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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1905)
V; 1 14 Journal : aVarit Ad,? Ratcs ........ , mrvia ART CXAsR-JTC ATIOX sxeept ' - . "Sitoatioe Waneo-r--Alsle er Imlik Chart . FEB LUX. CeuaUag f inmu' it m n woiii rox U ""rWATTOTWATCTT xAverttsssneats T either lull lA-J"ttiJ"i time Iee,imuy ej ..uannax'a. nmT ATI T Insertions f Including CEJiTS psr 1IM - er week, . . ' - -. . V- ' r"- - ktOXTHXY BATE (taelualng alt Sunday r .tail)-W CZXn wliM( Bent.- ADTMTTJMEXTS Bast he ta Jonraal tiM s8oe y 1 dok Hk - - ten u y IS o'clock Saturday . lag to atoura eUssinostioa. ;. v, - A. W T. XCX8SEX0EX BOTB ere lenrasl " want ad." a-rests. ... tfcesa rear ad. it sfnee rates end it wu "as elalivered to Tlx Journal ef- to without- further cost U 7 DM - your oaji I luta in. ui boa or passe - ; Tcacfier5 Examinations KOTICII k hereby gives that the county ; " lnteadent o Multnomah .county will bold the regular- -vxaminatioa' of - appllrunts for ' "" state end county paper at .Haetliorne school. j F.ast Foerternth aptWlll-Sto,-txeeta,lt t to"uw'r roMim fapexs., : ; ; Commencing Wednesdey- Frferessy A.-at o'clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday, . jum. mrr 4 4 'lnrti , j - - , WmUMaaaTPeaaiaiwalp. Iil.torj, apellln, ala'hra. radin. acboul law.- - , . Thurd7 W ritlra. arllhOMtlr. tliaory ; toarhlnf. vraniuar, . bookiAcrplnff. phjilca, j 4ll aiwnwiit. r " " T " , Kridar fhrololocr.' 7 pvofraphr. " ital arithmetic, cnmpr-ltltm. phrl-al - leosrapbr. Raturd.r Bolanr. plaa trT. (clerai iity, E-nH-h OttgtatMWr iyhluyM-j -' fA ftftttTT ViniL nnnaiK'ln Wlnady.- I'ebruarT l It I . . 'rkpk 'a. ).. and mutlnulnc until Friday, , Frhruary 1. at 4 o'doi-k p. m.1 4 riJMT--KCOWD AND THIWMJIIADI . 7 . . CERTIFICATES. - J- ""TTadnradajf FaaBianatolu, platary, orthef- , , TbnraOaj A'rltlr arttlirocHc, theory of lM-olna. . piDnur, payauiioKr. 1 Frtdar tlwfraptijr. nwntal arithmetic Khool law, rt.ll axwrrnisent. -PXDtAXF CEBTIFICATE WMhmiuar Pcnmanablp. orthography, ' hrlthnutl4--." rtAtnr- .- Thnrwtar Art of , aunt losing, theory,, of teirhlnf, adryaloiPtr. - - , "Omnty Brhml Bunerlnlewlaat." konos. BTOCKHOT.PEnr MEETIHO. Tba u!.r in. . final antlnf of - tbe atork holders ox the ; - FarteIWaaa Tlethne Talecra'ph eont panr will dc held it the affW ot the flan- pany, . laoathraat eorner of Weat Park and " .' Alder arreera," Portland. Orefoa, on Tbnra- day, -the Wh day-of F.bcuaxy, lDuS. at- 'ckx p. nu, for toe paraoaa. of elactlnf , board, of dlrectora to arrre, for tie enaulnf , yaai-; for the- purpoae of voUnc npoa Ui. - propoaiUM of - ioereaalnr ttia capital .lock . f the company from dfteea Billion dollar. divided-Into m hundred and fjftT thouaaud (lAO.OOO) aharea, of the par T.lue ot one hundred dollars (100i each, to " twcnty.flTa aillllon. dollara (tS. OHO, 000 1 di vided Into two hundred and Hftr thouaaud ."lrl200ovohaav of . too pae. ealea of one . buadred dollars (1100) each; for the purpoae v ' aanndtn aectloa 1. article 1. of the 4trt0M by-law,- incroaauia; the Buobrr of dlrectora : from . thirteen U fteen: for the -- -.nn pusa of amendlny aentltiw -a,-artlHe 1,- of , t- the present by-laws, to Increase .the executive committee from Ire to seven; and for ; the . i traasartVr of aurh- other business MS tnay coma be lore the neetlna. ' t ,s,.:,,F,;AT0X.; Secretary. NOTIfB Of riNAb flKTTLKMENT. In the county enurt of the ptate of Oregon,- fur -tbe ' iumy of Mnltnoaiab. Ia the- matter of the estate: of alary K. Pihta, dw-eaaed... Notice la hereby given that I. L. Wlrlto, administrator with tbeVwIU annexed of tbe eetale of Mary K. Pslxe. dereaeed, haa,- Hied 1n tht county - rnurt of tbe state of tn-egon. fut I he count r ' vf fetultuuinab, hla final sj-connt aud report ; as aurh . idmlntetvator. and said court haa " by order. duly aBav-and entered herein stv pointed TueedaT. the Mth day of March. JBOS, , af the hour of V:80 o'clock a, ., at the -' courtroom of said court la tbe city of Port : land, county of Multnomah and state of , Oregon, as tbe Hue and place for hearing objections to said account and for thi aet- tientent of tie him, " Dated this 28th day of January, !fMV . :i . - . .. - -r- , I.rla.. WfllTUJ. r-state of alary rslge, Ducensnl. .lHRJtIFT-I BALE. Notice la hereby gives . that, by virtue of I mortgage on tbe steamer "Usxte," made by T. K. -Taylor to ( laudle ,. i. IC- lTence, Anted February. J4, JH03. and . recorded In the office of the I'nlted Htsres . follectot-of customs for the district. of Wlh port of Portland, on said, date. Is liber "V' at page 1"8 of Mortgage' Records. .. nnd by vlrtoe of lutborlty to me duly elves J -14 by said - ssnrtssgee, -I will expose . for sale I . at public a actios end sell tor the btghest r-J bidderl tor cash on Haturday. -the 11th day -J. of rebnasry. 106. it the hour of 4 o'clock -i p. . of said day. at' the foot of Columbia . ' street. In the etty of Portland. Oregon, said -... jweamee "l.trrle. together with all her sp- psrel snd appnrteBancra.i. : .. " Z Dated st Portland, Oregea, F corner! . uog, . ... , , . T M WORD. - a. Bbetiff of Mnltnoxnab County. Oregon. '. ' MtOPORALS. OMre Dl.nuralug Qnartcrmaatsr. . Portland. - Oregoa.. . January 10. lHOa. .rlealed prnnosale, In triplicate, will bo re . ' celred bees until It m. February T, Ifttd. , : for furnlasfng lumber. Holdings, etalrs. wln .V . dow sssh sad frsmes..' bllnds snd -doors-ear obstruction ot brigade besduuarters building, l' " com storage building and p urn phones st Fort I avVIUIsm McKtoier, Mantle. P.- I. ..Further ' Informstlon furnished at tbls office. United rWste rerve TbeTlgKrtdf-reJecT-or- .' cept any -oc ell bids, or any part -thereof. 1 F.nve lopes cosiaMng .pmpoeals should e ' , marked: "Proi-jeals ; for Brigade llead- - iioartcrs Building, etc.. Fort William McKln ley." snd sddreesed to Jesse M. linker, captain (Vnartsnasster, C B. A.. Disbursing -- ' fnsrtei isaalei. - - 1 " MKETTNO lT BTOCKftOLDBRfl OP TUB : , IKAIK BIVER TAIXRV RAILROAD COM . PAN V Notice! Is hereby Siren test a meet Ing of the stockholders of the Bnske River , Valley Railroad Company will he held st the ffl-e ot tbe company, room No, ZS Woe ,- ceeter blxk, Portland. Oregon, oa Mosdar, Frbraary . 1006. at the' hour of It o'clock BMaeu.foc tbe purpoae of erecting dli'w tins snd trsnsscttng sny other businras that may - properly coma before the meeting. ,,Dsted ar ronians. oregoa, iaaiiary . is, uuo, JAMES 0. .WIION, Becretary.. -. t - ,- MEFTINU or THt dTOCKHOLDERfl OF THE - OBD;ON. WASniNOTOX a IDAHO BAIL ROAD COMPANY Notice ta hereby aires , t rait a meeting - of the stockholders the fwegnp. Waablnrtow Idaho kalrroad Onss- j- paay win be held et the office of the rom- rsny. room No, 33 Worcester block. Portland, ceeno. oa Monday, Prlirusryl), 1906. at It o'etock Boon, for. the purposes of electing . directors snd, transacting sny other business tbst may properly come before the meeting, toted at Portland. Iiregna, Jmusry 14, IBOfi. ', ' JAMEB Q. WIL8ON. Secrotsry. , . v.t orriCB. OF 4V Q. Vsncoiver Barrack a. ' Weak., Februarr if. lfwf,. rUa-'ed pronoaala i - In triplicate, will be received b, ewrtll 11 - 4 o'etock 01. ss..- March 3, llC, for Nwwlahlng fuel at Fort rard, Alaska, and ftrl and c- forage et Boise Kerrerka, Idaho, f .tforms tlna fornlabed st,.tJiU.i office. I', 8. r oei leg e" ' the fight, to reject or sreent mr er sll ro. -. m.1. v 'Mf nart. thereof . -7 Kirveloors rm ' . islnlng prouoeals' ebnuld bn'msked: "Pre- rule for Fel or Forage at," I C. ItoW.HON, C..M. M. , BOKDIBS ACT IMTAXLaTEBT. -r-' Notice la berrbg given that tbe . atstnal j tMaliaseetts levied by -4bo- OMeH usdi r the prmvialone of the- bonding set. which Bald set wae paaaed by the 17th regular eeeeloa of the Oeneral Aesemhly of tbe Htate of Oregoa. S'-d led with the IWcrerirr of State. Fehrnarr xi ; tawl. for tbe psrnveei of street .Improvement ana1 e-wer a.iiieaaienla are bow do ssd psysble at lee of Acs of 4ha lllv Treeeurer -of the City fVOsBd and nnleas pe'd lefors April I, tbe senM will be declared delisquent ee, siyd aball tw collected as sack, as pro- 1 -w-i ''J J. ' at. WEnt.BIN. ttty Tress uref. peetland. Oeegooj, February f, lam. FOB BIBT OFFICB B00BV M I E BWM. Slr.t SU lKuln rtgsr stars 240 Vt THE. 6 PersonaIIy You've Failed to Sell a Thing."Try the Vant Ads 21 TOfdS IGj' ll : . . y....r.. nu wAjrto-BTtriB aliTEBTISKMrjJTS . nndef this 'oUsslflcstlos at IBe for XI words a sa s .vauiaoie - premium, free, IMXj or Bsaday.' ' W a NT KB. Bp.nnS U i -sasMsw-asrxtf- Bee sad dlaxrlbatoig oepot iw ' ee faCturlug cancers; salary 180 pee month and commtsaTone. . Applicant must hit! good ret. ereocee awl $2.0"; caltal eeeure. Address, 8upt. 328 Weet Twelfth st;, -Chlesgo.--. MEN '.'' teach the barber trade rn tbe short' est posaibls ume si rxusu ei-- gaeaate.- positions: wrl'a for catalogue. Molar b'Stees college. Ban lYanclaco. BBIOHT. active man for;ao4al outslda work. Addreso-.-tr- w.--nee- lesraai.. ims experteucs and , references.. . . -- CIRCULARS and. sample distributors wtnted everywhere: no eanvaasing; guun ,-v eperatlvn. Ada-, fa., Sjl.. ..... BTICKRBMAX wasted st Jones' - milt - - f SITTTATTOnTl vtATTA JtAXB."" JV ANTED Work t sny Wod by strong. , healthy young man: wm nccepa ea-min wwa .or any laboring work. .Address Charles Matr son, internstioosi no tel. jnirn sou e-rwren. GnOU- dtahwaeber wanta week- In eeetanraiitt willing le wnrs xor sverr rale wage; do objection to go to tbe Country. Address O. P:.- room US. S23 Main st. . - crxili anhev. steadr. slnrle man. accustomed " . . -, , . 11. ..m a-Mt- .1 . H i a Sm resewabla wages; describe Kind in letter. Address P,C , rare Journal. , WAJiTMl ByJ-Foone-- ateotlsmsn. position ps shipping or. billing; clerk -or any kind of ornco worx ; pesi rsxi.isaK.uo. ewi a at , care Jonroal. - '- - - Vol NO man, good bablU, would like Poaltloa ss e lew. tor boy; can rnrmsa rererenres; ooiy small wages, expected. Address P il , cars Jourpal. . '- - ' WANTU ipmployinent .bynober. . Indnstrlous young msti, sxpenencso ns grocery, ciera , ess furnlsA good references. M M, JeurnaL WANTBrrNr'U" ' wnrklnf housekeeper ; small - fsavUs refrrenres; gooa cook. m. Anderson, aineral delivery, city. " , , WANTKII B vs. youasT man. not afraid of work, posltlo of sons kind. A. Fu Box S2Q, , ;clty. , - -j WANTEIV Postttoi ss tomanr 6 Tears" ex . perleoce goud reference. Address B SoWears JtMirnal. BOY, Id,- wants ' place -'tt Moodyv im West PsrA. : farm. Harold BrrOATroBB WAJPTBle-FFM T.B, vA mrrLUlitn hr comnetent auras. would accept poeltlou ss sunerlatendent ' of louglng .or Dosr!iipawJrt"T"V.';v , Apply-bit Kverntl. rnone oooe. wiftTitn PoalUon aa flret-class-chambermaid city references. Address M. Orakam. general - delivery, city. "...' - 7 ..' WANTETI Poaltloa as anrae , or ' cook. Ad ... dress. Maggie .Banister. 1304 Mscadsm road, Fulton. Or. U'r- l : - WANTB1- Position 'la lodging bouse or hotel by,th dsyAddrossiuaii, cor. First sxid Msdlsoa.. ' .- , LADY bookkeeper wants position; experienced; ran tsks full tbarge. Address B. 8. (..can .-' Journal. ', , '. -.. .. - GOOD" rhambennsld 1 wauts -posttlonr city rcf a.- fcetiy. general oeuverj, ciiye WANTED Position ss housekeeper la widower's family.- Phono-Eaat 851. WOMAN wants work by the day HPS, cars Jonrnsl. . ' ' :. ' EUPLOTxaEsTT A0EV0TXB. JOHN ANDERNON Reeadlnaviaa-Amerlcaa In - ptoyment OtScer-resl estate-: rooming bouaes . end bualnem chances our arxci4lt,. ZtV Bura alde at. Phobs Mala 8O08. 7 - HANSEN ! iMPLOTMBNT "DFFlCaViJ" - . . FOB. MBN. ' SB If. Second St. . Phono Main MM, ALPINK EMPLOTMUNT BII BEAU Help for- " plehed free. CaU 1H First It or Main 181 T. .. ' PtONEEB KMPIiOTMENT CO. Labor contrao tors; help free to employers, 818 Morrison. HELP wanted and supplied, male or female. B. 0. DBAKB. BOSH Wsshlagtoa it. Clsy 44A. WABTxU-inS47JaXaVsTE0TfB. 80MITKINO DOINO a tne v f 4.. . .: PORTLAND ADCTIOW B0OU& T"" 111 First St. - Phone Main 66NI. Because they pay 'the highest pries iacask for any kind ot furniture. , xns KNVEIXIPES, . WTsppevs; addressed, circulars, catalogues mailed; copying and typewriting; Twork called for and delivered. .-W. L. Hotck kles. room 10, Csmbridgo bldg. ' WANTED Mora, spraying end whitewashing; the only gaaorlno compressed air spraying outat oa tAA ooiet. M.O. Mwna .Vol)T0 Mllwsukio tti-r l'bone Bast 8i7,- , WE BI IIJ) new cc tx your old borne very rea sonable; good rltr references. Cell or writs H. Wahl, Nsw Western hotel. 833 Qllsen. WANTED -From 3 to 6-scre trsct or Improved snbnrbsa home.' preferred north or Alblna. Address answers to P. S. 8. csrb Journal. IFANTKtl Fomltm-e of 10 to 30 rooms at rea sonable .figure from owner1, boarding of room " lag. F. C; R., car of JournaL , WANTED Ayr gentle watch dog: must bo a - RltL and tbe uglier tbe bettor. Address 1 O G. cars Journal. . - . WANTED Keeond band honsehold foods, toots, snythlng you doa't wtntp highest pries. Proaaer, 20 Fourth , .... TO DOO FANCIER. Dogs boarded at Overton Park kennele; whUa romsrsalsa doff at stud. ... PhsuarScott 8841L I .- SHORT OBTiEB PBIN'TINO HOIT8B Byder A Russell, rleeoad snd Washington sta. Phone Clay loo.1 " WANTED Becond-band, Bevlliia-slaed, ' Job , printing press; cheap tor cash. M Gllmaa CARPENTEB wants contract for work ; you fnrntib c bee pest - wsy - to build. ' 1813 East '- KUrk St. - . ; ' T yba bsva-a. "puppr to firs sway, call morrow St S Fifth at, -.. - FOB BXVT KOUoJUUXPtsTS BOOMS. Tltr t.INn VIHTA. nicely fnrnlsbed keeping sod single rooms! bath, gss snd ' pbono. 347 H Fifth. Besr THHKB large light footna. fn rule bed .for house keeping; everything modem; well t located Ml Third St., Dear. College. - ' ' i 81iT8 PER ' WEF.K Lsrge, ' clean, rnraisbed , kns.ikirslna) rooms. - leiindry snd bsxb. 1S4 aUsMssaa at., near Front. - V-4 ' 4JO VUIHIIX BT. Nicely . fnrnlsbed front suite; light housekeeping; modera coavsal- gss rsfcgs, ires pnone. , dT TArl-OR sr. Nicely furnished front suits; light boneekeeplng: modersv- conveniences; .. furuerv best, gss range. . ttlnrr. bice, newrr neaered end painted keeping rooms. Uhi Sixth et. Roots to. tN1'RNlSHED bookkeeping rooms . it, t7 , Frost St.; bo children. ('' FRONT snlte, with maslsff water, bath,, gas. 7172 MXtB St. WANTED TO BBR. RCfThrft-iTn sTI perte of the city, furntsbtd. -Arlv tWCoodnoog bldg. . BAIMSIHON AIXOMM0DAT10N BUREAU. ' tndcr .ect(os of "the Lewtg' sadf Clark Fair r: . Coiroratloa. Fkotte Mala S3M Ne OREGON DAILY JOURNALS PORTLAND. SATURDAY FOB -BEVT TlTBlflBKXD " BOOMS. - jr yoawant to bosrw and room ta too beet aouss latino city esu si xne .. ... , A8THK BOI'BK. , Flome rooking soil aisryihlng first elsog-ar exceedingly low prices, Ml aWvsntk St., eor. Madison. Phono Mala WL'l.-- ; - - L'NUKR NKW MANAUKMKNT Hotel Blchltlea Kuropesn plan; elegant rurnwuea rooms, single and en suits; aleem-beat, bath, tne ca fe and bar In connection; a nice, quiet, .homelike pisos; trsuslenth solicited. , . K, JUI.BNS. rropV" TIIB fIBXTKB, J8A Twelfth, corner-Washing ton, entirely newly rnraianea reumn an ins, liEXTKK ANN KX Bow ready for occupancy. 1'nona.lireeB.ead.. ... , t .:. ,. . ELKO ANT outside rooms, stesm host.' norcelals betas, 1b-at-claa board; two people 140, -A, "$A0 month. Mndell BoUl, Market, net. . Third and, Fourth. ..... ilABQUAM rrofgsj, 14RH Blstb St. Rooms si suite or single-booaekoeblog rooms; gas ' stoves. btb end. electric lights; transients solicited. -.- 4. . . ' : ' - -' KITERRItiB ROTEI 441 Bast Ock Fumlahad , and unfurnlehed housekeeping rooms; lodging $1 .per week and up.. Phono Bcotl to. f'SM Tn iRnT Jro bT tat f!o b T7! . FCBXlSHEUI BOOHS, TBAN8IENT. FKONT famished parlor room;- phone., gas Snd fnrnare best. - Add Brcrrtt at... oor. B- teeutb - - I CAMFOBNIA Lodgings; " brick bldg.; wnis - for trsustenla 2bc snd up.' 03 1 North Third. CHEAPEST snd beet located rooms la Portland, f 1 work op. Oilmen. Ktist snd Alder sta. (S-MONT1I gels s iko I ul ulhraVtery -central. . noo siu. -a , . . NIPELT fnrnlsbed front room; ass? baU and uae of pbono. . CaU 80 Eaat Cllass. . .. FURNISHED front room for one or two gentls- - men. Lsu M ouo naieign .b i- KEl.T famished, quiet, transient rooms. ..Fourth st Pbono. Bed assa, ' 1M CLiFtON.' SH First s. eor. Columbia 4nl tea ji n per ween snq np. r I2. BOOttl ABO 0 AM. N ICBLT furnished front room' - sultabls for ma a and wife; no objection ,to children: ' private family; bath, gaa an phano. 171 ' Kast Thlrty-tlrst St., Bunnyslds csl Phone East S3HII. 'l- srrr. mmh, beat board, alectiie light, gas. . ateam heat, porcelatn hatha, at the Ltudetl - hotel. Market st- - beU. Third . lad . Faurtn, - 'Bxcoedlngly -low ratea. vru-T rnralahed ronma with board, for-ladles . or gentlemen: pleassnt location; children no T objection. 300 , B. THIrty-nrst,- near -Haw " tborao. ... - - -' lnnwej, - iiguar cmao ..,...-, phooe. balk, gas; reasonable. . 403 Second, .1 corner iierrison. Ft'RNISHED rooms with or .without bosrdr also : housekeeping rwnw. , uuu. , WANTED 8 or 6 boarders; private board; nice light rooms. - ou- saauieoa. ,'-' BOOM and. board for. twp; ' phone .and bath. 404 East Anhon. . . . - HCT8X FOB BENT FVBB1TUV.E FOX SAXI .KHNITftRE Broom cottage, good condition; hones for rent; 328 . Lincoln. , Phono Mala '. FOB SALE 0 BEBT. FOB BALK OB RENT A new. modera Broom ' cottage, furnished or unfurnished. ' Inquire . on premises, 804 East Gllssn St., cor. Twenty ninth. ". : .FOB' BEBT-cHOTJSES. FOR BENT T-room bouse. nst ptsia ana -rrirtentkester--lA. HatfleluAl Smith, looH Fourth St., room 82. FOR '-BENT 0-room furnished- eottsgs-oi car 11ns. - Call 444 Kast Harrison, 'cor. Seventh. NF.W 0-room cottage; alsom-renm bouss; si thai, 112.80 month. Phsna fnloa 8004. FUBN1SUED 4-room, cottage; yeat 20. St 488 Eaat Tlay St.. CsU FOR RENT Broom First st. , . cotuge. 847 South Fl'RINSHED -room house, T months. Phone " STOKES FOX XEBT. 6ROTF.BY -etora st Slxtssntk and. Norxbrnp; B living rooms ahovs store, large basement, stable- aad wagoa shed. For terms Inquire William Beesuey, 201 Worth Fifteenth et. -FOB RENT Brick "warehouse space; slss trans- , ICC snu Storsge. lequirv rwiwm ,iuyi,.iarH, company. Front and Taylor. . roxxEBT FAxas, gPf3R 'RfCN!--yl'"wP',swxVsns hfiJwcvr( renter mnet re preparea to ouy pouury snu tools oa place.- Buchtel A Kerns, Lnloa are. and Eaet Burnelde at. . . FOB-SALlMTSCETXAjrE0TS. - FOR SALE B0 pairs golden, sllvsr. Idy Am herst snd Japanese pbessants, Imported An- I gort cats; parrots, singing sad fancy birds. I 1 T-MiisiiS hire tin.. 804 Third sad 3X Sixth I " X t"S 8 iwrryva sTJwsTByTTrswmw sp . BBenskessass bisbbws eBaaBpaav-SBraBswaBS St., North. BILf.lABD AND POOL tables tor rest or for . ssle on eeey payments. TUB BBUNHWICK-BALKB COLLENDtB 00 - ... 49 Third St., Portland. . . -i ONE Conn rorhet. gold-plated. M: 1 Coda cor net, bronse. $2G: 1 Boston comet, silver pis ted,; sll la Srst-class coadltloai " Tork's,1 104 First sc. . - NEW. nprlght plsnoa. ) ld 81TB. former pries I'rwi; organs 828, former" price $SB; must sell. 241 '4j First, cor. Main. Boom IX Vltirlnt you name oa 80 eslllng earda, proper slsi snd style. 25c: 250 busiiiees -cards, II. - BroWa g SchSMle, 22 Ffrst, Portia oA Or. FOB SALE Fins piano and scarf cheep, for .. cash. - See Mra. Oeetoa, Cm blocks south of the end of Woodstock ear line. . . GOOD clover key 813 per tow: No L llmoUy $1 la ton Jots- best cheat hay (IB. X. L. 'Vopon 1A4 MadlooB st. 1 BNOL1SH hull 1 MM solid yellow. S months old: msle, 110; female. 4. 481 Jiehslem se.. Sellwood. Or. 803-SAT AGE BIFLB complete, reloading- toola, quantity sheila snd ammunition. Inquire o Dekuxa bWg. .1 - ' ."(-- CHICKENS, choice StiC. B. leghorns, la lots of five or mora, tl each.. 481 Nebalrm ivi Sellwood. Or. - - - ; - " NEW Singer Sewing machine, latest -Improved. ' cheap, cash or Installments. Address JAP, care Journal. THREE unfurnished honsekeeptsg rooms. 110. Call Bortneaat corner Tenth sad JCsat Wagh ' Ingtoa eta. . . . CIRTU teat "0 feet, round top. two SO-foot middle pieces. 30 North Kecveatk at-, up ' stslrs. ' V DENSMORB typewriter for sale, ft ret rises condition, cheap. M S3, cere of Jonrnsl. TWO-CHAIR Barber shop for ssle cheep for rseh. Address B. 80, cere JournaL - FOR SALE Cook stnvn snd gaa stovs, chess . If taken st once. 804 Marshall St. FOR "ALB Full eult, alee S3; Srst-clsas C. Jonrnsl. . .. condition; bargala. HOOD family cow for sate at TOO Williams see. TO -EX0XAX0E. WANTED to esehenge. business Vtla In Netann, B. C: what have yon gut to offer to ex- change? : Room 4). 12Tt First St. W, f. MacBrstbe;. -. . . artrirns chances. THE entire stock la trade, consisting principally - of Jewelry, and precious stones, belonging to the tstats of C. u. Trngry, deceased; slao tbe ' Store bxturee, - wurkebop tools snd msrblnery ... le offered fur sain by the executor The In ventory ren be seen st tba shop, room 8, rireedea buUdlug. N. ' K. cwr. of Third and Washington etreeta tup stslrs). Bids -will le received fur tba personal property la bulk, 'i be workshop Is a growing concern and aa ' opportunity is hero offered to purchase- the w property st a very' reasonable price. James Oleaann, executor ot will of U. 0. Tlnffey, do . ccaerU. , BCBINEMH CHANCES"- - ' ' ... .. ' Kpbtudld livery business la - a-na valley "ftown, " . .. General, grlerchandlsa store, - the leading business In a growing eouuty Best towa la - esatern Oregoa: might tsks some good valley property In exchange. . . ko will buy a nice paying business; for 8 :. woman: choice location., . . . :'; Sawmill now la full operatjoa. t Grocery buelnesa. nlca and clesa stock, wall ' located, good trade, but mnet sell st sscrlflea, v . HENKLlt 4VBAKKK. 211 Ablngtoa bldg . FOR "ALB Clesn. - sp-tOHUte -etoek of ee- chandlse. In-a live town; good location, , rraov; -oeeo more capital uiwicbu ... selling sll would prefer partner with $4,000 to 7. (mi. Address &04 krvorett SV . Phono Front 863. ' ' ' FBEB LANDS IM ORBOON, . Fertile- soil, pore water, delightful climate; land of alfalfa, apples and clover. For full Information JinVtreae the. Columbl Bouthera Irrigation Co., 63 Worcester block. Port land- aonn rlriHT.-l.H eleanlnc snd dyeing satab- llahment: - Sue business location; store snd t - roome; rent f; lease 3 years; owner la other hn .loess reams fur selling alt-W,-ourth street. ' ' 1 ' ' LARGE country generaU morchsndiset P. .O., etc.; doing $24,000 per year;. Invoice S4.60O-. now for Quick ssle, 88.000 cash) books open: .'sickness cause of sale. Hall st Co-t.10i '-Jlrst St. - V i . ... : WANTED Msa vrtthXaervtcear biisineaa clear- Ing -83HO month ; no alserlence required; tn- vestment, fully secured. CsU 234 hi Morrlsoa at., room J.--.'...: . ."' i WANTED EnergetiQ msa- tA: tssnsgs T facturer's business, bars; salary fl.buo: 81,200. required Invested IB gooos. . i-ocs bos sd. ONE -of tbe moat elegant saloons In the city for sale; a snsp if tskea st once; must lesve oa account ot 111 health.. Address Jl 42, JournaL WANTED Names - 'of persons! who wsnfV to learn rest estate business; I -can help yoa sucoeod. B. W, Trsvsr. 238 Washington st DAIRY and milk route. 18 cows, bull, boras, - waron and uteaalta; Toatomers sll close and ' good pay. r 481 Nshslear ava.. Sellwood. NICB erocery. business: rent only 820 for Store end llTlng'rooras; wUI. sell st Invoice. Ia - qulrs 44&H-.BIxthsU-room 28. ., ., ,. FOR SALE Reataarsnt with loaf lease: rood ' lor ex loo; a anep if taken it once. Inquire of owner, SO Madlsoa. x : 8MAMr clgsr snd confectionery 1a good loca tion, for sals- at a bargala; forced sale. Csl) 10714 Third st. . -. .... . . ,!.....-i. LOOK I Tor 'sale, saloon la best ot location;! must be sold at ones. Call at 47 North BlxuT quick. FOE SALE FAB Vs. TWO -CHEAP FARMS . v , 40 acres, part cuuivatea, s-room. nonse. Keen' natltMitldlnsrs. orcbsrd. running WBtsr: eontenlent lo Columbia river; a cheap plies. 877B. ' . - "'. ' ' ",1W screa of good tsnditrfsBesd:.- 88 -acres - ,4iltleated eood bonse. barn r snd ' orrnerd. , i team, 3 wsgeas, 1 hsck, 1 mower. 1 key . i harrows. I cultivator. 3 plows, sll sinsll -toots. 10 bed - cattle; 1V4 miles to "boat landing. Price tor su, imwi.. : . URNKLR eV BAKER, . ., t . ..'-,' 217 Ablngton bldg. ' - 2S0 ACRES 8 miles out: good 8 -room house snd .outbuildings; 3 orchards; tM per acre. Boa . Uarrlsburr. Or. E.. FARMS FOR SALE From 20 to 160 acres. For further particulars ', address J. W. Dowty, XMrrlpsvllle. Or. ' ' FOX XEHT TntXTJXBISHED X00MS. FODB unfurnished rooma, ground floor; psntry, basement, wstcr, use , of-pbone: close to car; . walking dlstaocs; ia- - raons Mais oow. OB 4 unfurnished, rooms for hounekeeptni cheep; ' bath. pbono, , food locatioa. .. 148 Whltaksr. -- 4B3 FIFTH ST."-Furnished ad unfurnished " . .1 ITnfurnlKhed reoroe: no children, 047 Weldler. FOX XEMT MISCILLABXOTB. FOR BENT A largo ssmple-room ar ban. top Boor. Apply elevator man. Go-idnoueh bldg; EXSOXAX. THsT. best a ocl dent policy, the "Anniversary Legacy," written only by the Preferred Ac- , cldent xneaisnoe. ..lemyany o, ew sore. ThomsS, Pr. Thornton, general sgeut. BIT Chaxabe0f Conymerco.' Phono Main 734- IIANLT vigor restored by Dr. Roberts Nerve .. Globules. One month's treatment,' 2 I " months, 88; sent securely sealed by mall, "Agents, Woods rd, Clarks Ay Co.. Fort land. Or. utnni Hebrew ' buelnesa gentleman wlsnrs to fnrm-ths acquaintance of a lady of the earns faith with means, ..with view te - matrimony. B 0, csro of Jourasl. PBOF. H. T. CrMMlNB Magnetic healer. Naahvllle, Mount Scott car Hue, successfully tresis known diseases. Phone laioa 1681. Postofacs, Lents, Or. BINO CliOONU, Importer ot Cblness' root med . Iclnes; sells Chinees te thst Is certeta i cure for all dleeeses. lltl Second bet. Ye at tain snd Taylor. . . . - TTIri BOOK OF NATCBB." "Book Of Llfs.M 'Msbel Grsy." ''Story of a Sis re," ";" eataloguos free. ' A. Schmsls. 22S First at. ' BESTAVBANT and enffss house, open day and night,- 324 First at. B. Oreentmrg. prop. Furnish isbor, help, dsy or week. free. TOtlR prescriptions are mors aeeurstely snd ishly ailed st Erasers Pharmacy, 227 reasonably ailed Morrlsoa St., bet. . First sad Bosom sta. . THREB TBAB8 IN ARK ANSA W" beets aB ..hooka roa over saw. 35c. . Josee' Book Store, 881 Alder St. - - ., y MARRT I Locsl I. dies want knobaads; eosw - wealthy: addresses free. Star box fa, Oak Issd. Csl.' COAX ANTS WOOD. 0BEAT WESTERN COAL CO., 441 Hort, cor. - Eleventh Producers ssd miners of washed lump snd nut sootleea bouss coals; has 3s, -eat $8, 'delivered wltbll I mils of yards; sstUfsctloa guaraateed. Pknns Main 848. WESTERN FEED Si F0KL CO., one. rroat aad Host street, deslers la doaiestls snd steam 'coal, blacksmith soal, ebareoal and esks. Phono Msla 1018. ,.",J ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers' ta eordwood. eosl , snd frees snd dry els sw end. R -R. and Al .: bins svs., S blocks east of ferry. SEATON BROS. Sarreeaurs to Erlrksoa Wood Yard Dealers la beet cc.I "in4 wood. 349 - Second st. . PboBS CUy 60S. . XI' PERT FPEL TO. The best dry wood ta towa. Don't forget to phone Eaet 1408. 308 East Eighth St., cot. Madtatbv - 0. X. TKMN, Srst-rlsss wood and coat; eflce 11 Albioa svs., aear ferry. Dry elebwood. STEEL BRIDOB FT'RL CO.. d-slera In coal. - eee,wood and dry slab srood. Phono Bast 434. COf.I'MRIA Weed Oeel Teed, Fast Bight and Hawfhnrns. Phono Bast xVeTT. r 0BE0ON FPEL CO.I an kinds of 1 844 Morrleoa. Pksao Main 88. al aaS STAB COAL CO All kinds of , Main 1018. Office 3X3 Hterk St. cos Is. rbon (IRK rooter, sit Water st., wood ssd coeL Peons Mils b5a -'., - - n EVENING. FEBRUARY 4. 4f MMHMMMMMMMMMH FOX SALE REAL XSTATX. ADv-ERTTSBTMENT under this laaslncsHo ens 18e for 81 words snd , vslaable 1 promlum free. 'Dally or Sunday, 1 THREB GOOD BUYS ' . Siz-eooni new. beautlfat cottars now la of cistructhn, improved atroet, in Brook- lya llclghu; it taken bow cea auka ebangss to eult; eaey terms. -- Bight-room bouss very substsarlslly bnllt sod In good order, excellent baeemout, etc.. & round luuxlOO, Trails sud.lierrlea, oa car ns. nsns snd sightly, eset side, 82.100. Tea-room bouss. all la nlco order, good barn, --.V-aere- ground Jn fruits snd berries, -oa wsst slops of Mt. Tabor, cutirvoient to two - fmw Unas. 14 TniL ' .817 Ablngtoa bldg. -CHAa".-JAMBS.- ' . ' I4il Kast Waahlualon. ' Nsw doom bouss sud cellsr, two lata 100x100; 8076; 800 down, balance 318 per month; other tar ma If desired; half block from csr station; Be fsrs; It minutes Service. Call Scott 8204, S a. m. to 8 P. am .iyi . ALWAYS BEADX . . ', .'., ' - - at the FwBTLAND APCTIOW X0OM8; To Bay -yoa full valus la oaah. for aay .... , ': of tsralture. . rbons .If ala at 311 First it, , FOB SALE Modern 1 U story eottago, S Isrgs ' rooms. halL bath, rloeeta. gaat slegsnt 'Iocs- tion; a jiartaill l2.miterms--.aoqtllre, on., w t'lscksmss, oeiwees w uiif i svs. snd Wheeler. FOR SALB T aectleni at Wonatchee. Wash.. suitable , for sheep rasck and fruU.-Cbeea. 1 jioarees xar psrucuisrs, ci , v. aiisvser, Cincinnati, Ohio.' ' M FOR SAI.K B acres, 8.126; house aatt 8 scree, - 8560; assy trrataxsee scent, first house south Ustss crossing oa O. W. P. slecUlc )lns, lue .. fare. - '-. - T - ' -. ; ft ROOM lodging bouse la heart of city, sow - paying $44)0 per month above- alt expenses; ' cheap rest; good lease. Caji 107 Third st GOOD Investment, corner lot snd hones.' well locsiea on csr line, renieu ror feo per monia, Price .12.500. Apply Johjj.Baln. 324 Stark sL 8S.00O FOB three S-room bouses, ground, .fur- nlture' and water system; sll bringing now 8"7 per month.- J. Iudlgsa, 184 bhsrmau, 6-ROOM house, Bxl00 lot. with -10-foot alley, - with or without . furniture; a Use location; cheap. ' Tl Ketby at.. Alblna. HOMESTEAD BELINQL1HHMBNT Three mill . Ion feej wellow pine, .on county road, 9100. .. Address X BO, care JournaL - ' . SETEN-BOOM -HOT78K, bsth, " TTpper " Alblna. fruit, 81.850; eaay mart, 10S Firth" st. Seattle, ft Hof- KEW S room' bouss sad-lo0e1"0 fee4,-asr. Prescott St.; this Is beautiful boms; take . Woodlawa car. LODGING house for isle, close In; clearing good - money; a snsp It taken Bow. Address K -88, ' care of Journal. '. ' - ' . - ' . ' REAL estate bargains lad . firs Insurance. Northrop Klug, rooma 310 and 911, Coo . msrelal blk. . - .- FOR BAl.E 20 seres. 8 miles from Tsneouvstl - 800 fruit . trees, n.w bouss, 82T Bosslawa " ive.', - ' - - .' . BARB bargain In good bualneeg lot. class In; I chance foe, speculation. Call 107 Vk Third at. TWO LOTS on Tillamook at., off Union, avo, Inqnlr 49 Ninth t north.-weet side. LOST ABO FOUVTx. .. . - T01T cea mere readily ' Snd Inst srtlcle through The Journal's els sained -columns than sny- otter way. Ia esse you Snd enythlna. bo a on est snd advertiee roc -tee owner fore claiming ss your own. ., - FOTTND Laundry bundle containing seversl sbjrts, sunpoeedly ' dropped from lsnndry ': wagon. Owner can have asms by describing . at The Journal office and paying advertising . ensrges. - - ." -. ..... J - ' - LOST Light' etamlne dress. Deliver 324 U WsehlngtAn st. snd receive reward... - .. ASPHALT PATrXO. THB TririlnudAsphslt P. ring et PortUad. urace exw Worcester ma. ANIMAL TRAPS. FAFST CAMERON Manufacturers of fa moos Faust trap, ous that kins animal without - holding. - Factory 13r Union eve., eeet olds. BIXDS. H ART'S Mountain Boiler Btrds for sslet theee birds sre the very beat;.' they sre s II good singers; tne prins- is reasons Diet-- Mrs, a). M. Frits, pn orsna ive. BICYCLE EAIEXS. COtTJMBIA. TRIBUNE ft CRESCENT. O'TNS, 8 PORTING GOODS. EXPERT REPAIRING. P. P. KEKNAN. 2u8 THIRD ST. ... BETWEEN TAlLOU AND SALMON. O. P, RUSSELL. S8S X. SOKNSIDB. PHONE UNION .104. BICYCI.B SPECIALIST, e-FISHING TACKLE. AMMUNITION. XI.AB BOOK MAXTTFACTPXEXS. , - HOWE. DAYIS ft Kl IHAM. 100-111 treoo st. - Blsnk book inanufacturers; agents for Jones Improved LooM-Lcsf -ledgera; " paper-ruling, - bookbinding. CKIMXIT SWXEF. -ei'aaaws4Ba LOOK OUT FOR FIRBt ' ' PRACTICAL CHIMNEY SWEEP. f. D. WOOD. Res- nhona , 1 Lcavs orders st Avery ft Co. bsrdwara store. M msa sw, poswe jaain lais. J. L. STRADERi 373 WASHINGTON ST.-v- , -t ROOF CLEANING. phonx Main ie7S. CAXXIASX AND HACK COMPAXTES.1 THB UNITED CABBIAOB CO. Carrlagen, tally-bo rigs - snd carry-all.. 158 Klsveatb at., cor. Morrlsoa. Pboos Msla 333. CZafXXT C0XTXA0T0XB, welseanietM-' N, coot JOSEPH WILLIAMSON, contractor, estimates glvea oa all klads of concrete, basement work '- asd sewerage. SIS Hslssy etreet. CHAS. Hi CARTER ft CO., (formerly Carter ft Eli); cement extractors. 07 4 Tea (art. Psoas .Esst 1878. All work gusrsnteed. CLAIXTOTAXT AXD PALMXST. MADAMB JOHNSTON Clah-voy ant. polmiet, card reader; I give facts reliable snd Im portant oa all affslrs of real lite. Readings toe. SS Sevsatk St.. Bear Osk. OXOCXXXT AXD LA88WAXX. WHOLESALE crockery and giaesware. PrasL Hegele ft Cox, 100 te 108 Fifth, ear. Stark et CAFES, KBICKSON'S RKSTAUBANT Merchast-s ranch II s. as. ts 18 pe at.-sndsr sew s-eusagasseat. O. B. BVANS. prep. Basood and Burnelda. THB OyrirD SfB Wa.blngtoa st T71. Pickett ft Tlgneaas. Mala OAXXXXTXXS AXD XTTXllXXX, ) A. J. AUTHORS' one) H. X. WOOD, carpeaten asd builders; repelrlng snd Jobnhigi store snd office axtnres built Shop SOS Celaxobla. . rbons Clay i-ni. .. HOFF ft TYSEN. bnlldtng' and remodeling', store , st re. res a specisiiy. gsx First St. raoas clay. 34, "-: i'L ' IF-VOli WANT A CARPENTER call Writs s. TeL Msla. 1787.' Sacp snd office IrN GUsaa. M0XXT TO L0AB. -TUB STAX L0AX CO. ' ' ' Aay sslsrtod emptors, ware ..raer, eaa ( rare earner. -eaa aat OB his Bote, 8.V 00 Bessy -828.00 Repay $15.00 Repay wiuionx mortgage - a SSOHia. ya HDlllSl. , to bs fit.88 or M.8 er to Be 8 AOS or 83.38 or to us i 4.00 ov 42.00 or Moath. U Month. . Week. fl!M LOO o McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAM aa seal lewul and Col. lateral security; special etteattoa to chattel atorigaseei notes Boagnt. v. w. rauss. sus-o rsatoa piog.. 84 aura sc. - , BIGHLT reapectsbkt place where kidtcs and gents eaa Borrow money oa diamonds snd Jewelry. . Collateral Loan Bank. 300 Wasbg "S at. a-iiMno xtuic-i Tl. SEE tbe Dnna-Lawroaea Co., real estate aad Snanclsl agents;-inoney to kaa oa arurtgags . securities st low rates ta suns tnm IduO to - iu.w-u. leauj r ires es. MONEY ADFAJfCBD ealarled people, tea Bast sre. ste., witboai security! easy pay seen ta; .larg. .3 eat business la 48 principal eltlss. Telasaa, . u ninx;ioa Drag. CHATTEL loans In ' nnaoonna rana-rno frees to $9,000;. roomlat-botisss specialty New avrn - uomn m irusi cs., mm Aoingsoa BKUf. MONEY TO LOAN oa imprrreed pr anlmproved city, pronei ty, la sums to eult. rerrtah. Was- una as uo., xpu Aidor at. ' . MONEY TO LOAN la large or email s mounts sa goon security t lewsat rales. William u. Beef. SOT Fslllng bldg. ' LOANS at Krweet ratea oa fur alt u to. pisnos; any soennty notes pnrcxs otflce. 448, Sherlock bldg. MrVrvrf rcrvrjT X. F. TO TiOArt eg Cla.-kamaa eetrntv binds. lad F. B. Blley, JOd Chats bee ot Coss- P0BTLAND BEAL ESTATB LOANS." S AND per coat. . wm. oennolm, vm trsmng niog. "MONEY to goon 810.000 si S per mtra ett7 is-openy. 11s Btara ex. - coaansuno larxovAXTsV EYERDINO FABRELL. nroduce and slow merchants. 140 Front St., Portia ad. Or, Phone Msla ITS. CI0AXS AXT T0XAOOO, XSBRRO-eUNST C1GAB 4tV ins trlbu tors FJNB CIGARS. Portlaad. SAXCTXO. MRS. O RANTS adult snd . Alldren'i elassss. eat era Academy. Morrleoa et., cor. I.eona. BESSMAXTB. HEISTklR'8 Ladles' TsJlorlBg College) pat terns cut to Kocaaurs. Allaky hall euv. See Morrison st. ,. x MRS. McKtRBEN, artlstle draai-And Cloak making. 161 Morrlsoa . -- "e-i ,to1aK4S8ctayfCs' " "' hi tost . DOO AjrD SOXSX HOSTTTAX. DR. C. B. BROWN. D. S.. D. 0. U Doe : bono hosp'tsl.. SOX Wash. , Phnasi Clay 157I X, Kent 3833. : - - ' - . .. teon, removed to 289 Gllaaa IL, bet, etartfe - man eittn. eta. - -. . H m s'peiiKsi iiimiiaii-aans-s-mxe-gaxtxesm '- TJTXTXO AHD OUAXTJIO. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING ft DTXINO ... Worka; practical hatter la connection: foathat boss and plumes cleaned aad curled be aa as- - pert, six rouria. rnone nay Toe. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed SI per swath. " unique 'jaiionng co., S47 Washington, st. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and glsiisy, SOB Jefferson St. Phone Mala 3818. 1-IJCTXICAL W0XXX, NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENG'N BERING wsnysny, mvw Qiara at., runiano. v. a. . roa everything la the electrical Una. . Phoao sxaxn June, 1 troxrytrxx FACTOErEB. OREGON Furntturs Msmifactnriog Cam paay - tT TOt,l"ctureTSE en xurBiiare - xor toe trsoe. rortiBou, . tr. FURNITURE ma-lttfacrnrtne and aoeelal L. Rnvenskv-s furnltnee factory. 870 treat st FtXAXOIAL. PRfTATB FUNDS SAFELY INFESTED. I re ceive, oauy.- a to a. etTltcat1oria for farm loana which will net lender I to 1 nee eon per annum. I personally examine all laads ana imes errerea ss security j 10 years' ex perience; beet references. -.-ANDREW L. CHEZEM. Attorner-lMw. 38 27 - Washington bldA. PorUud.-Oregoa, rmmm ataia leoo. FOREST XESZXYX SCXIP. FOB EST BESEBTB SCRIP POR SALB Ap proved, onrestrlctsd, ready for Immediate see; n west prices. E. T. Jt T. B. BUey, Sxsj . VDmIVleWT VI ucOIXI kXMil LSI. 0X0CEXS. . WADHAMS ft CO... wholesale isle s-recora. jasau--eae-rcbsatBi Fuartji and Osk sta. ALLEN ft LEWIS, i-ommlsaios aad produce mec chants. Front lad Davie Its., Portland, Or. HOTELS. HOTEL Pesdletoa, Pendlstos, Or. F. W. Watts. Mat. 1 ...:t,.,. - HOTEL Portland, Aaaerlcea pUs $8, $8 per axy. HOTEL St. George, I-endleton; leading hotoL .BELVBDBBB; Enropesa plea ; -4th and. Alder sta. t-HuTtAX XUIX BOLLS. J. J. BORO, maafr. human hair rolls. 438 X. tin Phone Eaat 8311.' Store, SM Morrktoa st SWTT0HXS FOX BJOX. SWITCHES Btsde, esmbtags bought er made to order, 04 B. Twelfth St. Pboae Bast 1T10. - '- DrsUXAXCX. "--e-- - '- '-e. tSAAO L WHITK, Bra lJMaraa C bide. .. . . . Soi Dskam JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employers' ItabtMty aad la ' dividual accident surety bonds at ill kinds. . Phone 47. But MeXay bldg. H. P. BABTBLB iCOMPANt tire" InawraiH e. 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregoa Pboae Clay . &3B, FIBB INSURANCE 4. P. Kennedy ft Co., 321 Sherlock bldg. Phono Msla l6d. xnrsiCAi, SIIet-PtATraO PIANOS Cedllaa aslf-pUy. -log plaeos eron.iSu.-ed the beet by leading . B-iwlclana; also Cecilia a piano a seen, bl u. Wills Mssie Howse, atVO Aider st LESSONS BOc: piano, orgsB, gut tar, txiajo, mandolin, violin: Inetrnments for aale. Mrs, Martin. 14 1 First,, ear Mala. Stadia 13. SECOND-HAND mast eel Inetramesta of all klnda at Wrweet prlcea, cask or tnstallaseata. FIsBer Masts Co., 100 Third St. MR. AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER, ban to, mando lin, guitar InetrectWm. Mela tnaS, ill W.Park. MASXETI0 XXALTXO. , sii'difc MRS. L. IT. HABT successfully treats all 1 eeaeai method tanght, ''New Thoog readlniTooaa, SU Xoutar Wdg, Mala 41 ht 17$. J ' 1 - LOCXSMTTHS.' " . .'. 'I L0CKSMITHS So3 East Uuraalda. rtiese Usioa le4. , '....- ' . I , . . 1 - XUBSAOX.'' ' : ' : L J: FBENCH ladles gtvs bsths sad massage trsale . -ment Sul Fifth ot. Phone Main BQjd. ' ' "1" r ---- : sTiTXSEXT..' ' ..'4. - 1- - - -1 1 , 1 L 1 1. 1 -i - - -1 n -1 -1 n COMB AND SEB CHOICE roses, trees, etc-. . Ock ley Oroea Nuraery. Union 1321. U caM- r Ov-atXAXLS. BOSS OF THB BOAD OTBBetLLS and meehsa. tea' eVotblng; anion mads. NsoaUdtar Bras., ansnnfacturars. Portland. Or. flXIM CIJPTnlOS. w - j '-' efAKB MONEY! .USB PRESS CLIPPINGS! , Bins' up Black 11 snd order a aaoath'e service, covering: every town la any or all eoaeV . states; dally mssssngar servicer advaaoa re- -ports oa all 00a tract work. Portland sfSce . lot Second st. , . FLATIXG. THB ORBOON PLATING WORKS. 401 Weak, laajtoa at , Phoe 367S. PolaibiBg,- platlng aad lacquering. , , : ry- v paixts, on, iaro eiAss, v. ax, BKAvn at cut lloneer Pslnt Co.. eemasT 'he beet thisgs rhids 1b paints aad a. serai . belldlrur axaterlale: window-glass and glaslaB a spocUlty. 138 First st Pboos Mala 1884. . RASMUBSEN ft CO.Johbers, paints. eUTtxasB, ' sseh snd tooce. SscovmI snd Taylor. -' nrraixEJu. DONNERRERQ ft KADKMACH ER. saltan- .owini s eoortn sw rota FOX ft CO., sssltavy plumbers, 381 Second bet, afala aad Salmon. Oregoa Pboae Mala 8001, xrxTTxt, - - v BCSHONO ft CO. Front snd Stark eta. print. t' Jl",,sTT?' Pink booka aad. efnos oppTIee; work done on time; moat corns lete prlatlaff ofSce la the west Mala 101. i N.?BMOj; tWNIWAT COMPANY, priattaf. SOSAioer-'X- .r-. snu. - -' X0OFTXO. Ti.-R.00rIJi0' .tuttnrlng, repalriac and gasorsl : , Jobbing. J IawlL, U Jeffersoa st XOR. PORTLAND COBDAGB CO. Corner rusi lissalh - sad Ke-rtarup ets.f- Portland. Or.-- XTfXBEX STAJCPS. - - -.- " " . v .iuot nrm, .. stela T10; rubber numpsy sesls, stsnells, aag a-a, 'o cuecss; senu tor catalogue. SHOWCASES AXD FTXTUXES. SHOWCASES ot erery description; bank, bag son store axrersa Bans to osuor. Ine Mtka . Manufacturing Co., Portland. 1 ' ST0XAOX AXD TXAXSTX. SAFES., Oil aad furniture Bored, packed ready for shipping snd shipped; stl work guaranteed: large. 8-story, brick, fu-e-ncoof warehouse for atorage. O flics 128 First st, 0. M. OL8EN. Pboae Main 647. . O-OiPICK. nffke 88 First at., between Stark ana (lax sts.t pnone as; pisnos gad ruralture moved end packed for shipping;, commodious 8 re-proof, , brick warehouss. , Front and Clay ata... . . v BTOBAOB aaaee to let ta 00 new- hull ding. are water st Bigler Muung 4k csmnilssioaj company. . itur TAiXTnro. TERLINR. ARMSTRONG CO.. Rlgaa, scenic are - tlst. Pnone Red 087. Cor. 4th and Coach ata. 1 SATES. ' 8-INCH thick Walls, sot tlreproofi resales rest. erallyi eirbang.rl eefea, - bargains is tkessr" van ton steel ceiling; msooid work. Including Jails; Investigate. J. X. Davis, 08 Third et - TEA SFZB AXD BATTUX0, 0XBOOK TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. ram siain on. Heavy asuung ana itorsgs. POST SPECIAL DELITBBT, Ka. SOOVe Wiser- sBgroa st. raone staia pes, TTTEWXTTEXS, X0ST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS . aao Stark Street -We rent, repair, sell, exefasage ' typewriters. All sunnlies for sll machines. ' Rtasdsrd nu chines $26 sad up to $100. , oa wist a stseoarapner or typist 1 - ,r a nave use or gooa apniicenia. . Phooe BUck ZSTI. ; TTJCTXX. . 1 HAYX cbolca piece at timber bad lnsouUem uregoa xor sale enesp. A o, journal. TOWEL STJTrXT. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, sses, aas. - si per monia. Lawrcncs Co., Fourth aad Coach. Lawrence Bros.' Towel Supply " raone szo. TI0LIXS. J.A. WESCO, violin maker and repairer; all. work Bra, class. 38 Busssll bldg. Fourth aad Morrleoa. WALLPAFZK. .'Vi-t. ew MORGAN WALLPAPBB CO.. 184-1M at., oex. xaxeniii ana aeyior, t-oruano. nXDXWoi IFZtVD JxJTZlUZJa. g x ruin i.vuiui; ajiiei in jsmoricsw I Of ihe anlmala that we an eoaji alibui Our' tioruocg-tho ptr squirrels tweoroa most friendly. PuC nuts In convenient iiai.i siiu iu,j 41. lusns 1t-Aiu.11, -.rilio . Ij - . 1 , . , . . . , . . - 1 lor auiiuiHs, uui viuy on cvmpmrMllv-ur mild -days will thoy rsmsln outslda their -' oomfortabla winter auartars, where they - DSuaJly have plenty of food stored, i la Central Park, New York, tba graF aqulr- -. rels rrave become so accuatomed to being fed that ther have, to a great extant. : given ' up storing .food, and rely chiefly . fed What they can pick up each day. Red squirrels reait be coaxed ' by means ot food, but they are very questionable fellows; In fact, the general --opinion la-fletldedly agalnat them, owing to lhl n, e-1.1 1 1 w Vne . an vntin... . blrtrev , Chipmunks hibernate in their . -underground homea,'so wa. oaanot count -On them for winter visitors. - The teote-- - tontalt will condescend to accept dainties ' In tha form of green vegetabiea (though . . one seldom haa s-ich luxuries - In tha Inter), but as ho comes almost an-. ' ttrely at. night he Is not a vary inter . ostlng guest. - " r- , oxi ao zar att orrxerrx. ' - From tha- Independent, : - y Thd' "youngest rear admiral In tha United Btsttes navy Is -older -than Ad miral Togo. Tha -four- Japanese -vtca : - admirals are all younger than the young. ' st of - oor captains. Thd Japanese rear admirals average age 49. canUlns . aga 44 l-l, and commanders 40 1-8. Tha. -avers go aga of our captains 17 H Vis it years beyond tnit of the Jipancee captains, nine years beyond that of tha English and Oerman captains, and aeveir'" ' years beyond that of the Russian cap- ' tains.- Tne youngest Kngllsh captain - Is aged 33, la 10 years younger than our youngest, and Japan-has deemed It . ' wise to intrust ner Battleships to men of - aga St.- The average English and. Oer- -'- man captain is scarcely older than our - Junior grade captain (commander), and our youngest commander when he - -rj reached .his rank was older.. than the -J average Japanese captain. -If our yoting: eat captain worn In tha Japanese navy hee ., wnuia nave Been retired ror age some Urns ago. , . .. . T 7 ' T Ti '' r 1 ' ""j