The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 03, 1905, Image 1

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    ... a. . .
j,, ' t-r '
;;- -" ?- j.- - t-
- .'' . nV' ' " " i. ;r
X . Tb Weather. - - :
Tonight and Saturday, probably
,7- fatr; wlnda mostly northerly..
The Circulation V
Of The Journal ;
'. Yesterday Was
t..--" 4 ; . - '-' ....
VOL. III. NO. 87.' -
- ... T , .-
And So the Conspirators
r,; Agfiinst Hcccy,, will ri
Probsbiy Esccpe v
Everything Points to Fact That
Desperate Effort Waa rMader
to Destroy Prosecutors
. . - . TUera- wlU probably. nQt. tifl . any In
, dlctmetita returned br tb'a (edaral grand
Jury on ! charge of oonaplrlng to ob
: atruct JuaUea by defaming Dletrlct At-
'. torney Francla J. Henay. In tba public
njlnd, there la-no doubt' that the con-
aplrfcy waa formed, and attenfpted . to
rt be put In locution, but tha achema Waa
nipped In tba bud by the counter of tha
. " . government In bringing all poaalbly con
".:' neted wlta It before tha grand Jury and
-irwaklng them teetlfy to what they
iTf na feeard and dohe. -
In tba wojda of a government official.
"there haa beerf rapid acurryrng .to
cover, A a oon tba men in the acheme
Learned that, tha government aecret aer-
-ice fore-waa working on the caae the
-" Whole project . eollapaed. - It baa ut
; . taken aufBolanf form to Indicate Ita pur-
poaa and aeopa. but with Marta Ware and
Alice White giving tha govarnmentSfull
.?f partleulara of, what - had been- said -to
( . them and the tnducementa offered, there
..,. . w" no hope of tha oonaplracy being car
iV rled out. - Numeroua other wltneaaaa
irave taatlmony that aatlaQed the Inveatl
i gatora of the conspiracy. . If there had
not bean aoma concerted plan to trap Mr.
. , Heney, It la argued that all of the work
tpprna-irvarlothrtjTmrterB by titan
. ; moat tnterrated In hla deatruatlon. would
v, not have been obeervedV 'vr
Mott af Wttaaaaea mi Sasd. ' '
f Moat- of tha wltneaaea ltave beenae-
r fured. A P. Cayjer la awaxvlbut majr.
-, te aec4red later. If Judge Bellinger
ti rulea that Dlatrict Attorney Manning
"-"-moat tell to the -federal grand Jury the
"".7 namea of alt peraona who'. approached
' him and urged what be thought to be a
. ' conspiracy agalnat Mr. Henejr, tk caaa
' ' will be vaatly atrengthened; for It can
; be -proved that Mr Manning aald ha had
.j "keen- approached, -4"he decision of the
. Judge on this -polni wUl ;be .eagerly
, awaited by both the government and the
7" public, aa It la tha universal desire -to
' bay all the facta brought out, . ' (:
- r-.y. .: Wltnaaaea eU of neK-f --,-
A. J. Vantyne, a lawyer, waa before
"the -grand Jury this morning to testify
) In regard to tha alleged conspiracy. , Hla
, testimony relates to aoma of the re
ft ...porta that were circulating, and 4 he ef
- fort to get witnesses .to awean-. agalnat
' Mr. JHeney. . r; ' - ' . '
- p F. IV McCnlly, of ' Joseph, Wallowa
- county whoee name waa associated In
- tbe-affalr, has been subpoenaed. His
- "--partner In business, who la In the city
' at. the present time, asked' Mr. Heney
J: thla morning If Mr. McCully'a testimony
waa essential, and wa assured that the
" witness would have to appear. He will
probably not reach here beforaMondayt
Charlee FfLordT" attorney,' waa be
fore the grand Jury late yesterday 8.
1.1! ternoon, A. P. Caylee, formerly of Wal
lowa county, "who la connected In aoma
.manner with tha plot laid for execution
t the Palmar house, baa not yet heen
'". round. Cayler.knew McCully out In Wal
:. Iowa county, and their-namea have been
need -Jn" tha 'reporta received; by the
government, nd- which "protnpta the
:' present inquiry. ' ' " "
- F, A." Tfoung and B. D. Shepard. ' with
-thellr wlvei and-two chambermaids,-who
'. 7 , weret;- aubpoenaed . ' from ' the Palmer
- "house yesterday afternoon denied, that
- they knew of the plot ...-" i. ...
No report will be made In thla mat
.' tar until Monday, or possibly later, as
' Judge -Bollinger will not be home until
tomorrow morning,, and- McCully'a tea
tlmony Is yet to b given,: -'':;
' adge CareyM BtatamentL
,1 Judge Charlea it.' Carey ' telephoned
The Journal this morning from Astoria,
; where he was called on urgent business.
' refuting the statement In the morning
. paper that her wall Implicated In a con--:
splracy against Francis J. ITeney. He
ifsald that hajhad ffeiy et Xdrlh 411. Tie
. knew, of tha affair, and by no poasltiU
distortion could thla be made to Impli
cate him. la any .design agalaat Mr.
Heny or othr official. . v'" "'
. Judge Carey states that the "only
time ha ever -dlsoueeed -tha-affalr waa
with John Halt. Thin oceaalonha ben
mentioned," and ""covered no mora than
telling Mr. Hall that statements - bad
t been made Involvinr Mr. Heney: If
. these were true, ha thought they should
be Investigated, but If they were not
trua, ef course they merited) -no-attert-
(Continued on Pare !.)
Alsimawla ral 1TK A ai ths 1
haalngr-Clarence - Iubben. the -
year-old son of John O. Lubbln, Ilea
at the point of death at hla father's
' home suffering from spinal meningitis
and In all probability with a fractured
skull. He Is In a atats of coma, and
attending physicians hold out no dope
for Jils recovery. . ,
Tha boy's Injuries were administered
January 10 by fellow pupils at the
Jiongfellow school, who tossed him . In,
the air and permittedina to fall to the
FrorrLft to Right, Grand Dukes
,f.v.-i k V:
British Yachisman4 Expects' to
Pay 'Pacific - Coast " Hit -
First. Visit :
His.'Jtgreht, Mr-Lyndon, Has
Word That the aNoble Sports
: man Will' Setflhe West. !
Sir Thomas LlDton will visit Portland
fdurlng tba Lewis and ' Clark espoihtion.
This la - the announcement , which has
been made by: Mr. Lyndon, the. special
American agent of business Interests of
tha -prominent yachtsman, who has been
in Portland for the past "weet," -t J,
Mr. Lyndon baa told friends that Sir
Thomasi stated to him while on a recent.!
trip to England .that -be Intended com
ing to the Paclf lo coast next fall. r He
whers he wento.lnveatlgata hla mining
Interests several years agos - Mr.. Lyndon
aaya Sir. Thomas -Is charmed with-'the
Americana and their customs, and la de
termined if possible to visit tbe "Lewis
and Clark fair "some" time, during the
falli' ' J ' ' . -. ."' 4 ' :
.He sUtes-that.Uie..challengernitha
America cup Is making elaborate ar
rangements to entertain tha Vesper' Boat
dub of Philadelphia at .the. Henley, re.
gatta next summer. He Intends to give
thAmer1cana- ar'grand - reception-' and
will .entertain them during their atay lnl
Lojsdon.-, . v-,;, -.,;,.,;'.-: f S . : H
. (Jeornal gpmHal arvtee.) 5
Santa Rosa, Oal., Feb. J; Luther Bur
bank, the horticultural w I sard, has given
his refusal 'of hla' fadelea flower, to
Paris, .. txpdon . and , San Francisco . m llll
nerjr concerns- .It .'1a understood that
no price hns been set' and that Burbank
wlll"not "n"a" n'rtetrTunttrr tha - flower
la brought to a full a4att of perfectloar ;
. ' .... .J,-..
1- (Hpeetar IHnpatch' t -ThB- JnornuL") tl'i
Wardner, Idaho, : Feb.: J. Iri a -quarrel
-over av woman Oen'rga Krelas and J.
Basaett grabbed hot "flat Irona . from a
stove-end attacked each ' other. Both
were arrested-for assault and battery.
Both plead self defense. Kretsa la badly
burned.- ' 'i-" ' - . '. ...
ground from a height of front" seven to
eight: feet.- Before- the boy lost con
sciousness Sunday' he told his father
that the boys Who-based Ma-tit ail pc.
tween 14 and If yeara of age. . '
The -Injury to young iiubben his
brought to light the flirt that the
youngsters have been guilty of haalng
practice In the public schools for some
time. Ralph Viva, another tittle chap,
waa forced to est matchea and aarrewly
escsned drsth.- while Elmer Burnav-waa
thrown, and baa a broken arm a a re
sult. ..- - .
...t-i' lf . ' . ' -i
A, "7:: "' i W .lir
Artdrae VladimlrrPierre NichdlagauOJeiaiSelladimir, the Cittrina, GnncTDuchetsea ijelerieand Marie,fhe
,' ... wrjna tue wonstannne, oergci ana f num.
':i,r-.. l,i.,
Interstate Commerce Commission RhdshjajlijspnC
ion, Giving Rebates to the
itQjiiJJnder Whose Regime ; the f Rebatin'g .Was '.Done,
' ' f (Joornal BpecUt Service.)''4 " ' ' :; 7
x WssMhgton, Feb. s.-r-The Interstate
commerce commission t today formally
announced Its opinion In the Santa Fe
rebate case, holding that "tbe company,
for .the last five yeara ."wilfully and con
tinuously violated the provisions of the
law which requires common barriers to
publish and adhere to tariffs." i .
The statement calls attention to ; tbe
fact that after the company waa en-
Joined In 1I0S to observe th! feature, of
me Kimns law, yet irom tnat oata to
November 47, 1904, the .company contin
uously disregarded the. -court's order.
.The opinion, also charges the : Colorado
uel tt Iron company , .with .pyatematio-
auy. violating me provisions- oi , mi acc
in accepting a tariff on. coal less than
the publlslfed rate, t.i t '
Secretary", of the Navy Paul Mortoh'a
nkmo la not mentioned. In the. opinion
which waa prepared by-Commfsaloner
ProutUL The .entire , matur has -been
ther proceedings as he. may. deem 4ropc
OflOB ma U". .. .. . '.'.y. r - -
- The opinion ' says - that the evidence
produced "shows that- competition., waa.
Navy Department Shows ;That
a- Government ,Yards Are Dis- -
"criminated' Against
k' ' .'" . UiXf-jr ,' ' f ii 1
i 1T..I SmMI IbnUl
Washlngton, Feb. I. Acting Secretary
or the .Navy .Darling has transmitted, to
the house reports; from' ths nvsrlous
bureaus of his . department., relative' to
the delivery, of material for tlie -battle
ship Connecticut 'that - Is?. belteon-Blructedtrtthe.-NewxTork.
nav.yyart" lit
compeOtlonwlth theltflulsiana.jlharia
being built In private yards. " h v
The Information Is In'teeponse to an
Innuiry .made on a resolution prompted
by -a complaint of the Central Federated
union of New York in March,-104.- The
complaint distinctly, charged that armor
plate .intended for the Connecticut , waa
delayed,-In order to make it appear1 that
the building . of battleships - could not
be done ss expeditiously in government
yards aa In private yards.- - .
It waa ahown that the Carnegie com
pany did causa a delay on the Connecti
cut, and. when the Carnegie works got
so much behind the department took
the coptract- from them, and turned it
ovTtoth Bethlehem r works.- wince
that time there hae been no further
complaint. '2 The correspondence shows
that the delays in qcirvenes oi armor
for the Connecticut - were greater than
for the Louisiana. . . -
... . -r
MWaahlnatnSJ Boreas of The JdersaLl .
V Wsshlnaton, IX C, Feb. J. Congress
man ' Williamson has Introduced a bill
conferring on the aecretary of war the
Jurisdiction of the Willamette river
above the Mad laon street bridge, so that
the departatent may lower the water
mains serosa the river bed and be en
abled to Increase the depth of tbe chaa-
v -'.t'.. . v.. -."' .".,''- ,
Colorado, Fuel & Iron Company
iJ tt " 'a ' ij "'''. '.
ahut out by the agreement of the rail
road and the .Colorado Fuel Iron com
pany and tat 1 the railroad . and the
coal company were virtually partners In
business.- "'...!"' ;!' ,''..,
The Atchison,- Topelca & Santa Fe
railroad waa charged with violations of
tbe Sherman' Interstate' commerce law
and Elklns anti-rebate' law in carrying
out ita .contract with the Colorado Fuel
4b Iron company, granting it heavy re
bates on all ahlpmenta of coal and ore,
thus preventing competition. -,
The railroad's published schedule for
carrying coal was 3.0 a.ton from the
mines to penver. . Thla . waa . the price
quoted , other . shippers . than tha : fuel
company. The company,' however, was1
given a rebate of 11.10 on each ton, mak
ing the net cost to them of, II t ton.'
The contract -waa drawn up and aigned
by-Paul Morton, then rvlce-prestdent of
the Santa, Kepnow 'secretary of tbe navy,
. In hla defense President Ripley. of the
Santa Ke stated that the railroad agreed
to carry lho--coaronrrheTniri6s 'Tor
addition to its
own freight
the sum. of 11.10 for. the
Colorado Fuel Iron company and that
through - some Inexplicable mlstaka- the
, is;given sister
Favored! Children - of I Millionaire
,' Make Present to Less Pdr- Vj
tunate Relative. . r
, -. .(oarnal Bseclal Berrlce.) s -
Pittsburg,. Feb. J.-4-Four favored chll
drea. of; the J late' nmUI-mlllTonalre,
Charles' Lockhart,. who- were left 'many
millions-by his will' to the detriment of
Mrs,. W": 8. .Flower,; a , daughter' whom
he cut .off' with. an. Income of 1200,000,
nave decided to-assist their Una forfun
at7Blater7nd ;ach brother-and slstar
will hand. over ta Mrs. Flower l7-,00,-000,
making her .fortune 130,000,000, tbe
sdma'aa their own.'.. "' "t
Mrs. Flower years - ago, offended her
father by .eloping with, a' poor .dentist,
Ir. W. 8. Flower, and later' offended
him more deeply by" not . naming her
first born after a member of the Lock
hart family. . . .",'. . ' ' .
. It became known today. that from Mr.
Lockhart' Standard -OH holdings alone
hla Income waa $18,000,000 a yesr. Ills
wealth-was- estlmatetl- to-' be. at - least
f 160,000.000, or perhaps more than An
drew Carnegie's. -
'' - ' (Joaraal SBMlal rto.) :. .
"Jtfferson City,' Ma, Feb. S. Tha - su
preme court today affirmed the Judg
ment for -murder In the first degree
sgalnst William Rudolph, a. notorious
bandit, sentenced to be hanged March
U. Rudolph was convicted fer the mur
der of Deteetlve Schumacher, who
hunted him down for robbing a bank
at Cnlon. Mo, . - '
(Joanwl BpeHtl ifTv. '"".'
New Tork. Feb. a. One man was ahot
dead by Private Lawrence and three
other narrowly escaped the same fste
While attempting to steal metal from
the Brooklyn navy yard at an early hour
this morning.
1 .-f !-"v-U :
Secretary Jof the Navy ' Mor
"Is Not Mentioned.'
Joint rata- waa -put In force to cover this
arrangement, Xhe tariff,' he stated.
should have -shown 'Upon ita face-that
the rate Included the -price of the coal,
but failed to disclose such' fact, and
while -It might nave been fan unin
tentional violation jot the law,- no one
could have been Injured because the fuel
company received northing morp than the
contract price for Its coal and there
were no other shippers In the field.
. The -case waa first -brought to the
attention of congresa by Representative
Baker, of New York, who last Decem
ber made a. savage attack yupon Paul
Morton for bla open violation of the law
lit this case 'and requested hts impeach
ment, - - - . ; . it . -.-
" The Santa -Fe s contention that "no ons
wss Injured, by. the rebate Is disproved
by-the ease of ' the' Caledonia 'company
versua the Colorado Furl tt Iron com
peny. now before- the v.Bupreme'-eourt.
The Caledonia company demands 1(400.-,
000 damages from-the Santa Fe because
TJi ruined T)yTec-Btes paid by-1
I railroad Company to the Colorado Fuel
aV.Iron company which forced -the Cale
donia to close Its-mines-' and rendered
its Investment worthless,
Senate Resolves Itself Into Court
- j. ..of. ImpeachmerrtVto Re -:Z
xeive Reply.: . ' (
. . " (Joarnal gpeclal R-tIc.) "
Washington,,' Feb..' , The '. senate" at
1230 o'clock today resolved Itself Into, a
court of Impeachment; toiecelve- the for
mal repl y . of Judge Sirayne's . impeach
ment charges. Senator .Thurston," coun
eeHfor- 8wrni, read the answer of- the
respondent -to a charge of returning air
expense, account ' of 110. a . day , while
outside of , his district, i. , v ,: 1 -. -v-'t ; ;
. The respondent declared that he , be
lieved '-the law Intended to, allow thtt
amount aa - a ' reasonable eompensatlor.
As proof of hla const ruction .of the law
proper-copies of similar charges madu
by tha-Judge in the third, fifth, seventh
and nnth districts are appended, .
Putting a new. main abaft. In. the con
trolling JmachIneiiy.iof Ithe Morrliol
street bridge required a day longer than
waa expected,' and 'the bridge wilt". not
be reaartorhg' opened: td the public, uutll
late this afternoon.' .. The draw spsn has
remained1 anchored over the channel of
the river since 1:10 o'clock yesterday
morning.- ""All street ear "and other
travel haa been dlTted to Bumside
street bridge, which has been severely
taied to accommodate both the travel
ing public and the river traffic.
.j- m ,
"- mxa Homiu
. (Joarnal gpeeUt tWvtce.t ' .
Montreal. Feb. a. Fire today i de
stroyed Tuck'tt's cigar factoiy, the
Merchants telephone exchange and the
Peerless Gaslight , company a establish
ment. The loss la SlOo.QOtt. .
m 1 m- m
fi n
1 1
Cxarf Prince: Pierreof Oldenburg-
Fulfills Agreement Witrr Morales
"T"'. ' i." .' .': .'(.'.'1 n.- ','-
v ' mingo Revenues ; ;
Projected - Agreement ' Said to
" fHave Been Rejected arid '
,' New Protocol Coming. ,
Jedrnal Special gerrlee.)
San Domingo, - Feb. . S. Representa
tives of the. United States 'took, control
of the custom house receipts yesterday
In - accordance with - the-terma Jof - the
protocol signed January 10., .There has
been no outbreak on the part of the
opponents 'Of President Morales aa yet.
' The rebels axe In possession of' Ben
ches, Samana and Monte Chrlstl on the
north coaaLThey are eapeclaliratrpng
at Monte Chrlstl. as In malting, tecmi of
pease at the rinse of. the, last. jevo.lut log
It waa agreed by President Morales that
they should remain In possession of .the
custom hoaae at that port. , . '
There may be trouble with, tbe rebels
r Samaha "andT Sancneiralao Puerto
Plata- Is -the nly. .port on', the north
wherethei Morales government Is su-
nrerae. and that port now-Is alieady ln
charge of Judge Abbott, who is dlvert-
lna the tecelDta to -s payment or tne
claims of the-Dominican Improvement
compafly. ". ' . ;
-r Jected Igew Oas to Be Made. '' .
' "(Joarnal Special Service.) ' 1
'.Washington, - Feb. - lrNotwlthstand-
Ing the-reports from Santa Domingo
u .ih. 1'nitiMt niata haa. taken over
the management of the-customs'-ln ac
cordance with the recent agreement,, the
state department announces today that
the agreement has been rejectee oy mis
a,.. - it la atjxtiuL. hftvever. that
m new protocol will be aumhitted t the
senate i-or ratuicaiion, oov-rniBi . mo
main points of the tlrt agreement ..
' SUeiCr MTJatDliat. '
-t Joarnal Special" Bervlee.)
Rault'-Sta. MArie. M l'h.. Feb. f.-r-
Joseph Raclcul, a wealthy Callfornlan
who haa been securing options on farm
property In this section, haa mystert-
ounly aiMPpearea. sia n jnmui w
lleve he nas oeen aiuea or niiumumn
and his body hid In the woods. He is
said to have hadia large sum of money
on hla person when he disappeared.
$10,000,000 IN I904
' " (J.Kiraal Rpeelal Sertlca.) '; ' -:"
New Tork..Feb. I. Ten million dol
lare Were embesaled lrt the fnlted States
during the yesr 184. according to a
statement Just eotnpUed by tho. Fidelity
tc Casualty company of this city. Then
figures do not Include he operations of
Mrs. Cassle I Chadwkk. but regular
atraleht-cnt steals followed by the enn
fep"ion art conviction or by the dlsap-pe-
-r of the, guilty ones.
1 . : . . '; a: te headed tha VXt of
Six Wwkra Ar
If orty-Eight1 Injured by-
Trpops jat Lodz.
Czar Will Receive a Deputation:
of Workmen at the Govern
. 'i ment- Prinfery Many .1
--. :. Reforms Promised. :.
(Joarnrt 8vll Bervtee.)
. Warsaw,' Feb. l.rA ' dispatch ' from r .
Lods stataa. that enlarge body of strlk-
era, while attempting to compel the em-. .
ployes of a lace factory to quit work,
were fired upon by troops. It la re
ported that- the lighting continues thla 1 . -afternoon.
. - '.. ..'! '
Coal , miners struck this morning In '. '
the districts of Dombrowa Aand ' Bos-, "
novice. It Isfeared that thla will nave,
a serious effect, on -the Industrial eltue-r ;
tlon generally, aa many manufacturing'
centers are dependent upon' these -dla-V
' The number of lives lost aa a result
of rioting here is now estimated at 0. -The
unidentified dead will be burled to!
night' '. ( .
In-' the, fighting at Lods six strikers '
were' killed and iS wounded. The shoot--4
Ing occurred at Kounltxer factory and
the Keller lace factory. " ' . C"
OoBunltte i of Mtolstera' Makes Many
Important aterominenflatiena. " , '"
V'T ' "' '.' (Jearaai Bpertal BervM.) V ..''
Bt Petersburg, Feb, i. -it la reported . ,
thar"ac6mmItteeof mloletera make
many-important racoinmendHlpna re
garillng the increasing of the powers
of-he-enata over. thtmlnUstry,-anL
. ps feguardlng1--tts -'-laxlepdenev Tbe
right of- the senate t legislative Initla---tlon
Is to be enlarged and lower ad-1
mlnlatratlve-- tribunals, connected with
the senate wttt Cbe eaUbllshcd if the ,
council's plana are adopted. .
Qorky. the author, haa not been re
leased from prison and bis continued
confinement haa embittered the people
agalnat the government. ;.
.Zbe.. situation throughout - Rusalav la'
Quieter, than at any time within the
past two weeks. Workmen In Warsaw .
are returning to work and conditions are -
peaceful there, although In other Polish,;
cities riotous demonstrations and blood-:
shed continues. ,The collapse of .the
strike in Poland la due to lack oC'
money. 1 r -', -r y ,
' -' 1,- OUS TO :
'J'- 1 y' (Jonraal Special Bervles.) .-' '- ...
Lbridon. Feb, I. A St. Petersburg dls. -patch
fatatea that tha csar has decided
to receive a. .'deputation, of workmen.a
the governrnent prtntrng works. ' .
A Journal BjieciaTlerTtce,
Paris. Feb. I. The striking electrT
clana of the Edison company thla mora-j
ing are-Jnaremng on ins Mini uronui
to compel the workmen there to quit, i
- ' (Jonraal apeclal .Service, t
Manila. Feb. . Naval activity lndl
rates that there la an expectation, that "
fighting between Japan and Russia l
soon be resumed. In pursuance of thai
warning of Secretary of the Navy.Mor. ,
ton relative to the observance of neu- ,
tralltv ' la PhillDDlne porta - between ,
Japan and Russia. Admiral Stirling wlU
distribute hla fleet. ,
The Baltimore. Rear-Admlral Forgere
flagship.-and the Raleigh are in readl-i '
ness to.ssll s'outh. Three' smaller gun! ,
boats have - . beerr-- ordered to form ft .
southern patrol and atz torpedo ' boats
are expected to assist. . There will also
be coastguard-cattera on 'watch, . .
The Japanese rendeavoua la said to ba ¬
the Island of Tawee. . ' '
Tawee la an Island of the Malay archi
pelago, northwest of Borneo. , The lslsndt ..."
Is one of the Sulu . group, ' whlctt Is a
portion-of " the Philippines, therefore In ,1
United States territory.. Runslsn scout
ships have been sighted between Borneo .
and the Sulu Islands. '.-. .'- ,. , -
The American equadron of t IS war.
shlpa sailed today from Leson for tha .
waters of the southern archipelago to ;
maintain, neutrality In American watera
between - the ; Russian and .Japanese)
fleeta, . - . . . '
embesslements. amouatlng to tl.lSl.
(3. : California la next with a total of
tl.0U,2t. Then comes ' Pennaylv-
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