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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1905)
.THE OREGON DAILY JOU7.:;ALV I CHTLAHD.- FIUDAY.'' E", J,' ma,.. r ' Rabbit Captured 'fV CaEforhia' Coumry Basketball Games Tonight - Racing Stewards Pyzzla , Over Dates Wrestling. . Et'ite by . JL A. HCfcAN i i ; 1 i - . ,. ; ' W!U . V , v V .i IfIll. Tlllllll I Kl "vAll the big fighters except Johnson, the; negro, have passed up' Jeffries, and Johnson, would join the rank's if Jeffries ever consented i to raYimunsDXRy a foHower- of "the- fighting game who "wooldlike to hare snanswer to the question propounded': in the V cartoon b7Tad,WUI Jeffries ever hear his master's 6keK4 v A DTI DF nnlTv - wa v "w mwr esw ar FOR COURSING California Clubs-Send - Repre- tentative to Eastern Oregon to SeOure Hares. TO BE USED AGAINST,- -;- , DOGS IN STAKE EVENTS i-rivy;;.., wsBaajawJBaBwaaaB. 4. Rabbit Drives, Markets and Now y the Courses' Aid IrT Work '. '' , of Extermination : - : Tha Oakland, Ban Francisco, and Lou : Angalea Courting cluba have . a repre aenta.tla atatloned In tha' vicinity of Echo, in Umatilla, county, who haa con tracted to furnish those cluba-with a supply of Jack rabblta to be uaed against their , dogs In. their . courslpg;- vents, wbich branch- of sport la .exceedingly - popular In California. . -, Thla man Is operating on a OQO acre tract-of land midway between Arling ton, and Echo, on which 25.000 tons of ey were raised last year, and the stub blo therefrom is an excellent haunt for vref rabbit. Tha farmers and settlers of Umatilla .. county have been carrying jan a war or devastation f ofyeara .axwrnjit-tlila fw cles of animal, whose corn and wheat destructive proclivities are the bane of all -tha ranchers in that locality. - The raMlt hunters find a ready market In Portland for thls game. tor which they receive on an average of $2.50 per doaen. - ood some of them make Tonaiderable profit In killing for tha markets. . 'Sine's the repeal of ...the coyote and wolf scalp bounty law. another factor beside the, coursing club representative haa entered the rabbit hunting game, and tbl ia far more' devastating than ths human exterminators,' for the- coy- : ntes and wolves make poor; bunny their ; principal means of sustenance, and the repeal of the bounty has -caused a large -pAn pnnnciup THOUSANDS BENEFITED :V p Drop us a posuL stating your age and we Will mail you v. 1' ' - full particulars how to protect your family and build up n ; , ; an -estate for yourself, i U. ' ; v; i. . '-,;,, ; , : 0 CENTS a day saved each year will PROTECT you - for f l.OQO.OO and guarantee you, a GOOD INVEST. , " ment: 7r: ... e" !..'- Insure ' r OP NEW The Washington Life ; Write for particulars. .. V BLAIR T SCOTT, General Manager:l; ' 1: HARRY B. SCOTTAgency Director. 7 ; e09, 610, Cir, CI J and 6i3 Cham, of Com. Bldg, Portland, Ore. . Incr..-n th numbfr of th vora cloua . beaata In tha- wild a e( iieterb I - The xtnirains club's repraentatlveha duiii a. -v-snapM- trap, to opanins. or luim-Mirinuinrvi W II W tins. Jnto which th rabblta ara lured by ths tubbl,-and"whn auf f lclent num ber of them ara Inveigled Into Its meahaa they are captured allva. Each rabbit l put In a aeparata cafe and ha ships on an average of 50 a week and will continue his work ifl that locality aa long as the supply lasts. Rabbit drives. In which thousands nf these animals'-are destroyed, .are hold very year, near ths farming districts of eastern Oregon -and Washington that suuer irora ins depredations .pi itnis pest " With all these factors entered in the rabbit -hunting game, it means tht In a shorj time the Jack rabblta will havs been entirely exterminated. The rabbit drives are -- participated in by farmers who journey for miles to the vicinity In which .the affair, la held, and every 'variety of weapon" is used In exterminating them, ths prln cipul and . moat, effecUya one being a snort ciuo. -, .rf-A--'f- --r TO PROMOTE GOLF ; .:;y- :.-JN CITY OF MEXICO .... - Uoitrasl Sfeetal Service.) -'tr. - .New Tork. Feb. I. Mexico la going lu for golf in earnest. Circulars and entry blanks bava been received In tola city from ths honorary secretary of ths Ban Pedro Golf club of the City of Mexico, E. R. Lynch, announcing ths terms of a tourney to be given: by ths club on Feb-. to -16," Inclusivsrlt is to be open to all golfers. ' The amateur prise list will include a diamond medal and severs l gold- and -silver Tnedalsr A turse of tI50 wilt b-dlvlded for the profes sionals. Ban Pedro's Jinks are of eight een holes and' within a half hour's rids of the center -of ths city. vMr. . Lynch writes aa follows::. . " - "At present we are practically assured of ths presence of Willis Anderson, the open champion; Bernard Nichols and the Campbell brothers. Among the ama teurs whom we count -upon .having with Us srs Messrs. Herbert Wlndeler, presi dent of ths IT. 8. O. A.; P. W. Whltte- more. Thomas Stevenson, Ooorgs A. Angus and others equally prominent in golfing circles.-- We are also hoperul that Mr.-Travis and Mr. Ward will And It-possible to make ths. trip." r yvny oe wiuioui a roucr .. with YORK. STILL UNSOLVED Racing Schedule Continues to xjPuzzle the Stewards "bf the j f :; New York Jockey Club. NO WAR IN THE EAST OVER DATE SCHEDULE Western Stables ForeseeingCon- 777 flict In Their Territory En- ter IrV Eastern Events. (Joernsl Special Sorrlo.)' , -New Tork, Feb. I The New Tork raMng date problem is still unsolved. The stewards bavs discussed It, but the gordlan knot remalna--uncut..- Probably next week the matter wH b settled and wo win all know Jus what ths schedule is, in tha. meantime; If anyone. haa an laea as to what the stewards will do, ne is Beeping it strictly to himself. I bndersUnd that tha Morrises will hav hothing to do With the reorganised New Tork Jockey clubj-whlch seeks dates for the Morris Park track. Just who are back of tha club . is something of a mystery but thers Is good reason to believe that they are men of wealth and standing in the community. - who are perfectly competent "to keep ths track .up to: its historic standard, and with such connections In t.e raolng -political and financial world that they cannot be ignored. . ; -' : . . - i - As good a guess as any at the out come of the -wnole affair la .that . the dates for the other metropolitan tracks will be shaved a little, and that a race meet will be held at on of the metropol itan tracks- while thai Saratoga meet -Is on." in -this wnjr the Morris Park, the Belmont Park-and the ' Empire City tracks an could get a chance to sit la ths game. , . .. . una thing is sura- There will be no turf war In the east over the dates, and la that respect ws have the advantage of the . wesf.. for . there 1 no .longer. any doubt-in-4h-tninds-of ths eastern horse men that it Is to be wsr to the knife In ths west The way the thing la slxed up hero Is' that Corrlgan will have the new. Panama. Pars; -at New 'Orleans, Es sex -parte, at I lot Springs.- Cumberland Park at Nashville, Churchill Downs at Louisville, Elm Ridge Park at Kansas City. Highland Park at Detroit-Haw. thorns at-Chicago, Worth at Chicago, and Union. Park at St Louis, while be hind Condon- will be lined up ths three- syndicate plants at Bt Louis, ths Har lem track at Chlcagot the Crescent City atvjNew Orleans. Memphis snd La ton la. Ths general feeling in the east Is to be. found inthe sentiment of the-bid lady whoso husband '-was' having an argument with a bear: "Oo It, huaband; go it b'ar!" although they regret to see a conuiiion wnicn will near naraiy on owners and breeders, recognising theit-,-Mile snd a sixteenth Past Master l.n . an Inli... i ,.nl.. Ll Iwnn VImp. Btrlwh, MHAnA ' tllMn. V. ' fact that -an , Injury to -racing lln -oris seotlon Is bound to react on all other sections..": - Ths . peace which ca n only come through conquest ever is dear, and the pries paid for it falls upon- thosa who must accept the situation which con- rronts-even tns conquerors, i conress I can sea no bright prospects for horse men -and breeders In the western situa tion if It ahould develop Into a war of extermination of either ths Western Jockey elub or Of the hew associations. The move Important western stables, foreseeing '-4he possible complications, havs mads entries to.-ths i rich eastern stakea If matters are straightened oat they will stick' to tha west, but their nominations are considered significant as indicating an upheaval that may snd eerlouely. jf or all-concerned. ' - - - AOirZO aTATIOsTAZj sTxara. . (Josrssl SpecUl Irrrirt.) " - Bait Lake. Fb. 1. A meeting of the Paclflo - Natlonel leagtie offlclsla has been called, by President Riahel, to con veno st rtutte on FVbrusry 11. A sched ule la-to be adopted and applications of several towns desiring membership will be considered. ' . . - TWO GAMES TO BE PLAYED WITH PALLAS Indoor' Baseball land Basketball ; - Contest on Schedule foe -. - : This Evening. - Tonight those Interested wilt wit ness another doublo header. In the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium, when the faat aeo viiu iDui vi iniiK ooiiege win una up I ii i against, ths Tlaers. -The colleca bovsl"'1 nave -so tar not oeen aereatea." and do not look for It tonight; while, -on the titer hand. the TigeTsr irer-pTaylng tigntntng-oait ana-aiatea -over theljr to cent series of victories expect to. give tne college boys a srenulns surprise party. -... . .... -' Following ' the basketball -game ' the T. M. C. A. first baseball team will line up against Ringlet's team which is an aggregation of stats leaguers that are playing a fins article of bait Tho as sociation team won the city champion ship last year and so far"thls year havs been undefeated. Thev tea guers will cer tainly get a warm .reception. : Offlclala Barttdrick. Freeman and Hoi man. . r . S ' jThs line-up: 'l,;1, v. Dallas, -i Position. - v Tfaers. Urmer-,. J... . Forward. ... ... Masters Craver ,..t... . For ward. . n.-loore Arnold ........ .Center. ,.,,.,. . Pugl Morton ....... .Ouard. ...... . Uarrlsuh Sevlnton .Guard. . ... .... Marritt Butler, Grimes... Subs. Schwarts ; Rlnglera. " Position T. It. C. A Vinson .o. ......... ... Barrel I Northrup.. .'. . . m i"-P- . . . Jackson Bhookley vrs. M. C Morrow Jodon II Hunter lb S. Newell. ... , ... 2b. , .v. .... . Jameson H. Newell.. ...... .3b. ,, ,. . Gates Wodargs ...rf. -... Austin Chapln .1 f ...v. . ; W J. , Morrow REVOLT SCORES A WIN. v' : : WHICH HELPS BOOKIES Ban Francisco, Feb. J. Tam O'Shantef wss ths medium by which the bookies mads a clean-up yesterday, for thou sands of dollars were wagered on this horse to win, the second rac,-whlch .was captured by Revolt Summary Three and a half furlongs eSyphon girl wor-Oeorge-Ar-K-ntght-second; Mas- anan third: time. 0:ifhk. Five furlongs f Revolt won, Tam p'Bhanter second. Hlpponax thirds time. 1:06.- . , Six furlongs The Hawaiian won, Adl ronrtack.eecond, Prestano third; time. Mile and a sixteenth Hslnault won, Stlllcho second. Barrack third; 5 time. Futurity Course A Muskodsy - won. Bob Ragon second, Albert Fir third time, 1:16. -s ' ' " ' '.: One mile Arcade won, Cloverland second, Boufrlere third; time, 1:41. .-s !...--'i' At Aeoot rark. - -.' :' J. Loa ATigelos, Feb. L Jockey Morlsrty -made a record yesterday by riding four Of the six winners. ; The- Ripper waa ths only fsvorlte to win. Summary; won. Flora Bright second,' Mirsna third time, .:61. g Sl furlongs ' Metlakatla won," Aunt Polly second. Funny Bide third;.. .time, Slauson coarse Susie Christian won, Komobo second, Ben Lear third; time, 1:11H. Seven furlongs Ths" Novice ' won; Hllona second. Head Dane thirdi time, 1:2m -Mlie'and a sixteenth The-Ripper won, Canelp second, Ray third; time. l:t0..- ' - Bis furlongs Chief Aloha won; Palm ist second. Carllsls third; time, 1:17. '- . M Mflk m 1 ' " ' BCoOXOSstaTT ZaT BVOKAkTS, (Jearssl Rpeclal Sertira -; i ' r . Spokane. Feb. I. -John McCloskey'of the Northwest league ssys Spokane Is to have a new ball park near the center of the' city. - .. ... : A oartv made an offer to Clvde WI1- l'lams, through McCloakey. to purchase tha leaso Mr, Wllllama holds on the Na tatorlum grounds and goodwill of ths Spokane magnate Tar $1.(00. Ths effer was not made for the franchise, as It la contended that since the P. N. L. Is a dead Issue, it has franchise to sell. The Match Game in the BqwI ing Tournament Last Even- - ITERS' SCORE IS ; V : U AN: ALLEY RECORD Roll i Up Largest i Total : of I Pms saf vi i-i aww ii ttvviu we i nament Games. t evening's match game on -the Portland alleys between the-Uold Leaf and Pin Knights teamsl'waa-the - most lnterestmg rolled in the leagrue ' tKu far. The Oold Lesfa ara In last TJveldJfsjrsin ,lst place, but If they keep up tha -Bace they -Bet last night they will soon reach the top. T ..n - kl.ku. - ' ...... n rolled ln the' league, coming through with - l,71f pins for the three gamea McManamy certainly pur npa star game.. ,K very ona-of his-- gamea 'were well over the .200 'mark. . He hadVhe high average, tl 1-1. Taylor was rjght after him with a 201 2-t average. He acored ISO In his two last games. . Mat lett Wd high single game, SJ J. ' The dontest throughout to use a slang ex presskio, was a pippin." Dole made the difficult 4-7-10 split spare . and Rowe made the t-10 split-spars. - ' Ths doubles -this evening ' should prove -interesting, as -1 of " the best bowlers In Portland ars entered. ' The gams with Astoria will take ' place to morrow (Saturday) at I ootock. Ball and McMenOmy established a new alley, record last evening for. two men rolling 477 pins In one game McMen- omr having 254 and BM1 z:i,'! The ..scores, of.' last . night's match ware: rln Knights Taylor Maliett . ..... . riO - 230 207 i-t . .13.. 235 144 12 3-3 . .laS'12 148137 1-3 ..10 115 ; 164 15S I-J T Dale .... '.-. Christian ,,. . . Jackson- i.l7-lS- 17 mT7 3j - lot- $47 v. - ' Gold Rowe . Leaf 11) . Y)$r .157". lit: J$2 '.....,'. .18$ 174 ' 14- ve. -17 1-3 Dummy i 1$ 1-3 F. Closset ,..10 18$ 147 17S 1-S McManamy . ...IJ '2U721B 1 1-3 Galllard . 15 ' 1$1- 10 165 2-3 ,tot ; V.'-'..'..n o.oo t iX lAlvlOND : GLISTENINGSr -,rMT" . " '-' 8eattle la ' making strenuous efforts to land Johnnv Burns, tha clever second baseman who was a member 'of McClos key's'etsl while. , Sun '.. Francisco . ' team during the baseball war. Burns is a fine player and Russ Hall' will have a star should he land the Toledo msn. . , ' Virgil Garvin, the man McCreedlo Is reported to bo after,, is said ' to have algned with' President Ksvanaugh for ons of ths Southern league teams.; " Rverythlng - regarding the local - team will be settlsd In a day or. two for McCreed I Intends to announce h lav team In tha nesr future. . - H . McCreedle'g team continues to' receive praise from, the scribes of the other towns In ths circuit which is somewhat different srom ths way former teams have been heralded. . The new team- Is undoobtedly a - crack aggregation on paper, and. att that now rematn- a .for them to demonstrate their ability on the diamond. ... . , .- , On the other . hand, . some baseball arrlbet.are inclined to think' that Run Hall haa ths weak slater. Hall has a fairly good outfield In Dusty Miller, Lfty Houts and Harry Kane, but the Infield la where tha Biwaahes will be lacking, for Hall haa' but one Inflelder, himself.." outside of the California ama teur, Dick Kagan. , V Ike Butler, Charlie . Shields and Van Buren of . Portland's winter-colony , of balllossers are going" up to SU Martin's springs for s week or. 10 tJaya' outing. They are taking their rifles along lit anticipation of galling a shot at big nme..;: . ; ; . . WORLD'S W0T0R BOAT RECORD IS BROKEN (Jouriul Special Service.)' PttJm. Ueach.- ria, - Fob..XJv:CiJOJUld uroxaw a 'motor, poat cnauenrer broke the world's - record ; for' t one : kilometer; maklng Uie distance lntl minute and XI seconds.y Summary' - l. C-.. V First, yacht and motor boat race, four miles; . handicap Everglades, Colonel Thompson, owner, won. Time, ST:0.S J-. Second,.- Auxiliaries , four-miles, four entries - Uuma, Ralph" Worth Ington, owner,-won.v Time. rJ4:00'l-l.-: : Third.-, one ,klomter for : hi wh- speed boats-Challenger;,,ProotQr Smith, one -minute-t I -soeonds. - WorM'a- record. ) -rForth;Tn"mUoTagalnst"t time; Char - leaser. ' Time. :ll 'i...::. .' Vlf th, -iotr- boats having record of nnrter--lmUaa-per-hour, .handicap wigier-won. Time. ii:z4.t Blxth, 20 miles, , handles p- ..0, otv...: AIIUW,- ..V. rwo iTT.T.TsarnsTB eka tnoi ' - -. : :v ' v - v' .:. ,' Joarnsl Special eVrvire.) ' :. ' Chicago, February J. Charles F.; Conk llrii .'"of. Chicago and W"'lt. Rlvmirnev r iued for nrsthonors in the a ma tour bl naro cnamponsnip . totimamentr -There, la little likelihood of Poggenberg, who Is . next .high' - man, -returning tat finish ths match. . :. . '. , ;'' ' TV--7"- i'. : v, IrV-, mm Such 0 'in 85-87 Third Street, The Only High-Class Clothing spBSsasa rinal Uearance "av Ilk - S si . EFFORT TO BE MADE- V 'f r TO RECAPTURE CUP. ' v 'f-(Jo'Broal BpecUl Setvlca.) .' ,' J ' y-j -asTorkV-yW iAiattsmpr ia4tfP? be-made during the coming summer to 'V. . recapture the international ' challenge : -oup' for tenala players, now held by the English' L. T.'A. " The. Dwlght Davis ; ' trophy , was won by the English: team V. at "the Longwood". tournament near Boe-- .; ton In 190S. Last summer tha sttempt- to form a hlgh-f lass team as a failure. -7 . but" this year a determined .effort-will ";V be made to wrest the cup from England. The first 4e Ih -ths moveiitwit Was th""-" laaulng. -Of-invttationa to: some of the:'. - -try for places on th t'esm. ' Soma of theil. racquet wlelders selected, by the com- -mlttee of the V. S. N L..T. A. are tt li: LJttl; W. -A. Lamed. M. D.-W'hjtman. W. J. Clothier. K Collins and B. C. ' Wfight : -While it lit doubtful If ell. of r these players . could . make the trip to Kngland. the committee will be able to .' pick a strong team from those selected ' :. In-the trlsls. . - ::.'- .'' .owrxjPiM ku$uu. Jortial Sperial Service.) ' Prls. Feb. $. By defeating Marshall yesterday- Janowsky : tied -the American lntthe chsee tourney, each, having won - two- games. "''"."., '0 ,. - , ... '. ,.. Presents the last opportunity to se; , VlUC 111 OI . - . AT Including last and best Values added ' to our superb line of .-'',' '' '. .?.'i AT ''V values were never offered be- fore in Portland. v r ill &mvi Bet Stark and Oak ' V. - Store North' of the Cham, of Com. f.... II '.'.'-' 1