pTfuaiaa-. '
. IS the laesnabla Firm-nuna
"the picNia:z::z"
Btatt n.w-a
yVfWiraaaMo at . I '
Uaaal pru W
. . L ..