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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1905)
ti: j crc'-. j" daily jour.: pcr.xL.: :d. Friday evening. February 3, izzs. . .. v '9 .itiinriLciiii TAX CCLtECTIu , V-',- r ; Believed Clackamas County Will ' -' Have Comparatively Yw, ) ; ; ; Delinquent Taxes." ; ; craMd artisans to -;: V:;? ;a'..-t MAIE AN EXCURSION ..The Juniors .'of .Congregational CfitrrCrrto Present 'Courting ?ct Mother Coose." -- J," . ' (Special btapatcB ta-,Tfc Joorunl.) : . Oregon' Cltyl Feb, Si Sheriff J.- R. Shaver began the collection of taxea for , 1H at noon yesterday.' It la believed that there will be comparatively few de : - llnquontHaxe during' the creaert year. ."year the deuquency was lea a than any previous Lyear, In proportion tothe totT amount. c-f .taxable property, . -rSrll may be interesting to know thst there la a rebate of 1 per rent on all taxea paid before March' 15. - Unless tax ( 'payers pay at least one half tbelr taxea for 1904 on or before the flrat Monday In April the same will be delinquent, and v J.t will ba necessary to pay a penalty of '10 per cent, beside the amount due be- . gins to draw Interest at-ilie rate' of 12 '. per cent per- annum. - Taxpayer mak- '.' ln half payment on or before . the flrat '. Monday In April have -until the flrat ' i Monday of the following October to pay - t.ho balance. ' The- usual rush, pf tax- Apa.ytj takimf: advantage of the rebate - Th Conntf .gtfttrt. . , '.' .,4- Hin the county court yesterday W. R Counscll waa aDDotnted member of the " V beard of road viewers, vice It. A. .Rands -iirealned.L Mr. tand .1 . they city en glneer.and hla resignation waa tendered '. because hla time la wholly occupied with a I. the. duties of that oljlce.. '' A petition iwaa received and cons Id -' " ered by the courtfrom-a number of cltlscn from Barton, asking that t -"'-'bridie be. built tdTpan-tb Clackamas "T 'river at that place. It la eatlmated that . Vibe brWae if -tullt according . to de- -- slam. vM coat' not lea than IS.00O. The " r court-took HO actionon he petltlontv j' t understood that the eounly Judge ant ' both 'commissioner regards, with, -die-- ;-favor" the .construction of the bridge' at :J thla fine-..' t - - .-'- ';l3 :p -v'-v,-:"ora'.Axtl Hxoitrio..v '.::'.. , ";: Thl evening at t ij'cloek 10t member '. bf Ilia local lodgeUof Qrand Artlaana v". will leijve over the X . W. P. for Port land. whre, ducing the evening. - they -r wtyt Tlalt th Fram lodge of- tlw, order. "Two'-apeclaJ cara - have ' been" provided for the exouralon. aneMWhor provla-. ' tona have tieeh for the beat of 'ttmea..' D. C. Matheney. -who .organhjed i the excuralon,. will be In cltarge of thef- ksarty.lTho vjalt laln renponae to an ln-"r.- vltatton from , the--Portland loilge. "and "T final arrangementa -were, pfefeeted laat '."evening at the regulkr meeting of the . nrder bere; '.At he meeting laat even ? Ing the. order Initiated eight additional . applicant Thia platea the member ''" ahlp,bf,the lodge h?re beyond J00. The ,-. " jiewmemBera will, be, among the excur- lonuts tonignu j Bowling Conteat. v-; A hwllng conteet wnn' held laat ven tmvt 'oo fellow eJleye. between the iLni1 tint- IfrTnT""'"""" UMiinr um im-- r-l rmhrpf f'rank Newton The game waa ' begun early -mj-tne-erenina; ana i. .until- niuW- mldolgbt,? jeaolttng-te-'- I rlcAory' for-the I ndependflnt ty . ecore " oTt-73tg.urnirtttlf. i -.rV By agrcemeiit the hwera were lopro Mde at their expena an oyater aupp " for all 'fhe partlcttmnta 1n-the game, and ' the forfeit wea'pald In the early morn ing houra et the Koyal reatanrant on ' . .. i' " oolat Tnlgr ; The juniors of - the Oongregatltonal 1 church will thl evening present the an 4' ni..r.., drama: "Th Courting of The nlav reoulres the appearance of a larg number of char- aoters.. for all of her .children accom : pany the interesting Mother Goose. The ' drama, will be Interspersed with a va-J Y riety f apeclaltlea grven by U brlght ' ent talent among the little people of . fhe cona-renatlon. Th attendance will no doubt be large, n - . AppraUer Apvoiatod. ; In the eOunty court today E. C:: Mad .. dock,'--John-.- Welamandel and Phillip "' Bucklent were appointed appraiser In the estate oi ti late Phillip II. Hops. value ofths property haa not been estimated, but it Is believed It will reach $12,000 or tlS.OOO.' The -will of thedeceaaed haa "been probated, -wherein bis wife. is bequeathed ;ll the property without reservation. . ' ' "'..' - qek Founts m- hose nTpahy''beIl kn Important session lsst night at which 0e mmm' mm, ssi . - i . ',.!. tr m mm m & waa nominated a chief and a . lire commiaetoner. Max Mctilaahan waa nominated, chief and Henry Kooa lire commlaaioner. .. The following offlcera were electedrePreatdent.-A;-Woodwar; treaaurer,' Ctirla Hartman; vlce-preaU dent, Ike Perclful;' foreman, J. Repl6ga; aaalatant foreman, L-'Cox,' The membera of thia company- have ala placed themaelvea ". on record aa lntereated enthualaata -for the aucceaa of the firemen' tournament next July. . .riak letfUletlom. ; . ' George N. Brown.- - the -well-known nah man returned laat evening after a vlait of aeveral- day In Salem. . HU purpoae In golng"to Salem waa te rep-, reaent the . lntereata bf Jocal, flahermcn before the leglalature . 'He ennouncea that while- the -reported bill, -with It aaaured amendment, will ;. not V accord with the genoral. ideal of the Clacka- maa.aounty nnnermen. many or , the on- Jectlonal featurea have been eliminated from the original bill, rj - .--- That part of the .'-bill 7 Which- pro htblted- flahlng - within Ave mllea of i flam, or obstruction In the - Interior rlvera'waa-changad ai aa to allow flah lng a,t any place not lea than (00 feet from. uch .dam or obatruotlon, i'.: ' Thia evening the general committee of the Q. AR. will meet at. the courtbouae. Thlii committee waa appointed to muke full arrangement for the grand encamp. nient here next Juno, followed lm-i mediately by an Interatat encampment at Portland on June '24. Thia general committee haa authority to. appoint all aub-eommlttee,' aoroe of which bav al ready been appointed. Other commttteea will, be declgnated thl evening. . ;;, . . .Oonteel Caae Ooattaaea,- . ; .. . The land contest caae of EL 2. Fergu on agalnat William P. Simpaon -which began laat .Wedneaday In the local land office, la atlll ea trial, - The evidence In the caae 1 volumlnou. and tt I poa- alble that the. trial -will be eontlnued through a part of next week, Attorney Hedgea and ortfflth repreaent the con teatant, while tjie conteatee 1 repreeentr. ed .by, t. t. vowing. : : -. - ' rroaat and. "The county court he appointed Frank H. Walgumot admlniatrator of the astate Of the late M. Jj. Walgamot.-. , - . . The Ell H. lngley property In Clack amas ha been sold to. M. - W.-KnWkfir-becker of La Orange, The $ ranaatftlon wa effected throuh(.the agencj jfU torney 'H, K. Croaa. . . X- 'i . The Oregon Iron- ft, Steel' company la engaged In removing from the Dale funn Vthl city the great meteor, over which' there waa recently a legal fight In the clroutt -court. The Immense aim,' weighing several -. tons, will - be trans ported to Portland, and -will be a-part of 4he Clackamaa county, exhibit at the Lewi and Clark fair.' v . . v A. W. King, a prominent farmer from Logan, waa a visitor in town, yeaterday. The Odd Fellow met l regular ses sion last evening, and ths noble grand of the lodge, D. McArthur, of Neil Era, wa In attendance. , . - . . . - Justice jpf tb Peace Ijsvy Stipp. who ha, been alck with-the grip, ha re turned to hi official duties. ' J' Mis Cella . Goldsmith left thia morn Ihg to visit Bun Francisco. j '"'rx ''. NORWEGIAN COLLEGE V:" LOCATES IN SPOKANE - (Sped) DUpalcb to Tbe JonraaL) j ' Spokane; Waah.,- Feb.r J. -The estab lishment of the Norwegian .Lutheran oollege In tbl city IS assured as far aa the committee, la . concerned-. .' Spokane haa been decided, upon ae-the moat suit able location for the proposed college. and tt- will be recommended at the gen eral "conference. , : . "- - "It I belteved"that there bj very Jit ne doubt that the conference will "adopt t heireportli f J the -rcromltteevana -t-- ranKement will then be made for -the Teleetlon of a site on the hill. where the Washington Improvement company offere4 the 4tJiurcha:-ta-cre tract In Mailltd Pack. The work of bulldinghe college wlH aoon' fpllow.", UMATILLA FARMERS V . TO GET LAND PATENTS - - .4-t.(. ll-ftrh "-TheJonrnl. jfT rT" '' La Grande. Or.. Feb. J. If th amend-menttoth-Jndlan appropriation hlH now spending in the United State aen Ster is adopted Umattlla-county farmera who have purchased land of the Uma tilla Indian reservation will be entitled to receive patent upon aubmitting to the land office WlJk Grande proof that th lands are exclusively, graslng land. If the Indian- appropriation bill passes It will have .direct bearing on hundreds of acre bT'Jand on. the reservation, and It 1 expected' thet some difflculty wllt be experienced by the farmer la re ceiving patents, though . full payments ha,ve been .made for the land. '. .' a . , : :; -r-!'": irsw bvbaXi motJTB.'-''';. J (RpeciaFDlipstrS "Id 7rfXolifB-It) - Hoseburg." Or.. eb. "I.- A new rural free dcttvery route ha Just been put In operation. It starta from - Wilbur and after- covering; a large extent of country returns to Ita starting point.- t la the second in th county, . , .-'.' ': - Friday and --';;. ; ',.,.. i;--V',...,..V:i-.w.. . ..'-. '..-. :.'.:'..- : ;.. , . ;. .: ''':.' :-,'.'.'.:.;. .....,!... .,......-,.... .; ' r.-?t--' and Overcoats -j We have bunched a lot of , that we haven't all sizes These garments are well made , of first class materials ; r regular $12.50: $15 and $16,50 values. All sizes from ' ..... - OS 1 ' - .. '..' . . , iU Samuel-;-Rosenblatt & fJAIiES ATTEMPT TO PR PE Man Arrested Account of Sus ; picious Actions !i Vancouver v But, Later Released v TAKEN INfO CUSTODY , - . AND PLACED IN JAIL Soldier arid Negro Engage - li - Fight on Business Street '.' . L; To Build Theatr.J-: i I " (Snerlil JHntrfc to The Jonrotf.T '"Vanceuver. Wash., Teh. Shortly after non Thurday a harmless-looking character attempted to enter the rest dence of Paul Young on Weat Seventh atreeC There wa no 'on In the house at-the time, but before (the would-be buralar succeeded in gaining , entrance, a niemter of the family came along. Tbe police were notified ' and . landed their man within a few mlnutea. i He waa taken to the city Jail but turned loose aoon afterward without any charge being brought agalnat him. Just why thia action was taken Is not known, ex cept that the 'man allowed algn o( being demented. ...v-, ' Thl man waa seen wandering 'aroun the -western part of tbe city; yesterday; but-effort, to locate, him laat. night were futile. It la thought be may be the. man who recently caused : considerable excitement on the Fruit Valley road by racing back and "break neck speed- tinttl Complfiiely exhausted.. ; " . md fM U OlotUa;.' ' A 'man with various article which he wa attempting "to ellr at .different place throughout the city wa -picked np byChlef of Police, Bateman yester day afternoon and lodged in Jail, What the . man' right name is cannot be learned.- He la knqwn by the local po lice, who aay he ba gone under several different namea. It I ndt thought thia man wa connected In any way with the recent robberies, but to make sure, be will be held a few days te await- de velopment,. f':; ''tTTt- -;-,-'-,7-,.rj Vlatt 'sootante.' -v-''i-;.;l "A innA-rnuml t between Holilnsan. well-known - local negro character, aiid g soldier caused considerable excitement yesterday afternoon on B street.- The dispute arbse over a statement by the blue coat thatv he ; could- whip any "negro" that eves lived, 'Thl led to blow without ceremony.' which faulted In the soldier being knocked down twice in rapid succession. - There Was a Inclination on' the fart of an onlooker-to call the police, but before this could be don 'the soldier had made "his escape and Robinson, had tarted on hi way rejoicing, . - T Saild slew Thaatrea , If th pla-jLhitlil.ppw on foot goes through,-Vancouver. wilL at laat have an up-to-date plaoe of amusement. . During' the past year It ha been known that several, parties have, ngurea rrom time to time on erecting a new show house in this city. - ' A 10-year lea ba been secured on ai quarter block. - If built the theatre will be ready to open' before the opening of the Lewis and Clark fair in June. It Is understood, that a Portland theatrical manager who J-.ecentljr. tlve -connect Ion -wRh- the sliow ,bunneas I lntereated In the proposition. . , . , oZBaXM!taTwZiftaii The Washlniiton and Oregon Lumber ieompany Is putting tn-a-new planer en- glne to 'replace the one that, was re cently deatroyed. The new machine la a great improvement' over the eld one A Portland Arm furnished the engine: -''-'I :.'-'"''-Taaoonvr jrot.'' P : r-rr ; Mis Bessie Young ba taken Misa Florence JHaven's place at EdKar-s con-fectonry-atoreduclng the iatter's vUlt to eelaalvea at Goldendale. ...... -MrawMr Smith I erecting a two-story dwelling- house on "Seventeenth and Re serve streets. ' . . t- -A marriage llcen ws yesterday w aued to Edward Thorwalth of Portland. andlMJss Venue Crane of Washington county. Oregon. - - , ... James Waggener. Jr., waa In Portland yesterday on a business trip. V -. - N While tev-the city . yesterday, Superintendent-Sloan of th Portland Consoli dated Street Railway company inspected the company' property at the foot of Main etreeet. -..' .;!- - r- A1-' Slocum of . the' Oreironlan. waa a Vancouver -visitor yesterday. - w t ' EC-Paton came down from Seattle yesterday ana 'report buainea very dull In. that.clrt: B. U CrOabjr of Taeoma is In the city oq business. :. '-' :' -fry spepsla bane' of human existence. Burdock Blood Bitters cures it. prompt ly, permanently,, Kegolate and tones the stomach. , ; i ' - Saturday broken sizes, that is,' patterns Jn, and offer you choice t at-i- ... - r.; .-..-.'iU'. ''' 7- -v : ' ;. '.' '' -. . ' ; .;---' ..r' . .:. -;:' 2''; .'"' " -.s-.-- -.--!-''.'. -r-j ' ,"':'. "ft''-'"V:': ' ..-..' ? ' ""t.""--.;1 . :U f:t, 1 " . ; j v ','.'- ''.t; iliisiiiii -a. ,". '1'-ff--V';' NEIS APPEALS TO FamourHop :t: Suit ' Against Whiteaker t Sojn to Be".,.;' Fought Agai SEYMOUR CHIPWAN WILL , IS FILECTFOR PROBATE K4 of P. Making Big Preparations T for District ConventioiVr-rL . " , at CdrValiis. . ..:.-i'.'. -. -..,.. , , ,::;', ; j ' (Special Wipateb'to TJI JouriiiLl-v, Corvalll.. Or KebS. An appeal to the aupremft court ha Just been XU4 with thederk of Benton county, lft "the much discussed case of Kola Nets .or Albany against John Whiteaker and son of -Corvallls, "for the recovery of S,000 damages on a hop contract. . Whlleakor arid aoj contracted with Nfl for a term of year, at , eight cents a pound.' In 1903,,- however, a verbal, contract was given by Nel in which., he agreed to pay 10 cent a pound to wniteaKers. ami-- -per cent above-lO-centa.. if tbe price of hop wa appreciably advanced. Nela kept ht - vernal contract (after ward reduced to writing), but that -year he paitl only 69 on the. entire crop to tbw Whltoakers as percenUge above the Id cent agreed upon; whereupon the Whilcakers-lHBt fall refused to deliver any more hops lo Nelv they asserting that by standing to the verbal contract the previous season Nela haa himself broken the first original contract, thore-f by . releasing them. - ..... - 4 I'pon the refusal of tna wniteaKex to deliver the !0. 000 pounds of hope laat fall Nel began recovery proceedings and-wssMefeeted- 4- eourt,i-The appeal jnst filed again-arouse dlcuslon of the case,; and.- the - outcome. la being watched , with keen, interest by . the f ubllc. - ' ' ' . . , . 7 Wee lHld for lrobat. -- Th will of the late Seymour Chip man has been riieo cer. prooaie. tiy( Its provisions tbe estate goes 'uncondi tionally ' to -the widow. Prudence Chip' man, during her liletime, At ner are in the property Is to be equally ..divided'hildren. liTbe estate is vsl-ut-U ul 4.0". Tire appraiser are tt. li. Shedd, B. Woodward and W. N. New ln. ' '' - -.-'-. ' '. . -.- " Great preparations- are under way In the local lodge of Knight of Pythias to entertain the visitors who will be In Corvallls on February JfJ In attendance on thel-dlstrict convention that Is to be held. ' The district Includes -Linn. - Ben ton and Polk counties, and during the convention - many prominent : knights from various part of the slat' will be here.- The event will be mad memora ble, It work on the part of the Corvalll lodge I n -Indication.-: -. -; J - . v Short Term of Ooart, The shortest-term of court eVer held In Kenton county ws ths of .yesterday, held by the commissioners for the audit ing of bill. Court convened st 1 . m.. and at 1:30. p. m.. adjournment waf taken. Such a thlna has never before happened In the history, of Benton. aTUtUMI OBAafetV , ' There has been a great cllang tn the dray Uufbics of Corvalll. ddrlng th SOPRBlE'CflllRT We announce the arrival of -Misses' Spring Buster, Bro" wn and Peter Thompsbn Dresses. This interesting news concerns the .. introduction of nejy and , strikingly original models : made by men tailors who - design' our These dresses" will have their -P' Ssasss.aawe4Vi flis-11 ..." . most charming of The Greatest Clothing r. --, - : past" two days,Th I Henkl""busl prea haa been purchased by CTeorge Ful ler, who has for year been employed at Fischer' mill.- Henkle in turn, haa bought. the.cttjc.deU very- wagon recenUy put Into service by Hilton Young. . WILL SELECT MAN FOR INTERSTATE CONTEST (SoecUl DUuatch te The JooiiT) . tTntversltSr fit Clrvmn. Ruffene. Fe' The question -'decided upon that th debater of th University of Washing ton and Oregon Will discuss st tb an nual interstate 'debate that is to be held her on March Si; ss submitted by Ore gon and-accepted by Washington, Is, "Resolved. That It -should be the policy of th . United State not to hold terri tory permanently ,,unles with the put pose that it shall ultimately enjoy tattf hood." .-, ' . . .- . T Just -who will repreaent Oregon In the debate ha not been decided, a the try out are not to be held for two week. These Two Great; Specials, Positively the Greatest Bargains'Ever Of fer ; 25-Tabourettes, iiv; golden ioak ; and -gold - finish, assorted patt'ns, strong! ; durable, pretty:1 Regular $L50, special-iir Gold 3Vatches, all I 173-175 "swagger ' young ' men's "clothes, . initial showing tomorrow in our AtvtKi - nsi -nrf ( KTsfAm!nfr1-tr ' nil- V'J '' fashion adjuncts. '. ' - i - - ;n:' House in the Northwest. At Jthattlmr;'a66ut' eight candidate, more, -than ,gver competed Jfory.I win debate the question, and frrnn thess. two team of three men each will be selected and theywlll be" drilled "to" debate agalnat each other, and the .three best from thee will make up"the team. The debate laat year was held at8eattl and the University of Washington won, but this year there I mor Interest taken in the work nd th students hop that Oregon will, win the" contest, -, teat which a"held VatFVldanlVht Joe .Templeton,teaptAln"of the football team, waa Selected by the judges -to4 represent the university at the contest, which is to be .held at Newberg the second . Friday In March. ."- According to the student body rule the same man that jvpressnta the university. -in -the intercollegiate contest cannot take part in the interstate contest. e next Friday a tryout will be-held, for this contest which take place between Washington, Oregon and -Idaho at- Seattle thl year. Merrtt and Tomllnson are two candi date who will apeak for the place, v GREAT SATUR DAY NIGHT SPECIALS standard makes, low FI :z 1 Gtrcetr-Tc ilT? V ... A - v POSTMASTERS FOR PACIFIC NORTHWEST -' IJoaraal Special Serrles.) ' - Washington, Feb. .-The following" postmasters bav been appointed: . , , Oregon; Melrose. Dougla county." -Thomu Scott, vie Henry BWit, re signed; Troutdale, Multnomah bounty Lri Frederick E. Harlow. vice Aaron A Fox. removed. '-- , ' ' ashlngton Blahtlv Cowlit. Mn. Mr. Margaret Haleck, vice Joseph Hal-': ' . ck, dead, , t r. . n . ; . :, ; ' TTMPQUA TOM. MA!tQMaMt. '(Speclar fHspatrh far The Josrsat.V .Roseburg. Or, Feb. I. Superintend- i ent Hill of the I'mpqua fish hstchory on Steamboat river, haa submitted hi an nual report to State Game Warden Ba ker. In the year 104. 2.885.000 eggs -were secured.- Of these abouf '240.00"r ' were lost In the process, of, hatching. -' - The entire-number of fry let loose ' amounted . t.5.25. .- . -r . 50MedicineCath inetsi vsplid oak, large mirror ;in front Regular $2.0, special ' ; :. ;We-wish To. apologize to "OuTTrameTOus friends who were unable, owing to ' h large crowd . last . Saturday : night,-to get our Special Sale : Dishes. ; . We will in the near future have another .sale at the same prices,' when - we " Lwill clear our entire . third floor and have ample room for alL j ', i ; prices, $1 per wee!; , ' , . ' ' ',. . .. ; 'f ! A