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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1905)
, -1 u1' THE OREGON -DAILY JOURMAi; POZTLAWP. CATUHDAY 'FSIHUARY i:-7. n. T BIG COPPER ORE niTCIIELL'S DV isii? 'Fr- ijr t r r eeeUviewUw.iw USED ROUND THE WORLD Walter Bam VGo:s SHOOT DEFINED IN THE BA1 TALKS U 1 -TT - v-r-.-second Cdpperopolis ; Crosscut Seams to Strongly Contradict ;Snatorft Statement of Dl rt rouna vein norm 01 m i ... : Fault Line, , ' viefon of Legal Profit. NOT FULLY OPENED AT ,'y-'.,, LAST INTERSECTION AGREEMENT NOT TO SHARE IN LAND CASE PROFITS Mnagemnt Now Driving to Cut ; Vein South of ,the Great y y Fault" fcone. --y :y", , bocoiate )umm aea vaaj :"T: y iV ,. - - ,.'.7 Busy Political Bee Buzzing In Way That Indicates Presence I of Senatorial Sweets.: ;";" ''v?::-u ::.:- a "Senator ioha It Mitohells published . '.''sf . .. . .-, . ft i Manager W. W. Glbba, ef the Copper' opMJuprty.orBnt county, eiates -TO afflii i'rw hai completed whet he termsthe went crosscut, trminc im mg body of copper or at a point nor than ?9 feet from- the place where It had been -croescut previously. Whenthla fore enter th or, atwut '.SW, feat from the portal, satisfying the management mat ii vai ha same ahoor aa that prevtously . crosscut, and which baa about $0 feet of copper, all energies were centered upon the southeast crosscut. This la being driven to Intersect the main Vela t the 'southeast ef tha treat fault. .The drive . 'previously was' on a minor fault Una, i "y where rood or waa found eeoaalonally.. j! but deel ring t reach - th large vent ', more directly. end prove it ahoot beyead ' the fault. Manager Qlbbe ha his eallr ", crew, with th power drill. In thle adit When the big vln I picked up by thla work, and If It la found t have auch an era body aa baa bean preyed for nearly 1 . lo feet td the northwest, the Copper - opolls will have afshoot In sight that la . capable of keepln large plant busy a . long time without v sinking below tha ,- preaent iavl. The winter werk i to b - continued aleadlly. and spring will find . 1 the owner busy preparing to ' handle their -or,,.., -.-...''.?,..,", SMELTER CONTRACTS; '. "Tff- Y1TH THF COPPER KING f i (Raecbu Dtesateh at Te leeraei.l '.I Cbewelah,-Waatu Feb. .-"rhere la ; no question about tha future of Chewe- 'i rah .as a. great mineral center," aaia A. C. Brooks, wh recently retnrned from the raining district, after a thorough V Investigation f the Copper King and . - ether properties," Mr. Brooks Is a prao- tical miner and bis predictions are of k. intereat iThe Copper King."- he con ' tinned, -'la mine. The working ar ' over SOS. feet beneath th surface with . a-great mass-of ore above and below, and aa drifting eontrnnea greater depth - Is attained. Or bove th main level 1 cheaply mined, a single shot bringing down several, tonav. Copper King or will avaraa-e 111 ton, while tha ex- , -pense of- mining, smelting and, trana portatloai will be lew. The - Ntnthport . Mining at Bmeltlng company, naa en . tered Into a eontraet to treat tha re.1' OREGON GRANITE tQVERliOROCK . Th rock of the Northwestern Granite - eompany. ownlng and operating a Quarry - near Baker City, received a brons medal rat -tha ttt.:rfuiB fair to comDStltton. with I Mini of the famous .Barrie granite of Vermont. Th Baker county property is i not opened to great depth, and opera " lions there are not?' of long duration, but the granite's merit are ahown by th - triumph In a notable collection of such 'etone. The quarry la a large line, sur . fata stripping and preparatory work ln dlrattng a vaat amount ef rock available .for builders.- The-equipment for quar rylng la not thorpugh, yet tha manage lnnt la putting a considerable quantity "' on the market monthly, and expects to do heavier work later. It la said that the finish of this rock Is equal to com of th . beat shipped from remote eo- , tlona, and the, formation la so firm that great bloc Ira may b aeeared, ' DREDGE MEN YIEW THE ELK CITY LOW PLACER ' . Wpeetfl lPa tb TH Jnmial T - Bpokane. Wash., Feb. 4. The Blk City distrtct ts ' te heve a new radastrf in th way of dredging plants,, for low placer grevnds. Mneli of - the plaoer - ground 4a o -low and flat that it ean not be.irofltatjiy worked by fcydraoii appllancea. - -' -"' Pkiladelphte psrtie kra looking ever aom of thl land and negotiation have already been opened for purchase. - Tha properties la queetton ftava been thor- good. A dredg la th only- appliance that will save th valttea, and It will undoubtedly be tha method ased te : work th claims. , . CONTINENTAL READY-' -wTO MILL AND SHlP ORE (RomI, Bbeatch te Tse Jearael.) ' ' Rosetmrg, Or., Few. 4. Th Conti nental mine, on Bouth Myiil creek, I rminlng with a fall crew. vr. B. gtew art, siiperrntendent. reports thaia aeon a -th season la advanced farthet. nt will he shipped te 8a Francisco. He also experts that machinery will be ut In to. redur th lower-grade or early this year. - - , LARGE BOND FOR MERE -ROSPECT AT SKYLARK ,7 (KpeHal btepatrh to t fenreai) Vancouver, B. C.,-Febi 4. This week i another deal for a 8ylrk! camp proev rrty, in th Interior district, ws made, "'When an option for a .few day was airen on lh Bay claim for 0.009, th ortlon to expire next week. Th prop ILJiL IS L.-Jl J ! I ill a Qabing PoA v Cc!3 cn its Llcritd '. t . ' ' .Pprfty healthfnlness, good . lr:r resuitflt lowest price! r honest : rio4s-all in"vone are assured . ' v" 'the user. i.:;j;x ; 2G Czzzzz f :r 2(3 cents Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. ExabUaM ' iji DokCHESTER, MASS. a-HIGHEST-AWARDS IN nrp EUROPE AND AMERICA erty 4 owned by Mesare. H. V. Fuller V L and- JL Hall of OreeawoodV and has remarkable snowing of free fold; the bra In the 49-root anaxt being pecud with tha metal. Tha claim. Is located In : the imme diate Vicinity of th Silver King and Oliver Cloud, not far from th Skylark, and la the only claim ao far discovered In that locality In which the value are all In gold. j ooxvajrr taks vr morn. - - - (acecta! WanalekTe To loamat t 'Bpokane, Wash,. Feb. 4. Th bond en th RHver Queen mine, near Kettle Falls. la te be taken and a company ha been organised, to develop the property, Th principal ' men . Interested In the company are Dr. R. IX oimstead,' D. J. Bisael It., H. F. Case, A. H. Palmer, A. V.-Bradrlck, Ralph K. Oreen, IL M Vt and W. W. Warner -of Bpokane. The property waa bonded by Ralph. K. Green mm . November and naa been worked steadily since. A ledge 40 feet -wide was uncovered on the surface. In which there waa aa 18-lneh streak of pay. ore. Thla pay Streak widened aa depth waa attained, and at Bt feet pay or showed a Breast o feet n--- r V. . voTTMomnpxwt or ntmaut, ; Fredertckilt; Mellts of - BakerCHy. who had charge of tha Oregon mineral exhibit at Bt,, lxnjls. lpia-apnt aeveral days In this city In the interests of Baker county. Mr. Mlellla is nna of ,a committee : chosen by... Abe Baker - City Development league to arrange for a representative display of that county. He 4ias been spoken of aeverai times aa- the probable superintendent-f th Lewis and -Clark fair mineral exhibit. but -was not Iter in that behalf, and naa notnmg ' to . say on tha subject. Mr. Mollis 'ui large Individual, spec! men exhibit, containing some at tha most , valuable quarts nugget ef th tat, and hsafnm off lea at Baker lined with ore cabinets.. ; . irtiu a kiaoiiv. -Hf Vpertal TXepltek U -nr7oeral.) vanconverr B. C, Feb- 4. Two prog- pectoraia the-Popular t:rk district who have . stayed there alnce the flrat discovery ef gold In the valley, have at last stnirk It rich. A recent arrival from th district. In speaking of tha discovery, nay: . , Ta strike WM mad at the 7a-foot level or the Marcu Gilbert mine, hear lh"spot where, tb - first gold ' In Lardeau wai round. Like tb or ef the mede group, which It adjoins, It la fine milling.- The strike is a shoat of arsenical Iron. The owners do hot knew the extent yet of thelr-or body. eat put in-jrix gnms rar apart and all war id or.-. .. -. . , i AfAX mm 160). (noaclat Dlapstrh to The looraai.1 ' Lelnnd. Or, Feb. 4. The main adit at tha Ataxy near here, has attained length or soo reett wner th vertical depth la 150 to t feet This work-ie-under ground, well proved by surface 'opera tions, and in management Is assured that th era found n th lower level and again In tipper 'working constitutes a strong,, permanent ahoot.. The force In theMWer drift --will . bo continued throughout the vmter. . y : . .xnrxBS ot miBBpirg. . " , Ribbons ate being sent to Oregon mlneownera who won prises at St. Louis, announcing the award mad t them. Thef ribnwna -precede the- certificate and medal. Certificates of the awards' will be leased noon, but It is probable tint medals will not be received by th mine. owners under aeverai months. --"- nmoni hotp'' - -' TapaVtal'Dhptteh te tM earaaL) Ocdd Hill. Or., Feb. 4. Employe of the Kekle mine, hear her. . who accepted It rents on th dollar fer thatr clulms agarna tth eoncevn, have not realised lh other 71 cents from eastern owners. It was said that more money would' be forthcoming -m. - i , BI BTnt rUBOBP. fflpeetel Diapatch to Th Tiwrsal.) - Bpokane, Wash,, Feb. .-F0r bun (J red thousand dollars has been pledged for th new Bpokane at Inland electric tin te tha Pa tone, half of th amount having been subscribed by th company tot- st orn. - Mr. oraves and hta assoct ates are reported to have assured the In. vector that whatever fnnd la raised by them will be spent In their own county and district. Th money put up by Bpo kane men will be vd to build th road la Spoken county. - -1- BXTBXBB AT kxxMabmo. ' tftetetat tnepetrk te f lmml.) v Hllleboro, Or., Feb. 4. Th body of P. C. Campbell, who was drowned Jn the lake near this rlty, waa interred In the I. O. O. F. cemetery here yesterday at 2 o'clock. - Ttwr. Mr. Hamilton preached the funeral service, which waa held In the Christian church of thla city. t . , atatement front Washington that he had never entered . Into any compact with Frederick A. TCMba to expedite title t Umber claims, and that if hie partner. Judge A- H. Tanner, did so, he waa not aware ef tha fact, does net disconcert th government onVlala wha presented th charge. Senator Mitchells state ment that he had aa expreaa agreement in the co-partnership eontractr providing that b waa net to snare in any money profits received for work don where the government's latereat might Be involve. la said not to agree wMh the pang. ao. counts demanded and Inspected ky tb grand Jury..- . In th indictment presented, th dates .when checks were paid by Krlba to the firm are act forth. The nature of thl feelieem also to have been, eatsbllahed. aa " the "indictment chargee directly that the aervlo hired was expediting till to .claims and appearing for Krlba be fore the land office.- All of thla waa Af ter Senator Mitchell had been slatted W last timer .--'-. .. r If th defenae of tha aenator la that a did not receive a share of these fees, the government's ease will be In proving that he did. There detaila in the Indictment Indicating upon what thla part ef tha charge la baaed, but assur ance is given that th government haf convincing evldanc that the .senator re ceived a portion of the money. Th fact that he might not have known tha exact origin of it ha a not been, held essential. although In this respect the government lie said, to Have a strong case by which it will be able to shew that tha aenator knew whence thl money came and the nature of the fee. Judge Tanner, his son and both the caahlera of the Merchants' National and the First National banks testified-to tha grand Jury kef ore the ver dict waa returned. - Thla evidence and that of other In equally good position to know,' waa what th government bad for guidance when presenting tb indict tent. .'-.; - There Is. a' rumor enrrent that Fred-, (tick Krlba' told the government of the evidence which It marshaled before the grand Jury." He haa not keen summoned to testify yet, although he Is in thla city. Many of the .men who took claim for him and who make the damaging state ments regarding the methoda of. Krlba and bla senior, C A; Smith, have testi fied. Borne of them ar belng beard to- day. " -. y -, A detaila of the case against Senator Mitchell leak but, the convictlbn grow that there will probably be a vacancy In the Oregon congressional delegation. The penalty for the last charge . expressly provide thau the .convicted -tcan never runner hold mce.or honor or truat un der th government, 'and both line- and Imprisonment are flxed. The trial will be had la April One full term In con gres and a part of another would have to be provided for In case of a vacancy thua lorced by a conviction of the sena tor, and the senatorial bees are already heard bussing In the twilight, .The early arrival ef thla . brood of keen scented Insects is takes) as one ef, the be senatorial honey for the thrifty to gather, for the ambitious one have kept a cios ear te tn grand jury room. ' If further Indictment do net entirely eliminate all at the advertised senatorial material, late developments Indicate that there will be a scramble aoon. eeneclall when the trial Jury In April finally hears the government's- accusations against vregon s senior senator.. . Ty Fat Folksv: - - - I have reduced my .weight 85 pounds. duii nine incnes, wajst eignt inches aj hip nine inobes in a short time by guaranteed. Harmless remedy without exercla or starving, t want id tell yoa ail loom ifc-rmnn stamp and) ad drees. Mrs. Charlotte Woodward. Ore gon ctty. w. . -2;- SPOKANE CAPITALISTS fQM BIG CORPORATION - . (fhnctal fnsMteh to' the lanrui t Bpokane, Waalw Fhv . A rich cor poration haa been formed her to deal In powder, Article of Incorporation hav been filed for the Pacific Powder Fuse company Tha Iweerpot atoi s ar Fatev Ldtrsen, ' T; 4 1U. Oreenough, Charles Sweeny, D. C. Cot bin, S). J. Roberta, John Twohy and Thomas F. Wren. - The articles ef Incorporation tat that the purpose of th company Is to mans facture and deal in all klnda ef tuple stves. ' It 1 understood that tha new company expect to manufacture powder in tn vicinity 01 ftpoaan and maks It t big enterprise, - .r L There has been cohslderabt talk et late about othent.rempanles going into the business; and it is now understood that a' plant will be built by men who have great amount of capital back of mem. ,,-' The busltes In which th -rn?orio ratora are engaged call for an Immense amount of powder; Larsen, Oreenough, Twohy and Wren r railroad contraot ors, while Bwseny and Robert r min ing men. ZJ. C Cor bin tsiaew InUreeied In th new railway front. Bpofcan te the Canadian Pacific, whlek will use a targ amount 01 pawner in 11a cenatrm-tion. Bravo V brncn Women' del Ira t nerve arMttierM sublects them to so much tifrerlng that it I almost Inronceivahl how fhev manage te fulfill the various house! hold and social out lea, and yet they d nd unerj .It Id because thev are brave. uA n rula thev ndratMil tKa m!,m of their delicate organism, bat everlonk the- wonderful mnti luence their nervous yetem baa upon their aeneral health They ar not aafflclently Impressed wun tn race tnai su tneir 111s sre ! ctly traceabi tn th fiervTm tvstem. Fhat their petiodieal anfferlag and nenaacnea are ene 10 weaaeneg nerve. Dr. Miloa Nftrvlno has been wondrfH Bucreaaftil In r- viMiising ine nerve end curing el cnaes of nervosa disorders and Joe ei vitality.! bt dellinai women ' have 1 nouaanos regained their health and vl-ir ny and tha thou igntral rnrtiry them selves by keeetng heir nerveus lystem strong snd iforous bf It use. vifort thin. rrom a tnin, ncrvi pa wreck, mis- erable and wretched , I ant now enjoy Ins snlendld health, and It la all traco. ,1 able to your splendid medicine. lr. Miles' Restorative Nervine." MHrt. MAirn B. OPLINOFR Philadelphia, fa. Money back If first hottla faJla la bencflw r, . . ... g covers whole Pacific Coast E 1 benefit to, be derived should be I i iSSlNfo Ufjuati---'-- .'yy X -yy -7-: '..'.:: , -y:..:5V" -A'y- -yyv- -y r-'k 'z ' - .: ZZ72 : -Jyv. 1 M 1 Jl I'll I 12 v 1 - i i I I I ni J I m.C -)t-r nsm Qifxm n fintv nt winnnw icrntft UAy .7- ,yyya:.y..y--,-y'.-, ,.-..t. r. V:'y ? Z ALaVUUUU UCUIL. VV U lLUU. lilJllVLi LLU V U.Y V V UU latedn- - - I t x l 1 1 1 1 1 1 i r 1 1 i i v v v - ' - : - : . - mmt Yy;,,,--:-:..:.--:--: I " . . ' . t VwlUaTwUJU ft 7i , i ' ' f . ... " . -J. -i '