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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1905)
THE OREGON' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, FSBRUASY 3. 1ZZZ. : PUT Oil! PEOPLE SAY Council's Action in Refusing to :r i Close the Disorderly Houses , ! ' nf Is Severly Criticised. - 1 S" "' ..... .',-T' zf. !-A'-AA'- j; , ., ... x- , Indignant, protests iaa K HEARD ON EVERY SIDE Chief ' Hunt Asks What the -v; Resolution Meant, end Hur riedly Does Nothing. .1. HED LIGHTS MUST BE FhihltttT sentiment- sntnatlhe jlisor. iderly house and dance halls of the.,r;l - light district la the north end U grow- 1ng. Severe criticism - of - the action taken by the city council and. Mayof ' Williams Wednesday tn TefnBtntr"to re yoke the 'licenses of II of .the wort . . tilves, la heard on every band. Respect able. people are growing- Indignant at the apparently absolute disregard lor mor- ; amy a,nu uecenvjr uiBpiayeu vj memDers or me council n are uc , mandlnK that the law be enforced and V ' VUlllMllweiVH ' , nwwaavaa mis' wi- ... waaa Portland.' V I ." " - . . r- ; . ? Chief of Police Hunt did not close the combination houses yesterday as' he had i been Instructed to do by !th resolution - . k. w K ma .. 1 1 . .. IJa a ei V jaj. AtlB . 7 councilman what the resolution meant and was teld to get his Instructions from ' Mayor Williams. As the mayor was-out tf the city and the chief waa unable to x communicate--with hhn,"the-aer-car rled out a policy of masterly inactivity . wnenever,an application -iwr nqi V license Is made, the names of two or ' more reputable cltlaens are required as references. All the original applications fn, tha 1 nntnhlnatlon houses are to- be fonnd with the exception of one. The MlMln .nnllraflAn t that mil!, bv J. . Moore, formerly partner f "Bob" "loon, at 49 North Fourth "tree L.Moore' rppiicaUon. waa, filed Iat July.-and the license was granted. Tne application rs"" 1jxt fi',OTlcltst -'loOai ' lai atlfnttil by f'puncllmen IX T. Sherrett and Fred T. Merrill. Following are the -references the applications; ,' .. , ; ; F. A. Houthlllier of the Queen - Annie 7 Unmakta etreet. Fred - H. V Rothchlld an J. : IX Hanwlck; Mallory tr McDonald of - tha - Echo. - ei North .Fourth street, J. C. Beck and F.-C. ' JloeckerJ - W. White, - 4 North Fourth street, Fred' It Rothchlld and J, D- IItnf ' cork: Ooanell, Wilson of ' the Coamo poll tan. 61 North Third atreeV Benjamin H. Franklin and P. X Burke; J. H. Phll- Hps of tha Paris House, '26J Davis street. NWbolas v Vlscovltch .- and VM. ' A puchj W. F.. Olealer of the" Owl. 25 North ; Third street, A. Rosenfetetn, George Jacob and H. Aluster: Hlbbard Potts of tha Brunswick, 28 tt North Third street.' Fred H. Rothchlld , and Adam Mueller; Green Front theatre, -is North .Third street, Gustav Fretnwald i - and 8. ; P. Oalther; -F. ' Maya, 2S North ' sieeona eireei, nenry r. v lecaenaietn ana - llennr Waaner: M. L. . Smith. (1 North Second street. Austin Duffy and W. Dun can; Bltgh 4 Woodhous Tof the Noi- mauer and 'J. D. Meyer; M. Kntiier of" George Luthoft, and M. Parahley ; . W. I ThlrlmafTof the Lion. 190 North Fourth I If There's a Mari,Womafi Child - ... witltin a hundred miles of this wno nccas pair oi snocs "now'of "who is likely . to need a pair later , on, we want to say to that person or ; persons now is, the tune to, buy. LA '''..:;V-:S'".1 llPIuei-ilii ...r- .. ... J-.,-. , ....., -V. . CV i. . Offers an opportunity to buy Men's Genuine Goodyear Welt ; Shoes at $2.70. Men'sWork or Grto-Meeting or Dress-Up ' Shoes at' $1.35. , Little Mens Longwear" Shoes at $l.ia , 1 Women's Shoes, the latest patterns," at $1.39, $L?9 ind $2.39. Women's Fet Slippers at 75c and $2 Colonial Slippers at 69c," besides a great line of Children's Shoes at 90c, sizes 5 to 8: i.w jor sues to ii, ana ' 4 , - OUR LINES CARRY THIS A UINION STAMPS A A - -a -:-' - . . . v . - 'And should be giyen preference, especially by V .'.'':' ' .'. wage-earners..' ,' .,;A A A- 233-22 l!orrison '. f - - ,..:y.,:::j - r -f , i.i i a,-1 . , t Iwbcl Howell a Lorenne in "Tfi Silver Slipper at the" Mtrqatm ! : V.;:. ir: Friday; Night. 'yr:z:z:.-. ! street Blumauer and Hoch and J. IX Mar.nTony -Arnaiid et the Elegant,20t Everett street; --Theo Oallaad a A. Lyon: C. A.vBrown of the -Thetis, Z74 Bchrleber. Jr.: H. Maumal of the Re ception, North-Fourth street, George Lutholf and Fred It Rothchlld; Gosncll Wilson o- the 1 Badger, Hi : Daws street.. Benjamin R Franklin and P. J. Burkef 1 A V. Richard of the Paris cafe, 2f r Davis atreet, Henry Waner and A. B. Buttner; George Ryan of the Fashion. 41 North Fourth' street, 8. P. Green and Geoige Jacobs :.Attanaslo at Naecarato of the Napolls. .71 North FourihtrsetWDaviA-Panna and-8-JV-t Galther; Capdobosq Clark r tne uur-brlslt-aT-Kverett street. A. M. Brown and A. Xfelevage; Boel Dlbbs of the OlcketTaue&owor a to "Brown eVTHlIV I. Sherrett and Fred T. Merriu. . r ... -: . :; ; ; MATHILDA DRAKE. f : WANTS-A-DIVORCE In the divorce case of Mathilda Drake acalnat F. P.- Drake, he has filed an affidavit In which she eaya ahe is poor,. lncapaoie oi earning any- large amount of monef, and unable to pay the costs of tha suit; and asks the' court to order her husband to supuui't Iter and to grunt hex legal separation. ..The case cornea on for final hearing in a few days. J. V or city ' tor sizes u4 to x ' II' - ... - Street, Portland i- " f- r) iSI5iniI ; RAILROADS REACH Lines With Connections to Port f land Are Preparing for the Summer Trade. ' ORDERS GIVEN. FOR ALL-c SORTS OF EQUIPMENT Last. Year Was Prosperous, and ..Rolling.Stock Will Be Paid ' for From Earnings. A 'j " 11- i' 1.-'. 1 -i i - ' ; Eastern-railroads maintaining agencies In Portland; as well as transcontinental lines lermlnating here, are enjoying a period ot prosperity and dividends, and! roejnr spenamraritft amounts orr mooiy 1m InArAAMlnr MiulnmimL . nn&t I additions are beinamade to the rolllns stock ot tie Northern Pacific,' the South, em Paclflo, tha ureat Northern and -the Oregon- Railroad te Navigation company 4lnes. The Chlcego,. Rock Island eV Pa clflo has ordered 10 loootnotlyes from the Richmond -works of the American Locomotive company, and reserved space for S0.frelaht and passenger and 10 swttetttas; locomotives, and Is now hav ing built l Jo;omoMvea for whlch-space araa reserved last July. Thei Wisconsin Central has ordered five .simple At lantic . - type passenger . and" several simple . consolidation . freixht locomo tives from tha Rogers works. The Chi cago Northwestern tiae ordered 1,00 boxcars of 80,000 pounds capacity, for delivery In Way, June and 3uly. .. The Rock .Island has also ordered 10 chair cars and i coaches from tha Pullman company, Tha Medford Crater Iake 'Railroad company, back' of j which Is said to be Col. Frank Ray, a tobacco trust mil llonalre. jias filed artlclea of incorpora tion with a Capital stock of 1600,000, to build a railroad . from Medford, Or., on the Southern PaclAc, to Crater lake and tha -headwaters of the .Rogue river. Where ltwlll tap the greatest tract of sugar pine umoer in America. The Oregon Eureka-Railroad com' pany has laid two and a half miles of track on Its -extension of eight,, miles from Eureka' to Areata. Tha road, will be completed this year. LBaNorinerB raqine nas Jiaced t a large order for steel rails, to be used In extensions In - eastern Washington this year. . . -"' An official of the O. R. A N. denies that the company Is to build a branch from Teroa, Wah., east to the Coeur d Alene reservation. . - The - Chicago 4k. Northwestern, slowly working toward . the eastern Oregon boundary. hs completed a survey from Caspar. , Wyo. to Lander and Ther- tnopolls, and haa obtained ; right Of way scross the wind river valley to Lander. It Is reported a branch 1 will ; be built from Orln Junction to Lenoer. FAIRVIEW BURGLARS A Av MAY SAVE AND. SMOKE ; 7 -' ; , ' Burglars broke Into the. general mer chandise store of IL W. Mathisoh at Falrview last night and stole rasors and cigars." The . store-wss entered by the front," windows." "Mr. m at hi son left . the store about 10:. 6 clock last night He aid not leave any. casn in ms earo7 which was left open; the robbers rifled the safe; went . over the numerous pa pern, but took none. Arnold chisel ano half a candle were left In the building. This Is the first robSery reported from Fslrvlew for many months. It Is sup posed the crime wss committed by men who were . released i from the Portland rlty Jail at a recent session of Chief Hunt'i kangarooTcotirt.7" " Now for a Time. A A time for every man. to stsp to the front and dresa up. The Chicago, the big store. S71-7S Third street between Oak and Pine, baa Just -completed ' In ventory." and Will place on sale tomor- rew . 1,000 fine all.wcol and -worsted suits, real tailor-made. In ' the very choicest ana newest or midwinter fash ions; heavy or medium weight; -double and single-breasted, sock and cutaway style.' Sulta that were made to mall at tl. flO.&O. tl. Ill to and 111.. Com mencing tomorrow yousn step Into the store and select one of these splendid suits at 17.60.. This la 'tha whirlwind wlndup ': ofi v the winter season a le that should attract tha atten tion ef every, man a srIa that will al- How the man with a limited burse, to dress well. j . . , , Arandeet display of fme scenery over seen Portland at the corner of Third and A Me-streets.' On exhibition from I ia tha morning till t at night We plce-ON SALE 'our entire stock of MEN'S MENjS PANTS regular pri MENrS PANTI5 iregulairice LIEN'S PANTSr MEN PANtS a; BOY'S CORDUROY PANTS; MEN'S $2.00 HATS, Special All Cut AND 'PHONES FOR AID Wild Dash of Patrol Wagon to . Assistance of AShriek- -' ' int? Suburbanite. , V'.r PROMPTITVDE THANKED - ; AND MEN DISMISSED Omitting the Buttons and-Pa-r rades, There Isn't Much to y i a Policeman's Life; A There was a deep calm at the police station at S o'clock (his morning. Desk officers hovered around the .huge stove listening to tha wind as -It bumped Into tha corners at Second and Oak streets and swept- wildly through- Chinatown, playing havoo wnji the moral decora tions that, were hung yesterday In honor of the new year. . - It was Intensely cold -outside.. ' Of ficers on their bests sought-ahelter wherever they could, wen, knowing that the aergeants would makf few attempts to catch them , off luty. - Tha jtreets were deserted. f Hope .there's'olh''Tdhlght said a patrolman, who went to tha sta tion to warm' himself. ... - Only "vaga" had been arreated. There had been -no telephone calls for Assist ance,, and the patrol wagon had not made a run. Officers were counting the nours tlU tha next shift relieved them. 'Sud denly the little bell near thetelenhone began to clatter and sent forth a plerc- In atirm. r - ? . "I'm at Fay" and Commercial streets and Iwant assistance man's cutting my tkmat nnlrk!" the Bentenca waa not completed, the voce stopped abruptly as If its -owner had peen jougniy nuriea from the phone. r " , Fay-and Commerolal streets Intersect awsy out In tha suburbs, near theCo- lambia . river. Jrn tne patrol . wagon rumbled heavily through tha streets three officers, muffled tn big -coats-and wraps,- were aaanea violently Against eeh other and against the -sides of tha vehicle. It was a , wild rids and the horses were covered with foam when (hey stood panting In front of a house where a light shone brilliantly. . Ser geant Carpenter, Officer Price and a messenger officer hurried to the door. n upstairs - window , was suddenly raised. ' "You're just a few moments late, gen tlemen," said a" aweet voice. "I hope yon bad a nice ride, the sir. Is so keen and xhlllaratlng it must be great to be out X had ' Just gone - to sleep and Lthought I heard a man, trying to get Into my room, l tninx it must nave been a dream.' ' - But since you are here I wish you would go up on the roof and aee If he's CASTOR I A , ,: Jor lofaats and Children. Tt j Iti Yea Kits C::;!;t Baarg the Glgnatweol' tAA a; w f y rA mm wmm K v ii : -J::o :xmm iy " NX m- CLEARANCE PRICES. Note the reductions ti a a BOYS' SAILOR SUITS AT HALF PRICE : Prices Endr Saturday there, and also, look ,1a. the. cellar and under my. bed. He may be really, lurk lng axodAd somewhere.". : "Fine night for a murder." said the sergeant - meditatively, aa thy drove slowly back into tha olty. . t T "Guess the mercury's gone pretty "near tha limit by this time, remarked. Off fleer Price. i - J7-- . ' .. .' "Take away -the buttons and the blue uniform on parade days, and 4her0 ain't much to this life." said tha -messenger officer, -who claims to , be av philoso pher. " -4 - .".r: PREPARING FOR GRAND AnAXT-AARMrDAYAtFAIR - A- joint committee representing Ore' gon and Washington Grand Army posts is at work rarranglng for Grand Army day. at tha Lewis and Clark fair, June tz. Tha committee met yesterday at tha office tof the cbalrman.Capt.. Jamoa P. Bhaw, - 4n Portland. Tha following post representatives were present E. wan, . J. J. : Herahelmar,: Owen Bum mer,Ti B. McDevltt R. V. Pratt James P. Bhaw MtkPratf J. Vjf, Ogll bee, C PL Holloway. TK Ct Bhreve, IL C. Rigby, O A. Harding, C A.'. Williams, R. A. Baker and 8. A. Esser ' ,v It waa decided that tha posts of Ore gon and Washington should Jolq, la B patriotic demonstration on Grand'Array day . at the exposition grouhds. and a program "will be prepared by tha com hmlttee. It Is proposed to make the event the greateat-Jil the history of the Grand Army of tha Republlo on the Pa oiflo coast Tha national oommawler and other prominent O. -A. R. men iwlll be present-LTbe committee organised by Capt James Pr Shaw; first vice-chairman, C X Williams. Oregon City; sec ond vice-chairman, R. A. Baker,- Van- COutftrJWasha secretary, J. J. Herihel- mer. . - -'-r.- s-..... ELKS TO ENTERTAIN A THEIR WOMEN FRIENDS . .:..-, : r. r&i', A musical aolrea.. wilf e given by Portland lodge No. 141, Benevolent and Protective Order of Klk, Tuesday even ing, to tneir women friends, who will as sist In conducting tha booths and other amusement features at tha big county fair wliicn the EXka will give before long at the armory. The proceed- of the fair -are to go toward furnishing the Elks' new clubhouse. The general com mittee In charge of arrangements for Jhe fair Is composed of John F. Cord ray, . Harvey O'Brien, K.. W. Rowe, George p. Carr and William M. Davis. Tha preliminary aocial. at which the workers are to br entertained, will be given- in the hills of the Elks and the Knights of Pythias, on the top floor ot tha Marquam building. Musical selec tions will be contributed by Mrs. Max M. Schlllock, Mrs, May Dearborns Schwab, Mlaa Cornelia R. Barker, bom J.-Zan and others. ' Refreshments wlil be served, and plana for .the county fair will be discussed. - J . PENSIONER OF TWO WARS - TAKES A YOUNG 'BRIDE ' (ftpeclal Dtepatek to Tke Jonrssi.) -Cheney. Wash., Feb. D. J.i Ed wards, the veteran of two wars, who haa H years -tn his credit returned yea tefdsy from Spokane with his bride, formerly Miss Lottie Scott a - comely miss of 21 years. - Mr. Edwards served In the war ef the rebellion, three years snd two years In the French War of 181. - He receives from France ' monthly pension of $J, and from. the fnlted Ststes (IT. He and bis young bride will reside in Cheney. .. . ., ' , " ;' A' , . -.' '- 50c values A- : :; -...A ::Ar;V a-- r-, a AAA'Fitef iiiiiiii 1 , nishing Goods Salcs; ( a g r meii wanted at ohceA .A:KiAr , a;.,, A- -aA JlIZ A :a,:": , ---,.'' -, :- ' '-,;.'--.:-;''. ':'rA ' ' " " " '- .' ' Still Going Our (5aainieb? , Which conditions compel us to prolong, and it is during jthe continuation of this sale that you can buy many of our best ' brands of shoes at a f ut of 25 per cent of regular price. .' ' ( Our $3. shoe excepted.'; ..1'.;;.. A A: For buyers who want the best to be had for a little Jess than ' -.'.' :. v .. ' . . regular price. . . . : A heawy winter weight Net . tleton water-proof Corona A cok, regular &Z0totJ- $5.95 This discount sale does not include our celebrated $3 shoes. ' We are agents for Nettleton's high grade, footwear. A MEN'S SHOES EXCLUSIVELY. . . VANDUYN& WALTON ' ; . FEET FITTERS. -,' A ; ) - .270 Washington Street, Between Third and Fourth. , PANTS at $1.35 Night THIRD OXALIC i- :---AH.':A'r:V:;:v.:'' aye We have also other water proof Shoes in other styles and lasts, $8.00 values for $5.95 i . .... ir - - f