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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1905)
czzzl.: lily jou:::; al. vqzitlmid.. Friday evening, fedruary 3. v. : . v POTATO OARRET IS . - CROVIKG VEAKOR Outside Markers Are Invaded by Colorado and Values Are Showing Decline. . ' ,v r.' H GREELEY SENDS STOCKS - . V ,'-V TO THE SOUND-CITIES ;" V Freight Rates Made by Railroads 7, ; Are Unequal and Results 4 V-' I-' I . iu , ' '"f 77 - ; r . Ill .W . W .Wiyt: m.:. - rrunt Street. Feb. .aiThe .neluclpal teeter , of tlin pert la ad whuleaale market today are: Mluneapoil buyer of ' wheat. ; . 1 - Folate Market le weaker.- rt ' i'elorado putatoea t t"rt eound. . , ',. . ! .-' Onloa amrkot not Be food. , -x V-v' if : vt t . nig rut bum lu weal baeon. j . hlckea enpplle all cleaned up. re,a ntraipiare- nfy active. Kaga' ebniuga iumI InM. Cheek market In good shape. - v V-.; . -" ' ' rW Karlut b Waakar. 'Thi. altaallua. In aotalora ta not Mroaf durlu llM .pact tf aara. . Ilia aftarlac " , by Ilia ritm ara Urf rr an taa-ar - -?--wnfaTwatk-rwmlwf -aaw aMocta Uia market. ' On una tho aiarkcia vhh-k 4Mwua aad V I'urllaiMl tlrpanda upon. t uk cara vt lu 1 ' . pptlt- ft iwialon la takHi away aaJ alvra i ivri Into tba. tcudnr ol Ut t'lorado narkrta..' , , . PrtUa4 la Slaorimlaat Acaiaat. ' .Jim ika aaatiot ( auiatoM tba I'ortUud aurkM la irtr aiMcb dlacrlailBaHKl,' agahait br tba - nflroa4 oniiaii1a, la, imyar of iwoni". "f-fiOorailo ran bow ablD Batktuaa ta tba Pa- rlfto rMat iKk rtMpw tbaa aoma of -tu t- aaiao laM b iwW br tba mttifejnta ' r; kI thla rll. Orartar. tWa., aaw-baa a -rata , of SAc 'iMT houdr4 pouuda o potatoaa and " milotil to tbe fartae eoaat and tba terrltor ;--;,!: tiU-h FurlUnd baa alwaj-a bad full awaj .. ,ba, bf n luiaiW , i ' i' Oatalda Xutet Oaatufad kir laaaiy, "- All.uf the aatalde aiarbeta wltb 'tba wa. r .i,l. ntina mf Baa PraAclafo bava brra i -...i.7.i k iha mii4hi loral croararal J.. . . . . . . - n.i. .V. I m I Arlartna aa rbaap that Hortuna bmthiii ara an loncar aabad -terlfa b,tba Uada ; , . of that tarrltary. . - '. . i '.. " iuna1lnlVa" ta' SaaTTHBn ' . Horn rabr latara .- late bjja " :' -t-i j ... v.. ivUra tturkot. Th lJ. t, lin.l.t tu rrlam bt BOr 0r 'tauBdr ---i iwuada. wbl.. bn addrd to , tba Hrtathms : ; f..b. faleraUp. make tba potatofa auat . V ell aiarket; Wltb Orrfr oala paln 5C " V: mil la tba wontrr and B a irvuu n " , SuVic to aaa FraarWx-o- tbata U wit cb .fJi'fnr fomprtltlne. Tba-mir tbliaf tba aawa ---tba lrnn nutatfwa tnm bchi abut ot alto : Mbr bj tba t that CH'"rB'a apM Ilka : h.iM th tboaa from tolorado and ara. wllllur W-pax a aliahl aoaw m j'-r.t. . ,'. i-ij laaadad.' Taai ' '-t "y Cmbr baa tow ecr to bome.Jban U yrtaiwl 4- nirbt Orfo" .potatora, i i rvl time . t aara ar "r,",Jr that -atte t tba l'ut aooBd rkae.- Paring 11.Z . d.rl orralrr ' aetata . maw tw u-i" ' , . . r, th fiaopla to ardaa aooda Aorn pir wiiaiwi , .... - - '' loyal to tba bona prwaii- r ' - . an. Cut M la Laeal Baooau tt nmittnf' tlar anaoonaad a aarara .t t U.lforq..r aolallona ovIJ - u( 2c" r' wtia oooar mo -- rtwiJC KH.T.itMVlaa U Claaaad Up Thlrkana ara u 5',M a -j-yiiai -aaelpta.Ualojaatarday . ettarnonB ' : - ... .V- ' .11 -a ea ah ma t, arra Tara Hbaral. but the fcaina m mm .- ,tb lop prt" ruwo.v r ' " . CrteiMarala 1aa Ara X5aiaf . , HnpnlliMi bf a from loral ; polnb rarnala , Vary imll and The mart ia"a'?T Quit llharal abll)ila ar( now btni,raoelad '-t..n f'af.auln1r ainraaa aaary day and thla kapa v- ,T-"tnft,,ui .rv?'hw'U''1.' .- aitlatioa'tn Hraa Akaut ta Cbaaga. " rrom fanerat utld alrnaaa tbera will : ., ba a vbaoaa In the b altnatloa. JWrtb -"llM. Imlb) and tba- baara ara JIB thlr Battla :,d both alala latory. AU "JT". ""T!!!; , Mill haw a hrp. adTanae, bnt tna .Vflaatttm h hr. Waal It will W'uca ue uoV ' . Vaata Ara Tary Aotlaa Frab meat were 'ttj- aellve today Tba 'iTOorlpta ara awra liberal, but taara m a -,dHadi or-aM thlii thaLaooiea ,at Jirlcea ' Oiat hold aloaa to tba top. , ' trtay a wholeaala laioUliooa, at rarUtd, ara -aa rmww.i - : -- s" "?- laTana. Waal Bad HMaa. V'1 HOP-lo. HJ tbotoai KtJijHa WiHL Onttaiia loo ellp. t2lBr: aallar, Kirn to BMdluaa, 16fcnc; ilaa. lTklSe; aaat ' - '.ara trenii. Ida.- --.r-.r : .; .. .v - u M1HA1H NaW. 80e. 4 MIIKKfaKlbS .bbaarhuf, lOQJOel abort wool. ii:kc; aiedluej wool, JOi0c, . loaf wool, awftfl.Oo each. ..: " TALUiw-HrlBia. ea lb. dOBc; No. aad areaae. -f12Ue. . ' - .' I., t lllTI IM AOK at per lb; b"Tlnt prlca, 1 HIDES (try bldaa. ho. 1, Id Iba aad a a, '4 lieiiHc per lbr dry kla, No. I. U la Ba. t laoi -dra aalf. bo. 1. undra, k-laa,- -y aaltad bulla and atae. 'aaa tbaa dry eintl -.;altad bid. elwre. aoood. Iba or aw. (ai . : bo to 60 Iba. Be; aadrr 60 Iba aad cewe. la .. mnA iMiiia. Bnood. da: klD. Id to .,. aoan.l. uadtr 10 lDa. aCi araae lonaanani r , par-lb lew: aalla. la par le uai aorae aiaaa, - Jialtet. aaob. 1.21.TR: dry. aach, 1.001 0 ' . rolt bidaa. aark, K9i0t; foat ak'na. eoaoBMHa, earh. inllk; Aaora. wltb wjal an, each -SM$$lMk- -i :.:..:-; ZI:S '."S, v-y.. attar. lira aad .eltr. . '-.BrTTrR KAT dwaat. me;.'mr. e.' e m 1 1 KK Cltr - ereeaiery, . - baM, . -. dSta; arn.iid frade. IfTHc: outalde fancy. Me; ordl.' ' -i.ary, !lt,e; California. i.K)ri atorf. 12S -'"" I a ' ' .' '" -' KCC Na. t ffteh Oraaub;. aaatrra, 1MKK8K Naa Tnli rreaai. twin. 14 u, a 1 Set -..Toana .America, ISel , aaatno. 15lla; tbaddnr. IBc. .. . . - . ." r .- ltl I.TItr Oilakena. ' mlad. nJ4e par ---ta Hi; bene. 12a par Ih; ropatara,- old. liar v llf; j.Kine. Il'd par. lb; brollere. ITMe par HIT trrara.- lie Bee- Ikl dnak. .ikt 10.(10 . par Ana; aeaee. P( paa lb; turkaya, J7o par lb; '. drruad. hiXIV par lb. . , Wll.l UAMK Teal. wioaaoa, ' JhTniw 2.rt!r aiallard, S.tX)4(3.t(0; aanvaabaoka, at- ,---.. f . J . eta ha, Turn yaaav .. d ' r- Wlir AT Walla Walla, blaeatrat, PHfl U -'klr; liay HTHtXC. - - - " baki icr-it.o. 123.10: roiled. laa.TS; bta. to. wiw. . : "- t. '"'" ' ' , I'ORN Wliota. 2oo toa; ackd. tn.Ob. -' '. 1' W YBj 91 RS par eat. - OATH Prodnceee' price So. 1 white, 92T.W; trar. 2 001 2f .00, ' fLOl i Kaatara Orefon atanb. ' $4 ! etralrhla. : IS; yallay. M W fraban. Ue. tt " MIX': Ja. 14 46; rye, SOa. do.OO; balaa. 19.75. - VtlljITfKH-llrH. SHl.m par loo: m!d . - dMnea. .UOt aburta, eoualry. 23.lii crop, -) On. . ---" . , !-', ; - HAY Ptadaaara' palre Timothy.. WIMoit ' eallaa, faaay. 14 (XS15.00; ardlnarr. lt 00 ' UAXI; - eaalera Oraeun, lib Onb)ld wt , mlaed, 5i2ilfino; chirar. lunntiiaooi crela, H.iHICtl2.H rbaat. II I .OOdl 12.00. ; . ' . 1-1 : ' Fralta and Teretaalaa. . v-' ' , 4?CTAT0EH Baal Cracon, 00Ui; hay ', II.KO fanay lirrfoa. 11.80 per boil ' (I .-pee, faiai aproiMl rada, par aa,-k; Imr- ". ln urlra 7to; awaata. baat, II tf'tJl-W); faated, dl.Mi l.aj naw rallfomla. S'ala.V.Pa' M'w ' ' J).VKiv--i (H.4,a..1i huyara' 1rlcaa. euaatry, Jjftt A; y.rlla. U4alr par .Hi. 1, i.u , , v 1 ra . l ..4 a.udi abaaa ara'laa, ' Ta par - Hoi; - ovancaa, narel. ' 2.25 par box: aradjlnea. ( i - par box.) Ilandarloa. II. TS v par boat J . nranraei dOusV par boll baaaaaa. per In: Irmona. rbxlra, n 2b pt fio-T. II 71 ' par bm; llma, Mailraa, flna par Kj: plna. ""'"" annlaa, U.ISi . prara. f r nnUI M; eraiiae, - l in par boi: eranherrtee, rajlera. llt.OO jief ',lill: prtfoaa, 2a par Ih. , . , ' KnrTtBI.R Turnip. Il.ntl pa baakt ee Vata. li nn pap aark; heete. II per aark ' Orefan radnra, lac par dna, aht. Oaaava, A" li cwt (.alKerala. 11.31;. leltace, kelbouat KUHN, LOEB&CO. , r " .v - BUY S. P.' BONDS ' V ." ' - ... 4 e ir urmaneu or overbed, "larr Cook To,! m New York. Feb. 1- Kuhn. Loeb Co. bought 7S, 4 Southern Pacific bonds at Tioon. Subscript Ioua.: will not be open - until - tomorrow. -. This rreated a; .e great sensation Jn Wall street, 1 a which would (urprtsed.-to-.4 see. activity In the1 Harrlman t laauea fullowlna;, he; publication 4 px.tiiur item. ...-v .-.. v OUMo aaa doa: areee pap para. Te par Iht an Ml pappura.- tBr- par 4b; Tatary,- Sncjnnc Kar da: ti.mat'iae.' C'lllrornla. f; paranlua. T&c AI1JU; a pleat. l2Ve per lb; atrlua brans. I2ct eaallDower, Me ra doa; bnttar beana. art pampktaa. le. par ll; bm-aaradlb. TOle ir lb) aprnnta, 7a ( arllrbokaa. Il.ooif I 2-i liar doa; Kaa, 10- not' lb; eueuoibera. California bot. uap. I Ltd doa. . .. , ; DRIED KKUIIS Aaplaa. eeppori.tad, Tr aaa-IM aprlcota, pr Ih; aarka. He per lb leaa; peacbea. D4jl2a oar Hi: peera. a fir Ibl nrunee Italua. . HlP-mi pee H; raavb. mt4M.a per lb; CalUorala bUrk. 4. j e 14a -r-a lb; OIKoaaln- wbl.e-. per Ih; phTBiai-prttad. par lb; datee, poldra, da per-lbt farda. II. W per IB Ib bea, . , Oreoarlea. Bata, Bta. - , .' .a8tT3A-ark' 'nba. Id.eOt powdered. .wr.iiiiiv s'aauiaiou. .0.10; oxy graauiatea. .13; 'beat . granulated, o.b9).0i; eitaa C. L. K. . .lu 1 ' ml 1... 1. 1. 1 1 . ... 1 0K- Iwiae ouu advauaa u aaek baala.. leaa le eet 1 .. i. l" "; awpw, laqi lac , per. lav . vHUMit USsQlfie. ' . - . (OKKKK I'aik.tia braada. I1S.M. SAW a-lna B.loa, itm. (a. 4a. sa. 10a. f l.PXPt table. . dairy, sua. ( a.ioU.&0; loua, a.0; Imported Cirerimol, frtie, l6.(l18.'l0f iota. ll-l.3om8.wi; kV Illl.SOtall.oO. aarra- doe.- H.fe; t-rh . HALT 3uarae Half .gronad.- 100a. par Lam, In 2oe.5o; Sua par ton. o.d&e.un: Llrerpool Ineip nK-k.-IS.fiola.oO par toai 60-ib rock. ld.MCd.Tbr luOa, a.T6d i - ( Abo ra nrba anitlv t: jkf laaa than ear hla. Car Iota at epecte! Klcaa aubjed ta tJ Ha-1 net - ; OBAIN PAGS Calcutta, tS.TDdlO par loa. ItlCB tmiawlal Jaian V. 1 aKa! Mo. 4e; New OrUaua bead. tWlc; Adjack. bibc: . BeiANH Bmall h A. wmMtm BtAal rkr t( bayaa, 1 ci Umil; be; MealeaB eedar :J '..""-:-- - '-,- .- NUTS Paanota, TKe; famboa, tV4" per lb; raw. OGMOe Dae ttir rna.twt , , uuaoaaata. UOc pap doa; walnuU. laQlbe par II plna "- inwi2ie per in; niriury nam. toe per u, cbeatauta, aaatarn. 16lily par lb; Bra all aata. 15 per lb; dlberta. 16 loa par lb; faorr pacaBa,'MeiS per lb; aloranda. 13lSe per lb. relate. Deal Otla. Ete. 'm 0rR Para. Uaalla. Ma; ataadard, - HHe; oiaai. ivc; mia oraaa Blaal. ana. . -i COAl OIL frarl or Aatral 4'aaea. 21a per gal: water wblte, troa bhla. 16He par gal; aoudaa. JTa par gal;, fcaadllgbt. HtHlcK. .caeaa gee par en I; troe bbla, 1BWr par gair , UHKKl OIL fare rtvln bbla, C par gaL eaaaa ale par gal; gauulne battle boiled, eaeei U3e par cal: bbla Ane uar a.l: around eaka. ear Iota fcai.OO per ton, leaa tbaa cut lota 190.00 par tou. , . ."" " , " OAXOUNB ad-i., eaaea SSe par gaL Iroa bbn 2c par gal; at or., eaaea Mia par-gal, Bon thla lHe ier gaL- - BBN r.l Xtc tw-dc, eaaaa 34 per gal, - 4roa Wla 1ki,! par gaL J TUBreMUSkln eaaaa Bc per glk woodea bbla, 81 pee gaL iroa bbla, 78e per gaL Iw-lfc ra lotr lit per gaL . - . WH1TK LEAD Too lota. T lie par b; 600-lb ".ISr f leaa kiiare par lb. , WIS6 NAlLeW-Praaeat-bada at 2.d0. s : , : i- Maaaj, flab ard FreeiaUa. - - Pttr.8t MKAT8 rreat atraet Beef, ataera, Alc par lb; uork. block. dAlTe par lb; packera, o'i7o par 1b; bulla. J We par lb; cowa. lieitua aar lb: mntten. wathera aad lemlnv t&7;- ewa. 4d);Sti reaL eitra, gHUA OTa l'r ni.-VY-wiiiarri swu ,, , m. - - HAMS. HAl'itM. Tf. Port la ad park flocall bama. Hr to 14 Iba. 12140 Per-lb; 14 to Id lb. 12a per lb;Iia to Ki ll. fit pap lb; eottaea. Pa par Ibl baatm. 12etlte. na -lb: planlca. H'4e par lb; racular abort clean, bb amoked, 0U par lb; aatokad. iOa per lb; clear bai'ka, unamokad. Pa ,Kr n; aaoked. lot paav lb? I'nloa butt: Id to l liar, unamokad. lie paa lb; amukad, be ,rt lb; alaoe brlllea. aa imnkad; lie par lb: amoked. 12c per Hi MX AU 1.AKI) Kettle laaf, . Kta. 10Sa par lb.- 6a. .lAUc per lb: bo-lb tin. Int. a oar lb:l ataam ranoarea, iii,pe par IPf Be. par Ih; boa, 8'ic parr lbt cowpoand tlereee. 4& per lb; tub, die par lb; bci. dtje pnr lb. 7 . CANNEI 8aLM0N akilumbia rlrer l ib talbu 11.80; -lb talU. M M; faney, l-lo flata. M.OOt n-io xaner nata. ti.xif aeuep-j-ta aeaat, pn-ia; AUika tall, pink. SStjUOc; rd..l.6u; aiaiaal ta. talL 12.00. FI8H Hork rod. W per lb; (blinder. Be per Ibl ballbnt. 6'ic par lb: vraha. II. 3 Der da: Ulped- baa.- luat4a pea lb; ratlWa, 7e pat lb: aalmna. dtealbeada. Pe ear lb: fruat-B allaar- aldea. To per lb; barring, be par lb;, a, ilea. or per la annmua, loe per Ui; aaMr Inini. , per m: parca. oe par w; anaa roe, pe lu; abad. da npr lb: bleak eod. BV nee fn: ra. Inmbla rfrar emett. 2e par lb; allrar amait, be per id;, lonaTera, um; rrean mackerel. Be per lb; rtawBfh. 2M oar doa; loaaiUra. aa par OySTEBA-Sboalwatar Bar.' nee'' eal. per park. 4 00 net; Ulympla, per Beck, gJ.Sa. CLAMS Hard abelL per . bos; 12.00;. rjr viaaaa, per ooz. . t -1 - A COtTOM FUTURES ARE :. ' UP THIRTEEN POINTS iKnrnl.bad by t)rarhck. Btarr A Cooke' Co.'. - New Turk. Feb.. 2.-4jotUMt ahoaraat a Battar ton today and, cloned aboat Jl PollMa klfbar laaa jteataroay. !- . t vtnciat. jrwn .atirirT: - - I" . ...... ........ t. Alarak'.,...I.........,.V.. 71) T1N(1 alay M. ... .v.. ....,..,. 7yd T2iiH L iiiy-a . . T: ; T;iTiB. apt amber .. w .... , ( . rri-r rrrr-r-. . T41 jf 44 October ................ . T4d '744)447 Cloalng Open. i run. Ana naivl a Mining Co A naalpaiaaled 4 'otajirr lt Atebiaoa, romraoB ' Atahiaoa, prelerred . ..v Amarlcaa Kuaar. comaion .......1o2' 1112 - .....T..I42', 1 4.1 American Pmalt"r, .roramoit aa . en American riiaaltiT. prafarrad .....1la 119 Be HI mare llhla, euwmaa) i n4t -im- Brooktyn Rapid Tranalt ....'.;,'.... iu ai Canadian I'acllta. com ............ .l.uiv l,t4U Chiraao.Mllwatikee Pl.fPaul ... IT7 : vrriZ Clilcagn It Xertbwattarn. common .'42 244 neeepeaae at OBIof' . . ; . z. . . .. . , )" bnit Krie, iennMi,n-r,,,f,rt,rf,n, 44i4j - 4414 lllllinl Central . IWlI Liul.Tlllc A rlaabrllle r......'.,..iaf )J lua m,TTT)M,ttaai jra.Mm u ,v.,...lir 1B.4 Manbattan Elarated 170 - 7n Mlaaourl Carina . I .10T14 wu Now ork-tatrBt--.T'.-;i-jr.7v:. ,T-.14t 1w noria Amarlcaa .'..1(14 im bew-lnrk. Ontario A weataen du. " rannaylvanla Hallway . ,..1:401 - 14 retniiaa una. f.ient at 1.0a a J. ...1ai, Reading. .comknMi ..,,,1, ba'. Rock laland. iftaani 'nl' Hi 0414 714 Hob tbam Carina , lt. Lenl A Haa Prancktca, 3d pfd.. T24 1 Triaa I'acina my. rtn. . !) .;84V4 Tenneeaa Cual A Iroa 'U ;7 T 1 1.'. 71 2 t ..1 mj 1 ... . .... . u'.'a 1'nltad Htaia Htaal Co.; enmawtn. . .iv au 1 " . ., .,,T1 J-.l I'nltad Utatea Htaal To., prelerred. . f,u pn Waatarn I'nloa Ti-taaraca . ntu to abaab. pie Irrred .i 1 w 'V Llrarpaol Cattea Blgkar.' LlTitrpool. fek. 8. Ortten Put area S I powie pisaer, PACKING INTEREST 70: - , .; t CALLING FOR HOGS , , ' - ... Portland l.nloa 'Rtoakrard,. Pab. I. Thar rotitlnme a vary good tuna te tka bog market, the .drniand 'from Iba packing Intrraat balua rvaa bottap lhau tbe airtiply. Catlaa and a heap re quoted weak.' Tk receipt! today arer bo ha and lb cattle. . .. . Official ruling ptlceg fotlay: lioea Beat aaatarn tlareon. J t", VI: ; llahl blocker aad China fata. 4JKij!4.7u; atockar and faadcra. ' . Cat I la Beet Malum Orea-ou'-eleera, g4.nn; pytit aad medlnm eteer. I.I .v; rowe, It.iai; nieulnm roeia. 12.11; old and lleht raw. 1:1 .mi: ainrker and freilere, ball, I.M) Hhaep Seal fnej abaap. 11.50: ewea. 4.0 fj4.a.. - .-... . j " r 'j Xal Beta UiTaatlm-. , horn lha-Vilcago Journul. " '. 'All. I not..g4l(l that arlltton.". ob aerved ilia man Who Vk " ford of. moral rrflctloria. -"Nr.; nor nr RfHttT goltf wliTebTlii, aall- mated pa plch In the Briil-rlrMat enlnlng proauectiia." blttarlr laarMi tided , llirara HBnlserHbbl, whi h.fl Invcatlnc .Unequal Freight Rates in Favor of Greeley, Colorado, Force Portland Out? of California -and Other Coast Potato Markets. ';;-; i'lTliS-SIIIFTED I ., , ; ; i; III : HEAT VALUES .... . .-'... 1,': - r--',:! --: Chahge'Occurs in Relative V&l .i ues of Grain In the Chl ; , cago" Market'r J FREEZING WEATHER IS r 1 ; CAUSE OF, MAY DECLINE July Option : Very Strong and Shows a Rise of Half JJverJCesterday. 'JOIIAV H WHEAT1 KABKBT, . tiprn t'hjaa ' Idnae. Ioaa TiMlay, ' Tbura. ; Today. $!.!;. . 1. !' .laS , l.orrpj,; . .WSA . ."!, ; ,W)bV '. ,U0i " Totliy. .ll.lirt. y July ...i. September .oav ' 't Lea. fFnrnlcar-Tf"UlTarl-k." burr A Cooke Ca.S I I hlrarn ,Vah ;l Iba raliUaa aalnaa ,nf -Aba. nm eptwina anangau pnaitiona over niffnc Tbe opening of- tbe market thla morning abowed a etronu tuna. All tbe otitmiw naau ahowsd an advance. Tbe Hay want oaar , tbe man, put mar later in tna aeaatnn. The- lulluaiw-a a blcb eontrolled . tbe market ductuetlona today wa tbe weather. Tba frveae Oear the entire eantral aaat wbaat Bert during tba paat ft-p- daa bag can aad aaoaral i uiitaaf. pea among Ibe wbaat tradera. lb aborta In Iba luura dlataat aptloaa - being aepeclalli Beared. Today'a IbifUng of i wbaat Talnaa a moon tad to a cbauge of aeura tbaa le. While-tba May optica la ahowlng a haw at tba rloee budar of r. both the July anil tba Paptemlier were eery at roue." bath of tbeia abowlug adraacaa over tba paeeloae Uay'a doelnax - - .. Tbe May option opauad 'unchanfati at 11.16 and want -tutUa top a round ll.lTtb. It failed to bdd tbl ailyaace foreeny length of time and rloeed at l.lti. a drop la value of from toe enu or yaetarnay a ataraet. Tlte July -otrt Ion of-wbaat ooawed VBabanaed .11 in- aad beld thla arm tow-all tbrounb tue araaion. it eaaiiy went' over the dollar mark and eloaed at 11.0014, an advance Of r from tbe cldmlng of yeatarday. , . . , - tvptember wheat "waa arm on fair trading for ao far.awav option-and held Ita-early advance to tba obaae. The end ef tba aaaaioo ebxtwed aa advauce of Sr aver tba c toeing of jeaterday.; ; ... Today'a facial marketa:' '' 'r- f - - - ".WHRAT. ', '" 1 I -' ' " ' ' May...'..'V I MTV I lid' f 4J.MV . July.a.U' . . , . t.W-.TT.lVk'' 1.0"b ... , ,. tons .. .4.17 44Ti ... - .4flVi .4b '4 . . i OATS.' ' May.. July.. .44 .41 .30 b ,;;4i4 r MaT.Ti. - ,9nt ;Siti July..-, JOV4 - .SO , , MESS ItlEK Ptjgcr May......I2.S2i, 12.MTH l.2K . U.ITM MARKED BEARISHNES IN 'FRISCO WHEAT Cause Was Loqal and Consisted r"l of Good Rains in Call- r-i 'xr : fornia.: "; (Farntehed by Ortrberk, Btarr A Cook a Co.) Baa iraaclaco. I'eb. t K. T. Hitttoa & l'v Mlj: Marked beurlahneea- waa bown In tba local wheat - market tvrny, -the i a ilea being I I 1 '.. Ml..a ,n 1 1 I k . few day.' Receipt continue light and, tbe demand for ntak wbrat, la good. Speculation ta. drifting Into December, where the abotu feel mora ao. Aa loug aa .anot wheet I la gono aemanq tna, price will, axun eery little. - Barley 4e ateiidy but -way weak later. - May waa wanted. Tbe deauind'rame largely from the aborta. Tbe barley altuatloa blngaa wbolljr uu"n viia ft'meian ana rfapaneaa matteew, .... The ofBclal 11:80 a. m, market; . ' ' H . " WIIKAT. ' .V,., Ope. firetr. Tjqw. ', Cloae. : Mar as : ii. .12 li.fio'A it noii bectmbcr ...1.30 ... i.aiw , .. .. '.-.. BAKI.Kt, -. May' ........22 !. rt.St -l.1i December- v. .IHSj P4tt .M'AV ifeerpeoi Oraia Market. ?-,"-'- Liverpool. Pab. S. Wheal opened i higher and cloaed tiBehinaed from yeaterday,. , HARRIM AN -STOCKS." ? ACTIVE AND FIRM Sales of Bonds to Kuhn, Loeb & ; ' Co. a Great Help to ' . W-Market.l--' ;.'.,'-.: ' ' i -v.. STOCK '"aDVAKCES. ' ' " Amalgamated ..I.KTfKnkar .' 1 '-H Smelter, mm.... .Vt I Bait., A tblo .. 1.124 Krle. CAM vn j." .62tilIIL Cantrkl '.2S Iaala. A Naah.. .50 I Mlaaourl T'ae ... 1.HT14 N. . Central. : .60 I On,LmJWeat. 4.U0 rannaylvanla .. .S7 !(; ............ .,V) C,t P.L mm" ui-efS'Af' eom ... l.l atcrL-iom. .... .24 . Sleet, pfd .... .25 v- ' - BTOCIl '-IXneiEl, - - Atcnleon.xema .1 .2 melter. pfd .IS . Atcblaon, pfd. ., .117 Vai lena. Coal '.....a714 iPurrtlibed by (Vverbeek. Btarr A Cook a Col -Kew Vork. Jn, IV Tba . ataeb -emarket abowad activity today. The ' Uat anowpd a good toaa moat of tba eeeton. J uat before the clone, bowever, there waa a react leu and within, a few ulna tea a biea ef fully 4 of a paint, waa Hhown. j Tba majority of the atneka lev la advance at th eleee. ,-The Ilarrl man laaoaa held en rather wall' an the aal of a large amount of bonda of Moot hern l'a clnc at nona. The prlnelp! fala waa ud br Mlaaotirl rarlfir. which eloaed I1.I7H up. nHaar eaa nrm ana raava ei.ez,f nignar. Reltlmar eV-Ohbv held trae and eloaad 11.1214 np. Ontario A Wearers (old heavily and at Iha eloee today bad advanced IV .over y eater day. jeoaye einciat aivca aaaraet:. A t-EAVCIBCO) WUriXO IT0CKB. Pan ("rneelace. Fab', i, Ofdclal mini nf on- tatioua cioae. morning aaaawn: - - rr-T- HM. -t Bullion .,.;.! .2d IKavaea ...... Bid .1 .mi . .is , .w . . .27 Balrbar .24 l-olnal. ....... dm. CaL-Va ". . S.0S ' M'nlnn Can ... Ophlr , ....... T.IZ',4 Tallow Jacket raicoonia ...... .at KienvHinar . .4A I.SO Mel lean 1.41 - IHale- Kercroea "1. TOXOrAH. gTOChTft.' l- -' .- a -Bld.-t-.-'- Adam -.....1 .Id -IMeirtana v.. 7 Bid. 2.7S , .lb . ItH, , .no . .15. IViluublai Mt .. 7.40 IKed Top .... Ifc-ld.. Aucbor tbild Field .... Mohawk ....... .Id IHamlatorm . .... .17 iHalmont ....... .17 (Mrvada .72 Tou. EltPB .... Jim Butler jiuuno JnrohePiatpa .. ,14-itaold-Mount ... Mc.Ntmar . l.inrl PUt-. Hay OBrlea .. .04 I Mule ay-.....,, AH IBASCI-CO, LOCAL STOCKS. Ran rVanchvo, Frb. 8. Local itorka eloawg. lo:;to a. m. t -. Bid. - Aak. IVmrra Coata Water. ..'..'.i.. an'i 37 Hprmg Valley Water...... H. P. tlea It lilactrW.,i '- "it . A2 . All II 12 iileat I'owib-e . . . . . . Ilawaliaa Poear. ...... i. Pin, ' Trjii ...It. , 24 . Sl.arapi . :Z , 40 lloaokea Piiirar. . . . .. .. . Kl'anra Bngar . , t . .r, ., .. llakawall uaar. Onolnea Bucar. . r. . ,.i I'aanbad Mnenr at 27 Aln-ka, Paekara a. m po IVcanie Ptahlnrr. .77. . 1 line Btato TcbTHwo.. , ...lou .I0T P01TLABD BAkTX ITATIMUf T. I1arlaa ' aetii fitia . aj.4B2.trT ' la ll 'a'Viirn? Van Ir. Thorn rVleo-lr.- nil. , A cut. l aa Dr. Thomaa? E IrjvUlo oa At our drugfta. .. ... filllEAPOLIS BUYS IDLIIESTEf.1 V1IEAT pig Miliing Center Bought at EightyaEight and Three rr.y Quarter Cents. J ' -l : u... COLD WEATHER AFFECTS ;t ; LOCAL WHEAT CROF Broomhall Gives News of Wheat I' n y Various ''-Foreign ' ::; ,t. '. Countries.- :''. "t Turing tba paat two dare there ha been, a great lucreaee In tbe demand fee Oregon, wheat from the eaat and middle weat. There la bow aome demand fee bmaelem even at tba high urlee. and price that will average :w,c INirtlnail waa offered fur ordrre agar. gating bVM.uuo buabela. wbk-h i'lna) from All Br ucajKille mlllera. ; .':--. Tbe paat few daya of bad weather have bean bad for the wbaat crop, bnt a u leaa Ibe chilly, apell mntlituca for aoum time tbe damaie In tlw a-iliwealartt'-liratn-wlll' Tiia: a im -barer:- The eaw rruorta are now cbmluff from 'tbe middle weat wheat belt. " Breuaihall la a late taeua glvaa tba following report of tk coBdltaDB of the' crop lu foreign coUDtrlaa: , Culled Kingdom --Caaimanctng laat Batardae and continuing autll Monday nlgbt; . we bad three Uaia wlta utterly cola raatariy wiwia. tiutflbU raoriiink Iba tamoeflture- 1-muck unoor with brunt auaehine ana ngnt wiuan from ih BMitbwaat. ' lax-all there ha been a aiodarata amount ofenow. bat tba fall due Dot appear to bava r landau to many Ulatricta. A wind rrflat la Banaliy- yulca to mate it in fluence felt on veaeutlou. bat aa far there are bo cemplulnta, and It I thought that, the growing cro aava aniierau bo Barm. . j no aerlciilturMl oanee enntlitue ta give very fa. vorabl acrotmt of th crop attuatlno In tbe l.nltea klngojum, while rarm wera la ami aa aarllwd aa miliaria Uv forward. Tbe official averaga larlce . fur native buillah . wbeat , la KwlulalUHMt'at AO 44 Per naarter at 4S0 pound., But 4f thla la the blaheat of auy raceat yaara, Lut eorraamindliie date, br about ,'M Per ouarler. It la Ofiiatly true mat te yuaniuiae reporieu keep anwller tbaa tbeaa of any raeent year, although tbev may . ranreaeat awwo Bnillug wheat than did thoae reported laat aeeaoa from toe wretched aarveat 01 li. - Hnaala Kurt her heavy fall of aaow ara re ported to bare occurred laat week, bnt onr Oriaeaa- rorreanondeut wrltra that be kaar autae uf tbe aoutbweatera dlatrlcU have only a canty covering, but ao damage baa revolted ta the- arona au far. aa- tbe olanta ara of elg- ormw -arowlbc atxf at -date at report further fall of enow were expected. Owing b lack of rolling etock large quantltlea of grata, are till blocked on tbe Hoe Intb laterlor. aad arrlvaU are eonilug ' In verT alow af Odeaaa. Other -aomliwa- Porta, howevarda Put-XPiHtaf 10 faei,. tna pinca to tne bum eiiant. Ham mania A racawt - ranort from " rrakrva talad that tba weather waa, eery cold, be tba er ilia bad a gomlcovejring ' of nw. It, I (tualed tb only IB to 20" per cent of the let moderetp wbeat crop of 1004 now remali .1 ...A nn.nlltlaa of liarley and nata are all cleaned up. percaatag aantlonad for tba reecrvee of wheat would only Indicate about 8.000.000 bnebem. wblcb doe not look a large quantity ta provide material for eprlng hlpmant. .vow when rein forced by Bulgarian quant It lee. Tba Danube wa completely bbicked by Ice. an January 2. at which time Bullna bald a etock of 4.000,000 arhaat tfoe winter ablmnent. llungary-The weataar iev ween wee-Tata- 'Tlveiy Bllia, eicepi lur wcaaioii.,-toim wiimi. "The crop are almoa'c without a now rover, but littler anilcty I felt, aa tba. planta are rebuat end-did -net auffee-from the aharp f met of tbe weak prevloua., Trade at Buda Heath la eatreaieiy dull. - Boma- parcala of -forelgdi Jiave bean forwarded to aoothera Ocrmany, aad ether a are expected to follow, . Areahtlna ajnr ' cable of laat - week an- neaiBced- That, tba weather continued favorable for bar-reeling. . Offer of thaw wbaata have bean ntore tilcntlfnt dnrlng the laaf aevea day, but It la noticeable that they conelvt moetly of light welgbta. . Kblnmeata laat week were a ma II ana are eapaciea o vr ewunv uar evarat weeka kniger, ' ;'! Auntralla Advice Jtiat to hind from Adelaide confirm th newa that . thla aeaaoa'f ' wheat nr V excellent qnallty. .''".,. -liiw Jueland Our correepoadent at Cbrlat church wrlle that, tber .1 every reaann to eiiicct a bumper barveat. aa they bare h4 a aplaBdld anpply of rata. From Oamara wa bear that tbe crop prouita 'WelLalthough tbay are "indlS The tatt bfne-f1rt nffldat reporta conttrmv tba neesa of a - decrenae ef T00.i acre la' th.fvnJab: aUo lb Bonlbay a fair decreaae la lndciaL but 1b tba laat mentioned owing' were tiuprogreee at date of reporta: Berar haa a aharp decreaae of 23 per cent on tba abnormall large area of laat year. On th etber band, tber baa been an tnereaae of 1 per cent ob th large acreage of tbe I rifled Province, and th Central -Province, bave Inarraaad I pee -eenl on 2.P0O.O0O arre. What the final acreage, will turn out to be la dotibtfnli but at" any rat Indicatlnne point to aome decreaae, ami It la a fact that th da crcare baa bean .canead by deficient ppllea of molatur: Tbe laat montha of lb aeaaon were. In fiat, very drouthy In aereral Impor tant growing aratlntra,- and on cannot- Kaaa Ine that aneh candltlona can have made m really good plant; In fact, tbe report mention that In the, Bombar i-realdearp th crop waa with ering Tor want of water oa oulrrlgated land aud la Bind tbe water eupiH waa deficient. Further. In aome eectlone In tbe center and aourb of India th affeata of tfce'drouth Wee ao aerere that famine eoBdltlos are ca,aated to prevail later, and tble may curtail neat ara-Baw'a- exnertabm aorplna. In , the meantime. ahlpmenla are neavy. ana are, ,o " tlnoe. at any rata In. tba near totere, whim bv 4tie -way ablpper. offer la any poaltloa. one rarmnt anpnnee that tbay feel at all an loua aa to',the reeiili of th coming barveat. Cbllti-Mall advtcaa aay that erop new eery Varied, but th outlook In tbe aoatk appear to be fairly good. - , - , Frabna - Tbe weather ta . changeable, and grower are aald to be anmewbat aailoaa aa to Ita effect on the yonag crop, but o far tnere are - bo camplalnt of actnal damage except aa occa.luaal neine wiia a waaa plant. Trade on provincial maraet ... wm Itaati dr eulb-wTIB prima anaaa W.C.T.U. INSTITUTE . . OF DOUGLAS CLOSES .',' y ' . ; ' i : ''' ' 1 Special Dlapatcb to' Tka" jonraal.r - : Drain. Or., rebv--the kdcontj day's aa.pion of the Dbuglaa county W. C. T U.-tnarttie aHrnvMel avt-l8 -o'clock thip morning. The ODenlng -devotions were conducted by Mrs. Zedle Blnhop el ion. cal la,. The "Importance of Departmental Work, by thr-county president, waa tha next ea. the program. . Among; tbe subjects of the, forenoon were; "Medal ContesC" by County Bup erlntendeot Miss Clarai'RIUdlo of Riddle; Sunday Observance , Jnn. farrie Snaed. of Drain; "Peace arfil Mercy," Mra. U Rounds. Btata'.wupetiptandant; "Wtllard Memorial Fund." Mrg. Iutae Braaee. Roaebtirg; "Igtalatlve Work.-" Mrs. Blahopi 'Noon Time Praysr," Mrs. Bell Black.' Drain. ' - ' The afternoon session.. opened . with devotions conducted by Mr. Amy Haa rlem. A variety or subjects wbre taken up-lhhe aftbrnoon work, among the principar oeinaj w nai . smii or, too Next 8tep in the Abolition f- the Drink Traffic and the Tobacco Habit.- This toploy waa-nlven more th'dh ordinary at tention and ezpreaslona ol opinion were eagerly listened to by all present The closing: seeslon of tne rKjnventioti convenes at J:S o'clock this evening. It arHt open wiih devotion followed by aoeclal music, county -oratorical medal contest, recitation and report of Judge. The urrkcntatlon of the . medal will tlien be mad, after which mn ale fol lowed by the benediction will bring; in a rloae oar Of th most successful meet ings of this character ever held In Doufla county,- ; '. . . , f j . i a i SXla- TroaUe, . " ' .J" Krm tli Philadelphia' Pread. ? '"He would never have larloma so ad dicted to dilnk if it haOn't ten for the tronblo hs had." . ... "Why. what trouble did he have?" -; 'lie had trouble -peeping1 away from It".:, .. i '.'..'". . '. J - SPECIAL PRICE Price. " -..,-li'."wl l'ltic Can Corn, 3 cans. 10c Can Tomatoes, 3 cans. ............. .25 20c DorenOriiiges, 2 dozen . ...'.:.'...... 25 - J3c Packape Ralston Oats, 3 packages .7725 12J2c. Package Rasins, 3 package?.',..,. ..23f 10c Can Van Camp's Soups, 3 cans,. X. . 23 5c Can American Sardines, 6 cans. ...V..j,23j 5c Can Deviled Ham, 6 cans.. ,...,....,.25 5c Can Deviled Ham, dozen cans... ......45 15c M lnceCIams . . r-THT. .r.Tr. vTi'.-rlO- " 35c Package Nabisct Wafers, packaged.. 25t 15c Can Pheasant Brand Peas, 2 cans. .. .254 15c Can Fruitvale Corn, 8 cans. ..','.... .25 "45tCan Fruitvale-Beans, g capsV..-;. ,..25 We wish to call your attention to the fact that quick sales and small profits is the- basis on" "which we workif your dollars are worth aajnuchas Tyouieighborjiln us. 1 J 'i ; P. H: RRRVRS. Cut Rate drocer ; ' NORTHEAST CORNER TWELFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. : Mention ThhCXistlWhen Ordering. PIOIER OF 1847 flIEBHLBANy pjieumonia Causes Death of. t George W.l.Burkhart, WeJI-. Known Valley Resident. ; DATE FOR FUNERAL OF V- EDWIN STONE ARRANGED PortlandMinister; to Conduct Services . Many Pupils . to Be Promoted. . t ' v t Special Dlapatcb t Tbe JeuraaLl ,'rT - Albany. Or.. Fcb I, Oaorga W. Burlt bart, a, -well known, resident of thla city and a pioneer of 1147, died, in this city yesterday after -a. "Short illness, aged II years, of pneumonia. 'Deceased wag a, native, of pes- Moines. Iowa, and cam to this country In 1147 with his parents who roctattd In this city. Here ha'haa lived' alt-, tils llfd and was prominent In tba affairs of tbe city and county. In the eorly eighties hit .served this city several - years as city marshal 'And he department. For a number of years he conducted: m blacksmith shop and until a few days before bis .death he was the picture of health. He leaves- a widow and -one rown daughter.- '.Twr brptbjers and two sla- -4 aa mlaiei anrvlv. him. Tha rfunral im tbelng held thle - afternoon, from - the 'United" Presbyterian chtlfch. Deceased did not belong to-an lodges. , V1'1 . yTaeral of aiawla Stoae. .. The funeral of the late EdsIn Stone, who died laab Monday morning as the resnltjef - Injuries - and bunts, received at Newport last- Sunday rooming while asleep In his room In a hotel there, will be. held, in mis city Tvunaay srternoon at X o clock from the Masonic halt, Rev. Mi. Chambers of Portland conducting tne services under the auspices of Bt. Johns LaOdge No. 17 A, P. A. A. M.. with Temple Commsndery No. I, .Knights Templar, and .Albany Lodge Nr. I5, B. P. O; Elk. acUnfc' as escort.-J Many pri sons from outside the city have signified their Intentlorl to attend the funeral. Frorra.Yaqutna bay two carfoada of peo ple are expected and an excurslo!) train from the east end of th line will bring many -of-.the- friend of deceased here to ayend the funeral. ' -, - Mr, Stone's son, Wllllara Stone, of Eu rekavCaLJav expected; here tonights end Superintendent Con SuUlvan, who went to California .two weeks ago, --returned home laat evening. Mr. A. B. Hammond. president of the Corvallterds Eatern rail road. Mr. Btones wmployer, who was here early this week. Is expected" to re turn to the funeral. .-. -Mlg1. Bchool- anaottoaB.T. The Albany high school haa held an examination this week and aa a result a large number-or tne pupils in the school will be promoted. - A new class ef II will enter -the high school with tbe opening of th new term arid the school will be badlycr.owaea untie the end of the year. ' . f . THIS HAPPENED AT- THE COUNTY JAIL TTIttmrTWryrmprlsoner charged jrlth a statalory crime, this rooming turned th county jail Into an office and paid hla crew- of ldggcfa. Day 'baa been con ducting aMogglng camp at Rocky point. employing-S ien.-JIawa.. arreated Monday morning and was compelled to dlschsrge bl crew. . . j "Trom"th Chicago New.- - Ida I hat Mm. - When he passes. I slam the door. . 1 ; - May-Indeed 1 ' 1 1 ; ri v Ida--Yp, and when we meet,! stamp ihv feet. -.. - - i. ' - May You dont aayf When are you going to be married? ' too lats to TaAggrrT. WAXTCta A. gentle 'ware dog: Bruit he a - BI'IX and -the- 4Htlletbe- batter. Address I o o. care-Journal. -" mAKCIAL. " rBTtAJHV TBBT C0MPA1IT OF OSXteOAV Ve. 10 THIBJ) T-. , , Tk Older! Tract Company la Oragea, 1 CAPITAL, 1300,000. TCa eoadnat a general paiikrug bualaeaa. - VTe leceir caving avjxailla. W laane Uae car tlSralra and eertidcatee ef dapualt payable apoa 10 oar a can, au aaye can or m aay- r. II. wltb lnteraat at 8(4. Im. and 4 per cent oar annum, eeabectlvely Call at Mil for ear book ef - ILLUITKAIIOSS. BK.NJ. f. CflTtKN. . Pre aidant II. L I'tTTOt K.. B. LE PAlltT.. J. 0. (eOLTBA,... , 1 ; . . . Vlee-Preelrient li.Baeretary .Amlataat Saeretary UaTD0 : Cbaakar af AJT TBAVC1BC0 LIMITED. , BAaTX, Cemmerea amlldiag. Third sail . Stark Straeta. . . ftaad Orde. IS Old Broad Street. f.oadfle. Thla bank' trsaaacta general banking hual. aeaa. ma aaa loan, dlaewanta bill end lame tetter ef credit a veil. 1,1a for traealera aad for tbe porrhaa ef aierebaBOia Hr any city ef tbe world. Deala In foreign and domaatle exabaag. ' lot area laid ea all time drpoatta. , ,. W. A blACRAK. Maaagee. . MIBCHAVTI' VAT70MAL BATfK, POBTLABO. OBXOONe t J. FBANK WATSON Praaldent R." U I'CKriAVl),a,,....,,".,.,'.Tlce B. IV. lloT Caahler VBOHC.R TV. POTT.. Aaatafant Caahler Traaaaeta a Oaaara Bankina Buarae. Praft and fx 'era ( rrellt taanaa Available AI1 Parla of tha vVerld. Collactloo a "prclally. Oold Puat Beegit. 'ipeA.' Wca,f .Rj. price,' " v; .'. , . ,.. a ,23 fic.Lb. Rie (good).32 ibs".".!,.'!.." CcXb;t5. V: Beans,"23 lbsr .'.iv. tfl.CO 5c Lb. French Prunes,, 15 lbs.. .......... ,23 40c M. & J. Coffee, lb... a..... ......... '.23 $1.25 Box Red Apples .'; ... . . V. . - .05j $1.50 Box Red Cheek Pippins. .... 1.15- 20c Mackerel, each; i';,....v ;..,...;. 15 . -40i Gal. Homfmade Sauerkraut gal, .30 4l)cGal. Knight!s Dill Pickles, gal..v....30 '25c Bottle Snider'a Catsup, 8 bottles . . . . . .35 $ Gal. L. Ce--Maple Syrup, gal. .., '.$1.20 7c Lb.' Best Italian Prunes, 5 lbs.c. . . . . .23 ' Delicious: Dinner 1. ! , You recently ate at some1 friend's bouse waa probably due to the excellence of "." the . ingredients, which, no doubt, were supplied by . Fellows Grocery - Company. Their goods whether -meats or groceries are alwaysthebst obtainable.. r,,Z-. ..'-.,' - -. : r":- i l-lb. can Solid Pack Kaatern Tomatoca, (LIS per doa.; reg. retail price lie can ' -r'. 30 1 On dog, boxrs Firelight Parlor Matches. Gallon can Choice Table Byrupj H ; :. gallon cans :.enta- . -7 60 Gallon can Fancy Sugar Syrup; H-gJl- V-Tr -Xon can centa...-:..-.,.,. " 91.00 '::.'3.-kv' . -Gallon 'can Puxtj , Mapi ' Byrup. hzz' 20f 7::.7v::;,-::. ;'i ---Can Baker's or ahirardeUl's Cocoa, 15 t can Standard Tomatoes. . .'v '- 91.00 - IT Iba. Dry qrMulatedJ'agar.. - Z5 ; Pound good- Uun Powder Tea, ' -L." .'' ; ri5"-'' ::. v Pound. Fellows' Blend CostA Rica C.ofTe. Fellows Grocery Co; Pbon Mala S8M ' Jft. WaabJuMrloa St. ENTERPRISE CREAMERY .. A. J. Hagen, Proprietor. ; 1 Headquarter for...".. n.vA-t, TiUatmool. Butter & Cheesii FRESH 8MKLT at -feUll or by the lyx at Ipweat jpirlces. l.uJ- . CHICKBiMS Only fresh gelibcted stock kept-oTcotd storage cnicaeno..- una u ,iii. nv are handy to. your car., , .,'-;. 127 FIRST STREET Berweea WHliiartM sag Aldaav sowaToro, lorxxn co . (EaUbllahed 1IIS.) - r ia aits stoox Moxzaji. . 7" : aVom 4, tirouxtd FI00T7 ' CaTAJCXXB OT CTaOCBBOa.' riVAKCIAL.' SICUBJTY BAvTBOl TBTJST OOatPAaTT, M Mrriii St., Pert lead, ,0r, TraaMota' a Oeaaral Bark'ne Baala. BATTIIOB DEPABTMCNT. IntarMt Allowad on Tim and 8aV,ng Depoaltv Acta aa- Truatee lor utatea. Drafte aad Lattrra ef Credit Avallablo la AU Parts of tbe World.. 0. F. APATIS...... PreaMant U A. LEWIS.,...., Flrat Tlce-Prealdanl A. h. K.C'-. .......Secood Tlce-Praaldaal B. 0. JVBITX ...-.u. Secretary u aTXTZD STATFS PATTOWAL BAWK.- or yoin.eD. oiehoi, SSOBTBrVXBT COB. Till AD AMD OAX STt.4 Traaaaeta a Oeaaral Baaklag Buaiaea. 1 IRAFTS ISSUED, a ritla of thrnTfrrSrafea aad Kerop, Hong Kong aad Manila. . OOLLXCTIOaTS MADE OaT T ATOBABLI TEBbTI Praaldent. ..v.... ...... C. A1NS WORTH Vice Prealdant...... W. B. A YKR Caahler ........... J.Pn W. BCRMFKH Aaalatant Caahler....... A. M. WRIGHT FIBIT BATIOrJAt. SAW - -a . OF POBTLANP, OBEOObT. ' i " DeaignataO Depoaltorv and Financial Ageat f . . . the Cnlbrd State. FreeldeBt... .....A. L. MTT.LPW Caahler. 1 ' .J. w, ItlwalRK Aaalatant Caahler .., TV C. AI VOKI) bmMl AMlatanr Caahler B. P. STWava Letter of Credit laanad Available la Europe i and the Kaatern ptata .-, . . Sleet Ftrbavge ana Teierraphle Trahafar aold en Hew Tcrk, Boetnn. Chlerv. gr. lntt., Bt. Paul, Oomha. Ban Frncl.ea -and tba principal point in TnNerthweaL Bight and time hllla draws In rHiaa to arrll an- London, parte. Brlln. Frankfort-ew-tbe. Main. Hong Kong. Yokohama, rnpanhaeeB. Cbrlatlanla, Sroekholm. Bt. , Prterabnrg, Mo. OeiUcttona Mada as Favorable Ternta. LAOS aY TILTOkT, , BANKEBS. ..... (EataMrabad m HW.) Trraacta a Oeaarel Banking Bualnaaa. ' rollevtiona aied at all polnta oa favorable termer Letter, pf credit bmued available la Europe ind all polnta In the Cnlted Slatea. Sight- Bvabanee and Tlagrphlc Tranafer aold es New. York. Waahlneton. Cblrage, Bt. Lmila. Denver.- 4Tmha. San frauclac and Montana aad Brfftah Commhla. rvehanea Moid b London. Parle n..llM Pranbfort. Boag keag. Yokohama. Ma alia and, niimiiuiii. , , M 5BBT BBOS. A CHBISTEXBEn. lllVk Elrat Stnet, rrtlad, ' f.' OtTar Crlrt-Ed Ineaatnwnu ta Uenlalpal aad . - Railroad Bead. Writ ar Call. MO rWOcaOLfLdANa ' 0 Portland Real KeUte at X-ewat Bata. , Tltl Ininrad. AbatraaU Fnrakui. TITLE UARABTEE A T1UST CO. Beeaa 4. Chamber af Oammaraa. OVERBECIC, CTARrai C: GOOllZJ C "'' Members Cblcagd llourd of Trad. " v . ... OaXAXsT, mOTIi;;rB, OOTT OBT, STOCK Am"3 ? ' . . 101 -Third Street. 'McKay rTiilldlng. Portia ad. Or. . .' -' .', wb 9 a inamt cc--i:::3 - Continuous Markets be Prlvale Wire. Quick Service t f ' T 11 ton, backers, a i LmUd btat National Jueae, -. . - , ") ,:'VV-V' , epec. Price, " - . ,-i , , - . - 5c Packajre Figprune or Pbstuin, pkgr. r .! ? fe..,f ' . ' I - ' V - A ; TOWNSEND & VAN SCHOON IIOYEN ,' . ' , VJLOI.TJATI, AMP MMxituZJSx Groceries ancj Provisions New Store'Ht. First kt; bet Morrlaoa' ' and Alder. Phone Mala 12&J. 1 u Eattef anoLEgs Speciality ' '; Our jrrocerlcs and provisions are al-v waya FBKSH. There is Bomethliia- In that , . Western D. d. Sugar, per ack....'.fS.sO One sack good hard wbeat flour. .. .11.00 I pounds good rice ................ goo Naw crop dry prunes. pr lb........ Bo I-pounds Italian prunes. 5o . t pound. seedless rVlelna BAo 8 pound beat cleanetl artarep'T ... j In New cnop tomatoes.-standards. a cans- . . . . ......,.,.,. 1 oe Tw J-lh. pkga. Gold Duat.... See une mi. pag. Armour a v ashing Powder . . ........,...,....... JSo - Fel"Napth. eonr 60 IS bera Royal Savon soap........ Hbo (,DArs Baby Elephant aouji, ...... So- 1 bottles Bnlder'a t'ataup Sao I lb. new crop Kngllsh Walnuts...' is 1 lb. while honey, ................ ISO l-pound pall pure- lard. .......... oo 6r-pound pall pure lard. ......... .. 600 Good Oregon creamery butter .... Soe 2 cans Primroaav- Cream .......... ISO t lb. EngllHh Ilreakfaat (Tea. ISO I Ib. Gun Powder. Tea..... S5o I can Baked Benna. .. ............ Bo. Two 3-1 b. cans Hominy ' t5 t cans Corn, Pram or String Beans. SSo I pkg. Fosturo or FIb- Prune fereat, , Boo Xast tie eUvry Tnesday aad rtiday. A. J. FARMER Wholesale and Retail Grocer . , - ; ' Third and Jciferson . . 7 Ton can sav 29 per cent by dealing with m. - t pkgs. Grandmother" Mush.., . ,I5e S cans corn ........ .-, , .......... , ,260 1 package Scotch Oats .'. .....loc Freah Oregon Eggs, jlo .t ...idu Fancy lemonn. do. ..,,..,.,,..,..10 Fancy Evap. PachefeJ.By.v', .,'.. . . . . J,thj. Potatoes, sack TTTT .7. .... $1. 1 5 1 lb. Schilling's Baking Powder. .,. USa I lb. Royal Baking Powder 40a '' l ib. Arm A Hammer tioda ......... le ' Naphtha Wnr r , . , L . la 1 bars Royal Savon Soap ..........SIa I bars Babr Elephant aioap a.2r.e J-Combs Honey.., ......ISe I bars Owl aioap - .....250 10. lbs. Sago or Tapioca ........... .j,,0 1 lb. good English Breakfast Tm...,15e Beeit sugar-cured hams. 1 lb. ...... 13c 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea ............. ..lio- 2 cans Prlmroae praam laa II I be. IX G. Sugar tV. 1 1.0 - 1 sack bst D. O. Sugar ....... ,.b. I sack good Hard-Wheat Flour.. .tl.H JO-ltr. pall best Lard ......... ...ILOU 10-lb. pall pure Leaf Lard ....... .l 09 t-lb. pail pure Leaf Lard 10a I bottles Bnlder'a Catsup .......... .tin l'gaL can Tsble 8y rup ....... 400 . 1 lb.-new Soft-shell Walnut i;q J ib. Rice Popcorn ................ Bo lbs. fancy Italian Prunes...... .2 T.i t lb. lemon Peel l.So 1 lb. Orange Peel .... .s-.". ,150 Deliveries on Eaat Bid.' Tuesdays and Fridays, ; . WASHINGTON MARKET 111 Tint trt. Bet. Waablngtos aad Stark. - Fkasa aUm B4M, , - Prime Rib Rnaata ... Slrlola Steak- V" MM ...V12W Teadarloia Preeka .. ..lfia PorierhOHae Steake ,. t. to lis Honnd Steaka ...... ; i, ... .ItSo Plain teak.l Iba for .., .2.Mt . . Lag- MtVtroftr,-rr'erl-tf'....v.4.......r.w.l21e Ug Lamb '.......USo Mmton chop. 9 lb for ...... ..2oe . -Loin' at Rib Chop .. 12,c ta liV-. Hhonlder of Uhlttoa'.,......,... ...... ..e to Mo 7n ,J , U, ,,,............,.... ...... . Hoek Boaau ..' a.. ............. .10 t 12a - Pork Cbotai ....i24 Veal poaara ............ . ....... .12H ta 14a Vel Cbone -.r ..12H ta 1: ceaatca. MiAL-j lb for .2.v llamhuraer. 3 lb for i. yuaa-Curad Braakfaat Baeoa ......,...15e Beat Eaarera euaar-4 urea Ha aw r, 14a le-at Craamarv Butter ............. .10 to tWu, Freeh Ranch Fgi 1. ............. ftreeit.-x fcervea fur . . . tt TTr;zr?:T..T7 . be (hlckana . J. II to lie TAFrEB A XtAtzaa, Preps. Standard Market BBAJICX MABKtT - leT- EAIT SUSBSIDE, -Fboae Eaat 71. All telephone erdar pramptly attended . to. SdngjofOtir -Patrons ; "Meat( or fowl, whichever It bet. If from Central Market, no other - for- rse. v Their chickens are plump, ",,'. TTltelr-meats .are Under: -T- Tlielr prices, dear Portland, 1 ' Need nary' a defender." , Pbeae Zaart 41S. 130 ami Ave. Chickens for Saturday 75c ntrar lU iilk .30 aad 5o Creamery butter ....... iVt ami .. test cresmery nutter ... Renovated butter Fartta, per dosen ........ liaat sugar-cured' ham Picnic hums '.? Ttrakfaat bacOBi ....... ,-, , .lid and 1 ,,,4'o and 4,'ie , ,.,.2J and "" .,...,,.....110 ,,..., .llo it- . . ... . . a vo ouu , ,.j . . . ... ... t'hewae ," . . . . .Ic, 190 ana ........... ?.'C .... pourula for tJm Swiss eheeae ..!...,,. , SOo tea for, par pound ., Java-Mocha coffee Arbuckle'a Lion coffee..: LA GRANDE CREAMERY YABt-BTtU, rrvTT. - v- 4 4 M ,' , t - 1 - ; -.- i..