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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1905)
:.::al. i jtlaIid.' : .!.jay sv. tns 6r.rcc:i daily jVu MLES 0F$ '' ' 1 1 ...Mt v- - ? This' is a photograph of a' scene on the Oak street dockt- It is one of frequent occurrence and shows how the ''circulation'' f the Telegram is kept up. These stacks and bales and bundles of left over and returned Telegrams are nn their .way -to, tha ' jttptf mill to be ground over and Used in tha manufactura of print Ur''yr.,.: -,, :-4 DT DEBATE OVER worth's RegulatioaTrunk ,una Bill Brings Forth Fiery Speeches. rytk DISCUSSION ENDS INf : v-: TABUNQ THE MEASURE J"-: Accusations Made That Trunk ? Line Influence Prevents; ".' V V Its Passage. . , -.. : (eVoa Journal Staff Corraapofid-at.) ' Salem,. Keh, . -Killlngsworth bill upeUtng th trunk line railroads to - Make reasonable ' Uktfto -. arrangement .tor the handling of th car of branch Jlnea-provoked a warm, debate In the houaa thla raornfng and accueation of Jlnka4-Jnxluenc were freely made' by advocates of tha kill aaalfiBf rtha mom. RAILROAD MEASURE tier . opposing 1U KtHaaworth-waa , -.-.' hlmaelf charged with being the author ,v af tha bill drawn purely in tha Interest - - ef-av private corporation. "Meara .assert ,i ad that KIMlnieworth had acknowledged that the bill waa drawn la the inUreat ,;f the Portland Nebalem railway, a - paper -project, ". -.'.?- " Tha bill waa. up for final passage. Bingham moved a' re-reference to the committee for further Inveatlratlon. XUllnKaworth arml opposed tha rao-4 tion, declartna- that the rallroada had : ejreadr had a fall hearlna before th L-eramlttee, and aald: ' TlM hundred thousand people' are - anxiously waiting: for you to determine t h(r ii h ta, n if yu desire to place 'yonraelvea on record as not willing; to Jiead tha ' people; offce"". "put doY" ; aerve nnder tha dlctatloa of corpora ..' jtlona, I have nothing rnore to aay to i L7 refer the bill mean to' send ff to ..V fin wntlmelyirrave," declared Smith ef ;., Josephine. "8rmllar law are on the atatuta booka of every other state In tha Vnton, In" Oregon tha trunk rall- road a are tinder a. single ownership. rn:-TB,y havabeen unrestrained and are 1 . 1 -3fTOH!NQ SKINS PVIVJ Ktl. asleep. Itch, rich. Itch, 1 ,v trcraffclrfaf aantil tha tender tkla ecoraaa UTHaraed, aotw and bleeding - H erf in a Coan aiayntclBeellk Treetoteat, will aire tV uffrlo Utile lastut rrlle -i an I sin, t4 "', eoaiplete cur.... Multlts'1-i nt ws r nmo , mm vqsai inr eoBre, IS- live, enatians. asseraSL thin kalr. m,-miA "A Braith el Hn Bslssta I evert Ctk . larse fs. eskes; I rake 8p.t amrdsta'." Itte Uarftna, ' - ... M.wfsrjared by nrto R. Br-liltl r., !-. i. J. Tike BMklsc wltheni tkls troosaw. . co. V earth ABIES RETURNS IN RECKONING TELEGRAM'S ' .? . . -7 able to Juggle tha rates aa they pleased.1 emltb gave mtny-examplesr-of Ttor uonaia iraignt cnrgtuu -r "I know what the Xata of- the bill wa be J f re-referred," ha eonoludedi- "I had a railroad-commission bill which waa ant to that committee. I waa. in U room when ' they met and heard tham vote to- reject, my biff without even reading It." ; i.. ,.'. '.;:.'. , Bingham' disclaimed any disposition to obstruct the passage of Hhe- bill but said he had-bean told by W. D. Fenton, attorney for-the Southern Pacific, that ha-had no opportunity la appear before tha committee. Meara eaplalnea "that though Fenton talked to four of tha torn- m It tee the chairman waa. absent and tb bill had already been reported. "Mr. HCilllpgsworth explained to the. oommlt tea," said Meara, "that jiia Dili waa in troduced In tha Interest of the Portland fc NehaJem railroad which exists only on paper, and only 15,009 of 1U stock has been subscribed. Ha then withdraw tha orlalnal bill and aubstltuted a broader one, designed tb be applicable to an nraaca roaaain xna la in the interest of William Raid, better Known as -uunaee; jteia,. wno years ago built a road . in. Clatsop county and inaucea me larmera xe aia in ine pn eot on a promise- of trannportaUon.. The promise was never kept for the road, waa a failure.- . .- r Meara said that he hid assurance from Fenton that the Southern Pacific would mak fair trafflo arrangements with any connecting 'i road. "VThe motion to rerefer waa lost U7 rising Kllllnasworth undertook ' to-. explain the purpose of hi bill, which he aald waa prepared by John. McCraken of Portland. -A-dlacueelon -developed -the fact that there was a general deslr for xuuec-aniurmaiion. nviora ruimi .oh cue bill. Meara ,-eaoved tt be laid on the table- 4111 next Friday and tha motion carried. .' "It will never "get' off tha ta ble, aald Smith of Josephine. "Oh, tt means that tha bill la dead,- aald Kil lings wort hv .; , : , V, ;v;-ar.Jff -caoxsas ruaiBavaxi. ; " "(Joerul RpeeUI Servlee.) 1 :- 1 Wew york. Feb. I.irhe , funeral "ser vices of tha lata Frank H. Croker, son of Richard Croker,' were attended by a great crewdt at flfa- lanatlua hurf!h-thls afternoon, interment, waa In . Calvary cemetery.- '-. ; - - y - TORTAX BCLXi . Aim, t . ' (Jearasl BpecUl Service. r-T' Washington. Feb. . The house this afternoon passed the - poatoffle appro priation bill carrying lllv.eoO.OAO. after an attempt to atrlko out the subsidy for tne southern railroad had been defeated. mm hi lev-aji HATS Kmmpm Yom looking Yotmg anrsTi rrstor yentkfol eoler te srsf er faded kalr. Brnps sals tolllsa. PoalHMljr VBMnea aasdrutr. A klfblaw fcalHroarer prMB(. kaeplog balr Soft, glnaar, lasrt sot, Dw sot sMf ekla er Hnes. Tkla Orvat Hair rood, sided kf B ABKINa, tOaP. keala srala. kills eaadraS gattDa, etnti Itekieg, stvamtra dne srowtk. Ltuc kottlea, dnltluV Take aotblag wltbeat oor alanatnrv. Free Soap OffttMansSSS fllfa tkla, take to ear ef folloarlac draw tleta, aed ret (v. knttki UalrHeslth end eake tlarSss Uedleated anas, katk fne IOe. s-telar snes Tae.t er sent by Pblle War C.. Newark, . J., prepaid, for aoe. and tkla adv. M anas not rlvea by drsrairt wltkeatf tktssaUat av. sad sOc fa Ualrkealtk. Vask,.... Addreaj ,,,, ,.. f WOOSAJtB.' CL1H1 a- CO, , 4 Waahla gtoa, , s-otanh BUT THEY CASCADE BILL HIT -, IIITBII HARD Law-Would - Have Cut '- Off the Extra Salary for Circuit ' -...f-'r-Judges, v- : - PORTLAND JUDICIARyj - : : ALTERS THE MEASURE Workings j( Direct PrimaryrJLaw Wefe practically Nul- ified. :v : , . (From a Jearasl SUff fcocTtapaodrnt. ) Balem. Or- Feb. - Examination of tb Cascade county bill by-lawyers and judiciary- of Portland yesterday resulted In the Interesting discovery that, that In strument, aa drafted. If passed, would create .havoo In Multnomah.- ''Uninten tionally on the part of the-fra mere of tha bill It would have out off the extra I1.00S salary paid to circuit Judges and done away with tha pro vialou that all equity caaea must- be heard in . open court and practically nullified the work ings of the direct -primary law. Tha wTror between Portland and Salem were aoon hot with messages to bold the bill up In tha aenata until the error could be rectified. - Tt ----- i. A representative of tha Portland ju diciary arrived .here laat night and altered tha bill ao a not to Interfere with the present laws aow operative as regards Multnomah. " ' J Jk law. passed lir 10S provides that member of the circuit court In counties formlne- one Judicial district, havtnr- population of 100,000 of more, shall be paid ll.vo annually ry - tne county, making. thelsaUrr 14,000 The Cas cade county Wtt-added -a prospective" new eotinty ton tha Fourth judicial dis trict.-r Accordingly : tha. fourth district not belna composed of only one county. would not om under the previsions of the law of lz, ana that part or tne salaries paid by. tha county or Mult nomah . would have had to be discon tinued. .. .v . : ' Similar technicalities would -. nave affected the direct primary-law and the bearing of equity cases. . Tha b 111 has been amended oy a pro viso that the district already existing are not to ba affected by It. : The Cas cade -county bill will probably ba killed In the aenata, a It 1 a machine' meas ure. In the remote 'event that tha bill paaaes tha senate It will be sent back In a revised form to tb house. - . - PIONEER dF LEBANON ' EXPIRES AT HIS HOME (Special Dlspateh te The Journal) Ibinon, Dr., Feb. . David Bmftn, an old pioneer, died at Ma' home near this city yesterday at th ag of 77. Mr. Smith came to this county In 152, where he has liver aver since.' Ha was highly respected by all' who knew htm. He leaves a widow and 11 children. II will be burled tomorrow. SCARS E0Y WITH POISON , GIVEN BY HIS MOTHER Jiraal aaeetol ttervtce.) a-, ' Fresno, Cat. Feb. . With a shriek of raga,'-Ma, Elisabeth Haferlan dashed a cup of concentrated lye In tha face of little -four-fear-old Eddie Harpootllan. and aa) a result tha boy will toever see again, Tha poison waa banded Mrs. Safertaa by- Mrs. . Harpootllan, the mother of the child, and told that It waa water.' When tha Intended victim touched her lips te the cup, aha felt a sting, and reallalnar that Mrs. Harpoot llan had tried to kill her. she threw Its contents Into th child's fsce. This la th result of a. wraocl over, a ALL COUNT i CIRCULATION valuable vineyard. Jfohn Safertan claim that ha waa swindled out of the Vine yard by Oeorgs Harpootllan. Safertaa recently pulled-ttti trigger of a ahotgua on his enemy, but the cartridge snapped. Th wives earn together aometlmea and talked over the family trouble, neither showing much bitterness. '. C - Mrs. Saferian asked-for a drink of wt and 'Mr. . Harpootllan went to tha upboard and brootrht out-th lya.The boy'a yea are lost and hi face I a mass of burns. Both women have been arrested, charged with aasault with. In tent tp oommlt murder. y. r r i an. " ' ' KLAMATH FALLS MAY -7 SOON HAVE RAILROAD ; Th Southern Paciljo railroad is to be etttnded to mtlea,- frera "Weed station to Klamath Falls, by March II, 1907, if the people of Klamath county carry out the terma of an agreement just entered Into between unm and "an agent of the com- pany. Tha property earners are required to - aubsorlbe. "by March. l,-r 1805, a subsidy of $100,000 In money and land, and th subsidy la to be placed In escrow in-the Klamath county- bank and .th First National bank of .Klamath Falls, to be tamed .over -to the railroad com pany on Its completion of tha Una within the time limit . Klamath Falls haa appointed aT flna'nce committee, composed of Cduncllman B. O. Bishop and H. Fred Shallock, m lead ing nuainees man. With B00.000 acres of rich land, na- aurpaaaad water power, and 1 (.000.000. - 1 000" feet of superior white pine timber aoccsBiDie, it is expected that a large city will be built up at' Klamath Fall when railroad communication with tha outside world la aecured. - t WOULD DIE RATHER, : ' ' THAN ACCUSE -IUSBAND ?.";. .-; i , - -.. . . Ben 'andLenora Bar win, husband and wlfevara cone nod in tha. city lall on charges of vagrancy. The man waa ar rested last night and the wife waa taken njto- custody In. , the . police - court. -thie morning... '- .: ," ' Darwin ,. was arraigned In the police court- this -morning, but hi ease was continued Until tomorrow. Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald spoke to the wife, requesting her to return tomorrow ' , -t will if 1 am alive," waa the wo man's reply. - . Upon hearing the threats Deputy Fltsgerald asked thst s)ie-be detained In Jail and issued a complaint-charging ner witn vagrancy. . Mrs. jHrrwIn- told Fltsgerald that aha Would take her life before she would testify against her husband., ,. ;. ,; ,, . , , FATHER KETCHUM REPLIES ,:T0 SENATOR BARD i (Jeursal Bpeetsl servlet.) V . .. ( Washington. Feb. J.-a-Father KetchHm. fhead of the Indian1 ducatlonarbureaa of th Cathollo "church, in refutation of statements by Senator Bard and other, told the senate -committee on Indian af faire today that there wa nothing Il legal In the use of Indian truat fund for the aupport-of Cathollo Indian schools. 1 Attorney General Knox, he said, bad given a written opinion that their use In this manner waa legal and approved by tha cabinet. He said that Dr. . Belts rf? had no official connection With the Cktholio church and If he prom ised Bard the Catholic support he did It on hi own responsibility. -.'.-. EMPLOYERS CUT LOOSE ' RUSSIAN STRIKERS ; '. .. ' 1 ' 1 :'.. t . v tloursal Special Servh-.) t, Petersburg, Feb. I. Despite the announcement of the government that It would protect all workmen who re turned to- work, employers an today dis missing alt those who took a prominent part In th recent agitation, and Intend to a lamias ail tiro) belonging to Father Uopon'a orgsnlsatlon. About S.0O0 work men-. have already been dlerolased. and ar In a destitute cdndlUon, . Now Uso Liquosono, Won't You c Millions of people, of pine different nations, are constant users of Liquo xone.' Sorrfe are: using it to get well; some-"to keep welL . -Some to cure germ diseases; some aa a tonic. Mo medicine was ever so widely em Dloved. ' These users are everywhere: your-. neighbors and friends are among them. --And half the people you meet wherever you are-know someone whom Liquoxone has cured., . , -. If vqu need help, olease ask some of these users what Liquoxone doe. Dpn't blindly take medicine for what medicine cannot do. Drugs never kill germs. For - your own -sake, - ask about Liquoxone; then let ui buy you a lull-size, bottle to try7-- Vo-Paid 0100,000 For" the American riarhts to Liauo- xon.- We did -this after testing the product for two years, through phys icians and hospitals, after provinar in thousands of difficult cases that Liq uosone destroys the' cause of any germ, disease ;- ''- '.' '. L ' -',.';. Liquoxone has; lor more than 20 years, been the constant subject of scientific, and chemical research. It is not made by compounding drugs, nor with alcohol... Its virtues are derived solely front eras larsely oxyrerr ns -by a process requiring immense ap paratua and 141 days' time. The -result is a liquid that does what oxygen does. It'ia a nrve food and blood Kfood-the." most helpful thing" In the ; HAY GOT NO MONEY FOR JUNXETJKC TRIP Ordinance Not Signed, But Chief ; It Instructed to .Close : ' Red-LIht SaJtnsTl Th ordlnarre approprtatlnsr tl.609 "lo pay the expenee at the Junketing trip or the city xouncll to Uom Angeles and Ban Diego haa not been signed by Mayor Williams. -.... M .. . t "I have not signed th ordinance, "'.aald the -mayor thla . afternoon',"- "and In all probability I will never do so. . I want time to consider the matter." "When questioned concrnlnarTisVtsnd regarding tha combination house In the north end h aald: t - -.-" 1 "All I have t-say about tbia-mattee fat that I Instructed Chief Hunt this after- Hwa w teas anata turn yii pruinncT regulating theae ptacea are en forced. . I feel (Certain that the chief will , that isf was are opeyeo.--. .' -. ATTEMPTTO ABDUCT - r V.GIRL IN TUG FOILED ''- ' " ijoornal Bpaolal SeavicavJ ;'" ' Seattle. Waah.. Feb. J. After a ilea- Serate struggle at midnight last night, arl Olsen rescued 16-year-old. KUen Baakett from her abduetors, who had en gaged a tug to earry her away. The girl had bean lured to th dock by C U. Landerkln. her former husband. He wa on tha point of putting her aboard when Olsea interfered. . Ha fought Landerkin. who threw soma liquid In tha girl'; face, hut-Olsen finally rescued th girl. - Th girl msy lose ber eyesight -from ' the Uauld thrown In her face.- he la In a critical condition A-warrant la out for Landerkln'' arrest- ' It 1 believed that he 1 cruising somewhere on the Sound with atug. This is the seeona time he haa triad to kidnap th girl. v " I JAPANESE ATTACK ' - ? KUROPATKIN'S FORCES 'A (Jonraal Bpaetal hsrvV-a.): ' Bt Petersburg, Feb. t. Kuropatkln e- porU: 'The Japanese after a vre cannonade reattaoked our forces at An tanchenan, at noon en February 1. The Russian retired hut later occupied, a part of the village..' '- "Up to February 1 IS Japanese pris oners arrived at MttMea.. S: "i j.-.-jti .': XOOaX (Joarsat Sserftat Saevlee.V "; ' T" Na Tart. Veb. aW-Mrs. Marv Hen dricks Of Chicago today Identified Jo hann Hoch a the man who married her under the nam of- Jacob Schmidt, on January I. It04. in Chicago. . Bbe al leges, that ha deserted her three week later, taking S60 of -her savings.: Th woman picked htm out of a Una of 11 prlsonera nODononononononoDODonononononononononon . , - .- .... .i r . r- pi- . i , . ,,;.,....,... ...... , - . ; i . Oi TniMllA fTMt VVJillTlJi l, -..-s-aatav a ersvr J - ll-Bpf: 2 -ivu i-. ..-.-.-.- ' , o . !1J ''"'' '' " r" UL'1- t-r-"ff--.'-'".v - .-r , rf-m- u o ,: n o o TRADING stamps; We buy full book of trading Stamps"- fiviris; fnerchandise " to the amount.; of ti.$o or , $J , .in cash. ,. t o o n o n o odocononoDococococococooonocoDooononcLi . T ... ' VT world to you. Its effect ar ekhil arating, vitalizing, purifying. -Ofet t is a germicide gQ certain that we Vub- TTIslf on every bottle an offer of $1,000 for a disease germ that it cannot ki", The reason is that germs are vegeta bles; .and Liquoxone like an excess of oxygen is -deadly to vegetal mat There lies the great value of Liquo xone. It is the only way known to kill germs in the body without killing the tissues too. ' Any drug that kills grms is a poison, and it cannot be taken in ternally. Every physician knows that medicine Is almost helpless in any germ .'disease, s.. - - . --v - " . p Thete afe the kndwn germ disease. All that medieln cin do for these troubles is to help natura overcomt the germs, and such results are in direct and uncertain. Liquoxona at tacks the germs, wherever they are. And when the germs which cause a disease ar- deetroyed.the disease mutt end, and forever. That is inevit able. ":;'"-,.(- . asthma .' '' ''" ' ' 1 ,; Hay rarer laannaa Alceaa Avaaaala. ' ; Kidney Dliaaiaa Mraachltls Ls CriBee Blood Dolana 'r' " Laarorrhaa ' . y Brtht DlaeaM ' i T.Mae TronbW Powal Trnnhlaa - Malaria Xaaralfla . ilna j Brt Traublas ka Colds Conaamotloa vj. : rnea raeamoBia Ollc Ctoob- leertsv Oalaaiv-r Casatlpatlea l.bauaMltaia . Cataica Ca near , i .i.. Bi-rol IijaeatctTirOlarrasa , . kkla Bt-roTuls rohllB Plaeaaaa , HOUSE IS PiaO CDARCE CF DRIDERY Attorney Cochran of Union - De- . . nles That Ho Had Corrup- : ;-" .---tion Fund.iJ-.i SAYS HE MEANT FUND :v''.";-y.-. IN LOBflY EXPENSES McLeod Again Accuses Lawyer, - Who Makes Explanatory "zrirrtatemont; - (Fresi a eWaal Staff Ceiapamdent.)' Balem, Or-," Feb. !. Appearing ba for th couhtie oommttte of th houee thla aftarneon Attorney Charles Cochran, Of Union, denied using language to Rp- resentative McLeod from Which a rev sonabla inference -could be drawn that h hd prought tl.vOO' to Salem with which to bribe the legislator to pass a bill cutting oft a part of Union county to form Hot Lake county.'; McLeod then addressed th commit tee and mad th senaatlonal atatefnent that, Cochran had taken him to a. room In a hotel at Portland and told htm that ha had a list of name of Union citlaan who had subscribed f 1.000. to a fund "to start -tha ball rolling." ,; Ha, also asserted that Cochran said that he could get (too more If ft was-needed. ' la explanation or Meueoa a statement. which he did not deny, Cochran - said that he had neant that the money waa to be spent in sending lobbyists hare and paying their expenses. Ueorge Bsird snd. i-Tana Wilson, ex- county ludge of Union county, pre sented af fldavlta from Union Cltlsens that the moner had been raised only to pay , tha legitimate expenses of lobby ist. "They told of a mass meeting held at Union at which action waa taken re pudiating tha statement ascribed t Cochran, and at which it wa finally de cided that Cochran, Balrd and Wllaon prepare a statement of th affair, to be presented to th legislature. f- Tbey asked that no report be mad by the oommllte on the WU for drvtslon until af tar tha statement had been read In - th house next Monday. - The com mittee aseeated- te thla preposition. Members of tha committee deny emphat ically that McLeod's charges Influenced them In the unfavorable report which ha been prepared on th bill. - Tb mot peculiar thins; in the whole affair la that not a single representative of Union county either la tha houaa- or senate favors the bill, j Jayue, ita au. tnor, reiuses to BDsoiujeiy aiscuss any thing for publication.' ; Tomorrow SatiirdayH-from to 2 o'clockSINGLE STA "Your-mooey back If you want It 144145 Tl lU STISXTT -' ,.f Trr It Froo? paaaearf frresay Mtaauek Toebla.. Ikniat Trouble. TutMreukiel Tnnor t'lotta Varluocela . fra ma ftVverael are- Gall f to Womn' rHsaseas wlta -" la Ilea all eataartv an mmImu iltoaa all tke rasulu of Ima-ire or poiaoaad blood. , a Bervna a iiuty LiaiMaon sets a a vlt wmw, acoBmBuatuag kat se eras aaa aVa m a L ; 1.... due uonia itob : It 'ydu need Liq'uozoneV and have- never inca 11, piease send us this cou pon." We will then mail you an order on local druggist for a full-sixe bot--L.i tie. and we will pay the druggist our- -.--, . ou.o it vui net? ami, made to con vine yott t to how-you wnat liquoxone is, ana wnat it can do, . In justic to yourself, please ac cept it today, for it places you under no obligation whatever, - ; vv ' Liquoxone cost soc and 1; y CUT OUT.TinS COUPON fine tkls off i stay net apMO teala. nn eat the blaoka and mall It t the Lion. sods Coaapaa, aoSa Wabaak are.. UI- aw sisssaa si........ . , . " vnaaj Liiraoeoae, eat ir yes wlU uptlr sm a so kettia fra I will tak It -: ' " " t ' f .1..""'' " . " . aelftfaiafifiak -: i - a aasa)aa ' Of 'ftn--' fuH MfJuw mite puinly. ' Am aA-aiiUlaaaa M V.jl- a - m 1 m VllTtM UU MUt4 Inr ft taWl WlU CHOOSE SITE FOS STATE BUILDING Washington. Representatives on . tho Way Hero to Break ' - "Ground at Faira.i-ib. . . Ground will he broken by the fr..A ernor of Washington tomorrow aftr-T:"T MAMM . k T - - - - 1.1... . M. wa wua vw iwwmi imvuili . . ceremonies in which Prealdent IL . W. Ooode, of th fair corporation, and other r-"," official. take part . ; " i ' Th Waablngton party la scheduled ." to arlve la Portland at 4:S0 o'clock .thla afttrrnoon. C, M.- Levy, assistant to tha ' prealdent of the Northern Pacific, ten. , ,. dered. fata private ear for transporting, them.- and Presldsnt Ooade's- secretary. want to Olympta yeeterday with th oar to oonduot tha Waahlnaton dalearatloa -to ' - ' thl city. It consists of It Dersens-' ' Governor Albert B. Mead, four membera ,:. of- hi ataff, and seven members of the . ; vTHiiiDaiua uwrfto rn.ui viaia ia tout- , mission.' -- - -1 -t ',-, ; in is evening trsiant uoooe win en- liruua uivia . aiuuranavitx wna ak aiuinwr at the Arlington club, and ' tbey will -attend the theatre. . At 11 .o'clock to morrow they (i will make' formal selec- - ing. - -.- -- - v V, ; ... ' .: . Prealdent Good will tender, th site thai tml n Waahlnitiui ' II wit ba accepted ty Govarnor Mead, who will . : I wa Baamsv . Ktvu mnm, , am , m wsat-trai laaT.tiwaav.'tBi iu-j - -- - - - i A aVaM.faia-Ka-.l . Jt 1 aa. as V u probably mt th PortUnd otL - s . . . MRS. LULA EVANS AND - - DR. COWLES FREED Th t chart : Drefertad asamstr prr-rr Oeorg R, Cowles, a traveling phyalclan - - now loctadrat7Cnehalia.- Wash, ana -, Mrs. Llila A. Evana of this, city, war dismissed reaterday.-. Thesa- charge wr brought by Mrs. G. R. Cowl, who caused the arrest ef her. husband and . , sars auvans last jnunuay btvviiipbj mi OberUn hotel at Chthslls. ; ' -.. - The case-wa to have been heard - Wednesday axternooa by Justic West Over of th Wsshington city, but wa - postponed a day. 'Thursday, Portland frlenda f Mrs. Evana arrived -on tha the complaint dismissed. It la reported In Chehalis that Mrs. Cowles was paid "" ttS rnTh. and that Itoff more will be v ";,';, palfl to her.- Portland friends of Mrs. A Bvan atate-that they know nothing re- : gardlng tho settlement other than thnt, .-"-T-the case waa dismissed upon th request " . of Mr. .Cowles. ut..u'.i.'.y.v Those who hat known Mr. ' Ryan . . ', for many year are of the opinion that'"4;. J the - charge were-- tinfounded-Theyl-.-state that Mrs. Evans protests Jier , In- : 4. nocnc. ' -' '' -' v v 8 1.-i' O a o n o u o a U- o 11 o B.OH.; TRADING STAMPS. We buy full book--of trading Stamps giving merchandise to the ' amount t of $S0 : or:, Ji in tfash.r . - . . , .. . v r,