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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1905)
.i, A, 'I'M. CLAIRVOYANT Br Frtsds Cr"ACv - 303U J Wasbtncton Street,. i 1 C5.C0 Ce: Irts ,,- ax Ufa Rcsiiifcr. : v r bO RSRIII SOLEMNLY AO REE A GUARANTEE to ukt M M ekup If I . j 111 to call you ky um la fall asms ef roar meads, enemies or imn. pn ,-'.-. bi tell roe wbetket- your fcasbaad, wtfs at sweetheart to true or false, tell o kovt e ' ' the Iam t Alu m tfiflt - Scelie, ""' aw though miles iwU: kow to s-jeesed la 'business. . speculation, lawsuits; kow M ewrry the 'one of yen choice; kaw te re- a pout. DHtin aaa twuit. . : . . ' ll Influence, cnrse drink kabsti - IraaaorM, coral U MmM dlnssiA loot tea : ., .;. now aaa I ssve tpoa s, : Row eaa I.mIi my kme keppy? bw eaa i -v aBosr - gow caa a mmrrj me wmm e ow caa I marrr wall ... ... :,:-new soon caa a 11171 - - now aaa ' How eaa I eoaqajor say rtvell I make ear aaa love Sksl ; Row ansa wUl .... Row aa I get a latter ' How caa I cot a goad -' . : How aaa 1 stmoea bad - ' Am eaa T .. . I .1 .n ... How auk einul ass tnise ai ai - ' Row caa I koM mt kaahaM'c W1 ' Row caa I keep sip wife's West BOrA DAILY. 10 TO -7. -AND BCTrDAt. ,. aoiM WASHINGTON ST.. COB FIFTH ."' ' AND WASHINGTON STB AT THE THEATRES. aaawlBBBBBBBa a Uaaiaoaat 7 :- t -"Silver SUppcr Tonifht. v v . ' John C. Fisher's blc musical ootnedy, 'lf'""rrte Bllver Slipper.", will be the attrao ' tloq at tba Marqvwm Oran4 tonicbt and tomorrow night, with a apecial price ' matinee tomorrow'at t:l& o'clock. " r-ft '-i Many new promlaed feature hi tha irTwayf aonca, , muic,danoa, acenary ., and tcoatumcc, which, charaeterlaa -the "aeoond edition" 'of thiyfanou apec- '. tabular attraetloni will be unfolded.-The , ' - ; thread of the atory will be the aarae. but tha new Jtumbera. written eapaciauy ny " the famona author of "Florodora." Iea- v - lie Btuart. are many.-and compoaed In - ' Jila' own InlmtUble atyla, -Tna Bncllah - ; ' dancine; Blrla. who created 4 parfaot'fu- - rorewUhthla attraotloiy are'.reUlaed. - 7 aa tn addition to ttia aenaattonal ehara- - . paatie oanca wui ne aeen in ine aiuaenur ; frolic and. valaa Lentra. The caat - liusludea ' Knits Edwarda, Beatrice Qolden, Harry- Burcber, LotA Lf lb, - Virrlnla Palmer, Fred Freeman, Gertrude pouglaa, Dene; Cole, and May William. ' - - '. or Le nd Honor " tatniKht' the Noble atock company ' creaented. "For LiOVf and Honor at the umpire theatre, ta a lair aisea nouae. I.nslf tha.Hobia:cotnpanyrJia(l.openei laat Sunday- In "ror' IoVe and Honor, ln- i atead of "Tna Moonahinara, a-mucn r larrer butlneaa would haTa been dona. ; , "For Love and Honor la- a Oeli-htftrt 77 comedy-drama, ; and thaJ company - la ; ' better In this elaaa- af play a - than - tn ' ? blood and : thunder melodrama. ' Grace .' Huff save a delightful reading of Lucia Btetaon; her. comedy acenett and. emo tional work were capital. . J. A. Wolf -proved hlmaelf an excellent character v actor. Elizabeth Jahnaon . waa execp - " tlonally clever aa Mra. Amelia- Higgtna. '. In fact.' the entire company waa mora ' .than aatlafactory la thla play. . Another feature waa the manner In which the 2 play' wee ataged. Entirely new acenery Tj waa used In eaoh act. . vt. .- r ' Portland will aee 'Blanche Batea: in : The Darling ef the Ooda- tonight and tomorrow at the Grand theatre for .the naanime.It"lr as ODDortunltv which I ' v, ought not to' be loeV. for never agalni --i will thla production- be aent out On the . road. . To aee ifTha- Derjlng of the Goda" .:.. la -a liberal educations Tne atory la -V: .grand and awe Inspiring,, replete with ; delicate humor and yet touching a high .' not-jf traglo lntenalty. , ,. ' P r- .Throughout" the week ' Portland : has "' felt 'a high degree of prlda In. tha fact -.-tfcat-the -etar-of-thia- great worfcia' t . : c native of thla city, and Mlea' Batea ha ' the people of her own city have ac " corded her . such a cordial welcome, ' ' , . : "Moth of Society.".' ; ' Thla we' run at Iha Columbia the atra of 4,M;othB of Boclety," produced by the- regular Columbia 'Stock company, ' la perhape tha moat merltorloua produc tion from an artistic, standpoint that . liaa been given this year eb tha Colum- ... ( uia. una auuiencra nave own more man f. , usually, eninuaiasuo in ineir reception . V-Of the play.,. It is full of Intense human jjr,vlJneraat.c Tha ataga aettlnga are beautl :' ful, and tha acting of tha members of --..the iMmpany reaohes tha highest artistic 1 t-mark of tha season. Tha last perform- a nee of i'Moths of Society" will be given .. Saturday evening. - - . Mist Bates'. Matinee. .-' . t- " 'iT' Mlss -Batef an hei elevar company ( . r ..presented at the Gind theatra matinee ', yesterday a comedy and a. tragedy ; "My Aunt's Advice" and "Madame put . terfly." Many people enjoyed tha tp ' portunlty to. compare tha laugh-provok-. ing and, tear-compelllng-affortr of the - " , artreaa Miss. Bates has ,a dainty and jl, subtle humor' sad her audience Anda delight hi laughing mors with her than . at the lines of the play. Her clever . . charaetarlaatlon of Miss MIddleton wss - appreciatively applauded; her. Interprs ...tatton of poof little Cho-Cho-8an gained tha tribute of many taara . , v., " y;" ; Edna Wallace Hopper."-rr , Edna Wallace Hopper, one of ' tha latest of our younger actreaaes to taste t ; the sweets of atarhood, after ber many . aucoesses In musical plays,' Is announced - f or an engagement of twe nights at tha , Marquam Grand theatre, neat Monday ' and Tuesday. She will appear In -r ' straight . comedy,- presenting two- plays, y , "Captain January -and , "A , Country ; Mouse.- Theaa are aald to be cleverly ' Fonatructad and delightfully 'fitted to ' Miss Hopper's personality. Seats are . now aelllng. -.- , , . '."v- Vauderille t. Grand.-' A , Next Sunday TSUdevllle) will resume swsy at tha Grand theater with a bill that surpasses any of the previous of- : forts af. th management. Soma of the arts ef tha new bill are the three Lurl. frrt from tha Orpheum direct: Danny Mann cV Cor Clark Temple, Daly and DUDJ DERniQUE ; ciwAiavoYAXJXv vzixxD rrxn izrzts I TELL. YOUR NAME " Tkcre1 are ' so ariatakes . la the nradlcttoat aw da br the area aad wondortul oorrki. lea star wlak to kaow If It la aartaable ta rabe a akaas la bail sua, ta. lore, la Be "(rhan t Burred la at aaw eaoVrtakiag WtiSLV fcV,Tai bopaa. mr vlabes, mr aa 'Oaaa t eaer aojor the htvqrui ef wealth V .Vaa t troat or friendst" v r .. . , 'Hre I onnlar ; . . . Wkaa sbaU I. Barrrr . "Hr eftaa shall I BMrrvW -V . "naU I aver be arooroosr ". ' - 'Voas aaotbae akare the leva tkal rigbtfally kalonce to ar - . ; , , -II 'aa. wboair -- ' - ' ' V'tAajI Kwad la reran" " . . , ..V Ta tkere s Hval la mr tgyf -1 ' ! "Wkoa akall" By kca affair terkMaate Is SJarrtater V -..-.-rr.- -. a'Wbaa soktr ate aoateaHe treeMae ead1M . "Row eaa I nuke say Ufa aad haste kapstf '. 'Wkaa shall aay abaoirt friend lateral" -- "Why aa I act reealve a latter r' . r ROCBS t& U DAILY. AND gUNTUT. ' 2$VA MorriMiT SL Corner Fifth aama no :f Bostom Baakat rarto-ie. Shaan, Carroll. Carlyla at Cov, Francis Davis ai Cov a new Illustrated song by Alf Bonner and two very fins pictures la - the . Orandisoop. . .r . .- r "Our,. New'iTutor" at ' Bijou. V Have, you aeen the beet show In tows aa presented by the Bijou Stock com pany? It la "The New Tutor", and no funnier oomedx haa ever been seen at a high-priced theatre than la offered by this organisation at. the price : formerly oharged for the 'regular vaudeville bill. It la a great) comedy 'With a laugh In very Ima and the cJevereat comedlana In tha city get tha laughs' out of those lines and situations. , . '' u f...; "" V- - ."Sweet La-cnder.''.,- -:1 Arthur W. Plnero's beat play. "Sweet Lavender," which Is la reaUty a most beautiful love eomady. opens at thaCov lurabia with tha usual matinee Bundar afternoon. -. Tns aais ox seats - is now open. Fay .Wallacs, the -new- Ingenue, niece of Lot ta, Trill play the title role. and the cast includee tha full strength sf the . superb ' -Columbia . stock - com pany. : 'jji:fp Tt-!A. Oreat'Bill: The Baker la enjoying the distinction of being the greatest JO cent vaudeville house on the coaet greatest because It gives the best TaudeTlUe acts, Jin big acts- fill tha program and each. Is a top liner, if you want to go with a merry crowd go to the Baker' and enjoy your selfias you never . did beore-,- for, 10 cents..'...'.....;-.,.., vlv:'"l; : Tha" Star's In&tnfTJTjJ "The Sailor's' Return" Is tha title o tha dramatlo sketch preaeated by Be laaco Co., at the Star theatre tbia week, which Is making a great eucceaaH The Glrdellef family la another feature act on the bill. Other .acts on the bill are the Laurels. Nat Carr, Daisy Vernon and tha projectoaoope. ,,,'.:,'. , MelodrarriaticSurprise. Manager Baker's offering for the Em pire theatre-ail next week, etartlng with trie Sunday matinee, should crowd that popular play, house to tha doors. - It is Rowland dt Clifford's sensational melo dramatic surprlaa, "Over Niagara Fails," which will be presented for tha second tlras In this cltyx- '. "r .'" " "Kerry Gow" and rShaurl Rhw. , 'Tha eminent Irish ' comedian, Joseph Murphy, will preeent his famous sao- ceasea. "Kerry Gow and Bhaun Rhus, at the Marquam Grand theatre, the former next Wedneaday and Thursday nights, ana "Bhaun Rhus" Friday night. " "Carmen Ojie K Tomorrow afternoon the Noble Stock company will present . one of Ita beat successes, . "For Love And Honor," and will close the engagement tomorrow night In an elaborate production of "Varrasn.- . , . -,-; "' The f unnleat farce-comedy ever pre sented In the city, "The Picnickers." Is at tha Lyrto. ' Vaudeville-la given be tween the acta of the play, making a eontlnuoua performance, and , you will enjoy every moment, of. it.: , ; New Stock Company.; The seat sals for tha Louise Brandt- ragar uauma engagement ana tn new atock company In Clyde Fitch's "Lover's Lane" will open Mt tha Empire theatre Monday morning at is o'clock. :T --; . . INATTENTION OF SON ' IS CAUSE OF SUICIDE f .. ' ( Special Dlcpatrk te The Journal.) ' , Seattle. Feb. Laboring under thf hallucination that her only son waa no I so attentive to her as ha ahould be and that her daughter Was not progressing with her studies ss she should be. Mrs. Jennie Johnson, proprietor of the Brigh ton Seed snd Floral company, yesterday swallowed an ounce Of atrychnine at her home at Brighton Beach and died In a few minutes..- ' " ... - Wednesday night before retiring 'Mrs Johnson -arranged bar business' affaire and calling ber eon to her, bid him good bye, saying she wss going away In the morning and would not meet him. ' The boy, who la 10 yeara old, paid no at tention to her atatement and went to bed. In the morning tha hired man rapped on Mra. Johnson's window calling to her that it was time to get op. aha arose, went to the kitchen where aha drank tha poison and sank to the floor. v' . Mrs. Johnson was 46 yeara of age and a short tlms ago was divorced front J. W. Johnson, who la aald to be In Alaska. The daughter Is attending scboot la Bl- llngham. v . - , ,. L Vr -" ' 7- .- '. rUaarr-la uktar.'-'- V -. .''Where did Luschman say hs wss go ing" -- : '.- " s- "Up the street to get a pair ef noae glasses." TI - - 5flc "For goodness sake! Has he started IS drink with his nose. teoT" , , -:. ', .' ; '-''. ' "-. ' - T- .- - r ' ,..'. t::2 onrcou daily jout.:jalv, Friday Tti&Ycrtd' s Greatest Clalrvoyczt and Palmist ;Van , Cortland Ufe Rtodinls for SQC iUH WAaKTStTOsI IT. ,v - :r s FEBalAXCNTLT LOCATED, t , I wrnanmrrw. i am- ti a vah irat What voo want to know -without AHKl.Vq A HINGI.B rKHTION. HS HAS HkV DUCKD HIS FKB TO SO CENTS. TBI orkateht olaibvotant anofai-mtst w VAN coktlasi). ' nn nrvKa advicb on Bl SrNKSS, IN8URANCC.TSAVBLS.CUAN0KS. IOVC. LAW8C1TH, SBPAKATION. WILLS. lr,HDS, MORTOAOKH. PATENTS, rUAIMS, 1T1J. HI WILL TBLL-WHAT TRADE. BI'HI. NK8S OR PKOFBHaiON VOII ARB ADAPTKD FOIU TELLS XOU WHEN AND WHOM YOU WILL WARRT. GIVES TRUTHFUL Kit VELA. TION8 OF ALL LOVB AFFAIHS. WILL TKLL VOU TOUR COHHVCT AOS OR FOBFSIT AMO. 1NDOR8SO BY THE LB A PIN 6 MEN AND WOMEN or TUB NATION. INOLHIUNO TUB PRESIDENT OF TUB UNITED STATU. , SOME HANDS DZAD BY VAN CORTLANDl Prosldant MrKlnleT. Ouoea Vlrtorla. , re. MrKlnloy. . - U It PrMldrnt Camtt. ktek Earnhardt. Sir Oeorso White. ' Adsilral Drwoy. . Wa Tliis-Faag, , -v ! Frlnra..e( Waloi. The Mikado. - - u'"-'-E'amoiw WlllUm. -. ' Empamr Francta Joaapk. j Hunf rhanc. -7 Lor Osieas, Tlearay.ef . EaiiMrec.ot Colsa. ' India.- ' Ptdorawakl. , . 7olla Markwe- . . V ' " Mauds Adams, : - UlUaa MaaaalL ' CONSULTATION SlUCTLY .CONFIDENTIAL. - Satlafartloo Gtvaa er Re Fee Arroptod. ' OfSoa Hnara DaUv txA Suadar. I L a fc u. isierasua cut eat tnia aaveraseawBt. t' " i No roadlafa by' Bteill-' . .' PROF. VAN CORTLAND llSVb - WAIHTJieTOaT ST.. COB 8TXTH. : CLAIRVOYANT Prof. Mclnty re $5.00 Complete Life Readings forr1 This I Week Only i wiTHorrr askuto a ovutio Without any pravlona kaowlodft and karinf so-sasoral mau ot knowing whu yos are, wbonca or for whsi you casia.. he .tolls roar Bane. gf, orenpatios. whara ya Uroi the sssi bar af your kooaa, aad tke atroat roa live ea. He Jelle yoa ef frtenas and ancmlos. who If true and who Is falac: telle you whom sad whra-.-roa-vlU marry, giving sanies, datee, ftru amr-local lona. Taklus no foe Is sdvance. Apd aecaptlng soso anleae aatlafactloa fa) slran. uxtraorainary iiairvoyaai powor,- conBinos 1th his auDoriM kaowllse ot oncnlt torcea. enablas him to road human Ufa with ascrrlnc scaarary from inranry to 01 a ece. uia powera ara wondrrful and Indlamitahla: .his advlre la reliable; kla Information clear, concise and te tha point la Lore, Cowtahlp. Marrtate, Nvorce, Salei. Wills, Pa tent a. Journaya, Pauaton. Jn mtiaenta, Spocolattoaa. Property,- Inourasce, Mortgae . Oil aad Mining Claims, IMecaees. H'otrksi-it'te" t.i DAnjr ajtd ' buxdat. jcbsnos BUlLDlrtO : 266 Morrison Si. : wit aToncia." VKfrFOSXB AUESIXXV FOB. KWEB XX Notice la barehy slvos that the Asdltor ef tke City of Portland 'baa propel a sronoscd aaacaamcBt foe the construction, .af s Rodney svenue frooj luo feat aortk of the north Una of Fremont street to the sewer Is Beach street; and Ml ascertained what be derma a juat apporttoamcat of coat foe tha sewer ln. accordance with the special aud pecallar kcneSta . derived by - each psrcel of land aad lot ar part thereof, within tha aa Seaamcnt district and has apportioned the cost for aald aearer In tha atnoants est opposite each parcel of land and lot ac part thereat as Its share of sack proposed assessment. Aay object bona to tha apportionment efeeet for aald sewer moat be made la writing to the Council snd filed With the -Asdltor within 15 days from the dste of the first publication of thla notice, and said objections will be keel d sitddelf 1 mlusd -by- the- -Couucll before the passaa of the ordinance saaaaalsf tne- cnat 01 sam sowar. ALBINA HOMKHTKAU BtW'K in. lot'. Jobs tiaorge. (15.(Vi; lot 4, John Oenraa, 15.0u; lot ft. zona ueorga, sis.otii'lot a, Jons ueorge, ' 1R.(0. - RLOCK 15.' lot 11. flnrn Blum. 128.40; lot 12. Northern Counties. Investment Traat, Limited, a'o-au; tot la, Henry Miller, : $2.1.40; vlpt -14, John Miller, $23. U. Total, " TTIOg. C. DEVLIN;' Aadltor of the City of Portlsse. Date of flnt publics tion, Pertlaad, Orasoa. Jannary $0.' 1S0S. FE0F01XD ASSESSkTZBT FOB, fXWEK EAST AIDES ITS II f. . Notice la hereby slrea tbat tke Aadltor ef tha. City .of Portland kas prepared, a pra posed assessment for the cnaatrnctloa of ( sewer In East Aider street fmmrTR feet wast at--the east line-of Thirty-fifth street te the sofeer ta Kat Thirty-fourth afreet, and has asevrtslned msc he oeema a )ust apuortlna sieat of coat of the newer In accordanca with 1 he aneetal and peculiar benefits derived br sack parcel, ef -land and tot at Bart . thereof Wltnna- tne aswi aaroena Binm, ana aas ap portioned the cost for said sewer Is the smoants setr epposit each parcel of land aad lot or part thereof as Its share ef sack proposed sa- vessment. . v . 1 Ay objections, te tee anpartinaavMit -er cost for aald sewer mnst be made la writ Ins to top Council and flleS- with the Aadlbnr s-lthtn IS days froni the data of the first publication of thla notice, and Said objections will be beard aad determined by the Coaecn before the paaaase of the ordinance aas easing tke m-r ef aetrl sewer. BIJNNSlOrT-BLOt'K $. M S, Andrew Nelson, IIS or.; mt B, Anorew neswai, pin.un; Jot iz, . Andrew- Noleoo, $tN.0A. BLOCIC , lot 7, Vt. -M. Moeble, (1140; lot It. W. M. Moebte, i$IS40; lot II, W. M. Moeble, $1140. , Total, 01 bo. - - - ... ' THOB. C. DEVLIN. : Attdltor of tb City of Portland. Date ef first Mblkstloa. .Portland. Or ores. Jsmtsry So. IsoB. All Baa rreoauUons Taken. : Nervous Old Lady (on seventh floor of hotel) DO you know what precautlona the proprietor, of -the hotel haa taken against firs?. . , - r Jortr Tes. mum; he has the -slave Inslrpored for twice wot It's worth. " Only IMgttasy Wind alUs.-.-"The man who le waging war on the modern pnseBghtef I regular JDon (aUllaote." .' 1 . " "Tliinb awv. da mlT" . w ' $L .) lr htln wind iB'UeJ ,'.'! ... -,-."-.. ., ., .. . ar v mT . . g $5 TTT 0TI0Xa. raorotzo aiiemvist fob. iiwii ii lUUMATUUl. . Notice ta-ksreby gives that tha Anditor ef the City of Portland haa prepared a pru pusad aasesamekf fur tke cosMUactloa of e sewer , lu Mslhida avesse from las ascund bend in Mallnda. avansa to a conawetioa with- the Jvhaaoa creak sewer at Twenty-fifth street, snd bss ascertained what he aeonie S Just appartlunOMat of cost of lbs newer la. accord auce with the special snd peculiar benefits derived br each uoml of land awl lot a Dart thereof . within, the .saaeeameat .district, and has apportioned the dust fbr aald aewea la the snaonnu set op Duel ta1 each parcel ef laud snd h( or part thereof ss I LB esar et aova pro posed assessment. ' Any oujactlons te the apportionment sf eoat for aald aewer, must be made In writing w the Council and tiled with the Aadltor within 1ft daya frees tb dale of tha first pubucstkia of this notice, aud aald abjections will be heard and determined by the t'ouuvU before -the passage ef tb. oxdlusace saaaaaiSg the eoat of aald sewer. . ' . A parcel ef land bounded aad eesvrlbdd aa follows r Beginning at Iron pipe on aj line dividing - the a set and went halves ef the ' Amos N King donation land Halm in sections . it and SS la townablp 1 north, range 1 east, Willamette meridian, and distant 2U6.T feet south at the Iroa pipe ea tha aorth aud of said dlvlsloa line; thence snvtk -SS- dasraaa a minutes west Mil feet to a stakai thence suetk S mlsatee west 14S f set to a point: , Iheuca south SS degrees 40 ailuwtee east -'and parallel with tbe north Una of tha tract koreia deseribed BOLTS feet to a Point en tha west Una of MeUuda avesne; thence aorth . IS- eagres S minutes weet tracing the- west Hue of Mallnda avesne SU.VS feet to a -stake . at point of -corb; thence ea curb to right with tke radius of so feet for 411 feet te -8 stake from which at point of curb besrs sooth SI degrees 4 minutes wast US. 79 feet " dlatant; thanoa leeelug Mallnda avenue aorth " IB aegraea annates weet 1IB.7U feet to a stake; tbenee north SS Urgrees 40 minutes west B2.2S feet to iroa pipe at place of be ' glanlaav Y. M. Warren. Jr.. $ 3b. -West loo feet of a pascal of land buuaded ssd ; described na follows: font awing at aa Iroa pipe os a 1'ne- dividing east and west knives ef tbe Amos N,- king donntloa hind els! in Is sections H2 sad 34 la township I north, range I seat, Willamette meridian, distent oof f feet aontb of the Iron pips -at tb north and of said dlvuuou linei thence north en dafreos 40 minutes wast W- fact to as Iroa pipe; tkaaoa aoath S degrees 40 minutes east SOl.TM feat M a point In the west line ef Mellnde s vasae ; thence eon th , is dasraes S mlautea east trs-liig west aide t line if MsltniU avenue loo.Sl feat te a point; tbenee sort Sv degraea 4U minutes - west Ills feet to place of pcglnulng. . " Waat'"uuaetef,s psreel ef kind riaooed and eeeorlbad as follows: Oommandng at an. Iran nine on tbe Una dlvldlus east aad - weet halves of tbe Amos N. King matla land claim la ssctlona Ki I and as In township 1 north, rsuge I east, Willamette meridian, and distant 46T.7 feet sooth of the toon pipe at the north end of ssld dlvteloa line; tbeuee u.t MB-aeereea 40 mlnutca weat VJ.S feet rtoea iroa Pips; tbeace mth 3 . 44A1 faat to aa Iroa pipe e north Una I ' "n;thKe south fs degrees W mlnntos esst. tracing tb north Una jof ''"S" . S41S feet te aa Iroa pipe; thence nurtkjlde a ninllM west tracing was Ilea ef aald eT;rei.,i40teVwt . toUoara: Commencing sf tbe Intersection of Johnson street wlta tne tmw b . . . I V. ,twt thence 1 deBTSO XT mlSr ate. west along canter Una ef North Twenty firth street 1S.T4. fasti' tbenee north so de grees 4i minutes wast TS.S teat: tnence smiin .68 l.gra 1ft Bilnutra 80 seconds wesrtT.Sl feet; tbenee north 64 degrees 4tt minutes west 16S.47 fsat te a point ss s Pljcejof ba , Sinning; thencewortk AS aesrees 40 minutes . iu u m. thence south 19 deerees S nilftotcs eaat 148.7S- feet; thence north i 68 degrees minmea ou secvou. "-v to pises ef beginning, C X.L atlrkpatrlck. Z A parcel of tend koaadaaVasa- deerlbed;s follows: Commencrng st s atone at the rlntersectkm of center, line of Johnson atreet with the center tine os nwia . street; thence north sVsgree ST minutes - west tracing renter Una of North Twenty t ,k mtt To Ta rret to n atakei tbenee north ' Is degrees 4 mlnntos west tracing cantor Una i of MaUnda avenue T3.3 feet w s stake; tkeace sooth M degrees la minutes su sec- ... or at fMt to nn-ten. Dine -IS ...,.- ne teeUnda avenue as a place of beginning; thence tracing aald southwest . aide of Meilnda avenue north a degrees 40 - mlnatee weat ion. si aeej - i thence south S3 degrees 15 minutes -SO seconds . vwast 97 feet to an iron pipe on east aide Msiinoa amiwi lew. r. . ; . minutes , faat tricing said eaat-lne' Meilnda Tkvenne-123,04 tent to point on curve; thence - f eke rleht with tha rsdlus 8$ feet. M.74 fee te m nomt from which point of curve bears aorth lt degrees m minutes - east KM feet dtoteWrthaolastag Me. Unds- a verrm. south- l desreas 4S-. minutes ' east 1S.B feet -to as Iron pipe; theses .north - SS egrees 1ft minutes 80 seconds .east fect-to aa iroa pins st ptace ef beginning, i.. i u,.i.. -aiaD So. A pareal of lead bounded and described as follows: Goaiaieaclns st a stone st inter- aectlon center line of Johnson atreet with renter line ef North Twetityflfth etreet - nortb 1 degree ST mlnntes weat tracing een r tee Una North Tweaty-flftk atreet 19.74 feat - m ..eke: thence -worth SS degrees 49 mln atee went treeing center Hns Mellnds svenue TS. feet to stake; thence south fts.deareei " 1ft Minutes . 80 seconds to an Itob pip to ; southwest side MeUnda svenue ea s piatsv ai beginning I tbenee aoutn oe aesrees is nm . stee SO eeeenae wees eou " e"!V21 K. emokeesterl slouC S Btrsltht 11IM te s point -where tbe suae would be Inter aected by the center line ef Meilnda avenue If extended sontheaetsrly In its prsaant course J. to. a . point 100 faat aontbeaaterly freak the ! -uifwie Una of Mallnda - avenue: tbenee ; north 6S degress mlnntes 80 aeconda eastl XW.Xt lent to n iuii, ,".mi- ""'"",' place ef Beginning, Bisters of -4,'barlty ef Providence. $70.80. - . m ... - . , M The easterly loo feet . of a parcel ' of land bounded and described aa follows:' Beginning T80.T feet south of northeaat corner of . Me ilnda King donation land -claim: thence eaat - 17 a theiMM north US' oesrees 12 mlnutea - east l.S feet; thane aortk tl .degrees. 48 ..mlnntes weat SS.S-featf thence north 78 de grees 85 mlnntes weat 202.S tart; thence aoath BtiS.W A-et; thence eaat 104.S feet to beginning, save and except- tbat portips ' of aald parcel ef land now need for street pnrpoaes, Ktttg-Katete, gSd.Bft - -. The westerly 100 feet ef S psreel of land bounded aad deecrlbe as follows: wgin .. at amithweat. corner ef Lovejoy atreet and Twenty fifth street: thence .south b degrees 8 sitnntea wsst 4:11.2 feet ,soath 148 feat; thence east 62. IT feet; thence eoeta j-eegTeea. o einiei fw - - ennih KiTdeereea 40 minutes east 44S.1I feet to beginning; save aad except that por- - -tie of said psreel ef laaa sow ssea tor atreet purposes end - portion of ssia parcel at - f-4- the northerlr line ef M -avenue and s line 100 feet northerly there from and parallel therewith and between " tbe westerly line of Twenty-fifth atreet and e- Mne- MO feet- westerly therefmni and. j,afc allel therewith, king Estate. $147.38. . , All ef a parcel of land lying southeasterly Of a line l'JO feet northwesterly from aad parallel with the northwesterly Ilea ef Me liida avenue, boasded snd described ss fol- lows: - Beginning st the northeaat corner 'ef Meilnda King- donation land claim; thence .west SUS.T feet: tbenee aoutb 20H.T feet; -- thence enat S08.T feet: thence berth BUS.T feet f to place or Degimiins, annia s. rarsaurst. - ai.90 - VOtair soe.t.m. , rlTUOti. e. DEVLIN, ' , Andlrnr of the City of Portland Data ef first publicities, Portland, Oregon, Jsnuery SO. ivb. f - . - r FE0F0SED ' AISESSlf ENT v F0 IkrPEOVlf JtlMT OF EAST SiraVSrDX BTEIZT. - Notice le hereby gives ' that the- Aadltor er the Cite ef Portland baa prepares nosed assessment for the Improvement of Kaat Bumslde street from NO Yaet west ef tbe west Hue of Eaat 'Third atreet te tbe east Una of lira no avenue, ana ase aseortsineii wast deessa a Just kpiiortloemeet of oat ef the tmpremnent In acroroanee wits tne apecial and peculiar benefits derived By each parcel af tend and lot or part thereof within the gaseasBient district, aad baa apportioned, the cost for aald Improvement is tne amounts set opposite each psreel af bind and lot er part thereof as Its sbsrs ef 4ck proposed aaaeas- An'r objections to' tke tftport ion stent ef mat for aatS Improvement most be made la writing to tbe Council awl filed with tha Aadlter within IS days from the data of the first pulillratlon ef this notice, snd ssld abject lore alii be beard and determined by the t'ouncll before the passsge ef ths ordinance assessing the cost of said Improvement. EAST PORTLAND BLOt'K 47. lot A Robert A. Prondfont, $1.X2; lot 8. Robert A. Pronri foot. $70 -7. 8LOCK TS. Wrt 4, Edwin .11. t lrgel. $7.TB: lot 8, F-IwIb II. . VlrgeL 20.W, tot S. John B. Miller. $ld BS- in" ft. fisa J. Mslarkey and P. S. Metarhan, $7S.B2. . BLOCK KT. lot 4, Joseph, $73.SO: -lot 3. Joseph Bnrkbsrdt, 1SB1: let g. Jo seph Bnrkhardt, $18. TT: lot ft, Jeasi Snrk ' berdt. $W 81. BUlTK IIS. lot 4. Lydia and Clementlaa Bodney and Rachel W. Mor ris. $14.211 lot 8, H. H. Vewben. 811.41. BIN"K eO. lot 7. Oscar R. Ilelnta 3H..12; .Int 8. Oscar B. Helntx. $70 87. BLOCK TT, lot I. Jane 0. Bnckmss. tKX.W. lot 2, Jane 1. Buck man. $21.38; ht T, Winds snd El sis Bnekman, $21. 88; tot 8. Wlllda and Elms Peckmsn. $M8.aV. BLOCK loft, lot 1. O. B. Klmrle Estate. Hetra ef, $74 20; tot 1 Delia A. I od $18.81; In f. HellworHt lrei fmneovesnent Oomhanr,-$18.10: .lot A Mare Ktlea Marshsll. ftAfl.OT. BI.Ot'K .11T, lot f. I. nern, susn; lot . rowiir it. virget, $11.41. Slant of way rnrtiand ConanlMsted Railway Uempeny. Total. 3l,4ua.2. i niro. a. I'stnin. SUU?IJ&&, IJasBrry SS. l$o(.. .. evening. February V X - i CITY H0TICE1. FtOFOKD AJ8XS8MZST , T0B rjfFBOVE- , JOJIX OF FI18T BTEIZT. Notice la Kereh thai tha Auditor of tha f'lty ef Portland bss prepared a proposed taseaamast for the Improvement at etret atreet from the south Una of Arthur street to the nortb line of Lane street, and bss aseeciatned What ha-deeau a hist SDnortloamaBt eft sost of the Improvement In srewdance wltbi the special aad peculiar besedta derived by track parcel of tend and lot er part thereof vrlthlu the assessment district, and -baa -apportioned the cost tot said Improvement IB tbe emouata set opposite each parcel o( Sand and tot or part thereof aa Its stars ' ef sock proposed asssaa- Bieut. . 4- - V I Any object loos to the apportionment -el- coat for aald Improvement 'most be made la writing to ine louim-11 ana rjlea wits tne auaitur within 1ft daya from the date ef the first publics-tie ef this notice, and aald objections will be beard and determined by the Council before tbe nessaee of tha ordinance assessing tha' cost of aald Improvement, : . CARI'THEftS' ADDITION' TO CARtTTHERB ,- audition tn the City nf Portland bluck , ftu, eaat TS feet ef north 25 feet ef kit 1. -. Henry Welnhard Estate, Hairs of, $2.71; esst 39 feet of wast 81. B feat of north (24 feet of lot 1, A. r. Neunert. $0.18; sub lb ' 28 .feet bf lot I. A, F. Ncuneci-ifceast 1 feet of lot 2. Joha Wldneea, $A.ft'; eaat -'100 leef ofjul X" C. at Laiubereun. 881 .T8; eaat 100 feet of lot '4. Emily J.- Y. Moore, -fea.ot. BIXrCK 68. eaat lou feet ef lot 1. -.Lucia C-pnst Estate, Hrira ef,. $33l; eaat 1"0 'teat of lot 2. Xocle C. Post Estate. Ilelra of, $T.48; eaat InO feet of lot 3, Otlllu Bsrtsck. $4.88; east too feet el-tot -4. Ottlla Bsrtsck, $18.81- BLtrCK ST, east- M0-feet of lot t, UrUndo P. g. Plummer. $4.88; aorth tt ef eaat lot) feet nf lot 8, Orlando P. 8. Plsuimer. $s io: soirtb ti of east loo . feet ef lot $, A. Uutrolo, $30 rxi : sorth V of east 100 feet of lot 8, A. -Oulrelo, $34 2; south tf of eaat 100 feel ef lot 8, Hailia Alger. $9. B7; lot 4. Hsllls Alger. $14.84. A parcei of tend lying between the south tins of fortes street end a line SO feet south ' tberefroui fend parallel therewith and between tbe west line of First atroat snd s Una loo ' feet went therefrom ssd parallel therewith. ' Mullie Stanford, SHT.8T. T A parcel -ef land lying between twe lines -respectively, so fret and loo feet-aootk. of and parallel with the south Una at Porter atreet and between tbe weat line of First . street and. Hm 100 feet west therefrom sad pars I le therewith, W. A.Cuslrk. $31.11. . A- parcel of land lying between twe lines ; respectively V00 esd 150 feet south sf and parallel with the aoutb lino of Porter atreet - aad between ths west Bus of First street and n line 100 feet weat therefrom and parallel . therewith Sarah R. STallaeo. 8118.117. . A psroel of land lying betweea tha nortb tine ef Woods street and s Una SO feet -north therefrom and -peesllsl therewith and be tween the weat liae of First street and a Ho - KM feet west therefrom and parallel Ibsrs- wun r.awaro Latbmp Uomwell, fise.oo. - - CAHIITHEHM' AIHIITIIIN ta the Cite of Port land, as laid out by flnntb PnrtUnd Beal a, Kstate' AasoeUUon BLOCK KM, east . 1K) feet of Jot 1. Thamaa BuckmsB, $123.07; -esst 100 feat ef lot S, Thomas J. Cottle - Estate, Heirs of. $187.71: north 8 feet of eaat 100 feet of lot S, Rlrbsrd B. Collins, $8. 4ft. A parcel ef land lying betweea the north r line of Catnes- atreet extended westerly In therefrom and parallel therewith and be tween the Weat .line of First atreet and a line , 100 feet west therefrom snd parallel there. with, Oregon. . Railroad . A Navlgatloa Cosa. psnr. $4i.4," CARI'THEHS' ADDITION "TO CARCTTIERS' j. ADDITION to. the Cltyuaf Portlaad BIXICK Da, west loo reef of tor s. , touis arnoin. 54.84; weat 100 feat ef lot T. Loute Arnold. 0 ; north of west J 00 feat of lot . Jobs V. Lsnkln, $4.84; aoutb Vi of weat 100 feet ef tot . V. Wilde, $4.84: West I'M) " feat ef lot 8. Byron F Boone, $;S,71 BLOCK M. weat A. nf tot Jt. - Hermania Ilarhiea, 87 47; wsst of lot f. Maramala-Baehlsa, 8X8.74:' weat 4T feet of least At of lot 1 " Nannie E. .Taylor, $1T8 weat 4T feet of esst W of Ibt- T. ' Nannie E. Taylor. $3.88 - lot 8. Mary U Bteel. $84. 81; lot 8. Mary Taytorr 885.54. BLOf-BoT westlW fsel of lot 8, School District No. 1. 85.80; west lot) feet of hit T.. School 'District Ne. 1 $7.88; west 100 feet of lot 8, School . Dls . trlct Mo, 1, $8,64: waafe 100 feet of lot $. School District No. - 1. $8.88. BLOCK 68, west 100 feet or lot s. Martin .ov-nsas, $46.18; wsst 108 feet of lot T. Martin Schade. $.'3.48; weat 100 feet of lot S. William B. Jolkty. $38.08; weat 100 feet of lot ft.WU- Usm B. Jollry, $48.82. - CARUTHER8' ADDITION te the City ef Port land as Lsld Out by Sooth Portland Real Eatate Association BLOt:K 10T, lot 8. tire son Ballroad A Navigation Company, $108.68; lot T. Oreann Railroad A Navleatlon Cnmnanr. 818S.S2; all ef lot 1 west of a Una loo. feat . eaat of and narallel with the east line ef r First street , Oregou BattrosS A Nsvlgatkiu company, sit. is; . noctn 8 feet or lot- a. tireroa Ballrnsd a Navigation. fJomDany -$ l. tll Of Vt west of. - litis 100. feet sst oL snd parallel wltm tha es.t.- line not rirst street, Tlregon Ballroad HSTlgS' 46n Companr. $B,0..u. ?.t . . A parcel of land lying between tha eonth line . er Diocs too ana tna norm una er Diot-s 188. Carutbrrs' Addition to fke City ef port land, aa laid out by the South Portland Real - Eatatw Aaaorlarloa. ssd tietween tha eaat Una of First street ami the weeterbr ..Jlne . of tbe Oregon A California Railway Company's rigni ot wny. rfacoo imger, sita.iw. A parcel af land lying between tha aoutb Una of block ISO and tbe nortb lino ef - block 8B. trutbert' Addition to the City J.of Portland, aa laid est by Th Sooth Port land Real Estate Aasoclstlon, and between the westerly Una f the Oregosr A "Calif ornls Railway Company's right of way and s Una 100 fset eaat af ssd narallel with tbe east . line xf First- atreet. Oeegoa -A , California Railroad Company, 83.68. n r - BLOCK 186. north 20 feet ef lot 8. Jacob I'nger. $5148; south 80 feet of lot S. M. - F. Prince. $4194: lot 7. Av F. Neuneft. , $18148; lot A John N. Fullllove. $88.97; tot ft, Joka N. Fullllove, 17128. - Total, A2, ;.$, .r-T'- -. i ' ...--..T?. THOB. O. DBVtIN, . . Auditor of the City of Portland. Date ef tlret publics tion, Portland Oregon, January 30, 1906. . , . ' .," ..' . . EOTicx or tilieo or bzpobt or vnrwxis 0 THE - FE0F08ED ZXTXESI0W AND rwTWstrir'J or bast oliiajt strict. - Notice la hereby gives tbat tbe report ef the viewers heretofore appointed to assess tha benefits snd damages Is the matter of tha pro posed extension and widening of .Esst Gllsaa atreet from tha West Una ef East Second atreet to tba weet line of t'nloo avenue la the City af Portland., bare Sled with the sndersigned their reuort ef assessment of beneflts that will be derived and damage that will be sustained by reason el tne extension an wioeulag sf Eaat tHIsag stieet aa above df scribed. Tbe Council of tbe City of Portland will consider said report at tbe regular meeting to be held Wedneaday. February IT 1 IX to, at 2 o'clock l-ov eai All persona Interested are: hereby not! I ted to present their objections te aald report, la wrltiug. it any tney aava. at sam time aad place, that the earn may be kesrd and de termined by the Council -, . ...". THOS. -fV DEVLIN. Auditor of tb Cltr of PortUsd. . roytlaaoUregutw January. FOVBDMASTEB'B NOTICE. Notice la barehy given tbat on tba txth day of January, 1006. I took up and empounded at tne city a-ouna. at no. mi ntxteeain atreet. In tbe City of Portland, Oregon, the following described animal: -' One roan , mars, shod all around, mdcoed matfe and wblta en both front and left bind feett"snd Bnleas the owner or other person or persons having ss Interest therein 'shall (clxlm possession of the same esd pay all coats snd cbargae nf the keeping aad advertising If. toetbe with the pound feee on said animal, ea provided by ordinance No. 1926. as amended, of said City of Portlasd. I will ea the 8th day of February, 19H6, at the hour of 10 a. m , at tbe (ity Pound, at' no. SOI 1-IKineniM airewi, in aein CI17, eell TOa above descrllied animal at public auction to tba highest bidder, . to pay lbs coata and charges f ir . taking np, kafptng and ' advertising auck animal. , - - Dated this SOth day of Jshimry. lans. ; . . T. W. RKRD. ' . ' - '. . r ,. .. - -- , Posndwaater. FEOPOSAia-FOB-TMPBOVEMINT B0BDS, " OJTT OF FOBTLAXD, 0RIO0N. ' Sealed propnsala will be . received by tbe oTtdcrelgued at tba oface of the Auditor ef tbe cjty of Portland, Oregon, Until Tuesday. Febrokry 7. 1006. nt S e'clork. p. m., for tba sale, at not lean thaa par valne and accrued In terest, of 'Improvement bonds of -the-city of Portland, Oregon, na the same shall be author ised tn be Issued for the whole or anr Dart af $67,702.78. 8ld bonds will Be leaned la denomi nations on, gotm.ou earn, re ne oatea reucuary 1. 1916. Dsraklc 10 Veers . from date, bearing Interest at the rate ef 8 per rest per aanum, I payable seml-ennuetiT. .interest ana principal 8 arable le United States, gold swtn. at the of re of the City Treasurer. Portland. Oregon. Provided, tbst the City of Partlsnd reaervee the rleht m take oe aad cancel such bonds. ai-ia tbe payment of the face value thereof, with accrued Interest to tha date of Jiayment. at any, semiannual coupon period! at or after eae year from tbe date of such bonds, . Ssld bonds ere leaned under authority ef aa act ef tba Legislature of the State ef Oreaoa, Kaard Februsyy' 18, 1893, entitled: "An net provide for tbe luswanee of bond fi tbe Improvement f streets sad tns laying ef sewers In Incorporated cities, and for tba payment ef mate of ancb Improvements snd laying of seweas by Installmeata, ' as amended by as act of tha Lrglelstnre ef the State af Oregon, ap proved FebrnarF 28, lani, eutlttod: "An act to amead aectlon 1. 2. 8. 4, ft. 8 and 7 of sa act entitled: 'An act tn provide for tbe Is suance of bonds for tbe Improvement of streets aad raying ef aewera hi Incorporated eitlea. aad for the payment nf the cost ef ancb Im provements and laying nf- sewer ky liwtell menta, 6led la Ibe of8ce ef tbe Secretary of Stste Febraary 22, 1893, snd tbe nrorerda thereof to be used for fbe permest In pert for the ixnTjrove merit of streets nr etMastm IWs ef sewers a tbe aald Improve meets akall be enmpleted. - .- - - " - ' " ' , . t aww . .aii.iy . e. iti ea ... aiveiin. im. assssswasssasssesaasasBj ,- CITT BOTICXg. sforedald baa been afflrmad by the Bupraas Court of tbe State ef Oregon. . Hlddeea will bo reoulred to Submit 8 (at MA without conditio oa, eaeepl ee to the resularlty ar ths Issue ef sonda. and to submit wun t new bids a certified check on s bank Is tha City of Portland, Oregon, 1 to 8 per cent ef the face value of tha bunds hid for. psysble to the Mayor of tha City of Portland, as liquidated damages la esse auck bidde withdraws his bid or fsils ar neglects te ante late contract to take and pay for aald bonds according to. the terms of his Dia ana tnia notice, .no nan to reject any aad all blda Is hereby reserved. Bids ahould be addressed to T ho Bias (.. Devlin. Auditor. Purtlaad, Oregon, sag marked: "Bids fur lmprovamest Bonds."- t .V.," rEtMMEBMASV:. : t : ' T-, d. tT bhekbett.' - Comatttee on Waya and Means. , Fortlssd. Orages, Jassary 88. 1006. . FEOFOBID .vASSXSSMEBT FOB IMFE0TE- ... : f'. KENT PW KM BTEXET. - ' - -- Notice In kereby aivea tbat tbe Auditor ef the Cltr of Portland baa prepared a pro posed asnmsmiat for the' lmpreremeut of Pine atreet from the weat line of Frout street to the east Una ef Sixth street, sna naa ascer tained what be aeeaia s Just sppurtloutssnt at eos fee tha Improssraont - la accucdant-s W.l tb tha special snd peculiar benefits derived by tack parcel of land and lot or part thereof within tha ass aas meat district, and haa appur. ttoued the cost for aald .Improvement in the amounts act opposite each psreel of hind aud tot er part thereof as Its soars of auck proposed assessment, . ' Any obJeetloraf Td -rhrpporttesmeiir-wr enes for said Improvement BMst be Blade la writing te tbe Uwneil snd filed with tbe Auditor within IK dees Caaias the date of the first publicstlo of this notice, and aald objections wiu tie tesrd and deter mined sr. in lens before tbe paasage of -the ordinance sssasaing the cost of said Improvement. PORTLANle-BLOCbf 27, lot 4," Jacob' Ksmm, 8aoT. 16;-south Ak of lot 3, Jacob ksmm. i.ULfi- north U. nf lot a llArletta B.. Msry " F.. Falllu and Emily F. Cable. . 188.22; tot 8. Henrietta K.. Mary Y. Falling-and Emily 'l Cable. $7174; fct 4, -Jacob Kanim. $5oS.2I. nl'H K 9M. L.. J. Maelnas A Loss Society ef r. Bas - Frandsco. -till. 17; kef. $, Savlnga A Iamb Society of Aa Fraaclsce. $74.00. bit S, , fs, -a-,, saiuj nviaiEaj. aiwira n. a,Jw. . - Wt B. Ledd Estate, Helra of. $4M).4. BIXiOK .' XI. InCS Jnaa If Uaaeltlhe SaeS TS: lot 1 James K. Haseltlaa. 8o2.82: north Vk sf . lot A W. J: linwfclns, f.l.tUi. south H of lot A ttanlel Marx: 817.87:. tot 6. Bdltk M - tWtnr'. $300.24. " BLOCK ', tot 4.. Robert 11. Tbompsoo, $66148; tot 8. . Robert H. Tbomusnn, $73.63; lore. Robert H. Tbomp- - ann. $71.41; lot ft, Hobeev- H. Thompson. ' $667.88. BlK K 87. tot 4. Marshall Walla ' llardwar Compear, $n03.Tur eeuth lb of lot A. Marshall Wells Hardware Company. $;U).H; nortb ft of kit fc"M. .-rtereell Estates Hairs ". ef, $3697; altof tliat portion of northerly Va of tot e lying south if s line equl-uietaut - betueea tbe southerly line of Anheey atreet ' aad tha northerlr. line of line street, $12.88; -south H of lot a, Marsbsll Walla Hardware Cod.psny. $38.19; lot ft, Marshall Wells lisrd ware Company. $61X13. BLOCK 68. cast $0 feet of southerly At -nf block 88. Bernard -ratnera. s.nrx.1 : vest iou xaet or aoutneriv I .1.4 at block 88. Percy II. Hlytb. $91121. 1 JiLuih-VU. south lb of lot V Jama W. Cook, six; wsorth H or tot I, J. . arignam, . 8436.b8:'aontk U ef lot 1 WlllUm E. Robert. eoa, $36.31; north A, of lot 1 A J. La . France. $3AU- south 0.8 feet of weat As of lot 1. Mary-An -Lambert, $0.88; aorth 49.6 feet of weat H of kit 7. James W. Cook, $:u).88; eaat As of let 7, James W. Cook, - 888.22; eoulh-fc of tot 8. Jaiuca W. Cook, $72.46; tvirtk-'J of kit 8, J.j B.-Brlgham. e-' ni" v a", n imii . i a v a, Clara FschhelmiT. $08.93; undivided U of lot 2. CUra Fecbhetmer, $9.18; undivided Ak of lot 1. W. B. Fecbbelmer. $u8.3; undivided Ak of bit 2. W. 11 Fecbbelmer. 39.19: nndtvlded sTTd1viedto,'ic''St-U ifw.w, imui.iiwil SS w. sua A, a. 1 . a i, animr I green, su. r; - anumned At -r lori.-aitei - M. Elrbengreen, $88.03: Budlvldeg U of W s. aonn w.- wnssrv r.eraTe. nerra nr. undivided H of lot 1, John W. Whs ley Ki ts te. Heirs of. $276.TS; lot T, Uarld P. Thompson Eatatel Heirs ef. $89.19; kit 8, Lloyd Brookes Eatate. Heirs of. 889.18; lot 8, , BMX.K ttn, lot 1, Joka 1. aad A ante L Fable, f (&.;- lot 2, John j. an Annie U raaie, 862.03: lot 7. Uenrr W. Corbet! Estate. f Heirs -0TrSS4.a8; tot-grTHenry W. Corbett . Kstate, Heirs or, suot-B. en. mt 1, - John - SA?t snt- tnt -S ' Jnhn 'Klernae J 74.60! lot 7, John Klcrnan, 873.K4; lot 8, nbn Klernan, $617.49. BLOCK Ss. lot 1. Henry Welnhsrd' E.tste. Helra ef $609.91; g8E S 4 data J TV CIUUBI U Be VSB tV, (IDUB -! ."8718JI: lot 7, Henry Wflnhard Eatate, Hi-lrt . or,; apt a, rienry waianare. swiaie. Hehwof. 8802.33.;: BIXiCK 8B. Cast 80 feet 6 L)ft L Mose J'rftd Mtate. Helra ef, $430.18; east mi xeei or lot a. ieo rriee aau ueiia Y. Dnakhun, $67.24: nadlvidatl. As of weat 20 'feet of lot 1. K. K. Hsseltlne Batata. Helra Lol$ia.TT.nudiTldi;d Ai.jpf weatJH) feat of . lot 2, V. K. usseltlne sisiate,. Heira or, ' 27.18: nndlvlded 4 of west 20 feet of lot - 1. J-.- Amlicosc. $''nndlTi(1ed Ak of west - 30 reel ef tot z, i. amnraae.; nndtvtdes - At of eaat 20 feet of lot 7, J. Ambrose, $7.17; undivided Ak of east .20 feet. of lot A i ' Ambrose, gf&Abj undivided Ai seat 20 feet of let 7. K. - iff Hsseltlne Batata, Helra ef, - 7JTl undivided Vk of east 'Ju feet of lot 8, K. if. Hsseltlne Eatate, Heirs of. $63.90; -.west 80 fret of lot 7, Rnsweil B. Lembaraon aad K. . Moategae. eOT.eo; wast 8 feet of lot a, Alfred L. snd Charles L. Bssgnsst, - $431.28. Total, $18,646.01 . THOS. C. DEVLIN. ' i Andttor of the City nf Portland. t - TaHi -ofTlrrjiubIlcstloB,-- PortlXDd,- Oreguarf Jannary SO, IHOft" L-h3 Only - Double - Railway; betweea the Missouri Riyer Tbe Qiicaeo-Portland S pedal, the I most luxurious train in tbe world. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, nutret smoking And-JiDrary car (barber ant bath); Less than three days Portland to Chicago. - ThroughTrains to Chicago are operated daily vis the Ores-on K. R. ft Nsv. Co- iTj. R. K. sad Chiraro Norlh-Westera Hf, Chicst0 from Partlsnd snd paints in Oregon and Eastern Washington, v- -,'r - Dsilv excursions In Pullman tourlxt v- sleeping csrt from Portland througb . - to micago wiiDout cnange. B.B. arrcHiB. ' .o. saskik.- seal art. rsc. cesst, - csssrst agsar. r -X. N.-W. ke. . . . C. M.-W. ky. ttj Msrfcst $rest, ici Tkird Btreet, gas Fsawcisco, Cat, runruuio, Oas. J1A.IXIMOR& tr OHIO R. R- AIX TRAINS VIA. WASHINGTON 4 k ' j Track Chicago RVHFI V BAIXB0AO TI im: J ISiioiajr Lire jxd ur.ioN Pxinc i 3 TRAINS TO EAST DAILY ', Tbrensk Pellmaa staedard an toarlst ke Ing rare dally te Omaba. Cblesso, Spekaaet toartat sleenlng rare dally te Kansas Cilri throagk Pnllmaa teerfat alserdng ears (penes alls aoadntetfi apeak Is ta Chleeaw ateeMafaa rkatr ears (seats tree! ta tb Eaa dally. "7" tmiON UBPOFr-- ; Lsavsa . Arrtvee,,; - CBICAflO-PortTLAMB " - - - - - 8PEC1AU . SsIS a. St. 8:28 $. : For tke Feet via Baal 0slly..v Dell,- iagtea, ,- - , - . . ' ' i "-. - SPOKAKB FI-TRA . w.,. Foe' Eastern . Washias- ' ' -' toe. Walla Walls. Lew- grid p. at. $-88 8. W. l.too, Coeor 4' A leas OaUy. . Daily, a..,.' ssd . Oreat . Northers - . . points. . j,-- . ;'i-. ; ATLANTIC EXPRESS .-si . .... . Fer.4ks Esst via Beat- nlli. Ingtea. ' ' lr'"n' ' ''Qlnmkta Blear Divtetes. . ',, FOB ASTORIA sad srayl 8:80 p. as. " ' Ai. points, eosnectlnc with Dally About etmr. for Ilwsee aad ex. Sunday 6:00 p. sx. " North Beach, sir. Baa- Saturday - ax. Sunday.' aalp. Ask-et, deck. 0:00 a.m. Km DAYTON. Oregaal City snd YsmblU River Ti0s.j. Ballf. ax. Sundar 8:88 p. SV Dally. as. 8uadyV,- points, etrs. Rath sad sernt aaa-at. does. . Water peemlttlaa.l . Baake River BeateT FOB LEWISTON. 14e gad way wrlBts... from Blpsrls. Waab., stmrs. Spokane snd Lcwtetoa. Dally. Frld I1CAEI OFFICE, Third and Wsablngtoa Take wms aaw na r O. W. STINGER, aty Ticks Ageafe, , A. L. CE A IP, General Psssenger Agent, EAST Via. SOUT Lsavea, TJWI0RT DEPOT. - Anises. OVERLAND EXPRESS trains, for Bslem, Boee-I nerg. , asnisna. Bscre-l asentav Osdea. gas Frsa eiero. Stock tea, Los Aa- TJB a. at ssiaa, bi raaa. new ur- srana aaa the Ea kforaln train -sects - at Wondbsra ftny except Baads wtth trals - for Ml 1:80 A Sk. "S0. av Angel. Slaveries. Brownsville, g p f 1 a g deld. Weadlteg sad aatroa,. -Athene- Basses see 4:09 s. fa. sects st Woadbsjrn wttb Mt. Ansel ssd Buret-, I8:IfJaaa. to Meal, , 7:38 a. m. !4 JO ass. 116-Ma m BBWivii vaessngsa ,. 6.-2a- m.. e Dally. 1 1 Dally, except Bandar. Fartiaave-Oawsga Baimrhsa Serne aad TamkOl j. v. -' Diviaiea. - ' Depot Feet ef Jeffersoe Street. -' , Lrsv Portland dally for Oeware 7:3 a. s t 11:69. tK. 8:28. 6:20, S:; 7:48. 18:10 a. m. Dally laxceot Sandayla. 6:04:88. g:38. . a. aa. 4:0O, 11.10 p. m. BuBday only, 94 16 -40 s. as. I A boat Dsn. A.S ' iDallr. leg. I I lullTTlll UT t i-jj a .' . - .-. RctuTBlng frees Oawaga, airrve fartlseS flsttf ,' 8 8 S.--SS. t :8V AH1A- A:8St- 8-16. - 7:88,- JltlS p, m. Dally fesewpt Sundavl 8:24, t:M. :$0. 18 20. 11:48 a. m. Except Moaday, tfiii ; a m. Sonday esly. 10.-00 s. ax. Lessee from as me depot for Defies an Intee tseaiate polnte dally faxcept Snadayl 4:08 p. m. -Arrive Poetised 10:20 a. sv The Indenendence-Mnnnviatk Mnfoe Line operates dally to Men month aad Alrlt. ce Beettne srlth Sentber Pad Be essspeny'a trtssie . at Dsllea and Isdereadesee. Flrat-elaee fare from Portland te Be crams fa and Bss Francises 820, berths m: far 818. esennd-eiaaa berth 8280. Tickets- te. fleeter points snd Furs$a Slae Jsnsn. Chins, HrmnlulB snd A nates Ha. City Ticket omee trvwer Tnire ass wasa- tegm. Bteeets. - Ph oar Main T1J. C. W. 8TTN0WW B. fYiMAf. City Tlckst A cest. A TIME CARD TRAINS DBION DTPOT. Dsjpatia. Arrlvssw. Pugst' Bound Limited, for - Tseoms. Seattle Slrnrpia. South Bead and Dray's, a Harbor polnte North Coast tlortted. for Taeoma. Brattle. Butte. St. Paul, Mla ne a polls. Chicago, New York, Boston sad pelata East Snd Seutbeeah, -Twin-City Express, for Taeaaw. Seattle, Bpe kane. Helens. St. Fsal. Mlnaeapolla Chicago. New York. Boston end all points - East, aad Son tb east. Ptieet Sound 4 Kanass CTW-Ht. Leute Sneclal. for Taccma. Seattle. Spokane. Butte. Bllllns. f-as a. ba '4:4ft 9. at.- 10 w at. '.-Na's,: U !.- tSASt, Denver. Omaha. Kansaa 8:20 s. n. 7.08 p.m. City. St. Louis and aU estate- Sees asd Maalk east, All trains dally except . ea Booth kraack, A. D. CHARLTON. Asstrtsnt General Passsngse Agest, 728, Morrison at., cor. Third. Portlasd. Oe. Astoria ti Columbia" River Railroad Co. i'. '' ' Leaves. UNION DEPOT. 8:11 a. av Dslly. . For Uaygsra. Bstster.'llslly. Clstsksnle. , Waatpurt. Clifton. Astoria. War. 11.18 A as. rente. K is Tel, Haas- BMnd. Fort Steeens, Oearhart Park. Seaside. Astoria aad Seastare, ; Eipraes Salty, f ' ' Astprl Expieea,' j T-n p. m Dsiiy. : 8:40 A St. - , :-' - J. C MAYO. - AX F. an P. A.. Astoria, we. C A. STEWART. Commercial Agent. 848 Alder st, Pkon Msla boa. nektx Otric lss Tkiid ft. rseaa aso -sg t Tranttriontlnerital ss Trains Daily LJ i PAST TIME Tp 8POKANB 8T. PATJIv DCtOTlX . U1NNKAPOL1B, THICAOO AWO ALL JOINTS KAST. A I 1 t bayllght trip throagh th Cac-e f Lrxlland Rocky anountalna JTer full par, -fj f ulsra. rat, folder ta, sail a 1 dress sT, IrlOKtrOK, 'City Tieket, A' la Tkird Btiees. VxtlaaC chee latid i;j c: R la the rkbcsi rtin, Auif tnJ 'thawsrld. Tboossoi ofsfres o,' cosr af Irrigation. I i .f t f s f)renn. ..' TX Tj-. .1. I MAF Ff.S. Cesclre" l ' - .: . s-i i-i t." . . .