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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1905)
J i- ti:z onzcorr daily i journal. SATURDAY EVENING FEBRUARYr'4. 1805 ; If - POSTLAJID. '. i. 7 - .1 -!.- i LL'iul UAY SHOW AT EMTIO,'! i'Y.' Upton's Rspressntativs Talks of t - Tsas, Yacht, Msdals, , Ex Y 7 hits, Cpffss andtTJflf s. . : - NEW CHAtLENOER FORY'YY AMERICAN CUP PUNNED Knightly Sportsman Dssirss to -Visit His Many Frishds on ' tht Pacific Y 8lr"Th.omaa Llpton 'who, besides be trig a sportsman, la en of the largest growera and importers of teas and cof. feea in Great Britain, will make, a large exhibit at tbe Lewis and Clark exposi tion, W, P. Lyndon, the manager of hla " American latereata, tigg been In Portland , for a- week arranging; for the exhibit , Tha contract f op apace wag aigned yea ' I terday. - , . . : . K Blr Thomaa la also arranging to be In Portland next f all. r Hs says he la com- Ing if he can possibly leave England, as -' ha dtalrea- to visit tha Paeiflo ooaat, to v meet hla many friends bare, Mr. t-yrv , don waa In London In December to con ,. fer with Sir Thomaa regarding- the pro , poeed exhibit, and he bald yesterday: ' ,. -we contemplate making aa exhibit at the Lewis and Clark, fair to occupy considerable apace., Only through my - efforts baa Sir. Thomas consented tthto, Tbe Lewta ana Clark fair la following .Mo closely tha St. Louis exposition that it. waa not neoeeaary to try far any 'mora awards for our good T-i-was be . cauaa of tha friendship of many on this - ooaat that Sir Thomaa flnalljBonaentad ""-"Befbra -fleft London, In ' December, Sir Thomaa aald that If It were possible ha waa coming to tha PactBo coast next ' fall to visit tha exposition. He will be , In Portland In August or September. " i The firm of which Blr Thomaa Llpton --Is tha bead growa Ita own teas.' It own - the lars-eet plantation la tha Island of . Ceyloa and controls tit stores la the ' British lelea. ' ''"-- "Will Sir Thomaa chanenga for the America cup. again V was asked. i "Sir Thomaa told me." aald Mr. Lyn don, l1hat ha expected to be In America with another challenger in 1108. . Hie designer. Mr. Wateon. Who . built t - r other yachts, recently died and kta plana to race for the Amellca cup thlsr. year . could not be carried out, ' "While I was In London he held ser ' eral coaferaneaa with shipbuilders os cernlng dealgaa for hla next challenger - and ha eontemplatea starting building it - khartty.' ""Z7ms:riT,T f-r WIALEUNIERESr WAS WORSE THAN NONE F. E. Allen, who sued A. J. Cranwall to recover money, alleged to have been od . talned by falsa representation In sailing an interest In hla Jewelry business, has - charged Cranwell ' with stealing $200. Tha case originated ' In ' tha municipal court, and has been appealed to the cir cuit court by CranweLL who waa con victed before Judge Hogua. Cranwell ta charged with r injury to property, for which he" waa convicted .Before Jodge Hoatte.-Thle caaa Was appealed.- i .. rCranwell -aold a SaJf interest In his 'Jewelry baalnaaa at 14 Sixth otreet and . entered into a written agreement , of -.. partnership With Allan, Who claims that , when ha assumed hla place In the store -ha found tha stock constated t-anlde roads., and that ealee enterod ton tha ' hooka were "faka"' transactlona caused kr Cranwell to deceive Ma Partner into - thinking tha bualneaa more profitable than it waa The larcany of la al lnrf-ta hava consisted in taking Prop- . arty that wal ta be disposed at under tha partnership agreement only by consent cf both partnera. . -:. ...j , .---jriafeet'Broak OarnaaS aotg. J Alien a Lewis' Best Brand. FARM-DIG SNAP ' ; ; - SA 4ilJrfcB Tttt Acrea ittf acrea ttlrtva.ted j , S40 acre Una yellow and red fir ; timncri-sosoe revw crwi bvh, good for hop; pari rolling; hill land: , all good aotl; fine hill ana Stream and springs in each fleid ; j .... .aAnm krtHkA S barns;, water piped to -housa "barnsrail good outbuildings! electric road will run wlthli ilped to house and ' remow ithin i nity; school, stores, churches; frea mall delivery and rarmers- tele- nhone in tha- neighborhood 10 acres now In growing grain;- 1 wagon. 1 hack. 1 mower, 1 rake, t harrow, 1 disc, t plow, all ssaaU tools; located In Benton county, Oregon, and conceded w -bo -one of "" fiie best stock farms In the val-,. -Jey: Immediate possession. Rea . aonable payment down ana easy terma on balance; the best propo- -. altloa now offered anywhere; for an Immediate ' aale all goea ;aa' above described for l.koo.r v. . ' ' ,, .r-' llenkie-fiBaKer lit ASfavWS aUar, raruamd. Or. Went a Nice See this modern six room ' i cdttese andtwo lots on r;Mt Scott car. to. Prico 01,450 EASY PAYMENTS The Mealy Investment Co. 210214 Atl.tcn Cldg. " ; 106 1-2 lh!fd St. t V Home? - ' i c 1 Cw31uin3 CYT.w? ' - I ae ar 'oaef lloairr ttett 1 aauxr . T ,u v ew f Taara. . 1 it boomms t-e sb- i.M-ns Una goina auar a C all r j wind eaua, and IB Ike beat REAL ESTATE FC3.SALB BY The Jitle Cucrcnte? $1206- lOOxlZS relet and cottars of B rooms. basement, ath and good barn. (A. tOlt.) :.". $800 toaguo Iiiet. facing eastan Hendricks lot.) poaverj, and falling sts.. (A S500 k teaxlH -feet, .fewyumlnotes walk from Peninsular eutlon, Ut. Johns car Una. W sStn Dear-. Lincoln, 4ot 10x14 eat. and new couse or rooms. IB. zi.J ; $850 j:p,.: ParacUaa Springs, lot 48tlll feet and house 4 rooms, hard Snlshad, pure well waVar,-(8. rt. , .' . . x , -li--$I 850 E.' Taylor and B. Soth sts.. corner lot and nice cottage S roams, hot and cold batn, gaa and- alactrtaUgiU, (,-; iit.y ' . A ' V" -f Mj . M Swear 4v Mt -Tabor rWrhts, attractive building Its, ixl fevv Thla la very cheap. tat. 4. 4e.; Piedmont, Park lot 60x100 " feet and Hrat-claaa house. 1. rooms: rents $10 . a. manth. , A-. 0. . -'1 Ivy ktreet. bet. Rodney and Williams ava, lot 60x105. feet and house ..of C i ana oatn. k. - ,..-. S1400 SuhuyMaeT-TriTtfl and comfortable cottage of 6 rooms; terma iboa cash, balance on time. . ta. Cor. Mason st, nil. MlsalsspL avenue: 100x100 feet and house 4 rooms; sewer la an 4 streets improved.; (A. til. s KAdney ,.. 'near-Kugend ' at.,' lotj HOk 12 & feet and houee n rooms; Bath, etc, gaa flatarea, A- S03.) 'v .- j :vf .'.r.L'X $2650e'?-i;".'- E. 10th, Bear Belmont at lot 'and two houeea, rented for (SO a month. (B. P. f40.) '''" "V-r '' '. - t- - - $2700 a.. Btephea'r Add.. E." ItH-atir lot Bit 100 feet and two houses, well built, brick foundation, rented for 2i a month. tK. P. tit.) , - , ... WEST PIEDMONT . L6t 0x100 feet each, cloaa to tha rail way, company's new barn. Thla la tha new transfer nolnt for .St Johns cara price of. Iota 200 each and upward, on very easy , terms; graded atreeta and water piped to avbry lot. - ST. JOHNS : ltafod each, down' and IB a month. All lots are high and alghtly. Water piped to every tot,; iei(ie TXTXJU USSUBiSJU The Title Guarantee . Trust Co. S aad V Okaxaber of Commeroa. "Tofsirr 'soicss' wzTax tottb ; nrx MQwarf Very best tract In Portland' fast . est grotrrng - auburn. Take ' : Mt. rSCWt .jcaron Hrat atraet g - . .. ( HsTe rou trWestigsted the 1n ducemenu" we offer renters, to seqnire home! ? " . t Houaoes; : AtCOaSt Lots jM Down, $3 a Month x-Houses and lota it " tent ratea ona payment- dawn.. Belling faatjAgent en grpund. City office open even-. logs. ' , - Geo. W. Bfowiv l,ooai 103 Talllnr Building. . Phone Main aias. J9BXT TO TAR CARS r-S ON MT. SCOTT LINE ' Yv; Y Good Scfioo! Good Water Mains Laid : Good Society , Sold on 83 or $5 MONTHLY PA YME1STS - ACBHT ON THE GROUND : Sycamore Real Estate Company Y . tOSVt Morrlsdn Sift Corner Lot 5 ' r Y r 43Jtt$ ft. With $ t f - ' ; room AoMi, ST t Main Y Y St-t' torntr ,of Narillta. t'-.k.: a farm. ...Y.V " a.,.. .:.,'' YYY':"' ' " ' i ' :.' Y Fries CICo. uo V' - ; PhonMatnt4. cm. wmcttr. CITT TITABUSU'I S0TI0E OF SALS Of UU raOPZKTT r0 PIUMftOrMT AS. ; SCggttllTS. .J 1 . ----- .. n- -it, ., Notlr. to" glT.a tbat (be Aadlter et the fity et fort laud haa trauamlttcd to m a Hat of the delluqiicnt aMmuioenu tor the taiptoTlng-'tf Huawll atteet from tbe wwt Hm t Mum (UHt w tbs wxat Uue of Gaa trntwln aruur, and that purauant to awtloa Ml of the eharter nt tha Cltr of Portland. I will, an Honda x, tha 27th day of rbruar)r, ISuO, fat tha boar f 10 o'rlork s. B., at tba wot door of the -Citr. Hall, 'la tb Oily of Portland, Owgou, alter for tan la at uublle aiH'tloa to th hlaheat bidder for caak, aub-Iw-C to redvwptiua, th lultowlng - aarUMd parrela of raal property, to-ait; alblua . , ' . . '.''.' Blk west 00 fret f fet IT, Jobs P. Price Katat. Urlra ,f A , . . . ' , , 10.20 SL.48- S" ' S' t Jobs P. - Jrla. Eatate, Uelra of.... ii.t Bach piece or tract of laud will fee sold separately and for a iitu -not teaa thaa the unpaid aaaeaameiit tbereoa aad intnwit and eoat ot advertUlna aud. aalp. tf atora -tbaa en bid la offend tba lead will be sold to tba bidder offering to Qk tha aame tut tba leaat amount ot penalty aae hitaraat. aae tlflon will be: - - Mnt-l'm thanaalry ,tgv a- -dret afea. eecoad Upon tha Vasalty er the euccaaulux perloda. . ZT' ' TUlrd Upea ibe '-late 'of 'Intarast. "J: i ' -ntv raaanrr of tha ciw of fortlaBd. ortlad, Oreciv, Jaauanr Aa, WU. . - . ! CITY -ttZAgOKZS-g XOTK-,8 OT tkzj OT tm rmorEBTT to, sunvmn Kottee la eebr glvee that the Aedttor of the' City et Portlasd haa trauamltted to aw a ltt bf tba dellnqneat aaaaaamtnta for tba tmprwlnk of Kaat larls atrant front 'tbe aaat Hiie at jKeet Xwentr-aerond atreet to-tbe weat tine of Haat Twuaty-foarth atreet, and that imraoaut to avetlon 413 of tbe charter of the City of Portland. I will, oa Monday, tba STUi-day sf fabruarr, 1000, at tfes hwir af 10 o'clock s.- St., at the weat tdoer e( tbe City Hall.' In the Cltr of Portland. OrefOo, offar for aale at public suction to tba biaheet blddvr fur raah, aubjec to redemption, tba follow, log dracrlbed parcela of real property,, to-wit: Italia a Addition to Raat fortlaod Rlk 'l, lot B, 1'tMBk H. Bmltb. ..,...... .4T blk 0, soultM-fettt et lot 1 A. A. Krats. .;........... jo e Each piece or tract of land will be aold wWnraaC--W- uro-not Vaa tlhaa the nniwld saaeaament Iberaos and tntemt aad euat of advertlalng aad aale. If mora than ona Md ta of freed too . land will ha eoM a tba -bidder offering to take tha eama for tba Iraet amount of penalty and Intense, Vombe tltlon Will be: . Wirt-fnon tba penalty for tbe first period. Heron -UlKUl tba penalty .for-the succeed in x perloda.. - y- Thlrd-Cpoa tbe rata of Interest.. . . .. - J. B. WKttLEI!f. ' feararaFaF the Clur of Portland. 7 . " PoetlaaKl, Orexoa. Jluiuary . 100. - - OtTT TSEAgUXEXI 80TI0C 0T llll OF - TAI. TB0TE8TT TOA OZUXWIVX AM- gzssxxim. r . . r , -. Rotles la berrby gtres tbat the Auditor ef tbe City et .Portland baa tranamlttod to ma s - lint ' of tbe - delinquent aaaeaamenta fur tbe improvise; of aerenwntB otreet rroa kt4 -Taat north of tba north lino of Tau(hn a treat to the south line of Marohall atreet, aad tbat. pmaant to section 4111 of tbe charter of tbe OHy of PortUnd. 1 will, on Monday, tha 7tn day af ffebrnary. lwto,- nt the hour of 10 -'clock a. n.. at tbe wvat door of tbe City Hall, In tbe City of Uorttaad. Orernu, offer for aula at buMie aartloa to tbe hlxbeat bidder for eaab, auaject to rademptlon, the" following de scribed parcels ot real property, to-wit : - Hloorfc'w-aiMltlow to it-w at IWIkaUs Blk t, lot 1, ueorgn I Vol.. .M4O1.T0 Blk JIB., lot 4. Oeoraa Da Vol.1.... 444 on la Blk til, lot-S, Marr Jaralwon. ....... 84 wi Blk H. lot jL Wllllata Jaohaoav- SI 20 Ilk illTlot rrWllllani JaroKwnTT?!rr 801.63 Blk , lot 4. George Alnelto Batata . Helrii ef.-... ,.. W1.4T Blk tW, lot tt Oeorgs Alnalie Batata. Heirs of,. ...........; 11.M Blk let , OoorfaAivUo BaUte, Uelra of.... ,401.30 Blk 236, lot T, .Geerge Alnallo Batata. Helra af..... .. 4M.M Blk !M2, north H lot B, Joaepk fceiff... 231.48 ' Each piece or tract ef land will be sold aeoaratelr and foe a aaaa not leea than tba unpaid aaaeaament tbereoa and lutereat and euat of advertising and aala. If more than- ona bid ta oTTerea the, Una wiu no ania ta the bidder, ffrrlng to take the eama for tha leaat a mount 'of penalty and intereit. eompa tltlon will be: - 2 First I'non -the inattv'-fisr'tb-flrsrTertoer. fiaoond Upon tbe paoalt for - tbe aucceeding - Third Upon the rate of thterfret. ....... .......-,-.. J, nj. WBRLRIN, - . City Treaanrer ef tbe t'Hr of PerKtadrr ' Portland. Oregao, January 3. 1906. 01 TT ntagVXEB'g MOTI OB OT UU OT BXA1 PBOTZXTT FOB VZUZB&VTVT Aa- IgESBKlMTS. "Notice Is Hereby given tbat tba Auditor 0 tbe City of Portland haa transmitted to "me it llat ef tba .delinquent aaaeaamenta fof the Improving of Eaat Twelfth .atreet from the South line of I'owell street ta 10 feet north, of tbe north Una of Frederick street. nil that - onrauant to nectlonK 419 af tha i-eharter f.tbe City of Portland. I will, on Mon- flay, toe xrtn aiy. 01 ceoruary, i, at ina aour nf 10 o'clock n. m., at tbe weat door of the City Hall, la tbe city of Portland, Oregon, offae for aala at nubile auction ta the hlahrat bidder for caab. aubjert - to tedemptkia, the following oescribea parcels el rani property, to-wit: - - '- - - - - ' '-. t - roles Addition to Eaat Portland Blk i, lotrO, eora Rlekafeoao .$2TT.T Bik 8. north- 40 feet ef lot 4. Cbrltt. Neldenthall .....k............. tO.OC Kick piece or tract of land will aold jnauitelyrtd.-f'A (ept lew iheajha unpaid aaianient tbereon and Intereat and coeU-or aurwuKtnx nnaaaia. u mora uan one bid to-ofrhred tha Und will ba aold to the bidder efterins to take the -same for tbe leaat amount of penalty aad intereat. Compe tition will he; - e . yirat t'pnh .the penalty for the first period. " Reron&x-Vpoa tb penalty fbr tbe succeeding perloda. - , t ' Third Cpoa the rate of Interest I. . WERLBIM. ' Clry Treaturw of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, Jnnnary 28. 100B. rCITT TBEAOTTBIB g W0TI08 OT BAL8 0T BEAT, PBOTEBTT T0 MLI1IUIBT AS- ;. Essimrrs. ....- . Kotloe Is bereby given tbat tbe Auditor alike nty ot Portland - haa tranamltted to me n llat of ths delinquent aaaeaamenta for enoatrootliig ha sewer In Eaat Tamhlil street from 70 feat eaat ot tbe eaat line of Eaat Thirteenth treat to An connection., with - tba a- 0... Tw.lfrh .tn., .nit . auant to sectiba 413 of the charter ot tbe Cltyl or Portland. I wilt, en Monday, too xrtn day of rhraar4. 1B0S. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. AtJthe wsat;door otJUe Ulty. HalL In tiaCltjt OX fortianu. vreaoo, oner lor aara at puniic auction to the hlxheat bidder for caeh, aubeet to redemption, tbe following described parcels of real property, to-wit: Hawthorne Park-" Blk , lot 8. Catherine R. Beck $87.60 BU tKT, lot 1. lionlae H. Boise sad Ostb- erlne H. Beck....... IT.60 Blk XT, k 3. Ionian H. Boise and Cath erine H. Beck.. 22.50 Each 'piece1 or tract of. land will be sold Separately and for a sun not lose tbaa tbe unpaid uaeeeement tberaon ssd Interest And coat of sdrertlalng: and aale. It more than one bid- ta offered the land will ba sold to to bidder offering to take- tha same for tba leaat amount of penalty, and interest. Compe tition will be: rirat t'pon tbe penalty for the ft ret period. (Wood I pen tha penalty fat tbe iscceedlag feertnde. - .. ..f Thu-d rpen the rate ef Merest. - . - E...WERLEIK, Dtv TreaWTW of the City nf Portland. 'Portland, Oregnn. January 28, 1905. f--i . ' " 1 ! YX ace ANABEIi; fh Meal apot for a nbtirbatt homo, just SO minutes' ride to the business renter: good car service, r Wafer mains laid, street graded. Nd city taxes. Lots llSO and up, S per month. W will build you a home In these ad ditions on eaey payments. Why not pay for a home Instead of paying rent? FAOtfTO &A1I tmirUR OOa - - lrfi, Tlrst S treat, moons t. For Sale -Dargains Fine. Clean loV 10x118. on St Jobna oar Una; at Portsmouth Station. Restaurant, In one of the best loca tions In the city must be soldnext week. .. . FARMS. JLCREA6E. C1TT PROPERTT, f TIMBER LANDS, BUSINESS ; .LOCATIONS. ' ' Maxwell & Burg VY'YYtiTi. Sit Ablaftom 9Ug. out ires. 01 TT VOTICTa. rmOPOEID IMPB0TXXEITT " 0T XSVhX , , ,. BX.uuu s "Notice Is hereby -given that ' at The-nwettag of tba Council of tbe C'Uy Q' Portland, Oregon, Held ft tlia let day of . Kahriinry. 1906, th following raaolutton waa .adopted.: Keaolirad, That the Couucil of the City of Portias d, Oregon, deems It expegient aad pur poaaa to Iniprowa- Twenty-eeciHid atreet from too north Una ef Wbln(ou 'atreet to the. south Uue af Johnson atrwa,. by bringing tbe roadway full nldtb with full lutara'ilua to establlslird grade wlb crashed ro'k and crushed rock acraenluga, and by eoastrncUug wooden erwawalka alx feat to width. Held improvement to be made In seeordaaea with tha charter and ordinance of the Citx of Portland end the plana, apeclltcatlons and eact mates of tba City Kuglnarr Aled lu tha office of tbe Auditor of toe City ef Portland oft the 24th day of January;. w. Indorsed: "City tcugloeer'a plana aad aped flea ttoue for the I in pnnrenient of Twrntyacand atreet fraan tha north line of Washington atreet to tha south Una of Jahnaoa street and t eatlmatea of the work 10 be dona- and tba probabla total cont thereof." Tba eit of said Impravement ta be amde as iirnrliled by the city ebartav npon tbe property apecially and peculiarly benefited thereby aad which la hereby declared to be all the lota. parta . thereof -and- parceia -of - land tylne between n Una 100 feet weat af and parallel with the west Hoe of Twenty-second atraet and a Una 1UO feet aaat of, and parallel with tbe east line ef Tweuty-deeond otreet and between tba north' Una of Washlnaton Street and ths south line of Juhnaoa atreet. Tbe Mngloeers eetlniate of tha nfubable total eoat for tha tinttroeemesa f utd Twenty -second atreet la f 1.4H0.0O. Tha above improvement la to be elaaaed sa 4 Aiacadam lmproeetueut and aba 11 be maintained nyin city lor n perloa 01 throe yeafnv protMed. that tbe owners of S majority of lbs property benefited by aald Improvement or any porttou thereof, shall not petition (or a new ar ait fweeut Iniprurauent before the , erpsratloa 4 such period. . f . Tbe plena, aneclflrstlons and esMmatea of the City Knglaeer for too Improvement of said Twenty-second atreet -ant beruby adopted. Kaaolrrd, That tbe Auditor of tbe City ef Port Is ml be and ho Is bereby-directed to gtoe notice of the "Drowsed improvement 1 of aald Street aa provided by the city .charter.. Remonstrances against tna a sore improve ment niay bo filed .in writing with tha nnder slxiied' within XU day' from the dato- ef the 8rat publication ef tbld notice. . - By order of I be Council. , , , , .. .Tlos;-fl,-i)jvi,i!fr- ' ' Auditor ef the. City of Portland. Portland. Oregnn. Data, of . Arst publication, . t'abntary OUW5. e OITT TBZAgVBXB'g BO TICK, OT SALS 0T - BEA1V TBOTEBXT T0B SEUVaVEVT A8 gEBBMIXTg. ,-.JK4.r.. - Nolle Is hereby given that tb Auditor et the City ot Portlaad haa tranamltted to m S Mat of the. drllntinent. assessments for eonatrurtlnir the newer In Kefby atreet from tba sooth line of Prearott street to tbe sewer In Kerby street st Maaoa atreet. aad that purauant to aectlon 418 of the charter of the City of Portland,-! wilt, oa alonday. tba 27th day of February, it, nt the hour of lu o'clock a. m., at tha west door of the City Hall, In tba City of Portland. Oregon, offer fur aalo at public auction to tba highest bidder for rash, subject to redemption, the following described parrels of raal property, to-wlu " - CmImI Alhlns , . , Blk 8, lot 1. Ambrose t. -Oantenbein ..... .30 40 Hlk 8, lot 2. Ambrose E. Oantenbein. ' W "0 Klk 8, lot 3, Ambroa E. Uantenbeln 2.80 Ulk 4, ht 9, Ambrna B. Oantenbein... Jt, 8.90 Blk 4, lot 8, Ambrose E. Oantenbein. ..... Sd.00 Blk 4. lot T, Ambrose B. tiantenaela. . .... 86. WO Each place or tract ef land will be aold separately and for a asm not less than tbe napaid aaaeeement thereon and intereat and wt, of advertising aad aale. "It mora than one bid la offered the land trill b sold to tb bidder offering to take the same for the leaat amount ef penalty and Interest. Compe tition will bo: ttrst Upon the penalty for tb first period. . Hecond L'poa the penalty, for tb succeeding periods, ' . ., - intra upon is rats ex intereat. rlrtii 4. m. WEHLU9, - I City Treasurer of the City of Portland. IbmI. Oregon, January 28, 1906. -' CITT TBEAStTBEB'S KOTICE; OT ' SAXE -Of - S1AL TB0TZBTT TO DEtlBQUEirr AS SESSKZBTS. - " . Notice to hereby given tbat th Auditor of' th City - of portUnd has transmitted to m s llat of the delinquent saaeaamenta for th -Improving of Kelly atreet from the aouth Una ot Hamilton avenue to tb northwesterly line of Macadam road, and tbat purauant to section 412 of tb charter." of the City .'Of Portland. I will,, on Monday, th' 27th day of February. 1005. at tba hour of )0 o'clock a. m.. at the weat door of ths Clry Hall, Is the City ef Portland. Oregon, offer for aals at wabito- auettoa- to tb tilsrbes hiddea- for. eash. subject to -redemption, the following described parcels or real property, to-wit: - - TerwilllgeCa Hom'eatead '.--. -w Blk 1. west (Fet of loM. Terwilllrer Land Company. . . . . $100.28 Blk 1. weat 0.0B feet of lot , Terwllllger I And Company. if. 08 Blk 1, all of lot a lying between tb - eastilio of Kelly street snd s straight t 'r Una eitendlng from the intersection of - the easterly line ef Kelly street with - the aorthweatnrly lln ef Macadam - road to a point In th northi lln of . aald -block -1, TerwIlilgeT Homeetead, aald point being cool distant between , th easterly line of Kelly street -snd tb northwesterly line of Macadam L road, Terwllllger Land-Company.;. . ltS.24 Subdivision of lota 1 snd 2, block t, Portland IlotOestesd -Blk 8. subdivision 4 ot lot 1, S. Schmidt ' 24 Bik 8. subdivision g et tot 3, Caroline - Blmer n. ; .28 Each piece ' or tract ef Und will be sold separately and for a aura not less than the unpaid aaaeaament thereon and Interest and coat et advertising and sale, tt more than on-Tnit-1s-wrrard-vn1nna will n wild in the bidder '-of ferlng to tak tb saroe.for the leaat amount et penalty and later sat. Compe Utios will be: - 1 first Upon tb penalty for tb first period. Second l'poa tha penalty for tbe esecesdlDg periods. ' Third Upon tbe rate of Intereat. ' J. B. WE RLE IX. i City Treasurer of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, January 28, 1900V "r CITT TBEASHEEB'S 0TfcE 6t SA1K 0T IUI PB0TZBTTT0H DEUirairEBT AS- SES8MEBTS. - - , " U... Notice g hereby given that tbe Auditor of tba Clty ol, Portland, has transmitted tome a llat of tbe dellnouant saaeasmenta for th Improving ef Eaat Thirty-fourth strecc from tha south lln of Hawlborna avenue to th north ltn bt Division atreet, and tbat purauant to section six 01 me cnarter or tna City of Portland. I will, on Monday, the 27th day of February. 1906, at toe hour of 10 o'clock A . at th west door of ths City Hall, In tbe City ef ' Portland. Oregon, offer fur alt nubile, auction to ths blgheat. pld uer fur cash, aubject to redemntlou, tha fol lowing dracrlbed .parceU ot rest property, to wlt: Tract ef Und tying between weat line , -. of Eaat Thirty-fourth atreet snd n lln J0O feet west thereof snd parallel there- with aad between tw line respectively 220.8T feet and 334.87 feet south nf . snd parallel with ths south lln ef "-Stephens 1 street. Owner Inknown. . .. .. 1S.42 A tract oA land lying between eaat lln . of East Thirty -fourth atreet and a Una' . ' - 100 feet Mat thereof Snd parallel there- r with and--between s. Una 1.372.50 feet , ' south of snd parallel with the smrth lln of Hawthorne avenue and th north , Una of block A, Park TUw extended, Owner Inknown....,.1. ....... v ITS Each pice or tract of land will-bs-sold separately and for s SumV not lass than th unpaid a sees, me at thereon tod Intereat Snd coat of advertising and aaU. It more than on bid to offered ths Und Will b sold to tb bidder offering tn tk tb Hm. for th least amount ot penalty snd Interest. Oetnp. tit Inn will bar . ". First Upon tbe penalty tor tbs first period. - Second L'poa the penalty for (he ssceecdlng period. r Tlrd--Cpea tbe rate nf Interest, . . K L ' 4 . -' i. B. WEKLEIJf. K .' ' City Treasurer of the. City of PoriUsdV. Portland. Oregon, January 38. 1900. OTT IBEASTrBEB S V0TIC8 OF SAXS 0T - BEAt TBOTXBTT MB SEUB9XBT AAV : SES8XEBTB. -, .-- Kotlc Is bereby given that th Auditor of the (Ity ef Portland bss tranamltted to me 0 list ef ths dellaitnent asoeeementa for ths Improving ef Estt Twenty -second street from the north 11ns of thmn's addition to tbe north line of East Bnrnsld street, snd tbat ? arena nt to section 412 ef the charter of tbe ity af Portland, I will, en Monday, tha 27th day of Kebranry, ltajft, at tb boor of lu o'clock a. m., st tb waatrinor of the nty Mall, to tbe City y,f Portltiud, Oregon, offer for sab st public auction to tha highest bidder for cash, subject to redemption, tb following described parceto bi real property, to-wlt i Iona a Addition to East Portland ' ' Blk 8.. ht 8. Atlas Milling Comrssy. .. T8 M Plk 8, lot 3, A ilea Milling Company. ... mi f Blk K lot 1, Atlas Milling TMmpsny . ,T 113.S3 Blk 0. weet 14.2 feet of lot 8, Atlas . - Milling Company 14.71 Each piece, of tract et Und will be aold separatoly and for a snnt ant lees than tht unpaid saaeaement tbereoa and Interest and net of advertising and aals. It Bears than on bid U offered the Und will b sold to th bidder offering to take the same for the leaat amount ef peaslty sad Interest.. Compe tition will bej -' llrst Upon tb penalty for the first period. Second Upon the penalty for th eomd!ng. - Thlr l'poa tba rats of Interest.. ' J. B. WERLEIN. City Treaanrer of th City of Portia od. . Portland, Orrgo .January 28, I90S. CITY BOTICTS. ritbTOBEp IKPB0TEKEBT Of IBATIB 'f . . . TKEZT. . , ' -"Notice la hereby given that at the meeting of tbe Council of tha City of Portland. Oregou, held on the let day of February, 190S, the following resolution waa adovtad: c Heaolved. Tbat fbo Cooih'II of to City of Portland, (tregon, deems it expedient and pur poses to improve Bbavev atreet ftpra tbe weat ltn of MiMatsatppi avenue to tbe. eaat line of Maryland avenue, in tb following taanner, to ait: . - - - . - Ktret By grading ths street full width with full Intersections down to ib, aub grade aa given by the City Engineer. . geoond By Constructing, sidewalks lb accord ance with tbe Clry Uugluear a plana, specifica tions and eatlmatea. T Third By eonstrnctlng wooden carb In se eordanr with the City Engineer's plans, sped ficatloiia and estimates. fourth Hr Is i-lug eroaawalka la accordance with tbe Clry Bugineer's plana, speclfk-ationa and eatlmatea, - ft 1'lftb By eonatiVtlng atone and box gutters tn arcordsnc with tbe- City Engineer's plans, specif IcatWma and estimates. . . - ixtb By bringing the surface of the street full width with full Intersections to tbe estab lished grade with gravel, Maid Improvement to be wad hi Bceordasca 4rith tbe trbartrr and wdlliaacea of-th 41ty f Portland and the plana, specification and esti mates af tbe City fcngtneer, filed to tb office nf the Auditor ot tn City ef Portlend on the 84th day of January, 11XA, Indorsed ! 'Hlty Engineer's plena snd periflratiissa for tb Im provement of Shaver street from tb weat line of Mlaelsatppl avenn to the eaat Mo of Mary land avanae, and tb eatlmatea of tbe .work .M be ooa and tb probable total coat thereof." Tbe cost of aald Improvement to. be anetio aa provided by ths city charter upon the prop erty epedally snd peculiarly benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to be all tlm Iota, porta thereof aad parcels of Und lytug between a line loo feet north of and parallel with the north tin of Hhaver street and-, s line tutl feet aouth ef and parallel with lbs south Haa of Shaver street snd between tb weat line of Mississippi avenue and lbs east Bee-t Main land avenu. - - . Tha Kiwlneer'a estimate of th probable total 'coat for the tmprbvement-of said- Shaver ...k ti rtia no . . . : w-j The above Improvement shall be elaaaed as a gravel improvement and shall bo maintained by th city for -a period of four years, provided, however, that the. owners of a majority of tha -properlynefitd by aald improvement or -any portion thereof shall not petition for n bew or different Improvement before tn aaplrstloB-of ut-h period, - The plana: specification and estimates of tbe City Engineer tor tbe Improveneut of aald Shaver atreet ire hweby adopted. - -- BeaulaedThst tbe Auditor of the City of Portland he and "be ir berebydlrdrted to give nottra rf the pro poeed imia-ovement jot satd street sa Tmvi-d- by th city ehsrteV. - Remnustr'aiH-es an Inst th above Improvement may be filed I wrltlag with tbe undersigned within 20 dave from the date ef -the first pub llciitlon of this lntlce. . " By order of tb tlnancL i Auditor ef the City of Portias. Portland. Oregon, Date of first publication, February" 4, l6.t . . ;. TB0P08AXS T0B rbtyBOVtlCEBT - B0BDS, , CITT 0T T0BTLABD. omiooir. -Sealed - peof naaW will b recrired .by - i snderalgned st the office of th Auditor of th City of Portland, Oregon,- until. Tuesday, Vahraar T. 1fXA:J at 2 a'clock n. m.. for tbe aale, at not leea than par vain and accrued in tereat. of Improvement bonds of the City , ef Portland. Oregon, sa ths same shall bs author ised to b leaned for tba whole or Any part of tAT.TOt.TO. Sold bond will be Manefl in OrnnaM natlona of fSnO.OU each, to be dated February i. 18)0. parable TO years from date, beating Interest at ths rate nt 8 per rant per annum. payable Semi-annually, tntereat ana principal Sayabla In I'utted States gold coin, at the of c of tb City Treasurer, Portland. Oregon. Provided., that tbe City of Portland reserve the right to take bp and cancel each bonds, upon ths payment of the face value thereof, with seerned Intereat to th 'date of payment, at any semiannual coupon period at of after one year from th data of aock bonds. Said bonda are burned under authority of en set of (be Legislator of ths State nf Oregon, passed Kebruary id, 1893. entitled: ''An act to nmelde tn th taauanr'ef hrmds for tha Improvement of streets and th toying of sewers in inearperstes nriea. ana ww tne payment or costs of such Improvements and Uytng of sewers by lraiallmentaj' - as smeuded by sn Set of tbo Leglslsture' nf the Bute ot Oregon, ap proved February 28, 11HI1 entitled: "An act to amend sections 1. 2. 8, 4, S. 0 snd T ot aa act entitled: 'An "act to provld for the Is suance of bonds for ths improvement of streets and laying of eewere In Incorporated - cltlea, asd for ths- payment of th cost ot such liu-H-Avementa and tavlna? of sewer by Inatall- ments,' Olad.ln the office of ths Sectetsry of Rtatn Pehmarv ta. tNM. - and toe sasmrds thereof to-b --need ler - tb paysaant 1 part for th Improvement -of atreeta or- construction or sewers as toa.aaia jmpravtmsnis-sunu enmnleted. - . The validity of tbe set of ths Leglstoturs aforeaald baa been BTftTased by the Buprsma conrt or tne iiiuh ureaeo. - Bidders will be required t submit s Oat bid. without coadltlona. except as to tha regularity of tbe toaue f bonds, snd to submit with thru bids a certified check on s bank In th City sf Portland, Oregon. ual to B per sent ot ine is--e. vain vi uir mras mm iw, ymgmviw ,w lu. Mtybr of the City of Portland, aa liquidated uamagee in. case aucn mnuer wnnarsws bis bid or falsi or neglects to enter Into contract to take And pay for aald bonds according to tha terma -ot hla bid and thla notice. Tb right to reteet' anv and all bid is sereny reserved Bias sBoma 0 addressed to 1 nomas v. vrvim. Auditor, Portland, Ore eon; snd marked: ''Bid tor Improvement Bonda.' -' I ,,'-.'''' , H. B.-ALBEE. -'J . I. T. SHBKRETT. I t. - l 41 Commutes-ori' ways snd MtaaS. orllBd. Oregon. January 25.-iOtig.;.. - , TB0PC8ED mraorntf 0T OVILO ' .- STBEIT. - V Notice la berebr given that at ths nieetlng ef tna Council or tn i ity or rnriiana, Ore gon, held on -rhs 1st day ot -etwsery, 191, the follnwln reaolntlon -Sraa flatrnted! Resolved, That th Council at tb City nt Portland. Oresnn. deem It expedient And nor poses to Improve Uulld street frem the north Us ef Thnrama atreet to the south 11ns of VtughB street la the following man- mc nt - - - - -. r- rirst--By grading the street full ' width to the sub-grade aa glvea by tbe City- En sinner. K.cood Bv eonatructlna' artiflcial stone ai.le- "walka In scwdancs WHS" th atyEaylHCefTi pisns, apecicsiH'naa esiiiusic.. , Third Bv brinxlns tbe - surface- of : th atreet full width to th established grade with . - . - - Maid Improvement to be made I accordance with" tha charter and ordlnani-es of tba City-of Portland Sad ths plana, apeciilrattona and estimates of. tne . city ungineer sieo in - tne i th .Auditor of lb City pt. Portland ! on tbs 2l)tb davof January,. lU)r, IntWeed: I "City Engineers plana and apeclflcatlons for' the lmirovrment of Guild atreet from the I north lino ef Iburmaa street to ta aontb line of Vaughn atreet and tb- estimate of the work to ba done and tbe probabla total cost thereof." , . , , Tbe met of said Improvement to be assessed s provided by the city charter apon th prtm erty specially end-pecnliarly heneflted Ihcrtjif and which- la hereby declared to be all the Inta,' parts thereof and parcels , of Und lying between a line 100 fact west et and parallel with ths weet line ef uuiid street ana a line 1 feet eaat of and parallel with the east Hne of Unlld street snd between th north Una ef - Tburmaa atraet and . ths south line of Tsngha atreet. - - - Ilia -. Engineer's sstlmats ef th probabla total coat for the ImprovegMnt of MM tSuttd atreet to lleo.oO. ' - . .- Tbe shove Improvement Is to n els seed sa Biacadam Improvement snd 1 shall b' main talned by tb city ft A period of Sv , years. provided that the owners ot s msjnrlty of the property benefited by Mid Improvemant. et any portion thereof, (ball not petition fuf a new or different Improvement before tbs rx alratlon Of sncb period.-,- - - . ' Th plana, apeclftcailona and estimstee e tb City Engineer for tbe Imprirrrment of Said Unlld -atreet are hereby adopted. ' Resolved. That tbe Auditor -of th City nf Portland ba snd b U hereby directed to give notlr of tbe proposed , Improvement ef said Street as provided by th city rbarter. Kemooatrance (galnat the above Improvement may be Sled In -.writing with th uuderalgned within daya' from th date sf tbe Srat pnbltrstlon f tula notice,- . srdOT t tb Council. , - ' . THOS. C. DEVU!f. Auditor of tb nt of Portland. Portland. Oregon. Itat ef Brat publication, February , 4, 190S. ...... . . TBOfoSXS CHANGE 0T OXADX 0T XA8t CtAT tTXXn AT TBI0B AVEBT1E. -Kotlce U hereby given that at the meeting ef ths Council f th City tf Perllaad. Ore gnu, held on th 1st day of February, luoo, tb following reaoHitlon aaa; . Resolved, That to Council of th City f Portland, Orego. dewia it expedient nd psrpows to change- the grad ot th Inter section of the eaat enrb line of Union gvenns with the north curb line of Eaat I'lav street from 3.M feet to 8au feet sbev ths bas 4t city grades. ' Reread, lhat th Auditor ot the City ef Portland b snd be Is hcretty directed to give notice ef tbe proposed change ot grad oi said street as provided by the charter. Remonstrance agalnat the abov rnang ef grad way b Sled In writing with tb under- - signea witnin w uaye mom ine oats o ina nrat publication of thla notice. ' " By order et the Conncll: . i - , THOS. C. PKVtlX. Auditor of th City ol ANtrtlsnd. Portland Oregon. ' bat ef Srat publication February , 100S. CITT BOTICEa. TB0P08IP IktygOrXKIMT 0T VEST HALT OT ZAgT THIBTT-gECOlTO STKEIT. ' Notice hi htHteby given that sO ths .meeting of th Council of tbo City of Port laud. Orugon, held on the It day of Febrttsry,. 1900, tha following reanhitton was adovtadL Uu Keeolred. Than, tbe Council of ths city f Pi.rtlnnd. Orinn. deems It eipedient snd pur. puse u improve the weat half ot Hast Thirty second atreet from tbo center Una ot East Morrison atrwt to s point 1RO feet north of the north line of Bast Murrlsoa street, in lb followtag manner, to-wlt; ' - - - t lrt By grading .the street to to proper grade na shown 17 tb stakes set by th City Engineer. 7 HernMI By toying iisaan alk, .-" ' r .' ' Third By constructing . wooden sidewalk with wooden curbs. Xuld improvement to ba mad In accordance : with tb charter and ordinances of tba City of Portland and tbe ' plan, apeclfb-atlon and eetlmate of the city Engineer, filed in th ottice ef t Audit. ot tb CHy of Portland on tba atlth dar of Jassary. Indoraedi -"(1ty Engineer f . pians and specifications for me imprvennni r, tne wesv. nn m rmmi 1'birfy -second atreet front th center Ho of East alurrtiwa atreet to if point Ito feet north of the north lino of East Morrtoin atreet. and IB estimate of the work to b done snd tbe probe bi total wet tberaof.' ; r - r--, Tbe met of s.tld Improvement to be aaaeAaea aa nrarliled hr tbe eltr rkarter noon tba prop erty stwx'laltv (Ml peculiarly benefited then4y ana wblrk Is hereby aectarea to n ail tae lota, parte thereof and ircels of Und lylsr between th went line, of . Eaat iTMrty-eecpnd atreet and a' i iw (vt wot thereof end parallel therewith, and between tb north Une of Eaat Morrison street and at a ltn 100 feet Wirth thereof and park lis! therewith. Tbe Euxlneer'e estimate nf tbe probable total coat for tb Improvement of sold west half f V.. 1-l,t.tviAnA mtrmmt la SI.OOl ' ' The plan. aper-tfiratloHa and estiipAte of the t Ity sngrtieer for in, tmprovetneni 01 earn wewt herf of Cast Thirty -eeeoud atraet ar bsreby Resolved. That tb Auditor of tbtk. City nt Portland M snd be Is bereby directed to give aoilco of tb . iirupesed. Imnrovemmtost said atreet a provided by tbe city charter. , K monstrance agalnat the sbov Improvement may be filed In writing -with th snderalgned wlthfu 20 day from th dsla ot tba first pub lication of tbla notice. . ; By order of tbe Council. : L. . , . Tin IX. f flETt.IV. - ...'. Auditor of tb Cltr of Portland. Portland. Ore eon. Date of first publication, Trbrasry 4, 19U0,-- , - xotiox or roiva or bztobt or tixwxbs OB THE TBOPOSEO 1XTZBSI0B" ABO WIDIBI1IO Or EAST SUSAB STBEIT. Worlee la hereby aiven tbat the renort ef toe-vtower heretofore appointed to asaeaa th haneflt and damages to the matter of th nro oxmei estenslsa ana widening ot eaat uuaaa street froea tae wt-i i i ii- w ev. p-wun scree ... the west Una of 1'nlon avenu In th Cltv sf Portlandr barer Sled with to nnderalgnsd their report Ot assessment af beiieUt tbst will be derived snd damage that will he snltttBM hv reason of tb extension and wtUaina ef xaat uusan -atreei aa sa-'-v srwnnen. Tbe foundl of th Clfy of , Portland Will eonsiirer aaia rruoi k as roe jvnwiwr- nmiia to n bald Wednesday, February -1. 1B00, at- 3 o'clock p. m. AU persons intereatea ar nereny nan led to' peasant their objections to said report, la writing, if any they have, st ssld tlm Snd place, that .tb as me,. mr be. beard and. d- T. .THOS. 0. BBVUW. ' iadlto nf tbe City of Portland. .Portland. Oregon. Isnnary 23, lBOS. - - pxorotts. chaboS or oxass or svos TEl ATX3TVX. , . Kotia 1 hereby aire that At tb bleeltnc of tb Council of the City of Port Is nd. Oregon, held aa the lt asy el I primary, in m Uwln. hMMtlM Ursa smted: ' - Resolved,- That : tb, Council' of tb ; City et Pnrtlsnd. Oregon, deems It expedient to estab lish th trade on Bucbtel events nt a point on hundred- (100) feet north of tb north Hne of Eaat. Pin atreet snd at a point one hundred snd fifty (IW'i feet south ef the south lln or East fine street, anu ueem it espeuieni tn ehsng the grsd en Bnchtel avmuer at- Ita Intersection with East Pine street snd that It I the-Intention of said City Csnncll to es tahnsb the grade at said point ens hundred tiom fet north of tha north line of Esst Pine atreet at see. bunSred and seventy- and eight tentba (171.8) feet above th baa of city grades, and tbat it la th Intention of the City Cmneil to aatsbllsh tb grad at aald Point one hundred fifty (1601 feet aouth ot th aouth line of East J' to street at on hundred flfty-nln. and' fourteen hundredths (109.141 I. .im.. the sa.. nf dtv sxstlea. and - tbat It Is th Intention of th City Council to change tb grad at tb Intersection -C East Pine street and Bnchtel avenu .-from one hundred seventy and eight tenth (170.81 feet bn. ta has af altv aradea to ona hundred sevan tj-ous snd five tenth CITl.oT Wt bov th has oc city graae. - . . Resolved. That tb Auditor of the. City et Portland be snd be is bereby Blrected to give node of tb proposed change of grad 'of said street, sa provided by th charter. , r Remonstrance agalnat tha sbov change of grade may be filed In writing with th under signed within 20 dar from tb. date of the flrac pnniicstmn or tma notice. " ; Aadibw of the Cltv of Portland - Portland. Oregon. lata sf first publication, rcbrnsry 4, 19O0. . . . Only Y DoubleTracIc RsOwsy Wtweesths ' ' Missouri River The ChtcsyvPortlaAi Special, the most luxurious train in the world. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and ba thy, Leas than Uiree days Portland to Chicago. ThroughTrairis to Chicago are opdrstcd dailyvls Ike Oregon H. R. ft Kv. Co., U P. R. R. aad Chicago ft North-Weatern Ry. to Chicago ffon Portland and polot la OregoS aad Eaatera Wsshingtoo. . Dally excursions In Pullman tourist sleeping cart (rom Portland tbrougb to Chica-ge without change. fe,.BlTCHiar " A.O. BABKBR. s1 Art. rsc. Ceastt , fiessul AgsaK' . CAN.-W.By. c.aN.w.hy, tt Msrkst Atraet. m Ttlrd attest. . Sax ajiciaco. Cat," FoayLAito, on.- All TRAINS VTAWAiSHINGTON fc toa '-' '-. 1 1 frfsl V-J -V- ; . -, SCd " . . , ChicaffO mi JtIJlMO&fe OHIO R. I BA1I.E0AD TUtrr-" S::oi7.l$p: ARDifiiioriPAiiHc 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST OAIU Thro PtillWsn "Standard ad ad toagtot alaea. . ChUas. . to Kanan t fi Ing far dally to Omaha, tmarlat aborria 'ear AatlV tkrasil Pullman towrlat tlssrlns aara (a . ally tsdl weekly to Cb Isaata toes I to to an vnieams, nirn waai ebahr ears dally. . VBION DEPOT. Lsova. CHJCAOO-po MALABO gl'BCTAU Tar tba Eaat via Baal 0 18 k. as. 3-M a, a. DaHp. . Dsiiy. . SP0KANB PXTSB. Tae Eastern Waaktaav ton. Walla WsUa. Lew tstos. Coeur d'Alrn snd -Orest - Bsrthers W s, av Dslly.-. ' , IMi a. Wsiiy. .., poloto - ATLANTIO BXrBESa fa, tbe Baal via Meat tanftafsB. a oa.. Dslly, . Til8 s. nv Dslly. i- Oolasoal klvar Plviaia.j FOR ASTORIA and wayl 8:flSa, St. points, eoanertln with usiiy. ex. Busdsy 8a tarda 10:0 p. Sf . Ahsot -' 8:eapca. stmr. for Ilwsee-- sndi North Bench, atr. Baa- ex. Sandny.,- ,lQ ; asn-st. Sock. ; - Tamhlil Blver keuto.. lIR tllTTtlS T City snd Tamhlil Blverf Tesi ta. 8:8 p. to Dally ex. Ssaday. points, tr. Bsth .aadiCeuy.. ssoooc. aaa-st. dock. . I Water psrmttttng.t I Snake Blver Santa, " FOR LBW18TON, ia Snd -way points - frow Blparia. Wssh.. stmr. Spokane ssd LewUton. 8:40 a: m. Dally. About l oo p. to. Dally, ex. Frldav. ex. Set, TICKET OTFfCB. Third and W nnano Main 713. - C. W. 8TTNQBB. City Ticket Agsat, A. L. CBAiqOenersI Passenger Agent. EASTviY SOUTH DNIOlt DEPOT. Arrlvaa. OVERLAND BZPBBSSl trains, for Sslesa. Besa- bura. Ashlend. Sacred m.ntn, Ogrteo, 8s rraa-ls.Jgfc sales, si rasa, new Or leans ana -ins ssat. Morning ' train sect at r Wv ally except Sands? Jilt aa with train, tor , Mt. 8 0 p. at, Angel., siivertea Brownsvllla. na. a s r t n g Held. Wendllsg Natron. Albsnv-naaaani a sects st Weodburs with nO:10ftA,. Ut. Anas aad SUeer- tea local. 7:80 . xa, ICorvallU paeagar.... Jl S:M p. -at ally.. 1Willy. except Sbnda'y." ' Psriiand-OsVnge Sntortoa Salvias sag fsattBl . , '- Division, bene fleet ot Jefferaoa ate. . --'. - fjasd Portland dally for Osweaw T M 12:50. I:0S. S:2fl, 20. 0 28; T 48. 10:10 0. Dally (except Sunday), S0, g:80. g:M. 10: a. m.l 4:00. IM- p. to Sunday saly. -0:4 a. at. ' . Returning from Otwesu. errive Porrlsea dans 11:10 p. tn. Dstly (except Sasdsv) 0:28. T:5-., 8:30, 10-20. 11:48 a. ib.. Except Monday, 13 i a. m. Bonday enty, lone s. m. - Leaves froea same depot for Dallas snd later edlate points dally (except Sunday) o.-oo a. at. Arrive Portland 10:20 a. ss. Tie Indepeadencerkfonmnaffe ... lfotce Line paratee dally to Bfeumonth asd Alrlta. eon. use tin ertth Btotbera Pacts eestpesy's trees at Thills and Independence. FI ret -els as fas from Portland to BsersBSrto and Ssn Frsnetsca 820. bertha 88: aaaood-enus far 818.- second-rises berth 81 SO., Tickets to fust era points and Enrspe. alas isnsa. Ciilns. Honolulu and Australia. City Ticket Ofe enrner Third sad Waab teetcn steeet Phaaa Male T1X c. w. nnxfiFR. . . w. a cwvAf, Clry Ticks Agent. Sen. wssa. A I5r.- TIME CARD ".: TRAINS WtmrANDr 1 UNION MPO. Pnast Sound Liml Departs.! Artiree. for Tseoma, gsattl Olympla, Sooth Bend 4:48 p. m- tnd Oray'S Barbs points. North Coaat' LlmtteC for Tseoma, Seattle. Bstte. St. Paul. Mln neaaolla Cblcaga. New t:00a Turk, Boston and potata Beat Snd Boutbaaat. TwlB-Clty Expraaa. far Tareme, Seattle. Bp kse. Helena, 8t Pant, rlnneapolla , Cblcag, -w Tork. Boston asd SII points . EeA Bad Sonfbaaat. lt:45 p. as. IMA mi Puget Sound Kansss Clty-Ht, Louis Special, for Taccma. Seattle. Bookana. Butt. BllUnsa 1 Denvar. OmahaKaaaaa LjjMsjsklXfiB City, St. Uan snd au points Eaat and Boo to es t. au a branch. seas aa Boats K CHARLTON. Asststant Ssneral Paeeenssr Agvat, " PSS atoeetee st. see. tstrd. Portias A or. Astoria & Columbia; y River Railroad. Co. I Q Ioo6h j tAsnl 1 laAal ouT-4 Laase. gXlOlt DEPOf. " Arrlvsa. 8-ne. to Fet MaygsfavBalstae. Pally, V Dslly. , Ctatakanle. Wsntport, 11:10 A, at. Clifton. Astoria. War- ' r... ...... .,.,. rrntoa. .. Ftav!. Tlato . '; ' v Biond, L Fort . Bteveaa. , ' ' "' geerhart Park. SMstda, ; ' - . -' . - Astoria ..aad. I s state. r..'tt, .V Bxprssa tolty. ' f -04 p. to - ........ r , a.u. Dslly. ..- . Agtartt Bansaa, ,: a. A. uaVn S. P. sd P. A.. Astoria. Or. C. A. STEWAKT. Omwarclal Agaat, Sto Aider t. Fbon Mala Sua, tiekat Ofdaa isa raird rxaa r;i Tranaontlnantal 5 Trsxlrtai Dally PACT TIME AI4s POINTS BAST. 1 Daylight trip throagb IB C' and Rocky tnountalna For full pr, alara, ratea. (oidera. etow sail ar a a. 9tvr9W. tKf Tie isa Tblrd P - . PW- . v r II latfeerfchs-ar- i, f the .. t tost oi .ir ' r---. '