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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1905)
..I THE OREGON DAJLY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 3. , U:l OliG.TO Afl EflD; MACHINE POLITICS ; MEN OP PORTED SHEEP SLAUGHTER KILLS NEW, COUNTY Kutare a Ik HUlta Portland. '.. , r"rlranaKUUua Uiruuck lkLBll an""- ! fat all) efyilee: 'for ... . t jwiwr. mu- 1 to AV .page.? .eantei '..',- TEilPHOHti. i:i Iltortal ftnonol .Mil- tM .stats tut FOItltl AOTZBTIUlia llUMMTil' V S. J Vrtand Ben-tniln Special Atlvwttalng Aawrj. IM Naaeao etreat, KW Xri Tribune JuUa. ,0 , lug, t'bleago. - -". y.-r 7 --v ' ,'T 80BSCKIPTIOM SATti. ' ..f:.s , 4 -.Tama by CarrUry ,.rr 4, . ,VTn Pa M r Journal, wltb Sunday. I f"''V2 Tho Italic J.airual. I year.... ...... : 4 The ftaliy Jnnrnal. llb annoat, month. JTS lb lellv Jonrnat, Mti f-JV Dally Journal, wltb Kouoar. aauntbs. .-'.The Itollr Journal, 8 eiuntbe. . i : Tha II.Hr Journal, wltb Sunday, t month.. . the lnllr, per neck. ellrl. Sunday y - : - iwhidMi ; . .Th-rr . ! .-. . " Tha IMrnwk7'IIif.,,,'"", ,xited .. ' r " ' .' Tama by Hall. .. " ' V ' ; Tlia Dollr Journal, 'wltb Sunday, t yenr...T."i Th Pallv Journal, -rear , J J" ' fa ball. Journal. wtlb Sunday, mouths. J " ' tha Kafir J., in. I in, .n I ha -7v la oll Journal, with' Kmidat, , , Sioetber I. Tor Pallr Journal. 3 mnnlha ........ . Th Pall Journal, with Kn inlay. 1 ".. ."j The IalW Journal. I month. ...... - JJ9 Thu Similar Journal a. .. i rS baiiuuiair JuurnaL mnntha. ..... ..... 'w , - , Tba kaii-Wakl7 JaoraaJU i Shr tirml-WrralT Journat to 1 1 1 . ..... ' 1 1 a.'k.l ao. Burt. 1 Year V...'. ,....... -' ' Tha Waaklr JoMiaU."; .' 11m Vacklr iiral. ralnniM of -inv Maua t j 1 1 1 . . 1 full, markat ?TT-iporta. 1 ar.....: .ft. . Krultunrra akould bo mad hr ffraftm. poatal - xprraa onlrr and amall moota ara 'v THE JOOBBAl r. V Box rnrtland. Or. - VHEK,IHB iOVKHAL MAT BI "lfU. ' Tha Jimrnal ran b foaad o aalo it : fISK. IDAHO Plmtpar book toro. " t Hlrxno Poatofftca Krwa ourapan. ITS Der hnro atrort. . , PK.VVER. cor. KamlrVk . Book Wotlooar rorapaar. 013 llrrmtprntb ftrscti J. Black. MwM a l-iirtta. aurta . i ; KAN8AM CTY Vaai Nor Kw mipaB. L ANORIXS P. r.- Oardnar, 2-.. "ontk " Horfiuj atrort OkVtf A H.laoa. 306 Soath Swln atratv-'.' . HK)IJ-M. J. Kaaab. iomtk Third VKVY Yomt CITT nrootmo'a. tnkal qaar. Oi'.riirHOrrf, Km aomaanr. - " OMAnA MIIUM H..l imrn ataodt MMtb SlaiWinw avimnaiir. 13it famna atraat. VX.T LAKR.CITV Kanjron Hotel arm ataad: B"frrr Bna . 43 Waal Omad alrart. Booth, T. lirjp..-1'hlllp Rnrdrr. 11 Ucnt pa. , RAN FBANCIRCO W. W.. Ardlnc, IWaM Hotal 1 nm aland: Orhtamlth Una., S.m Rnttaf atra: Frad W. ntta. inn Markat treat. !'IK AE, .WAH Jnhe W. Orakani A Co. TX'OMA-JV'AKH. :ettral Kew wmnf. H1 PaHn. arna. ; j, - WXATHXB BST01T.- Tha aaattra odd ware apnaara a be alow 17 dltlMftTallur and tha tuiTa(T"a ban rlaau ahirtilh' In the lake mlui and lb. H per lia- ani.tiipl allay P'- ; - "Hilary -Md amth-rtlVtokairB iul hi rniral and aiHnbaui CalirurHia ArUaiua awl 1 ''(lu Ilaliv-baa almi iallii la eonthara Trxaa nv iimmv i refkurirn wr a airiii euUDiry ,xu-uiiinc irou amitoera Oregon tunmcn aoulh i-ni J.labo ami 4h.ra majibi-aat aad eal to - iihMoo,- aawu. Nanraaka, Ulaaoaii, Arfcaaaaa, " Tnw and Kentucky. - The Itidli-atlotia ro for nnaetlled weal her ta Tbia ditrrlet tnnlrht and KalurdaT. with a ill j- rain In oirftibi-tn Oreann and wow' In -cant- era oref on and aoutbrrn Idaho. KABKIAOI UCZBgEs, .. John W. Starker. !: Carrie M. FtrawwaU, 22. A-wton n. Kirn, ii rannie olllel jn. , . Vred I'. Ininbain. : Mildred M. Miller, SS. frauk ylTienej. Ztt Llaxfa. A, Ulaeble. la-. WeJdlni Crd. W. II. Smith A Co.. Weab. U'juui OiUlf cirawNhHnV Waablnxtaa atm. ' BTBTH8. KKK.VAX Jaunarr M In Mr. atid Wra. OUw I.. Reman, im Eaat Rumuer a l rent; a aon -DltKIWXKU Jaunarjt tl, lo Mr. and Mr. Jallna - iireHner. stw wiaMnnoa tree; a aon. . . XU'UBWlidannarjr at- ao lir. ami Ura. t t'liarlm JWnrawa,- tH Korth TwentT-fourlh atraei; a aon. I v .. .. - . . ' II UttirrTOIanuarr 84. to Ur. and Jlra. - J linrr Marcotto, 401 Kat Ninth ttraat, north ; - " " a dauahliT. w '. WlrSil-KKfHT January ST, d Mr. and Ins. 1 j,. Ulto AVleanrachi Jul Ran iiMa, m. ,; Illi.l.IKU J.auai-jr u, to Mr. and Jtra. Albert nniiier. iui nenwooa niraai;. a .aoa. . - - lliiwUKUJatmiirr 21 to Mrand .Vra. Anuat 1 .?".-. KbaSM Eail Twanty-fiftli street, a ; lianaliier.. , ' ... - - - WA 1,1, IMt January. 20, f Ur. and Mra. Oenrc ' w"h.. 1TI Kaat Mntb atreetj a danshter. RKIEKWtX January 2T. to Mr. and Mra. lleiihart Bleraon, 323 Margaratla' arenue; a ann and daughter ttwlna). riMli-K Janaary 2a. to Mr.' and Mra. , Mlehael lJoooaae, TW Eaat rVmth atreet; a ilaiKhter. , . , J-J BI.KHCOB January 4,'to rT. .and Jlra. Ma4 - SI.; HVeitaoe. 11 Curry atreet: a danchter. . I EfcT January l. Mr, and Mr. Jaeob II. njeav im Mai Aiiaeny aireet; a aaugbter. COVTAOIQUB riBEAASA. t 1 ' BF.RR January SO, Alfred O. Berg, 14 Moittana arrliar; aieaatea. . . , ', Lt IVERVIA V Jumary I, Edward D. I.ler . na-ed 40 yeara. at St. Vincent boauital: rauai'. bkmilpi.lannlin, Burial at Lope Itr HI NTINtiTOX rebruary 1. Rrma B Hon Una m biwi tun, ayen yeara: BI4 Waahlnrtan brreat: eanae. bronrbllla. Burial at Unm 'lr ceme- tery. - ; . " rrematortnm on Oreirnn Ctly ear line, seat - Bnwboi modern. aciauUae, eamnlete. (anea Adulta. S.-I&; rhlldren, f2S. laltort a. na. u i pv in. I'ortUad CrvmaUva a Marina fortbiBd, Oregon. " : ' 1 i "" "i'r -"Ur ?' ' ' The Edward Holman I'adertakleg enainany - funeral dtrertora audbmualsicra, 22u Third -uarki)m pl.' ;J-: ', i, P. plnley A Son. funeral dlreetora and - - emlatlinem, bar remoTed to .their new eatab llaliment. eornar Third . and Madison etnata. . 4lolk pbonea ha. S. - Fnneeal wreatha and rut How era a ipnUltJ "at Koa-ty-Ore. ultima. Twanty-laeand aad , taat Morriaoa, opp. eamatary. BEAt ESTATE TBABbTEE! Joaei B. '-bndrara and wife ta I.' tC I tinea. Wii(4 feet beginning aontn- ' . ..eaat earner hit 1. blurt S, Oak' I'ark - addition lo t. jnbna a rui 1 laedure Blaainaer lo J. Welter. Ir.t. M tj 24. ST and 2. block 20. Houthera Port- ' ? land ..... (on - Sei-nrlly SrHg 4 Treat rVimiwuy lo , h . J- Webe. tairsel land TMnOiaa Mtereua aVmallon land rlalm , . ,t,tS IVri H. Itlylb and wife to B. R.'RIiil,. lot in. blark 14, tkiHlanilth addltltm.. 1M llarthne eatate to r. 11. ko-lu, lot - 4."Moab A. Vurfe - .'-'-,'...., ... ... , -r- 'XG . Raila Jnenen to A. lloal. lot 10, blork 12., , I'enler addition .v. , , . . , , WO to B. Ibmner t B." Jteltb Jot 4, M-ark'SI. Hichland jn Belle , Bel I wood to J. W. ' Ouarfe. hit t. bbtrh Sll. Mell-nnJ- , f, Coloviiiia Ileal Kalate eor.inany to iL llrrl.. M IJ, bloek-lH, I'enlrtanlar -' ailillllou No. ,...aa& ford s,-n) and wife to B. V", haw, , .aliKiti fei-t beglunlng 12 feet aonth ( - aitheaat enrnee, btork M, Ilnllailay'a addltii'ii , lata) A A. W heels and wife to 1. V. IraJng. - Vt in. t.lork 2. Albina .. ' t jjn , J. I- llarlwaa et al. to Mk C. Foraytb, loia . I and II, blork. JL aabdlTlaliia - M. Jobna Hetahla , :.....( , " J ) navel meet Mnrlaace wmiatiy to' it. H. , Kee. hita 1 and II, Movk 1, Kaal )ry- lgt.H ,.j ,A.a, 1HXI ' J . flrt your tnearenee and ahathn-ta to - real eaiata from tha Title Aoerantee A Traaa oa. ' faay, fbaanbee of Cownieeee building. t ; ,r ; . -' BUrUUWO rEBMITt. ' . PIMii:B 4bniary 9. John f'eiiiW, adulllon 1- tn.booae. MUiiieiiiit -jixuino a--1 wee SkloV i,a-e and Mason atreetat iwat. g.'aai.. -Bl 1th. K KHTAVK Kohrnary t. nnrke eaUle, tnaira a bw, Ihlrd tadnorn Ankeny and tt,ir.le. I , J1.-.I A IV-Febrnara X, K t, Miaw. 4welllnc. . I lai-kamaa belween Kaal . Tafnlr-fiwirtb and I a-l Imeolt-llrih alreela; owl, II MM. r III ITr - frlaaarr 2. . Herman Heellee. l:eratiO to hl"e uotlheaat eiwuee UiMMrll nirnt and Vtwt-il1'l irniwi eaat, 3a, . ' . , Steiner's Bill Authorizing -Gov rnor to Stop Outrages to ' Be Fought in Senate. MANY MEASURES KILLED . BY COMMITTEE REPORTS Crang's bHl Governing Terms of . r- Circuit Court Favorably ;. .. . ... Acted Upon. .:-y.-. IKrom A Juuriuil .Staff t'orreapoadi-ut.) Balli-.T-Ke4k-wWiln-SllucF bill aiMhorlilna; the governor ta employ tpeclal-, li It en tn In rolkKtluc evUence m t'lvll and criminal raaaa and fit' appre- helidlnc and rcturnluc 1 fugitive from Juarica. whore tha regularly. roriHtltulotl autlKirulea rannotf accompllxh the end Ucxlred, cornea up' for coumdr ration In the achate, .verbal " pyrotechnlca will probably be wltneascj. Tha bill is do nlned la put an end to the ahcep-kltlliig in nou thorn Oreiton, The bill haa pawed the liouno and Is now before .' the -senate- Judiciary com- rnlitoe, -The committee ia divided hi opinion aa xecarda the expediency of paaalnc aurh a bill, and It will be re ported wlthoaf recommendation. Then the -flcht willbe transferred from the committee room, ' to.; the lloor of " the senate. . .. - . . - v. . ' lan4 rrovided. ' An-appropriation 'of 110,000, accord. trig to Ilia, propoa4 moaaure, i te- be made out of the' general funds of the atate treaaurjr. to be used by the exec utlve In the payment of salaries and ex pensea. of such special -agents, and for such otber .purposes as he may deem de slrable. ; The secretary of state- Is to dlnburse' the fund oa cerUJldates Of J.he governor that the claims have been In curred and are Just, without specifying' the services rendered or the agents em' ployed, .fhe bill contain an emergency clauae.,: Opposition to the bllMn committee la on the ground that the" governor could have the entire - appropriation, . drawn, end the' public: would.-never --.know whether any aervlcea had ever - been rendered the state by special agents or not ' , ' -' - - ' ; BUla to B Wiled. Among the bills which will be pprtednfaorab!;y Jy thajiirilclmry committee today oj; Monday are the fol lowing . By Mows, (by request) Amending the Initiative and referendum, law In minor 'nartlculnrn-. . J ... By Crolaan Kepealtng thelKt!blna of the codes requiring county assessors to make an enumeration -e( the inhabitants and lnd,uktruU resources J-cf their re spective counties every -ll--yers.-AnJ enumeration is due lor tne preaenr. year. By Rand (by .request) Relating to tha payment of legacies and the dlstri button of estates. ' By Haines Making It a mtademeanor for any person to -break into or enter a building. not his own, wlthoat Intent to commit a crime. - A favorable, report will be made- on McDonald's bill authorising the county court of any -county to sell property be longing to-the county and used for poor I farm purpose,w!illL JtajimenarocnLUin.' Itnig i tne - sppucacton- 01 ine jaw 10 faUon-Vrotrntyr .... .;. . : 1 ': Term of Court. ', -Crsng'sT house-' bllt' governing tbe terms of the circuit court in Wultno mah county will be reported fivorably. The-bill provides that -terms-shall be held as follows - On the first .Tuesday after the 'first Monday In January, the first Monday In February, the first Monday In March, the Brat Mondayln April, the first Mon day . In May. the first .Tuesday ..a f tetlh, drat Monday In June, tne nrst Tuesday after the first Monday in September, the' first Monday ; In October, the trnt Monday In November and the first Mon day In December. f ' - .- , ' -i '".. -.' .1 A MACHINE MOVE. - Effort to Control jort of Portland WUl Btsst OppeattiOB. - .."'" -; t From a Journal Staff1, Correapoodent. ) Salem. Feb. -' I, There Ts......BtrQng dlsposllloh among the anil-machine members of the legislature to oppose the psssage of the btil introduced- by Bailey of MultnomaJt, ousting twomem bera of tbe Port of Portlapd commis sion and substituting. Senator llobson and Representative Crang. -' 4 Tlie bill la plainly a machine measure nd was Intended solely for the purpose of- aiding the -machine to Its -light - to carry- the Portland ctty election aiext June. ' The control of the patronage Of the Port of Portland would be of ma terial assistance) in that campaign, it la a matter of life or de4ti-to-th ma- fjiinf; to carry the eity- eleotlon. for defeat would surely be followed by anni hilation In the state election in 1904. : ?t-tnr-welt known tbat-Oovernor Cham-1 berlaifl has consistently oppeTithe-attempts of - the machlnl to gain "control orthls commission lit the pant. He has given no Intimation of the course he will pursue toward the-bill Introduced yes terday, but It would be quite tn accord ance with the stand he has taken In thj past. If he. should veto It- . In the hope of coercing the governor into approving the bill the .Multnomah delegation Is holding up the bill, which Is to give Attorney John-Manning an additional deputy. It has -been bluntly declared by member of the delegation that Winning will riot .get his deputy unices the governor agree if tiot'10 veto the Port f Portland btll.-t:- - - - --;.', It Is quite-likely that the hill, may pass both-houses .without serious uppo- tltlen but If the governor shonlitt re-f turn It with his veto a fight will ensue which, will - probably result In - defeat for the machine.' " . . ' 1 " " MONEY FOR HOME. riorenoe Critteatos Wissioa WUl Oat a X.lberal Appropriation. 1 limn n Jonrna Staff Correaiondnt.) Salem, Or., Feb. I. At a Joint session of the house and senate committees on ways snd meana yenterdaya-fternoon ar guments were heard by those Interested In favor -nf an appropriation of tl 2,0414 for the Florence t'rltlenton home. t)I this amount $4,000 Is asked for malnlv nance . oaring ins nexi iwn yeara. anil 14.09 for erecting new bn4lding. . Mr. Manley of the ,bourd of ill ret torn spoke; at length. - He tnlj ot Hit pMr; poses of . the Institution, , whnt It haa eecompllshed and its plana fur the fu ture. In view uf the character of the home- a liberal appropriation will prob bbly ,!' mada.-.' i,, . ..'.." ' Coir's Cans Sera Throat l-aiatlae Bromo Quinine. Ine world, whle Tolil and ilrlp rrmedy. renimrea the eanae. rail for the full name and krok tha atinalnre of K. H. Umfe. 2'-e. ' ref aired Bteek Caaaed Ooods. Allen A Lewis' Utst UranO. Proposed .. Cascade County ; Is Doomed to Defeat Owing to T ' Organization Compact.- ' ; -. .. ; ; j',',. BARGAIN AROUSES IrE - -u OF OPPOSITION CROWD Solid Delegations to State Con- '. ventions Promised In Exfc - yi' change for Votesr.: I From a Journal Htf( i'orrctiKMideutl Ealum, Feb. 3. Cascade county -will nut appear tipon the map of- Oregon. 'for at least two years ta come. The (topes of the Hood River people for A separate county to lie carved from the western r.d of AVasco are doomed to defeat, not withstanding the decisive majority In favor of the project given In tho house. A majority of the senators art) unalter ably, opposed to.the measure and a care ful, poll stiHjWa that st most not ;over l? voias can op seeurea lor iu 'as in votes' are necessary- to pass a bill In the senate, ihe proposed county will not be formed. ' . f ., The dibsppplntment in store ror tne residents of -.the Hood Rivet, valley da directly due ; to the injection of ntt chine politics Into the nght. The Re publican machine undertook to put the measure 'through," with' the result that every antl-machlne man in the aenate has lined up- against It. The issue Js no longer whether the Hood River val ley Is entitled to separate county gov ernment, liut whether the .-Republican machine slutil or shall not decide the re suit. . ; -. Tlia Dalles - Opposition. - Politics played no part In the Cascade ouniy- projeoa-MWiien - ma , dui was - in 1U earlier stages. . There were- many strong reasons' why tha people t Hood River valley -should desire a county government scparqte from the rest of Wasco county, and among the members of the lower house) the arguments ad vanced Irt favor of the bill were gener ally -convincing. . Hut the -'people of . The - Dalles were strongly opposed to .the loss of so rich and productive a section of Wasco county, and Senator whealdon. " who Uvea at The Dalles, threatened ta. make a vigorous fight against the bill when It I nhoiilrl reach thesenate. It WAAeyl- dent that without some potent organised Influence In Its favor, the bill s chances of passage lijjhe senate In the face of Wbealdon's opposition would be smalL Beoure MaoklBS Aid. Confronted with this predicament, the friends -of the project turned to the Republican machine for help. An under standing' was reached whereby the ma chine agreed to deliver aU the votes at its command for the measure. The pre cise nature of the consideration for this promise Is not known. -but It is under stood that the new county would be ex pected to send a machine delegation to the Republican state convention", next year, when the crucial test or strength will take place In the struggle for party control.-- .': ,: - Rut the machine has made ' misstep. for it reckoned upon votes which . It costd not control, and had Underestl-nmtednther-strength- of the antl-machlne sentiment. .. When . noses were counted it was found that defeat we imminent Several of the senators who had taken that machine program In the- fight-over the organisation of the senate would not or could not take program on the Cas cade county bill. - 1 --fT .' Senator -Malarkey had" given his word to Burgess of Wasco to vote against the bill. . ' ' ,v - - . . .. . , . . ",; : Tots Against BilL Both Hobson and C'rolsan-of Marlon were-found-to-oa opposea to it. iney have not been identified with the ma hlne In the past, except in the organisa tion light at the beginning of the ses sion, and It is underseood that -they have positively refused, to take tha rmv chine program 4. es , to the" Cascade county bill. Mays has been absent since the first week of the' session and Is not expected to rot urn.- The only votes upon which the machine can count are there fore Booth, Broanell, Coe-, Coke, , Farrar, Hudson, "Holmsri, Loughary ' Rand, Eilhel. Tuttle and Kuykendall, ; strong - efforts have been - madet to force some of the Democratic senators into line by the threat that 'unless they vote fur the bill appropriations In which their counties' a re Interested - will be turned, down. ""The threat hag had no rrert, however, and if is believed that II five of tho Democrats will be found in the antl-machlne ranks.. " '1 " '; - ! J Defeat - XaewttoMeXTt'l 1 In the' opinion of those who are op posing the bill. ' the utmost strength thatcan be mustered for It Is IS votes, which includes Senator - Mays. As 14 votes are necessary to pass the1 bill. Its defeat sefms Inevitable. ... . The bill Is now before the senate com mittee on counties. The, committee held ..protracted session this afternoon end listened to the arguments of a large del egation of cltlxens from The Dalles, who sre -opposed to the creation of - the new county. ' intyr main contentions are that-large expenditures' for roads and bridges have been made In Wasco county, a very large port of these Im provements having, been In the Hood Riven valley; that the total assessed valuation of .-property In. the -county Is about M.OOO.OUtt. -of which one fourth is; In the proposed Cascade county;- and that the formation of this new county wnul4 leave the people of what la.t Ipft of Wasco county to pay for the'1 lmt prdvemenis irt the Hood River valley, a manifest Injustice,... ; 'KaeUa . roUtUni, ' " ' ;'A' Uekrlnrf ls' next to- tow. given" to the advocates of the Cascade county project. and -It is -expected that the committee will report early next week, although .the report pmy be 'delayed' In thr.hope -of winning over-TTUl ts. to the sUndard of the machine. , , ,-r s". ' It is. asserted that the machine hits lent Us aid to tbe other county division projects sv-hlch have -been before. the legislature, each "time In the expecta tion of - receiving poll ties I assistance from the new county In the coming ntnte campaign. ' This charge is freely made In connection with the Hot Lake county bill, -and (n this connection a curious tsle la told. That bill was vehemently nppoKeil before the house committee Km rotintles by Method of I'niony snd his declaration that a fund had been ra to put the bill through the''houne caused a sensation, ft was announced tl at. t the committee had decided ltq' report ad- -veraely spun the bill and that no fur ther effort would be made to secure its passage. It now transpires that no report haa been framed by he oommtt tee"opnn the bill and that It is to be re turned to the house with tho recommen dation, that It-do pass. , Burn of Advantage.' ; In nil oftii those who are.oppoeing the Hot l,ko---oonty projert f believe thr iv the hwnd of the mnr-filne.' It In said thit a rlnul ana made similar to Unit by whii-h tile Cascade nmnty bII was to lia'vo beep pusstd, and tlmt tbe -Youll miss the supply vpf Clothing, ; Shoes, r Sweatis, ' Overalls, Gum B t,r-'::ife:B Here's a Few Leaders from the Biggest For Men's $12 to WOOL SUITS. For Men's $18. to $6.75 $8.75 OVERCOATS, $1.48 SHOES For . Men's Solid Leather: $2.25. $2.50, $2.75 DRESS SHOES.--- - ....-..,,....:.,' . . frsj ("A For Mens new styles tn ePaCeUU $3.50 PACKARD SHOES. tQ For Men's Wool $1.75 to $2.50 yoC pants. --i ; : ?rt;:;-- tj A C -For Men's Wool $4 to $6 Pa4b4u PANTS." ,TTT7;:r?. -. , k'For Men's new - iF For Men's 75c to $1.25 WORK ;40C . GLOVES.' . - t :. - 7C- For Men's $1 Ho $1.50 DRESS if jC-GLOVES.ter; SjZ :CC t For Men's $L00 ; and $1.25 : OOC WOOL UNDERWEAR. V. Q For Men's $1.25 and C$1.75 : OuC. WOOL UNDERWEAR. And every: article In our Entlre $100,00.0 Stock '-' ; buying public glad and the old, line machine counted upon M' next aprlng from 4 he ew ounty aa lh price of Its creation. . , ' i i'. . - Thus far the assertion has been bar ren -of tidvantage .. to - the - machine. Wherever Its hand has been shown there has been an Instant solidification of all other elements in an- antl-machlne combination. . , ; , , . "Z COCHRAN'S DENIAL -r . '' r" " 1 :-" " States . That Bribery Charges Mad Against Xlm Ax Oroandless. ,, i (SpecUl Jiiapateb to Tbe Joornal) : ' ' ' La Grande, Or., Feb.-Attorney Charles' E. Cochran, when Interviewed today regarding the charge of1 bribery brought against him by Representative McLeod.of Union county In the legisla ture. In -whlcfi--liefc'CTised 'Cochrarf"of bringing f 1.500 to Balem to expend in getting a bill through forming Hot Irfike county hy' a "division of 'Union. ;county.' says that he knew nothing of the charge until reading It In a Portland -paper this' morning, and that be would wire 11 e Jeod today regarding the matter, say ing that he could not,, believe McLeod would use that language regarding the same. Jle; would say nothing further today. ... ' ..".'-.. - BILLS' INTRODUCED. ATew Measures- presented la Tts tarda y's . r Sessloa at Saleai. . . ;; (From a aonrnal Staff Correaponilent.) Salem. Or.. Feb. . The following bills were introaucea. in ine senate yesterday: rlghta of riparian owners oq streams en tirety witnin tne state. H.H. Z30, by MaiarKey To provide manner' of serving summons In Justice court. .. ' w . - S. B. 2Jh by Bowerman-e-To btmend charter -or uonaoiu 8. II. 232, by Pierce Tp fl salaries of assessors. . 8. B. 2J3 Committee on penal Institu tion-, Substitute for IIS. a B. 4, by Avery To amend charter or Philomath. .. ,. . - ' ENDICOTT VOTES TO V INCORPORATE AS-TOWI. 1' (ftpeelal Mapatch to Tba Journal,)' Rndirott, Wash, Keb. 3.The town of -Kndlcott, located 20 miles west of Colfax, on the O, H, , voted to In corporate yesterday, 'there being v 4J votes for and t against. At the same election the following city officials were elected: Mayor. T. . H. IOgaton: councilman, I. W. Bhouri, M. A. Sher man, A. C. Smith, D. I). Henery and Henry Llttenberger: treasurer, J. O. Hare. The clerk and marshal will be Appointed. The town has a population Of about 4 50. The license of the two saloons will probably be raised from 1204 to to 90, and the. money will ' be used to- traprovs tbe streets.- - , -. ... . BOYS ARE ARRESTED " FOR HIGHWAY BOBBERY - ' ananSBnitnsa.nsanaw4B - - ; ' (Moeelat :niapateb ta Tne Journal.) . Arilna. Wash., Feb. . -Thomaa Moore, Prank Dillon and Kbble . Connor were placed nnilrr arrest hers yestenlay ' by Sheriff Ferguson on a charge of high way robbery. , They are charged with Tiolding up W. J. McFarland And taking his watch from him. All three stoutly claim their innwrnoe, hut admit hav ing had-an altercation with MrKarlaml, In which they claim he ssnnulte.1 them. All three boys are Of highly resjievXcd families., . ,k '' ; greatest; chance of DID YOU HEAR 7 HE HUB'S BAND ? Did you see they5tadLSo00(fsrpi(ctl high iirlfie" Hub's "open windows see ; the unmatchabte bargains- feel the splendid qualities ? $20. . ... $23 fA For Men's 15c COTTON U3C sox. v ,: ,, 12KC soxMen s c MRI0 21 "oyMnV 50c ALL-WOOL 1 Ci For Men's 50c. ' 75c and $1 JLoC SJLK NECKWEAR. 1 - v: 7 JZrm ;For Men's 50c, 75c and i $1 i awOC -RAINSHED UMBRELLAS. r ' J For MenV 50c,' 75c and $1 OtjC-Dress iand Negligee SHIRTS. -r A EV For Men's 65c, 75c arid' 80c ' 40C WORKINGMEN'S SHIRTS.- r . - ' styles in 50c For Men's -PLE. HATS. ir -:,-. : ACV7Fo-"Men's $2 and, $3 SAMPLE 7oC HATS. t.xCZ: UL. Zjr e 1 A C For Men's Pl.tiJHATS. YACHT IS HAUNTED BY QUEEN'S GHOST Bloody face of jerexhDraga ' Appears Before Those on r? Board Her , Ship. 1 GUESTS RUSH ASHORE v - WHILE CREW DESERTS vVatch'man is Found In Swoon .-iWith-LoolTorHorror-Upon. His Rigid Features. " '.(Journal. Biaielal 8cri.i ' "Vienna, Keb. S. An extraordinary, story Is being tokj here, on the authority of a Buda Pesth; correspondent" Borne weeks ago the1 yacht whlclt the ni-fated Bervlan Queen Draga bought shortly before bar death was brought up the panube to tb Hungarian capital by Its purchaser, a Belo-rado merphniif, - ' I . Owing 'to queer stories current about the yacht difficulty has been experienced in getting a full crew, and on arrival at Buda Pesth several men deserted. Two board. A number of Idlers.: attracted -4-by- thyachfs . tragic association, were loitering on the quay, when suddenly a fran,tlo .scream, was heard, and a beautiful- young girl, - In evening dress but without . her cloak, rushed out of the companion way and dashed along the gangwsy to land. The excited crowd Attempted to stop 'her -and - ask what was the matter, but with the mysterious words. "The face! The face!" she tore herself away and rushed down the road. Next morning rumor spread rapidly that' tbe electric, lamp tn the yacht's saloon had gone out during "dinner and that a hideously gashed head. livid and streaming with blood, had, stared down at the company through a blue mint on the after bulkhead. . "It 14 Draga's ghost!"' eaM the superstitious. On the following day the crew deserted In a -body. The river authorities ordered a guard to be. set on board. Difficulty was experienced tn getting anyone to spend the night on the haunted yacht. but at last sn old waterman named Blrn baum was Induced to go on board. - , At daybreak he was hailed from the deck by the man who had come to relley him., No answer was received. The illef. being frightened, ran ashore and refused' to go near tho yacht.' An hour later three policemen, each trying nervously to keep at the tall of the procesMon, wewt, on board 'the yacht. And, proceeded down the companion lad der. In tho saloon, lying on his back. In a swoom, tn which he had apparently been for several hours, was the watch man. .On his face- was' a look of In expressible horror.- , When brought to Blrnbaum refused to sav what he had seen, but exclaiming wildly. "The face! The jface!"-taggered on shore. . . .. . 'Reduced Rates to California. The Southern Pacific company lias placed on sale round trip tickets to Ivos Angeles at the rate of IRS. limit 10 days. Thls'afford's an excellent oppor tunity to visit the many beeiitifiil win ter resorts of southern California at, a moderate cost. . . i Clothing Sale Ever A Cr For 1UV PleUl M AC 95c $1.50 and $2 SAM- OCi For $3 io-$5-SPRING-H- 4c will be slaughtered to prices that will make the 100 per cent profit clothing ring sick. . ' ;; f - r mfmEm Boston Painless Dentists stiti acommzsoa- stbatxi. - Known ' the ' Mwld - Aver ore, the only laenttsTs Irt PofllahJ .having this world -. renowned n a 1 n I o sr ; system for doing dental , trork. - Our up - to - date system ' saves lis time and rou money. This is he J secret why. we ?:lve the -bestv-work, or the lowest prices. . work aaranteed to 10 yeara, -rrmi etti.VtaR riT.iviNas ...... .j i. . boo OOU) FIL.LINOH ...... S1.00 IS AND 114 aOLD CROWNS...... A8.00 FULIj BET TEETH .'.'........ ..S8.00 We have a specialist In charge of aach department. - Beet - artinelar teeth- matcers. pest crown ana Drmge wora men and gold Oilers In the world. CBOtrir Ajrr bbxdosi won a sraoiAiTT. ;-...',,.. Ws7 "are first In point of "CeffrX'tlofi ana auraDiiity or wora in tne aentai business or Portland, . 1 -YcOfde Tried and Reliable-: PAINLESS DENTISTS --'-' ilH Momauiov innt' Opp. sfeler m rraalt aad Old rostoOoe. - 'Hours- 1:30 a. m. to" I n. m. Sunday. s:su a., m. to iz:i p. m. , . , . e snre yon are la tha right plaee. ONLY WOMAN OWNER" ; OF A BASEBALL CLUB ,; v ,- T','-'-; -., ' - (Journal Special Serrtee.)' Albany. N. 'Feb. . In all prob ability Miss Ella Quenlan ef this city. is the only woman In tha United State today who awns a Iweeball club. The death -of W. J. Quintan-here recently left hla sister In possession of tha fran chlee tf the New . York state league team at Albany, She at one sent fwr Prasident. Farrell. and after a confers ence, k aai auirrmineu inii miss quin tan will head the team until she can dis pose of the franchise to good advantage. The sale will carry with It a two-year lease of Chsdwlck Park. jocxxt rrira zs rm ' 1 (Journal Bpeelal eerrloe 1 '',' Lexington, Ky.. Feb. Luclen Lyno Is wintering at Jexlngton with his parents. . He Is talcing plenty nf exer. else and leading an abstemious life. He In as light as he was when he went Into retirement last rail, and says he'wlU easily make 101 or 101 pound next sea son, Lyne so far Is unattached, and has no big stable in view. .He expects to ride S at free lance. OOTOX DETXATS . TSBTXIsTS. fllevelsnd. O.. Feb. .1 Frank Gotrh uccesirully defended his HUo of chant- 1 I SI .AMI BOSTON - ' --,' : Opened in Portland: MenV 75c and $1 OVER- ALLS.t f CAFor Men's $2 to $3 CARDI- 'GAN JACKETS. I (in For Men's 50c and 75c SILK 1 WEB SUSPENDERS.: 1 $f A C Darit -gray ,$2.75 and $3.50 I aVO WOOL blanket! - - Dark gray $3 00 and $6.00 Latnbswool BLANKETS. ' SilkoHne $1.50 and COMFORTS. tl1 O CSilkoline $2.75 and $4 V Pi .yO COMFORTS.,. . - v . -JZ Men's $1JH) and $2 SELF- . OPENING UMBRELLAS, For Men's 10c and 15c LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. .:. V.' e l U-- Wd : Dr. W. Norton Davis. : . A IN A WEEK We treat anreraarully alllwitate. aeneos end ebronle iHaaaeea ef men; alaa blood, alonai-h. ' beart, -liver, kldney-nnd turnat trouble, We ear gYl'HIIJ.IS (wltbont . cneronrr ) . ta-Stasv rirjl'.'TT"-'- ,n ' to-e days. . -. Wa .xeaasve -Mtrcrt k. without eperathw sr pale. In li - , 'e .top drain, tho remit ef self-abiwe. ' Inmoniatelr. Wo ean reatnee tha alMe o any nan enter no by meant of local traa t- ' tnont.pecBiur. yt, ouraalrea. - . . -, . .. .- We Cure Qooorrhoea In a Vfeek The doetnra ef this InatltuU are all reanlae - graaaten, barn bad siaar yearn' . experience, nTe been . aouwu- to twthind - fef lh yearn, nam a reputation to BMlntnln and W1U onder- -tabs no caaa snlesa acrtala cure can be ef- ' fei-ted. .. - - W guarantee to enre In every eat we ander- e-or ebarxe -no fee. - rnnilntatlon free.- Irfr? ten eonflilentlal. InatrnetlTa BUOK FOK WEN Bulled free la plaid wrapper. ... f It yon cannot call at of ",; write foe ones- v tloa blaub, .. Uoaw treatment, auccaaaruL . Offles- boar I tn I end T to lt. "gundara lad i'. . v sollday, JO ta li. :, . --" lb rntduig eneclallat Tn th Kertbweat. -- KaUbUabed ISbW. bn .VI Norton Davis & Co. Taa Hay Hotal, , Z. Oer . Third aa Vnte its, rOBTLAinX, OSEOON. ' - , plon , heavyweight Jwrstlef"1astf .e'vehlng " when, he defeated Tom Jenkins -two out of three - falls. The bout was for tha championship of the United States and a -Ida bet pf $2,000, - t -' ' ' 1 ' hi - -r-" -Over in Seattle they have hopes -of landing - Johnny Burns4-takes - KM Mohlers place, and it Ig quit possible ' that Hall will get tha Toledo ' man. Burns Is a clever player, but la far from being Mohler'a equal, principally because -ha la a poor. batsman. PENDLETON ROUNDS UP HOBOES. AND VAGRANTS . pertat IHapatrh ta Tbe Journal.) -: " Pendleton. Or, Feb. I. a crusade against vagrants 1 now being waged hy the police of thls clty. 4, Two raids have been, made .within tha post, two days and as a rexult.ncarty a score of "gen tlemen without visible means of support- have, been corralled. -In th first raid eight were caught living In an old rook car on the O. R. It N. side track. The er contained A tove. and byateal-' (ng coal from the neighboring yards th gang had provided themselves . with ' quite comfortable quarter. . Th second round-up occurred "thht morning, when 11 more were taken from " lore) saloon a and locked up, Nine 6t ' these are tW busy nerving ftveVday sen- " tences anil the) rases of the other, two. - are continued, awaiting further .devel opment. ; .. - . . i, '.I.