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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1905)
tr. THE co n . ; Daily; journal. ' i" vi ryni' i D JJUXU. il - - . m 1 VrlFE BEATER LAW TELL OF NOW IN CHICAGO S!I0Z.STC:.Z r.Alu2 CLOiuiiJG STORE VOTED BY SENATE i ""'; -;:jllr' ',,,"t?; v."; .Stchel's Bill I Pawed Providing DISTRICT FRAUDS SWING --, A Grand,.' Jury Again i Takes Up Piano Buying on the Co-oper otivo Plan Immensely" : .';;( Success! u I.';-;1-"- Measure Sanctioned by financial -t t Interests Effects Private - ' ;, Bank Onlyi . Punishment, of Ancient: v ' . Day for Husbands. ? -icav-cvz:.:: "'r' "in am - r I . ROSEOURG FULL- LAWS ViLL : Question of Robbery of. ; the ' Government. : SWEET HOME SECflONTT . UNDER INVESTIGATION TO PREVENT WILDCAT. ' , . FRATERNAL SOCIETIES TKuvkendaii's Measure Passes Senate by Special - uraer - v Fish Bill Coea-Through; Ihoa a Jtuiraal "Staff Catf9Bt. - Kuisou. .- Or- - Feb. e witn minor amendmente making the detalla clearer KuvkLdail'a J1U regulating the. per -tico of fraternat ':..lnatrranc-, 6clet)e TrrnVsed ' thB'MnaU. tht morning pn ' special irder. -' Th Intent of . th ttl) Is ,- nrarnt wildcat societies, conducted , jn lines making tbelr existence of short . duration, thus damaging the bualneea of responsible and well eaUbllshed socle- , An 4ts present form tha Mil. la 'said to be keeeutabl to all fraternal Wurinre .am-tetles of good standing. . glebel's . bill providing that tha lr i cult court msy'lmpose a whipping arii teuce upon wife beaters waa passed with ut debate. Only Rand aad Nottingham voted against It. Tha bill by tha earn J author permitting circuit couata to pa role crlnonera passed by anantmoua vote. - Tha Ash bill by-Tuttl. providing for Lth confiscation of fear If thlaw ia violated and - making ... regular . reports ltotn dealers to lb nsn warden mana- lory was passed. " A favorable vote wss ale made on iUe Dassaa of Wright optometry bill aiid Mnthkum e house bill creatine an ureion library commission. rswtr-rmouse tiltt prwvtdln that th state may condemn realty, water ,o nasaed by a unaalrooua vote. Malarkey Introduced .A WIW creating ". h office" ef deputy .contbu-fortb west-lrtlaiut-justic couri ai a.saisrj " of TS a month.' "' '' ' ? ' "llalnea la th-'aihtr of a new-btll abolishing Btai - normal -chool : Drain. ; . '. . ' :' vl., : "i " " ' t'' ' The majority report "of th-way and r means coramlttaa -was .against and the minority for Miller' bill abolishing all but ODo atata normal Vohool. Thla wai made a apeclal order Xor Jdondfcy. at 1 ovlork. Kiiykendalle- W-ovldl -for the control ' of ""the , penitentiary. rerarm ahoor; k"d anylum for Inaane waa re- ported 'without recomraendalloti. -A flht Is. expected 60 the floor of the -- ...,-J,...m.,e..ii 1. -. I -r- KxrsmnrvvaT rom Town. (Kfoia Jooraal BUff Cefreepoaarai.) fealera. tJr Keb. .A bill la to: be Jnlroduoed by. tnalor Brownll to mak the Initiative and referendum applicable ' to cities and towna ao that local ordl- iianooe can. tm enacted by the people and - ThoV anaU also have the power to paaa . upon meawirea paaeed by tha city coun ii Tha bill waa .drawn by ,W. a --X' Rim. : . . -. , ' ;.. -- . . TheJLnitlativeinyJaajierclaeoLJJI)Otivl i jietltlon of J per cent of tha yotee t-ant lu the municipality to tha laat pre- reding election -of juaUces of the au ' trenl Twurt The' referendum may, be demanded within 30 day after tha paa- il(-of amy -ordiaanve by -the eouncll upon' the petition of If percent of the totera. Tha bill alao axtanna. tna rer- ereudum to local.iawa enacted by tha legislature. These may be rerlewed by : .41ie votera ot Hi municipality affected npon m. petition ainnea. by. 0 per cent A pf the 1 Dumber ef voters at a preceaing . election-'-.' t I Back tTJ-W Africa "Witk Thla Keatark- akle Offer A FaU lUkr'l Wertk ef Xy 'Taemeejrlte te Fron) That I Aai Jtlfbt. What, to Da for ; ; Heart trouble . . . - 1 ak a iwfrrenee, ae depeelt. ae eeeerlty. ' .- . iara b) aeUiiea ta aromlM. aethhui te pj eKtwr aotr a Mur. , Te air heart cofferer rhe ' e ant trld wjr rriOr. aheoe'e- Reetora , tle I min alailly sire, free, not a nere aeav-'- K bet a tuU 4lr bottle, ' ; ; -.. I eoi erarreated la BMkla thle aaofaal offer . HftbUm mine te Be erdlmry remrdj.; It does at eiinly try te etlanlate ,the.eart. flwb . trrelnxml eta -wane tbaa aeelre. It fof trlbt te M ralM et alt heart treabl tbe . . hrirl aeeee-ead auebstheas tbaa wi. ettaW Iwi thpm and neteree Mm-bl Tkea tbat la tbe rod of bearto4isree ' . Tm tbe Aoerc IM1f be eMre aelf-control - thaa a eommoe pmire. . It le awdn to bat tr a i mJrr iwrt m tier tbat It le renvlr visible -b aetwl er. Tel ta tbneMee; tlnm . ilnr thle dltoaU aerre anwt cum the heart to ... r Jel el eoetraet. - ' Tbe btre i abnet tbe ( f ynnr -rlraHied i- BVt. t typnt end riiiee ynm t rtnnn tlnim. "Tfn:w mm Tttl irr Hir auoumnr itwrtirt- 8itln uerre viiMt de. - - lb heart awre l eoly-oix et'ine braaeb're ot b tbe creat emuilbctl aereoiu ejretew. . Ea-h In-aarh nf tbla Tnrtia l ao rlnwlr allied with .. . . thr otbere tbat eeatneaa or lrranilariejr at ar tni k apt eiwed. Heart treuhle freguratly ' erlxcii frraa motn.-fc trouble tbrmiaa ajnlitathr. and klduvr troeefct war alee follow, roe' each - ff theae orrana I" otx-ratrd by frbranrh ot tbvee --p-atme artDpatbeitr nero tha Imlde aerrea. ' Tbe bued M aympathr brtvm the nerrM that operate Ibe Tltal org an haa a ewful pur. i puar. ae well. Pat what will rare waakneea In . mur nran'ti will aurelv rare weakneea In every . Iiranra what will reatore eee ceuter will aurely . twtore tb-aj all. . Ttx-fe l. Buthln mw abeet tbla aetblnc may . liflrln wauld dUnte. Bat It remained foe lr. Mmnp an apptr thU ksowledff o put It ta tx arHlrel ase. Dr. ftbenp'a Reatoratlea la tbe .! reawll t e.uertw centurr of eadearor . akaa tlaU arrir line. It due nut da tbe r(aa or , di-adea the pain bet It dnra t at oni to tbe ihw-tha Imlde H'Te--tb power iYt and . hntlda ' up ..and treatthene It aad makea It WrH.. .- : . . I row bee heart tmuhle 'and voa aeeef 1 . IWed tmt remedr.-aiereljr write' aed aak. I will " . wed )rt eu order na roue drurelM wklrb be oirT aerept (ladlr ae be would aeeept a --. Wlw,- lie will band yoa frma bla enelne a tiaiMerd aisef bottle ef ear nreei-rlptlnn, and e will arad thAbUI te me. TnU offer la made . , -t traMrera te my remMty. Thoae wbo hxm etnw ward the Beatnratlre dn not heed Utia htnee. f There ere ae eendltiona ae . rrynlrewula. It U open aad frenh and fair. . It la the eupreme test ef air llmltleaa belief. AH tbet 1 aak yea te do la to write write today. . ' ... nr a free order for . Jtoak 1 ea frnepala. fjdL djllal bottle poo f ea tbe Heart. f.. -a.t . adore Houk S ea the kljnera r. Kh.iop. Bai PT2. . Kwk 4 f' Woatea li'lot Via., Mtata Hunk for Men. wblrb book yea want, book ea abeametlaai. Mild rwaee' ere -ef tea eared by a eutgle bot tl. t tnr aale. at, forty tboaaaad dnu atorea. Restorative Dr.Shoop's Suspected Receiver and Register -Wilt Soon Be Asked Some- Leading Questions.'" HoaeburaT 'diatrlot land fraud a ara be. Inctaken up aaln by the fraud Jury. 03. Maeley and hie brother, William. with. J. A, Thompson, appeared to tes tify thla morning. .; -he flrat-tiamed went before the Jury,, and tha others wereT to follow this artertidon." They operated in - the Hwert Home section, where rtederlck A. Krlba waa eei-tirlne? are tracu for hlmsalf and t. A. mlth ot Minnesota. -. Tha - Booth-Kelly com pany also- secured extensive holding in. that aectlnn, and tha wltneaSea -noat appearlnf will doultlea, give teatlmony In three or four caaea. ,. - Several witnesses who will testify re- sard In tha Roaeburg . land office ara known to have been summoned, -and will probaoir tea heard within two br three days. T. Bridge and J. If Booth, tha suspehded receiver, and register. ,re spectlvrly. are expected to be here In tha same connect Ion, - Hpaclal Agent Neu- nauaaen rras already arrived. He ha fcaal llfcaTi ai Iwat I ai.a thai laaaa JW ia auliL- rawajTT ill f aTaf 1. itarjl I (! ITIO IAT1U (111 ICS BlrK. the regular officers were suHpended. and will furnish the government with details Of conditions aa ba found-thaw. It la not probable that Indlctmenla will be returned tomorrow, although the government cannot btate positively. In the several ''cases bring considered suf. ncient evidence.. It la said, may be had for-- a report any ,tlma, and until the grand Jury finally adjourns Indlctmenla may Te retried daUy.' ntatrlctAttor hey. Heney haa urgent, basineas In tH- tornia, wplcn will necessitate: Ills de pasture, soon. Thin,, with olhey phases of ths Imiuisltlon, Indicates termlnatlnif the work of the term early next-week Developments have been ao Imports at that another-lnveatlgatron into the same or similar subtests may ba taken up at the April term of tha foderal court,-at which -Ume tha apodal representatives or the. government would again be in charge."" --v ' :'' PROOF NOT::SUFFICIENT (Continued fromTage One.i . . tlon. At a later data tha sama topic, was taken up with Mr. Hall,- when the latter came and asked for thnl names of tha witnesses mentioned. After ithat-Judge farey pays-he -did not hold- conversa tion regarding the matter with any one, and had nothing whatever! to do with anything or anybody connected with H. J-udge Carey went before the grand jury Juat before departing for Astoria, where he. Is - understood to have made the same etatements, - He . told ' Mr. Heney. that 4l the- rumor 'ho had heart were correct. Mr.. Ueney waa not a fit person to pouduct the . prosecution of awh-momentous cases. To thla . Sir. Heney aequleacea, and . said he Invited ail possible Investigation, and would ask for hur own remove whenever tt was shown that ha- had been- guilty of ine cnarges naos In dlacunalng the action of ""District Attorney ' Manning in the Heney affair. Circuit Judge Fraaer said: , - , Mr. Mannlnr did not mention - the word conspiracy -to me, nor did ba Inti mate, in any way. that he even sus pected a conspiracy. II aald that he had told the complaining' parties that tt would not take the matter up unlesa much stronger evidence.- was produced. and that he would have nothing at all to 00 wit n any sue charge, it -rtwaS mad --through spit or on account of nyone a personal feelings toward Heney. I cautioned htm to be careful, sine the motives of . anyone making such charge would be open to sus picion. He aald. that he knew that quite well. . Thla is as far. aa our codversa- tton went." .. HE LEAGUE'S P0SITI0 -JON THE PARK QUESTION " 1 " T? ' "- . A , member of "the Taxpayers' league says that Councilman Zimmerman . de liberately misrepresented that body when in his apuech yesterday tie said the. league was endeavoring to push through the- bill . to acquire more parks for the "All that Is Moeaaary to refute this statement, indeed, all of bi4 statements, he continued, "Is to read the resolutions adopted 'by the league on this very .subject.".- ' ' :- . Appended are tha resolutions: : "Whereas," It haa been, proposed that application toe mad to tha legislative wsseinbly Of tna sutsj of TjrcKOff Td MrT mit tpe city of Fortlsna to Issu bonds to the amount of . 1125,000, er., there abouts, for the purpose of purchasing ground for parks and boulevard, and ; Whereas, without at this time, ex pressing our judgment as to the wisdom f Issuing said bonds -or "PorchasTnsrst this time additional lands, but believ ing no bonds of the eity should be au thorised): or- Issued except under certain conditiona; n6w, therefore, he It - Reaolved, That any bill for th pur poses aforesaid should be passed .only upon th following conditions: "First. Thatno bond be Issued or i law become effective without belna Itrat submitted lo a vote of the poonle of the city of Portland and receiving a majority of the, rotes csst on ssld ques tion. . - ". . -.. 'Beaond. That tha aurhnrttv t. nur. chaaeitatd addlMenal ground be 'veatod In the park board of the city of Port land, and that they be given ia addl- Ion t the authority they now have au thority to condemn ' landa or improve ments for the purpose set forth In the sot. "Provided, however, that a reason able amount of aald money trrtje so ex pended shall be used IP obtaining land for perk ' purposes on th. east side of the Willamette riser, ' "Third. That nd particular piece or upo1 ot land ho deaorlbed In said hill to be purchased by aald park board." r - Li. -:- "m . 1 11 . . ALL FIRE ESCAPES ,v MUST BE KEPT CLEAR Manx, merchants are violating the city ordinance- requiring them to keep.. the exit to th fir escape In tbeir build in gs unobstructed, Is several Instances lately the Are department has been hin dered In It work because the men could not gain" acres ta building by means of the fir ladders. Chief -famptiell ' Bay? "it hinders o lit our work If we can not' gain scceas to a building over the re ears pe. In many of the large build ings goods are plied In front of tha win- ows-or doors leading to the fire rtri IntellitrenC Tbinklnr People All Over the pountry Taking: Hold of It Wttb Enthusiasm. Or ders and nqulrles Pqurin; in -From Cyery where. Think what it la t have a ulano In tlie name ana wnat an rxtraorotiutry oppor tunity the present cp-operatlve plan ot nttylng urrers.' Never slnrs-John Wana- maker, ex-l'ostmaatrr - Ueneral of the t'nlted Ktaten, iimugurated iila famous Jlmtiiary Olub.-haa snythlng so ad vsnlueous to ths buyer- Iwwn .under- taken as th' prvsent pisnt)-biiylng clubs institutes ty r;uerg I'lsno . Honsu mianrL and whh'h have alxeudv proved immensely popular. . Uy Joining ine wannmaKer in iiottary viu u wse shown thHt the people saved themselves exactly. IOJ,at7; Klters Plane Houso. In Its present . club ssle, proposes .10 save the people of Oreguav. at leet Diurn as su.uu9 on the j.uoe pianos which have been placed at the dlxposal of buyere' who purchase ' throuU tho agency or tt siix piano clubs, : From Factory? to family - - , . '1 Arrsngements hsv been. "rnde"w lift all the tsctorles whose nianoa ara han dled by Kilers I'lano Ilouaw, for virtu ally two irainuamar 01 pianoa, wnwn will be delivered tjlrtxt from the factory to tlie tuuna uf.lha rlnb. .mamher. - cwu and payment being determined by hai; pariicuiar piano oaxireu. 11 is easy to ae wnnt a tremendous saving In cost will be effected by hand ling the pianos in this large ooatiltly. The Instruments will be shipped by our own patented "harness" method., whim does awsy with the cost of . piano-tens. th-fretght-rharges on amme and admlla of an Increased number -nt piano car. This one Item In itself will effect a aavtng on the 1 000 ulano Included la thisjsale of tH,08ls - ": . ''T- cx.vm "A." ..';Vrv .r Tonslnts of 1BT pianos that 'sell regu lsrly In the old retail way for from tiVO to $300. The rlub payments on these will he $r down end !.!!- per-werk. And then pianos our; company sgrees tv supply si from Hjr-to- - 3 in. - . i -r-. r.-.. - CITTB fm. :'-v-r-t':--Planoa- ( In alii ranging In prices from ti7fr to IJ7S. "will be sold for from to t27. with deposits of 7.6 and l. per -week. :;- r x - . -' -cx.n c."--7':i( Kmhraces ' 201' of the VerageTilghest- frrestesT nirmber of liomes, snd tlint sell 11 the. regular wsy- for from 1.160 to 1450, will ft at --prices running from 127 : to 133S. .according. to tlieexact 8rJ and mass, and will be sent out on eposlts of $12.50 down and pay men la ofJ weekly. .-'' Contains 1S4 of the most, costly- Amevl i'Sii uprlKht plsnos. niutlw. -. pianos rasd in eraborately ftnlsheili beautifully band, carvad mahogarrres. Rngllah oaks unil watnntK; They are ptanoa thst eell for from tzri to 11.60, ana which Club mem-l tuan tor rrom -yai iilan for from tilS ud. Payments will b. o from 120 to t-e down, and K.50 per week. . The rOntlleat Brands and unrlahln In special Mtylrsr all ut thrra regularly prtced-eit over IKSO. ere in Club "B. There will tie Hi members In Club IS. and t-hey -wUtt- effect an average saving ef $147 on each, plana. Paymenta"ro J4 to D0 cash, and I3t Ji weekly- .' - rrr.rrai aV '"-' a club will be found numeroua odd ' pianos, manufacturer samplos, discontinued '0t cataloaiie" alvle of Chlckerlnga. Webers, Klmbails, Kra- kauerav- Crowns; also Inatcuments of numerous different mskaa thai hawa been received by us In part payment, for new Chlckerlnga snd webers and Kim balls and for Pianola pianoa Not'' a ainarla nni rtfr,Y1nh le a Unn, shows anv elgn of -uaager Thero-wrtli be only 101 members, snd payments araf- 110 down and 11. 75 weekly. I We have numeroua nmnlM itt ivirif pUno Included In these piano clubs right here 1n stock, anil maiiv now at nur wholesale department, corner Thirteenth and Northrup streets, so do not wale but call now and Be what atrujy won derful offer this is. vlf you do "not wish a nlann it m you casTJdlh, a dub Jy jpsylng; a. small deposit now and take your piano when ever you gei reaay jor ll. Bear in mind the prices-- 1 17 for IJOO kinds, 1S for 300 stylean(Levery thlng els at correapondlnKly low prices, including - Chlckerlngs. Klmballs, etc. etc., only we cannot sell them at 'these prices when tbe clubs are closed. - -.- - jr you lira in tne country, write ws for Catalogues at onceand set our Hats of makes snd Drlcea. Kvervthlnar we sell we guarsntc,y.j EILERS ATiO HOUSE 151 Washington 'street. corner Park. biggest and busiest and best plana con r cern, on xne Lojet. uarge storea also Man rrancisco. ritocston and Oakland. Cel.; Spokane and Heattle, Wash.; itoisa snd lewlaton, IdAho. - .- f and In case of a Are these have to be re move before the men can work. auv. cssf uTfyr- "Often tfie aTandpipel are C0mv work to get at them. Peopl.should Sea to it that everything Is dona which will accelerate the work Of the fire depart ment in case of lire. The city ordinances atata that the. fire escapee and the stand pipes shall be unobstructed and the or dinances should be obeyed. ' "we ar making an Inspection of tha large buildings In the city now and un lesa the business men comply with ths ordinsnce In this respect they may find trouDie awaiting mem. . CONCRETE WALKS IN ; X XCITY PARK BLOCKS i North and southland diagonal cross walka In the city park blocks-are te be lld In -concrete. - At th meeting ef the park board today the contract for tha work waa awarded to the Diamond Sand company for 13.020, -subject to tbe Approval of the city council.!- - v It is desired that the walk shall be laid Immediately, In -order .that tha block may be put'ln presentable "shape by th time tha Lewis and Clark expo sition opens- ; . . , , . If. Lowita. atipeiintendent of rrv stated that the city park la fn good rouairmn " nd hat rvery mn work would - be neceasary before sorlns opened."- Tree and ahrnbbery had been planted, lawna sown, walks and drive ways built and the park cleaned of all runnian. - . .- -. " City. Auditor lTevlIn reported that th proposed improvement of Davenport street would Intrude about ft feel upon fennoyor rarrx. lie was of th opinion that tha street should be Improved only aa far aa th entrance to the park. Ion. I.ewiB and T. (x levlln were directed to Investigate nd If 1t were found that the street woulcF'ritn lntottr-rk -to aaW" th,' city council T Id discontinue work. . , - ' 1 . M'hen th annual renorU are Printed the Olmatewd report of PorllsmTs pub lic psrk system wIH bo liuluilcd. as icr ar in great demand. . . MEAD AND. COMMISSION EN ROUTE f AIR GROUNDS Over Two Millions In Appropria tion Bills Presented, for StateT V : Institutions. ",7- 57 . (leertsl Iitapatch te Ths Jooraal.) Olympta. -Wash.. Veb. . The first banking law; presuming to cover the ,. j . n 1 . . . .. j , . .lit iriT, v, .,i,r iiiiciii nnu irrjm i iw, w ti likely be this ;osalon of the legislature, . Henator li. iu. Smith Is ex tiected to Introduce the bill In tlie sen ate nest week, and It will be presented In the hoas by a member front th east I1. ' . : . .. - ' - ? -- The banker'slaw as prepared by the romraltte from th rJtats Bunker a aaao- elation, cover the entire XleM-of bank' lug, and la exhaustive In many of Its details.-The bill has been presented to every hanker In th state, and It Is un derstood thst every one favored the law In Its present form. Home ofh strong bonkers of the large cities are expected her to assist tn the passage of ths. law wnen it comes tjpv 1 l l rrlrat Samka Oaly Th proposed bill doe not affect na- tl.-WlJHIilh wiuut IU K.IIVU1. m );PlJvatii bauka nearly - identical -ao far llneial h.nli, tiki 1 mnvU..-, .... . aa the public la concerned with the na tional bunking law. A bank commia- aloner la provided, for with a salary of t!,400 a -year with feea and expenses and clerical iieln to the a mount of IhtO. Kacrr bank must report twice a year lo tbla commissioner on .forms furnished by ths commissioner, and each of these statements must be published in a news paper In the city w her the -bank Is lo cated. If a newspsper be published there. At present stats and private banks ara to make report to the state auditor. but aa there In. no requirement tbat -the report be made' but few take the trouble t'o compile th figures. The bill also provides that the capital stock, of a bank can ba determined by the -population of the town in which It Is te do buaineaa. that Je a certain percentage of popula tion can be carried out always in fixing he capital Block. .. Till wlji give an op portunity to establish small batiks -4n Stnall plcea. . ";. . ' ., K. Mead Ba Boat to ortmad. :. f GntBTwriT-Mn'ath-Twtg-an Clark exposition com raise Ion left today for Portland to select a sit for s state building and make: .preliminary arrange menta for a splendid . exhibit ox tbe State's resources, r , i-.- - Th appropritrttons eomoiltte'n- the leglslavtur has under consideration bills asxregattng - Over 2.0.0. most of which Is Intended for the sevennr atate Institutions. .Th bills ar not all In, snd when the list Is completed it will be the largest ever reported to a legislature In 'this stt. . - -i- Capitol-memeral. ' .'?;"' V.- :' TheTTIght for the removal of th cap ital ia on in earnest. '.e sudden pass axe of the "metisur"y the Senate yes terday created cbnsterriation tn the ranks of Olympla adherenta and the Indications are thaw the bill will paaa th bouse, al though it. will probably not reach "that body until next week. . ,-- "he. stormleat debate of he sesalon Occurred .yesterday o verthe 'attitude of the Csthollce toward the joublle schools, brought about through the consideration of th bill for , chaplain atHt xtat penitentiary, . i, -, SEATTLE APPROVES, 1 Hotrlaf Capital tr Taooma stag Vappoct - '. Oannty, i ' ; (Special Dispatch t The loarssLt . Bsttle, Feb. LagTltar-passas;- tf tha capital removal bill by the senate yea terdsy aftsrnoon, removing th aeat of Stat government -t Tacoma has the aanctton of the Seatti chamber of com merce and citlseui of this city generally.. Thla la the ft rat time In the numeroua Fighti tollahd -tn plumb that Iterc county haa had th eupport.of th King ootinty- delegation. " - - -JCtng'oounty having -won in the sen, torlal fight it was not a . bard matter for the horn delegation, to be magnani mous and- to turn in and help out the former enemy. There appeara io be -a fenersl aentlment throughout the city liat - the .capital ahoald rgo to Tacoma w h ere the accommodations ara. ample and where greater privilege will be en joyed during the aeaslons. , rTOBE- JUDGED atltohaU OUliam, Corporatloa Coos eel of , ... aeattla. to W Bmu. ; - (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) 8eatlle, Feb. 8. -Mitchell Ullliam, cor po ration eounset of BeeUlei wtH be named-iy-UovemorJUtad aaJl)jUtli Judge for the superior-court of King county.- Thla announcement comes from close personal friends "of the governor and while Mr. Gilliam declines to be in tervlewed he Intimates he I expecting such a result.' Scow- Calhoun, grade tax attorney of .the city, will be appointed by. th city council w me poainun vi cvrvvraiiua counsel " and Representative Elmer EL Todd, formerly aselatant prosecuting at torney, will succeed Calhoun,- " - Mr, Q.llllare has been a practicing at torney at the Seattle bar for th past 13 year. At the present time he la aerv. Ing hi second term as corporation eoun sal, ha v tug received, t the last election, th largeat vote of anx candidate on th Republican tlckat.. , ,- i , , ' ' - ;;--mmBio.' "Before' w were married you said, t was the light of your yes." ' . .. r , 'Taa-Welt" I how. I. waa merely dinnled." CHILDREN LlkC Tolu- It Stops the Cough ri old prescrip t ion .and cod. 5.0 Cents ' W o.o d ar df Clark e ctl 1 Ca -'Prepare nd sell It, : On account of being bad)y overstocked with winter goods we have decided to continue our ; overstocked sale ,30 days longer rather then pack goods and store them until ext season, as ' we must have room for our immense line o spring goods now on the way here-shaving been -. bought and shipped by iOur buyers who are now in the : eastern markets. During this sale , every Item in our clothing department, will be sold at a reduction in price. V"V.:'-';'';i' T;t-:t: 311 SHoessat Biff RdiiMions -We have also' an immense stock them we have cut the prices lux lasts." You get , no : better stymie prices. , ' ' .. '.;.. 1 taKi tGT Vy - IUI I II HIGHLY. DEYELCPED Wallowa County Has Claims 10 Pr ominenoe That Have Not ... ..-neon nowetiv, , .te. - . - - y ' -A. SPLENDID LAND THAT -:7ji IS UNDERIRRICATION Peoplel. Say AH th . Country Need,s to Make It Great Is : : :. a Railroad. T - It la aald by E. W. Ruwraell. a gueat ai the ., Imperial hotel, that Wallowa county, least talked of section of Ore gon. Is the most hlghlydeveloped Jlr rigated portion of th state. II say there are thousand of Acre under lr-H rlgation lit tbat county, producing al falfa, 'wheat and itU cereal Ant vry Irrigating ditch 1 a. .private enterprlee. " tTh volum of basineas paaalng pyer the stage road between Elgin, on the Oregon Railroad Navigation com pany' linei and Enterprise and Joseph, the principal town ef Wallowa county, baa -nearly doubled In the laat year," he eald. Mr, -Rum melt la president of th Commercial club of -Elgin, Union county, and 1 enthusiastic over th bright fu ture of th northeastern part of Oregon, Including hie", own and adjoining' coun ties, He Is Interested, in the operating of extensive stag line from Elgin to Knterprls e, -Joseph and -other point, but Is esger for electrlo railroad in that part of th state, which he say is per fectly adapted to electrlo power trans- fiortatlon. Tbe Oregon Railroad A Ner vation company some year ago-surveyed a line from Elgin to Enterprise, but nothing further.wss dona snd the people are anxiously awaiting- the ad vent f men wlfh money and energy to ., 4- AND STILL UllKliOVN (EOBANd) -BREAKFAST 7 10 F00t) WITH "WANT ADS" With every jrtsh fWantw-Ad. inserted In The Journal a two-pound package of Grano - Breakfast Food (enough for 30 , people) will be given . FREE. ) Journal "Want" Ads. quickly run erTands, furnish . help, sell your property,, rent the vacant rooms, secure positions and other things too numerous to mention." "Want" Ads. iwiU be received week days until noon for that day's issue. But if for Sunday pre- . sent them by 10 .o'clock Saturday nighty REMEMDER Tilt 2i wohds ron With Orano you can make Grano ( Mush, Grano Pudding, Grano Muffins and' Grano - '6r Griddle Cakes. ' of men's and women's Shoes, which must:be soldi ,To move many cases below cost No old goods 11 new shapes and : or quality anywhere for double the, money. -See our line and ':.." ; i ... ' -i '"'""-.' 4 " .':.''. :-' ;C . '.r.',; MM m W aaaw , -,. g m ; V V LL. U I XI U LL L kAf- M:e 31'Ut.M MCU 1MUII IOUII build an electric road-In ths, Wallowa vaHey. ... .- ; .-' . "The first nine miles out of Elgin would pass through a rich farming sec tion." Mr, Rummell said." The.nett 10 miles' run through the-' Wallowa river canyon and her th great water power could be secured. After leaving thla canyon the road wuuld com Into the fertile Wallowa country, where the pres ent products of tha - oll'could b In creased 19. time over if means of trans portation were at hand.' Early settler aeeured large tracts of tlf.abre land, and wlthrdevelopmenf of tho nsotrrce the trajct would be cut into smaller- farms. There ta still soro government lend to be hsd. ' A i few farmers are planting commercial brchards of apples gnd other fruits, with the hope that-by -the time they coma into- bearing rallrosd trans portation will be provided,'' e- - .,, RESIDENTS COMPLAIN THAT WORK IS NOT DONE TWrtyraaldanU who ar affctadbyi th' Improvement Of Powelf street be tween Milwaukt road hnd ' Twenty first street hav protest)1 to, th execu tive board against th delay of th con tractors', In, vompletlng the work. .; The roadway haa been torn up fot aeveraUif ,. mtm eiv, iw. nwyifTCi "- Steven Brother ' ar th contractor to whom th work waa awarded laat May- . Thar ar 1 block to Tie paved with macadam at coat of tT.I&l. Tha Improvement waa to hav been completed by February 14. For- vry day over th time th e contractor are subject to a forfeit of fS. - 1 j., - . The atreet lain deplorable condition. If "la Imposalbl for wsgon to drivs over it. Tb resldente say they hay asked th contractor to hasten th work but they hav practically aban doned th;ob for the time being. In rase of fire It would' be' Impossible for? the department to reach 'any of th bouse on th street. - . -, - . -The property -ewnere hav asked h executive board to compel th contract or to haaten the work, and to collect th forfeit. ' --; - : , . r . ' " '";1L-V; ' "VA Deadly city, .'j.iy::'; ; ' From th Chicago Journal. . ' . ,' Think of it m death by violence occurred tn Chicago during' the -month of November, or more than per day!' ll Grano is made from perfectly cleansed hard white .wheat and yet does not have the nasty - taste common to wheat products.' It requires very lit-' tie cooking, and is non-irritating to the most deli cate stomach.. Children eat it in preference to any other mush, which. of itself is a test of its. . . palatability. f Manufactured only by ' Acme Mills Go. RATE i5c . ' 'a- ' 1 i , .. rrl Vamliill , UIIU Ullllllll : j ie - i' y -iri. t.. r utom -S..V i -U' .an-. , Sai i t.f y.V ' ' fr-1 .--f .V..-JS .- '' --'Tj'"-'-".-.',,. '. '-' '. ....v-,,,!r.v"'-:i';'- I J. K. GILL CO. xr: Booksellers and ;v ''.'i Stationers - . ' : '.' l -7 77 :77-, '77 THIRD AND ALDER . There were tl suicide and 11 homicide. in atreet .rauwaya guied 13 - peraons, the ateam- railways 10 and alcohol to. ' " I i '. . ' 'fiifffiiiiifrfiiififiiff.1 I I ...... I "' ' Portlanfi Greatest Book Store 1 - . t 1 1 1 1 ' 1 e .-' K ... ' v-"' - '. j ' ' '""t . : ; 7:;- ALL ... PRICES l' '. l I .Valentines; I :. 9 -A- lslrvttirtAf. 7 - 5 a I 1 '. "I i : Creat Thlngi at LltUeJPrlces I - f ' ' . - ' ' r . - - I: ... . ' ,,