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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1905)
THE OREGON PAILY JOUKNAL", rTLAND, FI.IUAV, HVMAB HAIB 'BQltS. sH4ds4 T'- ?; Journal "Wantd'Mes - BNDEB ABT tttASSIFICATIDH ui "IlM Wantad" Maie or InW. A CLNTS PER U. CeaaUBaT wda M tha 4M. " - - ' ' - ' bemevbxb K-a ii' vobds toe is - OEM! tUnc lata. .. . . UTTTATIO . WAKTED advrtl.wBte thr Mala or Jamais, inserted eae WTEKLT BATE- liwlmijtoel4l sea BtiBday iMt 8 CEHTS per luv "Tt" iw wU. .. :, .-- y. ' : MONTHT.T' BATE f iBetu'diag' all Buadap ' tasoaer 7& CEBTS per Una P" Mntlu ADVEBTI8rXTS aia't lie J VoeiiuU kvsuieae sffirs by A a oloek -weekY- - day snd V; 14 o'clsok Saturday svssr ing t secure alauiftoatica. - - A D. Tl: MESSENOEB- BOTS are -" iaaraaiv'-wattl edV anu. . Olve tana rwr a4. e afCce rates aad i will vi dslivsred ta Ida Journal af -' io without further eeet W y- - ysur call bos sx phone Watora Watoa - Mala 1 37. . .- FuTIEEAl MOTICE. tft'RIN The f'.t(M Will ' fnmrii - arrvleea f Johanna held at I". fri inn" - . north, rtirher Williams -awineand BtsaloB - street, t..owmw lMrniug l ': a. at. Friends invited, interment at mount. viarj ccretery. . ' .- ' funiuMAiM ti)R : IMI'KUVKMIINT BOM. fir. t)A. Nullc la kvrHr lri :. miui W. aHai and l,'rtl1' ; Hakr lltjf,' DmT", t iwlTOraW hM aatU Ihn 1hi af T:a v'rUtrk a. n. ufloo- iir. f,fn. ,J ihe aald-an1l lor autl rlrrk. for th' utr; at ( an par ah - awl ai-rnb-4 latrrtwt. -! iaufrairat lawfcj ! . tbr riur o.Mli.r critjr, H"ta la Bk.-i ruaalr. ! .f On-fjn. . a Iba aamr hll im auihortr4 to be tamwd r ia arhoW nr j ran f l 1 15 i. W fcwai tll v t IwarJ In d-nmiiiailuaa or But uura' than 1 MV kanarrd '" alullara aarb. Co la dati January 1, lt. najtbi la 1 jx" from ilaia. brartnc lulrrrat .at thr rale of tlx l) jNr.Mt aiiHuia. M3rala a4al-anuaaHy, nl.rnl lin,liat pariMr in I'nltrd Bll H out n af, thf ofBi'a-vf -ton dtr traaaurrr, - Makor t1ty,'"0riaii. praTl.ksl. akat aal - HkT 4r - wiia the right la tak ap aud rancl RH'h Nxhui up"a lha naynn-nt af ihn taw mlu thrr"' wlia trrrm-ti InUmat to nm aate of tba utrmrat at anj ami-annual vuanoa ario4 at ur after a year ffuia di of anrh toHiila. . fUM annda ara tuwS nnijrr tba anthorilT v f-aa ait uf the IriMatiire .uf tltt att f '' Oreaen, iiaaaod KHirnary 14, 'IKUil. aud flli'd in ttw it-v of tb irrUr. at a(at Kiru arr 2X IKW-'t.- atltted: "Aa art to. pmTlit tot tao-lamianra of Iraada fur tha laiiroTe- i BMt uf.auaela and lha layiuf of anwvra ta . JiKornaralrd eltira. and .for the naraieat r in ntl ai tnri imiiroTeinrnia ana mijuh of sewers, liy Jaatallomita," aa auieiidcd an ai-t of lb legislature of Ihe tatt f tirraoD. annrored v'plirtiary' 28. 19ul. .eiUtled: "Au art to amend aM-fluaa 1, 2, S. 4. 6. : and -1 at aa act entltlrd: 'Jtu act to prorlda fr thf lawiaaea f bnodaffi tha lmiirof ' Bionl r-t auvpt and laying of arwon In til - r.iruaratn ritira and fur lha . ua;nat -of t:i oki of- ainh fmtirariBv-nta. nd Uylnf -Tuf BM'r br liattaUiiM-ata.' ":aad rn uro. nieiauiiH-aia.- " ..aBo ine or.i-1 to tar aard for tfce Myoirpt la I luiiu . iiwnt if alrei ta of eou'l r aearora aa the. aald ttnproae. 1 ma Hwroiir 4iliuilrur(lnn of UK-m aball f enaiitletad; that ak hid abaJl be aeeoaiiMiiii'd hr a frtfllfd rbet-k irayahie ta lha ainlltor auit tiara af WW Kakrr City, - -w hia order. In lha auai of t hnnln-d ih.llara aa or I dears of the Kimd faltbaf eaek ' I Id i.-r. and la eawr tha UMraua or parmorn, . eitaniiany or eotnjK.tea cornuratloa or orot.ra .. thaw.lM bni aaul lwuda ara awarAed abalt Till, nexl . or refuaa t liay. into tha banda of lha traaaarrr of aahl Baker City , rhe jmrrhaaa prlea named- In M areeutrd v bid or : hUS oa or before thirty daya frow the ir v - dale 4 -tha -afcsMataaeu-r of tkit Jid . L-t bida. . r tha aiMoaiit of tha oerllfled eheek-av ktp"Hlted .1 aa. afucaaaid ahaU W fw4te4 tab-aald -Uaker ... I ILr. aad abail bo treated aa ' Umilrtated - daniaeea ft tbeifilhire of the aald peraoa -yw neraona,. tff 'Trffh"1!ta Hli JlJa ai.d aiiall be aei-ej ti-d lir aald Baker City aa cn : llei iiura'il!:i for. any and . all damaca and lnjitrlea anatained by reaana of aurh fll re. wflert or refnaal . Said Baker City reeerera Ibc rl1jt to reject, auy or (11 . bli. '- , .- . BMa akaaild be adilrewed to W. K LTa. j. aa.lilur aw) elerk. Hnkef lly. l)e..,)B. aad BMiked: ''ftiJa fia Jurroeeineiit Vouaa. By arder of tha cuunrll.. -4 ..... .-. - - " -.r - A. JCKKS.- - .: .. ' : ', - ' Mayor. Andltur and Clerk of Kaker Ctly. Onfoa. r. t'lty., Oreaoa. Fehraary A, llajo. -i rROIIlHAlJt fOH IMI'mtVKMKT BO NUB. .-. Baker fliy. .Orecaai 'otle la hereby giren - 1 hat v W. - a. Jrn. - auditor and tWk mt Beker-rily. Orestur; wlH reeeln aealed bld . autl! the knar of T: a'cluek p. m. tf khHHlay, ts -eiMk day af Fe'jraary, naJ,- at tbo pfOca of Us aald anrflfH- aad elerk. for tha aate, ntlea. than -par ?alne aad aeeraed In . terrat. of lajruemrnt booila of the elty of HaaW tily. altaate la Baker ooanty. alate - of Wftji, aa tbe aam aha II be, authaylaed . Iwmed for the arhuU- na any twrt -t, AP4Sa, Ha Id noii'la will be liwimi in dt-uomlnatlona bf not aacra than Ara bun , -deed l:oii ollar aeh. to be dated Jnly ,1, parahla lrlli. .ye.ra fr-jia date, .j, b -arlnR hilereat at the rata ot aU-18 see ent per annum, paj-alle aeail-annaally. In . nlt an -priueii)e aybn-fu 1 liHed Ktatea ; raid at tbe. of Hit. of tbo elty treaaurer. ' ii""T SMr- Orfoa; prorl Jed. that aatd liaker City reaerrve the rlkht to take bp and raure, lr0 Blsi4Mn tb. paraient of tbe faee ralw thereof alia rented Interval ta tha data of tbe payment at Buy aenilaiiuaal -roupr 'verlod at ar .after oaa year froaa dale of aura) buo1. ..' u , , Said bonJa are laaned nnder the aulhnrll of an ai t of tha h-alalatura of tha ai.t. f Oregin. paswl February Id, Inns, and hied lnl the the aeiTliry rf stale February f euutled: "An act to nnerlda f.j Itie leaaaure of boads fi th iaiprorrMMint fT streets and tte laying f aewers Ib In corporated cities, and for. Ih payment of no east ol ucfc taanrBTeaavIs and iarlug 4,f . are. liuiIareTnha alate ut I in-ann, approred xntrt ax nan, T.Mlf.j- a Bet lo aoieiMI ee.-tl.jnil 1, 2, X 4. 6. and T of an art riitltui. . u.. t-ft"? tb taaiianea of UM f tha tuiirnvenient rntrn atrf f reTiTaiimermpu an. I latfiw -f luataltinenta.' ' aad the nriceela . im aaed tyr I be .arment In turt f aeaera iy thereof lu lutDTHl ln'wt 'ena tn. . arthj. aald lwuraeiBeta aball tm mmulened' " h"u aoi-ompanM by a 'rr'lni, 'ir. -payable to ihe .l.a- and . lerk of aald Kuk.-r I tlr. hia ,w er. in tlie anu ef elsht hundiN d A.ll.r. . l B.B;..f . lhe Ko. f,u t W,,,vr aad rtt ea- tbe iienk.ii .ir rnniiauy -. b.un bnnda an- anar inl atoill tali , H.-alw-t or rvfuw, to a h,i.. ft, ind . lie 'reaJ1arer of ..Id' Mak , i,r ' bTJr- ebaaa priee Urn,- u a, 1,1 aerepl.Hl WiTaf blda "a or before thirty' day. from the . dale of the arrrolaoet. uf ll.r bid or bld ,M alinmiil of tho rerllHed ebeHl aw dtiolteii je oforewtd Jhnll be ffeltrd rf aU Uakaa -tftr iad. hatt be lreal.-i a II p,Mid diai - aaea for-tla fallwn- of tbe .aald u.trot. " CTT rV"!' tall l-oud. a.J ,h " -... .. V ny. aa onnipk-li - Z I'uLa' J"','" '""'."K-a 'an. ""' " aa'. reipwi (l nc .raid M-a sny ir sll MM BldW eheatid be al Ireaaed to. ' H. Ieretw. niwlnor and elrB atet-krd: ;-Bi'"t f" ImiruyeuM-nt Bonus. H order of the cauiicii,.. , reon. and .tVA. JlilXS.--,'-: ; , if .'xrt V w- n. imztiF"'- AudlloT-and Clerk of Baker tile, On-'m. fsker, I tty. February a. Ha, j 'siiH'KHOIrnRRIl VKl'-Tl.VU-Th rrmr .' f.'" . "LvJ." iV. '?"J-rnM- ( the , . i iur "a sasa , -f-ti m m tirrtt nfe- hilt. I - pany will b held at tbe nfflca.Jf 5,7 Saw paay. ataitheaat enraer of W rat P.rk -and A Ider straj-ts, Portland IHyion, .o, Thar" lar. the tk day of leheuary. -Baa. ,t a ... rl n, as.. f. th pnrpus of elvetlrur a . board of directors t arrra for the easnli-r year: for lha parpnaa of Trtin spaa Hi. propositi' of larressing th eanital stuck ef the ccBAiiany from Iftevn aililina doll ara . ikl.Viaal laau, din.b-d int.. on knndred and " atty Iboaaanil tlMinon) shares, of th JTr ' . aalne of ur knndred dollars itllaii asHi 1 twenty frr. million dollars . I il,iM jy. - yMed Into- twa knndred gad fifty thousand - 4J.VHSSU shares, of th wr aln of . handred eloUar fn) each: for tha purBnar ef aiweaitina aertloBv 1. srlu-l. . I. : f th : osent by-lavB. . Inceeaalng ihe anmlier of .. tlrediM-a fn.ra tblrteen to' Sfteen; fia the , pnri"wMf aiaendlng A. erflcle I. of the preaot by-lawa. to la.Tesse the exeeutlvr e"anitte fr-ia nr seyea: and for tra-naa eta of aneh orhrr basli Meo Personajly . eca? b-ss'w jj'fr-'Jta; " NOTICE. in mi; fincnT t-ot uT or this ktatk nr iihukiiv ktiu airi.TiM All I'OI NTt. Jobs H lluN. iilalntlff. ra. K, B. C-lftacuU and r.-ti. "jariav. ueienoauta. To K. B. ciementa aad I. II.' MBrlay. -aboae named defeadanta; la the aaroe if tha Utate of Orerns Voy Br hereby re.iiilred to a wear and auawer the euoiiilalnt filed allt you in tha aboe rntltVed euurt and canao.. on or liefore the ISIh ilia a'Mtvruarv. tvofi. and If yea fail to ao Buaarar or appear therein tba plaintiff rill apply to. tk jHr- fw-tlw Teltef prayed fot In tha..eooMlttint. which 1 thai a Brte;ue;a eatacunm aiia aeiireraq ay.n. "a K. Lone t(T the plaintiff berela on the follow h nnnxa-te. to-arlt: All of blorka aeren ei.-lit tad olna. In ( E'aj-elek.r, In Multnooiab eoonty. Vlata of Urecon. and dated Jnly 24, 1MU, b forei-lnaed and aald properly be ordered aoid to Bay tbe turn of la.Oon.dJ. and that yli ba barroil and fitreeloaed of all ylebt, title, and lutorual la aald -property,: and fur. aneh other rllir aa the MUrt mar aril1ldee thai aura- raoaa ta aerree) apon you by publication by order of theHotr St.- fU Heorae, ;udir 1 the a bore eutlllrfl riynrt. wdicb oroer uaieu imrwun t, lult. 'and tba data of tha flrat publication or tnia anniiaonat ib ine ia oar w. . IflOi. and the l"t pdbllcalloa ia tha 47th ly of retfruary. lux.', ' . '- . - J .. ,.-'.-.... , FRANK SCHLEOKt. ' v - Attorney fur Plaintiff. BHEKirr'tl SAIjK. Nolle la hereby glee that, by Tlrtu of a noricare ob tha atcato-r '' im-im " . m.k hv IT . . a! TaeliH. to t'laudle V4BB0fc. dated k'alaraara.-aa.. Iftua. aad recorded In lb office of the tailed Stated rollertur of euafbma for tha dUtrtet of Wil lamette, port of Portland, tra aald data, ib Hber "B at pan l' of ilor Inane Keenrda. and by Tirtae of anUKB-lte ; to aw duly alyeo by7 aald morlraaea, I will eipoee foe aale at nubile aiutloa And aril to tb blh-.t bidder - for eh oa Barnrdar. the lllh day of February. Wnft. at thW hour of 4 o'ehick p.' IB. of aald day. at the font of folumbla atreet, la tb etty f Portland. Oregon, aald ateamer "Urate.'' torelher with all her au- K ret. aad appnrteBanoea. -ted at Purtland, Oregoa. Mertary t 105. - . , ' - - T. M. WORD. Sheriff of Multaomah Couuty. Oregoo. ukctiw' or STorKnoLnER") op tub - N.K HIVBB TAU.III HAIbftOAr COM . PANV Notice la hereby (eu that a meet ing of the atoekholdera of tba Bnak Blrer Vallee -Ualiroad tlnmrnny will ha held at f the eiffl-e of tba eoairwayroom yori Won I ' Frbraary . 19r. at tb hour of 11 o eloek - aann. for tb purpoae ,nf rleeting dkreernr and : tranaaetlng any other, baatneaa that may - peopeely - before - tbe aneettag. - Paled at Portland. Oregon, January It, 100(1. JAMES U. WILBON. eeretary. UBKTINrt OP THR UTOrKHOIiPERU OF TUB ORKM)N. WASItlNOTON IDAHO BAH, ROAD. COMPANY Kotlc la hereby gleea . that a meeting of tha atorkboldera af tha - Oregon. WaabiHrtBB Idaho Kallroad Caaa paer will be held at the offlea of tha earn- -- pane, room No. 29 Wnreeeter block. Partutad. Oregon. 'o. alouday. I'cbraary . It", at 13 n'rloek nooa, fur tbe p.wpoae of alerting directors and Yranaartlng any other tmatneaa that may nronerl eoma before tha Bjiwi tingi i Iated at, Portland. Ore ana. January 11. J A VI ICS Q. WILSrtN, Secretary. - : BOVSIHw ACT MiTAIXatlHT. - - Notice la hereby ftrea) - that the -aunat Wntb-a la hereby freeo. - that the ,jr ,t.Mmenbj leeled by tha CooneM. aader brarlnlona rfTJf TSiindtblfTT.-hleh aard" VAW hT tharHth reamlar aeaalo of aoerine aafrTnirf naaaed be tbe-i7 reaniar aeaaloa or the nral Aaaembly of the State f Oregon, and filed with tB-ftee.trr,of Btate. February U2.I IfViX. for the payment of ptreet nnproeetnent and aearar. aaaeaatnenta are ajaw da and payable a. tha office of the City Treaaurer of th Cit of PurttaBd aad anleaa paid befor Anrll J. lnnri, . the. aatae wljl h Merlared detlnqnaht taxea. and aha II be collected aa aurh, a' Bro rided by tha city rbafter. ! .. . - - - , J. K. WERMtlX: - ' ' ' City Treaaure. . Portland. Oregon, FebrBary I, 1905... , -;HnrAfTii-aj''''n:'..:;' APFFBTiSEMIUiT41.l'nortbla ntaslfleatloB cost 15 for 31- word aaV- a raluable oremlnm free. Dally or Sands. r- MEN We reach tha barber trad In th short eat - poaalble . time at small ipena and , guarantee, pnaltlona; write for rataJoajae. kloler Syatrm col lege. Baa -anclaco, BBKIHT. aetla Biau for special ontsld work. Addres Q Pji. care Jonrnal, slsiag nsaloeas S eiperieoo .. and. rwfernca, - HAVE wbrk for 2 fond. -lire.- aon-iinton rar- pentera; send name, address, telephona. If any, at. nor, to JBox 4. Brllwoad, Or. Mb STlfKEKMAN wanted at Johea' mill. EEL WATET FEMALE. IS.rsy TEACHES T"B artrra nuurae of pUla and fancy araasruinng. t mau at a Aloe, si. EMMCltl.T lady to keep hwrae and tsk can of baby." SIS Third at. SITUATIONS WABTEOMALE. GOOD dishwasher wants work la hotel br L reaaanraiii, wimna to win itar-w very SOH-. ratesragr; ao objection to go to th country. Address O. P., room 36.-22A Mala at:. WANTED Hituatlna by a - middle-aged man with good habit, aa- porter..; for a - good . home aud a eery small wage; country pre- II 22. car Journal. ECPEHIENCKD window teVsamer and, autleamaa aiealrea position; S. years' xieelBrjer good Z reference: aalary. tBodrrate; In or out of city. H St. ear "Journal. -'-' " liOOD. aober. atcady. single ma a, aeensromed aome-klnd' of work for to rlty. would Irk reasonable wages; describe kind In letter. - ddre PC-s,-rirs;-JUMrBsl. ' WANTED Br, yonrrg gentleraan pnsltloa i as . ablppliig or billing ch-rk or any kind of ofuc work: beat references. Address Tit care Jonrnal. li'l-c" BSBTTfoon aaims. a i villi iia positbai .as elevat.- boy; can furntwh references only small wages expected. Address P li 0, ear Jourosl. . . v.... . . WtiWIl younc man. exnerlen can furnlsb good refetvaees. TK.MPKRATK young aian. working eyenlnga, j clmuaa fur ksrd or -rantnt handy with type writer. Apply . ear - Journal. ; WANTED Position ad working 1 houaekeeper; small family; references ; good ruck. M. Anderson, general aVllsery, city. ESPRRIKVi'KD dishwasher wanta work: ran . sleo do sh.a-1 order conking: wsgea no abject. Address 11 R B. cara Journal. WANTEIk Steady work by young, emr-ri.-d man: wit-door aiak urrf erred." F HZ care Jnnrnal.1 - , I . ' WANTED By a young Bisa not sfrald of work, posttloB of BJawe kind. -A. F. Box 32u. -rlty.'- r - I '. '.' WANTED Poelrbm s llreuian: years' 'e-' . 4MYHwai.gooa reiernucr, Journal. Address fc IN, rlre I StTVATlOMS WArrrp-JEMAXX. WANTKIt Poaltbat by rminetent nurse, nr -weutd accept poeflioB as BnMrtiiti,tid-nt of hntrliig or boarding house; lt references. Apply Ryerett. I'bom HUM, . WllKiW Kxuerleneed honaekeeper. would irk B.Hi1ttoa ou farm s ' would cook for camn. ' Addresa luttera l Mrs, f. U. Knight, Jclfrr- soa. tlr., care J. . Kelly. - r,Ai'r.itiRsi kii htdr strnenrrspher will wiirk two sftreooona fur II. 60 per week. 1'bono Black KIT7. , WANTED PiadtloB a Best -class chsmbermsld: city refer inters. Address M. lira lis ua, getieral dellyery. ally. WANTED Position aa ' anrae nr ck. Ad dreaa Manila Baniater, I'M Macadam road. Fulton, tir. ... . .. WANTED Poaltlrn la todglng howse nr hotel by the day- Addres !U.W cor. First and Madia, ai. WANTED Posit losi a atmsekeeper Ib kdslng h.etiH. Sddresa car F. Teuscbsr, llllla- . usle. - .. .... ... T . . GOOD ehatnhermal 1 wsnts position: " etty ref .eeeueea. . B. -KHly. general del leery, i-tty. W ANTE D Position aa trtaakwMS tn Blearer' remiiy, -uoue ital HA i 1 You've Failed to; Sell a : i . ...... e-' - . - , .---- EXFLOTlfZlIT A0EK0IEI.' - f JOIIV ANDKHSOX SrandlnariuB-Amrrlean Km . Jiiiiynieiit Otll.'ei real ret ale) roouilnif houaca and bualneai rhaocva our aiieclaliy. aro-Buru- -aide at. f bon Mala bH. v ' PACIKIf t'oaat Keal Katnta - Kmoleyoaent Aeucyt art klh.l of outla and fvlaale help ftirulatied. JUVt Haoond at. raoaa nea HANJIgS-a juii'LO vm N-trrCEr: Second t. , - ' Phoo Main l6S. A1.1MNK EMrLOYMKNT ill KEAU Help 'fur- - ntahed free. Call.lGJ Hrt at., v . Main IfilT. - PIOKKKD EMI'LOVMKNT CO-rrlbor eontrao- tor: help Ira to emuloyur. , 3ia Morriaoa. HELP wanted and eupplleA. niaW or female. B. O. UKAKR. 2rlH Waahlnctoa at. Clay aaS. WAHTED BWCELXAXSOUl. : . ' BOMETr.iNo Dorso 'Tl '-.',.. - . . i.t tbo . ' . PORTI.ANJD AUCTION BOOMS. . Sit trat at. - t'lion Mill &85A. Bacaua 4bey par tha hlgbrat prlca la cask . for uy k'.nd of fu.-ultura, ' y - - , . "U'ilSTEft to worS inr'l-ii'n ao.T lioarrl wnTTe attending Bigot acoooi. . prrTcra". -"' Cbrletiau fBmllyr am aolier and lwluatrlou. Aiklraaa A W. Phllllpa, M Tantb at.. KANTlSrt Mvn ' spraying .and; wbltataahlngt . the only gaaollo mtu, reed air apraylng .onttt an ta" aoaat. M 0. Morga, A P70 Mllwaakla i. Phona East Mil. WE BI'ILD new or"x your old bom Tory yea aAnZhle: aood city references. Call or writ H. Wabl. Naw Weatera hotel. 332 uriaan. WANTED BeroBd-hand household goods, toola. anything yon don e waui; iuoi Vnaiser. 2u Fourth i. . TO IX Ml FANCIER! Poga hnardrd at OTertoo Park kenaeto: wnua romeraniaa) uub at sk 1'b.ant BViitt 3M2. . , .. " . - BHOKT ORT'EB PBINTINO HOCSB Bder 4 KOaaell. aecoBU . am . muutwm. WANTEn-Beeond-hand, nKHum-a!aed. fob urlntuuf Ijrese; curap i.uf cwu. , hotel. -- csnpKNTRR wants eon tract for yoa fnmlh caeapeal way w mima. aia BUrk at. - .' ' '! . WAXTZD TO KZJrr. KOOMSIn all parta of tha rltyr fbrnlahtd. Applr z-jo coodnoiigB Ding. .'.. EXPOSITION ACCOMMOUATION1 BDREAf. t'odsr directioB of th Lewu'snd Clark Fair - . - , Corporatloa. ' . ', "Thooa Ma la M8,. ; FOB-HEIfT WrVZNISHED B00MI. FOI'K tinfrirnlahed rooms, ground floor; pantry, H naaetneut. ware , nee oi ij.iv - -rnw u. m , walking distance; 1S. Phoo Tdaln 08tm. , : Oit 4 Unfurnished room a ,fur , honsekeeplrnr. .cheap;- b , Whltake'r. bath, pbone,' gooti rocaiioB. - its 433 FIFTH ST.-r-Furnished b4 unfurnlnhed Ilnfnrnished rooms: bo chllrtren. '447 Weldler. FOB BENT FLATS. i-ROOM. aaodrrn. heating plant, boat Tefetewiiiw eii'uaiiae.1. Iis.c las.ibti nieiHtiir If aatlsfartury. Address K I-Z: JoBttUal-.- "-r--i-- ; l!2.0-r-t-BOOM flat. 1S fiaat Ninth Bear Bel . mont .rt. . Phon East -1370. - f fOB BEsTT orncE BOOM. Ot'KK'B ROOM. First St. - ;-. . . lnqoin cigar gtnr Ir SWH FOB BENT MISCELLAJTEOUB. TO BENT On Sixth st S block from oYpofc room f' restaurant; aeata SO; larg kttrheuiJ i new nricx. cga .or adareaa mat. zt hot. rla - at., city. . .. , -. v - FOB BENT A' larg aamplfrroont or baB, toy - Sour. Aoply ele.ator uian. Ooidoonrhhldg. -"FOB BEHT HOTJSEKIEFIKO BOOKS. THB LINDA VISTA; nicely furnished keeping 'rhd -singl rooms: bath, gaa phon. 247 la. Fifth, near eonrtbouac.. TIIK EE large light rnoma Jurphtbed for hous keeping; evetj thing " mudera; well located 53 Third at M near Oullege.. rf' 1 TO t-KIt WEEK Large, .clean, furnished . bonsewemlna rooms, lsuudr aed bath.. )M hber ma a at.. Bear Front. ... - . . . THREE uh-e, newly papered and painted house keeping roouie. 145V, Sixth at. Kuom 25. . THlrKK .furnlabed hmisckeeplag rooms fl3 per month. HUil Jubnaoa at. , FI'RNISHF.D horreekeerjlna rooms, at 607 JlXoat. t,j BO children, , . ," FOB -EaT9 TvTBHISKin ' BOOM S. ' 1F-Ia. want to board sn tb beat . boaa lu the rlty ran st the. .... Ahfi'B iiomit. . . ., norm cooking snd eerytnlug flrat-eraaa at exceedingly low prices. 2M Kryeatb BL, ear, Madison. .Tbons Mala tZ..-: I'NDFR NEW MANAOP.MENT Hotel lUrhllira - lilun; eKfut Turalalied rooms. slngk' .end en auttet steam hast, liatb. fin ale at.d bar at.d bar lu connect nm: a :jiice. quiet, homelike place; tranaletits aollclfed. - , -U. B, m'HNM, Uaop-C ELEOAXT eeiteld rooms, steam best,- porcelain bathe, first-class Inard; two people g4u. gtiV. - t.To month. I.ludcll hotel. Market, bet. Third and Fourth. - . - T .. - . MARQUAM Hol'SPj. nr.t. Sixth at Rooms ea anttw-sa" single: honaekeefilng rooma: gaa , store, tistb sad ek-rtrl llghta: transients ' aollctted. ... -. . , - BITERSIDB noTKIe-Sta Ksst Or.k Fomlah-d snd nnfurnrsnvd bousekeeplii rooass; lorlglug ' X per week aad ap. Pbone Scott 3U4. I'LE-tSANT fnrnlahed front room with ab-wye, on streef,er line. IK4 Ksst Morrisna; break fast aHren If desired. -. , ' FRONT furnlebed parlor room; phoae. gaa'a furnace heat.' , CM Everett at., cor... Soycb- teeulh. CAMFORNIAr-l.ortglnrHr brlrh l.lg. ; roorha fia- trauslrnta 2.V.anfl up. IUH Murttt Third. CHEAPEST and best located rooms In Portland, $1 week op. Oilman. Hi at and Alder sta. .. Ft rlNIHHEB front room for on or taa gentle men. t all at So Kslelgh at. i i. . NEWLY furnished, qrrlct rntnsleat room. . . Fourth at. . Pbrat Red 1)332. - ' 1M CLIFTON. HIS', First af.. cor. Corsmhls fhritsd tJ.25 per week and op. BOOMS ABO BOAtD. . NICELY furnished front room suitable for ; msn and wife; . no" objcctlno to chlldreii: pelyste fsmlle: bath, gas and phona. 172 . Ksst Thlrty-Srst St., runursld car. Phone last 2: MB. ' BEST moats. bet board, electric light, gas, stesm hat. porcelain hatha.- at the I.lnilell M - knl.l Mark.t at. bet. Third mmA tV.ll. KC-eedlnxly fyw rates. FI'RNISHED room with or wlthnnt board; bonsekeeplag room. Pbone Enat 37 4M. also FIRST-CLAMS .room and beard, $.1 tn ooa a lay, - mono sialB WKH. klrVANTHl nr hoaT'V-m: private hoard r nl.e r iwkt MwnM 'a (J U.,llwa l;iMlw a a. I h.rd tor tot East, Ankrnji. . lao; pms aad bath. Thing Try. the Vi BVSrifLBS CHAMCZI. BOOMIXUlIIOUBB HEADQUARTERS. l&AVt A tJX - . -, J i25- Ablnstott Block., ' . Pkoa VtlnJM. WoJ-mako-a-SI-Kt'iAr.TT OF' BOOVINO 1H1 Ht8. and bay mauy af ib MOST DESIR ABI.K ' LOCATIONS that ara tor aala. Good locatloria arc going fast. Kola aur pa-tlal list belvwiof both larga and-BiaaU I'saoa.. If don't suit, call Ib. ? .V . l-. .:. vi.Vl ROOMS Brick. '. tnaJ VERT BEST LOCA - 'HON la tha rite -rear less. - rent ....... ONLY I0 per anasth; thl- house la posltlraly clearliig bow VOO per avonth aisir au . el patera. rriu S3.0W.J aii J BOOMS Most ' rleyantly furnUhed a para- meat DXHia- tn Ibe city, now eleartng shout , lino prr month; rent only 1126; Imss. Can bo had now for ft 00- H BOOMS Terr chole locatloa. new h .S1 new furnltnre, furnace Beat. ' Thla la one - 'of the seat cat and cleanest hoossa ou tin . . . marketi rsut puly 13; teaAs $a.T5u. IS B'lCB larger tooma. 3 blorka from Port land hotel; bath, ra and rery well furnished; for a quirk sale ws Bar ahe. ii . ilua. d 4h-aHFtc.-ta-.t,TV ... - -- U" BOOMS New bouse : and -assy fnrultirre. , right tn tba haart of th city; cheap :'-'... rent and . lease;. If -you' want something . tA.iUA t.oou, get tuts ' tor i.ia. IS ruK)MOood . location; '- well furnished - cheap rent. lea.. This is Surely a good : ouy . at fi.ow.-i.-.... BOOMS Oa Taylor St.. choice 'location: rooms rent for $9&i owner occupies three rooms; ivni su. erica vuv. . JEWKLRT STORE Best location a Wsahlng-! ton at.; extra cheap rent; 2 years' tease; will sell all or on half Uturat,-r- wlH Call for further partlcuara. We cam if am terms" E CAN IfAKB TERMS ON ANT OF THB ABOVE. - . , ALL TITLES - OI'ARANTEED. BUYERS PKIia AS MKM.HRB. r ,W WANT 10 TO 15-ROOM HOUSBS; "V.23-3-B-S Ablngtou Block. 5 - . ' 10SH Third St. - FOR SAI.8 f lesii. up to-dte alorli of Bier- chsndlac. In a llv town; good location, flu - trsoV; - need anore- capital ' and Instead of . Belling all won Id prefer partner with ft.fxa) to 9I,ibbi. .uureaa aog aiTcrrit at. to on Front nea. . ' . u.. -,.-! - FREE LANDS IN OREGON. Fertile aoll. purs . water, delightful rllmste' Isml of sljalfa. applea Bad clurer. For full .'Information address tb Columbia" Ronthera Irrlgatloa Co.. 6v Worcester block. Portland. LARGE country eneral merchandise; P. ., etc. ; doing fH.ann, per year; Inyole 11.500; DOW ' lor quirk sale, .i.iiw rssn; books open alcknesa -causa) . vf aale, Hall ltt First at. ; OROCEUt West aide, clean stock. Hying roon:s. Bates day. lneolea i.axiu oe ei change f small farm. . pittaagar, room t, 2tftVa Morrison. . ."-,.. WANTED Man with serrlcea; business clear ing 92IN1 nsmtb: no experience required: In vestment fully secured. Call 2344 Morrison 'St., room 1.. ,. A . WANTED Energetic man tn manar rnann- facturer'a Imalueas. Here; salary si. .Km: fl.ziio reuulred lnrested la goods. Lock Bqx do. IpsK of tb most rlcggnt saloons In tha rjty for sale; a -auap Jt laira ai "hit, uiuat tea, a va Beronut of 111 health. Address 11 43, Journal. 40 ROOMS Unctr furnlabed. modern,., best, loca- tlun. slope Mug., t-nrapest rent in city., with lease; a good tnyeatnient. so iaillaoa. x.; FOR SALK-r-rmbrelui ator. centrally' located, ;61 Third street, betsrern Pine and Asa. Call at stork.; food reasoa for aalllug.- . -. - NICE grocery business- rant only 320 for store Mid lirlng moms; will sell at. in vole. , uulre J3tt Mixta at, rom zo. - . ase; goowj FOR SALE Restaurant with long lease location; a snsp If tskea at one.--Inquire - or owner, aisuisob. . - 4- Hon; LOOKS For aale. Baleen In best of Iocs 1 1, - mnst b sold at once.' -Call' at 4T North Slith at., quldt.- . ' ' ... ' I ." HCITBB FOB BENT FUBB1TUBB FOB SALS T-ROOM bouse In bast lops lion, fnrnttnra for , Bale at harasln; -t cssh will baidt It: low rest;- loco ma I'M. 303 Madison. . . 1 Fl'RNITPRE S-roora cotlagev good coadltinti; bona for rent; 228 . Uitcyhi. I'boo Mala J1T. . - I FOB BALE 0B BEET.' FOR SAI OR RKNT-A new. roodera ft-mom - cottage, furulabed or nnfurnisbed. Inquira on premises, ta4 East Bllaaa at., cor. Twenty- ninth. . i FOB BEBT HOUSES. KADDERLY TrsnsfeT A Commission Co.; pianos ana rurnitnr atovca oy eipeneneew. -110 North Third at. Pbaa Mala loSS. FOR RENT 7 -room house. Knot - Main and Eighteenth sts.--SlS. - Hatfield -A Smith, " e4 Fourth at, room a - . , . FOR KENT B-rnom furnished cottage on ear line, fait 4d Kaat Harrlaoa, cur; Seventh. NEW am'imrnlrag: aran B-ronta bouse; either, --ll.Vlasonth. pkoaa Lnlou SmU. -toB at I4NA-Iist l isy cottage; Bt. '- - . rent $20. , Oil FI-RINSIIED -ronsj bouse, 7 tnonthi ltV25. -', -" 'V .. Phoa - FXBSOHAL. THE bee h-, seel detjt pillcr. the "Anniversary . I-rgiry," written only by th preferred jte ' rldVut ..tnsursne Company nt Now tork. Thomas" P. 'Tbocntim, getieral' agent. SIT 'Chamber of t Vita mere. Pbowe Mala 734. TUB ; "Matrimonial , Rnrl.ter," imbll.bed by the Inferstste Introducing Nortely of Port land. ileseTilav.4ver I') restilenta ef the I's rlgc northwest who wlah to marry. Price lor. i Box IiiIP. Portlaad. . - MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Robsrts' Kerr Ohihule. Ore month's treatment. 82: 3 months, 3!S; sent securely sealed by mall. A fewta, ' Wood rd. Clarke A Co., Portlaad. Or. PROF. H. .T. tTMMINS---Magnetle healer. Nsahvllle, Mount Scott car line, sncceeaflly tresis known disease. Thou I'nloa 19S1. IVa.toffl.-e, Lents, Or. . . , Bl.N'tl t'HOONO. Importer of Chines root med icines; sells ftiloese tea that la crrtala . cirrn for ' all dtasasea, ,101 Bawud bet. Yam. bill and' Taylor. . .... , "THE ROOK OF N ATTTHE." "Itaik v. I.lf. -r 'Mbel tlrsy." "Story of a Slave. Nana;" rstawtgues treat, .au BcnaBase...Kav nrsl at. UK.STAURANT snd coffee house npen day and ( ptgnt. -JX-t rirat at, , r. iireennurg. penp. rnrnian laraw, oe.p, aay or weea , rrec Torn preserlnrlona are ator eenratelv hod ably filled at Erseel's Pharmacy, 227 am at., bet. Flrat aad Second at, j THREE YEARS IN bonks you er saw. 291 Alder st. ARKANSAW" beet all 23c Joues' Booh htors, MARRY! Loral ladles want husbands: wealthy; addresses fre. Star box C3, Oak land. Csl. ' . - - , TO IXCHAWOE. J-,N.,I, W n U..HM I , , . - tloai. tn erehanre for V.arntln4 and paper hnmrng. I "hone Maln-."Jf r. fc'." i "'.-. ra- -,-T ir I ' ills FOR SALii-fi01lgF. AND CASRIAOTS. linon farm team sed .harness, -arelaht at.eit 2.1 Ine., SI'JA. 2a North Hfteeulh st. . Wat. ' lieyaulds, prop. Mala 112,1. rant Ads 7 i ;;,,,; -' 7 It FOB SALE MISCELtAlrEOT;. BifXtAitD AND POOL -table far rant at for ssto ou essy payment. . THE DBtNSWH K BALKE COLLEXDEB. CO., W Third St.. partiBBd. . . , ONE Conn cornet, gold plated. SOOr t Toun cor - net. hrona-. 323; 1 akattoa cornel, sllvet. ' iilated, 125.0V; all lu Mrat-claas cobdltlina. korfc's, loavk First St. ,. ' . NEW.- upright plsaoa. put aad SITS, former - prtt-e b2thi; orgaua 92!, former price (So; nvuat ' -..It , "J.J l !.'. a.M. a... u-l u tv- , WS print your name oa BO calling cards, proper Bias and atyns dct aju dusiiis caroa. gi, - brews A Scbmale, 229 Flrat. Portland. Or. UtMID clove hay $13 per ton: No. 1 timothy gia m tn ts: neat co est nay fia. k. u Coper. 1M Madison at. cheap, cash or Installment., cars Journal. - Address J A P. CIRCIH tent 00, feet, round ton, two" flu-foot mlddla ' ulccsa, - 2B North Kle-ysnth at., up- : stair. -- FOR BALE Full drees suit, else 86; Srst-claa cnnditmni vargain,. c. Journal. ;. . . GOOD fsnflly cow for aale at Tus.WllUams are. VAMD Bat-tap I rMkV Btavar St. STOBES FOB klBT. tt ROPERY store at Sixteenth and Korthrnp; I ; llvlna reouw a boys store: large basement . siaou. mu wsvoat Mms. rur .lerins inqutrv -- WlllUna-cIwaawty, -tll Kortb-Fiaseatb-!. FOR KENT Brick warehouse aiwse; also trsns- fer and storage. Inquire Portland Impleaieat company, from ana layur. . FOB ilTF BEA1 ESTATB.- " - f- ,' - ',- - ADVERTISEMENTS under thla - clasalfleaHna cost is tor 21, words and . a tygiaable prsmluu frse. Vally or Snaday. - - - . y ALWAYS READT ,-. .- - at tha . - PORTLAND AIXTION BOOMS. Ta pay yoa full value la cash far any klad ' ' - f ftnraltnra. . t .. i Phone Mala ttUS. at 211 First (.' -. - FOR SALE T sectiooa at Wena tehee. Wash., suitable for, sheen ranch and frolt, - cheap. Address tiuf particulars, W. C. Hatteraley, Cluriimatt, Ohio. i- FtiR SALE B acre.- 3.12S: boua and S acres. SoftO; easy ternia: ae axent. first boos aoutb uatea crossing oa U. W. p. electric line, tuc far. ... -. ,. GOOD. Investment, corner lot and houae. well located on ear line, rented for 42 per aMmth. Prlca 33.500. Apply John Bala. 324 Stark at. S-ROOat best. Soil Oft bit. with ld-foot alley. srtah or without furniture ; a Una Iocs lion: cheap. J6I . Krby .gt.-, Albina. , , . .. , RF;AL estate bargains and fire ' Insurance. - rtortnrop Kins, -roerelal bit- S10 aad 21L Cota- FOB lALFABMB. 2S0 ACRES 3 ml lea eat; - good. S. room, bobs and ontiiullninga: z orcnaras;, gat pr sere. Box 2I3. HarrlsbBrg, Or. j. f " s FARMS FOR SALE From 2a ,ur. ISO 'acre. - For inrtner pari. e... ara auuil.a. 4. , vyw Atowty, fwrrtnavllb-Or. - "'" '1 j ' ' " . V LOST ABO FOTJaTB. TOO - ajars rasdl tbroagh- Th JoorBsra 'btaalfled eolamns than. say. other wsy.r In em Voa So anytbhtc b bonest and advertise for tbe awaer be fore claiming as your own. . FOI'ND XJinndry bundl rontalnlng . evera. anirts, enppoeediy aroppea rrom unndyy eh 1 "goa. - Owner ran bar aam by . describing -1 ai Tb Journal offlca and par In a advertlalni ' rhargea." .-.j,v ... -.- LOST Retween East Twenty-eighth and East Anaeny and Third and xamhlll sta., one Masonic ring. Return 251 ' Yamhill and re cede reward ' - . LOST Light etamln . dreaa. Deliver S34ti Washlngtoa at. and receive reward. , LOST-Lsdy's open-face. - gnn-mtal watch. Hewsrd 1f left at Journal oface. ASPHALT FAYIBO. fhRE Trinidad Asphalt Paving C. of Port la ad. . irneo- ena wore eater Big. - - ABIHAL TBAFB.. FA1 ST-A CAMERON" Marmfscturers of fa moo Fanst- trap, oa that kills animal without holding, , Factory 12t In Von ava., east aid. BIBPS. HART'S Mountain Roller Birds for aale; (bear pirns are lu very oear; tney are all good -singers; ine prica. at r easunanie. . Mrs. M . rrlls, nn urand are. BICTCLB DEALIBS.'- COIXMBIA. TRIBI'NE A CRESCENT. UI'NS. -sroRTiNQ noons, expert repairino. ' . F. P.- KEENAN. 208 THIRD ST. -' BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON. , - - O. P. ' RUSSELL. ... 383 E. Bl'BNSlDB.- PHONir WNIOKSd. " HICYCI.E SPECIALIST. FISHINO TACKLE. AMMUNITION. "' . , U.:-' B ABOIM 0 AKD U0HTEBX3Tfjr.t! OBEUON ROUND Ll'MBBB CO., 181 Burasld -at, Phon Grant 1171. -. BLANK BOOK If AHTFAOTUBEtS. UOWH, DAVIS A AM. 10O-111 tHvrma at. plank book menu factum: agent fat Jone Improved Loose -Leaf ledgers; paper -ruling, bookbinding. .. " COAL ABO WOOD. GREAT W ESTERN COAL CO., 441 Hoy, e, Klevenlh Itoducer and mlnera of wsshed lump aad nut Booties nous oasis; lamp pi, not $fl. delivered within 1 mile df yards; sstlsfsctloB guaranteed. Pbone Mala 048. WESTEBN FEED A FUEL CO., ror. Front and Hoyt street, ' dealers In domestic tad-stesm . coal, blacksmith coat. - cbarroel aad - coke, Phon Main 1018. . ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer la cord wood, coal aa.1 greaa and drylabvaood. ,R. K. aad Al bin are... S block seat of. ferry. BEATON BROS. Koeeeas.trs to Krlcksott Wood -Yard Dealers Its. best coal gad wood. Hi Second st. Pboa Clay 688. Bl'PERT FVEL CO. Tbe beet dry wood In towa. Don't forget to phone Bast 1446. 3M : Esst Eighth at., cor, MadieaB - C. E. Vrl.i.N. Srat-clsaa wood and eael; nfflc S3 Albina are., aea ferry. Dry alebwood. STEEL BRIDOR Ft'EL CO.. dealer In anal, cord Wood and dry sAab wood. Pbone Bast 424. COLOMBIA Wood and Hawthorne. A Coal Yard. Esst Eighth Pboae Kant SS87. OREGON FIT EL CO.i all Finds of coal Bad srood. 344 Morriaoa. Pboae Mala 83. . - STAR COAL CO All kinds of reals. Mala 111. Office 2n3 Stark at. . Pboae KIRK HOOVER. 18 Water at., wood aad raaL Pbone Main 4oPtl. . . , cannfZT wzxf.' LOOK OUT FOR FIRE! . -. PRACTII AL CHIMNEY SWEEP. D. D. WOOD. - Re, phone Smtt flajH. Lear orders st Awry A Co. hardware etore, M Third St.. photM Mala jrt72. - , J. L. STB A DEB, . 373 WASHINUTON ST ROOF CLtANkNO. I'UONC MAIN 187S. L , OABBIAOZ AMD HAOB COMPANIES. THB UNITED CABRIAGR CO. Carriage, tally-ho rigs' and carry-alls. 1M ICleveath at., cor. Morrtaon, Phon Main 322. CXMXVt OONTBACTOBS. JOSEPH, WILLIAMSON, wtrartw st1iBtc , gltea on sll kluds of concrets.-as seme at work and -acwerage. llllt Uslsey atraavf. . CHAS, H. CARTER A CO., TfcTmcrly Crter A Kill; cmat contractors, 74 Tsggart.. Fbou Bast lt7o. All work guaranteed. 'TT- V-Z7""'" '-r"' T'' ili'.il-Jia. ' CLAIBVOYANT AKD FALBUBT. ... MADAMS dOHNSTON Tlslrvnysnt. nalmlat. csrd reader; gly facts reliable and lnv portant on all affalra of real life.. Beading bue. S Seventh St., Osk. OBOVXZBT AND OLA SAW ABE. r WHOLESALE crorkery and glassware. PrsL ; Regal A Co.. 100 to log Fink. or. Stark at. CAFI fc B 1CKSON S REST A V B AN TWeeehsats 'loses 11 a. at. to 12 p. m. i nnder new management. O. B. EVANS, prop. Second and Buruslda. THE OFFICE SH3 Washing toB tf.. i'boo Mala TT1. Pickett A Vlgnean. s5ABFXVTEBB AXD BTJILDEBS. A. J. AUTHORS and O. B. WOOD, can arpti aad7 bnlldetti repairing and Jobbing; ator ann oucv nxrnrra uuj.ll. I'boae Clay 1S81. . - Shop 2U0 Columbia. UOFF A TY8EN, building snd remodellug; store fixtures-, a specialty, 303 First at. Pbone t-iay vzs. IF YOt' WANT A CARPENTER call Meltaa. Tel. Main 1787. Shop hud office 3rM flllaaa. MONET TO 10AB. -la - THB ST,tB LOAN CO. - Say BBtarwai employs Wff-cerner. caa get aa BIS aotL Without tBortaare n :i-.- aionia. j- Ik Mnnta. wees, -to as. ai,m -or fd.nft or 33 SS to aa I S.IM or :i.S or Sl.tM to us 4.00 or 32.00 ur 11.00 llnalt ... II UmHj VmI n,.m nepay ra - sro.iat Kapay 13,uo uepsy aiv mcitay oiag. MONEY TO LOAN ea real, personal and cob lateral security; special attention "to chattel mortgagee:- notes bought. C. ' W, pal let, SU4A Fenton bldg.. 84 Sixth tit HIGHLY reapeetabl pise where ladle and !Btrcaa hoiriiw " unme tin dtataondfind ewelry. - Collatersl Lose Bank, SO Wash ngtoa at. Phone Black Tl. ' ' - SEE th' Dnnn-Ijiwrnc Co., real estate and financial agents; money to loan oa mortgage eecuritlea at loar rates la una from t3uu to i. 10.000.Itk First st. , .- - MONET ADVANCED sslarfed people; tea mater. sic. witnouc- secnniy ; easy psyaneBts; larg est.bnatnesB In 48 principal cltlee. .Tolmaa, 32SAbtnstoa bldg.' .... ,. CHATTEL luana In amoenta ranging' from 323 ro fo.taaj; r wming-oouae a specialty. New Bra Loan A Trust Cow- SOS Ablogton bldg. MONEY TO LOAN oa Improved or enlmpmved niy property, in etima to -suit, i'arrish. vt st klua A to., 360 Aide atv- t : .v MONEY TO. LOAN In largo or smsll amounts en gooa seconty; lowest rate. WU lam V. Beck, 307 Falling bldg.- - ' LOANS -at lowest rate on fumlrnre,- -plsnoa; any aeennty note parchsaetl. saBMrtr Loaa office;- 440 Sherlock bldg. - KONEY-TO LOAit on CU-Mtamaa a. - ana r. K. rUley, eos Chamber of Coaa- marc. -. ; . ;v.- t..-. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. 5 AND petvecar., was. Denbolm, z0 Falling bldg. MONET to loait 10.000 at S nrr gent oa city COMMISSIOX afZBOKAJTTaV : BVEBDINO A FABRELL. produce and comnls. Bioa raercnants. lao Float U Portland. Or. Pboo Main 170. ClfJABB ABO TOBACCO. ESRERO-6UN8T CIOAB CO. uiatriiMitors or rtni5 .ciaARS. Portland. OAVCIXO. aJJfS, 0 RANT'S adnlt and rtilldrea'a clasass. vr,etern weaoemy. Morrisoa at., cor. second. BBESSMAB3B0. KKlSTER'S-Ladlea Tsjlortng College:' paf- terna rut to meaaure. AUaky hall 400, 3J Morriaoa t.' - ..-'. MRS. MrKIRBEN, "Brtlatle dreaa aad' doak making. 851 Morriaoa at. . DRESSMAK1 NO Strictly BP -to. data; Is tret designs. - 4eS Clay at. - . dr. a. e BttOWNI.-jr, A. t-f)r hors hospital.. 2 Wash, i'boiavs flay 1078. It.l KSSt Zoio. DB. S. J. CARNEY. D. V. S., veterlnarr srrr , geoa, removed to 2S Gltaaa !, bet. Fourth . s- WW . i. STEIH S ABO' CLZAViXO. PORTLAND STEAM CljtANlNtl A DYEIVa Works r-practical batter la eonneetlori feather Boaa ana plumes cleaned and raried bv bbx pert.'- jll Fourth. - Phone' Clay 704. CLOTHES clesned and preaaed St per month. - Unique Tailoring -Vo., 347 WasblUEtod st, . H. W. Tf'RNGB, profesaloaal dyer and cleaner. Soft Jefferson at.:. Phone Msln 2313. ILECTBICAL WORgj. - "."" "' " NORTIIWEST1 ELECTRICAL ENG?NEErTnO - Company. 3"0 Stark Bt., Portland. O. K. for everything Mats 1RS8. In the electrical lino., , Phont FUBBITTfBB FACTOBUS. ORBOON Fnrnltsre Msnufaeturlng Company , MsnufactBrer ' of furniture for tb Irsde. Portland. Or. . .- , . FI'RMTrRPT Ttia'lllfaetnrlne sad aneetsl i.deia - L. Rnvenaky's film I hire factory, yo. Front at. FIBABCIAL. PRIVATE FIJMHJ SAFELY- INVHBTKIX I re. eetve', dally 2 to A airpllcstlon t.w farm loons BkleB will net lender ft to t per cent per siinnm; I personally exetuln air laaxla and titles offered aa security; 10 vara' ex perience ; beat refereneea, -' --, ANDREW I, CHF7.EM, AftneneV-Bt-t.aW. ' 20-27 Wsshlnrton bldg., Portland. Oregon ' Phoiju'JLj0 " ' ' 1 . ' . FOBEST BESEBTB SCI IF. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE Ap proved, aorestrlcted. ready for Immediate ante; lowest pries. B. F. A F, H. klley. mm Chamber of Commerce. SBOCEBS. WADHAMS A CO..-wholesale crecer, . facturers and commlaaloa arorchauta. aad Oak sta. t : . .' AI.LEN A LEWIS, vntnmlsstoa snd prndnew atey chant. Front aad Da via sta.. Portland. Or. - HOTELS. HOTEL Mgr. Pendleton, Pendleton, Or. F,,W. Walts, HOTEL Portlaad. A merles a plaa; 33, IA per day. IfrkTEL St tlawge. I'edlet.; leading hotel. BELYBDKUE; Europe plaa) 4th gad Alder at. J. J, Bouu, maufr. human bat rati. 4M 8. -Oth. fbooe ka.l till, titors. Bed atarrlsua St. ' n zmrr-zt r-i tti rr y T' t -jii' t- S WITCHES FOB SALE. SWITCliKS made, combluga bonght or foi'i t ! order. B4 . Tveelftb st. " Pboos East If lu. IVSUBABOE. ISAAC U-HITE. M luaurgnc. yrsjjpejtgai hi.lg. ' S 'l-.j.; e J, . AS.' Mrl. WOOD, employers' liability aad In dividual aert.teut surety boBda-et all ktoda.'' - Phon 4T. U3 McKay bldg. . II. F. B ARTELS COM PAN Y-Bs.e Insttranra. 443 Sherluck bldg. . Oregua Phone Clay alli.- FIRB INRl'RANCkW. P. Kennedy A Co.. 321r MharkMHa. bldg. Phone Mala lS6d. . .,... ARTHUR WILSON Firs lnsorsncs. bldg. Phone Malai 100S. , Sbsrlsck -V-r ;irar. . 7 LOCKiMITHS. LtMKSMlTUIt 3S4 L'nhtn 1,14. Katt Baroslde. i Pboo BT AOBBTIO- KXAXIKO. MtUL tf II. HAUT aureesafally treats art" dls. rasea; Btetbwl Uught. , ' "New Thought" ft ding-room, an .Toaray bldg.. .Mala 4113. -e AIAS3A0X. FRENCH ladle give hatha and massage treat ment. 208 Fifth at. Phone Main IMS. . L---Jt--', TUSICAX, : r - SfclJ'-l'LAYI.NO PIANOSCoclllaa aelf-play. log planoa pronounced the beat by Jxadlng rmualctiis; also Cociilsa piano u.aycrs. . K. Vi'llla Mualc Houae. uTiO Aider at. 1 LESSONS BOc; plane, -organ, guitar, banjo, mandolin, violin: Instruments fur sal. Mra. Martin,. 241 .PtiBt.. cue Mala. Studio 12.. SECOND-HAND Bantlcal Inetrutaenta of . all kinds at hiweet prli-ea, cash or lustallmeau. - Flaher Maatc Co., 100 Third at. - . MR. AND MRS, H. A. WEBBER, ben to, mando lin, guitar luatractlon. Main 30, 1T3, W. Park. BUBSIBT. COME AND SEE CHOICE roses, trees, etc., Ocklry.tjreen Narscry-.-- IMum- JMl.-r tr-carr aann j i i OTCTAIXB,, BOSS OF THE ROAD OVRBALLS aad mecha. tea- e mining: anion mad. Neuatadter Broa.. . manufacturers, Portland, Or. ' , MAKB MONEY) L'SB PRESS CLIPPINllSt - King ap Black II aad order a month s service. .covrjDg ovary tow lalaer er all -coast - :, state: dally areaaengar aervlcei ad vanes re. . -porta on ku coo tract work.- PortUad offlca - 10S Second at. FIATDia. THB OREGON P LATINO WORKS. 401 Weak. Ington at. Phvae 2&7S. - Folteklng. plating ana lacquenng. FAIJTS, OIL ABO 6LA3S. F. E. BRACII A CO. Plonaer Paint Cot. Bailing ' the bet . thing made In paliita and general ; building materlala; srlndew-glaeB and glaaltut a specialty. 13S t rat at. Pbooe Mala 1384. DASMIJSSEN A COtIobbera, parnta. Au. glaaa. ' fash and oora. SVeond gna Taylor. FLTTlfBXBS. DONNERBERf) BADEMACHER, ssaltary piumoera a Foortb St. 1018 ph. FOX A CO., aanttary plnmbera. 231 Second bet.. -Mala and Salmua. Oregoa Phone Mala SOOI. . FBIHTIHO," Ht'SHONO A CO.'-r'rnnt and Stark-ata.. prist-. In, lithographing. . blank book a and offlca -leappllee; work done oa time! most complete print lag tSv la tb west. - Mala lot, ANPERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY nrtnttna "I V r,r,av. vuu .leJoaa. rwina nata utv. SOS Alder st . , , . . , ; ' .. . I BOOFtlffK TIN-BOOFINO. gnttrrlng. repairing snd gsosral Jobbing, J. LoeH. '313 Jefferson St. BOFK. , PORTfiAND CORDAGE CO. Oorner Foartceath ana) wortaruB- ata..- Porttand. Of! P.. C ATAMP.. WORKS." 340 Aider st. Main 710; rubber ptampa, aea is. ateneila, bag. gage, trade, checks; send for catalogue. i SHOWCASES ABO FIXTUBES.' SHOWCASES ef s.ry deseriitrloB; bank, bar . aad ator fixtures made to order, Tb Lntke Msnnfwetiirlng Co., .rnrtlsnd. t . ' , - BTOBAOE ABD TBABSTB. SAFES, pianos and furnltnre moved, packed ' ready for shipping snd shipped; an work guar a atecd; lar, 3 a tor v. -brick. Sra proof - t warehouse for storage. Office 128 First at. 0. M. OIENr-Phone Main 847. - 1 . C. O. PICK, office MS-Flrat at betweea Stsrb. aad Oak at.; phon BBS: piano and furniture ; moved nd parked for shipping; comsaodloas ' re-ptwof, . brick . . warehoaaa. . Front .. aad ' Clay ata. - . .. - '-., - STOR.A.OB spsee 874 Wstrr t, .. rompsny. n let In oar Slgler MllUng new bolldlng, A CoinBitasloa UvDf t WfJ IDUSTDftWll fA llaaa ' J ''"tir ai b and Coocb Bta. j-t 'V" V- ri: SAFES. Sey-aa airs ga s-irtt'H thick walls, nor fireproof, repaint ges erallyr-eschantred safes, bargains In "theses , fariion steel eelHng: ISebold srork.' inclndtn f 'Jsllsr tnvostlgnre. . ' t. B. Dsvta, M rrajiej ,t TBAB8FZB ABD HATUNO, OH EIION TRANSFER t. 1.14 North Sixth., - l"boie Mala 80. - Heavy haulliat and storage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. tOOH Wasb . Ingfoa st. Phone Main 082. ' TTPEWEITEBS. YOST.. TYPE WR1TEB IlKAIKjUARTERS . 1311 M'irk Street. ... WjU rent, repair, s.dl. irbange typewrlttra. y i All supplies' for a machines. -Standard' roach ines. 823 and ap to 3100. .-lu yoa want rtenogrspber or typist t ', Ws hare list of good simllcaBt. . Phon Black 2S71. , ,..'-. ..,.' ' TIMBEB. 'HAVE cbolc niece of timber land In souther a j ,"'-,, i.kjj rump. . j v, tearaij. est TOWEL STDPPLT. CLEAN TO-WF.Lfl DAILY Comb, brush, ane. ' 31 per tnnntbt Iwrenc' Towel Supply Co.. Frwth and Chech. Pbone 420. VIOLINS. We. i. A. WKtiCO, violin maker and repairer; all work first ctaaa. .- 23 kassell hhl. Inani aad tsftrriol. . ' ,1 ' l .-; r . , : " it- rrgii. .. i . WALLFAFZB. . - UOKU.tN WALLPAPER CO.. ISJ.Is st., bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Portlaad. UBOR LEADER IS TRIED" FOR ATTEMPTED MURDERS ; -7 " 1 -...--- ' . .. llonrasl Special Service.) J i 1' f .' Hartford. Ind., Keb. S. Paul bL Pr"r of Flttabiirs, president of the- national onrrtnlgatloii of window glaa rorRnra, was put on trial here today on A t'hargd of etHH.Ung Ollie Wnlkcr wltti Intrnt to kill. - Tha fracsa occurred laat fall and was tli outitrowth of n factlohnl flulit nmonE tha window Kins workers. . Tlia . faction., of which 'Mr. HI. peter la the head ha arlsmed eminent counwl rny his do fense and Ilia trial iiromlatg la d uiif of Inttnge lulcrcut, ,, t) . 'V--.-- 12 t . J .