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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1905)
- " - i . " " '" '"ll'l'mlm'm''fm"' ', . .-.or am On Mini Lay Off on Sunday -; All Cav Esssntlsj P art " : I:- -Tr-; -of Fores. -:, ; :; AMALGAMATED MAY DO .SAME' AT EARLY. DATE Miners Supposscjto Pa Benefited i Found to Oppose Weakly r - ' -V Rett-."- ' ,V I (Special Plwetrh te The Jesrnai.) Butte. Mont- rib. I. Until tb AmeJ- . V garaated company decides . whether It wUI tv a six-day week to underground j men, the population of this city will bi ' . divided on the e.uesttou of eneh a course. "r"" Tbe Leonard mine" continues to Close 'Sundays. .' The management put this rule in practice January II. and while V. there has been but a short time In which , to test it. there seems little doubt that ' It will be permanent with the Leonard. J Home ' worklngmen ' desire " to " see the - Amalgamated company, with Its e.OOt or -., more employes, do the same, bat It is found that- perhaps the strongest op--. w-i. position to a day of rest coma from the men underground. Many ot them are outspoken in opposition. It they could :-get a seven-day wage scale (or the sis . ... ,. day week, the opposition would cease. .L.but many miner do pot want to bo do ; prived ot -adding to their monthly ln V come the tit to lit heretofore received " for Sunday work.' 7 ;" ' Slnoe many miner oppose the effort In 7 v their behalf, establishment of the rule in Butte is doubtful. Sctentlllo men ' who have studied the situation declare -r- 1; that the miner - working; underground . wln j tm- make as much by taking a regular day ot rest each week as he - would If ho worked all the time en even an elght-bour shift. Health condition - underground are not the best and modi- : .." cai students declare that the .ultimate ' ' Impairment of vitality by constant duty , will force the miner through sickness to .Jose mere than, an average of one day a week. It Is no rare thing for miners ' to take a month or so oft after a long siege of workv " to- recuperate, during .:H77. which layoff they .lose mora , than,- If '. they had rested each Sunday; -- ' Certain work. . must be performed "" tin Sunday In smelters and mines, but : If a weekly day of rest were decreed, j ' arrangements could be made forgiving ' 1 . all men opportunity to enjoy, it - , : GOVERNMENT HELPED" ;i..v. THE DAWSON PLACERS pedal Ptepateh as 3ke-earaal4 - ; I DeweOa,' N. W. TK Fob. L Sine the -;- )Me season was brought to a closet and :i ' It was found that the yield of the placers ' .'. tributary , to this -city were about up to ;" the annual standard, "the ' caak 1 .be- - . ing sought by operators. It la generally . i conceded that the fostering work of the viers dominion ; government in constructing . . -' roads Into -new districts Is the solution. - Daweon wiU deliver to the world for ' the next four or five years about as 'much gold as la the- year-Just closed. - although operations in all : the ..richest - 1 districts have been heavily icprtalled. "A "7T .wheh the government realised the dlffl - .;.r,--ulty of transportation, U began spend--. .''' ing annusliyt large sums ot money on v-roeda; giving especial attention to prom- -islng'new districts. The effect. at this . hag been to make operations much r- cheeoer. and cive the miner aeoess to 1 sections where he could 'Hot Have pemKl . . trated but for this aid. Instead Of the few rich' d 1st riots, there are now a-largei . number of -teas productive ones, the .ag gregate being up to the usual standard Tftlii region."' Without discovering new districts It is believed that those now --working could hold the output to " its present average for four or flvo years. especially with the improved tnethBdsJ peing aaoptea. .-,. , NOT A GOOD YEAR FOR ' : 4 PLACER OPERATIONS j gpecUl Dlepttrh to The Inarul.) ' v- Grants Pass. Or.. Feb. 3. .With nearly .lialf .of. the placer. aaon Dn. it, in jMbi coming apparent that weather conditions have not been favorable to hydraulic op eration. Rain - were lata in - coming, and not consistently heavy when they did set Jn. There have been a few heavy storms, but there were dry . Spells b- tween. The , more recent cold, dry weather has been the means of seriously shortening the water Supply In many ". other streams. Late winter and spring rains are always heaviest, and no doubt Wirt be all 'that the placer miners could NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA; tn- acOreforall; ' Tot a laea Cure-all, If o a Woders ." (, . Xlraoia, Sa Simply a maUoaal ?tL7zt-. X Cnf fot Byrpeysla. w-rC '" .. , stn these day of humbuggery and de- wention. . the manufacturers of . patent medicines, ss a rule, seem to think their rnedlclneswlll not sell unless they claim i that it will euro etrery dlaenae under the un. And thejt never think of leaving out dyspepsia, and stomach troubles. They are sure to clslro that their nos trum is absolutely certain ttf eure every : dyspeptlo and he need look tie further. - t In the face of theee abeund -claims It - ils refreshing to note ithat the proprle . tors of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have ' trerefully refrained from making any r'undue -claims or false representations - regarding the merits of this most ex- : cedent remedy for dyspepsia and stom , sch troubles.- They mske but one claim for It, and that ia. that for indigestion and various 1 stomach troubles Stuart's iiyapepsle, TablaU la .a radical -oura. They go no farther than this, and any .man or woman suffering from indiges tion, rhronlo or nervoue dyspepsia, who r "Will give the remedy a trial, will -And ' that nothing Is claimed for It that the , facts will not fully sustain. , i It is a modern discovery, oomposed ot ; ; . harmless vegetable ingredients accept . able to the weakest or , most delicate stomach. Its great Sunceee In eurlnar fitomach troubles Is due to the fact that t will dlgeet whatever wholesome food Is taken into the stomach, no matter r-"-whether the stomach is In good work . ; Ing order or not. It rests the over - worked organ and replenishes the body, the blood, the nervea creating a healthy -- appetite, giving refreshing sleep and the bleeslngs which, always accompany a '1 good digestion and-proper assimilation . of food. - - In using Stuart's Dyepepela Tablets no dieting le required. Simply eat plenty of .wholesome food end take these ' Tablets at each meal, thus aselatlng nd resting the stomach, which rapidly regains its proper digestive power, when the Tablets will be no longer re Quired, i Nervous Dyspepsia Is almply a condi tion In which soma portion or portions of the nervous systent are not properly flourished. Good dlgeatlon Invigorates the nervous system and every organ In " ; the body. pt'iarl's Irpepla Tablets ore -sold 4 by all druggists at l cntg per package, I ifiiii --TY'-,"Ti';i'"vi; I 7 The Bi,? Store in the Middle of the Block JhBGJk. . .'-ft ' ... . . " ... ;.! : . . . . ." v . . . ... i- - i 69-71-73 Third St., Bet Oak and Pine ' "y J '-"7 j .; In all-wool tailor-made suits that lays head and shoulders over any sacrifice sale of new, Yresh goods ever attempted at any time or under any circumsUnce. Over 1,000 s&its, in single and dou ble breasted ack and cuUwajr styles. Made by the highest, class wholesale tailors of Americs Cahn, Wampold &-Co Crauae, Brandagee & Co. and Punch & Co. Suits" that vme manu factured to retail at $12 $19 and $18, but we are going to wind up the winter season by closing out every lot of winter or medium heavy weight suits under this roof, giving to the public. the full benefit of new; fresh styles at a price that touches the common sense spot in every broad-gauger knowing person a pricewithin the reach of the most delicate pocketbook. , v : . ; . ? ' HALF-PAST SEVEN SEVEN AND AnHALP i ; . ' - i V Army of Siiits 1000 Strong Comprising every style, color- and pattern that the : most exacting taste could dtmamAJf.-t!..:!: -'l';'f -ts ?V.-X.-'.'' For $18 tweed, $18 cheviot suits, $18 homespun suits, light,' dark Or? medium colors and patterns, v . . For $16 cassimere suits, $18 cheviot suits $16 tweed suits. J For $18 worsted suits, $15 cassimere suits. , r T'Z For $18 chevio$ and tweed suits,-$15 homespun suits. . For $15 fancy worsted suits",- $15 clay worsted suits.' f .. :; For $13.50serge suits, $13.50 fancy worsted suits. V','1 t ; For $13.00 cheviot, tweed and homespuns For $12 clays, serges, cheviots, tweeds, tricot, longs, basket- .i. worsteds and unfinished materials. r:: i ;' : V; ; .- This stray of suits Is hot a display of 'old ias-bcnB.Remember,-every suit Is of the latest snd newest approved mld-wlnter faehlon, -tailored and trimmed In a most- faultless way. Suits thst will mill fame to our great establishment suits that. will make new customers and hold them. ., .. i . , ; i ' . .- -.. . . ., L i ::: HALF PAST TVvQ TWO AND A HALF : K&k V - vX KNEE PANTS SUIT SALE MEN'S SHOES Special sales will be in ordr all jduring February. - As fast as lots get broken they- will be -AHM , . '. ' '. z?T ' Lot .will-contain all- kinds of shoes . vvtrth.up to$2.50LilHeavy;light andine "; dium weights, ';V--. . .: -closed out-at onee.- 2.65 Lot will contain Bluchers and 3a!. and r kangaroo patent calf vici,. box calv etc, up ; to $3.50 value. Goodyear welt. 1- ', ..... .. .... rw- ' -Jt., , WeThave" selected 309 brmore-3rownies plsited reefers, ' Honour, ana aouDie oreastea styles. ney corns - in soi , sixes, but not all sizes in every line. We are going to close them out t l real bargain. 1"':'-X"'-:J"-? j2Will'?take7choice of any jof em-1 Suits 'that sold at $l,vl $4.50, $5 and $6. Select the one that fits and suits you best at $2.50. The CHICAGO for bargains. ;y - ifsTi Men's Odd Vests ' t - Will uke choice of 300 light and dark color odd St . mm m . a a . . Ae - Bv ja. . M vesu tnat seu regular at i.w ana i.ey. ' oues run irom so to oust. ,r , . TSWill buy overcoats tnat sold up to $9.50 Will buy' overcoats and cravenettes that . SOld up tO 9Q. i ; ; - f 11.50 Will buy-overcoats and cravenettes that-sokL:upto yw.;r - .-- 14.50 - Will buy overcoats and cravenettes v; that sold up ta $30. ; , : , ; .. r . . , But a Hundred or More Styles Not overall shape-cut out witha buiz saw-and sewedlwitlv strine, but real Uilor-made, form-fittintf and pes! top styles: hand-UilpiM3ejsedjvith-best-qualit - standard iwool and worsted. materialsFrom. such makers as the Hangwell and- Brand JPtoswe havetakerraboutl.BOO pairs.Thi8 does jiot mean 1,700? it means totalle about, but, The Chicago is the greatest store in two states arid does bigthings and will divide them into ihree lots at the following prices 1 . ..-.v,- 1,800. deTrom select, " That's a great many JWil Itakeojc all-wool-or union worsteds in all ; colors, worth lip to $3.60. - This tot, is, mostly odds and small lots! from broken suits. ' Sites .to 42 ' waist. . The CHICAGO for bar- gams. Wijl giveyou Zchbice of j 500 elegant, worsteds and r all-wool f Scotches and cheviots; cassimeres, etc-regular "form-fitting oroeg top styles. - A'most select variety, -that are worth up to $4.50. The CHICAGO for bargaliis. ' " A longtime of .over rl.OOO pairs in all the very latest custom tailor patterns, f auhjesa Jn style,- make and "materials. $5 would be very reasonable for any pair in the lot': $5.50 and $6 is the regular value ofmost of them. The CHICAGO for bargains.. ; ;' r4-"' rj - ask this year, during wilch time it may be possible to recoup some ot the short age that must be charged against the district at present. But the beat.thaX wtmwew -urva'ru uu uv u year in placer gold will be about tho average yield, for it is .too lata to commence mas Ing a record. - -- v EVERETT PRODUCES' A -1 ' -BIG ARSENIC. TONNAGE (Ssertal Dlapatch to The Journal.) . Everett, uWa8b.t -reb.. .S,ThJocal plant of tha American 8neltlng d: Re fining company has become sn Impor tant producer of arsenic, the regular montMy-ahtpment of this once shunned mineral being I0S tens. - Much of tho Ore from which tha arsenlo is extracted Is from ths Monte Crlgto mine. 7a miles from The smelter, and. which was once the subject of wide publicity owing to the heavy work-; Inaugurated . there. Other ores of tha district are rich In arsenlo, and the smelter management has no difficulty In drawing largo sup plies..-. .. ..- ' .Tho fact that tha smeller finds a market for arsenlo has caused the Monte Crlsto and other mines to demand pay for this mineral. Refusal has caused dissatisfaction, and there Is some talk of tbe larger shippers erecting a fur nace near-their properties by means of which they would roast tho arsenic out before shipping tha ore to -the ameltor for final reduction, - Nothing definite la this respect, has been done, but mar be taken up during tha present rear. Ship ments of arsenical ores Increase, and tha value of the arsenlo product to the big company grows. NO doubt Is felt that within a short time at least due allow 3 nee. will, be madfor arsenlo obtained as a by-product-, . D.06DEN MILLS SOLD THE BLACK DIAMOND 'rSpeelal Slapatek ts Tbe ttatfU New Tork, Feb. I. -The Paolno Coast company has secured front XK Ogdea Mills tha Black Diamond coal mine of Washington, for ll.l0,90. This w paid by the Pacific Coast company out of Its earnings and tbe mine is expected to add materially to the company's reve nues, i The rise In the company's stocks. the common advancing H4 points yes terday, la thought In Wall street to be duo to competitive buying, the Union Pacific Canadian Paclfto and Great Nor thern being named In this connection. . BLUE LEDGE AFFAIRS . T . ARE YET UNSETTLED ifleeelal Dlaeatrti te Tke Xearaal.y - Waldo, Or.. Keb. ..- Creditors of the Rlna r enmnanv hav nr. yet beea satisfied, and tha affairs of the' City Development, league. promising copper property are cause of considerable concern, Tha total -ludebt-edness'lkt the time of Issuing tha at .Uctunent. -was. $M00, for supplies and for labor. The origlnsl.owners state that the agreement in regard .to I work hat not been kept, as si men have not been employed underground . - of late. After expendlsg the sums, put Into, the property already, no doubt .is felt thst the preaent owners will continue tmrtr Devments and work. .The first Installment of $1.000..' was paid-at tha time of taking of the group, and tbe Interest of Ia F. Cooper, worth $9.t0. wss also taken up; 110,000 is due this month.- Deep snow has made work dlff loult at tha altitude of the Blue Ledge, but Manager C W. Oeddes will no doubt be able to -arrange affairs so -as to continue operations unill tha break or spring. ; . v , ... . , WAm.:lwslfWaBV- (Speelat DlaeetcS te Tke Jeursal.! Phoenix.' B. C., Feb.- I. Tha tempera- ture Is modifying once more, giving to tha streams greater -volume. The Cas cades power-;' plant, which furnishes Oranby with electrical energy, was gen erating .near capacity before the last cold snap. btt Is again reduced slightly. There seems., to be a general improvement-over .the province, .and there will not likely be mora freesea to effect Wster supply, for the big power plant. Tha Oranby has been using five of, Us furnaces, and will probably be able to blow tbe other In soon. ;.. yusuc ooacraarr axrrara. .t 7 - Special fjltpatck, to" The tearnal.) 1 Spokane, 'Wash., j Feb. . The River Basin property-. Stevens county, which wss owned by the Vsn Morns and associ ates, itaa been sold- to- the Turk- Mining company for the reported consideration of $100,000. The Silver Seal properties wars also .sold to tho same company for $25,600. The Turk "Mining company, which has Installed a smelter. Intends Immediately to joomtnenee treatment of ths-ores.. " .: , -JXY OVTJt SOVOaTT. . tSpedal Dlapatch te Tfce Joerml.) . : Spokane, . Wash., Feb: . Tbe Jay Oould- mine, near Chewelah, which has been Idle for several months, has started up. D, F. Strobeck of this city Is "In charge and will open the era shoot cut a year ago, and from which several car loads of ore were shipped.- The last csr ran about $$00. The" mine will be put In shape to run more extensively. Asvxansa ur BAST.' ." (Special Dttpatek t Tke ewaal. . Baker Ctt Or., Feb. $. a Storer Tlce of this city has departed for the east with a quantity of literature adver tising tha resources of the district. His work Is under the suspires of the Baker h -V-..- J m k -TW ;iiiiti oilrt! in sa' s " " Plain as OtC Our merchandising methods as to facts snd figures are so evident on their very face that you cannot, go astray. Large buyers, large . sellers .snd content with smalt margins, you will not go smlss In dealing here In the line of hard ware. Avery (SICoa STRUT. .' NICARAGUA VOLCANO 1 , - IN ACTIVE ERUPTION VrrJMouroal Bseclal Serrlce.1 '1 : PSafrTrnncIscor Febr5. Tne-stesfneTf City of Sydney arrived from Panama yesterday with advloef 'to the effect that tha volcano of Moatomba. I miles Inland near Lake Nicaragua, la in a stato- of eruption -after being quiet $0 years. Great masses of smoke, cinders, rocks and. lava are, Issuing from the crater. - Showers' of .cinders and .atone are thrown-aver!-the- surrounding towns snd streams of Isva are pouring down tha aides of the mountain, forcing fam ilies living near the base to flea for their llveai" . , 1 : Oreat coffee plantations ' are being ruined. ' a-nd . Inhabitants are - psnle strlcken. The City of Leon, with 1.000 Inhabitants, ia legated eight miles from the velcsno. The fata of the people Is unknown. Tha last eruption deatroyed many lives and much property, "7"; TIPPING WAITERS TO ': - '. BE MADE MISDEMEANOR " , ' Ueernal gpeeUI Servm.l ' " ' Albany, N.-T-. Feb. S. The man! who tips a waiter ia liable to a- fine of from $10 lo $100 er to be' sent id prison It mm "To hold youf ownift"Vouf tste-' v tie with the world? Are you . full : equipped for ; g . buainess ; career with a good commercial ' training? "If noC von had bet- tcr prepare youraelf by taking the couraea we are offering In "Bookkeeping and Stenography, . i - Send er Call fay Qatalogaa, . ' BehnkeValirer Business College Viintry Blasts Mine Surveying. Railroad Work. Iniga. . Uon, Reclaiming of Wet Lands, City, and County Work Generally, PAVID CORING ' Civil Engineer 1 nd Surveyors Notary Publla ; T. RamiHoaBldforoftlaaa. Or. the ' bin introduced ' by ' Senator ' Base of New Tork City becomes law,' The bill makea It a misdemeanor for any per son . to bribe a servant er Influence by action his relation to his, employer. " Grocerymea, whose custom ia to sup ply butlers, cooks and serving maids whiskey in order to get trade.. wlU- be hit hard by tbe bill. -; - . ' ; fovosct oram a womai. ; (Jesreal Bpeetal Serrlre.) . " ' San'Frsnclsco, Fe $. The bteamer Korea arrived today 'from the Orient Lur Ing the-vey age Paymaster ' F. C ? WiU have no terror. for you if your coal bin is filled with GOOD CLEAN xMQMM txtcm as wm asu.,. . . . - ... - Why tsy money for tha kind that causes trouble and vexation, when yoa are certain sure of satisfaction by ptao ing your order hereT ., T T," "; f Rock iSprings a . satis, tzAVAains, v r . " ' SS S. Storrlsea St. " Fhoae aui 184. QS. l7i:SLG;7f3 jcc3tc::3 syt.:? las aesa og W nmaoea oe gnan reMSr 1 anlMraa waile TMklaa foe ew itt Tears. 1 It soothes the Child, torteae (he guaaa Uti all pala. earaa wiad eoUe, and M lae kea aaSMtlr roe SiarrlKn, lali TWMTT-yiva cTirra a aerm.. Qudger, en. route from tha Asiatic squadron to Washington, and aa Kng llshman named Arthur Boyce, had a fight over a woman. Boyce waa badly beaten. . The affair will be rwltol to th attention of the navy department. " q;iikU' WEINIIAItWS Brewery largest aa Moat' Caatplaaa :' , Brewery la , U KerUwesl. Cottted Deer a Specialty .;';: .Tsurrsssa va, ts, ' Ofloa 13th asd Bars side guests. PORTLAND OREOOK. ( klkthnv eWe .... s "ia W IrniAKwwe ee 1 seat e a v I aM 1 cr- 1 J M .. V aamsun, n . -,. :