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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1905)
I ..... ?v. ; Last Day Saturday of the Clearance Sal, and the exceptional opportunities for Dro- vldtng the staple fabrics wanted every any at me absurdly low prices. Re member everything Is reduced at per example. - DOMESTIC AISLE First Floor. BEDSPREADS. ; WORTH , 5 0, , FOR ' ' , ... I Fine Marseilles Bedspread,, in hand some ideeign. good value at (s.60 ' speclsl clearance price, each. 92.89 . , BATJN FINISH. BEDSPREADS. A splendid new line of beautiful satin finish! Bedspreads with cut corners and Tinged sides;; all- at clearance prices v ' - . 93.O8-flQ.e0 5 KMBKOTUEREO FLANNEIA Flannels,'; richly embroidered with best -quality of silk, hemstitched and scalloped effects - , .,. Our 12.25 value: special clearance " price the yrO.. , . .'. . . ...91.69 Our.t2.oe value; special clearance- - price, the yard ............ -91.48 Our 11.75 value; special clearance - price, the yard . 1. j -91.39 r TERRT CLOTH, t.-k ,,r....--Fancy Terry Cloths, much used for house (owns and lounging robes ... Our 11.75 value: special clearance - proe, the yard ... r.:..-. i. 91.05 Our $2.00 value': special clearance : price, tbe yard -.,4........ 91.J5 Our J 3.60 value; specla,! clearance , ' - price, the yard . . .',.'. . . . . -91.75 V : i ENGLISH CASHMERES. 1 t." A swell line or English Cashmeraa In all the new desirable colors.' . Our 0o value; special at,tpe yd. '.250 i ' NOVELTY' DRESS qOOt6. - i -Novelty r Dress - Goods In; plain and -mixed effects and 1n all colors, oar .; 4Se value; special at, the yard;. 330 - - CLOAKINQS :'-v- HEAVT CLOAKINOS,- WORTH TO ' - 11.76. FOR (1.00. ; 4 : Heavy Cloeklnca. - In black "6r ' e-rar -T-tnlxttrresr4 Inches wide, -our(l.7( value; special at, the yard..91.0O FANCT MOREENS. -WORTH-TO J...U-Zi, FOR 160. . Fancy- Moreens, In : striped - and, flg ured effects, -values in the let worth to 1.85: special clearance price, the yard . ....... i .354 SCOTCH GINGHAMS, WORTH 35v -.- '' irnt inn - . Scotch Ginghams. and Madras. Cloth, - about (t00 yards -ln all. In many .pretty patterns oun !8q value; spe- clal clearance price, toe yard, ,15a? -BLEACHED MUSLIN. FOR 6c. . 10,000 yarda of heavy Bleached Mus lln, no starch or dressing In It, t ' Inches in width, an actual, $o- valuej ; special clearance sale price. . the yard .-.-v-r-.-.-..,....-. .1 ...50 FANCY-DRAWN" WORK.- ;PBR ; " CENT OFF. v ' Pieces; of ' fancy Drawn '-Work, and Cluny Lace. In scarf and centerpieces, squares, eta; all of tbem very hand some. During' this sale your, choice of anything In this line at just 26 per cent off the regular .price. Day? Saturday of the - Clearance- Sale : and the laat chance at tltese surpassing values In Women's pretty "fttrln'a'V-at the Furnishing Counters.. First noon LADIES LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. Richardson's Irish Linen Sheer Lawn Handkerchiefs, semi-laundered,: and either one - eighth ' or one quarter J. Inch hems, soft finish, good Quality; Special clearance sale price. . . . . .9 ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE BEAU- t-TIFUL.EMBR01DERIE8.; 1 Now is the time to buy the White TrlmmlngsnpaededHfor garmenta you witr- maKe ror spring ana . summer wear. Jiere yoa, wUl. find a complete assortment of smart," attractlypatr terns In -edging and. Insertions, and any of them atjuat one half, the reg ular, price like this: . . Our 15c values; special at the yard . . . . . .;. '.. . s. ......... . .8 Our 2t values; special at, tha yard ....... . . .-. ... . ; . . . .1ZH Our 30c value; special aVthe Our 40c value: special at the ' ? yard -..iw.i.. ...".aO our soo value; special ei, ins -yard 25 Out J.5a. value; special at, the yard 3TM Our 11.00 value; special at, the 1. '-- , yara- ....... .fU4T : LADIES' .NBCKWEAK . Turnover Collars, worth lie nd' 36o for l&c LJnen Turnover Collars. In ,'plnk,. blue,-- green,- Vellow,-' black. white and navy, wash nicely. . our 25c and ISo . clearance ' valuea ; spe cial clearance sale price, each.., 15a iX i t BARGAINS IN GLOVES. - Ladles' Mocha Gloves wovth. Jl.2S for 95o Mocha. Gloves In the chto man nish style, pique sewed and one clasp, very serviceable walking 'VUlove. -tn black, gray and brown, our . bevt Uti . value; special . clearance r sale ork-e. the pair. . . . i . . . .-. . .Boer Golf Gloves worth I1.3S for SOU La dies", fine silk and wool Golf Gloves, Tvln black vor gray, very best quality nd our 11.25 value; special Clear 's no sale price." the Pdlr .', . . . . . 8Be CLEARANCE-. SALE BARGAINS IN Feralan Bands-worth l&o ta JSc at 10a irFancy Persian- Bands: one, to. one and a half inches wide., very pretty and much-used' for trlmmlnc. Our --gfre-arid-j!ic: values; spectat-clearance 7I IVW tiiv ............ a. VV , V, RICH BERTHA LACES. .'. ( , Circular "Bertha" - Laoes, handsome rommires .for Waists ; and easily changed Trom on garment to another," Come In both, white and ecru. : -j , Our 2.00 values; special clearance, t price, yd . . .... ........ll.oo Our $4.60 values; special Clenrance . price,-ya .. Qir tS Oa values; tpeclal clearance . price, d.. .......... i... .92. 50 Our I . SO values; special clearance -prtre. yd . . ... .vM.TS PRETTT VENI8E LACB BANU8, IN CREAM '-AND WHITK. v' Our 76c values special clearance ----nrut T . . -V. ' 38 Our 60e ,vauei' special clearance 1 price, , yd ......... r. . . . . . .. 25 Our ?C values; spndla clearance price. "yl 10 ' V RHKPLENDENT RIBBONS AT CLEARANCE SALE'PRICES. ' J0 for .2-yard strips of Ribbon These1 Ribbons are all silk, heavy satin faced. What little girl' ever ha4 eneugh hair ribbon T Here is .a ehnnce to buy quantities of them ttumiU cost. - None of these rib bon .are worth less than ,20c the yard; special ' clearance sale, .while they laat. f-yard strips for..,. 104 FANCT POLKA. DOT RIBBON ' fn-plalit-oT moire - finish" taf fetas. in fancy colors or black and white Our ISo value; special clearance price, yd' 24 Our 48o value; special clearance ' price, yd 33 Our toe value; special clearance - pnee yq ,.3541 CHILDREN'S WOOL DRESSES AT . ;v HALF PRICE. . ', Second Floor Annex. ' 1 Children's Pretty Wool Dresses.' in Csshmere, .serges,, cheviots, . etc.. here in all the wanted atyles and colors, sixes from I to 14 yesrs, priced from I1.J0 to 120.00; . special at T5 nd 910.00 .- - , Or Just HALF PRICE. - I omoiToWe jaramay, - ' 'V;... v--'- . Public L -:Tta Rooms V Second "Floor. - - i Under the - Auspices of PortlandAVWA- Saturday, FebV 4, 19C9. C Tea - Coffee I. Chocolate IVA. iMHk in Bottles-'is 4 ' Cream -of -'Tomato "Soup . l. Chicken Salad 'Ham. Sandwiches ' : ;f - Boston ; Brown Bread f Hot Rusks ;'t i Bread; ftnd Butte C -" Raspberry Tea CaRes " pi'Last-Day- Saturday- of the Clearance Sales and t hese profitable cha ncea for the housekeepers tomaae-; money by spending it In the ; HomefittingfStorcs if ON FOURTH FLOOR. V r -' These are 'sample values of a, mon ster spread covering the entire main floor i and annex of the fourth story shops. , r Share In these tomorrow everything reduced Carpets, Sewing. Machine, Braia Beds and -: Bedding, .Toys and many , other articles. . Extra special: s...j4-.. :BLANEETffr v These B.anketsare -of Oregon whhe. fleece wool, with pink or blue borders; all of them extra qualities - i Our 14.60 yalue; special Clearance price., pair. .v. . S3. TB our. ll.ot value; special Clearance price, pair , v.-. r . B4.TB uur l t.o value; special Clearance price, pair . , . ....... lo.lilk Clearance Sale 7 of Portieres A fins aasort . ment of hand jjomeJI; Por tieres, but only one' or - two parrs of . a kind. All. ! go at Clear- . ance prices Our I.7S. value; special Clearance ' price pair ... . rr , ; ; .B1.2B Our $2.10 value; special Clearance . yrioer-pair . i .... . . .ll.TS Our 2.1 value: special Clearance- i' price, parr , : i. .'. ...... .. .osi . . . . . . . . . . . . . - T vur -raiue; special Clearance Our 21.50 valueropeclaT'Clearanoe ' .price, pair . v; . ri . ..93.85 Our t0 value; special aearsnoe prloe, pair .............. .U94.55 Our f 7.80 value; special 'Clearance - pHce, palr,...,.,...,;..9525 Our IJ.B0 value; special Clearance - price, pair-.... , .95,95 Our ti.SO value; special Clearance price, pair 'i, -. ; . . . 96.95 Ourriro.oo-valuerspeclal Clearance ' price, pair , . 1. . . . .. . ,r.9X.OO Our (11.00 value; special Clearance price, pair .W. -:9T;75 Our 113.00 value; special Clearance prlce pair . iTTTTvs-.t r. ...9810 Our 113.00. value; special Clearance . - price, pair ... ..s...... 99.45 Our 111.00 value; specUl Clearance ' prloe, each ,..ri-. ; 910.50 Our 320.00 value; special Clearance price, pair ...,,...... 9 14.50 Our $25.00 value; special Clearance ..price, pair 91S.OO Our $35.00 yalue; special -Clearance 1 . price, pair 923.00 BIG . REDUCTIONS ' DURING THE . CLEARANCE SALE ON CORDED 'ARABIAN LACE CURTAINS. . t Our $3.15 value; special Clearance - price, pair . . . . ..M ... . .. .92.85 Oour $ 4.50- value; special Cl ears nee - - - prlcet pair . . f i'.v ..93.T5 Our $5.50 -value; special Clearance - . price, pair'.,., .94.50 Our $4.50 yalue; -special Clearance - - price, pair Vi. :t. 4 ... . .a .95.25 Odr $7.60 valu; special aesrance fcrlce, pair '.......1.96.00 -ARABIAN AND-RENAISSANCTT :' T. f" .I-AC.E CURTAINS. v. y, ' : ' A line of V beautiful Arabian and Renalssanee., Lace -, Curtains, ' .. best qualities and. handsome patterns and designs a N go at Clearance Sale prices tfyzr . Our $3.00 value;.' special Clearance pHce.' pair . w, .-i . . . .. .. . ..3)4.50 Our (7.60 value; special Clearance ', , v price, , pair,-... 4 v . . . . 95.25 Our $8.60 value; , special Clearance - -" price, pair,;. .. ... . . 96.00 Our. (0.(0 value; ; special Clearance prloe., pair v.. .96.75 Our. (U.00 value;. specUf Clekrance . . price, pair r. ..... . , .-. . . . .97.75 Our $13.50 Value; special Clearance t price.-. pair ....... . ..... ...98.90 Our $14.60 value; special Clearance -' , price, pair ..910.25 Our, $15.00 Aalue;. special Clesnuice .. price, pair . . ... ....... ..;(sl0.7S Our $14. 00 value; special Clearance ' . price, pair .. .... .r, 911.40 Our (17.60 value; special Clearance . ' price,' pair .... ... .912.75 Our (21.00 value: special Clearance : price,- pair . . . , .. ...... ,,.mi arte. Our' $27.00 value; special Clearance price, pair , ... . .-. . v. . . -910.60 Our $$5.00 value; special Clearance , ' TTrtce, palr ; .;.Trrrrf. trr. 924.50' -. Leather ' Goods ; ;- AT CLEARANCE PRICES, j . All of -our 'Leather Goods, such sa. Suit Cases, Leather Grips, Bsgs, istc.. from the cheapest to the very best. All at special Clearance Sale prices. KNIT ' SHAWLS AT ONE " THIRD ; : OFF REGULAR PRICES. i , ' Seeond.. Floor Annex.,.; ';' ' i' Shawls made Of Shetland Floss, both square and circular In shspe, irr Mark enly,'-values from $1.00 to $4.eV at one third off, or, each '....,.. 67 and 93.00 -TT. . -NeaaBasaaasSS IivhichjrouiOT 3;andbuy any and every article Yes, the Gr6at Clearance :Sliri:daysat;:Glosu There's aiot of left-to-th,e-last-minute-things yet for most folk to buy. There's something you've forgotten or procrastinated in buy ting. There's yet 10 hours in which to fill those needs at the saving prices of clearance. A host of extra bargains are added for last day selling and altogether Saturday presents solid front of the most remarkable values ever gathered in one offering by any west ern house. Tdmorrow should nd we believe will surpais - every selling record ever made by this or any other Portland retail es-tablishment-J But remember THIS STORE IS NOTOPENAT NIGHT I Night storekeeping, "in thejnterestofthe public, iar -a relic pf provincialism f a reminder of the cross-roads store, with" its proverbial cracker barrel,where villagers meet at night to gossip. or talk politics. It has no place In modern ' methods of merchandising.- We have always considered it unnecessary; and ' of late years our-views have been adopted by the larget stores in all principal cities of the country. But let it be understood that, in stating our position so accurately and definitely, we cheerfully concede the right of all other merchants to differ from us in this matter V - 1 - .'.''1 --.f - f in II J .1 T f 'I V t WomenV Suits and .;''- Evenr Suit' and Callincr ?v The Street Suitsin reeul4r values up from $12.60 to $183r . -' ' ... . . .. - at-pricc aireaayTiower man any ouiernou& vuTcycrj X. offered 1 equal -qualities. Last dayf of - CJearanci :.ati4- ' ''. ' ' ...f if armffioMit P1Ucr Oniarna anil . J J AUalttitUWJfc .1 MWTMW J' ' - ,' Pnof. Ualf T3riV . - -a 7 iv rietv i ?l Come ironi tions land - trons age to f In . 1 . - select 'antee - Last Day Of Clearance and ektra special "values for the -last day of the Oreat Annual Sales lit- , j"'"3" .;'"- '". The Silk and Dress Goods Store Fifth-Street Annex First FhJtfr. ; - a)LORKD DRBS8 GOODS. ; Specials for. Saturday Checked : and ' .Polka Dot, EnHllah . Mobalr atso a. 'rood color aaaertment of All-Wool Serges and dranlte- Clottiwr splendid for children's wear-and shirtwaist j pJtJmra ....... . . ... . . .42o ll.tfi and (1.00 Silk and Wool Crepe de Paris, . (1.00 All-wool French r Voiles,-: raTl street' snd evening shades In the lot; splendid values at 'the regular, price, and -.a good money-saving chance to get a dressyT. down-to-dato "luirit ;bt$r ' saving;, special -for Saturday only, per yard T9 SILK SPECIALS FOR 8 ATCRDA V BELLINO LA8T DAT OF; OUR OREAT CLEARANCE SALE. . ? Polka Dot Foulards In blsck grounds with white dots, neat check Taffeus and Loulslcne, sjo -swell suit silks; speclsl for Saturday1 ......... 54 ., EXTRA SILK SPECIAL.. - i Our well-known tic Colored Taffetao;" special for Saturday vny, per . yard ...i t, 99a Colors are white, cream, tans, cham pagne. - onion.' . copper, browns and navy blue. - . - - r A grand opportunity, to buy a good, reliable silk for drop skirts, suits snd lining at a big saving... : AND FOHEMOST STORE THE "QUALITY SHOP' LAST DAY SATURDAY-o Matchless Values in Portland s Largest Leading c Suir AND WRAP STORE. - 7 , Grand Salons Second Floor.- fashion Holds Court Here western Domain. .very Aaverrisca opcciai w we jothh . . Week Continues and Concludes Tomorrow. . , r Extra Special for Saturdayrr Women's J f 4 AC $350 to $50 STREET SUITS.......... Ilieh assTTiandsome Suits,- the cream of the stock, - Very, latest cheviots and the popularTOahnish suitings, fin 1 the fash- X ionable colorings and stylish mixtures. flam Diues, piacics, - browns, eravs and handsome mixturesrplain tailorerT and in " -the plait, fancy" stitch, button t.nm.A TU ...itlir Aaet offerea at the regular values rangmg-Up trom xor tne noorest suit in the lot to $50 for the best Your abso- "?" ' lute choice Saturday for. . .7.. ... Last call on these Silk Petticoats, $10 tt HQ arid $120 values-rSpedal Sato A final clean-up of a monster purchase of handsome Silk PZtti-"; coats, taffetas and chiffon lieht greens, pinks, blues and plain blacks. Peautifully made, tucked and flounced styles, . tJ edces of flounce e prettily pinicea. OftiyTtneseTisuai sm ana ?i.ou T. 4- "VnwT Tomorrow of these Haai "J able Qearance Sale values in women's fashionable ready-to-wear .garments CalKng Go Gown in theTious? mcluded L' . . 1 1 t .L'.' ' "Latest modes; and beautifully trimmed , "in rare,' rich laces, velvets and hand'em ri)Toideries.'Here again the inimense va-vj makesv description of little usc and select your- Calling Gown f the Jart..stoQt -oi superb crea-r that were ever shown by any Port-' houseegular valufsvup from $10 to $250. tomorrow only at HALP PRICE. We brefer our oa- would benefit by this present' loss the gowns during the department s renovations.. order to make the Clearance more complete, you may . ! . 1 f . T T A T T-. TT. . . any coat in ine nouse at nur Kitrii --Ana we guar- every reeular price to be lower than eauaLbv anv . j Portland hpuseandTy et tomorrow you Last DaV turn ' .. ... ' Saturday of the Clearance Sales andr such wonderful values'4n footwear as these. - And Saturday Is shoe-buying SHOE BARGAINS" -f.. In the 'Fair Way" Footwear Shop . First Floor-SIith Street Annex; MetflT (4.00 Shoes 7XMeit's Bo Calf Shoes, double sole vlscollsed ' throughout, leather lined wsrm and comfortable, reinforced shanks, good .easy lasts, regular value (4.00; -. spectal, pair . ............ .92. T8 Women's (OlT Shoes Women's Shoes, heavy or light soles, patent - - tip, vlcl kid -uppers,. good essy lasts, medium-- military - heels, regular T ($.00V v special..' pair nr. , , Tr. 9i.68 " Women's- (1.(0 Legglnt, c Wo- " ' men's- Wool Jersey - Leggings, full "'' length over ; knee, regular value L (1.60; speclalL pair, vi9St Women's (1.00 Legglngs 48c Won, ;. men's length Leggings,' regular - value (1.00; special, pair. . . . ..4g Mioses' $r.2S ' laggings To Mlsaea ' Wool Jersey Leggings, full length, "slses-tl to 1$. regular value $1.15; special, pair ............... L.T8 Children's . Full Length Leggings, . regular value (1.00; special, pair ..i......8 Women's S. 00 snd (0.00 Shoes (.$0-w - Women's Dress Shoes In full kid, Louis heels, hand turned soles, pat ent kid or plain vlcl. kid, regular vahie (t.00 and ((.00; special. . pair . . . . ... .-. . ...... .. . . .'. -92.50- Women's (l.SO.rlhoes (i.oo Women's' Patent Colt Shoes, dull 'top, mill-" tary heels, round toes, heav soles, very' neweet . styles regular lvalue (1.(0; speclsl, pair .....r,.. 92.00 I Women's (1.2s Jullettes $0c Women s . - Fur Trimmed House Jullettes In red or blsck, slses 0, T and 0, gu- tar value. $1.2(1 special, pair.. .500 Women's $1.00 Hmine Slippers i0o ' Women's leather Hons Slippers ; bread toe, flat heel, tegular ' value v (1.00; special, pair ......... ..50 in tha Sale; oM905 , -6 P. the Clearance Sale and Jts Tis the. County Seatof -Her-J and smartest styles in serges," and other trimming: effects TiftI tntntf ' ur. Ii9v ' vr. tnnwn . V -. ... i . ... . ... .... 914.05- 1 .icrciose,- aaiuraayv - ; vt. 513.08- values iot.., :. -a k than, run risk of .dam One- Halt! divide, that, price and Last Day . Saturday e f- Clearance " Sale..' and 1 Its I ssxlng ad - vantages.. In PnderweaifCr- and Hosiery buying for the womenfolk . snd children; .The nipping - weather - o f - he past few . days .' should .prompt buy . era to supply themselves for . weeks ahead and for another iiseae son's' wesr; especially- . rousing vaiuea ".-.r (rsd fas) , s these, offer . tiinn9w$tAt ' ,n 'vr ..' Women'? Knit Underwear : and Aiosieryf-1- Infants' Black Wool Hose, seamless, slses (. Its and I, Ho values; . for. pair'... .i. ........ 90 Children's Fine nibbed Cotton Hose, , all sixes. Seamless, lie values; 'for, pair .,,......,........ .100 I Child's Heavyweight Klark Cotton remark- -J:.. A ' .; - -.w;.,-.-, Vj.- - - illfe : Hose, seamless, slses 0 to 7 ; ' -" pair i....t.".;i...i5 Children's Blsck Winter - Weight Worsted - Hose, seamleass doubl . ribbed, great big ISo. 0o, (So and ... 40o Values, all slses, from ( to 10; special, pair ............... 180 Same as above, In One ribbed at same price. 1 Women's Winter Weight BlsckrWorst- - - ed Hose.- plain and ribbed, the beat lie value: for, pair 18 0 Women's Cashmere Ribbed hose, ' splendid too value; for, pair.. 28) Women's Sliver Oray ' Wool plaited. Vests and Pants. 1(o values; for. each 490 Women's Flat , Woven Oray Merino . Pants snd Vests, (l.OO values; for. each S..... .-590 .Women's White Cotton Vnlrin Suits, winter weight, 7io values; for, suit , .....i,,f, 330 End S M. HAVILAND CHINADINNER SETS. Havlland Decorated--- China. Dinner - Seta, neat flower, sold handle and knobs,. 0-plece sets, , regular value . $25.10; ; special, set., .,.,917.5 T 100-plec Set, regular value $36.46: special, set , ... . .- ..... -924.85 Havlland China, full gold, neat, rare decorations,' .'(O-pleoe: set,"- regular vslue ,(30.60; special, 'set,. 935. TO Austrian Decorated' China Dinner Sets. : pink flower, with green spray.: full -a-ftlri ' ..-it v .' rtd piece set.'reg-' al, $1$.S0; ' ' -speclaT, set , . . . . . . . . . . . -910.13 100 piece set, reg. vaU $2X00; special, - set s . .T. , . r. r . 916.50 . CHAMBER SETS. , , - '' 10 piece set. reg: vat. ($.B0; 1 - -"special, set . .v.. . rv. 92.50 U plect T set,r reg. "vaL (i-Kdr r ' special, aet . . . : . . . .i. 93.25 10 piece set, re. vaL. $(.00; special, set , . . . : ......... 96.00 J! piece set,;reg.yal, $, 50;; v-: - ' special, hi ............. ... .. 11 slecs setter g Tai- 11B.UUL. special, set ..... . 9T.OO it piece set.' re g. vafcdTSOH- 1 - special, set ...... 4. .... . M piece set. res. val. IS.tO: spectal, set ...... . . . . . .97.VUJ special,- set . iijj i,... , .910.50 " tt Last Day;: Saturdays of the Clearance Sales and these ' remarkable - bargains td " the Women's Corset, Undermusllns, Chil dren a Wear, Wardrobe -and -Art Sa lonsSecond Floor-Annex. FLANNELETTE GOWNS. ' Gowns worth $1.(0 for 70c Women's annetette Nluht Gowns of.' very- good Quality, In. solid fcolors and ' stripes, made Mother Hubbard yoke and other atyles and trimmed .with embroidery,' our $1.50 value; special at, each .. . . . .ijjj . . ... .. ..790 ''; :':V.v "KNITrBKiRT8. .--!. Skirts' worth" $1,00 1 for t9c'VJChlt Skirts for wbmen, "Of-goodiuHty, In plain colors or fancy stripes. cardinal. navy blue or pink, our '".$1.00 value; special Clearance price, r: each'.. ........... ... 690 Block Underskirts worth ' ' (S.S0 and $,75 for $3.49 Ladles' Petticoats, made of fine - black - mercerised -- Sateen and Italian cloth, with deep circular flounce, trimmed with four stitched bands of silk moreen, some.. nede-wtth deep -knlfe-ptaHmg '"1 small ruffles, our $5.50 and $5.75 valuea; special Clearance price. ; each ..M7.... ............ 93. 49 CLEARANCE PRICES ' 0?f FIN'E s CQR8ET COVERS AND DRAWERS. ' . '" '..".Second Floor.: "r. ':?rr Corset .Covers worth' (3.60 for (i.(7 , French Corset Covers, made of line quality of nainaook, full front style. with' circular . yoke, trimmed' with "very dslnty Valenciennes. Lace, beading' and- ribbon, some trimmed with ; fin embroidery, - our ($.50 -valuet special Clearance Sale-price. ach ViiTr. ,77r.TTi ' 92.87. Nainsook, and Cambrto Drawers worth $2.(0 snd $1.76 for (3.00 Ladles'. -Drawers, mad of fine quality nain sook and cambriq and trimmed with tucks and deep flounce of . cluny lac and embroidery beading, other are trimmed jrlth -.handsome em broidery edge, every pair In the lot Is worth from $1.(0 to $3.75: Spe cial Clearance price, trio palr.92.O8 ODD LINES SAPPHIRE CORSETS . . AT HALF. . , . . ' ,. -j . The Sa ppb Ire "Is the very best T of ' Royal . Wor-ester; Coraets. -Tnese corsets Combine ' arrace- and comfort, and are made Of th finest material in black Italian cloth, white Imported Cimtllle and silk bat lite. In blue nl pink and boned with th best quality of whalebone. Following- uje. the num- oera inciunen in , ine - sate, mil mx HALF PRICE: . -.' : 'r - No. 02 Regular -Talue (11.00; - spectal, - pair .M7.50 No. 0 Regular vahie- $11.00; special, pair .......... . V....96.SO No. 44 Regular valu $13.00; special, poir ...... 1 ....... .96.50 No. 4 Regular, value (12,50; spectal. palr...-i........;96.25 No. 47 Regular valu (13.00;- - - soeclal. tialr . ,.tS.AA No. 4t Regular valu (lO.OO; special, pair ............... .95.00 no. ttegniar value .; -special, pair 4.T5 94.25 .93.75 93.23 No, 74 Regular value $$.(0; epeclah- pair ......... . .. . No. ! Regulsr vslu (7.(0; special, pair No. (5 Regular value $ 5; Spectal, pair BRAIDS AT HALF PRICE. . In the Art.Shop Annex, Second Floor. A larger assortment of Rlckrsck snd Novefty , Braids,- regular values (c t 5c; sr"Hl. Just HALF . ' PRICE ... 1 30 to r .;ia.l;;Laot.,Er;.; Saturday of the Clearance Files, t of . such - rare values in Millinery these examples we print news t The Millinery Hslona pres full of thv bargain and beauty; prototypes-- (S.09 to. (100-i TRIMMED MATS "', '..''v'-' FOR $S.4,: . . Elegant Velvet Silk and Camelshalr Felt Hot, -tclnfmed with feathers. : ". midwinter flowers. ."birds or pon ; pons perfect models of ood taste and bauty--Jiati that int. .really - . worth from (5.00 to (t.00. - Special : . lor -Saturday's Sale, each.-. 92.49 READY -TO-WEAR HATS FOR 4e, What we have left of our Ready-to Wear Hats. In trim tailored effects. . This- Is a chance, you certainly can't afford to miss your choice -of any In the lot Special , for Saturdays " Sale at, each........ ..........494 -WINTER FLOWERS FOR "He. -We offer a' rr at special In Winter - Flowers just what you need . to . - -freshen your hat - until -the sprina- styles arrive . sood " variety ", Special for Saturday's Sale at.', - the bunch' ....;V........,....il2et , Last Day Saturday of ' the" Mon ster -Annual -.-Clearance Sal and the wlndup ef the week's extra, spe cials In " - . HOUSE ' FURNISHINGS -J- THIRD ' FLOOR. China,'Kltchen Fittings! Stoves, Ranges ' and Heaters at. Remarkably low prices for tUe last. aay or uearance. COAL OIL HEATING 8TOTES. Latest - Improved r Coal Oil Heating BtOVS r, V i ' Medium size; special each... 94.1 5 Large alse; special, each..... .94.95 WHITE ENAMEL KITCHEN WARE. 7-inch Pudding Dishes; ape- . ' clal, each ...... ....130 s-incn t-uaaing jisnes; spe- t , - clal, each ...... .............. 140 s-incn puaaing ijisnee; spe- clal. - each ax0 10-lnch ; Mixing ; Bowl;, spe cial, each ................. 250 -plnt Mugs; special, each; . . . .1O0 sowis ana , pitcners: . spe cial, pair . . ........ . . .620 LAMP BHADES. Decorated Vaae Lamp Shades, reg. val. , OOoj-apeCtal,, complete, each.. . -500 rr rqUICKTIEAL RANGES $20.75 Before buying. a range. -come and in spect the "Quick Meal" the 1 nost modern of Steel Ranges Special . . ; .. . . . . . . ........ 926.75 ' ' -t CLOTHES WRINGERS. 1- I: Iron- frame. lMnch rollers; special, eacn ............ ..f 1,13 -Wood frame, warrantd two , years; .special, , each. ...... .91.79 wooa rramet-warrantea three years; special, each 92.20 'Saturday of th matchless Clearance Bales. Every article reduced and host of extra Saturday Specials for men patrons and the good women.folk who shop for tbem In the ; SIXTH, ST. ANNEX FIRST FLOOR A full nhd complete assortment of Men Fumlahlnga ai; clearance prices... MEN'S (So SOX FOR 17o Men's Fin ,-t Black Cotton Hpse."; real combed Maoo, with hlgh-apllced heem and -double soles, full regular made,1 'on of our very best boa st 25c; special - : clearance" sale price, the pair.. 1T0 Men's (Oo SILK HANDKERCHIEFS FOR (So An entirely new lln' of . Men's' Fancy Silk Hndkerchlefs. th ; . best In the land at th regular prlre, 50c; special at, each. ......... .350 MEN'S SHIRTS' WORTH (1.00,-TO (1.25 FOR c A broken lln of . Men's Golf Shirts, good patterns, our - $1.00 and $1.21 values; special clear ance price, each .......... v ..690 Men's. 25c HANDKERCHIEFS FOR ,,15o A sr.iod line of Men's .Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, made of j Richardson's, linen, our 2$c valne; -special at, each .....v. ....... 150 MEN'S UNDERWEAR WORTH $1.15 . FOR. (7c Our' best line of Men'a T Derby Ribbed Cotton Underwear, th .-famous Stalcy make, irr medium weighty with. French neck and well , finished. In ecru only., our $1.21 : valuer special olearanc ' price, J each ....... . . ..... . . ..870 MEN'S 50c UNDERWEAR FOR 29c Men's Derby Ribbed Cotton Fleer " Underwear In fleah color, an excel lent garment, our 50e value; special at. the garment,.. .... ...... .290 MEN'S A SWEATERS j WORTH TO $1.00 "FOR $1.01 Men's Full Regu , lar Made Worsted Sweaters, In plain ' colors or fancy effects, valuea In th ; lot up to $0.00 1 special attach.,.. 91.e" MEN'S SWEATERS WORTH TO ' $1.50 FOR $1.07 Men s All Wool . Sweaters. In plain colors, black. white, navy sod cardinal, our $1.50 ; value; special clearance price, each, , ... .V CI. 7 A SPECIAL FOR THE LITTL:: J . . . ' CHAPS. ... , CHILDREN'S KNIT J WORTH (1 .59 r ' Children's f ""'"'y I" et . lil r ' - I S . t 1 InLastrDavSr;: I -