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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1905)
' TnE Olircok DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING; FEBRUARY 4 i . Portland. Or., fa Oansportatloa through tbe.uwUs a aiaa MlUr, L aa MlUr, L Fbll Sat elnaL. mA-m , Ska S IS I. C IS te 90 pag, eeatai AS 44 KM S cast. . wsxiMOXXX. Editorial Room... ..Mala B0 vine. ........... ........... rOKEIOX' IDmttiiu mnnTlTITI, v?'ingml Sped! Adeortlalng iiwj; ' iumL Me Xarkt Tribune BaUd- . -t u. Chicago, ,. ' - v 4 . ... ... T. k.n.Ui. - ! Jl '"'Ml. with Sunday. I fW.IJJ HT eoernai, I year I'jj The Dells Joarn.f with Sunday, enoathe. J Jb Da ify Joan!, mmlSr?... f- 3i" ' l. with Sunday. month. 2 1 1 iwwi, with Sunday. mentk... Tha iMif. wh. delivered. Sunday . Th Daii: m. .. iMAiff. - nmittd .77. ' .10. " 25" ?"' 'oure!, wit Sunday. 1 yaw....T."0 . JJ JJ"y Jownal, 1 year E.J0 ' ' 3i ' Journal, with Sunday.. . J " The Dally Jeernal. month. ...... fTB . Dally Journal, vita Sunday. I moots. SO Th t1ir InruL Month! ......... Th. Dally Journal, erilh SnadavM 1 hsaath,. . .80 1 J?' I" ''carnal. 1 month....... ... Tb Hund. a IMM. . I.'. "" The ImtWwklr Jsuruel. Th Semi-Weekly f otrrnsL B to 1 P . Kt. i yaw :r...r7ri..rn.rT7......Li - ,Tba Wkly Jaarul. 100 eolnanM H ra4- " . Inff Hlk (man. illn.H full murkat , ) - Mporta, 1 yaar .d.W I RaaiitlaaeM aamM b br ir-fta. nastal -j-a-ta, npna artlara ai4 aaull aataaata ar ccapukl la l.u. ivt ,,J.;!?E. 7 5v.- Bo ayrtlaaC Of. 1 x VXZU JJfM, JQPMtAI. MAT BX 0OD. - - Tha ooraal caa V ton m aaW at Ik (oV j f "wwf piaeaa: ' Boise ininik.Hiup iw --. CHICAGO Poatotaca Mawa compaa. ITS Baaf ... . OBNVBB. COLO KaatfrVk Bosk aV BUttuaaiy -ompaajr. ffia tkmetacatk atraatt . slitaeaUi ana Cnrtla atraata. - . nnnoAn i.i j i -Taa nay nw awimnr. BprlB itraati 011t BaLna, tot aVatkr ' MLiS L5p0" 7. Camaoga. kO mta ?rw TORC CTTT Brantaaa'a, . Ttaloa toafa. OMAHA Millar Botal .w T alaaa: Vaaaatk ." mationary cmnptor. isoa Faraaai ra. r ;wULf I.AKB CITY KanToa Botal aa atanat Barrow Broa., 4( Waal Bmai atraat. ' Bouta. . . BT. LOIlIB-Phllln KnMI-7aia Iraat atraat. . ;" BAN rBANCISiXA W. R. Ardtac Palaea Botal r J saw ataail; OotdaatUb Bma.. Sia Sot tar - uriw: rrag w. pitta, ions Markat atraat. ' BPOKAffS Wln Inks W (irakam A Ca. sTACOMA. WA81L Cafctral Rawa oanaaar. US r Tka aaatara rold trava aantfnuaa ta 'avularata. aotwltbatandlna wUeb tha cold la aUll aarara - In -dpoar aflaalaaippfr vallirr anrf tha nakntajr Th tamaaratara ba rtsan frost IB ta tO draaa la kfontapa. aad fa lira 10 daaraia la riorlda. Baarr ralaa cavtlooa 1a aootaara Callfor- ma and Ariaona, aoa lirbtar aawnDta ar ra- portad la Naw VtaUco. Tba rain taa praetLcaM caaaad ta aorthara CalKomla aad Navada. - Tha waathar aaat of tba Caaeada. OMaatalaa la -kmdr and tnraatanlnjr. bnt to tba waat of tbla raaa It la tanaraflV fair aaaplaaaaat with acarlr normal Umparatnraa. ' Tba Indlcationa ar that tba axtettaarl eonai- tloaa .In U north Paclne aU tat will eaatlan ; iron ,2a to sa aoora awcac. - .' :. ,i i m . i ' ... 1.' Fadoinr Carda. W. O. Bmttli Ca.: Wak nf ton oia., aor. raurta ana waaaiactoa, ata. KAT rbrar ta Mr. and -Wa; Tkaodora : Kay. 1 Baat Twanlf -flfdi jtratV -BR ADKRAW Oaimarr fl. to Mr. raft Mr. T. B. Ttradahaw. AAA Ellawnrtk atraat. a riaiiahtar. WflNTYRB Jaaa.rr 3. to Mr. aad Mrs. Albart . n. ariairra, azt atara axraat. a aoa. GIRD January 80.' to Mr. and Mr. Jack P. tilrd. SaS Watar atraat, a aoa. U1SENCBANTZ January 1, to Maaad Mr. I-iwla . Roaaamata. aaoood u4 Artkur finals, uauaniar - WrsiER Pabraary 1. ta Mr. and Mr. 9. W. Wnndar. Bat Grand araana aorta, a daaaktar. FBITZ Jaanary 11,' to Mr. aad Mr. Joba ynta. In. Portland, a danchtar, . BYERR Jaauary 33. to Mr. aad-Mra. ' Corwta ... r. Byata, Eaat Twaaty-oUtb ad Multaoaiab atraat. a aoa. . DOUOIa48 Jaanary 3S. ta Mr. aad Mr. Ocnrg A. rtnnflaa. 1216 Kaat Taylsr atraat. a ana. ri ln jurnary xtt. to Mr. ana Mra, Haory Nr. Parr la, Xaai TwaatylAbth aad TllUaraab . Birraia, aoa. ' ' . . . ; - r . .' ; ;j-,v COVTAOXOTBSIBZaaEt, ' KrKHT.f yvbrotry 1. Mf Kahli,J 14' Tkirty-flrat atraat alphtbarla. JEaat PtaTHB. 1- BallTW Jaaairy t. Mra. Parry r. Bnjltk. agad ao yaara. at aaatuar- aaoaa, aaarv aiaaaaa, I Oaalakorlnm. - 4 ,A..-i tTILLIS Pabruary 1. J. Wtltla, a aad TB nan, "t IHllay. Or.; caaaa. aaglaa aoctarl. Burial at Martnomaa raroaiary. .i.XKMIEUX Pabraary 3, Ttatid N. Talaa aaad 44 roars. 410- Nortb Twantr aaraod , ; atraat; cauaa, (aatrlo kalaorrkaga, - aturial at Rtraralaw nMtary. . ' - - CASON rabmarr t. Bllaa X' Caaaa, ard 3 ' yaan, 44a Manaaalta atraat; aauaa, conaoap 1 tlnn. .Burial at Oragoa t;ity. SMITH Febmsry . Uaala Smltk. fd 81 yaara. t Bt, Tlacast boapltaJs aaaaa, poas- wimia. pmiii aa aarora, - troij1 Pabrnarl. 1. Baraard Wolf. tti,. T yaara. a Tha Tallai cauaa, aaralyal. Barlal - mi Aaarai dowbi eaauitary. nr KDtoiroM. MIT.LKR Oolll Millar, daaabtar a Mra. Anal . Baalatar, danartad thta Ufa January S3, tuos, ' it .Llharal. Orafoa. Pba wa bora Daecmbar 3W. IRS", la Astoria. Orafoa; tka graatar past f baa Ufa waa aMt ls.psrtUad arbara aba ha many warm friends who will raw rat ta baar of bar daatb.' liar rharaetar waa it a. ; il at aad from say call Infloanr, and taoaa ww inrv umw auaw awi iiini ni laj praiaa ..r many alrtar nd liberal char it las. Her ag to 21 yaan aad 1 aaoota. .. Hollla kaa fllladTiar aalasloa bar . "T Aad aona to baa ran to not: Cod bad a work for bar to da . ' bATa among tha blast, Ood took -bar to blmsaU aba,--.-r' t 1 Wblla la ta Dttora t yoata, ( '.' lad placed crown opoo hrr haad -. , V Ot rlghtesuaaa M trata. a ' f 0b, DalUal w ara Tonaly bow; .' v Btac yoa bara goo wy .- But w will mart yon faes to faea - . IB tba grost jadgmaat day. . ' :.. Too good yoa ware to stay on oartb, " Whor ala aad sorrow ralga: " ' 0am. torn, b aor gnardlsn anral. 1 '; Whll wo oa oartb ramaln.-.d. W. M. 1 . a, ii ' Cramatartaai oa Oragoa City ear llaa. - soar Ballwoodi aindora. naUOC, complete. Cbuaea Adalta, lag; rhlldraa, SB. Vlalter B a. m. ta B p. b. Portland Cream Uaa smorlstloa. rrtUad. Oragao. tb sMwsrd Bolmaa TJadartaaiaf roainaay. raneral dlrortor and ami i treat. Pkoao aOT. - - aaxBMrs. m xatra J. a. Haley a) Boa, fan ara 1 dfrertors aad jew ha lasers, kaa remoaasl to their aaw estah llahnkrat. earaar Third aad Madbma Btraata, BeU) akoana He. B. . Pnaeral wyeatk aad cat- eewara a rneeialty at Baa city Briaabiaii. Tareaty llaiad aad Kast Marhma, oppt saaaatary. Clrk Bros, far lowers, im Morrises) street. BSAX. KBTAT TBaJTBTTlB. -Joba B. Hewitt and errfa tai i-Aj ttrM '' . lott ., 0. Melrose .... Charlea it. KorrU and wife to U Dmgh. . King' haljthta ..........7. Tboma J. Hewitt sad wife ta U A. King, lot BO, Meliaoa, part lot 4T. Mel- . rose Bberlft to-J. It Halt, lot K g laclnatre. : bterk S; lata a, jg, u, to. 3d, bloek 4, Bnnrla park i . 0. Bplnney and wife to L. O. "baeer, -. weat lot it, IB, black T. Ceatrai - 'Albln addition 4,000 1.179 :. r 1 a B.OOO .:. i 'bob . LI tale D. Kerb aad basband to 0. T. . gnoonar. weat H lot 4, bloek SB. Mc- Mllien's addltloa ,.."7 .T7..V:. Tbemaa J. anannar sad wire ta C, T," Htieoner, ea ma pratterty Robert W. Wllann and wlf to A. D Baa' sail, lot g. Mamllum farld A. Bart, Jr., tag wlf to T, M. fO DAY'S K'Or A .SirJGLE COOP. OF CHICKENS LEPT Front Street Markets Were En ' tirely Cleaned JUp Today w--Prces .Higher.-- ; 3.! DRESSED MEATS FIRMER WITHTVERYTHING SOLD Sals of Hops. Is Reported But - Much Mystery Is Attached- U to the Transactlo Troat Btraen. rb. 4. The principal -featort or too roruana wboleaal. markets today arai Ortckena are eery eraree," j. ; Egg receipts are Krht. . " . -. ' : . "" Drcaaad Teal Quoted firmer. ' . 1 ' ' Craaaod bags oaotlooa acttelty Bmalt receipt eery baaty. . ". : . -' Bal of bops Is reported. -. ... .1. - ' Dealers look tor ao onloa break. : r A- ' But few potato are being bought..-" No wheat purchased at preaent price. ' Mora lnqalrtea for flour from Japes. . "'TT" CUoaoaa Ar Vary oaroa. ' ; - Thla aMtntng ther wa set a alogle op of ebiebaa la any ot tb rroat atroet commie I en kouaa. Ttle aoeo not meaa that tbor bare beoa ao receipts. Daring tka past tew day too arrtTBN hare not beoa hoary, bat tbey not vary small. Tha reeeoa why ao ebtckea were oa tba atraat waa that moat of the re ceipt bad been sank to outside aurkau be es nee tjia local trade did set ear to pay tb price aaatatent with tha a waiter atocka. Tba outside aiercbaat did. la alow of tale tka local trade awoke to. the fact that there waa some thing doing la tbe market, and today pticoa that ware offered -ware ea aa aearago about Wo -par pound blgher tnaa tb proeiou one, for some day tha geee that bar arrleed o tb ttreet bar not beog aold, the demand for them Being Tory email The cblaoae ar now about through . with their purchase ot tame dock for tb new year' fastlTsis, aad those stocks that arrived 1st yesterday afternoon and this morning dig not Bleat aniioos laejulrle -A few wild btrds are atllt being Taoarred, bwr the vuiuiue la not nearix ao targa aa ml aomaara. rricc are uarator riraasr. , , Xgg Xoosipta Ara' Bmall. - Receipts of local fresh eggs ara eery snail and tb market Is la good shape, with prlcoa eery flrni. -une of the larger Douses on tba street bow recelTee dallr shipments of Pat loma 1( from California, ea4 hla. le alt that keep the markat from balsa entirely oat of aupplles. : Prices (tiff at sue for first class ., Ouiaido Sattae la Bliehtl TJnlW. , f -Altbeugh there I a carclty la tb aappHes ef tocai butter and tb markat is very firm trading ta outside creamery goods along front troat I not suite a brlefc. The roaaoa for this I ' very plain. ' The oily eras merles are delivering their butter fresh very day to tba Indlvidus ' roullera taaay la-loU wanted without any additional axveoee. aad therefor tb trad doe pot eare to pay oarug for the vHtsioe atocaa. rrioaa wo . asma. . Draaeed Teal U SuoW rimer.' ' Recolpta ot draaeod vaal aloag tha street ar quit fair, bat are Bag Bp to- the demand, and la consequence prlcoa are being strained on ward. In-eased bog aret firmer 'and all ar rival aell Imaaadistaly fit being, snluaded. Tup price prevail, -? -, .. " Bala sf Hons la Banortad. Tfilllaaa Young of Bnerwood has dlapoaed t bio croo ef 40 kale of bop to Kiler of thla city- There 1 hutch mystery . attached to the tal la regard to quality aad price. Mr. Young refuses to giro tba exact amount aad dealer, report varkma soma a tka ana being paid. Tba quality la reported a prima and tba' price to tba grower tse a pound Bet. So other trsnsacUoos are roportoov Ma Wheat ISmmeoed At Preaent Briean Cral aaen say tbst ao wheat can now be purchased at p reseat price, i The market very firm on account of tba nnmeroa tequlriea from the asat and tb middle weat and the big demand rating for cash wheat ta those mrk' race BBcnsugr. toaay. - Kere'laaairiM 7 a Tlenr Traaa Jspaa. ' More lnaulriee are betas recelrod for flour from Jaoss. but no salaa ar re ported -outside of the regular Business, ine paicoa notng oi fered are freas 4t J0e a barrel' ander tbeee miliar are willlnc to accent.. . Tba story pub- llabed la a anoralng paper that heavy sales f floor wars recently maao ay Minneapolis mills to Jspan 1 denied. Mlnneapolla aaya tbat after bnrina wheat from Portland and paying a good- slsed freight rat It doe not see bow It eaa competa Uh Portland mlllrrs la lb far cast. Iao Poteraoa. editor of too. Commercial Review of thai city, says: "There to ao truth In. Mln- Brapolia eelllng im ta . taa orient. eme aoia barley and oats, and they cannot compete with the aoaat anllla on floor, a bid r being suae oa tha basis of g3.S0 a barrel, and tbejy cannot ha met ey to oaac- Today' whowsal qootauooa, aa rerisao, ar a follows: Heps. Waal aad Blaaa.- HO PS 1904. nskttlV talc choice: 17(127 Me aoT primeo-aau aavwvaaM- M T, WIT Km avta 9ww ur ..ll'w. j veiivr, eoarae to'tsadlnm, 18lTo; no. i.OlScj east ern uregotv.ic, . .- -7 - - - .- MOMAIK new. awe. RHKEPSKINB BhearlaaT. lOdlOai abort aeaL matnet' medium wool.. BOO&Oe; leu woni. JUW. tf 1 AA aaeh. TAluvr msM, par in, ease; no. - gag aKi?--.,.WrJU.----.--. , l til 1 1 IM n. A iv a per 111, Dnyinavpnce, HIDES Dr hide. Ne. 1. 1 lbs aad aaw l&OttHc; dry kip. No. 4. B ta 14 -Baa. 11c: dry calf. Mo. 1.- asdsr B lba, - lte: dry salted bulla aad ataaa, i'-t lea. tnaa drr Bleu aa Ileal hldeev at.ara. aooad. 0 Ike ao aeee, BWei 0 to 60 lba, gcv nnoer no lba and eowa. IQ Scj atag and ball, sound, gc: kip. IB to 14 lba, g'Aai eonsd, 10 to 14 ibe. Bet calf, sound, tinder 10 lbs, BhSci grsea (unseludl 1 ner lb lees: nils, le pes lb laaa: bone hide. Baited, each, gl.afiOl.TS; dry. ooeb, gl.wai.gO) celt aioea, eaca. jEamyous; eauw, oommoa. each, iodines Aagora. with waol eaa aaoh txati.00. ' , Batter. Zgga aad Penltrr. BDTTEH rAT Sweet, tie; aoor, BBc. BUTTKK City - treaaiery. best. S3Urt eoond grade, KHu eutalde fancy, goes ardl. aary, Blmo; CalUurala, aotJ30c atore. 12HI 14c. KCICB No. 1 fraah Orewoav tmsoct anatem. c. CTtMEBB waw mil BTsam. twin, J4UfMs Taoaa America. 10c: aaatern. lBitlAUe: Cheddar, lte. ; - POliLTBI Chickens, mlird. 1S per lb; bens, 13'te per lb; roosters, old. 10airte per lb; young, -l2e per lb;, broilers, ITHe per lb; fryer... lie par- lb: ducks, t.00tlo.OO WILD GAMS Teal. l.B0O1.7ni jarfdoo, taraea, 1 acre aectloa 10, toernahlp 1 soutb. raase g eaat " BOB 1'. T j 600 William Hberkick company to J, F. Kuan. su ssa wife, aasiuo feet. Beginning Bontheest coraer bit B, block , Bher. eca aoaiuea ........ . Ceorgo Ilaba aad wlf to K. P. Lively. fraction let S. g, block g. Unroln park William, M.. Robinsoa and wife to U W. wyncoop, wta a, a, owes 14, xolaua tree - . taara A. . King and basband to J. if Hewitt, jooiioo raot. Beginning loo feet weet of intersection of north lino ef Flandera with weat Una ef Twenty, first atreet B.100 1.BS0 1 BOO '' t : . 1 Artbnr J. trow to L. M. Boakheft lata 1. 2, block 3, Power tract Henry P. Conrr to A. O. Bin net t, lot I. Block m, Klng'a ocoad adsltte ....i Adetphl tiaaipet to O. R. King, lot 1. Block 230, llolladay adilltlou A. U Minor U lira. R. A.. Bkattos. lot IT. block 14. A. U Miner's addltloa... J. ta Hartaaa at l to Mra. A. B. Mackintosh, lot a, s, black M, A. la, Mlner'a sdditloa to BL. Johns Mra. tun Lelar to P. M. Flahleh, north . so teet Kit 1 ; eaet w reel let S, - ' block B, Bimon'a adJiUo ......,..,, .'' Oet yeo Inoaranr 1 aad ahetrarta to" real aetata from the Title enaraatee Trast eaaa- j, ynasaoar oa wommares aaiiaiag. , rRRT fehrnary B. Mr. rrey, two rot tares. t-i wena , nvaj earn umrr Btreela. met. II. . BMXMANtbary B. A. L. Hlllmdol enttare. Maann. between MlaaosoU agd Misseari a treat r coot, ILBOO, ,. - MARKETS OYSTER COMBINE. IS . FORCING PRICES tJP ' rV - K.. . V ; d"' (gpedal DUpatcb to Tb Journal ) -. d d QlymplA. Wash., Feb. ",- d d Olympia oygfars have takeh 'a, d Jump In prlca;. A naw price, Hat d 4 - liaa Juat gous into effect, rsJe- : 4 d . ins Ibg price from tUBO per J 4 Ion to 11.10 -tha old price. Last d jraau-'g oondltlona between grow- d e . era becam gtralnod and the prleer4 4 waa reduced SO centa pr gal- d ion. Racantly - ail ' tha large o d grower and ablppera ' formed -. d d roerrgeT. -and a a result tha old price wsa again established; Just ; d d now tha yeter bualneee la very -, 4 good, tha dxmand. being gtrontr 4 d U over tha cogst The crop la reported excellent In ail tun' 4 d rounding field and the aeaaon ;- -will prova a vary prof ltable ona d e to tha man who control -tha oyi- 4 d ter -Unda ot tba Pugt sound , 4 district . V'. r .. . :..: tl TH1 001 PMnaraV I3.wai.o0t esnrsibscks, Hi4a.(W. ....1 . r,r erata, ruaxr aad Veea. WHB AT Clnb and red. BSc; blues tern, POQ Ble; valley g7t,Soe. - BARI-k Y feed. $23.00. tpld. gM-Ig; brew lag. latAO.' CORN Whole. 1 2O.00 tea; ersckad, 3T.0a, B T B gl M par cwt. OATS Prodncere. prle Ho. 1 whit, $27.10; gray, 1.004 27.00. rDOCaV Baatara Oteyen -Pa ten at, 4 M; straights. 8.T5: Tsttey. g4.10; graham. Ha, KOO; 10. t4.a; rye. SOs. f.00l balea. fXIm. MlLUTUPrB-Bra. tia.Ao per tool mid-dltnge,- 00( uv1oouBtry, (3S.0U crop, ''haT Producers" prireTlaiotby, Wlllamrta valley, fancy. I14.00L.0O; ordlnarr. glt.Ooa 14.00; eaatwa Oreaoa, I lS.Ooa ld.00; mixes. llX.OOai3.00; . clever, 11 OOdH.OO; gral. 1.1.00tel2.UUi Cheat. tU.MOltOO.rvTcr Prlta.a4 Tegstablss. ' POTATOES Best ' Orsgon," 0c1.00; . buy er, BOel aecond - grade, BOrr per sack I buy lug price. Toes weta. beat, 11. 4001.60;- crated. A1.6041.8S; new California. iVtttio per lb. ONIONS ga.60tta.7t buyerer prloaa, country, tX183.:: a-arllo. gglOe par lb. ' rttUB PBU1TB Applee. extra '. fancy. 11.60 fancv Orcgoa. BUM per boa; ebaan . grades. 76 Bet bos; -eranaee, aevel, gl.2nai P 601; seedlings, 1.60 par box; Mandarin. 11.78 i per- boa; Jap orangea, BOatoe per bos; baaaaas. Be per D j leaaoae. cbotoa.. .1 ZD Per Dos par box; lime, Mexican. - 85c par 100; plae appleo. 2.25; peara. -9i.ooCfl.BOi :gJPMl tl 50 per boa; eranberrlea, sastars, 911.M par hhlr nranaa. ft. nee lk. TBGBTABLES Turnips, gl.on per sack; ear, rot.' $1.00 par oacaU beat, tl .0 per Back; pregoa radlahaa, lte per doa; csbbag. Oregoa. 13 cwt; California. $1.26; lattace. botbeuoe Miaygsc per dos; graea peppers. Tc per lb, chlU pepper. lBe per lb; celery. BBaOS per dos: tomatoes. California, gl.poaa.00;. parsnip. IB 611.26; Kg plant, 12Vtcper lb( atrlng baana. 18ct eeuliaower.- 860 per- dor batter bean. Be; pampklaa, le per lb; hnraeradlab. TOk per lb; sprouts, Ter artichoke. gt.00ai.2S per doa; teaa, 10- per lb; eucumber. .CsilXorsU hot ona. gl.TB dos. DBIID FKUITS-Apptea, emporatod. Tdj per lb; aprlcota. BMOIV per H; sscfc. 1 per lb laaa; psaebas. 'Bile ner U; pear. -- per 4b; prnnaa. lUllaa. BM04H. par lb; French. BVtatMs per lb: California black, BOgvic per lb; Califoral wklU. per lb; plnma. pitted, t PW lb: data. , gold, g per lb; fards. 91.S0 per IB-lb bos.r-.;-) V Orooaina, Vakw Sta. . ..-V. - BPQ A R Reck 4ieele flnbe, gB.40- aowdarag. S-a5; -fruit .granalated. gg.lB: dry graaalated.;- beet gramma ted, OS; extra C, .wf reeni 1M eo.uof oeie, ' iw, wwa,, a, bexae BOe advance oa oaefc baata, laaa ewt for cash. IB dsys;- maple, ltOloo pot lb. BONBY 14 Ha is. ' , v COFPEK Packaae brands. SIS. SB. " - - - . ... .l . ,1 .ki. aa BAXTFIne Bales. Bs. Da. 4s. ba, lo,191.Bn; table, dslry. tXj .Wei1.M; 100a. .0; Imported Uverpool, eOa. flB.u0Ole.00i. 100. tH.S0wlg.0O; tMa, git. 80t 14.40. oitr. Sao. bt-la. Bs, Ba, B. 10. HJOi balk. Be lb. 94.00; sseks, BOs, dDc: ' - , . HALT Coeree Half greon. 100. her tea. 99.load.o0; BOe per tea? gC-dsaa.oi Uverpool tump rocs, per aoasav-ie aipce, tg.aBaa.7ir loo. . l.Tsia.a. " (Above girtces apply U sslo of east ths ear Jots. Car loU ,at' epedal price aableet ta Buctoationa. 1 1 GRAIN PAGg Calcutta, S3.TEKS.M per 100. klCE Imperial Jaa, No. 1. le I 4c; New WrUane bead, SmBel Adjack. SHa; Creole, 4c. BBAN8 "man whit, del Urge -white. BHe; otna. ac; Bayou, s4c; Unas, se; maxtcaa raoa, TtJJTS Paaaat. lTWi Jombo. I per tb; rawT-Baiuo nee tk; roaated. 1 aoroanata. teatOc per dos; walnuts.. 14aioe per Ibl pin .'vsxaje par id; Bicsea-y new, iv, v rheatnata, eastern. lSOldc per lb; Brastl aata, la per lbt Blbort. lsaio per Ibl facy pecana. 140 loe pee lb; almeaa. U1B P lb, - Mata. Osal Ofla. Xta. - ROPS Pure Manila, 14e; standard. HHci eiaai. iwiac: istis nrsaa aiaai. vibo. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Caae. 11a per gai: water white. B-oa bbla. ee par gal wooden, ne per gsi; Bsailhi. lio-oeg. ex per rat; iroa DDL., in febiUa, f fle per belt I boiled, c . a,iKHBic,ir uiu rare raw g. esse eic pa i3e per sal sal: aenulno bettl bbl Me pet gal; ground cake. ear lota 920.00 par ton. t than cat sou irer tow, 1 UUUUD In oar s-al. broa bbis Bnc per gsl; stuW. MVk Pat gal, b-oa bbla I So per gal. ' . . BKMKINB 3-deg, case SBa per gal, Iroa bbl 184 per gel. TDRPRNTINBle eeiea IrV ner saL wooden bbla, tlo pee (el, iron bbla, TP pes gal, 10-1 snee Kite sec per gai. - WB1TB LEAD Ton lots. 714 per Tb; 600-lb lots, T per lb; leas lota gc per lb. . WISva KAIL Preeent haae at U-00. . - " . .. ' -Mast, risk axd rrrrnilia, ' "T, ' FRESH MEATS Front atraat Beef, staean. 4&Ho per lb; pork, block, a07o per lb; pacaars, oajia per ,io; outm, -sse per to; cows, 4Se per In, mutton, . wether and Mmba. 4i7c: ewe, dalswc: vest, extra. BkU -Tr-"'l oniinry,- arte "per- in. - niko. bacon,', ill'. rortiaso vacs tiocii) ha me, 10 to 14 lba, 12V per lb; 14 to 18 lbs, l.Wo per lb: 18 to 20 lbs. 13Uc Per lb; cottaxe. Be per lb; -breakfast bacon, 12ai0c; pleatex, 84 per lb; regular abort clear, en. amoked, Ofee Bar lb: a moled, 10140 per lb; clear beck a, nnamoked, ' Be par lb: amoked, 10 per lb; Union butt. 10 to 18 lbs, aaamoked. St ner lbt omoked. Bo ner lb : clear bellies, as. smoked, lie per lb; amoked, 12c per lb. . ixhjao ljAKii nettle lea r. iua, tuvac per lb: ft. lOtao nor lb: DO-lb tin. 1014 ner lbt ataam rendered, 10a, Btte per lb; Ba. OUe per lb; BOs, SaC r lb; eomponad tierce. Bts Pt lbl' tun. Vc per lb; &. g per lb. CANNED SALMON Columbia liver 1-lb talla. 9I.BS; t-lb tails,; fancy. 1-1 gats MOO) Va-lb faacy Bats. 91. 15; fancy l ib avals, B2.7B: A leaks talla, pink, gSgjaOc) red. (1.601 aoaslnsl ah, tall. 00. FISH Rock red, Te par Tb: Bounders. Be per R; hsilbst. d'c per lb; crabs, gi.2B per dos; trtped boss, loalfo per lbt eatasb. Te par lbt aalmoB. e trainee da, Be par lb: .froeep liver, sides, Tc per lb; herring. Be per lb; solea, 8c per lbt ah rim pa. 10 per Tb; ahad, dreeeed. lb; perch. Be per lb; shad roe, net R; ner lb: black cod. ex Dor lb: Oo lurnhl river smalt, tc per lb! Oliver amelt, fie per lb; lobetere. IS; fresh mackerel. B per Tb; crawfish. BOe par. Boa; tonsil era, Ba par lb: atnreeen. Te nee m JOYSTERS aoaa I water bay, per gal,- 01.38 par sack, 4 00 pet: Olyarpla, Bar a;k, gtatn. Uine nan aoeu, - par. ooa. a.vwr rasas slama. B2.00 per box. - k. LIVESTOCK RECEIPTS ' ' IN YARDS ARE LIGHT Portland t'aloa Stockyard, Feb. 4. Ths re. eoloto coattnne aassll In the serai snsefcyard ss4 price are being held firm with the exevp tloa of cattle, which ar emoted allf ktly weaker. no enangee la prtree were assoo. 1 n receipts lodsv: 86 boss and 100 eattlaa ornclal ruling prp-a nxlayi Hons, ileal eaatorn . Orecoa. -. tS tOt Uskt blocker aad China fat,. A4.60et.TS a tack era sad feeder. B4.0oa4.6v. - ' I'lttk. Beet aaatern Oregon etvore, St. 00; light end- medium .tears, 83.60: eaw, St. 00; B.ima vi'w , ,i.on, inn iiini ewwa, aj.v, storker aad feeders, 92.OuaJ2.2a; balm, gl.BO mieep Best fancy sheep, 94. BO; awe. 94. 00 Q 4. 2b. . . - - - 1 . - CSICAOO HOOB KICaUS. , ; r Chicago. Feb. 4 The bo: market shewed a better (eetlng todey ad ruling price ar I higher... . .... . . POATLABD BAirX .STATXIIZST. Clearlnad .....tt4tP01.4T Balaace 'sa,aa.aa, , T2,O7T.0B Entire Receipts of -Chickens Were Cleaned Up Today and the Market Ruled Very Firm With a Half Cent Rise In the Prices. ? ( STATEMENT WAS DISAPPOINTING Loss "of Surplus Reserve Has a :c Bad Effect Upon Stock "' , j ; ... p Market Values.. ; NORTHWESTERN CLOSES JF0UR DOLLARS LOWER Union Pacific a Weak Feature : Amalgamated Copper toses ..C 7 . One Point. ':7:: STOCK MMttr--' M. ' Amslgsaated .gt.Ou K asadlan j Pte.Vt.9 .H Atchison, corn.. 1.00 HU Paul ....... l.tvO Bugsr ....... li. Smelter,, com... ' ,2S . Smelter. ' pref.. . ,2 Belt. A 0., com MV, Lout. -o Naab. Mi tllaeouri Pa.., .87) North Amer. ,,J0 Raadlog. eoaa.. .XI V.-r.. com 1.121a vVsbsah. grof. B2V C. aX.. W...,t4.00 CbeeT A Ohio... .M Erie, com. .a... '...IB 111. Central .... .M i Manhattan ... .ami N. T. Ontral.,, 1.00 Paanaylvsnla , ,. .87 Vi Boutbsra Pac..u - .60 .Steel, oaas. .... .13 H STOCK ADVANCES. J : Oa ...... ,.. . luteal,-- preferred. ,X Metrepolltaa . j. .79 laaaa- CoaA ,,. .. tuO-r T. ah PC . 1.2B 1 - ; , - 1 (Faralsbed by Overbeck, Starr " Cooke Co l New York, Feb. 4 The stock market allowed a very good and strong tone early la the eeealca bat It failed ta bold tha advance foe any length of time. The poatlng of the bank eta feasant, which wa a great diMppatntaient became of the laaa of eorplue cash caused the later decline and at the close of the aoaaliie meat f the big liet shewed a decline. The principal loos wa a now a ta rnioa Pacific eommoa which ctoaod ever a dollar down. The targeat loaa bower er shown wss by Chios e A Northwest ra, which loot 04 from the list of yesterday. Amalgamated Copper waa weak and closed a full point ander the closing of the previews day. Tha advance ehowa In the market today were ll(ht. There waa however a good sised gala ehowa in- T.xaa A Pacific, tb closing showing s gala af 1.25 ever tb previous list. MstropolltSB wss a strong tea to re ut spite of the general downward trend of tb market and after many Mara tb markat abowed a gala of IS centa at the end of the day. Today' official stock market shows: , Cloalna .0. .,.. H,-- ripea. Bid. ASkec. Amalramatad Copper O. ... T4'4 74 74 Atehlaon. eommoat ......... BttA - 8714 B7A Atchleon preferred 103 Kli . . . - , ... . .it' 103 143 mmerican ouaar. . coniDioa.,aa , 1,. American Smelt., enmmoa American 13 melt..' preferred Baltimore unto, comi Brooklvn Ranld Tranalt .... til . 811. . 1 Canadian Pacific, eomawa.. 1844 188'i . 1.14 Chicago aVAt. Waotera, com, 24 231 231 Chi.. Milwaukee A Bt. Paul.lTTH 178 . 17 rkicego at ortclweat., com.iHi 4 atu avi rbeaapeake A Ohio ........ vt Colorado Fael A Iroa, com.. 47 Delaware, , Laicks, Weat., Erie, eommoa ............. 44 Illinois theatre 1 ......ion Ixulavine a Naaavtu .....iss Metrooolltaa Traction Co.. ..117 Manhattan Elevated ........140' Mlaeourl Pacific ,..,.100 New York lentral ..14k Nortb AasarhMa ..u 103 Pennsylvania Railway 140 People Use, Usht A, O- Oo-IOT noaaung. common .......... ne Rock Island, common ..I.... S3 Southern Railway, oommon. 84 B4!bB4 8T V87 Bon Ui era Paclfle ........... 71i -do nreferred ............118 118 118 Texae A Pacific ........... aeU.,.Sfl M Tennesoe CneiNk Iron Tit 71't? T2i Union Pacific, eommoa 128 X 12PA 122 United States Leslhar, 00m. 144 14 J4; no pvsxorrva ........... . Oa. SUtn 6tl Cw cos... BOH SUfL , go da preferred OftU ' Bff(J '. P5 Weatera Union Telegraph .. 02t 92 nabaah.. praferrad ........ 44 46' 2 .SAJI FaLaJIOIMO stTJfTJIO BTOCXS. Sea Fraoclaco,- rob. 4. Official mining quo. tauoae closing 1 1 Bin'. Bid. Rullen , ..g ,28 Beleber Con. CaU Ta... 3.02 Ophfr T.TH Caledonia ....n- .OA eap ?: 1 Kotoaa ,.in Union Con. .... .84 Yellow Jacket .. .20 ' Exchequer ..... .48 Hair A Norcroae 1.B0 Mnlcan ....... XlOt TONOPAB STOCKS. Adams' .....jvtBIS Columbia Mt. ,..m Ooldsn Anchor.. .57 Mohawk .8S Gold Field u.. .IS Jim Butler .... J10 Jumbo .68 McNamara .... .8T PoJl O'Brien ... ' .04 May tjocon .... .80 ' Nortb star .... .35 Kaadall ....... ,34 Bull Frog ', '4ii. irten xop ,.,. la ( t . neacno ...,..., Belmont ....... Sand Storm .... M Narad .... Black Butt Ton, Exten, Oolii Moan. Medway ........ .88 Diamond rieio.. JjQ BAUt rSAlfClSOO LOCAL BTOCXS. San Frsnci, Fab. . Local stock closing ivv eu js, 1 ;, . j - w- . ' Bid. A.k Contra Coat Water :W4 -S6!a npriog vauey vrnwr .,.. at Mutual K lac trio B. F. Oa A Electric ........i.-i. 82 82Vi MU 1 fii 241 . 242 ITl" - - -je. Hawaii Bgr . ...,1..... Hoooko Sosar Hutchlnaoa Sugar 171 'ITTe HSS'SU SUCSS ................. mia, niu Ononis Bngsr SIS 40 Psaubsa Buxar 2ai 27 V A leak a Paekara Snii - at . Cel. Frnlt Can ner .............. 08 100 Oceania Steamship ................ 4V4 ' B ' - m TOES AJTX BTATXMZJrT. ' New York, Feb. 4. Bank atatemest: Decreaae. ....... .'. .17.1S7 B'il Lee U. B. .......... T.)36.1V un iz.44S.eoo nnecie lesala ....... Itepoalta ..M, Clrcalatloa I acre a. . COnON ONE LOWER , - , .TO FOUR ADVANCED (Purnlihed by Overbeck. Stsrr A Cook Co.) Nsw Yerk. Feb. A Th entjsnarket ta1.v bowed a steady ton. Tb market eloeed with tka option (bowing a rug of from 1 point wwnj ve a poinie niaoar. loony a aiaciai oottoa market: " I' Onea. Tl20 T27M TS7; -T4.1'34 TJoJil , ' , 1' March .i...-. 721 May 7W July 740 Be pt am bar -. October TOO ' WHEAT UT AmOMTTTJS. ' ; ; f.1 Tba Buenos Ayre Btaadard af ncembr 2i- my: "Statistic of tha.crop are not yat avsll- ania, out irons a meat reliant sou re w are luformod that all fb new aaout loaa and dam are la greatly xgxersted. and tbst tb poal tloa la most sail. factory. Tkr will . be more wheat thaa last aeaeoa, about TOO.OfO ton of Sax seed and a magnificent prom hie of corn. That la good enough to got aleeg wlthi If thlnra X rlxht. aaoln tbat artce. ar eminent Iv wtlafactory. Tb new wheat la new being glinted offtcially In Rossrla. There ere be re ports a far of loch of labor for harvesting. There are plaaty ef band everywhere, and near land la being rented for cultivations which show tbat new! arrived labor ba com to ty."- - From th Klvsr Piatt Renew. December IS: Tb continued spell of dry w aether has bee BMt beneficial for tb harvest snd ths ereatcr portion ot th crop baa now been harvested, and If Ik weather will nly hold Ml ter an clhev fortnight th harvest aheulif turn out a very'larse one. AH th report that have been eocnlng ta from the dlatrlcta that were auprmaed ta hav suffered from tb rale at th end of November are te tb effect that tk supposed da mate I mack lee than wa expected. Even the SBost peeeimlatle - are now coming' round la their opinion, and they are' Willie to eoa rede that era aball have aa mnch for export ao wo did leaf year. . Perhaps la Jaanary they aril become a littles ansr opttmlatle and allow tbst ws shall have nearly S.000.000 ton ef wheat ta send away. A retard, the flax seed arop. thla I not largo a it wag la.t year, oa account Of there being a eonaldarablo itecreeae la the are eowa. hat oa the other band, tb euallly will he, good and tha ylold per her I are will be guile np t that of wet fear. Everyone ta bow am lonely awaiting the hreehlng return (a se what tb yield la (olng ta turn eat.''. , . , BA(1 V , M4 not .1181 -JIB! -J 10 .106I - 1044 - 1041 -B0-M)'4 Tt -O'b . gZiS - B24 3IS 44 1MU ' loo Z 117U HTVa Z . 1474 i. 148 it .10814 104 I - 10 ii 108 44 a ' OSTa V SSI Mil 8 I 4 P ,atlI,fJll ' ..d. ........... a l.lM.OtlU a t4t--4.altt a TbIBI, TOO a' , 10,600 L .. . ( . .. CAP IN OPTIONS : IS BEING CLOSED Entire Wheat Market Is Stronger ' With, Higher Prices Prevail ing In Chicago. ' JULY'S RISEJS- NEARLY TWO CENTS September Also Very Strong -rf With Advance of One and a naif cents, i : : TBS WHEAT MASK1T. 1 Cine rn. 9ti4 1.0(11 Cain , Bat. B-.wi ," .M 3 .C.'.ft. BepMaiba (Farnlahad bv Overbeck.' trr A' Cooke Ci I'kleaan. VaH A The entlr' WhBOt BSarkSt Mowed conatderabl (trangtn tooay ana an op tiooa la. tba pit were showing a good advaao tt tbajrla.- - - Tb market opened with a firm feeling en account of the higher Uverpool- eablae. Thla. however, waa only aaopudarjr consideration, tb ronttnuance of -the- cold anap In the large wheat bait causing more bulllabnee thaa has been seen la this market for many a day. Al- wmM . i,imi la this auarhst ara. an tb bull ld today, tble csssisg the advaaea la too quotsuon. - Wn... . 1, aae,M 4a, tka aaat eeon fare coming thick and feat, and If these aboa Id ne onnrmeg toe marxet wiu very umbij bow. tlnns Its firm feeling. : . . , '. . --, . The .big gap which ha ruled la price W- leal, tha Viae onflow aad tho af tb BOXt crop la gradually being cloned, tb advaac of near two cents la th July today being an ef the Indication. . Tb reason why Msy wheat baa set abeam tba advance of tba other option during th put few daya l th recent ddoa of to attorney general tbat drawbacks or refund of duty on Canadian wheat milted la thl country gnd sported to com other country ar legal. . It wa la view ot tho oppoet ta oectaim being given that the koary rises Ware formerly shown In the May. - .,..;, Tka Jnlv notion eontlnne to b the loader la rnlnt of advances, the rlaa today amounting to U cent net over th eloatng of Friday. - .... SapUmber cam, forward today with a bettor line of trade and at the clcxer abowed aa ad vance of 1 cent over that or reaier temher opened today at gl.OOtt, Vk k8 aver y later day. and closed t 910B.'. . . - Tb aiisllest.' tiaa was aoown by tb May;, which opened at (1.18H end closed st tl.lT, lu advance for tha day amounted, to fo eaat, , Th official grain market! . ... . - " - WHEAT. . ' ..-. . -" One. ' Hlsh. Isnr. Clo.-: My-vnT.9 LIBIT- 9 I lTtt-9 l l'T i July ..... I.oo5i LOB - 1.00, .1.03A nept, .... 'J1t ' .....a--e -oa-r- . CORN. ' -' 1- Vfey ..... .44 -""'-X Jiy a.... .46S . - ,48 .... - .40 - -, - . . OATS. nay ,;...;- .iovi--- M-t-r: July ...... ..... .....1 ....a - 0 MESS rUlLB. May ;. lST m.p: 12.87 13. ST Honnuni Cannes Cable to "Naw Tork American. SunnyjweAthar, bnt" TBthar wintry tor tha Riviera, favora tba numerous vibi- torn from America, who arrive dally. and merriment prevallg on every Bidev Mr. gnd Mrs, John D, Rockefeller, Jr., were among - th - lateat ; grrtvgla, - and every day following; their arrival they were hoata or gucatg at eOraa entertaiu mept . :? . - - v ) ' Mra.-Rockefeller waa conaplcuoug for her exquisite, eogtumeg, and waa - r rarded aa an exoonent of th very lat eat faahlone. Bh affycted tha lateat atvle of "berwa'' hAt. - Which I aemblea almost a 'fiat basket About tha alia at A dinner nut, . into waicn quanUty of flowara of aU aorts have been carelessly thrown. Forgo t-me-note and wild roaaa and violet, ara scattered pell-mell over tha aurface. Thja BtyU of hat lg Worn Jauntily tilted over ona ar, with tba balr dreeeed very high up On the head, after tha. fashion ot the heperdesaek in Wattoau'a painting, and la extremely becoming to Mrs. Rocke feller. . " . ' .'- Mrs.r Jobrt J. Rockefellrt Jr.. was Mlsa Abbla a. Aldrlch. and la the daughter-of -United State anator and Mrs, Nelaon W. Aldrlch of Rhode laland. Be fore -her -marriage ahe waa tho reigning belle of Providence.' .Tha wedding took pJaca on October , 1101. and waa a great goclal runotion. Th husbsnd. John D.; 3t.i th rtch- I at youngr-inan In- th world. Is aarlou and . rellgioua and addictea - to hard work. He .teaches tv Sunday achool elasa of yOung men-ln New York and dlecueeo Abatrua roltgloue eubjocta. 11 la said never t deacend to levity and is au Dremely sedat In hlg attire. , ' Their present European trip began about four weeks sito, and waa taken because the V young - multtThlHtonatra neeaca mi, 71 1 , - r f-MOTJl BlIIMIIrSTmUn,- .. .. (From tha Milwaukee Santlnel.) . - - "Senator - George K Shoup of Idaho waa on of th blatorio character of the weat," said Charles 11. X,'meron of Hols, Idaho. ... ' At on time, early Itr the T0, Mr. Shoup and hi brother and a young man who afterward became a mine Inapeoter In Colorado wer on a Journey through th state at th time when th' Modoc Indiana war on. th warpath. Th two Shoup and th other member of th trio. John Talbot, were beoet-by the Indians, and Anally managed to, take refuge in a lava-bed, near a stream of water. They hll had rifle with them And plenty- of ammunition, and war In pretty good shape to atand alec. The party wag kept In a stat of siege-for a week, all the time keeping tfe Indian oft", until Anally Talbot man aged to get away on horseback and rid to .th nearest uniiea oiate army post, where he told th authorities of th plight- of his two companlona, A troop of catalry was sent to their re lief, and when they arrived It was Juat in times ag Mr. Shoup brother had been kUled .and th Indians wer pro par Ins - to niaik a charge and capture th Ion whit man, th future governor Snd United" Bute senator of Idaho." - a rmoirno rAMOLT. 'Mrs. Lucll Icialrar iT years old, of Three Rivera, Conn., who 1 th forty- third child of her father, and th six teenth child of his third wife, recently gave birth, to thre sona. A Th head ef tnia remarxaoia yamuy is Levi Brtsson ot Forstar, R. I., Tt years old, a hard-working man and In good health. A If has lost all track of 14 ef his chil dren,' bnt ' thos that he la acquainted with ar fathar or soothers of 111 chil dren, tt grandchlldran, 41 grat-grand-elilldren and on great-great-grandr cblld. Ill first .- wrfe gave birth to triplet thre tiro and quadruple one. Ill second . wlf had five pairs of twine, . Tha plurat Jilrthn continued wltk hi third wlf. . Mia children ar soat tered ever-IT ntafea, three territories, la Canada, Max loo, rraaoaand th Amerb cat navy, - . ". Onea - lew Sat. Sat. r.r.u i'i 91 it : ;.-. i.ooil : Lea se 9 UAY IS fiEARLY ; vTWO CERTS IIIGDEB ln San Francisco Wheat Closes rr;-strbng - at - Practically -4 the. Top of Week. jf BARLEY. MARKET STRONG.. : WILD FLUCTUATIONS Wheat Shorts Rush; to Cover and -T -"Are.' Now With Bull . ' . - Clique. tlMrBUbed by'tJvvsTsiek, trf Cook t l ' baa Fraaclaoo, Feb. A E. F. Mutton A Co. aay: Tho week elose with wheat and bssley selling not far from top arlcoa after a alamo Ing condition to the middle of tb week, on tho continued strength In th4 eastern market and the dvncuig tendency of next crop 00 tloa th local trad been me more friendly to tha ksng aide of wheat. Several ot tb larger abort oovered ronaldanbl of their out. atandlhg eontract during tb week. Tb mar ket aeeina ta a mere healthy condition tha for aom tlm as th larg short ar aut of th way. and ar ao doubt taklog-th long aloe of tb market for tors. Millar r not s ire enyar tney nave Been. Barley I atroog end I lubl to aboWWild ftnetuatlona a a mU Vblum of business. The small stocks made aianlpuistloa In Msy y. The J , fhtur are- pretty wtli over sold. Today's official 11:80 a. an. assrkatl . . . . WHEAT. . . . ' -'! Open. HlxS. low. Close. Mar ..S1.B2U S1.6.4a Bl'a December .... l.&o 1 80i ' 1.S0 tIABJ.EV. le Blada Woadarful ITogT. . Front tb Eugene State Journal. . Th Portland Journal baa mad won derful progress In Improvement and ta publlo favor lnc It waa atartod two or three yaara ago. Jt la now a. grraat met. roDolitaa dally paper with an aaaured permanerit and proeperoua future, urdlk th many tinauocassful papers that bav preceded it, aad xaiiea during th last 90 years.' 1 -r--v--t--:--rrr-r?qK. '-' :'"-WBm' AUl Mai dur aqaaX.'- '"- . rT From th Chicago NewA ; "Chrla'mua an' de rest uv them air holltrdayg roak me lora, said TtreU Ttmotbyr . "'.Cauaa why r. asked Plodding Pttav : "Cuus It make m feel kinder com radn," Jixplalnod T. T. "Nobody don't work oa.a bollerday. - ' 11 af erred Stock Ceaed Ooods. Allen A - Lewis' Beet Brand. TOO IATS TO- OXAsairr. -f ANT ONE deelrln te visit China town during Chinese new yeas -can hav the aaal.taaea . ana company or aa oiiicuu guiao in in ca pacity of 1 pedal police, by calling st or laav- - Ing their name aad addreaan at th store af Shnn Tien Cheung Co.. No. CO Second St, bet. Stark and Oak at,, and elating th boor nnd place wber th party er pax Ilea desire the ttaadanc of the officer. A. F. SWENSSON & C0 BROKERS Booms U aad It, tB Washragtom St, Houses and lots In all parts of th eity-.-Money to loan on city reat a tata. . Collections In United SUtea and Europe. Bpeclal attention to collection of - Inheritanoaa and Battling of estate In European countries. Scott' (711. nVASCIAX. DOkTLAJrD- TXTST COMPAKT Of OSXwOaT. rl Me, 10 XKIBB BT. -The Oldest Troat Oseapaay ta Oregea. OAXIXAIaj geUg.OOB, - r. ... " W conduct a saaoral hanking b Balaam. We receive uvlnga deposit. Ws isexie time eer-tlSeatee-atad oacllAcelM f-deposit oeyable upon 10 day cell, 80 day' call ar Be day' call, with interest st , St. snd d per cent per. annum, reenertlvelr. Call or aend tor eur book of ., 1XL08TXAT10XB. , &ENJ. T. COHEN........ .....President . I.. PITTOCK Vies-President B, LEU PAGET... ..Secretary J. 0. OOLTBA Asslataat Secretary I OITDOB BAIT TBAVCIIOO BAirx. L rr .xjmttxi). . OiamVsr ef . Cmmr Bunding. Third and Stark Btieeta, -. ; liesd-OfSce, SB Old Breed Street. edea.. ' This bank transact a general banking bwaV neee, make losns, dlscoonta- bills snd lames letter ef credit avatlsbl for travelers and far th purchase of merchandise la any city of the world, - Dsaw la foreign snd domsstle xebaaga, lniarsst-gald on a,tlme deposlta. , ... W. .A. MACSAB. Magr. - EXCHAJTT8' - VATIOWAT, BA! TV X TL AJI iXm OUtOli - J. FBANa; WATSON., Prealdent R. t. PURHAM ............ R. W. HOYT Caahter 0SOR0E W. HOTT........Aaabitaot Csahlar Traaaaet a Oaanal Baaklnf Be laaa a. Drafts and Latter at Credit Imned.Arailabla to All Part of tb World. Coliec-Hona specialty. Gold Dual Boaght, SICTSTTT SAVmOB A X-HTST OOlTPASTs .40 MaaruHwi St., Portland, Or. . Traaaaeta a Oenaral Banking BuiIibbi. SAVIBOS DEPARTMENT. 4 Iatermt Allowed on Tim and Sevtnge Deposits. A eta -as Trustee for Eetste. Dratta aad Utter ot Credit Available la AH Parte of the. World. 0. T. AnAM8........... ...Preainent le A. lEWIB. ............ .rtrst TiCB-rreetaeot A. U h:.LU..... ...... .Second Tic-President B. O. JUBITE Becretery u vnxo btatts kattobal babtx; OT POXTXAITO. 0XEO0X. T-'- XOXTXTWXST OOaV.TSlXD AXD OAS BTS. Traaaaeta a Oenaml Banking Xmlaaas, DRAFTS ISSUED, AvailsbVs In -All Cttie of tho TJaltod Ststss snd Europe, Bang Kong aad Manila. OOltlCTIOXS MASS OX FATOXABtX TXXVS President -.... ...... .J. C. AINSWORTH Vice-President. .............. .-.,.W. B. ATER Caehler ..R- W. BCWM EER Asslataat Cashier ..a. at. waiOBT rrXBT MATTOWAt XAXX I" OF POXTLAXD, OXEOOW. Designated bepoalbnry and kinaacUl Agat f . . .the United Bute. President ,...,A U MTTJ.H Cashier.;..... ......J. W. newkiric AsslstsBt Csahter .... .W. C ALVORO g.rona amietsni l.vnier.....n. r . DllVi Latter ef Credit Issued Available ta Europe ana in. abaaivre oiaiea. Slekt Fvcbanae and Talerraohl Tr. w.e... old on Kaw Tork, Boaroa. Chicago. St. latum. St. Pawl, omiia, nan r-ranriaao as tb priwrpal prilnt la Hortbweet. Bleht and tlm bilk draws In enm tc nnl on Leo doa. . Part. Berlin. Frank fort-oa-ths-Maln. Hong Kong. Tehieame. Copenhasea. CbrUtlanla, St"ckblm. gt. .tersburx. Mo. eaw. Enrich, Honolulu. - . oataSOtlsnB sssem am anvovneiw iwna,- ADS TTXTOX. BAXXEXS. (XateUlahaeV ha IMS.) - 4 Traxiaacta a Oeneral Benkln Battin. rvtllaatloae made at alLwnlnts sal favAeahM term. Letters ef credit la wed avalisbl la Euro. ana eu boibis in rns i.nitee state. Mleht Kichanr aad 'TetearaDble Traaaueee old en New - lack.- Wsekleeten. Cbieeget St. Laura, Denver. Omaha. Sea Frlc and Montana nnd British Cohrmble. . ' Exchange eolg ea londno. Part. Berlin. Fraak fort. . Bong Kong. Xekehame, htaalla aad M1XXIS BIOS. A OXXISTEsTBEX. . . Ill first Street, lertlaod. 0 Offer Ollt-tdre Investaaenta hi Mesial pal and aarUTBBB waai wn. ev MORTOAOB LrOAlNa Oa PerUasd Seal Xstst at Leweet Bataa, Tltlee Inenred. AWtiaets Farwkhbsd. - TITLE OAXAXTEX A TXBBT CO. , Xaena 4. Ckaassa f Oamm ' OVERBECII. GTARR Cr COOm r if em bars Chicoigo Board f Trade. . nAnr. rrrrr-.-r- rirrr-r. rrt- ixn !! Third ttreet, l"-"ey 1 ' 1I)A C00U. i.llTIsl! Dr. W. Norton Davisc INAEEK Wo' trsst sm aaasfnlteaTI .i4vete-"neeaeeut saA . chronle dlaaaae ef m alee blood, stomack, heart, liver, kidney aad throat trenbtea. t . cure STPFxTTXIS (witbont merewy) to ty cured forever, I 80 to 80 day. W remore 1 ii 11. lusts,,- wiinaaix oparauoa psin, in 4. dsys, . . . v . W atnn ' drains- the veetiie ' eP aalftmee. tnrmedlatvly. Wa can restore th aeiual vigor , 01 sny man nader 00 By means si lecat Ul - meui neeuuar to ur selves. . : v- ciiV si. We Cure : Gonorrhoea Jn Week Tit doctors of thla leaHrnta are alt reewler graduatea, hav had many years' experience, , bav bran known la 1 Portland for IS years, hav s repatatkow ta maiaral and wut aader. i. a n ceet sslees eextain car caa be at. facted. -. , .'.-,. W guaTante to eur In every caa we ander take or rbargo no fee. Cnlutat!oa free. Lt. . lere eoafldentlal. . lnatmetlvo BOOIC FOB HlH mailed-tree Is vlala wrapper. -. r yon oaannt call at of See, writ reap an. m Blank, - Hum tnatamat ULtaaafut. - - - ' Ofsc boar to S and T to 8. tuadayg and holkUya. 10 to 13. Tba la ding pectallsr ta tb-Hertbwai; . ' laiUtillslisd 1980. . Dr. XI. Morton Davis Taa STey Betel. V. S. Cor. Third aad Finn Slav. TOXTXAJTB.- OSStMUf. - " - O. QEB WO .The Qrsat Chinese Doctor r;i; ; la oalled g-roat be. can hi wonderful curate - are ao ww-1 known throuehoog , th United btaxew. and becaua ao mon I ' P?.1 toanaiul , 10 Him , mr iwias .' their live troa OPERATiaNS R treat any and all dlaeases wit powerful Chin barb, root, bodtv, bark and vegetable , i" . a that ar entirely nnv. - 1 wetemeas in tbl try, and through Th u of th harsn-' leap rahmedleL This famous doctor know th action ef over 00 Brn rmdlM that b has euecen fully ud In dliTorovig 4 1 ao. He gturant to cure eatarra. aatjma, lung irouoiam. . vouimesav stomach,- Uvar. kidnor. ta Sal trouble and all prlyat d'ee. urwtreda of. xastlmonlat. CaMrgag : moderate - CaTI and ao him.- , , oowttz.t a ttobt rwsm. , atlnta out ot .th dty wrttw fog blank and lrenlar.; eivoloa staaap. Ad THE C GEE WO CHINES3 . . ' J: MEDICINE CO. v ; - 153 Alder street Portland, Or. StaJr.' way of Silt Alder atreet leads to of. flea. Mention. thla paper. . ... y T T:jOiirjwri ; CawCn,ora CL003 m KinvE tc:::3 A TAXUrT TO TAXX A MXAIi TIMX. - 1 . as Vie Bleed and Hervat R fepbieng fas IsSS AcbsvtvMMI Bamaae, gmwerk er maaipauea. . . X r ' and Btre-ytA.C at SrfV f -To Sssesa a'aalasei FnmAmf Caa. r Create Aeree frrv. T I mproom te afeeesrp, T Stop DliMf Sptllf. Tm 0ee HJUf aVee. f Stop Rtmging In far. Tm sfair s 1 ver Aetnw. To Our KUmf 0seauM, T gme iear feet. 7gasCar,-. . yCre 0pawasa. - goaee aVMf CensfBatieew SOU) BY ORUeGISTt, OR BY ftUH, ON itCOPt 0fPSICE,7.AB0X;0XUIl. - -DBr XOSAXXO OO. XaTJXADXXiPaTXA, tA. Every I7c.i about in wuuiwifat ' MAtvn vVkktiM teray A vavsyW BsaJeBBsX afjTtWffaBi gWtfeXPeB Maataatd HmMtm. Bea-8er. Moat tronvenlent. . get year SwiM fee It If he cannot supply th A K Ki nceeut n other, bat sand atamp for ' lllualrated knoh a..l,4. ftaree fall narttenlara an dlrecttonaln. ' vslBsMstalsdiea. MlatkhCSe miog . aw iws. rwwwwwwVewwVwVeV V Cladder troubles. Cured In 43Houro TTREtlRT XnckCapeal powxiMO. stovaxn oo - , . tEJtabiUhotl ltl. . am stocx: rrras. 4. e reel ad Use. CXAXCBU f 2r 1 W lTSm 1. VL..,.ve 1 anteal4.aaaaafeelt. IV "Sir iV. W -.- if . .Vi,.,k M I m iiraii 111 v at VUHMU' 1-