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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1905)
- ' A , . . ' - - . . , c lv.:ly jcu-:::.l. izzzl:md, Friday-: cvtrmio.-. fcszuahy 3, i:c3.i "wg-" -I W.O. (Li LS 1. ... mmm 0. ft a. . ,5 ' j " " ; -. .1 1 - 8 .... ,' 4 V.; ". . V eg t-vy . . ,v.:::r:V-tT:as a'm of intrdducingur firm to (MJiiLil 1 ;er5Kearront,on "MorrisoSt);pf Tfte Red i Mil fctt tug 1 ca tea Li. tuuu uuias c vci iijauc m tiiib waiiy uuici tiiy. 3 3i ' to . S Mi- ibess Tta ; SMi . Els .Aethqojoj roo for hew spring goods which.will be here ready for display bymarch lstZ- Not a dollar's worth of Shoddy, Shop-Worn oir Out-of-Datc Style goods are included in this saleJ. Any sale here must l be as represented, sahjsfactory or your money refunded without argument - "A square deal and a dollar's rworth for your dollar," is the motto here. .Nearly eyerythiDg we, handle bears the union label Furnishings W r ahowing i emplt lin of all" thi nw . 6HJRT8, UNDEflWEAR, NECKWEArt, ETC. ,. Tou'll nev" retrit ytolthi thojled iPpwit durtntrH our introductory -Ban u you nave any iaea 01 tuy1nr anythlnr Irt 'this llne for our prices arc cut ' to less than.'' half the original . "prices asked by"nipetltorsr wr-'. r r - -v underwear -snaps, r;.; . .Derby ribbed Vnderwesr; SOe values, our price, sar ment f. ..... ?' - . 2S EKtra qualllyTf T7ntlerwear th 1 1 kind ; our-prlce; -' gairnent' . ...... 50v - Extra' fine fleece lined Underwear, extra, tailored. .. value fl.SO; our price j...... ...... .85 perbVflbbed Underwear! tht latest garments, $!.$ value ................. .1.. 4 . . . .'. .68 -4 kj- , . , ' T ' : l,. i : . I. 8HIRT8 BARQAIN8, Golf, Madras and Percale Shirts, any. slse . wanted r values $1.00; our price....... 35 . An extra rood Golf Bhlrt. any slse: value, i5 nur Black saUn fehlrt. well tailored.. double stttched and a perfect fitting shirt; values 65e and 75c: .our Itrlce ....... i... ....... v.. 35 MEN'S .SOX.-- -'- The best'' 1Kb merino and grey and fancy Sox r for . . i ' . . . .4 . 8 :v;'.';', -V ' MEN'S'. SWEATERS. '-;:: ' A large line of 75c values In "Sweaters that we will r sell for onlyi,; ii . . .....,... ... ....... 35 A1iah 'hnade by1 nlon taboi' sweater n blue, re - white and garnet and mixed colors; values II. BO, for . . t . r. . : i :..... 8 5 ' A"lrictly all wool If Sweater, "Bed Front- i colors and aises, for only ....... t. . T ....... fl.65 '- - '; ,a,..'. ' SUSPENDER AND NECKWEAR SNAPS. . t . - ..' ' :- 1 i 1 . I , ' ' AJarge assortment of tic yaroes In good, service - .able Sunpnre fOF . ...., ...... .6 1 Imported web Suspenders," as "gffftd'as the bent:' regular 6O0 values; here ...... ......,......JI3 A tetter" oner still, that you canl break ana' (wilt last until you're tired of themf values T5c;t here t... ............ .'.35 , All styles of the best grade Neckwear!' the kind - you pay IBc and 6O0 fo at clearance sales; v., hers .Mi..(..,.(M"...V).w.;..15f .Hundreds pt useful things. In Men's and Boys' Furnishings all the latest styles and highest quality, while the prices are at a loss to us, simply , to introduce ourselves to the public as ths Red 'iVOnt. Vr r ' ' ' -ir- V COLO (WEATHER GLOVES. We have a large Igie of good, warm Jloves, worth ', - 60vt)uU ,w will sell -while they last at. a. pair, .i........15 1 4!)ifferent Sty! etfsSOver5dats Hand tailored, fashioning the latest quality the best. ' FANCY MIXED AND PLAIN GOODS. V ' Our lines of Cravenettes and Overcoats are superb, and now is ths opportune time of your lffer to buy. These lines will actually be sold fni. mat, m h fai-tnry. ' W know Jthft wearing quality, the quality.Of shape-retaining - In these, garments,- and-grantee, satisfaction In every one sold here during-this extraordinary sale or your .money back with-' OUt. WOraa.. f : " .1 ." -.. - J.A,'.-...-..'' :,,yT- . .( '!.-. - Tou sganinlake your ehoice'-of 4$ different ' atyle of. Medium a?.. or r Winter-weight Overcoats, -.also Cravenettes,- short- -or moderately, long" a few of the extra lonif Box-Coats with belt "backs r . garments that sold at clearance sale for 1 10.00 and 111.00. We defy com petition and could' Only do so by losing money, but. It's our-wsy of-ad--vertising and to reduce a large stock. - " : : i ' ' Forty, different ; styles jn."Fall and' Winter Hand-Tailored Overcoats (Cravenettes). The latest fashioned",'. and the very "best linings.' These garments wear and retain their shape like -garments thst will cost you elsewhere -fHi.OO. tltjOO and 118.00.. but as a way of Introducing our pew name, the "Red Front," we sell them at actual cost. Every purchase can be returned if not satisfactory youc money ; back wttfout Quibbling, .. - - ; - - ' - , ' Ofrt Gives you your full choice of 0 different styles of the very ' sIVs'tJ best hand tailored, union. tnfcde garments to be seen In the. eit?rWTre-ew-marTlaU, some slllr Hnedrln"faltTiTut "wlnterwelghts. Ws have Cravenettes at this prioe toe.) - These -garment are unequaled snd we rive a positive' guarantee of satisfaction with every one Sold or money readily returned. See them Our only excuse for the- price is to Introduce Ourselves. : - : - i.-- . : ; , .. .- ' i' 3?5 Youths' Suits and Overcoats . AH the very" latest fsshloned and Tailored Garments In ; ' i v I ' NEW MIXED AND STAID COCORED J00D8. i'-X. hsve selected only two of -these most popular Suits to make prices on, but have other cheaper and higher If you wish. them; Styles the best.' Bargains unequoJed. .. ! '' " . v '" ' " .'V ' , .' ... - .-v jfi. -. ' , .1- j - C O C Choice of 2 different, styles .of new all clay worsted, cheviots' ,)eCj3and fancy mixed materials: ' Not a salt' here is worth less than $10, and that's what you'd pay at so-called clearance sales..-We Jose money, but what's that If. we get your trade In the future god your con fidence. Remember, the Red Kront. Overcoats kt same price. .. . . .-. . f y Of Takes , full choice of 13 styles of Suits in clays,, serges and )i lUJ cheviots; besfhsnd tailored, swell' styles all materials Im ported, single and double breasted. (Overcoats same price to match.) Every Suit is the essence of style, fashioned the latest. We make altera tlons. . We can afford to lose on these If we get the young man's confidence and his trade In the r future. - - . ' . .' : ' ;. : ISiMMen'suitesS -.;::,r:. ..V..... .1 4Baperlatlvely elegant, correctly styled andfaulUesalytallpred.lnl .:v : ' FANCY TWEEDS ANDJCAsAmERES. i . ' :. No better tailored, no neater madg garments, w'ere ever sold Ih-'Porfr--land or vicinity for double our price asked durlpx.ttllsl'ntroductonr Sale They areinion madndmad-"to wear and retain their shape, which wiiT guarantee.iWe.lwm take great pride In showing these suits and. ypvi'll fee. pleased without exception both as to style, quality and' price'. T , 1 'r Gives you your full choice of a half hundred different patterns' ln all wool Scotch Suits, hand - tailored, serge lined, self retaining shape. Tou can't buy them elsewhere In the city under $10 to $13 at the great clearance sale-prices now' In progress. " '- :" " - Vfy AgOttt here a band' tailored , Suit, selection from 15 different yl 7J stylesh3'patternuitlnatryott' pajr-atftileartince -sales from $15, $14 and $11 for. These are to be had In Tweeds and Cash'meres. In mixed and staid colors. No equal to these garments, and our future reputation iB'.squareiy behind them. 'l-i.. .. l.. .'., '.,.'. , Ofrt R jCbol ofwer. t dlf ferent patterns and styles are here to pl0J select from ar this price. Not a single old style garment In the lot. Suits that our' clearance sale competitors are selling for lllBO. $10, snd;, 12150. "'They are vhand ' tailored fro'mlm ported ; Tweedsahd: Cashmeres, the very best quality; of goods., fashioned the latest,, mad by" union workmen Actually we are Belling these garments at cost Just to advertise the Red Front. iJbys JteeJPants Suits The kind mother likes that wear and retain shape. ALL NEW MATERIALS AND STYLES. .1. ""In the Boys'. Department we have-tmt the knife rutting right in the center and cut the 'price one half. - We want the " Red Front" to be a household word wlthsvery mother In Portland and vicinity. - We are showing 59 different styles and patterns, embracing 48 Suits to select from at half price and less. . .. . v . - .;-."-"' t ' ' ' : -. All $2.00 Suits "and OVercoaU...... AH $2.b Suits and Overcoats.. 81.25 All 13 50 8ulU and Overcoats. ................... ..............U....81".75 All $4.50 Suits and Overcoats. i., ........82.25 Ml $5.00 Suits and Overcoats....... ..................... ...........82.50 All $1.00 Suits and OvercoHts..........,..v.....................,..83.0 jdlf $7.00 Suits and Overcoats. . . ... . . . . . ... i ..... k ....... i . . V. il; -. 83.50 ;AH $1.00 Suits and OvercoMs...;:7;''.T...;.7'.."..V..''V7.'.,...;Vl.v':9-1.00 . .-' . - ' '. -- . - . ".';' tZ: " 'Better grade If you wish to pay more. M'e are long on Children's tlothlng. "V " . ' . ,' .. r1-' ' Pantaloons Sale .1: The Besf Msteriate, the- LstssV Sty War Best Mafcrr ';v'.-V;- EVERY STYLE , IS HERE, . ; . "Choice -of hundreds of Pants worth $1.50 , a pair - for ...... i ..... . ... ....744 lnalherllott large variety worth $2.00: choice. 08 aii ouru.zo rants go at tnis sale for ,..........'...... 81.35 A -better lot that we dld .yell r $a.W." I3.5r and : 14.00, now we-lump -thenj and you take choice for . . .I.t -. .82.25 I Jlnother lot of tt.OO. $fl and $5.00 Pant-all go. . your cnoice lor .., ji,vi Tou can buy a free' choice of an extra fine line of Pants, correct shapes and latest '"'material.- In "cheviots and worsted, all hand tailored garment, , worth $5.00, $1.00 and $7.00, now...,vi... 83.45 5 0VERALL8 AT . COST. ' A large line. of Overalls and1 Jackets, with or without-bibs, ejxlped and plain, all "union made: 1 worth 75o k garment; now...i..,...,..,...40 t Hats Prices Cut - . But the Quality and Style remain A No. L . EVERY KNOWN S.qAPE AND STYLE. We are losing en Hatsrand while we have Some . that you can .buyfor less than II, we carry the' best IS Hat Iri "the mafket." .tv -Now, during this sale; any Red Front IS. 04 Hat Is yourafor ....... . ......... 1 1 .50 We have another lot of .styles that were sold for ' $2.50 and $3.00; you can pick your choice " for, hmri-i .-.v.81.25 Still another quality.' all new shapes and -styles; ' you can have choice for '....j. ..OO A fewodd lines and broken sixes. If w can fit you and plfaae you, your choice for "only. .. .504 "Bori'l," If needing- a Hat. -overlook th Red Front $3 Hat for 41.60,-a lla.t snap you'll not get'sgaiu soon. V"' ' "' ' ' ' - I Furnishing HALF PRICE . j Our Stock embraces every want "f Boys. C 8HIRTS..STOCKINGS, UNDERWEAR. j As tttra quality nf Black 'Hat teen Shirt. ... . .33 Boys' Negligee Shirts;- values., 40c , and iOcu. ' now ' i 1J - A good quality of Flannel Underwear for.... ..191 A lio "grade Black double, knee Stocking; just the JhlniMor school i.TVi' A better grade Black Stocking double - knee; vaiuis 2 Do and. 25c;. now le A first class percale or, flannel Wslst,..worth .. now :.....:..,; , .1 A good Sweater, value 76c, for- ;.--.-.. .. . . '35 -A $1.75 value 4n-worsted Sweaters, assorted olnrH. for only ..... ... it. v ...... .TO- Many other articles. In facti the entire wye Si is . placed at your Inspection at halt price, anil in many. Instances less. Seeing Is betlevtiisv.y nut and see. -The cost to you Is only fw minute of your- time.... ... ; :..' . " : .1. Mail Cr&rs WE WILL lILL ALL. MAIL ORDERS AS FAST. DURING THIS SALE AS ; POSSIBLE, GUARANTEEING . EVERY . ARTICLE PUR.' CHASED JUST AS REPRESENTED HERB IN THIS AD. OR MONEY REFUNDED. v ; mm CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS A. ROSNSTEIN, Proprfctcr 225 Morricoa Scct mBm SflB ; t iT6I)accO::Gost: BEGINNINO THE FIRST OF MARCH WE WILL CARRY A FULL LINE OF TOBACCO EVERY WELL KNOWN BRANDWHICH WILL' BE SOLD AT COST. PONT FORGET . . THIS FACT TOBACCO AT COST. ;